A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: June (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp351-361 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: June (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp351-361.
"State Papers, 1657: June (3 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp351-361.
In this section
June (3 of 4)
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
L'on taxe les papistes, qu'ils se tiennent hæreticis non esse habendam sidem; mais le
Dennemark demonstre, que ne quidem domesticis suœ fidei sit habenda sides, en rompant une paix perpetuelle: & il est incroyeble, combien de soin pour cela mesme ont
estats de Hollande, que toutefois sont demeurés guarants & caution pour ladite paix; & qui à present devoient assister le Swedois contre le Dennemark. Mais de Dennemark cela n'est
rien de nouveau. Protecteur mesme l'a experimenté, quam sit fluxæ sidei; ayant contra sidem publicam, contra omnia jura humana, divina & hospitalitatis, prins ces 22 navires Anglois,
nommés les Hennip Scheepen, l'an 1652; n'estant aussy rien de plus certain, si non que
presentement les estats de Hollande tascheront de faire autant pour Dennemark contre protecteur, si l'occasion se presente; comme desja ils indirectement sont contre la Swede, quoique obligés à
estre pour la Swede contre la Dennemark. Et desja, pour couvrir leur jeu, ils publient,
comme si alliance fort étroite le protecteur auroit avec la Swede, item avec la France. J'ay
aussy fçeu, que le bourgemaistre Witsen, le sieur Ewick, & le secretaire, tous trois de
l'admirauté d'Amsterdam, ont esté en Flandres, & à Dunkerke, fort apparemment pour
traiter avec ceux de Espagne, ou pour voir voire quelle force Espagne a; au moins, ils porteront
icy fort difficilement, que le protecteur leur ferme les ports de Flandres, quoyque eux-mesmes
l'on fait à tout le monde, & cependant exerceoient le commerce par Anvers, par le Sas
& par l'Escluse, vers toutes ces provinces Espagnols par-dedans, pendant qu'ils en excluoient tous autres par-dehors. Et quant au point du commerce, les estats de Hollande ont maintenant
un dessein plus grand que jamais; car ils aideront, en quelle façon que ce soit, le Dennemark, à
devenir maistre de East-sea; & auront promesse secrete, qu'alors le Dennemark fera avec eux un
semblable traitté, touchant les peages, comme l'an 1619, avec Dennemark, avec semblable advantage pour estats d'Hollande, & exclusion de protecteur & autres. Mais sur tout, le Dennemark se poussera
fort par le moyen de empereur, qui un jour sera roy d'Espagne; & par ainsy estats de Hollande, & Dennemark avanceront la
cause de Dennemark & roy d'Espagne, commerce, contre leurs propres vieils maximes; en quoy ils se consolent, pourvû qu'ils ayent le 179, par le moyen duquel ils se laissent leurrer. Je suis,
Ce 26e Juin 1657. [N.S.]
Vôtre très-humble serviteur.
A letter of intelligence from the camp before Montmedy the 26th of June 1657. [N.S.]
The trench was opened on the 21st. instant, and we have since proceeded very far with the siege. The place, tho' very strong, yet will not hold out very long; the longest will not be past 12 days. The enemy is marching towards us, but I dare say they will not be able to do us any harm, nor hinder us from taking the place. We expect mons. de Turenne here to morrow in our camp, with the most part of his army; the lieutenant-colonel de la Ferte hath had his leg shot off, and three captains killed.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Honored sir,
I Have received your letter, and his highnesse's order concerning the lord Brody; but
hee is now in Murray-land, which is above 100 miles from hence, and hath lately bin
very sick; but I doubt he will not accept of it neither, being he has bin offered once or
twice before to be a judge, but has refused itt. I am sorry, that my letter I wrote to you
concerning the tax of Scotland should come soe late to your hands; for truly, though the
Scotch gentlemen above are well satisfied with itt, the Scotch gentlemen here think it
very much, in regard they pay above a sixth part; and they reckon England 16 times better then Scotland, which I believe it is, and more too. Butt I shall desire your assistance,
that what orders are for Scotland above the assessment, may be speedily sent to us, for it is
time it were here already, being it will take some time to disperse it through the country
before it be done; and there being to be some alteration in it, it will take up
some time for the commissioners of assessment to lay on a new assessment. I perceive by your letter, that by information you understand the revenues of Scotland come
to about 66000 l. a year, including customs, excise, and all other revenues. Truly
I am confident they will bee mistaken 16000 l. of itt at least for the customs. I am confident the officers of excise and customs and the admiraltie will take up the whole
profitt of them, and the excise for almost two years (whereof the armie is to receive two
partes in three) our shares does not yet come to 40000 l. and what my lord protector's revenue in it is, I think you know better than myself, and so you may make an estimate
what it will come to. For news heere we have none. All things are quiett and well.
Which is all at present from
Your very humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 16th June 1657.
Upon this new alteration of assessment I doubt wee shall loose 500 l. we had out of the Seffe for the works at Leith; soe, that if his highness doe not help us out of the finemoney, (which I doubt will come to little) or some other way, the works will be at a stand.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol.li.p. 133.
