State Papers, 1657: July (5 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1657: July (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1657: July (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1657: July (5 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

July (5 of 5)

An intercepted letter.

Bruges, 5 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]


Dear two shoes,
As yet I am in a mist as to what will become of us. My master is still absent, but suddenly expected; and all thoughts of the field laid aside, to my no small satisfaction. However our hopes increase, and will (God willing) have successful issues, and that soon.

To mrs. Hannah Kilkington.

Leave this with mrs. Risdale, at Lyon-key, London.

Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.


[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

May it please your honor,
I Have been almost a domestick in the cowrt the greattest part of this weeke, and did esteeme it for his highnes's service not to importune the king and cardinall with businesse, when they did me the favor to sufferr my being so familiarly amongst them. This day I had awdience for businesse, and was told in the begining of it, that I showld speak my desyers, and nothing that was possible showld be refused me. In the first place I urg'd, that after the seige of Montmedy the whole forces might be united, and battle offered, in case no better opportunity for the business of Dunkirk showld offer itself, which is promised to be once more attempted. My second demand concerning the provisions was also agreed unto; and I ame to speake with mr. le Tellier abowt his sending of the mony to Calais. Orders goe to morrow for arresting sir George Cartwright at Paris. Collonell Fits-Maurice and another Irishman (whome I had cawse to suspect as the cheife persons, who were employed for debawching the English forces) are made prisoners, and are to be sent to the Bastile, where they may have occasione to see their old freind Cartwright. My lady Inchiqwin's sone is ordered to be delivered to me, and putt into my howse by the same hand that tooke him away, tho' the little queen, the nuncio, and all the bigotts of France leagued against me, and got the chyld to acknowledge under his hand, that he was debawched by his mother; and in a letter to the cardinall he beggs his majestie's and eminencie's protectione in the profession of Roman catholic Religione, for which he is become so greatt a zelott, as he sayeth he is ready to dy; and above all prayeth not to be putt in the hands of the English embassador, whom he looks upon as an inveteratt enemy to his religione. I have also obtained new recommendations to the cownsell in all the particular businesses of the marchands, that are depending before them, and ame putt in hops of a speedy dispatch of them.

I have also gott an order to the governor of Bayon to sett at libertie captaine Lallington, (the sea captaine mentioned in my laste) upon my promise to produce him before the cownsill at Paris, where his cause is to be heard and judged. Sir, I doe not mentione all these particulars as being bragg of promises, but to let yowr honor see, that I am not wanting in my endeavours, tho' persecuted with ill successe.

In discowrsing the businesse betwixt 441, 202, 450, I was againe earnestly desyered to moove yowr honor, that his highnes's mind in that particular may be made knowen, with protestatione, that France shall follow no other measure in that affaire, then such as he shall give, and with promise also, that his highnes shall not be seen in it.

The king of Swedden must now be the lenth of Hamburgh at least, by reason upon the 12th of July, sti. no. he was at Stetin, where he was to refresh his army but for a few days. His being in Germany at the tyme of the electione is of great importance. The electione is not lyke to be so soone as was expected. Its beleeved their was never greatter brigues in any businesse then is in that; and the cardinall sayd, for his parte he hath pawned to his very jewells for raising of mony to be debursed upon that businesse.

Betwixt 60 and 70 of our English soldiers, that were sick, and going to the hospitall at St. Quintin, were mett with by the enemy: they fledd to a howse, and defended themselves exceeding well; when they were taken, they all refused to beare armes under the duke of Yorke, who in despyt with his own hand killed one of them in cold blood. This, and the ill usuage the rest mett with, which they impute to him, (and I beleeve justly) hath begott such a resentment among owr forces, as generall Reinolds hath desyered monsieur Turein's permissione to send a drumm to the enemy, to let them know, as he is resolved to give them no quarter, so he expects none from them. This I have by the cardinall's re latione; for I have not heard from the generall this three weekes past: its probable he may have the same to say of me, tho' I have writt to him at least every week once since he came into France; but the passage betwixt this and monsieur Turein's army is so unsure, as hardly a cowrier of three escip: being taken.

Sir, I ame forced to end abruptly, and send this with all its blotts, because this goeth by an expresse from the court to Paris, whom I can perswade to stay no longer; and therefore have only tyme to begg the continwance of yowr beleese, that I ame in all humility and affectione,

May it please your honor,
Yowr most faithfull, and obedient servant,
W. Lockhart.

Stenay en Lorrein, Aug. 5.

sti. no. 1657.

Lcckhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.

Stenay, Aug. 5. sti. no. 1657.


