A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1658: March (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp11-22 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1658: March (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp11-22.
"State Papers, 1658: March (2 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp11-22.
In this section
March (2 of 4)
Extract out of the resolutions of the H. and M. L. the lords states general of the United Netherlands.
Veneris, the 29th of March, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lviii. p. 138.
Was once more produced in the assembly the letter of the king of Poland writ from Posna of the 3d of the last month, and received on the 18th instant, containing in what terms the treaty of peace was brought between his majesty and the king of Sweden, desiring to that end, that their H. and M. L. as mediators, would send their embassadors to Bransberg in Prussia against the 20th of this month, to help determine the usual preliminaries. Whereupon being debated, it is thought fit and understood, that the lord Isbrants embassador extr. on the behalf of this state, residing at present in the court of Brandenburg, be ordered to make what haste he can to the said place, and there to help further the peace between the two said kings, in conformity to foregoing orders, and especially according to the memorandum agreed upon for that end by their H. and M. L. on the 10th of November, 1656. and in the said memorandum the necessary credentials be forthwith sent unto him; and that this be signified to the said king of Poland in form of answer upon his said letter; and the said lord Isbrants is also to acquaint the duke of Brandenburg, was therefore necessitated to take his leave, and withal to assure him at the same time, that he found himself ordered, that when he shall be come to the said place, to communicate confidently about all passages with those that be there on the behalf of the said duke; and especially to endeavour, by all fit ways and means, that the renewed confidence between the king of Poland and the duke may be strengthened and increased, the common interests promoted, as also a good and firm peace concluded between the kings of Sweden and Poland with their allies, and interested upon the same grounds and terms, which he the said lord Isbrants, according to the foregoing order of the state, shall have communicated and made known to the said duke. An extract of this their H. and M. L. resolution shall be sent to the lords their H. and M. L. extraordinary embassadors with the kings of Sweden and Denmark to serve for their information. The lords commissioners of the province of Zealand consent in this resolution.
The lords commissioners of the province of Zealand have, by express orders of the lords states their principals, proposed to the assembly, that their noble great lordships do judge it very requisite, that the ratification of the Elbing treaty be dispatched, the sooner the better, and exchanged against that of the king of Sweden, without retarding the same, till that the points of elucidation be concluded, their noble great lordships judging thereby, that not only the ancient amity and alliance between the crown of Sweden and this state will be renewed and confirmed, the commerce and navigation upon the Baltic sea secured, but also that it is to be hoped and believed, that, by inclusion in the said treaty, the duke of Brandenburg will enjoy his desired advantages and security for his country and subjects, and that the good city of Dantzick will be secured against all fear and danger of war; and that therefore the said city of Dantzick may be desired and admonished to accept of the said inclusion without any delay; and that all the abovesaid be put into the instructions of the said lord Isbrants; as also that his lordship do consider and agree with the duke of Brandenburg or his ministers about the speediest and efficacious means, that by the mediation of this state, with the concurrence of that of France and England, the long-desired peace in Poland and Prussia may be furthered; and that he desire the duke of Brandenburg to continue his endeavours for that end with all diligence. And that this their noble great lordships intention might be received by the other provinces, the same was put to the question; whereupon the other provinces desired copies of it.
Extract of the register of the resolutions of the high and mighty lords the states general of the United Provinces.
Friday, 29. March, 1658 [N. S.]
Vol. lviii. p. 142.
The deputies of the province of Zealand have, by express order from the noble and mighty lords the states their superiors, made known to this assembly, that their lordships esteem it fit and necessary, that the ratification of the treaty of Elbing be dispatched forthwith, without any delay, and exchanged against that of the king of Sweden, without deferring the exchange thereof until the conclusion or final ascertaining of the points of the elucidation, or any thing else, their lordships judging, that thereby the ancient amity and alliance between the crown of Sweden and this state and the navigation and traffick of the Baltic sea, will not only be assured, but also that there is appearance, that by including his highness the elector of Brandenburg in the said treaty, his said majesty may enjoy. the desired security for his dominions and subjects, and the good city of Dant zick freed from the danger of war; and that they also judge it most fit and necessary, that a firm amity and good correspondence be established and maintained among those, who shall be included in the treaty with his said majesty of Sweden; and that to that end the said city of Dantzick be admonished and required to accept of the said inclusion without any delay; and that it will be necessary to be ordained in instructions to the embassador Isbrants, that he shall consult with his said electoral highness, or his ministers, concerning the most ready and capable means to advance the so desired peace of Poland, and of Prussia, by the mediation of this state, together with that of France and England, requiring also his said electoral highness carefully to continue his endeavours therein.
The said deputies of Zealand have furthermore inserted, by express order, as aforesaid, that, at the request of his majesty of Poland, embassadors be sent with all speed from this state to be present at the treaties of Bransburg, and that the other provinces would approve of this resolution, and thereupon embrace it; whereupon having had debate, the said other provinces demanded copies thereof.
Extract of the register of the high and mighty lords, the states general of the United Provinces.
Friday, the 29th of March, 1658.