Honored sir,
This gentleman the laird of Glenurchy youngest, both his father and himself have
bin very faithfull to the English interest, and his father keeping out his house of
Castle-Kelchurne against Middleton's forces, they burnt one of his best houses, and a great
many of his tenants houses, and destroyed his land. Hee is come up to attend his highnesse, that hee will please to doe something for him. There was reserved for those, that
suffered in the last warre the lord Dudopp's fine, which was promised to bee given to
them; butt that nott being yett settled in the councell above, I intreate you to move his
highnesse to remember him out of that or some other way, as his highnesse shall thinke
most convenient; for truly he hath deserved very well from his highnesse, and was present with mee when I marcht with the army into the hills; which is all at present
Your very humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 16 June 1657.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
My lord,
I Received the papers concerninge colonel Hewson, and judge them to be of a very
strange nature, as favouringe of an unquiet and devideing spirit, which if the most unbecominge a Christian of any other thinge, though it be the disease of this age, and found
amongst some good men. Your lordship could not have done lesse then you have without too much prostituting your owne authoritie; and haveinge done that, it may not peradventure be necessary to take any further notice thereof, either to the person, who is
comeinge over, or as to hym that intends to come. Somethinge is writt hither about it,
but not much. I beleeve they are rather ashamed of it then otherwise. When the
colonel is come, your lordship shall have an account of what he relates, and of his other
carriage. In the meane tyme I will not trouble your lordship with any thinge further about it.
Our tyme for this session drawes nigh: our buissines is not soe neare at an end, although within this 3 or 4 dayes wee have done very much. The most of our money-bills are ordered to be engrossed, or readye for it; only wee shall want a good considerable sume for the makeinge up the 1,300,000 l. All the revenues of England, Scotland, and Ireland, come to not much above 900,000 l. Where the residue must be had, will cost (I fear) a great debate in the house. Some other things I doubt wil be alsoe difficult, which yet remeyne to be done. I trust they will be overcome; and in case this parlament goe home contented, it is very probable, that through the goodnesse of God the nation will have peace. Our forreine news is not worth the writeinge; and therefore I will cease to trouble your lordship further at this tyme, and rest
Your lordship's most humble,
and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 16 June 1657.
Capt. R. Manley to mr. James Upton from Dantzick.
Dear A.
I am this day dismissed from my charge here, other officers being come from Holland
to take possession of our vyneard. Before I quitt these parts, I shall take a turne into
Prussia, to see the country and the Swedes milicia. If I can be further serviceable to you,
'twill be time I were employed, being my stay here will otherwise be but short. Upon
my returne into the Low-countryes, I purpose to come see my freinds in England. Here is
much newes, but little action; only the Sweades are restlesse; and to revenge our plundring
of some thousands of cattell, are resolved to make more breaches in the banks of the Wyssel;
Wee are indeed miserable enough alreadie. If the credit of our best grandees be of value,
the Imperialists are entred Poland with at least 18000 men, whereof 6000 and some Poses
are gone towards Cracow. The Hungarians in favour of their king offer to enter Transylvania with an army, which may oblige Ragotzki to looke homewards again. Samos ran
the hazard of a surprize; some faythfull Picts having underhand dealt with the enemy, but
a timely discovery hath saved the place for the present. If you have not as yet seene the
Danish manifest, take the heads of it, viz.
1. That Bremen, contrary to promise by word and writing, was attacqued and forced.
2. That some fugitive pasquil-writers were not delivered nor punished.
3. That Irne and Yerna, two places in Norway, were not according to agreement restored.
4. That under pretence of Swedish goods they gave passage to divers other merchants to pass the Sound, whereby the Danish king was defrauded of his imposts there.
5. That the Swedes had blocked up Dantzick, and broke the banks of the Wyssel, to destroy the trade of that place, and remarquably diminish the revenues of the crowne.
The Sweades in their last treatie with the Danes obliged them not only to suffer their shipping to pass toll-free through the Sound, à locis habitis sed habendis; so that Prussia and Dantzick falling into their hands, his Danish majestie may convert his castle at Elzineur to a taverne, and by double scoring the skippers, endeavour to pick up his crums agayne.
The king of Sweden is at present at Thorn, where the Holland's ambassador met him.
Ragotzki is in Warsow, having forced 400 Polish shod bipedes to a surrender. Pray
send the enclosed, and assure yourself, that their lives no man more then myselfe,
Your faithfull and affectionate servant.
27 June, 1657. [N. S.]
Our souldiers will not obey their new officers, but have highly mutinyed against them: their old ones they will, which will oblige me to stay still here.
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the states-general, taken the 27th of June 1657. [N. S.]