May it please your honor,
My last from Sedan told you my resolutions of going to the camp before Montmedy, where I stayed all the thursday, and visited all their approaches and the myns under the bastions. The generall entertained me with a greatt deale of respect, and did me the honor to accompany me rownd the lyns; and when I went to the approaches, sent one of his lieutenant-generalls along with me. I have cawsed take as exact a plan of the siege as I cowld, and have made bold to inclose it hearin for his highnes's use. Upon the fryday I returned to cowrt, and gave my poor opinione, that if the myns were not advanced towards the centere of the bastions, the springing of them as they then were wowld not signify much; notwithstanding it was resolvd they showld be sprung upon the satturday morning. I went with the cardinall in his coach neare the camp, where I left him with his majestie and his brother, who were all pryvattly conveyed to a corner of a wood, to see the myne spring owt of canon distance, for which their was good reason, the enemy having all along playd furiously with their canon upon every place where the least number of horsmen appear'd. I had a good opportunity to see the myns spring, and the attacques that followed theirupon. The bastion upon the right hand, mark'd with the letter A, was scarce movd: a little of the ston-wall upon the poynt of it was only shattered: that of the lest hand, mark'd B, was well opned: the wall of one half of that face of the bastione to which the myn was attacked was overblowen; but by reason that bastione was casmatted, the effects of the myn provd not very considerable; for the breach being flanckd with the bastion A, upon which the myn had no effects almost, and the breach indeed very steep, and anoyed by muskattins and granads from the casematt in the middle of it, and with a world of granads and other fyerworks from above, the fruitts of two howrs very hott disputt did produce nothing save the planting of one peice of canon in the ditch, and the making of a little lodging upon the ruins of the wall at the foot of the breach. The enemy did defend themselves with much resolution, and did omit nothing that was either wyse or gallant. Yesternight new myns were begun, which certainly will speedily bring the businesse to a close, if they be not prevented by countermyns, which now will be easy for them, since they know the certain place where our myners . . . . bastions casmatted, which are vaults, that goe all along about . . . . middle the depth of the bastions, and at every 15 paces distance have pitts sunck in them deeper then the grownd of the bastions, to the end they may either discover or give aire to any myns shall be made. Pardon this confused accownt; and I beseech yowr honor endeavor to make excuse of it to his highnes; and when his highnes hath seene the plan, I humbly begg it may be delivered to my very good lord and master, my lord Richard.

The French embassador to the states-general.

Vol.lii.p 295.

Le soussigné ambassadeur de France se trouve obligé pour asseurer de plus en plus leurs seigneurs de la sincerité des intentions du roy son maistre, de declarer par le present memoire ce qu'il a dit de bouche à messieurs leurs deputez, que ce qu'il a ordre & creance par la derniere lettre de sa majesté, escrite à leurs seigneurs, de Sedan, le 27 du passé; & que sa majesté a agreable & confirmé tout ce dont il est convenu par ses memoires avec messieurs leurs deputés, & qu'ainsy aprés les advis asseurés, qu'il a de touts parts de l'execution generale des mainlevées, il est resolu de recevoir toutes les propositions, qui luy seront faits de leur part, pour le renouvellement du traité de l'alliance & de ma rine, par la conclusion duquel il se promet, que la porte sera pour jamais fermée à tous les artifices & à tous les malignes impressions, que les ennemis de son roy ne cessent de donner à tous ceux, qu'ils peuvent & taschent de surprendre, pour traverser & interrompre cette belle amitie, qui a fait respecter si advantagieusement la France & cet estat. C'est de quoy ledit ambassadeur prie leurs seigneurs de vouloir par leur prudence informer tous leurs peuples, & donner part à leurs subjects, à sin de proscrire & chasser ce dangereux ennemy de l'amitie, qui est la défiance, qui apporte encore à present de l'interruption à leur commerce, & restablir en sa place une vraye, sincere, & parsaite confiance. Fait à la Haye, 6 Aoust 1657. [N. S.] Signé,
De Thou.

Copy of a letter from Ceute.


Yesterday morning I received your's, and congratulate your safe arrivall, &c. Our friende mr. William Bland is very well at the port of Sancta Maria, where notwithstandeing all our misserys lives without disturbance, so great is our curtisy here to commerce and men of businesse. I bought a parsel of tobacco of him; pray if you can, assist me in the sale. Its now 6 days since I come from Gibraltar. All trade is ruined in Spaine: no monie stirring. Our merchants ships are commanded to be ready to goe out with the galleons in October; but I conceive want of monny will keep them from beeing ready til January; at which time they will certainely be ready; and wee hope the English fleete will be gone, otherwise wee must force thorough, or bid adieu to our Indies. Our laste losse at Canarys hath beene greater then all the rest, in regard the fleete allso keepes all the monnie from commeing hither. They were very much necessitated when the fleete was there; but they have now sent in Dutchmen fresh supplies. The fleete before Cadiz searches all vessells. God deliver us, and free us from these misserys. They are all very much afraid of the English landeing at the Canarys. Wheate, oyle, and all provissions are very deare, and will yeald greate rates: they are almost starved. God keepe you.

Aug. 6, 1657. [N. S.]

An intercepted letter.

Lyons, 7 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]


My most honored father,
I Write these lines to you for your consolation, being an answer to them, which I received from the place of your sufferings, being the prison of Dublin. I know not whether I am to condole for what you endure, or rejoice for your torments, which I consider as the forerunners of your happiness, in regard he that giveth the cross doth prepare at the same time a recompence and reward for them, that endure it with patience. Also it is a great honor to suffer for the glory of our Lord, and the greatest advantange, which a Capuchin can pretend unto, by having an opportunity to be made a martyr, whereby to give a faithful testimony of his religion. Rejoice then in God, expecting from him the crown and lawrell of happiness, which he is preparing for you; and in the mean time we will pray to God to give you strength and courage to persevere to the end most gloriously; or if your tyme be not yet come, that he will deliver you from your chaines, for which we will not be wanting in our endeavours with God and towards men, hopeing, that you will make us partakers of the glory of your sufferings, and of your servent prayers; being,

My most honored father,
Your most humble servant in the Lord,
V. M. Pere generall.

