A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1659: February (1 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp604-614 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1659: February (1 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp604-614.
"State Papers, 1659: February (1 of 2)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp604-614.
In this section
February (1 of 2)
General Fleetwood to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
Deare Brother,
I Have little time lest this post, but to let you know things goe on here hopefully,
though the parlament hath done litle more then settling their own priviledges. Only
this day was offer'd a bill of recognition of his highness, which is order'd to be reade
next munday the 2d time: a bill of the same natur hath been read twice with us. The
great contest lik to be is about our howse. What the issue of that will be, we shall
suddenly know. It is generally amongst us owned, that the Peticion and Advise will be
that we shall make our standard; and what formerly was a bone of contention, will be
wholly layd aside.
Things at present are beyond expectation. The Lord above hath the hearts of all men in his hand: he changes and turns mens minds as most answer his designes, though men least take notice thereof. How showld it be our buysness alone to make that our intrest, which answers his designes? It is not a thing (if I may say it) to be disputed, whither the intrest of the Lord's people should be uppermost or not; for he by a series of providence hath made it so; and now whosoever goes to turn it into another channel, will be found in opposition to the work of the Lord. It will appeare, that the best preservative of our civill liberties is to maintaine and keepe up our religious libertyes, and that by good men; to which who had a greater witnes from the Lord born to him then his late deare highnes? Which that it may still have as deep sense upon us, is the desire of
Your most affectionate brother, and humble servant.
Feb. 1. [1658/9.]
My cosen Scudmor, collonel Cooke, intreat your favour for his continuance in his place, which he hade under my lord Pepys. I am to intreat you to continue my old servant Erasmus Saunders in the place of the ferrys of Dublin.
Dr. Tho. Clarges to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excelency,
The parliament have now sate almost a week, and I hope it will be the happiest parliament, that ever fate in England. This day Mr. secretary Thurloe brought in an act
for the recognition and establishment of his highnes and the government; which after
very little debate was read the first time, and order'd to be read agine on monday next.
Some few made sharp reflections upon the bill, but the spirit of the house was so much
for it, that by this day's action, I perceive, things will go fairly on. The Scotch
and Irish members have bin a little glanc'd at; but I think there will be no more
said of that business; and I believe, by the next I may send your excelency an account
of a bill read in the house, to confirme their number and distributions. It was this day
tender'd, but so late, that the reading is put of till to-morrow. On monday next there
will be a tuffe debate upon the second reading of the recognition; but there is no danger.
I dare not perticularize persons to your excelency; but when you know Sir Arthur Hazleing, lord Lambert, Mr. Scot, lieutenant-generall Ludlow, and captaine Baines, are of
the parliament, I shall not need to enumerate the rest, I am,
May it please your Excelency,
Your excelency's most humble servant,
Tho. Clarges.
London, this 1st of February, 1658.
Mr. John Cooke, to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
Right hon. and my very good Lord,
You may well wonder, that my obligations for your lordship's favors being so many,
my returnes of acknowledgment should be so few. I have forborne the frequencie of
writing, as intending all the last year to have returned, had not my wive's consumptive
condition and the death of my aged father retarded; but I can truly say, that I have daily
remembred your lordship in my poor prayers, because I doe truly love and honor you;
that Ireland may be every way happy under your lordship's government. It is a place,
which I love best of any upon earth, God having cast my lot there, wherein your lordship's love to me in procuring my proviso, in the act of satisfaction, is never to be forgotten. I have presented my dutifull thankes to his highness for the commission, which he
hath sent me, to be secundary judge of his highnes court of King's Bench, which I doe
most humbly imbrace; and am returning speedily by your lordship's favour to set upon it.
I am very much obliged to his highnes, and (God willing) I shall doe him and your lordship true and faithfull service, to the best of my small skill and understanding. His highnes hath promised me to write to your lordship, that if your lordship please, I may reteane
my salary for the last year; but I shall in all things submit to your lordship's wisdome,
and rest in your goodnes, whether my poor weake wife be able to travaile or not. If God
spare my life, I shall attend your lordship before Easter term, and shall ever remaine
Your Lordship's humbly devoted,
John Cooke.
