A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1660: March (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp870-881 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1660: March (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp870-881.
"State Papers, 1660: March (5 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp870-881.
In this section
March (5 of 5)
An intercepted letter.
Calais, 3. April, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 269.
Dear Sir,
This last packett I received none from you; it arrived here but yesterday, at 5 of the
clock, the wind and weather being contrary. I hope ere long we shall all meet, and
rejoyce together, all things being so fair towards it. I am still tyed by the leg here
for want of money; else I would immediately repair to his majesty's court, if he remove
into theseparts.
Mr. John Barwick to Sir Edward Hyde.
March 26. 1660.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
Beside my letter of the 23d instant, which I hope you have received by Mr. Wright,
I have this morning deposited all things within the compass of my knowledge, with
3 112 a person of honour, 525, who will be with you much sooner then this can; so that
this would signify noe more then a work of supererrogation, if it were not, that I am desired
by my worthy friend 201 Clem. Spelman 30 289 to present his service to you, and to
tell you, that 548 92 91 51 318 146 319 he has an exact collection of all printed papers, that came
206 111 112 181 372 76 103 forth 70 about the time of the king's death, 51 80 2 187,
252 155 with his owne observations upon all 51 374 194 pass 320 51 ages of that time;
and if you 130 think 433 412 they may be usefull for his majesty's service at this time, 496, 92
190 30 345 10 432 he will send them to you; or, to prevent mistakes, 52 198 bring them
himselfe to 185 performe 562 what service he is able. He now 231 speaks of a place, which
92 76 31 100 51 370 he calls the clerke of the pelles, 30 100 52 which he 549 seemes
to like better then the other I last mentioned, 75 342 171 being of more profitt, and less
trouble, which he desired me to mention to you.
I make no question but ld. Mordant did well understand a business before 92 he went hence, which I 103 54 met with since, that the common souldiers are soe 182 31 81 147 51 257 182 80 163 11 206 73 deluded by some officers of the republique party, as to beleeve they shall loose 306 347 not only 557 their trade, but also their arreares, 133 117 257 if the king comes 468 263 84 185 to his right, 255 494 374 and thereupon to putt them into a very great hatred of 54 117 10 171 his majesty; 690 it is 218 a desperat designe, 255 and will 32 in all probability ruine 281 370 499 the whole party; 155; however 600 Monck is troubled at it, they are so 257 182 neere breaking 342 out, 195 92 as he must hasten his new model, 165 80, 81 and perhaps 80 declare 257 sooner 147 434 92 then he would. This day coll. Knight is gone hence with six troopes 232 184 171 401 185 of horse to prevent or quell some party of them. 62 171 432. They complayne, that Clobery hath trapan'd 10 432, them, and Monck finds how he hath no reason to 488 185 75 318 be angry at him, 217 unless it be, that the busines in 385 281 relation to the king 469 218 198 479 234 85 is brought ou faster then he would have had it, 185 370 to the greater advantage 171 of his majesty. He sends me word, all things go as well 194 187 342 51 151 195 128 as we can desire.
I have severall times expressed my feares, that that pacquett miscarryed, wherein was 548 370 408 51 411 the king's letter to the earle of Derby; but now the cause of my complaynt is farr greater; for 219 70 103 it came to me inclosed 20 in yours of 51 171 Feb. 20. 252 419 185 with order to deliver it to coll. Redman, and to blind the matter the more, you tell 103 me in the same letter, you hope I have received 370 the letter to the lord of 171 Derby, and I 255 94 never perceived the error till yesterday, 372 that the wrong 36 20 411 127 51 letter was delivered to Redman; for indeed the letter, that was wanting, 342 was that which should have been delivered 206 to him; and though I make no question but ld. Mordant will remember 185 245 to send another, yet I leave it for you 219 210 130 185 to judge of what bad consequences such mistakes give, and how much I have been 215 75 83 559 troubled about this in particular 185 413 370 to make the best of it, which at last 99 184 94 I have done well enough: the truth is, 92 218 he is a man of very great esteem with Monck, and that deservedly.
When the city auxiliaries are armed, I suppose the general will draw most of his forces out of this town to particular quarters, where he may modell them with more security.
I litle thought of this length, when I took my pen in hand; it is my infirmity and your
trouble, which I hope you will pardon in him, who is, Sir,
Your most humble servant, 572.
These for Mr. John Martyn.
The council of state to Mr. Downing, the English envoy in Holland.
Vol. lxvii. p. 289.; In the handwriting of secretary Thurloe.
We have received from the English plenipotentiarys in the Sound an account of their
negotiation there for reconciling the two Northern kings; a copy whereof, and the
other papers then received from them, we have thought necessary to send you; as also of
the paper, which we have caused to be delivered to the Dutch ambassador upon this subject.
