A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1660: March (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp847-860 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1660: March (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp847-860.
"State Papers, 1660: March (3 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp847-860.
In this section
March (3 of 5)
De Thou, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague, 26. March. [N. S.] 1660.
Vol. lxvii. p. 212.
My Lord,
I have read yours of the nineteenth, wherein you continue to inform me very particularly of the affairs of England, for which I am obliged to you, and beg your continuance; for the news from others I do very much suspect. Undoubtedly affairs there are in
an uncertain condition: what the issue thereof will be, a little time will make manifest. The
royal party here is very confident of their business. In my last I sent you my proposition
to the lords states, upon which they have made several deliberations; and I hear they have
at last resolved upon an answer to be given to his majesty, as also one to myself; but what
it is, yet I know not; for it hath not been yet communicated to me. In the mean time the
states of Holland are separated, having first named, on the behalf of their province, the embassadors to be sent to the two crowns, namely, Mons. van Beuningen for France, and the
baron of Merode for Spain; unto which are to be added two more from the other provinces.
I send you here inclosed a letter from Mons. de Lombres. Without doubt you will see in this letter the declaration of the young king, who puts the business of the peace in a fair way; and when the states of Holland meet again, which will be the eighth of the next month, they will come to some resolution about the affairs of the North.
A letter of Mr. Downing to the president of the council.
Hague, 16/26. March, 1660.
Vol. lxvii. p. 216.
My Lord,
This day an answer is given to the French ambassador, both to the proposition, which he
made by mouth, and to the letter of his king, a copy whereof I have heere inclosed to
your lordship, and therefore shall not neede to comment thereupon: and conforme thereunto, there is a resolution taken in the states of Holland, which is to be carryed to
the states general, for giving an answer of the like nature to me concerning the affairs
of the North, that this state is resolved to adhere still to the conventions, which were
made here; but yet insisting, that the king of Denmark may have satisfaction for
the damages, which he hath suffered this winter by the delay of the peace. And concerning that particular, the principals of the states have exceedingly pressed me in private
conferences; but however I can assure you, that they will be glad of a peace in those
parts: for that that warre costs them deare, and is like to cost them dearer, if the Poles
make their peace with the Swedes (as they are upon the point of doing, as you will perceive by one of the inclosed); and in regard they see plainly, that if this warr continue,
the traffique of all the Sound would in a little time fall principally into the hands of the
English, as indeed I am sure it would, if your lordship would please to take course, that
the English may have a constant sure convoy thither, as the Dutch have. And the reason why I do so often make mention of this particular, 'tis because I think there is not
any one thing would so much contribute to the encouragement of shiping and mariners
in England.
The last letters from the deputies of this state at Copenhagen give this state very great hopes of a suddain conclusion of the peace there; and that to the entire content of this state; yea that they have hopes of obteyning Bomholme or something els for the king of Denmark for his dedamagement, for what he hath sufferred this winter. Yet they are not a little alarmed at what they have privately received this post from London, that the ministers of Sweden there had so suddainly received new letters of credence, and demanded audience; and that in that audience they intend to speak to the disadvantage of this state, and to insist, that the king of Sweden might have something for a compensation for what he quits, over and above the treaty of Roscheild; whereas this state would not only have him quitt Drontheim, but give something further to the Dane, as is above-said. And the lord Nieupoort hath this post very pressing orders sent him, to be very vigilent and carefull in this matter, the which, the truth is, doth very highly import this state; and when they shall have settled that affair to their minds, they will be very powerfull: the very hopes whereof hath already made a very great change in the prises of things, and given such credit to the cantores of this state, as that the valew of money upon them is within this month risen above one per cent.
The states of Holland have this weeke nominated van Buningen, late ambassador from this state at Copenhagen, to be one of the ambassadors extraordinary to the king of France, and Mynheere Merode to be one of the extraordinary ambassadors for Spayne; and it is reported, that the heeres van Ghent of Gelderland, and Aloa of Frize, will be added, on the behalf of the other provinces, to go to France: and the heere van Amron of Utrecht for Spayne; and the ambassy for Spayne is besides matter of compliment, principally upon matters of trassique, hoping to gain something of priviledge to this state, with relation to the Spanish wools, and the salt of a certain island belonging to the Spaniard, which this countrey hath for many years exceedingly desired, that so they might be assured of salt for their fisherys, altho' they should have a warr both with Portugal and France. And for the instructions for the ambassey for France, I have in one of the inclosed sent you the principal points thereof; and seeing there is intended to push on a new allyance with France, I doubt not, but that your lordship will seriously reflect thereupon, and how much they may concern England. And as to the late imposition upon foreign ships in France, the instructions are very precise, that they use all their possible endeavours for their takeing off thereof; and for that they pretend some clauses in an ancient allyance between France and this state, now in force, the truth whereof being a little desirous particularly to know, I made search after, and have herein inclosed a copy of what I find concerning that matter. Whether England hath so much to say, I know not: and however this state did speak much of defending of the bringing of any French commoditys into this country, untill it should be taken off; yet there is nothing done therein: and notwithstanding the placart forbidding the subjects of this countrey to pay upon great paines, yet I find that great fleers are come home from France, who have paid it, and nothing done to any of them; the which I thought it my duty to let your lordship know as matter of fact, in regard of the continued instance of Monsieur Nieupoort at London about this matter.
