A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1658: November (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp522-529 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1658: November (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp522-529.
"State Papers, 1658: November (4 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp522-529.
In this section
November (4 of 5)
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 305.
Honoured Sir,
Mr. Vaughan, the post-master of Ireland, haveinge acquainted me with his case, and
desyred my help in beinge a suitor for your favour to him in a full settlement of him,
I could not deny complyinge with his request therin, haveinge found he has ennemyes undeservedly, and observed him diligent and usefull in his office; upon which accounts I am a
sutor to you in his behalfe, for your countenance to him in his just designes; and haveinge
beg'd your pardon for this trouble, I conclude with the reall assurance of being very
Honoured Sir,
Your most affectionate, and most faithful
humble servant,
Ballemaloe, the 20th
November, 1658.
Resolution of the states, on sunday, after the morning service.
1. December, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lxii. p. 281.
After deliberation it was resolved, that letters should be writ to the admiralty of Amsterdam, that their high mightinesses, having seriously and again considered the business of the transportation of the relief of Denmark, have thought fit to require, that they would endeavour to add some more ships for convoying the 4000 men appointed to go for Denmark, so many as they shall judge necessary for the safety of them; and to conser with colonel Killigrew, and to put aboard the said ships some musketeers of the militia of this state for their more security, as the service and reputation of him is therein interested; and this shall be dispatched without delay.
Mr. Downing, the resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 313.
Right Honourable,
By the post I gave you an account, that I had received yours that afternoon, which
you sent me an express from the Downs; and that I had been with the French embassador and Mr. Appleboom, as I therein gave you an account. And tho' I had prevailed,
as I then wrote to you, with the French embassador, to give in a memorial with me the
next morning; yet after 10 at night he sent his master of the horse to me, to let me
know, that he found some new difficulties therein, and therefore he desired, that it might
be deferred till monday or tuesday; to which I returned him for answer, that the 4000
men were now upon the very point of going away; and that the loss of two or three days
time would upon that account be irrecoverable; that Mr. Appleboom had that night
writ to his master, that both of us would the next morning without fail give in memorials;
and therefore that we were obliged to it, besides the consideration of the fleet's being on
the way; and therefore earnestly desiring him, that he would continue firm to his
first resolution. And the next morning early I went to him again, but found him much
wavering in his mind; and he told me, that the thoughts of the business had wholly broken
his sleep that night. But I was very earnest with him, considering of what importance it
was, that both of us should go together, and how ready people here would be to have
made constructions of it, if both the memorials had not been given in the same day; and to
have taken courage to have taken some resolution, which it may-be they will not now be
so forward to. The truth is, the embassador had a hard part of it, on the one hand, considering how much it imported his master not to seem wholly negligent of the king of Sweden,
when England should own him so highly by word and deed; and this, as I had told him,
by the communication with and instigation of France. On the other hand, it was hard to
be put to give in such a memorial without any orders at all, but especially upon the
account of making a separate peace between Sweden and Denmark. He was free to have
given in his memorial so, as mention might indifferently have been made of the king of
Poland, and elector of Brandenburg also, with the exclusion of the house of Austria only;
but he said, it was hard to put him without particular orders to move for the making a
particular peace between Sweden and Denmark; only he said, that Poland was very
considerable; and that if they were wholly neglected, it was the right way to make them
fall wholly in with the house of Austria; and that possibly the emperor, or some other
of that house, should be chosen king of Poland, in case this king should die, a thing of
very bad consequence; besides, that the queen of Poland being a French woman, and
highly maintaining the French interest in that court, and having indeed very great authority and interest, that by no means they might seem to neglect her. I told him, that it
was notoriously known, that England and Poland had always been in a good understanding each with other; and that I was very sure, that his highness would also be willing to
help the making a peace between Sweden and Poland, so as it might be with the exclusion
of the house of Austria; but that it was very evident, how much his interest was interwoven with that house; and that while they should be able, under the notion of making
a general peace, to continue the war in Denmark, it was clear, that they would make no
peace; for that the war continuing in Denmark, the Poles had liberty to besiege and take
by force their towns in Prussia; but that when they should see, that England and France
were jointly resolved to pursue a separate peace between Sweden and Denmark, they would
then also think of hearkening to reasonable terms: whereas it is evident, that as things now
stand, the Poles do refuse such propositions made by the Swede, as before this late war in
Denmark they did not expect, the king of Sweden having lately declared his willingness
to accept a very small equivalent in money for the restitution of Prussia. In fine, I did
prevail with him, and to couch it in such terms as you find; a copy thereof, together
with mine own, being herein inclosed to you. I did endeavour to couch mine own in
such terms, as might give least offence here, but especially to him; and upon that ground
have therein also made mention of his highness's readiness in a separate way, to deal for
his other friends in those parts, without which I could never have persuaded him to have
given in this memorial; but that upon that account I did let him see, that his highness would
be as ready as the king of France to deal for the king of Poland and elector of Brandenburg,
and that this desperate way of treating would only produce the effect desired.
