Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1616

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1616', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1616 [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1616', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1616.

"Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1616". Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/petitions/worcs-quarter-sessions/1616.

In this section

Geffrey Howsman of Ammersley. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/1 (1616)

To the right worshipfull [illegible]
[illegible] his majesties justices of
the peace for the county of

The humble peticion of Geffrey
Howsman of Ammersley sheweth

That whereas your worships poore peticioner hath
served in Ireland in the late Queene
Elizabeths tyme, in which service hee was
crewelly wounded and hurt and afterwardes
had a pencion in this county the space of
six yeares which is now taken from him
and of late his greevous woundes and
hurtes doe rebell and breake out againe
by reason of a bullett that is in his legge
and having no meanes to seeke helpe at the
chirurgeons handes is like to perishe for
want of helpe. His humble desire unto
your good worship is for Godes cause
to consider his poore and lamentable
estate and graunt that hee may either
have his pencione renued or els some
other meanes whereby hee may have his
woundes cured otherwise he is like to perish
for want of helpe and so hee shall ever
pray for your worshipes preservacion

xl shillings per annum

William Yate and Farman Beson, collectors of the parish of Droitwich. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/10 (1616)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices
of the peace for the county of

The humble peticion of William Yate and
Farman Beson collectors of the
parishe of Droytwiche shewing
That wheareas your said peticioners of the perish of Saint Peters and the
churchwardens of Wich afforesaid, have
a warrant from the justices of the peace
dated the iiiith of Aprill last to collect
and gather in the said towne sufficient
releef for the poore inhabitantes according
to the statute and assesment beinge
made by the church wardens there
bee dyvers inhabitauntes that refuse
to pay anie towardes the releevinge
of the poore. Theire humble desire
unto your good worships is to graunt
them your generall warrant to staine
and collect for the poore otherwise
they are like to starve for want of
foode and so they all shall ever pray
for your worshipps preservacion

Humfrie Whitny, Thomas Baylies and many other debtors. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/11 (1616)

To the righte worship Sir Samuell
Sannes knight, Sir Francis Edgocke knight
and the reste of the Kinges majusties
justises assembled at the now quarter
sessions houlden for the countie of Wigorn.

The pitifull peticion, of Humfrie Whitny,
Thomas Baylies, John Horrell, and manie
other debtors remayninge in the goale houl=
den for the saide Countie.

your saide petitioners doe humblie shew unto
your good worships that John Fleeate esquire one
of the Kinges majesties justises, hathe verie wor=
thilie taken greate paines to amend manie
harde harde usages, exactions, and extortions
which weare offered to prisoners by the late keeper
Mistress Moore, whom she obayed not, but rather used
more extremitie, as appearethe by divers letters
by your saide petitioners sente to Sir Samuel Sannes,
and Sir Francis Edgoke knightes, John
Baker esquire and to divers other the Kinges majesties

Therefore your peticioners, doe moste hunblie desire
your good worships to sende for thoses your petitioners
as lie one meane proces, to make profe of those
wronges alleged, and to shew their grifes more at
large, and your saide peticioners shall have just
cause to pray for the prosperitie of your worship

Those which liv one meane proces and may come yf yt please
your worships to sende for them are these. Humfrie Whitney
John Horrell, William Davis, Thomas Harriote and
John Mallarde and Humfrie [Calla...?]

Alice Downing, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/13 (1616)

To the right worshipfull his majesties
justices of the peace for the county
of Worcester

The humble peticion of Alice Downing
widdow sheweth.

That whereas one William Hemmyng late of
thys citty being the reputed father of a
child begotten of the body of your poore peticioner
whoe hath ever since absented himself out
of the countrey and now is come to Worcester
againe, and neither hee nor his father
will not allowe her anie mayntainaunce
towardes the breeding of the child and the
constables of Saint Mychaels in Bedwarden
had a commaundemente from the justices to appre=
hend him and bring him before them but the
said Heming escaped from them. Her
humble desire unto your good worshippes is
for Godes cause to graunt her your expresse
warrant to attache him, or that shee may
have some mayntaynance from his father
otherwise both shee and her child is like
to famishe for want of foode having spent
all her substance already: and so shall
shall as in duty bound ever pray for your
worshippes preservacion

warrant to attach etc

Thomas Baylis and other debtors in the goal. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/14 (1616)

