A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: March (5 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp261-276 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: March (5 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp261-276.
"State Papers, 1655: March (5 of 8)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp261-276.
In this section
March (5 of 8)
A letter of information from John Price.
Vol. xxiv. p. 286.
Right worshipfull,
I Have inteligence of one mr. Burnet, minister, alias a profane parish priest of
Burmash, about three myles from Hieth, that he hath beene lately in France. His
maid lett fall words to this purpose; that being demanded by a friend of her's, where
her master was, said, hee was gone to France, and would returne with an army against the
round-heads; that hee was expected every day there. Captain Knott, governor of
Sandgate-castle neere Hieth, gave order to your late officer, Philip Littlewood of Hieth,
to apprehend him, who was not soe wife as he should in secresie; but I understand, the
said Burnett is come over, and now in London, a verie dangerous, knowing, and subtle
man, supposed to have especial busines in these wicked commotions. I have made it my
work, but cannot yet finde where he lodgeth. I heare, that those countrymen doe ordinarily
lodge at the king's head in Love-lane, neere Billingsgate. It's posible hee may, if wisely
managed, bee heard of there, or at the starre on Fish-streete-hill. He was, as I heare, a captain in the late king's army, and hath his living still, and hath putt in a fellow in his roome,
during his present absence. Were his house searched, and all examined apart, it may
be hee may bee found out. It is somewhat a blind story, but pardon mee, I beseech you,
Dover, March 17, 1654.
This is a copy.
Your humble servant,
John Price.
Thomas Chase to secretary Thurloe.
Alton, March 17, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 287.
Honoured sir,
I Thought it my duty at this juncture of time, humbly and briefely to represent to you
somewhat of the state of our part of the countrey about Alton, giving you hereby to
understand, that diverse (upon this late rising at Salisbury) of a very notorious and dangerous quality, taking their horses, left their houses, and, as is generally conceived, and
indeed undoubtedly believed, repayred to the randevouz nere Salisbury; some of which
are since returned. Some others we yet heare not of. Now, sir, my humble motion
is, in behalfe of myselfe and my honest countrymen, that it would please his highnes to
vouchsafe, that some further enquiry may be made after such dangerous fellowes, that
such course may be taken with them for the future, as may conduce to the countrey's safety
and peace, and the encouraging those that feare the Lord to goe on resolutely in all such
wayes, as tend to the promoting of truth, unity, and peace; and in case it be required,
there will be some about us, that will be ready to give in the names of divers such persons,
as abovesaid. The bearer hereof, who is post-master living in Alton, a very considing
poor man, and truly cordial for the honest and publicke interest, can, if you please, give
you, sir, some particular account of these things. Be pleased, sir, to excuse me, that I
should thus farr presume on your more weighty affayrs at this tyme; but partly out of a
sence of my duty, as also in answeare to my promise lately made to you with mr. Cowper,
and withall perceiving diverse honest men to be of the same mind and desire with me,
I have adventured on your candid favour, being willing to approve my selfe in all just
Sir, your's, under his highnes, and the states, most humble servant,
Thomas Chase.
W. Rogers, governor of Hereford, to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 288.
May it please your highness,
I Would not lett slipp any opportunity to signify what posture we are in. There are
ten companies of soote, and two troopes of horse, already modelled and raised in
these two counties of Hereford and Monmouth. They are not yet quite filled up, but will
be suddenly. I am sent to from the well affected of Brecknockshire, who give me to understand, they can presently make ready two or three hundred horse and foote, but dare not
raise them, because they want authority. They desire to be associated with us. If your
highness please to send me any orders, blanke commissions, or instructions in relation thereto, I shall instantly observe them.
In pursuance of your last orders I have secured severall disaffected persons, and seazed many serviceable horses. Col. Birch coming hither now in the midle of the assizes (the city being very full of all sortes of people) gave out before the judges, as they themselves told me, that the present insurrections (Salisbury and the rest) did not consist of cavaliers, but a company of silly quakers, with some other discontented persons. He also told me the same, and added further, that the greatest matter was our owne jealosies and feares. Considering this, and what we knowe of his carriadge, when the Scots were in Worcester, and his behaviour of late, I feared such speeches were coales cast abroad to kindle divisions among the good people here, and to hinder their uniting against the comon enimy. I thought it my duty for the safety and peace of these partes, and agreeable to your former orders, to secure him; which I have done, and as his sword was taking from him (he refusing to deliver it) said, though my sword is short now, it may be long enough within a while (the sword hanging by his side, being a little short sword) and very angrily asked me, whether I had orders to secure him. I answered, if I have not, you will question me. He replied, yes, that I will. I said againe, I beleive it. So we parted, and he is in custody. I have sent a party to possess his moated house (which I finde is very stronge with draw-bridges, it is alsoe well provided) least at this tyme it might be surprized and manned against your highnesse, and be a great scourge to this country. I beseech your highness speedy order concerning this person and his house, whither I shall continue a guard there, or make it untenable. There is to be in Worcester city very shortly one of the greatest horse faires in England. There are now no forces in that county. It may be of concernment, if your highness appoint a good party of horse to lye thereabout. Major Creede hath fower troopes now in Glocester. Thus, craving pardon for this long trouble, I remain
Hereford city, March 17, 1654.
Your highness humble and faithfull servant,
W. Rogers.
Mr. J. Topping to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 289.
Honoured sir,
Your's of the 10th instant, together with his highness letter, I received, and to the
utmost of my power shall be carefull in observeing the commands therein. Wee have
11 contray gentlemen prisoners, who are suspected persons; and I exspect more to be
sent in this day. Wee have two companyes in this garrison, consisting of 70 men in a company. Yesterday I sent thirty men, comanded by captain Simpson, to secure the castle,
untill 130 men, who are on their march from Barwicke, come to secure the towne alsoe.
Wee were on the third night's duty before I sent this party away; and indeed this place is
as cold, standing into the sea, as any place I ever came to, which causes our soldiers to
falle sicke, and will weaken us much, if the centinells go on every third hour, as nowe
they doe. Lord's day last a party of the caveleares, about 60, were in armes neere Morpeth,
and yesterday captain Lilburne was upon his march to fall upon a party of caveleares, got
together at Barnye-castle. All these things considered, I thought it my duty, to request you
to acquaint his highness therewith, that, if it seeme good, a greater number of men may
be allowed to secure this place, for here was never soe small a number, untill the yeare
52, in all the late warrs. I hope our God will owne his people still; for our enemyes
witts are good, but they want hearts to act their diabollycall designes. Soe doubtless the
marcies of our good God endure for ever. I desire to heare of the receipt of this.
I am,
Tynemouth-castle, March 17, 165 4/5.
Sir, your very humble servant,
Jo. Topping.
I am unwilling, yet if I doe not make it knowne, it may redound to my shame: we
cannot subsist without a constant supply of money; our soldiers are 16 weeks pay behinde;
and it made us poore, becausee we live upon one another. I have lent the other company
out of my own purse 50 l. and we are in as much want as ever. Barwicke and Carlisle
can borrow, or provide otherwise; it is not soe with us. I blesse God, we are all contented;
and I heare noe inquietnesse; but want of pay hath begott mutinyes, and I . . . . feare
the worst.
General Disbrowe to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 290.
