A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1658: March (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp23-32 [accessed 15 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1658: March (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp23-32.
"State Papers, 1658: March (3 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp23-32.
In this section
March (3 of 4)
Heads of a treaty, to be made with the king of Sweden, for a nearer union, &c. [in the hand-writing of secretary Thurloe.]
March 25. 1658.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
1. Saveinge all former leagues and consederacyes made and ratefied betweene the most serene protector of England, &c. and the king of Swethland, this consederation shal be desensive and offensive betweene them; their kingdomes, countryes, people and subjects, against the kinges of Spayne, Hungary and Poland, and house of Austria, and all others who shall adhere to them, or ayde or assist them, directly or indirectly; privately or openly; or shall molest the free navigation and commerce, either in the Baltique sea or Ocean.
2. That the kinge of France, states general of the United Provinces, and such other states and princes as shal be agreed upon between these consederates, shall not only be admitted, but shall be invited into this consederacy; and that ambassadors, or other publique ministers, be sent from both these confederates to such princes and states for this purpose.
That these consederates, with the first opportunitie and occasion, shall with their forces, both at land and sea, invade and prosecute the sayd common enemies, and their adherents, &c. prout in the 2d article.
3. And forasmuch as the most serene kinge of Sweden lyes most comodious to invade the kinge of Hungary, and that part of the house of Austria, who, out of their boundlesse desires to encrease his dominions, and put the yoake of his servitude upon the necke of all his neighbours, hath broake the treaty of Osnaburgh, and is likely thereby to distract the whole empire: it is agreed, that the king of Sweden shall, with an army consistinge of thousand horse, and thousand foot, invade the dominions of the kinge of Hungary in Germany, and prosecute the warre against him there to his utmost power.
4. That the better to enable hym to make the invasion expressed in the foregoinge article, it is agreed, that his highnes the lord protector shall, at the charges and expences of the said kinge of Sweden, and accordinge to the accompt and calculation annexed to this treatye, shall leavy, for the services of the said kinge foot-soldiers, under good and sufficient officers; and shall send them into any part of the kinge of Sweden's dominions, borderinge on the ocean, to be conducted by him to his aforesaid army.
5. That the said men shall be received into the pay of the said kinge, from the tyme they shall land in any of the dominions of the said kinge; and be continued therein untill their departure out of their service: and for securitie of payment, the said king shall deliver, &c.
6. Whereas his highnes the lord protector, in respect of the scituation of his cuntryes and dominions, lyes most convenient for prosecuting the warre against Spayne; it is agreed, that his sayd highnesse shall, at his owne costs and charges, with his first conveniency, provide and furnish a fleet consisting of shipps, fitted and equipped with all thinges necessary for the warr, and carrying thousand men; and with them shall, as well in the English seas as in the Ocean southward, make course upon the sayd common enemy, and endeavour to destroy his navigation and commerce to the West-Indies, from whence he hath all those supplies of money, wherewith he and the Roman emperor have a longe tyme troubled all Europe.
7. And the better to enable his highnesse to set to sea the said shipps of warre, the settinge whereof will consume incredible quantities of hemp, pitch, tarr, masts, and all other materialls for shippinge, and will require alsoe a supply of copper for makeing good such gunns and artillery, as will be destroyed in such as these are; it is agreed, that the kinge of Sweden shall, every yeare, duringe the continuance of this league in the month of in every yeare, provide, and cause to be delivered unto commissioners appointed by his highnes the lord protector, at the towne or port of Gottenburgh, in Sweden tunn of copper masts of palms barrells of pitch and tarre, and such other materialls for shippinge, as are to be in the asorsayd place, as the sayd lord protector shall signisie to the sayd kinge, 6 months before the said month of he shall stand in need of. And alsoe at Hamborough. tunn of good Riga or Quinsborow hemp, barrells of pitch and tarr, and such other materialls as his highnes shall signisie as aforesaid, and are there usually to be had; the sayd severall comodities to be delivered at such rates as shall be agreed upon in this present treatye.
And that none of the said comodities be sold or carryed to any of the cuntryes of the sayd comon enemy, or their adherents, or any of those who will not joyne in this consederacy, if the English, or those other states who shall joyne therein, will buy it all at the rates aforesaid.
