Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1630s

Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770.

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'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1630s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1630s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1630s". Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

William Edwards, minister, and others of Ashover, on behalf of Robert Norman. Q/SB/2/28 (1632)

Theis may be to certifie the worshipfull bench at the Sessions
houlden at Darbye, for the Countye of Darbye. That whereas the bearer
hereof Robert Norman who beinge formerly charged to be the
reputed father of a woman child begotten on the bodye of Mary
Stubbinge and was bound by recognizance to the Sessions, for
the savinge of the parish of Ashover harmeles, from keepinge
of the said child. We whose names are hereunder written
do certifie for truthe, that the said child is departed this life, and
was buried in the parishe churchyard at Northwingfield the 25th
daye of Aprill 1632. And therefore the said Robert Norman
humbly desireth that his recognizance may be drawne, and therebye
saved from all further troubles which might ensue hereof, by
reason of his neglect.

  • William Edwards Minister
  • William Wing Clearke
  • Richard Flint Churchwarden
  • John Watson Churchwarden
  • Jhon Mossley Churchwarden
  • George Brealforde
  • and
  • John Brealforde
  • with manie others

Thomas Wiberley, constable of Knyveton Ofcoate and Underwood. Q/SB/2/637 (1634-1639)

Derb ss

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of
the peace and quorum, assembled at the quarter
sessions at Derby for the said County.

The humble peticion of Thomas Wiberley Constable
of Knyveton Ofcoate and Underwood in the said county

Sheweth unto your good worships that your peticoner beinge
Constable of Knyveton cum membris aforesaid, is to pay
in moneys to Mr Walker the High Constable, And divers of
the inhabitantes doe refuse to pay their lunes and taxes, in
regard that it is of late found out, that many of the
landes within the libertie pay not any thinge but the
shipp money, and divers landes that are scituate in the
parish of Knyveton, doe pay to Ofcoate and Underwood
which is in Ashborne parish, and soe some of the said
inhabitantes doe answer your peticion that they will
pay for their land where it lyeth, and they will not
pay except all other landes within the libertie pay as
well as ther landes, whereby your peticoner is in danger
to incurre the displeasure of the bench

In consideracion whereof your peticoners humble suite
is, that your good worshipps wilbe pleased to sett downe
an order that your peticoner may have his lunes paid
him, and that all the landes within the libertie may pay
their lunes, and pay within the libertie where they are
scituate, and if any refuse to pay for their landes
that they hould, that then they may be ordered to
appeare at the next monthly meetinge within the
weopentage of Wirksworth their to shew cause why
they soe refuse, And your peticoner as in duty bound
shall ever pray etc.

John Manners and others on behalf of Mathew Bagshaw. Q/SB/2/85 (1639)

Aprill the 20th. 1639

Right worshipfull Maye it please you that Mathew Bagshaw hath moved Sir
Thomas Hutchenson Mr Manners Mr George Columbell Junior and Mr Richard Senior
to erect a house in a croft where hath formerlie been an ancient cottage
the sayd Sir Thomas hath thought it fit that the sayd Mathew Bagshaw
should request the worshipfull Bench that hee might build him a house in Darley
because hee hath been an antient inhabitant and now is destitute of a
house. Thus much wee thought good to certifie you that you would be
a meanes whereby this poore man may have an order from the bench to
build a house and so wee humbly take our leave & rest

Your lovinge neighbours

  • John Manners
  • George Columbell Junior
  • Richard Senior

Robert Tunnecliff. Q/SB/2/1217 (1639)

To the right honorable Sir Robert [Heat]h Knight one of his
Majesties Justices of Assise for the County of Derby.

The humble peticion of Robert Tunnecliff.

Sheweth that William Wheeldon of Chesterfeild a common
informer did repaire unto your petitioner and tould him that hee
had exhibited an informacion att your Sessions att Derby in
July x o. Caroli Regis against your petitioner for unlawfull buying
of sheepe and other cattle but tould him that if hee would
then give him the said Wheeldon tenn shillings hee
would proceed noe further against him, and that hee your
petitioner should not appeare to answere the said informacion
or any other exhibited against him your petitioner by him the said
Wheeldon as informer for the said offences; which tenn
shillings your petitioner did accordingly pay to him the said Wheeldon
and thereupon your petitioner did as hee your petitioner informed theis
deponents forbeare to give any direccions for his your said petitioners
appearance att the said quarter Sessions thereupon.

Notwithstanding theis deponents are enformed that an
appearance was afterwards entered thereupon for
your petitioner to the said Wheeldons informacion and a
Judgment upon a Nihil dicit of one thousand poundes
thereupon unconscionably gained against your petitioner
and execucion thereupon awarded in the said Courte

Let the Justices of peace for this Countie of Derby take this
peticion into consideracion and if upon their examinacion they
find shall find the substance therof true, that then
they take order for the vacatinge the said Judgment, and
admitt the peticioner to pleade de Novo to the said informacion
and in the meane tyme the execucion upon the said Judgment
to stay
14 March 1638
Ro Heath

The inhabitants of Mapleton. Q/SB/2/638 (1639-1640)

To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace
and Quorum for the County of Derby.

The humble peticion of the Inhabitants of Mapleton:

Humbly sheweth unto your good Worships That whereas your poore peticioners
haveinge formerly beene at great charges with manie taxacions laide
upon them concerninge the towne of Mappleton in the said Countie
of Derby, beinge all or the most parte of the towne verie poore, men,
And whereas divers severall persons, have heretofore held, and
still doe hold, certaine groundes belonginge to the said towne
of Mappleton, which have heretofore paid both towardes his
Majesties provision and the Shipp money, And now deny to pay
the taxacion laid upon them, concerninge the trayninge, and the
charge of settinge forthe the prest soldyers, Prayinge that
in this case your peticioners may be relieved as to youre good
Worships, shall seeme most fitt and convenient, And that those
persons houldinge the groundes aforesaid, may pay theire due
accordinge to every ones rate, which soe houldeth the groundes as
aforesaid, towards the easinge of us youre poore peticioners,
wee haveinge had, all the charge laid upon us, hitherto, and
soe are likely still to have, unlesse youre good worships will be
pleased to sett downe, and take some order for our relieffe herein, And
your poore peticioners shall be ever bounden to pray: etc: