A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: June (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp362-375 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: June (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp362-375.
"State Papers, 1657: June (4 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp362-375.
In this section
June (4 of 4)
Capt. D. Cookin to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li, p. 185.
Right honorable,
The disposeing hand of God hath so ordered that affayre of transplanting New-England people unto Jamaica, that a further account is scarsly worth his highness's
knowledge; yet duty obliedgeing me, I dare not omitt it. So it is, that since the returne of those, that went to view the island from hence, and the inteligence by the last of
them, of the mortalitie amongst the Nevis planters, such a dampe is put to the most active
ingagers, that all are silent to a remove at present. I am apt to thinke, that divers of them
will find cause to repent of this their chainge, and breach of promise, seeing there is no just
cause of discouradgement as I can perceive. As for that of Nevis men, that place (as I
heare) was ominous to the Spanyard for unhealthfulness; and all men, even those that
went, report the delicasy and fertility of the island, which, by God's blessing, would have
been a meanes to put a chainge unto some of their low conditions; besides the opportunity might have bene put into their hands to enlardge the profession of the ghospell, where
Sathane and Antichrist hath so long had his throne: but the mind and hart of man is so
blind and unstable, that he is most ready to miss his own mercy, and neglegt his duty.
I doe further account my selfe obleidged, to acquaint your honor with intelligence latly had by the captaine of a French man of warre, named monsr. Bleau, who arived at the Dutch plantation adjacent to us with a rich Spanish prize. This captaine profeseth great respects to the noble English nation, and gives reason for it from the severall curtisies he received in the West-Indies, both from admiral Goodson and others. In a shipp he tooke, that was bound from Cuba to Spaine, he intercepted letters, that speake the purposes of the Spanyards upon Cuba, to attempt the retaking of Jamaica; which they are animated unto by intelligence gather'd from an Englishman in their power, whom hee called an engineeare, who belonged to Jamaica. This advise the Frenchman gives to the governor of this place, in a letter sent on purpose, which I had the sight of, and intends to bee here shortly himselfe, and then to give more particular information from the letters themselves, which wil be coppied out, and sent for England to his highness. I have advised colonell Brayne of this by a lettre wrote yesterday, that passeth in a fly-boat of the states, now ready to saile hence, laden with masts and deales, under the command of on Fiermase.
And now, right honorable, since my service for his highness in this place seemes fully ended at present, I hope it may be no offense, if I returne for England by the next shipps, respecting some perticular ocasions of my owne left undone at my coming away; and also to tender my selfe ready (if called thereunto) with my poor mite to serve his renowned highness in the Lord, unto whome my hart stands firmely bent and devoted, as to him, whome the God of heaven hath eminently designed to doe great things for the honor of his great name, inlardgment of the kingdome of his Christ, and good of his poore church; which the good Lord strengthen him and his helpers unto every day more and more; and when their work is finished, receive him and them into the third heaven, to triumph in glory through eternitie. So he humbly and earnestly desires to pray, who is
His highnesse's
and your honor's servant,
Daniel Gookin.
Cambridge in New-England,
June 20th 1657.
To the Venetian agent.
Antwerp, 30th of June 1657. [N. S.]
Vol.li. p.180.
The French do still continue the siege of Montmedy. It being so far off, it will hardly be relieved by the Spanish army, whose motions are attended by monsr. de Turenne, whilst that la Ferté is endeavouring to make himself master of the said place.
The agreement between France and Holland is confirmed; yet it is doubted by many, whether it will hold long, by reason that France hath yielded to some things, which the dignity of the French king could not allow of heretofore.
A letter of intelligence from col. Bamfylde.
Vol. li. p. 45.
The duke of York commands his brother's forces, which they say are aboute 6000 men, in six regiments; his owne commanded by collonell Muskery; the duke of Gloster's commanded by the lord Tasse; the marquiss of Ormond's, the earle of Bristoll's, lord Willmot's, and lieutenant-generall Middleton's, whoe is absent, and his regiment commanded by the lord Newburgh. The duke of Yorke has a company of 50 horse raysed by the Spaniard, in very good equipage, for his guarde: they allowe him 200 l. per mensem during the campaigne for his table. His brother, upon their finall reconciliation, has made him captayne-generall under himselfe of all his pretended dominions; for England, the earle of Bristoll, for Scotland, lieutenant-generall Middleton, for Ireland, the marquiss of Ormonde, are his lieutenant-generalls. It is believed, that generall Marsine, (whoe still keepes his other charges in the Spanish army) will retyre to them; and that Bristoll, Middleton, and Willmote will command in the quality of lieutenantgeneralls by turnes, as the manner is in the French armye. Sir John Barckley, upon a submissive letter written to the king, acknowledging himselfe to have been in an errour, and promising to serve him hereafter according to his sense, tho' contrary to his owne reason, and haveing likewise recanted a narration, that he had written of the transactions betwixt the late king and the army, wherein were some undecent reflections, is restored to his attendance on the duke of Yorke, and has undertaken to finde convenient instruments to disperse amongst the English troopes in the French service some private propositions from his matters, to bring them over to theyr service. He has likewise undertaken to drawe up a declaration to the army in England, endeavouring to make it appear to them, that the restauration of the king is more the interest of the three nations and of the army, then the continuance of the present government; which he alsoe undertakes to get printed and dispersed. There are already soe much discovered of the letter intercepted from secretary Nicolas to Bennet, as signifies, that the king and duke of Yorke were perfectly reconciled, partly by the mediation of the Spanish councell at Bruxells, but principally by letters out of England, from Gondimore and his frends, (whoe that is, I cannot imagine) written to both, and sent expressly by Barone; which likewise intimate, that all theyr frends of all interests desire passionately a good agreement betwixt the two brothers, and that the duke of Yorke might command his brother's forces, his reputation being very high amongest his subjects. The letter alsoe intimates, that the duke has engaged himselfe to his brother, not to communicate with either his mother or the lord Jermine touching any publique business. It likewise sayes, that the king has founde a very good expedient to treat with the Presbiterian party, haveing assured Titus privately, that he shall be agayne of his bed-chamber, whoe has met severall tymes with sir Edward Hide, and undertaken that correspondence; and for the better management thereof, he comes not publiquely to the court. It sayes much of the protector, parliament, and armye, and very often mentions the afore-named Gondimore; but the sense of all that is yet undiscovered. The date of the letter is the 28/18th of May. I am tolde for certayne, the duke of Buckingham is in England; which I doe very much believe; and that (if he be there) 'tis about some desperate designe, either for some rising in the citty, or some attempt upon the protector's person. The reasons, which induce me to believe hee is there, are first, that hee has been five months absent from hence, and could not have layne for a quarter of that tyme for the disease is pretended; besides none of his servants are seen. Next I am told positively he is there, and that his designe, whatever it is, is knowne by one M. Denham, whoe is here. I am tolde, that one Shelden, a servant of his, parted hence poste on sunday laste, with two or three French and Dutch men; that they designed to land at Rye. He swore once to mee, that since he could not obleidge my lord protector, he would venture hard to destroy him. I tolde him, it would be a great adventure indeed; that all had miscarried, whoe had hitherto attempted it. He replyed, 'twas because they had undertaken it foolishly. Shelden is to be sought for and examined, sir Frederick Cornwallis and his ladye to be examined, and the countess of Newport; one major Arscot, and collonell Rogers, who has heretofore layne about the plowe stables in Lincoln's-innfields, and sometymes about Doctors Commons. It should be inquired, whether there is not one Palden at Callaice; or whether he and three or four English gentlemen more, that used to reside there, and pass to and froe into England, are not gone lately thither. I may be mistaken in this accounte concerning the duke; but upon information, diligent search, and very good reason, I believe I am not.
