A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: March (6 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp277-294 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: March (6 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp277-294.
"State Papers, 1655: March (6 of 8)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp277-294.
In this section
March (6 of 8)
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 330.
Honourable sir,
I have yours of the 9th, with the inclosed coppies of the petitions and large remonstrances of my supposed injurious dealinge with the companie, to which in due
time I shall give such an answer, as will make my adversaries ashamed, if they have not
made shipwracke both of shame and conscience. I wish you had beene at leasure to have
sent me a commission for the examining of witnesses, and had pleased to let me knowe, if
you had presented my addresses of the 9th of Jan. and the 13th of Feb. with the narratives to his highnesse. However I shall not doubt of their being ready to produce,
when there shall be tyme to take my adversaries charge into consideration. I am truly glad,
you have so farre discovered and secured, as that you apprehend the designe of Ch. Steward
and his partie in a faire way of utter disappointment. The Lord asist you to effect it;
yet I can assure you, that the people of these partes have other thoughts and expectations.
This day a friend, whom I know both loves and honours his highnesse, did, upon engagement to conceal his name, assure me, that the great preparations on foote at present,
and in raysing in the empire, Sweden, Denmarke, and other circumjacent parts, were
(if still they be not) intended for the assistance of C. S. against the commonwealth of
England. Sir, you know how states used to keep their faith of allyance. I pray God
we be not deceived in some of our pretending friends. I trust the Lord will direct your
counsells, to frustrate all the expectations of your enemies, who, whilst they wish and
seeke your ruine, can give you smooth language enough, and it may be protest as deeply
as these disafected merchants have done in their remonstrance, calling God to witnesse their
untruths, with an impudence that faceth heaven.
This day an envoy from the prince of Transilvania gave me a visit, passing over land to his highnesse. His name, quality, and the name and titles of his master, you have in the inclosed note. He departeth this day in hast. The common report here at present is, that C. S. is now with the duke of Friesland; but I thinke it is not certainlie knowne, where he is, by any in these parts, that will discover it. From Sweden and Poland, nothinge more, than that their arminge goes on, especially in Sweeden. In my last I wrote you of some shipps taken on here to carry soldiers for Gottenburgh, at least soe pretended; and of their beinge againe discharged. Koningsmarke (whom I heare is noe friende to his highnesse) hath great leavies afoote in these parts, for the crowne of Sweaden, both horse and foote. I pray God there be no more in the general arming of all princes and states about you, than only to scuffle among themselves. I like it not, that the French nod so much with their treaty. Some, who thinke they have good intelligence, are of opinion, that France and Spaine are not soe farre from a reconciliation, as may be gathered by their great preparations against the next campaine. If they close, the storme must fall somewhere; but I shall not trouble you further with my apprehensions and conjectures of men; not doubting but the lord will still assist you in the needfull time, as 'tis heartily desired and prayed for by him, that is,
March 20, 165 4/5.
Sir, your very humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.
I am informed, that lord Wilmot, when he passed here incognito, was received by the kinge of Denmarke in his owne coach, at Fensburgh. It's said, Waites was with him, and is left an agent there, being a pensioner to that king, Wilmot is in England, as all conclude.
A letter of intelligence.
[March 20, 165 4/5.]
Vol. xxiv. p. 340.
It is impossible for me to serve [symbol] considerably, without 18. 12. 6. 41. 10. 30. 35. 3.
40. 41. 16. 40. 41. cardinal Mazarin 43. 31. 36. 25. 3. 11. 12. Those who it will
be necessary for me to employ, towards the 38. 34. 19. 36. 7. 28. 41. 22. 40. 26. 35. 23.
6. 36. 130. being such troopes as I am sure will not 19. 17. 35. 11. 40. 39. 2. 25. 12. 19.
35. 35. 23. 6. 36. 16. 28. 36. 35. 30. 41. 17. 12. 40. 37. without 43. 31. 39. 25. 37. 36.
40. 41. 19. 3. putting them on to it on the other side. I find a great willingnesse in
your friends to give 2. 12. 25. 3. 25. 19. 34. 12. 35. 40. 18. 25. 12. 35. 7. 12. 37. 25.
which I conceive must needs proceed out of one of these two considerations; either that he
apprehends 6. 2. 19. 31. 7. 30. 34. 12. 36. 40. 43. 25. designe of engaging 30. 22. 19.
6. 41. 36. 35. 23. 6. 43. 28. 41. 35. 27. 29. 36. 130. and soe take the 39. 37. 12. 35. 25.
32. 35. 40. 26. having some 35. 7. 28. 41. 22. 35. 40. 36. 19. 31. 35. 40. 23. 28. 2. 40.
41. 3. 81. to render 2. 31. 36. 25. 3. 11. 12. the 43. 40. 37. 25. 17. 19. 39. 30. 18. 3. 25.
40. 26. 29. 40. 6. 41. 10. 23. 28. 2. 7. 19. 37. 43. 25. or else that perhaps the receiving
43. 12. 25. 33. 12. 3. army now might cause a disatisfaction in some of 7. 28. 36. 40.
33. 41. 25. 39. 30. 37. 35. 31. to satisfie therefore both which, the proposition I shall
now make to him is, that he will 30. 16. 43. 6. 35. 40. 26. 2. 12. 25. 35. 40. 18. 12. 25.
7. 28. 36. 39. 37. 6. 36. 40. 41. 25. 37. 19. 35. 3. 40. 41. 29. 40. 41. till these troubles be
over, and till I shall have lett him see by the service I intende to do him, whether I be
worthy of his favour or noe. This is a demande, which as I am confident was never yet
made to any body, soe, which your friend cannot refuse, it being that, which answers all
objections in relation to him, and wherein noe body can run a hazard but my selfe; and
yet too I am enough confident of your friend's nobleness and generosity, to believe I doe
not run any greate hazard in it; neither assuring my selfe he is very uncapable of using any
body ill, that realy does him a service; and being most certaine I shall in this be able to
do him one not of an ordinary nature. I hope at least this will lett you see I am ingenuous,
and that I have no double meaning in what I professe; but that my intention is really to
serve your friend, and to depend hereafter entirely upon his favour as long as I live.
I writt you a long letter by the last post but one, but the packet boat beinge gone
before I had made an end of it, I was forced to hire a boate on purpose to carry it to mr.
Thomas Whit's, at Dover, desiring him to send it to you with all speed. In that letter I
insisted very much upon the havinge some assurance from your friend, that my service
should not be forgotten; but the tyme now presses too much to allow of any delay; the
newes you writt me word of in your last, of Overton 17. 40. 43. 2. 281. 42. 22. 6. 41.
31. 40. 6. being most certainly true; wherefore what is to be done ought to be done
quickly. I shall therefore desire you to shew this letter to frind, and to lett me knowe his
pleasure, which way he would have me take to 10. 28. 34. 25. 2. 31. 36. 12. 3. 26. 25.
34. 39. 35. 40. 18. 25. 12. 7. 28. 36. 39. 37. 6. 36. 40. 42. 25. 37. parliament; for I am
absolutely resolved upon it, knowing that otherwise the service that I should doe him,
would be but lame, and unsatisfactory both to [symbol] and my selfe; and being as certayne, as
it is possible to be of any thinge that is not already happened, that this way I shall be able
to 18. 37. 12. 19. 5. 25. liberty 35. 23. 12. 33. 7. 40. 3. 25. 159. The only conditions
I shall aske before hand of him are these; first, that I may 18. 25. 12. 10. 39. 37. 6.
36. 40. 42. 12. 37. 28. 42. 36. 40. 2. 25. 39. 3. 30. 17. 25. 6. 41. 3. 40. 41. 16. 40. 42.
33. 7. 25. 37. 12. 28. 39. 43. 19. 31. 85. 35. 23. 25. 7. 40. 42. 40. 34. 37. party 36. 40.
2. 35. 6. 43. 12. 36. 35. 40. 36. 25. 12. [symbol] and to give begining with 7. 28. 8. 2. 19. 41.
30. 17. 17. 40. 33. 42. 35. 40. 11. 33. 23. 19. 35. 43. 40. 37. 12. Whitehall 40. 26. 35.
7. 25. 39. 12. 37. 35. 6. 17. 34. 3. 30. 37. 36. 40. 11. This 158. 36. 23. 19. 3. 17. 40.
2. 25. 35. 40. 33. 31. 5. 41. 40. 33. 3. 25. 29. 10. 12. and next, that 41. 40. 12. 18. 40.