As for the business of Portugal, I have herein inclosed a copy of proposition given in this weeke to the states generall by the ambassador of Portugall heere, in answer to a paper of the states generall, which I lately sent you; but the states of Holland, in regard of the feasts approaching, are this last night seperated; and nothing will be done, untill they first declare themselves: and not onely the West-Indy company do vehemently oppose the making of any agreement, without the restitution of the lands of Braseil, which were taken from them; but the East-India company are underhand very willing, that warr should continue, for that they have greatly profitted thereby, having during this warr taken many considerable places from the Portugal, made themselves sole masters of those places, which afforded the cinnamon, and some other spices; whereby they have that trade wholly in their own hands, and can set the price as they please: and I am informed, that they are at this time sending a considerable force of souldiers from hence to the EastIndys; and they doe hope, before the making of that peace, to beat the Portugal out of those parts; and truly they are very likely to do it; and then (whereas the English and Portugal together are able in some measure to ballance the Dutch in those parts) the English will be left alone, and be so inconsiderable, in comparison of them, as I doubt they will be forced to give over that trade; the which I could very particularly make appear, but that it is too large for a letter.
Upon examination I do find, that there are dayly great quantitys of English wool brought from England to this countrey; and being particularly informed, that one John Signey or Signam, master of a vessel called the Elizabeth, of Lyn, had lately brought over from thence a parcell of wool to Dort, I desired the deputy-governor of the merchant-adventurers of England to examine the business; but yet so, as that the said Signey might not be at all alarmed, or have any notice thereof: and I have here inclosed to your lordship a copy of the examination taken upon oath, and humbly submit it to you. And truly unless something be by parliament very speedily done, in relation to the woolen manufacture of England, as this country hath already in a manner wholly gotten the manufacturing of fine cloth, so this country and Silesia will between them divide also the manufacturing of course cloth, and England have nothing left but the groath of its wool, as formerly it had, being constreyned to send it abroad to be manufactured.
I have herein inclosed a copy of a memorial, which I this weeke presented to the states generall, concerning a ship brought by a Flanders man of warr into this country; and concerning a ship ladeing of corn, belonging to a merchant of London taken by some men of warr of this state, and brought to Amsterdam, and there confiscated by the admiralty. Some of the admiralty themselves were so ashamed of the sentence, as that they protected against it; and the merchant himself going to some of the rest of them, and asking of them why and upon what ground they could give such a sentence against him; and that he had clearly proved, that the corn in it was his, and it was bound for England; they replied, that all that was true, but that they must do what they had done for the good of their country. It is my duty humbly to lay theis things before you, humbly expecting your orders thereupon. And I have learnt by the experience, that I have had in this countrey, that when they are put to it, they will do the people of England right, but not one jott farther; the which I am sorry to have occasion to say, but yet it is no more than the truth; and therefore I should be unfaythfull to my countrey, if I did not say it; and it is no more then I have many a time been forced to say in publique to the state itself. But the truth is, they thinke, that at this time you have so much to do at home, as that you will not much minde the sufferings of the subjects of England abroade. Besides, they hope by their ways to enforce you to pass the placart, entitled a placart for prevention of pyracies, the which the lord Nieupoort presseth you about; concerning which I have about 3 weekes or a month ago offerred my poore thoughts: but whether those letters came to your hands, I know not; and in the mean time whether the lord Nieupoort make any complaints, concerning matters of this nature, to the councill: to which, concerning any ship of this countrey, brought into any haven of England by any private man of war with a Swedish or Portugais comission, the councill hath still, by order of state, (without referring the matter to the court of admiralty of England) seized and restored the said ships; and so, not finding themselves agrieved, they are the more negligent. Whereas, if you please, when any future complaints shall be made of that nature, not to seize or restore the said ships by order of state, but to referr the said matters to the court of admiralty and the course of law, I dare undertake, that the people of England shall for the future have very good justice heere, and myselfe rid of a great deal of trouble, which I have upon all such occasions; for that, when they shall find, how their people will be vexed by the delayes and charges of the law, they will be first, who will make restitution by order of state into a summary way, that so their people may again be treated in those cases, as of late they have bin.
Finding that the Danes doe still insist to have some moneys sent them by this state, and that there is heere still a great inclination to get, if not some place of the Danes into their hands, yet at least the tolls of Dronthem, and if possible of the Sound also; although, having no orders from you, I have not given any hint to the state about it, yet in private discourses with those who have the principal direction, I do dayly remonstrate, that England cannot sufferr, that this countrey should have any such place delivered to them, nor yet that they should have the gathering of any of their tolls; for that it would be very destructive to the merchants and trade of England. Such is the constitution of this government, as that things may with care be prevented, but very hardly retrieved, when once passed.
Some letters say, that Wrangle is dead. The assembly of the state of Holland will be
heere again about 3 weekes hence, when matters of importance will be again in debate;
and I desire, that I may against that time have your full instructions, how to comport
myself in relation to your affaires; and am,
My Lord,
Your lordship's most
obedient humble servant,
G. Downing.
Mr. Downing, envoy in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.
Hague, 16/26. March, 1660.
Vol. lxvii.p. 214.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Right Honourable,
I received none this last post from you, as your former promised, and so know
not in relation to what you would have particular information from me. I have written ?
at large to the president of the councell of state, and therein also inclosed such papers as
are of importance from hence, the which will all, I doubt, not come to your hands. Only
give me leave to add, in relation to the solicitations made by Nieuport in England, about the 398
463 163 40 339 549, new taxe in France, upon strange bottoms. 147 477 90 142, that states gen.
would therein do, as they did with king of Denmark, in engaging him in broyles and troubles to his
almost ruine, and 468 71 their only 362 profit; and in relation to that matter England
hath more proper and safe remedys.
In relation to the 120 355 245 133 150, placart, which lord Nieupoort presseth against piracies; 310 429 437 252 287; you know very well, that the great design of states general is by 241 bonds and treatys 207 479 142 of any kinds, and under any pretext, to 160 136 287 148 wrest from England its soveramty 152 286 17 339 475 on the 140 seas; 217; and when those treatys 142 shall be moor, instead of greater 14 amity, 475 there will be continual 127 153 quarrels 136 44 86 143 about non-execution. I could be very large about this subject, if I thought it were needfull.
