State Papers, 1658: December (1 of 4)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1658: December (1 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1658: December (1 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1658: December (1 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

December (1 of 4)


Heidelberg, 11 Dec. [1658. N. S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 395.

The leagued princes manifest much zeal and generosity for the execution of their league. Those, that have been solicited lately not to set their hands to the ratification, or at least not to engage themselves too far, have not at all hearkened to what was proposed unto them, and have answered them, by the justice whereof the said league was founded, as not aiming at the offending of any one, and having no other end but the conservation of the general peace, and the particular quiet of each one interested therein, not derogating at all from the respect and authority due to the emperor, and being upheld by the constitutions of the empire, and the treaty of Munster. The said allied or leagued princes have written to the emperor and the elector of Brandenburg, and to the general Montecuculi, and prayed the two latter, that they would in this juncture of affairs give good order, that the circle of the Lower Saxony be not at all damnified nor violated by their forces; otherwise that they were resolved to put in action all means, that the law of nature and nations had put into their power to defend it, and warrant it from oppression. The emperor hath signified by letters to his electoral highness, that at his request the king of Spain had granted, that the treaty of peace, proposed some while since at Francfort between France and Spain, shall be in Germany, although that there were reasons to persist in his former resolution for the place of the treaty to be in the Pyrenean mountains, as the limits of both kingdoms. Also that the same king accepted of the mediation of the electoral college, saving also the mediation of the pope and the republic of Venice, requiring his electoral highness to contribute what in him lies to the advancing of a matter so beneficial for all Christendom. It is said, that the duke of Modena, after the death of his father, found a hid treasure to the value of 700,000 pistoles, and that he is resolved to enjoy the same in peace, and to retire himself betimes.

Capt. Fox to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 397.

May it please your Honour,
I Had yours of the 28th instant. As for the letters, that came downe into these parts from Mr. Carey's man Roger Greene, are from Carey himselfe, they are usually directed to Mrs. Susan Keckwitch, who is daughter to the governor of Maues castle; she being one of Mr. Carey's converts, who hath learnt the art of Hannah Trapnell, and is osttymes in her singing trances, and soe continues 12 or 14 houres, if not longer, as I am informed by her father, who is much troubled at the same, and tells me he confeales it what he can. The letters, as aforesaid, sometymes are directed to John Barnes, or major Bauden, or Hannibal Randell of Maues (where Barnes and Keckwitch alsoe liveth). If you have a desire to meete with any of them, it wil be your best way to have it done by capt. Hatsell, or the post-master of Plymouth. There is alsoe stuff of that nature comes to Abraham Chair of Plymouth; but if you have a desire to have this person I imploy to goe along with them att any place nere London, you may trust him, and he will not be mistrusted by them; for he preaches and prays oft-tymes amongst them, he being one that is furnished not only with parts, but confidence, to carry it on as well as any of them; which I have taken the boldness to hint to you, and leave it to your honour's consideration, and shall ever remain
Regill, Dec. 1. 1658.

Your Honour's most faithful servant,
John Fox.

Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 419.

Right Honourable,
I Write your honour by two several convoyances lately, and this goes by way of the Algarves, a duplicate of which I sende to Oporto to waite an opportunity to be convoyed to your honour.

Three or fower dayes since here arryved some Jewes from Tituan in Barbary, whoe assure me, that five dayes before they came from thence, two Inglish frigattes (of which they neither know the name of shipes nor commanders) brought into Tituan roade a gallion of 32 gunns, and a Holland ship, which the frigatts tooke under the castle of Gibraltar. The pryzes came both from the West-Indies, and are loaden with hides, cochineal, indigo, tobacco, and store of pieces of eight; and this is confirmed by capt. Middiman of London, who came from Tangera, onely that he differs in this, that he reported the prizes to be both Hollanders, loaden for Spaniards accounts. Yesterday the lord chief justice of Portugal shewed me a letter, which he received from his brother the conde de Consenede, whoe is now generall in the frontiers, dated the 5th of this moneth, in which he writes, that by some Spaniards taken prisoners they had intelligence, that three English frigats had landed some men neer Cadiz, and fyred two small villages on the sea-coaste; on which the king of Spaine sente to Luis de Harro to sende three regiments of foote soldiers from the camp before Elvez, to guard the coaste; but Don Luis answered, that if he sente three regiments, he must of necessity raise the siedge. But I believe this is rather a story to flatter the common people, than any thinge else; for it is not likely, that Don Luis de Harro doth acquainte the comon soldiers what passeth in private betwixt the kinge and himselfe. I am writt from Cadiz, that the West-India fleete is expected there about the end of this moneth, with at least 60 millions of treasure, of which 18 millions are for the king's account. Here is a reporte, that 60 frigatts are preparinge in Ingland, to waite their comminge. I wish there were one halfe of that number in the bay of Cadiz. Here is little allteration in our frontiers since my last. Elvez and Mouson are still besiedged, but the Spanish army is in a deplorable condition, by reason of the extreame raines, which we have lately had. Abundance dye, and many runn away. This I saw in several letters from French commanders, to whome I give more credit then to Portuguez. These people are raisinge forces as faste as they can, and aboute the begininge of January they say, they will fight the Spaniard both in the north and south of Portugall; but if the winter season doe not drive away the Spaniard before that tyme, Mouson will be loste, for they are extreamly straitned allready for provisions in the towne; but Elvez is provided for eight or ten weeks longer with all necessaries, and so there is little seare of that place, if the Portugueze, which are in the garrison, prove faithful. The Lord ever blesse and prosper your honour, are still the prayers of
2/12. Dec. 1658.

Your Honour's most faithful servant,
Tho. Maynard.

Resolution of the states of Holland.