There hath been again represented to this assembly the letters of Mr. Beuningen, embassador extraordinary of this state with the king and crown of Denmark, dated the second and sixth of March instant; whereupon hath been debated, and taken into consideration, the present state of affairs in the quarters of the North; and resolved and ordered, that in all they will adhere to their resolutions precedent, and succession made in their affairs, so far as they may be applicable upon the present constitution of affairs; and that Mr. Mazedam, embassador extraordinary of this state at the court of Sweden, be again written unto to endeavour by all means and good offices, that yet once at length may be persected and concluded the act of elucidation and interpretation upon the treaty of alliance, which hath been concluded between the commissioners of the king of Sweden of the one part, and the lords embassadors extraordinary of this state on the other part, at Elbing in Prussia, the 1/11 Sept. 1656. according to the iterated resolution made their lordships upon this subject, and especially that of the fourth of August last past; as also for the better facilitating formally that, which the lord ambassador Huybert hath heretofore reported, and in prosecution of the good intention of their lordships contained in the last clause of the said resolution of the fourth of August, the instrument or act of the ratisication of the treaty of Elbing shall be dispatched formally, and sent to the said Mr. Mazedam, with order notwithstanding, that he shall not render or deliver the said instrument, or act of ratification, before all the points of the elucidation and interpretation be concluded as abovesaid; and that being done, the ratifications shall be reciprocally changed and delivered by each party; and that these their lordships sincere intentions be communicated, in the name and behalf of their lordships, to the ministers of the king of France, and of the protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, residing here; also to give and communicate unto them the treaty of Elbing, with the design of elucidation, which this state, by virtue of the resolution, desire thereupon; and also with instance, to the end that the king of France, and the said lord protector, would please, according to the offers and assurances, which their ministers have formerly made in their name, and by their order, to this state in the affair above-mentioned, to endeavour with their lordships, so as to serve to the best of their power the navigation and commerce of the Baltic sea, and all which depends thereupon. Furthermore also upon the reiterated presentation made on the behalf of the lord protector, that he will not endeavour to obtain any thing in favour of the subjects and inhabitants of the said republic of England, Scotland and Ireland, unless it were granted to this state, offers and propositions shall be made to the resident Downing, according to the resolution 21 Feb. that an act may be passed in writing for giving absolute assistance of the one part, and the other, and also for the making a treaty of guaranty for the maintenance of the said navigation and commerce; and that conditions shall be agreed upon, which may be added thereunto, as abovesaid, with the king of Sweden; and that an extract of this resolution of their lordships be sent to the lords embassadors of this state residing with the king of Sweden and Denmark, and also to the court of Denmark, to give information thereof.
The deputies of Guelderland have declared, that they are not charged to consent in this affair.
The deputies of Zealand have consented thereunto, so far as is not contrary to the resolution of their superiors of the 23d, which they have exhibited, and caused to be read to-day in this assembly.
The deputies of Utrecht say, that they do daily expect orders.
The deputies of Friseland and Groningen acquiesce in the resolution made by their lordships upon this subject.
Payne to Nieuport
Vol. lviii. p. 144.
My Lord,
Yesterday I received your lordship's letters, with a letter and resolution of their
H. and M. L. as also a second to the lord protector, about the restitution of the two
sugar-prizes staid and unladen here. I presently made what haste I could to speak with the
lord secretary about it; who told me, that he would read over his letters, which would
require some time, and then he would give me an answer. God willing, I intend to mind
him of it, and do all that I can to effect their H. and M. L. and your lordship's commands.
I have not been able to do any thing in the business of Mons. Lampssius, though I have several times spoken to the lord secretary about it, of whom I can only draw a bare promise, that he will cause the papers to be looked out.
Here is at present not much of importance to communicate to your lordship, but only the draught of a petition of the lord mayor and common-council of this city, wherein they give his highness thanks for his speech, which he made unto them; which is well taken at court, and looked upon as a great business.
Westminster, 29 March, 1658. [N. S.]
J. Crook to Nieuport.
Vol. lviii. p. 145.
My Lord,
After that on saturday last I was got to Maselant-sluys, I could not meet with an
opportunity to transport myself with the mail for England; so that, to further my
voyage, I went on the sunday following for Zeland, from whence I set sail on the wednesday, and this afternoon arrived here; and presently I delivered the letter of the lord resident Downing to the lord secretary of state, who with affection reiteratively asking after
your health, declared, that he was very glad to hear of your welfare, and used me afterwards very civilly, bidding me welcome; and to-morrow I hope to begin to pursue what
your lordship hath been pleased to give me in charge, and perform the same with as much
faithfulness as is possible. I must refer myself at present to Mons. Payne's letters, to give
your lordship advice of what concerneth the public.
Westminster, 29/19. March 165 8/7.
Payne to Nieuport.
Westminster, 29/19 March, 1658.
Vol. lviii. p. 146.
My Lord,
Just now Mons. Crook arrived here, who hath brought me a letter from your lordship,
wherein you command me to deliver up the papers and moveables in the house to him,
and to return home with as much speed as may be; which I shall do, if God spare my life,
so soon as wind and weather will give way.
My lady Strickland doth present her service to your lordship and my lady, and giveth you hearty thanks for the great care and trouble, which your lordship doth continue to take for the good of her noble family.
Colonel H. Smith to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lviii. p. 152.
Right Honourable,
The high sherriss of Yorkeshire hath this day sent severall prisoners to this garrison, viz.
