A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: September (7 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp447-469 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: September (7 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp447-469.
"State Papers, 1656: September (7 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp447-469.
In this section
September (7 of 7)
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xlii. p. 652.
The affaires of Spaine goe much to wracke here in these countreys, as well through
the want of moneys, as the indiscretion of that young man, that commaunds in chiefe;
and allthough he att his first comming was cryed up successfull, now he is by the souldioury as much of the other side obstructed and degraded; soe that, Qui color albus erat,
nunc est contrarius albo. Three thousand of the prince of Condy's folks in the Spanish
army are gon over with their armes and all to the French. A clash there was (besides)
betwixt both armies, in which the French have had the better. Chappell is taken by
them, and Chattellet also; they are absolute masters of the field, and will yet (without
doubt) e're winter compleat many other enterprises, to the disadvantage of the Spaniard,
for the marchall of Tureine's army is 23,000 strong, and flourishing, and d'Austrice cannot make much above 5000. Men mutter, as if hee were lost. Sure I am, hee is at a
losse att leastwise, whereof time will make manifest. The king of Spaine (as they say) is
in great want of moneys, for that the two forementioned galleons (scilzt. in former letters)
laden with most part of the treasure of Spaine, are not yet arrived, neither is there any
newes of them. Make use of this occasion according to your high wisedom, and make
it soe 'tweene you and the French, that the next summer may cleare the best part of this
country. You may easily undertake the taking in of Dunkerk and Mardick, and therby
you will bee able to remove this mischevious neast, whose rudiments are now a preparing at Bridges. More thereof your excellency is able to conceave then I to utter. The
while on the other side may the French have two strong armies, and fall in uppon Valencine and Bruxells, and therby in lesse then a whole summer the whole woorke is more
then halfe don.
Noble sir, I humbly beg my pardon for being so bold as to attempt any thing of advice,
where I know you to bee soe excellent a contriver, as your honour undoubtedly is: only I
presume by way of wish. As touching the titular king, hee much triumpheth in the
comming of his brother Yorke, who had with him come hither about a hundred or six
score men of all sorts, as well Irish, Scotts, French, and English, who (amongst the rest
that are come) I believe doe repent their comming. Diverse runnegadoe English are come
out of England to beare company with their king in whoreing, swearing, and drinking his
health, as long as their money last, or that hee can give them 6 d. per day, which will
continue a while, if the Jesuits hold on their designed promise, which was to succor him,
and advance him to his kingdome, hee promising to be their fautor, one of them, and
their head; so that att length by him they may come to have the sacred regimen, which
otherwise they are never like to stand long in their society, by reason of their worldlynes
and avarice. And indeed (as I am told by great politicians, with whome I converse) they
may come through (according to the successfullnes of thier designed plott) to have itt, they
aime att; or whether it bee a thing injoined by his hollines (as they terme it) thereby to
merritt itt, I cannot determine; but this for certeyne I can referre, that most of his moneys hee hath from them, and thereby thinks himselfe sure, because that, which hee thinks
infallible, is now soe far interessed in his cause, to wit, the church, which cannot bee
drawne dry, and want the nerve of warr. This a great secrett, and not one of ten thowsands knowes it; and I perceaved it thoroughly of a principall Jesuit by this, though directly, hee did not make all circumstances knowne: he laboured hardly to convert mee, as
he thought, and by reason of my moderation and complacency, hee had such hopes (I
only woorking my end uppon him) that I had nothing more to say, then that I would be
of the same religion as my king; and then he vowed, that the king was of the same
religion and profession as himselfe; whereuppon I insisted, and tooke to my further consideration. More hereafter. The queen of Sweden is returned back againe for Rome;
the difficulties touching her revenus being made up, as she gives out. The truth is, her
complement is finished, and her scope wholy choaked by a sudden retort, receaved it as
an absolute answere, and so tooke her leave with adieu. Wee understand here for a certeyne, that the Pole is totally beatten by the Swead, who is comming with all his whole
force to find the Muscovite out in Lyfland, to trye the event with him. The Hollanders
and the Swede are agreed, and joyne forces to lay in a joynt garrison at Dantzwik. The
Hollander leaves there 12 ships, as well for the security of the citty, as the trade thereof;
the rest are comming home. I could bee much better advized, if I had to carry myselfe out, or that I understood your pleasure sometimes. I receaved in all but one letter
from Mr. Andrew Car att the post-house, who advised mee to proceed (which I saithfully doe) not doubting of the care of my support, which I in some measure want.