May it please your highnesse,
This evening I received intelligence, that the enemy was routed on wednesday night
last at Moulton in the county of Devon; severall prisoners taken and carried to Exon
goale; but I suppose the particulars are more fully sent to your highnesse than is yet come
to my hands; and therefore I doe by these humbly acquaint you of my intentions as to
further service, by dividing these troopes with me into severall places, where they may lye
convenient for the apprehending of those that are fled, viz. my own troope to Bemister,
captain Scotton's at Bredport, major Blackmore's at Crookehorne, captain Wallington's at
South Petherton, and major Jenkins at Somerton, and to keepe a guard at Lamport: major Butler's troopes, two to Salisbury, and two to Marlborough; and the two troopes of
colonel Twiselton's to returne to Alton and Farnham, all to attend your highness's further
pleasure. I have written to the respective sheriffs of Wilts, Dorset, Somersett, Devon,
and Cornewall, to use their utmost endeavours for the apprehending of all suspitious persons, that may be thought to have had a hand in this insurrection; and have also written
to the justices of the peace of those respective countys, to make diligent enquiry what
persons have been absent from their habitations within the space of ten dayes last past, and
upon examination to deale with them as to justice shall appertaine.
I purpose (God willinge) forthwith to ride to Exon, there to spend two or three days in examining those prisoners taken, from whom somthing may be obtained for the advantage of the commonwealth. I am informed, that Penruddock, Grove, Jones, and Mumparsons, with about 40 of their men are at Exon in prison. It is thought T. Wagstasse is escaped. I beg your highness's pleasure and commands concerning myselfe and my troopes, and subscribe myselfe
Wincanton, March 17, 1654.
Your highnesse's humble servant,
John Disbrowe.
J. Griffiths to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 291.
Your messenger (mr. Cook) with the packitts unto major colonel Duckenfield, col.
Croxton, and myselfe is safe come hither, and is now speeding away to col. Duckenfield and col. Croxton, to the end you may receive a satisfactory accompt thence. By the
blessing of God upon our vigilancey there are not now any visible party of the enemy in
those parts, that dare keepe their station, other than some skulking partys, who meete in the
most obscure places, and upon notice of our readiness disperse themselves; for since our
first intelligence, wee have been upon our guard heere, as captain Picke, captain Taylor,
and several others have been in North Wales; and upon all occasions we have had recourse
to each other, and have taken severall persons, some whereof have confessed the reallity of
their own treacherous designe, one whereof, which came to my hands, I have here inclosed;
fuller discovery whereof you may confidently expect, now there is a power to act by, which
wee shall speedily putt in execution. The regiment of horse you have commissionated col.
Duckenfield unto, will sufficiently serve for all the quarters of North Wales and Cheshire.
I humbly thanke you for your nomination of captain Wright; and I am confydent his
highness will finde comfort and satisfaction both from that and his Cheshire choice. I shall
carefully send yours to my lord deputy, and did not omitt to send to you by any post since
the first stir; nor hereafter shall, when any thinge of concernment may be communicated by,
Chestur, March 17, 1654.
Sir, your most humble servant,
J. Griffiths.
The commissions are misplaced, for that which should have been for the commissioners of the county, were sent to the cytty, which I have sent to rectifye.
Col. James Berry to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 293.
May it please your highnes,
We have, as well as we could, perfected the busines of these parts; and this day by
your highnes order I am left alone, colonel Hacker haveing called away his
troopes to Liecester, and my lord Lambert commanded his to Namptwich. I came even
now from Newarke to Mansfield, thinkeing it convenient to moove to and fro to prevent
new stirring. Indeed I hope the snare is broke in these parts. I hope you have an
account of such prisoners as have been taken. I sent those we had towards London;
but I perceive they have been sent to Coventry by colonel Hacker. We have disarmed
divers malignants, and taken engagements for others, against whom we can prove nothing. We find none but broken marchants in this busines; and in most places we find
men willing to declare against it. Nottingham hath voluntarily sett a guard upon their
bridge, to stop those that fly from us, and examine all that passe, and desire assistance. I
have given them incouragement, but can spare none from my troope. If you judge there
be need, I could quickly increase my troope. We make a shift to pay quarters, but indeed
we cannot doe it long without money. If you would please to thinke on Lincolneshire, and
try them a little, in authoriseing them to raise some men for keepeing the peace of their
countrey, I am apt to thinke, colonel Rawcester would appeare for you in this quarrel. I
humbly expect and crave your order concerning these armes we have taken; as alsoe instructions what to doe, which shal be faithfully observed by
Newarke, March 17, 1654.
Your highnes most humble servant,
J. Berry.
Prisoners taken from colonel Hacker, major Goodricke, and his party, are,
Captain Barker.
Cecil Cooper.
Major Scott.
Mr. Whalleys 2 men.
John Cooper's carter that carried the armes.
One Plunkett, an Irish man.
Those that we heare were there, and are fled,
Captain John Cooper of Thurgaton.
Mr. Thomas Nayler of Halam.
Mr. Bins of Dodsworth.
Mr. Davison, tutor to sir Go. Saville.
Colonel Gilby.
Mr. Thomas Paldwin.
Mr. Gregory Paldwin.
One Felton of Halam.
Mr. Joseph Chambers to Thomas Basnet, esq.
Vol. xxiv. p. 292.
Worthie sir,
Sithence your departure from us, I have had maney sudden unexpected troubles. It clearly
appeareth, there was a damnable rebellious riseing and plott intended by many
thousand disafected, malignant, and desperate wicked men, to putt all the nation into a
flame, and to involve and imbroyle us into a sadd warr and division. Through God's mercy
and gracious providence of our good God, who ordereth all things according to the councell
of his owne will, as also by the prudence and vigilancie of the lord protector, in many
places, the enemeys are disipated, and their plotts and councells effatuated, blessed be the
Lord of heaven for his love to his people and to our nation. Sir, upon wensday last
commissary generall Reynolds, by order from his highnes the lord protector, came to me,
and desired me to give notice to our bretheren, that he desired a treaty with us; and to
observe our reality and good affection to the republique, acquainting us, that he had order
to withdrawe the forces you lest in towne, to march to Woscester; and that we should
presently sett the citie in a posture of defence, and that we should raise three companeys
under the command of lieutenant col. Phipps, major Beake, captain Brownell. I have
taken the care and charge of the safety and security of the citie upon me; upon which I
had the keyes redelivered to my care and charge. I have caused watch and ward day and
night, and have taken much paines day and night for the preservation of our poore citie.
Sir, at the commissary his goeing from Coventry, he gave me a list of maney disafected
persons to be brought in and secured, which is performed accordingly, some of them
disposed to one place, some to another, we having as yet neither marshall or prison to secure them. The most trouble is, col. Hacker of Lescester hath sent divers prissoners to
be secured, who were directed to the comander in chiefe of the forces in Coventry. The
captaine beinge marched away, they are put upon us. We are almost at our witts end to
know what to do with them. I wish heartily, we were discharged of them. Sir, this
day we have raised three compleate companeys under the command of the gentlemen before
mentioned, who are all unanimus to serve the publique. This I conceive will not hold to
be under command long without pay. We do not know how or which way to raise it. I am
as good a husband for the citie, as possible I can, in the preservation of our repute,
money is expended, doe what I can. Sir, my service and cordiall respects to you and
col. Puresoy. Thus, as briefly as I could, I have given you an account of our present
condition. I much want your presence and faithfull discreate advice and assistance. He
that earnestly prayeth for your good health, welfare, good successe, and happie returne to
our cittie of Coventry, is
Coventry, March 17, 1654.
Your servant to command,
Joseph Chambers.
The superscription,
To his much honoured freind, the honourable
Thomas Basnet, esq; at the Bell in Frydaystreet, neere Cheapside.
Commissary general Reynolds to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 295.