Here is very great joy for the great hopes of the suddain conclusion of the peace between Sweden and Denmark; and that it will be made before any thing can come from England, for the 14 animating the king of Sweden 536 to 263 355 delayes; 71 150; and for that end I assure, that however instructions of the deputyes of this state at Copenhagen are 477 to press 287 144 the obtaining of Bomholm, or something els, for the king of Denmark, for his satisfaction for what he hath suffered in the winter; 172 289, 467 263 502 yet that de Wit hath writen to them, by no meanes, 101, 239 295 379 205 287, upon that account, 477 to delay the peace; 427; this I assure you is true: and that for that they are exceedingly 71 40 15 369 139 408 547 141 311 150 475 108 58 jealous of England's getting the trade of the Sound, it that affair wer over, 192 298 71 135 159 42 136 116 154 286, I doubt you will finde 469 254 155 108 this countrey troublesome. 443 155 22 358 460.
One thing I must put you in mind, that in the treaty of Elbing there are theis words, Imo ad scopi ipsius, qui articulo primo prædicti fæderis indigitatum clariorem intellectum declaramus, eundem directum esse et in posterum fore contra turbatores omnes et quoscunque, qui adversus perspicuum ipsius fœderis sensum quicquid agere susceperint. And speaking with Mr. Coyet here about them, he told me, that those words were put in at the instance of the ministers of this state, particularly with regard to England; for that the Swedes, during the war between England and this country, being pressed to do something against England, did excuse themselves upon something of the meaning of the words of the former treaty with this state. And therefore they would have the words added into the treaty of Elbing, by which that treaty is confirmed contra quoscunque, &c. and I doubt not, but you will have a care, that matters be so carryed, and such an elucidation made in relation thereunto, as that England, in being a means to procure to this countrey the treaty of Elbing, may not thereby lay a foundation of drawing the Swedes from them, in case they should hereafter have any trouble with this country; and also that at the same time an act may pass for England having equal benefit with this state in point of trassique, in relation to what they are to have by the treaty of Elbing and its elucidations, and in relation to all the treatys, which this state hath with Denmarke; for I doubt, whether this will be so easily obtained afterwards, as at the making of the peace, at which time it cannot be denyed you.
This week the secretary of the Spanish ambassade gave the French ambassador here à
visit with a great deal of compliment and caress; and the Spanish ambassador intends to
be here this next week or the week after; namely, to endeavour to hinder this state's
coming to any agreement with Portugal. I have not had any letter from the councell of
state since their choyce; the which I little wonder at. If they do not like my being here,
truly I am very willing to return home, this employment having been to me troublesome
and chargeable enough. I pray that I may have a word from you about it; and how
matters are like to be steered, in relation to settlement at home, of which there is here so
much and so differing discourse. I pray God guide your councels, and that England may
not be alwayes in these uncertaintyes, by which it greatly suffers. I am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.
The heads of the instructions to be given by the states general to the extraordinary embassadors going for France.
Vol. lxv. p. 435.
At the first audience they shall declare the gratitude, which their H. M. have resolved to manifest at all times for the courtesies they have received from his majesty and his predecessors; thanking him for the accommodation made 1657, and telling him, that according to the declaration of his majesty, they are also ready to renew the antient alliances.
That the king having given them notice of the peace made between the two crowns, the embassadors shall congratulate with his majesty, and protesting the good they hope thence for all Christendom.
Also to congratulate about the marriage of the king.
After these alliances with the king and queen, they shall address themselves to the cardinal Mazarin, prosessing the great esteem, that their H. M. have of his person, praying him to continue in his good affection toward them, and to augment the mutual good correspondence.
Afterwards they shall speak to him of the renewing of the league, and also to the commissioners of his majesty, extending the said league to all the places of France and of the two countries, but without further engagement, than the sending of assistance after the one or the other shall be attacked; and after they shall have laboured in vain for a peace, remembring that it is the aim of the league, and that they shall make a draught of the treaty of 1596, and articles for concluding the said league, according to the clause in the agreement of 1657.
Moreover they shall conclude the treaty marine, according to what was agreed 1657; and as his majesty hath granted to other nations; and complain of the in-execution of orders and placarts published against pirates; also of the in-observance of the agreement of 1657, in relation to the restoring of prizes, and of the erecting the company or monopoly of whale-oil, and of the new impost upon foreigners ships, and other things, that shall be from time to time injoined them.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Samedy, le 20me Mars, 1660.
Vol. lxvii. p. 180.
Il y a eu un memoire des ambassadeurs de Dennemarc, requerant quelques 5 fleuytes, pour s'en servir aux environs des isles, & pour transporter du monde. Ce qui est mis es mains des commissaires, & par la Hollande overgenoomen.
Il y a eue proposition pour ce qu'on appelle suyvering van binnelantsche pasporten; item, le verboodemen de marchandises au Zas: cela est overgenoomen.
La Hollande estoit prest avec leur advis pour la response à faire sur la proposition de I'ambassadeur de France; mais le president estoit desja forty, & s'excusoit de revenir. Je ne sçay, si on voudra relever cela si haut, comme le roy de France fit la proposition du sieur Boreel autrefois.
Le 22me dito.
La ville d'Amsterdam recommende fort tel Schuyt pour le consulat à Smirne; le NortHollande tel Smits.
L'on a intention d'envoyer l'ambassade vers Espagne par mer, & ce ne sera qu'un compliment; mais celle de vers la France est de plus grande consequence; & la lastgelt est une grande partie de l'ambassade: & on n'est pas bien satisfait des villes Hanseatiques, qu'elle ne se joignent pas avec cest estat en cela; ou ne se declarent pas rondement.