I pray the almightie God to blesse you with long life, and to prosper your undertakings in each particular, and to blesse your noble family with his heavenly endow
ments, and that he may enable mee to doe your honour acceptable service, as really
I am,
Noble sir,
Your honor's most devoted
and humble servant,
Th. Geo.
Bridges, the 6th Oct. 1656. [N. S.]
If any thing be sent mee, lett it bee directed to mee, inclosed in an outward paper, To mons. mons. Versluys, advocat at Middleburgh in Zealand.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, 6th October, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 651.
The queen of Sweden having scarce had leisure to breathe in the French court, is already on her journey to Lyons, and from thence, as it is supposed, for Rome. The old politician loves not so free and so active a spirit nigh the person of a young prince. The court intrigues would be rendered too visible, if made the object of so piercing a judgment. It is thought some specious pretence carrieth her suddenly out of France. It is expected her short sword should disarm both the kingdoms, and so end the war. Dux fæmina foret.
If the preservation of France and Spain be the motives of her journey, I wonder not that she exposeth her person.
The supposed ill estate of Poland, the French taking of Capelle, the two armies facing
one another in Flanders, and your son's continued perseverance in his noble resolutions, must
end the letter of
Your most humble servant,
William Butler.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xlii. p. 654.
I have receaved one letter from you in returne of six that I allready sent. This letter
of yours bore date the 22d of the last moneth, stilo novo, whereby I perceaved your will
of continueing and persevering in these my present studdies, and the assurednes of assistance
for my future support. I am most desireous and willing to serve my countrey with life
and liberty, according to the best of my power, most espetially when there is so incomparable a man (as his highnes is) sitting at the helme of government, whose sincere candor
and heroick wisdome none can parralell. My ould and only master the secretary is the
next man that I honour in the world, and to whome I wish as great happines as is immaginable. This inclosed I commend to his hands and consideration, and the care of
my support unto your management. I doe what I am able to doe, according to the verdge
of my ability, which, if in some measure enriched with l'argent, I would bee able to
sore up to the well-head, and keepe my selfe there, to suck the fresh and untasted off
(or illibated) waters, and know things att first issueing forth, and sometimes before they bee
hatched, or in their very contrivance. Bee sure to lett mee heare from you with the
verry next returne with some things to the purpose. I continually come my selfe (trusting noe living body) to Flushing and Middleburgh, to see if any letters bee brought
thither for mee, and now have fownd out a knowne and a fitt man to receave my letters. Include them always in a case of paper, and put the outward directions, A monsieur monsieur N. Versluis, advocate (on procurateur) à Middleburgh en Zeeland, present;
with an inward direction to me, under seale for mee, and I will take care for the reception thereof.
There was one collonell Ogle imployed by his highnes in these parts, who strangly
receaved out of the post-house two letters, that had bin come out of England, and made
what use he pleased of them, without sending them to mee, for which hee had noe commission soe to doe. I pray doe me the favour, in your goeing to, or comming from
Whitehall, to doe mee the favoure as fairely to call to him for them. I knowe not what
they import; only I heare hee broke them open, and tooke them with him. The report
of his soe doing made mee remove my station from Antwerpe, where I formerly was, lest
he should play with mee any scurvy trick. I cannot tell what hee hath done, but my let
ters I want, which I take verry hainously at his hands to deale soe with mee, who was soe
good a friend unto him. Thus with my best respects unto yourselfe (whome I remember
very well to have seen while I was with Mr. secretary Thurloe) I remaine, sir,
Bridges, 7th of October, 1656.
in hast. [N. S.]
Your very assured friend and humble servant,
Tho. George.
This Ogle told me hee lives in one of the new buildings at Durram-house; he usually directed his letters to Mr. Nutley, who is cleark of the privy signet. You may know for certeyne of him the foresaid Ogle's habitation. Adieu. Mihi fove & fave.
The superscription,
For Mr. Andrew Carr, att the post-house in London,
neare Threadneedle-streete.
A letter of intelligence from Antwerp.
Vol. xlii. p. 655.