It is no small contentment, that I was encouraged to present an account of affaires unto
you, when I was dispatched into these parts, where since my coming I have enquired
with diligence into the state of the countrey, and of the affections of the people, and am
exceedingly sensible of the consequence of this place, which if surprized would have
proved in all likelihood once more the founeteine of a warre. The young governour hath
behaved himselfe verry discreetly and faithfully, and will, I hope, receive encouragement
in these his hopefull beginings. Since my coming severall militia companyes, being quartered here and at Wrexam, have offerred the continuance of their service upon the pay
of his highnes; but having acquainted them with the greate want of money, and that
some forces of your standing army were sent to preserve the peace, whereby they might
be eased of the hazard and trouble, which duty would bring upon them, they are gone
to their several habitations. Col. Crowne continues listing, and, I beleive, will have a
regiment verry speedily completed. His desires are, that the countrey may be charged with
the pay of the private souldiours 2 dayes in each month; whereby he may be enabled to
draw them forth upon those dayes to discipline them. This is humbly tendred to be
considered. Both these and those at Wrexam are gone home with resolutions to randesvous upon occasion, and with greate chearfullness and satisfaction. The armes are laide
up in safe places.
I received no positive orders concerning the seizing upon malignants, and disarming all the disafected, but am sensible, that if it bee not now done, some plott will come to more maturity; and then it will be too late. I judged the removall of combustible matter verry necessary, when a fire is begun not farre of; and to this purpose I have sent into the severall countyes, where I have a present charge of horse, that all persons suspected to have a hand in the present designe of a generall rising, or likely to do mischiefe, be taken into custody, untill further order from his highnes. If some promissary engagement of obedience and submission to the governement were offerred to all those who are seized upon in the nation, besides security by obligation, it would be a tie upon them (if any thinge can bind an ingratefull people) or at least a cleare conviction against them, when they rebell, as certainely they intend to doe; and I much suspect those, that are incredulous of any plot, being like the Irish, who never beleive their enemy deade, till his heade be off. To such persons punishment seemes more adue than perswasion.
The examinations of those, who are found guilty of the surprisall intended at this place shall be sent you speedily, and several proofes against one captain Kineston and others, who listed men in the day time publiquely for Charles the 2d. If a commission were sent to try them, I conceive it would prevent much future evill, and be a meanes to satisfy many. This is likewise humbly tendred to be considered. I shall expect his highnes farther pleasure, which, so farre as the Lord shall enable me, none shall with more good affections and diligence pursue, than,
Shrewsbury, March 17, 1654.
Sir, your humble and faithfull servant,
J. Reynolds.
I have received intelligence from all the countyes mentioned in my order, that they are in present quietnes, in reference to action; but the honest people are much afraide, notwithstanding the forces are come.
Mrs. Katherine Bradshaw, wife of resident Bradshaw, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 297.
Honored sir,
I Returne you many thanks for your favour in presenting me to his highnes, and
hope you weare pleased since to acquaint him with my husband's letter, that so his
highnes might not strange at my waiteing of him so lonely, the distemper of my head
seazing soe sadly, that my spirits weere made uncapable to acquaint his highnes or your
honour of my condition for my deare husband, and that honest and godly party joyning
with truth, although the least in number, yet the greatest in faithfullnes to his highnes
and this present government; and thoes of the companye that fears God, and are confidant he is pleased to one them, and letts out much of comfort to uphould ther harts
amongst a perverse people in thiese sad tymes, theire enemies bosting both heare and at
Hamburgh of maney eminent frinds they have made for them, and are very confident to
reape the full of theire bitternes against my husband and them, which they report is allready effected, and joy much with the thoughts of greate dishonor cast on my husband; but
I presume one your honor's tendernes of him and the honest partey, to whome I perceive
his highnes doth leave the whole busines. Sir, mr. Townlye being heare to carry on
the busines with a joynt purse, haveing the engagement of all the malignant party to stand
soe by him in this busines, they are resolved to hazard there fortunes and break the
company, rather than fayle in their wicked desingne, which I am tould by severall, they
have now effected the call of my husbant for England, and upon that account, all the loose
yong men are in returne to drinke out theire distructions. It's sadd to say it, but tow
true: the truth of this report I beseech you be pleased to retorne me in too lines by this
bearer, my servant, that I may forbeare sending servants and severall other needfull provisions, which he ordered me, and expects by thes shipps which fall downe within three dayes.
Sir, I must crave pardon for my tediousnes, and your favourable respect, in excuseing my
not attending your laydy before this, which is occasioned by want of health, but hope to
waite upon her before long. In the meane time, I comitt you to God, and in him rest,
London, March the 19th dae, 1654.
Honored sir,
your frind and servaunt,
Kath. Bradshaw.
The deposition of Francis Thornes of Shelvocke, in the county of Salop, esq; before Humphrey Mackworth, esq; governor of the said towne, William Crowne, esq; and justice of the peace of the county of Salop, and Charles Benyon, esq; justice of the peace of the towne and libertie of Shrewsbury, who deposeth as followeth, March 19, 1654.
Shrewsb. ss.
Vol. xxiv. p. 298.
That he knoweth not any thing directly or indirectly concerning the plot, in carrying on a design for the taking the town of Shrewsbury and castle; and that upon wednesday the 7th of this instant March, he being first sent unto by mr. Lloyd of Llanvorda, to meet the said mr. Lloyd at John Wyke his house, at Shott Alton, an alehouse, Sir Thomas Harris came thither about half an hour after, this deponent not knowing any thing of his coming there; and where were met one mr. Cole, mr. Edwards of Cawlefrey, one — Jones, an attorney, his son Thomas Thornes, and one mr. Robert Lee, who came with this deponent, who being all at present this deponent can remember, the only business that this deponent came there about was in reference to private business, and the whole time's discourse of the persons aforesaid, at their meeting, was not a word concerning the King's person, or any plot or design in reference to this county, or any other part of the nation, saving that this deponent told the said persons met together, what he heard from one mr. Stanley, viz. that the said mr. Robert Stanley, the minister of Knuckyn, coming the same morning to this deponent's house about private business, and in their discourse the said mr. Stanley told this deponent, that one Ralph Kynaston was raising of men at the Knuckyn; and it was the report of the people of the country to this deponent, that the said Ralph Kynaston was raising of men at the Knuckyn for the king; and that this deponent told the said persons, met as aforesaid, that his the said Ralph Kynaston's foolish carriage would bring an inconveniency upon them; and further deposeth not.
William Crowne.
Charles Benyon.
Francis Thornes.
The examination of Richard Corbett, gentleman, taken upon oath before William Crowne, esq;
March 19, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 300.
Who saith, that he did not know of any rising or plot against the garrison of Shrewsbury, or otherwise; but saith, that upon thursday was sevennight there was one Halsey, a gentleman of his this examinate's acquaintance, sent a note to this examinate by one Morris Shoue, a labourer, which purported his desire of seeing this examinate the next morning at Shrewsbury; and accordingly this examinate, having two days before appointed to go a hunting, did call on them, and drank with them in bed, and tarried about a quarter of an hour; but denieth, that there was any discourse at all passed between them touching the publick, or present government; only that they related, that they were going for Ireland, but did not tell him, whence they came, but asked this examinate, whether he had a good horse: he answered them, he had not; and saith, that the said Halsey had then a case of pistols with him; and he this examinate asked him, how he durst ride with pistols, and he answered, he had a commission from the protector to go for Ireland; and saith, that there was no company but servants and neighbours, that were with him a hunting that day; and that he left the said Halsey and the other two men with them, and since saw them not, or before, of six years last past.
William Crowne.
Rich. Corbett.
