State Papers, 1657: June (1 of 4)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1657: June (1 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1657: June (1 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1657: June (1 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

June (1 of 4)

A letter of intelligence.

June 1, 1657.

Vol. lvii. p. 6.

I have with the utmost diligence endeavoured to find out what you desired, and I find they are unresolved of their owne time, and much disturbed at the new guard in the city's bowells; and you your selfe will collect, that they cannot be well resolved, when you consider the inclosed; for he would not send to speake with me of the time next fixed; and upon him they depend to sett the time. As for persons, more may be found out, and shall to my power: and I am promised, that when their last messenger returnes, I shall knowe as soone as can be their resolved time. As to the contents of the inclosed, I thinke if it were fitt to goe, which I hold not, yet it were best to give a delatory answer; and so I have done. I remayne

Lieutenant-general Brayne to secretary Thurloe. p. 7.

May It Please Your Honor,
This bearer, captaine George Dakin, haveinge been lately here, is able to give unto your honor a full and exact accompt of the present state and condition of this island; therefore I desire your honor to speake with him. Which is all at present from
Jamaica, 2 June 1657.

Your honor's most obliged servant, W. Brayne.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. li. p. 3.

Honored sir,
I receaved both your letters of the 26th and 28th of May, and returne you many thankes for your care of providing us some monies for the cittadell at Leith. Truly itt will bee very needfull; and I doe not see how the monie can bee better bestowed. I thanke you for the inclosed order, which you sent. I have examined the account, and I finde there will be about 8000 l. more then is already charged; soe that I think his highnesse and the councell may safely dispose of soe much monie towards that good worke, if they shall soe thinke fitt; and to that purpose I have returned the inclosed order to you againe, and desire you will afford your assistance in procuring of it passed, and signed. I am very glad to heare, that his highnesse hath given his consent to the parlament's humble petition and advice under the title of protector, which I doubt nott will be for the good and peace of these nations. I hope now thinges will settle apace. I thanke you for the good newes you have sent us concerning the victory God hath been pleased to give general Blake against the Spanish shipps. Itt is of great concernement to us, and I hope it will bring the Spaniard to some agreement with us in a short time; and as soone as the councell here shall come to fitt (which will be this day sennight) wee shall (God willing) appoint a day of thankesgiving for the same, to bee kept at Edenburgh, and the parts adjacent. Wee shall be much troubled for want of another judge heere; the sessions having began yesterday, and here is but just a quorum, and there wants a judge for the outer house; soe that unlesse there bee one sent downe of those that are in the house, and a new judge sent down in the laird Southall's place, there will bee little done in the court of justice this session. If you send downeone, itt will be necessary hee bee one, that is very fitt, and knowing the practique of the lawes of this nation, that hee may carry on the businesse of the outer house; and if you should not appoint a fitt man for the businesse, you had as good putt in none. For newes heere, wee have none; all thinges are quiett, and well. Which is all at present from
Dalkeith, 2 June 1657.

Your most humble servant,
George Monck.

In case his hignesse please to grant an order for the 4000 1. I shall undertake to make the cittadell att Leith very desensible this summer against any enemy.

H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. li. p. 9.

In answere to your's of the 26th of May, I shall return but your owne words, that seeing providence hath disposed matters thus, lett us be contented, and thankfull to God, that there is this stepp made towards the freedome of these nations, allthough all that may be wished cannot be arived at, at one time. I confess, I like graduall proceedings best, and this the better, because it seems such; for I take the late instrument and way of government to have beene a reall releif against the wild courses of the little parliament; and ame glad noe allteration in that instrument was affected, till time and experience have taught us both its faults and remedies. Wherefore I am contented, that the finishing of our settlement bee also deferred, till a competint tryall hath beene made of the present way; and allthough wee should at laste returne to that verry forme, which was of old, yet I doe not thinke these severall tossings and tumblings have beene in vaine, for by them men will be the better convinced of the danger of levitie, and take heed howe they are too wanton and bolde hereafter with long setled constitutions: besides, these things come to passe, that the workes of God might be made manisest. I ame glad to heare of the reception of our freinds in France. I know that nation can be civill: I wish they would bee as cordiall: but fore warned, fore-armed. It is something, that their king would make H. H. arbitrator upon so illustrious a controversie as this is betweene him and the Dutch. The pestilent booke you sent mee tells me noe news; for I have thought there were long since more copies of it in the heart of wicked men, then have beene lately printed upon paper; to which purpose, I was (as I thinke about six months ago) bold to advertise H. H. Truly this, and the grumbling of other factious spiritts, ought to begett ane extraordinary vigilance at this time. God willing, I shall doe my parte here. I ame glad, that our quiettness is such, as affordes no matter of newes; but meethinks I could wish I might make you some other retribution, then only to returne you your owne letter; but when occasion is offered, you shall finde mee
June 3, 1657.

