A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1659: January (2 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp595-604 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1659: January (2 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp595-604.
"State Papers, 1659: January (2 of 2)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp595-604.
In this section
January (2 of 2)
General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
Deare Brother,
I have litle to wright, but that I would not have a post paste with silence from myselfe,
though I have little to trouble you with, but to make my acknowledgment for your
regard to thos persons, who have bine formerly commissionated by myselfe, when I left
Ireland, that they are not outed by the late sadde occasion of vacating their pattents. I
hope they generally may be deserving persons, that may please to remember. We did
take the best care we could to put in such persons as might be deserving, and in some
measure qualifyed for their places, though I feare they have as yet received litle benefit;
but should they now be removed, it would be their ruin, and therefore your justice and
favor also is the more seasonable. I have had a desire to improve a litle monyes for poore
Cromwell, whearin I understand by Sir Jerome Zancky, you have bine pleased to have a
favorable regard unto such an intention; and the more I thank you, that you have expressed your dislik of taking that course, which it seems was by som intended, that would
have proved a very disreputable thing to me, and what I could not satisfy myselfe in;
neither shall I willingly ingage in any thinge, but what may receive your approbation in.
You in part know my estate and condition. I canot make an advantage of my publicke
imployments, as many have, or others suppose I doe; neither am I sollicitous about this
busines. I have sufficient cause from experience to trust the Lord with children, whom I
shall leave behind me. His blessing with a litle is great riches. Excuse this trouble to
you. We are now preparing for the parliament. The state of our condition will, I hope,
be so represented and stated to them, as to give at least this satisfaction, that our demands
are both for the honor and safety of the nation. The Lord awaken thos, who have an
interest in him, to be earnest with him, for his owning this blessed cause, which hath so
many enimyes at home and abroade; which that we may finde, is the desire of
Your most affectionat brother, and humble servant,
Cha. Fleetwood.
Jan. 18. 165 8/9;.
Dr. Ralph Cudworth to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 43.
Having this opportunity offered by Dr. Sclater, who desires to waite upon you, upon
your kind invitation, which I acquainted him with, I could do no lesse, then, accompanying him with these few lines, to present my service to you. I am perswaded you
will be well satisfied in his ingenuity, when you are acquainted with him. Now I have
this opportunity, I shall use the freedome to acquaint you with another busines. I am
perswaded by freinds to publish some discourses, which I have prepared in Latine, that
will be of a polemicall nature, in defence of Christianity against Judaisme, explaining
some cheef places of Scripture controverted between the Jewes and us, (as Daniel's prophecy of 70 weekes, never yet sufficiently cleared and improved) and withall extricating
many difficulties of chronologie; which taske I the rather undertooke, not onely because
it is sutable to my Hebrew prosession, and because I have lighted on some such Jewish
writings upon that argument, as have scarcely ever been seen by any Christians, which
would the better inable me fully to consute them, but allso, because I conceve it a worke
proper and suitable to this present age. However, though I should not be able myselfe
to be any way instrumentall to those great transactions of providence (not without cause
hoped for of many) amongst the Jewes; yet, I perswade myselfe, my paines may not be
altogether unprofitable, for the setling and establishing of Christians; or at least, I shall
give account of my spending such vacant houres, as I could redeeme from my preaching
and other occasions, and the perpetuall distractions of the bursarship, which the statures
of this colledge impose upon me. It was my purpose to dedicate these fruits of my studys
to his highnes, (to whose noble father I was much obliged) if I may have leave, or presume so to doe, which I cannot better understand by any then yourselfe, if you shall
thinke it convenient, when you have an opportunity to insinuate any such thing, which I
permitte wholly to your prudence. I intend, God willing, to be in London some time
in March, and then I shall waite upon you, to receve your information. In the meane
time craving pardon for this prolixity of mine, and freedome, I subscribe myselfe
Your really devoted friend, and humble servant,
R. Cudworth.
Jan. 20th, 1658.
Christ's-Col. Camb.
Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lvii.
