State Papers, 1660: March (4 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1660: March (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1660: March (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1660: March (4 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

March (4 of 5)

Mr. John Barwick to Sir Edward Hyde.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I am. very sory I mist the opportunity of 52 speaking with Mr. Wright before 364 75 210 13 he went over; and yet I cannot quarrell with him for any thing, and 210 441 187 342, 255 perhaps it would be to no purpose, because he may be re 75 117 turn ed before this 210 14 371 comes to your hands; 22 255; and yet I cannot let ship this first opportunity. I will suppose all my former are come safe; and yet I have writt long for an acquittance for 57 122 36 77 an hundred pound, which I 314 94 told you 681 I had a promise of; and now I must 94 226 desire, that if 220 Mr. Wright or you can do it, you would pay ten pound to 62 123 36 483 185 Dr. Earles, and as much to Mr. Hawly, and I shall se it repayed 255 94 306 120 219 117 111 63 here, 216, according to your order: it comes from Mr. Fell of Oxford, 86 30 32 171 606, who doth much good service to the king 408 severall ways. For other things I shall referr to my former letters. Sir John Greenvill presents his service to 31 297 245 54 53 155 554 185 your lordship. Since 612 121 36 77 Mr. Wright went, I have 215 applyed myselfe to him 217 for the better 332 carrying on the busines with Monke, which that we may doe, we shall joyne 306 343 both our interests 406 together. You will see by the in 73 370 281 close d in what hope 341 it now stands 184 255 52. My friend hath a good witt; but it makes him prone 413 51 217 359 106 to exercise it too much 40 228 now and-then, which hath bred some jealousy in 62 Monke of late; but now all 199 231 194 is well again. The republique party of the army 569 have of late put Monke into some feare, that his life was 372 155 127 51 aime d at, 196, and some overtures were made by the city for him and the councell of state 370 573 171 284 1 to come thither; but he 199 92 was loath to express so much fear, though he thought there was some reason for it expecting such a designe. 367 3 450. The neck of the phanaticall party is broken, since the delivering up of Hull, and Redman's reducing so many strong-holds in Wales and thereabouts, viz. Shrewsbury, Chester, Denbigh, Conway, and Carnarvon castles. This weeke he will be here, and then the letter 255 434 370 411 will be delivered. 50 206.

The commonwealth's-men wonder to see generall Monk declare for a commonwealth, and yet put so many places of strength into the hands of those, that are not much enamored of that government. For Sir Hor. Townsend is governor of Lyn, Ch. Howard of Carlile, Tolhurst of Newcastle, Moris of Plymouth, Sir Pet. Killegrew of Pendennis castle. His great work now is to modell his standing army. And it is no small happiness, that most of his officers are post-nati to the spoyles both of the church and crown; for there the shoe pincheth most.

I must begg your pardon and excuse, that I stint you so much in paper for the inclosed, being loath to have my pacquett swell, so as to become suspicious. I desire much to 185 receive his majesty's pleasure, what is to be done concerning the church, 342 370 200 249, 200, as the case now stands. The setling the militia, and encouraging new elections, has drayned this towne of a great many within these 3 dayes. And yet the counsell of state, I hear, have putt out proclamations to drayn it farther, which perhaps may make some usefull elsewhere, that otherwise would have been idle here. My sick friend is pretty well recovered, and will be here, as soon as he is able, and in the interim presents you with his service. So doth my lord of Ely, who is now a freeman. 231 3 395 289. And so doth hee, who must ever acknowledge himself,
Mar. 19. 1659.

Your much obliged servant,

Indorsed, These for Mr. John Martyn.

Extract of the resolutions of the states general.

Tuesday, March 30. 1660. [N. S.]

Vol. lxvii. p. 245.

Upon debate it is resolved to appoint the embassade extraordinary for France, and for the exercise of that charge monsieur de Ghent, and Beuningen, and . . . . are named upon the instructions, which shall be drawn up to this effect, according to the instructions of their high mightinesses. The deputy of Friseland persists in the opinion of his principals presented the 9th instant March, and inserted in the register of the resolutions of their high mightinesses, that so he may leave the debate thereof to the said lords his masters. In another of the same date they have appointed monsieur Merode, Amerongen, and . . . to go to Spain.