Middleton is gone from Bruges, eight days since, into Holland, from whence, whither is not yet known. It is not the unlikeliest, that he is for England. I sent you in my last, what I heard from a good mouth; but I hear no more; only let me assure you, it must come from some of your own party, for here is nothing ready, nor you need not think of his raising forces in Flanders; but if your own party fall out among themselves, then the Spaniard will, if he can, help him with men. Of all sorts there is not above 400 men yet. There is one Lindell, a seaman, that is sent to Flushing; I believe into England. It is thought he hath great power in your fleet; and if he goeth not into England, he liveth there to corrupt your convoyers. The duke of York is come, on which there was great expectation; but I see little likelihood; and it is my sense, they have little hopes, but what they have out of England. They cry out, what great things will be done for them; but it is not so well. Have but a care of your parliament, and the protector's life, and you need not doubt. Massey hath been in England, at which Hyde's party is mad. He comes not to that court, but is joined with the duke of Buckingham, who is now very great with the Spaniard. My opinion is, that the Spaniard will not do any thing clearly for Charles, but take his advantage for himself. I find they believe they know the constitution of England better than Charles's party; and I find that Buckingham intends for England upon his own score, and the Spaniards, thinking his interest is great with the Presbyterians. I cannot find where Sexby is, but I believe he is in England, and that the Spaniard goes on with him. Pray send me a direction, how I may send to you by Paris, and write nothing of business in your letters, for I must not do any more this way; only say, if you have written since the 15th of the last month. If you have, it is not come to my hand. I have received the effects of my last letter, but now must chide for one you have sent over; one that I write once word of, and I fear he doth intrust me too much. It is not well done; therefore pray think of it. The Spanish army is in some disorder for want of money, and is come within eight leagues of Brussels.
I shall not write again, 'till I have your direction; but write no business.
Antwerp, this 7th October. [1656. N. S.]
Consul Vanden Hove to the States General.
Vol. xlii. p. 663.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, since my last letter of the first current, I have delivered to the lord duke of
Medina Celi your high and mighty lordships concerning the ship the Hare-in-the-field,
and did speak with him myself about it; and at last, after some difficulties, which his excellency proposed, he was induced by me to suspend the sale of half of the goods, as long
as was possible, for which he had an order of his majesty. Your high and mighty lordships
letter to the governor of this city was likewise delivered to him by myself, who promised
me to send your high and mighty lordships an answer to it, which answer I shall sollicit,
and send it to you.
Here appeared again yesterday six English frigots before this city, and there is now effectual order come for the equipping of a fleet.
Cadiz, 8th October, 1656. [N. S.]
Lockhart, ambassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Compiegne, 8 Octob. N. S. [1656.]
Vol. xlii. p. 665.
Right honorable,
My last from this, which was upon September 24th, N. S. told yow of what past in the
audience I had that morning, and of the cardinall's laying his positive commands
upon me for my waiteing upon him at La Ferre. The accownt I then gave was in that
disorder, that want of convenient tyme occasions in those, who want the quallity of expressing themselves reddily; and this hath the same, or a greatter misfortune, for I have had
audience this morning, and it continued so long, that I have not above an howre's tyme left
me to give you an accownt of it. Myne from La Ferre told yow of my diapoyntment of
awdience, having mentioned his majestie's going to Gwise, and the probabilities their were
of a treaty with the prince of Condé. I was not mistaken in that businesse, for the prince
did address, and with more humility then cowld well have been expected from a person of
his humor; but his being positive in his demand for some frontiere garrisons to be putt in
his hands for his surety, and his insisting upon his being continued in his office of grand
maistre, which is a post, that capacitates him to chose most of the officers, that are neare
the king's person, especially such as are called the officers of the mowth, as cooks, carvers,
and tasters, and such lyke; his perremptory insisting upon these two particulars was the
occasion of breaking off that treaty. The cardinall was willing to have restored him to the
possession of his estates, but so without interest either in civill or military trust, as he must
(in case of his ill behaviowr) have been absolutely at his eminence's mercy. Sir, I have
what I tell yow in this, as well from the marqwesse of Viviancourt, who is a notable lady,
and the creature of madam de Longeville, the prince's sister, as from the cardinall; and
when I considered both their relations of what past in that businesse, I fownd no materiall
At my awdience this morning I had two particular favors from his eminence; the first was a sight of the last originall dispatch of Mr. de Bourdeaux, as it was delyvered; wherein he givs an account of what past at his last awdience, which is the same in substance with what you did me the honor to signifye by yours of Sept. 11th old style. The reason of his eminence's showing me that letter, was upon his telling me, that Mr. de Bourdeaux did take notice, that his highness affections for France were a little cooled. My reply was somewhat brisk; for I told him, that Mr. de Bourdeaux must be much mistaken, or otherwyse was willing to lay the fowndation of some jealousies betwixt his highnesse and his eminence; and assured his eminence, that if their were any such thing, I showld have sooner knowen it than he cowld have done; and I was so farr from fynding any such change, that I was able to make it appear to him, that my master's zeale for the interests of France, and for his eminencie's in particular, were rather increas'd then decreas'd.