8. That all those, who shall hereafter come into this consederacy, shall pro rata, and according to their proportion, contribute men, money or ships.
And because the great burden and charge of the warre will probablye lye upon these two consederates, the English at sea, and the Swede at land; that therefore endeavours are to be used to persuade other states, who shall come into this league, to contribute money to either of these consederates towards the carryinge on of this warre. In which case it is agreed, that the kinge of Sweden shall encrease his army at land, and the lord protector his fleet at sea, for their common defence: and also, that the lord protector, if those supplies of money be considerable enough, shall be bound to set a fleet into the Baltique sea if there be need, ibique communi & usque ad sed of the treatye and alsoe landmen in Flanders, by way of diversion, and the better to dissipate the forces and strength of the enemy.
9. Prout in the 9th article.
10. Prout in the 10th article, leaving out the 2 clauses pricked underneath.
12. Prout in the 12th article.
13. Prout in the 13th article.
J. Payne to Nieuport.
Vol. lviii. p. 83.
My Lord,
I am informed they are very busy in unlading the sugar and other goods aboard the
prizes stay'd at Plymouth and Dartmouth, although their H. and M. lordships will
distaste the said proceedings. I expect by the next post how I shall regulate myself herein.
I understand by a letter from East Cowes, that some sugar chests being shipp'd out of the
two prizes of captain Zaen into another ship, the said prizes were gone home with captain
Souch; but captain Zaen was still lying there. The business of the ship Daniel is to be
heard next wednesday in the court of admiralty, where I intend to be to hear what the
judges will resolve about it.
Westminster, the 25th March, 1658.
P. S. Mr. Rich, son-in-law to the lord protector, was yesterday carried from Warwickhouse in Holborn, in great solemnity, through the city, having a very great number of coaches following of him, being carried into the country to be interred.
Secretary Thurloe to Lockhart ambassador in France.
In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe of the Inner-Temple esq;
Mr. Swist is arrived with the treaty; he came here yesterday; and, although I have not time to read it all over, since it came to my hands, yet I see by the account you are pleas'd to give of it in your letter, that there will be no reason to delay the ratification of it a moment; and therefore I shall take care to return it to you inclosed, with all the speed I can; and the performance of it (if the Lord will) shall be as punctually observed on this side: I with the same be done on the other side. We will hope well, and that they will not do as they did last summer, especially they being now under a penalty, if they do not besiege the place, unless they intend to turn that to their own advantage, and argue that the treaty is fulfilled, if they either do the thing, or submit to the penalty, and then wrangle about the charges we have been at, undervaluing them, or it may be put that demand upon us, and ask the charge of their army for this campaign, upon some imaginary failures, which they will suppose on the other part; but I will not let my thoughts work this way, but expect the issue, hoping it will be good.
I hear nothing yet of any body come about the hay, nor know we where it must be landed, nor to whom it must be delivered, that hath authority to give a discharge to the ships that bring it. These things are absolutely necessary to be known and ascertained; or else we shall be at a stand, or be put to much greater charges. There is 500 loads already bought, and some of it is ready to be put on board. If, when the ships come at Mardike, they be put to demurrage, it will prove very costly; and therefore I intreat your excellency, that we may have timely directions herein, and all necessary orders. His highness is willing, upon the desire of the cardinal, and to express the sincerity of his affection, to give orders to some of his frigates in the Mediterranean sea to accompany the French ships upon their design; and desires to know what is expected from his frigates, and what time that service will require. If a greater quantity of hay cannot be got, (for it is grown excessive dear) I believe oats may be had good cheap, if we have ready money to buy them. I am
Whitehall, March 25/April 4 1651.
Yours, &c.
Mr. J. Stapley to the protector.
Vol. xv. p. 422.
