A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: June (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp339-350 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: June (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp339-350.
"State Papers, 1657: June (2 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp339-350.
In this section
June (2 of 4)
To the Venetian Agent.
Antwerp, 19th June 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. li. p. 52.
The burning of the galleons and ships in the Canaries by general Blake, which came from the Indies, was a thing foreseen, and foretold, and which doth not bring any great advantage, much less profit to the English, who are since retreated to Portugal, to repair their ships and rigging.
Men do long to see here, whether the English will restore the Holland ship, which came from the Canaries, and in her way home was met and taken by an English man of war, and brought into Milford harbour; in regard the Hollanders pretend they will not suffer their ships to be visited or brought in, but will maintain their navigation free against any that shall disturb it.
The letters from Madrid do confirm the taking of Olivenza in Portugal, and the siege of Valenza in Gallicia.
Here is no news to write of our army in these parts. The French are strong in the field; and the Spaniards being forced to put men into several places, they have no great army as yet to appear in the field with.
Sir John Reynolds to embassador Lockhart.
Vol.li. p. 54.
Right honorable,
I Have considered your commands, concerning the correspondency vouchased by you,
and do find no other way than by the ordinary post to Paris, and thence to your army; which, although somewhat about, yet it's sure. This is presented to you by a
currier sent by the cardinall to Bologne with a packett to marchall d'Aumont, requiring
all expedition in sending the coates and shooes to the English. I hope wee shall receive
them. In the meane time, wee have some trouble to satisfy the souldiers, who are, I
feare, too much countenanced by their officers to demand it, and by some discontented
English and Irish, set on fire against the French. There was one Fitz-Symonds taken at
the gate of Amyens (in the time of my riding about the towne with the governour, to
provide hospitals for the sick, and carriages for the lame) who, as I am informed, advised the soldiers not to march farther; and that they would be abused, and never paide.
He is imprisoned at Amyens, &c. I have endeavoured to keepe up civility and discipline.
I hope we may attain to more, if care be taken to enable the men to subsist, where things
are excessively deare, and the pay lesse than in England. Wee are now upon our march
to St. Quintin, where the king will see us. It is farther than was expected, yet wee rest
satisfied, in hopes another design may pay for all. The governour of Calais is passed by
us this morning: he seems verry much a lover of England, and gives greate hopes to his
freinds of their navall seige at Dunkirk. I am
From the field in our march, neer
Corby, June 9th 1657.
Your obliged servant, Jo. Reynolds.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol.li. p. 56.
I Received your's, and am glad to heare you goe on so unanimously in your businesse;
but I doubt this 1300,000 l. will come in butt very slowly and uncertaynly; soe that
if any part of itt should bee appointed for the souldiery, they would bee ill paid. The
session is now begun heere, and unlesse you thinke of another judge in the roome of the
lord Southall, or pitch upon a lesser quorum heere, 'till you can appoint a judge to your
liking, businesse will bee att a stand heere; and unlesse you doe one of these speedily, a
great many people will nott have their businesse done att the end of the sessions. I am
glad to heare, that our forces are soe well arrived in France; I hope wee shall heare good
newes from them shortly. I am sorry wee lost major-general Morgan heere. I have received two orders for the continuance of him in his regiment and his command. There
must bee one appointed in his place (in his absence) or else his highnesse's affaires in those
parts will suffer much in his absence. I have appointed col. Daniell to command in those
parts. Truly itt will bee very troublesome and chargeable: and if you could procure an
order from his highnesse, to pay him 6 s. a day out of the contingencies heere, for his
paines, itt would bee a good incouragement to him to carry on his businesse, being hee
is to bee constantlie at Aberdene from his familie, which is new settled att St. Johnston's,
where hee is governour. I desire you will pardon this boldnesse of mine, in giving you
this constant trouble about our affairs heere, which the confidence of your love and affection to mee, makes mee the more bold to trouble you with; which I hope your goodnesse will excuse, as coming from
Edenburgh, 9th June 1657.
Your most affectionate humble servant, George Monck.
The council of Ireland, to the protector.
Vol.li. p. 67.
May it please your highnes,
Wee understanding it to be your highnes's pleasure, to have an account of the revenue in this nation, wee have here prepared and sent your highnes a breif state
thereof; which albeit itt cannot in so short a time be ascertained so well as wee desire, itt
is nevertheless with as much care and certainty as att present wee could, and according to
the best estimate and computation wee could make, humbly represented, as in the perticulars inclosed is exprest; resting,
in all humblenes,
at your highnes's command,
H. Cromwell.
Councel-Chamb. Dublin, the 10th of June 1657.
An account of the annual present revenue of Ireland for one year, ending the 1st of May 1657.
