State Papers, 1658: March (1 of 4)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1658: March (1 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1658: March (1 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1658: March (1 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

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A Collection of State Papers of John Thurloe Esquire, &c.

Major general Jephson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lviii. p. 24.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content -see page image]

I did, in my two late letters from Gottorp fully declare unto you the state of your affayres here, in which I find as yet noe alteration, having receyved noe aunswer from the K. eyther to the concept of the treatye, or the businesse, which soe nerely concernes you of his intentions in relation to peace with the house of Austria. I did then likewise inform you of my resolutions to return into these parts, to bee here, or at Hamburgh, to receyve your orders eyther to return, or how to behave myselfe for the future; for as I have formerly told you, the state of affayres is soe chainged here, as there is nothing left for mee to act upon my former instructions, nor, if I had, could I possibly yett have gotten to the king, the sea being neyther wholely frozen, nor soe melted, that boats can passe, nor yet like to bee very suddainlye; for although the sunne bee gotten to such a height, that it thawes sumthing in the day-time, yet it freezeth still very hard by night. I cannot heare certainly, whither the K. intends still to goe for a while into Sweden: if he doth, it is generaly believed, hee will goe noe farther than Gottenburgh, and will bee in those parts againe the next month. Since my return hither, I have receyved two of your letters of the 18th and 26th of February, in both which I see the care that hath been used with States Genl. for Sweden's interest; and in the latter you are pleased to furnish mee with arguments to satisfye his majesty, why the money, which was promised his ministers in England, hath not hitherto been paid. Concerning which I have already severall times discourst with the K. to the same purpose; and therefore intend a while to suspend writing, until I eyther heare from his majestie, or receyve some further orders from you, after your receypt of my letters concerning the Danish peace. I have here inclosed sent you a copy of the articles of it. I cannot undertake they are authentick, but find they agree in the maine points with what I have heard heretofore. Sir, I confesse I am soe much amazed at the carriage of thing s here, that I can not tell what to advise; but certainly if the Swede hath any inclination to a particular conjunction with you, and a generl l e a g u e or the protestants, there is now a greate opportunitye to so ree the S. G. to join with us, or else to exclude them the Baltick sea, which, I doubt not, you will consider of. I cannot yett certainly heare, what is like to be done upon the treat y with Poland; but it is generaly reported, the nobility of Poland are much divided amongst themselves upon the point of excluding or including Austria in it. It is sayd too, and I believe it to be probable, that Sweden refuseth to comprise them in the treat y. Sir, your last letter of the 26th of Feb. was written in a strange hand, which I have not formerly beene acquainted with, of which I am forct, though very unwillingly, a little to complaine; for besides it came to mee without a name, and almost every word, both materiall and indifferent, is put into characters, (which breeds a greate deale of unnecessary trouble) the figures for the letters were written without any distinction by points, that I professe it hath beene almost two dayes worke to decypher it; and some of it I cannot yett for my life understand. The alarme I gave you in my last of the Poles and Austrians entring into Pomerania, is come to nothing but a slight incursion of a partye, who are againe retreated. I have noe more at present, but to begg the favour I may bee still esteemed, as I shall ever indeavour to approve myselfe,

Lubeck, 15th March, 1657.

Your most affectionate and faythfull
humble servant,
Wm. Jephson.

A letter of count Palatine, the king of Sweden's brother, to Mr. Bradshaw.

Adolphus Johannes Dei gratia comes Palatinus, &c.

Vol. lviii. p. 106.

Favorem nostrum singularem, illustris & generose, nobis sincere dilecte domine legate,
Ex insertis ad nos a generoso domino gubernatore Rigense Helmsted. 5° hujus datis, illustritati vestræ patebit, qualis post abitum ejus ex Livonia rerum ibi facies exorta, & quod tandem Woiwoda Nassokin adeo sollicite inquirere jusserit, & ob id suum emiserit secretarium. Retulit is, dum Rigæ degerit, prædictum Nassokin, non bonam inde polliceri sibi gratiam, quod sua culpa factum esse videt, quo minus illustritas vestra a Moscis meliori modo recepta est, prout fusius ex dicta copia videre licet. Nos cum audiremus Gedani adhuc illustritatem vestram hærere, necessum esse duximus hac de re eandem certiorem facere, cujus dexteritati, & in res nostras studio committimus, quid hac in re consultum videatur. De cætero illustritatem vestram divinæ commendamus tutelæ.

