Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770.
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'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1640s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1640s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1640s". Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
- Gervase Turner of Brampton. Q/SB/2/662 (1647)
- Francis Harison of Belper. Q/SB/2/1387 (1649)
- Richard Bennet of Ashburne. Q/SB/2/107 (1649)
- The inhabitants of Swarkeston. Q/SB/2/634 (1649)
- The inhabitants of Maynell Langley. Q/SB/2/658 (1649)
- John Mathew of Losco, p. Heanour. Q/SB/2/640/1 (1649-1659)
- John Mathew of Losco, p. Haynor. Q/SB/2/640/2 (1649-1659)
- John Hunter, a wounded souldier. Q/SB/2/642 (1649-1659)
Gervase Turner of Brampton. Q/SB/2/662 (1647)
To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the puplick peace
for this County of Derby.
The humble Petition of Gervase Turner of Brampton in the said County
That your peticioner was sworne constable of Morton in this
County (whereof parcell of Brampton is a member) in November 1645 for one
yeare, which was a very busy and troublesome tyme by reason of the Scotch Armyes
then in the contrey and your petitioners residence in Brampton five myles distant
from the greatest part of his townshippe; whereby hee was many times constrayned
for the fulfilling of soddaine and strict commandes for money or provision or both
to sell his owne goodes to disburse for the townshipps use, not having tyme to make
and levy assessmentes soone enough to satisfy the same
That he passed his accompt in Aprill 1647 (beeing foure monethes longer
then his yeare by force) and hath the same allowed under the handes of his neigh-
-bours, whereby it appeares hee was then out of purse xxiiii li. v s. v d. which money
hee could neither then get, nor himselfe discharged of the sayd office.
That by reason thereof hee hath still since both received and disbursed moneyes, and
that uppon a second accompt there wilbee due unto him still about fifteene poundes
which is a great part of your peticioners estate, and as yet indebted either in money
borrowed or provisions taken uppon trust, to severall persons for which hee is lyable
to the law, and no remedy for the recovery of his owne dues but the assistance of
this Court.
That hee now lyes uppon his bed of sicknesse from whence if it shall please
god to call him before some releife bee granted to him it will much tend to the
undoing of his poore children.
Your petitioner therefore most humbly prayes, that by the power and
justice of this Court hee may bee releived herein, by order to the now
officers for the assessing and levying of such moneyes as shalbee made
appeare to bee due to him uppon his accompt, to bee allowed either
by the next Justice of peace, the high constable of the hundred, or any
other person of quality; that the Court shalbee pleased to depute and
appoynt therein. And that the same order may bee with such penalty to
the refusers, as shall begett obedience thereunto, that your peticioner
bee not still disapoynted as hee hath often beene, And that the same may
extend to his executors or administrators, in case it please god to
call your peticioner before hee hath reaped the benefit thereof.
And your peticioner (as in duty bound) will dayly pray etc.
To assesse and pay
yf ether refuse to bee bound over
Francis Harison of Belper. Q/SB/2/1387 (1649)
To the right Worshipfull the Justices of peace, at the
Sessions houlden for the County of Darby
The humble petition of Francis Harison of Belper
Humbly sheweth
That where as youre petitioner was accused of fellonie for
the takinge of certaine peices of wood of one Mr Mathew Bates
and Pattrick Johnson and for the same was sent to the house of corection
and afterwardes bound over to answer it at this Courte yet may it please
you to be informed that if every man had his wright the wood
was noe mans but youre petitioners owne as he can make it apeare
by divers reasons and further if it was to the contrary yet youre
petitioner not taking it of the ground nor denying it when he was
asked for it but only taking it by way of claime or title to the same
youre worships I hope will finde it but matter of trespas and not fellony
besides the said Pattrick Johnson and men that he hath brought hath
comitted far greter trespases upon youre petitioner both by abusing
his wife and trespasing upon his ground as if you please to heare
he can make good upon oath by sufficient wittnes
Youre petitioners humble request therefore is that your
Worships will be pleased to take it into consideration and
either to let him have a faire hearing of his buisnes now
or else in regard that will be something tedious that you
will be pleased to apointe some one or two of the worshipfull
bench to here wittnesses and both sides and soe to determin the
matter and then youre petitioner doubts not but you will
say that he hath suffered much wrong from the party
aforesaid and will likewise be pleased some way to remedy
the same and youre petitioner shall ever pray
for youre worships per
pettuall preservations
Richard Bennet of Ashburne. Q/SB/2/107 (1649)
March 13 1648
To the Right honorable the Judge of Assizes at Derby and
to the rest of the Justices appoynted for the said
County The humble Petition of Richard Bennet of
Ashburne: Humblely sheweth that that the said the
poore petitioner hath kept a poore lame child for
the space of seven yeares which child is called
by the name of Elizabeth Sheepee daughter to one
George Sheepee who tooke up armes under the
comand of Sir Edward Fitton & at the time hir
father went She was put to your poore petitioner
by one John Allin who was then one of the overseers
of the poore for the said towne who promised your
poore petitioner eyght pence a weeke dureing his time
of continuance in the said office of overseer whoe continued
in the said ofice neere uppon twoe yeares & yet the said
John Allin never paid your petitioner but one 6s 0
for nine weekes and neyther he nor the rest of the
officers that have bin since would pay your pettioner
anie more monies paid but onely those that are nowe in
that office have paid me 7s 0 soe that your petitioner
hath had but the some of 13s 0 for the space of seven
yeares and althogh your petioner cann hath manie times
complainened both to the head menn of the said towne of