Col. Bamfield to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li. p. 47.
Haveing been desired by young mr. Scot to see his wife upon some concernments of his, when I went laste to Englande, amongest other discource, she tolde me, howe much I was rayled at by all the royal party. I answered, I would deserve it as much as I coulde. She replyed, that I was not then in a capacity to serve any of my frends, that might bee in distress upon the king's recovery. I tolde her there was so little appearance thereof, that none needed be very solicitous in the case. She said, she had heard his courage and other vertues much magnified; to which I said as I thought convenient, and asked her, where or by whome? She told mee, she would tell me the place (which was Whitehall) but not the persons. I replyed, that some body had done it to abuse her; to which she answered, noe, I will assure you, he has some frends in my lord protector's family, that wish him very well. I woulde have discoursed this to his highness at my being in England, amongest other things, which I helde of more dangerous consequence, which the knowledg of this would have given him light into; but that when I had the honour to wayte on him, he had not tyme to hear mee, and I could not obtayne a second admittance; and the reasons I desired to have communicated this (and the rest I desired to have sayd) to his highness only, was from the consideration, that he had the moste convenient way of discovering it himselfe; which he may yet doe, if he pleases, by sending for mrs. Scot, (whoe, I thinke, has yet some applications, or lately had, to his highness, concerning her estate) and enquiring of her, whoe of his family she is acquainted with, and what discource she has at any tyme had with any of them touching the king; and to conjure her, to deale cleerly in it, since he sufficiently knowes much that is paste, and has other means to discover more; but that he has soe good an oppinion of her, that he believes he may have it more freely from her then from any else: by which means I am confident she has so much gratitude for the benefits his highness has conferred upon her, and so great affections for his service, as that this may be knowne without my being suspected as the author: which is all the recompence that I moste humbly and earnestly beg for those constant affections, with which I shall ever pursue his highness's service and preservation. When this is discovered with that secrecie, that his highness in his prudence will thinke convenient, I shall finde means to bring other things to light, that are dependent thereupon.
Lord Brodie to general Monck.
Vol. li. p. 61.
My noble lord,
I Doe with all thankfulness acknowledge his highnes favour, that he vouchesafes to have
anie remembrance of a person so obscure, unknown, and useless. As to the particular
which your lordship mentions, I am (besid other impediments) so visited by the hand of
God, and sinc my returne from Dalkeith, wher I had the honour to kiss your lordship's
hands, in the month of March laste, I have been exercised with sicknes, soe that few expected my recoverie, whiche continueing and tying me to this bedde of infirmitie, I am
disabled from discharging not onlie anie publick imployment, bot the least privat or domestick business. This alone will (when presented to his highnes) be too too reall ane exoneration att his hands. I would enlarge the profession of myne humble thankfulnes, both
to his highnes, and your lordship; bot infirmitie prevents, and disables me, being necessitated to make use of another's diction and penn to this short returne. So presenting your
lordship with the desire of all the happines, which the wishes of ane poor sick man can
convey unto you, I doe remaine
Your lordship's most humble servant,
Brodie from my bedde of sicknes
the 20 Jun 1657.
Consul Van den Hove to the states-general.
Vol. li. p. 191.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, with the last letters from Cadiz, all the English ships were gone from off
the coast; general Blake being gone to sea some days before, with some of the ships.
The ship the Flying Fame, skipper Matthews Hooch of Amsterdam, coming from the
Canaries to Cadiz with passengers, was pursued by four English frigats, and near to
Suelva forced on shore, but at flood was gotten off by them, and carried away; only 12
Spaniards of 460, which were in her, escaping by leaping over-board, and so swimming
on shore.
They write from Cadiz, that they have advice there, that the English have received order, to seize upon all ships, which have fruits and effects of the same; which if true, not one ship of the United Netherlands will go unmolested. I trust your H. and M. L. in your great wisdoms will provide against it, before it shall break out further, that so they may not wage war against our country, as formerly, with its own means. They are now resolved here to set forth a fleet, for which moneys are raising; and order is given to the duke of Medina Celi about it. The army is still upon the frontiers of Portugal, taking several places and forts.
Seville, 2 July 1657. [N. S.]
Vanden Hove.
The post-master of Calais to the office.
Calais, 3 July 1657. [N.S.]
Vol. li. p.196.
This is only to let you know the hazard we have run yesterday of being taken by the ennemy, who came up to our bulwarks; but through the vigilance of the citizens they were repulsed, and we killed 100 or 120 men of them. They plundered and burnt several villages, and are gone to Havre, which they have besieged. I believe, that will cause the loss of the whole country, in regard our army is advancing that way; which doth much afflict us.