London, Feb. the 1. 58.
Colonel Barkstead, lieutenant of the Tower, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 115.
Right Honourable,
I Even now have received a plures wrytt for Halsall to appeare thursday next. I
had intimation from Mr. Scobell, that the last night, or this morning, I should receive
further warrants; but as yet I heare not of any, whereby I might prepare myselfe for a
due returne. I desire Mr. attorney may have notice, that I am to bring Halsall to the barr
on thursday morning, that he may performe what concernes him there. I have also a wryt
for Mr. Robert Harley's appearance the same tyme. I desire a word of advise, what I shall
doe as to him; for I heare, that he is resolved immediately to petition the parliament, in
case his first writt is not returned. Sir Humsry Bennet, and the rest, that have had wrytts,
have brought their alias wrytts, and I howerly expect alsoe the plures from most of them.
Having acquainted you hereof, in discharge of my duty, I take leave, and remayne,
Right Honourable,
Your honour's most affectionate friend,
and real servant,
Jo. Barkstead.
Tower, 1. Feb. 1658.
Sir, Since the the wryting the above, I have received alsoe a plures for John Sturgeon, returnable thursday morning alsoe next. The like I expect from the rest.
Since I received Hallsal's, he is earnest to goe forth upon bayle, if he may.
Colonel Barkstead to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 119.
Right Honourable,
The last night, as alsoe this morning, I acquainted you, that James Halsall and John
Sturgion had brought their writts of plures, &c. and that I expected suddenly Sir
Humsrey Benett's, Paulden's, and Bin's; and alsoe in my last, that major Robert Harley
had taken forth his habeas corpus, returnable alsoe to-morrow morning, (as the plures are)
whereupon he might ground his petition to the parliament, if denyed in this way; and I
heare nothing of answeare therein from your honour or the counsell. I shall be necessitated
to make my returne to-morrow morning with the warrants I now have. I am already
under the fines of some hundreds of pounds: besides, I understand, that if the prisoners
should escape, I am lyable to the debts their creditors pretend to charge them with, or if
otherwise discharged without the creditors consent, besides the perpetual clamours I lye
under, and censure of their relations, and others not concerned.
Sir, I hope your honour will take this busynesse and me therein into serious consideration, which is hereby humbly desired; but should have been personally intreated, if my health would permitt. That strength I have, I imploy at the parliament; and therefore I hope I shall now be the more easily excused. Not more, but that I am,
Right Honourable,
Your honour's most affectionate friend,
and real servant,
Jo. Barkstead.
Tower, 2. Feb. 1658.
Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 124.
The bearer doctor Loftus is so learned and ingenious a person, and upon that accompt
was so highly esteemed by the late archbishop of Armagh, that I have thought an
acquaintance with him will be very acceptable unto you. I therefore recommend him to
your care and countenance, hee having no particular buissinesse, that I know of, wherewith
to trouble you; not doubting, but that upon your further knowledge of him, you will thinke
him worthy of more favour than I now trouble you to desire on his behalse. Hee is a
person very well affected to the government, neither hath hee been wanting in his respects
to mee, who am,
Your very humble and affectionate servant,
Henry Cromwell.
Dublin, 3. Feb. 1658/9.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 128.
My Lord,
This gentleman att his coming from London, bringing a letter from you to mee, I
could doe noe lesse, then returne a letter by him againe to your lordship. I finde him
and the rest of that party very peaceable men, and truly every day more complying then
other; and I doubt not butt in time they will bee ready to joyne with us. Mr. Sharpe
has for his owne parte always used his utmost indeavours to bringe itt to passe, and I hope
his end will nott be in vaine. For newes wee have none. All thinges are quiett and well
heere; soe, desiring the Almighty God to blesse you in those weighty affaires you have in
hand, I take leave, and remaine
Your Lordship's
very affectionate humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 4th Febr. 1658/9.
Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 30.
Right Honourable,
Wee are now at the 4/14. February. Since the writinge the foregoeing there is arrived Mr.
