State Papers, 1657: July (1 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1657: July (1 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1657: July (1 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1657: July (1 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

July (1 of 5)

A letter of intelligence.

Dantzick, 11 July 1657. [N. S.]


Mr. Thomas Corbet,
News we have little at present. The Danish fleet came two days since, consisting of about 20 fail. The king was himself in person on board the fleet. One of our burgomasters, and one of our counsellors were yesterday on board to wait upon him. Some design they have in hand, which is not yet known; for the ships will away again from hence to day or to morrow. From Elbing and Koningsberg this post bringeth nothing; all still and quiet: whither the king of Sweden is marched with his army is also unknown. From Riga they write, that they hear the Muscovite is broken up with his army. We shall shortly hear which way he moveth.

A letter of intelligence from colonel Bamfylde.


This place affords little newes at the present, more than that the king is gone from Lafere to Stenay, within 4 or 5 leagues of Mont Midie, which all people believe is rendered by this tyme; but not certayne intelligence is yet come thereof. The duke of Orleans will be heare about 14 days hence, and, as I am informed by one of his great considents, will have a hand in the management of the affairs of this place. His daughter madamoiselle is reconciled to the court, and gone to the queen, who continues at Lafere. I believe I can prevaile with one of the duke of Orleans his servants, neer both in place and truste about him, to advertise the ambassadour of all his master's transactions, upon very easy termes, which may be materiall, if he enters again upon publick affairs. Monsieur la Marine gave him heretofore 25 pistolls quarterly, and had from him many particulars of importance, as well in relation to the courte of France, as his master's famely and party. If you likewise holde it usefull, I will trye whether the other, to whom I gave 20 pistolls a month, will do the like to the ambassadour, that he did with mons. la Marine. I have many great advantages for the serving you in that assayre, which sir John Hobart informed mee lately you were resolved to employe mee in, but especially the interest I have aboute him that goes ambassadour speedily to that place; besides, I am lately fallen intimately acquainted with baron d'Avingcour, brother to the French ambassador at the king of Sweden's courte, who is one of mons. de Grammont's councell, and goes with him in this employment, by which means I shall be able as well to informe of the Swedish assayres, as of those of the diet; only I earnestly beseech you to dispatch me with all possible speed, that I may not loose this very advantagious occasion of going with theise people. If you address your letters as formerly, to mons. Barrie, marchand chappillier, sur le pont nostre dame, à l'ensigne du grand chamau, or under a cover, to mr. Brown at the ambassador's, either way will come safe to me. I have seen late letters out of Flanders from very good hands, which say, the Scots king has received intelligence out of England from some in truste about his highnes, that the French army is certainly designed to beseidge Dunkirke by land, what shewes soe-ever they make to the contrary, and a considerable fleet from England to block it up by Sea, which causes the Spanish army to attend those quarters with great diligence, and to make all possible preparations for the desence of the place. Let mee request you, that I may hear speedily from you, which will enable me to serve you the more effectually, whoe am,
your moste humble, moste obleidged, and moste faithfull servant,

Paris, July the 11th
1657. [N.S.]

The superscription,
For mr. Symon Tanner, marchand at London.

A letter from mr. Francis Barrington.

Jamaica, July 1. 1657.


My dear friend,
About the 21st of June yours I received, being three, one the 20th of March, the other two the 7th of April, in which you advise mee of some servants that his highness hath given mee. Indeed it is a gift beyond my expectation, or any thing in mee can merit; but I locke on itt as an especiall mercy from my God, in that his highness of his meer free goodness should do this for mee. In acknowledgment thereof I now desyer nothing more, than that I might bee an instrument to doe my prince and countrey service here. In one thing I dayly endeavour itt, which is, for the settlement of this place, using my best interest to make those under my charge to plant, to the end they may be taken off from his highness allowance, and live on their produce from the ground. When capt. Godfrey left this island, I was in an unsettled condition, haveing been two or three times removed, but since settled, and I bless God have brought a plantation into a handsome condition for provision, and I hope shall make two thousand weight of tobacco suddenly. Although it bee but a small matter in the eye of a merchant, yet mech in mine, considering the little time I have been at itt, and my provisions besides planted, and the difficultie of getting men here to work; but these men you now send, if it shall please God they stand by mee, I question not but in a year or two to give you a very good account of their labour, and in the spring to send a considerable cargo; and if I finde my self able in purss and servants, I intend as fast as I can to plant more canes, and erect a sugar-work, which is the most proffitable commoditie the Indies affordeth. I have canes alreadie growing, and before christmass I hope will be fit to transplant. A very good stock of cattle I now am master of, which conduces much thereunto, and above thirty sheep and lambs raysed from the bodyes of five or six at most; which stock, were it in Barbadoes, would yeeld the best part of 1000 l. sterling, and did not here cost me 30 l. sterling; besides the great advantages I have received by them, in bringing mee meat from my hunters towards the maintenance of my family, which at present I have; but the time they have to serve mee is short. I have not heard of an island in this part of the world, that a new setler can have the like advantages uppon. I will buy a horse in this island for 40 s. which I cannott, were I in Barbadoes, for 40 l. sterling, and those creatures most commonly most chargeable in the beginning of a plantation. Having dealt clearly with you as to my present condition in this place, I have something more to declare unto you as to the matter of business. Dear cousen, I intend (God blessing my endeavours) if those servants come safe to my hands, and remayne in good health with mee, to make a considerable crop of tobacco agaynst the next spring; but to putt it off here, will be much to my disadvantage, considering his highness hath given the island custome and excise free: therefore in order to my better advantage, I heartily desyer you will enquyre out some merchantable and honest in London, to whom I may assigne my goods, I allowing him the usuall rate percent. for in order to my settlement here. I must get such a correspondent at home, by which meanes I may know what commoditie goeth off best at home, that this island affordeth, which is tobacco and many sorts of wood: on the other hand, I shall be able to informe him herehence what commodities are most vendable, and without this I shall pay an intollerable rate for commodities of the merchant here. I forbear particularizing at present what commodities goe best off here, or sending for any more, untill I am advised from you what my condition at home is as to money; which uncertainty takes mee off from further enlarging my self unto you. I now returne my hearty thankes, and faithfull acknowledgment for your former favours, and begg your pardon for this additionall trouble, which will be ingagement upon ingagement on,
Deare cousen,
your truely affectionate kinsman,
Fran. Barrington.


My loyall duty to his highness, if not presumption in mee to desire itt; my humble service to my aunt your mother; my respects to whome due. If capt. Godfrey be not in being, I pray breake open his letter. I am
Date ditto.

Yours faythfully
F. B.

H. Cromwell to secretary Thurloe.


I Forgott this paper, which came frome a priest (one of your spies here) till my packett was closed. I leave it to you to make what use of it you think fit, and remane
Your verry affectionate freind and servant,
H. Cromwell.