A letter of information to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxvii. p. 238.

Honoured Sir,
My humble servis presented unto you, giving you mani thanks for the favour you did me, for which I am bound to serve you with my lif. Sir, the last night ther cam a gentleman to take his leave of me, whom this day is gon for Flanders with a message from Morden, Massi, and Brown, and divers of the cheese officers of London, to the king, wherein they do declare, that generall Monk hath vowed to them, he will bring in the king; yet they say, they will not trust him, for he will play fast and loos. The owld members towld my friend, that they and sum of the armi would sudenly agree. Thay towld him, the day the hows broke up, the generall sent them a letter thay showld not go on to setle the malisha, but withall sent them a private message. The leter was only to pleas his officers; and when he hath pickt and culd his army, and put new ofiscers in, he tells them he then will declare for the king; but my frend tells me, they do not beleev him, and ar resolved to goe on with the design, which I fear is nought; for he towld me, if sum know half so much as he, Brown wowld not be at liberti six days. They will do all they can to invite the gennerall to stai at London; but what ends they hav, I know not. Sir, I hav takne the bowldnes upon me to truble your patiens with thes scribled lines, you being concerned in it as much as others; I mean in dainger, for they say you ar the only head-peece. So, with my daily praers to the Lord for you, I rest

March the 20th, 1660.

Your most humble servant,
Elizabeth Einzy.

For John Thurloe esquire, one of the honorable councell of state, at his lodgings in Whithall. With speed.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Samedy, le 27. Marc. 1660. [N. S.]

Vol. lxvii. p. 222.

Des ambassadeurs n'est encore rien rapporté. L'ambassadeur Boreel a travaillé en Hollande pour avoir qualité d'ambassadeur extraordinaire vers France; mais Amsterdam a travaillé pour le faire aller ambassadeur extraordinaire en Espagne, ce qui seroit cependant planter le sieur Beuningen en France; mais ny l'un ny l'autre n'est pas encore reussy. Le sieur Renswoude travaille pour faire adjoindre son fils, comme ambassadeur, aux autres ambassadeurs.

Il est apparent, que le sieur Veth sera rapellé (de son gré) au sindicat de Midleborgh pour l'année future estre bourgemaistre illeque; et bewinthebber de la compagnie d'Ostende.

Contre le gré et l'expectation de Hollande, tel Smith a eu la pluralité de voix pour le consulat de Smirne.

On minute une guarante separatim & conjunctim pour la paix au Nort.


Les ambassadeurs de Dennemarc ont par un expres memoire representé le tort, que les mediateurs ont fait à leur roy, et principalement que les deputés de cest estat ont sustrait les secours à leur dit roy, faisant retirer le Ruyter avec sa flotte, requerants qu'on veuille continuer en l'assistence, et laisser le Ruyter agir comme auparavant. Sur cela il y aura conference. Tous estats generaux demonstrent d'estre marrys de ce que les deputés ont sait; toutesois on ne la pas desadvoue.

Ce matin en sin on a nommée les ambassadeurs les sieurs de Gent, Beuningen, et un de Zelande vers France; item les sieurs de Merode, d'Amerongen, et un de Frise vers Espagne. En l'affaire de Munster en fin est conclu pour ces 10,000 ryxdalers, qui seront fourny purement et simplement, sans toutesois encore declarer d'ou on les prendra.


Le plus notable d'aujourd' huy est, qu'il y a eu conference sur les affaires et pleintes de Dennemarc, pour voir s'il y a encore moyen de changer ce qui est fait à Elseneur. Tour tant qu'il y a de membres de l'assemblée demonstrent un grand regret et degoust de ce qui s'est fait, et l'avocation de la flotte de Ruyter. L'on sait mine de grande inclination de vouloir renverser cela; mais je crains fort, que ce ne soit qu'une grimace, et que sous main la Hollande sera bien aise, que le commerce et navigation en la mer Baltique se restablisse. Le resident de Pologne aura fait un plainte aussy serieuse de ce, que ce sieur Vander Honart auroit memoiré un peu contra decorum, ou contre le respect de sa majesté de Pologne; esse modum in rebus; et qu'il faille traiter les testes couronnées avec plus d'observance.