Sir Robert Hillyard, Sir Matthew Appleyard, Mr. Wentworth, Mr. Sunderland, and
Mr. Thorn. Sir Jordan Crosland, Sir Philip Mounta, . . . Mr. Pudsey, come in to-morrow.
The sherriff said to mee, that it was by his highness orders that he sent them thither; but
neither sent mee . . . nor a coppy of it. However, I will secure them, till I shall know his
highness pleasure. I humbly intreate you to doe mee the favour to acquaint his highnesse
with the busynes, and be pleased to lett mee receive a line or two in answer. Sir, I have
for some time secured Sir Henry Slingsby in the castle, being doubtfull that hee might discover something of that busynes, which I have formerly given you an account of; which
might cause him to endeavour an escape. Since his being in the castle, hee hath endea
voured to engage captain Overton (whose companie lyes there) in the same treacherous
designe, which hath beene formerly mentioned; but hath not yet proceeded soe farr with
him as hee did with major Waterhouse. When the busynes is ripe, I shall dispose him
according to his highnes former commands, and shall, by God's assistance, use all diligence to secure this place, and will endeavour, with the hazard of my life, and all else I
can count dear to me, to render his highnes a good account of the same, both against
Charles Stuart, and all his abettors, as also against all opposers whatsoever. Sir, I shall
not give you further trouble at present, but subscribe myselfe,
Hull, March 19. 1657.
Honourable Sir,
Your most humble servant,
Henry Smith.
Lords of the council to the envoys of Sweden.
Vol. lviii. p. 154.
My Lords,
The counsell, upon consideration of the severall papers delivered them, as well by your
lordships, as by the commissioners deputed by his majesty of Sweden, in reference
to the late proceedings betweene the commissioners on both parts about the damages
sustained by the people of the one state from the other, dureing the last warr betwixt this
commonwealth and the United Provinces of the Netherlands, judged it necessary (being
then . . . . strangers to the matters of fact) to transmitt the papers to the commissioners of
his highnesse, that they might seriously consider thereof, and returne a true narrative and
state of the businesses, to the intent, if any failure or obstruction appeared on their part, it
might be removed. Whereupon Dr Walker and Dr Turner, two of the said commissioners, have returned the councell a particular account of their proceedings . . . . containing
considerations of much importance; and apprehending withall a particular answer to those
papers, we have thought it most conducing to your lordships satisfaction to adjoyne hereto
a copye thereof, with our desire, that it may be communicated to the commissioners of his
majesty of Sweden, with this further, that as his highnesse was desireous, upon the makeing of the treaty, to put the adjusting of the said damages into such a way, wherein
both sides might receive just satisfaction on any pretension that either party could make, so
he was willing to make it effectual, by appointing commissioners of abbility and integrity,
whom he also enjoyned to manage their duty with impartiality and equal justice; and
nothing could have been more agreeable to his highnesses mind and intentions, then the
bringing that affair to such an issue and conclusion, as would not have admitted of exceptions, or needed further disputes: but finding it otherwise, and that those, who were
trusted with the affaire, have differed in points, which have appeared to us of great concernment, and that the matters insisted upon by his highnesses commissioners are serious
and weighty, wee know not what to say further therein, than to let your lordships know,
that his highnesse will be ready to consider of any other course, that shall be found reasonable and equal, for reconciling of what is in difference betweene them, that so the end of
the treaty may be accomplished in the just satisfaction of those, who have been unjustly
damaged, and to manyfest, that his highnesse is desirous to performe all acts, not only
of justice, but of respect and friendship, to his majesty of Sweden, and to his subjects, as
he shall have occasion.
Whitehall 19th March, 1657.
To the lord generel Fleetwood.
Vol. lviii. p. 161.
The king of Sweden is in Sweden: he hath sent two embassadors to the king of Denmark, Mons. Coyet and another, who were honourably entertained; and it is thought a more near alliance will be made between the two crowns.
Resident Bradshaw is arrived here in safety.
Hamb. 30th March, 1658. [N. S.]
To the Venetian agent.
Antwerpe, 30. March, 1658 [N. S.]
Vol. lviii. p. 163.
At last the marshal Hocquincourt hath delivered up Hesdin to the government: he is at Brussels. This is a good beginning, and doth presage well. This city doth still oppose the forbidding and proclaiming of the placart for prohibiting commerce with England. The truth is, we should lose more by it than they of England; and it is a thing only endeavoured to be set on foot by king Charles, who thinks to get something by it, his allowance here failing him, having great want of money.
Sir Charles Coote to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellency,
The survey of your lordship's estate in this country not being yet finished, nor the
returne of your lordship's purchased land, which I writt to doctor Gorges for to be
sent by Mr. Cuss, come to my hands, I cannot at present give your lordship with what
progress I have made in the settlement of your estate here, which this inclosed will particularly set forth. I have used my utmost endeavours to advanse the rents, and have at
last brought it to this issue, that if your lordship will accept of the rents mentioned in this
rent-roll, the tenants will submit unto the same; but till your lordship approve thereof,
nothing is conclusive. Most of them, as will appear by their names, are English, and
such as will make improvements on your lands, though but for seven yeares; onely my
lieutenant colonel insists on a lease of 21 yeares, and will engadge to repair the castle of
Lismore, and to bestow 200 l. thereon, and on the lands; and I humbly conceive he may
deserve that encouragement, if your lordship think fit. By this accompt it appeares, your
lordship's lands, with the towne, will yield 668 l. 5 s. besides som lands, that are not put in
for, which will make it somwhat more; and there is yet wanting of your lordship's proportion, which the surveyor is about, 1782 acres, which lyes in a waste country on the
Shanon side, and at the present, I fear, will not yield much; yet it is good land, and
nobly wooded, and in the future may rise to a considerable matter.
