A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: July (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp402-409 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: July (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp402-409.
"State Papers, 1657: July (3 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp402-409.
In this section
July (3 of 5)
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lii. p. 176.
Honoured Sir,
I Understand by your's, that mr. Dalrymple's commission will be speedily sent downe.
For newes heere I have none at present more than I have written before; but for the
Dutch, I doubt, that unlesse their carriage prove otherwise than I expect it will, wee cannott keepe our selves longe without quarrelling with them, being I am confident they will
have orders to keep us out of the harbour att Lisbone, which its probable they will doe, in
case they have orders to block uppe that place. I must desire you to excuse my boldnesse,
if I trouble you to put his highnesse in minde about the orders for monies for fire and candle, and the order for 6 s. a day for colonel Daniell, for supplying of major-general Morgan's place in his absence. To morrow wee intend to proclaime his highnesse in this
towne, and have written to the sheriffs to doe the like in all markett-townes within their
shires. I am sorry I cannott bee as good as my worde in sending you a list of the sheriffs,
commissaries, and justices of peace, that are appointed heere, to have them confirmed by his
highnesse and council. I had itt ready to send, but the councill desired to speake with mee
before they sent it away. I remayne
your very humble servant,
George Monck.
Edinburgh, 14 July 1657.
Monsieur Reede van Renswoude to the states-general.
Vol. lii. p. 180.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, in regard the English fleet hath absented itself some days from off the
coasts of this kingdom, it was said and believed, that the same was gone towards
Africa, and had besieged the city of Mamorra there belonging to this crown; but now
it is held for a certain, that the said fleet is gone to resume and finish the treaties of sale
begun there between them a-while since.
At Cadiz some days since a French frigot came by night into the bay with Holland colours up, and about forty persons of them put themselves into two pinnaces, and went on board a Holland ship riding there richly laden, call'd the Wildman, skipper Claes Keleman of Rotterdam; and some of them speaking the Dutch language, gave themselves out for Hollanders, and said, that they were come to bring some lading for such a ship; but presently they seized upon those they saw upon the decks of the ship, being the watch, and murthered them, and so made themselves masters of the deck, and were making ready to set sail; which not being to be effected so on the sudden, some of the ship's company between decks perceiving they were surprised, went and got some gunpowder, and blew up the upper deck therewith, and so preserved the ship from being carried away by them, the skipper losing two or three of his men at the same time.
Madrid, 25 July 1657. [N. S.]
Hen. van Reede van Renswoude.
J. Schlezer, envoy from the elector of Brandenburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lii. p.81.
Honoratissime domine,
Si ad veram illam gloriam, optimè de celsissimo principe, de republicâ, de communi
protestantium causâ, de bonis universis ac singulis promovendi, quicquam accedere
tibi potest, gratularer utique dominationi vestræ de novo honoris ac dignitaris gradu, quo
inter illustres celsitudinis fuæ consiliarios accitus debitum tibi jamdudum locum occupas.
Nunc cum te solida animi bona fructumquè conscientiæ ex bene factis pulcherrimum purpuris omnibus ac quibuscunque forturæ donis longe præferre existimem, gratulari potius publico convenit, ac lætari tecum de adeptis pluribus amplioribusque occasionibus publicè testandi affectum illum studiumque, quo ad egregia ac præclara omnia, quæ serenissimo principi, quæ nationi vestre, quæ orbi Christiano, quæ amicis fœderatisque vestris decori,
usui, ac emolumento esse possunt, natura institutoque propendes. Ego vero cum dominationem vestram jam non solum tanquam sidelem gravemque mentis principis vestri senatûsque interpretem contuear, sed membrum quoque augusti istius collegii conspiciam,
non possum non mihi majori cum siducia omnia illa promittere, quæ à celsitudine suâ
serenissimus elector dominus meus expectare potest, quæque urgentes ipsius necessitates, ra
tionesque communes esslagitant. Ex ore itaque vestro ea jam cognoscere opto, quæ importunius aliquanto nomine principis mei petere viderer, nisi res ipsa pro me loqueretur;
Deum interim precatus, ut consilia vestra nomini sanctissimo gloriosa, celsissimoque domino
protectori, patriæ, vestræ, ac piis omnibus falutaria esse velit,
Honoratissime domine,
Dominationis vestræ observantissimus ac
obsequentissimus cultor,
J. Schlezer.
Die 15 Julii, an. 1657.