When I read Mr. de Bourdeaux's letter, I fownd his complaint did consist in these following particulars: first, that he had awdience after 16 dayes attendance for it: next, that he was made to waite a long tyme in an owter roome, and had no persons of qwality to beare him company: thirdly, sir Oliver Fleming, who, he says, is suspected to be a pensioner to Spayn, was his interpreter; and when he mentioned, that the cardinall would make good his promises to me concerning Mr. de Lion's negotiation, his highnes answere to that was so overly, as he seemed not to be concerned in that businesse, or otherwyse did not creditt his eminence promises concerning it: and lastly, whereas formerly some of the counsell did use to meet him, and after his awdience to bring him towards his coach, he had received no such civility. Upon reading of the letter, I told his eminence, I was sorry Mr. de Bourdeaux had complain'd, when there was no cause; for first, as for what concerned his attendance for awdience, I believed he was willing to make his own appology for his delaying the performance of that was commanded him, so long; and was confident, whatever his words might carry, his meaning went no further; for I cowld produce letters of yours, three weeks after his eminence had done me the honour to expresse his majestie's and his own sense of his highnesse's kyndnesse to them, in being willing to allow them levyes in such a juncture of tyme, and had withall told me, that he had ordered the ambassador of France to signifie the same to his highnesse in all the sincerity and solemnity that was possible; which letters of yours bare, that the French ambassador had then made no applicatione to yow concerning any such bussiness. And for his waiting in a outer roome, I putt him in mynd of their own way hear, and sayd, that I knew by that very circumstance, that his highness had been necessitated to leave business, that did import him very nearly, to give him audience. And as for sir Olipher Fleming, I sayd, I beleeved, if either the French or Spanyard did entertain pensioners there, they wowld endeavour to bestow their pensions upon persons better interessed at cowrt than he was. And for his not being waited upon by any member of the counsell, I sayd his eminence knew as well as I, what a juncture of tyme that was, it being near the commenceing of the parliament. I am ashamed to make so long a story of this, but it's occasioned by my conviction, that it is fitt you know a particular of this nature to the least circumstance: howsoever, if it be thought fitt to take any publike notice of this (as I hope it will not) I shall humbly begg my name may be spared in it. The other favor I had, was by his shewing me a letter from the chancelor, dated from Paris yesternight, at nine a clock at night. The contents of it was, that Mr. de Lyon's secretary was arryved; that the treaty with Spayn was given up; that he had concealed the arryval of the said secretary, and advysed, that before the news of the giveing up of that treaty were divulg'd, it would be fitt, that a declaration should be issued, containing the reasons of it, and holding forth at large the Spanyards unreasonableness and insolency; and putt the question, whether or not the dissolving of the assembly of the clergy ought not to be essayed, before any thing of that businesse were made publick. Mr. de Lion parted from neare Madrid the 24th of Sept. last, new style, and is to be this day at a abbey near Poictiers, where he is to stay, till he know his eminence's further pleasure concerning him. I did give his eminence my most humble thanks for his confidence in me, and he embraced me, and sayd, he hoped, that my master wowld now beleeve him to be a man of his word. You are best able to judge of what importance this news may be.
The cardinal was very earnest with me, that I would lett his highnesse know, how much he doth desyer, that his highnesse wowld presse, by all the arguments he can, an aggreement betwixt the Swede and the Pollander. He sayth, he knoweth the king of Swedd hath so high a respect to his highnesse, as his advyse in this will have greatt weight with him. I have no tyme to give his reasons for this, but most of them were from the danger their will be from a league betwixt the house of Austria, the pope, the Muscovitt, and the Pollander. I have represented to him, how much my master suffers by his indulgence to the Irish, and that their hath none of them been exemplarily punished, tho' several of them have been apprehended in the act of running away. He hath promised to help it in the future, and hath given me half a promise to secure Muskerry, who is yett heare, and gives it out publikly, that he will wait for his passe no longer. I have told him my jealousie of the bishop of Dromore, and he is not far from believing that he doth betray him.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
Sir, the last and most important bussiness I have scarce time left me to say any thing in, save that his eminence is very earnest for concluding the treaty concerning Dunkirk and is come so near in his offers, as by the instructions I have had touching that affair, I may agree to all his desires upon the matter, save that one, which I formerly mentioned, I mean that protector should furnish 2000 me n to be entertained dureing the see ge by the k. of France and afterward employed at the pleasure of protector. I shall wryt more at large in this by the wednesday's post, and mention also some other particulars that I cannot now speak to; only I must tell you, that the cardinal did examine me very strictly concerning my powers for syning, and I find by him, that he will be satisfied with none less than under the great seal; and told me upon that subject, that tho' he had as large generall power as ever was given to subject, yet he wowld cloath himself with a particular commission for syning of that treaty.