I have sent your lordship herewith the copy of Richardson's graunt for his lands, that your lordship's counsel may advise thereon. I am humbly of opinion, it lyeth in your lordship's power to take the lands he houlds into your hands, and to pay him his 36 l. anuity, and that will likewise increase your lordship's rent. For the other 14 l. he hath a house, 25 acres of land, and the sayres and markets, out of which he cannot be put.
The tenants being at an uncertaintye, I humbly desire your excellency will be pleased to signify your approbation hereof, or how your lordship would have me proceed. And humbly kissing your lordship's hands, I remaine,
Portamna, March the 20th, 1657.
My Lord,
Your excellency's most humble,
and faythfull servant,
Cha. Coote.
Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lviii. p. 167.
Honourable Sir,
Admirall Opdam sends the berer heereof, his cornett, to buy in England five horses
for himselfe, and five for the Rhyne grave governor of Mastricht, and fearing lest there
may be at present some stoppe upon the exportation of them, the admirall and my lord
Neuport have both ernestly entreated me, that I would write, that a passe may be granted
to the berer cornett Marine for tenne geldings. I pray therefore be pleased, that he may
speedily have such a passe. I have, since my comeing hither, found very much civility
from Opdam. Presently after my coming hither, he was one of the first came to visite
me, and is a person of great worth.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
This day we have news by the Hamborough post, that the king of Denmarke hath delivered up the garrisons in Schonen to the king of Sweden, and that the 16th instant a regiment of Swedes marcht from Zeland to the mayne on that side; and the king of Sweden writes himselfe, that all is very well between him and the king of Denmarke; so that I see not what hurt can be done in those parts by any navall forces to the Swead, that treaty being exequuted. The Texell is not yet open; but many of the new-levyed forces for the king of Denmarke are on shipboard to goe for Denmarke; but I think, and so doth Mons. Appleboom, that it's better that they should goe than stay; for that otherwise most probably they would be gott into Flanders, or into the service of the king of Hungary; so that, I think, his highnesse now need not be sollicitous thereabouts; but certainly it's most absolutely adviseable, that a publique minister be sent to el. of Brandenburgh; all his highnesses friends here doe earnestly desire it, and it may have a great influence to help him from j o y n in g his so u r c es wi t h the k. of Hung. He hath now on so o t s i x te e n thous. men, and is a p ri n ce v e ry gu id able, and the am ba s sad or of the st. gen. hath or de r s to go the n ce, which gives the great advantage and oppertunity; but it must be done quietly. Pray testisy your respect to Opdam in his cornett, and tho' there be noe prohibition to carry out horses, which I am ignorant of; yet, as a token of your respect, seeing it's desired for more securenesse, let him have the passe. I am,
Honourable Sir,
Your very faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.
Hague, 30. March, 1658. [N. S.]
If you did think sitt so farre to oblige Opdam, as that he might have them customefree.
The king of Sweden is gone to Gottenburgh, to meet with the estates of Sweden, and his queen; but it's apprehended he will stay but little time there. He hath sent lately forces into Holsteyne.
The reason why they desire this, is, left a prohibition should come out before his horses should be gott out of England, though there shoud be none for the present.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
The in c lo s ed p ro po s i ti on of of the de p u ty es or Zeland is of very great consequence; and it is what I formerly gave you an account was p ro mi s ed me mo n s i e u r Hu be r t; so that now Poland must act all o ne. None more v i o l e n t tha n Nieuport a gainst the k. of Swed. and hath bin a g r e at me an es to hinder so kind that peace by s u g ge s ti on s. that l. protect. would no t, no r co u l d do n o thing for the k. of Sweden.
Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lviii. p. 169.