Mr. John Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li. p. 197.
Right honorable,
I Have formerly given you notice of five Spanish ships being armed in coarse, have
taken and burnt two English ships, who was bound for Turky, very richly laden.
They have since taken a ship of this place, coming from Scandaroone, worth fifty thousand pounds; and are sailed directly for said place, to surprize three English ships, that
are there lading rich goods. These Spanish ships, with the seven Tripoly ships of war,
that are also abroad, will hardly suffer any English ship to pass for any part of Turky.
Last night arrived a barke of this place from Legorne, the patron of which reports, that he
met Ruyter with 8 ships going to Porto-Spetie, to seek the French ships, that carried 3000
soldiers to the duke of Modena. If they meet, Ruyter will not have them on such easy
terms as he had the other two; for amongst them is five stout ships of warr, the rest ships
of 20 to 24 guns. The destroying of the Spanish ship at the Canaries is admirable to all
men, and hath produced much honnor to his highnes. The Lord still continue success on
his entreprizes. So for present I most humbly take leave, and remayne,
Marseille, 3d July 1657. [N.S.]
Right honorable,
Your honnor's most faithfull servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
The sickness is so hott in general, that at this instant is arrived a gally from thence, demanding relief of doctors, surgeons, and all sorts of provisions.
Consul Van den Hove to the states.
Vol. li.p.200.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, I have here in Seville received letters from their noble mighty lordships,
dated at Amsterdam, together with extracts of resolutions of your H. and M. L. of
the 18th of May, concerning the ship the Regina, taken from the French in the Mediterranean-sea, and afterwards sold, your lordships desiring, that the same may be rebought
and recovered. I shall endeavour to do all what I can therein, and give your H. and M.
L. a full account thereof And in regard it is apparent, that by the vice-admiral de Ruyter, and the respective captains of his fleet, more French ships will be brought in, I desire,
that your H. and M. L. will send me instructions how I shall behave myself in case
any ships be brought in, as well of French as of other pirates, how the same shall be
disposed of.
Seville, 3d July 1657. [N. S.]
Van den Hove.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li. p. 202.
Honorable sir,
I Receaved your's of the 16th and 18th instant, and I perceive, that the parliament have
declared all such of the Scottish nation, who invaded this commonwealth under duke
Hamilton, sided with, contributed to, or abetted that invasion, to bee incapable to bee
elected or serve in parliament, or of receiving any trust, unlesse they have since bin in
armes for the parliament or his highnesse, or have given signall testimonies of their good
affection. Truly the greatest parte of this nation are not pleased with this act; butt if
such could bee allowed, who have acted by authority or allowance of his highnesse or his
councill in Scottland, and have exercised their places honestlie, chearfully, and actively as
sherriffs, justices of peace, commissioners and magistrates of burroughs, or other incorporations, or shall hereafter promise to act honestlie, chearfullie and activelie, shall bee
thought fitt by his highnesse and councill, that such may bee accepted: if this could bee
done, itt would satisfie all parties; butt truly otherwise I doubt itt will butt keep uppe a
great many people's hearte towards Charles Stuart's interest still. As concerning the
clerke register's place, which you say is like to bee disposed of, trulie his highnesse is soe
good natured to give away such places, when as this (and some others, that have been dispost of alreadie) with the rest that are remayning, and the interest of some monie, which
has bin formerlie ordered for mayntaining of the judges of the country, before they were
given away, did within a small matter maintaine the judges and their officers; and soe itt
will bringe a further charge uppon his highnesse very speedilie, if he bee not carefull to look
into itt; and I am confident this place will take away 2000 l. a yeare at least from that
revenue. Butt I thinke not fitt to trouble his highnesse with itt particularly; butt if you
please, when you finde an oppertunity, you may acquaint his highnesse with itt; for I am
confident, the Scotchmen will not leave begging of places heere, or monies from his highnesse, 'till they have begged all that hee has in this country, if hee bee nott carefull to
take uppe in time. In your letter, before these two, you were pleased to lett mee understand, that there was 66,000 l. per annum expected out of the excise and customs here;
butt since I have made an inquiry into it, and I finde wee having two parts in three of
the excise for the payement of six monthes arreares, which was due to the army att my
coming into this country, which is about ninety thousand and odde pounds; and I hope
they will bee carefull not to take off that, 'till wee are paid: and the other third parte
with the customes will not pay the civill officers of this country, the councill and their officers, the judges and their officers, and the commissioners of excise and customes, and
their officers; for they have made bold att present with some monies of our two third parte
of the excise, which they have promist to repay with the first: and truly 'till our arreares
are paid, I cannot see how they can rely upon any thing from the customes and excise,
butt must spare monie to pay those officers. I thought fitt to give you this hinte, that you
may not mistake in your reckoning. Thus much I am sure you will finde, whenever his
highnesse pleases to desire an account from the councill heere. I am sorry to heare, that
the difference betweene the French and the Dutch is coumpounded. I return you many
thankes for the care and trouble you have taken in sending of mee the inclosed order for
the monies for the cittadel att Leith, tho' the monies come in soe slowlie in this country,
and the creditors of the forfeited persons cannott agree about itt, soe that I doe not see
how they will bee able to accomplish itt. I returne you many thankes for the remembrance of col. Daniel's businesse; truly hee is a man, that is very active and very honest, and will execute the place of major-generall Morgan in his absence very well, and
I hope will give his highnesse a great deale of satisfaction in that businesse. There is a
very honest gentleman, mr. Andrew Bruce, that is commissary of Fyff; hee and his father
are very faithfull to the present government; hee is his father's eldest son, and an ingenious honest man. I heare there are some, that are endeavouring to gett a commission for
that place; I desire you to acquaint his highnesse with itt; for if his highnesse should give
away that place, hee would disoblige as pretty a younge man, and as faithfull to our interest as any in Scotland; and therefore I shall desire you, to putt his highnesse in mind
not to doe itt, if any such things should be desired of his highnesse. I have gotten some
newes heere, which I thought fitt to acquaint you withall; and I think there is some truth
in the intelligence. I sent you with the last intelligence a letter from a priest. The priest
is now come over, and having some knowledge of him in Ireland uppon the concluding
of a cessation with Owen Roe-Oneale, I have sent one to him, and my freind hath made
way with him, so that hee will give intelligence. The fellow is very cunning; he was
sent into Ireland, and soe into Scotland, to try the affections of the people; butt I desire
you will keepe his name private. Hee tells me for certain, that the Spaniard and the Dutch
are agreed; and that in case his highnesse and the parliament had not agreed, that they
would have shewne themselves by this time; and that the Dutch had promised them by
this agreement to transport any forces the king of Spain would send for Scotland; and that
Charles Stuart hath granted the Dutch some thinges, that they thinke considerable for the
carrying on of their fishing trade uppon this agreement; and the king of Spain hath promised them Dunkirk and Graveling; which I thought fitt to acquaint you with, for that
I believe, by other intelligence I have had, itt may be true. Having nothing else to trouble you withall at present, I take leave, and remayne
Edenburgh, 23 June 1657.