Marienburgi, die 24/14 Martii, 1658.

Illustritatis vestræ ad offica paratissimus,
Adolphus Johannes.

Secretary Thurloe to Lockhart, embassador in France.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner-Temple esq;

I received yours of the 10/20th March, and find thereby, that your excellency hath not concluded the treaty, occasioned by the commissioners departing from some things the cardinal had agreed to; and particularly in two points, both which are very material, and especially the latter, which concerns the limitation of time; and truly that of the pay is so material also, that, if it be not done, it will be hard to get the men levied. Upon the second thoughts, I make some doubt about that clause in the treaty, whereby the French should be obliged to give satisfaction in case of failure of promises; which gives them an election which they will do; and it is possible they will by it find some colours of evasion, and alledge, it was not an absolute promise, but limited, and they may chuse to give satisfaction, or, at least, to pretend to it, rather than perform the other way; but I leave it to your excellency's consideration. The men are landing; but I intreat your excellency to send us the money as soon as is possible, or it will retard that service; and to return it so, that we may have it paid without delay. That which is already received, is very well remitted. It answers 55 pence half-penny the French crown; and I desire to know, whether the rest may be returned so, or not. It is necessary also for us to have a copy of the treaty, so soon as it is concluded, that we may the better know, how to govern ourselves; and it is fit to be sent by an express.

I have inquired of the price of bisket and wheat, and the prices are as in the inclosed paper, which will be the lowest it will be had for. The commodities are dear now: the hard winter hath made them so. I intreat to know what will be resolved upon therein, that if any quantity be to be provided, it may be timely known.

It is thought here very convenient to send the men over by 3 or 400 at a time, as they be ready. It will be much more easy to do it, and prevent the running-away of many of them. I know no objection against it: however, it is good to let the cardinal know it, to prevent mistakes. The lowest price of the hay will be, as my last acquainted you; and that quantity, which we buy, shall be ready by the day. It were well we had direction how to have it, when it must be landed, and who is to take care of it. We long to hear what their preparations are for the next campaign, and when they will be in the field, and also what becomes of Hesdin. The cardinal may assure himself, that if any application of that kind be made to his highness, they shall be treated as rebels, and men false to their trust, not otherwise. Mr. Bordeaux was with me this afternoon, and mentioned to me, amongst some other things, his own business; which, I perceive, he thinks not to be in a very good condition. I assure you, that his highness will take it exceedingly well, if my lord embassador were gratified with the second place, if he cannot obtain the first. It is great reason your excellency should be allowed those contingent moneys you lay out; and if you please to make return of them hither, I will take care they be paid. I beg your lordship's pardon for this trouble; but before I end, I must assure your lordship, that there are here no grounds at all for the falshoods, which are spread up and down of our disorders. I trust, if they ever go on with this attempt, they will find it otherwise. Upon friday last the mayor, aldermen, and common-council were with his highness at Whitehall, being sent for by him. He spake to them at large, and acquainted them with the reasons, which moved him to dissolve the last parliament. His discourse greatly satisfied them; and we think in a body they will declare some things of advantage to the present affairs.

Whitehall, 15/25 March, 1657/8.

Yours, &c.

Inclosed in the preceding.

I have informed myself, and find bisket and wheaten meal to be at present according to the following prices; together with the charge that will attend to carry them within the Splinter, besides the adventure.

Bisket 12s. 6d. per 112 lb. 00 12 6
Bags for each 00 1 1
Freight, per C. 00 1 2
00 14 9
Wheaten meal 10s. 6d. per 122lb. 00 10 6
Cask for 1 C. meal 00 1 6
Portage, cooperage, cartridge, wharsage, per th. 00 0
Freight per C. 00 0
00 13 0
If it shall be thought sit, I shall undertake to deliver in the place aforesaid, what quantity shall be desired of bisket, free of all charges, at 00 15 6    per C.
Wheaten meal 00 14 2
provided it may be free of all custom and convoy, that satisfaction is given in point of payment, and the goods received from aboard the vessels in convenient tyme after arrival.