To mr. Peter Joseph, an Irish capuchin, at Dublin prison.

A letter of intelligence.

Calais, 7 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]


Now as concerning news, here is little; all that is, is of Montmedy, which holds out; but the delivery is expected, which how soon it will be, no man about us knows, but many are free in their conjectures. Many of our country men have been lost before it; 500 of them upon one sally. The loss of them indeed hath been very great, and it is high time now to surrender. One misfortune I must acquaint you with, that our countrymen, forgetting their duty and engagements, are not so firm in their principles as formerly, but think your service on the other side to be better and easier: but whether it be by persuasion of others, or their own inclinations, I cannot tell; but the other day there was a party of them running away, and had stolen general Reynold's his waggon, which they were forced to leave, being pursued; but it seems they had time enough to open one of his trunks where his money was, which they carried away with them: and lately there was a captain and two lieutenants hanged for seducing and debauching those poor souls, the execution being publickly in the camp for example sake.

Charost, governor of Calais, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 7 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]


My lord,
Our letters speak as if Montmedy were to be delivered up to day. Pray God it prove true, and that this business will go near to help us to a peace: but I have no great hope of it. It is said here, that the English have taken a Holland ship laden with silver, belonging to the Spaniards: I desire to know the truth of it. Montmedy holds out longer than Cambray would have done. To morrow we shall know what the court will do. The taking of Montmedy will be all that the army will be able to do this summer.

Your most humble servant,

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.


Honorable sir,
I Received two letters from you, whereby I understand, that col. Daniell's allowance for 6 s. per diem will bee taken care of by the councill, for which I returne you many thankes. Likewise you write, that his highnesse hath written a letter to the councill concerning the revenues of Scotland, and alsoe concerning the expences; and that you expect an answer from us. That letter came nott to our hands, neither did I heare there was any letter sent to the judges of the exchequer, nor to the auditor-generall of the revenue; butt I have acquainted the councill of the miscarriage of the letter; and wee have given order to the auditor-generall to make ready an accompt both of the revenue, and alsoe of the expences, and what is paid to the civill officers; which I hope wee shall send you either by thursdaye's or saturdaye's post. As concerning the gentleman you wrote to mee of, I heare nothing of him as yett. I am glad to heare, that lieutenantgenerall Brayne is well, and that his plantations are like to subsist of themselves shortly. I beleive the cheife want there will bee men and women; for I heare the land is very good, and the ayre healthy. All thinges heare are very quiett and well; which is all the newes I have to write to you att this present, and remayne

Your very humble servant,
George Monck.

Edenburgh, 28 July 1657.

I shall bee an humble suitor to you, that you will be pleased to bee mindefull of us concerning the order for fire and candle-mony.

Mr. Tho. Herbert, clerk of the council in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.


Right honorable,
By the last returne of the post save one the councell heere received his highnes's letter concerning the revenue heere, with which came another letter under the privy-signet, directed to his highnes's councell in Scotland; and not knowing but the superscription might (through hast or other busines) be mistaken, the councel heere caused it to be opened; and finding, that it was intended for Scotland, it was imediatelie dispatcht thither by an express; who (in passing over from Donnaghadee, the shortest and most usuall passage into Scotland) was surprized by a pyrat, by whome their boate was sunck; the seamen stript, and put ashore thereabouts, but the foot post was taken along with them to Ostend, or some other port under the Spaniard. The governor of Carrickfergus, who gives us this information, adds this, that if hee had not deliver'd them the letter, they had doubtlesse hanged him. Whereupon a man of war was dispatcht in pursuite of him; and by command it was thought convenient in the mean time to give this accompt, least any inconveniencie might arise for want of speedy notice thereof. I am,

Right honourable,
Your honor's most humble servant,
Tho. Herbert.

Councel-Chamber, Dublin,
29 July 1657.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.

In the possession of Joseph Jekyll, esq.