The court goes to-morrow to Paris, where he hath commanded me to wait upon him,
Dissatisfactions there are somewhat high, but it's hoped the king's presence will quiet all.
Howsoever the partys interested in these dissatisfactions are not inconsiderable; they are,
the parliament, the assembly of clergy, the prince's party, and that of the cardinall de
Retts, which beginns now to be talked of. Sir, I have lesse tyme than need to mention any
thing concerning myself. I am going to Paris out of all equipage, and have neither money nor credit. Pardon this later hint of my own condition in one, who is abundantly out
of countenance, for your receiveing this trouble from,
May it please your honor,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
An intercepted letter to Mr. Martin Lister at the sign of the Unicorn in Bucklersbury.
Paris, 8th of October, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 669.
I Cannot make good my promise I made to you in my last, by this post. I believe Thornton will see you shortly, though not so soon as I thought, when I writ my last to you;
but I believe he will be with you in two or three days after this arrive to you. This is all I
have at present. I am, sir,
Your most humble servant,
[This is he that writes to the hopefull plant.]
General Blake to the protector.
Vol. xlii. p. 673.
May it please your highnes,
In pursuance of the commands of your highnes, bearing date the 28th Aug. and that
part of them directed particularly to myselfe, to stay out with a part of the fleet, I have
removed myselfe into the Swiftsure, and shall (God willing) endeavour with utmost dilligence to accomplish the ends thereof. What the condition of the remainder of the fleet is,
what our defects of victuals, and other necessary stores is, I shall not trouble your highnes
with, both because I know that your highnes is very sensible and solicitous to supply us; and
also this noble gentleman generall Montagu is able to give your highnes a more full and distinct account then I can doe in writeing. Onely I hold it my dutie to acquaint your highnes
with the receipt of your commands, and the ready faithfullnes of my spirit to submitt thereunto, as the Lord shall enable mee.
Your highnes most obedient and loyall servant,
Rob. Blake.
Aboard the Naseby, the 29th of Sept. 1656.
The Swedish agent to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 683.
Honourable sir,
Your great and favourable dilligence in promoting the publick affaires of his majestie,
my most gracious king and master, hath raysed in me a thankfull acknowledgement
thereof, and no small hopes of your honour's continuance of the same. Hence I am emboldened to entreat your reflections upon the particuler of the Golden Dove, and to countenance
Mr. Menscheuer, one of his majestie's loyall subjects, the bearer hereof, in the pursuit of that
matter, upon which the court of admiralty hath already given a judgment as to the
point of equity, and the councill of his highness is not at all ignorant of the business. I
doubt not but your honour's sincerity will quickly procure of his highness and his honourable
councell a desired issue of the same; and in so doing your honour will put an additional
obligation upon me, and much more upon the owner. Sir, I kiss your hands, and continue
Your honor's most affectionated friend,
Christer Bonde.
Datum Hamberough, 29 Sept. 1656.
H. Cromwell, major general of the forces in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 685.
Haveing compleated the settlement of the field force, and the standeing guarrisons, I
ame nowe uppon my journey to visitt the towe quarters of Killmallocke and Athlone,
and intend to take the best care I cane to provide subsistance for them, the treasury here
beinge of late exhausted by other extraordinary expences, as that of the regiment raised, and
to be sent to Jamaica, the victuallinge the considerable garrisons, &c. that unless wee are
timely and constantly supplyed with our allowance from England, it will be impossible long
to keep such considerable numbers together in those wasted and impoverished places, where
we have laied our three divisions, which have bin uppon consideration resolv'd to be the
most proper stations to answer any attempt, that may be made upon us, either from abroade
or at home.
I ame uppon my way to Lymericke, where I shall not only take care for that division at Killmallocke, but shall have the advantage to understand the condition of affaires in that province, and take the best care I can for the security of it. I shall alsoe by this meanes have time to dispose of those dangerous persons (whoe were lately taken up by the councill's order here upon his highnesse's instructions) to such secure places, as may be moste remote from their present interests and relations; yet I desire you to minde his highnes of what hath bin formerly offered for the better securitie of them, it being still thought unsafe and inconvenient to keep them in this nation.