16. 12. 18. 40. 16. 3. 18. 34. 35. [symbol] 3. 40. 34. 37. 36. 25. 3. 11. 12. and 65. 22. 40. 11.
26. 12. 21. 41. 40. 33. 12. 6. 17. 40. 2. 25. 37. 7. 28. 35. 23. 12. 37. 83. 19. 42. 6. 41.
35. 12. 42. 35. 40. 41. 40. 26. 18. 12. 6. 42. 10. 43. 19. 16. 25. 30. 39. 37. 6. 36. 40. 42.
12. 37. for 6. 11. 153. 5. 4. 25. 33. 28. 35. 6. should be 3. 12. 36. 36. 25. newes 30. 18.
3. 25. 35. 40. 36. 12. 37. 34. 25. [symbol] 6. 41. 29. 35. army. These are all the conditions I shall
aske 11. 40. 37. 2. 31. 36. 12. 3. 26. 25. before hand, expecting noe grace from your friend,
not so much as the 36. 19. 34. 6. 41. 10. 40. 26. 2. 31. 3. 31. 3. 31. 11. 25. Whitehall, if
I doe not give him proofs of my usefullnesse, as well as of my affection to his service.
I desire the business be carried soe as that every body may be in doubt, whether 2. 31.
16. 25. 36. 6. 22. 41. 12. 28. 42. 17. 40. 43. 6. 41. 10. 40. 34. 12. 37. 18. 12.
35. 40. 25. 42. 29. 12. 30. 34. 40. 34. 37. 35. 40. 2. 3. 5. 25. 43. 31. 39. 12. 19.
17. 25. 83. [symbol] 40. 37. 25. 3. 36. 12. 35. 40. 18. 25. 12. 41. 10. 19. 22. 25. 29.
30. 10. 19. 6. 42. 36. 35. 7. 28. 2. 6. 42. 35. 23. 28. 36. 136. wherefore I thinke
it very unfitt it should be knowne 35. 7. 30. 35. 33. 19. 36. 28. 33. 23. 40. 39. 30.
36. 36. 12. 6. 19. 35. 29. 40. 34. 12. 37. 18. 31. 35. 7. 25. 1. 30. 2. 12. 40. 11.
42. 25. 34. 12. 3. and consequently improper for me to goe that waye, soe that I
conceive it were best for me to 35. 30. 5. 12. 19. 18. 40. 30. 35. 81. 36. 7. 40. 33.
3. 16. 17. 30. 37. 37. 31. 2. 12. 25. 29. 6. 27. 12. 17. 35. 3. 31. 11. 37. 40. 43.
23. 12. 41. 17. 25. 35. 40. 3. 40. 41. 29. 40. 42. 40. 27. 22. 27. 19. 34. 12. 36.
86. 33. 7. 12. 37. 35. meeting 83. 171. [symbol] 36. 23. 19. 3. 30. 39. 40. 6. 41. 35. 43.
12. 25. 35. 40. 6. shall 35. 25. 3. 7. 28. 2. 6. 19. 43. 17. 40. 2. 25. to speake with
Overton, [symbol] upon which he may have order to 17. 40. 41. 16. 34. 17. 35. 2. 25. 12.
35. 40. 7. 28. 43. after 81. [symbol] 43. 19. 31. 2. 30. 5. 12. 2. 25. 19. 39. 37. 6. 36.
40. 42. 12. 27. 30. 36. 18. 25. 6. 41. 10. 127. 2. 16. 83. 35. 7. 25. 29. 28. 36.
17. 40. 33. 37. 36. 12. 28. 85. 7. 12. 3. 16. 35. 40. 23. 6. 2.
In fine, let your friend resolve which is the best way, and I shall punctually obey his
orders; only I must conjure you to be speedy, for it concerns you perhaps more than you
are aware of, I am most entirely,
Sir, your most humble and faithfull servant,
March 20, 1654.
If there be any 28. 42. 35. 25. 12. 62. parliament, that formerly 85. 7. 19. 29. 126. 83. 40. 34. 25. 37. 25. 40. 42. Whitehall, have an eye upon them, for I am most certayne, 35. 23. 30. 35. 7. 25. 12. 19. 41. 16. 33. 12. 37. 25. 30. 22. 37. 12. 25. 29. before 23. 25. 12. 33. 19. 36. 2. 30. 29. 25. 19. 39. 37. 6. 36. 40. 42. 12. 37. 159. 6. 36. 9. 36. 9. 36. 3. 28. 5. 12. 3. 31. 30. 39. 3. 19. 17. 25. 30. 36. 19. 41. 31. 11. 40. 37. 1. 35. 40. 3. 19. 41. 16. 30. 35. I am sure it is 35. 40. 18. 28. 12. 28. 41. 31. 40. 37. 5. 25. 36. 7. 6. 37. 12.
Pray sir be pleased to decypher this letter yourselfe.
The same letter decypher'd.
Vol. xxiv. p. 337.
It is impossible for me to serve the lord protector considerably, without being at London my self, those, whom it will be necessary for me to employ towards the quashing of this general rising, being such troops, as I am sure will not act for me at this
distance, or without my personal putting them to it. On the other side, I find an unwillingness in your friend, to give me leave to be there, which I conceive must needs proceed
from one of these two considerations; either because he apprehends I may have some
design of engaging against him in this general rising, and so make the pretext of having
something to say to him, only to render my self the more capable of doing him harm; or
else, that perhaps the receiving me now might well cause a dissatisfaction in some of his
own party. To satisfy therefore both which, the proposition I shall now make to him is,
that he will admit of me to be his prisoner at London, till those troubles be over, and
till I shall have let him see, by the service I intend to do him, whether I be worthy of
his favour or no. This is a demand, which as I am confident was never yet made to any
body, so which your friend cannot refuse, it being that, which answers all objections in
relation to him, and wherein no body can run a hazard but myself; and yet too I am
enough confident of your friend's nobleness and generosity, to believe I do not run any great
hazard in it; neither assuring my self he is very uncapable of using any body ill, that
really does him a service; and being most certain I shall in this be able to do him
one, not of an ordinary nature. I hope at least this will let you see I am ingenuous,
and that I have no double meaning in what I profess; but that my intention is really to
serve your friend, and to depend entirely hereafter upon his favour as long as I live.
I writ you a long letter by the last post but one, but the packet boat being gone before I had made an end of it, I was forced to hire a boat on purpose to carry it to mr. Thomas Whit's at Dover, desiring him to send it to you with all speed. In that letter I insisted very much upon the having some assurance from your friend, that my service should not be forgotten; but the time now presses too much to admit of any farther delays, the news you wrote me word of in your last, of Charles Stuart's coming into England, being most certainly true. Wherefore what is to be done ought to be done quickly. I shall therefore desire you to shew this letter to your friend, and to let me know his pleasure, which way he would have me to take to give myself up to be his prisoner; for I am absolutely resolved upon it, knowing, that otherwise the service, that I should do him, would be but lame, and unsatisfactory both to the lord protector and myself; and being as certain, as it is possible to be of any thing that is not already happened, that this way I shall be able to break the whole design. The only conditions I shall ask before hand of him are these; first, that I may be a prisoner in some place in London, where I may have the honour sometimes to see the lord protector, and to give him an account of what more of the particulars of this design shall come to my knowledge; and next, that no body but the lord protector, your self, and col. Gosse may know, that I come thither with an intention of being made a prisoner; for if the cavaliers knew of it, I should be less able to serve the lord protector in it. These are all the conditions I shall ask for myself before hand, expecting no grace from your friend, no not so much as the saving of my life, if I do not give him proofs of my usefulness, as well as my affection to his service. I desire the business be carried so, that every body may be in doubt, whether my design in coming over be to endeavour to make my peace with the lord protector, or else to be engaged against him in this general rising. Wherefore I think it very unfit, it should be known, that it was I, who passed at Dover by the name of Nevell; and consequently improper for me to go that way; so that I conceive it were best for me to take a boat, which should carry me directly from hence to London, or Gravesend; there meeting one the lord protector shall appoint me, I shall tell him, I am come to speak to the lord protector; upon which he may have order to conduct me to him; after which the lord protector may make me be a prisoner, as being dissatisfied with the discourse I have held to him.
In fine, let your friend resolve, which is the best way, and I shall punctually obey his orders; only I must conjure you to be speedy, for it concerns you perhaps more than you are aware of. I am most entirely,
March 20. 1654.