Your very affectionate freind,
and faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. li. p. 15.

Understanding, that you are laying on a new assessment uppon England, Scotland and Ireland, I must desire you will consider this poore country, which truly I can make itt appear, that one way or other, they pay one hundred pounds out of fower, for their assessement; and the warre having soe much exhausted them as it has done, as by forfeitures and sines, wee have much a doe to gett itt uppe; and the souldiers, that receive itt, had almost as well goe without their pay as gather itt uppe. And unlesse there bee some course taken, that they may come in equality with England, itt will goe hard with this people; and itt will bee one of the greatest obligemente they can have to the present governement, to bring them to an equality. And since wee have united them into one commonwealth, I thinke itt will bee most equall, to bring them into an equalitie; and then in case they bee nott quiett, I thinke itt were just reason to plant it with English. I desire you will stand a friend unto this country in the behalf of the sesse, that they may bee equall with others; and I doubt nott, butt God will blesse you for itt, and that you will excuse my boldnesse in troubling of you in this businesse; butt I thought itt might bee of some concernement to the publique, which hath occasioned mee to desire this favour at your hands. I remayne.
Dalkeith, 4 June 1657.

Your very humble servant,
George Monck.

Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. li. p. 26.

Right honorable,
Last nyht cam newes from Millan, that 4000 French horse have succor'd Valenta; but the Spanyard drew al his strength together to hinder theyr retorn. The French brok throh and fell upon the Spanyards, slew two thousand, and utterly routed the rest. If the French had a good army of 25 thousand, or some what les, and good commanders, one somer would reduce the state of Millan. The queen of Sweden is coming from Pesaro to Rom. From Tollon ar coming 8 ships with 3000 soldiers for Modena. Sir Theofilus Gilby has had a letter from the king of Scots to com to him in Flanders, and accordingly has bin with the greate duk, who has granted leav. Mr. George Smith, to whom I sent a bil on your honor for 100 l. paid mr. Metham by your order; which pray, sir, let be paid, that my credit suffer not therby; wherein you wil much obliege,
Leghorn, 15 June 1657. [N. S.]

Right honorable,
your most faithfull servant,
Charles Longland.

Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. li. p. 28.

Right honorable,
Yesterday I here received yours of the 15th ult. but my pacquet of the 8th is yet wanting, if your honor writ by that post. I am not a little trubled, that my bill of exchange was not then paid, fearinge the bills I charged on mr. Waynewright will come back upon me, as needs they must, if he receive not the money from the state before the 21st of this moneth, havinge noe effects of myne in his hands. I wonder the bill was not sooner shewed unto you, being I gave special order for it; but it may be my servant attended without admittance, as formerly in a crowd of businesse. I shall hope and expect from what your honor now writes, that the next post will assure me of the payment of that 1200 l. with the former 400 l. (I haveing drawne full soe much on mr. Waynewright and my servant,) and bringe me letters of credit for my future supply, without which I cannot possibly proceed; and therefore ernestly pray your care of both; if not effected, when these come on. I must needs say, that I lye under very great discouragements in this service, and I cannot but thinke your honor is sensible of it.