My lord,
I Received your lordship's of the 22th instant, which with that you were pleased to write to his H. about the state of the revennew, doth give a very neare guesse of what is to be expected from Ireland in that busines; the consideration thereof will be suddenly taken up here, there havinge beene some interruption therein by some of our attendance upon our committee of parlament for farmeing the customes; the state of which busines is this. Severall citizens of London of good account doe offer 800,000 l. per ann. for the customes and excise of England and Scotland (excepting ale and beare); which sume is accepted, and they are to advance * * * * * * * in hand, and to pay their money weekly, that is, a part of 800,000 l. every weeke. For the ale and beare other persons offer 300,000 l. and upwards. If these rates be made good, it will be a very brave revenew, and will induce you to thinke of farmeinge these dueties in Ireland too; it being certeyne, that wee here could not have made soe much of the excise and custome in England by some 100,000 l. in the hands of commissioners, and yet I beleeve wee had very honest gentlemen to be commissioners, and carefull men too. The inclosed I received this last weeke from generall Blake: I have sent your lordship the whole letter, that you might understand the state of that affaire, which your lordship will not be pleased to communicate, unlesse it be that parte which is only matter of newes. The losse of the 300 seamen is a very great losse to the Spanyard; there was also in the ship these men were taken in, 60,000 pieces of 8. There is noe newes from France, but that Montmedy still holds out. The Dane hath taken Bremenfordt from the Swede, and hath besedged Stade. The Swede was by the last letters upon his march, hopeing to come tyme enough to releive Stade, either by fightinge, or by way of diversion. This warre is of greate consequence, especially because it is somented by the Dutch, who favour the Dane, hopeing by his meanes to get the trade and comerce of the East-sea. These Netherlanders designe alsoe upon Portugall, haveinge prepared a fleet to blocke up Lisbon, upon pretence, that they have received much wrong and injury from that kingdome in Brazeel. The blockinge up of this port, if it take effect, will hazard the putting of that kingdome into the hands of Spayne at this tyme, when they are already distracted by the warre Spayne makes upon them at land; and what the consequence will be to us if we loose that port, which is all we have in those partes, is easily seen. Their joyneing their fleets against us with Spayne will not doe us the prejudice that this will.

There hath been many steps made here at hom towards a settlement of our affaires since my last.

I suppose I writ your lordship, that — desired to serve in the councelle, and offerr'd to take his oath: that is pawsed upon. He is now retired in appearance. Most of the officers of the army, and those most suspected, shew rather satisfaction then otherwise. The officers of his owne regiments have writ to H. H. to assure him of their fidelity. Yesterday and this day there was a meetinge of the officers about the towne, to discourse of affaires, and appeared most unanimous in this, that the present settlement was the best that had yet beene brought forth; and that it was their duty in their place and station to strengthen his highnes's hands. Not a word of discontent was used by any; if any had it their hearts, they were silent, seeing the streame runne soe hard on the other hand; and to morrow is appointed for them to meet to blesse God for his goodnes to the nation and them. Its possible the result of all may be some addresse to H. H.* * * * * * * * * * * * * their satisfaction. Not one was spoken of — nor of the change lately made in the army lord,

Your lordship's most humble and faithful servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

July 28, 1657.

Sexby, the great apostate and traytor, is taken, and in the tower.

Van Reede van Renswoude to the states-general.

Vol.lii.p 357.

H. and M. lords,
My lords, since that the English ships have shewn themselves before Ayamonte, there hath been put into the said city 3500 men, in case the said ships might attempt any thing further against the same.

It is said, that many great persons in Portugal are discontented. This crown hath not yet attempted any other thing further against the said kingdom on the side of Olivenza.

We have no further news of the earl of Peneranda since he took shipping at Barcelona. It is said, after he hath dispatched his embassy, he is to be made vice-king of Naples.

The lord marquiss Castel-Rodrigo hath prepared himself to depart as vice-king for Sardinia, for which he was chosen by his majesty before his arrival here; but being indisposed, he has deferred his departure for a while.

Van Renswoude.

Madrid, 8th August 1657. [N. S.]

Lockart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.

Sedan, Agust 8, 1657. N. S.


[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

May it please your honor,
The queen of Swedden's wrytting a letter from Thurin, that she is resolvd to give the king a visitt, seems to surpryse this cowrt with her strange procedure; for she enters the king's dominions withowt axing any other permissione then to tell him she is a comming. Its suppos'd she is be this tym the lenth of Lions. That which maks the matter more wondred att, is, becawse its given owt she hath neither writt to the queen nor cardinall: but I have learned she hath writt to both, and that the last of them was acqwainted with her resolutions before she undertooke her jorney; and by what I can gather by some discowrse I had with Brienne and some others, the end of her jorney is to dispose the cardinall to ane enterview with cownte de Pigneranda. Brienne doth not say so expresly, but ane other (who I beleeve knoweth as much as he) was of that opinion; and tells me withall, that its yet doubtfull, if she shall have leave to come to cowrt or not, tho' I do not beleeve they will stopp her; for if it be true, that her comming was once approvd of, she will make too much noyse upon such an alteratione.

The cardinall hath not said any thing to me in this businesse, only I remember not long agoe, when he spoke of Pigneranda, he said he was a gallant enemy; and if in his jorney to the dyett he showld come thorowgh any part of France, he would cause treat him nobly. The cownt hath made some stay in Milan, upon pretence to consult with the governor abowt the releef of Alexandria, which is now beseeged by the duk of Modena and prince of Conty; but the queen of Sweden's speedy advance maks me beleeve he stays to see what effects her negotiatione heare will have. His eminence givs me hops concerning the businesse of Dunkirk, or of a battle. If the first cannot be, I shall be glad of the last; for if it be prosperus on owr syde, all the ennemies desygns again England this winter will be broke. If neither be, I am appehensive, that the state of Flanders to eschew the burthen of a winter quarter, will contribute even beyond expectatione for the transport of Ch. and that rabble he hath with him.