Worshipful Sirs

Our humble and bounden dutie firste beinge remembrede etc
wheareas you weare latelie att the castell for the appointinge
and orderinge of certaine harde exactions and usesages which are
offered unto us and other poore prisoners heare in durans
remayninge, nowe theses are to certifie your good worships
that as you appointed Mistress Moore our keeper, that from that
time forwarde to sell a quarte of beare for a penie, soe yt
is that siththence that time she hathe made her tapster pay
32 shillings the hodgheade, so that we are rather worse cerved then
better, neyther hath she obayed your commaunde for the seperacion
of the debttors and fellons, but she hathe in a malitious mannor
putt manie other in a mounste them and with moste extremitie
hathe yronde them, in that cruell mannor, which hath never benne
usede heare to fore to anie debttors, althoughe noe offence or
occasion was offerede by them, and she sayethe, she will not
not be rulde by anie of the Kinges majesties justises, and that she
wilbe worse then she hathe beene hearetofore, and that she will
leave one behinde her and sayethe that she will take order with him
that he shalbe worse then ever she hathe beene, and she will
come unto him once a weake to see that he performe the
same. Therefore [our?] ernesteste deseire is that you would be
pleased to come unto us one Tewsday next after the sermon, and
helpe us in thes extremitie to some better order. Thus moste
humble [desiringe?] your good worships to helpe us in these
extremities wee take our leaves, levinge you to the
government of the almightie and reste

7o Maii 1616

Your poore distressed frendes

  • Thomas Baylis
  • Humfrey Whitney
  • John Horrell
  • Thomas Hunte
  • [Thomas?] Harriote and others

Thomas Bayliss, Humphrey Whitney and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/14A (1616)

Worshipful Sirs:

Wheareas yt was appointed by the benche at the laste quarter sessions
that John Fleete esquire one of the Kinges majesties justises of the peace,
that he shoulde goe to the goale houlden for this countie, and accordinge
to his discression to reforme certaine harde mesures, exactions, and
usages, as are offered to poore prisoners there remayninge, who came
acordingely, and did binde the now keeper Mistress Moore in a 100 pound to sell
an ale quarte of beare for a penie, from that time forwarde which
was upon the 13th day of Aprill laste paste, but soe yt is that
siththence that time she dothe receave of her tapster 32 shillings the hodghead [illegible]
and dothe pay to the bruer but 12 shillings the hodgheade, soe that the mesuer
so that she sellethe is scarse a wine pinte, and likewise he bounde her in the
like somm to seperate the debttors from the fellons, by Munday then nexte
followinge, which she hathe neythr performed, but hathe put divers others
in amounge them, and did commande her to use her prisoners well, havinge abused
and wronged divers, and that she shoulde not torment those which weare one meane
proces, with dubble yrons, but not longe after his departure she exclaimed
and saide the justises did her wronge, and that she woulde not be rulde
by them, and also saide, she woulde be worse to her prisoners, thene heare
to fore she had beene, which in some sorte is performed, for she caused dubble
dubble yrons to be put one prisoners lyinge one meane proces and they not
anie waie offendinge, likewise she keept one close prisoner a whole day
and dubble yronde, for speakinge in the behalfe of the justises, when she
wronged them in wordes, and alsoe hathe beate and caused to be beaten divers,
now she intendethe to leave the place, and againe she furthr sayethe, that
she will leave one behinde her, whom shalbe worse then ever she
hathe beene, and she will come over a weake to see him performe the same.
Therefore our erneste sute unto your good worships is to desire your lawfull
favour and helpe, to releave us in this our distressed estate, and chiflie to cause
us to be seperated from the fellons, for our beinge a mounge them is moste
vile, and [shavis?], our lodgings by reson of them moste filthie, our lives put in
hasorde, our monie and vittuals manie times by them taken from us and
manie of us most cruelie beaten, thus moste humble desiringe your
furtherans in this our charitable requeste we leave you to Godes government
and reste yours who shall ever commaunde us

18o Maii 1616

  • Thomas Baylis
  • Humfrey Whitney
  • John Horrell
  • Thomas Harriote
  • Thomas Hunte and others

The constables of Dodderhill, Wychbold and Elmbridge. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/16 (1616)

The humble peticion of the constables of Doderhill Wichbould and
Elmebridge all being in the parish of Doderhill aforesaid.