July 1st, 1657.

A letter of intelligence, inclosed in the preceding.


Honorable Sir,
I have receaved my lord's pass, for which I humble thank yowr honnor, and hopeth to make good use thereof for the benefitt of this goverment and excellencie his particular satisfaction. In order thereunto, I deemed fitt to give you an accompt of my endevours in my short travail since my coming to this land, which is more sleinder than I expected, for want of the post in due time, having had it but these sevven days; as also for want of chardges to inter into companies, or travail further into the countrie, and to the sea-sides, vid. to Correberry in the countie of Cork, to the countie of Clore, to Galway, and further to Connaught and Ulster, where noe matter of any concerment can pass without I shall have notice. I have alreaddie informed some materiall intelligence by the way of Thomas Walsh, esq. and by Edmond Macroght, both whom I knew secrett and faithfull to his higness; and since I find all the loose, idle, needie, unconstant, and illaffected Irish doe confidently hope, and infalliblie beleeve, that there shall a great change and alteration come into ths land, as meaning an invasion and hott warrs destructive to this goverment. And for this opinion they have noe better ground then from salfe and phantastical prophesies imputed unto saincts, but invented by flatterring and seditious poetts, and by some frivolous, factious and incendious persons, pretending to hear great matters from beyond seas; but the Irish, that followes the plow, and have something to loose, are not of that beleese, nor soe foolishlie conceited. I am certain, that my advises and relations hath kept manny from idle courses, or becoming torries, in the countie of Kilkenny, Typperary, and Waterford, were I travailled, diverting people from their vain hopes of a present succour, and shewing the impossibilitie thereof; for what I say to the people, it is believed as if I were an oracle, seeing I came lately to the land, and of their religion. I have formerlie advertisesed, that the greatest hope of the enemie is in the joining of some of the Inglish with them, when occasion had offerred anny opportunitie: now I likewise advertise, that I am informed from beyond seas, that there is a great fear and probabilitie, that peace may be concluded between France and Spaine against September next. For some stratagems and intrigues in agitation not yett come to light, I found out verie privatlie, that a person of qualitie, and of great estate of your partie, is really and cordiallie a friend and well-wisher to Charles Steward, and hath intelligence of his proceedings. I dare not become an author of this, and of something more I found out of that nature, for feare I could not prove it home, though I am certain of the truth thereof; and further, if my name were once used or spoken of, touching anny discoverie, I should render my self odious, and uncapable to serve the state any more, for none would trust me; yett if you will advise me, and promiss to carry the bussiness secretlie, and have a private eie over them, I shall returne you their names by the poast; for as the face and state of affairs are at present, there is no feare of them; so that things can be wincked for a while. There are, as I am informed, divers of the English, that are at a certaintie with the post-master of Dublin for conveying their letters, and have particular intelligence of foreign news. I shall expect your resolution and order in the premises, and touching my travailling with some expence by the post in Cashell. Direct your letter, if you please, to Geffrie Sall, the apothegarie in Cashell, or by Edmond Macroght. I shall heereafter subscribe my name in any matter of consequence, for feare to be discovered, or my letters intercepted — Thomas Dodson— of which I pray take notice, and write unto me now Henry Walshe, but all other times, Thomas Dodson. I crave pardon for my prolixitie and bouldness, which occasined through this being my first application. This is all for the present. Leaving all to your honnor's direction, I conclude and remain
Your honnor's faithfull and constant humble servant, Thomas Dodson.

Cashell, the 19th of June 1657.

Capt. Roger Manley to mr. Anthony Rogers.


Your silence will oblige mee to bee still soe, being I cannot think, that my applications please you. I would faine knowe, whether those things I wrote to you for, are by the way or no, and whether I am to expect them or not. You may bee sure, here is nothing you could have wrote for, which should not imediately have been sent you; but I am sorrey my credit is so small with them I most esteemed. We have no certaine newes out of Poland, save, that the king of Sweden is gone through Pomerania towards Denmark, having destroyed and burnt all behind him in the enemies countrey, the better to hinder their descent into Prussia in his absence. On monday last his Danish majestie came to an anchor before Dantzick with 19 good men of warr, and only 2000 land-soldiers. Wee cannot imagine his design, being hee is there in person, and so slenderly accompanied. He appeared before Straelsund and Stetin, it may bee upon hopes of a party there; but I suppose the neighborhood of their victorious king kept them in their duty. It may bee well conjectured, that the Danes will enterprise upon Getland and Desal, islands taken from them in the last warr; but that the king should be there in person is our wonder; yet there hangs a tayl at the story; the states of Denmark will by no meanes suffer their soveraign to hazard his person in warr of his armyes; that is, they dare not trust him with the cudgel. It may be this obliged him to slip to the fleet without their knowledge, which allarmed them terribly, and forced them to send a couple of their members to wayte upon him. He was complemented by the magistrates of Dantzick; but whether he will fish there for pomochels or no is uncertain. The Holland's militia in the foresayd towne rebelled against their new officers sent them by their states, and were disarmed till further order. I am,
Conningsbergh, 12 July Sir,
your affectionate cousin and servant,
Ti. Roberts.

1657. [N. S.]

Commissioner Pels to the states-general.


H. and M. Lords,
Since my last of the 7th instant, here is at present to advise, that the day before yesterday his majesty of Denmark arrived before this city with twenty good ships of war, and yesterday some commissioners of this magistracy were feasted by him.

And this morning early his majesty set sail with his fleet, whither, or upon what design is not known, unless it be, that his majesty be informed, that some Swedish ships of war are at sea, and so is gone to surprize them; but we do not hear of any Swedish ships to be in these parts.

In the mean time the king of Sweden, since the 3d instant, is march'd from Thorn towards Pomerania with a good party of his army, to make resistance against the Danish invasion in the Stist Bremen.

The French embassador, monsieur d'Avangour, is arrived at Marienburgh. He did all he could at Koningsbergh to animate the duke of Brandenburgh to a real assistance with Sweden, especially against the house of Austria, and their troops in Poland.

Dantzick, 12 July 1657. [N. S.]

P. Pels.

Extract de la lettre du sieur Chappelain, secretaire general de la marine, escrite de Paris, à monseigneur l'ambassadeur de France, le 12 Juill. 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p.31.

Par les ordres que je reçois du roy pour monseigneur l'admiral, j'apprends les conditions de ce que vous aves reglé avec messeigneurs les estats generaux en mesme temps que j'agis pour le faire executer de nostre part en tous les ports de France; & comme les ordres me viennent successivement les uns aux autres, j'ay tous les jours nouvelles publications à envoyer dans les provinces. La derniere est pour la main levée general de tout ces effects navires arrestés; & mis a la main du roy, appartenants aux subjects des mesdits sieurs les estats, dont la publication se doit faire par placards imprimes, que j'envoye en routes les costes & ports du royaume.