What resolutions we have thought fit to take upon those affaires, you will see by the dispatch we have sent to the English plenipotentiarys in answer to their letters, coppies
whereof you will likewise herewith receive; and upon the receipt thereof, you shall in such
manner, and by such meanes, as you shall judge most proper, communicate unto the lords
the states generall the intentions of this state, as they are exprest in these papers, and conferre with them, or such as they shall delegate on that behalf, that they may take the
same resolutions, and give suitable orders and instructions to their commissioners in the
Sound; and such answers as you shall receive from them, or what you can otherwise discover of their minds in reference to any of these particulars, you shall carefully make known
to us, that you may thereupon receive such further direction as shall be necessary.
26. March, 1660.
Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 283.
Right Honorable,
I wish, that my son (whoe is going over into Holland) might have the happines to
carry over the draught of the proclamation for preventinge of pyracys; and that the same
may be speedily published and duly executed on both sydes. If your honor be pleased to
name a time and place, I shall not fail to wayte on your honor, and to shew myselfe to
bee really and truly,
Right Honorable,
Your honor's
Most humble and most affectionate servant,
Wil. Nieupoort.
In Westminster, the 26th of March, 1660.
Major-general Massey to Sir Edward Hyde.
London, 27. March, 1660.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
My verry good Lord,
By this bearer I have presumed to kisse your lordship's hand most humbly in these, and
to begg your commands by his returne. I have writ your lordship the lesse here, because
I intend by post to give you some small accompt of things as I shall be able in this minute
of night-tyme I have only to work in; for I intended a day's stay longer here, when the
mallice of my enemyes, the breede of the rumpe, through the prudentiall cowardice of
my secluded fellow-members, have caused me to walke incognu, and still most by owlelight. But some letters comeinge this evening to my hand, I find a necessity of my journey
betymes in the morning, to goe downe towards Gloucester to get myself in for one of the
next so miscalled parliament, and I have not beene free from all care to get my neighbour
Mr. Jennings in for another, if possible, who went out of towne yesterday to his sister's to
take the ayre. I have beene exceedingly angry at him, that he would never be got to
write any thing in season. He hath wrote somethinge concerning the elections, but so late
ere we could get him to it, that it will now signify nothinge, London haveinge already
chosen. I could tell your lordship a pleasant story of ld. Mordaunt, that he is fallen into intrige with
596 ld. Lawderdail and Sir William Waller, 767, one of the prudentiall cowards, &c. so that
ld. chancellor must now looke to himselfe, if all be true, that I am informed. I here that
ld. Lawderdale, &c. claws Jennings away, and would fayne fasten upon Massey, if they durst; for
though some of his good freinds had scandalized him sufficiently, yet few give creditt to it,
and returne it upon them: so he is yet the quietter. For my part, I shall ever watch and
pray, and rest
Your Lordship's most faithfull,
Tris. Thomas.
I beseech your lordship, pardon my haste.
For the right honourable Sir Edward Hyde knight,
lord chancellour of the kingdome of England, &c.
his very good lord, these humbly at Bruxell.
Heads of advice to king Charles II.
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
I. Though it be a faire day, yet how the evening may prove, is not knowne. I therefore humbly desire your majestie to walk with that weariness, that if things succeed otherwaies then well, you may not be in a wors condition then now you are.
II. You may remember 'twas once the generall opinion, that the armey would restore your father; and he then sent me word they were all his owne. I returned this, that I had dived into the breasts of those, that had great power with the cheif of them, and found they meant nothing but to juggle with him, and sent him word accordingly. I mention this, that too hasty a beleif be not given to faire pretences, but still to provide for the worst.
III. It is most certainly true, that Presbitery is a very ill foundation to monarchy, and therefore it must be said with great care and circumspection. You know what your father suffered by them, and yourself alsoe in Scotland, whether when you went, though all were for it, I was absolutly against it, and gave my reasons to one, who I suppose now attends you, which experience hath proved true.
IV. I sent to your majesty by a doctor of divinity, a good while before your going into Scotland, that my humble advice was, you should goe into Ireland. He sent me word, that you liked of it; and I wish you had so done, for then in all probability you had bene in England before now. I speak not this, that I would have your majestie decline any reasonable offers, (God forbid!) but that you be cautious in dealing therein.
V. By any meanes, be not perswaded by any from England upon theire single account, to yield to any thing highly prejudiciall to you, though they assure your majestie never so much, that in a little time it shall be redressed; for there is not one of that power and wisdome, that is able to effect what he promises.
VI. The conditions (if any) questionless will be hard, and I beleive much after the nature of those sent your father at the isle of Wight. The most dangerous one is, that of the militia, without which a king is scarce half himself; and though now they have it de facto, yet there is great difference between that and haveing of it de jure and de facto both, which they will have, when you please to confirm it to them. It would be very well, if you could gett it putt into such hands, the equall number whereof might be of your election; but however, if other things they propose be fitt for you to grant, I humbly advise you should not break upon that point. Soe desirous I am to have heere, and I hope businesses may be soe ordered, that the power of the sword may in a short time revert to you againe, to whom justly and truly it belongs.