By the last week's post I gave you an account of the letters I had dispatched hence to the great duke and the governor of his frontier garrison, as likewise to the king of Sweden and duke of Coerland; of all which I heere inclose duplicates, with a copie of the answer I received from the governor of Cokenhousen, which is very civill in their kind of RussLatin, and promiseth faire reception by his master. But I am in a great strait how to carry it, my credentialls and instructions not agreeing in the character given me, the word resident not being onst exprest in the credentiall letter, where I am onely stiled his highnesse oratour, and sayd to be knowne unto him by other legations, which soe clearly explains the meaning of the word and title of oratour, as I doubt the great duke will understand me to be no other than legatus, as that title was ever taken and given by his predecessors and the kings of England formerly, as your honor very well knowes. I writ you something of this from Lubeck, feareinge my credentialls would oblige me to a higher character than my instructions mention. Grave Magnus and the people of this place, as likewise the duke of Coerland, will not understand, that his highnesse would send one to the great duke upon such an important businesse, under a meaner character then all other princes and states, interposing as mediators, have done. Findeing by my reception here (of which you have an accompt in the inclosed paper) that his excellency count Magnus de la Gard understood by letters from England, (I suppose from the Swedish ambassador there, because I have one from him this post soe stiling me) that I came as ambassador from his highnesse, I presently sent to him about it; whoe coming to visit me (for he would by no meanes suffer me to give him the first vissit) after some discourse, wherein I held forth to him, how unpractable it was to send forth an ambassador before his highnesse was assured of friendly reception, in the close he told me, that he beleeved, if I appeared under a less character, the great duke would reject the mediation. The case being thus, if the emperor send for me, as I beleeve he will, I shall then, before I come to his court, send a copie of my credentialls, that accordingly as he receives and accompts of me thereby, I may deport myselfe; not doubtinge, but if the duke will understand me to be legatus, that then his highnesse will judge it meete I conforme unto it, being then neither safe nor honorable to declyne it. I hope the charge will not be much more, as I shall manage it. I should be glad to receive fome further direction in this tickle point, wishing I had rather beene sent as envoie, then that I should mistake my character, or act to the dislike of his highnesse, and prejudice of the negociation.

My truble and care is allsoe increased from the danger I am exposed unto in this infected place, of which I wrote in my last; and whither to remove I knowe not, most places hereabout beinge in like condition; but if the infection increase (as blessed be God it hath not much this weeke) I must then remove to Mittoe, the duke of Coerland's court, if I can be received there, cominge from an infected place. I trust the Lord will both protect and direct me in this uncomfortable condition, and in his owne tyme free me from it. For intelligence I referre your honor to the inclosed paper, being what wee have here; affectionatly remayninge
Riga, 5 June 1657.

Your honor's verie humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

If the affront given me by the senate of Hamb. be forgot, as the businesse of Townley, I must then resoulve never to see that place agayne, which yet will be noe honor to his highnesse. I here inclose an attestation of their proceeding in arestinge my servant, for which they givinge me noe satisfaction, I was forced to depart without taking leave, as I formerly writ.

Attestation of mr. Bradshaw's servant, inclosed in the foregoing letter.

Vol. l. p. 134.

Being about some four weeks ago sent by the resident my master to the king of Denmark, I stood a few days before my departure in agreement with a woman here in town, for the hiring of some lodgings, whereof she had the disposal; but having proffered her the utmost of what I had resolved to give for the use of them, and finding, that she seemed unwilling to let them for that price, I resolved to look for another conveniency; but being prest upon my journey, I left the care thereof to my wife, and withal gave her order, that in the case the woman should perhaps bethink herself after my departure, and proffer to let the said lodgings for what I had bid her for them, she might take them of her, and confirm the contract with an earnest (as it is the custom here, and without which no contract is of any value) but that she should beware of adding any thing more to what I had bid, without my consent and knowledge, for that I should in no way condescend to it. At my coming home, I understood by my wife, that not having been able to find any other house, which she thought convenient for me, she had been forced to promise the abovesaid woman something larger rent for her lodgings than I had bid and left her order for; yet that she had not absolutely concluded the bargain with her, nor given her any earnest, (though she had been very urgent with her for it) but had expresly referved and deferred that until my coming home; inasmuch, as if I approved not of what she had done, she would go presently to renounce the agreement. I being not at all contented with what was done in my absence, forthwith sent my wife to the woman, to tell her from me, that I would in no way approve or confirm the agreement, nor be bound to any thing, that was done contrary to my express order and resolution; and that therefore she should not trust to me for a tenant, but dispose of her house for her best advantage to whom she pleased. Some three weeks after (the removing time approaching) this woman, without saying any thing further to or coming any more at me, goes to the chief burgomaster of this city, and there by her false slanders and declamations against me prevails with the burgomaster (who was glad of this occasion) that under pretence of doing justice, he might put a very base affront upon me, and thereby revenge himself and his collegues of me, for having upon all occasions manifested my faithfulness and duty to my master, and obeyed his commands, especially of late, in things that touched them very near, and discovered the most vile corruption and baseness amongst them, that ever men of their qualities were capable of, without sending either to the resident or myself to give notice (as he was bound to do) that there was any complaint against me, to send his publick officer de facto to arrest my person and goods in my house, which was the greatest indignity they could have offered to his highness's resident, in that they did not vouchsafe to give equal respect and civility to his chief servant, which upon all occasions they are wont to do to the most mean and vulgar fort of their subjects or inhabitants, whom in no civil difference of what nature soever they ever suffer to be arrested before they be three several times summoned.

