A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: September (6 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp437-446 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: September (6 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp437-446.
"State Papers, 1656: September (6 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp437-446.
In this section
September (6 of 7)
Extract of the secret register of the resolutions of the States General of the United Netherlands.
Jovis, the 21st Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 301.
After deliberation first had, it is resolved and thought sit, that so soon as possible with the first post order shall be given, and a letter writ to the lord of Opdam, lieut. admiral, that he presently after the reception of the letter shall sail for these countries with thirty of his heaviest and biggest ships under his command, leaving as yet before Dantzick twelve ships of the said fleet under the command of the rear-admiral captain Tromp, five light ships, and four frigots, belonging to the admiralty of Amsterdam, and and the other three ships belonging to the other colleges of the admiralties; to which end the said rear-admiral shall betake himself to one of the said ships of war; likewise the said lieut. admirall shall be also writ unto, to leave the soldiers aboard of the fleet with the said rear-admirall to be divided in his squadron. An extract of this resolution shall be also sent to the lords ambassadors of their high and mighty lordships in Denmark, with this request, that their lordships would give notice thereof to the king of that kingdom; as also to desire his majesty, that he would be pleased to let some of his lesser ships remain a while longer before Dantzick. The lords commissioners of Zealand have consented to this conclusion, with the good liking of their lords principals. The lords commissioners of Overyssel declared, that they had no order about it from their principals.
A letter of intelligence.
Middleburgh, 22d September, 1656.
Vol. xlii. p. 327.
The wind was so long contrary, that I arrived at Rotterdam only upon the 18th of
September, old stile. I stayed not there at all, but came to this place on the 21a
current. I can say nothing as yet, but that the lord of Bristol is now come to Charles
Stewart's court with a good retinue and splendid equipage. Strong endeavourings are used
by Spain and Charles Stewart to prevail with the United Provinces to join with them,
but they keep aloof as yet. The king is believed here to be in a bad condition: God assist
him. I am just now going to Antwerp and Brussels, from whence you shall hear at large
by the next from me. God direct you and all your counsels. Middleton is come to this
place. I remaine
Your assured affectionate
friend to serve you,
John Butler.
I seal all my letters with an anchor and a cable about it.
A letter of intelligence.
Laus Deo. Dunckerke, 2 Octob. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 593.
Mr. Bostocke, and noble friend,
I Have not receaved any letter from you this packett. I pray you forgett not for to send
mee the knise and forke. Last wee have not any newes; only on saturdaye night last
the parlement men of warre, that lyeth before the towne, manned out seaven of their longe
boats, and betweene 10 and 11 of the clocke in the night, thought to lay abord, and carry
awaye a small friggate with foure guns, which lay at anckor at the forte of Mardicke; but
they defended themselves, and keepte the boats off with loss of one man, that was killed.
What harme the boatts received, it is not knowen, but on sunday morninge there was
found on the shore two Englishmen dead. I pray you for to send this inclosed forward for
Yarmouth, it beinge for a poore prisoner. Thus remayneing, as I am,
Your true friend and servant,
John Arden.
A letter of intelligence.
Madrid, 2 Octo. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 597.
The 2, 12, 17, and 30th of August I advised you of many things of concernment,
and how I made the secretary of don Lewis de Haro for you, and desired you to advise what pension you would allow him, and also what past about the peace with France,
with many other particulars, &c. The 4, 5, 13, 16, 23, and 27th of September I advised all that had past in these parts, and that concerned you, and of a Portuguese to be
employed to London, who undertaketh to give intelligence of all what passeth: he is called Simon Suares, a proper man, short hair, somewhat grave: he parted about a month
ago; so much before that time since he came from general Blake's fleet and Portugal. He hath a great pension from don Lewis de Haro by the year. This man served a
long time the baron of Babinelle: you cannot miss to hear of him amongst those of Portugal. He hath been oftentimes in Paris from don Lewis de Haro before now, but durst
not go any more to Paris, for some tricks he hath done: he is a very understanding man.