VII. 'Twill be of great consequence, that you mainly insist upon a tolleration for all, as well Roman-catholiques as others, or att least to take of the penall statuts against them. There is not any thing you can doe will be of more advantage then this; for thereby you will satisfy all heere and abroad. Moreover, by doing thus, you will secure yourself against the Presbiterians and sectarys, by equally poising them with others of contrary judgments; for you may doubt, that the Presbiterians and sectarys will at length fall to their first principalls againe, and endeavour to make you at the best but a duke of Venice, if they see not a visible power to defende you. The like course hath maney times bene used by great princes, and never succeeded ill, when they saw one faction rise too high, to suffer a quite contrary to grow up to ballance it.
VIII. That your majestie give commande to your friends in England, that they should not vaunt, as if all was theire owne, and that they will call all others to an account; and the same injunction laid upon your friends with you; for should they doe thus, it would turne to your extreeme prejudice; for their is enow, that lye at the catch for such advantages. I doe use all possible meanes to repress such speeches, and will so continue, and to do all other things, that I apprehende may be serviceable to you.
IX. I humbly submitt, whether it be not expedient, that you may acquaint the two crownes with the proposalls, when they come to you, and seeme to advise with them what you shall doe therein. This they must take as a high civility, and soe thereby your majestie may ingage them to se articles performed, which will be of mighty advantage to you; for if hereafter these heere faile with you, they are strictly tyed in honour to see them performed, and your majesty righted; and feare you may have neede of such friends.
X. That your majestie will be pleased to lett your concessions be only probationers, and be not ty'd to any, untill all be concluded; for els heereafter there may be advantage taken against you.
XI. Paradventure it may seeme strange to any, that he, that has the power to doe so great and meritorious an act, will leave it to be done by others: if it shall be said, that he has the will, but not the power with his armey, it is worthy of doubt, whether those, that will not ruled by him, will be by the succeeding assembly.
March 28. 1660.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 301.
Right Honorable,
I hav this week received from you a most welcom letter, that you ar again ingaged in
the publik servis of the state, whereat I much rejois, becaus I hav that assurance of your
honor's wisdom and integrity, that the whole nation will receiv much benefit by it. I se the
long-parliament wer intended to dissolv, and a new one summoned to meet the twenty-fifth
of April, which God giv his blessing unto, that thos nations may again enjoy a happy
settlement. The princes and states of Itally (as indeed al Europe besids) ar in great expectation, what the result may be of this approaching parliament, which God direct with
wisdom from abov; for the wel settling the government of thes nations maks them perpetually happy or miserable.
I shall use my best endeavors to setle a correspondency at Rom; but as I writ your honour formerly, it must be the force of money, that must procure it, and that from som man of quallity, whos reward or pension must not be smale or mean ('tis that only must bring them to it); for they hate us exceedingly, as the only nation, that disturbs theyr trade of making merchandize of bodyes and souls of men. Now I shall attend to know from your honor, what pension you intend to bestow on such a man; for, as I formerly advysed, a man, that can be brought to do this servis, will not stand to your courtesy, but will know what his reward shall be, whereof at lest six moneths pay must be paid before-hand. This is the Itallian way and humour. If the intelligence lyks you not, then it is in your pleasure to leav it. Here is advys by several ways of the king of Sweden's death, which causes much rejoycing in Itally. Here ar reports, that the French send from Toulon twenty ships and ten gallyes to Calais, to join with som sea force of the king of Spain upon som design, to what intent not known. In what I may serv you, pleas to command,
Right Honorable,
Your most humble and faithfull servant,
Charles Longland.
Leghorn, 9. April, 1660. new style.