Honourable Sir,
Satturday last I wrote to you by admirall Obdam his cornett, wherein was inclosed
a proposition made by the deputyes of Zeland in the states general, touching the treaty
at Elbing, whereof another copy is herein inclosed. I pray let the cornett have accordingly a passe for 10 geldings; for my credit is engaged in it, he and Neuport having both
earnestly desired it, and I have found much civility from Obdam; and if it might be
custome-free, I think it were well bestowed: however, I pray lett him not be delayed for
the passe.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
Concerning the k. of Swed. his intention toward the st. gen. this is certaine, that he desires to carrie v e rie sa i r e with the m. Upon saturday last Appleboom had new orders to communicate to the states general the present good understanding between k. Denm. and him, thereby the more to ke ep the m from e n ga gi n g a gainst him; and the newes of the king of Hungaryes having declared the warre against the king of Sweden, will make him much more of that mind, as alsoe it will give him a very great advantage against him, and keep them from engageing, who otherwise, had the king of Sweden begune, would have bin against him; but of this be assured, that Holland, and especially Hungary, hath all the ill intentions a gainst him imaginable. At the place above are for tie ship s of war fitting out; and the intentions of them can only be against the k. Swed. They intend to make elucidations of the treaty of Elbing, and with a good s le et to demand the granting of them; and for the better effecting thereof, to s ti r r e up the el. Brand. and whom else the y can. This is certaynly the intention; but the forces in Schonen being now rendred up (as they are) to the king of Sweden, I see not what hurt can be done in those parts; and the king of Sweden is gone to Gottorp, to meet the states of Sweden, and his queene, so that I think you may principally intend the other affaires. It's certayn, that a main reason, why Amsterdam hath been so ready of case to promise a cesation of armes with the k. of Portugal, hath been to be the more at leasure to mind what may concerne the North; but that affaire hath outrunne all counsells. There are a great part of the new levyes for Denmarke now on board to goe for Denmarke; but if they had not gone thither, they would have been gotten into the king of Hungary or king of Spayne's forces; and the captains having the whole money, the king of Denmark had better have the men than nothing. I am,
Hague, April 1. 58. N. S.
Honourable Sir,
Your very faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
If Ormond hath been in England, the la di Wi l mo t is his great friend and intimaet, and must have been very privy to it, I think, and to his designes.
Secretary Thurloe to Lockhart embassador in France.
In the prossesseion of Joseph Radeliffe, of the Inner-Temple esq.
This post hath brought me no letter from your excellency. We do here very much long to hear the certainty of Hesdin. Those at Calais writ uncertainly thereof. Some say, that there are forty waggons of provisions cast into it from Flanders, and that Normandy also is in a rebellion; neither can the French embassador here give any certain account of the state of that affair, but, I perceive, sears the worst. We also desire very much to hear of the preparation for the field, and when they will be ready to march. Nobody is yet come about the hay, to see it paid for, and so we shall in the levies, although your express is not yet arrived with the agreement your last mentioned. This place affords no news at all, and indeed my want of health causeth me to beg your pardon, if I already end with the subscribing me
Whitehall, 22 March,/1 April, 1657/8
Yours, &c.
Capt. Lingwood to general Fleetwood.
Vol. lviii. p. 194.
Right Honorable,
This day I apprehended and tooke into custody a Spanyard, who came hither for
suffrage into France, with letters and papers written in Spanish, and one letter from
Mr. Antho. Ferdinando to one Mr. Gillyard, a French merchant in this towne; and
another written to a merchant in Deep, both written in French, which I heere present
your lordship with; as also the oath of this bearer, Richard Harrison, (one of my soldiers) concerning the Spanyard's confession to him in Latin, with all the other papers I
could finde about him.
My lord, I humbly crave the understanding of your lordshipp's pleasure concerning him as speedily as may be; for he hath litle mony. It is apparent he was a prisoner in Chelsy colledge, and got away by bribeing the centinell, and Antho. Ferdinando had him in his house twenty days, as this bearer acknowledges. Hee consest to him in Latin, which caused mee to send this bearer rather then another, because this last clause of Ferdinando is not mentioned in his assidavit. And, with a reall tender of my most humble service to your lordship, I am
Rye, 22. March, 1657.
Your lordshipp's humble faithfull servant and soldier,
Lio. Lingwood.
The deposition of Richard Harrison.
Vol. lviii. p. 192.
Richard Harrison, of the ancient town of Rye, in the county of Sussex, a soldier under the command of Capt. Lionel Lingwood, in the regiment of colonel Gibson, the two-and-twentieth day of March, 1657. came before Thomas Marshall esq; and now mayor of the said town of Rye, and did voluntary depose, laying his hand on the holy evangelist, that this present two-and twentieth day of March he happened to be in company with a man, who came as a passenger to go over into France, and pretended himself to be a Portuguese; but this deponent falling into some discourse with the said man in Latin, the said man told the deponent, that he was a Spaniard, and had been lately in prison in Chelsea college near London, and by giving money to the centinel had made his escape thence; and since the time of his escape he had been in the house of one Ferdinando a merchant in London, and now was come down to get passage over sea; and he also told this deponent, that Ferdinando did furnish him with all the boots, and other things necessary for his travel; all which this deponent doth affirm, that the said man, who calleth himself by the name of Franciscus Ferdinando, did declare to this deponent, and in witness whereof he hath hereunto set his hand, the day and year first abovewritten.
Richard Harrison.
The above-named Richard Harrison, the seventeenth Day of March, 1657. aforesaid, did depose as above before me
Thomas Marshall, mayor.
An information.
The 22. March, 1657.
Vol. lviii. p. 200.
Day delivered himselfe in his prayer in these words: Thou hast discovered unto us this treacherous cittie, that they will live and dye with this man of mischeise. Portman, Courtney, Lawson, Overton, were mentioned by him, and that they may sympathise with the impris'ned ones.
King of Portugal to Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland.
