Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1617

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1617', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1617 [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1617', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1617.

"Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1617". Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1617.

In this section

Phillippe Wilkes. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/71 (1617)

To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties justices
of the peace, for the countie of Wigorn.

The humble peticion, of Phillippe Wilkes

Shewinge, that he beinge borne in Ombersley
and beinge maryed unto one Christian [Maneley?]
borne at Holte, who ar charged withe the kepinge
of three small children, which have not ben any
way chargeable unto eyther of the said parishes, yet
they ar unprovided of houseroome which is to their con=
tinuall greiffes whereof they crave youre grave con=
sideracions that these creatures whom Christe Gesus
hathe dearelye bought may have some convenient
cotage for themselves and theire poore inphantes
to be shrowded therein, who ar now constrained
to lodge in the highe wayes and fieldes for wante
of order to be taken herein for their comforte, which
order, they humbly crave, may spedely be by
youre good worshipps sett downe, and therein
bothe he and his poore distressed wief shall
ever pray for the longe continuance of your
happye healthes.

Sir Samuell Sandis knight and John Fleet esquire
are desired to peruse the contentes of this petition
and to take order accordinge to justice
per Trinity 1617

per [curiam?] Thomas Simondes

[m?] 1617
ordered that the overseers of Holt shall provide etc

Sir Samuel Sands and Master Fleet

John Smyth constable of Sadbury. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/73 (1617)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the
peace for the countye of Worcester

The humble peticion of John Smyth
constable of Sadbury in the said

Sheweinge that your peticioner since his beinge constable hath
disbursed and layde out for the carriage of cripples the
some of twelve shillinges six pence which chardge from
tyme to tyme hath benn borne by the inhabitantes of Whittington
and paide by the constable of the same village whoe nowe
absolutely refusethe to make payement hereof

Yt would therefore please your good worshipps that the
said village maye bee ordered to paye the
said chardge as usually they have don
otherwise your peticioner shall lose the same

The constable to shew cause to Master Barkley why they will not

An overseer of the poor of Longdon on behalf of William Taylor. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/78 (1617)

Wigorn sessions

October 1 1617

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties
justices of the peace for this countie

The humble peticion of one of
the overseers, of the poore of the
parish of Longdon in the behalf of a
poore man.

Sheweth to your good worshippes. That
whereas one William Taylor of Longdon
in the said countie carpenter, beinge a verie poore
man, haveinge a wief and fyve smale
children, who hath heretofore allwaies dwelt
within the said parishe and nowe beinge destitute
of a house or habitacion, for himself wief and famyly
in consyderacion whereof may it please your
worshippes to graunt licence in this your open
sessions, that the said William Taylor may
remaine and dwell with his foresaid famyly, in
a certen cottage or tenement by him lately
erected in Longdon aforesaid wantinge thereunto
fower acres, untill such time the said Taylor
can provide him a better place, and this
poore man with his wief and children will
ever praie to God for you in worshipe longe to


Richard Colles of Lulsley. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/79 (1617)

To the Kinges majesties justes of the peace of the
countie of Woster the humble pettyssion of
Rychard Colles.

In moste humble maner your pore pettyssioner sheweth
unto your good worshypes that he was bred and
borne in [illegible] Lulsey withein the parishe of Suckley
and ys charged withe awyffe and towe smalle
chyldren and that he ys lame and impotente
and canott worke nor labore to gett any thynge to
mentayne him sellfe nor hys famelie but ys soe
lame that he cannotte put one his owne clothes
and he ys redie to peryshe for wante of relyffe
his humble desyer to your worshippes ys to take
soume good order amounge the parishenors of
Lulsey that he maye have soume mentenence
weeklie as your worshipps that shut thynke good and
your pore pettyssiner will daylie praye to God to
blesse and prosper youe and all yours

To thowerseers of Lulsey to relive hym secundum legem
per vi pence wiekly.

Fraunces Horner of Newland, spinster. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/80 (1617)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the
peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Frauncis
Horner of Newland in the county
of Worcester spinster

Shewenge that your peticioner is a poore impotent
person and is placed in a howse in Newland wherein
twoe howsholdes more are which persons whoe deny
your peticioner the use of the fyer and many tymes
constrayne her to lodge in the fieldes.

Humbly craveth that your worshipps would bee
pleased to take some course that your
poore peticioner maye bee provided of
some poore howse in the said parish where
shee maye have the use of the fyer and
lodgeinge and this for Godes love

ordered that thoverseers etc.

