Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.
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'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1618', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1618', in Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1618". Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
- William Lyes. Ref.110 BA1/1/21/79 (1618)
- Thomas Ferne of the parish of Norton, yeoman. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/10 (1618)
- Henry Wilkes. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/11 (1618)
- The inhabitants of Shipston upon Stour. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/12 (1618)
- Anthony Addames. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/13 (1618)
- Joane Hall, wife of John Hall. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/21 (1618)
- Daniel Hinton of St. Andrew Pershore. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/22 (1618)
- The inhabitants of the Tything of Whistones. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/23 (1618)
- Randell Weaver, John Nash and John Farmer on behalf of Eldersfield. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/24 (1618)
- John Morgan, prisoner in gaol. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/26 (1618)
- John Perkes of Bewdley. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/6 (1618)
- Margaret Biddle. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/7 (1618)
- John Stanton of Saint Johns in Bedwardine. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/9 (1618)
William Lyes. Ref.110 BA1/1/21/79 (1618)
To the right honourable Sir John Crooke knight
one of the Kinges majesties justices of assizes and gayle
deliverye for the countye of Worcester.
The humble peticion of William Lyes.
Most humblye sheweth, that whereas a robbery was committed
in the hundred of Oswaldslowe in the countye aforesaide uppon
one William Thorneburye, who had adjudged unto him for his
damages the summe of xxii pounds x shillings and for which he had an accion
against thinhabitantes of the saide hundred, and thereuppon had
levyed by the sheriffe of the saide countye the summe of xx pounds
thereof, afterwardes and above two yeares sithence the saide
Thorneburye tooke forth an other execution against the saide
inhabitantes for the residue being l shillings and thereuppon the
then sheriffes baylieffes by vertue thereof, tooke awaye
fyve of your peticioners beastes for the same l shillings whereby your
peticioner was constrayned to borrowe l shillings to redeeme his
saide cattell, which as yet is unsatisfyed.
His humble desire unto your lordshipp is, for that he is a verye
poore man, and dwellinge in the parishe of Saint Marten
neare the cittye of Worcester, and possesseth nothinge
but what he taketh at a rackt rent, that you woulde
be pleased to appointe where the saide l shillings shalbe
levyed within the saide hundred for your peticioners ease,
and the rather for that he hathe manye tymes peticioned to
the justices of this county and cannot be releived therein.
And as duetye bindeth him, he shall daylie praye to
allmightie God for your Lordshipps prosperitye.
20 July 1618. The inhabitantes of the hundred we
are to take order for the [...all?] and indifferent
levieinge of it John Croke
1618 a rate of the hundred for the debt and chardge [war bal?] [hundred?]
to ask of the constables if they refuse to bring them coram [just?]
be bound to answere to levy of thinhabitantes by distresse but [first?]
[illegible] of the court and chardges in [ret?] allowed etc.
Thomas Ferne of the parish of Norton, yeoman. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/10 (1618)
To the right worshipful the Kinges majesties justices of the
peace within the county of Worcester
The humble peticion of Thomas Ferne of the parish of Norton
in the county of Worcester aforesaid yeoman
Whereas there was proces directed unto the late sheriffe
of this county for the levieinge of xx shillings to the Kinges majesties
use of the inhabitantes of Norton aforesaid for not shewinge
their measures before the clarke of the markett, the
yeare before beinge the xiiiith yeare of his majesties raigne
for which somme of xx shillings the said late sheriffe by his officers
did distrayne the cattell of your peticioner whoe was
thereupon enforced to pay the same and for the repayment
thereof unto your peticioner and for the payment of other
charges of the said parish there was a lewne made
by the most and best inhabitantes of the said parishe and many
of have paid their partes and some others doe refuse to
pay what hath bene endifferently asseessed upon
them may it therefore please your worships to graunt your
warrant to the constable of the said parishe to collect
the said sommes severally assessed and to distrayne of such
as shall refuse to pay their partes whereby your said peticioner
may have his money by him disbursed and your
peticioner shall daylie pray for your worships prosperitie
Thomas Ferne
warrant to the constable to levy
Henry Wilkes. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/11 (1618)
To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties
justices of peace for the countie of Wigorn.
