A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1659: January (1 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp586-594 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1659: January (1 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp586-594.
"State Papers, 1659: January (1 of 2)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp586-594.
In this section
January (1 of 2)
General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 9.
My Lord,
I Humbly thanke you for yours of the thirtieth past. This weeke hath produced the
election of our burrough of Huntington, Mr. John Bernard cominge hither from
Thorpe on thursday last, on purpose to be present at it; and they have beene soe bold
as to presume upon your name in their choise, and yesterday did with greate alacritye
choose your selfe and Mr. John Bernard. If you blame them, I must take my share, as a
hearty well-willer to it and to you; yet desiringe in nothinge to disserve you, but with
all affection and faithfullnesse approve myselfe,
My Lord,
Your Lordship's most oblidged
and humble servant,
E. Mountagu.
Hinch in Broke, 1. Jan. 1658.
Coll. Walton came this day, and dined with mee, and told mee, he came to take off prejudices, and to lett mee know his principles were not such, as they might be represented; and that he was firme to his highnesse, and not for a commonwealthgovernment, and in divers other particulars discoursed very orthodoxly. He intends to stand. I carry it faire, but interest myselfe for none, nor will, unless Mr. Cromwell be in hazard; and in that case I will be active, that he receive noe affront.
Mr. Ralph Cudworth to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 10.
Honoured Sir,
Though I do not question, but you have ere this received from the vice-chauncellor an account of our election of burgesses for the university lately made, and that
yourselfe was unanimously and with general consent chosen in the first place, we being all
very glad, that there was a person of so much worth, and so good a friend to the university
and learning, as yourselfe, whom we might betrust with the care of our priviledges and
concernments; yet I thinke it not unseasonable to let you understand something concerning
the second choice, that was then made of a gentleman, that perhaps may be a stranger to
you, that lives upon the place.
It was the opinion of divers of the heads and others, when we received the first tidings of a parliament, that it would be convenient for the university to choose one of their burgesses a gremiall, or one, that living amongst us, was well acquainted with the state of things here, and one that would be vacant to attend our concernments, as occasion might be offered. Whereupon this gentleman was first thought upon, as being most in view.
But after that most had ingaged their thoughts upon him, conceiving him a person very fitly qualified, it happened, that some few days before the election, Mr. Bacon's name was started by some, who is a person so well knowne amongst us, and so highly esteemed, that if there had been the least hint given, that it would be acceptable to him at the beginning, when men were unengaged, he would (notwithstanding that consideration before-mentioned) have certainly been chosen, without any dispute, next yourselfe, before any other. But most of the university being pre-engaged, when his name was first started, they could not in ingenuity do otherwise than they did; which therefore they hope no misconstruction will be made of, the case being really as I have represented. This gentleman, Dr. Sclater, is well known by many of us to be a very ingenious person, of very good abilities, and one, that we doubt not but will readily concurre with such resolutions, as tend to the settlement and establishment of the commonwealth, as well as mind the interest of the university. I shall now only crave pardon for troubling you thus much, and take leave; subscribing myselfe,
Your affectionately devoted servant,
R. Cudworth.
Jan. 1. 1658. Christ's coll. Cambridge.
Captain Stoakes, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lvii. p. 39.
Right Honourable,
In obedience to your honour's withoutt date, remitted mee by captain Richard Payne,
I writt the greatt duke according to the inclosed copy; but he imagining, that I had
donn it by the instigation of the interressed here without his highness order, forc't mee to
a reply, to send it by a messenger of my owne, who brought me the second answer. Both
myne to the duke, and his to me, I send your honour, that you may see I have put in
execution your order, soe far as I am able: if his highness pleasure be, that I move any
further, his affaires in a few moneths will call mee hither againe, where I shal expect your
farther pleasure in this affaire.
The consul I plac't at Tripoly beginns to lament the pooreness of the place, in respect to any benefitt; and that he will not be able to subsist without some allowances from his highness. I beseech your honour will be a means, that some stypend may bee setled, as there is upon him of Argire, it being of no meane importance to keepe those people within the bounds of there artickles. The bassaw expects his highnesse's aprobation of the peace, which I humbly desire may be sent unto him. I am bound to sea, to looke after the enemy, according to the advice I shall learne. About three moneths hence I shall be att Toullon, in expectation of a new recruite of provission. By the Bristol do send home Papachine and his nephew, whom I hope will be thought worth the keeping, they being the activest men of warr in these parts, and by which we have sustained most loss. Not having else to trouble your honour with, I subscribe,
Your Honour's
most humble servant,
Jo. Stoakes.