Mr. Downing, envoy in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 290.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Right Honorable,
This weeke I received two from you, and as to the affaires of the 459 Sound 104 33,
if I may speak my opinion, I think it is clearly best for England, that an end to the
war between the king of Sweden and the king of Denmark be not 112 over hastened;
390 35; for that by the continuance thereof, 467 that trade 263 would certainely by
little and little fall into the hands of the 41 105 56 English 143 65. Besides, if in this
conjuncture of affairs, while all things are in such an unsettledness in England, the states general
should have all their 142 43 14 305 251 sea force at liberty, 133 475, as then they would,
you will readily apprehend, that the consequence thereof may be dangerous; and besides
the K. of Sweden having made peace with the king of Poland, and the 40 emperor and the elector of Brandenburgh
being included therein, which if it be not actually done, is yet in all probability very near
it the states generall and the K. of Denmark will not be able to get horse 133 142 to beat the K. of Sweden
out of those places, which he holds; and so there appears no pressing hast 146 in the
matter, as there would have been, in case the states generall, and K. of Poland, and the emperor, and the
134 207 543 elector of Brandenburgh had joyned together, 311 468 133, of which there seems at
present not any fear, the stat s generall dare directly receede from the agreements, which were made
the last year at the Hague, as long as France presseth, as it doth, the keeping to them;
and that England also sticks to them, which certainly it is both yours and the king of
Sweden's intrest, that you should do; for it is those agreements, which have kept off a
generall league against the king of Sweden; and it is those agreements, which keepe this
state from a retreating downright to the treaty of Bromsburg; which, if it were not for
them, they would certainly doe; but that they fear, that in that case England and France
would join together, and enter into a league with Sweden to assist him downright by land
and sea; and therefore you see, that the lord Nieupoort doth not at all speak of receding
from those agreements, but only of something by way of reparation to the king of Denmark for what he hath sufferred by the not making of the peace this winter. But this is
directly contrary to the express letter of the third clause of the convention made at the
Hague the twenty-fourth of July last; the words whereof are as followeth: "Quod si a jam
dictis oratoribus ante diemdecimum quintum elapsum concordia inter ambos reges non aliis
quam Roschildianæ pacis conditionibus integrari possit, ita tamen ut omnino illic mutetur
tertius articulus, aut ut interpretatione commoda ei consulatur secundum ea, quæ Hagæ
Comitum die xxi° mensis Maii proximi elapsi sancita sunt, reliquum erit, ut dicti oratores
classesque, tam Anglorum, quam fœderatorum Belgarum, paci inter regem utrumque
constituendæ, idque ex præscripto fœderis Roschildiani graviter insudent, eoque connitantur, utque loca ab alterutro regum aut intercepta aut expugnata post initam Roschildiæ pacem restituantur, illique parti denuo accedant, cujus aut fuerant, aut ex auctorirate fœderis Roschildiani debuerunt fuisse, ita tamen ut prætura Dronthemiensis cum omnibus suis appertinentiis regi Daniæ addicatur, quamvis de ea Roschildiæ aliter sit conventum.
"Quantum ad reliqua, Roschildiano fœdere vim roburque suum obtinente, nihilque ei vel detracto vel addito, quo minus utrique parti ratum habeatur, ab exemptione mandetur. Cæteroquin exacte observabuntur ea omnia, de quibus die Maii proxime elapsi xxio. Hagæ Comitum convenit; ita tamen, ut per hasce conditiones non tollatur libertas agendi apud regem Sueciæ, quo Daniæ regi quater centena talerorum imperialium millia nomine damni in Guinea accepti promissa remittantur." Wherein you find a direct express rule, how England and the United Provinces should demeane themselves, in case the peace were not made within the said fifteen daies; to witt, that they should endeavour the reall executing and bringing about of what had been, and was thereby agreed between them concerning that matter, and nothing more or less. And for the 400000 ryx-dollars, the playne truth is, that in my instructions, which I had at that time, it was wholly left to me to have quitted to the king of Denmark as well as the 400000 ryx-dollars, as Dronthem; but yet I thought it my duty, not to do all I might do, but to make the saveingest bargaine I could for the king of Sweden; and so, although I was much pressed by this state, that the of the 400000 ryx-dollars might have been set down in as express and obliging terms, as was that of Drontheim, yet I positively refused; but did consent, as you find it is sett down, that there should be a solliciting of the king of Sweden about it; and that upon this account, that had not some such clause bin heere sett down, the Dutch could not so much as have opened their mouth to the king of Sweden about it, in regard of the strictness of the foregoing words, which take away all liberty of changeing any thing, other than what is therein expressly set down. But yet this withall I told some of this state, that I would not fayle to write to some at London about this matter, and lay before them the poverty of the king of Denmark, and his nonsolvency of such a sum, that so they might be induced to concurr further with them therein. And this is the true matter of fact in relation to the 400000 ryx-dollars; and indeede the king of Denmark is very poore, and not in a capacity to pay it; so that indeed I think it were great charity it were forgiven him; but the question, whether the king of Spain will engage to oblige the king of Sweden to do it, 308 311 477 112 22 362 311 536 477 270 is a thing 150 71 149 140 16 470 not well to be 133 287 resented, 109 466 37, that one should 267 138 431 dispose 44 even of 205 112 another's almes 142 199 379 138 and work from England, who have already 41 395 155 54 60 enough disgusted Sweden; 148 279 544; and besides, the states general ar rich enough, 395 152 35 60, and 467 that post is worth all that to them; 199 477 468 102; and some of the deputyes for Amsterdam at that time said to me, that they 171 would rather pay it, 149 then that 467 142 that should hinder the peace; 263 135 468 427. But the worst of this matter is, that states generall doe by all meanes endeavour to possess Sweden, that it is in vaine for them 468 102 477 to depend 110 37 in any king upon England; for that England considers not Sweden's 142 interests; and besides, that they can 105 turn England 109 547 which way they 156 please; and this is a thing of very great importance and consideration. And truly, while the states general talke thus, 62 England 547 may altogether as well with the French ambassidor speake of an 285 157 70 154 equivalent for the king of Sweden for Diontheim, 443 107 468 102, and that would be the way to regain entirely their in a great measure that reputation with the king of Sweden, and so in the conclusion bring the whole matter to a temprement; and in the mean time (to say no more) to be sure 535 the states generall suffer by the continuance of 254 108 475 108 153 205 251 408 those troubles; and of this you may rest consident, that if 547 England will not in this matter yeild to the states generall, the states general must yeild to England. 386 168 39 199 32 477 547. In this you are sure of France. And truly for my part I doe think, that it is necessary for England quickly to doe something to 133 41 regain their credit with Sweden 133 44 267 466 500 554 before the 376 makeing of that peace; 427; for after it wil be too late: there wil be no oportunity to do it. And however ld. Nieuport may take and what may be in the answer of the states generall to me, which I send this post inclosed in myne to the president of the councel of state; 170 yet you know, if I have instructions, I can make the 247 367 535 29 states generall change their note. 395 466. But what you do in this kind, you must do without delay. The states of Holland will begin to be heere this next weeke; and it would give England a generall reputation, to shew at this time something of 24 briskness; 143 350 390 144. And I find Mr. Coyet very discontented, 39 441 267 142 254 110 466 109 466 38, that instructions come to me at this time; and he faith, that it England 547 will not at least bestow a few 161 words 38 144 upon them, they must 376 make a peace as 217 468 they can, and accordingly heereafter consider England.