In the possession of the rt. hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
George Downing, much health from the king our lord to you. By information from Francisco de Mello, my embassador to his highness the most serene protector of the commonwealth of England, and by letters from Jeronymo Nunez d'Acosta, my agent in Amsterdam, I understand the good-will wherewith you endeavour for an accommodation and peace between these kingdoms and the states general of the United Provinces. And because I hold myself much obliged by this your procedure, I do hereby shew myself thankful, and let you know, that I much desire to have an occasion, that you may prove how much I am pleased therewith, and the will I have to shew it unto you upon all occasions, which shall be offered to Don Ferdinando de Faro, whom I send for my embassador to the states.
Written in Lisbon, the 2d of April, 1658. [N. S.]
By the King.
To George Downing, resident for the most serene protector of the commonwealth of England to the states general of the United Provinces of the Low Countries.
Major general Jephson to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lviii. p. 182.
I have this day receyv'd yours of the 12. inst. by which I perceyve that the two
letters I wrote from Gottorp were then not come to your hands; in which I gave you
intimation of the conclusion of the treaty betwixt the two northren kings, the conditions
whereof do very litle differ in all mens relations, though I have not as yet receyv'd any
authentique copy of the articles. I likewise told you in my last from Lubeck of my purpose to retyre hither to expect your farther orders, which I hope will be for my speedy
returne into England; for after my beeing absent 18 months from mine owne family, (upon
the publique score) first in the parliament, and since here, you cannot blame mee for my
earnest desyre to goe home. I cannot fancye any other reason, which hath hindred the
king of Swede from giving an awnswer to my propositions I have made to him by your
commaunds, then your non-payment of the money promist him, unless it be, that he expects
a person better qualisyed to treate with him, according to former promises. Whilst I saw
a necessity of proceeding in your businesse, I have not complain'd; but bee pleased to
pardon mee, if I now tell you, that the hast, wherein you sent mee away, forc't mee to
accept of such a parcell of searvants, as have not only grived mee in seeing God dishonoured in mine owne familye, but put mee beyond my ordinary patience in my particular
concernments; all which increaseth my desyre of returning home: for if it were at my
owne free election, I would not endure that single trouble for more then I am willing to
mention. There will come shortly a convoy for the cloth-ships, which you may either
please to order to carry mee back, or give mee leave, as I formerly desyred, to goe over
land into Holland. The king of Swede's returne to these parts I find very uncertaine,
although 'tis said, he will bee here before the end of Aprill. The Poles have in theire
assembly at Warsovia (as is generally reported) concluded to make a peace with the king
of Sweden, excluding the house of Austria; but how the electour of Brandenburgh is
inclined, or ingadged in that basienesse, I cannot certainlye know; though some say hee
oblidged himselfe, before hee knew of the king of Swede's successes, in a peace with the
house of Austria for 10 yeares, which it's possible hee may now repent. If it bee soe,
the newes of the Turkes intention and preparation to invade Transilvania and Hongarie
(which is in the English gazette) hath much sild these parts. I receyved letters from
Mr. Bradshawe, who is come back as farre as Dantzick, and intends to take the first
oportunity to returne hither. The intimation of expected disturbances in England add
somthing to my desyre of being at home, as sancying I may be some way or other usefull
to his highnesse there; but I must submitt to God's providence, and his commaunds; and
soe take leave of you, and remaine,
Your most faythfull and affectionate humble servant,
Wm. Jephson.
Hamburgh, 23. Mar. 1657.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lviii. p. 184.
I received yours of the 16. instant, by which I understand you intend to send
Drywood, Short, and Medlicott downe, and one of the treasurers to bee heere, which
will all doe very well together. And for Mr. Short, wee shall bee able to charge him
with 20,000 l. by the bookes we have, though there is one day-booke, that Mr. Bilton
will nott bringe forth; and I hope wee shall bee able to charge them all perticularlie, when
one of the treasurers comes with them; and if there bee any papers found, that concerne
this bisnesse, it would doe very well they were sent downe against they come, that wee
may prepare every man's perticular charge. I never heard of the like intended knavery
of soe many knaves together in my life, as will be made appear to their faces, when they
come; and if they doe nott some of them confesse how it stands, when they come heare,
it will goe hard with them. Heere is noe newes, butt things are quiett and well; which
is all at present from
Eden. 23. Mar. 1657/8.
Your affectionate humble servant,
George Monck.
I heare there are gone uppe to petition for the place of master of workes in this country, and that there is two gone uppe to London about itt. There is a standing pay for itt; but I desire you will acquaint his highnesse, that the governours and ingineers in the several garrisons will bee much more carefull, then these two Scotchmen, that are gone uppe about it; and therefore I desire you will prevent the granting of itt: one of them is col. Lockhart, a citizen of Edenburg.
The examination of major Robert Harley, taken in the Tower, 23. March, 1657. [By secretary Thurloe.]
Vol. lviii. p. 185.
Saith, That the paper now mentioned to him, wherein are several names written, and found in his lodgings, was delivered to him some years since, viz. about three or four years since; but doth not remember who delivered to him, nor knows he any of the persons in the paper, save Walter Waunklyn, and Jessery the coachman; but faith, that the paper was delivered to him a list of those persons, who served under Sir William Waller in the late wars, and that intended to petition for their arrears; and wherein they desired his assistance; and being asked, who writ the said paper, he faith he doth not know.