Sir, your most humble and faithfull servant,
If there be any in the army, that have had correspondence with Overton, have an eye upon them; for I am most certain, that he and Charles Stuart were agreed before he was a prisoner. Hull is as likely a place as any for Charles Stuart to land at. I am sure it is to be in Yorkshire.
Mr. Robert Gay to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 179.
Right honourable,
I Comming towards London, overtooke one upon the way, which I conceive by his discourse
to be very much dissaffected to the present government, and that he had some hand in
the late insurrection in the west; and therefore I think it my dutie to present the inclosed
information against him to your honour, supposeing, that upon examination he will
discover something of the said insurrection worthie of your honour's cognisance. Thus
humbly craveing pardon for my boldnes, I rest
Your honour's most humble servant,
Ro. Gay.
I suppose by my discourse with him then, that he now lodgeth in Sheere lane or thereabouts.
The information of Robert Gay, minister of Nettlecombe, in the county of Somerset.
Vol. xxiv. p. 180.
The informant saith, that he, upon occasion of business, came from Somersetshire to London; and as he was coming up upon the way near Bagshot, overtook one mr. Bernard Waite, minister, with whom this informant fell into discourse, and asking the informant, whether he was a clergyman, the informant told him, yes; and then asking where he lived, the informant told him, in the west of Somersetshire. Ther mr. Waite said, he was once his neighbour, and was minister of Exford in the said county of Somerset, and his name was Bernard Waite, and had right still to it, but was thrust out of it by col. Pyne; but colonel Pyne was out of favour, and I am much favoured by colonel John Gorges, and I doubt not but by his assistance I shall be placed in the parsonage again; and that he was going to London about the gaining again of his said living, and hoped to obtain it at the next assizes. Upon which discourse this informant knew, that the said Waite (having seen him once before) was a person, which he often heard was reputed to be an enemy, and disaffected to the commonwealth; and thereupon asked him, where he dwelt now: he the said Waite replied, his dwelling was not certain, but for the most part he resided in and about Andover; upon which this informant said, certainly you can make some relation touching those unhappy gentlemen, that lately rose thereabouts; to which he replied, that their unhappiness arose by reason of an error in the king of Scots; for if he had sent them commissions, they might have gone on more courageously; and that then they might have said to the people, wherever they had gone, come, go along with us, we will bring you to your king; we will shew you the face of your king. Then this informant said, why then the people would have said, where is our king? where shall we see his face? Then the said Waite said, they might have said (meaning the cavaliers) he is in the north parts of England; whereupon this informant replied, if he (meaning the king of Scots) were there, he might incur the same misery his father did. Thereupon the said Waite replied, he (meaning the king of Scots) the said king was innocent from crimes, which might endanger his life, or bring him into misery; or words to the same effect. Then this informant answered, that the said king's adversaries would say, that the said king was guilty of high misdemeanors, as by bringing in of the Scots army to Worcester, and fought against the parliament's army. Mr. Waite then said, that he came in as heir of the kingdom, and to seek his own right; all which the informant is ready to affirm upon his oath; and his true and cordial affections and faithfulness to the commonwealth hath caused him to make this information, he haying actually served in arms against the publick enemy in Taunton and other places.
Capt. Unton Croke to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxvi. p. 23.
Honourable sir,
Uppon my lord protector's letter I immediately sent away mr. John Penruddocke
and Francis Jones: within some few howers after I received an expresse from you,
cleering any doubt I might make of the person, because their were two of the name in
goale; but the considerablenesse of the person guide me aright.
Sir, I wrote to his highnesse lately concerning 5 men (who are the most inconsiderable of the company, not one of them being of estate or qualitie as I can learne) to whom I promised, who kept a house against me 4 howers, that I would intercede his highnesse for their lives. Sir, I shall presse it to you with importunitie, that you will move it to his highnesse, that soe if any may be thought worthy of pitty as to have their lives, that his favour may extend to those men, though not for their owne sakes, yet in regard of my reputation, because I lye under a promise to them. Sir, hereby you will infinitely oblidge,
Exon, March 20, 1655.
Sir, your most humble servant,
Unton Croke.
Doctor J. Owen to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 336.
I Heartily thanke you for the account you were pleased to give me of the Lord's gratious
dealinge in his beginning to manifest himself once more in our behalfe. He is the
same, and he changeth not. We are here in a quiet condition. I have raised and nowe
well settled a troope of 60 horse, besides their officers: The towne also hath raised some
foote for their defence. We have some persons in custody on verry good grounds of suspition, and shall yet secure them. There is much riding to and fro in the night in the villages neer us; but as yet I cannot learne any certaine place of their meeting, soe keep a
continual guard, and hope that some good service towards the publique peace hath been
effected by our coming ourselves: the of the county have mett, are backward
and cold, but something we have gotten them to engage for towards the raysing of some
troopes. Had I a blank commission or two for horse, I could, as I suppose on good grounds,
raise a troope in Barkshire, sundry good ministers and others having been with me to assist
you to that purpose, if you thinke it necessary to have the worke goe on, as surely it is;
at least to engage men in such a citie as this, wherein self-preservation helps on the publicke interest. Pray send me downe one or two commissions to the purpose. One thing I
must needs trouble you: there are in Barkshire some few men of mean quality and condition, rash, heady, enemys of tiths, who are the commissioners for the ejecting of ministers.
They alone sitt and act, and are at this time casting out on slight and trivial pretences very
worthy men; one in especiall they intend the next weeke to eject, whose name is Pococke,
a man of as unblamable a conversation, as any that I know livinge, of repute for learning throughout the world, being the professor of Hebrew and Arabicke in our university;
so that they do exceedingly exasperate all men, and provoke them to the height. If any
thinge might be done to cause them to suspend actinge untill this storme be over, I cannot
but thinke it would be good servis to his highness and the commonwealth to doe it. Pray,
sir, excuse this trouble from
Oxford, March 20, [165 4/5.]
Your most humble
and fathfull servant,
John Owen.
A warrant for the securing certain persons.
Vol. xxiv. p. 419.
To the constable of Aylesbury,
Whereas William Holland, Nicholas Foster, Robert Ellis, and a Frenchman
coming to the towne of Aylesbury, are apprehended upon suspicion of being in this
late insurrection; and upon examination cannot give a good account of their business, of the
places from whence they came; neither do they agree in their examination of their places
of their lodgings in their travels; these are therefore to require you in the name of the
lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, safely to keep the bodies of the said
William Holland, Nicholas Foster, Robert Ellis, and the Frenchman, until you shall receive order from his highness the lord protector, or his council, or myself, for their deliverance at your perils. Given under my hand and seal this 20th day of March 1654.
This is a true coppie of the warrant.
C. Henn.
Col. Gibbon to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 348.
May it please your highnes,
On satterday last I came to Cranebrooke in the Weld of Kent, where I used my interest
in such of the well affected as I could meete with, and sent to others, soe that on
monday I had in a body three troopes of horse, and ryders for another troope, who came
out of their good affection, but had no horses. Of the number that appeared there were
divers officers formerly in commission in the county, and of a considerable interest therein;
and had it not beene at the assize time, I am consident, I should have had one hundred
more there. One thing chiefely to be taken notice of is, that there hath not been such an
union amongst honest men of several judgments in theise parts for these many years; for
they came in generally, and were very loving and friendly, and resolved to stick together
against the common enemy. In my way, as I came, I tooke care with captain Browne of
Orpington, that somethinge might be done in those parts, and also at Tunbridge; from
which last place I have since received a list of several horse. I am at present at Maidstone,
but by reason of the assizes here shall goe to Canterbury and Ashford, to promote the business there, and in that part of the country.
May it please your highness to take into consideration the burthen, that will be upon the best affected, if they must goe upon their owne charge, which will much discourage them; to prevent which I humbly offer, that your highness will be pleased to grant an order, authorizing us to send to the several persons formerly charged with horse and armes, to send them in, with pay for them, as they were ordered to doe in the late militia, and which they nowe again looked for; by which means the ill affected will beare the charge as before; and we shall be enabled to putt well affected men to ride their horses, which may be up for as short or as long a time as your highnesse conceives necessary. I desire to receive your highnesse's commands therein, as soon as possible, which will much expedite the work, and encourage the well affected. I am,
Maidstone, March 20, 1654.
My lord,
your most humble servant,
Robert Gibbon.