The examination of Robert Shenton of Eyton, in the county of Salop, aged about thirty years, or thereabouts, taken upon oath before William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the said county, March 19, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 301.
Deposeth, that one told him that sir Thomas Eaton had sent to borrow a pair of pots and a pack saddle to fetch things from Watling-street to his house, which were brought from London; and upon the Lord's day before this town was to be surprised, being the 4th instant, the said sir Thomas sent to one Edward Jones to Wellington, to know whether he had been with the lord Newport, to know whether the hunting did hold at Tongue, or at what hour he should meet my lord at Watling-street; and the monday following in the morning sir Thomas and his two men were seen going into Watling-street to one Fewtrell's house, where they continued a great part of that day. On thursday following mr. Thornes and his son came to sir Thomas his house, and staid about two hours, and after went in company with sir Thomas to a little alehouse called the Sheabridge by a woodside near his house; and whither they went after this deponent knoweth not. Upon friday following sir Thomas and his men went very early to the aforesaid Fewtrell's house in Watling-street, and there staid most part of the forenoon. And this deponent further saith, that he heard the same day, that when sir Thomas was gone, the servants of the house hid all the arms that were in the house. Likewise on wednesday last the said sir Thomas sent two of his horses to his house at How Hall, or that way to be secured, as he conceiveth. And this deponent saith further, that he was informed, that an ancient man upon a grey in fole mare came often unto his house before the 4th instant, as though he came from Boreacton side of the country; and upon sunday the 11th instant the aforesaid countryman was seen coming on foot to sir Thomas Eaton's house by the people, as they came to church.
William Crowne.
Robert Shenton.
The said deponent further saith, that about summer there came a letter from colonel Gerard to sir Thomas Eaton, in which there was a passage, viz. That churl Nabal should not long enjoy the vinyard, but princely Ahab should soon reign again, or words to that effect. Whereupon Thomas Harper of Wellington told sir Thomas of the passage, which Thomas Parrock first related, and a check for his pains by the said sir Thomas.
William Crowne.
Robert Shenton.
The deposition of Nathanieal Rogers, of Masbrooke in the county of Salop, taken upon oath, before me William Crowne, esq; March 21, 1654.
That about tuesday, the 6th of March, mr. Kynaston came to his father's house at Masbrooke, and called there; and that this deponent came unto the door, and thereupon mr. Ralph Kynaston asked him, whether he would go along with him. This deponent replied, that he could not be absent for any long time, because of this business; whereupon mr. Kynaston replied, that he should go no farther than he went; and this deponent then heard, that mr. Kynaston had engaged many others to go with him, and was then raising men, and, as the rumour of some in the country was, for the king; but denieth that mr. Kynaston said more particularly unto him any thing of the design, but told him, that he would come, or send for him, when to come, and to tell him what the business was.
William Crowne.
Nathaniel [ ] Rogers his mark.
Mr. Ralph Harmer to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 304.
Honoured sir,
I am now almost come to the blunt resolution of Luther, expressed in as blunt Latine,
vadat mundus sicut vult, nam vult vadere sicut vult; onely give me leave, I beseech you,
to trouble your honor and myselfe with publik affaires. I hope, by the blessing of
God, the feare of those wretched soules, who thirsted for blood, is pretty well blown over;
and that some of them shall drinke of that cup they intended for others. But, sir, what
advantage of peace abroad, if trouble and dissension at home? Surely you have sent us
down commissions to raise and settle malitiam rather than militiam in our citie by your
superadded officers. It may be his highnes thinks hee hath ingaged the more unto him;
but truely, sir, hee hath much sadned all your best friends; and if your heartie affection
and service be any thing worth, hee will lose by it. The men are not so considerable, nor
soe respected, as to have many followers, but by force, which will much discourage and
discontent, if it doe prevaile. And truely, sir, I must needes tell your honour, that hee or
they were much mistaken, or somewhat worse, that suggested to you, that they were such
honest men, as you write; for as for the col. if to be a cavileer with cavileers; if to be
imployed from from hence to Oxford for commissions or patents from the king; if to be
a presbiter, when presbitery is uppermost, to be an independant with independants, an
anabaptist with anabaptists, and now to be a friend and favourer to ranters and quakers, his
wife being a profest quaker; if to be intimate and familliar, and have often meetings with,
and give countenance to such as are prosessed enemies to the present authoritie (none being
greater with that viper Bishop, and that gange, then hee) if these thinges be to be honest,
then hee is honest. As for the lieutenant colonel, he is a stranger crept into the citie since
the troubles, and so honest, that most men are afraid to trade or deale with him. I
doubt not, but hee that presented them as honest, did as much for others, till they were
discovered to be so honest to drinke healthes to the kinge, though in command under
his highnes, and receiving publik pay; whereof I doubt not but that most ingenuous
gent. major Boteler, hath given an account. Sir, neither of them are my enimies, nor
have they done mee wrong; and if they had, I hope my principle would carry me above
private revenge. The desire I have to promote the publik peace and welfare hath put
me on to this unpollitick, but true and honest undertakinge; but I am secure in your
love and wisdome. But yet I must tell your honour, what I have here writt is no secret
in our cittie; and if you shall but hint, that my plaine dealing suites not the court temper, I'le trouble your honour no more in this kind, but I shall retire my selfe to my
private devotions, and (inter alia) pray, that the Lord would preserve his highnes from
secret plotters and open flatterers, from pretended friends and reall enemies; that he would
make him (and your honour under him) friends to those, who seeke the publik more then
their private interest; and that hee would teach us all so to demeane our selves in the practise
of honesty and truth here, that wee may be everlastingly happy hereafter: which that your
honour in particular may attaine, craveing pardon for my boldnes, I commend you to the
grace of God, ever resting, however things goe,
Bristoll, March 19, 1654.
Sir, your honour's most true and faithfull servant,
Ralph Harmer.
I am to present to your honor the due respects of your humble servants, mr. Aldworth and mr. Powell, who tell mee, that all our magistrates intend to make a strict and private search this night through the whole cittie for strangers.
Capt. Lawson to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 305.
Right honourable,
I Shall presume to beseech your honor, that if the Speaker cannot be filled for the summer guard, that then vice-admiral Blewitt may be ordered to one of the third rate
frigats at Portsmouth, and to get her ready with what speed may be, for he is one that
hath done very good service: he is an old servant ever since the war with the late king,
is an ingenious active man; and if there be any action, one that I am sure there will be
need of. For his fidelity I will engage my life. Here is a vessel newly come into the
Downes, which the 15th instant was in Diepe road upon the coast of France, and should
have gone in, but had some advertisement from shore, that all the English and Dutch
shipps there were stayed; and they also told him, there was a stay in all other ports
in France, and that they are pressing seamen very fast at Diepe; and I hear also, that
there is a great fleete of ships in New Haven road, but what they are I know not. This
with the tenders of my humble service is all at present, but that I am,
Fairefax in the Downes, March 19, 1654.
Right honourable,
your honour's most humble
and faithfull servant,
Jo. Lawson.
The examination of Elias Preston of Wrexham, in the county of Denbigh, chirurgeon barber, taken upon oath before William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the County of Salop.
Vol. xxiv. p. 306.