In what manner the burgomaster, at my coming to him the next day, owned and approved of what his officer had done the day before, in that (notwithstanding I told him who I was, which was very well known to him) he required me to come before him, and answer the arrest at the appointed time; as also what the resident (to whom I made my com plaint) was pleased to give in to the senate, and their secretaries answer upon it will appear by his honor's letter, and the inclosed copy, to which I humbly refer my self.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Samedy, le 9e Juin 1657. [N.S.]

Vol. li. p. 11.

Le resident de Sweede ayant fait pleinte de ce qui se fait à Amsterdam, on luy a porté par l'agent de Heyde cette response. C'est par occasion de cette lettre de Zeelande, que le raet-pensionaire a fort declamé contre ceux de Zeelande, de ce qu'ils ne se conforinent point; & dit assez expressement & avec menace, que la Hollande la feroit toute seule, si la Zeelande ne vouloit; sur quoy la Zeelande a dit, que dans un jour ou deux elle esperoit d'estre instruit sur ce cas.

Jusques à present l'ambassadeur de France n'a rien donné par escrit: ce qu'on interprete, qu'il tasche à gaigner temps. L'on dit, que tant du party de Deventer, que du party de Swol, viendront icy des deputés, pour accommoder le different d'Overyssel; mais pour encore dure la hostilité contre Hasfelt.

Lundy, le 11e ditto.

L'ambassadeur de France a fait exhiber à ce matin un nouveau memoire, qui semble donner quelque contentement, en ce qu'il offre le traité des villes Hanseatiques pour reglement de la marine. Mais je voy, que la Hollande y prend encore peu de contentement; & toutefois cela servira à fortifier ceux de Zeelande, & semblables, en leur opposition ou irrésolution, touchant la saisie par mer, que la Hollande urge si fort.

Aujourd'huy est derechef meüé la petition des 600000 livres, pour l'equipage extraordiraire, & se trouve, que ny la Utrecht, ny l'Overyssel n'y ont pas consenty; sur quel effect ces provinces sont sommées.

Devant Hasfelt sera fait quelque surseance de hostilité & un interim; pendant lequel des deputés des deux parties viendront icy pour faire juger leurs troubles & dispute par aucuns de Hollande.

Mardy, le 12e ditto.

Ce matin ceux de Hollande ont derechef propose l'affaire de France: le raet-pensionaire a avec grande vehemence representé le grand interest de la Hollande & de tout l'estat; que le dommage est indicible; que pourtant l'on doive conclure quelque chose. Et quant à l'offre, que l'ambassadeur de France a fait, que cela n'est pas satisfactoire: ains qu'on doive persister sur le dernier escrit, que cet estat a presenté à l'ambassadeur, le 31 May, especialement pour avoir l'execution des arrests de restitution. La Zeelande la fait a difficile, en fin demandant encore vingt & quatre heures de temps; la Frise de mesme: au moins l'un dit, que cet execution des arrests influeroit dans le traité. Mais la Hollande a tant fait, qu'enfin on resolu d'aller voir l'ambassadeur, & luy dire categoriquement, qu'on continue à desirer le contenue de l'escrit die 31e Maij, prout jacet. Et s'il ne l'accepte, qu'on resoudre la saisie par mer, sans plus de delay. De la conference tenuë hier avec l'ambassadeur de Spaigne de mesme est fait rapport.

Mecredy, le 13e ditto.

Hier l'ambassadeur de Spaigne excusa la conference, priant de le voir à ce matin à huit heures: l'on croit, c'estoit pour cependant odorer ce qui seroit conclu.

A ce matin, venant auprès de luy, au commencement il ne voulut rien respondre à propos; mais quand après cela on le prioit de respondre, s'il avoit ordre de traiter, ou point, enfin accorda, qu'on ordonnât deux ou trois à venir traiter avec luy; & qu'en effect le sieur de Gent & le raet-pensionaire sont nommés pour conferer avec luy, & mettre sur le papier quelque chose; si qu'il semble relâcher tout-à fait, & de vouloir donner effectif contentement.