Being asked further about some discourse, which should be between him and Sir William Waller touching the marquis of Ormond being in London, faith, that all the discourse he had with Sir William Waller touching the said Ormond was at the house of the said Sir William Waller in Westminster, which was occasioned by what was in the Diurnal about Ormond's being here; and this examinant supposeth and remembers, that he said, that the cavaliers spake of great matters, which Ormond had done here; and some such words as those passed, but what the particulars were, he doth not well remember; but saith, that some others were by at that time, as Mrs. Popham the widow. And being asked, whether he said not then, that he believed that Ormond had spoke with some, that had spoken with nobody, saith, that he doth not particularly remember; but that he spake them at other times, and that the reason of his so saying was, because he knew by experience, that the cavalier party did use to give out, that they had engaged several persons, which they had never spoken with.
Being asked what discourse he hath lately had with major John Wyldeman upon the public affairs, saith, that in respect he perceives, that what he shall say will not be believed, that therefore he holds it best for him to say nothing in the business further than that he hath had no discourse about public business. Being further asked, whether there was not some discourse between him and his elder brother col. Edward Harley, about some discourse his elder brother had with Sir William Waller about the coming in of Charles Stuart, and touching Ormond's being here, he saith, he had not, nor doth he know, that his elder brother had any such discourse with Sir William Waller. Being further asked, to what purpose the two suits of arms were, which were found in his lodgings, saith, that they were made for the year 1648. when the insurrection was through the nation, and that they have been in London ever since, and were not fitted up since that, nor were they ever used; but saith, that if his highness would have given him leave, he would have ventured his life for the parliament party, if Charles Stuart had come in.
The said major Harley being desired to sign this paper, he doth refuse to set his hand to it, unless he was first advised with council; but saith it is all true to his knowledge.
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lviii. p. 187.
May it please your Lordshipp,
I have been all this morning in expectation to have seen Mr. Colbert, whom the
cardinal promised to send to me, that all things might be adjusted both concerning
the levy money and the hay; but having just now received a note from him, which
excuses his coming till the afternoon, and desires me to send Mr. Wildegoes to his office
this afternoon, to receive some more money upon the account of the levy; so that till the
next post it will be impossible for me to give your lordshipp the cleare state of these two
affairs; only this farr I can give you an account concerning the levy money: there was
sent over by the former bills 53692 livres 3 sols 12 dm. and by the inclosed 9945 liv. 19.
which, added to the former, makes in all 63638 livres; so that there will yet remaine
to be received and turned over 44362 livres, which will complete the 36000 crownes, or
108000 livres. The foresaid remainder of 44362 livres shall remain in Mr. Wildegoe's
hands, who is to receive it, till your lordshipp will lett me knowe, whether you can make
a more advantagious bargaine for the remitt of it with Mr. Noell, unlesse your lordshipp's
next letters command the remitt of it upon the terms can be had in this exchange.
My lord, I hope Mr. Swist will have waited on you long before this can come to your hands. I sent him with a coppy of the treatty by the last post. I begg leave to renew the humble desyres I then troubled you with, for your protecting me, and obtayning my pardon for not having been able to conclude that treaty upon more advantagious termes. The French ambassador hath, in all his letters of late, represented the state of affairs in England very much to their advantage. I beseech your lordshipp so to take notice of it to him, as he may be incouradged to continue his so doing. Charles Stuart seems to have quitt all hopes of carying thorough his design against England this spring. I shall endeavour to have comisarys at Mardyk time enough to recieve what soldiers or hay shall be sent thither. The court moves from this the beginning of next weeke. There are yett hops lest of accomodatting the buisnesse of Hesden, tho' 400 of the enemies are entraunched in the fauxbours of it. I am in all humility and sincerity,
Paris, Aprill 3d, N. S. 1657/8
May it please your Lordship,
Your most faithfull
and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
24th Martii 1657/8.
In the possession of Will. Cromwell esq;
What you write of the city, and of the inclinations of allmost all others to a consistency, is to me great and good newes; although, perhaps, as to the city, their
deliverance from the fear of sending money might be some cause, why they seemed the
more cheerfull in their expressions. However, it will not be amiss to cherish this good
disposition in them. As for our supply, I heartily thank you for your constant care therein.
Mr. Standish being dispatched upon that affair, is as much as was left in my power to do,
in effect whereof I shall labour to acquiesce. This week our address was put in hand,
being committed to all the generall and field officers, which then happened to be in Dublin.
There were present the major-general, (colonel Sankey, lieutenant-colonel Nelson, Dr.
Carteret, major Smith, and major Lowe, Anabaptists) Dr. Jones, late scout-mastergeneral, with lieutenant-colonel Puresoy, and major Read, who are no speakers. Various
forms were produced and scanned; and after much (though moderate) debate upon each
of the several parts, and wordings of each, that which we herewith send you was cheerfully
and unanimously agreed to by all, except only major Low, who could not desire, that the
government should be settled on such a basis, as should be most suitable to the constitution
of these nations; saying, that those words implyed a return to kingship; though some of
his brethren, as Sankey and Carteret, replyed, that in case kingship were really most
suitable to the constitution of these nations, that then they would desire it. This agreement being made, was forthwith dispatched by those gentlemen into all the quarters, to be
subscribed by all the officers and soldiers. How it will speed, time will shew, altho' we
hope well. Your advice concerning the oath of abjuration is and hath been followed
already to the best of our power. I have also sent the description of a monster, born this
last week at Youghall, being the extract of a letter from the father thereof to Dr. Harrison. I remain
Yours, &c.