On board the Lyme in Leghornroad, this 2d of Jan. 1658.
The mayor of Huntingdon to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 14.
My Lord,
I AM directed by our company to signifie to your lordship, that upon fryday last, in
the forenoone, wee proceeded to the election of two burgesses, to serve in parliament
for our burrough of Huntingdon, at which time (with a free and full unanimous consent)
were chosen your lordship and Mr. Bernard.
My lord, it is the humble desire of the towne, as it was a free choyce, soe your lordship would as freely be pleased to serve for us. God's assistance goeinge alonge with you in all your just and honourable undertakeings, is the prayer of
Your Lordship's humble servant,
Tho. Judson, mayor Hunt.
Huntingdon, 2d January, 1658.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellencye,
Major Pitman is returned, by whom I had the honour to receive your excellencye's
letter. He alsoe acquainted me with the discourse, which passed betweene your
excellencye and him. But he arriveinge here but on saterday night, I have not the
opportunitie to speake with his highnesse, or any body else, upon that subject. In the
meane tyme, I am greatly troubled to heare, that your bodily indisposition still continues,
and that your excellencye speakes of beinge passive and a looker on. I doe verily thinke,
that our affaires are such as will require both councell and action. Our enemies on all
hands are active, and will leave noe stone unturned to give us trouble both at home and
abroad. I finde that there are some men in the nation of the soberer sort, who doe wholly
stand still, and care not to be elected, or to engage in affaires. Others, viz. the comonwealth's men, stickle all they can to come into the house; as Sir H. Vane, lieutenantgeneral Ludlowe, Mr. Nevill, Mr. Scott, &c. I doe not heare, that Vane and Ludlowe are yet chosen; but there is noe doubt to be made but they will come in, and soe will
Lambert, who stands for it in some three places. This is like to be a very troublesome
scene; and surely things are to be managed with vigour and life on the one side, as well
as will be on the other; and I perswade myselfe, God will blesse courage and livelye
actions, and will be displeased with dispondencies and melancholy motions. I can say by
experience, that I never in all my life made a true judgment of thinges in a melancholy
frame and temper of spirit; and whatever measures I tooke, whilst I was in that case, I
wholly disliked them, when I was out of it, and have fully resolved with myselfe never to
doe any thinge, or take up any resolutions, whilst I am melancholye, haveinge alwaies
found my thoughts erroneous at such a tyme. The cause is as good as ever, and the same
that ever it was, and the enemies are bassled men; and if wee can beleeve, that God will
be with us, he will be with us; and who then can be against us?
That, which I most feare, is disunion amongst freinds. There are distances in affection to this house: what that may be the root of, I am not able to say. But there will lye other difficulties, that I foresee; and this none but God can cure; and I am perswaded he will provide a remedy for this evill one way or other, if wee can wayte upon hym.
Wee have noe newes at all from beyond the seas this weeke: this season of the yeare affords it not. I feare they will endeavour to cast out the members of Ireland and Scot land; but I beleeve they will be better advised, before they doe it. It is an unplausible point, and the wiser of them will not attempt it.
The other house will be the great question, and that most certeinely stickes in the throats of many of our friends. I wish with all my heart wee were well over that. If the foundation were once admitted, it's to be hoped there will be an agreement about the superstructure. But I deteyne your excellency too longe in discourses of this kinde, haveinge no other matter to enterteyne your excellency with in the knowledge of
Your Excellencye's most humble,
faithfull, and obedient servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 4. Jan. 1658.
General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
Deare Brother,
I received your last by Ma. Pitman, which was most wellcom to me, in that you
wer pleased to assure me of your confydence. I hade no hands in the late buysness of
your stay, which, as it was a right to me, so was it a favour, that you would give credit
to what I have sayde therein; and shall, I hope, be found in nothing wanting to express
that honour and affection, which I have for you; and whilst that freedom is 'twixt us, I
hope it shall not be in the power of any to divide us. We are not without hopes the
choyce of members may be better then was expected. The Lord hath the hearts of all in
his hands, and can dispose them as he pleases; and therfor what we think to be impossible,
he can make possible; and therefor in all thes doubtfull cases, the lesse we anticipate
providence beforhand, and in faith and prayer wait upon him, the better will it be with us.