The examination of Gilbert Paine in Righton in the county of Salop, taken before me William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the said county, this 20th of March 1654, at Shrewsbury.
Vol. xxiv. p. 349.
Saith, that thursday night being the 8th instant, there came to his master Thomas Bray's house in Righton one cornet John Tongue, who had sent in by his boy the next morning a case of pistols and a blunderbuss to lay up for him; and further saith, that about three weeks before there came to his master's the lord Cherbury, and the lord Newport, and mr. Thornes, and staid in Righton, my lord Newport three days, the lord Herbert five days; mr. Thornes went home every night, and came again the next day, his house being but a mile off: that no other person came to them, as he knew, or what business they had there.
William Crowne.
Gilbert Paine his mark [+].
The examination of Benjamin Newell, of Shrewsbury, in the county of Salop, taken upon oath before me William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the county of Salop, this 20th of March, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 350.
Deposeth, that about the beginning of March instant, one John Helin, a tenant of sir Thomas Harris, did carry a trunk from this town to sir Thomas Harris's house; which trunk this deponent did find in a mow at sir Thomas Harris's, the 8th instant, having in it seven cases of pistols, and holsters belonging to them, with another that was empty; and farther saith, that searching one Thomas Bray's house, he found in his mow a blunderbuss, and one case of pistols, which the hostler to the house faith did belong to cornet Tongue, who is thereupon fled. He found, at the same time the pistols were found in sir Thomas Harris his house, a barrel of powder, and some more pistols.
William Crowne.
Ben. Newell.
The said John Helin doth depose, that he fetched the trunk aforesaid of Sir Thomas Harris's from mr. George, of this town, to Boreacton, and gave it to mr. Vaughan, the said sir Thomas his bailiff.
William Crowne.
John Helin.
The examination of Richard Reynolds, of Boreacton, in the connty of Salop, aged twenty years, or thereabouts, taken upon oath before me William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the said county, at Shrewsbury, March 20, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 351.
Saith, that on thursday, the 8th of March instant, there was none in sir Thomas Harris his house at Boreacton, but those of his own family; and after being pressed, confessed, that several strangers were there, viz. mr. Temple, that had been three or four days there; one mr. White, who came thither on monday or tuesday; mr. Cole, a prisoner at Chester, who was there many weeks; mr. Preston of Rixam, who came there on thursday the 8th instant.
That the same day he was sent by his master, sir Thomas Harris, to his master's bailiff at Levotwood, to bid him to come to him; and hearing, that there was a troop of horse sent down by orders from his highness the lord protector, returned back, and went not unto the bailiff; that he came not into the house, but went immediately to Rixam; that he went to Meale in one hour, but was four hours coming back, and staid not by the way; that he, going from Boreacton towards Rixam, staid at Wike all that night, about a mile from Boreacton, and went not to bed. He saith, that he only drank there, and did not eat. The next morning betimes he went to Rixam, and lighted at the Red Lyon, from whence he went to one Baker's house, where he and captain Baker, and one Davis, living near Elsmore, drank together about half an hour, and after parted. He saith, that he gave captain Baker notice, how that his master, sir Thomas Harris was taken. This examinate went into the fair, to sell his horse, who belonged, as this deponent saith, to mr. Paul Harris, sir Thomas Harris's brother. He farther saith, that he had no commission to sell the horse; and that he returned back again to the Red Lyon, where he slept in the stable; and after went to Boreacton by the way of Montgomeryshire, and staid at one Benjamin Vainer's house near the Criggin, to which place he came about two of the clock in the morning, being his kinsman, when neither he nor his wife were at home, being gone abroad, but whither he knoweth not, and saw no body there, but two or three children, and staid half an hour, and then went to Boreacton, where he came on saturday morning before day; he went into the hall by one of the doors, which was open, where he saw no body, but came out presently, and went with his horse into the park, and put his horse to grass, and slept himself under a tree all saturday and saturday night, and the Lord's day, and until monday 5 of the clock in the morning, seeing no body all that time; and then came into the stable, and lay in the bing about an hour, and after went for his horse in the park, and shut him up in the stable; afterwards he went into the house, where he saw my lady, the maid servants, and the groom, who asked him, where he had been, and he told them. About an hour after he was taken by a guard from this garrison.
William Crowne.
Richard [ ] Reynolds his mark.
The examination of Thomas Jones of Birchgrove near sir Thomas Harris his park, his father being his tenant, aged 20 years, or thereabouts, taken upon oath before me William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the county of Salop, at Shrewsbury this 20th March, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 353.
Saith, that he came to Boreacton house the 8th instant, stayed about a quarter of an hour, saw no body: that while he went thence home again, that he came to this town to enquire for a pye, that was sent for London Christmas last, and came to one Chaulton at the Horse-shoe to demand satisfaction for it. He was the same day taken and brought before the governor, and sent to the castle, where he continued ever since.
William Crowne.
Thomas [ ] Jones his mark.
The examination of William Blanthorne, gent. of Brohill in the county of Salop, taken upon oath before me William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the said county, at Shrewsbury, this 20th of March 1654, in the presence of colonel Price, captain Thomas Ball, and captain Thomas Nichols.
Vol. xxiv. p. 354.
The deponent saith, that within three months last, Thomas Nevet of Priest Heate offered this deponent to sell him a score of sheep upon this condition, to receive forty shillings in hand, and ten pounds more for them, if king Charles was restored to his crown before our Lady Day next, or else to lose his sheep for the forty shillings. And this deponent further saith, that some certain time before the said Thomas Nevet sold a colt to one William Birchenley, a skinner of Whitchurch, upon the like account, if the king was not restored accordingly within the aforesaid time; and thereupon the colt was delivered. This deponent further saith, that one Parker of Whitchurch told this deponent about the 10th of January last, that there was a carrier come down from London with two or three trunks to some gentlemens houses in the Morelands; whose houses they be this deponent knoweth not; and the lord protector sending down two soldiers to the chief officer at Newcastle, who went with the carrier to see where he left the trunks, and then went to the chief officer in Newcastle on Trent for a warrant; and having searched found them full of arms. And one trunk being so heavy, that they could not bring it down on the horse, was left behind at Blossoms inn in London, and the said Parker told this deponent that they were all undone by reason of the arms.
William Crowne.
William Blanthorne.
Col. H. Haynes to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 357.
Honoured sir,
Most welcome and truly acceptable was the good newes yours by this post gave us
heere; even soe lett all the enemies of God and of the peace of the nation perish;
and in regard his highness doth yet apprehend they may give us further trouble, I shal
be as vigilant as I can to finde out their plottings in theise parts, whereof I have not the least
footesteps, unless the appointing soe many malignants, and such as have engaged against
us of the grand jury for this countye, have any signifycancy in it. The like hath not bin
since forty eight, when the rysing was in the countye; and their busyness past and formed
at the assizes. I have notice hereof by verie good hands, and therefore purpose to send one
of theise troopes heere thither to attend the judges the tyme of their sitting, and shall, God
willing, be upon the place myselfe to observe them. All is quyet in Norfolke, where my lord
Saint John now is attended with a troope from Norwich, accordinge to former order. The
like in Suffolke, where the gentlemen of the new militia intend to meete on the morrow
at Burie to carry it on in that countye. When I understand their resolutions, as I am
promysed I shall, by two of the gentlemen in that commission, that weare heere
to advyse in that affayre, I shall signifie it to you with the first. I exceedingly want direction about the prysoners in custodie. I suppose your sylence bidds me continue
them under guard; yet the most of them being of the towne, and very poore, I have
advysed the mayor to take good security for their peacable demeanor. If I have erred in
it, I pray, sir, signifie it in the next, and I'll seize them againe; for they are just under
my eye. The inclosed lyst is of such as are apprehended most dangerouse, and to have
interest, being of good estates, and such as were active in the business of Colchester; theise
I keepe in my owne custodie in an inne; and would faine discharge myselfe of them,
if I might. The regiments of foote and horse have mustered and appeared reasonably
full, and the greatest defect was in their arms. They were strictly warned to be in a better
readyness at a day's warning; and I am confident will. A few lines from his highnesse
to sir Thomas Honeywood, &c. were exceedingly obliging for the future. Major Templer
stayed with me in this place, with about 80 horse; and finding noe orders from above,
hath discharged his troope, charging them to be at an houre's warning. Noe one whatever will further engage to serve his highnesse and this commonwealth: he merits
exceedingly for the stedfastness of his affection and resolution in these wavering tymes.