Collationné à l'original par moy secretaire de mon dit seigneur l'ambassadeur, & par son commendement à la Haye, le 21e jour de Juillet 1657. Signé

Mr. Bradshaw to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lii. p.56.

Right Honorable,
This week's letters are not yet come to my hands, and by the last arrived I had not any from your honor. As yet I heare not from the great duke; but if his answer were come, I cannot proceede, before I heare, that my bills are paid, and letters of credit sent me for my future supply, as from Riga and this place. I have formerly writ your honor, the infection begins to spread in this place; but as yet I and my company are free, blessed be God, and I hope shall soe continue, till I can heare from the great duke, and of the payment of my bills, not knowinge whither to remove, if I should be forst thereunto, all parts aboute being infected more or lesse. I heare its now broke out at Revell, whither I intended to have removed, and at Riga it rageth exceedingly. Our good freinds of Amsterdam have writ hither (and doubtlesse to all other parts alsoe) that since general Blake suncke the gallions at Sancta Crux, his whole fleete in their returne were wholy destroyed by another Spanish fleet. They envie our success, and labour to lessen our reputation abroad. This story will quickly be with the great duke, to whom for certayne ambassadors are gone from all the king of Sweden's enemies, to perswade him against my master's mediation; yet I cannot think, but that he will send for me, if but to manifest his respect to his highnes. Referring your honor to the inclosed paper of intelligence, which is what I heere at present, I affectionately remayne
Your honor's very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

Mittaw, 3d July 1657.

I pray your remembrance of the letters of credit for Musco to mr. John Hebden, merchant there, from some knowne merchant in London, to furnish me the needfull there, in case I goe thither; for now, though letters of credit be sent to Hamburgh, as is needfull, yet at this distance I shall hardly be furnished here by any. I am sory for the losse of the fregat from Hamburgh, in which my arrivall tokens went to your selfe and freinds; there was alsoe one that had served me in her.

An intercepted letter of lieutenant-colonel Doleman.

Dort, 13 July 1657. [N.S.]


Our agreement with France is now ratified, and we are now treating a nearer alliance, that may prevent hereafter the like misunderstandings. How we shall dispose of our fleet that's now ready, the lords of Holland are now busy about. The French we believe will content themselves with Montmidy: and for the most part their army is so shattered in the first six weeks, that they seldom after attempt any thing considerable. Our cavaliers here say, that whole troops run to the duke of York.

The Danes have besieged the most considerable place in the bishoprick of Bremen; and if they carry it, the rest of that country will be quickly theirs, so disaffected are they in general to the government of the Swedes.

De Thou, the French embassador in Holland, to Bourdeaux, the French embassador in England.

Hague, 13 July 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p.40.

My lord,
I give you many thanks for your letter, wherein you gave me an exact relation of the ceremony at which you were assisting, which is of no small consequence, since it doth establish the form of the government of a considerable state, which comprehendeth three kingdoms. I yesterday received a letter from Copenhagen, from mons. de Meulle, who writes me word, that the king of Denmark being gone to see his fleet a mile from thence, advice was brought him by a fisherman, that the Swedish fleet was come within ten leagues of him, and that the king of Sweden was on board himself: whereupon he went on board, and writ to the queen to take leave of her; so that it is certain he is imbarked; but that of the king of Sweden being come so near with a fleet, is meerly seigned, to excuse himself to the queen. My lord embassador Nieuport hath writ to his superiors, and doth very much extol the civilities he received from your excellency on this occasion. Last of all I must advise you, that his majesty hath wholly approved of what I have done and concluded with this state; and just now the lords commissioners were with me, to know if his majesty of France would be pleased to make an alliance jointly with England; and the lord Nieuport hath order to sound the opinion of the protector upon it. I pray let me know what you can learn about it.

A letter of intelligence from the Hugue.

Vol. lii. p.44.

Le plus notable d'àpresent est, que l'ambassadeur de France sust avant hier voir le sieur president, luy disant, qu'il avoit receu la ratification du roy, sur tout ce qu'il avoit icy faite & traité; mais avec cela fit quelque plainte de ce qu'on avoit mal traité les capitaines captiss, & qu'on leur avoit fait payer leur depens à Amsterdam. Hier s'en faisant rapport, l'on estoit desireux de l'extradition de cette ratification, comme y estant interessee pour le commerce. Et envoyant on sommoit l'ambassadeur à nn qu'il luy pleut exhiber ladite ratification, & que pour cela on desiroit conference. Sur cela il fit dire, que hier estoit son jour de poste pour escrire vers France, neantmoins laissoit lire sa lettre du roy, contenant l'advis de la ratification; ainsy l'extradition est remise jusques aujourd'huy vers le soir, quand c'est qu'il y aura conference sur cela.

Cependant l'on craint que la ratification aura quelque limitation ou élucidation avec l'ambassadeur de Spaigne. L'on a esté en conference touchant les pays d'Outremeuse; il aura proposé beaucoup de choses preliminaires touchant le restablishment de possession, dans lesquelles l'ambassadeur pretend d'estre turbé.

Et d'autant qu'il avoit touché dans un memorial le sieur Beverning, le sieur Beverning s'en est justifié; & sur cette justification aucuns vouloient former une resolution au desadvantage de l'ambassadeur de Spaigne, mais l'on a trouvé bon de n'en faire point de notule.

Les envoyés des electeurs & princes de la religion Romaine ont derechef urgé & poussé l'avancement de l'alliance avec cet estat, au moins une response sur leurs frequentes instances. La Hollande a bonne inclination à cela, comme aussy ceux de leur adherence; mais aucunes provinces ne veulent pas s'y engager, au moins pas jusques à ce que les provinces Protestants s'y offrent de mesme. Mais les interests des uns & des autres se chocquent fort.

L'on aura resolu de proposer à l'ambassadeur de France une ligue défensive avec ou entre l'Angleterre, la France, & cet estat. Ce qui sera une semblable chose comme ils ont avec le Dennemark, item avec la Swede; & comme ils auront avec les electeurs & princes catholiques. Ce sera beau, estre amis de tous.

La province de Gueldre aura escrit à ceux de Hollande, refusants le soustenu de la Hollande, touchant la charge de mareschal de camp: & disent, que la creation d'icelle charge se doit faire comme de toutes charges militaires, par pluralité des voix. Mais la Hollande aurafait imprimer une longue deduction, que toutefois ne se publie pas encore, qui maintient la charge de mareschal ou de chef de la milice n'estre pas necessaire. Je suis
Ce 13 Juillet [1657. N. S.]

Vostre très-humble serviteur.

Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to Ruysch.

