State Papers, 1657: July (4 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1657: July (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1657: July (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1657: July (4 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

July (4 of 5)

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.


[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Le roy de Suede descend asseurement vers les entours des pais de Breemen & Holstein, Les siens parlant haut, qu'il ameine un armée, qui montera à 12 ou 15 mille hommes, & qu'il livrera battaille aux Danois, & qu'il les battra; & cependant l'un & l'autre sont choses incertaines. Car on peut aisement decliner la bataille, & en la livrant, la victoire est ès mains de Dieu, qui la donne a qui il veut. Il faut bien que Sweden aye mal prins ses mesures, car tout le monde se bande contre luy; & France (qui est interessé & obligé ne sait rien que je sache. Pour Cromwel, je ne scay pas s'il est obligé. Quant à son interest, je voy aussy que Cromwel ne le prend ou ne juge guerre grand; car au moins par ambassade il eust deu contrecarrer ceux de Dennemark: & puisqu'il n'a pas fait cela, je croy qu'il ne s'y interesse guerre; de quoy les estats d'Hollande luy doivent estre fort obligés. Car le fruit & la gloire en viendra abundament à les estats d'Hollande comme de l'autre costé aussy l'empereur profitera grandement: & se verra la mesme histoire des années passees depuis le temps de l'union, qui commenca par la guerre de Bohëme, l'an 1618, & qui eust des fascheuses catastrophes. Au païs de Breemen est prins Breemervorde, qui n'est pas une fortresse royale, neantmoins la seconde après Stade: & les Danois attachent la peau de renard à celle de lion, prescheant la dureté du joug Suedois. Le roy de Suede certes est bien excellent captaine en toute saçon, mais la fortune & la faveur des roys voisins ne lui sont pas benignes; & d'ordinaire le tort est avec la mauvaise fortune, car le monde juge de l'evenement. Icy on s'imagine beaucoup, & on fait des consequences tirées du mesme evenement, que l'on peut avoir raison de Cromwel, & de France quand on veut, puisque France s'est plié & soubmis de la saçon qu'on a veu, & que Cromwel laisse venir le commerce cette toison d'or, de East-sea, à les estats d'Holl. & Dennemark. Selon toute apparence la Livonie viendra és mains du Muscovite ou de Pologne. Mais l'on verra bien-tost si Sweden pourra faire quelque fortune aux païs de Holstein & Bremen; sans cela les les estats d'Hollande viendront (par leur mediation) absoudre le Sweden de tout ce que l'an 1645 ils ont aidé à luy adjouger; & outre cela l'Ingrie & Livonie viendront au Musc o vite & au Polonois. Je reste,
Vostre très-humble serviteur.

Ce 27e July 1657. [N. S.]

J'ay reçeu l'agreable vostre du 20/10 Juillet. Touchant la flotte, on n'a pas encore prins nulle finale resolution. Il y a bien grande inclination & apparence, qu'elle ira contre Portugal, mais pour encore il n'y a que ordre provisionel d'aller en mer; & tant qu'on aye la mainlevée en France, l'autre dessein n'ira pas avant. La Frise seule est contraire au dessein d'incommoder le Portugal. La flotte, qui aura l'œil sur l'Ost, sera de douze navires, tous le vice-admiral de Witt, & Tromp; mais ils n'ont encore autre ordre, que de soy tenir icy sur les costes.

A letter of intelligence.

Hague, July 27 1657. [N. S.]


The Polonians have straitly besieged the city of Posen, the inhabitants desending themselves very manfully. The king of Sweden hath caused all the towns in Prussia to be demolished, excepting Thorn, Marienburgh, and Elbing. The last letters relate his majesty to be arrived at Demmin. His army is advancing towards Holstein. Bremerford is surrendred to the Danes. The garrison of 130 men would not fight, but laid down their arms. It's reported, that 30 brass pieces of ordnance were found in it, being besides sufficiently provided with all manner of necessaries. The ratification of the treaties of France in formâ is not yet arrived; but the embassador expects the same very shortly. There is a treaty on foot between king Casimir and the elector of Brandenburgh: perhaps you will hear suddenly of a neutrality agreed upon. The king of Sweden hath given leave to the elector quovis modo to procure his security, the Polonians being so strong in the field, the Austrians on their march, and Ragotzki so likely to be called home. It is also very confidently advertised, that the Muscovites are returning with most incredible numerous forces, besides the coming of the Tartars and Turks. The 1st of July the electress of Brandenburgh was delivered of another young prince at Koningsberg, which is the 11th child in number, if you reckon the several mischances and abortions. The elector hath published in all churches an edict, with most severe penalties against all challenges, duels, and the like enormities: but the nobility plead their privileges and antient liberties, being extreamly enraged against it. The elector of Saxony is not like to appear in person at the election at Franckfort; and it is doubted also of the elector of Bavaria. The lightning hath fired one of the towers in the castle of Heidelburgh, where the gun-powder is kept; but all the store was not yet brought in, which proves a very merciful providence, and a warning to that court. They begin to grow weary at Frankendahl of the new lady, as well as they did before at Heidelbergh.