J'entens, que le Brandenbourgh fera aussy une pleinte contre la conclusion d'Elseneur.


Le sieur resident de Pologne a donné à ce matin un memoire sur le sujet de la pacification, plaintive et aucunement reprochante. J'entens, qu'il sera imprimé, si qu'on l'aura bientost.

Il y a eu derechef conference sur les affaires de Dennemarc. On considere deux choses: 1. de prevenir, que le Suedois ne fassent elusion, recommencant à courresus aux Danois: 2. à ce que quelque satisfaction soit fait aux Danois; et si les Suedois vouloient relascher Bornholm, les Danois se contenteront. Et sur ces deux points on travaillé. Et aux Danois se fera quelque communication là-dessus.

L'on travaille aussy sur l'achevement des affaires de l'ambassade de France; sur cela ayant esté nouvelle conference avec l'ambassadeur Boreel, et conference pour achever l'instruction.

Je me tiens pour bien informé; que tout ce du Nort n'est qu'un grimace; et qu'on desire, que la paix s'y face en la façon comme l'on a commencé. Aujourd'huy est encore donné un memoire des ambassadeurs de Dennemarc; mais cela ne servira de rien.


La conference, qui s'est tenue avec les ambassadeurs de Dennemarc, a estée pour representer la necessité de la paix, et pour induire le Dennemarc à la paix.

Toutesois aussy que la Suede se doit et declarer et comporter sans caption ny duplicité.

Car on n'entend pas, que la Suede desire pretendre la moindre chose en recompense ou equivalent de Dronthem; qu' autrement on recommencera d'agir avec la flotte.

Et quoyque les ambassadeurs de Dennemarc ont fait grandissime pleinte; si est ce qu'on leur a respondu sur les fondements des lettres, qu'on escrit tant au roy de Dennemarc qu'aux deputés.

Ceux de Dort par deputation ont fait grande pleinte aux estats generaux de ce que à Liege on a imposé un 60. denier, et autres nouvelles impositions sur les merchandises, qui d'icy passent par-là; ce que touche aussy les habitans de Brabande ou de Luxemburg.

An intercepted letter of Dr. Gough.

Paris, 31st of March, 1660. [N.S.]

Vol. lxvii. p. 252.

I am heartily sorry to find by your letter, that you have been so indisposed as to keep your bed of late; but you comfort us with the assurance, that the danger is past. In short, not to trouble you now with long letters, we are well, and pray to God you may be so suddenly, that you may partake of the joy, which we flatter ourselves with here, that the king is shortly to return to his throne, and we shall see better days. I beseech God to protect you and our Catholic religion from the cruel and blind zeal of them, that are likely to govern now.

Monsieur Fresendorf to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxvii. p. 230.

Illustrissime Domine,
Quandoquidem à domino collega meo intellexi, se ab illustrissimo domino præside rescivisse non solum verum esse, quod in hesternis literis meis ad illustrissimam dominationem vestram de 400,000 thalerorum remissione tetigi, nimirum id a Dania & Hollandia hic urgeri, sed ipsius etiam Angliæ consilia eo tendere, ut venear ne forte jam conclusa res sit; quum etiam porro videam nuntium vestrum jam in procinctu stare, neque ullam conferentiæ spem adhuc nobis adfulgere, quia nullum responsum voce vel scripto ad tot memoranda nostra hactenus datum suit, quod maxime attonitos habet; illustrissima dominatio vestra excusatum me, spero, habebit, quod iteratam hanc molestiam ipsi exhibeam, officiosissime rogando, ut vel dictas literas meas illustrissimo concilio status exhibere dignetur, nisi forte jam factum est, vel mihi consilium dare, an aliis literis ad illustrissimum concilium eadem ipse deserre debeam. Inexcusabile enim & capitale mihi foret, si in re tanti momenti silentio aut negligentiâ meâ aliquid peccatum diceretur; quamvis, si cum adverfariorum nostrorum ministris tractetur, & nobiscum non, non nostra ea culpa videri debeat. Ignosce, illustrissime domine, fiduciæ, quam in generositate tua summam repono, futurus semper

Illustrissimæ Dominationis vestræ

Dab. Westmonasterii,
22. Martii, 1660.

