State Papers, 1658: November (5 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1658: November (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1658: November (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1658: November (5 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

November (5 of 5)

Resolution of the states of Holland.

4th December, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 341.

The counsellor and pensionary hath reported the considerations and opinions of the deputies of their most noble mightinesses for the affairs of Poland, who have examined, according to the 8th of October last, the contents of the memorials and propositions of the Sieur Pinocci, envoy of the king of Poland, made to their high mightinesses, and to their commissioners, and put in writing, where they have observed these points considerable:

First, Whereas in the negotiation touching the evacuation of Prussia for a sum of money, which the French embassador had proposed some while since in the name of the king of Sweden, that this satisfaction might be done without great prejudice to the crown of Poland, to wit, by consenting to the king of Sweden's raising of customs in the Baltic sea, upon the merchants of the king of Poland, according to what was practised in the year 1629; that the said king of Poland shall be fully informed of the intentions of their high mightinesses, that the peace may be concluded, and also an accommodation to the contentment, and according to the interest of his friends.

Secondly, Seeing that the said king of Poland is already engaged by treaty for the defence of the kingdoms and states of Denmark, and of the elector of Brandenburg, his majesty is also ready to make a defensive league with their high mightinesses for the conserving and maintaining the navigation and commerce of the Baltic sea.

Thirdly, That the city of Dantzick coming to be besieged, his majesty requires for this reason, that it may please their high mightinesses to assist the said city with a considerable fleet.

Fourthly, That his said majesty would willingly understand, what their high mightinesses will do to maintain the king and crown of Denmark against these oppressions, to the end that the said envoy may discover also the intention of the king his master.

Finally, That a day being again set for a meeting at Braunsburg, there to treat a peace between Poland and Sweden, his majesty desires to understand speedily, if their high mightinesses will be concluded in the same treaty as consederates of his majesty, or if they will be there only as mediators. Whereupon, after deliberation, it hath been resolved, that in behalf of the states of Holland, endeavours shall be made with the states general, that upon the said points answer shall be made to the said envoy as followeth.

Upon the first, That it would greatly displease their high mightinesses, that there should be new customs raised upon the Baltic sea, as this intention hath sufficiently appeared in the year 1656; and therefore they promise themselves, that the king and kingdom of Poland will by no means give thereunto their consent, or give the least occasion of the same.

Upon the second and third of the said points, that their high mightinesses have made a treaty the 10th and 12th of July, 1656, as well with the minister of the city of Dantzick, as with the Sieur de Bye, the Poland resident here; and that with intention to conserve the navigation of the Baltic sea, and the city of Dantzick, and prevent all new impositions, whereof the ratification could not hitherto be obtained; and if the said envoy hath power to deliver the said ratification, that their high mightinesses will not fail in such case to defend the said city of Dantzick and the king of Poland, adding thereunto, that their high mightinesses judge, that this ground being laid, there will easily be agreements upon other aims and interests on both parts.

Upon the fourth, That their high mightinesses have evidently made appear by real proofs, both by the sending a great fleet of ships of war, and relief to the king of Denmark, that they are resolved according to the treaty, with all their power, to deliver the said king from the oppressions of his enemies, wherewith he is at present overwhelmed; hoping that his majesty's other allies shall be the more encouraged by their example to do the like.

And upon the fifth point, That their high mightinesses, being advertised of the progress of the said assembly, will not said to send thither their ministers, with such orders and instructions, as in such a time shall be thought expedient to advance a peace in the northern parts.

Lord chief justice St. John to secretary Thurloe.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

I heare that Mr. Gott is in the paper for sheriffe of Sussex, who is a petitioner for his discharge. He is a barrister at law, and now reader of an inn of chancery for Gray's inn. I hope these causes may prevayle with his highnes. If he be discharged, be pleased by a messenger to lett him know as much. He will be certainly of the next parliament; and it will be a greate obligation to him. Sir, I rest
24. November, 1658.

Your most affectionate servant,
Ol. St. John.

General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Deare Brother,
I am fearfull it must be still my portion to lye under your jealousyes, as a guilty person of the last weeke's intelligence from hence, in relation to your coming over; concerning which I was as unknowing as my child till afterwards, that my cosen Fayrcloath told my wife of the staying the litter, and my lord Russell acquainting me with the occation of it. But I am so cleare in this thing, that I shall not pleade any thing by way of apology, I neading none.

I am not without the hopes, that if the Lord sees it good to bring us together, that we shall better understand each other, then to admitt of any such suggestions or jealousyes to be received by us. I think it is our duty and interest to have a hearty love one to another; and if the Lord will but please to give us that frame, it will be, I trust, a blessing, which we shall both have cause to rejoyce in. I hope, in this, my lord Russell will give a true account of what he finds. We have no account from our fleet, but that on thursday they sayled by Yarmouth, and hade a good winde till fryday night, and then the winde turned against them. Whear they are now, we heare not; but hope they may be a good part of their way. Here is a report of a second fight 'twixt the Dutch and Sweed, but no certeinty. I shall only add this, that I having now deceived some in the expression of a forwardnes for your coming, which will be suddenly, I may as well hope to undeceive you in many reports, which I canot but beleive have bine very unworthy, in a right understanding of which is the desire of
Nov. 24. [1658.]

Your most affectionate brother, and humble servant.