As for the business of Portugal, there is no appearance at all at present of the states generall their sending any 49 358 289 fleet against it. 143 156 71 151. I know not what may be, if the 426 231 peace be made in the Sound; 155 108 36; for that then they will have 395 nothing to 477 270 500 do with their ships; 456 141; and they will be very much pressed to send some 456 140 ships on the coast of Portugal, 150 408 551, and 460 some ships and men to Brazeele. 477 23 437 174 41 42 359; and you know, that the interest of 120 443 302 profit is 346 predominant here. The states generall have about 34 ships in the Sound. 468 459 156 109 36. And heere hath been debating these three months about 285 157 72 equipping forty- 110 58 305 475 40 69 56 63 eight more. 384 135 45. But being in continual lingering hopes of a peace, 427 and that there must have been a provision of money for it by some extraordinary meanes; and that what they have there already, is sufficient to over-ballance the king of Sweden, and able to carry on their business, if not hindred by England; and that their extraordinary 285 equipping 123 124 339 58 might too much alarme England; 547; upon theis grounds there is nothing done in it as yet; nor are there here any ships 141 ready, but what are for ordinary 254 107 convoys. 170 287.
As for Ch. Stuart, I not know or beleive, that there hath been or is as yet any trinketing betweene the states generall and him; but there are some commissioners, who went from hence to 351 Bruxells 585 to the princess royal about the business of 416 Orange; 311; and they were with him to interpose his interest with the princess royal about that matter. And this might give occasion to discourses of that nature. But this I do know, that Opdam and diverse others of the greatest here 135 have in particular sent their 15 36 37 addresses to him, 142 287 477 326, and that in very pathetique terms. And the states generall are very wonderfully alarmed, and upon the coming of every post ready to take some resolution what to do therein; for that they say, that if 547 503 England wil receive him in, 155 326 339, it concerns them not to be 477 too late in making 466 339 their peace with him; 67 135 426 427 500 326; for that they say, that if the devil 155 337 rule in England, they must 339 547 468 170 386 hold 298 fair 135 with him. And moreover, however those, who are engaged against the pr. of Orange, would rather have one to be there, who were not of the 298 family of Orange; 416 205 311; yet all heere universally think it is best for them, upon the account of their 149 trade, 263, that England be under a king.
I doe finde, that Ch. Stuart hath for this month last past almost every day an express from England. 306 547. And as to his present intentions, I am well informed, that he is resolved, in case any conditions be offered to him, to accept of them. 279 477 326 477 184 251 124 149 468 102. But you know, for a continued and particular carrying on of an inquisition in relation thereunto, money will be necessary 390 251 142 143 213 172.
I have given you this long account, in relation to the queries in yours; and am,
Right Honourable,
Your most affectionate humble servant,
G. Downing.
As for England appearing here vigorously in representing their mind and thoughts concerning the present war between the states generall and king of Portugal, it would not only be exceedingly well taken by the king of Portugal, but also be of use to him, and encourage his people, which at this time is more than necessary.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Samedi, le 3. d'Avril, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 288.
Les sieurs Gent & autres font requis d'aller voir cest après-diner le sieur ambassadeur de France, lui dire les raisons, pour quoi la France doit desister du last-gelt, alleguants les vieilles traités, par où est promis de ne pas charger ceux de cet estat plus haut, qu'on ne charge les François même. L'on a aussi resolu de donner une response au sieur Downing.
Dans la response à donner au sieur Friquet, est changé quelque chose, où estoit mis, comme si les deputés de l'evesque avoit fait ouverture; & y sera mis, que les lettres de l'evesque ont donné quelque ouverture aux traités d'amicable composition.
Dimanche, le 4. dito.