Addictissimus servitor,

Mr. Downing, envoy in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Hague, the 2. April, 1660. N. S.

Vol. lxvii. p. 254.

Right Honourable,
Theis are onely to let you know, that the post from England being not this weeke come, I am wholly ignorant of your commands for the business of the Sound. I forbear to send those papers, which I have received from thence, which have passed betweene the ministers of this state and the Swedes, because it is not to be doubted, but that you have them from the ministers of England there. I long much to have your thoughts concerning that business, which many are of opinion is at an end; but others think, that many difficultys may yet arise. I was yesterday with the Danish ambassadors, and find them insinitely angry, if they know how to help themselves; and on the other hand there are heere, who think, that when the Swedes, by the coming of their ships out of Landschronen, shall have provided their places in Pomerania and elsewhere, they will a little more stand upon their points. I am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

There is a captaine of a katch, which came with the Hampshire frigate with some convoys from the Downes, who is just now come hither to me, who tels me, that he saw a letter in the Downes from vice-admiral Lawson to the commander in chief there, dated the 10th March old stile, in which it was written, that it had been put to the voate in parliament, whether they would be for monarchy or a commonwealth government; and that it was carryed by 20 voyces, that they would be for a commonwealth government.

Mr. Downing to the president of the council of state.

Hague, April 2. N. Stile, 1660.

Vol. lxvii. p. 256.

My Lord,
My last gave you an account of matters to the rising of the assembly of the states of Holland, in whose absence there is seldom any thing of moment done in this countrey.

I doubt not, but that you have an account of what is passed in the Sound between the Swedish and Hollandish ministers, as to an absolute cessation of acts of hostility by sea, at which the Hollandish ministers seem to be extremely troubled; and have thereupon presented two memorials to the states general, copyes whereof I have heerein inclosed. And it a little the more troubles them, that the Hollanders have procured an absolute cessation by sea for themselves, without including so much as the Danish merchant ships, who will by the sudden coming out of the Swedes men of warr be in danger to be most of them taken. Besides, the Swedes will have the opportunity of providing Wisemar, Stetin, and other their places in Pomerania and elsewhere, with all necessarys. But the truth is, this countrey are very weary of the troubles of the east; and they hope, that they are now very near an end; and the truth is, the ministers of this state at Copenhagen have by this unexpected suspention of arms so farr offended the king of Denmark, and the people of this countrey also, as that their very person will be in great danger, if the peace should not suddainly follow.

The states of Holland will be heere about a fortnight hence, the which it is my duty to let you know, that I may against that time receive your orders, particularly in relation to the affair of the Sound and Portugal; and to what issue you would have them conducted. I am,
The post from England is not
yet come this weeke.

My Lord,
Your lordship's most obedient
humble servant,
G. Downing.

Yesterday night the deputys of this state had a conference with the ambassadors of Denmark, wherein they did declare, that this state thought it reasonable, that their king should accept the conventions made at the Hague; but as to the damages, which he hath suffered this winter, that they would endeavour to obteyne him some reparation. The minister of Brandenburg had yesterday a conference with the deputys of this state, desiring that they would interpose their mediation for the freeing of that place from the great danger it is now in by the troops of the king of France.

The deputys of this state for the affairs of France are this next week to go to the French ambassador here, to conferr with him about the late tax upon foreign vessels in France.

De Witt to Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England.

Vol. lxvii. p. 260.

My Lord,
The post of this week from England is not yet arrived, so that I have received none from you since the 19th of the last month.