May it please your Highnes,
Your misslead, and unadvised, and now distressed supplicant doth take the boldnes
to present his troubled and despicable estate, that he is now brought into, through
the deceite and collusion of your and his enemyes, that surprized him, and throw ther
delusion infatuated his judgment and reason, that never was inclined to a compliance
with yours, this nation's, and his father's enemys; the consideration of which hath begott
a sense of his solly, which doth opresse me sore; the thoughts of my enemies rejoysing,
the trouble of my freinds, and above all, to bee clouded from your highnes favore; but
confessing and forsaking, with God persons find favore; and I believe your highnes is
gided by the influence of his Spirit, that I so doeing from the sincerity and simplicity of
soul, I trust through your highnes clemency to find the same. And for the future, I doe
promise, by the assistance of the Almighty, I will not only live peaceably, but with the
uttmost of my indeavours stand by your highnes with life and fortune, to preserve your
highnes person, interest and dignity; and if ever Charles Steward should, in my dayes,
make any atempt against your present government, I will personally appeare against
him, though it be but in the capacity of a privat trooper, if I may not be intrusted by
your highnes, or your successers, with better preferment. My lord, I doe humbly begge
pardon, that I did not at first declare to your highnes the whol bussines that I was
concerned in. I was dashed at your presence, and astonished at the consideration of my
sin; for which I have asked pardon of God, and doe ask it of you. My lord, it is the
glory of a prince to passe bye an offence. I humbly begge pardon for this presumption,
resolving to continue as I am, and ever shall be,
Your Highnes
devoted and faithfull servant, till death,
J. Stapley.
Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lviii. p. 201.
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Honourable Sir,
I have written to you thrice since the last post, once by admiral Opdam's cornet, and
another time by one Cooke, and yesterday by leiutenant colonell Beedles, an officer in
Mardike; so that I have very little to add. I have inclosed to you a copy of the answer
of the states generall to my second proposition concerning capt. Tysen; but he is set at
liberty by them of Amsterdam, with onely this punishment, that he stay but three dayes
there; and the states generall say, that they have noe power in Amsterdam, or any other
such town, further then to make an order to the states of Holland; and the states of
Holland say, they can onely make an order to the burgoemaster of Amsterdam, in whome
(say they) is the soveraignty, which account I thought it my duty to give you; the 7th
article of the treaty haveing, by his setting at liberty, been expressly broaken; for the
proofe against him was undenyable. I shall make use of it, when put to it, in the busines
of Vandiest and the two Portugal prises. I have this day given in the inclosed memoriall
concerning two inland ships, which are now upon their way, through the inland channells, for Ghent, being both loaden onely with greate guns, which are to be sent from
thence for Ostend, for what service you may judg; and to prevent any order from hence,
though truly the i have no g r e at ne ed to f e ar the m.
They dispatch away the vessells as soone as ever the amunition is in them. I have given
you an accompt, in my former letters, of many ship s bo u n d to Ca di
s, which will all be speedily r e a die to go wi t h the fi r
s t co n v o y; and for such things you know it is impossible to
give the p r e ci s e day. There is also a f li bo at, ca l
l ed the F l e e op, in which is p ro v i s ion for ship in
g, bo u n d for Ca d i z, which will go e with the m: there
s ta n d s a man with wi n g s in h er s te r n.
J a q u es Ri c ha r d s is the co r r es po n
d e n t of l a q u es le go v er neu r, and he la
d es no ship himself alone, but always gets some me r c h an t to
go part with him; and so, in case of t ro u b le, they o w ne all.
The k. Spayne cannot want shipp s from Bi f ca y for any de s i g
ne in Ga li ci a I shall informe myself farther concerning the co n t
ri bu ti on s of the ca t ho li c k es here for the k. Spayne;
but mi co r r es po n d e n t li v es. and I may not
s end to him; but I shall shortly have a fitt oppertunity from him. I shall doe
what you desire in relation to count wil i am; but I must not, in the begining of his
so f rank ki n d ne s s e, be to o p r es s in g.
I pray lett me, with the first safe oppertunity, have a letter to him: I know it will doe
very much good, and is expected. The king of Hungary had certainly ordered his
troupes to fall into Pomerania with those of the king of Poland, and letters to that purpose are intercepted, which is an actuall declareing of the warr; but I doe not finde Mr.