12. Decemb. [1658. N. S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 415.

The counsellor and pensionary hath made report to the assembly, that the deputies for the affairs of Sweden and Denmark have examined, according to the resolution of the 3d instant, the memorials of the embassador of France and of the resident of England of the 30th past, about the forwarding the peace in the Northern parts; are of opinion, that the answers following should be given to the said embassador and resident:

The states general having seen and examined the memorial of the embassador of France, presented the 30th past to their high mightinesses, touching the war lately kindled afresh between the kings of Sweden and Denmark, and the peace of those Northern parts, after mature deliberation, have found it expedient to answer hereby to the said embassador, that their high mightinesses are pleased with the declaration made in the name of the king his master, that his majesty is ready to contribute his endeavours with the protector of England and their high mightinesses for the forwarding of the aim proposed in the resolution of their high mightinesses of the 27th last, to wit, for the making peace in the said northern parts, their high mightinesses being for their parts inclined to the same end, and, for the advancing the mediation of the said three states, to send also speedily embassadors extraordinary to the said kings, with orders and instructions to join with the ministers of France and England in making such propositions and endeavours to this purpose, as shall be judged by a mutual accord to be most expedient in this constitution of affairs; and, that their high mightinesses will have care, that the peace may be firm and perpetual, and to this end they will use all the precautions that shall be judged most fit.

And in answer to the English resident thus:

The states general of the United Provinces, &c. having seen and examined the contents of the memorial presented, &c. by the resident Downing, &c. touching the peace in the Northern parts, and principally of the kings of Sweden and Denmark, have, after mature deliberation, found it expedient to answer hereby to the said resident, that their high mightinesses are well pleased with the declaration made in the name of the lord protector, that his highness is ready to contribute his endeavours with the king of France and their high mightinesses for the forwarding of the aim proposed in their resolution of the 27th past, to re-establish the peace in those quarters, their high mightinesses being on their part inclined to this end; and for the forwarding of the said mediation of the three states contained in the said memorial, as the best way, they are resolved speedily to send ministers extraordinary to the said two kings, with order and instructions to join with the ministers of England and France in such propositions and endeavours, as shall be judged most expedient in this juncture of time to arrive to an accommodation, requiring in the mean time, that it would please his highness not to hearken to, much less to send a fleet upon the reports, that have been made, or shall be made, as if their high mightinesses should be resolved to undertake things, which might facilitate affairs, which would be no less prejudicial to themselves, than to their allies.

Whereupon, after deliberation, their most noble mightinesses have approved the said answers; and it hath been resolved, that endeavours shall be made to the general assembly, that they draw up answers to this purpose to give to the said ministers.

At the council at Whitehall.

Thursday, 2. Dec. 1658.

Vol. lxii. p. 427.

According to a former order, the council did this day take into consideration the business upon the petition of the owners of the ship Endeavour and her lading; and a report heretofore made in the case by the judges of the court of admiralty, and Dr. Walker, his highness's advocate, (whereof consideration had been taken on the 10th of June last) was again read; whereby it appears to be fully proved in the admiralty-court, that the said ship belonging to Robert Oxwicke, and other merchants of London, and being laden at Teneriff with 313 pipes of canary wine by the agents of Richard Baker and company, merchants of London, for their proper accounts, was, in her course betwixt Teneriff, and the islands of Palma, on the 21st of Nov. 1655. English style, set upon by four ships under command of one Gyles de la Roche, a Frenchman, and subject of the French king, and by them surprised and carried away, together with the said wine, and other her lading, the masters and mariners being also held under strict custody, and barbarously used, altho' they knew, as was by themselves confessed, that the peace betwixt France and England was then agreed upon, they pretending for the cause of such their seizure their being destitute of a ship's lading of wines for their necessary provisions, being bound upon a long voyage, and saying, that their owners or employers, viz. the marshal de Meilleraye in France, were rich and able enough, and must pay and make satisfaction to the English for the same. And it is further set forth by the said report, that they found not, that the French brought the said matter into the French admiralty, or took any examinations therein, according as the laws of France direct and prescribe; and that upon full debate and consideration thereof, and of the articles of the said peace made the 3d of Nov. 1655. N. S. and the laws of nations, the reporters are clear of opinion, that the surprisal of the said ship and lading as aforesaid was a tort and wrong and foul spoil, done contrary to the peace, and to common right; and that the said French, and their owners and principals, were liable and ought to make reparation and satisfaction to the English for the same, with costs, damages, and interest in such cases usual: and that upon full debate and consideration of the third article of the said peace, and of the letters, certificates, and other proceedings particularly recited in the said report, shewing the prosecutions and instances made in France on behalf of the English interested, as well in a way and course of justice, as by his late highness's letters both to the king of France and to the cardinal Mazarine, whereby justice was effectually pressed, and satisfaction and reparation desired, and that all diligence was therein used, and the English notwithstanding not obtaining any satisfaction, they are therefore unanimously clear of opinion, that all requisites either by the articles of peace, or laws or customs of nations, have been fully observed, so as his highness, according to the third article of the peace, which allows it, and by the rules and practice of nations (if his highness please) grant special letters of marque upon this special case to the English petitioners against the French for satisfaction of their said losses of the said ship and her lading, the value whereof, together with the damages, is sworn to amount in the whole to 12955 l. sterling, besides the value of the ship, the freight, and what was plundered from the mariners and seamen, together amounts to 3632 l. both making in all 16587 l. sterling, besides for bearance and interest. And the said matter coming to hearing before the council on the said 10th of June last, it was then, upon the grounds aforesaid, ordered, that Mr. secretary should be desired to send several copies of the said report, as well to his highness's embassador in France, as to the lord Bordeaux, embassador extraordinary from the king of France in England, and to accompany the same with his letters to both, representing his highness's unwillingness to issue letters of marque thereupon, till, after consideration of the matters so stated, justice should be denied or delayed to the interested; and to desire them both to make their instance in that behalf. And whereas Mr. secretary did this day communicate to the council, that, in conformity to the said order, he had sent several transcripts of the said report to both the said embassadors, accompanying the same with his several letters, as by the said order was directed, and that his highness's said embassadors had made his instances accordingly: and whereas the said Robert Oxwicke and Richard Baker, and companies, have again addressed themselves by their humble petition to his highness, shewing, that all the proceedings aforesaid have proved ineffectual, the petitioners being ruined, and no reparation obtained; and therefore praying, that being worn out by tedious and long delays, and the expences they have been put to in seeking for repair, without effect, his highness will please to do them right and justice, by granting them special letters of reprisal against the French for their relief. On serious consideration of all which, and to the intent it may appear, that as his highness is willing to do justice to his people, who have suffered so great a depredation, by affording them such means of relief as the law warrants and requires, so he is desirous to proceed therein with all tenderness and respect to the French nation; his highness the lord protector, and his council, do order and declare, that letters of reprisal be granted to the petitioners, for reparation of their said losses and damages set forth in the said report, in case satisfaction be not given them by or before the first of March next, till which time, and no longer, (in case satisfaction be not made as aforesaid) the issuing thereof is to be respited and forborn; and Mr. secretary is desired to give notice hereof to the said lord embassador Bordeaux, as also to the lord embassador Lockhart, to the intent he may give a seasonable communication hereof to his majesty of France.