May yt please your worships to be advertised that the peticioners
here undernamed having executed the office of constables
in the severall places aforesaid in the parishe of Doderhill by the space of two yeares
and three quarters of a yeare desier to be eased of the burden
of the sayd office there being more abler and sufficienter
men to be imployed therein whose names also are hereto

Your worships humble petitioners

  • John Saunders
  • Richard Nott
  • John Portman

The names of those that may
be elected

In Wychbould
yeald in Doderhill

George Haynes
Gilbert Peckes chosen constable

In Doderhill yeald

William Bowkey chosen
Richard Bowkey

one constable for all

In [Astwood?] yeald
in Doderhill aforesaid

John Jewe chosen
John Tewe

In Elmebridge yeald

Fulke Borne chosed
Thomas Hillarre

John Broade gentleman
William Strainge

Warrant to call these men elected Gilbert Perkes to appeare ad [px?] to be sworne

The parishioners of Rock. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/19 (1616)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties
justices of the countie of Worcester.

The humble petition of the
parishinors of the Rocke.

Humblie shewinge your good worships wheare as
your petitinors hath had divers wronges by
erecting of cabbins within our parish aforesayd
in a wood called [Elltons?] wood wheare as the
right worshipfull Sir William Wellche beinge lord
of the sayd wood where as there is dayley
eirectinge and buildinge of cottages and
cabbins to the greate [illegible] impoverishing of
the wholle parish, your petitinors humblie [crave?]
that they may have your good worships [assistance?]
that there be noe forther proseedinge of [ericting?]
and buildinge without the consent of the
right worshipfull Sir William Wellche and the
officers of the parish of the Rocke aforesayd
thus humblie craveinge your good worships
faviours and we shall be bound to pray
for your worships longe increase of happey
nes and this for Godes love.

Margery Moore of the Castle of Worcester, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/2 (1616)

Pleaseth yt your good worshipps to understand [whereas?]
yt was appoynted by the generall consent of the whole benche [at?]
the quarter sessions holden for this cowntye of Wigorn
ymedyately after Easter in anno 1615 that [Margerye?]
Moore of the castle of Worcester widdowe showlde be
allowed fowerteen pence weeklye for and towardes the keeping
of the chylde of Nell Rea what dyed in this goale of
Wigorn which shee the sayd Margerye Moore dyd according
for the space of one whole yeare which amountethe to the
some of three powndes eight pence and bycawse shee
the sayd Margerye Moore hathe not receyved anye parte of
this sayd somme of money his humble requeste is that your
good worshipps wyll appoynte some dyrecte course [howe?]
she shall receyve yt and she shall acknowledge much
thankfullnes and praye for your generall prosperytyes.

[...] Bonnaker of Hanbury. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/20 (1616)

To the Kinges majesties justices [illegible]
for the countie of Worcester [illegible]

The humble peticion [illegible]
Bonnaker of Hanbury [illegible]
countie aforesaid

Sheweinge That whereas your peticioner [illegible]
[hyed?] by the [parlyers?] of Stooke Pryor [illegible]
unto the Forest of Feckenham for the [ke...?] [illegible]
of sheepe and other cattell within the limittes [illegible]
said parish to prevent trespasse to the King [illegible]
said forrest one Robert Tymes of [H...?] [illegible]
aforesaid and his three sonnes doe threaten [y...?] [illegible]
to cutt off his the peticioners legges and to [illegible]
other wronges and that the said Robert [Ty...?] [illegible]
and one of his sonnes doe commonly carry with [illegible]
peeces pistolles and other unreasonable weapons and
that the said Robert Tymes the last night cam
to the peticioners howse soe weaponed and told your
peticioner that yt was not your peticioners best course to
complayne of him for yf hee did hee should repent
yt shortelie and that your peticioner was yesterday
warned that one of the sonnes of the said Tymes
as yt was we suspected laye in the common of
the inhabitantes of Hanb without the said forrest with
a pistoll to surprise your peticioner as hee was goeinge
aboutes his businesse

Humbly craveth that your good [illegible] worshipps
would bee pleased to take some good
and discreet course with the said Tymes
and his sonnes that hee the peticioner may
enjoy his peace and safetie etc.

per [sacr...?] fiat [bre?] de bene [ger?]