The Dutch embassadors in Denmark to the states-general.
Vol. lii. p. 182.
My lord,
After the takeing of Breemer-forde, in which place the lord rycsmarshall writes
to have found 44 brass guns and good store of provisions and ammunition, some
troops were commanded to take the sort Burch, and the said marshall is marched with
the whole army to Staden.
The Danish fleet doth remayne neere the island Rugen, and upon the coast of Pomeren over-against it, and doth keep the sea-places in continual allarmes by their daily landing, and the same is to be reinforced within few dayes (as we are informed) with more ships and men, to undertake something considerable. It is expected heere, that the Poles will come for Pomeren with a strong armie, whereunto they are obliged by the late concluded treatie; and one of the Polish senators told the king of Denmark's agent at Dantzick, that the king of Poland was resolved to incommodate that province with a good armie.
The great duke of Muscovy is said to be come into Lysland with his armie neere to Kakenhuysen; but of this is no great certaintie.
Copppenhagen, 25 July 1657. [N. S.]
An intercepted letter to the lord Conway.
Paris, 25 July 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. lii. p. 184.
My lord,
The siege and defence of Montmedy goeth on as formerly, no certainty being yet on
either side; but great endeavours, and daily incredible slaughters made every day of
the besiegers, insomuch that the Scotch regiment and one of Swiss were in a manner entirely cut off in a day. The armies on both sides are close spectators and assisters in this
great action. The queen herself is gone from la Fere to the Leager. When we have
a conclusion of it, I shall not fail to give it your lordship; and till it be over one way or
other, wee shall have no other news discoursed of.
They are here in this town very industrious to seize upon all vagrants and idle persons, to send to some of their Indian plantations.
To Bordeaux the French embassador in England.
Paris, 25 July 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. lii. p. 186.
My lord,
Yesterday here arrived an express from his eminence, with advice, that by
friday next the castle of Montmedy will be the king's, the mine having been played,
if so be the enemy do not relieve it, whereof there is little likelihood. The queen and monsieur d'Anjou are gone from la Fere to Sedan. The army of mons. de Turenne is about
Bozoy. After that Montmedy is taken, the court its believed will retreat to Metz. The
said place formerly resisted Charles the fifth, who had laid siege to it, it being a place of
very great strength.
H. Cromwell to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lii.p.188.
The inclosed to H. H. pray peruse, and deliver, if you thinke fitt. I received in
your laste a letter to Scotland, which I conceiv was sent hither by mistake; but I
have taken special care to dispatch it away by an express, according to itts direction.
you answere to mine, and therein to my lord Broghill's. I desire to act but so as that good men may find some benefitt by it; and if that end may bee had without my acting, I cane sitt still, and I hope cane be contented even to sufferr also, as long as there is but hopes, that any advantage will at length accrew to the publique thereby. It is a great ease to my mind, that H. H. needs no help in governing the army, which, as it was made appeare to mee, was scarce gouvernable. I take notice of your opinion concerning 2/1 3/2 5/3 6 m 6/4 9/5 ts. I hope H. H. is sufficiently cautioned concerning hime; and I wish those, who thinke his continueance in power safe, doe not first feele the smarte of it. The Lord graunt H. H. wisedome frome above, to make a right use of those opportunities, which you say are now putt into his hands. I would gladly heare whether there bee any thoughts of my lord St John's and mr. Pierpoynt's comeing into the councill.
The inclosed to H. H. was (as most of my things else are) hurried up in haste, for not being in a condition to have fitt instruments about mee, I am forced, as you may see, not onely to write, but oftentimes to transcribe my letter with my owne fingers. I say, this being don in haste, I must trouble your self with some explanations upon it; for allthough I might well thinke, that if what I have written, as obscure and confused as it is, doe not rellish at all, that more explanations will be but loathed; but notwithstandeing all, I apprehend it a duty to press what I have there offerred, and therefore whether in season or out of season, I will make bold with you to explane or enlarge upon some following particulars.