The inhabitants of the Foregate Street and tithing of Whistones. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/85 (1617)

To the right reverent, and the right worshipful his majesties
justices of the peace for the countye of Wigorn.

Theese are to certifye you that accordinge to your charitable
order for the relieffe of our poore of the tithinge of Whistons
we have receaved of the overseers for the poore of Tibberton
vii shillings vi pence and of the overseers of Quinnell we have receaved v shillings
and wheras it was ordered that we should receave of the
overseers of Inckborow vi pence weeklye which now comes to vii shillings
v pence, they have refused to pay [yus?] anye, further Master John
Bridges denieth to pay us anye, which by your order was due
unto us, both before before the laste quarter sessions and
ever since, soe that hee is now behinde with us xxix shillings iiii pence
thus hopinge that in your charitye yow will cosider of it
that we may be relieved accordinge to your former chari=
table dealinge orders made in open court on our behalfes with us, we shalbe alwayes bound to pray for the con=
tinuance of your happye healthes and prosperitye.

your poore peticioners of the the inhabitantes of the Forgate Streete and tithinge of Whistons.

[illegible] proces against Master Bridges
per contempt
and a warrant to thoverseers of [Longdon?] to distreyne

William Lyes. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/86 (1617)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of
peace for the countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of William

Shewinge that your peticioner 27o Aprilis 1616
paid unto Master William Bliszard then undersherieffe of
the said countie the some of fyftye shillinges
resadue of a greater some recovered by one Thornbury
[against?] the inhabitantes of the hundred of Oswaldslowe
that your peticioner is a verie poore man and farr
indebted and borrowed the same l shillings to release his
cattell then distrayned for the same l shillings and the
same fyftye shillinges is yet owenge by your peticioner
and your peticioner verye like to bee sued for the

Yt would therefore please your good
worshipps that some speedie course
maie bee taken for the satisfyenge of
the said fyftye shillinges unto your peticioner
otherwise the same will extend to your
peticioners further damadge hee beinge
in great dainger to be sued for the
same by him of whom he borrowed
the same fyftie shillinges

Thomas Stanton, constable of Crowle. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/92 (1617)

Part of Crowle

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices
at the generall sessions holden at Worcester the
xxx tieth of September in the yeare of our lord 1617

Most humbly sheweth that wheras in Aprill last Thomas Stanton the bearer herof
constable of part of Crowle, receaved a precept from the high constable
for the payment of x shillings vii pence obulus towards the provision of the Kings
majesties most honorable howshould, the sayd Thomas did forthwith
paie the said money to Edward Clent according as he was comaunded
by the precept now it was soe, that on Hughe Rice deputy to
Thomas Gunner purvier for this county came to Crowle to
demaund the x shillings vii pence obulus of the sayd Thomas Stanton, and hadd
him before a justice, soe the sayd Thomas was constrayned to
pay the money agayn to the sayd Hugh Rice, and twenty
shillings more in charges as apeareth by an aquittance made
by the said Hugh Rice, to the utter undooing of the sayd Thomas
Stanton if no remeddy can be had by your worships good meanes
in examining the cause to know where the fault is.

The precept came from Master Broad the high cunstable and the
sayd Thomas Stanton did paie it the money to Edward Clent
according as the precept did direct him, and the said Clent paied
it in to the high cunstable, and receved an aquittance from
him as apeareth in the said precept, as the said Thomas Stanton
hath to shew soe it seemeth that the fault is in Master Gunner
or Master Broad soe beseeching your worships favours that the
bearer herof may have his money agayne to paie it where
he borrowed it else he had gonn to the gayle for the sayd
Hugh Hugh Rice was so importunat that he constrayned
the said Thomas Stanton to borrow the money before hee
would leave release him.

By me Thomas Stanton
cunstable of part of Crowle.

James Browne of Areley Kings, linen weaver. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/93 (1617)

To the right honorable and worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace
within the county of Worcester.