Who being demanded, what company was in his examinate's house at Wrexham upon wednesday the 7th day of this instant March, he this examinate keeping an inn there, he saith, that there was one major Kelledmund, an outlandish man, who, as this deponent hath heard, was formerly an officer under princet Rupert in this nation; lieutenant Sidney, who was a lieutenant under the late lord Capel; captain Pickering, who was once a capt. in Holt-castle for the king, and one mr. Nicholas Bayley of Carnarvon there; and saith that one William Eaton was at this examinate's house on the aforesaid wednesday morning, but did not see any of the abovementioned persons; and further saith, that there was that morning at his this examinate's house one mr. Oliver Broughton, who was formerly an ensign for the late king, and he was with the said major Kelledmund, lieutenant Sidney, captain Pickering, and mr. Bayley, in a chamber above stairs; and that colonel Robert Broughton and major Vaughan was there with the said Oliver Broughton, before he went up to the aforesaid gentleman in the chamber; and that one mr. Roger Edwards near Orlton came then thither; and doth deny, that there were any other persons in his this examinate's house that day, so long as he this examinate was there; and they came there upon no other business but to drink a cup of ale (as he knoweth) but confesseth, that he saw a little case of pistols of the said captain Pickering's in his chamber in this examinate's house, where he had quartered the greatest part of the last winter, and saw no other pistols. And saith further, that he came upon the said wednesday from his house in Wrexham to Orlton, where he alighted at a shoemaker's house near the church, and there found two countrymen, and there he only tarried the drinking of a cup of ale, and taking of a pipe of tobacco; and from thence he came to mr. Kynaston's of Otley, to enquire for one mr. Benjamin Francis, a kinsman of the said mr. Kynaston's, for some money that he owed him this examinate; and from thence he came to a place called Ryton, about a mile from sir Thomas Harris his house, where they lay all night at one Bray's house, and there met with one mr. Richard Jones of Weston in Denbighshire, and they lay together there all night, but mr. Jones went homeward betimes in the morning; but before he went, one mr. Vaughan, a servant or bailiff to sir Thomas Harris, came down to them, to shew him this examinate, being a chirurgeon, his leg, which was sore; and saith, that he hath been often desired by the said mr. Jones and the said Vaughan, to come over to see his the said Vaughan's leg; and saith, that upon this day fortnight, he this examinate bought a saddle for one William Eaton, and it cost ten shillings; and that the said mr. Eaton came thither that day to fetch it away upon the said wednesday the 7th of this instant, but did not tarry with this examinate but a very little while. And saith, that even as this examinate was coming away from his house, one mr. John Lloyd of Vivall alighted there; and that the rest of the aforesaid that were at his house were then there, except the said Bayly, Kelledmund, and lieutenant Sidney, who were gone, but where this examinate knoweth not; and denieth that he heard any discourse between the said gentlemen that were at his house, or after that he came to Boreacton to sir Thomas Harris his house, of any design or plot whatsoever, touching the surprising or taking of the garrison of Shrewsbury, or any other discourse tending to the disturbance of the present government or the publick peace.
William Crowne.
Elias Preston.
The examination of John Cuny of Shrewsbury, in the county of Salop, butcher, taken upon oath.
March 16, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 308.
Who being asked, whether he knew of any design or plot against the garrison of Shrewsbury, or the commonwealth, he saith not; and doth deny, that he knoweth of any gentleman or others, that have lately been at his this examinate's house, save one mr. Corbet, who sometimes, when he comes from hunting, will call there, and alight to drink. And farther saith, that upon thursday was sevennight in the evening one mr. Hill, a goldsmith of Shrewsbury, and one mr. Wright, an ironmonger, came thither, and alighted, and gave their horses some ale; and as they were going away, there came three men to this examinate's house, and lay there all night, till about eight or nine of the clock in the morning; one, whose name was Halsey, as this examinate hath heard, but the other two names this examinate knoweth not, but heard, that they came to Atcham bridge, with an intention to ride through Shrewsbury, but hearing the bridges were drawn, they rode by Hamon-wood, and so to Shrewsbury; and one of the gentlemen had an oyled coat and hat-case, and there was one bay gelding, that one of them rode upon, and two others of a grey colour; and when they came there, one of them told this examinate, that they came newly out of France, and were going to Ireland; and one of them, that rode upon one of the grey horses, had a case of pistols before him; and saith, that as soon as they came to this examinate's house they enquired what gentry were in those parts; and this examinate told them, that there was none but the lady Corbet, and mr. Richard Corbet, brother to sir Vincent Corbet, and was a late captain for the king; and then they enquired what horse flesh they had, and he replied, he knew not, but was sure that the lady Corbet had none, but her son and servant had two horses, which were sent to Wrexham-fair, and a little mare, that the said mr. Corbet was used to ride an hunting upon. And saith, that the said gentleman writ a note to the said mr. Corbet, and it was sent to him by one Morris John, and they tarried for his coming back, and he only brought an answer by word of mouth; but what the answer was, this examinate knoweth not; but saith, that the said mr. Corbet came to the said gentlemen the next morning, as he went a hunting; and went up to the gentlemen's bed side, and drank his morning's draught with them, and so went his way, and the gentlemen went their way; and this examinate never saw them since. And this examinate heard, that the said gentlemen went to the lady Corbet's house, to enquire after the two horses, that were gone to Wrexham fair; where one of them, as this examinate heard, was sold for fourteen pounds. And farther saith not.
William Crowne.
John Cuny.
Major Creed to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 317.
Honourable sir,
I Humbly thanke you for your good newes, and doe wish it may abide upon our
hearts, and that we may live in the enjoyment of our mercies to the praise of him,
that is the fountaine of them. Sir, I earnestly desire, that his highnes pleasure may bee
knowne concerning the recruiting of our troopes, for we are in a good forwardness, having
listed many good old soldiers, and such as are honest men; and likewise several gentlemen
of knowne integritie, of this county and Worcestershire, have listed many horse and foote.
Really, sir, I am afray'd, the charge will bee very great. If it continue, in my opinion it
were best to send home all the countery men againe; and as to our troopes being recruited
two hundereds a peice, you know best the state of things as to the continuance of them.
A little money would defray the charges, that we have yet been at in this county; but if it
goe on, it will bee a very great charge. I onely mind it to you, if you would issue out
some money to defray the charge, for at putting off the men, some money must be had.
I have no more, knowing you are busy; but add, that I am,
Gloucest. March 19, 1654.
Sir, your very affectionate and humble servant,
Ric. Creed.
Major Creed to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 310.
Honourable sir,
I Troubled you with a letter this day by a messenger on purpose, to lett you know our
state, and what forces we have raised in Worcestershire and Gloucestershire; as also
to know what his highnesse's pleasure is, wheather wee shall goe on recruiting of our troopes,
raising any forces, or not; and further, that if we shall not, that then you would be
pleased to let mee have a sum of money, that I may put them off, before the charge be
growne too great. I am willing to do any thing, that you will command; but I am
afraide money will hardly be got to paye such numbers of men. I doe thanke you for
that good newes you were pleased to send me this day, of routing the enemie. I have at
present put a checke to their furious going on of raising of forces, but not so, but that
I can have the men at a very short warning. The substance is, to have your commands
touching the recruiting our troopes, and the new raised men; and for money, if they
doe goe off, to give them some small gratuity, which will be much for their encouragement; which is the earnest desire of,
Glou. March 19, at night, 1654.
Sir, your most affectionate and humble servant,
Ric. Creed.
I troubled you with this my second letter, because I would desire your speedy answer.
The examination of Richard Salter, of Shrewsbury, draper, taken upon oath before William Crowne, esq; one of the justices of the peace for the county of Salop.
March 19, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 312.