Mr. John Barwick to king Charles II.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

May it please your Majesty,
I account myself very unhappy in those many rubbs I have met with in a business, wherein I had reason to think myself so deeply concerned. Your majesty received the first account of it (but that only verbally and generall) from Mr. Davison. Since that time I had addressed a more particular account of it to him, but retrived it again upon the first notice of his untimely death; and since that I dispatched a third, which I took the boldness to address to your majesty imediatly, and inclosed it in a letter to Mr. Thornton: and though, I perceive, he missed of it, by reason of his coming over hither about the same time, yet I hear the pacquet was received by one Mr. Bovie; and I hope it is long ago arrived at your majesty's hand. And out of that confidence I shall only presume to give your majesty an account of what passed since that letter, in relation to that business, setting aside all unecessary repetition of what went before.

It was the desire of Mr. D. that the money might be sent 100 l. after another; and that upon notice of the receipt of the first, a second might be sent; and that the bill might be consigned to Mr. Isaac White, and the money received in his name: but the first 100 being demanded and received in Mr. D.'s name, made such a noise among the English merchants there, as eccho'd hither, which compell'd Mr. Gregson for his own security to remand back 200 more, which lay there in his correspondent's hand; and the rather, because hereby we may put it into a more privat way of coming to your majesty's purse, without any man's taking notice of it, which was very much desired by the person, of whom I received, and whereupon I had passed my promise to use my utmost endeavours. But however, to supply your majesty's privat purse for the present, Mr. Gregson (immediatly before I came up to London) payd 100 l. of what he had in cash, to Mr. Thornton, to be returned to your majesty, according to the order your majesty sent by him; and this I hope your majesty hath received before this time.

For the rest, your majesty will receive it with what convenient speed may be by this bearer, who hath received 100 l. already, to be returned upon his own account, and to whom the bills for the rest will be sent as soon as Mr. Gregson hath notice of his arrival there. The sum is near upon what my last guessed it to be, but not fully so much; for Mr. Gregson tells me, there wants in all 6 l. 15 s. in the count of what it was delivered to me for, and by mee to him. It was deposited in so many hands before it came to myne, as may make this probable; and, for myself, I can safely depose I never saw a peny of it, but only the baggs.

Beside this, I have received 250 more from another hand, which I have also committed to Mr. Gregson, to be returned in the same way. There is as much more promised by the same person the next moneth; and if it comes, I shall not fail in my duty of directing it into the same channell. Your majesty will hear more of it from my lord chancellor; for it comes to my hand imediatly, though not originally, from one, that honours him, and directed me to acquaint his lordship with it.

I have no more to add but an humble proposall, which was suggested to me by Mr. Gregson, that he conceives it a more secure and privat way of returning money, to have it payable to some foraigner then any English merchant, (if your majesty knowes any such, that will be faithfull) though it should come with the charge of 20 or 30 s. more per cent. then the other way. This reason is, because there is not much done in this way there, by any one, that is not known to all the rest. I humbly submitt itt to your majesty's consideration, and myself to your gracious pardon, for all this boldness, beseeching God so to multiply his blessings upon you, that you may attayn to your own kingdoms here, and his eternall kingdom hereafter.

November 25. 1658.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 487.

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Right Honourable,
Upon monday last I wrote to you, by the frigate, that brought me the express from you, and therein inclosed to you my memorial given to the states general in pursuance of orders receiv'd from you in the said express. Upon tuesday the states of Holland began to consider it, as also that of the French ambassador, but as yet are come to no resolution thereupon. They had a mind to see what news by the post from France and England, but especially from England, the letters from whence are not yet come; so that it is not yet here known, that his highness's fleet is gone for the Sound; and though my memorial makes them have a great jealousy of it, yet that the assurance that the lord Nieuport had given them of its being to go for the south, makes them, that they can hardly believe otherwise; and that my memorial is only a rhodomontade to affright them. I had yesterday a letter from Zeeland of the 2d instant, giving me advice, that a ship, arrived there from the Sound, reported, that they had met an English fleet of men of war about the Dogger-sand in the North sea some days before; yet so confident were the people there of his highness's not meddling in this business, that they would not believe the master; and this week it was printed in the Gazette of Amsterdam, that whereas it had been reported, that the English fleet was gone to the Sound, that the said report was not true. You will perceive by the inclosed, that upon sunday last the 4000 men were ordered to be gone with all speed: so that de Witt did endeavour to impose upon 362 282 41 166 153 112 154 133 477 338 431 140 422 523 the Fr. embassador and mee, insinuating 171 108 154 219 as if they should not go, 499 468 168 141 328 81 32 395 146 314, according to what I gave you an account of in my last. And upon tuesday last the men were sett sail from Amsterdam for the Texel, there to be embarked for the Sound. By a letter this day from Amsterdam, it's written to me, that they do storm most extremely at the French ambassador and me, for our late memorials, but especially at me, as looking upon what the French ambassador hath said to be only words, and that nothing will follow thereupon. They say it will never be well, till they take down the English courage; and that then they shall have nobody to board and controul them at sea. The court of Holland sent their officers with an order to the printer to stop and seize upon his memorial and mine in the press, whereof the French ambassador hath made a great complaint, for that the ambassadors of this state do ordinarily print their memeorials at Paris, and so have all their public ministers done here; and the Danish and Brandenburgish ministers do dayly print their papers in disadvantage of the Swede. For mine own part, I have little concerned myself in it, for that mine had the good luck to be printed, and very many of them published e'er the officers came; they have also hindred the printing my memorial, concerning the East-India business. The truth is, the st. gen. are unwilling, that the people should 152 105 522 81 362 105 54 467 468 426 know these things. 328 82 33 353 468 141 422 470 143.