The agent, that is about the treaty of peace from the king of France, parted from hence the
27th of September, without effecting any thing, unless cardinal Mazarin will renew the
treaty of peace, seeing the advantageous condition don Lewis de Haro offered, and
I perceive by don Lewis de Haro, that he hath some hopes of peace, for he doth
not the preparations accustomed for next year, neither doth not deny as yet the offers made him for men, for he cannot have them in Spain. One of the chiesest things
that hindered the peace, is that of the prince of Condé. I have it from a very good
hand, that cardinal Mazarin desired to have him delivered up to France prisoner. You
are to take notice, that the Spanish king resolved to set out a very considerable fleet
this very year. There are thirty ships, that will have in them in all 900 pieces of
ordnance, ten galleons of 400 pieces between them, and ten fireships: all of them will
have about 7000 men of sea and land: the ships are already appointed and chosen in
Cales, and I believe this week there will go orders for their preparing; also there is
one come from Biscay, that hath made an agreement to build a squadron there, and
will go under that name: his conditions were signed this week: by the next you shall
know the number, for Spain is resolved to keep a fleet henceforward, though hitherto
they were resolved to keep none, but to let the protector's fleet to continue to put him
to charges, and benefit nothing. They are resolved to have no more money come from
the Indies while the war with you, but in a very considerable fleet, if any cometh; they
will rather leave it there, than hazard the coming of it into your hands. The Spanish
king is in great pain to know if the galleon came to you; if it be, there is never no coming for the captain to Spain. The Spanish king is in hopes of a difference between the
army and the protector, for the army will have a general of their own to be over them,
to be separated from the protector. This the Scots king advised don Lewis de Haro by
one that is here, that corresponds with him. I perceive by them, they expect eight ships
more from the Indies besides those you met with.
The wanting of hearing from you causeth me to make use of another way to let you know, that I write unto you, otherwise I would not let my brother nor any living know the least. I would you had appointed me a friend in Paris. I pray let me hear from you. This goeth by an extraordinary.
Yours to be, &c.
George Pawly.
Advice from Riga.
The 2d of October, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol.xlii. p. 601.
This day the inhabitants, citizens, and soldiers of this place made a fally out, and and beat up the quarters of the Muscovite on one side of the city, taking from them seventeen colours, their cannon, and mortar-pieces, and filled the trenches with their dead bodies. We are also informed for certain, that the great duke hath lost above three hundred officers since the siege began, and a very great number of common men.
These following colours were also taken in the said sally out, and brought into this city:
1. Red colour, wherein stood, Look well to yourself.
2. One white colour, Fear God, honour the emperor.
3. A geen colour, Fear God.
4. A grey colour, Fear God.
5. A green colour, Fear God.
6. A red colour with a silver arm, wherein was wrote, Si Deus pro nobis, quis contra nos ?
7. A red colour, with a crown, sceptre, sword, a white cross, crowned with a crown.
8. A red colour, wherein was wrote, In anger I am wroth.
9. A red colour, wherein was a maremaid, by which was wrote, Guard my booty.
The other colours are carried into the castle.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 619.
Right honorable,
Though I cannot releeve the well affected merchants heere, who soe unduly suffer
for their faithfullness, and tenderinge of his highness honour in his publick minister;
yet whilst I am here, I cannot omitt to represent their condition. By the last post I gave
notice of their being sined by Mr. Townley's party, now called the court, whoe, notwithstanding this inclosed paper sent them, persist in their act and resolution to force their submission, without further waitinge his highness pleasure, haveinge writ to their friends at
London, to appeare for them at Whitehall, in case theire thus proceedinge should be resented there. I alsoe inclose your honour the copie of a letter lately received from the
admiralty, with my answer to it, and the merchant's accompt, whome I employed in that
Beinge Mr. Townley takes the liberty soe to report of mee, as one that hath abused his trust, I hope you will thinke it meet, and soe order, that a commission may be sent over to examine witness, as I have desired of those gentlemen, for the state's due reparation, and my vindication.
To the last weeke's paper of the king of Sweden's proposalls, and the Polish king's answer, I heere remitt your honour a considerable account from my correspondent of the present state of affaires in those parts; to which I have onely to add, that the Swedish ambassador is safely arrived heere from England, on whom I waited this day, as I have done upon the king's brother, and mons. Coyet, who arrived here some dayes before him. Sir, I beseech you let me knowe, if my late address were delivered to his highness, and what I may expect thereupon. I am
Your honor's humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Hamb. 23 Sept. 1656.
