State Papers, 1655: March (7 of 8)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1655: March (7 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1655: March (7 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1655: March (7 of 8)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

March (7 of 8)

Notes relating to the rising at Salisbury, March 11, 1654.

[In the hand of secretary Thurloe.]

Vol. xxiv. p. 409.

Collier. That he saw mr. St. Loe betweene Blandford and Evill who boasted he had 40 men for them.

Willis of Salisburye, an inkeeper.


Gabriel Pile.

Clancee of Hamshire.

That one Dorrington, servant to Phillips, sayd, that mr. Wyndham, who should have brought in a good company of horse, was taken prisoner.

Grove and col. Bowles sayd, that marquesse Hartford was to come to them with horse and foote.

Westfield sayth, that Willis the inkeeper told hym, that the m. of Hertford would come into Salisbury with horse and foote, and proclayme Charles the 2d.

He saith, mr. Moumpesson told him, that the m. of Hertford would assist them, and that they had his hand for it. Col. Bowles sayd the same.

That mr. St. Loe sayd, there was but a small number; that he had some horse and armes for them not farre off; that they must set back to backe, and fight it out. That Saint Loe had, as he remembers, noe pistolls before hym, but he had pistolls in a portmantle, which his men carryed.

Collyer saith, that one lieutenant col. Reeves was with Penruddock.

Cheefe actors.
Mr. Grove; to be sent for. Mr. Jones. Mr. Penruddocke. Captain Hunt.

Saith, that mr. Grove told hym, that many had engaged themselves in this designe, which had failed them, but that they should suffer as well as they.

Mr. Saint Lowe: he sayth, he lives in Dorsetshire; and sayth, that as he was goeinge from his house to Knighton, within 7 miles of Salisburye, to hire some lands of his uncle Saint Loe, whoe dwells there, and as he was goeinge, he mett with two or three scouts, one whereof had the sheriff's liverie, and forc't hym to goe along with them as a prisoner, to a body of horse, commanded by sir Joseph Wagstaffe; where he mett with mr. Penruddocke, mr. Grove, and severall other of his freinds, who told them, they were for the kinge; but sayth, he desired them to dismisse hym; but they refuseinge, he sent home his man to acquaint his wife, who returned to hym againe, and saith, soe he marcht with them to Blandford, where he confesseth he sayd unto the people, that he was Penruddocke's captaine, but listed none. And beinge askt, whether he knew not of this buissines before, he saith he had a common report of it, but had noe discourse with any about it. He saith, he was at Penruddocke's upon the friday before the rising, where were Max the apothecary and doctor Whitwell; and beinge askt what discourse they had, he sayth, he heard them talke of what sport they should have on monday, and spake of what they would doe with the judges; and he asking what they meant by this, Penruddock told him, he should see on monday, if the examinate would march into the cuntrie.

He sayth, he went with them as farre as Sherburne, and there left them.

He sayth, his man, when he returned, brought with hym two paire of pistolls, which he bid his man bringe with hym; and whilst he was with them, he was as much for them as could be.

Sayth, that mr. Penruddocke was severall tymes with him, and desired hym to take up armes.

He confesseth, that he knewe of this buissines halfe a year agoe; and that mr. Penruddocke told hym, there should have beene a generall riseinge all over England, upon Saint Valentine's daye.

At the Council at Whitehall.

Friday, March 23, 1654.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 389.

Sir Charles Wolseley makes report from the committee of the council, to whom it was referred by an order of yesterday, to consider of the whole business, touching the trial of the persons in the late insurrection, and to offer names to be inserted in the several commissions; and upon several questions put, it was resolved as followeth, viz.

That a letter be forthwith written, in the name of the council, to mr. recorder of London, to come up speedily.

That a commission of oyer and terminer in the counties of Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, and Devon, be prepared, and directed to Francis Thorpe, one of the barons of the exchequer, John Glynne, serjeant at law, William Steele, serjeant at law, recorder of the city of London, John Hagget, esq; one of the justices of the counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan; sir John Evelyn, Robert Wallop, esq; Alexander Popham, esq; John Sadler, esq; one of the masters of the chancery; Thomas Estcourt, esq; one of the masters of the chancery; William Stephens, doctor of the laws; Richard Norton, esq; George Cooper, Nicholas Greene, Richard Lucy, Thomas Boureman, John Dunch, John Hildesley, William Willoughby, Lislebone Long, John Gorges, John Browne, John Trenchard, John Bingham, William Hussey, Walter Foy, James Dewy, Robert Pelham, Edward Butler, Arthur Upton, John Drake, James Erisye, Henry Hatsel, Edmund Fowell, John Scarle, Thomas Saunders, Robert Bennet, John Blackmore, Robert Shapcott, Anthony Nicoll, John Moyle, Richard Carter, Thomas Ceely, John Fox, the mayor of Salisbury; Francis Swanton, William Jephson, Nathaniel Whetham, Robert Aldworth, or any five of them.

That some persons shall be sent down, to prepare things for the trial of the said persons in the west.

That letters be written to the sheriffs of the several counties, to give notice to the said several commissioners, in their respective counties, to attend the said service.

That the said commission shall extend to the counties of Wilts, Devon, Dorset, and Somerset.

That mr. attorney general and mr. John Sadler be the persons, who shall be sent down to prepare for the trial of those in the west.

That the clerks of the council do prepare letters to be sent to the several persons, according to the tenor of these votes.

That the said committee are desired to hasten their report as to commissioners for the other counties, and in order thereunto to meet this afternoon.

William Jessop, clerk of the council.

Mr. James Powell to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 420.

Honourable sir,
I am ashamed to overcharge you with unnecessarie lynes, as I have done alredy, and doe acknowledge your honour's greate condescention in vouchsaseinge me answer in what was expressed in Aldworth's letter. I am many wayes ingaged to his highnes formerly, and in particular for his good opinion of me, soe as to put me in a commission for the regiment, in which and in all other thinges within my poore interest shall study and indeavour in all faithfullnes to serve his highnes and the publique weale; but as to the perticular, in which I am soe exceedinge unfit in all respects, I doe againe renew my request to your honour, that my commission may be transferred to captain John Pope, who hath beene a captain formerly, and a man of quallitie, and good intrest, and one whome the other officers are well satisfyed in, and one I beleve mr. Aldworth would gladly have. I propounded to you mr. Blackwell before, but he beinge the younger person, it is thought fit rather to put in mr. Pope. Wee are extreamely obliged to his highnes, that is pleased to gratefie the place accordinge to their desires; for truth is two regiments are to much for this place; and as to the difference with colonel Hagget and some others, it doth not lye in matter of honestie and abilitys, but in a prudentiall way, how it is possible to cement people together, when the fewde is grounded upon differences of another nature, insomuch as people will not bee commanded by them. For my owne part, I doe abhor fraction and folish devisions; and seeinge what temper the cittie was in, I with others made some proposalls to major Butler to bee proposed to his highnes, but that the rebellion prevented, but did not imagine to receave any commission noe more than to goe to Mexicoe; and I professe to your honour, to use all meanes I can to beget moderation amongst people, that we may injoy common peace, and that we may expresse all due conformitie to the government, and to use all the best wayes I can rather to adulce things, then to nourish jarrs. And though I am not fit to serve in this command yet I shall doe more service in other respects. My prayers are for his highnes, with my poore indeavours and my most humble and thankfull respects to your honour, prayinge your pardon this once, who am

Bristoll, March 24, 1654.