Vol.li. p. 64.
An estimate of such part of the revenue in Ireland, as is not yet brought to charge.
Vol. li. p. 65.
Necessary seals to be provided for Ireland.
Vol. li. p. 66.
The great-seal, in the lord chancellor's custody.
The privy-seal, in the secretary of state's custody.
The council-table-seal, in the clerk of the council's custody.
The seal of the upper-bench.
The seal of the common-pleas.
The seal of the exchequer.
The seal of the admiralty.
The seal belonging to the several custom-houses, which were usually about the breadth of 12 pence.
Quere. Whether it be not fit to provide seals for the courts of probates of wills, and testaments, and granting letters of administration, which formerly were ecclesiastical seals, and now must be changed, in regard that power is put down.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li. p. 69.
Honorable sir,
What intelligence I can send you by this post is conteined in the fowre letters heere
inclosed. You will finde by them what the marques of Argyll's carriage has been
since his comeing home, and how ill he deserves the twelve thousand pounds, that was
given him; besids, I can make it appeare, that hee owes eighteene thousand pounds to the
state. This intelligence I thought good to send for your information, and that you may
make such use of it as you see cause. I remaine
Your humble servant,
George Monck.
Edinburgh, 10 June 1657.
The protector to general Blake.
Vol. li p. 78.; In the handwriting of secretary Thurloe.
I HAVE received your's of the, and thereby the account of the good
successe it hath pleased God to give you at the Canaries, in your attempt upon the king
of Spain's ships in the bay of Sancta Crux. The mercy therein to us, and this commonwealth, is very signal, both in the loss the enemy hath received, as also in the preservation of
our ships and men, which indeed was very wonderful, and according to the wonted goodness and loving-kindness of the Lord, wherewith his people hath been followed in all these
late revolutions; and call for on our part, that we should fear before him, and still hope
in his mercy. We cannot but take notice also, how eminently it hath pleased God to
make use of you in this service, assisting you with wisdom in the conduct, and courage in
the execution; and have sent you a small jewel, as a testimony of our owne and the parliaments good acceptance of your carriage in this action. We are also informed, that the
officers of the fleet and the seamen carried themselves with much honesty and courage, and
we are considring of a way to shew our acceptance thereof. In the mean time we desire
you to return our hearty thanks and acknowledgments to them. Thus beseeching the Lord
to continue his presence with you, I remain
Your very affectionate freind.
Whitehall, 10th June 1657.
Instructions to general Blake.
Vol. li. p. 80.
Whereas you have by your last letters signified to us, and to the commissioners of the admiralty, that several of the ships now with you are very defective, and must of necessity be brought into port, not being able to stay out the next winter without great hazard and danger, we have resolved to call home part of the fleet; and that affairs there be dispos'd of in the manner following:
1. We judge it necessary that 14 ships be continued before the bay of Cadiz, and in those seas, for annoying the enemy in such manner as your former instructions direct.
2. That five other of the frigats be sent into the Streights, to ply up and down there, for the preservation of trade, and also for offending the enemy, as they have opportunity; we being informed, that there are some ships under the king of Spain's commission, that in a piratical way do our merchants much hurt in those seas, beside what some Turkish pirates do. And upon this opportunity, you shall give instructions to the commander of this squadron, enabling him to treat with Tunis or other places upon the Barbary coast, for the settling of amity and commerce between this commonwealth and them in such manner as was agreed between us and Dunkirk.
3. We have not thought it convenient to give you any direction, which of the ships should be brought home, and which should be continued upon the services aforesaid, in respect we cannot be informed what state and condition the several ships are in; but do leave it wholly to your direction, as you shall judge it best for the aforesaid end.
4. You are likewise to appoint a fit person to command the said squadron of 14 ships; as also another to command the other five ships, and to give each squadron instructions to the purpose aforesaid. For commodore of the 14 ships, we here have thought of capt. Stoakes, but do refer it to you to do therein as you shall judge most convenient.
5. Those ships, which are to be continued at sea, are to be furnished with such provisions as can be spared.
6. Having done this, you are, with the remainder of the fleet, at such time as you shall judge fit before the winter season, to return home; and your first arrival upon the English coast, you shall give us notice thereof.
Whitehall, 10th June 1657.
Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France, to the states-general.
Vol. li. p. 105.