He hath most appeared, when we have binn least in expectation; however, he reignes, and
therfor we may rejoyce. I presume you have heard of Sir Richard Beake's late disapoyntment in his hopes of waiting upon my lady Reynolds, with the grounds of it. I shall rejoyce in his well-doing. I am loath to be troublesom to you; but really the sadde condition of my poore lord Lambert is such, that I cannot but once more importune your
favorible justice to his poore and low condition. I have a desire, my lord Fines might
heare the buysness. Collonel Temple being in England, and my cosen Lambert also, I
shall hope for your favour in this buysnes, else his case will be sadde. I did move his highnes, my lord Fines might heare the buynes, to which his highnes was free; and therfor
beseech you, nothing may be be determined against him, till my lord Fines hath had a hearing
thereof, which I did speake to collonel Temple, and was satisfied my lord Fines and Sir
Matthew Tomlinson showld consider the case, which I shall hasten, who am
Your most affectionate brother,
and humble servant.
Jan. 4. [165 8/9.]
Dr. Thomas Clarges to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excelency,
There is nothing of news from this place relateing to our domestique affaries since my
last to your excelency, except the certaine returne of our fleete from the Sound
which is come into Harwich shatter'd.
The king of France is much inclined to the match with Spaine; and it is said, the cardinall so really intends it, that he designs to bring on a peace that way; but the generall treaty of Ausberg is prosecuted, and marshall Grammont designed for an ambassy thither, at the opening of the spring, which was consented to by the king, at the mediation of the elector of Mentz, to whose secretary, at his parting from Lyons, the cardinal gave a diamond ring worth four thousand crownes. Don John of Austria is on his way to Spaine through France; and he is to stay a few dayes at Paris, to see what is there remarkable, and to lodge, whilst he stayes, in the king's house the Lovre. This great kindness is a symptome of likelyhood of good understanding betwixt the two crowns, but many consi derations may intervene, before the treaty be accommodated, that may make the work more difficult then it seemes at first sight; for it is thought the Spaniards doe but jugle. I am,
May it please your Excelency,
Your excelency's most humble servant,
Tho. Clarges.
London, this 4th of January, 1658.
As I was sealing my letter to your excelency, I had intimation, that Mr. Scot, that miss'd his being chosen at Alsbury, is elected with collonel Bridge to serve for Wickham. I doe not heare Sir Henry Vane is chosen, but I was told Harrison might have had a choice, and refused, pretending a scruple to take the oath required by all members before they sit. I heare also Mr. Nevill indeavours to be chosen in Cornwall.
H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 20.
You will perceive by a letter sent to his highness from myself and the council here, in
what condition our affaires stand, by reason of the sudden death of the late lord chief
justice Peepys, being both a member of the councill, and the onely judge in the Upper
Bench. He was a good councellor, and a good judge, and indeed a right honest man.
Thus haveing given you a short narative of the matter of fact, I suppose I have done
enough, not doubting but you will repaire this breach, as may best stand with reason of
state (which you understand better than I doe); and as I need not troble you with my
advice, so indeed I am scarce competent to give it, haveing cause to be more concerned in
the contemplation of the estate, in which that good man now is, then of that, in which he
hath left us here belowe. I am loath to say any thing as to this subject, it concerning myself, and the rather in regard what I have allreadie sayd, has been so little taken
notice of. I'l assure you, I am under soe heavie a dispensation from the hand of the Lord
that I am incapable of mindeing any thing. I pray God sanctifie it to mee; and that
things may so timely be thought of, as that his highness's affaires may not suffer here,
which I pray you may be seriously considered. I am
Your very affectionat freind, and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.
Jan. 5. 58.
Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lvi. p. 319.
Right Honourable,
Since my laste to your honour, we have not had any vessells from Spaine, Itally, or
Barbary, which is imputed to the fowle weather wee have lately had, and deprives us
of all forraine newes. It hath pleased God to blesse the Portuguez with a greate victory
over the Spanish army, that lay before Eloez. That army consisted of 20,000 horse and
foote, when they first came into this country; but the terrible raines we had for above two
months togeather, had destroyed a greate part of the Spanish horse, and many of their
foote were dead and runn away: so that army was reduced to nyne thousand horse and
foote; and the Portuguese having mustered eleven thousand foot and three thousand horse
at Estremoz, under the command of the conde de Cantenede, which is six leagues from
Elvez; they drew into the field the 1/11. January: the next day they lodged within a league
and a halfe of the enemy. The 3/13. the Portuguese made a stand all day, waiteing the
comeing up of some forces, which they expected from Campo Major, which joyned
with them that night. The next day, being the 1/14. instant, the Portuguese fell upon the
Spaniards in theire trenches about nyne a clock in the morning, where they felt the vallor
of the Spaniard; for the first encounter the Portuguese loste aboute 2000 men, and the
general of theire horse, whose name is Don André de Albuquerque. But the Spaniard
beeinge overpowered, by reason of fower 1000 fresh men, which fallied out of Elvez, the
Spaniards gave way; and the Portuguese, followinge them close, killed 4000 foote, and
tooke some prisoners of quality. The Spanish horse all fledd, and the night cominge on,
the Portuguese forbore prosecutinge their victory any further, intendinge the next day
to fall on the reste, if they did not steale away in the night. This newes came to-day by
an express from the generall. To-morrow wee hope to hear the victory is compleate.