Au lieu de respondre icy à l'ambassadeur de France, on veut respondre par une lettre à son roy; en quoy sera dit entre autres, qu'on a proprement appaisé la guerre du Nort, & qu'on persiste en cela; & consequemment que l'ambassadeur take sans raison cest estat, comme formentant la guerre; mais cette lettre n'est pas encore arrestée; ains sera examinée.
Il y a un concept du conseil d'estat, pour faire ou avoir tousjours un corps de six mille matelots; sur quoy on escoutra les admirautés.
Les ambassadeurs de Dennemarc urgent les resolutions & declarations favorables sur leur memoire.
Le 23me dito.
L'on n'est pas bien satisfait de la declaration du roy de Pologne, donnée au sieur van Honard; & je crains, qu' enfin le Dennemarc de même aura du contentement fort mediocre, parcequ' icy on resould si lentement, & qu'on differe ce subside pour le garnison de Copenhagen. L'equipage neantmoins enfin sera arresté et resolu, quoyque la Zelande persiste. Item, la response au roy de France sans encore avoir celle de pour l'ambassadeur.
Le 24me dito.
De l'ambassadeur de Portugal est venüe une response, qui n'est pas leüe; ains mis es mains des commissaires. Il y a eü grand debat sur les responses à faire à la lettre du roy de France: maintenant aussy l'on incline de donner une response à l'ambassadeur de Thou, mais rien encore n'est arrestée.
Il y a grande brigue touchant les ambassades vers la France & l'Espagne.
La Hollande a nommé le sieur de Merode vers Espagne, le sieur de Gent & Beuningen vers la France.
La Hollande a avisé de donner ces 10,000 ryx-dalers à la ville de Munster; mais rien n'est encore resolu dans la generalité.
Le sieur Downing a faite pleinte d'injustice, que l'admirauté d'Amsterdam a faite sur deux navires Anglois: cela est renvoyé à Amsterdam.
Le 25me dito.
Encore aujourd'huy on n'a fait que de battre de la response à donner au roy de France, sur la lettre: les provinces y consentent, mais la Frise seule point: cela n'empesche point la conclusion: mais l'on voudroit volontiers antedater la lettre; car on y parle, comme s'ignoroit encore la mort du roy de Suede; & pourtant le president de present ne veut pas la conclurre, & le président de la semaine passée ne veut pas la conclurre pour la raison susdite. Je pense, qu'enfin demain cela se conclurra. La response à l'ambassadeur de France est un cas à-part.
La Hollande n'a pas encore produit leur advis provincial sur l'affaire de Munster; mais le contenu est, qu'on leur donnera par provision ces 10,000 ryx-dalers, & qu'on traitera avec eux de Munster touchant un subside par mois; toutesois qu'aussy on tentera de moyenner un bon accord entre la ville & l'evesque.
La Hollande n'a encore rien produit touchant les ambassades ny equipage, &c.
La response de l'ambassadeur de Portugal est longue: il n'offre point des terres, mais offre de venir en traité pour accorder quelque chose touchant le payement de debtes, qui montent à des millions: item, de partager le commerce: item, contient quelques elucidations des offres precedentes. On dit, que l'ambassadeur le fera imprimer, estant prolixe & en Latin.
Le 26me dito.
La Hollande a produit leur advis sur l'affaire de Munster, contenant (outre ce que j'ay dit) que ces 10,000 ryx-dalers seront fournys par les plus voisines & adjacentes; aussy à condition de ne s'engager point avec autres princes. A quoy les autres provinces ne s'entendent pas.
La response de Portugal est leue, translatée, très-prolixe. Demain sera conserence làdessus.
Des ambassades n'est encore rien produit.
La Hollande a consenty dans le 150,000 l. pour Dennemarc: mais ny la Zelande ny la Frise ne sont pas prestes.
De Witt to Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England.
Hague, 26. March, 1660. [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 218.
My Lord,
We perceive by your letters, that the affairs of England are still in an uncertain condition. I cannot imagine in what name the next parliament will be called, if so be
they will not have it in the name of the keepers of the liberties of England. Your next
will clear up this to us. I have once more moved in your behalf, to have leave to come
over for a short while; but it would not be granted, in regard the present condition of
affairs in England will not suffer it; besides the advantage the Swedish ministers will have
in your absence to seduce the governors there.
Here inclosed I send your lordship the answer to the king of France, and the answer to the lord embassador de Thou. I have no more to add, seeing you have not yet been able to make any progress in those affairs committed to your charge.
Mr. John Barwick to king Charles II.
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner-Temple, esq;
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
My last was of the 10th, and then there was a little cloud upon your 201 39 57 11 374 131
538 52 majesty's business, which I was wont to account for by a misunderstanding betweene 342
Moncke and my friend Clo (fn. 1). But now all is well againe. They were 31 3 338, 433 437 mutually
62 jealous each of other, as 41, 370 50 395 too much a friend to a republic; but now they 433
are both satisfyed of the contrary, so that now my friend hopes the worke 370 594 191 49
29 will be done; and that if the parliament doe but their part, as well as the 361, 195 128 30 32 195
370 army, your majesty will very 436 shortly be restored to your right, in order whereunto 419 315
375 he hopes it is that Monke makes use of this 51 373 71 371 method in modelling 80 30
his armys in all the three kingdomes; 370 187 117 13 531 52; name ly he hath given 275
a commission to five of his officers to make enquiry 171 155 418 l8l 185 413 83 178 240
into all the rest, and 304, 255 re port who are unfitt to be 185 continued, and why 251
63 my friend is the first in the comission, the rest are (fn. 2) co. 104, 51 121 231 370 304 257 139
Knight, coll. Hublethorne, major Smith, and 197 14, 187 172 106 102 158 53 104 187 255
I remember not the fifth; but they are all re 433 257 194 117 put ed honest men, and 255
the best encline d to your majesty's service of any 171 441 about Monke. My friend is 396 218
very glad, that Mr. Morris is so neere to Monke, by whose 218 182 353 l85 600, 73 499 120
prudent assistance he hopes all 51 194 thing s will goe on 151 234 cleare ly without 295
any more rubs. Venables is made governour of Chester, since 399 294 171 200 207 147 121
36 Redman reduced it. There is an old friendship between them 318 356 396 430 383 432 55,
two, which makes my worke fall upon one bottom; and 234 15 137 185; 33 255 I hope all
will doe well in time, and, that it may be so, noe 372 219 412 75 182, 168 thing shall be
wanting, that I can doe. 261 143 440. I am,
Your most obedient servant, 4./ B.