Your very humble servant,
George Monck.
General Monck to the protector.
Vol.li. p.204.
May itt please your highnesse,
Having received this enclosed letter from my lord Brodie, in answer to your highnesse's offer to him to bee a judge; and perceiving hee is not free to itt, I make bold
to mention to your highnesse one mr. James Dalrymple, as a person fit to be a judge, being a very honest man, a good lawier, and one of a considerable estate: there is scarce
any Scotchman or Englishman, who hath bin much in Scotland, butt know him; of whom
your highnesse may inquire further concerning him. I wrote a letter to your highnesse
lately about capt. Thompson, and shall humbly desire to receive your highnesse's commands
concerning him. I remayne
Edenburgh, 23 June 1657.
Your highnesse's most humble servant,
George Monck.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.
My lord,
I Have soe little to trouble your lordship with by this post, that I thought to have spared
your lordship the trouble of a letter. Wee thought, that the parlament should have
beene adjourned upon saterday last; but the great buissinesses, especially that of money,
could not be dispatched; soe that its like they will sitt all this weeke. They are now
upon frameinge an oath for the protector to take, and others for the parlament and councell; as alsoe consideringe of the callinge of another house to this, to appeare at the tyme,
to which the parlament is to be adjourned. Some difficulties doe arise upon these debates, which I hope will be overcome. And this is all the account I can give your lordship of affaires by this, and remeyne
Your lordship's most humble,
and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 23 June 1657.
H. Cromwell to secretary Thurloe.
The experience I have had of one mr. Baynes, a minister here, and the affection,
which his sober and godly conversation hath wrought in mee for him, makes me
the rather to call to mind the merritts of his father lieutenant-colonel Baynes, who (as I
have often heard) always served the parliament not only faithfully, but with good successe
also. Indeed it would very well become us, to have a gratefull memory and respect to
such services, (although long since past) especially where the same integrity and affection
still remaynes, as I understand there doth in him, towards his highnes and the publique.
The consideration whereof, and of that I heare commissioners are now to be employed
about the new buildings, putts mee upon this trouble of desiring you to have a special
regard unto him upon his occasion, or upon any other employment, wherein you shall
thinke him usefull. So not doubting of your readines to promote the publique good in
this way, I remaine
Dublin, 24 June 1657.
Your moste affectionate and faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.
I desire you will take some convenient oppertunity to mind his highnes of him, he being desirous, as I heare, to testifie his affection to his highnes by serveing him.
H. C.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.
Right honorable,
My last was hence of the 19th instant, in answer to your's of the 29th May then rereceived, inclosing copie of my former week's letter from Riga; since which it
pleased God to take out of this lyfe the gentleman of my company, that was then sick,
whoe being prittie well recovered, as wee all thought, suddainly relapsed, and dyed within
three daies after, to the affrighting of the whole towne, as well as ourselves. But the
doctors have declared, that it was not the plague he died of, onely a violent fever, which
is usuall in theise parts during theise hot moneths of the yeare, especially with strangers,
whoe are more subject thereunto by reason of their chang of ayre and diet. Since mr.
Rennald's death, whoe met me at Riga from Dantzick, to travel with me to Musco, I
have beene very severish myselfe; but hope it will shortly over, and that God will give
me strength to performe the service he hath called me fourth unto; though I must confesse, to find myselfe soe beset with dangers and discouragements of all kinds, formerly represented to your honor, doth not a little afflict me. My letters from England for this
weeke are not yet come to my hands; and I doubt they are miscarried, for the post is
come. If the great duke send for me, as I now expect daily hee will, and that I heare not
first of the payment of my bills from Hamb. and of letters of credit for my future supply, I cannot possibly proceede on my longsome journey, though God should enable me
with health for it; and if I were at Musco, how to subsist there, I know not, except yow
will please to hast letters of credit from some knowne merchant of London to mr. John
Hebden, merchant there, by all conveyances, as I formerly desired, wherein I hope your
honor will not forget me. I have noe more to ad, but a duplicate of my last weeke's letters, and a paper of such intelligence as this place affourds. I remayne
Mittaw, 26 June 1657.
Your honor's very humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Right honorable,
I Hav received your letter of the 28 May with the enclosed to mr. Litcot, which I imediately deliver'd, and communicated to him and al the nation the great succes and
victory it has pleased God to give generall Blak's fleet at Santa Cruz. I cannot yet obtain leave to print the relation, but my next I hope to advis your honor it is effected.
This prince, and consequently his governors ar very chary to permit any thing to be publisht to the prejudice of the Spanyard, for they ar here perfect Austrians, altogether for that
hous. Seeing his highnes would not accept of the tytle of king, I rejois, that he is endowed
with al the royal appurtenances by advys and consent of parliament.
Regem nasci nihil majus est; Sed regno dignum se præstare maximum.
God prosper long his government to the happines and prosperity of thos nations.