I intend (God willing) with the major generall to take a view of Gallway, which, as things now stand, is most especially to be lookt after and secured, and from thence I shall goe to Athlone to setle that quarter.
I hope by the latter end of the next monthe (if noethinge prevent me) to be in Dublin, supposeing by that time the season for makeing any attempt either by invasion or insurrection will be over.
We have made a good progress in setlinge the militia thoroughout the nation, and only waite to receive his highnes approbation for the effectuall setlinge that affaire, which I desired you in my laste to hasten to me.
I very much longe to heare somethinge of the parliament's proceedings: the spiritts of good people here are very much drawne out to seeke the Lord for a blessing on their endeavours and consultations.
Things here are (blessed be God) in a good and peaceable condition: the well affected
people (whoe are considerable) unanimously desire to testisie their faithfullness to the government, and to putt themselves into a posture to support it, and defend the nation against the
common enemy. I am
Your most affectionate friend and servant,
Hen. Cromwell.
Cashell, Sept. 29th, 1656.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of Jos. Jekyll esq.
My lord,
The first question we fell upon in parlament, was the excludinge of many gentlemen
for want of the approbation of the councell. Of these there were in number about
100. About 56 of them, whereof sir Arthur Haselrigge, colo. Fenwick, colo. Birch, &c.
were some, writt a letter to the speaker, signifieing, that they were all chosen to serve
their countryes, but that they were kept out by souldiers, and soe prayed to be admitted.
This debate lasted from thursday till munday at two or three a clock, when this question
was passed, that such gentlemen as were chosen to serve in parlament, and were not approved, should apply themselves to the councell for their approbation; and that the house
should proceed to the weighty affaires of the nation: which wee esteeme a great providence
of God, and hath wholly discouraged the other partie, many whereof are withdrawne from
the house, because they could not have their will in this voet; but the house proceedes on
very cheerefully in their buissines. They have past a byll to the engrossment for disablinge
Charles Stewart, or any of that lyne or familye, to be kinge of England, &c. or to be
other cheise magistrate. A bill hath beene alsoe read, for erectinge a high court of
justice for the tryall of treasons, and some other thinges of publique concernement; and
wee have great hopes, that some good measure of establishment may arise out of this parliament.
I heare not any thinge by this post in particuler from beyond sea concerninge Ireland;
only in generall, that the enemye prepares his army, and it will consist most of Irish. The
duke of Yorke is come into Flanders; soe that it is certeyne they are for action, and wee
must expect it this winter. Where this cloud will first breake, wee cannot yet tell; it is
good, that every place be upon it's guard. I have received letters from beyond sea of the
affaires in other nations, but I am prest with buissines, that I am not able to send them.
From France wee have, that the French and Spanish armies have set themselves downe
each of them before a towne. The Spanyard hath beseidged St. Guillan, and the French
la Capelle. The French in Millan have at last taken Valence. His highnes and the parlament have agreed of a fast to be all over England, Ireland, and Scotland, upon the 30th
of October. Haveinge nothinge else to write, I remeyne
Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of Jos. Jekyll esq.
My lord,
The difficultie wee met with at the first about the exclusion of some gentlemen, who
were chosen by the people, is now over, and the parlament goes on with very great
unanimitie, and for ought I see thinges may come to a very good issue. Wee have passed
the bill for the exclusion of the line of Charles Stewart, and it is shortly to be presented to
his highnesse. Wee are alsoe about a high court of justice, which is very well accepted in
the house, and many other thinges of publique concernement are in hand; and there appeares not the least spirit of contradiction hitherto.
This day wee have entred upon the Spanish buissines: it hath beene opened to them at large, and to-morrow it is to be proceded upon. I doe not finde, but that it takes exceedinge well in the house, and I hope it will be brought to a very good issue.
Our newes from beyond sea is not much. The French have taken Capelle, a towne not
farre from Gravelinge. The Spanish army raised their seidge from St. Gillain to releive it,
but came too late. The younge gentleman is preparing his forces in Flanders, and hopes
to have a good army, with those don John is to afford hym, when he comes into his quarters; but I doe not heare he hath ready any shippinge to transport them; and till that I doe
not see our danger will be great. His partie heere are very buissie to get horses ready against
his comeinge, which will occasion some proceedinge with them more then ordinary. Your
lordship shall be sure to heare from me, as soone I have any thinge of moment. The
Dutch and Swede are agreed. There is nothinge of consequence from those parts by the
last post. I rest
Your lordship's most humble,
and most faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 29 Sept. (56.)
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 679.