Extract out of the resolutions of the lords states of Holland, taken in their assembly on the 27th of July 1657. [N. S.]


There being proposed by the lords commissioners of the city of Delst, that the lords their principals had been given to understand, how that the king of Denmark had prohibited any salt herrings or cheese to be carried through the Sound to any harbours or places belonging to the Swedes; after deliberation had, it is resolved, that this business shall be signified in the behalf of their noble great lordships to the states general, that they will be pleased to write in most serious terms to the lords embassadors of this state in Denmark, that they do inform themselves fully concerning what shall be wrote unto them, and oppose to their utmost the said prohibition, or the execution thereof, and to advise their H. and M. L. from time to time of their proceedings herein.

Count Charost, governor of Calais, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Vol.lii. p. 213.

My lord,
I received your's of the 22d instant. Montmedy doth still hold out; yet we hope to be masters of it before this month be at an end. The queen is gone from la Fere to the king at Sedan. I believe our army will take some rest after this siege. The enemy is said to be upon the march to relieve the place; but I suppose they will not be able to do any thing. If they do not make haste, they will come too late.

Calais, 27 July 1657. [N. S.]

Your most humble servant,

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

My lord,
I Beinge wholly a straunger to those passages of my lord Broghill's, which your lordship is pleased to mention in your's of the 7th of this present July, can say nothinge there unto, since that I never heard of any such interpretation made of what my lord Broghill writt to your lordship, or you to hym, as you are pleased to expresse; nor am I yet able to foresee into what condition Ireland will be put as to the government thereof, nothinge yet haveinge beene resolved about it, or since discoursed; and therefore whatsoever is sayd of that kinde, can be only taken for surmises, and as thinges at peradventure, concerninge this buissness. I can only say in generall, that I am very certeynely persuaded, that matters and persons will be soe disposed of, that nothinge of dishonour will be put upon my lord Henry, nor I hope of discouradgement, but what may rather alleviate and sweeten his present burden, and make hym lesse in love with privacy and retirement, which I beleeve all the sober part both of Ireland and England will never consent to afford hym the enjoyment of: but when perticulars are neare comeing to a conclusion, or but spoke of in good earnest, your lordship shall be sure to have a timelie account thereof. In the meane tyme it is certeyne these affaires must depend upon our settlement here, wherein there is very little progresse made. There hath beene no councell since the day his highnesse took his oath. Lam b ert est comes not th 5/2 thes; and some men beleeve, that he will voluntarily re st ox his ee ms ss s o n add L e t s e; others, that it will be of noe prejudice or inconvenience at all for th 55/23 to es 68/46 p 10/8 s t. I am of neither of these opinions; yet it is possible the latter may obteyne, at least it will, if some gentlemens counsell be taken, whom some thinke to be in a great mistake and errour: a little tyme will give light in these thinges. The armye, for ought I can perceive, is generally in a very good posture, and quiett at least, if not fully satisfied, which I hope it is. I am sure there is noe such thinge as a formed knott, nor any such endeavours as are spoke of, to remande H. H. backe to his former station. Some little men may discourse at randome thinges that they themselves will not act, if it were come to that. I beleeve H. H. need noe help to governe his armye; nor are thinges in so dangerous a posture as some men may fancye them. (I speake my owne apprehensions.) I beleeve both the parlament and armye have a very good oppinion of, and affection for his highnesse. There is noe visible cause of despondinge; but, on the contrarye, of giveing thankes to God for disposeinge affaires as they are, whereby (as some wise men judge) H. H. hath the greatest opportunitie of settlinge the state upon solid foundations, that ever man had; and I trust the Lord will give him wisdome and a heart to doe it. 10/5 y d 66/43 h 33/21 alsoe shewes himselfe a straunger.

There is nothing yet done in France. The French armye is yet before Montmedy, expectinge the surrender thereof. When that designe is over, some greater matter will be enterprized, or else they will be able to give a very slender account of this campaigne.

Wee are expectinge generall Blake home with part of the fleet; and the other part is to be lest upon the coast of Spayne. Generall Mountagu went to the Downes this day, there being a good fleet there, which was not thought fitt to be lest without one of the generalls with it.

The great Dutch fleet is not yet come to sea, nor I beleeve will it come in that strenghth and number as was expected, now that the difference between them and France is composed.

Wee have yet hearde of noe great effects, which hath beene of the warre betweene the Swede and the Dane. The Swede hath been yet able to holde his footinge in his new conquests, and will be able to holde it, if the kinge of Hungarie's armye doe not prejudice him; for that of the Dane it is not thought of any great moment, and was intended only by way of diversion, and, I doubt, in favour of the house of Austria.