Aplebom's newes confirmed, which I wrote you by my last, in relation to any formall
declaration against the king of Sweden, other then one, which I have seene within these
two dayes, printed at Frankford, in relation to the kinge of Hungaryes engageing against
him with the king of Poland. The elector of Brandenburg's forces are also upon their
march towards Pomerania, though it's still said, that his intention is onely to be upon his
guard. Mr. Aplebom presses me earnestly every day, that some bo di be for t
h with s e n t to him; indeede ma t t er s must be s
pe ed i li as s u r ed be t w e e n him and the
k. Swed. for for tie ship s of warre are fi t t in g a p a ce
at Amsterd. The i r intend ma n t is certainly a gainst, if any possible opportunity offer i t s e i f; and you will perceive by the inclosed resolution,
which I send heerein also for more sureness, that the minde of the states of Holland is to
have elucidations upon the treaty of Elbing, and to offer the treaty with those elucidations; and the de s i g ne is to s e co n d the m wi h
the i r f le et; but I s e e no t what the i r ship s
can do. And the la te treatie be t w e e n the k.Swed. and k. Denm. will
be in the i r wa y nor doe I see, that the k.Swed. will ca r e much either
for the i r treatie or e lu ci da t ion s. It is sayd, that the lights
in Schonen are now lett goe out, which if soe, wee must here come to some speedy
agreement with the king of Sweden, who, it's supposed, will not maintaine them for
nothing. The ship s at Amsterdam have or de r s to goe to the Te x e
l as fast as they ar e r e a dy. If the k.Swed. be s i ed ge
Da n t z i c k, they will endeavour to r e li e v e i t.
and so as any kinde of a d v an ta ge s ha l l offer to oppose the
k. Swed. till they shall judge, that the y. have the i r end s of him. Its no
small matter to lo o s e the absolute command of the R a s t s
e a. I doubt not, but that, according to what I wrote by the last post, you will
judge it necessary to order major generall Jephson, on somebody else, forthwith to
go e to B ro m s be r g. We doe now daily expect here Dom Fernando Telles Moneces, count de Barekoes, instead of the count de Pradoe, from Lisbon.
I have not yet heard one word neither from major generall Jephson nor Mr. Meadowes.
They continue still shiping the soldiers from about Amsterdam for Denmark; noe longer
agoe than yesterday some we re-shipt. Mr. Aplebom thinkes not ill of it; and the
Danish resident tells me, that they had better take them then not; for that the collonels
and captaines have received all their money, so that they must either take the men or
nothing; and if they were not sent that way, means would probably be used to get
them into Flanders. I pray let me have the commission for Mr. Zas: he will be very helpful to me; as also, pray lett admirall Opdam's cornet stay as little as possible for the
pass for ten horses. I have herein inclosed to you a copy of a letter from Rotterdam,
which you may fully credit; and, I think, what he writes, is considerable for some order
to be taken accordingly. Here is much trouble about the inclosed resolution of the states
of Zeeland, that they would have the treaty of Elbing confirmed without elucidations.
I shall trouble you noe farther at present, but am,
Hague, 5th Aprill, 1658. [N.S.]
Honourable Sir,
Your very faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.
I pray let my wise have an order for a vessell to bring her over, and a pass for my goods, and for four horses. The same vessell may convoy back some merchants ships from the Brill.
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The resident of Denmarck tells me, that his master and the king of Sweden are now almost exceeding good friends; that he hopes he shall gaine by that friendship; and that he hopes there will be a be t t er under s t an di n g be t w e e n l.prot. and k.Den. and he s pe a k es v e ri nl of this s ta te. My lord Craven's majore being dead, and understanding that Sir Francis Macworth, a violent cavileere, and one Tho. Killigrew, late resident for Charles Stuart at Venis, and one captaine Read, another greate caliveere here, did employ their utmost endeavour, that some one of themselves might have that place, I did also ernestly interpose, that they might not have it, declaring what kinde of persons they were, and such as could never yet so much disemble as to give me a visite, desireing that the place might be bestowed on captaine Carey, a deserving person, which accordingly the states of Holland have done this morning; for which I intend to give them very harty thanks.
It's here every daye's news, that Charles Stuart is shiping or shipt souldiers for England.
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Since the writeing hereof I have received another letter from count Will i am, wherein he assures me, that from time to time i s ha l l have what come s to his knowledge; and hee w ri t es as so l lo w et h.
[A translation of the French.
The king sent severall persons awhile agoe into England, and that of consideration, amongst whome is the marquesse of Ormond, who is lodg'd with some of his freinds hee has yet there, who are a sufficient number to make an insurrection, if it bee possible; the effects whereof we dayly expect with great impatience. The truth is, we may, without ever flattering ourselves, expect a good issue of all these things, especially in the present conjuncture of affayres in England, the parliament being dissolved, that was choosing a whole yeare before, to the end they might do what the protector pleased; which, notwithstanding he could not possiblie bring about. Mr. Marsine goes for that design. The king has also made him knight of the garter. I entreate you to keep this very secret; for there bee but six persons who have cognisance thereof.]