Hier en la conference le raet-pensionnaire a dit, que l'on avoit conceu la response donnée à l'ambassadeur de France, en termes doux & civiles, pour ne pas mettre dans la bouche du peuple femblable matiere de scandale, comme son excellence avoit fait par les termes rigoreux, dont son excellence s'est servi dans sa proposition, declarant que jamais cest estat n'avoit esté remontré de telle façon, que le roi Henry IV. en la proposition, que son ambassadeur Morlans avec Busenval (l'an 1593. on la trouvé en Barr) declaroit bien autrement; & qu'il estoit obligé à cest estat presque toute sa couronne.
Quant au last-gelt, dit, que par infinits traités, promesses, &c. estoit à cest estat promis, que ceux d'ici ne seroient plus chargés, que les propres subjects du roi. En sin parloient aussi de Bornholm, que cela devroit estre restitué au Dennemarc.
Quant au premiere, l'ambassadeur dit, que ce avoit esté par ordre expres de la cour de parler ainsi.
Quant au seconde, dit, que venant en France, l'ambassade auroit occasion de redresser cela.
Quant au troisieme, dit, que le Suede quiteroit bien Bornholm, mais en donnant quelque equivalent.
Au reste, l'ambassadeur interrompt à tout propos la harangue du sieur raet-pensionnaire, & ne souffroit pas les longueurs toutefois donnoit bonnes paroles.
Lundi, le 5. dito.
Il y a eu debat pour une charge vacante dans le conseil de Flandre à Middleborg, comme aussi le consulat de Alicante.
Il y a eu conference sur l'instruction des ambassadeurs vers France, & y a discrepance touchant l'alliance à faire avec la France, craignant & prévoyant, que la France voudra opprimer ceux de la religion; & qu'en ce cas cest estat pouvoit être obligé d'assister le roi contre ceux de la religion Reformée; & qu'au contraire l'Angleterre assistât ceux de la dite religion.
Tant y a, qu'il n'y a encore rien d'arresté en ces instructions.
Mardi, le 6. dito.
Le sieur Eickberg, ministre de cest estat à Berlin, estant mort, il s'est manifesté un & autre pour sa place; mais on a resolu de mortisier ce ministre, & deputer personne vers là, d'autant que aussi la paix se fait.
L'on a resolu d'escrire à l'admirauté de Zelande, Amsterdam, & Rotterdam, d'ordonner à leurs capitaines de mer de faire devoir de prendre certain pirate François, nommé Du Quesine, soi tenant environ Brest.
Le sieur Beuningen est venu sur la notisication de ce qu'il est nommé pour l'ambassade pour France, & pour considerer aussi les ingredients de l'instruction.
Mecredi, le 7. dito.
Le resident de Groot a requis pour son altesse electorale Palatine libre exportation des peintures, que son altesse electorale a fait faire ou acheter ici; mais la Hollande n'y a pas voulu entendre sans la conference.
La response sur les propositions & memoires du sieur Downing lui a esté porté seulement aujourd'huy par l'agent de Heyde. L'on a encore aujourd'huy eu conference sur l'instruction à former pour l'ambassade vers la France, & demain derechef s'en tiendra conference; mais touchant l'alliance à faire avec la France, il se trouve de plus en plus des difficultés. Le sieur vander Hoolck s'oppose contre cela crainte de la religion; car pour la prinse du chasteau d'Orange, & pour le bruit, que le roi de France en veut aussi à Geneve, & pour la demolition de Montaubang, on a peur, que ce roi voudra entierement opprimer la religion; & pourtant on a peur de s'engager.
Chez la princesse royalle sera nouvelle, que le comte de Dona auroit rendu le chasteau pour 200,000 francs, & qu'outre cela le roi payeroit les ammunition & artilleries.
On a escrit, que le sieur ambassadeur Nieuport voudra ici demander sa dismission.
Jeudi, le 8. dito.
Les ambassadeurs de Dennemarc ont dereches presenté memoire, où ils font nouvelles pleintes contre les procedures des deputés au Sond; prétendants aussi la million, qui par le traité de Stetin (il y a bien cent ans) est constitué pour emende & mulcte sur celui, qui rompt le traité. Cela est encore mis en mains des commissaires.
Le conseiller de raet de la princesse royale a communiqué aux estats generaux des conditions, sur lesquelles le comte de Dona a rendu le chasteau d'Orange, dans lesquelles entre autre il a stipulé 200,000 francs pour lui.
La princesse douariere par le sieur Weyman au président a fait communiquer, qu'elle ne sçait rien de tout ce qui est passé à Orange, s'excuse de tout, n'en ayant rien receu, promettant de faire communication, sitost qu'elle en auroit quelque chose.
L'instruction pour France hesite encore.
Vendredi, le 9. dito.
L'ambassadeur d'Espagne ayant fait notisier son retour par le sieur président, & offrir ses bons offices pour continuation de bonne correspondence; l'on a ordonné, que l'agent de Heyde ira en remercier son excellence, & dire, que l'estat se conjouoit de son heureux retour.