March 15/25. 1657/8.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Samedy, le 23 Mars, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lviii. p. 103.

Le marchand Diest de Rotterdam declare, qu'il n'est que participant des navires prinses par les Anglois; ne sachant rien, qu'ils soyent equippes vers Flanders, n'y portant contrabandes, requiert lettres de recommendation au protecteur pour ravoir ses navires. Mais en cela on fait difficulté, quoyqu' ainsy on ne soit pas enclin à le punir.

On a esté en conference avec les deputes de la comp. de Ostende touchant les dommages & outrages pretendus par le resident d'Angleterre; mais ils sont encore immutables, si qu'on ne sait qu'en faire.

Neantmoins on a escrit au protecteur touchant le sucres ou prinses Portuguais, qu'en Angleterre on tascha de decharger. Pour les affairs du Nort, il y a apparence, qu'on renvoyera le sieur Slingelant avec des ordres doux & moderes.

On a eu une conference á ce soir avec les deputes de Munster, qui n'ont rien plus dit ny requis, que ce qui a este desja accordé par la resolution du 2 Mars, pour estre simplement admis selon l'article 9. seulement, requirant de n'estre pas retardes jusques au consentement des 3. autres villes.

Lundy, le 25 Mars 1658.

Ayant esté conference avec les deputes de Munster, le sieur Schoock & autres en ont fait rapport; & des points proposes dans la conference a esté demandé copie par les provinces.

L'on a resolu de escrire aux admirautes, asin qu'ils avertissent les maistres de navires allants vers le Sont, à se donner garde de ce que du costé de Schoonen il n'y aura point de lumiere suspendue, comme cydevant; parce que les Danois, qui le ont fait cydevant, ne les feront plus; & les Swedois sans recognition ne le voudront pas faire. L'Hollande, voyant les menaces faites sur la ville de Danzigk, resume le traitté pour prester de l'argent à la dite ville. Au reste (quoyque continuant l'equipage) est d'avis de ratifier le traité d'Elbing, & adjuster les elucidations le mieux qu'on peut, asin que l'on rende les ambassadeurs capables de mediation pour la paix en Pologne.

Mardy, le 26 Mars, 1658.

Le sieur ambassadeur de Spagne aura sait presenter un memoire en general, requerant, que sur tous ses memoires soit rendu response & resolu specialement pour l'admission d'un consul à Rotterdam. Item par un autre a requis satisfaction pour l'abbé de Cloosterraedt. Les commissaires de cet estat pour le traité, comme son excellence, l'avoit desja signé & seellé; mais tous n'avoient pas leurs cachets à la main.

Messieurs de Hollande ont product leur advis provincial touchant les affaires du Nort & Ost; qu'on doive envoyer la ratification sur le traité d'Elbing, & les elucidations vers les ambassadeurs, qui sont ou seront pas le roy de Swede pour perfectionner ce traitté.

Que, ce non obstant, on continuera l'equipage de 48 navires, en suite des resolutions precedentes; & qu'on tascher à de satisfaire aux defauts & empeschements, qu'aucunes admirautées ont ou font en cela.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
All that hath beene done since my last in the publique affaires is to speake with the citty about them. His highnes sent for the mayor, aldermen, and comon counsell, upon friday, and opened to them the state of our affaires ever since he took upon the goverment, and the principles he had governed by, and how he had carryed hymselfe towards the two last parlaments, and the reasons he had to dissolve the last of all. The citty tooke very great impressions from what he was pleased to say, and were very sensible of the daunger, that both the citty and whole nation were in from the open enemy, and other secret ones; for H. H. did at large acquaint them with the designes of the cavalier party, and of the great preparations they are makeinge in conjunction with the Spanyard.