Right Honourable,
I HAVE already write your honour by three severall convayances of the greate defeate
given the Spaniards by the Portuguezes before Elvez, (viz.) by the George of Bristoll,
and the William M. Garrett, and the Mary Mr. Jones of London; but I sente your
honour the perticulars of the prisoners, and how many were slaine, but by the taste; so
I shall make bold to trouble your honour with the repetition, as I had them from the
secretary of state.
A list of the men slaine in the battell before Elvez, the 4/14. January, 1659. with a relation of the artillary, armes, and other necessarys, found in the enimies camp.
The duke de St. Germans, shot in the head with a carbyne, and supposed to be dead.
The conde de Tottamilla.
The camp-master generall.
Don Gaspar de Luna.
Don Ventura Taracona, master of the ordynance.
Don Juan Pechequo, lieutenant-general of the horse.
The captain of the general's guard, whoe was sonne to the conde de Motiso.
The conde de Linhares.
Don Francisco Fernandes, besides abundance of captains of horse and foote, and other officers, and many knights of the habit; and above three thousand common soldiers all slaine in the place.
Taken from the enimy.
Betwixt five and six hundred horse.
A great quantity of mony and wrought plate.
Many rich hangings, and severall trunks of other rich furniture.
A greate quantity of torches and wax candells.
Bisquit for the whole army, and provender for all the horse for a fortnight.
Seaventeen peice of ordynance.
Five mortar-pieces.
A great quantity of musket and carbyne bulletts.
Sixteen hundred shott for the ordinance.
Six hundred barrils of powder.
Fifteen hundred ronds of match.
Five hundred armes for backe and breste.
Eight thousand hoes, pit-axes, and shovells.
Six thousand crowns worth of planke, and deale boards.
Twenty thousand eight hundred granadas.
Eighty ladders.
A good quantity of pitch and other necessarys for fire-works.
Many tents.
Five coaches and two litters, besides abundance of riches plundered by the soldiers; but all the particulars before-mentioned were taken for the use of his majestie. Since the battell, the Portngueze tooke five hundred prisoners, which were stript of all thire clothes, and sent naked into Spaine.
Prisoners of quallity, now in the possesion of the Portugueze.
The conde de Madalin.
Don Nicolas de Corduba, a collonel.
Don Gabriel Guerero.
Don Juan de Arras.
Don Gonsallo Chalon.
Don Juan Viencio.
Don Juan Telles de Luna.
Don Francisco Carilho.
Don Pedro Carilho.
Don Juan Byan.
Don Pedro de Hedalgo.
Don Antonio Panyaquo, sonne to the marques of Sancerotte.
Don Alonso de Byamonte,
Don Antonio de los Infantes.
Don Rodrigo Arispues, with many other officers and knights of the habitt.
May it please your Honour,
Wee are now at the 21/31. January. Yesterday I received a letter from Cadix the 7th
January, 1659. which signifys, that aboute the latter end of December, there aryved
an aviso from the West-Indies, which is a ship belonging to Rotterdam. This vessel
brings intelligence, that the Spanish fleet, consistinge of aboute sixty saile, were all at
the Havannah at his departure, and they would be ready to saile for Spaine aboute the
midle of November at fartheste. They will bringe in all above sixty millions of treasure,
and with the reste six millions, which the gentry and merchants inhabitinge the WestIndia sende the kinge of Spaine for a gratuity, towards the maintenance of his warrs.
The five Dutch ships, which the duke of Medina Cely had taken up at Cadix, are gonn
to sea. They are to lye betwixt the Canaries and the bay of Cadix, to give intelligence
to the fleete, that in case the Inglish fleete be on the coaste, to order them for Galitia
and Biskay; but if the coaste be cleare, they have order to come for Cadix. We doubt
not of our success against Portugall, for Elvez cannot hold out longe; so that will be
ours in few days: and then beeinge masters of the field, our forces will march to Lisbon
next summer; before which place we expect forty sail of Hollanders, and with our friends
wee expecte to finde in Portugall, wee hope to see a full conquest. Don Juan de Austria
is landed at St. Andera, whoe is to be generall of the forces imployed in Portugall. Which
is all I can learne at present, &c.