Et quoique l'ambassadeur n'en a pas fait faire mention, si est ce, qu'en l'assemblée a esté dit, qu'on taschera de faire sin de ces disputes pour l'Outre-Meuse, soit par l'interim, soit par partagement.
L'on a resolu d'envoyer le memoire des ambassadeurs de Dennemarc aux deputés de cest estat, pour faire devoir à obtenir ce que ce memoire dicte. On a derechef conferé sur les instructions; on tachera à en faire sin, & en rapporter demain, estant aussi maintenant fait quelque concept de celle des pour les ambassadeurs d'Espagne.
L'on continue à faire des conferences touchant l'affaire de Munster, quoique l'assemblée n'en sçache rien.
Le president a proposé, à sin que la Zelande & la Frise declarent les deux personnes, qui iront en France & Espagne. Item, à sin que l'equipage & l'ameublement soit preparé.
A letter of intelligence.
France, 30. March,/9. April, 1660.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip 1d. Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain,
You had by my last of the 24/14th of March the articles touching the rendition of Orange to the king. Two days after the king, accompanied with some of the nobles, went thither; and having stay'd some hours there, returned again to Avignon, where the queen, Monseigneur, and the cardinal stayed for him. The court was ingaged so far, and their hearts so much set upon this business of Orange, that no other issue could be expected from it; and the troops in Dauphiné being all ready to besiege it, it was to be seen, that they had a design to take it, whatever it cost them; so that there was a necessity, that the count of Dona (being abandoned by all) should accommodate this business. And that, which made him the rather do it, was, because the place was ill provided of all things, and could not have held out fifteen days: besides, the town was in very ill intelligence with the castle; and the states of Holland, which ought to have contributed most for its conservation, had writ to the king, that they would be guarrantee, if the princess of Orange should approve what the count of Dona should agree with his majesty.
The court goes on friday from Avignon to Nismes, and the troops, which are also marching that way, and intend to dismantle it, in revenge of some disorder, which fell out there between the Catholics and those of the religion, wherein a priest was hurt. This success of Orange is like enough to stir up some inconsiderate zeal to do other things; and the people of Languedoc being full of discontent, it may drive them to some extremity; to prevent which it's hoped, that the court will but fright them to get a sum of money out of them. At Monteban also the like is to be done.
The cardinal hath given order to sit up with all expedition all the ships and galleys, that are capable to put to sea at Toulon, which are nine in number, which carry from 60 to 35 guns, six big fly-boats, and two galleys; and for building of three ships, one of 70 guns, two of 44, and the other 30. These may be ready in six weeks. They are first to carry 5000 soldiers to land at Candy in the Venetian service, under the command of the duke of Modena, who either is or is to be made a nobleman of Venice; and as soon as this service is done, the ships are to return to Toulon, to take in 3000 excellent brass guns, and to carry them to Brest, where they are arming sixteen stout ships of war, who are to attend the arrival of this squadron; and France useth all endeavours to make themselves considerable at sea. They demand ten galleys of Genoa in lieu of those destroyed by them many years ago.
Marseilles continues in the former condition, having a garison in it of 6000 men, their privileges taken away, and the citadel almost finished: besides, the cardinal demands of them a million of livres, whereof 200000 to be paid down, the rest by 40000 per ann. They are so perplexed, that many families intend to leave the place.
The French army quarters some in Picardi, the rest in Champagne and in Normandy. They are all dispersed into villages by four and five. Their foot is about 5000, and their horse as many. There are no orders come for the reducing any of them; but instead thereof the prince of Condé's officers have orders to recruit, and are intended to assist the siege of Dunkirk, if need be, and if that other business be not accommodated by other counsels.
Aire and St. Omer are to be delivered to the French upon a new treaty.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, 9. April, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 300.
The king of Spain will be assuredly about the beginning of May upon the frontiers.
The Spanish slowness began to tire out the court; and if the marriage had been
deferred any longer, the king would have returned hither. But the infanta did so press the
king her father, that he set out sooner than was expected. The king of Spain hath
desired, that there may be but two persons at the interview and embrodery. The marshal
of Turenne is made marshal general. I would fain know the certainty of your affairs,
which make a great noise here; and every body doth believe, that this next parliament
will call home their king.
A letter from Dantzick.
10. April, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 322.
My Lords,
Upon the seventh of April was my last, to which I refer myself. Since, the lords
commissioners have held daily conferences in the Oliva, where several debates have
happened concerning the project, and the drawing of the articles. Amongst the rest
the Poles will have inserted, Renunciat rex Poloniæ jus suum, quod habet in Sueciam &
Livoniam. The Swedes have prevailed, that these shall only stand, Renunciat rex præensionem suam. Also the Poles thought to have got inserted, Gaudeant incolæ & advenæ Catholicæ religionis in Livonia exercitio religionis. The Swedes have obtained, that the word
advena shall be left out. Yesterday the Swedes and Poles agreed, and have signed six of
the chiefest points; and it is hoped, that the rest will be finished to-day, being of great
consideration; and so the peace will be wholly concluded.
An intercepted letter.