I need not tell you, how much the states general were startled at these two unexpected thunder-claps coming thus both together. My lord Nieuport, as you will find by his letters, had still written, that his highness's fleet would not go for the Sound, but towards the south; nor is it yet known here, that it is gone or going that way, nor do I think sit to divulge it, but to let that news come of itself by the post whereby they will see, that his highness is in earnest, which now I only endeavour to persuade them to believe by words, that so upon other occasions they may give the more credit to what I shall offer to them. The states of Holland have taken both these memorials into their hands to deliberate upon, and to-morrow they intend to begin to consider of it; and according to what resolution shall be taken by them, so will the matter go in the states general. As soon as we gave in our memorials, we sent to Mr. de Witt, to desire, that we might both that afternoon come to speak with him together. He returned us for answer, that he had so much business, that he could not possibly appoint us any time that afternoon, but desired, that we would come to him the next day at 4 in the afternoon, which accordingly we did. I told him, that his highness was very sorry for this late unhappy unexpected breach between the kings of Sweden and Denmark, and very apprehensive of the consequences of it; that he saw no possibility of making any comprehensive peace to the satisfying of all parties, that were now at war in those parts; but that in that way of procedure, it would be still in the power of the house of Austria to hinder any good issue of what should be undertaken; and that therefore his highness was resolved to proceed in this separate way, hoping for a good issue thereof, but especially if this state would heartily concur therein. He said, that this state had no other end than the making peace between them; but that they did notso well understand this separate way of proceeding; but yet that possibly they might be brought to agree therein, if first they might have assurance upon what grounds the king of Sweden and the king of France, would proceed; for, said he, unless those two kingdoms be somewhat evenly ballanced in their power, they would be perpetually in war, and consequently this state put to a perpetual charge in defending the one of them; and therefore, that he thought, that the treaty made in the year 1645 between these two kingdoms, ought to be the ground of the peace; and that the king of Sweden ought to quit all he had got by the treaty of Roschfield. The French embassador told him, that was a most unreasonable and ridiculous proposition; but, saith he, we are to look upon this war, that now is, not as a new war, but only a continuation of the last war, upon the account of the jealousies risen between them, upon the non-full execution of the late treaty; and that for his part, is the treaty of Roschfield were waved, he saw little hopes of making any peace; for that he saw no other ground, whereby to be able to prevail with the king of Sweden to quit the footing he hath in in Fredericsode, Funen and Zeeland; but to speak of quitting Schonen, and those other things which were yielded to him by the said treaty, he thought it was a long war, that must bring him to that. I told him, that for my own part I had no particular orders, but only in general to assure him, that in case this state did not think fit to join with his highness in this separate way of treating, that he would endeavour to gain the best conditions he could for the king of Denmark; but, if I might speak mine own opinion, that consi dering how matters now stood with the king of Sweden, I did very much wonder, that this state could imagine to bring back that king to the treaty of 1645, who hath in his possession not only his own part of Denmark, but in a manner all the rest; and that they should do well to consider, that the winter was now coming on fast; and if such another frost should happen as was the last winter, that undoubtedly the king of Sweden would march into Holstein, and endeavour to fight the elector of Brandenburg; and