The last letters, which their H. and M. L. have received from the lords commissioners extraordinary of this state in Denmark, have very much perplexed this state; and their H. and M. L. have thought good to return an answer to the said lords commissioners, as also to the king of Denmark.

The business of Munster we hope in a short time will be brought to a happy accommodation.

We know not what to imagine of the staying away of the post. Some conjecture new troubles to be in England. A few days will clear up things. In the mean time I have nothing more considerable to add, and am, &c.

Hague, 2. April, 1660. [N. S.]

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. lxvii. p. 261.

Icy l'on n'a pas encore rien eu d'Angleterre de ceste semaine.

L'on présage une guerre civile.

Quant à la guerre du Nordt, on la tient appaisée.

L'on escrit au roy de Dennemarc une lettre serieuse, pour luy dire, qu'il est non seulement conseillable, mais absolument necessaire, qu'il accepte la paix.

L'on fera neantmoins appliquer tous les bons offices, qui sont possibles pour faire avoir quelque satisfaction au roy de Dennemarc des dammages, qu'il a paty, depuis que le roy de Suede est refusant de la paix. Mais cela ne sera qu'un persuasyf, point compulsoire. Je suis
Ce 2. Avril. 1660. [N. S.]

Vostre très-humble serviteur.

Major-general Massey to Sir Edward Hyde.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