La ville de Hasfelt a escrit une lettre pleintive au magistrat d'Amsterdam, representant le tort, que luy ont fait ceux de Zwol, l'ayant constraint par force à accorder des conditions prejudiciables à son droit: item, que ceux de Zwol auroient defait & desarmé environ cent hommes, que ceux de Deventer avoient envoyé à leur secours; priant ceux d'Amsterdam, à aider à reparer ce tort fait à ladite ville de Hasfelt. Le sieur Beecke aussy est venu de Deventer, pour faire pleinte, comme l'on dit.

Jeudy, le 14e ditto.

L'ambassadeur de France ne notifiant pas, qu'il estoit prest à des conferences, le president le demanda à son secretaire, le venant voire par autre occasion; à quoy le secretaire dit, que l'ambassadeur, n'ayant pas reçeu ses lettres, fairoit revuë de ses ordres & papirs. Cela rapporté à l'assemblé, la Hollande l'a prins pour un refus, & a proposé la resumption du concept de la vielle resolution pour la saisie par mer, qui par cinq provinces a esté arrestéc. La Zeelande a encore dit, à n'estre pas preste. La Frise est my-partie. On verra si par ce moyen (comme à coup de bâton) l'ambassadeur fera quelque chose. On croit que si. Et neantmoins les Francois disent, qu'il fera contre son ordre. Le secretaire de l'ambassadeur de Spaigne a dit au sieur president, que l'ambassadeur a maintenant pouvoir à traiter sur le point de la chambre my-partie, demeurant tout en estat comme lors que la paix fust concluë. Ce qui a esté prins captieux; car on le veut comme lors de la ratification. Mais l'ambassadeur sera requis de le bailler par escrit.

Vendredy, le 15e ditto.

L'ambassadeur de France entendant sous main, que hier on avoit resolu de mettre en effect le concept cy-devant proposé par ceux de Hollande, de faire saisie par mer, pour en prevenir la resumption, fit à ce matin sçavoir, qu'il estoit prest à entrer en conference; sur quoy les sieur de Gent & le raet-pensionaire l'allerent voir après dix heures, & à un heure après midy n'avoient pas encore achevé. A ce soir, à quatre heure, il y auroit assemblée, en laquelle les susdits deputés feront rapport; & alors on verra ce qui sera fait. Mais l'on remarque que le sieur ambassadeur est un peu variant & inegal, disant & voulant tantost cecy, tantost cela.

L'admirauté d'Amsterdam a fait pleinte, qu'à Marseille on a arresté deux navires de cet estat, qui seroit fait desja devant cet arrest general.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Ce 15e Juin [1657. N. S.]

Vol. li. p. 19.

De cet adjoincte, que le sieur Beuningen escrit de Copenhagen, se voit le cœur dudit Beuningen & de Amsterdam; & qu'ayant travaillé à cela, maintenant ils souhaitent, qu'il soit ainsy. Cependant le Dennemark demonstre encore bien de l'irresolution, & le roy de Hongrie de mesme. Mais Amsterdam & estats de Hollande bruslent de desir de voir cette rupture.

Marigny to Bourdeaux, the French embassador in England.

Hague, 15th June 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. li. p. 24.

When I writ you word of the relief of Cambray, I did not add any thing: and I do not wonder, that in France they do endeavour to diminish the price of such an action, which is of a great captain and of an undaunted soldier. To the end you may undeceive those, who speak otherwise of it, I send you here an exact relation, and very true.

A party of Polanders hath defeated 1000 or 1200 Swedish horse, and taken good store of booty, and brought it to Dantzick, from whence this news is writ to this state. They perceive here some of the cardinal Mazarine's devises, in the proposition of the lord embassador of France for an accommodation. It is thought ere long, some vigorous resolution will be taken here. The news of the destroying of the gallions is writ from several parts; but the money, merchandizes, and the guns were all taken out and put into a place, where the English cannot come at them.

I desire you to let me know, why the secretary is fallen out with you about the business of your friend, and after what manner that business past, what he proposed, and what you answered; and if you know any thing that may be useful to him, from whom his master hath stolen so much, let me know it, and be assured, no body shall know, who hath done that good office, but in time and place.

A letter of intelligence.

Calais, 15th June 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. li. p. 20.

The news here is, that our army lieth about Rocroy, and our countrymen are marching towards them. We have as great an army as we have had in any campaigne these ten years. We hear here, how that some English men of war have taken two Dutch vessels coming from the Streights, the one carried to Plymouth, the other to Milford-haven; and here we have taken two vessels from them, of 100 ton each, which will be made prize of. If this difference continue a little longer, the Hollanders will be made to smart for it.