Andrew Bond, commander of the ship Anne and Joyce of London, from the Brazill:
he mett captain Coppinge, in the Langfort, with three other frigotts in sight of the island
of St. Michael. I doubt they will not meete any of the advisors sente out from Cadiz, for
they range more to the southwards nere the Canaries; and in case any of them be gonn to the
westward, they will be about the Flowers and Cornas, rather than nere St. Michael's.
Laste weeke arrived at Faro three French shipes from the bay of Cadiz. By them I had a letter, which gives notice, there are two Hollanders more arrived, one from the Havanah, and another from the Honduras. The plate-fleete is expected infallibly every hower. These Frenchmen landed greate store of things at Cadiz, and St. Lucar, and they are now retired to Faro, where they intend to stay, untill they have intelligence of the fleet's aryval to retourne to the bay of Cadiz againe, to fetch of the proceads of thire goods they landed.
Here is noe alteration in the Portugal affaires since the rysinge the seidge at Elvez. Mouson is still closely begirt; and these people goe on slowly in relievinge that place, as if they were fearefull their succour would come too soone. Wee can gett noe justice at all: the king's ministers make no scruple of breakinge the articles of peace; and if his highnesse be not pleased to looke on our sufferings, and make the kinge of Portugall sensible of the wrongs wee daily receive from his ministers, our burthens will grow intollerable. I committe your honour to the protection of the Almighty, and rest, &c.
[4/14. Febr. 1659.]
Mr. James Wood, &c. to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 131.
Right Honourable,
It hath been no small proof of God's kindness toward us, that by your lordship's appearing so actively for us, and the cause of God in our hands, in opposition to these, who have
made it their work to raise themselves upon the ruins of this church, we have been hitherto
kept from utter desolation. As the account of this your tender care was very refreshful,
when we heard all the passages thereof from our R. brother, Mr. Sharp, at his return to us
from London; so the sense thereof hath been often renewed by the informations we have
had from time to time of your continual remembrance of us, and of your vigilant care,
that nothing be done to the prejudice of this poor church, and the established government
thereof. And though we do rest confident, that though none of us did appear, your
lordship would be careful to let nothing pass to our prejudice; yet considering, that at this
time some are gone up, of whose bad intentions we have formerly had several proofs, we
judged it convenient to send up our brother again for a short view of the former account,
that he may be needy by the assistance of your lordship and others, whom the Lord hath
inclined to tender our condition, to prevent any prejudice they may intend against the
government of this church. Our brother will fully acquaint your lordship with our condition and deportment; and your former favour doth now embolden us humbly to suppli
cate for the continuance of it; and that ye may be pleased to be assistant to him in what
shall be thought necessary for preventing any projects, which may be started to our disadvantage, though we can never be able to make any requital for all this your lordship's
trouble; yet it shall be our desire, that the Lord Christ may richly recompense all this
your labour of love with his best blessings. To his grace we recommend your lordship,
and are,
My Lord,
Your Honour's humble servants in the Lord,
David Dicksroy,
Robert Douglas,
Mr. James Wood,
G. Hutchesone.
Edinb. Feb. 5th 1659.
Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lvii. p. 294.
Right Honourable,
Yesterday came an expresse to the queen, which gave her the badd news of the
furrender of Mouson to the Spaniards. The Portugez governor marcht out with one
piece of ordinance, and the soldiers with thire armes. There were but 240 men leste in the
place, when it was surrendered; and they had not any provision nor amunition leste in the
towne. Three thousand men would have relieved that garrison, and after the sedge of
Elvez was risen, they might have spared fouer tymes that number. It pleased God to give
to the kinge good successe at Elvez, farr beyond the expectation of many that governe; and
if the king doe not open his eyes, he will be are longe without a kingdome. Had the Spaniard rallied with two thousand men, and marcht to Elvez, he had taken the place; for three
dayes after the seidge was rissen, there were not two hundred men leste in the towne: all the
cittezens dyed of a contageous disease in the tyme of the seidge, and to this day there is
no care taken to putt in a garrison to that place.
I have lately writen your honour by severall conveyances, that there are two Holland shipes arived at Cadiz, one from the Havanah, the other from Honduras. The plate-fleete is infallibly expected every houer at Cadiz. Captain Coppinge with his squadron lyes to furr to the westeward to meete the five shipes that were sent out of Cadiz to give advise to the fleete; for he is nere the islands of the Azores, and the Holland shipes sente out by the duke of Medina Celi range betwixt the Canaries and the bay of Cadiz. I have not else to trouble your honour with at present: with my dayly prayers for your happiness, I rest
Your Honour's moste faithfull servant,
Tho. Maynard.