Lond. Mar. 16.
Indorsed, For 595 his majesty. 538.
Mr. John Barwick to Sir Edward Hyde.
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
I was so large in my last, which was of the 10th, that I may ease you the more in this;
and the rather, because 578 I have given his majesty an account of the maine 171 370 102 25
business in the enclosed, which is now so hopefull, that my friend with 341 333 372 167 296 252
Monke would not let any other 40 370 50 intermediat ing friend goe into the counttrie 139
312 308 to be chosen a parliament man at Lancaster, but 99 36 76 184, 147 199 rather leave
it to the 370 hazzard, because he might possibly have a message to goe with to another 318
39 370 59 place, which would please him much better. The controversy begins now 51 231
to be rather upon what termes, then whether the king shall be restored, if the 551 10 220 370
parliament will but go along with the army; and the cheif business with the army 252 370 568 190
will be their arreares and purchasses; whereof 49 200 195 120 51 315 171 the former is a clear
patet, the latter I neare may be compounded at ten yeares 483 206 196 123 36 254 53 125
valew; but till the army be new modelled, they will not fully 30 100, 70 433 190 31 229 333
63 declare the business of presbytery, which makes so much noise in 51 182 228 168 62 120 281
the house signifies not much with them my friend . . . is none, nor I 106 230 94 think Monke
neither more then to serve his owne enas. He writes into Scotland on 612 92 625 28l 185 617 234
saturday last, that the English nation he 476 92 found would never submit to a rigid 4 104 55 185
2 presbytery. He hath 276 a high esteem of Redman, and that justly; for 374 404 164, 210
he hath pre 297 serve d the Irish brigade, which had been lost, but for him; 83 535, 199 210 217,
and with it he hath quelled the phanatique party, which was 318 196 65, 177 361 6 314 127
51 ready to r se for the rump in 180 33 43 281 those parts: he hath 276 brought in 244
Shrewsbery and Denbigh castle, and now lyes before 212 76 184, 100 255 231 164 84 75 210
Carnarvon castle, and Chester 37 76, 184 100 255 200 207 147 castle. He doth his business
385 close ly without vanting in letters, which is the reason, that 314 218 370 488 372 the
prints say nothing of it. 611 550 Sir Tho. Midleton went home 185 36 376 154 103
ward 48 10 yesterday to looke 40 98 after his shattered estate, with 49 11 207 196 13
252 an intention to returne when the parliament begins 36 52.
This was written 4 dayes agoe: otherwise I might very well have eased you of the trouble
of it, considering the person, by whom it comes. I have seen your letters to him of the
17th and 19th; and shall observe your commands. I will burthen you no further, then
only to tell you, (and I shall ever endeavour to make it good) that I am,
Your most humble servant,
Mar. 16. 1659.
Yesterday my lord bishop of Ely had his liberty voted him, 101 75 50 246 189 123, which put life into the business of the church, if 370 385 171 370 200 249, 200 this be a 75 2 sea sonable time for it, which he himselfe 92 217 491 doubted of, 171, before he had any hopes of what he 562 92 will now short ly 63 enjoy. I believe you mistook me in a former letter, wherein I proposed, that in case all could not be effected, that was desired, whether the two first 397 of the former list were not the most fitt 437 229 370 227 271 person s for Carlile 43 101 and Chester, or 207 147 172 at least the two first of that 171 372 list the would 438 accept of it. 219. This I conceive would be no very hard work, if it be tanti; and if his majesty would have it soe, 219 182, as things now stand, seeing (for the reasons I have formerly told you) any three 117 15 may doe it without troubling the rest, 242 370 304, which will not hold, but only in the province of Yorke. 77 171 378.
Major-general Massey to Sir Edward Hyde.