Who saith, and denieth, that he knew of any plot or design against the garrison of Shrewsbury, or any other plot against the commonwealth; but saith, that upon this monday was a fortnight he went to Tetnall, and at Shiffnal overtook captain Smith, of the garrison of Shrewsbury, and accompanied him thither; and there they parted, and from thence he went to one mr. Witwick's, of Dunston, where he lay that night, and had appointed to meet with young mr. Walthall, the draper of Shrewsbury, where he alighted at the Bell and Raven in Wolverhampton, and tarried there all that night, and till thursday morning after; and from thence he came home towards Shrewsbury, with three men, one whereof was a gentleman, and the other two, that he met withal at the Bell and Raven. And this examinate saith, that they hearing, that he this examinate was to travel to Shrewsbury, they desired his company, and he bare them company to Atcham-bridge, where they alighted at the sign of the Cock, and tarried down a quarter of an hour, and there parted with them, and went thence to mr. Cressett's of Cand; but denieth, that he brought the said gentlemen to Shrewsbury, or saw them since he left them there; neither doth he this examinate so much as know their names; but saith, he came to Shrewsbury upon saturday then following; and saith, that one mr. Montgomery, of Shrewsbury, upon this day fortnight did borrow a mare of this examinate, for to ride a little way out of town, and he returned the mare back again within two hours; and there the mare remained till thursday morning then next following; and then the said Montgomery, without the privity or knowledge of this examinate, took away the said mare, he not being returned from Hampton; and since he knoweth not what is become of the said Montgomery, or the said mare. And this examinate saith, that all the discourse that passed touching any news between the gent. and he was, that at the Swan in Watling-street there was a report, that the lord Fairfax was up in the north, with thirty thousand men.
William Crowne.
Richard Salter.
The deposition of Ann Jones, the wife of John Jones, of little Ness in the county of Salop, weaver, taken before William Crowne, esq; justice of the peace for the said county, and Charles Benyon, gent. one of the justices for the town of Shrewsbury, as followeth, March 19, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 313.
Who upon oath saith, the first day of March she having been at Whitchurch, and coming home by sir Thomas Harris his house at Boreacton, saw a company of men on horseback and afoot to the number of forty, or thereabouts, as she verily believeth; and within a quarter of a mile of the said sir Thomas his house, as she came over against the door, came out of the door two men on horseback, which she looking upon, asked her, if she saw any gentlemen; she told them, that she saw a company more like an army than otherwise; which gentlemen said to her again, no, they were gentlemen hunters, but she knows not who those two men were that spoke to her, nor any of the company; which two men the one was mounted upon a bay horse, and a spare lean man, and the other had like a cap-hat with narrow brinks, and pinned up on the outside, a thick, fat man.
William Crowne.
Charles Benyon.
The mark of
Anne Jones.
The examination of witnesses taken at Beaumorris upon the 19th day of March 1654, on his highness's behalf before us.
Vol. xxiv. p. 314.
John Price of Plusnewydd, a servant of mr. Nicholas Bagnall, aged twenty five years, or thereabouts, deposeth, that upon the 8th day of this instant March, one Rowland Price of Bodowyr in the county of Anglesey, gent. told this examinate, that his master would be in Denbighshire or Flintshire very suddenly, and wished this deponent to be ready the next day to go along with him to meet his master; desired him also to bring his brother along with him, and he should ride a horse of his: whereupon they all went to St. Asaph in the county of Flint, and there this deponent heard, that there was a general rising throughout the nation, and that the lord Fairfax was up in the North with 20,000 men; and finding that his master was not come into the country, and that there was a design in hand, this deponent resolved to come back to Anglesey.
Thomas Madrin.
William Wray.
Jonn Price.
Richard Wynne of Beaumorris in the county of Anglesey, gent. aged twenty four years, or thereabouts, deposeth, that upon the 19th instant he met one Rowland Price of Bodowyr in the county of Anglesey, gent. at Moyl y don within the said county, who then told this deponent, that mr. Nicholas Bagnall was freed; and that notwithstanding there was an insurrection or a general rising to be that night throughout the commonwealth: he told him also the name of him that was commander of the insurrections in chief; but this deponent saith, that he now forgot the party's name; but saith also, that one Thomas Tirer, who had received a letter from the said mr. Price, desired this deponent to go along with him that day to mr. Price, where he accompanied him to St. Asaph within the county of Flint. Mr. Price also told this deponent the design was to be for the surprising of Chester or Wrexham that night; and that it was here reported, that the lord Fairfax was up in arms with 20,000. This deponent further deposeth, that the said mr. Price did then exchange a grey stone horse with one John Hill for a mare; and that he saw one John Lloyd of Vayrol in the county of Flint go in company with the said mr. Price upon the 10th of this instant; and further cannot depose.
Thomas Madrin.
William Wray.
Richard Wynne.
Evan Price of Llunedwen in the county of Anglesey, yeoman, aged twenty two years, or thereabouts, upon his corporal oath, deposeth, that upon the 8th day of this instant March, this deponent happened to be at Plusnewydd in the county of Anglesey, to see his brother John Price, a servant of the said mr. Nicholas Bagnall, who desired this deponent to go along with him the next day to Denbighshire or Flintshire to meet his said master; and told him also of an insurrection against the present government was to be that night, to wit, upon the 8th instant, to be about Chester and Wrexham, as Rowland Price of Bodowyr had told and informed John Price; whereupon this deponent being the hired servant of mr. Hugh Hughes of Pluscoch did, without his master's consent and privity, upon the next day receive a mare of the said Rowland Price, which he this deponent rid in the company of the said Rowland Price, John Price, and one Griffiths ap Rees, a servant to the said mr. Rowland Price, as far as St. Asaph, in the said county of Flint, and from thence rid a white horse, which the said Rowland Price delivered this deponent back again into his hand.
Thomas Madrin.
William Wray.
Evan Price.
The mayor of Southampton, &c. to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 316.
May it please your highness,
Upon notice of the late insurrection at Sarum, we presently put a treble guard upon
this town, according to the trust reposed in us as chief magistrates for the use of
your highness and the commonwealth; and the 15th instant came hither one captain
Martin Jubbs with his company from the deputy governor of Portsmouth, to give us
assistance in case of further danger, who was accordingly received with all courteous entertainment; since which the said captain hath required and enforced the keys of the gates
from us, by setting a guard upon us this morning in the common council house of this
town, until they were delivered; which was indeed refused, unless some warrant had appeared, for that there hath been also some other actions unhandsomely committed, which
this bearer mr. Moore being an eye and ear witness unto, will give relation of. We humbly beseech your highness to give us your speedy relief and pleasure therein, and command,
if it seem meet to your highness, the removal of the said company from this place;
assuring your highness, that we shall without any such trouble and disquiet both faithfully
and resolutely, by the blessing and assistance of God, preserve the same for your highness
and the commonwealth, with our lives and fortunes, and in all readiness remain
Southampton, March 19, 1654.
Your highness's most humble
and faithful servants,
William Higgons, mayor.
William Horner.
Edward Exton.
Henry Pitts.
William Stanley.
Henry Ward.
Charles Smith.
Nicholas Brent.
James Capelin.
Christopher Walleston.
Thomas Cornelius.
Humphry Rymur.
Capt. J. Griffith to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 318.