H. and M. Lords,
Upon the 8th instant I advised how far the lord Lockhart, embassador of England,
declared himself to me concerning the mediation between your H. and M. L. and
France. By the last post I received your commands of the 13th of June; but in regard, that
the said lord ambassador was gone from hence for the army and the court of France, and
that I writ over upon the 15th instant the said lord's discourse to me concerning the offered mediation, and what was told him by the cardinal about it, and that his lordship said
to have writ to the lord protector about it, the business therefore (with respect) doth remain to be furthered at London, or at least till the said lord Lockhart have received an
answer to it; but his lordship did not express himself roundly concerning the answer, which
the cardinal gave him. The lord Nieuport, your H. and M. ambassador, will be best able
to inform your lordships about it.
Paris, 21 June 1657. [N. S.]
W. Boreel.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li. p. 111.
Right honorable,
I MADE noe question, but by this post to have had notice from you of the payment of
my bill of exchange of 1200 l. and to have a letter of credit for my future supply, according as your honor promised in your last of the 15th of May: but, to my great trouble, I find my pacquet without any letter from you, and both mr. Waynewright and my
servant write, that they had often attended for the payment of that bill, and the former
400 l. but colde not then obtayne either; soe as they doubted all the bills would come
back on me protested, to my discredit and prejudice. I wish I knewe how I come to deserve this hard measure, to be sent upon soe dangerous and soe uncomfortable an employment, without a sutable supply, as your honor very well knowes I am. I am sorie to
understand from mr. Meddow, that you had hurt your leg, hopeing these will find you
well recovered, and that I shall in due tyme heare of the payment of the said bills, and
receive letters of credit for the future, without which I cannot proceede, though the great
duke should send a convoy for me, from whom I now expect to hear within twenty
dayes; which will be (I feare) before I receive that letter of credit, which I should have
had before I left Hamburgh, here being noe exchange in theise parts, nor knowe I which
way to supply my selfe at Musco, except your honor procure a letter from that company, or
some particular merchant, rather to mr. John Hebden, English merchant there, to furnish me
the needfull, and to send those letters by their ship to Archangell, and allsoe by the post,
that they may be sure to come on there; and this I pray your honor cause to be done with
speede, though you should have sent a letter of credit to Hamburgh; for not haveing that,
whilst I-was there, to make use of it, will be now hard, and almost impossible for me to
find any merchants heere to supply upon that credit. If I goe not for Musco, I can make
the better shift to subsist; but if I must goe, and find noe order there to supply me, I must
then of necessity cast my selfe upon the great duke's charitie for a livelihood, at least till
I can be supplied from England, which is the best in such case I can hope for. In my last
I desired your honor's direction, in case the great duke shall understand my credentials, to
give me another character than my instructions mention; wherein I agayne request your
advice or order. I shall find his highnes's letter to the senate at Hamburgh, from whom
noe doubt but you will receive (as their manner is) a shufflinge and smoothing answer,
which they are consident will satisfie.
Riga, 12/22th June 1657.
The Spanish embassador to the states general.
Lectum den 22 Junii 1657.
Vol. li. p 112.
Le soubsigné ambassadeur d'Espagne à esté en chargé par les lettres de son altessre le serenissime prince don Jean d'Austriche de representer à messieurs les estats-generaux l'infraction, que se fait aux droits, qui competent legitimement au roy son maistre sur la terre de Boexmeer, par le conseil d'estat de L. L. SS. lequel pretend de s'attribuer sans aucun fondement, & sur le simple pretexte, qu'elle resortiroit sous le pais de cuycy, ou bien sous le mairie de Bolduc, quoy qu'elle soit notairement independente de l'un & de l'autre de ces pais, & ne puisse estre avec raison tirée ny reduite sous le ressort d'aucune des places, qui sont demeurés à L. L. S. S. par le traité de paix, fait avec sa majesté estant un fief libre & separé, qui releve & depend immediatement du roy, comme due de Brabant, sans avoirjamais en aucune connexion, ny subjection, solt à ladite mairie, soit au pais cuycy. C'est pourquoy ledit ambassadeur prie & requiert très-instamment L. L. S. S. qu'il leur plaise d'ordonner audit le conseil d'estat, de ne rien attenter par voye de fait dans ladite terre, au prejudice des droits de sa majesté, & s'ils y pretendent quelque action de l'instituer par voye juridisque devant la chambre-mypartie ou arbitres à choisir de part & d'autre, hors d'icelle (ainsy que l'on en use en l'affaire de Guemert) ou bien de quelques autres colleges de justice de interesses, sur quoy il attendra favorable resolution de L.L. S.S. à fin d'en reservir son a serenissime, & recevoir les ordres necessaires, la commission & decision de ce differend. Fait à la Haye la 22 de Juin, 1657. [N. S.]
Signe Gamarra.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li. p. 113.