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
782 My lord, Massy 474 his last was of the 9th, but dated of the 8th by his mistake;
wherein he advertized you of the passed, and sales of your goods, &c. as tyme then
gave occasion; since which he hath received none from you, your last being of the 5th
present what I was short in my advice. I presume, 782 and Titus and Lord Mordaunt made 537present what I was short in my advice. I presume, 782 and Titus and Lord Mordaunt made 537
up; 909 807; but I conceive, that Mr. 782 and Titus could say little of business, as having 125
400 had little with lord Mordaunt 473 concerning the same; only it was his opinion, as well
as mine, that his majesty would put himself into the best posture he 787 141 690 595 812 43
can of armes; 750 559 121 40 272; for although that things seeme well to 685 273 828
incline 38 10 14 40 161 33 540 towards the king, yet probably there may be some
considerable dispute in the same. The fanatique party and the rumpe 720 664 586 359 120
627 resolve not to sit still, fearing the others will make 282 125 420 787 497 20 827 465 751
their bargaine with the king, and leave them out. 137 432 35 4 809 793 565. We hope tymes
will be better now, that the new parliament is to be chosen; for this evening the secluded members, they say, and the rump, will desolve, and leave in the intermission of parliament the counsell of state to governe with the lord generall Monck; and the militia is in
the citty of London reasonably well settled, and all the gentlemen are goeing downe into
their respective countrys to settle the same, the act for the kingdom's militia being this afternoone come out of the presse. Yesterday upon the exchange, by order from the lord
generall, as it was said, those words wrot in gold letters over the place, where the statue
of our last gratious kinge stood, viz. Exit tyranmus regum ultimus, anno libertatis Angliæ,
&c. to bee by a paynter expunged, which was assisted by some soldiers, and consented to
by the lowd shout and acclamation of the people then present. A good omen, I hope, to a
future settlement of this nation in its pristine happiness. They say the rumpers bid great
summes of money in many burrough townes to be elected in the next parliament. If it come
to any thing, as it is many mens hope it will, they say, that Mr. Prinne in all things
asserts the king's right, as without whom this kingdom can have no settlements; and old
Mr. Edward Steevens is as playne in his assertion of the king's right. And indeed verry few
more in the parliament dare be so playne in that case as they are; but would have their owne
turnes first served, as the people in generall say. I have been tould by Mr. Titus, 538 726,
that Thurlow 727 has caused some expresse of the king's to be taken lately; 721 141 792 269 438
732 437; and also Mr. one of myne lately sent, which they 438 19 38 9 698, 839 599
have diseyphered; 185 5 40 33 34 571 271 43 6 40 37, which I cannot beleive to be so
easy; nor doe I beleve the thing only by reason, that I have received no 610 267
letter of so long time from your lordship, 847 773 446 702 229 537, I am more apt to
beleeve the former part of it. In my last I desired to be advized what was to be done in
our trade with the 354 880 Thurlow and Monck, &c. for although I cannot know the certen
price, yet I desire to know neere wheraboute the price may be, that we may know the
better to regulate our trade in that particular. If Mr. we find, that Thurlow still 690 416
573 playes the knave, 40 750 806 37 18 34 139 809 598, an open course must be taken
with him, 831 326, &c. 886 Major Harley is now fixt, 38 17 40 19 23 9 412 549 287
and 599 354 is verry well resolved to procecute Mr. his majesty's cause, and 137 691
spake very full to the king's advantage in parliament 22 40 63 718 307 406 525 two dayes past;
and his brother will prove a good chapman to us also: only Mr. 909 is likely to prove a
bad paymaster, Mr. I meane col. Birch, a vile man. 142 39 17 160, 899 22 38 810 432
460 Massey can do nothing in his business with his friends in parliament, 29 40 31 34 300 34 20
406 751, the rump are so bitter against him, and the rest 30 58, 690 326 64 677 492 much
affrayd Mr. 782 of Monck and least, by naming me in the house, 420 452 655 406 318 787,
all would be in a flame: 37 10 40 14 22 280 127 33: besides Monke 393 being in some
seare of Mr. his independant officers and soulciers, hath to Tytus and Massey 399 721 726 120 474
their friends, that we keep pryvate, 819 426 572 9 39 808 719, assureing them, they must be
enforced to secure us, if we apeare; which causeth 413 819 139 125 838 171 40 2 26
us to keep the more close, 426 787 463 101 685, so that I continue still the same, Mr.
901 disguise. 456 655 185 310 33 39 20 2. And for feare of Mr. 899 hurting 17
32 his majesty's service, Massey dares not appeare, 20 547 133 15 39 125, as otherwise he would
have hazarded further in the pursuit thereof. Mr. though every morning and evening vizitts
Mr. 900 his parliament friends: if Massey could be free, should help my 292, 713 11 268 575 456
690 self with 831 377 Massey and Tytus, and other friends to be chosen for the next 14 288
806 parliament; 655; but however, I have made sure of Mr. one or two places. 599 860
588 37 20. Massey and Titus 726 may have leave 353 750 to sitt 686 37 32 40; but I
from all that I can gather veryly believe, that we shall be in blood 145 8 37 41 6 34
very 537 shortly; and therefore pray 782 318 his majesty will be in readines, 406 42 39 622
40 14 272, if any thing may be done in it worth his notice. Collonel Copley is very zealous
for the king, 853 565 36 20 288 345, with divers others, who intend to neglect noe tyme
to get 899 into their countrys 669 40 31 for the setteling of 682 the militia, 40 19 433
720 37, for there must be our rise; 111 567 672 773 686; and now I doubt not but 709
the states of Holland will invite his majesty unto, and 810 719 240, 735 120 599 perhaps assist
56 him also. 687. I wrote you in my last, with how much zeale I found 900 97 colonell
Byshop to prosecute his majesty's service; 324 598 376 34 20 27 635; and desired, that both
he and 880 colonel Stevens might receive some lyne from his majesty's hand 540 295 240 20 11
137 for their 798 492 incouredgment, which I doubt not of. I have sent the coppy
or duplicate of this letter by another way, and agayne have mistaken the date, having
dated it the 15th, which is the 16th, being freyday. Monck 596 is in some apprehention of danger, that he hath commanded 90 267 many young gentlemen, to whom 826
he hath given command in the country, to repaire unto 31 406 806 174 750 699 721 671 574
9 671 their 797 779 charges. I forgott in my former letter to give you an account of what
I have been well assured of, that is, that 859 Mr. Sharpe, a Scots minister, who 412 11 383
hath done his majesty 779 240 all right possible concerning those aspertions, that had passed
upon his majesty from Scotland, and satisfyed all reasonable men in the same, and that to his
majesty's great advantage, 26 122, of which I beseech you to inform the king. I doubt not but
your lordship 446 702 773 will thinke it meete to encouradg him to go on by his 537
majesty's notice of the same; 156 559 787 555 705; and if you please to honour me in it,
I shall deliver it. The parliement is dissolved, and now our generall and counsell of state
are to rule the roast till next parliament; but they say, that some of Monck's officers with
others of the Lambertine army will to-morrow send out their remonstrance against a kinge
or single person; and how the generall will carry himself in it, none knowes; all hope well.