Vol. lii. p.42.

My lord,
In regard I had received advice yesterday by the post, from the respective colledges of the admiralty, residing at Rotterdam and Amsterdam, that there were no ships at all set forth under their jurisdictions, which should be provided with Spanish commissions, I signified the same yesterday to the lord protector, and declared unto his highness, that the advice, which he had from Yarmouth, mentioned at large in my letter of the 22d of June last, was made upon false grounds. He said, that he was glad to understand so much, and that it should appear, that he would be always ready to declare his good affection to the state of their H. and M. L. upon all occasions.

Westminster, 13th July 1657. [N.S.]

W. Nieuport.

Commissioner Pels to the states-general.


H. and M. lords,
Since my last of the 11th instant, we have news come, that the Danish sleete was lately met at sea, steering their course towards the coast of Pomeren. Last night arrived here from Marienburgh the French embassador, monsr. d'Avangour, and to-morrow he pursueth his journey after his majesty of Sweden, towards Pomeren.

The Brandenburgh army is ready mustered upon the frontiers of Prussia. General Gonzewsky doth begin to move in Littauw; it is thought he will also go for Poland.

The Moscovites are also said to be a coming with a strong army against Lisland. At Riga the pest doth rage very much.

His majesty of Poland is gone from Czenstochowa: by the way he mustered his forces; those of the empire he found to be twenty thousand strong, and the Poles 24000: a part of them is left before Cracow, and the rest are marched against Ragotzky's army at Pintzaw.

Dantzick, 14th July 1657. [N. S.]

The French embassador to the states-general.

Exhibitum & lectum 14 Julii 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p. 47.

Le soussigné ambassadeur de France se trouve obligé pour informer leurs seigneuries de la confirmation des bonnes intentions du roy son maistre, de leur declarer par le present memoire, ce qu'il a fait de bouche au sieur president depuis sept semaines, que sa majesté, non-seulement par la depesche du sieur comte de Brienne, secretaire de ses commandements, dattée de la Fere, le 6e du courrant, mais par une lettre particuliere, signée de sadite majesté, & contre-signée dudit sieur comte de Brienne, luy témoigne estre contente & satisfaite de la response de leurs seigneuries sur la restitution de ses deux vaisseaux & dependances, dont elle ne veut doubter de l'execution, après la lecture des ordres, qu'ils luy en ont envoyés avec ladite response; & que pour marque de sa royale confiance, sans attendre la restitution actuelle desdits vaisseaux, sur l'information qu'elle a eüe dudit sieur ambassadeur, de la liberté des officers desdits vaisseaux, qui luy avoient esté remis entre les mains, pour advancer le soulagement de leurs subjects, elle a fait resoudre dans son conseil & ordonner la mainlevée generale de la saisie, qui n'avoit esté ordonnée qu'à cause de la prise de ses deux vaisseaux de guerre, comme aussy la surseance de la rigueur de ses ordonnances, & agrée generalement tout ce que ledit ambassadeur leur avoit fait entendre pour tous ses memoires, estre de l'intention de sadite majesté; de quoy ledit sieur ambassadeur prie leurs seigneuries vouloir donner part & notifier à tous leurs subjects, à fin qu'ils puissent en toute liberté & seureté aller & venir en France, & restablir leur commerce dans une entiere & parfaite confiance. Fait à la Haye, ce samedy 14 Juillet 1657. [N. S.]

De Thou.

Marigny to Stouppe.

Hague, 14 July 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p. 48.

I Have received your letter of the 6th instant, with a copy of the curiosities, which you were pleased to write to me. The ceremony of the protectorship is remarkable in its circumstances. The embassador of France and him of Holland were very genteel, to be present at it. I will not fail to send you a copy of the French traduction; and I will direct a good packet of them to the clerk of your impertinent merchant, to the end he may learn to know the men of this world a little better, to whom he was so impertinent to address himself. I intend to go for Franckfort at the beginning of August.

To the Venetian Agent.

Antwerp, 14 July 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. lii. p. 52.

We expect a confirmation of the news we have here as well as you in England, of the general revolt, that hath happened in Portugal; which if it prove true, all that kingdom will soon fall into the hands of the king of Spain. Here is no news to write from hence. Montmedy will be undoubtedly taken by the French, if not speedily reliev'd, whereof I see little hopes. The Spanish army hath not undertaken any thing since their design miscarried upon Calais; neither is it likely, that they will undertake any thing of consequence, being not so strong in the field as the French by a great number: it is well if they can but defend themselves this campaign.

Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lii. p. 58.

May it please your honor.
My news from court are, that the king's return to la Ferre is as yet uncertain. As he went to Sedan, a party of enemies horse fell upon his rear, and killed some half a score, and tooke as many prisoners. The surrender of Montmedy is not expected 'till about the middle of next week. Tuesday last they made a very smart out-sally, and recovered a post or two, that they had lost the day before: they lost some men in their retreat, and the garrison is now reduced to so inconsiderable a number, as it is improbable they can keep the place beyond the time I have already mentioned.

Monsieur Turenne's army lieth about Vervins and Estrir-au-pont. I can learn nothing of the enemy, save that the greatest part of his forces are towards Flanders.

Sir, I am in a world of impatience for the cardinall's return, and am ashamed to give you this trouble, when I have so little to say in businesse; but I durst not let this post go without writing to your honor, and importuning you with my humble desires for the continuance of your protection of,
May it please your honour,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
W. Lockhart.

Blairon court, July 4/14 1657.

A letter of general Monck, probably to the lord Broghill.

Vol. lii. p. 60.

My lord,
I Make bold to desire one favour att your hands, that you will please to gett the inclosed comission sign'd by his highnesse, for sir Andrew Bruce's sonne, who is a very pretty younge man, and one who will bee as willing to draw his sword for his highnesse, as any younge man I know in Scotland, and can engage as many young men as most upon that occasion. And the young gentleman hearing, that sir John Weemys is putting in for his brother, to bee conjunct with him, and the place not being worth above 100 l. a yeare, and soe the putting in another will disoblige him, I have written to his highnesse about itt, and inclosed his commission in a letter; but least his highnesse should forgett itt, I desire your lordshippe will putt him in minde of itt, and you will much oblige the gentleman and myself in doing of itt. I remayne
Your lordshippe's most humble servant,
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 4 July 1657.

I should not have putt your lordshippe to this trouble, but that I have already troubled mr. secretary Thurloe with soe many businesses, that I am ashamed to trouble him with any more.

The king of Denmark to the states-general.

Vol. lii. p. 54.