Right honorable,
Mr. George Smith, marchant, wryts me this weeke, that he has received by your
honor's order the 100 l. I paid here to mr. Metham. For the punctuall payment
I render your honor most humble thanks. The French in the state of Millan have faln upon a town or garrison of the Spanyards, called Avon, which they hav taken, and cut off
a whole regiment of German soldiers. This place hindred their acces to Valenta, which
now they hav relieved, and prepare to mak some progres in that state. This evening came
into port the Duch commander Ruyter, with six sail of ships of war. They want but
nine dayes from Allicant, whence they bring newes, that the Spanyard had taken a citty
from the Portuges, on the frontiers, of very greate import; but thes Duch are so partial for
the Spanyards, that we cannot believ them. They lykwys report, that general Blak's
fleet appearing befor the Canaryes, the Spanyards fyred theyr own gallions, lest they
should be taken from them; but on better information we find they were fyred by general
Blak (14 gallions in al) and he had lest 12 ships at the y lands, and was returned back to
Calis with 24 saile. I am,
Right honorable,
your faithfull servant,
Charles Longland.
Leghorne, 22 June 1657. [N.S.]
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. li. p. 109.
Je vous puis dire, que la Hollande, & specialement la ville d'Amsterdam, à grandement pati en son commerce, par l'arrest ou saisie generale en France. Ce qui les fasche le plus est, qu'ils craignent, que la France, ayant une fois trouvé ce chemin de pincer la Hollande, le fera cy-apres plus; voire si tost que la Hollande exorbitera un peu à la fantasie des Francois. Et la contré saisie par mer, qu'on vouloit faire, n'a esté que raillerie. La Hollande y auroit trouvé biens moins son conte, car elle s'auroit aussy-tost brouillée avec l'Angleterre, ou bien elle auroit veu tout ce commerce de France tombé ès mains des Anglois. On voudroit bien faire a croire aux unes, que c'est de peur de la saisie par mer ou de la flotte que la France a relasché encore une belle raillerie; car l'ambassadeur n'arien relasché dans son dernier memoire de ce qu'il avoit demandé dans ses precedents. Et l'on voit asses, que la France à eu d'autres considerations, à savoir pour romper les desseins & esperance, que l'Austriche, Dennemarc, Espagne, & Pologne batissoient sur cette brouillerie; en quoy encore la Hollande & Amsterdam ont fait un pas de clerc; car cette accord si inopiné (& contre l'attente, que donnoit le concept traité du 15 Juin) etonnera & desencourgera aucunement le Dennemarc & le roy de Hongrie; qui tous deux regardent l'un sur l'autre, pour voir qui commencera le premier; & tous deux ont fort regardé & attendu la rupture entre cet estat & la France. Mais la Hollande ne se pouvoit pas passer du commerce son ame; & (illâ salvâ) ne laisse ny ne laissera pas de favoriser le Dennemarc, comme elle fait continuellement par des navires, levées, & ammunitions. Estant certain que Amsterdam estats d'Hollande sont surieusement animés pour Dennemarc & contre Swede
22 Juin 1657. [N. S.]
Je suis Vostre très-humble serviteur.
Lockart to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li. p. 106.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
May it please your honor,
Since my last I have had audience twice; in both of them the cardinall renewed his
promises concerning Dunkirk, and desyres you and fleet to be in readinesse. I dare not give
that trust to his assurances, as to incowrage his H. to put him to extraordinary expense
in his preparations; and yett there are some circumstances, that seem to favor that design
for mar. Turene hath a considerable army, and noe other visible employment for it. It will
also concern him to enterpryse something that's hansome; otherwyse la Ferte
will be the only person cried up. The clergye and all the papilts in France begin already
to mutter many things to the disadvantage of Turene. When I see him at St. Quentin,
he allowed me the freedome to tell him, that if he did not something that was extraordinary, his reputatione would diminish with his frends, and his enemies would take courage
to prosecute their malice against him with the greatter vigor. I had not ventured to say
this, if I had not been encouraged to it by his imparting to me his regraitts for the ill offices some endeavoured to doe him. I putt him in mynd of the oppertunity he had to
oblydge his highnes to stand by him in all wethers.
In so far as I can penetratt into the resolutions of Mazarin, I ame bound to say, I think they inclyn favorably, but dare not promise the measurs, upon which I build these conjecture, are just. Howsoever, I am earnestly press'd by the cardinal to desyre your having ready with your fleet, 8000 utensils of mattocks, spads, shovels, pick-axes: ordinary custome in theise cases must regulatt the proportions of their several species; if they be in magazine, a little matter will transport them to the Downs. It's likewyse desyred, that one hundred thousand pound weight of biscuitt, and fowre hundred thousand pound of coarse flour of wheat, be in the same readinesse, for all which redy mony shall be payde at your rates. When this was proposed, it was told him how unhappy I was, to be at all tyms oblydged to put you upon certain expenses for a businesse, that seemed to have so much uncertainty upon their part. It was replyed, there could be no greatt losse in such things; and if they were not used, satisfaction should be made for any damage sustained.