The lords commissioners of the province of Holland and West-Friezland have proposed to the assembly, that there be a letter writ to the lords embassadors of this state in Denmark, in answer to theirs of the 17th instant, that their lordships do make known to the king and the chief ministers there, that their H. and M.L. are heartily sorry to find, that the business in difference between his majesty and the king of Sweden cannot be decided by amicable means to both sides content, but that they seem to break out for want thereof to an open rupture; adding withal, that yet their H. and M. L. will hope, that the business will yet be effected without such extremity to each sides content and satisfaction, in an amicable way; and in case it should happen otherwise, as it doth appear it is like to do, that they the lords embassadors do use all good offices by the said king and his ministers, to effect, that his majesty do not ally himself in such a manner with any other potentates or governments, that thereby any hindrance should happen to the peace of the said neighbouring kingdoms, and consequently of the tranquillity of the East-sea, wherein these United Provinces are so highly concerned above all others.
Whereupon being debated, it is resolved to refer this to the lords commissioners for the affairs of Denmark, for them to examine the said proposition, and to make report thereof.
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the H. and M. L. states-general of the United Netherlands.
Mercurii, the 27th of June 1657. [N. S.]
After deliberation had, it is resolved, that in conformity to the advice of the lords commissioners of the respective colleges of the admiralty, a squadron of 14 fit ships of war shall be framed out of the first and next readiest ships in or near to Goére, under the flag of the lord lieutenant-admiral, and the vice-admiral Peter Florissen, there to expect their H. and M. L. order.
The lords commissioners of the province of Holland contradicted the said conclusion, being contrary to the conditions, upon which the lords their principals agreed to pay their share of the 600,000 guilders for the protection of the commerce and navigation at sea.
The Swedish resident to the states-general.
Read, the 28th of June 1657.
The resident of Sweden having understood, that from Denmark some letters were sent to their H. and M. L. which were writ by him to the king his most gracious lord, translated and glossed upon by the fancies of those, who intercepted the same, he desireth, that their H. and M.L. will be pleased to consider the ill consequence, which will arise from thence, to the prejudice not only of the free commerce, but also of the correspondency of all side ministers, in regard the like may be done by every post, as well to those who did the same now to the said resident, as to all others, to very great prejudice, yea the total interruption of all correspondency. Wherefore their said resident believeth their H. and M. L. will shew their discontent about it to those, who made the said interruption, and sent over the copies of his letters; and so far favour his majesty, that the rights of nations may be maintained, and the occasions removed, wherewith the disaffected endeavour to infringe and diminish the ancient and new alliances and correspondencies between his majesty of Sweden and their H. and M. L.
Signed in the Hague the 28th June 1657. [N. S.]
Sir Thomas Bendyshe, embassador at Constantinople, to the protector.
By this your highnes receives an account of what observe worthy in this Porte:
since my humble tender of April the 13th, what then I reported upon the creditt of
my owne, rather then my generall opinion (for most not seeing the secret working of things
for a warre, supposed the designe stood still) receives new proofe from the issue; their
fleet departing hence on the 30th last past, consisting of 27 gallies, 6 galliosses, 16 ships
of their own built, and 2 others French and Dutch, and the Recovery, a ship of England,
this forced into their service, by putting their men aboard her, towing her to their arsnall;
and by threats of the captain and mariners with imprisonment, yea, death itself; the visier
(whom my last spoke in a tamer condition by reason of his then sickness) carrying all things
now with that violence, as if his will were the rule to govern by, not only national pacts
or capitulations, which in your highness's name, and on our behalf, I opposed against
this his proceeding, but answered with a necessity of state, as his warrant for what he did;
though 'tis not impossible, that the easy yielding of the French and Dutch, who met his
demands (as I may say) half way, hardned him the more against us.
On the 28th the visier rode through the citty in pompe, attended by the flower of court and army (the souldiers not outnumbering, as I could best compute, 30000, having for my satisfaction stole a view of them, the grosse body being fore-marched for conveniency sake by other ways to their places of randevouz) towards his tents pitched about one mile from the city-wall. He continued in his tents in order to the compleating all things for his better march (which the ore-hasty desire of the emperor to see him in the field, would not allow him to expect in the city) certain days, not dislodging till the 4th instant; but what, or whither design'd, is yet in the cabinett. That his first attempt will be upon Tenedos, besides that the nature of the business perswades (the profit and honor both of this port urging thereto) the shipping of so many men, the ordring to the castles so great a number of small and light boats (to be forced, as some conceive, o're some neck of land) and the drawing of his army that way, seems to make certain; but that he will summer there, I cannot, as most do, admit; but rather continue my fears for Transylvania, and this I do, notwithstanding the allegation here by an extraordinary embassador from the king of Swedland (who arrived at the Porte the 14th last past) and one also from the Transylvanian, as for continuance of amity, the divertion of the Tartar upon the Muscovite, so sar an allowance of the Transylvanians confederation with the Swede, &c. against the Austrian combination; yea, and notwithstanding likewise the visier's answer in full complyance with what they proposed or demanded, I well knowing, that this people, when advantages offer, are not to seek for dispensation of strictest faith. And into the like jealousy of them have I laboured the Swede ambassador, who by letter upon his first arrivall, desiring my assistance in what he was to negotiate (supposing