First, As to the commissioners, which I would have the executioners of our retrenchment; I say, they are necessary, and might dispatch the whole worke within three monthes, and possibly under 1500 l. charge; for the same cannot bee done heere without much odium, for the reasons in my letter mentioned. Neither doe I thinke, that things cane bee so prepared here, as that it be done by the authoritie in England: wherefore it remaines only, that it may be done by the middle way propounded.
Secondly, As to the fees of the clerke of the councill, it is knowne (and sir Paul Davis cane tell you) that ministers of that office lived as plentifully upon their employments under that constitution as nowe they doe: besides the councill was then more free of those numerous and frivilous addresses, wherewith it is nowe every day pestered, to the hindrance of more weighty affaires: moreover, the present easiness, and cheape admission of whoever will thrust in a petition upon us, does not a little exhauste the publique purse by such exhibitions as begging importunitie drawes from us: lastly, those sees, though moderate, were an encouragement to the dispatch of suitors; for who had not rather pay a noble then waite a week ?
Thirdly, If the ancient way of affixeing perticular offices to each of the councill bee revived, I should gladly heare from you, that mr. Bury be remembred for vice-president; and that some honest persons, whose peculier faculty and talent is dexteritie and readiness in business (for such indeed wee have none here) may be thought upon to be sent over. I cannot at present thinke of any, who will better answere this intention then mr. Scawen, if he bee held staunch with you.
Fourthly, The ports of Ireland are so many, and the trade so small for want of exportable commodities, and by reason of the mischief of base money, that at least one quarter of all that revenew is eaten up by collectors and their appendants. Nowe if the customes were farmed, the farmers being merchants would, when they were at a certeyntie for duties, improve trade considerably, and would possibly allowe us twice as much as wee can save cleare, our officers being payed.
Fifthly, I thinke the reason is of it self obvious, why the guarrison forces are non-regimented; for noe one guarrison will require a whole regiment; and if otherwise, then such company being sixt to its owne guarrison, what influence cane a field-officer resideing at one place have upon another verry remote frome him ?
Sixthly, Wee say, that according to this new propounded establishment, the army will bee as stronge nowe as before, forasmuch as there will bee an addition of two foote to ballance the disbanding of the dragoons; which, upon any service wee are like to expect here, will bee as usefull as those dragoons, and may easily be made such againe upon any emergency.
Seventhly, The proposed new modell would give opportunitie to weed out so many of those officers, who are either intollerably factious and turbulent, or are manifestly slacke in their duties, or who, by reason of their extraordinary rich lotts, may endure to be without the pay of the army: besides the lessning some of the greater officers, that are of the same turbulent temper, would perhaps quallifie that insolencie, and withall conteyn other men (yet sober) within the due limitts of moderation. Besides, what modest man can murmure at so necessary and faire a reducement, when the worke was done for which he was enterteyned, and his wages most munificently payed him ?
In the midst of this career I remember, that your business is no less at this time thicke upon you then my owne; and therefore you being an unfitt subject for impertinencys, I onely
subscribe my self
your most affectionate and faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.
Dublin, July 15th 1657.
I desire you to give my letter to mr. William Pierpoynt a safe conveyance.
H. Cromwell to secretary Thurloe.
The bearer hereof, alderman Hooke of Dublin, is a person, who, through all the
several revolutions in Ireland, did still continue constant to the parlament's interest,
and yett remaines not onely well affected himself to his highnes's person and governement,
but hath been active in bringing others also to the same persuasion. Hee is a man of
good repute for godlines and sobrietie, and withall faithfull and industrious in the severall publique employments, whereunto hee hath been called; so that I thinke him a fitt person to bee made knowne unto you; and the rather, because by reason of his conversation
with the severall congregations here, hee will bee able to give you as good an accompt as
any man both of persons and thinges relating to such matters. I commend him to your
favour, and your selfe unto the Lord, remayning,
Your most humble and very affectionate servant,
H. Cromwell.
Dublin, 15 July 1657.
I desire your favour to bring the honest aldermane to his highnes, and to assist him what you may in his business.
Mr. Thomas Gumble, chaplain to general Monck, to William Rowe, esq.
In the possession of mr. Theophilus Rowe of Hamstead in Middlesex.