I begg, Sir, your pardon most humbly for my hasty scribleing, and for your pardon shall give
you this assurance, that I will observe my tyme better in the next, and ever rest,
Your most faithfull and humble servant,
779 Massey. 732.
London, 16. March, 1659.
Indorsed, A Monsieur Monsieur Vander Hoven, merchand, à la poste de Bruxell, pour la faire tenir à Monsieur Thoma Bets merchand d'Hollande à Bruxelle.
An intercepted letter, probably from Sir Edward Hyde to Dr. Barwick.
March the 27th, 1660. Brussels.
Vol. lxvii. p. 226.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
I have yours of the 9th, which still gives me occasion to commend the conveyance,
and since that your other of the 4th, though I conceive it contains some passages, which
happened after that day. Concerning the former, which came last, I shall say nothing by
way of reply, but thank you heartily for it, it being an excellent account, and very much
to my information; and I must tell you, the king looks over no designs with more satisfaction than he doth yours.
If 185 hath shewed you the answer he received from the king by 9, 2, you will by that see, how the king desires the business should be carried on; and that though his friends may consult apart, that he doth not wish any resolutions should be taken and prosecuted without the privity of those, who are now immediately trusted and commissioned by his majesty, and of which some of them may be, if they please, who by communication may carry on all with great consent; and I hope that 501, who knows the king's great esteem of lord 568, will carry him so discreetly towards him, and shew him all the king's instructions, that my lord will not only be satisfyed in what relates to himself, but in the whole business; and that as much is done towards the well ordering of it, as can be at such a distance. And then my lord will find himself enough qualifyed to interpose with any persons, who can bear a good part in the service; and to promise them such satisfaction in all respects, as they can reasonably desire. I do not comprehend, how any thing sent by 516 can raise any difficultys in the consultation. For whatever great assistance we may hereafter expect from the 2 crowns, those we can depend on for the present are very moderate, and on the part of France onely by connivance. I cannot doubt, but that mine of the 24th, under cover to 667, and my former of the 16th by honest 36, are come safe to you, and then 355 hath all you desire. I will not enlarge concerning 641, 378, or 221, because I suppose Thomas (who went the last night from hence for 862) will be shortly with you, and I have inough instructed him those particulars, which I hope he will remember. I pray remember me kindly to 466, 42, 290, the lawyer, and assure him of my service in all occasions. I will by the first opportunity send you the king's for 732 or 380, and 292; but the king hath already writt to my lord 324, which was sent by 323 to his . . . . . to be delivered by him, who had sent for it, and who I presume is well esteemed by my lord and lady. And the king did in that, as I do now to you, recommend 498 to my lord, who without doubt in many respects is very fit to be employed in the martial part in 314, 705; and you know the superstition of our countrymen, who will be much moved to see 314 defended by the same man, for the king, who did there so much mischief against him. And you may be most confident, the man is as honest and worthy as lives.
I pray tell your dear cousin, (to whom I shall write myself by the first opportunity) that it is out of my kindness to him, that I do not propose any part to him to act himself, till he finds the season ripe for him to appear; but that the king wishes he should be always with lord 562, except he affects somewhat . . . . and then if you let me know it, I presume he will receive satisfaction. I like G. Monck's last carriage towards his officers in their new combination better than any thing I have before heard of: and I hope he will quickly discern, that it is time for him to declare his inclinations towards the king in compliance with the sense of the kingdom, which would have a great impression upon many, and so would be of the greater merit in him. If the lords could be brought in, I should think they would be . . . committing some few desperate persons, who would be always disturbing them; and who can only be kept from doing hurt by being in prison, and for whom they may afterwards interpose, as they see cause; and then there might easily be a treaty, and suddenly agree on all particulars, which are necessary for their security, and referr as much as they please to be settled afterwards by a free parliament; and this would be the wisest course they could take. I shall be very glad to hear, that any good impressions are made on 452, and dispose him to the king's service. And I need not bespeak you to confirm your cousin; but for their opinion of the king's being abused by former treatys, I do assure you upon my credit, all, that was ever yet proposed from thence, was so without foundation of reasonable hope; that the king never gave ear farther to it, than by returning thanks for their good affections, and desiring they would retain them for a more favourable conjuncture. And this I do assure you upon my credit, whatever they think, or other men have made of it.
715 is so considerable, that I wish him well disposed, and I should expect from him, (which would not be an ill season) after he hath done all he can to erect a republic, and finds there will be a necessity of calling in the king, that he should then oppose all extravagancys to be put upon him, and press, that all should be settled upon the old foundations, which the law can only support, their own securitys being provided for. And he may merit exceedingly by that thing, and is like to prevail far, especially if he can draw his friends 752 and 761 to the same concurrence, who have enough manifested, that they are not enemys to a single person; and they can never be secure under any other than the right one, whom they would love, if they knew. What I have heretofore said concerning himself will be punctually made good, and he shall have it in his own power to make good conditions for his friends. You have reason to wish, that poor 778 may not be deceived by 821; but there is no remedy, when men think they understand better than they, who must needs see more. Let him alone, and take no notice.
The whole matter is, as you say, so ridiculous, as methinks none of his friends received
more evidence; though God knows we have much more, and shews how men of witt, when
they become ill, loose their witts too. Would you beleived, that 821 and 761 have long
combined to serve the king, and joined together for the pulling down of Richard? But this
onely to yourself. Poore, and upon my conscience honest, 221 is here, and horribly
ashamed, and returns this night with no other, but the verbal answer; that if 761 takes
the king's service to heart, and appears fully for him, much may be believed of 821 his
good intention, how unskillfull soever he hath been in carrying on such an intrigue so many
years, without informing the king, or any of his friends, of it. But I must charge you
again, take no notice of this, or of 221 being here, except their own discourse give occasion: and then you have fair room enough. I shall long to be assured, that this is in
your hands. God bless you, and,
Your most affectionate servant,
King Charles II. to William Morrice esq;
Brusselles, 27. March, 1660. [N. S.]