I receiv'd your lordship's, with Walsh his letter. I lay noe great stresse upon his correspondence; but yet if your lordship please to give him some small allowance, its possible he may picke up somethinge amongst the priests. I remeyne
Your lordship's most humble
and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

17 July 1657.

Mr. Bradshaw to the chancellor of Muscovy.

Vol.lii.p. 113.

Illustrissime domine cancellarie.

Quas excellentia tua vigesimo sexto die Junii hujus 1657 anni ad me dedit literas, ab expresso optime teneo. Perlegenti mihi verò hoc præter spem tulerunt te meas ad Czaream majestatem vigesimo Maij die datas accepisse quidem, verum alte memoratæ Czareæ majestati non insinuasse, hâc, ut exponis, impulsiva, quasi in titulo nonnihil erratum esset. Horum nunc prolixorem sensus tui satisfactionem seret id temporis spatium, in quo meorum quispiam Angliam abhinc ire, est isthinc mihi vicissim adesse poter it. Interim verò excellentiæ tuæ & crebris & singularibus in literis reflexionibus me maxime obstrictum sentio significare tibi, ut si animi tui sensa humanius paulò ut & civilius denudasses, (hæc facillime persuasus hancce omissionem non studium datare opera causatam suisse, magnumque meum & clementissimum dominum hisce non mediocriter tangi,) tibi seu prudentissimo & experientissimo politico in literis ad tanti principis ministrum publicum convenientius suisset. Insuper magni mei & clementissimi domini jussu, quod visis tuis literis dictabunt stipatus, pleniorem informationem expectabis. Dein prævio humillimo voto Czareæ majestati è sublimi quævis prosperarum exoplatarum ero,
Excellentiæ tuæ studiosissimus,
R. B.

Dabam Mytaviæ, die 18 Julii, anno 1657.

Serenissimi ac potentissimi Czaris & magni ducis Moscovitarum, &c. &c. cancellario domino Almasio Juanovio.

Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the lords states-general of the United Netherlands.

Sabbati the 28th of July 1657. [N. S.]


Upon what was represented to the assembly, after deliberation had, it is resolved, that a letter shall be writ to the lords their H. and M. L. embassadors extraordinary in Prussia, that they do exactly inform themselves concerning a certain minister of their H. and M. L. and a person considerable in the government of the state, whereof their lordships speak obscurely and in the dark, in one of their letters of the 7th instant, and that they do give a further account to their H. and M. L. of what they shall find concerning him, and that they do endeavour to learn the name of the said person, if it be possible.

Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the lords states-general.

Sabbati the 28th of July 1657. [N. S.]


Upon what was presented to the assembly by the commissioners of Zealand, there being more produced the letter of the lords their H. and M. L. embassadors extraordinary in Prussia, dated at Thorn the 7th instant, concerning the present state and condition of their negotiation; after deliberation had it is resolved, herewith to desire the respective provinces, that they will speedily declare themselves concerning the same.

Count Brienne to Boreel, the Dutch embassador at Paris.


J'ay satisfait à ce que vous avez desiré, ayant presenté au roy la lettre, que messieurs les estats luy ont escritte, que il vous a pleu de m'addresser; & sa majesté y a sait réponse, & l'a envoyée à monsieur de Thou. Elle contient, que sa majesté a de la joye de voir la bonne disposition, que messieurs les estats font paroistre en son endroit, & qu'avec une pareille elle a commandé, que la main levée fut faite des effects saifies sur leurs subjects; ce qui est une ratification de ce que monsieur l'ambassadeur de Thou avoit laissé esperer, & ensemble sa majesté les asseure, que ce qui a esté proposé ayant esté effectüe, c'est à dire l'alliance estant renouvellée, qu'elle escoutera volontiers toutes les autres ouvertures, qui luy pourront estre faites; & lors je croirois aisément, que sa majesté se porteroit à entrer en une alliance défensive avec l'Angleterre & les Provinces Unies. Il vous plaira de considerer comme je parle; je n'engage point sa majesté, je dis simplement la disposition, en laquelle je le trouve. Je puis vous asseurer, monsieur, qu'elle m'a jamais paru meilleure pour restablir la parfaite intelligence, que les serviteurs du roy, & ceux de messieurs les estats ont tousjours desirée; & si Dieu permet, qu'on commence, on ira jusques au bout, & cequi a esté veu dont on s'est plainct, & qu'on n'a peu souffrir, je dis de part & d'autre aura aidé à affermir le bien; car il est d'une telle nature, que qui en a esté privée, lors qu'il vient à le reposseder, l'estime tout autrement qu'il ne faisoit au passé. Je suis,
Vostre très-humble & très-affectionné serviteur,
Le comte de Brienne.

A Sedan, ce 28e Juillet 1657.

La superscription estoit,
A monsieur, monsieur Boreel, ambassadeur des messicurs les estats generaux des Provinces Unies des Païs-Bas, vers sa majesté, à Paris.