His highnesse's commands of the 15th instant, touching the apprehending the lord
Willmot, &c. came safe to mr. mayor, in order whereunto I yesterday with a small
party of horse seized sir Richard Maleveror, and one mr. John Walters: both were at a
gentleman's house about 4 miles from this cytty, and are now in safe custody, to be disposed of as his highness shall hereafter direct. And for the more exact performance of
the said instructions, this last night wee most dilligently searched all inns and other lodgings
in this cytty, for all suspected persons, but found none, against whom we had any just
accusation, other then these two gentlemen formerly mentioned. Sir, in your commission
and instructions to the cytty, you have nominated John Whitle and Hugh Leigh, who
are both dead, and Thomas Aldersey, who is both unable and unfitt for action. Be
pleased therefore, instead of them, to commissionate Edward Bradshaw, Richard Leicester,
and Richard Minshull, aldermen. You have also left Thomas Manwaring, esq; and sir
Henry Delme, bart. out of the commission for Cheshire; both which are very faithfull
and of great interest in the county. I pray you also explaine your meaning to col. Croxton's
commission, whether it be intended he shall command the cytty only, or cytty and castle;
for the cytty being a county of itselfe, and the castle, although adjoyning thereunto,
is in Cheshire; and not being expressly mentioned in his instructions, he desires to
be resolved in that particular. He is already come to us, to manifest his readyness and
freedome for the publique safetie of the place and nation; and this day, together with the
mayor, &c. set themselves to act vigorously in the prosecution of your commands. There
are no visible party of the enemy at present in these parts; and all care possible shall be
taken for their prevention for the future, that may lye in the power of, sir, your's in all
service, whilst
March 19, [1654.]
John Griffith.
These references, which cannot now be sent by mr. Cooke, shall be carefully sent by the first. You may add also in our cytty commission, if you please, William Ince, Robert Harvey, and John Johnson.
J. G.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xxiv. p. 319.
This is the 5th letter I have written to you, without receiving any answer, which gives me
greater trouble then it is possible for mee to expresse, not being able to imagine the
reason, why you should not thinke fit at least to lett me know your sence of what I offerred
to you. The proposition I made last was to 17. 40. 2. 12. 19. 41. 29. 43. 19. 5. 25.
2. 31. 36. 12. 3. 11. 25. [symbol] 5. 39. 37. 28. 36. 40. 42. 12. 37. it being impossible for
me to serve your friend soe well at this distance, as I am sure I should doe, if I were in 3.
40. 42. 16. 40. 41. which you may easily conceive, if you consider, that in 158. 40. 26.
35. 7. 28. 36. 41. 19. 35. 34. 12. the 37. 25. 36. 40. 3. 34. 35. 6. 40. 42. 36. 17.
23. 30. 41. 10. 25. every day, and consequently that nothing can be of greater advantage
thean to be duly advertised of every thinge that passes, I suppose, there can be but two
objections against 2. 31. 30. 16. 43. 6. 35. 35. 19. 41. 17. 25. 42. 40. 33. 6. 41. 35.
40. 67. the one an apprehension of 43. 31. 25. 41. 22. 19. 10. 28. 42. in this sixe
130. and the other efeared of disatisfying some of your friend's owne party by 34. 36.
35. both which, without doubt, this proposition dos sufficiently answer. I confesse, the
more I examine it, the more I wonder what reason your friend can possibly have, not to
consent to it, since it dos not admitt of the least shaddow of danger or inconvenience
to him; and methinkes too, he showld not looke upon me as a man soe absolutely run out of my witts, as that I should voluntarily 35. 7. 37. 40. 33. 2. 31. 36.
12. 3. 26. 25. 6. 41. 35. 40. 36. 34. 17. 23. 19. 17. 40. 42. 16. 28. 35. 6. 40.
42. without being confident, or at least to be able to 22. 12. 25. 40. 11. 26. 19. 10.
30. 31. 41. 12. which I cannot expect to doe but 18. 31. 16. 40. 6. 41. 22. [symbol] 36.
12. 37. 34. 28. 17. 25. Soe that in my judgement this proposition ought to make
him conclude, I finde myselfe able to do him service as well as that I have or deserve
to do it. 'Tis true, if cardinal Mazarin [symbol] were already thoroughly informed of the
18. 40. 35. 35. 40. 2. 25. 40. 26. 35. 23. 6. 36. 130. I confesse then 43. 31. 28.
41. 35. 25. 3. 3. 6. 22. 12. 42. 17. 25. would be of noe use to him, but I am sure
that is not the case 35. 7. 12. 2. 40. 36. 35. 17. 40. 42. 36. 16. 25. 37. 30. 18. 3.
12. 39. 25. 37. 36. 41. 41. 36. and 35. 23. 40. 36. 12. 33. 7. 40. 36. 25. 19. 39.
12. 30. 37. 6. 41. 10. 28. 42. This businesse 33. 40. 34. 3. 16. 18. 25. 12. 43.
40. 7. 28. 2. 18. 12. 6. 42. 22. upon my certayne knowledge 41. 30. 35. 35. 30. 21.
25. 42. 41. 40. 35. 28. 17. 25. 40. 26. and 84. 19. 3. 3. 35. 28. 6. 41. 10. 36.
Sume 7. 34. 36. 23. 12. 29. 11. 40. 37. 30. 35. 6. 2. 25. yet by 25. 32. 25. 39. 35. those
39. 12. 37. 36. 40. 42. 56. 18. 25. 12. 36. 25. 17. 34. 37. 12. 29. it will 17. 25. 37. 35.
30. 6. 41. 3. 31. 18. 37. 12. 19. 5. 25. 40. 33. 35. 19. 22. 30. 28. 42. 12. there is a
flying report at Paris, that [symbol] intends to make 30. 39. 47. 40. 10. 37. 12. 36. 56. 25. 19.
3. 40. 34. 25. 37. 67. if that be I am afrayed he is not well advised, at least before 3.
40. 41. 16. 40. 42. 18. 12. 25. 29. 6. 36. 30. 37. 2. 12. 16. then such 19. 28. 40. 34. 37.
41. 31. Party might be usefull 18. 34. 35. 18. 25. 26. 40. 37. 12. Overton 35. 7. 30. 35.
troope very destructive; you knowe that 17. 6. 35. 31. parliament will ever give lawe to
the whole kingdome, as long as you are master of it, you will easily quell all other opposition is but a little 16. 6. 36. 40. 37. 29. 25. 37. 35. 7. 12. 37. 25. army must prove
verry ruinous. Sir, give me leave to be a little possitive in this business, because I know
more of it, than I am confident either you or your friends doe, or perhaps than any body
whatsoever, that is not 16. 25. 12. 39. 3. 31. 25. 41. 10. 30. 22. 12. 29. 6. 42. 28. 35.
and if you looke upon it as 30. 35. 23. 60. 41. 22. 28. 34. 28. 35. 12. 18. 3. 40. 33. 42.
25. 40. 34. 12. 37. you are infinitely mistaken.