On the 15th instant his highness was proclaimed at Edenburgh. About 8 of the
clock the councill met in the parliament-house with all their attendance, and severall other persons of honour, and about 10 of the clock they went to the cross, which was
hanged with tapistry; seats were provided on it. The two regiments, that quartered in
towne, being drawen up, with their colours flying, they made a guard from the parliament-house all along the high-street. First went the towne-magistrates and commoncouncill in their robes, with their owne guard of halbertiers in their redd coats, guarded
with black velvett, six trumpetters goeing before them, with the towne-arms and other officers of the citty following them in their gownes. Then followed a great many officers of
the army, with the marshall-generall before them; after them six trumpetters with the
state-armes; and then the judges of the exchequer, with their mace and purse carried before them. After them the marquess of Argile, with others of the nobility; then the
sergeant at armes (assisted with his two deputies) carryed the mace before the councill;
after the councill followed some gentlemen, and their owne officers. After the proclamation was read, there was shoutings, with the sound of trumpetts, and the great gunns
from the castle and the abby were dischardged. The marquess of Argile was all the while
upon the cross that the petition was readeing. Sir, your brother is in good health; his
wise does expect daily another little one. I hope he will now thrive, and take care of his
affaires. My service to your lady, and father Scott, which is all at present from,
Your humble servant,
Tho. Gumble.
Edenburgh, 16th July 1657.
Thursday, 16th July 1657. At the councill at Whitehall.
General Disbrowe presents a report from the committee of the councell, to whom it was referred to consider of the distribution of the assessment of sixtie thousand pounds by the moneth on England betwixt the forces of England, Scotland, and Ireland, which was read, they thereby setting forth, that they find, that the forces in Scotland are paid up from the assignments from England untill the 16th March 1656; and that the fifteen thousand pounds charged in that nation for the three moneths, beginning the 25th of March 1657, with fourty-five thousand two hundred and thirteen pounds out of the sixtie thousand pounds by the moneth in England, for three moneths, beginning the 25th of March 1657, will compleate the pay of the forces in Scotland upon the assignments from England till the 25th of May 1657; and that the twenty thousand pounds charged on Ireland for three moneths, beginning as aforesaid, with fourty-seaven thousand three hundred seaventy-three pounds out of the said sixtie thousand pounds by the moneth for England, will compleate the pay of the forces in Ireland upon the assignments from England to the 5th of July 1657; and that for paying up the forces in England, viz. the foote about London to the 22th of June 1657, and the rest of the said forces to the 25th of May 1657, there will be requisite seventy-two thousand three hundred fiftie-five pounds. On consideration whereof, it is this day ordered by his highness the lord protector (being now present in councell) by and with the advice of his privy-councell, that the committee for the army be, and hereby are empowered and required out of the one hundred and eighty thousand pounds, payable by vertue of the act of parlament for an assesment of sixty thousand pounds, by the moneth in England, for three moneths, beginning the 25th of March 1657, to issue and assigne by their warrants for the use of his highness's forces in Scotland, the said sume of fourty-five thousand two hundred and thirteen pounds, the same to be over and above the said fifteen thousand pounds, for the said three moneths, charged on Scotland; as alsoe for the use of the forces in Ireland, the said sume of fourtyseven thousand three hundred and seventy-three pounds, for the use of his highness's forces in Ireland, the same to be over and above the twenty thousand pounds for the said three moneths charged on Ireland; and for the use of his highness's forces in England, the said sume of seventy-two thousand three hundred fifty-five pounds, or soe much thereof as shall be found dew upon their severall and respective musters. And it is further ordered and declared, that the said sume of fifteen thousand pounds for the said three moneths assessment on Scotland be, and hereby is assigned for the use of his highness's forces in Scotland, and the said twentie thousand pounds on Ireland, to the use of the forces there.
Hen. Scobell, Clerk of the councell.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Right honorable,
I Hav receaved your letter bearing date the 18th June, by which I se the parlament
was to adjourn till winter. God be thanked for the good harmony and concorrence
betwixt his highnes and them, which will produce a true setlement and happines to thos
The Duch Ruyter departed hence with 6 sail of men of war the 21st for Tollon, whither he carried the bras gons taken in the two French ships; for althoh he sold the ships in Spayn, yet he kept the gons. 'Tis reported lykwys, that he has order to prosser the French two of the best ships in his squadron, in lieu of the two ships taken; so that now thos two nations are in perfect peace. Ruyter lest here four sail of men of war to convoy a squadron of eight marchand ships out of the Streits; the other part of Ruyter's squadron being six sail, has been seen off Callary, but he has sent a pinnas to cal them to him.