Your honour's most humble servant,
James Powell.

Capt. Hope to the protector.

Vol. xxiv. p. 421.

May it please your highnes,
After marchinge my one troope, and that troope, which was my late colonel's, to Gloucester, and from thence backe againe to this place, then to Shrewsberry, and from thence to this place, to wayte upon the judges at the assises, in which march, accordinge to orders from commissary general Reynoldes and major Creede, there hath beene seased the persons of severall ould cavalleres, there horses and armes; yesterday haveinge information, that Sherrington Talbot, who, I am credibly informed, was with the cavilleres at Salseberry, was come home to his one house, I sent my leeftenant with a partye to apprehend him, but he was not to be found there; yett I hope within this three dayes to have him in safe custody. The face of affares semes (in this malignant place) to promise peace and quietnes at present, there beinge a terror from the Almightye faullen upon them, who are the Lord's, your highnes, and his peoples enemyes. The judges are gone from hence to Bridgenorth, where captain Coulston doth attend them with the troope at present under his commande, who is to see them safe out of Staffordshire, and then to march the latter end of the next weeke to this place, where a greate sayre for severall dayes is kepte. It hath beene my indever, accordinge to your highnes orders, to complayte my troope to a hundred; for that purpos I sent into Darbyeshire to ingage what soldyers I could, that had hearetofore beene in servis, and others that weare well affected; but by reason of those discoragements, that they receved from persones disafected to your highnes, and that are enemyes to the pease of the nationes, it was not soe sacill a worke as was expected; yett there are manye, that are ackted from a good prinsipall, that have listed themselves, and beyond there abilletyes have layd out what they could procure from frendes to furnish themselves with horses and armes, there beinge some troopes in the intrim, that have listed none. My humble desire is, that such as have inlisted themselves, and notwithstandinge these discorragements they have mett with, have shewed themselves willinge, may receive that incorragement from your highnes, that may answer their cost and labores, and prove them faulse, who have and dow tell them, that they shall shortly bee sett aside, without anye reward of there good affection and servis. I have sent this bearer, a trooper in my troope, by whom I humbly intreate to receive your highnes pleasure concerneinge them. By letters from som frendes of myne in Derbyshire, I am informed that, collonel Sanders and collonel Barton refuse to paye there taxe; and that manye in Derbye and some in the contrye doe the like, takeinge theire exsample from them, which my dutie binds me to informe your highnes of, and to declare this with all humillity and submission unto your highnes; that in my weake apprehention and jugment, till the sorde of justis be by your highnes putt into the handes of such saythfull men, as will acte from a principple of love to the Lord, your highnes, and his people, the burthen will till then bee soe heavy upon your highnes shoulders, that you will not bee able to beare it, sadnes and discorragments will still bee upon the honest and upright harted of the nationes, and the enemyes be incorraged and not discorraged, as is too apparent at this daye. Being pressed in spirrit, I have thus farr presumed, but shall proceede noe farther, but in the integritye of my hart subscribe myselfe,

Woster, March 24, 1654.

May it please your highnes,
your highnes servant faythfully and cherfully to serve you,
Robert Hope.

By the commissioners for the admiralty and navy

March 24, 1654.

Vol. xxiv. p. 422.

Whereas by an order of his highness and council of the 24th of February last, it is declared, that eight ships of war be prepared for the western expedition; and that one thousand landmen, besides the complement of the said ships, be also sent with the same, or as many as can be put on board them; and that over and besides the provisions necessary for the said sea and land men for the said eight ships, three months provisions be made for the fleet already gone, to be sent either in ships to be freighted upon the states account, or to hire the freight of merchants ships, as shall be most for the advantage of the service.

Ordered, that it be humbly represented to his highness and council, that in pursuance of the said votes the provisions are in a good forwardness to be laid on board the merchants ships taken up for that service. And forasmuch as the said merchant ships will be able to victual and transport (upon contract) a convenient number of the landmen, if it shall be thought meet, at as cheap or cheaper rates than they can be sent upon the states account, so as the owners may have timely advertisement to make accommodations for them accordingly; and for as much also as the eight ships of war are likewise refitting, and will be ready shortly to proceed in the service, it is therefore humbly submitted to the consideration of his highness and council, how the said landmen shall be disposed of, in order to their transportation, and whether any of them shall be sent in the said merchant ships to be provided by the merchants; and likewise what number shall be thought fit to be sent in the states ships of war, that such orders may be given for having the said landmen in a readiness, and making suitable provisions for their voyage, as may best accommodate and conduce to the furtherance and dispatch of this affair.

Ex. Ro. Blackborne, Secr.

Commissary general Reynolds to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 178.

I Receaved your highnes pleasure in a letter from your selfe, wherein I am required to use diligence in finding out the present complotters in these parts. I am almost ashamed, that so little fruite of our paines doth yet appeare; for although we find a cleare satisfaction to our judgement, that all the malignants in these 5 countyes were combined with those of North-Wales, and both with those of the three nations; yet proofe is not soe evident, as I wish it were. We finde that col. Gerard held correspondency in this countrey, and that this is from the begining one general plott, which seemes to be like a rat running behind stooles, which although seene plainely, yet a full blow cannot be made at him. I doubt not, that something considerable will howsoever be discovered. I have set some at worke in all countyes, where any forces or wel-affected persons are; but some of the most knowing malignants refuse to be sworne, others are not yet taken. I hope it will not be unfit to make them speake forcibly, by tying matches, or some kind of paine, whereby they may be made to discover the plott, although we shall not interrogate in that manner, concerning themselves, if it be allowed in respect of others; in which I desire to receive directions speedily. Having an instruction to endeavour to informe my selfe of the state of the countrie, I have been verry inquisitive concerning the present state thereof, and so hold it my duty to represent the danger likely to fall upon the nation by the unsettlement of Wales, where there are two such extremes in good and bad, if any extreme can be so called, that the like is not any where. In taking armes there will be little benefit, if order be not provided for; and those, who are not cavilleires, but go under the name of the godly party (and I hope many are such, although deluded) are altogether unwilling to act by commission, insomuch as it will be difficult forming a militia in NorthWales. I have conferred with severall members of the church of Wrexam; and although their finall answer is not returned, yet I feare there will not be many, who will act under the governement amongst them; but I am told, their late journey hither hath caused better satisfaction than formerly. If sir Thomas Middleton were commissioned to raise a regiment, it is the opinion of mr. Gibert and some other solidly honest men, that he would do good service in Denbighshire and those parts of North-Wales. Major general Mitton and mr. Simon Thelwell are likewise proposed as fitt to be represented to his highnes for commissions. Be pleased to signifye his highnes pleasure by the next, whether the depositions shall be sent up, or kept here; whether security shall be taken for such as no evidence comes against, but are knowne cavilliers, and enemies to the governement; whether the settlement of the country against another rising shall not be secured by completing the forces; and what allowance shall bee given upon the dayes of mustering; likewise, if it be not too much presumption, that I may know how long I shall be continued in these parts, because I would dispose of my occasions accordingly. Sir, an answer hereunto is the earnest suite of, sir,

Shrewsbury, March [165 4/5;]

Your obliged and humble servaunt,
J. Reynolds.

Col. Aldworth to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 423.

Honoured sir,
Your last of the 20th instant I have received, and did well hope before I had read it, that thereby I should have received a discharge from my military imployment, upon these personal and publique grounds and reasons within my last to your honour humbly offerred; but seeing his highness is still pleased to continue soe great a trust upon me, I shall (though truly contrary to my judgment I do accept thereof) faithfully endeavour to give the best account I am able in this service. Indeed, sir, the thoughts of such a place never entered into my consideration, soe as to desire or wish for it; and much less upon diversity of principles in others, to lay them aside for advanceinge of myselfe. For my owne judgment, it is well knowne to those acquainted with me, I delight not in widening divisions, have practised a forbearance towards all, and perswaded others to the like. Truly what was in reference to those two gentlemen was downright sincerity, out of tenderness and respect to the publique interest, and common peace and quiett of the citty; well perceiving, that the completing one regiment without them would be more abundantly satisfactory to the inhabitants, and the better engadg, and content them; and therefore many of them now understanding, that his highness hath been pleased so to order it, they doe already express their approbation hereof, and chearfullness to serve in the same, which mr. Powell, mr. Farmer, and mr. Nethey can testisie with me. As to the coll. now in Wales, his parts and abillities I have and doe honour; and it's well known, what intimacy there hath been between us, and that my father has been the greatest instrument of all his preferments in this cittie; but it hath so happened, that his appearance and owning of some late transactions and parties within this place, hath rendered him to be farr more usefull and better acceptable to another county, than he can be here with approbation. For the other, he came a stranger here, and of small account with the inhabitants.... generality of the cittyzens * * * which did the like. In order to the raysing my regiment, I have proposed five several captains, men of quality and faithfullness, unto the commissioners of the militia, which have approved of them, viz. captain Grig, captain Pope, captain Blackwell, captain Vickris, captain Bowen, and shall use all expedition to hasten into the field. Some gentlemen that have been superior officers have willingly accepted of inferior places, as col. Tyson, to be a captain lieutenant, and soe likewise others in other of the companies. It is desired, that a commission may be sent down for major John Harper to command the horse. I have troubled your honour too long with these lines, and therefore, with tender of my humble service and thankfullness, I subscribe,

Bristol, March 24, 1654.

Your ever affectionate servant,
Ro. Aldworth.

The mayor of Bristol, &c. to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 424.

Honorable sir,
Taking into consideration the great charge in raising of two regiments, and being of opinion, that one regiment only can well be raised in this city, by reason that we know not how to intrust arms in so many persons hands, as will compleat two regiments, or to rate so many persons to find men and arms, that will be chargable in point of estate to make them up; and colonel Aldworth having this day informed us, that your honour had signified unto him his highness's pleasure, that he was content, that only one regiment be raised, and that under his command, to which we very thankfully subscribe; and in order thereunto have this day approved of the chief officers for that one regiment consisting of eight companies; a list whereof shall be forthwith presented you, when we have made choice of the rest of the inferior officers. Only our present humble desire is, that there may be an immediate signification to us of his highness's pleasure of what you have already hinted to colonel Aldworth, in order to the more effectual completeing of that regiment, which as we are already taking care about, so shall speed our endeavours for the perfecting thereof. We take leave, and subscribe

Bristol, March 24, 1654.

Your humble servants,
John Goring, mayor.
Richard Vickries.
John Harper.
Ri. Aldworth.
Miles Jackson.
Jos. Jackson.
Jeremiah Holwey.

Col. Kelsey to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 425.

Honored sir,
Your's of the 22d instant I received; and as to the persons that I secured, most of them are out upon bayle for their quiat and peaceable living, and to appear, when ever they shall bee sent for; only there is sir John Boyse and colonel Dudley Sands at Upnor Castle, sir Henry and sir Thomas Palmer, captain Loe, colonel Norman, captain Clark, major Child, mr. Coot, mr. Bance, captain Ruffon, captain Osborne, and divers others have given in bond as aforesayd. Som I never committed, being persons of noe interest, and had nothinge against any one of them, but that they weare in the rising in 48.

As for horses, those that I sawe taken are in the hands of the officers, that took them; and they are as followeth;

Sir Edward Hales 6
Lord Finch 3
Mr. . . . . . a lawyer 1
Mr. Huggenson 1
Mr. Bance 1
Sir Henry Newton 2

There is one or two more, but I cannot find my noat at present, whose they are. At sir Edward Hals there was some armes for hors and man, I thinke near 20, and som in other places; but honest men tell us, that those arms were belonging to such horse, as they did find in the militia at Worcester fight. I shall desire to know how to dispose of them. I am glad that God hath scatered these clouds of blood and darkness, that hung over us for the present; but however I hope you will not be too securely careless, least these flashes be but as lightning before a great tempest. I pray God direct you in all your affaires. I remayne

Canterbury, March 24, 1654.

Your humble servant,
Thomas Kelsey.

All thes persons that are out upon bayle, and sir Joshua Boyce, and Dudley Sands doe solemnly vow with great asseverations, that they are totally ignorant of these designes, and know nothing of them, but what they have from the books; but it is hard to believe them.

Davis the taylor was sett at libertie, and gon out of this towne before my lord protector's letter came to his hand.

Capt. J. Griffiths to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 426.

The storme seems to be over in these parts, wee being at present in quiett, and putting ourselves into a posture to preserve us soe; but captain Ridge beeing discontent, that hee hath not command himselfe, I have some cause to suspect, that hee may endeavour to asperse our proceedings, or the persons intrusted; of which nature if any thinge come to your hands, I earnestly beg an accompt thereof. Upon monday next our commissioners all meet for the county, of whose proceedings you shall have an exact accompt; and then also you may expect a more satisfactory answer from colonel Duckenfield. Colonel Croxton expects a particular order to the present government of the castle for the reduction thereof, &c. Bee pleased to signifye your pleasure concerning sir Richard Malevorer and mr. Walters. There are some of our countrymen yet at liberty, whom I hope the commissioners at their meeting will take care to secure; whereof they shall have notice from,

Chester, March 24, 1654.

Sir, your most humble servant,
John Griffiths.

To his highness the lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging.

The humble address of major Jeremiah Tolhurst, commander of Carlisle.

Vol. xxiv. p. 384.

Sheweth, that the said garrison is very ruinous, especially the citadel and many parts of the castle, and the draw-bridge, by reason there have been no repairs since colonel Fitch commanded it (which is three years and a half) except in some things of greatest necessity; for payment of which the said major hath been necessitated to lay money out of his purse.

That by reason of the ruinous condition of the citadel and castle, the soldiers are constrained, most of them, to be quartered in the city, which is not safe in these dangerous times.

That because the soldiers do not lodge in the castle and citadel; it is of necessity, that more men are kept upon the guards than else there would need; by which means the soldiers are at every second night's duty, especially now when there are many prisoners sent in thither from all parts of Cumberland and Westmorland upon this business of the late rising, which hard duty causeth many of the soldiers to fall sick.