The humble peticion of Henry Wilkes
Shewinge, that he beinge charged with wief and
two small children, hathe for the space of sixteene
yeres laste paste, made his aboade in the Foreyate
streete within the suburbs of the cittie of Worcester in the
countie aforesaid, where he hath maintained him
=self by his painefull laboure, in suche sorte, that
neyther he nor his charge, hathe hitherto bene
chargeable unto otheres, and whereas he had
provided a house for him and his people, under one
John Wright, upon his promise, not to displace
youre peticioner duly payinge his rente whiles
he woulde continue tenaunte there, which saide
John Wright contrary to his said promise, hathe
now latelye [expulsed?] youre peticioner forthe
of the said house, without juste cause (as youre
peticioner hopethe to make manyfeste to youre
worshipps) and therefore he moste humblye
besechethe youre good worshipps to commiserate his
distressed estate, and that the saide John Wright
may be ordered, to cause youre poore peticioner
to continue his tenaunte of the premisses, whiles
he shall paye his rente due therefore, as for=
merly he was wonte, and the rather, then
those poore people, whom Christe Jesus hathe
dearely boughte, shulde be starved in the streete
throughe the wynter smarte, wherein he and his
poore painefull wief, shall ever pray to God, to
rewarde yow plentifully.
to stay in the house yf refuse the next justice to bynde etc. ad bene [ger?]
The inhabitants of Shipston upon Stour. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/12 (1618)
The peticion of the inhabitantes of Shipston
upon Stower within the hundred of Oswalsloe and
county of Wigorn.
May ytt please your good worshippes to be advertised that wheras att the
generall session of the peace of our soveraigne lord the Kinges majestie
holden att Wigorn, [mtis pt dlm?] pasche anno domini 1618 ytt was there
amonge other thinges ordered, for the releiffe of the poore inhabitinge
within the towne of Whistance that Tredington home, within the
same hundred should weekly pay towardes the reliefe therof sixteene
peence, soe ytt is that within the said home, the towne of
Shipston upon Stower (beinge of itt selfe over chardged with a
multitude of poore people, to the number of seavenscore householdes that are weekly
releived therin which the inhabitantes therof are nott able to continue without
further helpe, beinge within the same towne, nott more then thirtye
housholdes, hable to contribute towardes the relieffe of their wantes)
of which their owne estate and the great number of poore people, considered
they humblye desire to be dischardged, in suche manner as shall seeme
beste to your grave judgmentes
- [illegible]
- [illegible]
- Francis Hyckes
- John White
- William Whyte
- Lawrence Whit
- William Hunt
- Thomas Wickens
- Thomas Dowler
- William [Kydsal?]
- Hercules Rogers
Blockley ordred to pay
a third parte [Tr?] xvi [to?]
Anthony Addames. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/13 (1618)
To the right worshippfull his majesties justices of the
peace and quorum for the countie of Worcester
your poore peticioner [Anthonie?] Addames
Right worshippfull your poore peticioner doeth give you to understand
that he was borne in Stockton within this countie and have bine
breed up in the same parish, and most of my tyme in service
and have taken greate paynes for my livinge, all my tyme since I was
able, and of late I fortuned to marrie with a honest younge woman and my
parishnors not willinge I should bringe hir in the parish, sayinge we
would breed a charge amongest them, then I tooke a house in Bewdly
and there my wyfe doth yet dewll, and I my selfe doe worke in
Stockton and in the confines there about and send or bringe my wyfe
the best releefe I am able, and now the parish of Bewdly will not suffer
hir to dewll there for doubte of further charge, right worshipfull
I most humbly crave your good ayed and helpe in this my distress or
else my poore wyfe and child are like to perrish without the dores
And this right worshippfull I doe humbly [illegible] crave that by your
good helpe and order to the parish of Stockton I may have a
house there, to bringe my wyfe and child unto, that I may helpe
them the best I can, and your peticinor shalbe bound to pray
for you while he lives
Joane Hall, wife of John Hall. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/21 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the
county of Worcester
The humble peticion of Joane the wieff of
John Hall
Sheweinge that your peticioners husband beinge indebted to dyvers persons
for dischardge thereof did bargaine and sell unto one George Palmer
certene landes and tenementes in Suckeley in the said county whereunto your
peticioner was intituled. And to thend your peticioner should yeld
her consent unto the sale thereof the said George Palmer
did promyse that your peticioner should continue and dwell in the
howse her husband sold untill hee the said Palmer should erect
and build her a newe howse within the said parish which promyse
notwithstandine the said Palmer hath dispossessed your peticioner