We Frederick the third, by God's grace king of Denmark, &c. do desire theamity and good correspondency of the lords states-general of the United Provinces, our special friends, neighbours, and allies. We did in ours of the 3d instant friendly and neighbourly declare unto your lordships, by what pregnant reasons we were moved to take up arms for the protection of the commerce and the security of our kingdoms, dukedoms and countries, after that the amicable treaties for the removing of the misunderstandings risen between us and the lord Charles Gustavus, king of Sweden, &c. and the crown of Sweden, were wholly broken off by the royal Swedish ministers, without leaving any hope of reassuming the same.

Now in regard we have declared war in Sweden against the said king, by sending our herald according to the laws of nations, and also signified in writing the causes and motives thereof to the said crown, we thought good likewise to communicate the same unto your H. and M. L. by the enclosed prints. We doubt not but your H. and M. L. and the whole world will perceive thereby the justice of our cause, and be ready to assist and further the same with their assistance, and we shall always remain well affected and inclined to your H. and M. L. Given at Copenhagen the 15th of June 1657. [N. S.]

A letter of intelligence from Blank-Marshall from Bruges, the 15th July 1657. [N. S.]

Vol.lii. p.79.

I Received your's of the 10th instant; as for your desires therein, bee confident I will not fayle you by every occasion. The duke of York is long since gon to the field with all the forces that Ch. Stewart can make; which will not bee at present, upon my word, 2000 men; they are with don John, who is for the present neare Beton. The king of France his armie lyes still about Montmidy. The duke of Gloster is upon his way to the field; but for Ch. Steward's going, there is now noe more talke of it; for the Spaniard pretends, that hee has not money to furnish him; soe that hee and all his dependents are all here in great want. I see little hope of releife. There will not bee of us here and at Bruxells 120, that depend upon Ch. Steward. Wee daily expect to goe to the field: for my own part, I wish I were in a condition to goe; I am sure I could doe you more service there than here. I have often desired your assistance thereunto, and I still desire it, if you think fitt. Direct your's alwaies to mrs. Margaret Smith, to the former place. I perceive you have forgott your former direction. Our men come daily away from the armie discontented; and here none is able to helpe them.

Here is a small vessel building, which is for a land-design in England. I have endeavoured to know the place, but cannot find it out; but am much desired to goe upon the designe. I desire to know your opinion by the next.

For newes wee have nothing here, but the Hollanders preparation for 50 sayle, to bring home the East-India fleet, as they say. This being all our newes, I rest
Your most obedient servant,
Margaret Smith.

Intelligence from the camp before Montmedy, the 16th of July 1657. [N. S.]

Vol.lii. p. 85.

The besieged made on the 13th instant a great sally out, which fell upon the regiments of Picardy and the cardinal, whereof four captains were killed in the trenches: the next day they fell out again, but were couragiously repulsed and defeated by the Switzers. We hope to be masters of the place within a few days. The king and his eminence have visited our works, notwithstanding that those within do continually fire upon us. We are assured, that the enemy doth march into Luxemburgh, to the relief of Montmedy; but we hope monsieur de Turenne, who doth attend their motion, will prevent their intentions.

A letter of intelligence to secretary Thurloe.

Vol.lii.p. 87.

Right Honorable Sir,
I Doubt not but my two first letters sent from hence to your honor, one of the 3d, and the other of the 10th currant, are come in due time to your hands, with the occurrences of that time, and the particulars of some passages then, which I hope will have given content to your honor, according to the order of mr. Bradshaw, sent from his highnesse as a publike minister to the great duke of Mosco. At the present there is nothing of any great note to mention of, onely, that the king of Sweden is past Pomerania without danger, and is arrived at Stetin; his forces are safe arrived in Mecklenburg before him. His majesty will delay no time for to have a bout with the Dane, who never thought, that the king of Sweden should or could come away out of Poland so soone; and therefore he came with his fleete into the Baltick-sea, and went ashor at the port of Danzig, where he was stately received and entertained from the lords of the citty: but hearing there the newes, that the king of Sweden was gone in haste from those parts, for to resist him with his forces sent before him, under command of the earle of Sultzbach and the marquiss of Baden, which are also arrived safe in Mecklenburg, he went the next day from Danzig, and shewed himselfe at the Pillau; from thence he went in all haste homeagaine, for perhaps the king of Sweden will be sooner in his dominions then he is aware. We shall heare shortly from thence strange newes. The king of Dennemark will finde more resistance from the Swedes then he imagines. Here it is thought this warr will not be of long lasting. The affaires of this warr in Poland seeme to be something desperat. Ragotzy with his forces is gone out of Poland home, for to resist the Tartars, who are fallen above 3000 into his dominions; he hath forsaken Lithuania, plundered it before, burnt all, and ruined the strong castel, and so returned home. The Dutch embassadors have taken their leave from the king of Sueden at Thorn, before he went away for Pomerania: they goe away infectis rebus, and have concluded nothing. The king is displeased with them, because the Hollanders have a share and interesse in this Danish warr against the Swedes, being with the Danes in a stricte confœderation. They goe from Marienburgh to Danzig; but there, it is sayd, they will make some stay yet, for to exspect to heare the successe of this warr. This is all at present. With the next post I shall continue to send your honour the best intelligence that possibel may be, for to give good satisfaction to your honour, and to mr.Bradshaw also, to whom write this day the newes to Mitaw.

And so I subscribe,
Your's at command.

From Elbing, the 17/7 July 1657.

Charost, governor of Calais, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 17 July 1657. [N. S.]


My Lord,
I Hear the enemy is past by Doway, and is marching towards Montmedy, which is not yet taken; but it cannot hold out much longer. I hope you will have the news in my next, that it is taken. The enemy hath quite left these parts.

Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.


May It Please Your Honor,
Since I received yowr's by mr. Petit, I have had none from yowr honor. I confesse, those I have trobled yow with since, have not meritted any answer, nor doth any thing I can say now deserve yowr pains of reading it; for businesse heare is almost in the same posture they were in at my last; Montmedy untaken, the king's return to la Ferre uncertain. Mr. Turin's army lyeth neare la Capelle, without offering to undertake any thing that is considerable. The king was at Meuville upon the 13th instant. Upon the 12th at night, a myner was attached to a bastione of Montmedy, with hops of good successe; but within a few howrs after was discovered by the enemy, and beatten off with fyerworks. Mr. la Ferté resolv'd to make a new attempt upon the 13th at night; but it is not yett knowen how it hath prospered. I ame necessitated to wander from one place to another, 'till the cardinall's return; and ame so wearied out, as I had once resolved to goe to Sedan, and from thence to Montmedy; but fynding I will need greater convoys then I can expect to meet with, I ame forced to alter my thoghts in that, and will be oblydged to hover hearabowt, 'till I see what issue it shall please God to give to the siege of Montmedy.