Wm. Jessop, cl. of the council.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 431.

My Lord,
I Received your lordship's letter of the 23d of November; by which I understand our first relation of the fight betweene the Swedes and the Dutch is nott soe as was reported heere; but I am very glad to heare, that the Swedes have gott the better of itt. I am sorry to heare, wee have sent a fleete this winter-time to the Sound. I doe not see what service they can doe; besides these short dayes, itt is a dangerous coast, and may bee very dangerous to them, because of the great quantity of ice, that comes downe those seas. I am sorry the soldiers should petition for 3 d. a day more, now monie is soe scarce; but you shall nott neede to doubt any thinge of the like nature from hence, though wee are further in arreares than his highnesse armies in England and Ireland; but all that wee desire is, that wee may have equall share of monies with them, according to the number wee have, as itt comes in, and hope wee shall suffer with as much patience as any of them. For newes here is none; onely I heare, there is one lieutenant-collonel Patrick Hay, that goes by the name of captain Rosse, who is a tall, lusty man, with a brown head of haire, and is constantlie to bee found with the lord Sinclair, prisoner in Windsor-castle. If you could light uppon him, and apprehend him, wee have enough against him; and I am confident hee goes often to Charles Stuart, and holdes correspondence with him. I remayne
Dalkeith, 2d. Dec. 1658.

Your Lordship's
Very humble servant,
Geo. Monck.

Mr. Downing, the resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 445.