My last unto you was of the 16th present by post in two letters, one sent by the way of 178 454 41 Dr. Moore's paquett, 228 664 40 26, the other by the way of Rotterdam, from thence to be sent in the ordinary names to 732 Bruxelles; 76; both which, I doubt not, hath found 555 847 your lordship's hands 11 120 with what I therein wrote. I shall not neede to trouble you with at present, or now neede to be so large, since 555 major Wood and Tytus resolve 353 43 721 655 this day to write to you, and to let you know the full 685 38 14 156 559 sence of Mr. Hollis and others. 20 773 120 497, &c. Since my last, yours of the 19th present came to hand. I shall not trouble you in rectifying that mistake, as 555 847 your lordshipp writt in the cypher. 157 571 271. I shall only say, that I understand not by any 773 instructions I have, 407 750 400, that 474 Massey should act a part; 506; nor doe I knowe the least silable, what is intended by Monsieur lord Mordaunt, or what he is doinge, to whose commands many of my friends seeme to be tyed up, insomuch that I find 407 myself 699, as it were, forbid 354 to act, but by his command. 782 90. And although 884 his aly be come, 166, yet I can heare no farther from you; and I conceive, that Tytus hath as little of satisfaction as myself; for, I veryly beleive, he never lett any one of his correspondence know so much 884 as that either Tytus or Monsieur Massey 558 had any trust from his majesty. 240. I have not beene wanting in my observances to him; but never yet, that I heard of, did he send to Monsieur me to speak 452 721 691 43 39 4 40 with him. 326. But I beseech your 38 30 34 lordship not trouble your 721 784 586 432 847 self therewith. 831. 726 Tytus 253 will do all he can to rectify the same. Though at present, I conceive, he hath little traffique, yet we should provide against the tyms shall mend, 558 40 13 or grow worse. 821 30 39 685. As I wrote yow in my former letters, 567 124 our alderman 460 655 hath plagued me for 492 my 38 59 571 cypher, 271, which hee affirmes that he had perticuler order to demaund from Monsieur me by the king, 139 551 345, and which I durst not refuse him, for feare of some worse evill; although I shall hardly write 884 with it againe, 415, fearing his miscarredge in the same. As to what you write concerning 854 440 319 lord Herbert, 141 36 30 26, I shall observe your commands in. I have understood last night, from Mr. Tytus, that his majesty is not well pleased with Thurlow's office, &c. and my dislike, as well as others thereof, was the cause I wrote unto you what I did, to know if 555 he were understood 690 24 by his majesty, or St. Johns. 651. As for 884 coll. Byshop, 73, I doubt not, I gave yow satisfaction in my former letters; and I heare, that Mr. 820 40 Wildman is dead; 180 6 36 24; but of the truth I am not so certen as yet. For Whitlocke, I hear no more of him: I conceive, that Massey cheked the business as soone as he demanded what was that good service 596 239 320 he could merritt his majesty's favour by. 31 39 219 139, &c. I writ in my last, that 673 142 14 155 Robin Harley 37 30 432 9 spoke in the 787 parliament to good purpose for the king, and will 599 now, I doubt not, 309 go very right, 680 120 and be of good advantage to the king's service. And therefore, for what is past, I am afrayde Mr. Titus has beene to severe upon him, they being not so good freinds as they should be; but he is very well satisfyed with lord chancellor, and professeth he will serve him all he can possibly. This morning he appointed a meeting betweene Massey and collonel 146 29 38 6 Bridges, who is the great commissioner come from Ireland, from 673 12 40 the convention of estates, and a very great man there, of my former acquaintance, who desired to speake with mee, but could not till this eveninge; and desires much, that 884 I would 407 843 636 satisfy him concerning the king, to cleare those 30 36 2 796 aspertions 655 cast upon 155 690 his majesty, which Massey 217 doubts not to doe to the full, that he may give a true accompt to his freinds of the same, 320 750 141 he being now upon his dispatch 574 26 40 5 11 back. 18 35. I humbly thanke 555 847 your lordship. Mr. Shaw hath payed 819 399 582 that fifty pound, 593, which comes to very good purpose, haveinge not gott one penny since the first wrot of. Nor will I doe any thing to gayne the world, that might disadvantage the king's service, which some have offerred at to put upon me. From the duke of Bucks I have heard no farther; so leave that to another tyme. At present all men are goeing downe into the country, to their severall relations, to make their elections for next parliament. They say, that many of the king's party bid heigh, and labour with all their strength; and I was tould last night, that Thurlow had asked leave to goe into the country for a small tyme, it is said, to wayte upon his master St. John into Linkolnshier, or the fenny countries. Poore Massie, they say, cannot get his freedome to goe about his businesse, as desired; the session of parliament was so short, that they could not then bring him into play. Ther hath beene great knavery, as they say, in the falce printing, or printing of falce names, in the order for the commissioners for the militia; and coll. Burch is reported to have beene the cheefe agent in the same. Generall Monke hath layde 2 or 3 collonells of his in prison, coll. Berry, one Littcott, and Creede, and begins to take resolution against those caballists of the army. And I am assured, from a very good hand, that 857 Monck is very right, 680, (i. e.) 56 assist the citty in their militia, 433 720, 38 42 734 upon which he much relyeth. Massey 6 474 is resolved next weeke to goe to Mr. Gloucester, and other parts, to get himself and Tytus, 326 750 689 120 726, if possible, into 550 525 the parliament, that we may be sent to the tower for 288 773 talkinge. 354 Massey 598 intends next weeke to goe out of towne; not that he 320 regards so much the 806 811 32 40 272 votes or proclamation of . . . . since as 708 135 732 in hope to doe good otherwher with his freinds; and he doth not doubt, haveing such testimony of the affection of his friends, but that, 419 320 830 if he were free, he could assist many of his 886 541 2 559 324 friends 31 655 on that behalf. 446 492 431 Lord Lauderdaul 39 6 124 is very busy at present with Mr. the Presbyterian ministers, but little to the king's. 38 149 357 721 345 20. 407 I much 779 feare, notwithstanding Mr. 555 259 474 Massey's stock of 38 5 18 40 559 899 reputation bears him up. Mr. Pryn 406 hath exceedingly asserted the king's 436 20 right. 58 680. We have here a noyse, that the French and Spanish armys draw towards the sea-syde, and startles us here, and expedites the militias of this citty and country; but the generallity are for the kinge, of whose welfare all the faithfull of the land long to heare, and for whom they hartily pray, 789 that he may be kept out of 565 559 ill hands. 14 640. 272 806 456 The Lord blesle him, and all that love him. 789 434 809. 537 326 407 I am your lordship's most faithful, Massey. 291 773 474 885.

London, 23. March,

Your very humble servant,
Tris. Thomas.