The talk of all men in general here is, that if his highness do meddle in this business, a war must necessarily ensue between him and this state; for they say, they cannot nor must not quit the Dane; and for him to make a peace upon the treaty of Roschfield, they say, is ridiculous; for that he will only be thereby king of Zeeland and Schonen; and those parts remaining to the king of Sweden, it will be in his power, every winter, when the Belt is frozen over, to land on a suddain, to invade and over-run him and this state, not able to help him by reason of the ice; and that it were better for them, now they are engaged, at once to make a business of it, than to be perpetually allarmed from those parts; and for the king of Denmark to make any seperate peace with the king of Sweden, they say can in nowise be safe for him; for that, say they, the king of Sweden hath no regard of his faith, as appears, say they, by this last business of Zeeland and the business of Courland; and therefore, that the king of Denmark can in nowise be safe but by keeping firm and close to his allies and confederates. Do we not see, say they, how little the king of Sweden regards England and France further than to serve his own turn, in that he begun this late attempt upon Denmark, without so much as making known to them his design or the reason of it, altho' they had so lately been mediators of the peace between him and Denmark ? And upon these grounds, it is the general fense of all men here, that no particular peace ought to be hearkened to, and nothing less to be insisted upon for the king of Denmark, than the rendition of whatever hath been taken from him, by virtue of the treaty of Roschfield; and that England and France ought not to be considered at all in this business, or hearkened unto. The day before yesterday the ministers of Brandenburg were with me, who are also much alarmed, and say that their master hath always been a friend to England, and is of the same reformed religion; and therefore, that they hope his highness will not desert them. I told them, that it was far from him; but on the contrary, that I had instructions, and desired to know what might be done in pursuance thereof. They said plainly, that the king of Sweden's desiring their master's ports in the Baltick sea had forced them to a league with the king of Poland, and that his way of dealing with him this last summer in refusing so much as to give his ambassador audience, had forc'd him, for his own defence, to enter into a treaty also with the emperor, in both which he is engaged, but not to ruin the king of Sweden, but only to resist his universal designs, as they called them, of rendering himself master of all his neighbours, and thereby to force him to peace upon reasonable conditions. They said also, that if his highness would meddle in this quarrell, he must take his lot as well as others; and that this state was so far engaged, as that they did not doubt he would find enough to do; and that they prayed God he had not cause to repent it, both upon the account of the unjustness, as they termed it, of the king of Sweden's present quarrel against the king of Denmark, and upon the account of the issue thereof; for, said they, it cannot be expected, that the king of Denmark will adventure any more, upon the incitation of England and France, to make a particular peace with the king of Sweden. And if the consequence of the war shall be, that the king of Sweden shall be beaten, that his highness must expect share in what may ensue thereupon; but, if the consequence shall be, that the king of Sweden, strengthened with such an addition of force as that of England shall beat the Dane, and thereby become master of the Sound, that then he will neglect England, as being able to subsist of himself; yea, he will then become formidable to it, as having the sole disposition of the Baltick sea, and consequently of all materials for building shipping, and of those magizines of corn, and endangering the rendering himself by little and little master also of the Hans towns. I told them, that I perceived they were much afraid of the growing greatness of the Swede, but very little sensible of the danger of the growth of the house of Austria; and that I thought they had sought a very ill remedy, for fear of the Swede, to throw themselves into the hands of the emperor to the making him master of all at last; and that it was already reported, that the castle of Gottorp was to be garrison'd by half Brandenburgers, and half Imperialists; and that the next step was to be the transporting of them both into Funen and Zeeland, the which I desired them to consider, if it did not nearly touch England, which hath always been, and is more jealous of the growth of the house of Austria than of the Swedes. They said, it could not be expected, that this state would desist; but on the contrary, that England's pressing too hard might be a means to force them also to engagement with the Imperialists and Poles. Yesterday the extraordinary envoy of Poland was with me, who said, that he hoped, that his highness would not quit his master, who with his predecessors had always been in amity with England; and that the traffick between them and England was very considerable to them both; and no reason in the world upon any account whatsoever, that should make any evil understanding between them. I told him, that his highness would be very glad to do any good offices for Poland, so as it might be without the comprehension of the house of Austria; to which he answered, that it was well known, that in all times there had been an extreme hatred in the minds of the Poles against the house of Austria: That though they had chosen several of their kings out of other countries, yet never any out of the house of Austria: That before his majesty made this present league, in which he now is, with the emperor, he endeavoured to his utmost to have made a peace with the king of Sweden; and that nothing but utmost extremity drove him to it: That by virtue of that treaty, the emperor had effectively sent 16000 men into Poland, whereof about 10 are now again out of Poland in Holstein with the elector of Brandenburg, and 4000 with his master before Thorn, and the rest in garrison in the city of Cracow; but that the castle of the said city is in the king's hands; by the means whereof, and of the townsmen, he saith, it is easy for his master to become wholly master of that place: That he hath sent an envoy to the emperor, whose principal errand is to prevent the return of Montecuculy with his forces into Poland: That the forces of the emperor now before Thorn were the single reason, that the said town of Thorn was not taken in the late storm; and to that effect shewed me his letters from Thorn, wherein it was also written, that the Imperialists before that town do give advice to the besieged of whatever is concluded in their councils of war; for that the Imperialists would not have that town surrendred, until it be first accorded, that a garrison of them shall be put into it, which the king of Poland absolutely refuseth. He said also, that his single business here is to treat an alliance with this state, that so they may be sure of a friend at sea, in case of being attacked again by the king of Sweden in Prussia; and to that end, to offer to them several privileges in their traffick, whereby they may stand in less need of the Austricians; and that the Austricians are very sensible hereof; and that upon this account, Fricquit and the Spanish ambassador here do to the utmost to oppose his negotiation, for that they would have Poland depend only upon them. He said moreover, that it was true, that a great part of the clergy were very much affected to the house of Austria, but that this was no more than what had been of a long time, and no more than what is now in France, but that the gentry continue still their aversion for them; and that the queen, who also hath great power there, doth to her utmost maintain the interest of France: That it could not be denied, but that their necessity had forced them to a league with the emperor; but that they were endeavouring to their utmost, to get quit of the Imperial forces, and that the rather, left it should so fall out, that their king should die during their continuance in Poland, which, together with the interest of the clergy, might, he said, endanger the election of this emperor to be king of Poland; and that being once quit of them, they were at liberty then to treat of themselves; but however he said, that their treaty did oblige them no further to intermeddle between the emperor and the king of Sweden, than in relation to the assistance given to him; but that his king had nothing to do with any masters between them; and that this would no further tye up the hands of the king of Sweden against the emperor, than the king of Poland's being comprehended in the treaty of Munster, in so far as concerned the affairs of the empire, did tye up the king of Sweden's hands in relation to him. In fine, he said, that the interest and inclination of Poland being, as was notoriously known, wholly against the house of Austria, that it was the interest of England not to force them further into the hands of the emperor; but on the contrary, to have a consideration of their interest, and of the freeing them entirely from that house. He added, that he had been with the French embassador, and given him the same account; and that whenever France shall quit Poland, that they must most notoriously quit their own interest. I thought it my duty to give you an account at large of these passages, leaving the judgment of them wholly to you.