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Le ro y en v o y e di v er s es pe r s on n es e n Angieterre i l y a de s i a q u e l q u e te m p s, et de consideration, parmi lequels le ma r q u y s de n mo n d estaux am y s q u e le ro y. A encore la et sont en asse grand nombre pour les faire so u l e v er, s i l est possible. L'on attend tousjours les effect s avec grande impatience. Sans se flatter beaucoup l'on peut attendre quelque bon effect de tout cela, et principalement en les conjectures, ou les affaires da n g le t er r e sont à present; comme ayant di s so us le p ar le n t, lequel y avoyt esté c ho is i d, un an entier, à sin qu'ilz consedassent à ce qu'il vouloit; mais il n'en à peu venir au bout. Mo n s i e u r Ma r i y n p as s e. Ausy le ro y lui a donné les orderes de la ga r ti er e. Je vous prie de mesnager bien cecy: i l n y a q u e s i x personnes en ont co g no if an ce da v ec q u es le ro y. Though I know you had long a go e the knowledge hee r of, y et i thought it fitt to write the same unto you, because it come s from s u c h a pe r s on. Ca p ta in Wa t t s, with o ne e y e, that brought you a letter from me, is a most desperate ca v al li er. He pretended, that his businesse was to my lord Ge or ge F le et w o od; that he had sent for him to come for England, to have a co m p a ny in his r e gi men t for Sweden; but I find, that he p as s ed co n ti n u al ly be t w e e n this and England. You may learn from my lord Ge or ge, whether he sent for him on any such account, and probably by him find him out: he is no ty et r et u r n ed hi t h er. I have this post s e n t t w o other letter s, di r ec t to Ti mo the 542 C ru so and Will i am For d.
Hague, April 5. 1658.
I am, Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.
Intelligence sent from Holland by Mr. Downing.
Extract of the register of the resolutions of the high and mighty lords the states general of the United Provinces of the Low Countries.
Friday, the 5th of Aprill, 1658. [N. S.]
Hath been read in this assembly a certain memorial of Mr. Downing, importing, that he was certainly informed, that two ships, commonly called Binneland Vaerdars, (whereof Jean Corneilis and Jean Schute are masters) are laden with cannon, and at present upon the way from Amsterdam to Ghent in Flanders: furthermore, that the said resident was also informed, that oftentimes like boats were laden with all forts of ammunition, and were sent thither from Amsterdam by the consent of the admiralty. Whereupon having had deliberation, it is thought fit and resolved, that a copy of the above-mentioned memorial shall be sent to the said college of the admiralty at Amsterdam, and also to the college of the admiralty residing at Middlebourgh in Zealand, to be informed thereof. The states of Holland being also required to inform themselves, and cause inquiry to be made, touching the matter abovesaid, and to communicate their opinions thereupon to this assembly, with all possible speede, to the end that they may use thereof, according as the matter may require.
Jacob Vecth.
It agrees with the register abovementioned.
J. Spronson.
9. April, 1658. Resolution of the states of Holland and West-friesland.
Having again delivered upon the report of the deputies, who have examined and weighed the reiterated demands made by the agents of France and England to their lordships, to grant a suspension of arms for the time specified in the resolutions of the 16th past; after mature deliberation, it is resolved, that it shall be endeavoured by their lordships, in the assembly of the states general, that the said demands may be courteously considered by their lordships, according to the resolution of the assembly of the 22. Jan. last, and of the 5. Feb. and that they write to the colledge of the admiralties, that it is the good intention and will of the state, that all the resolutions and placards already ordain'd and publish'd concerning the war with Portugal, and especially the placard of the 31. December past, and of the 14. Feb. prohibiting the transportation of forbidden commodities in the said kingdom, and of bringing any Portugal commodities hither, shall be observed and kept according to their contents; adding hereunto, that the said college of the admiralty will cause it to be observed exactly; and, that they will once more, by their affixed publications, in the name of the states general, advertise hereof all the inhabitants of the United Provinces.
March 30. 1658. Resolution of the states general, &c.