I knowe too that what I have to propose to you is the only 28. 41. 11. 30. 3. 3. 6. 18. 3. 12. 33. 19. 31. 35. 40. 39. 37. 25. 34. 12. 41. 35. 28. 35. 6. 17. 30. 2. 25. 35. 40. 30. 7. 12. 5. 41. 33. 3. 25. 29. 22. 12. 40. 26. 6. 35. 35. 23. 34. 36. 30. 35. 33. 31. 3. 19. 42. 16. 28. 42. 10. 7. 25. 12. 87. 25. 28. mett with one 34. 39. 40. 42. 35. 7. 25. 5. 12. 31. that 21. 41. 12. 33. 43. 25. 12. 33. 23. 40. 26. 28. 42. 16. 6. 41. 22. 2. 25. 12. 19. 36. He thought 36. 35. 25. 30. 3. 28. 42. 10. 82. 67. tooke it imediately for granted in 28. 7. 30. 16. 18. 12. 25. 42. 6. 41. 67. 19. 18. 40. 33. 35. 35. 7. 12. 36. 25. 158. 81. 6. Perceiving by the 38. 33. 25. 36. 55. 6. 40. 42. 36. 23. 12. 35. 2. 30. 29. 25. 43. 25. 12. 33. 19. 36. 10. 3. 30. 16. to continue 35. 23. 19. 35. 2. 6. 36. 35. 19. 5. 25. in 7. 28. 43. 18. 31. 81. 2. 25. 19. 41. 12. 36. 28. gott out 30. 3. 3. 23. 25. 12. 21. 42. 12. 37. 7. 25. being 40. 41. 12. 35. 7. 30. 35. 3. 30. 31. 23. 12. 25. 37. 12. employ 25. 16. 19. 18. 40. 33. 35. Overton, this business I have here sett downe, the substance of my former letters, humbly asking your pardon for sending it you in so blotted a sheete of paper; all I shall bege of you is, that you will be pleased to lett me knowe your friend's answer in it, as soon as possibly you can; if he approves of this I propose to him, I shall then only desire these two things of him, which are both in order to his service, the first, that no body may knowe of any designe in this jorney, but he, your selfe, and 65. 10. 40. 11. 26. 12. and the next, that I may be 30. 39. 27. 28. 36. 40. 42. 25. 37. 36. 40. 2. 33. 7. 12. 37. 25. 6. 41. 3. 40. 42. 16. 43. 41. both to be able to 25. 43. 39. 3. 40. 31. 36. 34. 27. 23. 28. 42. 36. 35. 37. 34. 2. 12. 41. 35. 36. as will be usefull towards the 37. 19. 34. 12. 3. 3. 6. 41. 22. 40. 33. 35. 40. 11. 35. 23. 28. 36. 18. 34. 36. 6. 42. 25. 36. 30. 41. 29. the better to communicate to your friend all that shall come to my knowledge. I confess I am not able to imagine a reason why this proposition should be refused. However I hope at least the having offerred it will not make your friend the lesse kinde to me; and though he should not thinke fitt to make use of it, yet that notwithstanding he will be pleased to favour me soe far, as not to let any body know what it is I have proposed to him. Sir, though my stay here hitherto has not beene unusefull to me, in order to the service I soe earnestly desire to doe your friend, yet it would be soe for the future, the party that was so knowing in this business being noe more in this place; besides this ayre doth not very well agree with me, havinge twice fallene sick since my being here; soe that I should be unwillinge to stay here any longer than to knowe your friend's pleasure, how he would have me dispose of my selfe. Your speedy answer in this will extreamly oblige, sir,
Callais, March 30, [1654. N.S.]
Your most humble and faithfull servant,
W. Stamford.
1 is still at Middelburg private.
I writ you a long letter in cpiher, which I desired mr. Thomas Whit at Dover to send to you, and another by the same addresse, as I remember. Pray be pleased to let mee know, whether you have received them or noe.
The same letter decypher'd.
Vol. xxiv. p. 324.
This is the 5th letter I have written to you without receiving any answer, which
gives me a greater trouble than it is possible for me to express, not imagining the
reason why you should not think fit at least to let me know your sense of what I offered
to you. The proposition I made last was to come and make myself the lord protector's
prisoner, it being impossible for me to serve your friend so well at this distance, as I am
sure I could do if I were in London; which you may easily conceive, if you consider, that
in designs of this nature the resolutions change every day, and consequently that nothing
can be of greater advantage, than to be duly advertised of every thing that passes. I
suppose there can but be two objections against my admittance now into England; one an
apprehension of my engaging in this general rising, and the other a fear of dissatisfying
some of your friend's own party, by using me too well at first; both which without doubt
this proposition does sufficiently answer. I confess, the more I examine it, the more I
wonder what reason your friend can possibly have not to consent to it, since it does not
admit of the least shadow of danger or inconvenience to him; and methinks too he should
not look upon me as a man so absolutely run out of my wits, as that I should voluntarily
throw myself into such a condition, without being confident at least to be able to make
a gain of it, which I cannot expect to do, but by doing the lord protector service. So
that in my judgment this proposition ought to make him conclude, I find myself able to
do him service, as well as that I have a desire to do it. It is true, if the lord protector
were already thoroughly informed of the bottom of this general rising, I confess then my
intelligence would be of no use to him. But I am sure, that it is not the case; the most considerable persons, and those, whose appearing in this business would be most dangerous to
him, being upon my certain knowledge not taken notice of. And although all things seem
hushed for a time, yet except those persons be secured, it will certainly break out again.
There is a flying report at Paris, that the lord protector intends to make a progress over
England; if that be, I am afraid he is not well advised, at least before London be disarmed. Then indeed such a journey might be useful, but before that very destructive.
You know that city will ever give law to the whole kingdom. As long as you are master
of it, you will easily quell all other opposition, but a little disorder there might prove
very ruinous. Sir, give me leave to be a little positive in this business, because I know more
of it, than I am confident either you or your friend do, or perhaps than any body whatsoever, that is not deeply engaged in it. And if you look upon it as a thing quite blown
over, you are infinitely mistaken. I know an infallible way to prevent it. I came to the
knowledge of it thus. At my landing here I met upon the key one that knew me, who
finding me stealing, as he thought, from England, took it for granted, that I had been in
England about these designs; which I perceiving by questions he made me, was glad to
see that mistake in him, by which means I got out all he knew, being one who lay here
employed about this business. I here set down the substance of my former letters, humbly asking your pardon for sending it you in so blotted a sheet of paper. All I shall beg of
you is, that you will be pleased to let me know your friend's answer in it as soon as possibly you can. If he approves of this I propose to him, I shall then only desire these two
things of him, which are both in order to his service; the first, that no body may know
of my design in this journey, but he, yourself, and colonel Goffe; and the next, that I
may be a prisoner somewhere in London, both to be able to employ such instruments as
will be useful towards the ravelling out of this business, and the better to communicate to
your friend all that shall come to my knowledge. I confess I am not able to imagine a
reason, why this proposition should be refused; however I hope at least the having offered
it will not make your friend the less kind to me; and though he should not think fit to
make use of it, yet that notwithstanding he will be pleased to favour me so far, as not
to let any body know what it is that I have proposed to him. Sir, though my stay here
hitherto has not been unuseful to me, yet it would be so for the future, the party, that was
so knowing in this business, being no more in this place. Besides this air doth not very
well agree with me, having twice fallen sick since my being here; so that I should be unwilling to stay here any longer than to know your friend's pleasure, how he would have
me dispose of myself. Your speedy answer in this will extremely oblige, sir,
Calais, 30/20 March, 165 5/4.
Your most humble
and most faithful servant,
William Stamford.
Charles Stew. is still at Middleburgh private.
I writ to you a long letter in cypher, which I desired mr. Thomas Whit at Dover to send you, and another by the same address. As I said, pray be pleased to let me know whether you have received them or no.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 328.
May it please your highnesse,
The intelligence I this day gave mr. secretary Thurloe being of more than ordinary
importance, I here inclose a duplicate thereof, under covert to a freind, out of that
pacquet, for the more certaintie of comeinge to your highnesse's owne hand; wherein I
hope I doe not act unsutable to my truste and dutie, as I am sure I doe not against the
bent of my desires, to serve your highness faithfully. I humbly pray your highness,
that a commission may be sent to examine witnesses here for the proveinge of what I have
remonstrated of the deportment of the ill affected of the companie. I have long desired
it of mr. secretary; but he is silent. Prayinge the Lord to direct the councels and
endevours of your highnesse to the frustratinge of all the designes of your enemies, I
crave leave to subscribe my selfe
Hamb. Martii 20, 1654.
Your highnesse most humble and faithfull servant,
Richard Bradshawe.