By the last letters from St. Sebastian, it is advised hither, that they had news from the Canary islands, that the king of Spain's silver fleet was passed the Havanna, and so dayly expected also; that the English had burnt several ships laden with logwood. It hath frozen very hard here these three or four days, so that we begin to talk of the freezing up of the Sound; but notwithstanding, you all perceive by the inclosed, that to-morrow was the day intended for the going to sea of the 4000 men. As I am writing hereof, the post from England is come, with the alarm of his highness his fleet being gone towards the Sound.

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De Ruyther is gone from Amsterdam for the Texell, and hath carried with him seamen for 4 men of war, which were to convoy the 4000 men for the Sound, as you will find by the inclosed, and to be met upon the way by 12 men of war of admiral Opdam's, of all which advice is given to the king of Sweden. 105 477 468 536.

It is imagined, that orders are given to vice-admiral Stokes, who is at Toulon, to go and meet the Spanish fleet.

The Danes are demolishing the works before Copenhagen: the king of Sweden is at Landschronen with the fleet.

I am earnestly pressed by some of the states for Dr. Goodwin's paper tendered to his highness. I pray that you will think of sending it me as soon as possible; for here is many very honest men desire to see it.

There is no resolution yet taken upon my memorial of the 30th of November, but a great wondring at his highness's fleet being gone, and what they will do there. I pray, your thoughts of the ministers here; and am,

Right Honourable,
Your most faithful humble servant,
G. Downing.

Received 6. Decemb. 1658.

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 343.

Right Honourable,
Monday in the evening I was at a conference with the deputies of the states general, at their request, about the English ships taken coming out of Bantam; which continued from five of the clock until after eight, in which they let me know, as by order of the states general, that my said memorial, together with the papers therewith presented, were sent to the directors of the East-India company at Amsterdam; and that they were in expectation of an answer from them in a little time; and in the mean while, that the states had commanded them to confer with me about several things relating to the said memorial. As first they said, that they had received two letters from their ambassador Nieuport, copies whereof they then offered to shew me, wherein he certifies the states, that at that time when the papers were given by Sir Charles Worsley, and the lord Strickland, concerning that business, he did ask them, whether the papers, which had by him been given concerning that business, had been considered; to which they replied, that they knew not, but that they would make enquiry; and that since having been with yourself, that you had made answer, that you also knew nothing of it, nor what was become of the said papers, but that you also would enquire; and therefore that the states thought it very strange, that such positive orders should be given to me to demand restitution and reparation again, without so much as having considered what had been said by them. To which I answered, that I could say nothing to what their ambassador had writ to them, but that I was very well assured of my own orders; and that they were positively to demand restitution and reparation; and that I had these orders from the council themselves, whereas most of my orders were only from yourself; and that the orders being from the council, that it was not to be supposed of them, that they would give orders or instructions without first considering the matter: yea, that the order itself, which I had received, did import, that the matter had been considered, committed to a committee, a report made from that committee by the lord Jones, and thereupon the order given to me to demand satisfaction and restitution. That as to what concerned your own not knowing what had been done, I was not able to give an account what discourses may have passed between yourselves, Sir Charles Worslley, my lord Strickland, and their ambassador; but that I could easily apprehend, that your sickness, and the absence of those others from the councill, might make them not to know what had passed in this business; but that was but an ill argument to conclude by, that therefore the matter had not been considered, because these persons knew not of it. They objected further, that their states thought it strange, that the matter should have been put by his highness to the consideration of the court of admiralty, as if they were proper and fit persons to intermeddle in this business; whereas it ought wholly to have been done by his highness and council. I told them, that I wonder'd, that they would trouble themselves with a thing of this nature, as if his highness were not free to consider of his matter, in what way seems to him best; but in regard they had thought fit to take notice hereof, I could not but let them know, that I did find in the order, which I had from the council, that the council had it in debate, which way the business might be best and most regularly considered of; and, upon that account, did put the business into the hand of the admiralty, as who best understood matters of this kind, and were able to administer oaths in the case as occasion. And that this putting the business into the hands of the admiralty was not to put the judgment of the business into them, but only by way of examin ation. And finding them press so hard upon these two points, I desired to be satisfied from them, whether the paper, which I had presented with my memorial to the states general, had been read in the states or not, or by any commissioners appointed by them, of their number, and in whose hands those papers were now: to which they answered, that they could not deny but that the said papers had neither been read in the states general, nor by any commissioners of their number; but that they were sent to the directors of the East-India company, by them to be perused, and answers thereunto to be framed by them. To which I replyed, that I wondered they could complain of his highness and councill, upon suspicion only of a defect, which they knew themselves guilty of; and withall desired them to consider, whether the high court of admiralty of England (persons unconcerned) or the directors of the East-India company (the persons complained of) were the fitter to have the examination of this business.