if he should beat him, that then they might judge what would be the consequences thereof; besides, that the king of Sweden had well fortified three quarters in Zeeland, and provided them with all necessaries for horse and foot, and so would be able to maintain his station there against any, that should come to attack him, if any forces should be transported by their shipping into that island; and if the castle of Gottorp should be delivered into the hands of the imperial forces, and that the said forces should get footing in Zeeland by their means, that they would do well to consider, whether this would be for their interest, and whether it would be then in their power to say upon what foundation the peace should be made. Besides, I desired him to consider, that the treaty, which this state had with Denmark, was only a defensive treaty to desend the king and kingdom of Denmark, and not offensive to augment its territories; but that Schonen, and what else was yielded to the king of Sweden by the late treaty of Roschfield, was not now any part of Denmark, but rightfully belonging to the crown of Sweden; and therefore, that for the state to speak the crown of Denmark any of those places, was to change the nature of their league defensive into a league offensive against the king of Sweden. De Witt did confess, that their embassador Boreel had propounded to the court of France, that procedures should be made to the making of a treaty between them upon the aforesaid treaty of Roschfield; and that he believed, that thereupon orders had been given to the French embassador to make this proposition; but withal he seemed to be very angry with Boreel, saying that he had made that proposition without orders. We both took hold of this, though neither of us had any knowledge of it before, and asked him, how in honour they could go back from what their embassador had proposed ?
We had much discourse with him about the 4000 men, which are sending away in such haste; and told him, that the sending of them could produce nothing but evil; and that Mr. Appleboom had already orders to go hence. He desired earnestly, that we would use our endeavours for the staying of him; and that what they had done ought not to be construed as a war with the king of Sweden, but only as an auxiliary supply to the king of Denmark. We told him, that at his desire we would do our endeavours; but that we doubted we should be able to prevail very little therein, unless the 4000 men were stopt. To which he answered, that to speak as a minister of state, he ought to say, that they must go, they being part of that supply, that they are obliged to give the king of Denmark; but to speak as one endeavouring with us to make peace between them, he must say, that assuredly they ought not to go. This is all we could draw from him upon that business, upon which nothing of certainty is to be founded. In the conclusion, the French embassador told him, that there was one article in the treaty of Roschfield concerning the passing of the ships of enemies through the Sound, of which the embassador of this state had so much complained at Copenhagen, which for his part he neither understood nor liked; for that, said he, it may be applied to France or England, or whomsoever they pleased; and therefore, for his part, he thought it very fit, that that article should be cancelled at the joint desire of the mediators, it not being good, said he, that there should be any treaty, or any article of any treaty on foot, by which either of those kings might claim from the other the exclusion of the ships of any with whom they should be in war; but that it was all our interest, who were out of the Baltic sea, to keep matters so, as that in case of being in war with one of those kings, we may yet be able to pass the Sound, and supply ourselves with the commodities of that sea by the favour of the other; and that he did wonder, that the ministers of France or England could consent to that article, which may be of so dangerous consequence to them both; and that, that article being abolished, he knew nothing this state had to object against the treaty of Roschfield.