Ruyter is stil besieging the 8 French ships under the Genowes castel. He has sent to
that state to demand the French ships, which wil not be obtain'd. Four other Dutch
shipps of warr arryved this week from Holland under the name of a convoy, but brouht
only one marchant ship with them. As soon as they had watered, they imediately went
to joyn with Ruyter, who is now ten sail, and five more he has at Callary vittelling; and
'tis reported 9 sail more ar coming out of Holland under the name of convoyes, to giv the
les suspicion. When they ar come up to 20 sail, 'tis reported they ar to take up 20 good
marchant ships of theyr own, and at Naples or Mesina the Spanyard to put 100 soldiers
into each ship, which will mak them very good men of warr. I do but wryt you what
is reported by themselves; the truth whereof your honor can best discern. The French
have no more appearance by sea then the Spanyard; yet 'tis reported, 8 sail of good ships
ar coming from West France into the Streits. I humbly rest,
Leghorn, 6 July 1657. [N. S.]
Right honourable,
your most faithfull servant,
Charles Longland.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. li. p. 216.
L'on est icy fort peu satisfait de la France, de ce que la ratification ne vient point sur
le traité fait avec l'ambassadeur de France. Mais il dit, que l'on est trop impatient,
que l'on n'a pas mis du temps au traité, ny qu'aussy l'ambassadeur n'a pas eu du pouvoir.
Item tout est remis au bon plaisir du roy. Laquelle clausule ceux de cet estat one desiré
avoir, quoyque l'ambassadeur leur a offert de vouloir engager & obliger sa personne; ce
qu'ils n'ont pas desiré, mais ils ont desiré le bon plaisir du roy.
Outre cela, ils craignent des elucidations, principalement la durée du traité de marine, qu'icy on prend comme un edict perpetuel. Mais la France ne le prendra plus que pour autant qu'il plaira au roy.
Il y a en Zeelande a Middelborgh des marchands (comme ailleurs) qui ne peuvent pas digerer, que les Anglois tiennent bouchées & bloquées les Havres de Flandre, Duynkercke, Oostende, Graveling, &c. Il y en a qui ont remonstré cela, suppliants qu'on leur veüille donner du convoy, pour estre conduit en seureté dans ces Havres; ou bien que par l'ambassadeur Nieuport l'on voulusse impetrer permission pour ces marchands, à transporter leurs biens & denrées. Cela sera mis ès mains des deputez sur les affaires maritimes.
L'on parle d'un nouveau traité d'alliance faite entre le Dennemark & cet estat, contenant un ampliation de secours ou assistence mutuelle, plus grande que celle qu'ils se sont promis cy-devant; mais ils doivent craindre, que l'Angleterre & France aussy-tost ne fassent des semblables assistences avec la Swede, car la raison est paralelle. Je suis
Ce 6e Juliet [1657. N.S.]
Vostre très-humble serviteur.
P. S.
Vol. li. p. 213.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Les deputez des admirautez sont icy expressement attendants aprés la ratification de
France, pour aviser en après sur l'ulterieur employ de la flotte, dont une partie aura
l'œil contre Portugal pour l'interest de la compagnie de West-Inde; l'autre partie aura
l'œil sur la mer Baltique: & si estats de Hollande estoient escoutés, une bonne partie se joindroit avec
Dennemark, pour contraindre le Sweden à faire ce que Dennemark estats ce Hollande voudront, comme l'an
1645 ils firent avec Sweden directement contre Dennemark. Je suis,
Vostre très-humble serviteur.
De Thou, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Vol.li. p. 219.
My lord,
I Have very little to write to you by this post; having yet received no news from court
upon our accommodation, my lord of Brienne writing me word from Lafere of the
28th of the last month, that the post of Holland was not then arrived; so that I cannot advise you till next post, how the business was received at court, and what orders are given for
the execution of the said agreement. You will have heard of the design of the enemy
upon Calais; he writ me word the admiral of England sent to offer him all manner of
assistance and civilities I fear the enemy will be more successful at Ardres. The embassadors of this state in Denmark are blamed for publishing the intercepted letters of the
resident Appleboom. The manifesto of Denmark is already printed here in Low-Dutch.
I am
Your most humble servant,
De Thou.
Hague, 6 July 1657. [N. S.]
Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France, to Ruysch.
Vol. li. p. 221.
My lord,
Formerly I sent over the sentences and arrests given in favour of their H. and M. L.
subjects, wherewith they had their privileges of exception of strangers tax confirmed,
so as the old treaties of alliance do import. They do still continue daily in all places here
heavily to persecute the Netherlands, thereby to force them to pay this late strangers tax;
wherefore many are forced, to their great prejudice, to keep their houses, to avoid several
abuses. So that it is highly necessary (under correction) that there be negotiated with the
lord embassador de Thou about this, that so such vexations in regard of their H. and M.
L. subjects might come to cease, after which they earnestly long.
There was also of late years a new impost laid and raised in Normandy by force of their H. and M. L. subjects upon the herring and salt fish, wherewith they are greatly troubled more than the natives of France; so that this imposition continuing, the Netherland fishery will suffer very much prejudice by it, for the loss is so high, that every last doth pay many pistols, and the herrings are thereby sold to great loss, in regard the French are exempted of the same, and by that means sell the herrings far cheaper. And in regard the herring-fishery is a commerce of very great importance to the state of their H. and M. L. I thought it my duty to advise so much hereof, that so this and other abuses may be removed, and the commerce be driven again without any molestation.
Paris, 6 July 1657. [N. S.]
W. Boreel.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
6 July 1657. [N.S]
Vol. li. p. 214.
In answer to yours of the 19/28 of June, I shall tell you, that the last resolution concerning the fleet, is this, that vice-admiral de Ruyter, who is in the Mediterraneansea, shall continue to act there. The vice-admiral John Evertsen crosses the channel with
6 ships. They have resolved, that 14 of those ships, which are most ready, shall have
their rendezvous in or about Gorée, under the flag of lieutenant admiral Opdam, the
number of which is 36; the other 12 should have order to go to sea under vice-admiral
de Witt, that so they might always ply to and again about the coasts and open passages
of this state: and thus would be disposed the whole number of 48. But it is to be noted,
that Friesland has not consented in this thing, otherwise, than that the said ships shall
go neither against Portugal nor Sweden. Item, it is to be noted, that really there are but
16 ships at sea, under Ruyter, and 6 under John Evertsen his brother; of the rest, some are
ready, others preparing and making fit for service, though but very slowly, neither as yet
is there a full consent touching the subsidium. It is most certain, that Amsterdam and the
states of Holland have given money to Denmark, without which it had been a pure impossibility for them to have had so many ships, they having had from Amsterdam and
other places between 12 and 15 men of war, besides a very considerable number of seamen.