Most humbly sheweth unto your honours and worships your poore and daily orator James [Brow...?]
of Arley Kinges in the county of Worcester linnen weaver, that where he [ha...?]
served in the warres in Ireland eleven yeares being prest out of this [illegible]
of Worcester as sargeant of Sir Thomas Williams and Sir Henry [F...?]
knightes their bandes and now being retourned from the warres [hath?]
lived in Arley aforesaid ever since thoughe mayhemed in his body and [lim...?]
never having any allowance nor pencion of this shire to releve his
necessities and wantes and is now to be put out of his dwelling [illegible]
landlord: so as he is destitute of a dwelling howse in [Arl...?] [illegible]
where he hath remayned with his wife and three small [illegible]
yeares. Most humbly praieinge your honours and worships [ai...?] [illegible]
hearein that your peticioner maie have a dwellinge howse in [illegible]
aforesaid for his rent: he havinge remayned and [illegible]
above twelve yeares last past: And he shall [illegible]
children daily praie for your honours and worships.

ordred that he shall remayne where is
that the overseers shall provide a house for his rent
yf the refuse Sir William Walsh knight is desired to bynde them to answere their [contempt?]

Margaret Thomas, wife of John Thomas of Rederycke. Ref.110 BA1/1/27/95 (1617)

To the Kinges majesties justys of peace of the countie of
Woster the humble pettyssion of Margrete Thomas
the wyffe of John Thomas of the parishe of Coderyche
in this countie of Woster

In moste humble maner your pore pettyssiner shewethe unto your
good worshypes thate she ys a vere pore woman and was bred
in Coderyche and there brought upe of achyld and aboute fower
yeare laste paste was laufullie maried unto one John Thomas
and aboute thre yeare laste paste the sayd John Thomas dyd
goe awaye frome your pore pettyssonor withe out any
ocasion geven hym and leafte the charge of a chylde and
apore ignorant woman to the charge of this pettyssoner
and lefte her nothynge to menteayne them but be her
hard labore [whiche?] hathe kepte them ever sence be her worke
and nowe she hathe not any housse to dwell in and her
humbele desyer to your good worshypes that she maye have
some housse or soume convenyente plasse withein the sayd
parishe to dwell in wherby she maye worke and labore to
mentayne her sellfe her chyld and her pore innorante syster
and that she will nott be burdensome to the parishe and
she will daylie praye to God to blesse and [prosper?] youre good
worshypes withe all happienes in this world and in the
world to come withe lyffe ever lastynge

order to the overseers for necessary dwellinge and relief secundum
formam statuti before All Saintes

Richard Clementes. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/24 (1617)

To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties
justices of the peace for the countie of Wigorn

The humble peticion, of Richard Clementes

Shewinge, that whereas Edward Sidney of the
tithinge of Whistance, hath a longe time kept
a dogge, which hath oftentimes bitt diverse christy=
an people, which dogge, did soe sore byte one John
Thomas, your peticioner his servante, upon the
xvith day of this instant June, that sithence, he
is not able, to holde fast his nedle in his right
hande, which is bytten in five severall places,
which is to the continuall greif of the said Thomas
and to the greatt hinderance of youre peticioner
against whom, the said Sidney gevethe out
suche raylinge speaches, as ar undecent to
be repeated, the consideracion of which premisses
youre peticioner humblye referrethe unto
youre worshipps, for suche course therein to
be taken, as to youre wisedomes shall be thought
fitt, wherein he shall ever praye for the longe
continuance of your happye healthes.

Jane Hill widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/25 (1617)

To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties
justices of the peace, for the countie of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Jane Hill widowe

Shewinge, that whereas it was ordered by some of your
worships that she shulde have receaved the weekely
paye of fowerteene pence, towardes the kepinge of
an orphane, borne in the parishe of Saint Nicholas
in Droitwich whereof there is behind and un=
paied thirtie seven shillinges and fower pence
and forasmuche as she beinge a very poore widowe
is not able to undergoe the charge of kepinge
the said orphane, unlesse the arrerages may
be to her trulye paied, and also the weekelye
allowance of fowerteene pence henceforthe,
therefore she beinge now in greatt wante, moste
humblye besechethe youre good worshipps to tender her poore
estate, for some suche spedye course herein to
be taken, as to youre mercifull consideracions
shall be thought fitt, wherein she shall ever
pray, for the longe continuance of youre happy

[Referred?] to the overseers to take order uppon
the assesment of the inhabitantes and

Margaret Bedell. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/26 (1617)

To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties
justices of the peace, for the countie of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Margarett Bedell