That if the said garrison be not repaired this summer, it will be very ruinous, and will cost much the more to repair.

That there is money lying in the hands of one mr. George Faunt of Leicestershire, which was appointed by the parliament for repair of the said garrison, which comes to be as followeth:

It was ordered by the parliament, the 22d of May, 1649, that it be referred to the committee of Haberdashers-hall, to send for mr. Faunt, to examine the business touching the 1500 l. by him discovered, and to give order, that soe much of it as belongs to the state be paid to the use of the garrison of Carlisle, to such person, as sir Arthur Haslerigge shall appoint, and the acquittance of such person to be a sufficient discharge to the treasurers for the same.

Col. Fitch, the then governor of the said garrison, was appointed by sir Arthur Haslerigge to receive the said 1500 l. who did accordingly demand it; but mr. Faunt having not ready money, did grant the col. a statute to secure it; and in May, 1651, mr. Faunt paid col. Fitch 500 l. in part, and the other 1000 l. rests still in mr. Faunt's hands, except he be allowed a 5th part, according to the ordinance for discoveries, and then there will rest but 700 l. which 700 l. mr. Faunt offers to pay upon delivery up of the said statute, which statute is in the custody of col. Fitch, and is left by him with his wife, who lives in London.

It is therefore humbly desired, that your highness will give order to col. Fitch, to deliver and assign the said statute to major Tolhurst, or to whom else your highness shall think fit; and that the said order may discharge col. Fitch from the money remaining due upon the said statute, it being not received by him; by which means the garrison may be speedily repaired and kept in the better security.

March 25, 1655.

Jer. Tolhurst.

A letter of intelligence from mr. Manning to secretary Thurloe.

Middlebugh, April 5, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxv. p. 11.

Both yours are come to my hands, wherein you mention only the receipt of two of mine bearing date the and 23 of the last month, and nothing at all of that written to you the post before, which was of concernement, and thus sent, viz. in a letter to capt. Manley, and that inclosed in a cover to the postmaster of Dover, with a desire of speedy conveyance, you right, and give yourself much satisfaction in causing inquiry after that letter. Sir, we have here all the newes of England, which puts the honest merchant to a great many feares, that tradeing may be stopt. I cannot but wonder at the neglect of some of your factors, that knoweing the uncerteinty of times, would not take advise, when given; for I protest there hath not bin a weeke, but I gave mr. L. mr. M. and when I saw they would not take notice of it, then I wrote to the gentleman himself, inclosed in mr. Mal. cover from Cleve, of all the dangers that might ensue; and for all this, 'til I had yours, I never could get a word in answer to any title. To keep you longer in this discourse is but to abuse your patience; therefore take this of newes: mr. S. is still in his quarter here at monsieur Croinson's house on the Langen Delph, and noe resolution taken for removall 'til farther intelligence. We are not many here. Now, Sir, your being in action in England makes me not trouble you with any other particulars for the present, but only to assure you of my affection and fidelity, if you thinke sit to use me; and, sir, if you would have me keepe with the person of mr. S. and followe his course of trading, you must then by the next send me a cipher or two, and two or three addresses for letters, that may not be in the least suspicionable. If you thinke I may be more usefull to come over, then I pray faile not by the next to send me a pass, but let it be a litle antidated; as also your letters, let them alwaiese be 5 dayes punctually antidated, and never, 'til I have your cipher, write any thing but what may be as a common freindship to me; only still send me a diurnall and 3 or 4 words of newes. Sir, I shall expect to heare from you punctually the next post, and as you intend to have me doe; if to stay here with — &c. then send me a cipher and severall addresses, as also a letter of credit or bill of exchange for some considerable sume from mr. Lucas Lucey, the merchant in Fanchurchstreet, chargeable on his correspondent here; but he must not have the least hint from whome the money comes, being noe freind; only let the persone you send with it say, that by mr. Boovie's direction at Middlebergh to a freind, he was directed to him to make returne of some money to a persone there. Sir, I must be here at greate expence, to keepe in with the grandees, otherwise I shall know litle worth your knowlege; therefore I leave it to your consideration. If you would have me come over, I pray you send me the pass, a diurnall, and a bill of exchange for only 40 or 50 l. for I must not come by the pacquet, but by a ship express, to avoide giving suspicion here. Your letters, let them be thus addressed, viz. one, as the last was, A monsieur monsieur Jaques Bouié, merchant . . . . . . a Middleburg; the duplicate thus, in Englishe; For mr. John Botler, merchant in Dunkirque, to be sent to mr. John Clutterbook, living at madame Wilwaie's house, in the Gast Hoff at Bruges, and by him to be spedily conveyed to mr. Henry Manwaring. And by this way of Dunkirque, I shall have your letter two dayes sooner then the ordinary post . . . . Sir, I am seigne to send my man purposely to Dunkirque with this letter, and with a charge to put it into the mail himself; for 'till you send me addresses and ciphers, I dare not write freely to you; and least that your servants should mistake any of my directions, I have sent you the two inclosed covers. Sir, if you please to let me heare from you punctually the next post, according as I have writ, I can and will doe most effectuall and considerable services, and assure yourself, that I am, sir,

Your most humble servant,
Hen. Manwaring.

There is in mr. Botler's cover another, which supersciption I would have indorsed in your letter to me, and then let it be inclosed in another cover, only directed as that is to mr. Botler, which is a better way then the other I mention. I pray be very carefull what you write, and let me not saile to heare from you.

Fairfax in the North, Willoughby of Parham in Lincolnshire, sir Hugh Pollard in the West, with both the Courtney's are the men relyed on; and in Wales, Carbery and Cherbery in Shropshire. Sir Vincent Corbett, sir Henry Thin and Armerer, my lord Strafford, and sir Ch. Howard, with Arundell family, are no freinds. Besides the persons I gave you an accompt of from hence, what you have from me, on the faith of a Christian, I assure you, is truth.

Cardinal Mazarin to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

April 5, 1655. [N. S.]

In the possession on of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

My Lord,
Your letter of the 25th of March was sent to me by the earl of Brienne on wednesday last, soon enough for to return an answer, as you will have seen I did by an addition, which I then wrote unto you; so that I have only to refer my self unto it, having nothing new to add as to your treaty.

We do daily expect to see some effect of so many propositions concerning the levies; and we ought at last, once for all, to be at some certainty, what we may expect. I much wonder, they do not speak unto you of the ship seized upon at Toulon; for assuredly there is express order not to release it. And if the claimers will have it, they must resolve to indemnisy us in some sort for those, which are seized on in England, as was done for the other, called the Lady Frigat.

Bordeaux to his son, the French embassador in England.

Paris, April 5, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxiv. p. 180.