Right honorable,
By the last post I enclosed a copie of a leter from the admiraltie, with my answere to it,
and the merchant's accountes, whoe I employed in the buyinge of the powder and masts,
desiringe a commission may be sent to examine upon oath all such as were employed in that
busines, wherein I perceive I suffer, as one that is thought to have made use of either fools
or knaves in the state's service; which though it may befall the honestest man in these tymes,
whilst he is far from intendinge either, yet in that busines I am soe confident of the honesty
and ability of the merchant I made use of, as that I desire the matter may be searched to
the bottom. I heare that the powder from hence was cast into the store, and mixt with it,
soe as the faulty powder might as well be there before. I am sorry that I cannot heare,
whether my address was delivered to his highnesse, haveinge but received one letter from
you since midsommer last. Referringe your honor to the inclosed intell. I remaine
Your honor's humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.
Hamburg, 30 Sept. 1656.
I cannot get that 400 l. paid yet. Pray, sir, be pleased to forward the payment of it, and the mony from the admiraltie. My servant waites at London at great charges, onely for that money, to answer my bills and engagements for it. I have noe letter this weeke from my correspondent, soe fear his sickness at Elbinge; but you have the good news of the Muscoviters drawing off from the siege of Riga, with all that further offers, in the Latin page inclosed. The Swedish ambassador, mons. Bond, is yet here. The king's brother is gon to the Spaw. Gr. Kinningmarke is goeing to the k. of Sw. in great haste. It is here generally sayd and believed, that the crownes of France and Spain are agreed.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xlii. p. 659.
Right honorabel sir,
It is not my fault that my last letter of the 3d current came not in due time to your honor's hands. I dispatcht it on tuesday last, and sent it away with the post to Danzig to
Mr. Acton, not knowing that he retired in the country, and therefore my letter was left behind; but I hope Mr. Acton sent it for Hamburgh with the next post. As for newes, the
king of Sweden with his queen are still in Frauenburg. The meeting betwixt the king and
the duke of Brandenb. is much hindred, because the duke is sicke: some are of opinion, that
it is a simulatus morbus, for to decline the meeting, and that he intendeth conference at the
Balge with the king of Sweden; but it may bee or not, the duke is gone in the neutralitie with
the Muscoviter, and so farr he is drawen off from the king of Sweaden; but against the king
of Poland he remains as yet constant to the king of Sweden, notwithstanding the king of
Poland hath advised him lately by a letter to stand off from the king of Sweden. And because that abovesaid conference did not goe forwards, there are great officers sent up and
down from the king of Sweden to the duke at Conigsberg, as also from the duke to the
king of Sweden concerning heavy businesses. There is a great while nothing passed betwixt
the two armies: the Polish armie beginns to draw nearer into these parts: the duke his
forces are to joyne with the Swedish forces, but it goes on very slowly. The queen of Sweden is ready to goe for Sweden this week. The Dutch ambassadors are not gone yet from
Frauenburg to the king of Poland; it seems they will exspect hier so long till he be come
to Danzig, where the king of Poland with the queen, about 50 persons strong, is dayly
expected, with resolution to keep court there, untill things be settled in Poland. Concerning
hopes of treaty of peace, there is much pains taken for it. One of the French ambassadors is gone again from Frauenburg to the king of Poland, for to try againe, if he can dispose the king to a treaty of peace. Before I conclude, the greatest news is, that the king
of Sweden intends to goe shortly for Sweden, because there is in that kingdom risen a great
rebellion. The king's going away out of those parts will breed great alterations here. The
Dutch embassadors are not content with admiral Opdam, that he hath lett over 500 soldiers
from the fleet to the city of Dantzig. It is reported, that the city of Amsterdam makes
difficulty to ratifye the treaty betwixt their ambassadors and the king of Sweden, whereof
may bee your honour hath better intelligence from Amsterdam then from hence; therefore I
will not be tedious; and thus I finish my letter, remaining
Yours to command.
The superscription,
From Elbing, 10th October, 1656. [N. S.]
A mons. mons. le resident Bradshaw presentement à Hamburg.
Mr. Bradshaw to Henry Scobell esq.
Vol. xlii. p. 681.
I Have not any from you this weeke neither; but from what the merchants write I understand, that many of the persons elected were not permitted to fit in parliament. I presume wee shall heare the reason of it per next. Mr. sec. writes not at all now. I have but
had one letter from him since midsummer last. I wish his highnesse would please to put an
end to that busines, either by vindicatinge me, if he find cause, or by revokinge me from
this uncomfortable condition: either shall please me, whoe must be content with any thinge.