The parishioners of Yardley. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/22 (1616)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace
and quorum in the countie of Wigorn

These may be in the behalfe of Johane Adams (the bearer hereof) the wyfe
of Arthur Adams late of Yardeley in the countie aforesayd to
signifie unto your good worshipps that whereas the sayde Arthure
married with the sayde Johane about one yeare now laste paste
and had with her (as we are crediblye enformed) in goodes and chattelles
to the value of fyftie poundes and better which one Thomas Marston
late of Birmingham in the countie of Warrick miller deceassed lefte
her late husbande lefte with her for her mayntaynaunce and for
the educacion of her fyve children whereof three are verie yonge and
smale, now the sayde Arthure Adams beinge verie prodigall and
unthriftie and disorderous in his conversacion hath not onelye in this
shorte tyme mispente the greateste parte of the sayde money goodes
and chattelles which he had with his sayde wyfe, but also hath beaten
and evilly intreated bothe her and some of her children and wellnighe
lamed theym and hath welnighe pyned and starved theym all for
want of foode and sustenaunce att diverse tyme had it not bene for succour
and reliefe of some neighbours and freindes whereupon shee the sayde Johane
beinge afrayd of her lyfe was enforced to sweare the peace etc
againste him, and for that the sayde Arthure hath threattened her
that he will take from her all the reste of her goodes, and that the
parishes where shee and her children have dwelled in and were borne
should relieve and keepe theym hereafter, wee whose names are hereunto
subscribed beinge parishners of Yardeley aforesayde humbly disyre your
good worshipps that the premisses by you beinge duely consydered to take
suche good order herein with the sayde Adams (yf it may be) that he
may hereafter lyve with his sayd wyfe orderly as a Christian husbande
or else that shee may have that litle goodes which are lefte to succour
her and her sayde smale children and to place theym furthe that hence
the sayde townes and parishes be not charged with theym when all is mis
spente. Thus beinge bolde to signifie these matters unto your good worshipps
as truethe and [to?] desyre you to take suche good order herein as in equitie
and good conscience shall seeme most fytt and convenient we ceasse
comendinge your good worshipps to the protection of the almightie Yardeley
this xxvith of May 1616. Yours humble to commaunde.

  • Edward Asty
  • James Archer vicar there
  • William [Nightwarde?]
  • Henry Allen
  • Richard Jeffryes
  • Richard Swifte

  • Thomas Pretty
  • Roberte Clarke

  • John Jeffreys
  • Thomas Foxe

verte [.ollin...?]

We whose names are [under?] written do further signifie that the
within named Addams is a common and a notorious drunkard

Item he is a notorious swearer and blasphemer of God and a
prophaner of the sabaothe.

Item he is a contemner and a rayler agaynste the mynister

Item he hathe beene excommunicate tenne or twelve yeares
for diverse addulterous factes and for anythinge we knowe so contineweth

Item he is a common shooter in a peece

Item he hathe solde ale without recognisance

Item he did beate his wyef and it is supposed spoyled her

Item aboute three weeks agoe or there aboute he did beate
his wyef most cruellie that she was all bloodie

Item the same Addams beinge drunke in [deretteud?] wished
he myghte meet with sombodie to fall out with, that he myght
kill him, he myghte be hanged out of the waye

Item he is a common myscaller of his neyghbors and abuser
of them

  • Edward [Esty?] James Archar minister
  • Robert Clarke John Jefferies
  • William Wyllward
  • Richard Swyfte
  • Thomas Foxe

  • Henry Allen Richard Jeffreys Henrye Jeffrys
  • Humffrey Powell Henrye Allen

The inhabitants of Yardley. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/23 (1616)

Com Wigorn

To his majesties justices of the peace for
the said countie.