me, as he sayd, instructed thereto by your highnes's special commands) hath found me forward in all offices becoming the servant of an allie, which I dared publickly owne your highnes to be to the Swede and Transylvanians, but not a confederate (which they seemed to urge) without some express, as I told them, from my master; which on the 6th instant having had the honor to receive, given at Whitehall the 2d of April last past (wherewith, as commanded, I soon acquainted each ambassador) have since appeared more confidently in their favour, applying my self purposely to the chimachan (deputed in place of the visier) and to the mustee, to whom having first at large stated the nature of the confederation, I then earnestly urged their compliance with what was tendered from the confederates, first as very acceptable to your highnes, and then as much conducing to the interest of this Porte; their most implacable enemies (which are those addicted to the papal chaire) being hereby diverted, if not destroyed, without either their sweat or their cost. But they nothing moved herewith, unless to passion (which often turns the inside outward, and betrayeth what lurks within, which was the thing I watched for) do loudly and freely declare their dislike of the Transylvanian, as a revolter, and of the Swede, as his seducer; adding, that the former had deserted faith and friendship in attempting in this nature, without leave of the Porte (which by anciently subscribed conditions he was to expect) and the latter fought not their friendship, 'till he had first violated it, as by his withdrawing their tributary the Transylvanian, so by infesting their friend the Pole. Nor could my reply, that the Transylvanian did and would (I was confident) continue his obedience to the Porte; and that the accession of strength and honor to the vassal is the glory of the crowne that protects him; any whit asswage them; the mustee, as to a confident in private, discovering to me, that the Bassa of Silistria was already commanded to pass the Danube in order to a conjunction with the Tartar and Cossack (this latter having by a late address, in name of general, and whose army tendred obedience to the Porte, hitherto undiscovered to the confederate, to whom they had given faith to the contrary) and so to make an irruption upon Transylviana and those parts, confident, as he said, the Transylvanian would pay dear for his errour; yet adding, by way of close, that (so great was the clemency of their emperor) there was place left for pardon and mercy, in case of his humble submission and sudden restitution of such castles and strengths as are taken from the Pole. This I forthwith communicated to either of the Swede's ambassadors (on the 9th instant a second arriving, though but as a copy of the former in case of miscarriage) and so likewise to the Transylvanian, with my sense thereon; whereto they so farr at length assent (hitherto carried away with the soft words they have received) as not to rely any longer on the fair promises these people give them, the usual bates for their trapps, but to be watchfull and intent upon their actions and motions; so that I may say, though by my endeavours I have not gained them friendship here (which howe're I earnestly endeavoured) yet, that I have thereby prevented the danger thereof; for what more pernicious than such insidious friendship ? My discovery whereof they prosess to own as no inferior peice of service to that cause, which your highnes commands, and my own inclination hath made me zealous for; yet not so intent thereon, as any whit to neglect my own country, having so successively sollicited the chimacham and mustee for the redemption of the rich ship Resolution, and its mariners, taken by the Tripoleses, and carried to Rhodes, as to have gained their letters in favour of my request, which I have dispached to the visier by my drug german. If my endeavours can't draw them to doe us reason herein, it were but suitable to your highnes's wonted justice, to force them to it, the piracy being committed by them whilst under the grand signior's pay and bandiera, and protected in one of his ports.
With what success I have served your highnes's command concerning mr. Matthew
Lister, I presume your highness may have understood from himself; yet shall sparingly
add something, as that the bassa of Cyprus, upon fight of such commands and letters as I
strengthned him with from hence, forthwith vested him, notwithstanding the much opposition from mr. Fowke; the former consul having made the bassa himself, and the chief
of that place, favourers of his pretence, that the debts, which he was forced to compound
for, when he took the consulate, are, by custom of the place, to descend upon the successor to consulship; wherein I being appealed to, have sent fresh and reinforced commands for the unmolested settlement of mr. Lister, and the speedy removal of the other
from the island, no whit misdoubting such an effect as may suit your highnes's will therein, consul Lister's content, and my sincere aims for your highnes's service, which shall
ever be promoted to the utmostof,
your highnes's faithfull servant, and most obedient subject,
Tho. Bendyshe.
Perardi Constantinopoli, the 19th of June 1657.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Right honorable,
I Often receiv letters from mr. Metham, who desyres me to put your honor in mynd of
his supplys of monyes, which I am consident you wil not want to furnish, lest you
should be injurious to your self, and the advys and intelligence you expect from him.
Last week I writ to your honor of the arryval of a squadron of Duch ships in this port under the command of Ruyter, who is very wel horst, having a good ship under him of 62
guns, and 3 of his 6 ships ar no wayes inferior. They talk much of the late war with
Ingland, that they wer under-shipt; wherupon they built 60 such ships as thes, which
pust them into an exces of pryd, that they threten al the world. Four dayes since Ruyter departed this port in pursuit of 9 French ships (4 men of war and 5 merchant ships)
laden with soldiers from Tollon for theyr servis here in Itally. By good fortune they landed theyr men at Via Regia in the state of Luca, before the Duch cam in fight, when they
made sail for Porto Spechio, and ar now ther under a castle of the Genowes, besieged by
these 6 Duch ships. Only one ship, that was a bad sailer, the Duch took; and they hav
now sent to the state of Genoa, that if they wil not turn the French out of port, they will
hav no respect to the castel, but fal upon them, wher they ar, and ether sink or syre them.