of the foresaid howse
Yt would therefore please your good worships to order the said
Palmer that your peticioner may bee admitted to dwell
in the said howse untill the said Palmer shall
accordinge to his said promyse erect and build her
another howse elswhere in the said parish and this for
Goodes love
to contynue [illegible]
coram [illegible]
Daniel Hinton of St. Andrew Pershore. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/22 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices
of the [com?] of Worcester
Right worshipfull may it please you to be advertised that I
Daniell Hinton of the parishe of Sainte Andrewes in Pershore
brother to Edmond Hinton of the saied place which
the saied Edmond Hinton with his wiffe are both deceased
sithence Christmas last and have left behind
them fower poore smale children which doth ly at
my charge as that beinge a poore man and have a charge
of my owne to defend I would entreet your good worships
favour that they may be releived accordinge to lawe in the
parishes where they were borne, ther one of them was
borne in Pershowe ii of them at Bushops Norton by
Worcester the other was borne at Pipleton I the
sayd Daniell Hinton of sent one of them to Norton to the
parishe where they were borne and they refuse to keepe
it by reason they have not a warrent to doe it from the
bench I would entreate yower good worships in this behalfe
do graunt a warrent in this case in regard of the poore
orphans or else they are like to perish and unles
they be charitable holpen and releived
Yours in all humblenes
- Daniell Hinton
to be sent to the parishes to be
The inhabitants of the Tything of Whistones. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/23 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
for the [countye?] of Wigorn.
These are to certifye you that accordinge to your charitable
order for the relieffe of our poore of the tithinge of Whistons
we have demanded it and cannot have it payd unto us, namelye
Tredington home is behinde with us for the last quarter from
v shillings i penny and for this quarter since Easter hetherto ix shillings iiii pence,
Holdfast and Estingeton are iii shillings behinde with us, Allchurch is
behinde with us iii shillings. Stokeprior xviii pence, theese are therfore
to desire your charitable favour and furtherance that we may
have what your order did alow, beseechinge also the continuance
of your worshipfull dealing towardes us, without the which would manye
shuld perishe amonge us, for which your tender care over us
we shall ever be bound to praye for the longe continuance
of your happye healthes and prosperitye
Youre poore peticioners of the tithing
of Whistance.
Randell Weaver, John Nash and John Farmer on behalf of Eldersfield. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/24 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace, for the
county of Worcester
The humble peticion of Randell Weaver
gentleman John Nash and John Farmer for
and on the behalffe of the parish of
Eldersfield in the said countie
Sheweinge that the said parish of Eldersfield is greately burthened
and chardged with manie poore people, and theyre chardge encreaseth more and
more daielie (their said chardge happeninge by reason of entermarriadge
of young people of out parishes into the said parish of Eldersfield) in soe
much that the number of poore people is soe encreased that the
said parish is not able to maineteine one part of them without much
impoverishinge of the inhabitantes of the said parish
All which beinge by your worshipps duely considered the peticioners humbly
crave your worshipps ayde and assistance aswell for the lestninge
of their present chardge as for the preventeinge of the future
that maie come and growe unto the said parish unlesse some speedye
and lawefull course bee taken in this beehalffe: And that
yt would alsoe please your good worshipps that the said parish maye
have succor and helpe for the mainetenance of theire poore of some
neighbour parish accordinge to lawe
The names and number of the poore wherewith the
said parish is chardged videlicet
Wydowe Dobbes and fyve poore children
Issabell Lewys wydowe and fower children
Three children fatherles and motherlesse
Isabell Wynn Phillip Leadeington
Jane Burton Steven Surman
and his wieffe, Margery Sandy and
her daughter, Walter Turner and
twoe children Twoe children of
Allexander Mans
Thomas Barber his wieffe and
three children
William Tomes his wieffe and fower children
John Spraseys his wieffe and three
Jane Jones and twoe children
Anne [Dove?] and one child
Clement Stocke
Wydowe Cox and two children
Frauncis Gattfieldes bastard
The some gyven unto the said poore
the last yere [illegible] was xix pounds
Like to be chardgeable to
the said parish and newly
John Starkey and his wieffe
dwellinge in a cottage of
William Cookes
Gyeles Cooke and his wieffe
dwellinge in howse with his
wyves mother tenante for
terme of lieffe
Joane Whittle
warrant to thoverseers to take the goodes of the
reputed father into ther handes for relief of that bastard
[the?] chardge [not?]