From Mr. de Witt we went both to Mr. Appleboom's, giving him a full account of what had passed between us and Monsieur de Witt, whereby we said he might take his measures as to what was the inclination of this state, but withall desiring, that he would write seriously to his master, that he would make it appear, that this real interposition of England and France, on his behalf, would not make him the farther from peace, but on the contrary; and that we should not see any other foundation for this treaty of peace, than the treaty of Roschfield, and this, said the French embassador, guaranteed by all the mediators. I desired him, that he would again write to his master, to take care,that his fleet be not in some hole, so as to be in an incapacity, as the winds may be, to join with highness's fleet, as the Dane's was with the Holland's this last fight. You will perceive by the inclosed, that the 4000 men are ordered to go hence under the convoy of only 4 men of war; and that Opdam was to meet them with only 12 men of war; and I have desired Mr. Appleboom to give his master notice thereof, and that he have a diligent eye upon the motions of the Holland fleet, lest, upon some notice, which may possibly some way or other come to them, they should endeavour separately to fight his highness's fleet. And as to the sending of these 4000 men, I can only say, that yet it's not stopp'd, but all possible haste used therein; and the Brandenburg and Danish ministers do vehemently press the going of it; but when it shall be known, that his highness's fleet is gone, they will hardly think four ships a sufficient convoy for them. Besides, it hath been a great snow and frost yesterday and to-day, so that men begin to be in an apprehension of the Sound's freezing. De Witt said, that a grave burgo-master of one of the towns of NorthHolland, who is now here, told him yesterday, that if this weather hold, the Sound will certainly be very suddenly frozen, and that himself did once cross the Sound upon the ice the first of December, N. S. I did send you the foundation of the instructions, upon which the embassy to the duke of Muscovy was to be founded, to wit, to persuade him to make peace with Poland, and war with Sweden; and if it go forward, I shall endeavour to give you a further account of it. Between this and the next post, we shall, I suppose, be able to judge, which way the states of Holland, and consequently the states general, will resolve; they are now in a great streight. The truth is, they would give the law to all Europe, and not receive it from any, and have England, and France, and every body else, steer after their compass; and their north pole is their traffick, measuring all things only by that, without any other considerations whatsoever, and in the which they are not willing any body else should have the least share; and this trade of the East Sea is one of their greatest mysteries in trade, they venting there what they bring out of the east, south and west; and again, supplying other countries with the commodities of that sea: Poland alone spent more pepper than all the rest of Europe; and by this backing the king of Denmark, and bringing down the king of Sweden, they thought to make themselves absolute masters of that sea; and although their Spanish, and East-Indy and Spanish trade, be richer, yet the destroying of this trade is also the destroying of those other; and besides, the commodities of the East sea, being bulky, did employ numbers of ships and seamen, so that the failure thereof will make them inconsiderable in both.
As for Gluckstadt, when the Danish ministers made their desire of borrowing money, and did prosser Croningburg-castle, and other things, for security, the deputies of the states general asked them, if they had not power to proffer Gluckstadt; and when the council of state were ordered to give their opinion, whether it were fit to send the 4000 men before winter or not, they gave as their opinion, that it was fit to send the 4000 men, but that it was fit to send 2000 to Gluckstadt; whereas the Danish ministers desired only the sending of provision, not of men, to Gluckstadt, but that all the men might be sent to Copenhagen. I am,
Hague, the 2 Decemb./22. Novemb. 58.
Right Honourable,
Your most faithful humble servant,
G. Downino.
I pray that Mr. de Bordeaux's packet here inclosed be sent to him speedily, it being sent from Mr. de Thou here; as also the other, to the lord general Fleetwood, from Mr. Appleboom.
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I find that great sums of money have been given by the king of Denm. ministers 466 131 140 to divers of the k. of Poland.
I pray your thoughts at the ministers as to the Hague, as to the settling the 150 l. per annum; and in the mean while for the last quarter.
I had very much adoe to gain the French ambassador; and I doubt you will not firmly carry France with you in this businesse, if it come to difficultye, unlesse you assure them, that you will also help in making the peace also for Poland, so as with the exclusion of the house of Austria; and truly I take it also to be your interest; and if this state find France any thing inclining to their way of a general peace, they will be very troublesome. I know not how they may be; however, I am sure they are full of anger.
Sir John Marlay to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xii. p. 321.
My Lord,
I kindly thanke your honor for the favour I received from Mr. Fawbanks by your
order, wherewith I have a little pacified those, to whom I am indebted since my cominge over; but perceiving your occasions are so great, that I cannot have the honor to
confer with you, and my owne condition so lowe, that I am not able longer to subsist, and
maintaine my family; therefore I humbly beseech you to take into consideration these
followinge brief propositions, and lett me receive some answere, that I may knowe what
to relye upon.
If his highnes the lord protector wil be pleased to receive me unto his grace and favour, trust, employ me, and put me in some condition fitt to serve him, it shall be my utmost endeavour really to doe his highnes considerable service; and if uppon triall I faile, either in faithfulnes, or in want of abilitie to performe what I promise, his highnes may dispose of me at his pleasure.