Monsieur de Charost, governor of Calais, to monsieur de Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 15th June 1657. [N.S.]

Vol. li. p. 22.

My lord,
I sent you word of my arrival at Calais in my last, and desired you to take care of the prize I writ you word about. I have order from the king, to stop all the English, that forsake the army, and endeavour to get away. I had thought the army would have returned to Cambray, but it seemeth there is no possibility of it. The army is encamped at present at Nismes, and near to it. This is all the news they write to me from la Fere, where the court is at present; only, that they have resolved to fall upon some place very suddenly.

Commissioner Pells to the states-general.

Vol. li. p. 30.

H. and M. lords,
Yesterday came letters from the Polish court, advising, that the emperor's assistance of 20000 men, horse and foot, having stayed for their artillery, and some regiments, were now come into the kingdom of Poland; and that his majesty of Poland intends to take a march with some part of his army, to go meet them; but which way he will march is kept private; some say, towards the one side of Poland, and that the Danes will invade the other. Certain it is, that the emperor does take this opportunity of Denmark's breaking with Sweden; and those of Denmark again, of that of the emperor. At the Polish court they have great hopes of the assistance of the Tartars and the Muscovites. They believe also in the Polish court, that the army of the duke of Sevenbergen will not be able to subsist much longer in Poland, being poorly armed and undisciplined, also at variance and ununited with the Swedes themselves; so that the Pole will not hearken to an accommodation proposed by the French embassador de Lombres, hoping to reduce all to its former condition again in a short time.

Dantzick, 16th June 1657. [N.S.]


Charost, governour of Calais, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 19th June 1657. [N.S.]

Vol. li. p. 50.

My lord,
I Have received your letter, with the news of the English court, where I see my lord protector is master of all. Montmedy is besieged; I believe the place will not hold out long; the lower part of the town is already taken. I believe this will bring us afterwards to Luxemburgh, to the end to be master of all that province. The court is still at la Fere; it is not said, that it doth intend to remove from thence. It is said, the business between Holland and us will be accommodated. If we could make a general peace, it would be far better.

Your most humble servant, Charost.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. li. p. 83.

Much honored,
This weeke produceth not much. The states that weare at Bridges are returned to Bridges, two days after my last to you; and the reporte goes heare, there be others apoynted to goe to the court of Brussels; but what they treate about is not yet knowne. I have not hard from my frind in the Hauge yet, by reason the post has bin three dayes out longer then his ordenary time. The province of Sealand hath this weeke consented to the war with France, which they had not sined before, although the other six provinces had sined it before; and now theyre deputies are gon to the meeting. Theyre fleete begines to gather to theyre admiral, hoo lyes at Helford-sluse, and it is said, they shall goe shortly to sea. Heare is no newes of the French ambassador's secretarye's returne, which hath caused them to stay some time with theyre resolutions of proceeding. The French army is gone from Cambray, and it is thought they wil not doe much good this somer; for when the prince of Condé had releeved the towne, hee marched out through Turayne's one quarter, and has don him much hurt, and since they had set downe before the towne of Auin; and hee hath likewise raysed them from thence, and now the say they be marched toward the river of Some. The report goes here in Flanders, that there is too cardenales coming from the pope, to see if they can make some agreement betwene the kings of France and Spayne. They say heare, the cardenall of France is fallen in some disgrace with his master. Don John is with his army, but did not come this way. The man of Bridges stayes still at Brusseles for the returne of the lord Digbe, hoo is looked for every day from Spayne, for there is greate want of mony at Bridges; for my frind tould mee, hee hath not had any money out of Sealand, nor Holland, by way of Wissel, this four months, which makes them very bare of mony there. But, however it goes, the chanceler keepes a very good house, wich makes him much envied at by some; hee was in the counsell three times, when the states were there. The duke of Gloster is gon on monday last to the army to his brother of Yorke; and it is said, the elder will goe thether at his returne, but wil not stay long there. In the province of Overissell here, there is great confusion amongst the states thereof; for there bee but four fortified townes there, which is Campien, Deventre, and Swold, and Harsold, which towne of Harsold is at present beseged by them of Campien and Swold. Deventre takes part with Harsold, and likewise Amsterdam; soe this buesnes is like to breed greate divisiones amongst them. But the states generall hath comanded all captaynes and offecers, not to meddele, nor assist any side, uppon the lose of theyre places and lives. But I see noe power they have to hinder theyre proceding forder. There hath bin divers bickerings amongst them: they without play uppon the towne with a battere of ten peeces of halfe canon: what this byesnes wil come to, is much expected. Nobel sir, if my meanes weare but as much as my heart is reall to serve his highnesse and your selfe, I would not trubbell you for one peny of mony, for I have nothing but my bare pay to keep my selfe and family, and have lost a third part almost of that, for refusing to drinke the confusion of one man in the world, which shal be nameless at present. And if you did but know the charge I am at, by one or other that goes or comes dayly through our towne, which I must of necessiti keepe company withall, you would then know how it is heare; for I protest before God, that I never was soe much in det in my hole life, as I am at present. Therefore I leave it to your nobel consideracion, for I am sewer his highnes is content with what you shall doe, being it was his highnes's ryall promise. Soe aseuring you, I shall never fayle to remayne
Flushing, this 6th of June, old stile, 1657.