My Son,
I Have received your letter, but had not an opportunity to entertain his eminence with the contents thereof, in defence of the fault, which you confess to have made. Besides, it is in vain to go about to excuse that which is past. I expect to hear, that you have concluded the treaty, as the earle of Brienne doth believe you ought to do; and which you have order to finish, or to receive advice of your departure, which you are to delay, although it doth seem, that they have given you leave here to come away, if you fail to conclude, in regard that the earl of Brienne told me, that the regret of a rupture would suddenly seize on him, who doth declare his intentions for a rupture. And monsieur Servien himself, when I first met him yesterday, told me, that peace is very desirable, and doth not condemn your overture, to insert in the article the word de presentement, whereof he made use himself in the treaty of the emperor, since it is to avoid by that word a kind of declaration, which would seem to be of a league offensive and defensive, which he doth not judge reasonable to explain, since it is not controverted. He did assure me, that he would maintain that thesis, if his eminence should speak to him of it. He doth very much consider the advantages, which are to had for both parties in the peace; and doth think it strange, that it should not be accepted of, for such considerations of so little consequence. Monsieur de Brienne doth very much desire, that you should finish with good success, and cannot relish the impatiencies, and doth very much blame the complaints made of your conduct; the which however will not be judged good or bad, but by the events. And; according to the ordinary maxims of the court, he told me, that his eminence doth believe, that you are always persuaded by your commissioners of the justice of the reasons of the protector, for all things which are proposed in his behalf, or that he doth reject your propositions; and that on the contrary, to conceive a good opinion, and to persuade you to believe the same justice and reasons of your demands or denial, that you do act with quietness, without maintaining with force and resolution that, which is necessary not to be departed from, or yielded unto. Monsieur de Brienne told me, that you committed a gross fault in one of your letters to his eminence, in that you did give to understand all the reasons of the protector, and, as proceeding from the commissioners, and at the same time, you gave to understand the things to be at that pass, as they will come to in time; and that on the contrary you ought to write the reasons as coming from yourself; and supposing, that the protector or the commissioners might say such things, and cause always . . . . . . when that you shall know how the affairs, and in what point they will end, that of your selfe you can bring them to that end, for to infuse into him always a belief, that the difficulties of the overtures of the accommodation are of your labours and invention. Behold here a judicious tablature, which you are to practise hereafter, to the end that you be not taken in that net, which monsieur de Brienne hath observed, who doth give matter to his eminence to make the less account of your conduct.

The examination of Thomas Nevett, in the parish of Priests in the county of Salop, taken before me Humprey Mackworth, esq; this 26th of March, 1655, upon oath, at Shrewsbury.

Vol. xxiv. p. 437.

That hearing, by the speech of the country, that the late king of Scots was to come, he sold a colt worth about twenty shillings, that to be paid when he came to be king in England. Being asked, who they were who told him ? he faith, William Bircherly, being the man, to whom he sold the colt, living in the parish of Whitchurch. Being asked, whether he had made an offer to sell a score of sheep to William Blanthorn, to be paid for them when king Charles came in, viz. forty shillings in hand, and ten pounds at that time ? he denieth that he made any such prosser.

H. Mackworth.

Thomas Nevett his [ ] mark.

The envoy of the king of Poland to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv.p. 438.

Excellentissime ac generosissime domine, domine ac amice colendissime,
Decimus septimus agitur dies, quod excellent. vestræ adventum meum significaverim, ac mandatu ipsius copiam literarum per secretarium meum tradiderim, quo etiam tempore de certa audientiæ die certior redditus, aliæ deinde moræ injectæ suere, adeò quod nequicquam jam, quando illa admitti debeat, haurire possim. Cum vero finis vel subjectum legationis meæ morâ aliquâ longiori evanescere, & inutilis reddi possit, hisce iterum atque iterum excellent. vestram oratam velim, ut hoc negotium, quo quantocius ad audientiam admitti possim, sibi commendatum habere velit: quibus te sibi devinctissimum reddet, cui interim optimam valetudinem ac rerum successus ex animo precor, maneboque,

Londini, Martis 26, 1655.

Excellent. vestræ ad quævis officia paratissimus servitor,
N. De Bye.

Internuncius serenissimi Poloniæ Sueciæque regis extraordinarius.

Mr. recorder Steele to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 439.

Having not since my coming from you on saturday night, nor in the letter from the councell, which I found at my coming home the same night, received certaine direction, whether I should returne imediately out of Essex; and if I mistooke not, some particular directions were spoken of, to signifye the pleasure of his highnes therin; and withall it may perhaps bee convenient, for the satisfaction of my associats, who yet expect my company, to th end of the circuite, that something bee signified to mee touching this busines at Chelnsford before Thursday next; for which purpose I thought good to give you this trouble, that if you thinke fitt such signification may bee given, with the tyme, that is intended for our departure hence, and for sitting upon the comission in the countrey. This use however I shall make herof, that if I heare not from you, nor from his highnes, nor the councell, before the ending of the assizes at Chelnsford, I shall interprete it a command to returne from thence, though the more explicite way will best satisfy all the reasons aforementioned. Sir, I pray pardon this trouble from

Marche 26, 1655.

Your most humble servant,
William Steele.

Capt. J. Griffiths to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 675.

I Formerly gave you account of the takeinge of sir Richard Maleverer, and secureing him a prisoner. I must now give you an account of his escape. Yesterday I was enjoyned to attend the commissioners for the city of Northwich, wheere appeared of the commissioners for the militia, col. Henry Brooke, col. Thomas Croxton, mr. Marbury, mr. Hyde, mr. Dutton, col. Henry Bradshaw, lieutenant col. John Brooke, and major Peter Brooke. All of whom acted very freely, except major Peter Brooke, who very much obstructed it, as farre as in him laye, by declareinge against raiseinge any horse or foote at all; and affirminge his thoughts, that his highnesse had some other designe therein then the late insurrections, with other aggravations; but they took not with the rest, who setled a regiment of foote under command of colonel Croxton, but respited the horse till further direction. And about a quarter of an hour before my return to Chester, sir Richard under colour of his devotion, to which he had accustomed himselfe often every day, and by the helpe of a woman, who is gone, and not yet heard of, and by the helpe of her apparell, as is thought, notwithstandinge a strict guard at the doore of his chamber, and a great light therein, escaped forthe at a windowe downe into the streete (in which action he must needs greatly hazard his life) and after him went mr. Walter; which was presently discovered by their absence, and the breach in the window; and upon my comeinge home, myselfe and others interessed have been as diligent as possible, by makeinge out parties, searches, sendinge out hu-on cryes and posts to all partes, and myselfe been forth all night and all day; but at present cannot effect our desires of his recaption, nor follace ourselves with the hopes thereof; nevertheless we shall leave no means unattempted. Truly, sir, their was as much care and dilligence in secureinge them, as to our apprehensions might be conceved necessary. But the countrey is much satisfyed (by this his desperate attempt) of the desperatenesse of the guilt hee and others had contracted against the peace of a well setled comonwealth; who what for their own private respects, and the unhansome discourse of such persons as major Peter Brooke, wee find apt enough to be incredulous of any necessity to their charge. This all your present trouble, save to assure you.
I am, sir,

Chester, March 27, 1655.

Your very affectionate although weary and perplexed servant,
Jo. Griffith.

Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 487.