I may not delay you from your more weighty affayres; therefore humbly beg your
pardon for theise, and remayne
Colchester, tuesday, 6 at night, March 20, [54.]
Your truly affectionate
and verie humble servant,
Hen. Haynes.
Doctor Peirce, now called sir Edward Peirce.
Captain John Lynn, one deeply engaged in the Colchester business, was taken at, and condemned for that action, and after pardoned.
Captain Browne, Captain Lemon, Both captains in Colchester, and gentlemen of considerable estates in the country.
The examination of sir Thomas Harris, of Boreacton, in the county of Salop, bart. taken before William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the County of Salop, in the presence of commissary general Reynolds, col. Hugh Price, and Humphrey Mackworth, esq; governor of Shrewsbury, Thomas Ball, esq; John Jefferies, esq; high sheriff of the county of Denbigh, and other officers, &c.
March 20, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 359.
Who denieth, that he knew any thing of any plot concerning the taking of Shrewsbury, nor any other plot to disturb the publick peace, but saith, that upon the thursday he this examinate was taken, he sent his foot-boy to one Hodgkies, this examinate's servant, at Leebetwood, and no where else; but whether he had a horse or not, this examinate knoweth not, but denieth that he sent him to any other place; and before his, the said foot-boy's return, he this examinate was apprehended, and never saw him since; and the foot-boy's business was only to bid the said Hodgkies come to speak with this examinate.
The re-examination of Thomas Armstrong, esq;
Who saith, that it is true, he went by the name of White and Armstrong, and saith, the reason thereof was a fancy of his own; but denieth, that he ever named himself Love, or owned that name; and the occasion of his coming to this country was to see his friends; and doth absolutely deny, that he knew any thing of any plot against the lord protector or this commonwealth; and further saith, that after his coming to Boreacton, he bought a bay mare of sir Thomas Harris, which cost him twenty pounds, but denieth, that he had any discourse with the said sir Thomas Harris about any plot whatsoever.
The examination of sir Thomas Harris, of Boreacton, in the county of Salop, knt. taken before Humprey Mackworth, esq; governor of Shrewsbury, and William Crowne, esq;
Vol. xxiv. p. 412.
Who being asked, where he was upon thursday last, he saith, that he was all the day at home, save a little time in the morning, that he rode abroad to take the air; but denieth, that he was that day at a place called Llanamuny; and saith, that upon monday before he overtook mr. Ralph Kynaston at Mountford bridge, where he found one mr. Cole, who was a prisoner at Chester, and then was upon his parole, for that he had been taken, when the forces went to Worcester with the late king of Scots; and no man else. And then mr. Kynaston and mr. Cole went from thence with this examinate to his own house at Boreacton, and remained there all night; and the next morning mr. Kynaston went from thence; but what became of mr. Cole, unless he went to Chester, this examinate knoweth not. And further saith, that the same monday night mr. Kynaston, of Ottley, and one mr. Thomas Armstong, who upon his apprehension called his name White, came to this examinate's house, and lay there all night likewise; and that the same day he met with the said mr. Armstrong at Cundover, at an alehouse, by his the said mr. Armstrong's appointment, who had before agreed to meet there, or at Shrewsbury. And this examinate and he thence went to Boreacton; but saith, that there was no other company with them, but one mr. Owen, one of sir William Owen's sons, and col. Screven. And farther saith, and denieth, that he saw, or sent to, or heard from, Ralph Kynaston, since the time that he went from his house upon tuesday morning last; but denieth, that there was ever any agreement between the said Ralph Kynaston and him the examinate touching any rendezvous whatsoever; neither did he know of any rendezyous, that the said Kynaston had, or was to have. And further saith, that at the time he was apprehended, his own horses were sadled, for that he intended to ride to take the air that afternoon. And being asked concerning the pistols and powder and suit of arms, that were found in this examinate's barn, he saith, that the same were left there, since one lord Byron was there, which was about the time that duke Hamilton, that was beheaded, came with an army into England.
William Crowne.
Thomas Harris.
The examination of Thomas Armstrong, esq; of Nimingham in Gelderland in Holland.
Who saith, that on friday was seven-night he came forth of London, from Kingstreet in Covent-garden; and that there was no company with him but his boy; and that night he came to an inn beyond St. Albans; but the name of the town this examinate knoweth not; and from thence he rode to Daintry, where he took post; and saith, that upon the road, about Brickhill, he met with mr. Montgomery, and another gentleman of the Temple, whose name he knoweth not, and they took post likewise there with him. And the said mr. Montgomery came along to Shrewsbury with the examinate, and alighted upon sabbath day at night last at the sign of the Rose and Crown, he having a pass to ride from the mayor of Coventry; and went from thence unto Cundover, where he met with sir Thomas Harris, and some of his servants, which stood bare, and one other gentleman, who was covered; but this examinate doth not know his name; and from thence this examinate and sir Thomas Harris went to his house at Boreacton that night, where he found one mr. Kynaston, a tall man, with a lean face, and a Roman nose; but did not see him afterwards. And the occasion of his this examinate's coming into the country was, to see a mistress. And farther saith, that he did not know of any rendezvous, or any design at all, concerning the taking of the castle of Shrewsbury, or other disturbance of the publick peace.
William Crowne.
Thomas Armstrong.
The examination of William Eyton, of Oreton, in the county of Flint, gent.
Who saith, that upon monday last he went with sir Thomas Harris to Cundover, and met with no person at all there, not col. Screven; but saith, that he did see mr. White there, and mr. White and sir Thomas Harris, and this examinate, and no body else, went that night to Boreacton; neither did there any company, that went with them that night, meet them by the way; and denieth that he was ever sent upon any message from sir Thomas Harris to mr. Ralph Kynaston. And farther saith, that he doth not know of any strangers that were at Boreacton this week, save mr. White and mr. Kynaston, of Ottley; and denieth, that he did know of any design or rising in this county, or against the garrison of Shrewsbury; or that he did know of any arms or ammunition, that sir Thomas Harris had in his house, or that came down to him lately from London.
William Eyton.
The examination of Richard More, of Lindley, in the county of Salop, esq;
Vol. xxiv. p. 415.
Who saith, that upon thursday morning last he went from his house at Lindley to Boreacton, sir Thomas Harris his house, and the occasion of his going thither was to see sir Thomas Harris, and did intend to return to his own house at Lindley that night; and told his wise so, and had appointed business of his own for that end; and denieth, that he knew of any design or rendezvouz to the disturbance of the publick peace; and saith, that when he came to Boreacton, he met with sir Thomas Harris, and one that was called mr. White, and a brother of sir Thomas Harris's, and no other strangers, and that he this examinate was not above two hours or thereabouts before he was taken at sir Thomas Harris's house, neither did he bring any pistols at all with him thither.
William Crowne.
Richard More.
The deposition of Humphrey Thomas of Randregunwe, in the said county, yeoman, taken at Welch Pool the 21st day of March, 1654, before Thomas Lloyd, esq; high sheriff of the said county, and Edward Allen, esq; one of the justices of the peace of the said county, on the behalf of the commonwealth, touching the late plot contrived to raise forces against the lord protector and the present government.
Vol. xxiv. p. 360.
Who deposeth, that upon tuesday the 6th day of March, 1654, one Joseph Jones, brother-in-law to mr. Ralph Kynaston of Pentrehelin, came to this deponent, and told him, that mr. Ralph Kynaston would fain speak with him; and immediately this deponent went to the said mr. Kynaston's house, and the said mr. Kynaston did ask this deponent, whether he would venture along with him; and this deponent did ask him whither; the said mr. Kynaston told him he should know upon thursday night following, for all the gentlemen in the counties were to rise up; and this deponent hearing, that the gentlemen in every county were to rise up, there struck a terror in him, so that he did verily believe, that they had a bad design in hand, to raise forces against the lord protector and the present government; and thereupon this deponent refused to go along with the said mr. Kynaston, although the said mr. Kynaston did earnestly press this deponent to go along with him; but seeing he did refuse, the said mr. Kynaston earnestly wished him to keep it secretly; and further is not required to depose.
Thomas Lloyd.
Edward Allen.
Humphry [ ] Thomas his mark.
The deposition of Edward Powell of Llandrinio in the said county, yeoman, taken before us the time and place aforesaid, touching the said plot.