Right Honourable,
Saturday last my lord Nieuport's son delivered his letters, copies whereof I have herein inclosed. He came over to Dunkirke, and passing between Nieuport and Ostend with a Spanish trumpeter, was set upon, plundered, and soundly beaten; and the effects will shew, what influence the sending of his highness's fleet towards the Sound hath wrought. The 4000 men were actually on ship-board, and the wind as fair as could blow to carry them out; and had you not sent me those orders, which you did by the frigate, the men had been gone ere they could have come by the post; but the giving in of my memorial, together with that of the French embassador, wrought so far, as they would not suffer them to go to sea, until that they had heard from my lord Nieuport; and understanding from him, that the fleet was actually gone, they have since caused the men to be set on shore in North-Holland and Friezeland, where they are dispersed into several towns; whereas before the certainty, that the fleet was gone, it was the talk of every man, that maugre what had been or could be said, the men should go for the Sound. And you will conjecture easily, that the stopping of these men must necessarily have a very great influence upon the elector of Brandenburg and king of Poland; for that they did build upon it as a certainty, that this state would not by any means be drawn from continuing the sending of succours to the king of Denmark, without which, they know, they can do but little. Upon monday I went to the president of the states general, to demand an answer of my memorial concerning this business, and also concerning the English ships taken in the East Indies; and yesterday Mr. de Witt gave me a visit, and assured me, that before the states of Holland do separate, which will be about the end of the next week, they will take a resolution concerning that memorial concerning the ships taken in the East Indies; and for the other, that it was now in consideration; and that he did not doubt I should have it within a day or two, if not before the going away of the post, which he doubted could hardly be; and that it was drawn up to this purpose, that the states were willing to join with England and France in endeavouring a peace between the kings of Sweden and Denmark. And as to what was alledged of reports, as if they had taken any relation, or given any orders to admiral Opdam to assist the transporting of any Imperial troops into any of the isles of Denmark, that it was not so; to which I answered, that we knew very well what their orders were, to wit, to be assisting in the transporting of the troops in Holstein, under the command of the elector of Brandenburg, which were in conjunction with the Imperial troops, and went under the name of the Imperial army; and that their order was not restrained to the transporting only of such troops as were the elector's, but that thereby the elector was left at liberty to transport which he would; and that in whatever the elector undertook, it was evident, that he still made use of an equal number of the emperor's forces; all which he confessed to be true. I pressed him, that their answer might be couched in express terms, as was my memorial, to denote their intention of endeavouring that peace in a separate way; to which he answered, that that could not be, not only in regard of the king of Poland, but especially of the elector of Brandenburg, whose influence was very great upon the provinces; but that they hoped it should be couched in such terms, as would let his highness understand, that they would be for the making a peace between Sweden and Denmark, without the others, if they would not upon reasonable terms be comprized; and that to this end they would pitch upon their embassadours. There is one Van Horn of Amsterdam, who is in nomination, and it is supposed, that some one of Zealand, or rather of Frize, will be joined to him; but nothing herein is yet concluded. Some say, that Mynheer Dorp, who was lately embassadour to the king of Sweden, will be one; but there is no talk of sending Beuningen, who was late embassador at Copenhagen. We have had all this last week continual frost, and much snow; so that men run every-where upon the ice, and talk much of the Sound's being frozen. It hath snowed much this last night; but the wind is now come to the westward, and it begins to thaw. We hear nothing concerning his highness's fleet, since what I wrote you word in my last of their having been met about the DogerSand; and here is great enquiring, what are Goodson's instructions, and 343 207 158 60 whether they will attack Opdam. The letters from Lubec, as you will perceive by the inclosed, speak of the harbour of Landschronen being barred up, by sinking ships in the mouth of it; so that thereby it will be impossible for the king of Sweden's ships to get out, and so that his highness's fleet will have no body to join with; but as yet there are no letters hereof come to the states. I hope vice-admiral Goodson will not put into any such places, where he may be stopt in, nor yet in case he should stay in the Sound this winter, in Wismar, or any such other place, where, by the favour of the frost, the enemy may come on a suddain on his ships, and burn them. It is apprehended, as if the king of Sweden will be unwilling to admit this state as mediators; and upon that account the overture in our memorials is somewhat the rather taken hold of, whereby, if a peace be made, they shall come in; and if otherwise, that they will so 138 40 467 468 169 503 couch their resolution, 60 468 69 132 133 281 112 370 475 412, as little as may be possible, to offend the emperor, the king of Poland, and the elector of Brandenburg. 543. I have herein inclosed to you what I have from collonel Sidney. 390 82 140 336 390 170. I pray, that by the return of the post I may have your positive resolution as to him. 326 491 69 48 What if you should try him this winter ? 469 502 106 147 286 ? I have herein inclosed to you a relation of the late fight in the Sound, which I have written to me from a person, who was in the sight, and, I dare say, would inform me nothing but the truth, according to the best of his knowledge. You will perceive by the inclosed, that great preparation is making for the transporting of the Imperial troops into Zealand. Here is much talk of a peace to be made by the Spaniard either with France or England, and that undoubtedly, if possible, they will make the one or the other this winter. The ministers of 139 the elector of Brandenburg have been with me, 379, and they are very much apprehensive, that when the l. protect. shall have put the k. of Swed. out of tear, 42 213, that then he will 523 395 145 231 not be guared by him, 326, and that it will not be in his power to 426 132 139 152 15 persude him to agree with the elector of Brandenburg; and they wish, that the lord protect. in the management of this business, would keep the balance in his hands. 355 104 251 339 327 319 105 33 140. I desired, that the el. of Brand. would let his high. know what is to be done for the elect of Brand. and that then they should quickly see the protector his care of him. 408 326. To which they answered, that the elector should so do, thereby he should become loose as 141 426 217 to his present friends, the emperor and 148 49 441 282 139 468 43 100 426 443 152 the king of Poland, 538, and yet not be sure of a peace with the king of Sweden; 500 468 536; and that it concerns them in this business to proceed upon sure foundations, for that if k. of Swed. could but find out any such propositions made by the elector, that he would only serve himself thereof to raise jeaousies between the elector and his present 231 149 161 431 44 108 allies. Weyman 119 132 287 44 109 150 199 362 287 158 41 169 89 205, who is one of them, has his commission and instructions to go to 142 345 207 343 477 314 477 England; and it is probable, that now he may go 314. Since the writing hereof, Minheer de Witt sent his secretary to me, to keep my packet open as long as I could; for that he hoped to let me have the resolution of the states general to my memorial concerning the ships taken in the East-Indies, which accordingly he hath sent me, and comes herein inclosed to you. I never took more pains in a private business than in this, wherein I have had so much ado, as is hardly imaginable; such is the interest of the East-India company here. I am,
Hague, Dec. 3/13. 58.

Right Honourable,
Your most faithful humble servant,
G. Downing.

Three letters of the embassador Nieuport, of the 13th Dec. [1658. N. S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 437.

The commissioners Wolseley, Strickland, and Thurloe, with Jessop secretary of the council, came to my house, and Mons. Wolseley told me, that some time past some papers had been put into my hands, touching the three ships taken at Bantam; and after a memorial given, that his highness and his council had examined all things, and commanded to give me the depositions and attestations taken before the admiralty, with another writing, which comprehends clearly the intentions of his highness and council, who expect, that their high mightinesses shall give such order, that the tenor of the said writing be put speedily in execution. I answered them, that the company of Holland had not yet time to give in their answer; and that they ought to be heard in their defence. Whereunto the secretary answered, that the council had examined and considered all, that the proceedings at Batavia were very unjust, and that his highness expected reparation from their high mightinesses; and that some articles of the peace were broken. I answered, that the business, being examined without prejudication, would be found conformable to the laws observed in all places, until by a treaty marine it shall be otherwise provided; wherefore their high mightinesses have so much pressed the same to be concluded, judging, that it was necessary to prevent all disorders and complaints; that it was true, that since the peace there has been more moderation therein upon the coasts of Spain, than according to the ancient laws; but that the governors and counsellors of Holland in the East-Indies knew nothing thereof; and with many other reasons, that the business ought not to be so taken. I also demanded, if they had considered of my late memorial touching the proofs and complaints on both sides. The secretary answered, that it was not needful. Also I asked touching the sugar prizes. Whereto he answered, that in two or three days I should have answer thereof; but that now he had order only concerning the three Bantam ships; and rising up, said, that it was an abuse, and that his highness would grant letters of marque; yet that he had rather have reparation by more mild means.