The French army in the state of Millan has beseigd the citty Alexandria, wher they sat down the 17th of this month; and 'tis beleived they wil quickly carry it, becaus the inhabitants ar auntiently affected to the French, and the Spanyards ar not able to mak a field army without disfurnishing his garrisons, which is contrary to their way. If the French thryv as well in Flanders, they wil mak a good year of it.
The good newes your honor gives of a squadron of ships for thes seas is very welcom to our nation in this place; for thoh wi hav not heard of any los sustained by the Majorkin men of war since captain Haire's ship, yet we much fear we shal sudenly hav som bad newes, becaus many of our ships are trading towards Scandaron, Cyprus and Alexandria; and the last newes we heard of the Majorkins they wer in those parts, so 'tis to be douted they will have don mischief ther. If your honor pleas to refer the squadron hither for ad vys, I shal direct them the best I can, as also to annoy the citty of Naples in theyr trade by smale boates, which com this way laden with silk.
I am hartilly sorry the Barbary mare has much sufferd by a long voyage; but I hope
she wil recover, and be in case to breed, upon which is the only property I intended her
for. If she proves to his highnes lyking, it wil fully satisfy, and infinitly rejois,
Right honorable,
Your most faithful servant,
Charles Longland.
Leghorne, 27 July 1657. [N. S.]
Just at sealing is come newes by way of Ragusa and Ancona, that the Venetians, with theyr ships and gallyes in the port of Scio, hav taken and destroyd 47 gallyes, the whole Turks armado: but to this newes is not given ful credit, becaus it is not confirmed from Venis.
Mr. Bradshaw to secretary Thurloe.
Right Honorable,
My last was of the 10th present, since which the post is come againe with English letters; but I find not any from your honor in my packquet. I rejoice
much in the settlement of the government by parlament, hopeing the next session will compleate our happiness therein. Mr. Waynewright now writes, that he had received the
1200 l. but not in tyme to answer my bills upon himself, which occasioned his recharginge
of 400 l. on me to my discredit in Hamburgh; and he saith the former 400 l. was then
This day (and that somewhat late) I received a letter from the great duke's chancellor, by an express from the governor of Kokenhousen, a copie whereof I heere inclose in my humble addresse to his highnes, left to your honor's perusall; requestinge, that you will please afterwards to close downe the seale, and present it. I presume I need not use manie words to prevaile with your honor to hasten a rectified credentiall. The express, that brought the letter from the great chanceler of Russia, with another from the said governour, was well accompanied. He made great difficultie at first to come into the towne unto me, pretendinge it might cost him his life to enter into an infected place: from which it may be gathered what reception I shall find, if I goe to the great duke fourth of an infected countrey, in which the plague spreades very much; soe I shall be forst, as soone as I have answered theise letters (which I intend to morrow) to remove hence to a countrey-house of the duke's, if there (with the blessing of God) I may reside in safetie.
I am sorrie the great duke hath this pretence to hould me up. I must confess my conviction, that the emperor's name should have beene inserted. Your honor will see what advantage his chancelor takes from that more right direction of mr. Prideaux. If my credentiall were not the same for the title with my address soe much excepted against, I would have taken the errour upon myself, and excused it as well as I could, that noe tyme might be lost; but now of necessitie I must have new credentialls before I can proceed. Your honor will see alsoe how strictely the chancelor demands an account of what gentlemen from his highness are in my company, with an exact particular of my suite and servants, as is customary with them, with a copie of my credentialls, which I am glad I sent not from Riga; for then greater exception would certainly have beene taken by the great duke himself.