If this be thought not sittinge;
Then my humble suit is, that I may have the benefitt of such part of my estate, as is not yet disposed of; and I shall confine myselfe into some part of the kingdome, where I am least knowne, and may live most privatly, ingaginge myselfe never to act, or so much as speake, of state affaires.
And if this will not be graunted,
I most humbly intreat, that I may have free libertie to acquaint my friends, and those
that have formerly knowne me, with my present condition, implore there helpe and assistance
for imployment of my children, and my owne subsistance; and that nether myselfe for
desiringe, nor they for assistinge, may receive any blame or harme: provided alwaies
there be nothing asked or said prejudicial to his highnes or the present government. I dare
inlarge no further for feare of beinge troublesome, but shal be ready to answeare any thing,
that may be objected; and ever remaine,
My Lord,
Your most humble servant,
John Marlay.
November 22d. 1658.
Resolution of the states general touching admiral Opdam's return, &c.
3d December, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lxii. p. 282.
Being again put to deliberation, what order should be sent to admiral Opdam touching the security of the 4000 men to go for Denmark, and the ships that are to return home; it hath been resolved, that letters shall be written to the said admiral; that their high mightinesses think fit to advertise him of two things to be considered: first, that the said 4000 men, that are to go to sea the 7th instant, if the season will permit, may be received and conveyed securely. 2dly, That he return home with those ships, that are not to winter in Denmark. Therefore it is put to his consideration, that if the forces of Sweden are very considerable in the Sound, to stay and receive these forces between Flekero and Schagen, or thereabouts; and to convey them to Copenhagen, with the ships, that are to winter there; and if the Swedish fleet be not so considerable, then that he come home, as soon as he can, giving order to the ships, that stay behind, to convoy carefully the said forces to Copenhagen: yet that this is not wrote by their high mightinesses as an order, but only as advice; so that he may do as he shall think best, to arrive to the two aforesaid aims; and this resolution shall be sent to the admiralty of Amsterdam, to serve them for information.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 337.
My Lord,
I received your lordship's letter of the 16th instant, and with itt a grant from his
highnesse for the custody of Haly-rude-house, and the parke neere Edenburgh, for
which I returne his highness most humble thankes; and to you for your care in sending
of itt. I know nott how I shall deserve these favours from his highness's hands. I shall
endeavour to doe him the best service I can. All thinges, I praise God, are well hear. I
heare nothing of Charles Stuart his endeavouring to act in this country, which is all att
present from
Dalkeith, 23d November, 1658.
Your Lordship's very humble servant,
George Monck.
Captain Langley to secretary Thurloe.
Leith, Nov. 23. 1658.
Vol. lxii. p. 333.
My Lord,
Here hath been little of importance, which together with my want of health kept
me from writing to your lordship some posts by past, all things being at present, like
the season of the year, frozen and dead in outward appearance: only the Quakers make a
great bustle here, still prating out their idle stories, Yorkshire and those parts adding
daily new fewel to there fier, here being lately come two new ones thence, to declare they
have many vain disputes with the free-willers so called. But all I can observe from them,
that is new, is, that they do not like this protector soe well as the last, but will give noe
reason for it.
The Scotts continue as malignant as ever, hoping for redemption, as they call it. The present good and happy settlement of the present government nothing moves them to alter from their dark principles. The leopard cannot change his spots. The Anabaptists, in deep silence, still seem to take no notice of the weal or woe of the present times. Their words nor actions leave no tract for present as formerly, which makes me think they are out of design at present. Yet some of them still sadly complain, that they have been outwitted; so that at present in these parts it seems to be falling water with both them and the Quakers, their designs and all their other endeavours being altogether fruitless, and I hope will so continue. Those that formerly halted between two opinions, not baptizing their children, making ready to, but did not outwardly join with the Anabaptists as to their discipline, are now come in to Mr. Collings, who was some 14 days past ordained pastor of a new-gathered church here, by 6 ministers that came from Newcastle and thereabouts, of which Mr. Haman was chief; since which time most of their grown children are baptized by Mr. Collings. This church encreaseth something, but the others nothing.