Sir, the constant accounts I recieve from my brother of the continuance of yowr goodnesse to me doth much surpryse me, seeing I have of late been so unfortunatt in yowr services. So long as yow are pleased not to cast me off, I shall not wholly despaire; but yowr honor may assure yourself, that my resentments for my present unusfulnesse to his highnesse are greatter than can be expressed by,
May it please your honor,
Your most humble, faithfull,
and obedient servant,
W. Lockhart.

Verbery, July 7/17th, 1657.

The lady Inchiquin and her sone have been so persecuted by her husband and the Roman Catholicks, as I could not refuse her the charity of a passe to goe into England, though I showld not have gott myself persuaded to have granted it, without first acquainting yowr honor, if I had not feard the Protestants at Paris, who were witnesses of her sufferings, and express'd much compassion for her, would have been scandalys'd at my denying her that favor.

General Monck to the protector.


May it please your highnesse,
Understanding, that your highnesse and councill will speedily bee ordering the assessemente of England, Scotland and Ireland, with the excise and customes for payment of the armie and fleete, I must bee an humble suitor unto your highnesse, that wee may have a competent provision for the maintenance of the forces heare, and that for our arreares yett unpaid, which being ninety odde thousand pounds, there was two thirds of the excise ordered about two yeares since by your highnesse and councill for the payment of the arreares of the forces heere, whereof wee have received but 34000 l. and therefore I earnestly intreate your highnesse to continue the two thirds of the excise 'till our arreares are paid according to former orders, and that wee may be considered proportionably with the armies of England and Ireland, according to our number, least wee run in arreare againe. I begge your highnesse's pardon for giving you this trouble, and remaine
Your highnesse's most humble servant,
George Monck.

Edinburgh, 7 July 1657.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.


Honorable sir,
I Returne you many thankes for the parliament's petition and advice, which I received with the proclamation; and the councill does intend to proclaime itt here att Edenburgh on wednesday next, being the 15th instant, and will with all expedition give orders for them to bee proclaymed speedily throughout all Scottland. Having nothing else att present, I remayne
Your most humble servant,
George Monck.

Edenburgh, 7 July 1657.

Mons. Hendrick van Reede van Renswoude, the Dutch resident in Spain, to the states-general.


H. and M. lords,
My lords, after that I had desired a particular audience of his majesty, which was granted me, I delivered to his majesty myself your H. and M. L. letter, which you were pleased to write to the king, in regard of his highness the lord prince of Orange, and your H. and M. L. commands of the 12th of May last sent unto me concerning the same were also mentionned by me at the same time; whereupon the king shewed a great inclination to cause this your H. and M. L. intercession to have its desired effect; and amongst the rest answered further, and to that end he would peruse your letter with all diligence; and I will continue my endeavours necessary for the perfecting of this business.

They write me from Barcelona of the 7th instant, that on the 10th following was expected there the earl of Penneranda, for whose reception great preparations are making.

Madrid, 18 July 1657. [N. S.]

Hen. van Reede van Renswoude.

Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.


Right honorable,
Since my laste, which was by the Princesse Maria, the Spaniards have taken Awroan; and presently after the surrender of that place, they shewed themselves before Gerenienia, a castell on this syde the river Godiana, hopeinge the castle would have followed the example of Olyvenca; but findinge oposition, and they not beeinge able to poste thire artillery this syde the river, they retreated to Badajoz, and in all probability they will not be able to shew themselves in the field any more this summer, for thire foote are most part fledd from thire cullers for want of necessaries. Within eight dayes here are at leaste twentye (some Waloones, and some naturall Spaniards) come from thire army, whoe reporte thire are not 3000 of thire infantarie leste; many dye for wante of food, and others are fledd. In the north of Portugall are about 7000 Galegoes come this syde the river Minho; they have not attempted any place, but lye entrencht on the bankes of the river: they came only for a diversion, and in all likelyhood will departe without doeinge any thinge, as they have done once alreydy this summer. 'Tis God's greate goodnesse to these people that preserves them from the fury of the Spaniard, for they have hithertoe taken noe course to oppose them; for heare hath been nothinge but emulations amongst the nobility, and thwartinge and contradictinge on another, of which the queen is very sensible: and to prevent future mischeifes, that might happen through the indiscretion and pride of her nobillity, shee hath commanded all the nobillity home, and made Johani Mendez de vaz Consalles generall of hir armies, a man, that hath been bred a soldier from a child in Flanders, and is cried up here for a man of greate partes. He will be in the field with twenty thousand horse and foote, within fifteene dayes; and if the Spaniard be not strong enough to opose him, so that he remaine master of the field, he will sit downe before Olyvença, of which, from a private gentellman, the younge kinge hath made him marquesse, if he regaine it to the subjection of the Portugall crowne.

There is lately an adviso arryved in Aiamente from the Havannah, in which came two Portugueses; one of them made an escape over the river, and is now here: he reportes, that in Carthagena are two gallions richly loaden, which were ready to departe for the Havannah, to joyne with a gallion that is there, which was built in the Indies, and intended all three to have come for Spaine, but that the late adviso from Cadiz brought them an expresse order, that they should not departe from thence untill the fleet came to convoy them. This Portugues reported lykewyse, that all provisions which come from Europe are extreame scarce: a rare of sincloth, which is worth aboute a shillinge a yeard in Ingland, is worth sower peaces of eight, a paire of shooes 5 peaces, and all other things pro rato; and unlesse they have a speedy supply, they will be constrained to trade with any nation, that will bring them necessaries that they wante. He lykewyse sayd, they are fearfull in the Havannah, that the Inglish will take the plate, which is yet remaininge in the gallion, that was caste away laste yeare in the Bay of Behama. From Cadix I have intelligence, that they have twenty shipes in that port ready to goe to sea, and the rest, which are about tenn saile, will be fitted with all expedition: for allthough they are loath to hazard those shipes, beinge all they have leste, yett thire necessities in the West-India will constraine them to endeavour an escape by his highnesse's fleete on these coasts; for certingly they will not fight, if they can avoyde it. Thire late losse at Santa Crux is miserably bewayled in all parts of Spaine.