I have also been spoake too for the loan of 2000 men and 202 some 361 guns. 378. I said, I durst not undertake to make any such propositione, as things stood now; but was bold to assure, that so soone as the seige was formed, 108 and the lynes closed, his highnes should be wanting in nothing, that lay in his power.
The king's affairs in Italy goeth on prosperosly: the siege of Momidi doth the same: it's believed it will not hold out beyond a fortnight. Tuesday last the lyns were closed, and the trenches opened. The night before the enemy endeavour'd to cast in a secourse of 400 reformados, who were so entyrly rowted by mr. Grandpre, as (save three) none of them escaped being killed or taken. Their losse is more considerable then theyre number of ordinary soldiers.
Mr. Turein is at Vervin, 8 or 9 leagues from this. Our forces joyned him yesternight, and were recieved into the army with great expressions of joy. Mr. Turein lyeth there to observe the enemies motions, who are at Mons.
The duke of Yorke joyned them with four regiments two dayes agoe; he was also received with acclamations of joy. Both armyes pretend greatt confidence in their English forces, as they call them; but the French have a double advantage, for one of their regiments will equal the number of the duke's four, and besydes their's is new mettle; whereas the duke's is counterfeit, and his Irish are no better than the sheep in a lyon's skin. The pretended duke threattens he will give no quarter to the English; who I hope shall not stand in need of his mercy. A very few dayes will clear up what the enemys intentions are. Some apprehend they will hazard a battle for the relief of Momedi. I cannot think they will; for the place is not very considerable. Others beleive, if they march for the relief of it, mr. Tureine will not be to forward to enterpose, and offer battle, because he alledgeth, his misfortune before Cambray had not befell him, if mr. la Ferté had march'd up to him with the diligence he might have done.
I know theer are immoveable jelosies betwixt them; but mr. Tureine hath too much honor in him to resent private injuries in a way so disadvantagios to the publike.
The enemy is still possessed with ane opinion, that the French are oblydged by treatty to besiege some place upon the sea-coast; and upon that account are upon their gard on that quarter: how far they are misinformed in that, is knowen to your honor.
At this day's audience, I took notice, that the French ambassador (in his appology for their attempt upon Cambray) had done me injury, in saying, I had assured his eminence, that his highnes would be satisfied with such proceedings. The cardinal replyed, he had no orders to say so, and if he had, it was an escape. I did not presse it further; but I may assure your honor, I did not dream of any such thinge, and was never in my lyfe more surprysed, than with the first newes of Cambray's being invested. I confesse I was severall tymes told, both by the cardinal and mr. Turein, that they thought they would be nessecitated to besiege Armentiers, to give some diversione to the enemy, and open their own passage (up the river Lys) into Flanders. I did not much oppose it, by reason it's nothing strong, and could not have stood out a week; and yet I never gave my consent even to that, but followed your orders strictly in pushing the main businesse.
The trumpett, that caryed the passport to the count of Pignerande, who comes ambassador from Spain to the imperial dyett, hath brought back a pasport for duke de Grammont and mr. de Lions. I shall not troble you with the king of Sweden's resolutions in the businesse, since the cardinal assures me you are advertised of them by an expresse sent to his highnes from the said king.
I caused to translate into French the narrative of the sight at Teneriff. The whole court esteem it one of the hardiest actions, that at any time hath been done at sea. I have sent a coppy of it to general Reinolds, and desyred, that the ministers of the respective regiments might give publick thanks for so greatt a mercy, as as also the late agreement betwixt his highnes and his parliament.
If your letters be addressed to me at court, I hope they will come safe to the hands of,
May it please your honor
your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
La ferre, June 12/22, 1657.
I have just now received your's of June 4th, and shall deliver the ratificatione of the
treatty once to morrow. I have also presently received news that the enemy gives jealosie
they will besiege Landressi. Mr. Turein doth draw near it, and hath a body detached ready to be cast into it, if the enemies resolutions hold. For my part I shall be glad they do,
for then the French will have no reasonable excuse for delaying us any longer.
A LIST of such additions of pay as I procured to the officers already comprehended in the establishment.
Vol. li. p. 107.
Sir, this was the utmost I could obtain for them, and may say I was more importunatt for this, than I should have been if it had concerned my own subsistence. I press'd that addition to the general's pay, because he complained it was too little in the establishment, and his highness had obliged himself to make up out of his own purse all that was short of syve pounds per diem. I have sent your honor your own order, to let you see, that all things considered I have come short of it.