Beinge that providence thus over-rules, that I must have new credentialls, let me request your honor to take into consideration what I writ from Riga of the 5th of June
touching the word oratour. You will see by the copie of the kinge of Sweden's answer to
me, lately sent you, as well as by this letter from the chancellor of Russia, how I am stiled legatus by them both, though my addresses to them gave noe ground for it on my parte,
not once useinge the word legatus either to the greate duke or the king of Sweden; and
therefore if I should proceed, and appeare under doubtfull character, or less than they expect, great inconvenience might ensue. I find in one of your honor's late letters, that you
explaine the word oratour to importe only one sent to plead the cause of him that sent him;
which though it be undoubtedly soe, yet your honor well knowes, that the like may be
said of any character given, or person sent with power to propound in his master's name.
It's not my large suite (beinge no greater than your envoyes usually had) that derives on
me the title of legatus from those princes, but the nature of the affaire committed to my
trust. It would ill become mee to seeke any other character from his highnes than what
he thinkes fitt to honor me with; yet I presume I shall be excused, and not be judged
ambitious, whilst I thus faithfully declare the seeminge necessitie of addinge the word legatus to that of oratour, especially now, that the chanceler soe understands me to be, and
promiseth letters of securitie with all necessary accommodation for my goeinge, as soone as
I make a suteable address with a rectifyed title. The chanceler excepts alsoe against my
directing of my letter to the great duke; but that's his pride only, for it hath been usuall,
and I did it (findinge my self warranted by my instructions) because that I understood,
that the great duke of himself inclined more to peace with the king of Sweden than either
the patriarch, chanceler, or any of his councellors: and I doe beleeve the chanceler, beinge (as I heare) noe friend to the mediation, is glad of this opportunity to retard it. I
have used all possible meanes both at Riga and heere to have fitted my self with an able interpreter, but cannot possibly doe it. Grave Magnus had but one, and this duke hath but
another; soe as if your honor send me not one from England with his highnes's further
order, and new credentialls, as likewise two or three gentlemen to accompany me, I shall
not knowe what to doe, if I proceed. I have a great losse of the gentleman, that met me
at Riga, and dyed heere, yet I am still in company with 18 persons; but its expected,
that I should appeare with at least 30 before the great duke, envoyes haveinge ordinarily 20 to 30 to suite, when they come there. Requestinge your speediest answer to thees,
with requisite instructions, &c. referring to the inclosed paper of intelligence, I shall remayne
your honor's very humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.
Mitaw, 17th July 1657.
Pray excuse hast.
Though the chancellor hath dealt most uncivilly with me, after their rude and prowde manner, which I knowe not if my master will put up, reflecting so grosly, yet I will answer him with more moderation, and send you a copie of my letter per next.
Here's not any thinge of newes worth your trouble, but what you will have fresher from Hamburgh.
I suppose his highnes will deeply resent the prowde and foolish writing of the chanceler, and signifie it, if he judge it meet, that I proceed. You knowe the omission was not myne; I could give him noe more in point of title than his highnes gave in my credentialls. Had he not mynded to quarrell, he would neer have writ as he hath done; and to goe to a prince, that shall suffer his servant to treat me as if I weere his boy, and in me so daringly to abuse my master upon soe poor a pretence, I could wish to be excused in it, and I hope I shall, for such a beginninge promiseth noe better end.
Mr. Bradshaw to the protector.
May it please your highnessse,
From Riga I signified to your highnes my arrivall there, and that I had dispatched letters to the great duke and the king of Sweden, accordinge to your highnes's command, of which I remitted duplicates to mr. secretary Thurloe, together with the answer
I then received from the governor of the great duke's frontier garrison, promiseinge the
dispatch of my addresse to his master. Presently after which, by reason of the great infection there, I was necessitated to remove to this place, being thereunto verie nobly invited by the duke of Courland, whose great respect to your highnes in your publick minister
I have formerly accompted to mr. secretary, presumeinge it will please your highnes to
take notice thereof.
This day I have received a letter from the great duke's chanceler, a copie whereof I heere humbly remit your highnes, wherein it appeares what great exception is taken, even to strainge reslectinge expressions, because the emperor's name was not exprest, nor his title duly given, as he pretends; for which he hath made bold to use me very uncivilly (as I humbly conceive) and to detayne my said addresse to his master, which yet to a sillable was accourdinge to the title given by your highnes in my credentiall letter. I am sorrie the great duke hath this pretence in this juncture of affaires to prolonge the declaringe of himself as to your highnes's mediation, and that from thence I shall be necessitated to reside in this infected country, wherein the plague doth much increase, untill I receive your highnes's further pleasure. Noe doubt but if the title had been without exception, the great duke would make use of some other pretence to trayne out the tyme, untill he heare how its like to goe with the king of Sweden, by reason of the Austrian and Danish armes on foote against his majestie.