Pour les exprès affaires du roy,
De Brienne.

Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.


May it please your honor,
I Received yesterday the inclosed letter from Bayonne; the gentleman that wrytts it perswads himself I understand his case, and have seen his papers, to all which I am a stranger. He doth not say any thing of the arresting of his vessel, nor givs me any other accownt of his businesse then what his letter carrys. I have enqwyred of count Brienne, if he hath heard any thing of the businesse; who tells me he knoweth nothing of it. I have writt to him to send me an information of his case, and in the mean tyme (he appearing to be a brisk man) if he shall complaine of my not owning of him, I hope your honor will make my excuse.

I am lyke to meet with more troble in the businesse concerning the lady Inchiquin's sone then I was apprehensive of, when I writt my last. The nuntio and the little qween interest themselves deeply in it, and have gott the qween of France to be on their syd. They have gott the chyld to wrytt a letter to the cardinall, wherein he declareth, that he was seduced by his mother, and that it is now his earnest desyer he may be protected by his majesty in his obedience to his father's orders. Yowr honor cannot imagin whatt a matter is made of it. I ame to waitt upon the qween this afternoon, who is to make it her sute to me, to leave any further prosecuting of that businesse. The Protestants are no lesse pressing on t'other hand, and say, if I succomb in this, the insolencie of the Papists will be insufferable. I told the cardinall, when he spoak to me abowt it, and told me of the qween's desyer to see me, and of his having assured her, she wowld obtain all her desyers, that it was a businesse I was not master of; that it lay before his highnesse, and I was to prosecutt such instructions as I showld receive concerning it. Indeed, sir, my own wicked nature doth so ingadge me in this businesse, as except I receive your orders to the contrary, I shall putt all the creditt and all else I ame worth in this world to hazard, before I beare the affront I received, to which there can be no reparation, unlesse the young gentleman be put in statu quo; and when he is once within my doors, he shall have leave to doe whatever he thinkes good. My brother still informs me of the continuance of yowr goodnesse for me. The distance I will now be at from Paris will make it a greatter act of your charity for

Your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Sedan July 19/29 1657.

Mr. Bradshaw to secretary Thurloe.


Right honorable,
The inclosed are copies of my last, least the post should have miscarried. I now remitt your honor a duplicate of my answer to that most barbarous letter of the chancellor of Russia, not doublinge but my master will deale more roundly with him, and require satisfaction of the great duke, if he judge it meet that I shall proceed. I question not but if I must, your honor will hast me new credentialls with the word legatus added, for the reasons given in my said former letter. Though the most expedition be used, yet it will be the begininge of September, ere I can here receive his highnes's further pleasure; and then I must send againe to demand letters of securitie, before I can proceed, as you will see by the said chancellor's letter; soe as the deepe of winter will be fully come into theise partes ere I can depart for Mosco, before which tyme it will indeed be noe travellinge in that countrey, because of the great raine overflowinge the marrishes groundes from the midle of September to the entering of the great frostes, which is usually in or about the midst of December. Thus by this unhappy accident of that omission in the great duke's title, I am like to be forst to stay many monthes in this infected countrey, except I should returne to some parte of the duke of Brandenburghe's countrey about the Memel, 4 dayes jurney hence, which I doubt I shall be necessitated unto, the infection spreadinge soe much within a few daies in this place, and round about, as that the duke himself is quittinge it, several of his countrey houses beinge infected alreadie, as he this day sent me word by my secretary. To me its apparent, and I presume your honour will soe judge, that the chancellor writinge as he doth, the great duke is resolved to see the ishue of this summer's warre 'twixt the kinges of Sweden and Denmark, ere he declare himself as to his highnes's mediation, reservinge a libertie to himself to accept or reject, as he shall see cause, if his highnes shall not thinke fitt to revoke me, which I beleeve would startle him, if he should heare of it; for noe doubt but he judgeth it his best to make peace with the kinge of Sweden, only (accordinge to the pride of that nation) he would be courted unto it; and likewise thinkinge, that the kinge of Sweden will be reduced by soe many enemies upon him at onst into a low condition. Had not the duke beene glad of that pretence about his title, his chancellor durst not have used such language for an omission, consideringe (as he himselfe confesseth) that his highnes gave him his full title to content by mr. Prideaux, as I question not but it had beene now done, if thought of, or thought necessary. Whilst I am writinge the duke sends to me againe, advisinge me to hast hence to one of his countrey neere Goldinge, which, God willing, to morrow or next day I intend, the plague being broak out verie neare me. I pray your speedie answer and further order how to proceed, trustinge the lord will preserve me to the receivinge thereof, and the finishinge of this uncomfortable imployment. I affectionatly remayne
Mitaw, 20/30 July 1657.

Your honor's verie humble servant,

I desire, if this letter come to hand, with the other of 17th, that this inclosed may be presented to his highnes insteed of that.