The paper to the company I shall send per next, being l0th to give your honor soe much trouble at present.
The ambassador presents you his respect, and will write to you per next. The frigotts escaped narrowly enteringe the Elve with an unskillfull pilote.
Mr. Bradshaw, agent at Hamburg, to the commissioners of the admiralty.
Vol. xlii. p. 391.
Right honorable,
By this last post I received your letter of the 12th instant, returninge the inclosed for
captain Plumleigh, whoe departed hence a fortnight since for England.
I am sorry to understand, that my endeavoures to serve the state have beene rendred uneffectuall, by the bad provinge of the masts and powder sent; but if your honors please to peruse the inclosed account of that business from the person employed therein, I presume yow will be satisfyed there hath been no neglect on my part, by committinge that trust either to unskillfull or dishonest persons, as I seem to be charged. The merchant, that managed the commission, hath the repute here of as honest and as able a man for businesse, as any of the nation in this place, none excepted; otherwise it might justly reflect upon me to have employed him. I know not what I could have done more then I did, for the effectuall performance of that command from the councell, my publick character not permittinge me to act the businesse myself; nor what the merchant could have done more to prevent fraud, had the whole been for his own account, or any other man's, that should have employed him. The report of the provinge of the powder and masts otherwise then I could imagine they should, hath (as I heare) emboldned one Townley (whom his highness and his councell lately sent for over to answer his misdemeanors here) to report publickly, if not to some of your honors, that I have abused my trust therein, and made great advantage to myself thereby. Therefore I desire (as I presume yow will also judge it meete) that a commission may be sent over hither to examine the merchant, who is a sponsable man, and such as have been employed by him, upon their oathes; that so if any abuse hath been, it may appeare, for the state's reparation and my just vindication, who knowe nothing thereof; but on the contrary, that all was done, that possibly could be, to prevent any such fraud or defect. And truely, in regard that almost ¼ of the powder was sold heere again, after three years lying at . . . . . . without any faultings of it, it seems strange to me, that what was shipt with so much care, should prove so bad, if there was no under-dealings with it. After it was shipt hence, I gave notice to Mr. secretary Thurloe, that there remayned here six large masts of those formerly bought, to which (if he so ordered) I should provide as many more as would load a ship; but I did not write, that there was so many resting upon the former account, as it seems you understood it. Desiringe your honors will order the payment of l. 440: 17: 4, if not payd, I cease your further trouble, remaining
Your honors humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.
Hamburg, 23 Sept. 1656.
P. S. The Taunton and Kent frigottes arrived here 4 days since with the Swedish ambassador. They were in great danger entring the Elve with unskillfull pilots, as the ambassador and the master of the Kent sr. consessed, who is seeking a good pilot for the Sound, the wind being sayre for that place.
Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 674.
Right honorable,
Since my last unto you of the 12th past, nothing hath heare presented worth your
notice, only that 3 days past arrived here a ship from Falmouth, who 18 days past met
off the southward cape generall Blake with 20 ships going for England, as one of the
commanders told the master: the rest of the fleet lies still before Cadiz, where they have
lately seized a ship of Genoa, in which they conceive is store of money, and goes for accompte of Spaniards. Heare have been great rejoicing for the taking of Valensa in Millan
by the French, before which place they lost 8000 men. So for present I humbly take leave,
and remain
Your honor's servant at command,
Jo. Aldworth.
Marseille, 3d October, 1656. [N. S.]
Wee cann as yett receave noe advise of the proceedings of the 10 gallyes and 8 ships of Genoe, that are gone against Argeirs.
Lockhart, ambassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xliii. p. 605.
Right honorable,
Since my last I have been oblydged to keep my chamber, by reason of a feaver I
have had, which took me with some violence that very afternoon I writt to yow, but
did not continue in its hight with me above 24 howres; and I thank God for it, I am now
in that condition, as I hope to stirr abroad to-morrow.