They further urged, that the states could not but think it somewhat strange to find the matter judged and determined in the said memorial before its time, it being therein termed injustice and an injury. To which I answered, that I found it so termed in my orders, and therefore that I was bound so to term it. And moreover I told them, that I did not think, that there was any precipitation or irregularity in his highness and councill in so calling it; for that here was not only the fact committed, but a sentence given thereupon by their court at Bantam, to the confiscation of ships and goods, but an appeal to his highness, a transmission of the matter from him to the states general, with a demand of right, the resolution of the states general thereupon, together with all such examinations and papers as concerned this matter; so that there was before his highness the whole matter, on the behoof of the defendants; and as to the plaintiffs, that his highness had thereupon caused a full examination to be made of what was alledged by them. And upon the whole, he finds it an injury and injustice done to his subjects, and calls it so; but that I could produce them some resolutions of theirs, wherein they are pleased to qualify things with the name of injustice and wrong, having heard one side only; yet that his highness did not take any noticethereof. They said farther, that as to what seemed to be taken notice of by his highness, as if the mentioning the compleating the marine treaty in the resolution of the states general, for the restitution of the said ships, were in such a manner set down, as if implying a kind of forcing his highness to compleat the said treaty; that the said resolution was by no means to be so understood, only that it was therein set down to press the perfecting thereof, for the prevention of the like for the future. To which I replyed, that his highness could no otherwise understand the meaning of the states general, then as they are pleased to express themselves; and that in the said resolution, the perfecting the said treaty is expresly set down as a condition, without which the restitution of the said ships is not to be expected; and that supposing the treaty desired to be never so just, yet that the way of coming by it was unhandsome, and of very evil consequence, such as might lay a precedent to all others, who have any thing to do with his highness, to seize themselves of the goods and shipping of his subjects, when they have a mind to gain any treaty of him. But that I thought the only fair and indifferent way in this case is first to restore and make satisfaction of what hath been unjustly taken away, and then upon indifferent terms to speak of preventing the like for the future, in case the treaty now on foot were not so particular as desired. And withal I told them, that his highness seems to have much more reason then they to press the giving of assurance, that his subjects may for the time to come enjoy their lawful traffick with the enemies of this state, as being the only persons restrained and hindered, the subjects of the United Provinces in the mean time trading freely with his enemies. I am,

Right Honourable,
Your most faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, 26. November,/6. December, 58.

My wife presents her most hearty service to your lady, and desires to know, whether shee [likes] any of the patterns of table linnen shee sent her, and what farther service she will please to command her about them.

Resolution of the states general.

Decem. 6. 1658. [N.S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 277.

There have been again read in the assembly the letters of embassador Nieuport of the 25th, 27th, and 29th of November last, touching the English fleet going to the Sound; whereupon, after deliberation, it hath been resolved, that letters shall be written to admiral Opdam, that he shall stay with all his whole fleet in Denmark, and defend himself as well as he can, until their high mightinesses shall have further deliberated of this business, and sent him other orders, changing the resolutions of the 30th of November and 3d of December instant, with order, that he provide himself of victuals, and other things, as well as he can, in the neighbouring places, and out of the ships of the subjects of this state, who shall pass by the Sound, with promise, that all shall be restored them by the state, and letters shall be written to the several admiralties of Holland, that they send hither speedily deputies to consult of this business concerning the sending of victuals to the fleet; and the admiralty of Amsterdam shall be required to think of expedients for this purpose, assuring them, that the 100,000 florins shall be treated on. And that this shall be written not only to lord admiral Opdam by the post, but also by the way of resident Romer at Hamburgh.

From Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England.

London, 6. December, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 347.

