Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798.
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'Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1590s', in Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798, ed. Sharon Howard , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1590s', in Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798. Edited by Sharon Howard , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1590s". Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798. Ed. Sharon Howard , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
- Llewellen ap Edward of Barton on the Hill. QJF 19/4/22 (1590)
- Raphe Leftwyche of Leftwyche, on behalf of Edward Venables. QJF 20/1/2 (1590)
- The inhabitants of Nantwich. QJF 20/3/2 (1590)
- Laurence Swettenham of Somerford, gentleman. QJF 22/1/20 (1592)
- George Hall of Rothesthorne, fishmonger. QJF 22/1/25 (1592)
- Thomas Manwaringe of Calveley, on behalf of Ralph Pallyn. QJF 22/3/10 (1592)
- The inhabitants of the parish of Knutsford. QJF 24/1/24 (1594)
- Allys Whittingham, William Bealey and Margery his wife. QJF 24/1/25 (1594)
- Robert Scragge. QJF 24/2/1 (1594)
- Thomas Maddoks, prisoner. QJF 24/2/34 (1594)
- Rauff Hassall, esquire. QJF 24/3/22 (1594)
- John Lloyed. QJF 25/2/1 (1595)
- John Cowper of Over Midgeley. QJF 26/4/19 (1597)
- Inhabitants of Hurleston. QJF 27/2/24 (1597)
- William Burges of Chelford. QJF 27/2/45 (1597)
- George Gatcliffe, prisoner in Chester Castle. QJF 27/2/48 (1597)
- John Bromefeild of Sandbache husbandman. QJF 27/2/53 (1597)
- Seven inhabitants of Nantwich. QJF 27/4/15 (1598)
- Roger Holland and Hugh Hignit. QJF 28/2/11 (1598)
- Rauffe Lingard and Anne his wife. QJF 29/2/36 (1599)
- The churchwardens and inhabitants of Barthomley and Crewe. QJF 29/3/21 (1599)
- Unidentified person(s). QJF 29/3/22 (1599)
Llewellen ap Edward of Barton on the Hill. QJF 19/4/22 (1590)
To the Quenes majesties justices of peace
here assembled this presente Tewesday the [xiiith?]
of Januare at h 1589 at her majesties generall
session of the peace.
Humblie besecheth your worshipps your humble oratour
Llewellen ap Edward, of Barton on the Hill in this county
of Chester. That whereas your supplicant beinge constable
of the same towne in August last past and doinge his [endevoire?]
to his utter most power to suppris certen disordered persons
assembled in the said towne of Barton on the Hill, in the said
moneth of August last past, which brake the Quenes majesties
peace, and make an open uprore in the said towne to the great
terrour of the Queens majesties loyall subjectes of the said towne.
But so it is that one John Heyre of Tylson in this
said [com?] of Chester disobeing the order and comaundment of
your pore supplicant did make one assalt and affray
upon your said supplicant and with one dagger which he then
hadd in his right hand did stryke and wound your said supplicant
in v places videlicet two in the headd and three in the right hand
and did draw blood upon your said supplicant by [fere?] wherof
your said supplicant cold not woorke at his occupacion being a
black smyth by art by the space of a month to his great
losse and hinderans. In tender consideracion wherof it may
please your worshipps to graunt your supplicant a warrant
of good behaviour or of the peace at your worshipps discreacion
against the said John Heyre who yet thretteth your said
supplicant to beat stryke and woond hym. So shall your
worshipps poore supplicant rest bound to pray for your
preservacions to Goddes glorie.
Fiat [warr?] de ben pace [gerend cunct?]