Consul Daniel Latseur to the Dutch embassador Boreel.

Marseilles, 31 July 1657. [N. S.]


Noble lord,
Our last was of the 24th instant: since I received the agreeable letter of the lord St. Agatha, of the 20th ditto, wherein he writes, that the duke of Vendosme, upon the news which came, that the vice-admiral de Ruyter had block'd up the French ships in Porto-Specia, sent order not proceed any further in the main-levee of the arrests, as they had begun already at Roan, whereof we feel the effects here; but as yet there is no order come to take off any arrests. The said vice-admiral de Ruyter is arrived at Toulon with 15 ships of war, where he will unlade 19 pieces of brass ordnance, which were taken out of the ships the Regina and Chasseur, and then it is thought he will put out to sea again, to look after the Turkish rovers. The other guns which were taken out of the said ships, will be also brought to Toulon by the vice-admiral de Wildt. The ship the White Lamb is brought to Toulon, and the master thereof if gone thither to receive it. The other three ships carried from hence are also at Toulon, but in the hands of the French, who, as it is said, do not desire to restore the same. We have recommended the business to the vice-admiral de Ruyter.

Extract of a letter from Pragela, the 31st of July 1657. [N. S.]


It is not necessary to write to you the pitiful condition of those of the Vallies. The evil being very extreame and urgent, all those that have any compassion for these poor afflicted ones, are earnestly to endeavour, with an ardent zeal, to procure them some speedy remedy.

From Monsr. Del Becque, the postmaster of Calais.

Calais, 31 July 1657. [N. S.]


Montmedy is not yet taken; we have lost many men before it. The last letters from our camp say, that our mine had play'd, and that it had made a considerable breach; by means whereof ours have taken a half-moon from the enemy, and have lodged themselves in it; which causeth us to hope, that the place will be taken the beginning of the next month.

Count Charost, governor of Calais, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 31 July 1657. [N. S.]


My Lord,
The king is going for Sedan, where the queen and the duke of Orleans are at present. It is thought that Montmedy was surrendered as yesterday; it is a place, which hath defended itself very well.

The Swedish resident to the states of Holland.


The resident of Sweden hath thought good to represent unto their noble great lordships, by reason of their present assembly, the groundless breaking of the peace, and consequently the hostile proceedings of the king in Denmark, against the countries and subjects of the king of Sweden, referring himself to what is agreed concerning the same, by the treaty of guarranty between his majesty of Sweden and their H. and M. L. mutually concluded at Suderocra the 15th of August 1645, and on the 1/11 of September last, renewed and confirmed; so that now not only against the said treaties, but also against the laws of nations, there is hindered by Denmark the free navigation, and chiefly of your noble great lordships subjects towards the Swedish dominions. Wherefore the said resident doth assure himself, that as in several former times such like and other troubles were made against the good inhabitants of their H. and M. L. there was provided against them in the years 164 and 1645, by the joint powers of his majesty and their H. and M. L. to the full content of this side; his majesty therefore is now again willing, according to the alliance, as otherwise to embrace the interest of this state, and to furnish all that may tend to the furthering and keeping up of the liberty of mutual navigation and commerce, or to any other satisfaction of their H. and M. L. and especially of the province of Holland, and their subjects.

Signed in the Hague, the 1st of August 1657. [N. S.]

H. Appelboom.

Steele, lord chancellor of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lii. p. 241.

Mr. secretary,
I Trust it wil be an apology, that will easily gaine your beleese and charitable constructione of my silence, since the receipt of your last, if I say noe more then desire you to impute it to an unwillingnes of interupting the many and great affaires in your hands, which must needs bee multiplied in the late great transactions, and at the winding up thereof before the adjournament of the parliament, and not fitt to be hindred by any impertenencies. I suppose you have had an accompt of the proclaiming his highnes in this citty, with which, for want thereof, was not first read the petition and advise; but since hath been upon the accesse thereof to us, since which we have received some of the other acts, which I could wish were sent, as was formerly hinted. For now they come sometimes by one hand and sometimes by another, and not in the manner usued neither; yet, rather then they should remayne unknown, wee take the first opportunity to print and publish them. The proclamation at first, and also when with it the government was publisht, were all formed heere with a very decent and grave solemnity, and without disorder; and by what wee have already heard, hath been so in some other of the cheife places in the nation. Sir, I had well hoped all occasion of giving you any trouble about my brother had long since been taken away; but since it is not, I crave the favour from you, that if my brother give you any further trouble therein, you would please to give him such a dispatche as may cause him to know the issue of it, and thereby of that which hath been to yourselfe in it, whereof both of us may bee much ashamed. I suppose you remember well the date of the instructions whereby wee act heere; those with us being dated 17 Aug. 1654, and were for three years and no longer. His excellency the lord Henry Crumwell begins his journey to morrow towards Ulster, and so to Portumna, intending, I beleeve, to bee abroad about 5 or 6 weekes, to see in what posture the north parte is in, as to garrisons and otherwise. We have nothing heere save of ordinary occurrence worth the imparting. With my indeared affections and respects presented, I rest
Your affectionate freind and servant,
W. Steele.