The memorial presented the 28th instant by Mr. Downing, resident of the lord protector, hath been again produced in the assembly, together with a letter from viceadmiral Goodson; and divers examinations concerning three certain ships of Michael Van Diest, burgess and inhabitant of Rotterdam, taken by the said vice-admiral. Whereupon, after deliberation and examination, it is found, that nothing is therein contained, or can be gathered thence, but that the said ships were designed for Ostend. And since it is a thing allowed, and not at all contrary to the treaty of peace made 1654, between the said lord protector and this state, it is found expedient to require and depute Mr. Huygens, Van Heorn et Van Wyckell, in the name of their lordships, to make their complaints to the said resident, and most earnestly demand the restitution of the said ships, free from all damages or charges; for which purpose, shall be dispatch'd a serious letter to the lord protector.
Merode, president.
This agrees with the original.
J. Spronson.
My memorial to the states general, touching an English saip, brought in to Brouwers haven, in Zealand, by an Ostender.
The underwritten resident of England, &c. being informed that there is a certain English merchant ship, called the Content of Harwich, laden with Newcastle coals brought into Brouwers Haven, in Zealand, by a man of war, latelye quipp'd at Flushing, holds himself obliged to represent the same to their lordships the states general, not doubting but that they will take it into their most serious consideration, and give such orders therein, and take such care for the thorough and speedy execution of them, as shall be agreeable to justice and the treaty between my master and the United Provinces. Given at the Hague this 9th of April, 1658.
4. April, 1658. Resolution of the states general, touching captain Thysen.
The deputies of Holland, &c. have exhibited, and caused to be read in the assembly, an authentic extract of a certain letter of the burgo-master's of Amsterdam, address'd to their deputies here at the Hague, dated the 31. past, containing that they had judged it necessary, to make known to their deputies what had pass'd in the business of captain Thysen; which is, that so soon they understood, that a certain Flemish captain levied men in the said town, they presently informed themselves more particularly; and being confirmed in what they had been informed, of their own motion, without the desire of any other, they caused him to be apprehended; and understanding that his name was captain Thysen, and that he was come hither with a commission of the marquis of Lede, governor of Dunkirk, to raise men, and accordingly he had raised many mariners; that at the same time the said captain was sentenced, fined and banished; also all the seamen, that were hired, were set at liberty, notwithstanding that they had received money in hand for the same purpose, and the said state listed presently for the service of this state. Whereupon, after deliberation, it is found fit, that the agent de Heyde shall declare the whole business to Mr. Downing, resident of the lord protector of England, &c. in answer to the memorials, which he hath presented to their lordships concerning this business; adding thereunto, that their lordships doubt not, but that the said resident will thereby receive perfect satisfaction, as knowing, that in these countries, in these and such-like affairs, nothing shall be administred but justice and right, according to what in conscience ought to be, as hath been done in the case abovesaid touching captain Thysen, and the said agent shall make report of his conference.
But Thysen is gone off, which yesterday I complained at the conference, and of the ammunition and ordinance gone from Amsterdam for Flanders; also acquainted you with the farther circumstances concerning Vandiest's ships, which I received in your last, but as to no purpose it is not, nor will yet be heer; and said, that these things are against the treaty, tis only called private mens traffique, which must not be hindered.
De Thou, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux the French embassador in England.
Hague 5th April, 1658.[N. S.]
Vol. lviii. p. 205.
My Lord,
I Conceive that the sending over the secretary of the lord Nieuport doth not signify much;
for I do not hear he hath any power given him to treat, and is only sent to supply the
place of him that is recalled, who hath wrote something in prejudice of your government.
My lord Nieuport hath been desired to return for England; but he desires to be excused,
upon the ill disposition of his father-in-law.
Monsieur Downing and I live still in good intelligence; and he is here in good esteem, and serveth the lord protector with great care and vigilance.
The Portugal agent at Amsterdam hath give me advice, that he hath received letters from Lisbon, which give him assurances, that the Portugal embassador, intended to this state, was ready to come away; and if the winds had not been contrary, had been here ere now.
The lord embassador for our king, Monsieur Terlon, writes me word, that he intended to follow the king of Sweden to Gottenburgh.