I have received the resolution of their high mightinesses concerning the late fight in the Sound. Seventeen frigats commanded by vice-admiral Goodsonn, bound for the Sound, passed last week by Yarmouth; but the ship, wherein Sir George was with his company, was the first instant in this river. Others are making ready at Chatham, and elsewhere. I communicated to the secretary of state, that it was the resolution of their H. M. that the prizes taken from the Swedes in the last fight, as also the prisoners, should be left to the disposal of the king of Denmark, seeing that their fleet was sent thither but as auxiliaries, and only to assist the king of Denmark against his oppressors, according to the league, and to re-establish the peace in the North. Finally, I prayed him to let me have an answer to my memorials touching the two sugar-prizes here detained, and the three Bantam ships taken from the English. He answered me, that he would report to his highness what I had communicated, assuring me, that his highness would be very glad to hear of their intention to a peace in the northern parts, desiring the same himself most heartily; and that he hath and will endeavour to preserve amity with the United Provinces: that shortly I should have my answer to my memorials; and that the commanders shall come and confer with me; that the funeral of his late highness had hitherto hindered them, but that now they should dispatch all with expedition.

Sir A. Jhonston to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 349.

My Lord,
I was by your assistance restored to my place of clerk register in this nation, by a patent from his laite highnesse for him and his successors; which being passed the great seale, is, according to our law and custome, a sufficient right and good security to injoye the same during my lyse, without reneuing the same by his successor: but being informed, that his highnesse doeth reneue gifts of the lyke nature graunted by his fayther to others in this nation, I haive thairefore præsumed to trouble your lordship with this my concernement, humbly intreating, that your lordship wil be pleased to obteane his highnesse hand and seale to the inclosed paper, being a confirmation of my place drauen up conforme to my former gift, as will apeare from the exstract thereof, as it is passed under the greate seale; and so craving pardon for this trouble in the midst of your great affaires, I remayne
Your Lordship's obleiged and humble servant,
A. Jhonston.

At Ed. 26 Nov. 1658.

I have written to my lord Fleetwood, and sent the exstract to Mr. Cambel.

Inclosed in the preceding.

Vol. lxii. p. 353.

Richard, by the grace of God, lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the dominions and territories thereto belonging, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Know ye, that forasmuch as we, consider ing that our late dearest father of blessed memory, by his letters patent and gift of the date at Westminster the ninth day of July MDCLVII. hath constituted and appointed Sir Archibald Johnston of Wariestown, knight, to be keeper of the rolls, and clerk of the registers of Scotland during the term of his natural life, with power to him to receive and enjoy all and singular the fees, profits, commodities, allowances, powers, pre-eminences, authorities, privileges, and advantages whatsoever appertaining to the said office, as fully, amply, and absolutely, as any other held, or might or ought to have holden and enjoyed the same, in and for the execution of the said office; and we having certain knowledge of the abilities, honesty, and faithfulness of the said Sir Archibald Johnston, and of our special grace being most willing to renew and corroborate the said gift and patent of our said late dearest father in favour of the said Sir Archibald; therefore we have not only ratified, approved, and for us and our successors confirmed, and by these presents ratify, approve, and for us and our successors, confirm the aforesaid letters patent and gift granted by our said late dearest father of blessed memory to the said Sir Archibald Johnston, of the date, tenour, and contents above-written, in all and sundry heads, points, clauses, articles, and circumstances thereof, dispensing with the not ingrossing of the same herein, and with all other objections and imperfections, (if any be) that may be proponed or alleged against the same, or this present ratification thereof, for ever; but also of our special grace, certain knowledge, and proper motive, we have of new assigned, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents assign, constitute and appoint the said Sir Archibald Johnston of Wariestown to be keeper of the rolls and clerk of the registers of Scotland, of us and our successors, unto him the said Sir Archibald Johnston, by himself or by his sufficient deputy or deputies, in any part of that office, for and during the term of his natural life, and to have and enjoy to him the said Sir Archibald Johnston for the exercise and execution of the said office, all and singular the fees, profits, commodities, allowances, powers, pre-eminences, authorities, privileges, and advantages whatsoever, by whatsoever means due, accustomed, or to the said office belonging and appertaining, and that as fully, amply and absolutely, to all intents and purposes, as the said Sir Archibald Johnston, or Sir Alexander Gibson, or any other or others heretofore holding and exercising the said office of keeper of the rolls, and clerk of the registers of Scotland, ever have or hath lawfully held and enjoyed the same, or might or ought to have held and enjoyed the same, in and for the exercise and execution of the said office; and gives and grants to the said Sir Archibald Johnston full power and authority to demand, receive and keep the said his rolls and registers of Scotland during his said natural life, and to demand, receive and make use of all such fees, profits and allowances as are any ways become due for or in respect of the said office, and which are yet unpaid from the twenty-fourth day of June 1657. and which shall become due for or in respect thereof during the said Sir Archibald his natural life; provided, and our meaning is, that the said Sir Archibald Johnston, his deputy or deputies, shall be subject to and observe such regulation, either in respect of fees or otherwise, as shall be from time to time made in the said office by us or our successors, by advice of our council in England. And we have granted, and by these presents grant, to the said Sir Archibald Johnston, that the aforesaid letters patent, or the inrollment thereof, shall be, in and by all things, firm, good, valid and effectual in law, to all intents and purposes, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and so shall be construed, adjudged and taken to be in all our courts of record, as elsewhere, for the best benefit and advantage of the said Sir Archibald Johnston, although express mention of the true yearly value or certainty of the premises, or of any of them, or of any other gift or grant made to the said Sir Archibald Johnston before the aforesaid gift granted to him by our said late dearest father, is not made in this present gift or letters patent, or any statute, act, ordinance, provision, proclamation, custom or restraint heretofore had, made, set forth, enacted, ordained or provided, or any other matter, cause or thing whatsoever to the contrary anywise notwithstanding. And our will and pleasure is, that this our ratification, grant and confirmation of the said office to the said Sir Archibald Johnston be past under our great seal of Scotland; and we do by these presents authorize, command and require the commissioners of our exchequer in Scotland, and all others our officers and ministers there, whomsoever it may concern, to pass the same under our great seal accordingly; and for so doing, these our letters patent, or the inrollment thereof, shall be unto them, and every of them, sufficient warrant in that behalf. In witness whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself, &c.