Lix. the 7/17. Feb. 1659.
Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 31.
May it please your Honour,
I Thought to have sente away the foregoeing three or four days since; but the ship not
beeing so ready as I imagined, shee will now carry your honour the newse of the surrender of Mouson to the Spaniard. Yesterday came an expresse to the queen with the articles.
The Portuguez governor marcht out with one piece of ordinance, and all the soldiers with
their armes. There were but 240 men livinge in the place, when it was surrendered; and
they had not any provision nor amunition leste in the towne. Three thousand men would
have relieved that garrison, and after the siedge of Elvez was risen, they might have sente
fower times that number. It pleased God to give the kinge good successe at Elvez far
beyond the expectation of many that governe; and if the king doe not open his eyes, he
will be ere long without a kingdome. Had the Spaniard rallied with 2000 men, and
marched to Elvez, he had taken the place; for three days after the siedge was rissen, there
were not 200 men in the city: the citizens all dyed of a contagious distemper in the tyme of
the siedge, and to this day there is noe care at all taken to put in a garrison to that
place. I beseech the Lord ever to bless and prosper your honour, are still the prayers of
Your Honour's most faithfull servant,
Tho. Maynard.
Lix. the 7/17. Febr. 1659.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellency,
This is the 13th day since the parlament met, and they have made very little progresse
in any businesse: yet since their meetinge this day senight was brought in a recognition
of his highnes to be protector and lawfull cheife magistrate of this commonwealth. It had
a good reseption, but finds now very much difficulty upon severall accounts. The greatest
is, least by recognizinge hym they should acknowledge the humble Petition and Advise,
which many seeme much averse to; but I hope the Lord will direct all things for peace and
settlement. This is all I have to trouble your excellency with at this tyme, and rest
Your Excelency's most humble and faithful servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
8. Febr.
General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
Deare Brother,
I shall not trouble you more then to make a cover for this inclosed, presuming you
have so good an account of all passages heare, that you will not neade the trouble of
my pen. We are in a very uncertain condition, what the issue of things will be. The
debate about the recognition holds in the commons house, and supposed will not so soone
be determined as wer desirable. We are very silent in our howse, and litle probability,
that we shall be owned. What the issue of all things will be, no man can determine;
but the Lord's design shall prosper, and thos, who keepe closest to that, will be sure to
prosper best, or at least have comfort in whatsoever shall be the consequence of things.
Indead our affayres for want of moneyes ar in a sadde condition at home and abroade.
Allso the season of the yeare coming on fast, and great preparations are making, which
(if the Lord prevents not) we shall feele the smart of. The Sweede are much put to it,
but have of late a good additionall forse come to him to strengthen the leagure. It is a
buysnes of great consequence unto our affayres, if it should com into the hand of the
Dutch, who are designing and hastning their preparations thereunto. If the Lord keeps
us from divisions, we shall have yet cause of hopes of mercy; which that we may walke more
worthy of, is the desire of
Your most affectionate brother, and humble servant,
Cha. Fleetwood.
8. Feb. [1658/9.]
Dr. Thomas Clarges to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excelency,
I am not yet able, by the best observation I can make, to tell your lordship how things
will goe in this parliament. Wee have many severall men of excelent parts, and severall
judgments both in politicks and religion; but those, that are for a nationall church, seeme
to be the greatest number. The act of recognition of his highnes right and title, &c. was
yesterday read a second time, and that day and this it has bin debated without any resolution, and to-morrow morning the debate is to be resumed, and nothing to intervene. I perceive a great (I think I may say, the greatest) sense of the house is with it; but those, that
oppose, are able speakers, which makes the considerations long before they come to a
question. I doe not observe any, that can object any thing against his highnes person; those
that have bin sharpe, and have seemed to doubt of his due nomination to the succession,
but yet concluded to approve it; others have glaunced at the establishing a commonwealth
to consist of a single person, a senate, and the people; but nothing of this kind has bin
gratefully received. There is such caution often given of not communicateing the debates
of the house, that I am not so perticular to your excelency as otherwise I should be; and
I am the lesse, because I suppose you may have them from better hands. This day I saw
Mr. Barrer, captaine Kiffen, and some others, in the lobby, with a petition; but it was
not offered: I suppose it is something not very agreeable to the present government. Your
excelency knows these are no new arts. I shall from time to time informe your excelency
of what I know in that or any other matter, and am,
May it please your Excellency,
Your excelency's most humble and most obliged servant,
Tho. Clarges.