Sir, here hath been lately 10 ships taken by the St. Peter srigytt of East-end, who plyes the Staples coast constantly. When he is out, and doth much mischief, all ships being forced to keep off at sea, to sail clear of those rocks; then he lies so, that he may get fight of them, and keep always, or for the most part, out of fight of land. He plied there 6 weeks, and carried away 10 masters to East-end, whose ships he compounded for to have such sums of money paid before the masters have liberty. His best prize was one of 8 guns, three quarter mine. He killed in her 2 men, and shot a young woman, that was passing, and big with child, all to pieces. This is a sad loss for me after many others. Truly, Sir, one frigot to lye off these rocks constantly would save all this harm, if but one of 16 or 20 guns. I had not troubled your honour with this, but that I hoped you might prove instrumental towards preventing the like for the future.
Sir, wheat is at present to be had at 32 to 35 R. per quarter. It's thought 'twill be dearer. Biscuit may be had at present at 16 s. per cent. Beef and pork good at 2½ per pound, if you should need any for D. R. Here is fallen such a snow, as hath not been seen this many year so early in the year: but I shall trouble you no longer, only wish I could serve your honour and my country in something more acceptable than these poor endeavours of,
Your lordship's cordial and most humble servant,
Timothy Langley.
The last time I spoake with generall Monck, I could him, that your lordship would take care to gett the businesse don according as my lord Disbrowe had desired. He then promised mee, hee would writ that night to your honour, and in these words: The business my lord Disbrow writ to you about will do well, because his secretary should not take notice; but I repent me for reminding him of it; for by the sudden execution of the busines it was to my cost. He promis'd Mr. Fleetwood should miss of a commission for captain Forth. I hope hee could not . . . . you.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellencye,
Neither are the Irish letters come this weeke, which doth somewhat disappoint his
highnesse as to his intention of sendinge the messenger my last promised, who is yet
here, and we knewe not but that your excellency's next letter might occasion somethinge
to be further sayde to you upon the subject the messenger is sent upon; but seeinge it is so
fallen out, that wee have had noe letters these 3 weeks together, the sendinge to your
excellencye shall noe longer be delayed; but the person, who goes, shall depart to-morrow
or upon thursday at furthest; and I hope he shall bringe with him the instructions to the
councell, wherein noe alteration is yet made, nor I hope will be, though I can undertake
nothinge therein now; but I spake of these and some other things unto Dr. Petty, who I
suppose will write more at large, and the aforesayd messenger will come to your excellency
soe fully instructed in all things, which relate to assaires here, that I shall not trouble your
excellency in any thinge of that nature by this.
The funeral of his late highnes was solemnized this day with very great honour; but,
alas! it was his funeral. Much endeavour there hath been to blowe the coale amongst the
souldiers to have begotten some disturbance this day; but, blessed be God, all is ended with
peace, and things carryed in great order. There is yet noe further newes come from
Sweden. Our fleet went out of the Downes towards the Sound upon wednesday last; but
I feare they are not farre onwards of their journey, the windes haveing beene contrary ever
since friday. This is all from
Whitehall, 23.Novem.
Your Excellencye's most humble, and obliged, and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Lord Fauconberg to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
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My Lord,
Ever since your last, which was about three weekes agoe, I have endeavoured to contribute all I was able, in bringing your lordshipp over to us; but I finde it has opposition from all parties. They that hate you feare you too, 39 16 3 41 11 49 26 38 12 11 5
37 13 47 28 40 39 28 26, and therefore oppose it. 37 10 26 35 11 28 33 31 26 36
11 19 41. 41 They that love you have apprehensions, 26 40 13 49 28 38 16 5 38 11 5 33
31 35 11 16 13 29 34 19 28 27 36, neither Ireland nor Henry Cromwell are secure, 23 5 27
8 27 28 37 A. 5 37 11 34 13 7 38 37 13 21 it separated. 13 33 3 37 5 39 11 6.