Another letter from the same.

I Send daily to the secretary to have answer of my memorial. I understand, that the ministers of Sweden have received commissions from the king their master against the king of Denmark, and the United Provinces. One, that is making ready a ship upon this commission, told me, that the commissions are only against the king and subjects of Denmark and Norway; and that the king of Sweden had not thought fit to give out any against the United Provinces; but that there is a general clause in them, which saith, against the king of Denmark, and all the enemies of the king of Sweden.

'Tis thought, that those, who take these commissions, will fall upon others in their way. I understand, this week captain Green, an old and famous caper, hath equipped a ship with a Portugal commission on the West of England, to rob the subjects of the United Provinces. I will acquaint the commissioners therewith, to the end it may be hindered.

Another letter from the same.

The fleet of this state making sail for the Sound, being come to the point of Flemsburg, have found the wind so north-west, that several of them have lost their masts and yard, in so much that they are returned to Solebay on the coast of Suffolk; and the wind continuing, it stays there, and the river being already frozen, 'tis thought they will have other orders. The Maidstone frigat, and the Swedish ship, wherein Sir George Ascue, and his officers and seamen, as also the Sieur Dowalt, resident of the king of Sweden, should have embarqued themselves, are still there. The 9th instant the resident of Florence, and the envoys of Bremen and Dantzick, had audience of the protector, and, after the compliments of condoling and congratulation, presented their credentials. This week his highness published an ordinance, that forasmuch as he had received complaints from several parts, that several godly ministers, that endeavour to advance reformation according to the settlement, are hindered therein by those, who detain their tythes, and others, which sue them, because they refuse to admit to the sacrament all sorts of men, hath resolved, with the advice of his council, to injoin all persons, and command them in their parishes, to pay their tythes and other rights, which are ordained for their maintenance; and no man hinder them of that liberty granted them by the remonstrance and advice of the last parliament; and his highness declares finally, that his intention is to advance as much as he can the said reformation, and will employ his authority for the defence of the said ministers, which are engaged therein. I understand, that the protector, with the advice of his council, hath resolved to call a parliament of two houses, as the late king did in the year 1640. The lady of the protector is gone to Hampshire, to visit her father Mr. Major, who is sick, and to bring his son from thence to Whitehall; and the lord Henry is shortly expected here from Ireland.

Resolution of the states of Holland.

13. Decemb. [1658. N. S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 441.

After mature deliberation, it hath been resolved, that upon good considerations reasons, that the vacant places of the captains, lieutenants and ensigns amongst the forces sent to Denmark, or shall be sent, shall not be supplied by their most high mightinesses, nor by their deputies, till their return into this country, and till knowledge and due information of the behaviour of each one, unless for some reasons other resolution should be hereafter taken. And if in the mean time some of the said companies of this province should come to be quite unprovided of all officers, and for the prevention of the inconveniencies, which may result therefrom, charge shall be given to colonel Puchler, who commands the said forces, to give the command thereof to some one of the officers that are in pay in this province, who shall be there present, with the title of commander, till further order, whereof an account shall be sent to the said colonel Puchler.

Extract of the register of their mighty lordships the states general.

Friday, 13th Dec. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 443.

There having arrived already several inconveniencies, and for the future many other may possibly happen between those of the English nation and the inhabitants of the United Provinces, because the affairs of the marine have not hitherto been well regulated, as is convenient; after consideration thereof, it is thought good, and resolved, that it be represented to the resident Downing, that as their lordships are assured, that as well the lord protector of England, Scotland, &c. as their lordships, shall be glad to prevent the like inconveniencies, their lordships do find it reasonable, that to that end be agreed, on the one part and the other, the points and articles heretofore drawn up in writing, and comprised within the resolutions of their lordships of the 23d July last, and that thereby in general the two states, and with them also the subjects of each, may at last be put in quiet in those parts, and kept within their duty, by a good regulating of the affair marine, which is that, which their lordships do infallibly expect from the sincere inclination of his highness for the entertaining of a good amity and correspondence between the subjects of each, for the prevention of all inconveniencies between them.

H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 449.

This gentleman, the bearer, captain Carpenter, is come lately from Jamaica, and well understands the condition of those parts, and, I presume, can give you a good accompt of that countrey. I thinke you may doe well to receive a larger accompt thereof from himself. I remayne
Dec. 3. [1658. N. S.]

Your loving friend,
H. Cromwell.

Sir John Marlay to secretray Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 451.

My Lord,
I Sent your honor a letter with some propositions; but having hard nothing from you, I humbly begg pardon to add a word more, viz. that if your great and urgent affaires will not permit to give me any spedy answere, yet I am confident (if I may obtaine your favour and assistance) the free tendring of my service, and my reall desire and intention to performe the same, will move his highnes graciouslie to give order to helpe me with one hundred pounds more than I have had, which will inable me to pay such debts, as I have contracted since my comming over, put myselfe, wife, and children in cloths, and make us able to subsist, untill such time as his highnes shall think fitt to take me and my humble desires into his further consideration. This request is not great, and will for ever oblige me faithfully and cordially to serve his highnes, and incourage others to follow my example. I have made my addresses onely to your honour, both by myselfe and friends. I beseach you lett me finde your favour and respect, and undervalew me not so much, as to thinke me not worthie answeringe; and uppon my credit and reputation, I will so carry myselfe in all my actions, as that your honor shall never receive blame, nor have cause to thinke you have done amisse; but alwaies to esteeme me as,
Dec. 3. 1658.