London, this 8th of February, 1658.
Mr. John Cooke to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
Right Honorable, and my most honored Lord,
His highnes is graciously pleased to write his lettere to your lordship on my behalf, which
I have intreated my honorable friend Sir Thomas Herbert to present to your lordshipp,
humbly craving your lordship's benigne approbation thereof. I shall endeavour (by divine
assistance) to serve his highness and your lordship in the faithfull discharge of my place, hoping that my future diligence maye in some measure recompense my too long absence,
which I beseech your good lordshipp to pardon and excuse. My poor prayers and endevors shall never be deficient for all completion of fœlisitie to your lordshipp, your most
honorable lady, and all that are near and dear unto you; and so most humbly presenting
my duty, I remaine
Your Lordship's most humble and
dutifull servant,
John Cooke.
London, February the 8th, 1658.
Mr. Edward Bowles to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 135.
I Wrote to his highness a letter of Jan. 22. which I hope he received. I know your
busines is great and urgent, and will be tender of troubling you: only I thought fit to
advertise you, that I was talking with the clarke of the peace the other day, who was speaking of some unmeet additions to the commissioners of peace (as I apprehended); and I thinke,
that it were better to let them stand as they are at present, especially there being no
assizes, there need no renewing the commission. All that I adde is, that I perceive the parties disaffected to settlement are adroit in making petitions to the strengthning their designe.
If you find, that such things take any impression, they may easily be ballanced with contrary opinions. And I shall write to Mr. Poole, or some others about London, not to
sit idle, and suffer themselves to be prejudiced by the activity of their adversaries, but to
keepe pace with them in all honest endeavors for preventing changes and disturbances. I do
something suspect, that unruly spirit will have a vent, and therefore it were good to prepare
for it. But I will forbeare your trouble, especially having an ague to excuse me. I
Your very humble servant,
Edw. Bowles.
Yorke, Feb. 12th, 1658.
The Portuguese embassador to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 137.
Emmeni de Janeiro tine hua conserenza com V. S. sobre aforca que se fazia ao capitao homique Greene que o he de mar, e guena del rey men for' V. S. ficou comigou de se me responder no primeiro consello que se seguise oque nas' tene e ffeito tendoo logo o entregarse a preza a os ministros de Holanda: f su papeb em 13/3. do mesmo mez, que se den a V. S. V. S. respondin, que logo se me responderia; solisitonse esta reposta por varias vezes deixando en em pessoa de o fazer a S. A. e a V. S. por sse escuzar a molestia undias de tantos negocios mas vindo, que a preza se entregeon, e que se passon tanto tempo sem me responderim, e que a fazenda de S. Magde neuben differente expediente doq deviamos esperar deste estado; peio a V.S. se sirua de que o ditto capitao' seja luvre para continuar sua viagem, perque nao so se perde elle mas ainda a fazin da de S. Magde deque me parua nao' se tira interesse algu' para este estado. V.S. experimenta o pouio que o molesto e assim bun mercio que V.S. me mande hua reposta de hua materia que nao' podi sir mais justificade ds g a V.S. 24/14, de Feveruro de 1659.
Francisco Mello.
S. Ioao Thurloe.
Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.