General officers added to the establishment of the forces under command of sir John Reynolds, knt.
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. li. p. 106.
Right honorable,
My brother in his last tells me of your care of me. I have not tyme to give your
honor those thanks I owe, but I hope you beleeve, that I am faithfully yours, and
esteem myself most happy in that relatione.
Mr. Noel hath had the goodnesse to offer himself to furnish me what I want.
If my warrants for money could be drawn upon him, I beleeve it would be a greatt accommodation to me; the creditt of them would procure me any advance I needed. I
have been so exacted upon by merchants here for the advance of mony, that if it were
possible, I would willingly be out of their talons; but in this, as in all things else, I submitt my self to yowr opinion, and shall be abundantly satisfied with whatsoever you determine concerning
Your most faithfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
June 11/21.
The hint I gave you concerning 534 hath been three or four tyms confirmed from 445; but nothing of the particulars can be learned.
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to Ruysch.
My lord,
Yesterday morning I received two letters from their H. and M. L. the one of the 13th instant, concerning the mediation of England between France and the states of the United
Netherlands; and the other of the fourteenth following with a letter of their H. and M. L.
to the lord protector, for the furthering of the releasing of William Verheyden out of his
slavery escaped before Leghorn; and this afternoon in a private audience I communicated
to his highness, that their H. and M. L. had writ to the lord embassador Lockhart, that
their H. and M. L. were very well pleased with his mediation between France and the
state of the United Netherlands; and that their H. and M. L. had thought fit, that I
should most seriously thank his highness for the mediation. The lord protector answered,
that he with all sincerity endeavoured to do all what he could for the removing and renouncing the differences risen between France and their H. and M. L. and that he would
continue to contribute towards it. In regard the parliament upon the 30th instant, new
stile, was to adjourn, I thought fit earnestly to propose unto him, that which their H. and
M. L. had commanded in February last, concerning the recalling or repealing of the act
for the advantage of trade and commerce here, (as is pretended) made in the parliament
1657. The lord protector having hearkened to my proposition with attention, said, that he
on his part was very well contented to order business so, that all misunderstandings and hatred may be prevented; and that what I had proposed, he would take into further consideration. I also remonstrated unto his highness the complaints of those of the great fishery
in Netherland, about several excesses and wrongs committed at sea by some English fishermen and sea-captains; and I delivered to him a written memorandum about it, to which
I had annexed the several certificates, translated into English, concerning the said complaints
which were sent unto me. The lord protector delivering the papers to the lord secretary
of state, said he would further examine the same, and in effect shew, that he is not inclined
to suffer, that the inhabitants of the United Netherlands should have wrong done them in
any thing, and that care ought to be had on both sides, that the one be not prejudiced by
the other.
Afterwards I related to his highness what had happened to the said William Verheyden, escaped to Leghorn out of his slavery at Algiers in an English ship; and I desired, that his highness would be pleased to give order, to the end the said Verheyden might have his liberty; and that, to that end, he would be pleased to write about it to the governour or magistrates of the said city.
The lord protector delivered their H. and M. L. letter and my memorandum to the lord secretary of state, and promised me he would do all what could be well done by him or in his behalf.
I was yesterday to salute the lord Broghill, president of the council in Scotland, and a very considerable member in this present parliament, concerning the ship the St. Jacob of Amsterdam, which in October 1655, coming from Portugal, was stranded upon the coast of Suffex, and by the country people plundered and broken to pieces; whereupon the lord protector and council had given vigorous orders to the judges of the admiralty to take care, that reparation should be made to the interested, and the guilty punished; but being informed, that the chiefest of the said countrymen intended to remove the business out of the said court of admiralty, and to bring it to the common-law, I had recommended a petition to the parliament in the name of the interested, which being referred to the said lord Broghill, sir John Reynolds, and many other lords, after much trouble I got sir John at last to make report before he went for France, who referred, that the commissioners were of opinion, that the judges of the admiralty ought to determine that business according to the order of the lord protector, without any revocation or prohibition; but the judges of the common-law did so highly oppose it with so much animosity, that the business could come to no conclusion. And therefore I thought it my duty to remonstrate the same in serious terms to the lord protector, desiring, that his highness would be pleased so to represent the business to the parliament, that the desired justice for damage sustained by the said countrymen may be no longer delayed. The lord protector declared to me, that he was sensible of that business, and that the said prohibitions of the judges of the commonlaw were granted in many cases to the prejudice of the state itself; and taking my memorandum, he ordered very earnestly the lord secretary of state, that he should propose the business in his behalf the sooner the better to the parliament.
Westminster, 22 June 1657. [N. S.]