Ashburne and the officers allsoe Yet he can get noe
satisefaction: Your poore petitioner therefore
Humblely Intreateth that you will be pleased to grant
such order that your poore petitioner maye have satise
faction for the time past and that he may be discharged
of the keepeing the said child anie longer and that there
may be some course taken for her releefe: for she
is both lame and fatherles & motherles: and both she and
I your poore petitioner shall pray for you
The overseers to pay it releive her
according to necessity or else to
The inhabitants of Swarkeston. Q/SB/2/634 (1649)
July: 17th 1649
To the Right worshipfull the Justcies of the Bench at the
Quarter Sessions
The humble petition of the inhabitantes of Swarkeston
Wheras the inhabitants of Swarkeston did about tenn
yeeres agoe at ther owne paines and charyes build a scholhowse
to have ther children taught in good litterature and it was
imployed to that use till within this three yeeres and then it standing
voyd a little space till another scholmaster could be provided
In the meane on Robert Boocley that hath two howses of his
owne at Weston upon Trent thrust himselfe into it without
our consentes yet upon diverse demandes of it hath promised that he
would avoyd and go to his owne But so it is right worshipfull that hee
greves us keeps possession and will not out. So that to our greefe
and prejudice our children want teaching and what an injury this
is to us and then to want such a benefitt as a scholmaster and good
learning wee leave to your gratious consideration
Humbly beseeching your worshipps, soe to do for us that hee
may be cast out of the saied scholhowse that it may be
imployed to that good use for which it was ordained
- John Bould Clarke
- John Fisher
- Edmund Parker
- Thomas Wright
- Thomas Draper
- Ralph Bankcraft his marke
- Thomas Henisor his marke
- William Robertes
- Thomas Bould
To be removed upon due
The inhabitants of Maynell Langley. Q/SB/2/658 (1649)
To the right worshipfull the Justices of peace, at the quarter
Sessions houlden att Derby.
The humble petition of the inhabitants of Maynell Langley
That your worships peticioners have bene sore burdened and oppressed with
greate Taxes and payments and alsoe free quarter of souldiers, and
whereas the parke is houlden by some, which never yealde or
contribute any thing att all towardes the easment of your said
Peticioners which being but a few and housekeepers that have continually
daily extraordinary charges; wherras they that houlde the said
parke at Langley have not the like, by reason they are no housekeepers
there; soe that the whole charge lyeth very sore and heavy uppon
your said Peticioners soe that they are like to bee greatly wronged
thereby, without a speedy redress and remedy from your worships.
In consideracion and commiseracion thereof, your said peticioners most humbly
intreate your worships wilbee pleased to sett downe an order whearby
the houlders of the said parke, which are Mr. Robert Haywood, Mr. Henry
Buxton, and Richard Warde, (they takeing it to inhaunce the poore, as your said
peticioners can make it appeare) may be compelled to contribute with your said petitioners
as in equity your Worships shall thinke fitting, for which your said Petitioners (according
as in duty bounde shall daily pray etc.
Under our hands the 17th day of July 1649.
- Thomas Jally
- John Perkins
- Richard Gravenor
- William Gravenor
- Widdow Holmes
- Nicolas Harroulde
- John Ridgate
That they pay proportionably for parke cann rea[illegible]
for all taxes infra cognizance etc
John Mathew of Losco, p. Heanour. Q/SB/2/640/1 (1649-1659)
To the Right Worshippfull the Justices the Peace for this County of
Darby now assembled in open Courte of Sessions
The Petition of John Mathew of Losco in the parish of Heanour
Humbly sheweth
That your petitioner was a soldier under the comand of
Captaine Bagshaw and was plundred of all that hee had
by the Earle of Newcastles forces And hath lyen lame
above twelve moneths haveinge a wife and two small
children in which tyme hee hath spent all his houshould
goodes And is allmost starved for want of releife
And upon complaint to this Courte your petitioner was ordered
to have the allowance of twelve pence untill this Sessiones
May it therefor please this Courte the premisses
considered to order that some competent
mentaynance may be continued to your
petitior otherwise hee and his are like
to perish for want and your petitioner will
ever pray etc.
12d per weeke more till the next Sessions
John Mathew of Losco, p. Haynor. Q/SB/2/640/2 (1649-1659)
To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the Peace for
the County of Darby
The Peticion of John Mathew of Losco in the parish
of Haynor
Humbly sheweth
That your petitioner was a soldier under the comand of
Captaine Bagshaw at Winfeild Mannour, and was
then plunderd by the Cavileirs of all the goods
hee had. Since which it pleased God to strike your
your peticoner with lamenesse that hee is not able to
helpe himselfe further then hee is carried, That
hee hath two small children and his wife and have
soulde theire cow and all theire househould goods and apperell
to buy them their bread and other sustenance.
Your peticoner humbly prayes the premisses
considered to order that your peticoner
may have some competent allowance
for himselfe and children otherwise they
are like to perish for want and your
peticoner will pray etc.
12 per weeke per present and it continue usque
prochein Session and further usque
another order
Cop Intr
John Hunter, a wounded souldier. Q/SB/2/642 (1649-1659)
To the right worshippfull the Justices now for
this Sessions the humble peticon of
John Hunter a wounded souldier under
the command of Captayne Harstaffe
That wheras hee was wounded in the knee in the
late warres, and hath layne under the chyrurgeans
handes handes ever since for cure, to his greate damage
and impoverishment: and yet is alltogather
lame of the sayd wounded legge as may too playnly
These be most humbly and ernestly to beseech your
good worships iin pitty to consider the premises
and to grant to him your poore petitioner
such a pension annually for his mayntenance
as to you shall seeme fit and your petittoner
as by dewty bound will ever pray etc
Hee was under my hand for Cure of the said
wound allmost ii years
per me George Blagrave
The truth of the premises I can wittnesse
Gervase Harestaffe
To be allowed 40s si etc