Mouson in the north of Portugall, which hath been besedged five monthes by the Spaniard,
holds out still. The Portuguese have still five thousand men in a body, to fight the Spanish
forces in that place likewise; and if they compleat this victory at Elvez, they will presently
draw away part of that army to the releife of Monson. The conde de Soyro is elected to
goe the ambassador for France; but whither this good newes will alter the king's resolution
in sending him, wee shall soon know.
Lix. the 7/17. January, 165 8/9;.
We are now at the 10/20. January; the Spaniard is totally routed before Elvez. The general writes the queen, that they killed 5000 in the place, taken near 3000 prisoner; amongst the rest one marques, and the conde de Madalin. The duke de San Jermyn, generall of the Spanish forces, is shot in the head, but carried off alive, and supposed to be now dead; the conde de Tottabilla slayne, the conde de Linhares slayne, the general and lieutenant-general of the horse, and the major of the ordnance, all slayne; four collonels slayne, and six taken prisoners; one captain Montayne, an English gentleman, a prisoner, and much wounded. They have taken fifteen feld-peices, eight thousand musketts and harquabusses, nyne pykes, six hundred whole arms, abundance of provision for men and horse, Don Lewis de Haro's coach and litter, and his cabinett. The particulars will be in print within a day or two, which I will translate and send your honour by captain Wallis of London, that will depart in few days. So committing your honour to the protection of the Almighty, I rest
Your Honour's faithfull servant,
Tho. Maynard.
To-day arryved a French shipp from St. Mallo, that reported his highnesse hath declared a warr with Holland; but noe credit given to it, beeinge no letters mention it; so it is only a mistaken report.
Colonel Bamfylde to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lvii. p. 104.
My Lord,
Your lordshipp's haveing commanded me to set downe in writing what I could serve
you in, and what I desired to have done here to satisfy those, under whose shelter and
countenance I shall synd the most advantageous means of serving your lordshipp effectually,
and without suspicion; I humbly offer the particulars of the inclosed paper to your consideration, which, I hope, you will please not to reflect on as matter of advice, (which you
beleive mee to apt to give) but as the representation of my humble oppinion, of what may
render my journey the most efficatious for those ends, which your lordshipp designes it. I
knowe I have nowe great advantages of serving you, and would willing improve them to
the utmoste; that being upon some foundation at the present, (which I never was before
in any thing, wherein you employ'd me) your lordshipp may receive such an accounte of my
undertakings, as may prove more to your satisfaction then heretofore. For my giveing of
councell, if I have been soe foolishly transported through an ignorant zele to your service,
as to have written any thing, which had that resemblance, or my writing of such things
instead of business, or any other irregularityes you have blam'd me for, I shall less blush to
aske your pardon, then to justifye my indiscretion; and am perswaded, that if I can but
parte hence at this tyme with some small share of your favour, I shall in some measure
deserve it by my future comportment and circumspection to avoyde those errours, which
have heretofore lessened me in your oppinion. I shall send Mr. Cokayne on monday, to
receive your lordshipp's commands, which shall be ever faithfully obeyed by,
My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most humble, most obedient,
and most faithfull servant,
John Bamfylde.
January 8. 1658.
A letter from colonel Bamfylde.
Vol. lvii. p. 63.