The election of the emperor is put off till after Easter; and all the states of the empire do intend to give satisfaction to the grievances proposed by France and Sweden, whose last victories do very much favour his interests.
A letter of intelligence to the protector.
Please your Highnes,
Six days after I received your commission, I took my journey towards Merdike; but
hard by Canterbere I received a mischance by the fall of my horse, that fell uppon mee,
and soere brused mee, which turned into a sevor. Soe I writt to generall Morgan, and
collonell Clarke too, severall letters, while I was at Canterbere, that I had your comission for
a company; but before I could be recovered, I was fallen into det, in the house wheare I lay,
but could not perswade the man to trust mee till I came to Merdike. Soe I was constrayned
to come back with him to my frind at London, to borow some more money to pay him;
but at my coming there, I sound both mony and letters sent home to mee. The letters
held, that I had too months granted mee, by the meanes of some of the states here. Some
of my friends had soliceted for mee to come and cleare myselfe of the Spanish embasador's and
the other's acusation. Soe having receved answer from Merdike, that there was noe plase
voyd, and having noe meanes alowed from your highnes to mayntayne mee in the meane
time, I thought best to goe for the present to the Hauge, to those states, that had bin soe much
my frinds in my absence, to seeke to save that smale goods I have heare; and soe by theyre
help I have cleared both my plase and goods, which weare in arrest; and soe the states com
manded mee to goe to my garison, where I am as yet; but, as sowne as I can but set my
things in order heare, I shall returne to Meredike, where I make noe dout, if your generall
and the French generall wil but take that course, that I have informed collonell Clarke's
lestenant-collonell Bedeles of, your highnes may goe far forwards this somer. I did desier
him to informe you of divers other things; and several things I had to inform your highnes,
when I was there; but could not be admitted to your presence, neyther could speake with
master secretary. Your page master Walters tould me, you could not be spoke with. But
the God that knows all harts, knowes that mine is as real to serve you, as any man living
can be, and ever shal be; for mounser Beadeles knows I am soe much hated heere of a company of base cavelers, that I am in danger to bee murdered by them, if they could but find
opertunitie for it. I have writ twoor three times conserning Hull, and have desired mounser
Bedeles to informe your highnes what I have informed him, and in what I have hard lately,
and the ammunition that is sent thether within this few weekes by the other partie. I hard
from the master that carried it, when I came now into Sealand, the amunition was in dubbel barreles as marchants goods. I doe asewer your highnes by many things I know, that
quarter is not write, and the parti heare hath 20 good shipes to be in redines uppon the
same conditions as I writ in November last. There be some persons of qualetie gon for Scotland: I hear the lord Naper is one. There be some men here a raysing, pretended for the
Dane; but there is divers of our English offecers heare to goe with them, which I know
would not goe for Denmarke. But as soune as I shall know the mening of it, I shall acquaint your agent at the Hauge of it, and doe intend to waite uppon him at the Hauge, as
soune as I can get my leave out of my garison. I have sent this letter to him, because I
dare not the other way. I have writ to him, and shall not sayle to acquaint with what I
know; for, although I am at the Busse, I doe not want some frinds in Briges, and others,
not far from thence. But I am sertayne theyre desine is to hinder your procedings in
Flanders, if they can. Soe, with my hartie prayers, that God wil protect you from all your
base enemies, (for heare be many of them) I shall never sayle to remayne
Hertogen Busse, this 26. of
March, ould stile, 1658.
Your most humble servant to commaund,
in any thing may serve you,
Thomas Death.
My lord, my one captaynee Hoo is as invective a traytor to your highnes person, as any man living; and does what hee can to doe me a mischefe to the states. Still hee hath about 8 or 9 thousand pounds at youse in England. I shall informe where it is at my coming; and I aseure your highnes, I would have bin revenged of him ere this; but I hope a better opertuniti wil shortly fall.
To be presented to his royall highnes.
Indors'd by resident Downing;
The man that sends this letter keeps a greate deale of stirr to have it sent to his highnes. I know not what 'tis about.
G. D.
Secretary Thurloe to Mr. Downing, resident in Holland.
Vol. lxiii. p. 296.