My indisposition since my last hath deprived me of all oppertunitys of knowing much in businesse, that passeth at court; yet I have had a hint from a friend, that there are stronge endeavors a foot for making the prince of Conde's peace with the cardinall. When I was at Compeigne, his eminence told me, hee was earnestly applyed unto in that businesse by the princes his sister, the dutchess of Longaville, who (I heare since) prevailed with the queen of Sweaden also to mediate for it; but the cardinall seemed then to be so sensible of that, which I look upon to be his trew interest, as he told me, the prince's being restored was incompatible with his keeping a quiet possession of the ministrie of state; for, said he, his ambition is so boundlesse, as nothing less than all will satisfy him. Howsoever, the dissatisfactions, that are betwixt don John and the prince, whom the prince blames for the loss of la Capelle, because at his desyer he would not agree to attackque the French lyns upon their first comming in view of them, and by whom the prince is blamed for causing them to quit the siege of St. Guillan for the relief of la Capelle, a place much less considerable, and which he knew his garrison could not keep out, 'till the things requisitt to preceed an attempt upon the French lynes could be prepared; their difference upon this is come to that height, that the prince hath retyred to Rocroy (the only garrison he hath now left him) with 2000 horse and two battallions of foot, which place is not above eight or nine leagues distant from Guise, where the cardinal hath now stayed these eight dayes without any great pretence of businesse, save to give the king the pleasure of the chasse, which is said to be very good in these parts; and my being informed, that upon satturday last the king did hunt in the forrest betwixt Estrée and la Capelle, and so was within four or fyve leagues of Recroy, gives me cause to suspect, from the wholl of these circumstances I have so confusedly laid before you, that there is a treaty betwixt the cardinall and the prince; and the last particular doth almost put it out of doubt with me; for I cannot imagine, that the cardinall would have ventured the king's person so neare a prince, that is so active, and who hath a considerable body of horse with him, except they were in some tearms of mutuall confidence.
So soon as I have the opportunity of being at court, I shall endeavour to informe myself, as fully as shall be possible for me, of what hath passed in this particular; and if I find, that the differences betwixt the cardinall and the prince are in any good way of accommodatione, I shall then perswade myself, that the cardinal (whatever pretences he hath had to the contrairy) intends a peace with Spayn in good earnest, and hath gott over the greatest rubb, that was in his way; for in all his discourse on that businesse, I found, that the restoration of the prince stuck more with him, than either the redelivery of towns, or the leaving of his allie the Portugal to the Spanyards mercy.
The card. of Retts, whose reconciliation to the court the queen of Sweden did sollicit so earnestly, hath been in Burgundie; and there is a rumour, that he is in disguyse at Paris. The report of it did a litle allarm Mr. de Tilliet, who stayeth here, and did advertise the court of it by an expresse; but it seems, that report hath proceeded from some mistake.
Sir, if the court (according as it's generally beleeved) shall return to Paris very suddenly, I shall be much puzled concerning my deportment, for my liverys are quyt worn out, and my credit their is in as badd condition; and therfore I shall humbly beg, that my letters of revocation may be sent, so as I may take leave of the king before his return to Paris; and I may assure you, that if I did not conceive his highnesse honour concerned in it, no interest of my own could have forced a reiteratione of my importunity in this from one, who is so infinitly oblydged to be,
May it please your honor,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
La Ferre, October 3d, 1656. N. S.
Vice-admiral Goodsonn to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 609.
As by my last I intimated, the copy whereof I send you, of the judgement of all knowing men, that it would not be safe lying longer upon this coast of Cuba, then toward
the ultimate of August, upon the 27th of which I called a councell of war, to know the
state and condition of victuall and water each ship had; as also the common opinion, when
we should repair to our station at Jamaica, and which way were most facill. It was resolved, that the first opportunity of wind and weather we should disimbooge through the
gulfe; which accordingly we used our endeavors, and the 29th entred the gulfe, and not
without much hazard; for there God was pleased to show his great power, by bringing of
us to the pitt's brinck, and yet to say to us, Returne ye sonns of men; for by an extremity
of wind at the E. S. E. and S. S. E. and soe to the south, we did not weather the dangers
of cape Florida, I judge at three quarters of a mile at most, and afterwards not few houres
had soe much wind at south, that many ships had their sayles blowing off from the yard,
soe were constrayned to spoone afore the sea with our sprit sayle yard armes ballanced up:
this night lost company of the Matthias, Success, and Martin, whom we encountred again
this second instant. We have endeavored what possible for the attaining of the island
Mevis; which comeing this way, resolved we should touch there, for the more facill transplanting of those for Jamaica, who are willing thereto; but have mett with contrary wind;
winds at E. S. S. E. S. S. E. and south comixt with calmes: at present the wind at S. E.