The common counsell met yesterday, and exprest very great affection and duty to his highnes and government, and seeme to be readye to doe all they can to assist hym in the great burdens, which are upon his shoulders; and truly, my lord, I thinke the citty, and most other parts alsoe, are to be brought to reason and a consistencye, if the Lord give wisdom in the manadgment of affaires. The great want is money, which puts us to the wall in all our buissines. But truly, my lord, nothinge troubles us more than your condition, which I finde every body sensible of; and this afternoone wee are to come to a meetinge with the money-men, to turne every stone for the supply of Ireland. What will come of it, I knowe not; but there will noe endeavours be wantinge in some of your servants. Our fleet is yet before Ostend, attendinge the motion of the enemye there. It's certeyne, they are still preparinge, and have assurance of great insurrections here. It's certeyne, that Ormond was here to treate with our great men, and some that never were before in open armes against the parlament; but I beleive his encouradgments were not soe great as hee expected; and doubtlesse they endeavour to joyne many interests together, as that of the peeres with the presbiterians. I hope they will not gaine upon those, who are honest, of either. I writ to your lordship by the last, as to an addresse of the army in Ireland, which I judge now seasonable, the armyes of England and Scotland beinge resolved upon that way. We heare nothinge further from the Dane and Swede. I believe they are agreed upon the terms my last mentioned.

I knowe not what to say upon the proceedings had against the Irish upon the last act. I feare it cannot be dispensed with but by an act of parlament. The prudent manadgment of it upon the place will be the best way. I am

Whitehall, 16 March, 1657.

Your excellencye's most humble, faithfull,
and obedient servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lviii. p. 114.

Honourable Sir,
The provost of Edinburgh being, uppon the earnest request of that cittie, to attend his highness for representing the sad estate that towne is lyke to be reduced unto by their publick debts, which, though they have been well helped by his highnesses former grant, (soe as to keepe up their credit, and to hold off the extremity, which creditors would otherwise have put them to) and paying the interest and principles to the full summ of what they received by virtue of the aforesaid grant; yet, upon the examination of their accounts, I am creditably informed, the cittie is yet indebted above fifty thousand pounds sterl. and considering the readiness of the magistrate to give obedience to all commands, and, according to their power, nay, even beyond their poor ability, to give assistance by lending money, and otherwise to keep forward the publick service; and that which the provost is to desire in their behalf being no way tending to the diminution of the publique revenues, but to be taken of the inhabitants of the sayd cittie, which I perceive they are generally, not only willing to, but desirous of; and considering the consequences of suffering such an antient cittie, and the chief of this nation, to be left without magistracy and government, which, if some way be not taken for satisfying their publique debts, will inevitably follow, that, according to the laws of this nation, the magistrates are lyable to the debts of this, though contracted long before their times, whereby men of quality and prudence will be scared from undertaking the magistracy: upon these, and like considerations, I am moved to intreat your help and assistance to the provost for some releese, wherein I am perswaded you will doe a very good worke, and very acceptable both to ministry and people heere. I am, Sir,

Dalkeith, 17° Mar. 1657/8.

Your most affectionate humble servant,
George Monck.

Extract out of the register of the H. and M. L. states general of the United Netherlands.

Jovis, the 28th of March, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lviii. p. 121.

Was once more produced in the assembly the memorandum, lately presented to their H. and M. L. by the lord resident Applebom, containing in effect, that he being certified by a letter from his king of a peace made between his majesty and the crown of Denmark, he found himself obliged to impart such good and desirable news to their H. and M. L. with an addition of civil expressions of inclination and affection for the securing and increasing of the navigation and commerce. There being also read a further memorandum of the said resident concerning the said subject; whereupon being debated, it is resolved, that this be returned in answer to the said resident's memorandum, That their H. and M. L. did receive with great pleasure the said assurance, how that by a peace concluded between the king of Sweden and king of Denmark, the troubles and inconveniences will come to cease, which of late the commerce and navigation upon the east sea have suffered; at least, that the king of Sweden on his side will not omit to contribute all that may make and tend for the increasing of the good amity and correspondence with this state, and that which may be desired of a true ally; and adding withal, that their H. and M. L. have sent and given such orders and instructions to their ministers in the Swedish court, that therewith such inclination on their side shall be effectually shewn, and that they also do expect on the side of his majesty the real effect of the said assurance. An extract of his resolution shall be sent to their H. and M. L. ambassadors with the king of Sweden and Denmark, and the duke of Brandenburg, to serve for their information.