Pray acquaint his highness, that I received his commands concerning my cousin Tom Steward of Stuntney but upon Saturday last; and I shall endeavour to give him a good account thereof, as soon as the nature of the thing will permitt.
H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to lord Broghill.
24th March, 1657/8.
In the possession of Will. Cromwell esq;
My Dear Lord,
I am glad to hear of my lord of Kildare's good successes. Your lordship finds out
ways to oblige us all. As to what your lordship propounds concerning the ministers
advance, the whole business of the maintainance is under consideration, and is grown to
that scurvy pass, that I have desired a meeting to be at Dublin, on the 23d of the next
month, of about 20 the most eminent ministers in the nation, to consider of regulating that
affair, wherein the glory of God is so much concerned; the result of which meeting will
give your lordship an answer as to the matter of advance, &c. Altho' I do not in the least
doubt of the citty's affection to his highness, yet what your lordship said was as well a wise
as a witty guesse, viz. that their being delivered from the fear of lending money made
them couragious in speaking gallant words for his highness. Fl. whom you thought a verse
to parliament, seems to tell me, that their debates will at last resolve into that. The
advancing of 3 months assessments to men well-disposed would be nothing; but to others
the groan of a camell. We have this week been about our address; the copy and manner
of passing it Mr. secretary has. I would not have it much spoken of, till every cloud of
doubt, whether it will pass current, be over. The party, which we might suppose would
most cross it, were most numerous, when it was debated; and yet concluded with affection
enough for it, it being drawn extempore before them, all other preconceived forms being
laid aside. We long to hear how Mr. Standish speeds about money; but I will say no
more till then. I remain,
Yours, &c.
H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to general Flectwood.
24th March, 1657/8.
In the possession of Will. Cromwell esq.
Dear Brother,
As to your main point of lending 500 of our old soldiers, I answer, that our aims are to
reduce the charge, but not the force; though, till we get money, we can do neither. I
take kindly your expounding such a thing; and thank you for the freedom you give me to
deny it. Truly if your necessitys bee such as cannot be supported with less prejudice than
by having them from hence, we must acquiesce in that particular, for the general good and
safety. I very much fear, that the Jamaica expedition carryed away many of our best men,
such as were fit for extraordinary undertakings. For those, who had the hearts to go upon
a bassled design with so many disadvantages, must certainly be such, as we should most
want upon service; insomuch that I have been apt to think it had been discretion to have
kept those, who had shewed thoughts most willing to go; and doubtless, if there had been
any danger imminent, that had been the better course. I say again, that since you have
given me notice of your desires, I will bethink how we may accomodate you with general
safety, which we will demonstrate must suffer by our yeilding, or else we will not refuse to
furnish you. As for sending fresh men abroad, I fear it will not become the honour of the
nation; altho', in case of invasion or insurrection at home, I think it safe to look to what is
next us. The officers here have agreed upon an address to his highness, which is sent to
the several regiments to be subscribed. I suppose you will have an account of particulars
from others. Wherefore I forbear, and remain, &c.
The king of Portugal to the states general.
Lectum den. 22 Julii, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lviii. p. 105.
Celsi potentesque status, ego dominus Alphonsus dei gratia Portugaliæ rex, Algarviorum ultra citraque mare Guiniæ in Africa dominus, conquistæ navigationis commèrcii cum Ethiopiæ turn Arabiæ Persiæ, Indiæque, &c. vestris celsis potestatibus, ut iis, quos veluti amicos mihique propensos valde amo ducoque, salutem plurimam mitto. D. Ferdinandus Telles de Faro oppidorum de Tamarosa et de Carvallio dominus, commendatarius commendarum Campanhanii, Murciæ, Azerii, Ninii, ordinis Jesu Christi assertoris nostri gubernator, præfectusque generalis Brasiliæ status, vestras adit celsas potestates, ut iis tanquam meus legatus desiderium proponat, quo jamdiu afficior, inter hæc regna quæ nobis subsunt vestrasque celsas potestates cujusdam firmissimæ pacis fœdus ineundi, utque ejus missione jurgia deleantur, quæ, ut amicitia mutuusque amor, qui inter hasce nostras semper extitit nationes, frangeretur, occasioni fuerunt, ab illo expecto ita se gesturum, ut ejus persona legatioque vestris celsis potestatibus non sint ingratæ, præcipue cum id ad quod mittitur negotium, conferre conficereque debeat, cum interventione regis christianissimi mei fidissimi fratris consanguineique, tum etiam domini protectoris republicæ Ang. qui, ut credi debent, media æqualia et justa inquirent utriusque parti convenientia. A vestris celsis potestatibus enixe deprecor prædictum meum legatum benevole audire, eumque breviter expedire dignentur, et in omnibus, quidquid ex nostra parte dixerit, vestris celsis potestatibus ad integram sidem adhibere. Celsi potentesque status, quos ut mei amicos propensosque magno prosequor amore magnique facio, Deus Opt. Maximus eos in suam recipiat protectionem. Datis Ulissiponæ, 4. Aprilis, 1658. Signatum,