An intercepted letter to lord chancellor Hyde.

Vol. lxvii. p. 199.

My Lord,
The militia being put into new hands, and a new parliament to be in April, invites me to tell you, that our just cause hath now a far more chearful countenance than ever, the people generally seeming much to desire our king, which is so out of the consideration of their own interest, and the best loadstone of this world's affairs, who can neither trade, sow, reap, or enjoy any thing peaceably without him, as I wish they never may, unto which refuge their own various, senseless governments have at last drove them; which must be persecuted by the choice of honest, worthy persons for the next convention: to the effecting whereof we intend to use our utmost endeavours. On my observation in several counties, I cannot mislike the general inclination of the subject; but I find, that endeavours are using by the officers of the army, and others, to persuade the general to declare against admitting of his majesty, which yet is prevented by the care and persuasions of some prudent, vigilant persons.

London, 23. March, 1659.

Mr. R. Bradshaw to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxvii. p. 265.

Honoured Sir,
I MAKE bold to inclose the petition, which I shewed unto you, haveing anexed copies of the report of the committee, and order of the counsell, humbly and ernistly intreatinge you to endevour to take the first opportunity of presenting them to the counsell, and to endevour the obteyning of an order for the money due to me. None knowes my case so well as yourselfe, how often I have exposed my life in the service of the state, and what odium I have derived upon myself for my faithfullness from the enemies thereof. If therefore, after all, I should lose such a somme, being more then I have got in my 17 yeares service at home and abroad, but not the haulfe of what I have lost in the first of the warre, my case would be unparalel'd. Truly, Sir, if I get not satisfaction in this interval, I dispaire of obtayninge it hereafter. Therefore I hope you will stand my friend, in doing what possible to be done, before the opportunity be lost. I humbly pray you alsoe to remember to speake with and satisfye Mr. Knightley of the unjustness of the clamour of the merchants against me, that he obstruct not my business at the counsel. I have a promis from my lord general Monck, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir John Holland, collonel Morley, collonel Thomson, Mr. Weaver, and others of the counsel, to be my friends. If I cannot obtayne the whole at present, because of the want of money, I beseech you, at least, obtayne me an order for some considerable part thereof, for my necessary supply; and the rest, as money comes in. If I had any employment, that would bear my charge, or that the counsel would think fit to confer any upon me, I could the better bear the want of so great a somme. Haveinge thus layd open my condition to you, I beg your speciall favour, and profess myselfe,
23. March, 1659.

Honourable Sir,
Your very humble and thankfull servant,
Ric. Bradshaw.

I beseech you acquaint my lord St. John with my case, and make him my freind.

A paper delivered to the Dutch embassador.

Vol. lxvii. p. 258.; In the handwriting of secretary Thurloe.

The councell of state having, since your excellencye's paper of the 2/12. March, 1659. delivered unto them at your last publick audience, received from the English commissioners and plenipotentiarys at Copenhagen, a large and full account of those transactions, which have been in Denmark for reconcileing the 2 northern kings, and in what state those affairs were at the time of the sending away that dispatch, which was the 25th last; they thought it necessary in itself, and very agreable to that confidence, wherewith England and the United Provinces have proceeded towards each other in the management of that business, to communicate to your excellency, the ambassador of the lords the states generall, the true matter of fact, as they have received it from the said plenipotentiarys, and which is conteyned in the paper annexed hereunto; with this further, that the sayd plenipotentiaries, upon the king of Denmark's annulling his declaration of the 4th. Sept. and refusing to make peace with the king of Sweden, upon the terms and conditions agreed upon and propounded by the three mediating states, have demaunded of the commissioners of the lords states generall of the United Netherlands, that, according to the treatys made at the Hague, the assistance given to the king of Dennemark by the United Netherlands be forthwith withdrawn, as from the refuser of the peace; which demaund being transmitted in writing to the councell, who have caused a copy thereof to be also annexed hereunto. And as the councell have given us order also to make this free communication to your excellency, of what they have received from Copenhagen; soe they are also pleased, that we should declare to your excellency, that this state is still resolved to hold to, and observe on their part, the respective treatys and agreements made and concluded at the Hague, the 21. May, 24. July, and 4. August, 1659; all which have been ratifyed and confirmed by the lords the states generall of the United Provinces; not doubting, but that their lordships have the same mind and intention; and likewise, on their part, will fulfill and observe the same treatys, and co-operate and joyn with this state and France in all things, which may tend to the promoting of the said peace, upon the conditions contained therein. And in order thereunto, in case the king of Denmark shall continue to refuse the peace, as aforesaid, that the United Provinces doe withdraw all aid and assistance, according to what hath been demanded by the English plenipotentiarys in the Sound, in pursuance of the treatys at the Hague.