The cardinall perswads me, that the alteratione of his resolutions to carry the cowrt to Metts, and draw the army towards Alsatia, is upon no other accownt, then that he may the better endeavor to performe his ingadgments to his highnes: but I know if the holding of the dyett had not been deferr'd till October, there had been no place left for such a complement. Montmedy was surrendred yesterday. I was in the camp when they capitulatted. After the drawing of the articles, I went rownd the place, and cannot say, that the place is so strong as the lenth of the seege would speak itt. The governor was killed with a canon-ball a little after the mines were sprung. M. le Tellier hath been very ill these two days past; els the comissary for receiving and paying for the provisions had been dispatched. I shall at this tyme give your honor no further troble, save to assure yow, that I ame,
May it please your honor,
Yowr most humble and fathfull servant,
Will. Lockhart.

The Spanish embassador to the states-general.

Lectum den 10 Aug. 1657.


Le soubsigné ambassadeur d'Espaigne, ayant este adverty de l'inesperée resolution, que messieurs les estats-generaux ont prise le 27 de Juillet dernier, de s'attribuer sans contredit la souveraintie du comté deMegen, de s'en mettre en possession tant dans le politique, que l'ecclesiastique, exercer toutes les actes en dependents, & la maintenir avèc les forces de leur estat, croit estre de son devoir de representer à L. L. S. S. pour le prejudice, qui resulteroit de cette nouveauté au roy son maistre, que cette procedure, sans avoir oüy, ny cité mons. le comte de Megen, paroistra fort estrange aux yeux de tout le monde, & ne pourra point estre tolerée par sa majesté, qui est protecteur de ladite comté en qualite de duc de Brabant, par volentaire concession des comtes, qui relevoient auparavant de l'empire. C'est pour quoy il prie & requiert tres-instamment L. L. S. S. d'en vouloir faire surçeoir l' execution, & de donner lieu à ce q'on les puisse pertinemment informer du droit au dit comte, qui à esté, & predecesseurs, de temps immemoriel, en pleine & libre possession & souverainté de ladite terre. Laquelle a tousjours esté tenue pour libre & neutrale, mesme par L. L. S. S. (ainsy qu'il enconste par differents actes) pendant la guerre, voire au plus fort de restorsions, & contre-retorsions, sans que ledit seur comte ait jamais esté troublé dans la libre jurisdiction, exemption, & neutralité, ny que sa majesté y ait fait exercer aucunes de actes de souverainté, publier les placcards, ou lever aucunes aydes ou impositions; & beaucoup moins, que ladite terre ayt oncques aucun subjection ou dependence de la ville & mairie de Bolducque, ce seroit une action fort supprenante de vouloir debouter inopinement par voye de fait ledit sieur comte de la legitime possession sans aucune forme de justice, ny de procés, & de faire partie & juge en mesme-temps, ce qui fait esperer audit ambassadeur que L. L. S. S. pesant meurement le dangereuses consequences, qu'entraisneroit cette procedure, se lairront porter, à ce que dicte l'equite, & la pratique observée entre toutes les nations policées, & ne voudront pas opprimer ledit sieur comte leur voisin; mais bien plus-tost luy accorderont le temps requis, à fin qu'il leur puisse envoyer les deputés pour leur faire paroistre son bon droit, & refuter les mauvaises impressions qu'on leur pourroit avoir données à son prejudice, ainsi que L. L. S. S. le trouveront raisonable l'an 1648, lors qu'on debattit la mesme matiere dans leur assemblée. Fait à la Haye, le 10 d'Aoust 1657. Signé

Stoope to Marigny.

London, 10th of August 1657. [N. S.]


I HAVE received your letter of the 3d of this month. I am very much obliged to you for the considerations and good will you have for me; and I could wish I were able to declare unto you the resentment I have thereof. I cannot write to you at large the discourse, which I had with the clerk of your merchant; only I well tell you, that he was angry for telling him, that if he pretended, that one should take pains, and make some advances for him upon his word, and at his own discretion, that he would hardly find any body of this humour; and that if he did find any, it would be no honest person, but only some knaves and rascals, that would deceive him. And on his part he told me, it may be some other reason or interest hindred me to serve him as he could wish. To which I answered with sharpness enough, that as I had no manner of reason to serve the other merchant, so likewise he had given me no cause to serve either himself or his master, and so he had nothing to reproach me, since I know he hath done me very ill offices, which have so far prevailed with me, that I have not thought good to see him in a great while: and these are the terms in which I am, and wherein I intend to continue, if some powerful motives do not oblige me to alter my mind. I shall be glad to hear of the happy arrival of mons. de Barriere in Spain, and that he do receive there such satisfaction as he hopeth for. I perceive the jewels are in some danger, yea almost inavoidable, if some money be not speedily sent to redeem them, whereof I see little likelihood. You desire to know what is done concerning Lambert; he refused to take the oath, tho' urged to it, of fidelity to the protector, which the parliament had ordered all counsellors of state and the officers of the army to take. His commission being demanded of him, he gave it without any resistance. Most do admire this; there was no noise made of it, and certainly there will be none. Here was a speech a while since of disbanding half of all the officers of the army, by putting two companies under one, and two regiments under one colonel. If this prove true, it will much lessen the charge.

Adieu, monsieur, and believe me to be wholly yours.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.