On the 2d of this moneth I received his highnesse's instructions, to condole the death of the late king, and to congratulate the younge kinge. On receipt of those orders, I presently demanded audience of the kinge and the queen-regent, which was graunted me the 4th instant. I make bold to sende your honour a coppie of what I spake both to the younge kinge and his mother, that your honour may see I did not vary at all from my instructions. The kinge made me noe answere at all; but the queen told me, shee did both for the kinge and herselfe returne his highnesse her hearty thankes for the great demonstration of his affection to the Portugall crown; and more particularly shee did thanke his highnesse for this favour; that the peace celebrated betwixt his highnesse and the late kinge should be kept without the leaste violation; and that shee would endeavour by all meanes to promote and encoreage the friendship contracted betwixt the two nations. I lykewyse received instructions by the same convayance from his highnesse, to presse the kinge for satisfaction to be made to the Inglishe nation for debts owinge by the kinge and his subjects, which by the 25th article of the peace are to be paide out of the halfe customes. I had audience from the queen the 10th instant, when I delivered hir his highnesse's letter directed to the younge kinge, and told hir, I was commanded by his highnesse to desire, that shee would noe longer delay the payment of the ½ customes in full, as it was agreed by the 25th article; and that shee would order her ministers to make payment of 1/2 of the 3 pounds per cent. as well as the 20 per cent. which hithertoe hath been omitted both inward and outwards, with all the arreares; and, that shee would be pleased to give an expresse order to the officers of hir custome howse in Aveiro and Viana to pay in an halfe of all the customes (payd by the Inglish) to the treasurer appointed by his highnesse to receive it, which hithertoe hath been unjustly detayned, on pretence, that all the customes in those places are payde to perticular persons, as fryers and nunes, &c. and not to the kinge; and lykewyse, that shee would be pleased presently to order the payment of the money, which became due from the 10th of Jully 1654, when the peace was concluded, to the moneth of June 1655; for untill that tyme they did not begin to pay the Inglish, whereas they should have commene'd from the day of the conclusion of the peace; and lastly I desired, shee would be pleased to order hir ministers to pay what was actually due by the kinge and councill's owne orders, and that bookes might be kept apart, and so every man as he payde ½ his customes to the kinge, so the other 1/2 to the Inglish treasurers; for here hath been a great abuse that way; for the king's treasurers will constraine all the Inglish, which are punctuall men in thire payments, to pay in thire whole customes to them, and in lieu of that give the Inglish treasurers bills on Portugueses and other nations, which will not or cannot pay them many tymes six moneths after the money is due. The queen answered, that shee was extreame sorry, that there was any neglect in hir ministers in thire obligations to the Inglish, beeinge a nation shee did desire to favour above all other in amity with hir; much more, shee did desire wee should have our just demands. I replied to hir majestie, that I had often applyed myselfe to hir ministers for satisfaction, as well of the halfe customes, as for many other summes owinge to our nation, and I were still put off with delayes and cenyalls. She then told me, she would find out those that were the cause of those delayes, and would quicken them in that manner, that henceforward wee should have noe cause to complaine; and that shee would demonstrate how zealous shee was to observe punctually the peace celebrated with his highnesse. But all this is to noe purpose at all; for as soone as shee speakes to hir secretary and some other of hir confidents, shee is of another mynde, and wee shall still fynde delayes, and never have justice here but by constraint. Some of our nation received a high injury from their people two days since, which was occasioned by the fallinge out of some Inglish and Dutch seamen (which is an usual thing here): they begann but sew, but others comminge in to the assistance of theyr countrymen, untill they were increased to about 30 Inglish and 40 Dutch: but aster many a blow with cudgells and stones, which was all the armes they had, the Inglish behaved themselves so well, that all the Dutch run away; at which the Inglish gave a shoute; which the envious Portuguese seeinge, which were gathered together aboute fifty of them, sell on the Inglish with thire swords; which the Dutch perceivinge, turned againe; and so betwixt them both they have wounded five or six mortally, and aboute 15 more sorely hurte; nay, the Portugueses mallice was so greate, that they followed the Inglish into the river as sar as the midle, and wounded them when they were swimminge to their ships to save their lives. And notwithstanding I have foureteen witnesses, which have sworen positively what I now write your honour, and could have fourescore more, if neede required it, I can get noe justice to be donne either on the Portugueses or the Dutch. I beseech your honour to be pleased to acquaint his highnesse of our many abuses, whoe I hope will pitty our condition, and not sufferr us to be abused by a petty people, whoe could not have subsisted, but would have all been trampled under thire enemies feete this summer, if his hignesse's fleet had not kept them from envasions by sea.

Here is an ambasador aryved from France; he had audience from the kinge and queen the 16th instant. Some hope he comes to conclude the match betwixt the kinge of France and the Infanta; others feare he comes to aske the money owinge to the king of France.

By a French ship, which came in the 15th to this port, wee are advised, that general Blake hath redeemed all the Inglish captives in Sally, and concluded a peace with them, The Lord blesse and prosper your honour, are the prayers of
Lisbon, the 8/18 8 July 1657.

Your honour's most faithfull servant,
Tho. Maynard.

I humbly beseech your honour to pardon my haeste, haveinge not halfe an hower's tyme to write my letters by this convayance.

In a former I write your honour, that the governour of the Algarves write the queen, that some of generall Blake's frigotts had taken a Hollander, which came from Santa Crux, which had a million of 8/8 aboard; which is now confirmed by on mr. Will. Millward, whoe lives in the Algervez, that was aboard her: he writes, shee is a very rich shipe, but mentions noe perticulars.

Inclosed in the preceding. Mr. Maynard's speech to the king and queen-regent of Portugal.

Vol. lii. p. 171.

By the especiall commandment of his most serene highnesse the protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotlande and Irelande, and the dominions thereunto belonging, I am sent unto this courte, to signifie to your most royall majesty king of Portugall and the Algarves, &c. the deep sorrow his highnesse is possest with for the decease of your royall father of blessed memory, his allye, who by the blessing of God on his prudent conducte and sage government, the kingdomes of Portugall and the dominions thereunto belonging were so happily restored from the bondage and oppression, under which it was held for many yeares under the king of Castile, 'till by the blessing of God it was at length asserted into its native priviledges; and the continuance of these mercys are still evidently seen to this nation, in giving them so heroick a prince to sway the Portugall scepter, being the undoubted heyre to your majestie's father's crownes, with the universall applause of all your most sacred majestie's loyall subjects, and an inheritour of all his royall vertues, which I am commanded by his most serene highnesse the protectour of England most heartily to congratulate, who wishes your majestie a long, prosperous, and victorious reigne.

Turninge to the queene.

The great grief, which his most serene highnesse the protectour of England, &c. conceives in the sad news of the decease of John the 4th of blessed memory, late king of Portugall, his freinde and allye, was much alleviated, after his highnesse had information, that the government of these powerfull kingdomes (during the minority of your majestie's royall sonne) was invested in your majestie, of whose prudence, magnanimity, and all other vertues becoming so great a queen, hee desiredly hath, and ever had a very high and honourable estimation: and I am commanded by his highnesse the lord protectour of the commonwealth of England, &c. to assure your royall majestie, hee is alwayes ready and willing to promote and encrease the amity contracted betwixt the two states, to the benefitt of both confederates, and the damage of each other's enemies.

Answer of the states-general to the French embassador.