Resolution of the states of Zealand.

7. Decemb. [1658. N.S.]

Vol. lxii. p.355.

As by the victory gotten by God's grace over the king of Sweden's fleet, the war between the two Northern kings hath quite another consideration, and a better way to peace than heretofore is prepared; moreover, as the king of France and the protector of England have declared themselves to be wholly inclined to contribute thereunto all their help; and that also such a way is the surest and most profitable for this state, and for the freedom of navigation and commerce; besides that, ourselves are incumbered with all princes and states making profession of the Christian religion; so that the deputies earnestly press, that the embassador Isbrants, now with the elector of Brandenburg, and one or two of those embassadors, that lately have been with the kings of Sweden and Denmark, might speedily be sent to the said kings, there to resume the treaty for an honourable and just mutual accommodation, and to intreat the ministers of France and England, according to what have been presented and offered by their masters, to co-operate to so wholsome and necessary work. And it will be expedient, that first the intentions of the said two Northern kings should be founded, if the foresaid mediation and interposition of the embassadors of this state shall be by them accepted, that so the foresaid endeavours may not only be not in vain, but also that all may proceed with the honour and reputation of the government.

Col. J. Jones to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p.357.

Right Honourable,
The inclosed papers were sent mee to bee delivered you. The persons concerned by a verball command of my lord Russell were committed to my lieutenant William Wray, lieutenant of the garrison at Beaumares, Samuel Hinks for divulging false newes, and Powell for abetting him, and some other uncivill demeanour in his presence.

The lieutenant informes mee, that hee hath taken bonds of them for theire appearance before the councell the 10th of December next; and that hee transmitted unto you some papers concerning this matter formerly. Begging your favour for giveing you this trouble, and the acceptance of my reall acknowledgment of your former favours and kind respects, much beyond the measure I received from others, I rest

Your real and affectionate friend sincerely to serve you,
though I cannot complement,
Jo. Jones.

27th Nov. 1658.

Resolutions of the states general.

Monday, 8. Decemb. 5 o'Clock afternoon, [1658. N.S.]

Vol. lxii. p.361.

After deliberation it was resolved, to require the council of state to hold speedily a conference, and to put in writing concerning the augmentation of the state revenues and speedy means to pay off the extraordinary charges, that are of necessity to be made by sea and land, and especially to propose such means, which shall be signified to the provinces, that they may give their respective consents.

Another resolution of the same date.

Letters shall be writ to Helmont of the Vly and Aggens of the Texel, that they shall command the pilots and fishermen, who go daily forth to sea, that they take heed, that the fleet under command of lord admiral Opdam came not in; but if they meet them, and tell them from their high mightinesses, that they come forward, as far as the passages, from whence they set sail; and hereof to give speedy notice to the admiralty, to give such order for the entrance of the ships, considering the ice and other incommodities, according as they shall judge meet. And the admiralty of Amsterdam is required to send such orders to the said commissioners as the service of the state requires, and a copy of this resolution shall be sent to all the several seats of the admiralty, to serve them for information.

Another resolution of the same date.

There being again read in the assembly the report of the Sieur Ripperda de Beurse, and other deputies of their high mightinesses for the affairs of Denmark; and having, according to the resolution of the 6th instant, conferred with some commissioners of the council of state concerning that, which should be done further about the 4000 men appointed for the relief of Denmark; after deliberation, it hath been resolved, that by an act colonel Killigrew shall be charged to send the flyboats with the soldiers to lie before Medemblick in North Holland; or if the ice hinder, or other let, then into the chanel of Amstel, behind the Wering in the bay; or if that be not possible, then into the new chanel; yet so that he may make choice of the best of these places, as he shall judge fit by the advice of vice-admiral de Ruyter, with order to cause the said companies to march to such places in the province of Holland and West-Friseland, as shall be expressed in the patents of the said provinces. And the states of Holland are required to dispatch presently the said patents; as also letters shall be written to the province of Friseland, that they would with-hold the eight companies from shipping themselves, placing them in sea-towns, as they shall judge fit.

Colonel D'Oyley to secretary Thurloe.