and as we judge S. and by W. from Christopher's 297 leagues. The bearer, Mr. William Simons, master of the Peter of Bristol, sayth he came from thence 14 months since,
laded wine in France for Barbadoes, and parted Barbadoes two months since, wanting three
days, and hath been from St. Christopher's this day eight days. What we receive from him
as advice is, that the Hope, capt. Martinn, sent to New England, arrived in his time at
Barbadoes, and from thence sailed for Jamaica. As to ships from England, he saith he
hath not heard of any, only of a report that there were eight sayle fitting for Jamaica. As
to the three ships formerly advised sent to Mevis, he saith were some time since arrived;
and saith, that the governor hath not only used all means possible to induce people to
transplant themselves from Mevis, but hath with one of the three ships gone to Christopher's to draw what people he can from thence.
Sir, I hope I shall not have need to mind you of our condition. I have heretofore at large imparted it. It's a trouble upon my spirit to say, that what little provision we have, is the most part decayed. As to our liquors, except water, not ten dayes allowance, as farr as I can understand, through the whole squadron. As to water, through our long passage, and a little appearance of a gale of wind, have been for some time, and are still inforced to goe to half allowance; and as yet, if God be not pleased to favour us with a wind, know not what the issue of it may be.
Sir, this vessell being mean, know not whether these may come to your hand, but hope, when God shall bring us to Mevis, shall have an oppertunity to give you an account more at large, in the mean time rest
His highness and
the commonwealth's servant,
Will. Goodsonn.
Marston-more, at sea, the 23d September, 1656.
Your honour may understand by the inclosed letter, being the copy of what I sent to the governor of Bermudas by this bearer, who intends upon some private occasion to touch there, and is in answer to a letter from him, signifying the willingness of some people there to transplant themselves for Jamaica.
W. G.
Mr. H. Bishopp to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 603.
Right honourable,
I Must eaver acknowledge to live and breath by your favour, and so account it my deuty
to improve all my endeavers to your service: in order to which, at my returne from
Lancaster, I attended your honor, but not havinge the happiness to kiss your handes, I
addressed myself to Mr. Jeasop, desiring him to present my humble service to you, and
give your honor the account of my returne. I allso desired Mr. Holden, the messenger,
to understand your honor's pleasure in regard of me, whereby I might on aney occation
be ready to attend your commands. And wheareas the tymes are full of danger, caused
by unquiet spearites, I am bold to give your honour notis, that very lately there came to
my sister's house, wheare I live, a gentleman, as we conseaved, disguised, very desirouse
to speak with mee. He came from the sea side newley landed in Sussex, and he sayde recommended to me by one Mr. Goring. He would neather leave his name nor business,
but in hast for London, from whence grew a suspition of the person. I did not see him,
beeing rid abroade a hunting, but at my returne my kinsman informing me of it, I thought
it very fit to acquaint your honor with the passage, whereby your honor's care, and the stricknes of your honour's commands, you may happily discover any thing, that may be dispersed by such wandring persons; soe that we your honour's servants may enjoye the security of youre protection under this government, which is the dayley prayers of
Your honour's faithfull
and most gratefull servant,
Henry Bishopp.
Tilby, Sept. 23d, 1656.
H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 617.
By the last poste I gave you ane account of the present posture of our forces here; I
allsoe acquainted you what considerations hade bin, in order to the rayseinge and setlinge a militia; but before we provided effectually therein, we thought it necessarie to
desire you to informe his highness thereof, to the end his pleasure might be knowne touching that affaire, which I desire you will signifye to us with all convenient speed.