Les estats generaux des Provinces Unies des Pais-Bas ayant veu & meurement examiné le memoire de sieur president de Thou, comte de Meslay, &c. ambassadeur du roy de France, presenté en leur assemblée le 14 de ce mois, par lequel il declare entre autres, que sa majesté luy a tesmoigné par ses lettres, estre contenté & satisfait de leur responce sur la restitution de ses deux vaisseaux de guerre & dependences, & d'avoir agrée generalement tout ce qu'il leur avoit fait entendre, ont trouvé necessaire & convenable de prier & requerir ledit sieur ambassadeur, comme ils font instamment par ces presentes, qu'il luy plaise de procurer le plustost que faire se pourra un acte d'aveu, en bonne & due forme, de sadite majesté, de tout ce qu'il a promis sous son bon plaisir par son memoire du 16 du mois de Juin dernier, sur lequel ladite response est ensuivie, ainsy que l'importance de l'affaire le requiert; & lesdits seigneurs estats generaux attendent & se promettent indubitablement de la bien-veuillance royale de sa majesté envers cet estat. Fait à la Haye, le 18e de Juillet 1657. [N.S.]

Count Brienne to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

La Fere, 19th July 1657. [N.S.]


My lord,
We still expect with impatience the taking of Montmedy, which through its situation and strong garrison in it doth defend itself very well. It were to be wish'd it might be speedily taken: the enemy durst not attempt the relief of it, in regard our army is still attending their motion.

I just now delivered a letter to the queen, from his eminence, of the 15th, and presently after, here arrived an express with another letter of the 16th. The first gave us hope, that the mine was to play the next day; but the second gave us to understand, that it had not yet done its effect: yet he that brought the letter faith, that when he came from Rhetell, a drummer of the army, who arrived there, did assure him, that it had done its effect, and that we were lodged in the breach; yet this I dare not give yon for certain.

The agent of the elector of Brandenburgh to the protector.

Serenissime ac celsissime princeps ac domine,
Quod unicè in votis suit serenissimo principi electori, domino meo, ut serenissimæ celsitudini vestræ quieto imperio populos suos regere cœlitus daretur, ejus rei jacta jam esse publico nationum consensu auspicatissima fundamenta, lætissimum ipsi nuncium erit, faustisque bonorum omnium acclamationibus gratulationem suam serio junget, atque diuturna ac perpetua celsitudini vestræ sint laudatissimi regiminis bona Deum ex animo precabitur. Si mihi serenissimæ celsitudinis vestræ devotissimorum cultorum minimo exprimere liceret omnium evangelicæ causæ faventium intimum sensum, & amicis vestris ma ximam exinde consolationem natam hostibus invidisque non levem terrorem incussum esse, prolixè exponerem. Quo munere autem serenissimus dominus elector in aula vestra fungi me voluit, serenissima celsitudo vestra veniam mihi dabit, ut prona submissione ipsi dicam, composito rerum vestrarum statu exspectare jam serenitatem suam electoralem à magnanimitate constantiaque vestra, cujus benevolè ac amicè spem dedit auxilii, illud ut remotâ morâ quantocius ei præstetur. Quis mutuorum ac oportunorum officiorum fidelissimæque inter serenissimam celsitudinem vestram ac principem electorem amicitiæ fructus olim futurus sit, quicquid alii statuant, qui nos in partes suas pertrahere satagunt, de eo jam non agam, sed mandata potius ac cecreta celsitudinis vestræ ad serenitatem suam electoralem perscribenda venerabunde præestolabor.

Serenissimæ celsitudinis vestræ
humillimus, devotissimusque servus,
J. F. Schlezer.

Die 9° Julii anno 1657.

The agent of the elector of Brandenburgh to secretary Thurloe.

Honoratissime domine,
Neque serenissimus princeps elector, dominus meus, inter omnes illos, qui amicitiam ipsius hoc tempore ambiunt, cuiquam alteri, quam celsissimo domino protectori debere aliquid voluit, neque mihi fas est per alium quenquam desideria principis mei ad serenissimam celsitudinem suam, quam per dominationem vestram deferre. Constant illa utique celsitudini suæ, permotamque eam vidimus tum rationum propositarum pondere, tum ingenito erga bonum commune evangelicorum zelo. Nee de serio serenissimæ celsitudinis suæ in serenitatem suam electoralem affectu, summaque propensione efflagitatum auxilium eidem præstandi, vel tantillum dubito. Labuntur autem interim tempora, non quiescunt inimici vestri, nec qui apud serenitatem suam electoralem plurimum possunt amici, gravissima argumenta ipsi proponere desistunt, quo ad moderandum æquilibrium negotiorum septentrionalium aptus, rebus potius suis consulere, quam variis difficultatibus implicitam causam diutius sustinere velit. Vestra adhuc in manu est prompto ex hac ipsâ occasione perscribendo responso nutantia firmare consilia. Patiatur interea dominatio vestra, ut libere hoc ipsi dicam, centum librarum millibus fortassis plura vos in Germania septentrioneque jam prætare posse, quam alibi millionibus aliquot, neque reparata iri damna ilia, quæ communis causa ipsaque Anglia, perditis pulcherrimis occasionibus, pati posset, etiamsi India universa potiremini. Quas ad celsissimum dominum protectorem hisce adjunxi submississimas literas, eæ dominationi vestræ ausam dabunt, generosum illum affectum, quem celsitudo sua non ita pridem, uti dixi, testata est, fovendi effectumque ipsum promovendi. Cedet illud gloriæ vestræ, ac serenissimus dominus elector solidam gratiam salutari ejusmodi instrumento habebit. Ego cum insigni dominationis vestræ humanitati, tum nuperrimo per ipsam accepto beneficio obstrictum me esse fateor, ut perpetim maneam,
Dominationis vestræ
Omni observantia obsequioque addictissimus,
J. F. Schlezer.

Die 9° Julii anno 1657.

Lieutenant-colonell Brayne to John Barrington, esq. one of the gentlemen of the protector's bed-chamber.


I Received both your's of the 7th and 20th of March last, and did acquaint collonell Barrington with your desires, who is very glad to heare of any hopes of his Irish arreares. He tells me he hath written to you to procure him some blood-hounds, which are like to be of so great consequence here, for the finding and killing of the wild Negroes, that I am forced to joyne with him in the same request to you. I have noe interest in any other freind, that can comand them, other wise I should not trouble you therein. I am confident, if his highnes did but know how usefull they might be here, he would cause some to be speedily sent. Colonell Barrington is exceeding industrious with his whole regiment in theire plantations; and, indeed, the earth produces such abundance of increase, that they are exceedingly incouraged therein; and I hope, within a short time they will need noe provisions from the State.

I beseech you, present my most humble service to mr. Row and mr. Maylen. I have bin very sick of late, and but yet in a weake condition; therefore cannot enlarge, but that I am
Your most obliged freind and servant,
Will. Brayne.

Cagway in Jamaica, the 9th of July 1657.