The truth is, the French ar only good theeves, and fit for nothing els; at sea I mean,
but at land they ar better, for the 4000 horse I lately writ your honor, that had taken the
town of Avon in state of Millan, and reliev'd Valenta, they did al this in the syght of the
Spanish army, consisting of abov 14000 men, and durst not oppose them. Indeed the
Spanish flem and gravity is a good soil to set out the others vallour.
An Inglish ship, that arryved here from Ingland last week, called the Hannibal,
brauht hether the wys and children of sir Theosilus Gilby, who was collonel in the king
of Scots army at Worster. This man, upon the said king's letter of recommendation,
has bin entertained this 4 yeares in this prince's servis, and on that score sent for his familly
hither; but now about a month's since he has bin writ to by his former master, to com
into Flanders; so he has taken his leav of the great duke's servis, and imediately repaires for Flanders, wher he is promist to command al the foot of the said king. His
wys and familly he ships on a ships of Holland for to meet him that way. Thus much
I thot fit to acquaint your honor. An Itallian, that was steward of the hous to the
queen of Sweden, is put into the inquisition at Rom. The pope had latly allotted twelv
thousand crownes a year towards the queen of Sweden's maintenance, and a councel called
Collegio di propagando fede has contradicted it. I believ, if that queen does not carry her
self more modest, they will go near to put her into a monastery. I humbly rest,
Right honorable,
your most faithfull servant,
Charles Longland.
Leghorne, 29th June 1657 [N. S.]
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Right honorable,
My last is of the 12th instant from Riga, of which the enclosed is a copie. That day
I removed towards this place with noe small apprehension, that I had staied too
long there; for the next day after my comeing hither, one of my company fell suddenly
and dangerously sick; but, blessed be God, he is somewhat recovered, and continueinge
soe long, wee hope it's only a feavour. The duke of Courland, whoe had very frindly
invited me to his court, to avoyde the danger of the infection at Riga, wheere it greatly
increaseth, did very nobly receive me heere, notwithstanding he knew, that a gentleman
in my company was sick. He hath entertayned me several tymes at his castle, and demonstrated much of respect to his highnes, which I hope it will please his highnes to take
notice of in a letter to the duke; if that may be convenient, I pray your honor, that it
may be done. If it be sent to mr. Gamaliel Acton, merchant in Dantzick, he will convey it by the post to the duke's handes, whoe very frindly offers, that if the English merchants shall think fit, whilst the sickness continues at Riga, and the warre in Livonia and
those parts, to make use of his portes for the bringing downe, and shippinge out of hemp
or any other commodity from Russia or Poland, they shall have free liberty with his
best furtherance. I heere inclose a copie of the duke's letter of invitation to his courte,
which together with his abundant wellcome continueinge me hitherto at his own charge,
(though I would gladly have excused that) merits a thankful acknowledgement. I now
hope within ten daies to receive the great duke's answer, haveinge signified to the governor of his frontier garrison, that I heere attend it; but if it should be come up to his
courte, I cannot possibly doe it, except my bill of 1200 l. be first paid, and letters of credit sent me for my future supply.
Whilst I am writing, comes your honor's letter of the 29th ult. with the narrative of our
fleet's utter ruining of the 16 Spanish ships at Sancta Cruz; which newes the duke had here
yesterday in the lumpe from Lubeck. Blessed be God for his goodness in that, and setling the government. I am sorrie my bills of 400 and 1200 l. were not then payd, but
hope through your honor's meanes those sums will both be payd in tyme, to prevent the
returning of my bills protected; and that though I find no mention thereof in this letter,
yet your honor doth not forget to send a letter of credit for my future supply, at least to
Musco, as I writ in my last, and th'enclosed copie, otherwise I shall heartily repent my
departing on such a journey without such credit, &c. Referring your honor to the enclosed intelligence, and prayinge your care of my future subsistence in his highnes's service,
I affectionately remayne your honor's very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Mittaw, 19 June 1657.
I thanke you for his highnes's letter to the senate of Hamburgh, whoe for all that will (I believe) give no satisfaction, but a smoothinge answer to his highnes's letter, if your honor will let it rest soe.
The king of Sweden to Mr. Richard Bradshaw.
Carolus Gustavus, dei gratia Suecorum, Gothorum, Wandalorumque rex, magnus princeps Finlandæ dux Esthoniæ Careliæ, Bremæ, Verdæ, Stetini, Pomeraniæ, Cassubiæ & Wandaliæ, princeps Rugiæ, dominus Ingriæ & Wismariæ, necnon comes Palatinus, Rheni, Bavariæ, Juliaci, Cliviæ & Montium dux.