The Irish are still kept in great expectation of a suddain aide from Ch. St. and Spaine: many priests and friers have lately come over hither from abroade, to prepare them for an insurrection, and to keep them in heart till their expected relief arrives here. I hope, with the blessinge of God, we shall be in a good readiness to enterteyn them. I am glade you are with your forces in soe good a condition in England, as yours of the 9th instante doth give ane account of; and that the intention of the enemy growes clearer and clearer. I hope that God, whoe hath soe timely discovered their designes to you, will bless your endeavors for preventinge them in obteyning their desires and ends uppon these nations, and good people therein. We shall be further carefull and watchfull in our respective duties and charges. You writ to me concerninge one Davies, whoe is chosen a member for parliament for Carrickfergus: I scarce ever hearde of the gentleman before; I never sawe him, but since I received your character of him, I heare he is a very naughty mane, and not fitt to fitt in that councill. I have taken care for the present stoppe of him, untill I heare further frome you touchinge him. There is care taken to doe it without giveing him cause of suspicion. Shipps are sent for the transporting of my lord chancellor Steel. Your last letter makes no mention of forreigne intelligence; myne here gives me stronge symptomes of their designes uppon this nation. If you heare any thing considerable from abroade, I hope you will send the officers backe to their charges, and sir Jo. Reynolds with them, whoe is gone over upon the licence you sent in your last letter. I am, sir,
Your moste affectionat friend,
H. Cromwell.
Killkenny, Sept. 23d [1656.]
Pardon this bad paper.
Capt. Manley to Mr. Anthony Rogers.
Vol. xlii. p. 631.
Deare Ant.
I Have wrote to you severall times since my beeing here; and beeing this is to bee the last,
which you are like to have from me from hence, I thought it good to give you notice,
that you write no more to me till I give your further directions.
We received our order yesterday from the States Generall to returne with the fleet; only 12 of the smallest frigotts and ships, together with all the land-foot, shal be lest here behind, untill the treatie concluded by our embassador be ratifyed by the king of Sweden; for this town is comprehended in it, as I mentioned in my last. To-morrow we shall goe on board and set sail with the first winde. The Swede and Pole are upon treating, both being weary of the warr, and apprehending the Muscovite. Our embassadors here of France and the duke of Brandenburg vigorously prosecute it. There is no certainty from Riga. Some say, that the Muscovite have raised the siege, being forced thence by the pest and ill weather; and there are that say, that he is got close to the wall. The truth is uncertain, the Samogitians having blocked up the way, so that no post can come from these quarters. This is all I know save by being, as ever.
Tromp commands the remayning shipps.
Dantzick, 4 Octob. [1656. N. S.]
The superscription,
For Mr. Antony Rogers, att the post-office, London.
A letter of intelligence from Madrid.
Madrid, 4 Octob. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 627.
In my last I advised you how my brother acquainted col. Bampfylde that of don Lewis
de Haro's secretary; the reason I did it to my brother for fear of my letter to be miscarried, but I ordered my brother to come off, and give a good excuse to the colonel,
unless he had orders from you, that he might confide in colonel Bampfylde; for at that
time little did I think of the colonel's being in Paris, so that the business shall be brought
off handsomly. The secretary of don Lewis de Haro told me the other day, that it would
be requisite I should see Mr. secretary Thurloe, when the business goes on. The want of
hearing once from you, maketh me to make use of another way to let you know,
that I write to you, otherwise I would never let my brother, nor any body else know
the least.
The above mentioned is a copy of my last, and for fear of its miscarriage, I send this another way. I cannot as yet but admire, I cannot hear any word from you in answer of mine. I pray let me have that comfort as to receive an answer. Now certain news is come of the galleon to be carried to Lisbon by your fleet. I would advise the particulars of all, but that I believe you have it before this from Bourdeaux better than any here can give you; they say also, that your fleet doth great progress in the Indies. You would not believe the great resentment the taking of the galleon hath caused in all this nation, in laying the blame upon don Lewis de Haro for not giving advice to the governor of Cadiz of the coming of the galleons. So much they resent it, that some men in Seville have put printed proclamations in the behalf of the protector, wherein they command all kings and states not to meddle with the fleet, that is coming from the Indies, for all belong to him, because they make sure account admiral Blake will have them all, for they expect a fleet thence.