Who deposeth, that upon the wednesday the 17th day of March, 1654, mr. Ralph Kynaston of Pentrehelin sent his servant, called Edward Rogers, to this deponent, desiring him to come to speak with the said mr. Kynaston: this deponent told him, he was not at liberty to come without his master's consent, because he was a hired servant; but this deponent having leave of his master, went to the said mr. Kynaston's house the same day; and the said mr. Kynaston asked this deponent, whether he would go for him a little way on thursday night following, and he told him he was not at liberty to go without his master's consent; and further said, that upon thursday in the morning mr. Kynaston sent one Edward Edwards his servant unto this deponent, to tell him that he needed not to come to mr. Kynaston, because he had gotten another to go in his stead. This deponent further saith, that he heard by Griffith Evans of Llandrinio upon friday following, that John Penryn of Llandrinio's wedding was to be upon thursday night; and the said Griffith Evans of Llandrinio told this deponent, that he was invited to the said wedding, but said they did miss of the wedding, because the bride's gown was not ready.
Thomas Lloyd.
Edward Allen.
Edward [ ] Powell his mark.
The deposition of Arthur Gardner of Tretherwen in the said county, yeoman, taken before us the time and place aforesaid.
Deposeth, that upon the 7th day of March, 1654, about one of the clock this deponent was at John Thomas's of Tretherwen aforesaid, where he saw Thomas Rogers and Arthur Vaughan and several other persons; and the said Arthur going forth of the said house, the said Thomas Rogers called unto the said Arthur to make hast back again; this deponent overhearing demanded of the said Rogers, why he said so; Rogers said unto this deponent, that to morrow, being the 8th of March, 1654, he was to go to the greatest meeting that ever thou didst hear of, meaning this deponent; and within a short time there would be the greatest news that ever was heard of; and within an hour or thereabouts the said Arthur Vaughan came back, and the said Arthur and Rogers went away together about twelve of the clock towards Manymynick; and in the evening of the said day this deponent went into Manymynick into the house of David Humphreys, where this deponent saw the said Arthur Vaughan and Thomas Rogers, with one Owen Bray, and divers other persons, which this deponent doth not know, nor can call to remembrance, but there were many horses in the stable of the said house; and further is not required to depose.
Thomas Lloyd.
Edward Allen.
Arthur Gardner.
The examination of Thomas Jacob.
March 21, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 362.
Thomas Jacob, of Warrington, professor in Surgery, being examined, further freely confesseth and saith, that upon sunday, being the 11th of this instant, he went along from Warrington to Wigan, about eight of the clock at night, with a gentleman, a stranger, that called himself mr. George Lisson, and who came post out of Yorkshire, and left his horse at mr. Hotham's, the parson of Wigan, and had a horse from mr. Hotham, with which he rode many miles up and down the country, in pursuance of raising some tumults in the country. And this examinate further saith, that the said Lisson was at mr. Green's, at Warrington, with several gentlemen there, one of which was called Moore, and they had several conferences, how to raise forces privately; and that they held correspondency with the cavaliers party in Yorkshire, who were at that time upon point of rising, and for that end engaged this examinate to go along with Lisson, and to lie at a convenient post of intelligence betwixt them, who promised them so to do, provided they would furnish him with horse and money, which they did; whereupon this examinate went along with Lisson to Wigan, where Lisson took his own horse, which had rested at mr. Hotham's; and the said Lisson called mr. Hotham uncle, and this examinate hired a horse at Wigan, and went along with the said Lisson; and at Skipton upon Cravin this examinate staid, whilst Lisson went into Yorkshire; and after a few days this examinate received a letter from Lisson, in two lines, "Sir, you may return, for the business "is done;" and wished him to acquaint the said Moore with the same; whereupon this examinate returned to Warrington, but found not the said Moore nor the other gentlemen there; but then, according to agreement, he went to the alehouse at St. Ellen Chapel, where at present that Moore was not, but shortly after come thither, whom he acquainted with the premises, with which Moore was very greatly troubled, and said, he was undone, and knew not whither to go. And further this examinate saith, that the said Moore had been with some gentlemen towards Ormskirk, but whom he knew not; and that there had been several meetings of them in Cheshire, upon the same occasion; and that this Lisson had been towards Caddishea-green with some there.
Taken before
G. Ireland.
Jo. Foxe.
The examination of John Evanson of Shrewsbury, gent. taken upon oath, before William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the county of Salop, commissary general Reynolds, &c. March 21, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 366.
Who saith, that he being sent by the governor of Shrewsbury with a party of horse to sir Thomas Harris his house at Boreacton, upon thursday the 8th of this instant, did alight from his horse, intending to go into the said house; and one of the soldiers in the same party gave an alarm, and said that they were running, whose name, as this examinate hath heard, was Benjamin Newell; and thereupon he this examinate made good the gate of the court, and then sir Thomas Harris was brought by captain Buttry, who commanded that party, to this examinate, who did thereupon tell the said sir Thomas Harris, that he this examinate must search his pockets; and thereupon he the said sir Thomas Harris carried himself as if he intended to make an escape; whereupon a soldier, that was of the party with this examinate, came to the said sir Thomas Harris, and said, that if he would not be civil, he would cut him. Thereupon the said sir Thomas Harris said, you have given me fair quarter, and I hope you will not abuse me now, or words to that effect; and then this examinate said, that then he going into the stable of the said sir Thomas Harris at Boreacton, found about eighteen horses ready saddled, many of the saddles being then on the horses backs, and fitted for pistols, and then having seized on the said sir Thomas Harris, and about six more, they mounted, and went away presently; and further cannot depose.
William Crowne.
John Evanson.
The examination of capt. John Buttry, taken upon oath.
Who saith, that being sent out upon a party, upon the 8th of this instant, whereof this examinate and another were appointed commanders, and coming to sir Thomas Harris's house, the first person, he this examinate met with, was sir Thomas Harris's man, who told him, that sir Thomas was within the said house; and immediately thereupon, one Benjamin Newell, one of the party sent with this examinate, gave an alarum, and said, here, here they are running away. And upon that, this examinate wheeled about with his mare, and then saw sir Thomas Harris, and one Eaton, in a close near the said sir Thomas Harris's house at Boreacton. Whereupon this examinate made up to them, and commanded them to come to him; and at first they would not come; but afterwards he this examinate threatning to shoot them, sir Thomas Harris came over a stile to this examinate, and there yielded himself to this examinate; and the said Eaton fled into a barn near adjacent, and then immediately offered to fire a pistol at this examinate. And thereupon this examinate did fire his pistol at the said Eaton; and then immediately the said Eaton clap'd to the barn door, and before this examinate could draw his rapier, the said Eaton came with a case of pistols, and presented them unto him this examinate, being ready cocked, charged, and primed, and did present them at him; and this examinate making a pass with his rapier against the said Eaton, he immediately cried for quarter, and delivered himself and his arms into this examinate's hands; and the pistols, that he this examinate took from the said Eaton then there, were engraven upon with the letters H. Barne, London; the pistols being three in number; and upon the delivery of the said pistols by the said Eaton into this examinate's hands, he desired him this examinate to mount the said pistols, for that they were charged and cocked. And further this examinate saith, Benjamin Newell and one George Doughty, going into the barn of the said sir Thomas Harris, they found in a trunk about six or seven case of pistols, and one suit of new arms, back, breast and gantlet, as this examinate hath heard.
William Crowne.
John Buttry.
The examination of Capt. Thomas Fox, taken upon oath, before William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the county of Salop, March 21, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 369.
Who saith, that he being sent for, the 8th of this instant, by the said col. Crowne, upon the notice to him given of the plot now discovered, to come to this town of Shrewsbury to him, to bring in what friends he could for the service of the commonwealth and preservation of the garrison of Shrewsbury; and the next morning the governor col. Mackworth, governor of Shrewsbury, sent this examinate with a party to sir Thomas Harris's house, and searching his house, in his study they found a new pair of bullet moulds, and about three or four handfuls of pistol bullets newly made, and the bullet moulds also newly made, lying upon an high shelf in the said sir Thomas Harris's study; and further saith not.
William Crowne.
Thomas Fox.
Captain Buttry deposeth and saith, that the bullets above mentioned in the said captain Fox's deposition, and found in his the said sir Thomas Harris's closet, are fit for the pistols, that he then and there broke open, upon which the letter H. Barne is engraven.
William Crowne.
John Buttry.