Honourable sir,
The goodness of God to his highness and the commonwealth in soe eminently and seasonably appearinge against the implacable enemies of both to their shame and utter overthrowe, as it can never be sufficiently acknowledged and praised, soe the nations, that looke on and have undoubtedly contributed towards the ruine intended you in this and in the former plotts, must at least now confesse the hand of heaven against that family they seeke to uphold. Questionless the advantages are great and many, which may be made of this busines; and I doubt not but God will direct his highnes and his councell to improve to the utmost in all relations. The same day your letter came to hand, I dispatcht the good newes to all parts, to prevent misinformations; the common practise of the enemy, when your relation lingers. I see it's noe time to trouble you with private busines; therefore I shall forbeare sendinge of my answer to that scandalous remonstrance of mr. Townlie and his partie, till I heare of your better leasure, being confident, that in the meane tyme nothing will be done to my prejudice. It remanes only that I returne you my thankfull acknowledgement of your civilities to my wife, and to desire answere as soon as well you can to my former letters touchinge the narratives and commission to examine witnesses, by which you will further oblige,

Hamb. March 27, 1655.

Sir, your verry humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

My wife writes me, you assured her of your writinge to me everie post but one. I assure you, your letters have not come to my hands, but as I have given notice to you, therefore be pleased to require an account of it from the post-master there; for I have cause to doubt the boldness of some to intercept letters, though it make little for them.

As I am sealing, monsieur Peterson desires you to inclose and recommend this paper to your perusal. The original goes to some freind there per this post. It seemes an unseasonable demand, for this citty to give up their owne merchants goods, taken and retaken in the Elve; but the states general will surely hearken to reason, if his highness interpose.

Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 701.

This signall and eminent appearance of the Lord, in so strangly scattering our enemies in England, is no other then his doings alone, and it ought to be marvellous in our eyes. The Lord affect our harte with a due sence thereof, and teach us to walke humbly and closely before him, whose presence alone must keepe and preserve our peace, as well as he hath againe given it unto us. I desire wee may walke with a constant awe of his great name, least he be provoked to withdraw. I should be glad to heare the people of the Lord, who have so signall a mercy in this deliverance, may walk more in love one to another. Upon the receipt of your's, finding so many considerable persons were engaged in this busines, I did send to all the ports to secure all suspitious persons that come out of England. I am sending into all the precincts to give them notice of this great mercy, and for setting some time apart for praise, as well as prayer. The very poore Tories were much listed up in the hopes of the enemies successe in England. There were some of late runne into rebellion, but through mercy not considerable. Wee have long secured one col. Treswell, on supposall, that he was in the late plott. I wish we might heare, whether yow have any thing against him.

As to the courts of justice, I shall say little more then what formerly I have, only this, that I conceave, that a chancery and upper bench, which might have cognisance of causes formerly in the common-pleas, would be sufficient. I thinke I could offer sixe or more fitt judges for the courts of justice. I understand, that there is endeavours to settle the busines of tythes in statu quo, which, if so, what betwixt the Scotch clergie and other ignorant and unable ministers, will quickly returne this nation into its former condition of ignorance; whereas now wee have an opportunitie to incourage any honest godly ministers, which otherwise will be destroyed. Your care therefore heerin I entreate, who am

March 28, 1655.

Your humble servant,
Charles Fleetwood.

General Disbrowe to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 456.

Your last I received on my way to Taunton, where now I am, and have got some understanding of the prisoners there. Enclosed is (as I thinke) a perfect list of them, and of the others at Exeter, of which the greatest part doe sufficiently owne them selves to be engaged in the rising; and for the others that doe not, we have competent evidence. I am very glad, that the comission for their tryall is in soe good forwardnesse, and shall, as you desire, take what care I can with the sheriffe of Devon, that we may be provided of honest juryes against the time; hopeing you will receive no disappointment therein. Underwritten are the names of 5 or 6 of those at Exeter, whom it may be fitt to begin with, as having been some of the leading persons in the rebellion; and I doc not thinke they are any of them soe esteemed in Devonshire, as that there need be any great scruple, whom to adventure on first for a president at their tryall. The prisoners that are at this place we are sending to Ilchester gaole, upon committments from the justices of the peace, where mr. Hunt the sheriff desires, if with convenience to the judges and rest of the commissioners, they may receive their tryall; and so the trouble and charge of removeing them againe be avoyded. I have very gladly read in your letter his highnesse pleasure for my returne to wayt on him at Whitehall; yet I judge it meet to expect your answer to my last letter, and as I shall finde his highnesse minde explained therein, shall accordingly hasten towards you; in the meane tyme, remaineing

Caunton, March 28, 1655.

Your very affectionate friend to serve you,
John Disbrowe.

I should have written to his highness by every post, but I feared it would have been troublesome, except I had had somewhat of concernment. I pray lett his highnesse knowe soe much.

John Penrudocke, of Crumpton in Wilts, esq; Edward Penrudocke, of the same, gent. Hugh Grove, of Chysenbury, in Wilts, gent. Robert Duke, of Stucton, in Southampton, gent. Francis Jones, of Beddington, in Surry, gent. John Jones, of Newton Toney, in Wilts, gent.

I have spoke also with the sheriffe of this county about the juryes, and he hath promised to be very carefull therein.

A list of the prisoners in the counties of Devon and Somerset, committed upon the late insurrection.

Exon, March 22, 1654.

Vol. xxiv. p. 379.

John Penruddock, of Compton Chamberlain, in Wilts, esq; Edward Penruddock, of the same, gent.

Hugh Grove, of Chipenbury in Wilts, gent.

Robert Duke, of Stuckton in Southampton, gent. in Fording-Bridge parish.

Richard Reeves, of Kimpton in Southampton, gent.

Francis Jones, of Beddington in Surry, gent.

John Jones, of Newton Toney in Wilts, gent.

George Duke, of Stuckton in Southampton, gent.

Francis Bennet, of Killington in Somersetshire, gent.

Richard Wroughton, of Wilcott in Wilts, gent.

Thomas Helliard, of Uxton in Southampton, gent.

William Jenkins, of Fording-Bridge in Southampton, gent.

Thomas Westcomb, of Sarum, vintner.

Henry Collier, of Stepell Langford in Wilts, gent.

Thomas Fitz-James, of Henly in Dorsetshire, gent.

William Stroud, of Wincanton, in Somersetshire, gent.

Joseph Collier, of Steeple Langford in Wilts, gent.

Robert Harris, of Blandford in Somersetshire, cordwainer.

James Huish, of Kim-ridge in Dorsetshire, gent.

Edward Moreing, of Andover in Hampshire, weaver.

Edward Davy, of London, gent.

Joseph Moreing, of Andover in Hampshire, yeoman.

William Wake, of Blandford-Forum in Dorsetshire, clothier.

Thomas Powlton, of Pewsey in Wilts, innholder.

Edward Willis, of Sarum, innholder.

Christopher Haviland, of Lankey in Dorsetshire, yeoman.

Thomas Kninsey, of Salisbury, helliar.

Richard Attwood, of Uphaven, in Wilts, butcher.

Henry Hardinge, of Pewsey in Wilts, gent.

Abraham Wilson, of Sarum, cutler.

George Gifford, of Compton Chamberlain in Wilts, gardner.

Robert Browne, of Andover in Hampshire, cordwainer.

John Biby, of Compton Chamberlain in Wilts, gent.

Simon Barnard, of Blandford in Dorsetshire, taylor.

John Cooke, of Potterne in Wilts, gent.