Dublin, July 22, 1657.

Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lii. p. 269.

Right honorable,
Few dayes since past by this port a Naples gally, in which was the duke of Avellino, going to be generall of the horse for the Spanyard in the state of Millan. This is that gentleman, that I writ your honor about a year since was so wel affected to our nation, from the report his grandfather gav of them, who had bin civilly usd when he was prizoner ther in queen Elsabethe's dayes. He will find a difficult passage up to Millan, becaus the French hav besieg'd the great and important citty of Alexandria, which if they tak, hinders al comunication betwixt the sea and Millan, except they mak use of the Genowes state for passage.

In the kingdom of Naples is a sort of piple cald bandits, or banisht piple, which now gather themselves in companyes together, to the nomber of 2 in 3000, speaking big words against the Spanyards il government. If some noblemen of quallity should mak use of this begining, the Spanyard has now so few frends ther, that they my ht quickly unhorse him: upon this the vice-king sends away his wyf (and plunder'd treasure and plate got in the sicknes tym) in three galleys for Spayn, which, as reported, amounts to som millions of crownes.

What I writ your honor last week about a victory obtained by the Venetians against the Turks coms only to thus much, that the Venetians hav beseig'd twenty galiyes in the port of Scio, and hav landed som companyes, and tok a couple of forts; what farther progres they make, your honor shal know when any certainty thereof.

The sicknes burnes so hot in the citty of Genoe, that 1/3 part thereof is already dead, it being disperst throh al that state, insomuch that the great duk has not only suspended conversation or prattick with the principallity of Massa, and other petty states, that ly betwixt his countrey and the Genowes, but has lykwys banisht a part of his own countrey, that borders upon theyres (cald Pont Remol, which he bought few yeares since of the Spanyard) althoh thes places be clear of the sicknes. Al the world cannot use more human pollicy and diligence for conservation of health. If the tenth part thereof were usd to siek his face, that wounds, and can only heal agayn, we might hav a strong title to his protection, and our health: but hereof we are al together ignorant. God in his good tym send forth his lyght into thes dark places, which is the prayer of,
Right honorable,
your most faithfull,
Charles Longland.

Leghorn, 3 August 1657. [N. S.]

Marigny to Stouppe.

Hague, 3 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p. 276.

I Believe that mons. de Barriere is in Spain by this time. It is some nine dayes since he went from the Texell, and hath had a favourable wind ever since. You may assure yourself, I will not reproach your man of the proposition, which he forced you to make; and he to whom you made it, having just cause to be offended at it, will not expose you; but otherwise you may be confident the business should have been noised abroad to purpose; but I desire to know why the rascally clerk doth bear you a grudge for that business: you will oblige me, if you clear it up to me a little more than you have done. Yesterday the lords of Holland complained to the states-general, how that France had not sent the ratification of the treaty made by mons. de Thou, and it was agreed that the fleet should be sent to sea. It is thought France doth but amuse this state. Montmedy doth still defend itself. The success is not yet to be known. When I go for Franckfort I will send you word. Let me know what becometh of Lambert. Will not that blow make some noise ?

Extracted out of the register of the secret resolutions of the lords states of Holland and West-Friesland.

Friday, the 3d of August 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p. 272.

After deliberation had it is resolved, that the twelve ships of war ordered to lie by the Dogger-Sand, under the vice-admiral de Witt, shall be joined with the six under vice-admiral Evertson, keeping in and about the channel, to be employed, if it be judged necessary, in the Sound and East-sea; and then as many convoyers shall be joined with them as can well be spared, and are at hand.

A letter of intelligence from Holland.

Vol. lii. p. 278.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Comme la navire qui des Canaries est venu icy plein d'argent de Spaigne, a causé à Amsterdam une grande joye aux Hollandois; ainsy il a causé grande raillerie & subsannation contre les Anglois, qui ont laissé eschapper cela. Je vous puis asseurer, que le vray & indubitable dessein de les estats d'Hollande est, de faire aller les 14 navires sous l'admiral vers les costes de Portugal, à se joindre avec Ruyter; mais d'autant qu'on desire la ratification du traité fait avec l'ambassadeur de Thou icy, sur le traitté de marine, l'on tardera encore un peu. Mais quant aux 12 navines, qui se tiendront sur le Doggers-Sands, cela regarde le Dennemark; car le dessein est de joindre à iceux les 6, qui sont dans le canal, font 18; & à iceux on espere aussy de joindre quelques navires marchandes: & icelle flotte (par direction de les estats generux, qui sont beaucoup dans les estates d'Hollande) se joindra à celle de Dennemark, si-tost qu'avec quelque sacon ils le pourront faire; c'est-à-dire, si-tost que Sweden semblera avoir quelque avantage: & cet avantage sera par les les estats d'Hollande interpreté selon la passion de les estats a'Hollande, selon la fable du loup & du brebis. Comrce Dennemark en sa lettre du 3e Juin se represente comme aggresse, quoyque Dennemark mesme sois l'aggresieur; ainsy les estats d'Hollande, diront, que Sweden aura de l'avantage, lors mesme qu'il n'est que partie egal. Mais les estate d'Hollande ont un aveugle passion de soubmettre Hans-villes & Hamburg, avec Elve & Weeer à Dennemark; quelle chose qu'on leur dise contre cela, e'est en vain. Je reste,
Vostre trés-humble serviteur.