That which I undertake, is to give your lordshipp intelligence of all that passes at the diett at Frankfort, and of all the general proceedings of the emperour, electors of Baviere and Saxony; what forces they have, what they rayse, and whither they designe them; to discover the transactions betwixt the French and their alyes in Germany, as the electors of Ments, Cologne, the Palatine, the landgraves of Hess and Darmestate, the dukes of Lunenburg, Brunswick and Wirtemburg. Of all I doe undertake to give your lordshipp a constant and exact accounte, with what negotiations there shall bee with electoral colledg about the general peace, which will not be difficult for mee, being well with the elector of Ments and the elector Palatine, whoe are the greatest confidents of France, and most like to knowe, what is intended or pretended by the cardinal touching that affayre. That which I desire is, that I may let the elector Palatine knowne, and the landgrave of Hesse, that I am trusted by you, which will bee for the advantage of your service, as well as for my owne honour and security; since, if I should conceal it, they would suspect it, looke upon mee as a spye in their courts, and treat mee with suspicion, reservedness, and contempt; whereas, on the other side, I doe soe well knowe theyr interests and inclinations, as to be assured they will entertayne mee with all freedome and confidence, when I deal candidly with them. Though I think this best for your service, and my owne particular, yet I shall regulate myselfe exactly according to your lordshipp's better judgment. The better to desguise the cause of my residence in Germany from all els saveing theise 2 princes, I will prevayle with one of them to owne me as an officer of theyrs, which I am sure either of them will condescend to.
The next thing I desire, is a letter in Latine from my lord protector to the king of Swede, for his effectual mediation of a reconciliation betwixt the elector and his lady; to move it as a thing conscientious and honourable in itselfe, of great importance to the king of Sweden's proceedings to remove all animositys, which have arisen allready, or may further growe upon this occasion between these two princes, to the great damage of the publique business; and if it may be thought fit to use as arguments the merit of the landgrave, the constant zeal, which his ancestors have ever manifested to the Protestant cause and interest, and the amitie which his father and mother have maintain'd with the crowne of Swede, during the laste war in Germany; this will be the highest obligation imaginable to that prince and family, and, in my humble opinion, a great testimony of my lord protector's generosity and piety.
Lastely, I desire a letter from your lordshipp to the elector Palatine, takeing notice, that I have acquainted you with the propositions and demands, which his electoral highness authorised mee to make in his behalfe to the late lord protector. And although you conceave his proposalls to bee of advantage to all the alyes in general, (I mention the alyes, because 'tis express'd upon the like occasion in this sense by my lord protector in his highness letter to that prince, the coppy whereof I have here) and the later be complyed with, as far as may consiste with the present state of his highness affayres here; yet I not haveing produced any credentials to the lord protector, whoe now is, his highness cannot take that notice he is inclin'd to, of what I have propounded, nor knowes what certayne answer to make thereunto, till he shall have some fuller confirmation thereof then my bare assertion, or the credential letter and instructions, which I had to his late highness, which I have not delivered, allthough your lordshipp has several tymes press'd me thereunto, but have hitherto delay'd it from the expectation of new ones; which not haveing receiv'd, and resolving upon a speedy returne into Germany, all your lordshipp can at the present say is, that if upon hearing from mee again, his highness continues upon the same grounds, which I have propos'd, an insists upon the same offers and demands, that your lordshipp will acquainte my lord protector therewith; that when the parliament shall bee met, and the imediate and necessary affayres of the nation settled, it may be seasonably recommended to them, whereby his highness may receive satisfaction. If your lordshipp shall allsoe please to take notice of the letter he wrote to yourselfe by his agent above a year since, I suppose it would not bee alltogether unnecessary, because he told mee he wrote to you, and had not any answer, seeming a little sencible of it. I only propose theise things to your lordshipp as the matter of such an answer, as I humbly conceave (if you thinke fit to give any) most proper to satisfy and keep him in hopes, whereby you may come to the knowledg of many very material occurrences, withoute being obleiged to any thing, and be left to doe in the conclusion as you see cause. This will be as much as he can reasonably expect, (I not haveing expos'd to your view my letter and instructions, which I shall satisfy him well enough for) and will be sufficient to move him to doe (and informe you of) all things, which may be usefull for affayres and knowledge, out of the hopes to effect his business in the conclusion by that means. I have realy very much credit with him, and shall be able to conserve and employ it for the service, if I carry him but a decent answer, and any slender general hopes. I would willingly be gone with all possible expedition, both to be away from hence, where I may bee suspected, and to arrive seasonably there, where I can be serviceable, and not well obnoxious to any jealousie.
Mr. Edward Croston to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellencye,
In obedience to your excellencye's commands, I have been at James-towne on the 13th
instant, to see the knights of parliament for the countyes of Sligoe, Roscoman, and
and Leatrim chosen, where, by an unanimous consent of the freeholders of the said several
countyes, one Mr. Robert Park of Newtowne in the countye of Leatrim, and Mr.