Richard Humphrey, of Wyford in Wilts, warrener.

Edward Painter, of Andover in Hampshire, currier.

Stephen Elkin, of Compton Chamberlain, servant to mr. Edward Penruddocke.

John Jennings, of Compton Chamberlain, servant to col. Penruddocke.

Robert Nicholas, of Enford in Wilts, husbandman.

John Shepherd, of Compton Chamberlain in Wilts, servant to John Penruddocke, esq;

Richard Hyard, of Amporte in Hampshire, husbandman.

John Bond, of Harbury in Warwickshire, gent.

George Hayward, of Salisbury in Wilts, woollen-draper.

Isaac Stichley, of Sturminster in Dorsetshire, tanner.

John Hobbes, of Idmiston in Wilts, yeoman.

Robert Barefoot, of Sarum in Wilts, soap-boiler.

William Lewington, of Linchinhold in Hampshire, husbandman.

Nicholas Mussel, of Steple-Langsord in Wilts, yeoman.

Joseph Rivers, colonel, of Rivers-Hill in Hampshire.

John Hordisnell, of Gray's-Inn, London.

Carey Reynel, of Pinsted in Hampshire, gent.

William Hallet, of Netherby in Dorset, gardner.

Edmund Clicke, of Bagshot in Barkshire, gent.

Philip Woodward, of Fisherton near Salisbury, clotheworker.

Thomas Fray, of Tisbury in Wilts, helliar.

John Russel, of Blandford in Dorsetshire, weaver.

Henry Sampson, of Sherborn in Dorsetshire, husbandman.

John Williams, of Fyfield in Hampshire, carter.

Moses Kenfield, of Enfield in Wilts, husbandman.

Robert Skardey, of Endford in Wilts, taylor.

John Bankes, of Endford in Wilts, cordwainer.

Edward Targett, of Tesbury in Wilts, husbandman.

Leonard Catkitt, of Cholterton in Wilts, waggoner.

Nathaniel Galpin, of Blandford in Dorsetshire, Weaver.

Richard Broadgate, of Blandford in Dorsetshire, tapster.

Edmund Wynmouth, of Sherborn in Dorsetshire, miller.

James Combe, of Blandford in Dorsetshire, cooper.

Thomas Mortimer, of Sandford, husbandman.

Thomas Cawley, of Shalborne in Wilts, husbandman.

Richard Browne, of Enford in Wilts, servant to major Clarke.

Robert Mason, of Newton Toney in Wilts, capt. Jones's servant.

Robert Sugar, of Sherborn in Dorsetshire, feltmaker.

Richard Batt, of Sarum in Wilts, smith.

Harmistowy, a trumpeter, a Dutchman.

Ambrose Cole, of Poole in Dorsetshire, warrener.

John Chamberlain, of Sherborn in Dorsetshire, husbandman.

Thomas Uppington, of Chamberick in Wilts, husbandman.

William Peirce, of Salisbury in Wilts, carpenter.

Thomas Coker, of Tiverton, thatcher.

William Deyman, of Tiverton, gent.

John Allyn, of Holliborne in Hampshire, yeoman.

Thomas Lambert, of Wilsweld in Hampshire, bricklayer.

Jethro Morelhey, of Chaten in Wilts, husbandman.

Henry Bynsteed, of Bynsteed in Hampshire, taylor.

Timothy Maton, of Endsord in Wilts, carter.

Cornelius Igney, of Harneham in Wilts, carpenter.

Richard Read, of Whitchurch in Devonshire, husbandman.

William King, of Fisherton in Wilts, husbandman.

William Whatley, of Fisherton in Wilts, husbandman.

Richard Miles, of Andover in Hampshire, clotheworker.

Edward Cox, of Sturton in Somersetshire, gent.

William Bungy, of St. James's in Wilts, taylor.

Richard Broadgate, of Blandford in Dorsetshire, husbandman.

Richard Kinfield, of Enford in Wilts, husbandman.

Thomas Ranger, of Endford in Wilts, husbandman.

Andrew Blackman, of Binsteed in Hampshire, husbandman.

Thomas Gray, of Salisbury, hostler.

William Martin, of Evill in Somersetshire, taylor.

Hugh Edwards, of Bath, serving-man.

James Marchbankes, of Morpeth in Northumberland, serving-man.

Richard Andrewes, of Sherborn, baker.

John Pinson, of Sherborn, chapman.

Francis Toope, of East-Knoyle, in Wilts, gent.

John Purchase, of Salisbury, barber.

Richard Askott, of Samford Courtney in com. Devon. gent.

John Homburg, of Tre-mary, in com. Devon. gent.

William Hurd, of Maubry, in com. Devon. gent.

John Haynes, trumpeter.

Christopher Wood, of Colingborn.


Henry Clarke, of Endford in com. Wilts, esq;

Thomas Hunt, of the same, capt.

Edward Poulton, of Monckton in com. Wilts, capt.

Thomas Pickhaver, of Maddington in com. Wilts, gent.

Robert Foote, of Westminster, gent.

William Ganeham, of Andover, gent.

Henry Hewitt, of Salisbury, yeoman.

John Frampton, of Blandford.

John Elkins, of the same.

Augustin Greenwood, of Salisbury, taylor.

John Chapman, of the same.

John Fulford, servant to major Clarke.

Richard Goleston, of Amport in Southamptonshire, gent.

Oxenbridge Fowell, of Abbots Anne in Southamptonshire, gent.

Nicholas Saxton, of Alton, gent.

Christopher Prince, Servants to the said mr. Saxton.

Thomas Hutchins, Servants to the said mr. Saxton.

Jasper Kelway, of Salisbury, turner.

George Oliver, of Blandford, felt-maker.

Hugh Browne, of Fisherton in com. Wilts, labourer.

John Lymmington, of Salisbury, spurrier.

Charles Thomas, of Blandford, currier.

Richard Thornburgh, of Compton in Wiltshire, gent.

Col. Philips, of Mountague in Somersetshire.

Samuel Keymore.

William Atkins.


John Palmer, of Kilmelton, husbandman.

Henry Gyfford, of Bruton in Somersetshire, cordwainer.

Major general Disbrowe to the protector.

Vol. xxix. p. 244.

May it please your highnesse,
Accordinge to your commands, inclosed is a list of the prisoners in the several countyes and the places, where for the present they are secured. I doe understand, that many of them doe pretend to inocency, as the lord Paulett and one mr. Tent of Somersettshire, and the marquess of Harford in Wilts. The informations I have had since my comeinge into these parts concerning them is nothinge of new or late actinge, though I am very confident they generally knew of the late rebellion. Their be many in every county as bade or worse in their affections to the cavilere party, that are not secured, for they are of a meaner quality, and I did conceive it not convenient to sease more then I know what to doe withall; for truly I am humbly of opinion, that haveinge two many of them togetther, might give them an advantage of knowinge one another's minds more then now they can, beinge I am forced to keepe them for the most part in inns, not haveinge any other places, where is any accommodation for them. But if it be judged needfull, I can cause as many as your highness please to be taken up more; but I humbly conceive, these allready secured will be sufficient to proced with, and to make a patterne for all the rest.