My Lord,
Your most reall and humble servant,
John Marlay.

My lord, hearing there wil be a parliament call'd shortly, and having some reason to believe you may have burgesses presented for Newcastle not fre from beinge factious and turbulent, which I thinke may be prevented, and have chosen whom you think fitt; I have made bold to acquaint your honor herewith; and if my interest in that place can do any service hearein, you may commaund
Your most humble servant,
John Marlay.

General Fleetwood to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Deare Brother,
We are now com to a resolution concerning a parliament, whearin if the Lord please to appeare in owning of us by his presence, we shall have cause to rejoyce. The necessity of our affayres leads us to this choyce. Ther will be 30 for Ireland, and 30 for Scotland. This buysnes hath taken up some time, which hath retarded somwhat that, which is previous to your coming over, which shall be endeavoured to be put to a speedy issue, in which my ladye's condicion must be considered; but of this Mr. secretary will, I presume, give you an account; and I hope we shall both, when we meet, deceive the expectation of others, which I desire our hearts may be up to the Lord for. I understand you have sent a letter to his highnes about your condicion for want of monyes. I wish we could helpe you; but I doe not see which way we can doe it, untill the parliament supplyes our condicion, which is in extremity of want. All that I could find from the treasurer's to move for you was the 14,000 l. which was more intended for a supply to keepe up the English coyn amongst you, then in answer to what the necessity of your forces doth want. Ther is nothing, which concerns, that I shall, I hope, be found neglectfull of my serving of you, which lyes in the power of
Your most affectionat brother, and humble servant,
Cha. Fleetwood.

Secretary Thurloe to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excelencye,
I am very much afflicted to finde by yours of the 24th of November, that your distemper is renewed. I trust God will restore you to a better state of health, and give you strength to goe through the many difficulties, which your excellency, and all others, who are imbarkt in this cause, are like to goe through, and to meet with. And truly, my lord, I am greatly greived and troubled at the last clause in your letter, to witt, that you have little encouradgment from what I writt in my last to write of buissines, wondringe what should fall from my pen, that should occasion your excellency soe to judge. I am certeyne, that next the glory of God, I have intended nothinge more, then to doe and write that, which may be for your service. My judgment may be erroneous, beinge in all things very weake; but I am sure, noe man hath a truer heart towards you and your affaires than I have. But it haveinge pleased your excellency not to instance in any particuler, I must be content to remeyne under some disquietnes of minde, untill I shall be enabled by knoweinge particulers, to give your excellency full satisfaction. Since major Pitman went hence towards your excellency, beinge sent by his highnes, all that is come to my knowledge touching our affaires is this, that there was an intention in some of the officers to have sent forth a remonstrance, to have justefied the late actions in the army; but upon a debate the other night, the thoughts of that were layd aside. What the true grounds of this resolution were, I knowe not; but possiblye I may come to understand them afterwards. It is certeyne they were once fully resolved to put forth a declaration.

In themeane tyme the severall partyes, whoe are enemies to the present government, goe on very vigorouslye. There was a meetinge the other day of several comonwealthsmen, to witt, Scott, Weaver, Nevyll, Ludlowe, Cole, Blacke, Birch, &c. where resolutions were taken, how the buissness should be manadged in parliament. The first thinge they intend to move is, that all voets should be past by a ballatinge box, judgeinge that there will be many Nicodemittes in the house, who would be of their partye, if they durst. After this is past, they intend to dispute the parts of the petition and advice; as first, that the house of lords ought to be approved by the house of comons; that all the councell ought to be soe alsoe. 3dly, That the house ought to be satisfyed of the succession, thinking by these steps to bringe in the comonwealth. What these men will be able to effect in the house, I knowe not; but certeinly noe endeavours will be wantinge to put us into trouble. Wee have not yet heard any thinge further from the Sound. Our ships still lye winde-bound; and this season of the yeare gives a stop to all action every-where. I rest
Your Excellency's
Humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

The day for the meetinge of the parliament is the 27th of January.

Mr. R. Baker to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 493.

Right Honourable,
My lord, I am sensible of the troble I have given you, more then of my owne wearied stepps for these three yeares. The charge in suing such a tedious suite in France and here, and the absence from our affaires and families; and now that by your favour wee have arrived soe neare to a period, wee most humbly beseech your lordship to remember, that wee have proved by seven wittnesses, how that those, that tooke the ship Endeavour, confest, that they had noe commission; and itt is most certayne true, that they had none at all; yet I have lately understood, that they have a commission now produced (antedated). Their subtilties are beyond expression, and the least wourd in your order (seeing itt is to be sent to them) may give them an occasion to cavell, and for an evelasting contest; and there will be no expectation for them to compound with us, which is what wee desire.

Wherefore wee most humbly beseech your lordship, that, if possible, there be nott mentioned the wourd commission; and that the order be possitive, that our adversaries may be induced thereby to give us part, if not all our due, which wee hope they will doe, when you shall nott leave them a gapp open for their further dispute; for I humbly conceive, that the judges of the admiraltie used not the word commission, but as circumstance, or for augmentation.

Captain Sadlington, an Englishman, that tooke a French shipp by a commission from the parliament loung before the peace, is now condemned in France by the same court of justice, where ours depended, to pay for the shipp, damages, costs, and interest, because he brought nott the French shipp directly into the ports of England, to have had the maryners examined, and the same ajudged in our court of admiraltie. Sir, they have just ajudged the Endeavour contrarie.

I humbly tender your lordship this request concerning our order, because thereby you may be freed from our further trobles, and I from the clamour of many poore, that have not to eate, and depend hereuppon. Sir, pardon the presumption of
Whitehall, the 6th of December, 1658. at your lodging.