Right Honourable,
I Have by several conveyances signified to your honour all the occurrences of these
partes. What I write concerninge the rysinge the seidge at Elvez, appeares to be true
in all the particulars, unlesse the number of men slaine, and taken prisoners, which are not
found to be one quarter of what are mentioned in the relation, which I received from the
secretary of state. However, that losse is so considderable to the Spaniard, as makes
the Portuguez confident they shall not be molested this year in these partes of Alentexio; but
'tis to be doubted they will find the contrary, if the plate-fleete arryve; for the successe the
Spaniard hath had by taking Mouson in the north of Portugale, will extreamely animate
them to procecute the warr againste those people, whom they know to be extreamly
dyvided amongst themselves. The queen beginns to be sensible of many miscarriges caused
by the animosities and treachery of some of the nobillity, which shee endeavours to prevente
by a new modle in the army; but hitherto shee can effecte nothinge; for after the takinge
Mouson, the queen made use of the conde de St. Lorenzo for generall; but he found so
stronge a party to oppose him, as that he was soone laid by. Then the queen mad choyce
of the conde de Soyro, which doth as much disguste another party: som cry up Johany
Mendez, who was generall of Badajor, others will have the army comanded by commissioners pretending, as things now stand, that the command of the army will be too great a
trouble for one man. The queen doth what she can to get an army into the field to besiedge
Mouson, hoping to retake it; but there doe not wante those that crosse that design; and
God knowes what will be the event of these confusions. If the Portuguez had not had that
myraculous success at Elvez against the opinion of most men, and (I may safely say) against
the wishes of many, this kingdome had been before this tyme in the possession of the
I have seen severall letters lately from Cadix and other places, besides what intelligence I had myselfe; and all write, that the plate-fleete is infallibly expected at Cadix every hour; that the five Holland shipes, which the duke of Medina sente out to meete the fleete, have order to send them directly for the way of Cadix, being the Inglish fleet is not on the coast. The fleete comes wonderfull rich, and though they have many stoute shipes, twenty Inglish frigots might become master of the greateste parte of thire treasure. If the Spaniard loose this fleete, he is ruined; for all the next summer's expeditions will depend upon the arivall of the plate. We have now eight or ten greate Inglish Merchant ships in this harbour, and moste of them out of employment, a thing that I have not knowne till now in this place. The late miscarriage of severall of our shipes in the Straits, and other places, I conceave to be partly the cause; and the late peace made with Tripoly by captain Stoakes doth extreamly prejudice our navigation; for we have beene told by Italyans, and severall of other nations, that formerly fraighted many Inglish shipes, (else I would not have troubled your honour with this relation) that if their goods muste be delyvered as prize, and thire persons slaves to the enemy, (as, we have intimation, the 3. article of the treaty expresses) they had rather truste their goods with the moste cowardliest nation in the world. I cannot forbare to implore your honour's assistance for some reliese for the intollerable abuses wee suffer from the ministers of justice in this place, which proceeds from their Spanish hearts and hatred to our nation. I beseech the Lord ever to blesse and prosper your honour, and this shall allwayes be the hearty prayer of
Your Honour's faithfull servant,
Tho. Maynard.
This instante arrived an Inglish ship from Tercera, that reports captain Coppinge hath taken two Dutch shipes, but cannot tell me, whether they came from the West India, or else they are some that came out of Cadiz; have advise, that four greate Genoa ships are gonn into Cadiz, suppossed they will assiste the plate-fleet.
Lisbon, the 15/25. Febr. 165 8/9;.
This day came an expresse to the queene, which gives her notice, that Salvaterra (a garrison which the Portuguez held in Galatia) is surrendered to the Spaniard. This towne lies within two days of Mouson, the north side of the river Minho.
Lord Fauconberg to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
My Lord,
My eyes have been this six weekes so very ill, that I dare say in all that time I have
not writt or read one letter. 'Tis I confesse very unwillingly I use another hand in
performing my respects to your lordshipp; but not knowing whether any else eyther at all,
or so faythfully as were fitting, tells you what we doe, I resolved to breake my course, and
employ an amanuensis.
The I men 13 27 in the 16 11 K. par. are very 40 11 35 49 numerous 24 11 37 26 40 36 and beyond measure bold, but more 11 5 36 38 37 13 2 28 25 6 2 38 41 22 28 35 13 then doubly over allarc d by 4 23 47 26 40 11 35 4 5 25 23 3 37 9 6 2 49 a soner party. 4 11 37 33 3 35 41 47. Soe that though this make tneir 34 24 5 20 11 39 16 11 19 37 results flow, wee lee noe 41 36 36 25 28 43 45 11 13 34 13 11 29 26 13 17 great cause as yet 9 340 34 13 5 34 47 13 41 to feare that 3 37 13 of 39 16 5 41 16 hand 27 6.