[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

Je me trouve l'agreable vostre du 3 Aoust, vous remerçiant de la communication de nouvelles. Et touchant la question, de combien de matelots, soldats, & canon seront les 48 navires? diray, que pour le navire admiral, sur lequel va le sieur de Wassenaer Opdam, il porte septante deux pieces de bronze (72 pieces) arme de 300 que matelots que soldats. Les moindres navires ont 28 pieces de canon, 80 matelots, & 30 à 40 sol. dats. Le nombre de soldats est en tout environ 1500; le nombre de matelots de 4 à 5 mille. C'est ce qu'en gross j'en ay peu connoistre. Mais je m'informeray plus particulierement. Que protecteur principalement regarde la cause de Protestants, cela est ailleurs tout contraire, comme l'on voit; car le Dennemark & 105 tiennent une reigle tout contraire, favorisant & aidant la party contraire avec ferveur & opiniastreté, & 105 se picquent de plus en plus contre 130 & 140. J'ay a aucuns objecte les 134, que 130 tient maintenant prests, demandant s'ils ne eraignent pas que ces 134 traverseroient le dessein de 105; surquoy ils disent d'estre bien assurés, que Blake ne sauroit plus durer là ou il est: que ces navires necessairement doivent estre calefeute, & doivent rentrer & revenir en Angleterre, & que Montagu doit retourner vers les Canaries ou Cadiz: bref, ils sont mine de ne craindre nullement les 134 de 130. C'est chose estrange & neantmoins vraye, qu' à present les 130 n' a icy nuls meilleurs amis que le 149, la 169, & le 170: & ils seroient cordialement rejouvy, si 130 monstroit les dents à 105. Je suis,

Vostre tres-oblige serviteur.

Ce 10e Aoust 1657. [N. S.]

An intercepted letter of lieutenant-colonel Dolman to mr. Henry Nevill.


There was read in the assembly of Holland on this day sev'night a letter from the king of France, wherein though he declares to be satisfied with what his embassador hath done, yet it concludes so ambiguously, as was in the main so little satisfactory, that this message was sent the embassador, that if a full ratification did not appear within ten days, he was desired to depart the country; and that since they were frustrated by way of treaty of that satisfaction they justly pretended, they would not be wanting so much to themselves as not to employ those means, which God and nature should afford them to recover their right. Eight of the ten days are already past; and the letters bearing in general, that neither at Paris or Bourdeaux there is as yet any relaxation of what was arrested, there is little appearance it was ever intended; but that to gain some time, they would amuse us with a treaty as long as they could: but it seems this state will no longer suffer it; for I am consident, that on monday next the 11th instant, our admiral, who is purposely here waiting on the coast, will receive commission to take and endamage the French ships where-ever he shall meet them. Our fleet united will be 48 sail, good ships; and though we conceive mr. Oliv. in the plot, the resolution here is so vigorous and unanimous, that we are resolved to set all at stake rather then be fooled by him and his cardinal. I am confident you will find us in a much better posture than formerly you did, and shall, we hope, shew the world the difference what England was in a republick, and what it is under a monarchy.

Montmedy, after a gallant defence (being so much over-power'd) we fear to be lost. The Swedes are near Hamburgh, attempting to pass the Elve, which the Danes are opposing.

Dort, 10th August 1657. [N. S.]

Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to Ruysch.


My lord,
Yesterday morning the lord secretary of state sent unto me a letter, whereof the copy I send here inclosed, and therein the opinion of dr. Godolphin, one of the judges of the admiralty here, and dr. Walker, advocate-fiscal of the lord protector, concerning the ship Morning-star, detained in Milford-haven. I thought good thereupon to go visit the lord secretary of state about it, and by this occasion remonstrated unto him the necessity of bringing at last the marine-treaty to a conclusion; the more, in regard upon his reiterated promises to me, I had assured their H and M L. that as soon as the business of the government and domestick affairs was settled here, that his highness would further the said marine-treaty. His honour told me, that he could well perceive, that the council formerly not being settled, there could be no resolution sooner taken concerning the said ship, and other like affairs; and concerning the said treaty, he would prepare the business so against the next week, that the treaty may be resumed; declaring, that his highness was inclined to shew his sincere affection to the state of the United Netherlands. Having writ thus far, I just now received their H. and M. L. letter concerning the said ship, and the skipper thereof is likewise just now come to tell me, that he was going to night to Milford to bring about the ship hither, and that in the mean time no goods are to be taken or sold out of her; so that I will do my endeavour, according to their H. and M. L. resolution, that the interested shall not suffer any further damage.

W. Nieuport.

Westminster, 10th August 1657. [N. S.]

Boreel, the Dutch embassador at Paris, to Ruysch.

Vol. lii. p. 369.

My lord,
Since that at court and in other places in this kingdom, new advice is come of their H. and M. L. resolution taken the 21st of July, the business of the publication and execution of the ordered main-levée of the general seizure is much hastned. Mons. Gentilot arrived at Calais on monday last the 30th of July, and went from thence post to Sedan; from whence he writ me a letter, whereof the enclosed is a copy. Their H. and M. L. do not signify to me in what quality or condition I am to look upon the said Gentelot, whether he be come in commission of lord embassador of France, or otherwise; whereupon I forbear to correspond with him.

At Calais he had much discourse with the agent de Clarges, whereof, without doubt, he hath given their H. and M. L. an account.

