Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1650s

Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770.

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'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1650s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1650s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1650s". Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

John Hobbes, Humfrey Foddringham and Humfrey Jackson. Q/SB/2/639 (1650-1659)

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of peace for this
County of Derby.

The humble peticion of John Hobbes Humfrey
Foddringham and Humfrey Jackson

[Hu]mbly sheweth

That your petitioners haveing beene soldieres under the
comaund of Sir John Gell in the garrison in Derby
all the time it was soe kept for the Parliment. Dureing
which time your petitioners weere mamed in the servis and
were by order of Sessions appointed to have a pension
allowed them which is kept from them by reason thereof
your petitioners are much prejudiced

Itt is the humble request of your petitioners
therefore that your Worships would be
pleased that there arreares may be payed
them and theire pensiones continued and
they as they are bound shall dayly pray etc

Raphe Bullocke. Q/SB/2/1339 (1650-1659)

To the right worshippfull Justices of this
being humbly besechinge

Your humbel petitioner Raphe Bullocke desyre
-th your worships that yow will bee pleased
to take in consideration his case who
hath served a thyrdbarrowshippe for the the quarter of Dunston for one whole yeare
determined the thyrd of February last past
desireinge hee may bee sett free nominate
inge a man fitt for that service whose
name is Francis Stevenson of that said
quarter who never yet served: hopeinge
your worshipps will bee pleased to grant ann
order for that ease purpose and sett your
humble petitioner free and hee shall bee
ever obliged to your worshipps

Thomas Greenewood of Dronfeild, yeoman. Q/SB/2/1353 (1650-1659)

To the Right Honorable the Justices of the Bench at

The humble peticion of Thomas Greenewood of Dronfeild


That your petitioner in the yeare of our Lord God 1646, did lay out the summe
of tenne shillinges for the wholl towne, for the hire of a thirdburrough
there, Your petitioner humbly prayes your Honors to graunt an order that the
present Constable of the said towne of Dronfeild doe forthwith repay your
petitioner his said mony disbursed as aforesaid or els upon refusall to bee
bound to his good behaviour

And your petitioner shall ever pray

Ordered except cause

Elizabeth Burrowes of Dale-Abbey. Q/SB/2/1360 (1650-1659)

To the Right worshipfull the Justices of the peace
for the state of England now assembled on the bench
at Derby.

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Burrowes
of Dale-Abbey in the aforesayd county:

Complaineing showeth that Bridget Hill of the aforesaid
parish having formerly served a warrant upon your oratrix
directed from Mr. Bennett for scandalous words as she alled
ged to be uttered by me against hir: the said Mr Bennett appoint
ed Michael Coe Sir Henry Willowbyes baliff who ordered
and agreed the matter betwixt us before the cheif of the parish, she
receiveing 2s for hir warrant: now when my recognizance
should be drawne she labours to bind me over againe. I
am a poore widdow having 2 young children and nothing to
releive them and me, but the charity of the parish; who at the first
earnestly moved and intreated the matter of controversy to be de
cided, but she and hir sister were so obstinate that nothing would
appease them but present imprisonment of me, for my life and con
versation to be honest and good, it is attested under the handes
of the whole parish:

May it please your good worships take into consider,br> ation my impoverished estate, that I may be freed from
their incumbrance and that according to the former order
I may be at quiet: And your oratrix will ever and
daily pray etc.

  • John Scott Curate
  • John Brownloe
  • Wm Wright senior his marke
  • Robert Wood his marke
  • John Wheatley
  • William Wright junior
  • Thomas Bridges his marke
  • Will: Meakin his marke
  • William Wheatley

Robert Hunt, constable of Foston and Scropton. Q/SB/2/201 (1652)

The humble pettiton and request of Robert Hunt
Constable of Foston and Scropton humbly desireing
your worships favour to grant me a warrant
an order whereby I may collect that every one
may paie in their levies & Assesmentes which the are
behinde or a warant to bringe them in to the
next meetinge soe humbly craveinge your
worships favoure herein I

Your humble Pittitioner
Robert Hunt Constable



Christopher Fisher, minister of Heyfield. Q/SB/2/1209 (1653)

To the right worshipfulls the Justices of the peace for the Countie of Darbie.