Ce 3e Aoust 1657. [N. S.]

The superscription.
For mr. Walter Jones, merchand near London-ston, London.

Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France, to Ruysch.

Vol. lii. p. 274.

My lord,
With mine of the 3d of July last, I sent by express order of their H. and M.L. three several businesses to the earl of Brienne: 1. The re-credentials to their H. and M. L. of the king, in regard of the lord embassador de Thou. 2. My request to have the consent of his majesty upon what was agreed on the 20th of June with the lord embassador de Thou. 3. My request to know, whether the king will be pleased to make a league defensive between France, England, and the state of the United-Netherlands.

Upon the second point, the letter of the earl of Brienne of the 7th of July relating in some sort to the said agreed relaxation, about which I have from time to time advised how it stood, and as yet there is no publication made here at Paris about it. At Roan and Nantz I hear just now, that the relaxation is published and effected: but in this last letter of the said earl, of the 28th of July, from Sedan, methinks that I can read and understand, that their H. and M. L. are to expect no further consent from the king, than only the said ordered relaxation; so that the court doth seem to think with that relaxation to have satisfied and performed all that the lord embassador de Thou hath promised to their H. and M. L.

Upon the third point of alliance; in my mind I conceive to understand, that when their H. and M. L. shall have renewed their alliance apart and separately with this crown, that than his majesty will consider of the other alliances. Your lordship's wisdom and experience will be better able to penetrate through all these obscurities and ambiguities of many words, which I can apprehend no otherwise (under correction) than is above declared by me,
Paris, 3 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]

W. Boreel.

Count Charost, governor of Calais, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 3 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p. 280.

My lord,
I Received no letters from you by the last post. Here is no news. The court is at Sedan, and our men are lodgd under the castle of Montmedy, and some will have the place to be taken. The next post will bring advise of all things that have happened. We must have patience till then. The enemy would have past the river, but they were repulsed. Believe me to be,
My lord,
Your most humble servant,

Mr. Bradshaw to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lii. p. 240.

Right honorable,
My last of the 20th present from Mittaw inclosed copies of my former to his highnes and your honor of the 17th, with duplicates of the letter from the great duke's chancellor then received, and of my answer to him; which againe I heere inclose, least the former postes should miscarry.

Since my retireing to this place, because of the spreadinge of the infection at Mittaw, it hath pleased God to visit my secretary with a violent paine in the head and vomitinge, as that wee all feare it may prove the plague, and which makes my present condition verie sad with whome he hath had most to doe. If my secretary recover (as I trust he will, and that it will prove only some other distemper) I shall then write thereof per next. In the interrim, I earnestly beseech his highnes to take into his gracious consideration my present sad condition, by reason of my forced stay in this infected countrey; and to be pleased to order (if I live to receive it) that I may either goe in a sutable manner to the great duke (particularly exprest in my last and former weekes letters to your honor) or be revoked; and that power may be given me to proceed or returne, according to the condition, in which his highnes's said command shall find me, which is but what I presume will not be denyed me; for if my secretary should dye, haveinge noe interpreter with me, or other person to assist me but my meniall servants, whoe are only for attendance, I must then be forst to returne at least to Hamburgh, there to re-furnish myselfe before I can proceed for Musco, and which I may well doe before the season of the yeare for such a journey, which will not be before December at soonest, as in my said letter of 17th I have acquainted your honor.

Trustinge the Lord will be gracious unto me and my companie in this condition, to sanctisie his afflistinge hand, and in his owne good tyme by me to remove it, I cease your further trouble, and remayne
Frawenburg in Courland, the duke's house, 7 miles from Golding, and 11 from Mittaw, the 25th July 1657. St. Vet.

Your honor's verie humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

If you please to send an able interpreter of the Russe language (which heere cannot be had, and the company at London can furnish one, if they please) with 2 or 3 gentlemen to accompany me for Musco (if I must go there then) they may come by sea to Hamburgh, and from Lubeck to Liba or Window, good sea-ports in Courland, and both within 12 miles of this place where I now reside; and truly without them, especially an able interpreter, I cannot possibly proceed: here will be now tyme enough to send one, with some gentlemen. Of this and other particulars I pray your answer per first.