There is an express sent to recall again the agent of France, that was at Madrid about the treaty of peace, which is a sign they intend to grant him his request: this is certain; but whether he will, is not known as yet. The post, that went after him, parted yesterday. The want of hearing from you hindereth much. I was all these days in some hopes of receiving some money, that was due to me; but my hopes have failed me, so that I cannot subsist, unless you advance me one half year, for my charges are excessive, and it avails you much: besides, since the time I begun, there will be six months expired before the money cometh to my hands.
Courtin to Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.
Hague, 6th October, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 639.
My lord,
The assembly of the parliament of England is a business of great consequence, upon
which every body passeth his judgment, as if they would prophesy of its issue and
The resident of Sweden hath complimented the lords states about the conclusion of the treaty at Elbing, and desired them to hasten the ratification, as is agreed. They promised so to do, and to that end had already sent copies thereof to the provinces for their consent. It is said, that some of the cities of Holland do oppose it, and that Amsterdam will not agree to it. Mons. Charisius hath presented a memorandum to the states, to hinder the expedition of the ratification, till such time as the king of Denmark hath satisfaction given him by Sweden about some differences between them; and Dantzick hath declared their unwillingness to be comprehended in the treaty; and their syndic doth still sollicit the states for the assistance, which they have put them in hopes of, his principals not trusting to the promises of Sweden.
They write from Copenhagen, that the queen there is happily delivered of a daughter.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
The 30th September, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 565.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
There hath not yet been a conference held about the country of Outremeuse. There hath been a conference with the ministers of Brandenburgh, who in recommending very much secrecy and acceleration, have very much represented the great and apparent danger, which doth threaten Prussia. The said ministers have required counsel and assistance, according to the alliance, and that provisionally there be interceded for the elector by letters to the Muscovite. Secondly, that it be done by an ambassy. Thirdly, assistance. And when the provinces asked all this in writing, they said, that as well for secrecy as for haste, it is not necessary that the same be in writing. Many are of opinion, that the elector doth endeavour to separate from the Swedes. The lords de la Capelle and Beverning are to go once more to speak to the minister of Brandenburgh.
The lord Wolssen is commissioned with the lord Oostdorp to go and summon the prince of East Friesland for payment.
The lords Capelle and Beverning have communicated to the resident of Denmark, and to the commissioner of Dantzick, the treaty of Elbing. The resident of Poland required the same this morning.
1 October.
The news from Prussia is, that the elector doth very much desire the neutrality, to be out of danger of the Muscovite: doth complain, that the king of Sweden made him believe, that there was nothing to be feared from the Muscovite. The elector congratulating the city of Dantzick with their inclusion, hath desired their troops of them; but the city doth not yet know, whether it will accept of the inclusion.
The ambassadors of Copenhagen write, that also the king of Denmark did not desire the utter oppression of the king of Sweden. It seemeth, that Riga is not in such danger as was writ formerly.
2 October.
There are come letters from the admiralty of Rotterdam, for the release of a certain Spanish or Dunkirk captain and ship; those of Dunkirk offering to release at the same time captain Peter Salomons and his ship at Dunkirk.
The commissioner of Dantzick hath represented; that the magistracy there cannot yet so soon resolve concerning the inclusion; desiring that the ratification may be delayed; till such time that the said magistracy may have time and leisure to consider of it. Secondly, he desireth the performance of three months subsidy, which, he saith, was promised. The one and the other is referred to the consideration of some commissioners, who are appointed to that end.
The lords of la Capelle and Beverning having spoken more expresly to the ministers of Brandenburgh, and not being able to get any thing in writing (as well not to give jealousy to Sweden, as also not to provoke the Muscovite) have made report, that provisionally it will be necessary to intercede with his imperial majesty of Muscovy for the said elector, to the end that he may not be assaulted by his forces. Upon which it is resolved, that a letter shall be writ to his said imperial majesty of Muscovy.