In the possession of Hugh Gregor esq;
I am assured by a person, through whose handes this will come to you, that you have
more than ordinary affection to promote my service and interest, and that you have much
credit with those, who can contribute very much towards it: all which I believe, and am
therefore very willing to give you my thankes, and to assure you, that as your frindes
shall have all the reason to rejoyce in the service they shall do for me, that my kindnesse
and power can give them, so you shall finde your particular accounte in it; and that I will
be alwayes
Your affectionate frinde,
Charles R.
King Charles II. to William Morrice esq;
Brussels, 8. April, 1660. [N. S.]
In the possession of Hugh Gregor esq;
I Writt to you on the 27th of last month upon the general information I had of your
good affection; but I have since receaved a more particular accounte of the many obligations I have to you, and the greater power you have to do me service, and your greate
partes, which you have manifested in several occasions. I cannot chuse of good successe,
by the blessing of God, in what you are now endeavouring, since I am sure I shall be
founde to have the very same good ends, which you propose to yourselfe; and that no man
in the kingdom can more, if so much, desire the advancement of the Protestant religion,
and the peace, and happiness, and honour of the nation, than I do, or is more an Englishman. The person, who will deliver this, and who is so well knowne to you, will desire
you in my name to deliver some letters to your frindes, and your advice in what is farther
to be offered to-them on my parte; since you cannot imagine, but that I must be very desirous to gratisie and oblige them to any degree, that I shall finde will be acceptable to them;
and therefore whatever he and you shall agree as fit to offer, I will make good; and he may
be as confident as of any thing in this world, that he shall always finde all imaginable satisfaction and constancy in my kindnesse to him. To yourselfe I will only say, that the good
offices you have and will perform for me, are so meritorious, that they deserve all the trust
and confidence I can repose in you; and therefore you will easily beleeve I must be alwayes
very kinde to you, upon which you may depende; and that whilst I live, I will never expect
any thing from you, but what becomes a true lover of his country, and you shall allwayes
finde me to be
Your affectionate frinde,
Charles R.
An intercepted letter.
Brussels, 27th March, 1660 [N. S.]
Vol. lxvii. p. 228.
These two posts I had not a word from you. Lately I have heard from our friend
Mr. Read, who hath sent me some gammons from Bilboa. They will come in good
time to carry for England. When your master goeth, as most believe will be very soon,
unless the devil be in it, then you shall find the benefit of being faithful, and obliging
honest persons. In the mean time God preserve you.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxvii. p. 219.
Deare Sir,
I am hartily glad we are now restored to a government, which invites you to that employment you soe longe and meritoriously discharged, and which on their invitation you decline
not to reassume. I wish you may have as much satisfaction in it, as I am confident the
publike will reape advantage by your discharginge of it.
I hope, whatever a free parliament shall enact, we shall all actively or passively obey. I am fully perswaded, the army is of that resolution; and indeed, wher can we rest, if that be not our foundation? Whatever supreame authority we owne, we ought to obey. Possibly I am not without verry sensible apprehensions; but if I must perish, let me perish in a way of duty, where inward supports will not fayle, when outward ones doe. I heare we are much misrepresented in England, as persons, that intend to set up for ourselves, and to make Ireland a back door to let in Ch. Ste. into England, and thereby at one blow cut up by the roots the precious rights we have bin soe longe contendinge for (fn. 3). I profess, Sir, I know nothing farther from the thoughts of all my acquaintance and friends; for interest as well as duty will keep us from soe ruinous a wickedness.
I longe to heare what is become of my worthy friend the controler. I wish my going 1000 miles on foote would serve him; I would endeavour it, as ill a footman as I am. I had this day a letter from honest Matchevill, who summons me to meet him this next parliament; but I can scarce beleeve a new one will meet soe soone, they that now sitt haveing soe much to doe. I heere present you with a declaration of that province now under my care, for want of a better to command ther. However the expressions are, I am certayne the meaninge is good.
Doubtless the death of the kinge of Swedland is of greate advantage to his ennemyes, and prejudice to the Protestant cause through the world. I hope God will close that breach, which he himselfe hath made, and raise a new assertor of that cause.
I shall endeavour to give you a constant account of all things, and, God willinge,
never cease to be,
Dear Sir,
Your most affectionate, and most obliged
faithfull servant,
Dublin, the 17th of March.
Mr. John Barwick to king Charles II.
Mar. 19. 1659.
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
This is only a postscript to another of the 16th, which I mist the opportunity of sending
440 by Mr. (fn. 4) Rombal. I need not retract any thing. 94 291 229 117 247 202 441 187 342
though (I grant) there hath been some mis 369 103 52 under 184 sting again between Monke 600
and my friend, whom he 33 92 suspected to be too 75 185 39 intimate with the republique party
but now he is 231 92 218 satisfyed, it was in order to his service, and that thereby 255 372 494
73 the remonstrance is broken, and the 37 77 218 198 39 94 38, 255 370 perverse part
diff.[?] covered, so that the only worke now is to modell the army, 231 218 185 165 80 30 370
which he hopes may be done in three weekes; 281 187 117 13 128 14 98 52; for as for 210
Monke himselfe, he expressed himselfe so fully to him on 63 185 217 234 saturday night, 212 54,
as he bides me to assure your majesty you need not doubt 117 131 538 130 291 229 143 57 5 55
of him, and he hopes and hath promised to endeavour it may be upon honourable 412 75 374 525 442
termes; but 103; 53 199 for the present he can say no more, but only that the 234 164 372 370
violent will acquiesce in what the next parliament shall doe. 417 608 306 143. I shall doe my endeavour in this particular also to manifest myself,
Your ever obliged servant,