W. Boreel.

Paris, 10th August 1657. [N. S.]

Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.


Right honorable,
In your letter bearing date the 3d of July, you ar plesed to let me know your mynd about one, that is cal'd the agent of Charles Stewart: what you say therin is answerable to ryht reson, and I shal seek his removal by al the meanes I can, wherof I shall give your honor an account herafter.

Mr. Mettam wryts me from Lisbon, that his long stay at Genoa and at Lisbon for admittance, by reson of the sicknes in thes parts, has consumnd his mony, that he cannot stur thence without some further supplyes from your honor. I hope when he is once at the place desyned, you wil synd som good fruits of your great charges.

I am glad to understand from your honor's hand the inauguration of his hyhnes in the dignity and tytle of chief magistrat of thos nations by the parlament. Thos that honor God, God will honor. Who should hav the supream power and comand of thos kingdoms but his hynes, who hath freed them from tiranny, and don so much servis for them? God long prosper his happy government, and mak thos nations, and all Christendom, happy in him.

Som 3 monthes since I writ your honor of two Inglish merchant-ships, that wer assaulted by 4 Majorkin or Spanish men of war; the one ship was burnt, cald the An Persy; the other, cald the Eastland-marchant escapt, and went for Egip to lade back for this place. Thes Majorkins coasting Cyprus and Palestine, come to Egip, and fynd this ship Eastlandmarchant in the port of Buker, whence after som short fyht they took her. They lykwis met with two other Inglish ships, and fouht them, but could do no good on them. Thus your honor sees in what condition our marchants occasions ar here, who are expos'd to the mercy of 4 Majorkins. I hope the squadron you writ of will sudenly be here, and bring a remedy, or els the trade of Turky wil be lost. I am,

Right honorable,
Your most faithful and humble servant,
Charles Longland.

Leghorn, 10th August 1657. N. S.

The king of France to the states-general.

Lectum den 16 Augusti 1657.

Vol. liii. p. 36.

Tres-chers, grands amis, alliez et confederez,
Nous avons esté surpris, lors que le sieur Gentillot, que nostre amié & feal conseiller ordinaire en nos conseils d'estat, & privé, le sieur de Thou, comte de Meslay, president à nostre cour de parlement de Paris, & nostre ambassadeur près de vous, avoit prié de nous venir trouver, nous a fait entendre, que Jes ordres que nous avons cy devant donnez, qui asseuroient à vos subjects la liberté entiere de jouïr & de disposer de leurs biens & esfects, qui avoient esté saisies, n'avoient pas esté executez; car les ayants donnez très exprès, nous avions creu qu'ils le seroient sans remise. Et bien que nous soyons presentement aseurez, qu'ils l'ont esté en toutes les jurisdictions de nostre admirauté de France, & qu'on n'a exigé des parties interessez aucun salaire, soit pour les actes de justice exercez contre eux, ou faits en leur faveur, ny pour le loyer des magazins, où partie de leurs effects avoient esté mis: voulant en estre encore plus particulierement informez, & faire que ceux qui auroient contrevenu à nos ordres soyent severement punis, nous avons voulu, que ledit sieur Gentillot fust porteur de ceux, que nous addressons au premier president de nostre parliament de Rouen, par lesquels il lui est enjoint de s'enquerir de vos subjects qui sont en la ville, s'il a esté exigé aucune chose d'eux, à sin que non seulement il la fasse restituer, mais qu'il se saisisse & fasse mettre en prison ceux, qui n'ont pas executé ce qui leur avoit esté commandé, & les y tienne, jusqu'à ce que nous faisons, à fin de faire voir à tout le monde le cas que nous faisons de nostre affection, & la satisfaction & contentement que nous eusmes, lorsque par les lettres dudit sieur de Thou, & par celles que vous nous aviez escrittes, nous apprimes la volonté, en laquelle vous estiez de conserver & d'augmenter, si faire se pouvoit, l'étroite correspondence, qui a esté entre nous & vous, les roys nos predecesseurs & vostre republique: & de plus, nous avons bien voulu par cette lettre vous confirmer de nouveau, que les choses, qui vous ont esté asseurez par ledit sieur de Thou devoir avoir lieu, seront sincerement observez, à quoy nous engagions nostre parole royale. Et comme vous avez l'experience, que nous en sommes jalous, & que nous avons tousjours punctuellement observé ce qui vous a esté promis, nous demeurons persuadez, que vous donnerez non seulement creance à cette lettre, comme vous en avez pris au passé, sur les ratifications que nous avons fait expedier sur les traittez arrestez entre nos deputez & les vostres; mais mesme à ce que ledit sieur de Thou vous dira de nostre part sur ce subject. La presente n'estant à autre sin, nous prions Dieu, qu'il vous ait, très-chers, grands amis, alliez & conféderez, en sa sainte & digne garde. Escrit à Sedan, le 9e d'Aoust 1657. [N. S.]

Vostre bon amy & conféderé,
Signé, Louis,
Soubsigné, de l'omenie.


A nos trés-chers, grands amis, alliez & conféderez,
les seigneurs estats generaux des Païs-Bas.

Mr. Bradshaw to the elector of Brandenburgh.

Vol. liii. p.8.