Shewinge, whereas at quarter sessions here holden at
Trinitye tyde, it was by youre worshipps orde=
red, that the overseeres of the poore in the parishe of
Saint Andrewe in Droitwiche shuld have allowed her
a competent maintenaunce whereupon the over=
seeres promised her fowerteene but eight pence weekely in the
eleaventh yere of the Kinges majesties raigne, since which
time Thomas Baggett and John Yernolde have
stood indebted unto her in the some of eight shil=
linges eight pence, and after them Robert Handley
and Richard Patricke were arreraged in nyne
shillinges and after them Robert Hodgkins and Henry
Dippell (beinge succedinge overseeres there) were arre=
raged in eight shillinges over and above nineteene
shillinges which had ben formerlye due to her, which
ar to her greatt hinderance, beinge charged with
the aydinge of her poore father, aged one hundred
yeres or thereaboutes which charge she is altogether
unable to undergoe, unlesse some suche spedye
course may herein be taken for their more ne=
cessarye comfortes, whereof she cravethe your
pitifull consideracions, and therein they shall
ever praye for the longe cuntinuance of your
happye healthes.

The justices which appointed the overseers are desired
to examyn this petition and to order

Alice Jacksons. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/29 (1617)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the
peace within the countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of Alice Jacksons

Humbly sheweth and informeth your good worshipps that whereas your said
poore peticioner was bredd by Master [Sloughe?] parson of Bredicot
from her age of sixe yeares untill shee was about eighteene
yeares of age aboutes which time shee came to dwell with
Edward Archbold gentleman where shee did dwell for the space
of seaven yeares duringe all which time shee behaved her
selfe very honestely without any imputacion or aspersion
thereof, soe it is if may please your good worshipps that one
Robert Parker that aboutes lent was twelvemonth [illegible]
[illegible] and sythence shee came from the service of
the said Master Archbould did make greate protestacions of
love towardes your said poore peticioner promising by many
great vowes to marry your said peticioner and by meanse
thereof prevayled soe with your said peticioner that hee begott
her with childe which childe was borne abouetes twelftide
last but the said Roberte Parker by the presavacion of
one Katherine Parker his mother whoe dwelleth at
Grafton Fliford within this countie hath ever sythence
absented himselfe and eyther liveth privatlie with his
said mother or els at some other place that shee
hath purposely provided for him that hee should neyther
mary with your said peticioner accordinge to his faithfull
promise nor keepe his said childe

The premisses considered shee humbly beseecheth your good
worshippes that you would bee pleased to take such
order with the said Katherine that shee maye bringe
in her said sonne to marry with your said peticioner
accordinge to his promise or els that shee the said
Katherine maye bee ordered to keepe the said childe
untill shee bringe in her sonne to performe the same

William Dench of Longdon, labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/56 (1617)

To the right worshippfull the Kinges majesties
justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of William
Dench of Longdon laborer.

Humbly sheweth that whereas your oratour beeinge a very
poore man and havinge a wief and seaven small children all
borne within the saide towne of Longdon, was at Michaelmas
1612 destitute of any habitacion; whereupon one William
Parsons of Longdon aforesaide yeoman in charity withoute
any consideracion gave unto your orator freely forever
a litle sheepcote of his within the saide towne which sheepcote
your orator with the consente of the churchwardens and
overseers of the poore of Longdon aforesaide for the tyme
beeinge converted to habitacion and dwellinge for youre
orator and his saide family. Sithence which because
your oratour had noe license in open quarter sessions nor under
the handes and seales of the lordes of the mannor of Longdon
soe to doe, and for that the saide sheepcote standeth on
William Parsons freeholte and not on the waste or comon
contrary to the actes of Parliament 43o Elizabeth chapter 2 and 31o Elizabeth chapter 7
therefore youre oratour was shortly after indited upon
the statute againste cottages, and hath thereupon (as
hee is informed) beene sued to an outelary. Nowe foras=
much as youre orator is very poore soe as hee is not able
with his hard laboure to provide bread for himself and his
family withoute the charitable relief of the saide parishe
of Longdon, much lesse to procure himself a house, or to
pay the forfeytures or chardges which in extremity of lawe hee
hath hereby loste and incurred may it therefore please your
worships to allowe unto your saide orator the benefitt of
the Kinges majesties pardon for the saide forfeytures and
chardges and further to grant youre license in open
cessions for continewance of your oratours habitacion in the
same shepcote, and your orator will daylie pray for you,
in worship longe to endure.