A letter of information.

The 18th March 1657.

Vol. lviii. p. 123.

Cornett Daye in his prayer did envy much the citty of London for joyneing with the great man at Whitehall with their lives and fortunes, and said it would be the cause of much blood; and in his sermon he had these expressions, that Oliver Cromwell was noe magistrate or governor; for he was not made soe by God nor man, unless the lord mayor and court of aldermen had made him soe. And alsoesaid, that Oliver Cromwell was a jugler, and he would prove him soe by a substantiall witnesse. Many other expressions he had enveighing at the lord protector.

John Marshall.
Robert Todd.

And he added to the words above expresst in saying the lord protector was a jugler, that he deserved to be sawne in pieces.

Robert Todd.

Secretary Thurloe to Lockhart embassador in France.

In the possession of Joseph Radeliffe, of the Inner-Temple esq.

I shall not trouble your excellency much by this post, save to let you know, I have received yours of the 13/23. instant, with Mr. Willdigoe's account, and understand thereby, that your excellency hath agreed upon all the points, which will concern the next campaign; and that you intend to send the treaty hither by an express, which is very necessary to be done, that we may walk by a rule in what we do. In the mean time, all possible haste is made with the levies, and hope to be very punctual with them in point of time, especially if the money be returned to us, whereof we have so great need, that the men cannot be sent away without it. I will also observe your directions about the hay, but beg also, that the sum, which that will come to, may be also provided and sent.

We have no news here at all. Things remain much in one state here; only the army grows more of a piece, and more affectionate and true to his highness every day than other. This inclosed I beg your lordship to cause to be sent to Mr. St. John. I am

Whitehall, 18/28. March, 1657/8.

Yours, &c.

I know not yet to whom the hay shall be delivered. It is necessary we should know that with the first opportunity.

Secretary Thurloe to Lockhart, embassador in France.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner-Temple, esq.

Concerning the constituting of commissioners of damages before the peace, as the motion, which your excellency hath already made therein, is acceptable to his highness, and conformable to his instructions; so also the necessity of the persons and the affair seemeth such, that you are therefore desired still to insist therein with the cardinal for the appointing and sending them over, which is the only occasion of this letter, except that of assuring you, that I am
Whitehall, 18/28. March, 1657/8.

Yours, &c.

Mr. Downing, the English envoy in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Hague, 29 March, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lviii. p. 150.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content -see page image]