Commissioner Pels to the states-general.

Vol. lii. p. 288.

H. and M. lords,
Here hath not happened any thing of late in these parts worthy your knowledge. We do very much wonder here, that there came no letters from the Polish court; so that we do not know what hath past between the armies of the Poles and Ragotzky, or concerning the siege of Cracow.

Of the Muscovites we hear no certainty, whose march is said to be stopt, through, or for fear of the plague, which rageth very much in Littauw, and in Lyfland.

At Koningsberg the earl of Slippenbach is said to be arrived again there, and that the duke Ragotzky hath beaten the Poles, but without any certainty.

Dantzick, 4 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]

Extract out of the register of the resolutions of their H. and M. L. states-general of the United-Netherlands.

Sabbati the 4th of Aug. 1657. [N. S.]

Vol.lii. p. 282.

The lord Huygens and others their H. and M. L. commissioners for the affairs of France, according to their former resolutions, having been in conference yesterday in the afternoon with the lord embassador de Thou, do report, that his lordship delivered to them a letter from the king of France, writ at Sedan on the 17th of July last, and directed to their H. and M. L. which letter being afterwards read in the assembly, the provinces desired copies of it, which was agreed unto; and yet notwithstanding, after deliberation had it was resolved, herewith to desire the said lords their H. and M. L. commissioners, that they would go and propose; and represent this afternoon to the said lord embassador de Thou, that the letter of the said king doth not contain the least clause of satisfaction, wherewith this state can rest satisfied; and consequently, that they do sound and ask the said lord embassador, in conformity of their H. and M. L. resolution of the 2d instant, whether his lordship hath not received the consent of his majesty, upon what was concluded between him and the lords commissioners of this state, on the 20th of June last here in the Hague; and in case of yes, whether he will exchange the same, and whether he have any thing further to declare to their H. and M. L. and of all to make report.

To the Venetian agent.

Antwerpe, 4th of Aug. 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p. 291.

The siege of Montmedy doth still continue, but the French are at last got into the ditch or grasst; but what the success will be is yet doubtfull. The English in the French army run over to the Spanyards in whole troops, and put themselves under the command of the duke of York, before they fall upon their knees and ask him pardon of what they had done against him.

Monsieur Gentillot to Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France.

A Sedan, ce 4e d'Aoust 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p. 293.

Dans les alterations, qu'ont apporté les nouvelles de l'inexecution de la part de la France du traitté de monsieur de Thou avec monseigneurs les estats, monsieur de Thou, pour apporter de sa part toute chose pour faire venir les choses à une bonne intelligence, a trouvé à propos de me prier de venir icy en cette cour: je n'y ay trouvé que la reyne & monsieur le comte de Brienne; il m'a dit, qu'il croyoit que monsieur de Vendosme, ni ses officers n'auroient pas d'avantage retardé l'execution de la mainlevée, & toutes les autres choses traittées par monsieur de Thou, qu'il avoit sursi´ses sur l'incident dernier du sieur de Ruyter: que mondit sieur de Brienne leur a escrit diverses fois de suivre les ordres & les intentions du roy, qui veulent, que, sans avoir égard audit incident de Ruyter, le traitté de monsieur de Thou s'accomplisse: je luy ay dit, que la surseance duroit encore (sans toutesfois que j'en sois asseuré) sur quoy il a depesché cet courier, pour ordonner aux officers de l'admirauté, au nom de roy, de suivre la volonté susdite. De quoy, monsieur, je vous ay voulû donner advis, & de mon roy, à sin que si vous le jugez à propos, il vous plaise me communiquer les choses, que vostre grande prudence jugera necessaire pour le service de l'estat de mesdits seigneurs les estats generaux, le service desquels m'a esté & sera toujours dans la consideration, que je dois avoir pour mes superieurs & maistres, desquels je mange le pain depuis plusieurs années.

Monsieur, je me sers aussy de cette occasion, pour vous asseurer, que j'ay cu beaucoup de regret de la perté, que vous avez faite de madame vostre femme.

Je ne suis icy que depuis hier au soir tout tard; le roy & son eminence sont à Stenay: je n'y a peu aller aujourd'hoy, saute de voiture, & que le roy doit venir icy demain ou lundy. S'il y a quelque chose à faire, on ne le peut sans son eminence. Si la mainlevée est sursise encore, il faut, s'il vous plaist, que je le sache. Si le roy ne revient pas demain, je m'en iray à Stenay de Montmedy. Ily a deux mines, qui seront prestes demain, à ce qu'ils disent; & l'on croit, qu'aprés il se rendra. Si se passe icy quelque chose, vous en serez adverty. Je suis,
Vostre très-humble & très-obéïslant serviteur,

La superscription.

A monsieur, monsieur Boreel, chevalier, ambassadeur ordinaire près du roy très-Chrestien, de messieurs les estats generaux, à Paris.