I perceive that Holland is inclined very much to the peace with Portugall, and waits
only for the coming of an ambassador from that king, to dispose them to a cessation,
and yet at the same time proceed with their preparation of 48 ships of warre. This must
needs have some significancy in it, either to us, or Sweden, or both; viz. to hinder us
in Flanders, and the Swede in the Baltique sea: and therefore it is to be considered,
whether it be not better, as affaires now stand, if the business between them and Portugal
stand in a doubtfull condition, then that a cessation of arms were obtained, and every
way more for our interest; and you having with affection enough interposed in that business, it is best now in this change of affairs for you a little to forbeare, and suffer that
affaire to take its own chance, without pressing thinges to a conclusion. It is good, that
the peace be neither rendred desperate, nor yet put on to fast: you need not manifest a
coolness in it; but certainly, as matters now stand, it is not to be hastened.
I had a letter this day from vice-admirall Goodson, that he is further satisfied by the intelligence he hath from Ostend, that the 2 ships, which were forced on ground, were for the service of the king of Spayne, and they are laid up with his owne ships; and that the captain, that managed the defence of them, was one of the captains of that towne, whose paines therein was rewarded with a gold chaine from the governor of Ostend.
I thinke what you write concerning the elector of Brandenburgh is very considerable, in respect of the endeavours of the Dutch to engage him against the Swede; as also from what Mr. Meadowe writes of the king of Sweden, that he is very much incensed against him, and speakes of revenge: the true interest of the Protestants is to reconcile him, and bring him back again out of Popish hands. I suppose the king of Sweden may be inclined to be reconciled to him, it beinge his true interest to be soe; and instructions will be sent to Jephson for that end; and a minister shall be alsoe sent to the elector of Brandenburgh to dispose him; and as affaires stand, it doth not seeme a difficult thinge to accomplish. The example of Denmark will be fresh before you, who hath lost half his kingdom, and all his honour, in taking part with the popish side; and it must be your part to discourage the Dutch from their intention of irritating Brandenburgh against the Swede, which you are fully instructed to doe, but rather that they would use their endeavours to cement them. It is alsoe thought necessary here, to send one to Bromsbergh, and hath been resolved in ever since there was a certainty of that help, for the ends you mention, as also to intend our owne interest.
You make a right judgment about the secret article between the protector and Holland; and therefore I pray doe not touch at all upon that point; and signe noe act about trade in the East-sea by noe meanes. They do nothing but countenance and encourage the interest of the house of Austria in all places; and till they change their counsels in that, matters of trade cannot come into consideration.
I desire you not to spare money for intelligence; you shall be supplied your charge bills; and I pray endeavour to lay a correspondence, and a good one, in Flanders, in the Spanish court there; as also with Charles Stewart's party. I shall be at the charge thereof.
I hope the rumours of our distractions here are consuted by this tyme. I sent you the petition of the city by the last; since that, the officers of the army have agreed upon an addresse to his highnes, a copy whereof comes herewith, which will at least shewe, that the army is not divided amongst themselves, as to what relates to his highnes, as was falsly reported.
If you can underhand hinder Nieuport's returne hither: he hath said soe ill of his highnes person, that it will be to noe purpose to send him hither. Hath he his present of plate or not? I rest,
Whitehall, 26th March, 1658.
Your very affectionate and faithfull
friend and servant.
Mr. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lviii. p. 220.
Since my last, little hath come to my knowledge worth your notice, only the arrivall of the queene of Sweedland att Thollon about 8 dayes past, where she is yett; but sudainly imbarks for Rome. She hath but a very slight trayne with her. Att Thollon and thereabouts are at least 8000 soldiers ready to be imbarqued; they may part in a month at farthest, and generally suposed are to goe to the duke of Modena cardinall Mazarin's nephew. A barke of this place arrived heare yesterday brings advise, that they mett six English frigatts 'twixt Legorne and Thollon, which I suppose to be gen ral Stoaks comming to Thollon. From Smirna I have advice of the 27. February, that thear was theare arrived six Quakers, 3 men and 3 women, who pretended to goe to convert the grand signior; but the consill at Smirna hindered them; so they are gone to Venice, pretending to convert the Jewes. Att Thollon 8 dayes past was blowne up one of the king of France's best ships of warr, having 400 men aboard, and 46 brass gunns. So for present I humbly take leave, and remayne,
Marseille, 9. Aprill, 1658. [N.S.]
Right Honourable,
Your honnor's most faithful servant,
Jo. Aldworth.