Thomas Waler a gentleman of Graye's-Inn, (who was especially recomended unto me by
my lord of Brohill and Sir John King) have ben voted; but how consistent that may
stand with your excellencye's pleasure, I am ignorant of: yet being generally voted by the
country, I could not in discharge of my dutye doe less then accept of them. And in regard
of the weighty affaires thereon depending, I durst not trust the transmission of this return
into England by any other wayes then by your excellencye's packett, which I humbly
desire your excellencye will be pleased to graunt; for which presumption I most humbly
crave your pardon, and remayne
Your Excelencye's
Most humble and most faithfull servant,
Edw. Crofton.
Roscoman, 15th Jan. 1658.
H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii.p.36.
I HAVE this day written another to you about Dr. Worth: pray mind it effectually.
The terme being very neere, I consulted the councill about supplying the Upper Bench
for this pinch, who, upon conference with the judges, have advised mee to give warrant
to my lord chancellor to commissionate somebody to keep up that court, by way of
adjourning it; which concurring with your advice just now received, shall bee done.
I approve very well of serjeant Archer, and of your care of us in thinkeing of him: pray continue it to gett him over.
I thinke likewise, that Mr. Bysse, recorder of Dublin, will bee very fitt and deserving to be the other judge of that bench; I know him well, and to have 500 l. per annum salary, lesse then which you cannot give the meanest man fitt for the trust and dignity of a judge. I beseech you thank his highnes for remembring mee as to a licence to come into his presence, as soon as the season will permit; though I know not how it will fare with mee between this and that. My indisposition of windines in my side, and oppression at my stomach, (I think with wind too) makes me unable to write otherwise than by this borrowed hand; which I hope yourself and other freinds will excuse upon this occasion; for I am nevertheless,
Your very affectionate freind, and faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.
Dublin, 18th Jan. 165 8/9;.
Secretary Thurloe to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excelencye,
I feare some inconvenience will fall out in the proceedings of justice in the Upper
Bench in Ireland, for want of a judge to sitt there in the beginninge of the terme. It
is a most difficult thinge to get any person of quality to goe from hence for Ireland. There
is not a man will be got here fitt for cheise justice, least of all to be of the councell; and
therefore it is resolved to secure those 2 places for the present, and to put in one atturney
Basil to be cheise justice, and to seeke out some other person to be of the councell, which
will not be done without first knowinge your excellencye's judgment, and receiving your
There was a necessity to send this patent to Mr. Basil, wherein I knowe not wheither we have done well or ill. The sollicitor, I suppose, must be of course in his place.
The parliament now approaches. There is soe great a mixture in the house of commons, that noe man knowes which way the major part will enclyne.
The army seemes to be sensible, that things are not in soe safe a posture as is fitt. It's certeyne the duke of Yorke will put for it in the behalfe of his brother at this tyme; and that this is the very season: and truly, if our division be as some thinke, they make noe ill judment; but I hope they will be disappointed. Our two old freinds have of late professed great fidelity to his highnes, and that they will live and dye with him in the maintenance of the government. I hope noe body is otherwise minded. However, I beleeve most men will be tryed sufficiently. I doe not heare, that Sir Henry Vane or major Salway are chosen: all the rest of our old freinds to a man are chosen. The affaires of the East doe remeyne much in one posture; if there be any alteration, it is, that the Swede seemes to declyne, all Prussia beinge in danger to be taken from hym; and the only place he hath in Jutland, viz. Fredericksode, is beseidged by the consederate army of Brandenburg, Pole, and emperour. It is sayd, that the kinge of Sweden is in person there, and hopes to raise the seige; but there is little probability of it. The Dutch are alsoe arminge against hym, and will have a very great fleet ready by the springe. This occasions his highnes to sett forth alsoe a very great fleet, that wee may be some ballance to these states, and to defend our owne comonwealth. Our necessities of money will be encreased by this, and the parliament can only help us. I have had nothinge from your excellency by the post these many weekes. I rest
Your Excellencye's most humble
and faithfull servant,
J. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 18. Jan. 1658.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellencye,
Findinge my affaires in the post-office under some distraction, by reason of differences fallen out amongst my officers, I have been necessitated to send over the
bearer hereof, Mr. Bathurst, to examine their accounts in reference to me, and the controversies amongst themselves; that upon the full knowledge thereof, I may take such care
forthe publique service, and my owne concernment, as the case requires. I doe therefore humbly present this bearer to your excellency, beseeching your favour towards him
in what he shall have occasion to addresse himselfe to your excellency, and to continue
mee in your good oppinion, as
Your Excellency's most humble,
faithfull, and obedient servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 18. Jan. 1658.