John Morgan, prisoner in gaol. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/26 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
for the county of Worcester
The humble peticion of John Morgan
prisoner in gaole within the
said county
Whereas your peticioner by the false accusacion of Abell Wood
was comitted to the gaole of the said county by the right
worshipfull Fraunces Dingley esquire and hath contynued in the said
gaole ever since the last quarter sessions in great
extremyty, yt would therefore please your good worships that your
peticioner maye bee tryed uppon the said accusacion att this
present quarter sessions and your peticioner shalbee
dayly bounde to pray for your worshipps and this for
Godes [illegible] love
John Perkes of Bewdley. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/6 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the
peace within the county of Worcester
The humble peticion of John Perkes of Bewdley
Whereas ther was proces directed unto the late sheriffe
of this county for the levieinge of xx shillings to the Kinges majesties
use of the inhabitantes within the constablewicke of Ribsford
for not shewinge their measures before the clarke of the
markett the last yeare before beinge the xiiiith yeare of
his majesties raigne for which said somme of xx shillings the said sheriffe
did by his officers distrayne one mare of your peticioners
whoe was inforced thereupon to pay the some may it
therefore please your worships (that for asmuch as your said
peticioner is an inhabitante of an other constable wicke
out of which the like somme is already paid to the said
sheriffe for the like offence) to graunt your warrant
unto the constable and inhabitantes of the said constable=
wicke of Rip Ribford to levy and collect the same
somme of xx shillings and make payment thereof unto your worships
said peticioner togeather with ii shillings x pence charges which he
hath expended therein as of right [I?] he trusteth
they ought to doe and your said peticioner will
dayly pray for your worships prosperity.
[ordered cost?]
to levy
Margaret Biddle. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/7 (1618)
To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties justices
of the peace, for the countie of Wigorn.
The humble peticion of Margarett Biddle
Shewinge that whereas at the generall session of the
peace holden for the said countie on the xxxth day of
Aprill 1617 it pleased youre good good worshipps
to order that the churchewardens and overseeres of
the poore in the parishe of Droitwiche within this countie
shulde weekely pay every sabaothe daye eight pence
towardes her necessarye relief, and forasmuche as
the said officeres have not performed the said order in
faylinge to make payment of eleaven shillinges and
other arrerriges which is sithence the makinge of the said order, behinde
and unpaied unto her beinge verye poore and impotent
which is to her greatt hinderance, and may tende to her
utter and ever undoinge, unlesse some speadye coursse
may be herein taken for her more necessary relief
whereof she moste humblye cravethe youre pitifull
consideracions, and the rather then the poore creature
whom Christe Jesus hathe dearelye boughte shulde
perishe, which otherwise she can by noe meanes avoide,
who acordinge to her bounden dutie shall ever pray for
for the longe continuance of youre happye healthes.
ordered warrant etc
John Stanton of Saint Johns in Bedwardine. Ref.110 BA1/1/28/9 (1618)
To the right worshipful the Kinges majesties justices of the peace
within the county of Worcester
The humble peticion of John Stanton of Saint Johns
in Bedwardine in the county of Worcester
Whereas there was proces directed unto the late sheriffe
of this county for the levieinge of xx shillings to the Kinges majesties
use of the inhabitantes of Saint Johns aforesaid for not shewinge
their measures before the clarke of the markett the
yeare before beinge the xiiiith yeare of his majesties
raigne for which somme of xx shillings the said late sheriffe
did by his officers distrayne the goodes of your said peticioner
may it therefore please your worships to graunt your warrant
to the constables and inhabitantes of Saint Johns aforesaid
to levy and collect the same [illegible] somme of xx shillings and make
payment thereof to the said sheriffe or his officer
thereunto authorized whereby your peticioner may have
his goodes restored unto him and your said peticioner
will dayly pray for your worships prosperitie.
rate etc