Your Lordship's Most devoted and faithfull servant, Richard Baker.

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 505.

Right Honourable,
The post which should have come last week from England is not yet arrived; so that I have nothing to say in answer to any of yours. I hope mine by the last post will come safe to your hands, wherein there was inclosed the answer of the states general as 199 also news I had from collonel Sydney; 319 32 306 254 365 390 82 139 168 33 390 170; and I pray, that I may have your orders concerning him 254 105 251 132 393 107 56 326. I have herein inclosed to you copies of the resolution taken by the states of Holland concerning the French embassador, and my memorial concerning the present war between the kings of Sweden and Denmark; and commonly the states general do follow what is first agreed upon by the states of Holland; so that you will be able probably thereby to guess, what answer we are like to have. The Hamburg post is not yet come this day; but by the last letters we have advice, that notwithstanding what had been done by the king of Denmark for the stopping of the harbour of Landschronen, that yet the king of Sweden's ships might come out; and here is a vessel arrived in this country, that says they met two English ships, which they supposed to be men of war, beyond Schage. Also here is one captain Banker, who was sent with a man of war to join with admiral Opdam, who is returned, and faith, that being come within sight of Croningburg castle, he saw there about 19 or 20 sail of ships at anchor; and some of them weighing anchore to make after him, he durst go no further, but returned hither. Here is no great credit given to his report, though a captain of one of their men of war; nor do men know well what to think, whether these ships should be the Swedes ships out of Landschronen, or the English fleet. The weather is as cold as most men judge it was any time that last winter, with great snow, and extreme frost; so that it's not now doubted but that the Sound is freezing. The states are in great trouble about their fleet under Opdam, how they will get back, both in regard of the frost, and the English fleet; and it will be hard to provide them with victuals there, or to secure them against firing. Here is also much talk of the English fleet, how they will do this winter against firing, in case all those waters should be frozen, and that some accident should befall the king of Sweden's army. We expect by the next to hear what becomes of the king of Sweden's forces in the island of Alsen; and if the frost continue, as it's likely to do, it is judged by all men, that the king of Sweden will draw his army again into Holstein, to fight the elector of Brandenburg. At Amsterdam they say, that vice-admiral Goodson is gone for Scotland. I am,
Hague, 7/17. Dec. 1658. 12 at noon.

Right Honourable, Your most affectionate humble servant, G. Downing.

Resolution of the states general.

Vol. lxii. p. 511.

17. Decem. [1658. N. S.]

Here has been again read the letter from the admiralty of Amsterdam, wherein they say, they are not able to furnish the fleet designed for the Sound, if they have not first in ready money 350,000 livres, or at least 100,000 for the present, with assurance, that the rest shall be received within 15 days after, without further trouble: whereupon, after deliberation, it hath been resolved, that letters shall be again written to the said admiralty, that they will not make any further difficulty to put in execution the resolution of the 11th instant, and the rather because the deputies of Zeland, Frise, and Groningen promise to oblige themselves, that the admiralties of Zeland and Frise shall put the order contained in the said resolution upon some merchants of Amsterdam; and that the money, which the said admiralty shall pay before-hand, shall be restored effectually; whereof they may be assured.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellencie,
The bearer hereof, major Pitman, is the person, whom his highnes thought fit to send to your excellency, instructed with some things in reference to the publique affaires. He is major to colonel Salmon, and one, in whom his highnes puts full and entire considence; and such comaunds, as I shall by hym receive from you, I shall obey them, as becomes
3. Decem. 1658.

Your Excelencye's Most humble and obedient servant, Jo. Thurloe.

General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Deare Brother,
I was much surprised the last satturday by major Pittman, who, just when he was ready to take post, was pleased to give me a vissit, and to acquaint me, that his buysness to Ireland was to acquaint you with his highnes thoughts in referance to your presant return for England, and to satisfy you concerning the same. I told him, I was troubled at it, fearing you would not only be discouraged, but that also I should sufferr likewise; yet in this I was as much stranger to any such resolution as my child, not in the least having heard of any such purpose, till the major's coming to me; and therefore I do presume upon you, as not to let me suffer for what I was so much a stranger unto. I would be glad to have our mutuall consydence increase, and therefor am the more troubled at any thing, which may have the least colour to the contrary. Whearin at any time I sayle of my part, I shall be glad to understand it, befor ill thought of by you. I doe not much question, when the Lord brings us together, things will be better understood by us, which was a reason of my desires to see you hear, which I suppose will not be long, though the grownds of the present suspension I am unacquainted with. We are now preparing for a parliament. Ther doth seeme to be good hopes thereof, which that it may be, I hope I shall not be wanting in my endeavors to promote, continue, and incourage so good and necessary a worke; which that we may finde the fruits of, is the desir of
Decem. 7. [1658.]

Your most affectionate brother, and humble servant.