As to the desire of the states of the country of Cleve, the said states were to day heard. To-morrow the ministers of the said elector are to be heard, both desiring to have living safe-guards.
3 October.
This day there hath been a conference with the ministers of Brandenburgh about the business to give living safe-guards to those of the country of Cleve. Item, to order the commanders to defend the open country, till such time that cannon can be brought. There hath been report made of it. Six provinces were resolved to agree to it, but Holland declared they had it in deliberation, as in effect the commissioners of Cleve have had a particular conference about that with some commissioners of Dort, Delft, Amsterdam, Schiedam, Enchuysen, Medenblick, and the raedt pensionary.
Holland hath also taken into consideration the letter, which is to be writ to the great duke of Muscovy. It is clearly seen, that Holland is not very well satisfied or pleased with the elector.
The wife of the lord Slingelant being big with child, and in a very miserable condition, and desiring to see her husband, they have resolved and consented to recall him.
At the instance of the magistracy of Bois-le-duc, they have proposed to send commissioners to Bois-le-duc, there to agree the differences, which are between the members of the magistracy.
The resident of Sweden hath had audience, and made a compliment to the assembly upon the alliance made the 11/1 September at Elbing.
4 October.
Those of Holland have this day again made mention and exhortation to the provinces, to declare themselves for the guaranty to be made with France and England.
Those of Holland have named and proposed the lord Blauw, pensionary of Purmerende, for resident in Denmark, in the place of the lord Frize; the other provinces are for the lord Schoock.
Holland hath taken a very serious resolution against the elector of Brandenburgh for the protection of the states of Cleve. They have advice, that of the levies made in the country of Cleve, some of them are put into Tionville, and that that must irritate the Spaniards or the prince of Condé.
5 October.
This day is come a letter from the lord Boreel, which although very true, yet is hardly believed, in regard it speaks of a business, which is not to be done till the next spring.
The lords Capelle and others having seen the ambassador of Spain, have reported, that his excellency did still take very great exceptions, by reason that Holland was still pressing the guaranty with France and England; saying, that that could not but tend to a rupture.
The report concerning the affairs of the states of Cleve hath been again debated, and Holland hath not yet finished the bringing in of their provincial advice.
6 October.
There came this day a long letter from the magistrates of Dantzick to the States General concerning the inclusion, and that which dependeth upon it, and the reasons why that city cannot acquiesce in this inclusion, nor embrace the neutrality: of this copies are taken by the provinces.
Those of Holland have proposed the recalling of the twelve remaining ships, which are before Dantzick, and to leave all the militia in Dantzick. Upon that most of the provinces said, that they ought to examine how that can subsist with the treaty at Elbing. Friesland and Groningen expecting the ratification of the treaty from day to day, said, that the treaty being ratified, they cannot see how they can give that assistance to Dantzick. Those of Holland replied, that they may be employed to another use; giving to understand, that if Riga be taken, those troops will serve to keep and guard the Pillauw and Memell.
The ambassador of Spain hath presented a long memorandum, containing divers grievances, especially the guaranty with England, France, and others. They will answer it with contra-grievances.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xlii. p. 635.
At present I have nothing considerable, only that by the last letter of the ambassadors in
Denmark you will see, that Denmark is very angry, by reason that they have finished the
alliance with Sweden; and I do believe more and more, that Denmark doth burn with desire to be
upon Sweden, and that the only respect of Cromwell hath with-held him; and that at present he
doth imagine, that Cromwell is too much embroyled against Spain, and that the Muscovite hath
his foot upon the throat of Sweden. As to the states of Holland, I am very certain, that they will delay the
ratification as long as they can. They would yet obtain something else of Sweden, if they can,
especially explication or restriction of, sub qua tamen æqualitate. Item, they would have
something more for and in favour of Dantzick. I know not what the Swede will say, and whether he
will not sustain, that it is a signal ludification, and that they ought to punish the ambassadors, as having acted against their instruction; but that is the manner amongst potentates,
to govern their faith according to their interests. If the Muscovite take Riga, the Swede will
be very much in the school of patience, and a war is sooner begun than ended. I am
This 6th October, 1656. [N. S.]
Your most humble servant.