Gratiam & favorem & nostrorum singularem, illustris nobis sincere dilecte, super cætera documenta amicissimi affectus & conjunctæ necessitudinis cum serenissimo & celsissimo domino protectore Angliæ, Scotiæ & Hiberniæ, &c. amico & fœderato nostro charissimo erectæ, non in postremis numeramus, quod te potissimum uti sidelem suum ministrum elegerit, quem pro componendo inter nos regnumque nostrum ab una & magnum Moscoviæ ducem ab alterâ parte confiato bello in Livoniam mitteret, cujus bonum propositum suo fructu haud cariturum considimus. Sicuti vero hoc bellum absque ulla verâ causâ nobis illatum est, pactorum æternorum vi fine motione ullâ alias insistere certis, adeoque ea semper conferre volentibus, quæ arctiori adhuc combinationi inservire possent, ita etiamnum facile persuaderi possumus, ut sopita hoc flamma, priusquam majora incendia gignat, pristina pax & bona correspondentia æquis conditionibus educatur. Enim in sinem justis mandatis antehac instruximus nostros in Livonia existentes legatos, ac præcipuè generalem nostrum Livoniæ gubernatorem illustrem comitem nobis sincerè sidelem, magnum Gabrielem de la Guardie, à quo placeat tibi uberiores animi nostri sensus percipere. Ante omnia vero sic progrediendum putavimus, ut in loco tertio instituatur tractatus, & priusquam tamen eo veniatur in signum animi ad pacem amplectandam sincerè compositi, omnino restituantur, nostri in Moscoviam missi legati contra jura gentium, non modo moratiorum, sed minus etiam cultarum, capti & detenti, quemadmodum in limine statim æquum est, ut id flagitemus, in aliis nihilominus propensi in id omne condescendere, quod æquitas & ratio publicæ salutis dictaverit. Ita speramus fore, ut nomine serenissimi & celsissimi domini protectoris, domini tui clementissimi, pro dexteritate tua ca officia & studia contribueris, quæ huic negotio & communis rei cum altè memorato domino protectore nobiscum intercedentis commodo conducere possint. Quod ut cum successu & seliciter facias, post clementem aggratulationem prosperi in illa loca adventûs tui deum precamur, institutum uti nostrum optato exitu beare dignetur, in cujus protectionem te commendamus. Dedimus Thorunii Borussorum, 16 Junii, anno 1657.
Carolus Gustavus.
Edvard. Philipson,
Konekenhausii Gubernatoris literæ.
Illustrissime ac excellentissime domine,
Ne fortè graver opinione justa ratione ob periculum imminens, uti jam Riga lues dominari inauditur, vestram excellentiam in aulâ illustrissimi & celsissimi Courlandiæ principis
aliquantisper agere propense gratulor. Responsorias à Cæsarea majestate domino meo clementissimo in horas exspecto, quæ uti primum Moscovia pervenerint, illico ad vestram
excellentiam transferri curabo, pro officio vero amicitiæ me habere velim,
Excellentiæ vestræ adictissimum Ossonasioni. . .
Konekenhausii, die 19 Junii, ann. 1657.
Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France, to the states-general.
Paris, June 29th 1657. [N. S.]
H. and M. L.
My lords, I make no doubt but your H. and M. L. will take it favourably from me,
in case I dare mention here, how that during the time of this seizure, and the late
differences, the interested of their H. and M. L. subjects were in no consideration here to
further their just affairs in a course of justice, as their right required; yea, that many
businesses, which lay dormant, have been revived by their adversaries, and at this time decided to their great prejudice and injury. Now therefore whether your H. and M. L. shall
not think fit in their justice, that in the negotiation with the lord embassador de Thou also
a provisional article to be made as followeth:
That all proceedings, dispositions and divisions of affairs between subjects of their H. and M. L. and Frenchmen in France, begun or finished after and during the time of this seizure and misunderstandings, shall be void and of no value, as if they had never been begun or decided, and that no prejudice shall accrue thereby: which (under correction) seemeth very necessary to be done; for during the said time, here are no ears to hearken after the right of your H. and M. L. subjects, much less an inclination to further the same.
As soon as the accommodation shall be owned by the king, and approved of, I will not omit to further the commands of your H. and M. L. of the 15th instant, concerning the ships Joseph and Aleppo.
W. Boreel.
De Thou, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague, 29 June 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. l. p. 157.
My lord,
In my forogoing I gave you to understand our agreement, which is begun to be executed, by setting at liberty the captains and other officers of the two ships Regina and
Chasseur, who were put into my hands, and whom I kept two days, that so the embassador of Spain might see, that satisfaction is given to the king, in what he desired of these
The rhyngrave is come hither, to inform the states of a piece of hostility acted by the Spanish garrison of Juliers Peere to Maestricht; I believe the business will be accommodated, yet it will serve to breed a jealousy in the minds of these lords, who will perceive thereby the difference which there is between an ancient friend and a reconciled enemy. The king of Denmark hath sent a herald upon the frontiers of Sweden, to declare war against Sweden; so that there is no thinking to prevent the rupture which is made, but to cause it to cease by the mediation of neighbouring princes, and common friends.
Monsr. the rhyngrave was just now with me, and shewed me a letter from his son at the siege of Montmedy, where the trenches were opened on the 21st instant, and that there are but 400 in the place; so that it is hoped, it will be soon taken.