  • John Pynnocke
  • Christopher [Tovey?]
  • John Mychell

  • William Hill
  • Nicholas Phelps
  • Richard [Godwine?]
  • Thomas Cooke
  • John Jefferis

  • Thomas Wrenford
  • William [illegible]
  • James Gilbert
  • Giles Gilbert
  • William Jefferis

Margery Wright of Little Comberton, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/59 (1617)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices
of the peace for the countie of

The humble peticion of Margery
Wright of Little Comberton
in the countie aforesaid

whereas your peticioners husband dyed aboutes
twoe yeares past and left your peticioner three
smale children to bee maineteyned of her owne
labour which children from their byrthes, were
by your peticioner and her husbandes hard labour
bredd in Comberton aforesaid where your
peticioner and her said husband did dwell and
cohabitt together for aboutes eleaven yeares
before and att his death, since which tyme your
poore peticioner cannot have anie certeine
place of dwellinge.

Her humble peticion therefore unto
your good worships ys that you would bee
pleased in comiseracion of her poore
estate and great chardge of children
that shee maye bee provided of some
small cottage within the said parish
for succor of her selffe and children
and this for Godes love.

warrant etc to provide secundum legem yf they refuse Sir Thomas
Russell or Master Dingley to bynde etc [vidd?] precept

Frauncis Hughes. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/60 (1617)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices
of peace for the countye of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of Fraunces Hughes.

Most humbly sheweth, that whereas your peticioner
uppon the xth daye of this instant moneth of
June, beinge appointed a watchman and noe
hirelinge for his owne howse, it happened
that certaine idle persons in the night season
fell att difference amongest themselves, and
thereuppon your peticioner with three others of
the Kinges watchmen desired them to preserve
his majesties peace, and thereuppon brought one
Roger Tayler one of the misdemeanours to his
owne howse, who reviled at the watchmen, and
called them base roagues. Afterwardes your
peticioner still [eppectinge?] his majesties peace, the
saide Tayler with his wife came forth and
gave your peticioner many blowes and hurtes for
comittinge him to the stockes, then came one
John Smith and Thomas Smith Reynoldes and
with greate oathes sware they would have
him forth or breake upp the stockes, and uppon
the same your peticioner was by the saide
Reynoldes knockt downe with a staffe as may

He most humbly beseecheth a reformacion
by your worshipps herein for that he hath
nothinge to maintayne himself his wife
and children but his daylye labour by his

And as dutye bindeth he will
daylye pray for your worships healthes
and prosperities.

Robert Garret and Marget Garret his wife. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/61 (1617)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices
of the peace for this countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of Robert Garret and Marget his wyefe

Humbley shewinge unto your good worships that divers times heretofore your
poore peticioners have [binne?] much wronged and theire esteate all
together quite over throwne by one Edmund Wynsmoore of
Howswell in the parish of Leygh and about Ester last your poore
peticioners haveinge anne estate in a howse and grownd in Howswell
the said Edmund Wynsmoore by indirect practizes got the
possession of the same and doeth as yet howld the same and
your poore peticioners haveinge certeyne goodes in the same
howse cannot tell howe to come to gett the same from
him and youre poore peticioners haveinge noe place to dwell
or inhabitt in no nowe and havinge one little child cannot
tell howe or what shyfte to make to maynteyt ourselves
and our child and in regard of our grete povertie cannot
take course of lawe against him he beinge welthye
and of great habillitie the premises beinge duely considered
may yt please your good worships to order him to appere be
fore some of your worships at some certeyne day and place
when your worships will app apoynt and to examyne the cau
cause from the begininge and that your poore peticioners
may have notize to meete him there and your poore
peticioners shalbe ever dayly bound to pray for your worships
healths and prosperitie longe to continewe

and this for Godes love

To Master [Washb...?] [illegible]

John Cullambine, a very poor man. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/62 (1617)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties
justices of the peace assembled at the
quarter sessions houlden for the saide

The humble peticion of John Cullambine, a verie
poore manne

Moste humblie shewinge unto your worshipps that your peticioner
beinge committed to prison the 30th day of Aprill last past
and at the laste quarter sessions houlden for the peace, for
the said countie, and a fine of fortie shillinges imposed upon
him at the same time, for matter of incontinencie there ob=
jected againste him, for which cause offence he laye in
the common gaole five dayes.

May yt please your good worships in regard of
your peticioners povertie that you would be plesed
to qualifie the said fine, and to give warrante
to the sherife to restore to him parte of the
said fine. And your peticioner shall as in dutie
bounde alwaies pray for your worships happie
estates longe to continue.