Your most humble servant,
Christ. Allin.

This morning before I had put my letter too * * * * * * * * * monsr. de Thou hath his answer, to be gon from the Hauge; and that the Dane's army is marched against the Sweede.

Col. Reynolds to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. li. p. 36.

Right honorable,
I Received yours of the 25th, wherein I understood the good newes of his highnes consent given; which is of high reputation to affaires, it looking to these transmarine politicians like a conjunction of authority and power in England. I have some of the cardinall's agents heere, who immediately made that construction thereof. The Lord dispose all for good to us. The officers of these regiments are not a little cheared with the hopes of being remembred, since you are pleased to expresse so good a sense of their souldiours condition, which I do more consider at present than our designe, which is remote. The French, bywhat I can learne, are led by necessity, or interest, to decline the thoughts of what was the foundation of our coming to assist. The cardinal hath sent to me this night, to have a perfect account of our numbers, he being informed, as he allegeth, that they are lesse than when they landed. But I judge he is willing to have them march so farre up into the country, and then to receive them as the performance of their treaty; but I beleive, that no such point shall be gained upon your servaunts here; so that if you please to fill the companyes, it will be exabundant. The 180, which you pleased to mention, are, as the bearer will acquaint you, lesse than 100, by a mistake in marching; besides some did run away of them as of all other parties.

I have wrote to the major-generall about the cloathes, and to marshall d'Aumont to afford them conveiance, which will be seconded by an order from court. For the present wee are highly carressed, and if they pay us besides, we are well dealt with. And indeede I beleeve the expences of our entertainments would be a good helpe to make up our pay; but they delight in such jovialtyes as giving wine, and leace to the armie, entertaining the officers, &c. We find the monies in specie comes slowly, and with encumbrances of fees, allowance for gold, which is light, and not currant without allowance. We are very industrious to find out some persons emploied to debauch your souldiers; yet we rather feele the effects or symptomes, thenfind the disease, and cause. If you have any certaine notice, I humbly beg your communicating it speedily. Thire forces are for the present in good health, and (for France) under good discipline. We can lye in townes without one complaint in 4 dayes, viz. at Abbevile, where the townsmen drew their chaines, and came into the streete with arms, and knockt some soldiers and officers. Upon notice I repaired to the heade of the French, and told them, that we had no armes to oppose them, and I would rather dy without defending myselfe, in performance of our nation's treaty, than provide for the security of the forces, by calling them to armes; and imediately proclaim'd, that none should draw their armes into the streete (without beate of drum)upon paine of death; which caused a present end to that commotion on our part, and the French men were left with their fusees to guard their chaines by themselves. This gave them high satisfaction, and us much favour in their sight. So that Abbevile, the most popish and Jesuited towne in France, is much convinced by our carriage, the Lord may have a worke for us to do, which we know not yet. It is our duty to attend thereunto. But I consider your emploiments, and that therefore conclude with an acknowledgement of your vouchsafed kindnes; and do hope so to carry myselfe, as not to cause your being ashamed of owning me. If I be considered, it will be an encouragement to my returne, or any other service, while I do continue. I doubt not of your satisfaction in my industry. And thus committing you to the Lord, who is perfect wisedome and strength, I remaine,
From the campe at Rittewatt,
June 6, 1657. S. V.

Right honorable,
your most obedient faithfull servant,
J. Reynolds.

Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. li. p. 44.