R. Lechmere to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 370.
Since the attempts at Salisbury wee of this county did hope for some commands from
his highnes, for the posturing of this county for preservation of the honest interest
here, and for the quenching of the like flame, if it should (and that not improbably)
have broken out amongst us. Here are many honest hearts and hands entire to the
present government, which wanted nothing but directions; and yet thought it theyr
duty to appeare in securing the persons and horses of such as might probably bee dangerous: but since it hath pleased God in much mercy to remove the present danger,
by suppressing that insurrection in the West, and by dispersing others elsewhere, we
are now at a stand, and doe proceed noe farther, unlesse particular commands doe come unto
us for it. Wee are here at present in much quiet and seeming security. The companies
of foote wee have in this towne under the command of major Eaton, and the other forces
in the counties round about us doe the worke for us. Yet if his highnes shall thinke fit
to command any thinge of the inhabitants of this county, his highnes will find here
many ready and chearefull servants, and amongst them
Worcester, March 21, 1654.
Your very humble servant to be commanded,
R. Lechmere.
p. 371.
Captain Thomas Boonde, of Upton on Severne, in the county of Worcester, can raise a troop of horse.
Shropshire ss.
The examination of Jeremiah Bromefield, taken before William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the county of Salop aforesaid, March 21, 1654. as followeth.
Vol. xxiv. p. 372.
Who upon oath saith, that he being one of the party, that was sent out from the town of Shrewsbury, to fetch in sir Thomas Harris, went into the barn of the said sir Thomas Harris at Boreacton, out of which came one Eaton with a pair of pistols, and where this examinate, with one George Doughty, of the said party, found two trunks hidden in the straw, out of which they took seven cases of new pistols ready fixed and holsters, and one suit of special armour, back, breast, head piece, and gaunlet, and one little firkin of gunpowder. And further deposeth, that the pistols now shewed unto this deponent, being taken out of the hand of the said Eaton by captain Buttrey, at the barn aforesaid, upon which is engraven, H. Barne, London, and upon the little ones, H. B. this deponent did see there as aforesaid.
William Crowne.
The mark of
Jeremy [ ] Bromefield.
The deposition of Francis Gough, of the town of Shrewsbury, in the county of Salop, taken before the said William Crowne, esq; March 21, 1654.
Who deposeth and saith, that Edward Trustan and others being brought prisoners to this town of Shrewsbury upon saturday afternoon last from Maesbrooke, the said Edward Trustan sent one James Bayley, a soldier, to this deponent, upon sabbath day following, for this deponent to come and speak with the said Trustan; which this deponent did, as soon as he had dressed himself; and being come into the room where the said Trustan was prisoner, the said Trustan told this deponent, that Thomas Rogers, near Flunagoh, a neighbour of the said Trustan's, went to Thomas Davies, of Flunagoh aforesaid, to borrow a saddle and bridle of him, who at first denied the lending him of any; but when the said Rogers told the said Davies, it was for king Charles his service, and for the design of taking the town of Shrewsbury, the said Davies bid the said Rogers take the said bridle and saddle; and if that he the said Rogers had no horse, the said Davies bid the said Rogers take any horse he had, he having half a dozen; and that if the said Davies were not lame, he would go himself. And Nathaniel Rogers, being a prisoner with the said Edward Trustan, told this deponent, at the same time, before the said Trustan, that the said Rogers sent, about a day or two after sir Thomas Harris was taken prisoner, to Thomas Davies aforesaid, to fetch home his saddle; and accordingly the said Thomas Davies sent his son Edward Davies for the bridle and saddle unto the said Rogers's; which Nathaniel Rogers aforesaid saw the said Edward Davies going homeward with it over the field; but this deponent was not told by any of them, from whence it came. And this deponent further saith, that the said Trustan informed this deponent, that one John Clarke of Maesbrooke, John Davies, aleseller there, and the aforesaid Thomas Rogers, were all inlisted under Ralph Kynaston's command. And further this deponent saith, he went upon monday morning following to see the said Trustan and Rogers again, who asked this deponent, if the said John Clarke, John Davies, and Thomas Rogers, were yet brought in; this deponent replying, no, but that they were gone out for; and further saith not.
William Crowne.
Francis Gough.
Col. Robert Gibbon to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 375.
Honourable sir,
I have sent this by the bearer, captain Browne, who can give an account to his highness of my proceedings in the business that I was sent down into the country about. I
finde the honest people willinger to engage against the common enemy, then was expected;
but the great question is among them, how and by whom the charge shall be borne; not
but that they will upon any exigent be ready to manifest their good affection to the
utmost of their ability. It is apprehended by many of the well affected, that the settling
of the militia in some of their hands, where formerly it was, with some addition of new
ones, might conduce much to the peace and safety of the county, and speedy raysing of
the intended forces. According to his highnesse's order, to morrow, God willing, I shall
be at Canterbury, and from thence shall goe into other parts of this county, to try the
honest people there, and see how they stand affected. Those, with whom I have been,
as having had an opportunity to speak with many in this place, have it generally in
their mouths, let them bear the burthen, who are the occasion thereof. All which is
left to his highnesse's consideration by,
Maydstone, March 21, 1654.
Sir, your humble servant,
Robert Gibbon.
Mr. J. Gunter to mr. Gosse.
Vol. xxiv. p 376.
My addresses to the master of the rolls for his certifficat was to bee used att Hereford
sessions last, on a tryall which highly concerned my reputation. But blessed bee
God, whoe hath vindicated my innocency. The tryall went for me. Sir, I desire you to
present my service to the honourable the master of the rolls, whoe I hope will be mindfull
of me, in case any thinge bee concluded on concerninge the office before I retorne
to London. I am further to acquaint you, that the Anabaptists doe daily rendezvouze
and list themselves in theis parts, under pretence to act for the lord protector; but the
country doe not understand of any commissions they have from his highnes; and the
persons listed doe declare, theire designe is to release Harrison, &c. All which may bee
well worthy of consideration. I have noe more to trouble you att this tyme, but only
to conclude with the subscription of,
Brecon, Martis 21, 1654.
Sir, your oblidged freind and servant,
John Gunter.
Remember the petition betweene Birt and Bowen. You may direct your letter to me per poast, to bee left at mr. John Williams's, mercer, in Hereford. I should take it a greate favour from you, if you would spare a lyne.
Col. Birch is secured, and divers more, whoe have allwayes appeared faithfull to the parliament; and there is a garrison kept at col. Birch's howse by a company of Anabaptists.
The superscription,
These for his honoured freind, mr. Gosse, secretary
to the honourable the master of the rolls, London.
Mr. Daniel Clenche, &c. to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 377.
My lord,
May it please your highness, according to the commissions and instructions sent us,
we had a meeting at Edmundsbury this day, in order to the settling of the militia
of our county; and we have formed three regiments of foot and one of horse. A list of
the field officers and captains is here inclosed. The colonels of foot are, col. Fothergill,
col. Harvey, and col. Brewster; and the colonel of horse is col. John Moody; the which
choice if your highness shall please to approve, we humbly crave, commissions may be
sent down for their field officers at least, and for all the captains of horse; for as yet
none have commissions sent them, but col. Fothergill and his field officers. We have given
orders for the present muster of the several companies of col. Fothergill's regiment of foot,
and for the several troops of horse; as also we have appointed a general muster of col.
Fothergill's regiment, and of the regiment of horse, to be at Bury the 12th of April
next; and shall be always ready to observe and obey to the uttermost of our power such
orders and instructions, as we shall from time to time receive from your highnes, that
we may in all things approve ourselves, my lord,
Bury, March 21, 1654.
Your highness's and the commonwealth's most devoted servants,
Daniel Clenche,
John Fothergill,
Samuel Moody,
Robert Sparrowe,
James Calthorpe,
Gibson Lucas,
John Clarke,
Richard Maltyward.
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 378.
I Presume the late risings in England prevented my heareing from you the last post. Wee
have not as yet (through mercy) any disturbance here considerable, which is more than
an ordinary mercy to us at this time. I am perswaded the harts of all the Lord's people
are much inlarged with earnestnes to seeke his face in this affaire; and a gracious returne
I trust wee shall have; and if it teacheth us wherein any of us have failed in our dutie,
and that it would please the Lord to make this a meanes for the uniting of his people,
what a mercy would it be! I cannot but be confident, the Lord will carry on his worke,
which he hath so signally owned; and the Lord may reprove us for our unsutable walkings
to all his gracious dealings, ye the Lord will witness against this sort of men, and owne
his righteous cause; and therefore it is a time to looke within, so as to lye low before
the Lord in the sense of our owne unworthynes; yet are wee in saith and humilitie to waite
on him, whose presence hath and wil be our strength. It is mercy, when the Lord shall
take us of from trusting in an arme of flesh, and make him our only confidence. I
knowe this goverment hath many excellent things in it; but were there no more, but
that one thinge of an equall regard to all the Lord's people without imposition, it were
sufficient to satisfie mee concerning it; and confident I am, so long as the Lord keepes my
lord protector on that principle, he will prosper.