Here is a great deal of stir about some letters of the residen: of Sweden who is here, which have been intercepted in Denmark, and copies given of them to the lords embassadors of this state, who sent them thither to their superiors. The said resident did highly complain of it in a memorandum, which he presented to the states-general, it being a breach of the laws of nations. If I can, I will send you copies of them.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. li. p. 169.
I l y a icy beaucoup de discours d'un caquet de lettres du resident de Swede, que le
roy de Dennemark a fait intercepter, & l'ambassadeur Beuningen a envoyé icy, lesquelles contiennent en substance, que tout est icy pour le Dennemark: qu'on favorise en
tout ses levées & equipages, & que tout soit contraire à la Swede: que l'empereur, la
Spaigne, le Dennemark, Poloigne, & le Hollande (ainsy parlet il) ont conspiré contre
la Swede: qu'il voit tout gaigné pour le Dennemark, Poloigne, &c. par l'interest. Cela est mal prins, comme en effect c'est prendre trop de liberté. Mais le resident dit pour
son excuse, qu'il a escrit à son roy, & a comme en confiance parlé au roy, comme il est obligé, & qu'il le fera encore, tant que le roy luy ordonne autrement: que cet estat a eu
des correspondents, sans charactere, à Stetyn, Dansigk, & Konnigsberg, qui ont escrit
bien plus vilainement & à diverse fois de son roy; & que jamais son roy n'a pas fait semblant de rien.
Que l'ambassadeur de Spaigne par son memoire, signé de sa main du 22e, a nommé le sieur Beverning, que pour son interest particulier il troubloit la paix, & avoit fait faisir l'abbaye de Cloosteraet, & que rien ne se dit contre cela; mais que le resident de Swede parle en secret à son roy: cela est mal prins. Car la divulgation, dit-il, ne vient pas de luy, mais des Danois. Cependant, cautius debuisset agere, & penser que Dennemark est son ennemy.
Cet estat projette & propose derechef un alliance entre l'Angleterre, la France, & cet
estat: item un alliance entre cet estat & la France. Aussy la Hollande a proposé, qu'on
doive serieusement dehorter le Dennemark de la guerre. Sa majesté de Dennemark a
escrit une lettre aux estats generaux, leur notifiant sa guerre contre la Swede, sommant cet
estat de la guarantie, qu'il a promis, & de prendre part en cette guerre. Je suis
Ce 29 Juin [1657. N. S.]
Vôtre très-humble serviteur.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. li. p. 172.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Ayant escrit un autre, je reçoy l'agreable vôtre du 22/12 courant, par où desirez de
sçvoir le nombre de navires de guerre, & le dessein de les estats d'Hollande: le vray nombre resolu est de quarante huit, quoyque de temps en temps s'equippent ou fortent aussy des navires de guerre de convoy:
& l'un vient, l'autre va; l'un est victuaillé, l'autre point. Et outre cela, il est bien &
très-certain, que Amsterdam a envoyé trois de leur grands vaisseaux de guerre, avec 800 matelots, & de jour à autre suivent d'autres: & cela est si manifest & notoire, que je m'é
tonne, comment le sieur vous en puisse douter. Et ceux de les estats generaux mesmes advisent (comme
en effect par l'experience se voit) que Dennemark & Pempereur agissent de concert & d'accord, l'un
ayant attendu après l'autre. Et il est aussy bien certain, que Dennemark n'auroit jamais com
mencé sans l'encouragement de Amsterdam & les estats d'Hollande, & sans estre assuré de l'appuy & aide de
Amsterdam & les estats de Hollande, estant un grand changement: car il me souvient du temps passé, quand
les estats d'Hollande & Dennemark ensemble agissoient contre l'empereur & Espagne, & que Dennemark ne le pouvant faire ains soy retirant, le Swede le sit en grand contentement, & bien de les estats generaux estant bien
certain que l'empereur en temps en fin joint à Espagne, auroit accablé les estats generaux, si Sweden n'eust
fait (ce que Dennemark avoit abandoné) assaillant & occupant le empereur; en effect, il faut s'étonner, que Cromwel ne semble pas encore apprehender cecy. Il semble bien certain, que devant tout, le Dennemark attaquera Gottenburg, Elve, & Weeser, pour ainsy couper & separer le protecteur
entierement d'avec Sweden. Tant Dennemark que les estats d'Hollande, ont aussy fait un villain action, ayant
fait intercepter des pacquets du resident de Sweden, & les faisant lire dans 130; & encore malicieusement traduits & detorqués; la verité estant, que ce resident, voyant icy ceux de
les estats de Hollande & Amsterdam tout-à-fait pour Dennemark, & contre Sweden, en a dû faire plainte continuelle à Sweden; & ayant vû qu'en la besoigne avec France l'on assermentoit les euats generaux, à ne
point prendre des corruptions, il devoit presumer, qu'il y avoit des corruptibles: & puisque dans la besoigne avec Dennemark l'on n'a jamais parlé d'assermenter les estats generaux, & que neantmoins les estats de Hollande & semblables (avec la pluralité) sont si furieusement pour Dennemark, il avoit
raison de croire, que Dennemark en avoit corrompu aucuns ou la plûpart, & pourtant a conseillé au
Sweden de se faire aussy des amys par ce mammon. Et c'est le grand crime, qu'il a commis. Mais je pense, qu'il n'a pas encore escrit la moitie de ce qu'il pouvoit. Je suis
Ce 29e Juin 1657. [N. S.]