Methinks the lord protector (altho' he were minded to do no more) ought to have a very
special eye upon Gottenburgh and the Elve, that so they fall not into the hands of Den
mark. The lord protector may do this very easily, by causing 2 or 3 men of war to go
to and fro ever and anon under pretext of being convoys; nay if they did but only shew
themselves, it would be sufficient, for this would immediately cause Denmark to be afraid. And the truth is, if it were barely upon the account of commerce, the lord protector
has exceeding great reason to send thither some men of war, it being most certain,
that Denmark and the states of Holland do conspire together to ruin and destroy Hamburgh. And I have it from a good hand, that the states of Holland (were but the
allianee made between them and France) would block up the Elve, so jealous are they
least the Elve should have too much trading. Now if the lord protector does but preserve
the Elve and Hamburgh, he will by that means likewise preserve the commerce. And
in preserving of Gottenburgh he will preserve a great part of the commerce of the Eastsea; for Gottenburgh furnishes many materials for shipping; and the lord protector has
experience of the malice of Denmark, how they have formerly excluded him from the
East-sea, at the instance of the states of Holland. And there is nothing, more than that
the states of Holland and Denmark have a real design to get the East-sea into their own
hands, and to exclude the lord protector when they please.
I should not say thus much, but that I see the affairs of Sweden in so desperate a condition; and on the contrary, Denmark would find some body to deal with. But forasmuch as Spain, Denmark, the Empire and Poland (not to mention the states of Holland) have conspired altogether against Sweden, and moreover they use all endeavours to draw off the elector of Brandenburg, it will be necessary, that the lord protector and the king of France should lend Sweden their helping hand; as also and above all the lord protector should send one to Denmark, otherwise Sweden may possibly precipitate into such counsels as may be prejudicial, and may join with the Empire.
By letters from Denmark to the states-general it is apparent enough, how that king has been animated by the states-general against Sweden; and yet in the mean time they strive to make the world believe, that their endeavours are meerly for a peace and accommodation; yea, and they make a new treaty of alliance with Sweden, as if faith, shame, religion, and conscience were meer notions, or there were no such things in the world.
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to Ruysch.
My lord,
Their H. and M. L. letter and resolution of the 26th of June last was safely delivered to me yesterday, eight days before the lord secretary of state had signisied to
me, that he would speak further with the lord protector, and that he hoped I should have
audience the next day; but they have been so busy with the solemnities here, that they
could find no time for him: and having sent to day to the lord secretary to know, whether
I could speak with him before I sent away my letters, he sent me word, that it was impossible; but that he thought he should see me at the solemnity, and if he could, he would
speak with me this night. Presently after sir Oliver Flemming came to me and told me,
that the commissioners of the parliament having understood, that I had a mind, to gether
with the lord embassador of France, to see the said solemnity, had taken such order, that
we should both of us have fit places for it. I replied, that I had not declared to any body,
that I had such inclination, much less, that I would have requested the same; but if so be I
were invited to it in the behalf of the government, that I would not omit to assist at the
solemn action. Thereupon he answered, that he had received the same answer from the
lord embassador of France, and that he had agreed with him to make report; and that in
regard of the shortness of the time, he could hardly be able to return to me again; and
therefore he desired me to send any of my servants to him, which I did, and he told him,
that the parliament did earnestly desire, that I would be assisting at the said action, with this
declaration, that it would be very acceptable unto them. Which being also signified unto
the lord embassador of France, he sent me word of it very civilly, and that he would be
at it. Whereupon we both went, and the whole time being spent with the ceremony,
I could not get to speak with the lord secretary of state.
Westminster, 6 July 1657. [N.S.]
W. Nieuport.
General Monck to the protector.
Vol.li. p. 209.
May it please your Highness,
I am appointed by your highness councill heere humbly to acquaint your highness,
that some few weekes since, the lord Southall, who was one of your highnesses commissioners for administration of justice to the people in Scotland, having departed this life,
and it haveing pleased God now to take away from us the lord Belchomy, another of the
said commissioners, who died this forenoone in the house of the session of the said commissioners, wherby the number of the said commissioners is become soe few, that here are
but fowre of them now uppon the place, which is the least number that can by their commission act in the inner-house; and the constitution of that judicature being such, that in
an outer-house, which is still in use for judgeing of matters, not of soe great moment or
intricacy, as that either party concern'd would insist uppon having the judgment of the
judges in the inner-house in them, one of the judges would determine and adjudge in many civill causes, which did spare much paines to the whole judicature in decideing of causes
of lesser importance, and without which, proceedings would bee too slow. But the death
of the lord Belchomy hindring now the keepeing of the inner and outer-howse (which is
that whole judicature) together, the quorum now left heere being barely competent for the
inner howse; and it being the time of the sessions, which continues but for the months of
June and July, the next sessions not beginning till the first of November, and great numbers of people being attending the dispatch of their causes there depending, your highness
councill heere found themselves in a strait, because they apprehended, that as it is necessary
for the carrying on of justice to the people, another judge should bee appointed, who is
very able in the laws and practice of proceedings heere, to keepe the outer-howse, wherein
the lord Belchomy did frequently fitt, having been one of the ablest for it; soe they would
be very unwilling to place any one in such a trust without your highnes express order and
appointment, if the administration of justice, which they are by their instructions from
your highness appointed to see duly administred, could be otherwise effectually proceeded
in without intermission.
Yet beleeveing it to bee your highnesse's intention, that they should supply such a present exigency in a time soe pressing, they bethought, and have pitcht uppon a person of
eminent abilities, namely mr. James Dalrymple, an advocat; of whose qualifications and
good affections they have ample satisfaction, to be one of the said commissioners for administration of justice, at the same salary which the lord Belchomy had, being three hundred pounds per annum, according to the establishment for the Scotche judges; of which
choise they humbly crave leave to desire your highnesse's approbation. And uppon this
occasion they humbly crave leave to offer to your highness, that seeing some others of the
judges here were not commissionated by your highness in the generall commission for that
judicature, and (as the councell are informed) judge Swinton hath a late particular commission from your highness under the great-seale for him to be one of them, your highness
may be pleased to ordaine the like commission, as hee hath in that capacity, for the rest,
formerly, and now, constituted commissioners or judges there respectively. All which by
appointment of your highness councel heere, is humbly represented to your highness by
Your highnesse's most humble,
and most faithfull servant,
George Monck.