The Portugueze are extremly jealous, that his highnesse will conclude a peace with Spaine. Here is a rumour in the courte, that the Spaniard hath proffered the Braziel to the Inglish, to make his highnesse the more willinge to shut up the peace. I cannot learn, from whence this comes; but it hath beene reported by some of the beste at courte. Wee can gett noe justice at all from them, for they make no scruple at all to breake all the articles of peace; and if his highness be not pleased to look on us, and make the kinge of Portugall sensible of the wrongs donne our nation by his ministers, our burthens will be intolerable. But we hope your honour will be pleased to take care, that wee shall injoy the benefitt of the treaty of peace; and wee will always pray, that the Lord will blesse your honour. Which are the constant prayers of
Your Honour's faithfull servant,
Tho. Maynard.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 47.
Deare Sir,
When you honnor me with your commands, I thinke nothinge can be a proportionate returne to them, either in referrence to themselves, or the duty I owe them,
but a perfect obedience to them. This is the cause, why till now I would not trouble
you with an answer to your commands, about Mr. Waller and Mr. Green's election,
which came soe late to my hands, that all places were ingaged for persons before; soe
that all I could doe, was, to ingage a cousin-german of myne, and I may say, as considerable a person for parts and interest, as any in this nation, to get of a friend of his,
that had declared to stand, and to get Mr. Waller chosen in his stead; which is done.
My frend and kinsman's name is Sir Ihin Kinge. I did for Mr. Greene write a letter
into Scotland, which, if it come time enough, I hope has had the like success. I am certeyn, had your orders come time enough, they had bine both obeyed with as much
reddiness, as ever I did pay to my actions of greatest affection and duty.
I did last night com from chooseinge our knight of the shyre in the county of Corke, and our burgess for that city and the towne of Youghall. There were greate endeavors to have had som chosen, that I was not very sure of; but their designe was defeated, and thos two I propounded, without six negatives, chosen. Our knight is my owne cosen german, Sir Maurice Fenton, a gentleman of 2000 l. a yeere; and our burgess lieutenantcol. Foulkes, a gentleman of 800 l. a yeere, always bred with me; and for both thes I ingage. 'Tis not improbable but we shall all speedely waite on you; at lest all my frends shall, and if possible, myselfe; who am, in all immaginable reallity,
Deare Sir,
Your truly affectionate, and most faithful
oblidged humble servant,
From my own house, in the county
of Corke, the 22d Jan. 1658/9.
A LIST of the prisoners in his highneses Tower of London, under the custody of John lord Barkstead, lieutenant of the same.
Tower of London, 24. January, 1658.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 49.
Deare Sir,
I had not the honnor to receive yours of the 30th of last month, till yester night late;
and therfore, if I pay you my humble thanks for it noe sooner, be pleased to attribute
it to the true cause. I had indeed waited on you, before I had received his highnes's commands for it, but that heere was som notable juggelings in elections; and that necessitated
me to stay, that I might be present at them, to prevent such designes, which, I thanke
God, I did; and this county, which is the magazeene of English in this nation, has sent
you thos, that, I dare say, if admitted to a tryall, will shew themselves honnest men, both
to their county, and to his highness's service in particular. Thes designers had soe unexpected and closely carryed on their worke, that till two dayse before the election none was
aware of them. But then, in the face of the whole cuntry, and to their owne faces too,
(for I sent to them to be ther, and told them for what) I made them appeere such as they
were, and they had not one voice. Our election-day heere was the last thursday, and we
are all, by the blessing of God, redy to take the first faire winde, tho' the late stormes
might (if any thinge could retarde us) perswade us to see a little settlement of weather,
ere we set to sea. I know not wher the omission is, but certaynly 'twas verry unhappily
contrived, that our election-day should be soe late in thes parts, that it was impossible to
be at the first sittinge of the parliament. I heere presume to trouble you with my answer
to his highness's letter, which I beg you to seale and deliver. I will not lengthen this
letter, hopeinge suddenly to have the honour to waite on you; but conclude it with this
great and unchangeable truth, that I am heartily,
Deare Sir,
Your truly affectionate and most faithfull
oblidged humble servant,
Jan. 24. 1658.
I hope you have ere now received an account of what comes to about Mr. Waller's beinge elected knight of shyre in Ireland; as Mr. Greene had bin, if your letters had come to me timely enough. His comminge so late, I was necessitated to recommend his election into Scotland, wher I am confident he has succeeded, if my letter come redy enogh.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 54.