Dr. Thomas Clarges to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excelency,
The rigidnes of this season produces litle newes, being a time unfitt for action. I heare from Flanders, that the archduke of Tiroll is expected to take the government of these provinces in the king of Spaine's power. He is of the house of Austria, and is mentioned to marry the king of Spaine's daughter. From Lyons they write, that the king of France intends speedily to leave that place, and return to Paris. The cardinall is dissap pointed in his designe to marry the king to the daughter of Savoy, whoe (if I am not misinform'd) he much mislikes, I meane the young lady. It is certainly concluded, that a parliament shall be call'd to meet the 27th of January; and I thinke there never was more need then now to choose honest and able men, which I am confident your excelency will take care to do in Ireland; and if amongst them five or six good argumentative speakers could be elected, they might be of good advantage to his highnes service; and withall if they would all come, and fitt, (for not half the number appeared the last parliament) with your excelencie's pardon, I think these following, if they be chosen, will be excelent persons, Mr. William Domville, now resident in Lincoln's inn, Sir Anthony Morgan, Doctor Pettey, Mr. Vincent Gookin, and Mr. William Temple. Domville is by birth an Irishman, a grave solid man, but one that has a good estate neere London, and lives heere constantly; and Mr. Temple is the eldest son of the master of the rolls, whole parts are concealed by his modesty; but, to my knowledge, he is one of excelent reasoning, and will prove a good winneing speaker. I believe my lord president of Connaught, my lord Broghill, and my lord Renelah, can all of them give you a character of Mr. Domville, who is one, that knowes not I write in his behalf, but is worthy of choice. If the younger son of Sir John Temple were also chosen, he might doe well; for his pleading has furnished him with confidence to speake, and I doubt not, but he would be very serviceable. I believe Mr. Bysse will be elected for Dublin, and he will skearcely come to sitt; so that it were better some other came in his place. I humbly ask your excelencie's pardon for the trouble I give you in this occasion, which is the effect of an earnest zeale I have to his highnes service; and therefore I hope you will the more easily pardon it in me, because I am,
London, the 8th of Decem. 1658.

May it please your Excelency, Your excelency's most humble and most obleig'd servant, Tho. Clarges.


19th December.

Vol. lxii. p. 535.

The states general of the Provinces United of the Low-countries having seen and examined the memorial presented by the resident Downing, &c. the 30th past to their high mightinesses, touching the re-establishing of peace in the northern parts, and principally between the kings of Sweden and Denmark, have, after mature deliberation, found good to answer hereby to the said resident, that their high mightinesses have had extraordinary satisfaction in the declaration made in the name of the lord protector of England, &c. that his highness, as well as the king of France, are ready jointly to co-operate with their high mightinesses to arrive to the aim, that their high mightinesses, by their resolution of the 27th past, proposed to themselves, to wit, for obtaining peace in the northern parts. Their high mightinesses on their part, for the same end, and for forwarding of a joint mediation of the three states aforesaid, proposed in the said memorial, as the best means tending thereto, being inclined to send in like manner speedily to the said two kings extraordinary ministers, with order and instructions to make, jointly with the ministers of France and England, and to help to effect propositions for accommodation, and such endeavours, as by common consent, and according to the juncture of affairs, shall be judged the most expedient for the said end, praying in the mean time his highness, that he would by no means hearken to, much less believe, the reports, which have been, or shall be, spread abroad, that their high mighnesses should resolve or intend to undertake or execute that, which could not but give occasion or facilitate the affairs, which their high mightinesses hold to be very prejudicial, as well to themselves, as to their allies.

Resolution touching a peace in the northern parts.

19th Decemb. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 533.

The deputies of Zeland, by express order of their superiors, have made instance, that whereas it hath been declared in the names of the king of France and the protector of England, that they are ready to establish a peace between the two kings of the north, and that it will be for the good of this state, and for the freedom of commerce, besides that it concerns particularly all Christian princes and republics; it will be expedient, that besides the embassador Isbrants now residing in the court of the elector of Brandenburg, there be speedily sent one or two of those embassadors, that have been lately in Sweden and Denmark, to those two kings, that they may resume the treaties for a good and equitable accommodation, and to require the ministers of France and England to join their endeavour for so good and wholsome a work, according to the said offer of their masters; but first that the intention of the said kings be known, if the mediation of the embassadors of this state shall be accepted, that so the said offices and endeavours may not only not be in vain, but also that all may proceed to the honour of the state. Whereupon the said deputies of Zeland have also required the other provinces to declare themselves herein.


19th December, [N. S.]

The deputies of Zeland have declared in the assembly, that their superiors having read the instructions and resolutions taken by their high mightinesses touching the war between the kings of Sweden and Denmark, whereunto the said deputies did not consent, but only at the pleasure of their superiors, and according to other provinces, they have now approved all, as tending to the good of the state, and to maintain the defensive league made with the said king of Denmark. Whereupon, after deliberation, their high mightinesses have returned thanks to the said deputies for the same.

Captain Langley to secretary Thurloe.

Leith, Dec. the 19th, 1658.

Vol. lxii. p. 523.

Right Honourable,
Since my last, which was about som 16 days past, I have only this to advise your lordship, to wit, that the A. B. (fn. 1) have some brittle dependency of som private design now carrying on in your parts in their favour; but the depth of this, or what they would be at, I can't as yet discern, it being only known to some of the chief or cabinet councill; and as it prospers, will become more open. I only give you this, appearing but as a little cloud here, not knowing but that it may be here discerned by you, that see further, and more of this nature. As to the malignant party here, they seem now to have quit all hopes of gaining by any difference, that shall arise by settling the present —but now they have many created hopes started up in room of the other; first, that the Hollander and we shall fall out, and that we shall be surely beaten, because the Hollanders have many new and better frigates, and more money provided, than they ever had before. Further, that we have no money to carry on a war with them, being, as they say, hardly ever able to pay our navy and army's arrears. The next is, that they will needs imagine differences, that will arise at the session of the next parliament; and give some reasons for it, which would be too large here to insert. Lastly, they boast, that the emperor and some others intend to do much for C. S. against the next year, and that there are factions broken out among us already, who meet, ay and will meet, (as they say) at St. James's. Mr. Nowell's creatures make most sad work here about the salt, resolving to make a mere monopoly of it. Be assured, Sir, that farmers of this nature will bee the ruine of all trades but their owne. It was easy to collect the customs here and excise duly and truly, if a right course was taken, and great men forbear to thrust in their boys and children fit or unfit. * * * I am

Your Lordship's obliged humble servant, Timothy Langley.


  • 1. Anabaptists.