May it please your worrshipes to be advertized that wheras
one Arthure Addams of Yardley, for divers misdemeanours
and outrages, was most worthelie by Sir Richard Grevis
knight latelie comitted (as we here,) to the gaole att
Wigorn. And forasmuch as wee here likewise he much
endeavoureth by supersedias from above, to free him
self of the peace, or behaviour, whereby he maye be
loose, to the end he maye sell, drinke, and mispende
the goodes which latelie he had in marriage with his
wief, as formerlie he hath doone his landes and goodes
which he did had by his first wief, soe as then the parish
shalbe then driven to keep her, and her v children,
which she had by a former husband, the which chilldren she
hath placed some some sythence his comittment; and the
rest goeth about to place, and with noe other goodes then
such of her owne, as she brought him. In tender
consideracion wherof wee humblie pray your woorrshipes (as
much as in you lyeth soe to order the matter betwene
them (which must be before his releasement) or els she poore
wooman and her poore chilldren are utterlie beggered
and wee the inhabitantes (beinge allreddy much charged
in thes cases by reason of such disordered persons) are like
ere longe to undergoe the greatest burthen, of which wee
thought good humblie to advertize you leaving the the considera
cions to your woorrshipes wisdomes, doo rest.

Your warrshipes most bounden

  • Edward [Esty?]
  • William [Myttwarde?]
  • Henry Allen
  • Richard Swyfte

  • Richard Jeferies

  • Thomas Pretty
  • Roberte Clarke

  • John [Jefferies?]
  • Thomas [F...?]

Henry Dawks and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/3 (1616)

The humble peticion of Henry Dawks
William Best, William Childe and
John [Sitche?].

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of
peace in the countie of Wiggorn.

Wher your peticioners together with Edward Crane and Nicholas Vincent
Nicholas Chance and William Stower are nominated under the handes of
and seales of Sir Frauncis Edgiok and Sir Richard Grevis knightes
to bee overseers of the poore of the parish of Kidderminster for this yeare
according to the statute in that case provided.

And whereas the said parish containeth a borroughe in which your peticioners
dwell being not a place or towne corporate, and a forren in which
the said Crane and the rest of the said nominated overseers dwell, and that
two churchwardens by custome are chosen for the burrough and two
for the forren, by reason whereof the collections of divers charges within
the said parishe have bine severall and devided.

Soe yt is yf yt may please your worshippes that your peticioners according
to their warrant, have been readye, and required the overseers
of the forren to provide and take order for the releif of the poore within
the whole parish according to the statute, but the said overseers
doe utterly refuse to joyne with your peticioners in relieving or taking
order for the poore within the burroughe, whose nomber and necessitie
is greater then that they can bee relieved by the inhabitantes of
the said towne alone and yet might very well bee done by the
inhabitantes of the burrough and forren together being all
one parishe.

Now for as much as the said overseers in the forren doe
refuse to joyne with your peticioners in execution of their
office and to meet monthlye in the parishe church
and that the nomber of the overseers being equall
your peticioners cannot proceed alone, may yt please
your worshipps, to take order herein according to justice and
they shall pray.

John Morton of Handsworth, Staffordshire, labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/31 (1616)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justicis
in the countie of Worcestor.

The humble peticion of John Morton in the
parishe of Hanseworthe in the countie
of Stafford laborer.

Sheweth unto your worships that whereas your poore peticinor beinge latly sarva
nt unto one Master John Lynould gentleman of Chadwiche in the parishe of Bramsegrowe
which hathe not only detayned from your peticinor his wagis but allso one cheste
and goodes besydes of your peticinors he beinge a verry poore man and not able to bringe
his accion agaynst him for the same at the common lawe. He therefore most hu-
mblie beseechethe your good worships that you would be pleased to call before you
the said Master John Lynould and to take that good and charitable order with him that there
by he may satisfie your peticinor not only his said wagis behynde unpayd by
him but allsoe that he may deliver upp unto your peticinor his said chest and
goodes which he detayneth wrongefully from your peticinor without suyt of lawe
and that your worships will take that order with him that he may surcease his clamo
rus speechis which he dothe daly publishe and geve fourthe agaynst your peticinor
not only to his discredit, but is allsoe a great hynderance unto him in his sarvis
by reason of his candelus speechis soe geven fourthe agaynst him sainge that he
will dryve the countrie of him he beinge a poore man and haveinge no other
meanes to gett his lyvinge but by his sarvis and worke onlie.

And your peticinor shall as his bownden dutie is daly pray
unto God for your worships duringe his lyffe.