Referinge you to the inclosed intelligence, I affectionately remayne, sir,
Your very humble servant.
Hamb. 30 Sept. 1656.
For my honorable freind Henry Scobell esq. theise at Whitehall.
Order of council.
Tuesday, the 30th of September, 1656.
Vol. xlii. p. 677.
Mr. Shapcot reports from the committee, to whom the business touching some prisoners condemned for treason, was referred; that they have received severall petitions from several prisoners of that nature, viz. the humble petition of Humphry Frodsham gent. with the opinion of the committee, that it appeared unto them, that the said Humphry Frodsham for divers years last past hath lived as a loose and profane person, and hath been formerly suspected for coining of money; but it likewise appeared, that the said Humphry Frodsham formerly hath been in the parliament service, and he now stands upon a reprieve given him by his highness, which is near expired; and it is the opinion of this committee, that the said Humphry Frodsham is not a fit person to receive the mercy of parliament.
That the said Humphry Frodsham be sent into America, and that security be taken for
his not returning, and for security of the person that did discover him; and that the business
of the security be referred to the same committee; and that his highness the lord protector
be moved, that he will be pleased in the mean time to reprieve him.
Hen. Scobell, clerk of the parliament.
Part of a letter to col. Herbert Morley, at Glyne-place in Sussex.
Vol. xlvi. p. 295.
But there is a secret I must tell you; there is a printed manifest published in the name of at least a 100 excluded members, wherto I am told your name and Mr. Fag's is affixed: I am confident without your leave. Among the rest it shews the illegality of the said exclusion, never practised by any former kings; and this is therefore to informe and remonstrate to the people, whose libertyes are hereby infringed, to excite them to stirr and rise for the vindication of them, and a promise from the said excluded members to joyne with them in it, which seems to run high, and to sett up the standard, and to blow and trumpett. These papers thus printed were sent in great white boxes, some 1000 of them, to bee left at severall houses in London, and by them to bee delivered out, when called for; that written upon the boxes. This busines was discovered by some one, that had a seeming hand in it; for upon the discovery messengers were sent from the west end of the towne, who carryed it so closely, that they have gotten four or five of these boxes from the owners of the houses, where they were ordered to be left, they not thinking, as alsoe they that sent them thither, but that they are gone the way they were designed, and all this is yet kept secret. Sir, this will be a snare to some or other concerned in it. It was by strange providence I came to know it. I thought good to give you secret notice, the rather because I am confident you are too wise to play at such game, and then it will not be amiss to make it manifest in your own time and way. I thinke herein I have dealt as a friend. My prayers are, that the Lord would teach us all to know and doe his will, and to make us wife for salvation, whatever he doe with us as to worldly concernments; all which being at his dispose, cannot, whatever now they seem, fall out evill to his owne in the end.
J. Fraysier to Mr. Timothy Stapley.
Vol. xlii. p. 33.
This is my second letter. Cornell Borthwick is now in prison; and if his friend
brings not that, which hee went for, along with him, it may goe hard with him; soe
he would doe well to make all the hast hee can in that bissinesse. If hee write to mee, I
desire him to write no news; but if hee have a minde, hee maye write to some els of his
frinds in the courte, and send his letters open, inclosed in myn, and I shall not faile to deliver it to any of them, that hee pleases to write to. Sir, I praye you write to mee by the
first post, that I maye knowe, if my addresse and yours goes right. Wee are now to begin the first of our new leavies, and I hope, that oure officers and soldiers shall have content for their services. I did expect a letter before this, but as yet I have received none.
When you write to mee, direct to me at Mr. Johnson, at the chirurgeon called Mr. John
of Laeren, dwelling at Flissing, right against the great craen, about the corner of the Helberdier street; and they will not faill to come saef to my hands. Be sure you write to me
the next post, and direct your letters to noe were else, but where I have directed you. I
send yow heer likewisse inclosed the adresse indirectly; soe I rest
Your loving frind and servant,
John Fraysier.
The superscription,
For Mr. Timothy Stapleye, at the King's head
in Fryday-street at London.
Renswoude the Dutch resident in Spain, to the states-general.
Vol. xliii. p. 5.
High and mighty lords,
They write from Cadiz, that the commissioner William Van Saen was arrived there
with some merchantmen from Texell; and that as they past by Portugal, they saw the
admiral Blake riding before Lisbon with some ships, together with the two Spanish prizes
taken by a squadron of his ships before Cadiz: I cannot yet learn any thing of the treaty
between Spain and France, only it is firmly believed, that monsieur de Lionne is returned
home, without effecting any thing.