W. Nieuport.
John Hill to lieutenant Dethick.
Abbeville, 14 June 1657.
Dear Brother,
I AM now got into the heart of France, and like the country well, but the conditions
of the people I can hardly relish; they are the cruellest exactors upon strangers, that the
world affords. I have not been yet with the army, by reason the major-general sent me
back from Amiens to this town to buy a waggon and provisions. Our army and the
king of France's army joyned yesterday, and they are very potent. I believe we are
for Flanders. I could wish wee were to have 3 or 4000 English horse, and then, brother
Dethick, I should expect thee. We shall be upon some action very suddenly.
An information about col. Harrison, &c.
Vol. li. p. 128.
Col. Harrison, mr. Pheake, mr. Can, and mr. Rogers meet ordinarily at mr. Daforme's house in Bartholomew-lane neer the Royal-exchange, where they professe themselves ready for an insurrection; the time being now come, as they say, wherein the three yeares and halfe is at an end, in which the witnesses have lyen dead, and that there will be a resurrection of them.
It is confidently believed, that upon this delusion they will ground an attempt, which may be attended with some mischief, they professing it to be their resolution to destroy all, that shall oppose them.
June 15, 1657.
Col. Tho. Cooper to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
My lord,
Haveinge the opertunety of this messenger, I am bould to informe you of what I hear
from Carrickfergus. The towne it seemes hath lately chose one mr. Grigg to bee
their minister, and are strongly indeavouringe to have him setled with them; but inded I
think it veary unsafe, hee should bee admitted into that towne; hee is a man of a veary
turbulent spirit, and extreamly disafected to the present government: hee was banished
Ireland, as I take it, in generall Moncke's tyme, and as I have heard, was soe exceedinge
active against the English army, that if they could have taken him, they had matter
inough against him to have put him to death; and since my comeinge to Ireland, I have
had informations divers tymes against him of veary seditious expressions hee hath used
both in prayeinge and preachinge; and the towne of Carrickfergus hath many Scotts in it;
and the English there have to much a Scotch spirit, by reason of mr. Grigg's formerly beinge their minister. I doe humbly conceave, that it's much for the peace of Ireland, in
all townes of strength at leaste, noe Scotch minister be admitted, except hee bee a knowne
friend to the present government; and I hope your lordship and the councell will not admitt them into Derry, Coleraine, Carrickfergus, and Belfaste; and if it could well bee
done, it wear adviseable, that noe Scotchmen might live in those townes, at least for some
years; for your lordship knows, ther is more dainger to be expected from that interest,
then the Ireish in Ulster. All which I doe submitt to your lordship's wisdome, and remaine,
My lord,
your lordship's very faithfull servant,
Tho. Cooper.
London, June 15, 1657.
The czar of Muscovy's chancellor to mr. Bradshaw.
Vol. lii. p. 194.
Dei gratiâ magni domini czari & magni ducis Alexii Michailowitzii, univeræ tam Majoris tam Minoris & Albæ Russiæ solius sustentatoris, Moscoviæ, Kioviæ, Volodomiriæ, Novogorodiæ, czari Cusanæ, czari Astrachanæ, czari Sibiriæ; domini Plescoviæ & magni ducis Lithuaniæ, Smolensekiæ, Tweeriæ, Woliniæ, Podoliæ, Jugoriæ, Permiæ, Weathiæ, Bolgariæ, &c. domini & magni ducis Novogorodiæ, planarum terrarum Tzetnigoviæ, Resaniæ, Polotzhiæ, Rustoviæ, Jarvslaviæ, Bieloosariæ, Udoriæ, Obdoriæ, Cundiniæ, Vitershiæ, Menstilariæ, & totius lateris septentrionalis emperatoris & domini Iveriæ: Carthaliniorum & Grusiniorum czarorum & Cabardiniæ, Tzercassiorum & Goriorum ducum, & multorum aliorum regnorum & regionum orientalium occidentalium & septentrionalium, Olzitzii Detitzii, & heredis domini & imperatoris. Czareæ majestatis suæ cancellarius legationum Alenasius Ivanovius.