I hope, and humbly pray, that your highnes will so farr resent the insolent letter from the chanceler (who is more wantinge in his respects to your highnes, than I was defective in my addresse to his master) as that if satisfaction be not given by him before I proceed, I may be commanded back; it beinge most apparent, that the great duke (if he knewe of his chanceller's manner of writinge) will not sutably answer your highnes's respect to him. Such a beginninge promiseth noe better issue of the negotiation; but this with humble submission to your highnes pleasure. I make bold to inclose a copie of my answer to the chanceller's letter, which I presume your highnes will approve of, haveinge dealt more moderately with him than he with me, not knowinge but if I must go to his master, he may become my enemie, to the prejudice of your highnes's service.
Blessinge God for his goodnesse in soe establishinge your highnes's government with the
general consent of your people in parlament, and prayinge for the preservation of your
highnes's person, and prosperous successe to all your great affaires, I crave leave most
humbly to subscribe my selfe
Your highnes's
most humble and faithfull servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Mitaw, 17th July 1657.
Extract out of the register of the lords states-general of the United Netherlands.
Veneris, the 27th of July 1657. [N. S.]
Here being debates had, it is thought fit and understood, that the ships of war of the states fleet lying at present within the harbours shall be sent to sea with all speed, with a general order and instruction to defend the trading inhabitants of this state against all oppression and violence; and to that end, to assault, take, and send up all ships, as shall be found to damnisy the inhabitants of this state, or to endeavour to do the same. The lords commissioners of the province of Friezland have not thought good to consent to the said conclusion.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol.li. p. 152.
Jusques encore l'on demeure irresolu, quant à la derniere disposition de la flotte,
car on demeure incertain touchant les affaires de France, estant chose estrange, que la
ratification ne vient pas sur ce que le sieur ambassadeur de France a traité; mais plus
estrange encore, que la mainlevée ne suit pas, ny la relaxation des navires, & l'arrest
Estant tant plus à pleindre, que sur sa parole plusieurs navires de toutes parts & havres sont sortis vers la France, croyants estre tout de bonne soy; & cependant venants en France, on y a mis la main dessus, & on les a arresté comme tout le reste. Sur cela l'ambassadeur de France mesme a requis conference, qui fust hier, là ou l'ambassadeur mesme a fait pleinte & protestation, que la procedure en France luy deplaist; & specialement, que le secretaire Chapelain a jouüé un mauvais tour: mais il n'ose dire, que c'est le due de Vendosme, à qui Chapelain est secretaire. Bres, il aura dit, que ce ne sont que deux ou trois coquins, qui ont fait tout cela; & qu'il sera tomber la honte & la mensonge sur leur teste.
La Hollande soussre ces indignitez mal, & urge sort à ce qu'en tout cas & à tout evenement la flotte aille en mer, en attendant ce à quoy la France se declare.
Il y a grand apparence, que la paix estant ratifiée avec la France, la pluspart de la flotte ira vers le Portugal, à quoy enclinent grandement la pluspart des provinces. Et je ne scay, si pour cela la France (peut-estre) ne retarde la ratification, à fin de detourner ce mal de ce royaume, au moins le dilayer tant qu'on peut.
De Coppenhague viennent lettres, que le roy de Dennemark soit retourné là, ayant laissé quelques navires devant Osel, Riga, & Stockholm. Les ministres de Dennemark asseurent, que les Danois assiégent à present Stade. Si cela se prend, le païs de Breemen sera perdu. Il y a apparence, que le roy de Swede ira au païs de Holstein. Je reste
Ce 27e Juillet [1657. N. S.]
Vostre très-humble serviteur.
A l'ambassadeur de Spaigne on aura declaré, qu'on ne scauroit rien saire des points preliminaires par luy proposes; mais on desire scavoir de luy, s'il a pouvoir ou non.