Honourable Sir,
Since the newes of a peace in Denmark, heere hath very little occurred. We are in daily expectation of the full execution of that peace, which many are of opinion will not be, though they seeme to have little ground to confirme that beleese, considering the power of the king of Sweden in Zeeland, which is not lessened by the delivery of two thousand horse by the king of Denmark to him. The embass a do ar of the st. gen. in Denm. doth all hee can to a ni ma te this s ta te a gainst the K. Swed. and this is certain, that the s ta te s of Holland ar e most ex t r e me li di s p le as ed, but doe not well know what to do; the y do the t r ut most to has t e n out the i r f le et, and they will undoubtedly e n de a v o u r to as s u r e them s e l v es a gainst the K. Swed. with the i r ship s, and as you may also ga the r by some p a pe r s hee r wi t h s e n t, the y ar e endeavouring to e n ga ge the El. Brand a gainst the K. Swed. by gu ar ra n t in g his treatie wi t h K. Poland; and the w or d s of his instructions ar e (a d co r ro bo ra n d um an im um e j us) the me an in g whereof you will will very easily understand. The y ha u e also or de r ed the i r mi ni s t er s to go to Bromsburgh, where the plenipotentiaryes of Sweden are advanced, as also the ambassador of France; and probably the treaty may begin there within two or three weekes, and hardly sooner, considering the weather; and the y will also a ni ma te the K. Poland. Truly I doe thinke, and so doth the French ambassador, that it is absolutely necessary, that L. prot. doe forthwith, without any delay, s e n d some pe r s on to the El. Brand. to s te ar e him; and by all that ever I can perceive any way, L. prot. may doe very much wi t h him; and the ministers of el. Brand doe earnestly desire from me the same, and so doeth monsieur Appleboom: and if this be not done, in all probability the am ba s s a d o u r of the st. gen. will hazard to e n ga ge him a gainst the K. Swed. in case that a peace be not made with the K. Poland. This I write upon very serious consideration and advice. Also it is very considerable, whether it be not necessary, and truly I thinke it is, that L. prot. have some bo di at B ro m s be r g, the steereing of affaires there being that which is like anew to influence al this part of the w or l d; and it is beleeved, that much may there be done to s ep ar a te k. Hung. from K. Hung. or however to prevent the absolute co n j u n c t ion or E. Brand. wi t h the m. I sent you by the last post a co p y of his treaty wi t h k. Poland. but notwithstanding thereof, much good may, I thinke, be done; but hast is all, this being the time of taking new measures, and of preventing such evils as may otherwise fall out. Heere is newes, as if the Austrians, Poles and Brandenburgers were entering Pomerania; but I beleeve it not; and for what concerns Brandenburg, his ministers doe assure me the contrary. I beleeve he will do no t h in g ti l l the i s s u e of the treaty at B ro m s be r g.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content -see page image]

As for Ba l ca r r is, if you will have any thing done concerning him, you must send me authentique letters according to the tenor of the te n t h ar t i c le of the treaty; and if I had also one or two more letters by me of that kind, with blanks for the name s of t h e pe r s on s, I could make use of them as occasion should present; but if I should goe any other way, all I should say might be avoided. The to w ne s of Ha er l e m and Le y d e n are earnestly suing to the s ta t es of Holland for a greate of n ce for a f ri e n d of the i r s. They are under ha n d to l. 60 that if they will wi t h d ra w the p ro te s t a ga inst the s e c r et wi t h England, that then it shal be granted; and they have been ta m p er rin g with me, that I would p r es s e that ar t i e le only to make l prot. o di o us with Zeland and many others of other provinces, to noe purpose. It were high time, that ambassador were heere from Portugal. Though Holland be very inclinable to a cessation, yet others are very a verse, untill an ambassador come. You will perceive by the inclosed, that monsieur Appleboom hath put in another memoriall since that I sent you by the last post, testifying his master's intentions in relation to theis state; and though it's certaine that the k. Swed. can no t lo v e the m, y et hee w o u l d at le s t q u i e te the m for the p r es e n t. This is undoubtedly true; but Holland will do what the y can to b ri d le him, beleeving, and it's not possible to make the m be li e v e o t h er wi s e, that his in te n t ion s ar e no t good to wa r d the m; and Ap p le bo me hath no an s w er to his me mo ri al s; yet withall, as you will perceive by an inclosed, Holland hath r e s o l v ed, that the treaty of E l b in g be ratified, but no t de li v er ed; so if matters be co m p o s ed at B ro m s be r g, or that they can doe noe be t t er, the n i t s ha l be de li v er ed, and all shall be very good f ri e n d s.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content -see page image]

I have delivered yesterday the examinations of the masters and mariners taken in the ship of Vandiest, in pursuance of the desire of the states general sent me the day before. You will perceive by an inclosed, that I shall be againe desired to s i g ne an act co n c e r n in g the tr a de in the e a s t s e a; but l s ha l no t do i t. I shall attend you r far t h er instructions concerning the treaty defensive, and I thinke I shall speedily have from De w i t t what by your last you desire in relation to the treaty marine. De Ru i t er his ship, and the Le op ar d, take n in the s t ra y t es, are sa l l e n down to the Te x e l l: it is thought, that they shall go e to the e a s t s e a; and it is said, that the la te le v i es ar e y et go in g, and to go: but this is an affaire that changes every week; the best measure is the ill will of Holland the k. Swed.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content -see page image]