This lord Fale assures Hen. Crom. is the only reason he can learne 39 16 11 28 27 13 25 47 35 13
5 34 28 27 16 11 13 9 3 29 25 11 5 35 27 13 that makes protector 3 18 13 34
Z. backward on it. 5 37 6 21 27 19 41.
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As to our assures the factious party, discovering 35 13 34, 39 16 11 12 3 9 39 21 26 40 34 31 3 37 39 49 6 19 34 9 26 40 11 35 21 27 17 themselves not strong enough 23 40 11 36 27 28 41 26 39 35 28 29 15 11 29 26 40 17 14 to carry on delignes alone. 49 26 9 6 13 34 19 17 29 11 34 5 23 26 29 11 are treating with the 13 5 41 19 27 17 45 19 41 14 41 16 11 I. men the 29 39 14 13 D. and that rabble, 14 3 39 35 3 4 2 25 11, and, wee heare, wil put it to 13 3 37 11 43 19 25 33 38 41 21 39 41 26 a push that way. 14 39 16 5 4 45 5 47.
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O. and 27 6 V. Desbrowe are the heads, 16 11 5 6 36. Z. keeps his ground; 36 14 21 34 17 35 28 38 27 8, but truly gets none of them; 49 15 13 39 36 29 26 27 13 28 10 39 16 13 22, for things run in the same channel, 17 34 37 28 29 21 27 39 14 13 36 3 22 13 9 14 5 29 27 11 25 managed by the same hands as formerly; 16 11 34 5 22 13 16 3 29 6 36 5 34 12 26 35 24 11 37 25 47; and truly 6 41 35 38 25 47 B. thinks 21 27 18 36 nothing would conduce to publick good 26 38 25 6 9 28 27 6 40 7 13 39 28 31 98 4 25 19 9 18 15 28 26 6 more then some attempt of 11 29 34 26 24 13 5 41 39 11 24 31 41 28 10 theirs, if it please God 36, 21 10 19 41 33 23 13 5 34 11 17 26 8 to make it unsuccessful. 11 19 41 38 29 34 40 9 7 11 36 10 38 23.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Z. made a speech to all the officers last friday, 16 39 28 5 25 23 39 16 11 26 12 10 21 7
11 37 36 23 5 34 41 10 37 47 8 5 49, but with very great moderation 40 11 37 47 17
35 13 3 41 22 28 6 13 35 3 39 21 26 29 5 and kindness, has commanded 29 11 36, 14 5
34 7 28 24 22 5 27 6 11 8 B. not to go yet into the country, 11 47 13 39 19 29 41
26 39 16 11 7 28 38 29 39 37 47 which I assure 7 16 21 5 36 34 38 38 35 11 A
B obeys unwillingly, unles he could be mroe 23 31 29 15 25 47 38 27 23 13 36 14 13
11 7 28 38 25 6 4 11 22 28 35 13 34 serviceab'e to him 9 11 5 4 23 13 39 28 14 21
24 nere. 11 37 13. Our solemnity is (God be prays'd) well over, tho' wee have beene
much threatned with great matters, to be enterprised as this day. I am
Your Excellency's most faithful humble servant,
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
A friend of mine has a petition lying before your excellency and the councel, which I hope you will favour him in: his name is Wickism 18 16 5 22.
Dr. Thomas Clarges to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excelency,
There is little farther from the Sound then came in the last account, but some say the
Hollanders lost four ships, and their vice-admiral's and rear-admiral's persons, and had
twelve ships disabled; but neverthelesse, it is not by any contradicted, that Copenhagen
is reliev'd, which may much disturbe the king of Sweden's enterprizes, and his misfortunes
may be increas'd by the delay of our fleet, which was goeing, as I am privately inform'd,
under vice-admirall Goodson to those parts, and is now winde-bound in Yarmouthe-roade.
The Holland ambassador is very aprehensive of our interposition in these transactions, and
thinks his masters glory will be much eclipsed, if they ruine not the Swede fleet, and hinder their attempts in the Sound, which nothing can prevent (as he thinks) but our side.
I dare not pretende to so much state knowledge as to give my poore judgment in these
great matters; but certainly those eastern parts will be the scœne of important action and
great consequencies. This day his late highness funerall was solemnised; the manner
whereof I have written to the lords of the council, being unwilling to renew your excelencie's affliction with a narrative of such a nature. I am,
May it please your Excelency,
Your excelencie's most humble servant,
Tho. Clarges.
London, this 23d of Nov. 1658.