[non?] etc

William Jefferies, an overseer of the poor of Longdon. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/64 (1617)

To the right worshippfull the Kinges majesties justices
of the peace for the countie of Worcester

The humble desi peticion of William Jefferis
one of the overseers of the poore of the parish
of Longdon in the behalf of a poore man

Sheweth that one Jeffre Cockshott a day labourer
haveinge a wief, and fower smale children beinge, an
inhabitant, in the parish aforesaid for these fyfteene
yeares last, in consyderacion whereof the parish is
chargable by the lawe to finde him a dwellinge

May it therefore please your worshippes to graunt
licence in this your open cessions, that this poore
man may continue and dwell in the cottage wherein
he nowe dwelleth and hath dwelt for these leaven yeares
last past (the said cottage not haveinge fower acres de
terris mensurandis accordinge to the statute)
wold be otherwise overthrowne, and the parish charged
to finde him a newe dwellinge, which if it please your
worships to graunt, this poore man his wief and
children shalbe ever bound to pray to God for you
in worshipe longe to continue

the freeholder that oweth the cottage beinge present
is in court, is contented to let him there dwell rent free

This partye and his wyffe with his children
are not to be removed but must remaine
in the parishe

ordred to [contnyue?] per [licenc?]

  • Leonard [illegible]

William Jefferis. Ref.110 BA1/1/29/67 (1617)

To the right worshippfull the Kinges majesties justices
of the peace, for the countie of Worcester.

The humble peticion of William Jefferis.

Sheweth to your worships, that whereas the inhabitantes and youth of Longdon
have every yeare, upon the saboth daie, [in?] the sommer time used to sport
themselves, with Maygames, morrices and dawncinges, by reason whereof many
rude ruffions, and drunken companions, have comen thither from other townes
adjoyneinge, to the said sportes, and have made much quarrellinge, redye to
murther one an other. As upon a saboth day 1614 some of Fortingtons men
comeinge to the said sportes, made an affray there, and gave one a broken heade,
and upon a saboth daie 1615 some of Elsfildes men comeinge to the said sportes,
made an affray upon the Smithes man of Longdon, whereby the townesmen
there, have beene much troubled, to parte the said affrayes, to keepe the peace
and to bringe them before, some of his majesties justices for this countie, the principall
actor, in which last mencionyd fray, was one Sandye of Elsfield, who sythence
hath cut of his neighbours arme, for doeinge the office of constable upon
him a litle before. And whereas on a saboth daie 1615 there was much sport
made in Longdon, by morrices, and dawncinges, and because at eveninge prayers
the same day, they were forced to cease their sportes, some of the youth
of Longdon, procured a poore woman then beinge excomunicated, to goe into the
church in service time, and made an other poore boy to followe after her into
the church, and there to tell the minister (beinge then sayinge the service of
allmightie God) that this excomunicate person was in the church, hopeinge
thereby to put an end of Godes service, that soe they might againe retorne
to their sportes, all which beinge done by this excomunicate person and poore
boy, as they were directed, the minister was thereby interrupted in Godes
service, and the whole congregacion much disturbed and whereas upon
Trenitie Sunday 1616 the dawncinge again takeinge place in Longdon
aforesaid, your poore peticioner beinge then constable there, for the presentinge
and suppressinge of these abuses, endevored peaceably to take the minstrell
there playinge, and to punish him upon the statute against rogues
thereupon one of the dawncinge companie, strake up your peticioners heeles
and said he wold breake your peticioners necke downe the stayers there
if I departed not from them, and lett them alone, whereby your peticioner
beinge thus terrified by them departed. And afterwardes many other abuses
were committed that yeare, by the said companie, to longe here to relate unto
you. And whereas now againe this present yeare 1617 they use againe their
dawncinge sportes upon everie saboth daie, whereby it is to be feared the
like quarrelles may ensue as afore, to the greate dishonor of almightie, and
contempt of his majesties lawes and proclamacion against the same. May it therefore
please your worshipes the premisses consydered to make some order in this your
open sessions, for the suppressinge of the prophanacion of the Lordes daie
and withall to give comaundment to the highe constable of the limmit to see
the same executed and your peticioner shall ever pray to God, for
you, in worshipe longe to endure.

bene [ger?] per [illegible] Sandy and the constable to bringe all
morrice dauncers which daunce in tyme of divine service
before Master Jefferey. Unlawfull games etc.