And this is that, which we are commanded to insist upon with your excellency; and to know what the resolutions of your superiors are therein; there being no other difficulty now remaining (in the judgment of the councell) in bringing this unhappy war to a happy conclusion.

Read and agreed 22. March, 1659.

An intercepted letter.

Brussels, 3d. April, 1660. [N. S.]

Vol. lxvii. p. 271.

I Omitted writing the last post, because I had nothing to say; and this I am more at a loss, as well as many others; for, to our great admiration, no post is yet arrived; whence variety of conjectures are made; so that if it had not been to acknowledge the receipt of your last, I had now been silent; we being all here at a gaze.

An intercepted letter.

Brussels, 3d. April, 1660. [N. S.]

Vol. lxvii. p. 264.

If it had not been I was pressed by him, that gave me this answer, I would have forborn writing, till I had heard from you; though I am much concerned to have your friend Peters's answer concerning the match propounded to him long since. This week we have heard nothing from your side; whether it be the storm, or the disturbance the secretaries may give, I know not; but I hope it is the first. Let me hear from you as soon as you can. God keep you.

An intercepted letter of Sir Edward Hyde.

Brussels, 3. April, 1660. [N. S.]

Vol. lxvii. p. 267.

Loving Friend, and dear Sir,
It much rejoiced me to receive yours of the 22d. of February, in that it brought me the assurance of your recovery, though it were the first news of your indisposition, that came to your servant's hands and knowledge. Indeed I should think, that air agreed not well with you, that you no sooner breathe it, but you fall into some indisposition. Did not I conjecture at some more legal motive to it, which time, you may be sure, will certainly overcome, if you will but contribute your patience towards your obtaining your longed for desires, which I hope are not far off from enjoying, letting me assure you, your godfather continues in very good health, and thinks of nothing more than making you happy, and settling you in the possessions you have aimed at. By his favour, and for his better making over to you his estate, he purposes to take the advice of his friends and lawyers with you, who have been of his counsell all along; and hopes to compass matters so by Easter term, as to be with you before it be done.

I presume your sister hath acquainted you particularly of the match preferred her by the great Don, that hath been long a courtier or servant to her; so that I shall only say, that she hath been so discreet in the management of her love, as it hath been a main inducement to bring him the more eagerly on. Indeed, the great proffers, that have been made her, (besides the temptations of the enjoyment of a world of jewels) are such, as no lady in Christendom would well refuse; and her consent and acceptance to his full and large proffers are pleasing to him, as you never saw a man more overjoyed than he is; yet the day of rejoicing and celebrating of the nuptials will not be this month.

Darby is abroad again, and Harrison is well, and Tom Barbe is here, and kisses your hands. I shall give you no further, but that I hope to be with you shortly, to save you the trouble of my tedious lines; yet pray let me hear from you, till you receive more particulars to forbear writing; my remove being yet on such uncertain terms, as, till I see how my progress will go with me there, I dare not stir. So wishing you all health and happiness, &c.

An intercepted letter.

Brussels, 3. April, 1660. [N. S.]

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

Vol. lxvii. p. 270.

The last post failing us, makes me I know not what to think, war or peace. 71 55 45 62 47 8 and 4 must consult how to get 61 50 57 62 72 66 54 61 68 60, else you and many will fail. When I can take a resolution, I will send 45 58 44 50 72.