My Lord,
I received your lordship's, and am glad the papers concerning our arreares is come
to your hands: truly our arreares are very great. You have very much obliged myself,
and the whole army, by the care you have taken of sending us some monies; butt I could
wish I could heare it were once on shippe-board. I am sorry to heare, that Thoren is
delivered uppe; but I doe nott doubt of the Swedish good successe, soe longe as their
army is nott beaten. The indentures for the commissioners of parliament from the Northerne parts heere come in very slowly, which I am heartilly sorry for. For newes heere,
we have none. I have nott yett heard of any more of the commissioners in the North,
since I wrote to you last. I thanke you for your care about the goaler of Durham. Itt
hath given a great refreshment to all the good people thereabout. You would not think
how kindlie it is taken. Mr. recorder Shaftoe and captain Thomas Lilburne are chosen
burgesses for Newcastle. Which is all at present from
Your Lordship's
very humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 25. Jan. 165 8/9;.
Major Knight is chosen for Sutherland, Rosse,
and Cromarty.
Sir Charles Coote to H. Cromwell, lord licutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellencye,
I Just now receaved the inclosed letter from lieutenant Pountroye, which containes
such matter, as I thought it my duty to transmitt the same unto your lordship, and
humbly to submitt the same unto your consideration. I dare not presume to offerr much
thereon; but truly if such speritts as his be not curbed, it may begett ill consequences:
and the influence that Ormesby hath in it, who hath bine the sole occasion of the troubles,
that have bine here; I am humbly of opinion, that it is worthy of your lordship's good
consideration, whether colonell Sadlier should goe for England, unless some more active
person were here in his absence, then captain More, who is but a sickly man, and one
that hath little or noe interest in the regiment.
I resolve on wensday, if God please, to begine my jurnye towards Dublin; and hope before that day senight to kiss your lordship's hands. Which is all I shall presume to trouble your lordship with at the present, and remayne,
My Lord,
Your Excellencie's most humble
and obedient faythfull servant,
Cha. Coote.
Firelan, this 27th of Jan. 1658.
Mr. J. Woodward to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 60.
My Lord,
Your lordship's of the 25th instant I have receved, and in answere thereunto doe
hereby give you assurance, that by reason of your lordship's recommendation Mr.
Samuell Morland will be chosen at Ludgarshall; and of this I desire your lordship not at
all to doubt. I beseech your lordship, that you will be pleased to command the high
sheriffe to send his precepte for the election to me, which in the election of Mr. Dewy
and Mr. Sherwyn he would not lett me have, but came in person to our burrough, and
in the tyme of our election publickly and causelesly forbade to assist in our owne election.
Mr. Dewy can informe you of all his carriage. That the Lord may blesse the gentleman you recommend, and inable him for that waighty worke; and that the Lord may
blesse you all, and make your meetinge successfull, to the glory of his name, and the
weal publique, is the hearty desire of,
Ludgarshall, 27. Jan. 1658.
My Lord,
Your Lordship's most humble servant,
John Woodward.
Mr. Tho. Browne to secretary Thurloe.
Marselia, the 28th of Jan. 1658. English stile.
Vol. lvii. 172.
Right Honorable Sir,
Two dayes after I received my commission to bee consul at Tunis, I lest England,
and made what haste I could through France to meete with admiral Stoakes, unto
whose care your honour was pleased to recommend my transportation thither.
The twenty-fourth instant your honour's favourable letter was delivered to me at the Iles of Eres: but as formerly hee refused to send a ship with mee for want of an order, soe now hee pretends, that the affaires of his highnesse will not (as yet) give him leave to parte with any of his squadron. As for other conveyances, here are none but French barques, which are neither capable of landing a publicke minister with honour, nor yet of desending themselves at sea against their enemyes; and the Turkes of Argeire making slaves of all English passengers, which they find in foraine vessels, I dare not adventure myselfe with these. Being thus accidentally (if not maliciously) disapointed of my passadge, I shall, according to the power my commission gives mee, substitute a deputty at Tunis, who may (during my absence) conserve the peace with those people, and protect our merchants and others trading and residing in those partes; which is all that can bee done (at this distance) in reference to those affaires. And when our admirall returnes from his intended voyadge to the Streightes mouth, I hope hee will (according to his promise) soe. order his affaires, that I may have a frigott to transporte mee with credit and safety into my station. Meane while, haveing done my duty in giveing your honour an account of what passeth, I rest
Your Honour's
most humble and very much
oblig'd servant,
Tho. Browne.