Right Honourable,
Although we never yet had the ships sent, which were appointed and established for this place by his highness and councell, yet I thought it my duty to give your honour what intelligence I can of the number and motion of the Spanish fleet in these parts, and rather to want this frigate, than any necessary advertisement should be neglected. When in July last I understood the Spanish fleet to be in these parts, immediately fitted all our ships, and hired a private man of war for two months, (my intelligence being then but of five gallions) hoping to have made some considerable attempt upon them, and manned our ships with about 300 landmen. Our fleet lay between Carthagena and Porto Bello in an obscure place, and sent to take prisoners, which they quickly effected, by whom they understood the Spanish fleet to be in Porto Bello to attend the plate coming over land, and so lay close about a month, till they were forced to discover themselves by chasing two Spanish vessels coming from Carthagena to Porto Bello, who had so much advantage of ours in sailing, being very clean, (which ours seldom are for want of necessaries here) that they made the harbour of Tollou, and got in; yet ours chased them in so close, that they burnt their two ships, and notwithstanding the resistance they found by a fort and eight guns, entered the town, and burnt it, being a very well built town with three churches; but that not being their business, our ships returned to their former station, where, about the 20th of October, they spied the Spanish fleet coming from Porto Bello, all our ships being gone to water, except the Marston Moore and Hector, who did what they could to attempt them, keeping in the rear, hoping to find them scattered, which, by the close keeping of them together, they could find no opportunity to do, but were fain to rest contented with the satisfaction of having passed a squadron of them, giving them their two broad sides, and so returned hither. The prisoners we formerly took here did with confidence affirm, that they were to take in men at Carthagena, and to attempt us. Wherefore I sent a messenger to gain further intelligence, who returning yesterday, informs me, that they have been gone from Carthagena ever since the beginning of this month, but whether for Spain or the Havanna, we cannot tell, though in probability it must be for the Havanna, where their custom and manner is to meet. And some prisoners inform us, that a fleet from New Spain, and other parts, are there to rendezvous; and it is not probable, they will venture through the gulf with such a fleet at this time of the year, having had experience the last time of the disadvantage, by losing three gallions of plate, unless their affairs and condition at home require more than ordinary haste. Nor doth any thing persuade us, that they will return so soon this winter time, saving that one prisoner informs us, that there came an express to Carthagena from the king, that they should make all possible haste away; which advice happily being grounded on their ill success and disappointment at home, may hasten them. There were fifteen gallions and fourteen merchant-men, good ships, when ours passed through them; and the prisoners reckon as many merchant-men more, as will make up sixty sail, and say that fifteen men of war are to meet them at the Canaries to guard them. And doubtless they will be very wary, having four millions of the king's money, besides merchants, viz. two already due, and two they have borrowed beforehand, finding the difficulty of coming for it, as themselves say. It was a strange tantalizing to us to be in the midst of millions, and not be able to venture for it without manifest indiscretion and ruine; but we are something comforted with the hopes you will meet with them from home, which is the very earnest desire, as well as the longed expectation, of
Cagway in Jamaica,
Nov. 30th, 1658.

Your very faithful servant,
Edw. D'Oyley.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellency,
I HOPE the messenger my last mentioned will be with you as soone, or neare as soone, as this; and therefore I will not be longe now. Yesterday the counsell, upon his highnes desire, resumed the debate of a parliament, and resolved to advise his highnes to call a parliament forthwith. Some debate there was, wheither Ireland and Scotland should send members unto it; and with much to do that question was resolved in the affirmative, and to send the like numbers, and for the same places, as formerly; and wee hope they will be of the like goodnes too, beleevinge your excellency can order that affaire as it seemes good unto you. I need not trouble your excellency with givinge you the reasons, which moved his highnes to call this parliament at this tyme, a thinge alwayes usuall in the beginning of every prince's reigne. The great necessities wee have for money, which cannot be supplyed but by parlament; the good opinion the people in generall now have of his highnesse; besides these, there be other reasons, which are more fitt to be told your excellency by word of mouth, then by this way; and those will be communicated by the aforesaid messenger, who will be alsoe able to answere some objections, which are very obvious, as to this season of callinge it. Great striveings there will be to get in, and the comonwealth's-men have their daily meetinges, disputeinge what kinde of comonwealth they shall have, takeinge it for granted, they may picke and choose; and they hope to prepare a part of the armye to fall in with them, wherein I hope they will be deceived; although I must needs say, I like not the aspect of things, and my feares are greater then my hopes. God can deliver both from the daunger and the feare of it; and I am sure it's only his worke, as our affaires are constituted. Our last newes from Denmarke was by a letter dated the 11th instant, which brought noe great newes, save that part of the two fleets of the Dutch and Swede had a new rencounter, in which the Swede lost one ship. The main fleet of the Swede is retired, not beinge able to keepe the sea, now the Dutch and Dane are conjoyned. Our fleet is still kept upon this coast by contrary windes. I remeyne

Your Excellency's most humble, faithfull,
and obedient servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

30. Nov. 1658.

Dr. Tho. Clarges to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excelency,
There is nothing appears in this place but a calme, as well amongst our military as civill officers, and I am in good hopes it will allwaies be so. I am sure the managery of your excelency in your government of Ireland has had no small influence heere.

It is at last certainly resolv'd, that a parliament shall suddainly be call'd; but I cannot be informed of the time of convention. There is no newes, that I can heare from abroad worthy your excelency's notice, except what is in the common newes-book; only from France I heare some litle contests hapned at Lyons about place betwixt the dukes of Anjou and Savoy; but it was reconcil'd in favour of the duke of Anjou. I am,
May it please your Excelency,
Your excelency's most humble and most obleiged servant,
Tho. Clarges.

London, this 30th
of Nov. 1658.