Brussels, 10. April, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 294.
Dear Dick,
I Received yours with the inclosed, which I delivered. I cannot tell where I am like to
be for the future; yet I hope it will not be long, before we meet at London; for I am of
opinion we shall be there very shortly. The king removes to Breda on monday next, where
the states of Holland will not be so unwilling to find him, as formerly, they having now
a better opinion of his affairs.
An intercepted letter.
Brussels, 10. April, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 295.
My dearest Friend,
I Have nothing to return you now, but my most humble thanks for your last of the
twenty-third of March; which was soon seconded in all its parts by the arrival of some
of your friends, who I hope at length wind up the bottom. What they can or will do in
order to what you and I desire, I doubt not but you are better informed, than I can pretend
to. But so it is, (as to my particular) I hope to visit you at London in a few weeks.
Your Ch. St. mistress goes two days hence to visit her sister at Breda, and takes with her almost all
her family; so that I believe she will not speedily, if at all, return to her old habitation.
Excuse this brevity, since I have neither much to say, nor time, but only to desire you to
write no more hither; for I shall remove with Ch. St. and shall not be constant in any
place. Where I am, you shall hear from me.
Mr. Richard Bradshaw to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 307.
Right Honourable,
I Am verie sorrie my occasions urge me thus to importune you; but you see the tyme
lapses, and are not ignorant, how necessarie it is, that the council be moved to take
some order for my redresse, which I cannot otherwise hope for, if no course be taken before
the next convention. My lord president, to whom you have delivered a coppie of my
petition, and hath promised me his favor in the furtherance thereof, when it shall be read
in councill. I have many worthie frindes there besides, as Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir John
Holland, Sir Anthonie Ashley Couper, col. Moreley, col. Thompson, and others, whoe I
know will all effectually second it. I therefore request you to present it, and to move, that
at least I may be ordered some parte of the money due to me, for my present supply, and
that the rest may be charged in the list of debts, which the councill shall think fitt to present to the parliament at their next sitting. Your favorable remembrance of me herein shall
ever oblige me.
31. March, 1660.
Your thankfull servant,
Ric. Bradshaw.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. lxvii. p. 357.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
In answer to yours of the second of April, and of your former, you know very well what
is common here, and that it is as well out of compassion to the king, as out of ill
will to those, that made war against us, as also from a desire of novelties, that the king's
restoration is much wish'd for; and, which is more, the most of the regents desire it, not
only for the above-mentioned reasons, but for the interest of pr. of Orange. And forasmuch as the
English are at enmity with the Spaniards, and that therefore they will be loth to send to
Brussels to him, some are of opinion, that the king be invited to come hither. But this
is only the thought of some particular men; for the states take no notice of those things,
but wait the issue of them on England; Et quo fata vocant, virtus secura sequetur. Nevertheless it is probable, that the friends of princess and the pr. of Orange also expect great advantage by the reestablishment of king Charles; and that consequently the 173 174 here are not without apprehensions. Notwithstanding all this, p. of Orange's business is not yet done; for he is very low and
poor. And this business of Orange will render him very contemptible; for paupertas
ridiculos homines facit. The more prudent judge, that if the king be not re-established or
recalled by the next parliament, he will never. But I am of opinion, that the hopes of
the king will never die, so long as discord and contention remain in England.
The great expectation of peace in the North is the cause, why the raising money here goes on slowly; neither are the final resolutions taken concerning that, which was formerly designed.
In fine, the provinces have not yet fully given their consent; and there is but little money, without which the admiralty can do nothing, and people are weary of contributing so much. Nevertheless provision must be made as well against the Turks and Portugals, as for the transportation of embassadors; and as soon as there is a settled government in England, they will send thither also.
Since England has shewn its backwardness towards, or some jealousy of Sweden, it has been
impossible for Sweden to continue the war. But since the death of the late k. of Sweden, doubtless the
jealousies are not so great. The time, when the embassadors are to set out hence for
France, and for Spain, is not yet pitched upon; neither is the day appointed yet for the
kings and infanta to meet; for it is certain they will not come before, but after the solemnity,
in regard they are not invited to the wedding, but go of themselves to congratulate.
Moreover there is to be a treaty in France concerning the last-gelt, and in order to
the renewing the amity, which will not signify much; for as long as this state will maintain
commerce, and that their neighbours will partake with them, there will be always jealousies,
and matter of contention. In Spain it will be nothing but a business of compliment. If
it be possible to see any thing of the instruction, I will endeavour it. I am
9. April, 1660. [N. S.]
Yours, &c.
At the council of state at Whitehall.
Saturday, 31. March, 1660.
Vol. lxvii. p. 308.
That the humble petition of Richard Basse of London merchant, concerning a bill
of exchange of 250 l. drawn on the council's contingency, by Sir Philip Meadowe, as
public minister of this commonwealth at the Sound, be referred to the committee of the
council for foreign affairs, to be by them considered of, and the case stated and reported
with their opinion to the council.
W. Jessop, cl' of the council.