The master and fellows of St. John's college in Cambridge, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 65.
Right Honourable,
As it is our university's honour, that we have so noble a patron, so may you please to
make it our college's happiness, that it may reap some of the first-fruits of that your
condescending relation to us. Sir, at our next election of fellows, we have divers young
men to stand for places, who are of eminent worth; and we should esteem it a great
damage to our college, if they should be hindered. But from sure hands we have it, that
one Mr. Barthol. Woormall of Lynn, who had some time a son of our college, and continued
here till he was batchelor of arts, and during that time was not much approvable either for
abilities, or diligence, or studious carriage, whom he intends to endeavour by a mandate from
his highness to bring in to be a fellow amongst us; who yet may be provided of a ministerial
employment at Hampton, which he seemeth unwilling to accept; our most humble desire
therefore is, that your honour would vouchsafe us this favour, by your mediation with his highness, timely to prevent his being put in amongst us that way, to the discouraging such
candidates here with us, who may be of much better deserts; and because the father of
this young man faith, that a change is wrought in his son's heart and conversation, that he
may be lest to the usual examen, which such as stand for such places here undergo, and to our
statutable election; and if he shall approve himself as well as others, the way will be open
to him, as soon as any other. Pardon, we humbly beseech your honour, this our bold
address in a matter, which so much concerneth the welfare of the college, which we are
betrusted with. And your favour and help herein shall ever oblige us in all humble thankfulness to remain
Your Honour's humbly devoted servants,
The master and fellows of St. John's college
in Cambridge,
Antony Tuckney.
Thomas Fothergill.
Henry Eyre.
Henry Paman.
Richard Beresford.
Isaac Worrall.
William Twyne.
St. John's college, Jan. 28. 1658.
A letter of intelligence.
Hague, 29. January, [1658/9.]
Vol. lxiii. p. 38.
Mr. Downing, at a late audience, recommended to the states general the accommodating of differences betwixt the two Protestant kings; but it is far from their intentions here to seek that agreement apart, but they will join with it that of Poland and Austria, and so procure a general peace. And it is here resolved, if the same cannot be effected by fair means, that is to say, by the mediation of the states general, they will vigorously assist the king of Denmark with men, money, and ships; upon which account the states have again advanced in antecessum four hundred thousand guilders, which Rosenwing is now to receive at Amsterdam. The states general have, upon persuasion of the states of Holland, taken a settled resolution, (which they seem to lay as a position) how and upon what conditions peace shall be made both betwixt Sweden and Denmark, and Sweden and Poland; namely, that each party should restore to the other what they have taken from them during this war. They shall reduce all things in their former condition, and so lay down arms; and then all grievances betwixt both parties shall be decided and accommodated by both parties allyes, which they say Mr. Downing pretends to be according to the lord protector's meaning; but I believe it not, that Mr. Downing reporteth it, because in his proposition the accommodation of Poland was not thought on, but only of both the Protestant kings; and I cannot see, that it is England's interest to speak of an accomodation with Poland, and consequently Austria, because they are not to be separated. It is an easy matter to make a peace sudden betwixt Sweden and Denmark, if they would be earnest in it here.