Thomas Baylis and others, debtors. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/32 (1616)

Right worships after we had, enclosed our letter we had [illegible]
offered by the fellons as in particuler followethe, for firste [illegible]
laste Thomas Hunte had his boockes, the locke of yt [pi...?] [illegible]
victualls taken forthe, which was a peece of bacon, [bu...?] [illegible]
one saterday, after Thomas Harriote, usinge some [speches?] [illegible]
woman for keepinge his bande from him, wheare upon the [illegible]
she saide to a reprive, a companion of herse, that unlese [h...?] [illegible]
beate the saide Thomas Harriote that night, she [voued?] with [grea...?] [illegible]
she woulde kill the saide reprive with her knife, and the [same?] [illegible]
when all the prisoners, bothe debttors, and fellons, weare in beade, and moste
of them a sleape the saide reprive, the said reprive, came upon [illegible]
saide Harriote, who beinge a sleepe in his beade, and beate him [most?]
cruelly, as is well seene by him, and one the nexte night [following?]
John Horrell beinge a prisoner lyinge one meane proces, and dubble yronde
and by reson of the same coulde not put of his hoose but was con
strained to lie in them, had his purse pickte beinge in his pocket
and had taken out of the same three shillinges nine pence, wherefore
wee doe moste humblie desire your good worshipe to redrese our [wronges?]
and to seperate us from the sosietie of this wicked companie and we
will dayly pray for your longe life.

21o May 1616.

  • Thomas Baylis
  • Humfrie Whitney
  • John Horrell
  • Thomas Hunte
  • Thomas Harriott

Elizabeth Cuffe, widow, late of Little Witley. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/4 (1616)

To the righte worshipful Sir Samuell Sannes knigte
one of the Kinges majesties justises for the countie
of Worcester.

The petifull peticion of Elizabeth Cuffe wydowe, late
of Little Witley in the parish of Houlte in the
saide countie.

Your saide poore peticioner sheweth unto your
good worships that your saide peticioner is remay=
ninge upon a reprive, in the common goale houl=
den for this saide countie and hathe doone for
these three yeares, and hath a childe lyinge
at her charge, and by reson of the longe sicknes
which she hathe lately endred, and the smalnes
of the now alowance bothe she and her poore
childe is almoste famished.

Therefore your saide peticioner moste humblie
desirethe your worship eyther to graunte your
warrant to sende her said childe to the parishe
of Houlte afore saide whear he was borne, or
to grante him allowans and to live with your,
your petitioner, other they wilbe wise ar like to bee both famished,
and she shall have juste cause dayly to pray for
your worships longe life.

to Wytley parish where yt was borne

Margery Moore, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/5 (1616)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices
of the peace for the county of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of Margery Moore widdowe.

Most humbly sheweth, that whereas your
peticioners late husband deceassed, uppon a
verye greate and extreame rent tooke the
gayole for the countye of Worcester, where
shee and her said husband gave trust and creditt
to many poore distressed prisoners, hopinge of
satisfaccion att their enlargment nowe if
it may please your good worshipps sithence the death
of your peticioners husband, dyvers prisoners
have not onlye runn in debt to your peticioner
but also uppon false articles and accusacions
without just proofe have peticioned to your worships
against her.

Shee therefore most humbly beseecheth
your worshipps for that shee is left
comfortles and without a guide, and in
respect many prisoners are runn in her
debtt, that some good order may be taken in
your worshipps discrecions for the good of
your peticioner accordinge to equitye and

And as duety bindeth shee shall daylie
praye for your worships prosperities.

Evan Williams. Ref.110 BA1/1/25/6 (1616)

Right worshipful these are to desire you in your charitye to
consider of my poore estate that whereas I am constrained to
keepe a childe of one Phillip Downes by the contrarye informacion
to the right worshipful the justices on the benche that I shuld [have?]
certaine goods of the said Phillip Downes more then I ever
had in regard of which goods I shoull therfore keepe this childe
theese are to desire your worship that the parties which have
soe informed may be examined by your worship concerninge
the said goods or to consider my [poor?] estate the which I [have?]
kept the poore child so long and now beinge in pooverty
and had not that goods which hee promised [noee?] and now
I would desire your worships mercifull good will to me
beinge a poore labouring man having a great charge of
my owne beinge smale children w not able to get their
living and therefore I would desire your worships good
wiill that I might dischargd of the same child for
I am not able to kepe it no longer

  • Evan Williams

To thoverseers of the poore
to receave the childe and kepe it