Vôtre très-humble serviteur.
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to Ruysch.
Vol. li. p. 170.
My lord,
Upon saturday last came the lord secretary of state to visit me, and declared to me
with many serious expressions, that he had done his best to get seven of the lords of
the council together, that so he might have proposed to them my memorandum delivered by me to the lord protector at my last audience, and especially, that concerning the
ship Morning-star, which I had so fully remonstrated and desired; but that it was altogether
impossible, in regard the parliament being assembled in the afternoon, did not rise 'till past
nine of the clock. That in the mean time he could not forbear to declare unto me in particular, that he had seen by the papers, that most of the goods in the said ship were laden
by a merchant of Genoa, who dwelt mostly in Spain, and that to the English captain who had taken the ship at sea, bills of loading were shewn of a Netherland merchant
to merchants at Amsterdam; but that in the gunner's room, the right papers were
found hid, whereby it appeared, that the others were coloured ones, and that thereupon
the said ship was brought in. I answered, that the said Genoese however was also a subject of a state, being in amity with the government; that there were no other than lawful
goods and merchandizes in her; and that it was very hard and prejudicial for the commerce,
that sealed letters and papers should be opened. His honor said, that he only told me in
particular what he had found in the papers; but withall he promised me, that he would
represent the same favourably to the council; and added likewise, that the parliament
would be assembled but one week longer, and then he assured me the council would be at
leisure to dispatch many businesses; and that the lords commissioners should then resume
the conference about the marine-treaty with me.
Westminster, 29th June 1657. [N.S.]
W. Nieuport.
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to Ruysch.
Vol. li. p. 174.
My Lord,
This morning I received a letter from the lord secretary of state, whereof here enclosed I send you a copy, and the authentick depositions and examinations, which I
thought good to translate, and to send them likewise to their H. and M. L. I declared to
his honour, that the best way would be to perfect the long depending marine-treaty, according to the good intention of their H. and M. L. yet that I would send the papers
delivered to me to their H. and M. L. I desire that I may receive advice what their H.
and M. L. shall think sit to resolve upon the same.
Westminster, 29th June 1657. [N. S.]
W. Nieuport.
The Swedish agents to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li. p.178.
My lord,
If it please your lordship to remember how his majestie the king of Sweethland, our
most gracious master, did send hither, 2 years ago, his ambassador my lord Christer
Bonde, to testify his amitie and good-will towards his highness, and the commonwealth,
wee hope you will easily call to mind the final conclusion of amitie, and settlement of
every strait alliance, made between us, his highness, and the dominions of England,
Scotland, and Ireland.
Your lordship will be pleased to give us leave to tell you, that in the said league is provided, that for what losses soever either of the confederate states, and their people, or subjects, have received from the other, during the war between this commonwealth and the states of the Low-Countries, satisfaction shall be given without any delay, and full restitution of the things taken, according to right and equitie. And to this purpose it was ordered, as your lordship knows well, that three commissioners should be elected, and deputed on either side, who take knowledge of all these controversies, and decide them, according to the said treaty concluded at Westminster. Whereupon we came hither long ago, as commissioners from the crown of Sweethland, and their people, or subjects, according to the tenor of the said treatie, importing, that we should meet at London the first day of Januarie last past.
Therefore, that this our commission may be put in execution with the least loss of time, and that wee may begin our work, and decide all these differences, which shall be expos'd or propos'd, and did happen in the late time of warr, wee have no other refuge to fly unto but to your lordship; and in regard of your love to justice, wee are confident, wee shall not loose the fruits of our expectation in our present address, representing to your honor, that having been here four months, for nothing else but only for this commission, and finding time and charges spent in vain, and the winter unsit for long travell approaching, wee are forced humbly to pray your lordship to assist us so effectually, that there may shortly be a perfecting of these things. Concerning our persons, wee hope, that our long stay here, and due civilitie towards his highness, and this commonwealth, shall prosit us so much, as to move his highness to a shorter dispatch, and also let the loss of time be recompenced with speed and reall satisfaction. And therefore wee recommend and commit this business unto the care of your lordship, as unto a noble person, whom wee know, and believe both willing and able to promote it as well as any man in this state and court of his highness.
For wee are confident, your lordship's prudence and justice will think upon some speedie means to maintain the true friendship and affection, which always hath been, still is,
and will, as wee hope, continue betwixt our gracious master the king of Sweethland, and
his highness, and this commonwealth; and so to procure a dispatch of the present affairs,
as a fair evidence of your real intention to the peace and union of both nations. Thus
you'l greatly oblige our gracious master, and his subjects, and answer the longing desires,
My lord,
Your lordship's
most humble and faithful serviteurs,
London, 19th Junii 1657.
J. Pryttz.
J. Berkman.
Jochim Potter.