The worst 26 37 34 41 is, the factious part of the 26 40 34 31 5 37 39 28 10 39 14 13 officers here renew their old 35 34 16 11 37 13 35 11 29 13 45 39 16 11 19 37 28 23 8 practice 5 7 41 9 11 of remonstranging; 26 27 36 39 37 5 41 19 29 15; and a few dayes since had certainly 34 34 21 27 9 13 14 5 8 7 13 35 41 5 19 27 25 47 5 alarmed 37 24 6 both Whitehal 19 41 11 16 5 23 and Westminster, 41 22 19 29 34 39 13 35 had they not disagreed about 27 16 13 21 35 8 11 7 25 5 35 3 41 19 26 29.
wording their declaration. 17 39 16 13 21 35 8 11 7 25 5 35 3 41 19 26 29.
Those that bandied things were 5 39 2 3 27 8 19 13 6 39 15 21 29 17 34 43 11 35 13 the parties of 35 41 19 11 36 28 Desborough and Lambert; the last appearing 34 41 5 33 31 11 3 15 21 29 75 only under covert, 38 27 8 13 37 9 26 40 11 35 41, the orner 39 16 13 37 openly. 31 129 25 47.
They broke off 49 2 37 26 20 11 28 12 10 in some heat, 13 16 11 5 39, which has given 34 15 19 40 11 29 a little respit; but hold 11 37 11 36 31 19 41; 2 38 41 14 26 23 8 their meetings, 19 37 24 12 11 29 21 27 17 34, and uncontrouled. 26 29 39 37 28 38 25 6. At present they seem 13 49 34 13 11 24 a little more calme. 37 11 7 5 23 24 13. And F.W. and Desb.V. have appointed 5 31 33 26 19 29 39 13 6 a committee 22 19 41 39 13 11 of that gang to draw up some 16 41 26 6 37 3 43 38 31 34 28 22 13 heads to be offerd 39 28 4 13 28 12 10 11 36 8 to H. H. Z.
My Lord, I am
Your most obedient servant,
Feb. 15. 1658.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 129.
My Lord,
I Received your lordship's of the 10th instant. I had some letters from Dr. Clarges,
that Mr. Stuart and Mr. Eyres were chosen in England. For Mr. Thomas Drury, that
you recommended, hee has failed in the place, to which he was recommended; but
if you desire itt, I shall take care, that when the next writts come, hee shall bee chosen.
I am heartily sorry the sheriffs are soe negligent in sending uppe the indentures. Major
Knight is chosen heere, and colonel Fitch in the northerne parts; but their indentures are
nott come to hand, and the sheriffs are soe farre asunder, and some of them absent, that
they cannot meete soe suddenlie as was expected; but major Knight will bee sent you
speedily. I hope such as have bin sent from Scotland will bee faithfull to his highnesse.
I am very glad to heare thinges goe on soe well. I hope, that they may bee well settled,
notwithstanding the diversities of opinions of men. Having received the inclosed from Tinmouth Castle, I thought fit to send it to your lordship, and remayne
Your Lordship's
very humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 15th Feb. 165 8/9;.
Mr. John Barwick to king Charles II.
In the possession of Joseph Radeliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
May it please your Majesty,
Your majesty's letter of Dec. 30° found a safe, but a very flow passage. I received
it not till the 27th instant, (the day before this bearer arrived) so that I was not able
to hasten the money faster then that flow method would permitt, wherein the merchant had
put it for the greater security. But I hope it will be all come to your majesty's hand, before
this humble address can. And further for the present I am not able to serve your majesty
in the same kind, though I have not been wanting to acquaint some friends (whom I met
with here this terme) of what advantage such service might be at this time, and particularly those whom Mr. D. did most rely upon in such cases. I find a deep resentment from
them, (and I believe it is reall) but withall a disability at present to do what they desire.