Here are go in g for Ca di s in Spayne v er y s pe ed i ly, the Saint Mary, Stephen Grasby master; the Hope, which hath 30 guns, and can carry many more, Barridon Jassen master; the St. Nicholas, with 26 guns, Jan Schellon master; the Persian, 22 guns, Jean Tomeson master; the Notebom, 16 guns, Jesper Notebom master, and more will be fitting speedily: these goe all from Amsterdam. By a former I gave you an accompt concerning the fleete fitting out from Ca d is, which it's conceived will sayle about the beginning or middle at farthest of the next month.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content -see page image]

I take one Ri c ha r d s to be the co r r es po n d e n t of le go v er no u r. I shall not s p ar e paines or c ha r ge to give you the best intimat ion s I can; but I begin to be d ra w ne very low. I think that the touch I gave concerning the placart of the states general prohibiting trade with Portugal, in my last memorial, which I sent you by the last post, is enough. I am sure it will reader them excuseless, if any hurt should here after ensue thereupon. By this post his highnesse will receive a letter in relation to the complaint I made concerning the injuries suffered by the English merchants in the East Indyes, a copy thereof having bin this morning sent me by the states generall. I am

Honourable Sir,
Your very faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

I have herein inclosed a paper to be signed for the mustering of Woodroosse, my clerke, in the troupe, in which he is mustered at present, and hath bin for many years; and when it is signed, be pleased to send it to my house to my servant Hawley. I pray also, that I may have the commission signed, and sent to me, for Mr. Zas to be advocate for the English merchants heere: he will be very stedable to me.

Monsieur Aplebom hath sent me word, that he hath letters, that the king of Hungary hath declared the rupture with the king of Sweden, and that he is at Frankford; and that 'tis thought, that the election will not be very speedily: so that the king of Sweeden's work is cut out for him. Don Stephano de Gamara is returned hither: it's said he shall not stay above a month.

Not a word yet from major general Jephson or Mr. Meadowes.

Intelligence sent from Holland by resident Downing.

Extract of the resolutions of the high and mighty lords states general of the United Provinces, 29. Mar. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lviii. p. 207.

A certain memorial of Mr. Downing, resident of the lord protector of England, &c. touching the business of captain Thysen, who hath been set at liberty, instead of punishing him according to the request of the said resident, in conformity to the seventh article of peace made between the said lord protector and this state; whereupon, after deliberation, it hath been sound good by these presents, (according to the resolution of their lordships, dated the 16th current) to require again the lords the states of Holland, that they will take care, that by the magistrate and city of Amsterdam right and justice may be administred, according to the exigence of the business, in the case of the said captain Thysen; and an extract of this resolution shall be given to the said Mr. Downing by the agent de Heyde to inform him therein.

My memorial this day presented to the states general.

The underwritten resident having received certain information, that there are two ships called Binenland Verders, or inland ships, whereof the master of one is called John Curmless, and the other John Schute, loaden with great guns, and now upon their way from Amsterdam to Ghent, doth desire, that effectual orders may forthwith be given for the stop of them; and being also informed, that there go frequently all sorts of ammunition from Amsterdam in those Binenland Verders to Flanders, and that (as it is said) with the consent of the admiralty of the said city; the said resident finds himself obliged seriously to represent the foresaid evils to their lordships, who, he doubts not, will find reason to give such orders therein as may be significant, according to the treaty made by his master with them. Given at the Hague, 5. April, 1658. [N. S.]

A letter to me from Rotterdam, 5. April [1658. N. S.].