The humble petition of Christopher
Fisher minister of Heyfield

Wherein your humble petioner Sheweth that
he was frely with unanimious consent chosen and elected the
minister of Heyfield and there haith remained as minister
and soe confirmed by the Committie of plundered ministers and
an augmentation of fiftie poundes per annum and tenn poundes
from the Marchant Tailors Hall in London aand confirmed
under and by the hands of the worshipfull Collonell Ashenhurst
and the rest of the inhabittantes generally

Butt soe it is: that your petitioner being a gospell
minister is therefore injustly presented and oathe taken against
most injustly falsely and desperately without ether feare of god
or reverence to man by a companie of Annabaptists and
Seperatists in a conspiracie to undoe distroye and banish
your petitioner, whose malignancie appeareth at large

Wherefore your worships petitioner humble prayeth warrants
against George Hatfield Edward Hide John Bennit
George Bennet Thomas Watterhouse of Hey-
-field to be bound over to the good behaviour untill they
justly prove the accusation against the your petitioner
and he will daly praye for your health and happinesse

Joseph Wright of Wirkesworth, tailor. Q/SB/2/217 (1655)

To the right worshipfull the Justices of the peace for this County of Derby
at the generall quarter Sessions holden at Derby this 24th Aprill 1655

The humble peticion of Joseph Wright of Wirkesworth in the
County aforesaid taylor, humbly sheweth unto your good
worshipps by way of complaynt against Henry Arwin off the same
towne & County myner; for many and severall abuses done unto
the said Joseph Wright his wife and his children both at home and
abroade by the said Henry Arwin, The said Henry Arwin
haveinge formerly done much hurt to the said Joseph Wrights
wife and children by affrighting them at their owne house in the
night and threateninge them; The said Joseph Wrights wife theirupon
got a warrant against the said Henry Arwin and bound him to the peace
to appeare at this generall quarter Sessions But the said Henry
Arwin hath since that time broken the peace, in comeinge violently
upon the said Joseph Wright when he was working at a grove
upon the myne, their doeinge him much hurt to his great
dammage; Wherefore your suppliant desireth your good worships
that the said Henry Arwin may not be acquitt from
his suretishipp & bondage at this time, But that hee may be
bound still or other punishment may be inflicted upon him as [you?]
in your discretions shall think meet And for your
worships healths hee is bound to pray

Joseph Wright

Roger Steeven of Wirkesworth, saxton. Q/SB/2/220 (1655)

At the generall quarter Sessions holden at Derby the 24th
day of Aprill 1655
To the right worshipfull the Justices of peace for the County aforesaid

The humble petititon of Roger Steeven of Wirkesworth in the County
aforesaid saxton Sheweth unto your good worships That whereas the said
Roger Steeven being an aged man and well approved on by many of
his neighbours, part wherof whose names are hereunto subscribed
in the behalfe of the said Roger Steephen for his good carriage amongst
them; The said Roger Steephen dwelling neare some disorderly people
and evill affectioned towards him, which are Henry Arwin, John
Arwin and their mother Alice Arwin widdowe which are often abuseinge
the said Roger Steephen according to his owne relacion both in words
and accions Wherefore the said Roger Steephen doth humbly desire
that some order and course may be taken with the said disorderly persons
and abusefull neighbours in his behalfe; that hee may live peaceably
and quietly at home amongst his neighbours them Otherwise the said Roger
is not able to subsist And for your worships healths hee is
bound to pray

Wee doe Certifie of the good Carriage of the poore man Roger Steephen as aforesaid
Attested under our hands

  • Martin Topham Vicar
  • Raph Twigg
  • Robert Topleys Constable
  • John Roper
  • Anthony Cheatle
  • Gourge Tompson mark
  • William Goodwin
  • Daniel Deelle hedboroes

  • Thomas Bunting
  • John Hapy
  • Raph Poyser
  • Edward Ragg
  • Thomas Beighton
  • Adam Padley
  • Richard Allsu[illegible]
  • William Banks
  • Richard Steere[illegible]

Thomas Suttone of Hartingtone. Q/SB/2/1340 (1656)

The humble petitione of Thomas Suttone
of Hartingtone


Whereas your petitioner: and wife: haveing 8: children: four beinge with him
very young one unable to get a livelyhood: beinge very laborious
all ther time hitherto: takeinge great paines at the mines: haveinge
noe gets for many years together: venturinge his substance: in vindicatione
of the mines; fallinge into extreame wants: by his great Charge; and ma
nageinge the mines: your petitioner: haveinge a small cottage: of his one
and a litle, corne: which your petitioner: hath caused sowen: and goeinge into debt
for the said seed: the man to whom I had the seed hath seised of my corne:
allready for his pay: I beinge in a weake: conditione: allmost past my
worke and my wife allso: sellinge that small substance wee had in our house
for maintanance for our family: and the hardness of the winter hath: forced
sell all wee had: to preserve us all a life: and beinge in extreame poverty: make
in complaint to the overseers of the said towne: who daly excuseth: and say the will
doe much for us but never performe anythinge: humbly desireinge: that
your worshipfull bench: wold give orders to the overseers of the poore: that your peti
tioner may have the weekly pay: as in your grave wisdome you shall thinke fitt
and your petitioner will ever pray for your worshipps long life by mee

my ho Your petitioner eye sight beinge
dim: humbly desireth: your assitance
for without your worshipps order I must have nothinge

Thomas Robert Sutton

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