Edingburgh, 26 Junii 1657.
A letter of intelligence from col. Bamfylde.
Vol.li. p. 229.
Aboute a month since I received a letter from mr. Cockin, wherein he advertised
mee, that you had been pleased to promise him an answer to the letters he delivered you from mee, positively within a weeke after the date of his: but not hearing any
more from him, I concluded you had changed your resolution, and that I was not to expect any further favour from you; whereupon (as I believed all all the rest of the world
before had done) I abandoned myselfe to ruine, determining to have throwne myselfe into
the army, as a common souldier, with noe other wishes but those of death: but it pleased
God, that a very few days before I intended to have put this melancholy resolution in
practice, I received a letter from sir John Hobert, which informed mee, that your
thoughts of mee were something changed, and that it was resolved to favour mee with a
speedy employment into Germany, and that you would by the following poste send me
letters and instructions concerning it. But although there has five postes arrived since the
date of his letter, I have not heard any thing from you, or any els, soe as I may reasonably fear, I am agayne lost in that little share of your good opinion, which I solaced myselfe with the hopes of; which has put mee into soe much a worse condition then I was
before, in that theise 20 dayes lingering here has almoste spent that little and laste stock I
could get together to have carried me to the army, soe as now, if my sears prove true, I
must beg thither. Let mee (I beseech you) only crave and obtain this favour at your hands,
that if you will not give yourselfe the trouble, that any of your servants from you may but
in a line or two informe me of your finall resolution concerning mee, after which I shall
noe further torment myselfe or trouble you. I am, sir,
Germains En Lay, July the 7th
1657. [N. S.]
Your moste humble, and moste obedient servant,
Jo. Bamfylde.
The superscription,
For mr. Symon Tanner, marchant at London.
A letter of intelligence.
Much honored,
The last weeke did not aforde any thing worth the writing, but what I doe beleve
you know, that the states and the French king are agreed for the releasement of theyre
shipes on eyther side, and 3 months hence they are to treate of surder satisfaction for theyre
losses they have had here. The French armie hath beseged the towne of Montmedi in the
land of Luxenburg, which is a strong plase; and the prince of Kyma, governor of Luxenburg, striving to put some horse and soote into the towne, hath lost some 400 men, besides
divers prisoners taken of his, and could doe noe good of it; and now don John and the prince
of Condé are gone thether with 26000 horse and foote to releve it if they can. There bee
too ambassadors gon from hence to the king of Denmarke's army, hoo is marched against the
Swede, as the reporte goes heare for sertayne; and that his fleete is likewise set forth. There
went some shipeout of Sealand eyght dayes sence with amunition to him. Leopoldus is chosen
chese generall for the house of Austrea. The emperor's son groes very strong, and hee, and
the Powle, and the Dane, and divers other princes of Germany, hath made a fast league together. And the duke of Brandinburg, they say for sertayne, is like to fall from the Swede, for
he is now in treti with the king of Polland; soe it is generally thought heare, that when the
time comes, the emparor's sonn wil find noe greate oposition against him. Heare lyes at
present in the roade by Flushing 7 Dunkerk and Oestend shipes with theyre prises by them,
and likewise at Helfordsluys lyes some more with thyer prises, which they cannot sel in
these parts. Therefore they are resolved to force theyre passage through your shipes at
Oestend; and for that porpose is come since monday last through our towne above 700 saylers and souldiers without armes from Oestend and Dunkerck, to man those shipes. One
of the masters, that came for these men being in my costodi, having the head watch til such
tim his men weare past throug, tould me, it would bee at least 14 days before they should
ale meet in Sealand. In the meane time you know what is best to be don, for this uppon
my one knowledge 'tis very sertayne. Our major gave our governor a list of 660, but I
am sewer there is passed above 700; for the man of Bridges wil now shortly be heare, for
the biles of exchange are come out of Spayne for greate somes of moneys for Flanders; but
how much is come for him I know not yet, but they talke of much; but he is to rayese
4000 men more with the first. There bee divers English come from the French army
to the duke of Yorke, hoo gives them every one that stayes with him a pistolet in hand,
and some that desier to come for England hee gives them his pase. There bee divers of
them has passed through our towne for Sealand, and soe are come for England. There be
some of our shipes of war apoynted to goe for Portingall; and I doe beleve from thence
too Indes, for it is for sertayne, them of Amsterdam shall fetch the Spanish silver.
Heare is a littell booke translated cut of French into Duch, of the 32 secrete artickeles betwene his highnes and the French king, which causes mighti murmering of the peopell
heare; and if you please to have one of them sent to you, I shall doe it. And soe desiring
you wil be pleased to let mee heare som smale answer of my last to yourselfe, for it may
very wel be my servis wil stand you more in stead about 5 months hence then at present,
which I asewer shall never sayle to be performed by him, that is
your most humbel and reall sarvant to the uttermost of his power,
Christ. Allin.
Flushing, the 27th of June 1657.
Here is newes come yesterday from Antwerpe, that the Spaniard hath receved a greate deseate, and that don John should be taken prisnor, and very much losse. If it be soe, the best part of Flanders may be taken. This comes, but within 3 or 4 dayes wee shall heare the sertayneti of it.
The Venetian agent.
Antwerp, 7th July 1657. [N. S.]
The Spanish army had a design upon Calais, but it took not effect; the whole body of the Spaniards not arriving in due time, a thing very ordinary; for of an hundred enterprizes hardly one takes. Afterwards the Spanish army, having burnt and plundered several villages round about Calais, went and laid siege to Ardres; which is since reported to be taken, but of this there is no certainty. Montmedy is not yet taken, and is said to have provisions enough in it to hold out two months longer.
A letter of intelligence from Blank-Marshall at Bruges.
In this 8th of July 1657. [N.S.]