March 24, 1654.
Your very affectionate
and humble servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
Col. Haynes to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 385.
Honoured sir,
Since my last I have received an account out of Norfolke, that colonell Jeremy hath
mustered part of his regiment, and hath given orders for the muster of the rest. They
intemate, that his highness hath directed them to receive instructions from me, whereof I
not having the least hint from any one above, I have suspended to give answers therein.
The garyson at Lynne intemate, they expect the like. Favour me one word to that
I pray. The officer, that commands our troopes at Norwich, informeth, that there are
200 musketts well fixed in the cyty magazine, and 300 in the country magazine, with 10
peice of cannon, and many other instruments of warr; besides many hundreds of armes
in private hands, pressing an order what to doe in order to their securyty. I have write
to him to desyre the mayor to have a speciall regard to those partayninge to the cyty, and
the rest that they keepe a guard upon, till they shall receive order therein from his highnes.
This place is noe way safe in itselfe, there being noe foote. In this also please to lett me
know his highnes pleasure. There are many horse armes backes, and breasts in the
magazine at Lynne, which would also be taken care of by the officers of foote in that
towne. I understand also, that our officers have secured neare twenty cavaleirs of that county, and know not what to doe with them, being forced to keepe guards at several inns,
where they lodge. I presume some garyson were fitter for them, if securyty may not be
taken on their behalfe. I have appointed a cornet of this regiment to wayte your directions in theise things. Soe I remayne,
Colchester, March 22, Thursday 6 in the morne.
Sir, your verie humble servant,
H. Haynes.
I have sent mr. Brinne up with a party of horse, not having any heere, that would be securyty for him.
Chanut, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague, April 2, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxiv. p. 391.
I did engage myself eight days ago to assist at the devotions of the church, before I had satisfied what I ought to you; and I did not perceive my fault, till that it was too late, for I could not come away without giving some little scandal. I do presume, that you will easily pardon a trespass, that is committed upon a day of pardon; and the sooner, because there was not much to write at that time. It cannot be denied, but that the affairs at home do sufficiently occupy the lord protector; but the resolution of your affair only depending upon the sole motion of his will, being enough informed of the business, it cannot be that want of time and leisure should retard your last audience. I conceive, and am of opinion, that unless you press on your part, they will find out ways to keep you where you are. I cannot believe, neither do you give me it otherwise than as a discourse, that the lord embassador hath undertaken to offer up the forces of the king his master in Flanders to the lord protector; and if he do it, the lord protector will re ceive that compliment as a piece of the theatre. It is you, my lord, that do shew an affection of a real perseverance in endeavouring to make peace with him at a time, when the clouds do gather together, prognosticating some storm to befall him. I am of your opinion, that those little insurrections will make for his establishment.
The lords of Holland do very much fear, that some inconvenience will happen to their trade, if our accommodation be not made. The wisest, when they speak with me, do confess, that the said difficulty, which you make, is invincible; that they must give you satisfaction therein; but withal that it is likewise to be considered, that it came too late, and after you were agreed. I do not want of pertinent answers for them as to that. That which you write me of the embassador of Spain doth cause me to tell you, that Don Estevan de Gamarra hath not seen the princess royal, to whom he only sent his son with a compliment. Every one doth admire at this omission in so civil and courteous a man as he is, especially with the ladies; and it is thought, that it is out of complacency to the lords of Holland, or it may be through respect to the lord protector. I have here inclosed sent you a copy of the letter, which the lords of Holland sent to the princess royal, upon the report that was here, that the king of England was at Teyling. She returned no answer in writing, but said only to the messenger, that the king her brother was not at Teyling. Now we do not certainly know where he is. Many English say, that he is gone for England; but I cannot believe it, and it doth seem, that the lady princess his sister did speak to me in such terms as ought to give me this opinion.
In these provinces the divisions in the provinces of Overyssel do not tend to an accommodation. Yea, it is believed, that both parties will at last so irritate one another, that they will come to open arms. The province of Holland doth seem to be disposed to assist Deventer against the other party, which hath chosen the prince of Orange for governor, and prince William for lieutenant.
The inclosed is from the lord D'Avangour, who will advise you the news of Sweden.
I had a letter from Rome of the 13th of the last month, where nothing was then done for the election of a pope; and the embassador of Spain had had audience of the cardi nals, to let them know, that the design of the marquis of Caracena in his march against Modena was only to make him declare upon the levies, which the said duke doth make. Upon the next day monsieur de Lyonne was to have the like audience, to inform the conclave, that the said marquis doth demand of the duke a place of surety in his territories.
Col. Haynes to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 388.
Ever honoured sir,
The inclosed gives you a full account of the success of the gentlemen's meeting at Burie
about the putting the said county into a posture of defence. I doubt not, but you'l
have them in as good a redyness as any of theise countyes of Norfolke and Essex. It was
delivered to me by col. Fothergill, whose forwardness in this action deserves a particuler
character of respect. Truly he is verie honnest, and of good interest in the partes he
lives in. If his highness please to sende the commissione desired, it will much encourage:
however they seeme resolved to proceed to their musters both of foote and horse. Noe
more, but to assure you, all is quyett in these parts, and remaine,
Colchester, March 23, 1654. friday about 7 at night.
Sir, your verie humble servant,
He. Haynes.
Robert Duckenfield to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 386.
May it please your highnes,
I Received you lordship's commission for a horse regiment on the last Lord's day, and sent
an answeare theirto imediately; but the messenger was gone before from Chester
towards London, which occasioned these lynes, to give your lordshipp an accompt, that
I dare not as yet accept of the said commission, for many reasons; first because my endeavours this way formerly, though verry successefull, have beene taken in ill part; and
this county especially is soe wonderfully impoverished, as without destroying of it, not
many souldiers can be raised theirin in the way you intend.
2. Because that the extreames that the levelling party do run furiously upon, doth, as I humbly conceive, drive your highnes upon direct contrary extreames; and I desire to imitate Caleb and Josua in the wildernes, as neare as may be, and not to seeke a confederacy with those, who limitt God to their passions, and against whom God hath an evident controversy, &c. I beleive firmely, that the roote and tree of piety is alive in your lordship, though the leaves theirof, through abundance of temptations and flatteries, seeme to mee to be withered much of late; yet I hope time and experience will have a good influence upon your lordship (Deo juvente) &c.
I praise the Lord for his extraordinary mercy to mee this way, that I am not much moved with the actings of men, though of the better sort; nor doe I regard preferment much. Yet to doe this commonwealth a pleasure, I am content to leave my private and obscure condition, wheirwith I am much delighted, for a season to accept of some hansome military command, if your lordshipp thinke well theirof; soe as the men that I serve with may not be cast of afterwards unrequited; and that they be selected in the best way from such, as be your superficiall and dissembling freinds, whom I know well, and will have little to doe with them, unless forced theirto. I am not affraid of my life, or estate, and to improve the talent I have, I should be glad to serve your lordship in any forraine war within the continent of Europe, rather then within this nation.
I humbly conceive further, that these remote corners of this nation are soe corrupted of late, by the subtilties of the jesuited party, as few of them, that will be intrusted with armes by the new militia committees in these parts, will be found faithfull to your interest, in case of necessity or danger. Theirfore I think it would be an excellent course, to raise about 2000 horse equally out of all the counties on the north side Trent, and to impose the charge of maintaincing and finding them onely upon such as are convicted or suspected notoriously for malignancy. Wheirby your highnes would doe a very just and seasible act, without putting your selfe, or any one else, that be innocent or well affected, to any great charge about them. The clamours of most men, that you punish the innocent promiscuuosly with the nocent, will be taken away by this meanes. Charles Stewart hath 500 freinds in these adjacent counties, for every one freind to you amongst them, and he doubts not of finding you worke enough, whilst hee lives. I humbly beg pardon for this boldnes, it proceeding really from the wel-wishes of your lordship's very faithfull and humble servant,
Duckenfield, March 23, 1654.
Robert Duckenfield.