The 100 l. which Mr. Shaw received for your majesty's use, was part of the 635 l. given in upon my account, as your majesty may please to be informed by the generall account, which I inclosed in both my former addresses, which was thus:
Of this Mr. Gregson told me there was something wanting in some of the baggs, which I hope your majesty will be pleased to ascribe (as the truth is) to the severall depositings and removals of it. Of the two it is the greater wonder, that so much was preserved in so many and great distractions. The other parcell was just 500 l. which I hope is also received by this time. And if it be, I humbly beg the favour, at your majestie's best convenience, that I may have two severall notes of acknowledgment of the receipt of them for the fuller satisfaction of those by whom I was intrusted. I have, according to your majestie's command, sent a narrative (hastily and rudely patched up) of such occurrences as this place affordeth; but searing it might be too tedious for your majesty to peruse, I have inclosed it to my lord chancellor to represent so much of it to your majesty, as his lordship shall think your majesty will have the patience to hear.
I humbly thank your majesty for your gracious acceptance of my duty in what I have done. My case is such, as I dare not adventure so farr as I desire in your majestie's service, having others bound with me in a deep penalty. But where I dare trust and am trusted, nothing but better abilities shall be wanting in him, who is
Your Majesty's most obliged and most dutiful subject.
London, Febr. 16. 1658.
Indorsed, These for his sacred majesty.
Mr. John Barwick to Sir Edward Hyde.
Febr. 16. 1658.
In the possession of Joseph Radeliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;
Right Honourable,
I Hope it is not unknown to your lordship, how cross the wind hath been of late; and
therefore I need not apologize for this slow account of your lordship's letter of Dec. 30.
which I received but the 7th instant.
My worthy friend, of whos health your lordship is so desirous to hear, continues a slow, but I hope a safe, recovery. He is well in health, and chearfull, but keeps his chamber for fear of a relaps: and I doubt not, by the blessing of God, but a litle more of the spring will restore him to perfect health.
I have sent your lordship a litle book by this bearer. The reason of my boldness is, because I have heard (how true, I know not) that your lordship did so well approve of a former peace of the same author upon the same subject, as to commend it to his majestie's reading. This I told to a friend nearly related to the author, and withall, that perhaps I might be instrumentall to him in putting one of these books into your lordship's hand; whereupon he gave me this to dispose of as I pleased, which I understood very well. His condition is such, as not to be too lavish in expressions; but your lordship may presume of his service to yourself, and humble duty to his majestie. I leave your lordship to conjecture the person.
I had the same command from his majesty, which your lordship was pleased to lay upon me, for a narrative of such occurrences as this place affords. And because I was affrayd to burthen his majesty with such a long scrible to so litle purpose, I have made bold to inclose it to your lordship, humbly begging your favor to mediat my pardon, if I have offended in it, and to represent so much of it to his majesty, as your lordship shall think fitting, together with this inclosed humble address.
My sick friend presents his very humble service to your lordship, and all yours. I hope the small parcell of goods, which I sent by his direction, is received: and if so, my humble suite to your lordship is, that some acknowledgement of it may be sent for the satisfaction of others.
I humbly thank your lordship for the high favour you express towards one, that can so little deserve it as myself. My heart is large enough to honour you, but (though other abilities were answerable) my hands are so tyed in bonds, as I cannot, as I desire, express myself to be your lordship's most humble servant.
Indorsed, For L. C.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxiii. p. 146.
My Lord,
The governor of Berwick doth earnestlie desire your assistance (and I likewise in his
behalse) in getting of him the fishing, that is neere Berwicke, which his late highnesse
promised to give him, in case the towne of Berwicke had noe right to itt, which I thinke
will bee made appeare clearlie. Truly, hee is a very honest stout gentleman, very faithfull to the government, and one that hath suffered much in that businesse, which is mentioned in his highness letter, being his late highnesse tooke him from his being major of
horse to bee lieutenant-colonell to Sir Arthur Heslarigge; and truly his highnesse will doe
a very charitable worke: in case it bee cleare to his highnesse to conferre it upon him, I
shall take itt as a great favour done to
Your Lordship's very humble servant,
George Monck.
17th Feb. 165 8/9;.