The Newport man of war, which was at the Brill, went thence last monday, and lay just in the harbour-mouth, that if any ships came to sea without convoy, or from sea, he might snap them. It was a sloop with two guns and twenty men. It's thought she rides still here, and other of them before the Maese or about Gorée. Any small man of war would force them in; then keeping them in eight or ten days, their victuals would fail, and their men run away. A man of war of eight guns would do it, and serve to convoy English ships in and out. Indeed it is a great burthen for merchants to lie so long for convoy, and their commodities spoiled, and long returns, and the markets lost; which makes merchants make use of Dutch ships, and let our English lie without employment, because the admiralty here will grant us a Dutch convoy (tho' it be but for one Dutch vessel) at one request, and by that the little trade is forced to be driven principally in Dutch ships, which I am sure is against Englishmens desire. Yesterday the Saphire frigat was before the Maese, and brought some ships out of Ostend road; but before the English ships at the Brill had notice thereof, she was gone again, and so were still destitute of a convoy; whereas, if it had but staid two hours, and sent in her boat, or word in by the ships, that she would stay a tide, all the ships had been with him to their joy, which have laid more than two months there for convoy. There are two Hull ships, two Boston, two Yarmouth ships, and other north-country ships. Sir, I hope you will be mindful, that once in fourteen days, or as soon as the wind serves, one of the frigats may come from before Ostend, and give notice at the Brill, that if any English ships be there, they should be convoyed over. It would be great encouragement to this trassick, and be a means to have our English ships employed instead of foreigners; for here will be every fourteen days English ships ready.

Intelligence sent from Holland by resident Downing.

Resolutions of the states general, 29. March, 1658. [N. S.] touching a proposition made to them by the deputies of Zealand for the speedy ratification of the treaty of Elbing.

Vol. lviii. p. 148.

The deputies of the province of Zealand have made known to the states general, that they judge it very necessary, that the ratification of the treaty of Elbing should be dispatched without delay, without expecting a final accommodation of the points of the elucidation, or any other thing; they judging thereby, that the ancient amity and alliance betwixt Sweden and this state will be the better confirmed, and the navigation and commerce of the Baltic sea assured; but that there is also a probability, that by the including into that treaty the elector of Brandenburg may enjoy the assurance desired for his countries and subjects; and that the city of Dantzick will be freed from peril of war; and that they judge it very necessary, that between those that shall be comprised in the treaty, and his majesty of Sweden, a good correspondence and amity be established; and for this purpose, that the city of Dantzick be desired to accept of the said inclusion without any delay; and that instructions be given to the embassador Isbrants to confer with the elector of Brandenburgh touching the speediest way of concluding a peace between Poland and Prussia, by the mediation of this state, joined with that of England and France; requiring also the elector of Brandenburg to continue carefully his endeavours also, that, at the request of the king of Poland, embassadors from this state be speedily dispatched to be present at the treaty of Brandenburg. After deliberation hereupon, the other provinces demanded a copy of this resolution.

Resolutions of the states general, 29. March, 1658. [N. S.]

Upon the letters of embassador Beuningen, now at Copenhagen, touching the affairs of the North, it hath been resolved, that they stick to their former resolutions, as far as they are applicable to the present condition; and that letters be written again to the embassador Mazedam, now with the king of Sweden, that he shall continue his endeavours, that the act of elucidation of the treaty of Elbing may be perfected, according to the several resolutions of this state, and the instrument of the resolution of the treaty of Elbing shall be sent to the said embassador, with order nevertheless, that it be not delivered, till all the points of the elucidation be concluded, and then the ratification to be mutually delivered; and that this their intention shall be given and communicated to the public ministers of France and England, together with the treaty of Elbing, and the points of the elucidation; that this state desires thereupon with justice, that the king of France and the lord protector, according to the offers of assurances made by their ministers, would endeavour to secure the navigation and commerce of the Baltic sea. Moreover, upon profer made on behalf of the protector, that he desires nothing for his subjects, but what will be granted to this state, propositions shall be made to the resident Downing, that an act be passed on both sides, to assure each other, and also to make a treaty of guaranty to maintain the navigation and commerce; also that conditions be agreed upon to propose to the king of Sweden touching the same; also that an extract of this resolution be sent to the embassadors of this state, now with the kings of Sweden and Denmark.

The deputies of the province of Guelderland have declared, that they have not received orders to consent to this. They of Zealand have so far consented, as it is not contrary to their resolution of the 23d. They of Utrecht expect orders from their principals. They of Friseland and Groningen continue in the resolution taken by the states general.