Præpotentis protectoris Oliveri domini statuum Angliæ Scotiæ & Hyberniæ, regnorumque sibi addictorum præpotentiæ suæ legato Richardo Bratschovio, salutem. Præsentis anni 1657, mensis Junii die 12 scripsit suæ czareæ majestatis magno nostro domino, Offonasius Nassockin, Oppidi Czarewitz Demetrii (Kockenkusii) Woywoda, misitque literas, quas tu, mi legate, ad czaream suam majestatem, magnum nostrum dominum scripsisti de intermediatione præpotentis domini protectoris, ut ipsius ope inter czaream suam majestatem, magnum nostrum dominum, & regem Swediæ Carolum Gustavum, pax constituatur. In illis vero tuis literis czareæ suæ majestatis magni nostri domini non solum, quem Deus ipsi largitus est, titulum, & quo ipse suis in litteris utitur, & quo ad ipsum magnum dominum omnes cæteri magni domini scribunt, non integrum scripsisti; sed etiam ipsum magni domini nomen, quod scribere conveniebat, omisisti. Quibus non more legatis solito egisti: sicuti & ad suam czaream majestatem, ipsum nostrum magnum dominum, literas tuas consignasti. Mos autem legatorum antiquus fuit talis: si quando legatus quidam a magno quodam domino ad alium quendam magnum dominum mittitur, ut ab eo qui illum mittit domino, literæ per nuntium tabellionem præmittantur. Ex vigore talium literarum legati accipiuntur. Sed propter te legatum tales literæ ad czaream suam majestatem, nostrum magnum dominum, non fuerunt præmissæ.
Quamobrem ego, czareæ suæ majestatis cancellarius, valde miror, te tanquam hominem eruditum & doctum, & ad czaream majestatem, magnum nostrum dominum, legatum, in literis tuis suæ czareæ majestatis nominis & tituli integri, uti decebat, inserendi oblitum esse. Nam ante omnia conveniebat te nosse & meminisse, quomodo ad czaream suam majestatem, nostrum magnum dominum, ad quem legatus eras, ipsius magni domini nomen & titulum scribere, & consequenter czareæ suæ majestatis magni nostri domini honorem & observare debebas. Inprimis quod à multis jam annis inter magni nostri domini avitos Ruthenici regni prædecessores, & reges Angliæ integra amicitia floruerit & invaluerit; interque illos magnos dominos legationes frequentes amice intercesserint. Insuper suæ czareæ majestati magno nostro domino cum protectoris præpotentia nihil hostile unquam, sed semper arcta amicitia & correspondentia suerit. Imo nuper præterito anno 1654, ad czaream suam majestatem magnum nostrum dominum, præpotens protector Angliæ Oliver cum legato suo Willielmo Pridaseo litteras suas misit, in quibus & nomen & titulum integrum scribi curaverat, sequentibus verbis: altissimo, potentissimo, & serenissimo principi, magno domino, Cæsari & magni duci, Alexio Michailowitzio, Dei gratia universæ Russiæ soli sustentatori & sic deinceps integrum titulum prout suæ czarea majestas ipsa titulum suum scribit. Propter tales superius nominatos errores, literas tuas ad suum czaream majestatem scriptas exhibere non ausus fui: itaque inposterum suæ czareæ majestatis magni nostri domini nomen & titulum noscas & recorderis, prout hisce in literis aperte scriptum est; & quemadmodum sua czarea majestas magnus noster dominus ipse scribit, & sicuti ad ipsum magnum dominum omnes Christiani principes scribunt.
Postulatum tuum quod attinet, ut nempe suæ czarea majestas, magnus noster dominus, tibi literas suas securitatis transmittat, & in postulatis tuis mentionem non facis, quot à protectore nobiles & quot ministri tecum in tuo sint comitatu. Ideoque necesse erit, ut circumstanter & specietenus omnia perscribas ad suæ czareæ majestatis Woywodam, Offonassium Nassockincui, cum primum ille huc ejus notitiam fecerit, extemplo suæ czareæ majestatis nostri magni domini literæ tuæ securitatis transmittentur cum cæteris necessariis omnibus.
Dabantur in suæ czareæ majestatis magni nostri domini czari & magni ducis Alexii Michailowitzii universæ & Majoris & Minoris, Albæque Russiæ, solius sustentatoris, czareo oppido & Arce Moscua, anno a creato mundo 7165, a nato Christo 1657, mensis Junii die 26. [N. S.]
Extract out of the register of the lords states-general of the United Netherlands.
Martis 26 June 1657. [N. S.]
After deliberation had, it is resolved herewith to desire the lords of Ghent, and others their H. and M. L. commissioners for the affairs of France, to go sound the lord embassador de Thou, whether it would be agreeable to the king his master, that an alliance defensive should be made between the said king, the lord protector of England, and this state. That a letter be also writ to the lord embassador Boreel, that he do also sound the court there, whether the said alliance will be pleasing to them; and to advise their H. and M. L. thereof as soon as may be. And likewise, that a letter be sent to the lord embassador Nieuport in England, that he do also sound the lord protector, whether the said alliance be pleasing unto him. The said lords commissioners are hereby also desired to draw up a draught of an alliance defensive between France and this state, as also between France, England, and this state, to make report thereof.