An ACT of recognition of his highness's right and title to be protector and chief magistrate of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
Whereas your highness, immediately after the death of your renowned father Oliver, late lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions and territories thereunto belonging, became his lawfull successor to succeed in the government of the said nations, to the great joy of the people thereof, testified not only by their general consent and approbation, but many particular declarations and addresses from the armies, and navies, and the respective counties, cities and burroughs of the three nations; and your highness hath accordingly taken upon you the said succession and government, which God in his great mercy to these nations hath hitherto blessed with peace and tranquillity: And although this is ample satisfaction of the people's hearty acknowledgment of your highness's succession in the government: We the two houses in parliament assembled do beseech your highness, that as a testimony to posterity of our unseigned love and affection to your highness's person, and our hearty recognition and agreement of your highness's just right to succeed in the government, this may remain among the records of the high court of parliament for ever. And for the better establishment of the peace of this commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the territories and dominions thereunto belonging, and for the prevention of the designs and attempts of the enemies thereof; this present parliament assembled do, in the name of all the people of this commonwealth, fully, freely, absolutely, and for ever, disclaim and renounce all fealty, homage, or allegiance, pretended to be due unto Charles Stuart, eldest son of the late king Charles, James Stuart second son of the said late king, Henry Stuart third son of the said late king, or any other the issue or posterity of the said late king, or any person or persons pretending, or which shall at any time hereafter pretend title, by, from, or under him, them, any or either of them, to hold and enjoy the crowns of England, Scotland, and Ireland, or of either or any of them; or to have the name, title, style, or dignity of king or queen of Great-Britain, king or queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall, prince of Scotland, duke of Albany, duke of Rothesay, duke of York, duke of Gloucester, any or either of them; or to have and enjoy the power, government, or supreme magistracy of this commonwealth, or of any part thereof, or of any the territories or dominions thereunto belonging; or to have or enjoy, as king or queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland, or of either or any of them, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall, duke of Albany, duke of Rothesay, duke of York, duke of Gloucester, or prince of Scotland, all or any the honours, manors, lands, tenements, possessions, and hereditaments heretofore belonging or appertaining to the said crowns of England, Scotland, and Ireland, or to any or either of them; or to the principality of Wales, duchy of Lancaste ror Cornwall, or any or either of them.
And be it declared and enacted by his highness the lord protector, and this present parliament assembled, and the authority thereof, that the said Charles Stuart, James Stuart, Henry Stuart, and all other the issue and posterity of the said late king, and all and every person and persons pretending, or which shall or may at any time hereafter pretend title or claim, from, by, or under him or them, be and are, and shall for ever be absolutely and utterly excluded and debarred from holding or enjoying the crown of England, Scotland, and Ireland, or any or either of them, or any the dominions or territories thereto belonging; and from holding or having the name, title, style, or dignity of king or queen of Great-Britain, king or queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland, or any or either of them, or of any the dominions thereunto belonging, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall, prince of Scotland, duke of Albany, duke of Rothesay, duke of York, or duke of Gloucester; and from all title, claim, or right as king or queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland, or of either or of any of them, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall, duke of Albany, duke of Rothesay, duke of York, duke of Gloucester, or prince of Scotland, unto all or any the honours, manors, lands, tenements, possessions or hereditaments heretofore at any time belonging or appertaining to the said crowns of England, Scotland, and Ireland, or any or either of them; and also from having, exercising, or enjoying any power, authority, government, or magistracy, in or over this commonwealth, or any the people thereof; and that all such right, title, claim, or pretence of right, title, or claim, which they or any of them, at any time heretofore, at present, or in time to come, have, do, shall, or may make, is hereby declared and adjudged, and shall for ever hereafter be adjudged and taken, to be utterly void and of no effect.
And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, and it is enacted, that if any person or persons shall endeavour or attempt, by force of arms or otherwise, or shall be aiding, assisting, comforting, or abetting unto any person or persons, that shall by any ways or means whatsoever endeavour, or attempt, the reviving or setting up of any pretended right, title, or claim of the said Charles Stuart, James Stuart, Henry Stuart, or of any other the issue or posterity of the said late king, or of any person or persons claiming under him or them, to any the offices, style, dignity, or authority aforesaid, or any of them; or shall declare, publish, or any way promote such pretended right, title, or claim, or shall give or contribute any sum or sums of money, or other aid or assistance, to the said Charles Stuart, James, and Henry, any or either of them: that then every such offence shall be, and is hereby deemed and adjudged high treason; and all and every the offender and offenders therein, their counsellors, aiders, and abettors, being convicted within three years after such offence committed, shall be deemed and adjudged traitors, and shall suffer and have such pains of death, and forfeitures, as in case of high treason is used and ordained.