May it please your honor,
Upon saturday last the king, queen, monsieur, and the cardinall, with the whole court, viewed the English forces at Ribblemont. They were much satisfied with the sight of soe many brave men. When I told the king, his highness had commanded both the officers and soldiers of theise forces to have the same zeale for his majestie's service, they had alwayes expressed for his own, and hop'd the same successe God had blessed them with in his service, should attend them in that of his majestie's, his answer was, that he was ravished to see so greatt a testimony of the affection of a prince, whom he had alwayes considered as the greattest and happiest in Europe; and that once before this campagne ended he should endeavour to wittness himself thankfull; and so hinted something of his resolution concerning Dunkirk. I should consume to much of your tyme, if I told you all the cardinall said; his expressions of joy, of gratitude, his promises to performe all they are oblydged to on their part, did exceed any thing I had reason to expect. If his actions doe answer them, his highnes will be satisfied, and I shall be extreamly happy.

Coll. Bamfeld's intelligence, which I forgot to inclose in my last, made me putt the cardinall to use his interest with abbay Montague, who sayeth, the duke of Buckinghame is in England by his highnes permission; and adds somewhat, which if trew, your honor cannot be ignorant of.

I know not how to cary myself towards the person, whose jorney for England your honor commanded me stopp; and theirfore must renew my humble desyres for your commands in that affaire.

Sir, being informed, that his highnes is about to settle the judicatores in Scottland, I ame bold to make use of the liberty you had the goodness to give me, in recommending my brothers to your remembrance, if any thing shall offer, of which you judge them capable. I dare answer for the abilityes and affectione of the elder, who is in Scottland; and I remember, when I once mentioned his being made his highnes advocatt, you were pleased to hear the propositione favorably. It is not without greatt reluctancy I give your honor trubles of this nature; and I may assure you, I should not have gott myself into this confidence, if I did not hope you beleeve, I doe not pretend they should stand in the way of any others more able to doe his highnes service; which I shall allwayes preferre to any other interest of,
Lafere, June 7/17 1657.

May it please your honor,
your most humble and obedient servant,
W. Lockhart.

The king and cardinall were very civill to the generall and the chief officers.

A letter of intelligence from mr. Blank-Marshall at Bruges.

June, the 7/17th 1657.

Vol. li. p. 40.

I can say but little in relation to your affaires by this post. The last munda y d. York went from Bruxell to meet our six regiments at Con d é they wil bee in all about twentie five hu ndered: they are all readie to the feilds. King Ch. d.Glocester is expected here the next week, but will not stay heer long, but will goe after don John; so must wee all, if the want of mony hinder not. Sir, I intreate you, let me have your commands before I goe from hence, for I have engag'd myselfe to goe with Ormond to the feilds; for any thing I know, I must goe at the fardest within this fortnight. When you please to writ to mee, direct yours, for mrs. Mareanat Smi it will bee the surer and safest way; for I leave that partie heere to receive your commands. You shall hear from mee by every occasion wher ever I am. Sir, in regard of this extraordinary tyme, if you be pleased to send mee sum of that commoditie you sent mee; for I am not at all prepar'd for my journey, unless you help mee. I shall not trouble you agayne in hast. Ch. Steward is verie gives it to our choyce to goe or stay, when we tell him of our wants. I see no reason for it. Our expectation from 119 is come to nothing. For newes, wee have litle, but are gone to the fields. As for Holland, some say, thy will warr with the France. Some say, that what it will turne to is uncertaine. We the Deane's ambassador is taking up in Holland. Yesternight came several heere of En gland. About eight dayes since the same place came colo. Phi llipsn, with fowre horses, which I admire at. Sir, if you think fit, let me hear by the So, craveing pardon for this, I rest
Your most humble obedient servant,
Jo. Warde.

An intercepted letter, to the lord Conway.

Paris, 17th June 1657. [N.S.]

Vol. li. p. 42.

My lord,
The mareschall le Ferte Senneterre hath invested Montmedi, a strong place upon a pass from Luxenburgh into Lorraine, and the mareschall of Turenne hath sent from his, which is encamped near St. Quintin, supplies; and that it is conceived he hath already broke ground before it. The Spaniards are very strong, and it's believed will not be idle. Monsr. Grammont and monsr. de Lyonne have taken their leaves of the king at la Fere, and are now gone on their embassy to Vienna. The king of Spain hath taken a strong town in Portugal, and is in a fair way for that of Valence.