Serenissime Ac Celsissime Princeps, Elector,
Ab adventû mei hic locorum tempore (singulari auctoritate suæ serenissimæ celsitudinis protectoris reipublicæ Angliæ, Scotiæ & Hiberniæ, &c. domini mei clementissimi, suo serenissimo nomine amicum compromisum Cæsari magnoque duci Moscovitarum ad componendas præsentes dissensiones inter serenissimum ac potentissimum Sueciæ regem, & altè memoratum magnum Moscoviæ ducem offerre) speciatissime mihi hoc impositum est, ut vestram celsitudinem paucissimis hisce nomine summè dicti mei clementissimi domini salutarem, & simul vestræ serenitati ostenderem suæ serenissimæ celsitudinis sui singularem, ac præcipuum inclinationis affectum & benevolentiam, quodque nullus in orbe princeps neve dominus vestræ serenitatis maximæ personæ & ejusdem concernentium summam prosperitatem & incrementum tantopere tamque intentè desideret & in votis habeat; quam idem serenissima celsitudo dominus meus clementissimus, humillime enuclearem & confirmarem; siquidem etiam & ipse de vestrâ serenitatis candido affectu & benevolentiâ (quâ ope vestræ serenitatis Angliæ jam degentis ministri sat superque & evidenter liquent:) certissimus est: proinde si forte in præsenti occasione vestræ serenitati mea humillima servitia præstare possem, clementissima sua jussa obsequentissimus & libentissimus aggredietur, prout à serenissima celsitudine domino meo clementissimo ad hoc in specie instructus & requisitus sum: cujus ulterius clementissimum complacitum & voluntatem ratione præsentis meæ actionis præstolor; siquidem magnus dux Moscoviæ ad nonnullum prætensum tituli sui defectum insurrexit, mihique hoc nuperrimè per cancellarium suum signisicari curavit. Ego vero meæ potius credo menti sibi hunc prætextum solummodo & unice in finem placuisse, quo tempus tereret, & prius unius capitalis actionis exitum, effectumve armorum utriusque regiæ maiestati Sueciæ & Daniæ experiretur, antequam quæ tractata cum serenissimo ac potentissimo Suecorum rege iniret. Hisce à Deo conservatore ut serenitatem vestram cum tota electorali domo istiusque summis concerneptibus tueatur & protegat, supplex oro
Serenissimæ vestræ celsissitudinis humillimus servus,
R. B.

Frauenburgi, die 31 Julii an. 1657.

Serenissimo ac celsissimo principi ac domino, domino Frederico Wilhelmo, marchioni Brandenburgico, sacri Romani imperii archicamerario & electori: Parthenopolis, Prussiæ, Juliaci, Cliviæ & Montium, Stetini, Pomeraniæ, Cassubiæ, Wandaliæ, itemque Silesiæ, Crossiæ & Jagendorfiæ duci, Burggravio Norico; duci Halberstabiensi & Mindensi, comiti Marchæ & Ravensbergiæ domino, domino Ravensteni. Domino meo clementissimo.

The ministers of Durham and Northumberland to the protector. p. 45.

May it please your highness,
We, ministers of the gospel in this place, and in the counties of Durham and Northumberland, being here occasionally this day met upon our church affairs, did also meet with the solemn proclamation of your highness's government over these nations. We are not so many as to procure any apprehension of our considerableness, yet we durst not let slip the occasion and opportunity to congratulate your highness, not only upon the real satisfaction of our own spirits, but also the assurance we have of the same in the spirits of the whole body of our association. We do therefore cordially wish you all prosperity, peace, satisfaction and contentment in that place, to which God hath declared his designation of you by the now superadded free and concurrent vote and resolve of parliament. We have in our late addresses to you experienced the freedom of your highness's spirit to protect us in our way; and we are assured therefore, that our peaceable deportment under your highness's government shall find the same respect for time to come. We hope, and are perswaded, the Lord will more and more make use of your highness for the advancement of the interest of his dear Son, which we may take the boldness to intreat your highness to make your principal design, as that in which you will find no less cordial contentment than we do in that power and capacity in which you stand. We are no little presuming thus to divert your highness's thoughts from your more concerning businesses, but shall crave pardon for it, as proceeding from the overslowings of that respect, service, and submission, which our spirits owe, and shall endeavour to perform unto you with all faithfulness: and so commending your highness to the great God, and begging the blessing of your highness upon your spirit, government, and all your precious interests and concernments, we make bold to subscribe our selves

Your highness's most obedient, affectionate
and observant subjects and servants,

John Pye, pastor of Christ at Morpeth in Northumberland.

Tho. Dockry, pastor of Christ at Newburke.

Cuthbert Mole, pastor of a Church at

George Ritchell, pastor at Hexham.

Robert Pleasaune, pastor at Bourden bpr.

William Graves, pastor of Christ at Bishops-Weymouth.

John Woodfall, pastor of Woodhorne.

Stephen Dockrey, pastor of Christ at St. Andrews in Newcastle.

Richard Prideaux, pastor of Christ at Alhallows in Newcastle.

John Knightbridge, pastor of Christ at Nicholas in Newcastle.

Tho. Lupton, pastor at Shields.

Fran. Battie, pastor at Jarrow in bpr. of Durham.