By this I can give you very litle account of your business, nor that there is, or shall
bee any thing done in relation to you. But you shall know, by every occasion 104
is still at 112 123 27 56 18 77 31 80 57 48 58 69 70 59 86 to the 23 19 35
44 14 73. So its given out, 104 faith, that as soon as 32 20 21 33 1 79 34. 71 18
10 19 36 81 20 15 49 59 52 94 he will go. But will first come hither. But truly
I am partly confident he will give us the 74 45 37 61 that are here; for he is not 27
46 20 to 62 3 94 the 16 21 8 78 75, that is 17 22 87 31 18 19 72 20 80, that
most of 77 32 18 50, that 4 69 20 33 21 22 70 must and will shift for 80 84 18
48 76 19 46 82 20 73; yet 120, and some few of 104 his 74 20 70 84 5 54 80
76 stayes to 25 1 11 22 it 60 85 79 just as they did 1 80 12 81 45 46 56 37 52
19. This is the opinion of men of beter judgment than I am. By the next you will
know more. As for newes, wee have little; only our armis are all to the fields, and wee
hope to returne victorious. There is of the English comes dayly to the duke of York;
he gives each man a pistoll in hand; them that have not a mind to serve, hee gives them
liberty to returne home; there is sum gone already this way; them that comes 4 87 5
96. 73 2 97 74, that the 69 22 76 77 88 35 44 48 20 63 45 46 59 86 and
truly I think 54 4 55 96 will if not, 63 69 19 82 20 52 52 78 21 14. Wee
heere the Hollanders have concluded a peace with France, yet they were busie leavying
men a-while. The king of Denmark has a considerable army neere Breham. Its of a
certaine reported the king of Hungaria shall be chosen emperour. I heere litle of the
Poles and the Swedes. The French army lyes still before Mumastee. It's reported, that
ther is 300 more of the English came to Cambray. Haveing little to do, and knowing
your curiosity of knowing foraine newes, makes mee take the bowldness upon mee to
truble you thus far; yet I dare not to take it upon mee, that all is trueth; but for your
business, be confident of the care of,
your most obedient servant,
Mar. S.
A letter of intelligence.
The 29th of June 1657.
Being in company the most parte of that day, and all the night following, with Riely the priest, who shewed me a letter beareing date the 20th of the said month, from one of his habit in the north, reporteing, that all the differences between the earle of Tireowne and Daniel O-Niele were desided; which difference was hitherto the greatest obstacle that kept men, armes, and ammunition, from the reliesing of this nation, and now that the families of both the said houses have unanimously consented to take armes against the present government, on the first notice from the said earle, who by commission from the king of England is prince and general of Oulster. Hary Mc Towell O-Neile was to have a meeting at Quile Iniele the 26th of the said month, to assure severall, who were doubtfull of the premisses, and came lately out of Conoght to that purpose. On wednesday following I have been with father Quince, and was very importunate with him to know, whether he knew any English men of qualitie in this nation, that would assist the king of Scots, if he should send any forces here; upon which he told me, that he knew none particularly, but that he is sure the king by the earle of Ormond, Inchequine and others of his English friends in Flanders is assured, that there are many in this nation, upon the least occasion, that would serve faithfully his majesty; and that this report of my lord of In chequine's going to mass is spread purposely, that my lord protector, and his inferior governors, should take the least notice of the protestants, who were his friends; and that his lady comeing to this nation under pretence, that shee shuns him for being a papist, and to worke with some of his acquaintance to draw them to act something of his will. He did likewise assure me, the remainder of sir John Raynold's men, that revolted not from him to the king of Scots, were all put to the sword by the duke of York; and that the king of Spain was master of all Portugall, besides three or four garrisons.
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
May it please your honor,
Yours by mr. Petit I received yesterday, and doe humbly acknowledge your goodnesse in that the unreasonablenesse of the propositions I was forced to make by him,
mett with a better acceptance then I had reason to expect. My undertaking to offer theise
desyers of the cardinall to his highnes proceeded from the passione I had to oblidge him once
to beginn the businesse, knowing that if I could once have ingadged him in it, his own
spirit and resolutione would have prompted him to wrestle thorough many difficulties, that
he would not consent to grapple with before-hand.
My last from Compiegne gave your honor an account of the king and cardinall's journey to Monmedy; their return to Laserre is not expected before monday next. To morrow at night I shall be at Blairencourt, within six leagues of Laserre, where I have one to receive and bring me such letters as shall be directed to me either from your honor, or the cardinall. It is not probable, that I shall be able to give you any further trouble in businesse, till such tym as I have had an audience, tho' I shall not excuse my self from wryting to your honor by every post.
It was no small satisfaction to me to heare by your last, that his highnes intends not to putt himself to the expence of making new levys; and tho' the posture of your affairs seems to oppose your parting with any of the old regiment, I hope there will be no necessity to presse so troublesome a favor; for mr. la Ferté's foot, when joyned with mr. Turein's, will make a body of foot near 20000 strong, which is a number sufficient for any enterprize.
If the meale and utensils be not made use of, the provyders of them shall be satisfied for any losse they have sustained, tho' I, who unhappily did occasion it, should be at that charge my self.
The persecution I suffer from my regraitts for ill successe of businesse heare would (I
really think) overwhelme me, if the good news of the happy conclusione of his highnes's
affairs at home, I hope, ere now are brought too, did not in some measure consolatt me;
and I must beg leave to congratulat your honor's happinesse in having had so signall and
usefull a hand in that great businesse. I have writt to the governor of Calais to send back
any frigatt that shall come from the admirall in the Downs, and humbly thank your honor for the money you were pleased to bestow upon mr. Petitt, and for all the other favors
you dayly heap upon,
May it please your honor,
your most humble, faithfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Lion-court, July 10th 1657. N.S.
Monsieur de Charost, governor of Calais, to monsieur de Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Calais, 10th July 1657. [N. S.]
My lord,
We are now rid again of the enemy, and I suppose we are come off with honour
enough; and care is now taken to prevent any attempt they shall make for the suture. The enemy is march'd away towards Bethune; I find that Montmedy is still obstinate, and will defend it self to the last. We have lost some men before it; but sure it will
not be long before we shall be masters of it.