Indeed, my lord, I have not found it so easy a worke as I thought it would have bine, to settel the militia in these parts to my satisfaction. I hope I shall now gitt through it. I have sent to major Sanders to attend your highnese for Devon, captain Gorges for Somersett, captain Dury for Dorsett, major Ludlow for Wilts, and I intend captain Crosts for Gloster: col. Bennett is allready at London, who will be for Cornwall. I shall not trouble your highnesse further now, only to subscribe myselfe,

Your highness's faythfull and humble servant,
John Disbrowe.

Major general Boteler to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 458.

Honourable sir,
I most humbly thanke you for mentioning my suite to his highness; and whiles he thinkes my stay in theise parts needfull, I thinke so too, and shall very cheerfully comply with his commands. I shall away to Salisbury, and advise with your sherriff about the returning of their juries. I am exceeding gladd to see justice at the heels of those, whose feete were lately so swift to shedd the bloud of saints. Because sentence against an evill worke is not speedily executed; therefore is (and I am sure hath been in our late dayes) the barts of such men fully sett in them to doe evill. Every thing is lovely in it's season; the same justice upon these offenders would lose much of its glory, if its execution should be deferred. Give me leave to minde you something in reference to one mr. Saint Loe, that I sent up by captain Horsington; besides that examination he brought with him here is one of the parishe of Shaftsberry, that informes he sent in two men and horses to the rebells, as well as accompanied them in his owne person. Also I have this night sent a party to apprehend sir Seamour Pyle, who by the confession of a prizoner I have here was at their first rendezvouze with sir Harry Moore, mr. Mason, and Charles Lucas, and others. I have had an high suspition of him this 5 or 6 six dayes; and have at length found my gentleman really guilty, as you may see by this coppy of the information I have sent up; but he was so cunning to be at church both noones on the sunday, and went not out till about the eveninge, and met mr. Mason and others at ten in the night, and came back from that first rendezvous, reserving his further appearance till success should invite it, as many others did, who, I trust, in tyme will be discovered, as well as he. I intend to send him, or take him with me to Salisbury; and there committ him to his partners, that he may share in their punishment, as well as in the sin. I beseech you, sir, present my most humble duty to his highness, and let me assure you, that I am,

Marlebrough, March 28, 1655. at 10 at night.

Sir, your most faithful servant,
William Boteler.

The information of William Palmer of Hungerford in the county of Berks, cordwainer, taken before major Boteler, March 28, 1655.

Vol. xxiv. p. 462.

Who saith, that upon sunday was fortnight being the 12th day of this instant, he going from Hungerford aforesaid with mr. Mason and his man, who were then going to the rendezvouz at Old Sarum, did at a place called Bottle's Hill 4 or 5 miles from Hungerford, meet there about ten or twelve other persons about ten a clock the same night, among whom was sir Seamour Pyle, mr. Mason, and mr. Deane, and one Thomas Curr, all whom this informant well knew and saw there, which was a place appointed for their meeting before they should go to subscribe; and this informant saith, that he refused to go any further himself, and from thence he returned home again to Hungerford, but left sir Seamour Pyle and the aforementioned persons together; and saith, that one Rose, servant to sir Humphry Moore, told him that all these persons were intended to go together to the aforesaid rendezvouz, and that captain Pyle was also among them, but this informant knoweth him not.

William [ ] Palmer his mark.

Ol. Williams to the protector.

Vol. xxiv. p. 459.

May it please your highnes,
I Was informed where an agent from the pope lay, and I went into his lodging, and went as a servant to a ladie, sent to him for a pardon, but he himselfe was not at home, but his mother asked the party that brought me in, whether I weare a catholicque: thay answered, that I was. The agent's mother called me to her, and tould how God had bin pleased to make her sonn an instrument to convert many into that religion out of the citty of London, since his coming over, and that now he is gon to Linckollneshire, to dispose of some commissions, which he and two more brought from king Charles out of France, and when her son came home, I should have a pardon for my lady and myselfe. She gave me these two things, and shewed me many picktures, which he brought with him from Rome. The same party brought one major Cave, who is heare an agent for Charles Stuart; and he would ingage me to furnish him with many thousands of armes, and I Should have part mony, and the rest from sufficient men in London. He tould me how they would convey them into a safe hand in Kent, and that within a few dayes they would betray the citty and Tower; but I shall know all their secretts, as he tells me. I shall waite at the doore to know your highnes plesure and direction in this things.

March 28, 1655.

Your highnesse's faithful servant,
Oliver Williams.

The deposition of Edward Jones of Dwifrood, taken upon oath before me Humphry Mackworth, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the said county of Shrewsbury, March 28, 1655.

Vol. xxiv. p. 460.

Being demanded what he knew concerning the late raising of men in this county and Montgomeryshire, he saith, that there was a drawing men together by mr. Ralph Kynaston, now a prisoner in Shrewsbury; and that he this deponent was spoken unto by the said Ralph Kynaston, who sent for him to an alehouse on wednesday the 7th instant, and desired him to go along with him. He this deponent asked him whither he would have him go, he replied to a rendezvous in one of the Clanomuny-fields on thursday in the evening following, where he said sir Arthur Blany would meet, and that thence they were to go to sir Thomas Harris his park, and thence to Shrewsbury. He further saith, that he heard Ralph Kynaston say, that sir Thomas Harris was to be commander in chief; and that he the said Ralph Kynaston promised to come within two days after, but could not go with them in regard of his wife's illness, but would bring him and the rest of the men who went along with him to sir Thomas Harris's. Being asked who were engaged under the said Ralph Kynaston, he saith, that he saw going to the rendezvous on thursday in the evening David Owen, Edward Owen who had a sword, Roger Geno with a rapier, John Jones with a sword, and that captain John Tongue met them within a quarter of a mile of the place of rendezvous as they were upon the way, and told them, that the men, who were engaged under Kynaston, should turn about and go to sir Thomas Harris's party, saying, come to our party, and there you will be safe, otherwise they would be lost; and he heard Tongue give no reason for it, but hath since heard that new bridge was secured by a party from Montgomery. Every one of them went to their several habitations except Tongue, who went towards Boreacton, but whither he afterwards went this deponent knoweth not. Being asked what money was given by Ralph Kynaston to himself or any of the rest who were to go with him; he saith, that he saw him give one shilling to Philip Sheloock, but he remembers not of any more given to the rest. Being demanded what commission Ralph Kynaston had to raise men, he saith, that he heard he was to have a captain's place under sir Thomas Harris, but knows not the same certainly.

H. Mackworth.

Edward Jones.

Major general Berry to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 463.

I Writt to my lord formerly to know what he would order concerning the armes that I tooke in Nottinhamshire; and desired that he would please to give them to the five troopes that were in that service, viz. two troopes of major generals, two troopes of col. Hacker's, and my owne. I beseech you know his answers, and let me heare. The pistolls and saddles I sent to Leicester to col. Hacker; some armour and two busse coates I have here. I beeleeve there wil be very little advantage to the publique in sending them to any magazine; and it would much engage the affections of the souldiers, if my lord would bestow them among them. I shall not presse it further, but begge a returne of his answer to, sir,

Lincolne, March 28, 1655.

Your reall friend and servant,
Ja. Berry.