Raphe Leftwyche of Leftwyche, on behalf of Edward Venables. QJF 20/1/2 (1590)
To the Queenes majesties justices of peace within
the countie of Chester
In most humble wyse prayeth your worshipps Raphe Leftwyche
of Leftwyche esquyer in the countie aforesayd esquyer that
whereas aboute three yeres sithence the sayd Raphe Leftwyche
did graunte lycence and libertie unto one Edward Venables
that the sayd Edward shoulde erecte and sett upp upon the
demesne land of the sayd Raphe Leftwyche in Leftwyche
aforesayd one cotage. Whereupon the sayd Edward Venables
beinge a verie poore man to his greate g costes and charges did
frame a cotage to be erected upon the sayd land after which
tyme that is to saye in the xxxith yere of the Queenes majesties
raigne at the parliament holden at Westminster an acte was made
against the erectinge and buildinge of cotages by reason whereof
the sayd Edward Venables could not erecte and sett the sayd
cotage for feare of the forfayture and penaltie in the sayd
acte conteyned in tender consideracion whereof may it please
your worshipps to graunte lycence unto the sayd Edward Venables
to erecte build and sett upp the sayd cotage upon the sayd
lande and that the same b may Edward Venables and all other
the assignes of the sayd Raphe Leftwyche and his heires may
be lycenced [and?] permitted to b inhabitt and dwell within the sayd
cotage by the space of fortie yeres nexte ensuynge after this
present sessions
Wicus Malbanus sessions
Apud Wicum Malbanum in xixo die Maii anno regne Elizabeth [illegible]
etc xxxiio Hugo Cholmondley miles Edward Phyton miles
Georgius Clyve miles et alii socii [illegible] [justic?] paces
dicto domine regne [presentibus?], [concesser?] super [illegible] Radolpho
Leftwyche ad edificandum [cotag..?], duraturus pro termino
xlta annorum secundum petitionem
Per me [illegible] per [illegible] paces in comitatu Cestria
The inhabitants of Nantwich. QJF 20/3/2 (1590)
To the Queenes majesties justices of peace of
the countie of Chester
In moste humble wyse sheweth and informeth your worships your
orators beinge the inhabitantes of the towne of Namptwyche
whose names be subscrybed that Roger Leighe John Leighe
John Brett thelder John Brett the younger Roger Brooke
Mathewe Leighe, Roger Shorte John Gibbons the younger John
Coryer alias Gryffyn John Alcocke Raffe Wryght Gilbert Browne Thomas Madcocke and John Crewe of Namptwyche
in the countie aforesayd are not of good name and fame nor of honeste
conversacion but of evill disposicion barectors and disturbers of the
peace of our soveraigne ladye the Queene soe that they be
lyke to make murder manslaughter and other troubles and disorders to
aryse amongest the Queenes majesties subjectes: in tender
consideracion whereof may yt please your worships to
graunte forthe proces against the sayd disordred persons for theire
apprehension to fynde suerties for theire good behaviour and
your worshipps shall thereby bringe the sayd towne of
Namptwyche into good order as we hope and soe we humblie
take our leaves at Namptwyche the third of November 1590
Your worships most readie to be comaunded
- Rychard [Walthall?]
- Hugh [Cholmondeley?]
- Thomas Smith
- Thomas Wylbram
- William Leversage
- Rycharde Maystersonne
- William Hassall
- John Griffyn
- Raphe Wilbraham
- [Rychard Churche?]
- William Church
- Robart [Crockett?]
- [Jhon?] Tenche
- John Brayne
- Gabriell Wetenhalle
- Geffrey Mynshull
- Jasper Rutter
- Laurence Wrighte
- Hughe Manwarynge
- John Mynshull
- Robart Wilk
- Thomas [Oswald?]
Laurence Swettenham of Somerford, gentleman. QJF 22/1/20 (1592)
To the right worshipfull Sir Hughe Cholmondley knighte and other
her majesties justices of peace within the county of Chester
at the sessions holden at Wiche Malbanke in the said county.
Humblie sheweth your worships Laurence Swettenham of Somerford in the said county
gentleman one of the highe constables of the hundreth of Macclesfeild in the
said county: that wheras your supplicant the said Laurence hath bene and contynued
one of the highe constables of the said hundreth by the space of manie yeares
past, and hath executed the same sufficientlie as apparteyned: in
tender consideracion wherof and [for?] that your said supplicant is verey
aged, corpulent, greived with sicknes and other infirmities and not able
to travell neither on horsebacke nor on foote for the full execucion of the
said office, but every waie unmeete for the same: maie ytt please
your worrships to discharge your said supplicant of that place and
appoint some other meete for the same: and this in respecte of your
care for the better execution of the same office, and ease of your
Your worshipps humbly
- Laurence Swettenahm
George Hall of Rothesthorne, fishmonger. QJF 22/1/25 (1592)
To the Quenes majesties justices of peace assembled at her
highnes generall sessions of the peace this presente xxvth
day of Aprill anno regne Elizabeth xxxiiiio holden at
Namptwych in this said countie of Chester
Pleaseth your worshipps in tender zeale of mans lyef, to be
enformed by the Quenes majesties true and loyall subject
your humble supplicant George Hall of Rothesthorne fishe
monger that wheras certen lewd persons, havinge litell or
nothinge to lyve on (whose names be as foloweth: videlicet: John Barlowe
Henrie Coppocke, and Robert Coppocke late of Northen in this
said [com?]) of their develish instigacion (and blodie conspiracie) have
pretended the destruccion and murther of your said supplicant. Their
wicked conspiracie therein beinge discovered by their speaches
utterd in the hearinge of Isabell Johnson wyef of James Johnson
here readie to geve evydens therein. The lyke confederacie beinge
revailed in the hearinge of John Hunt bailif of Sale, who
will not geve evydens thereof without compulsarie proces. And
forasmuch as said supplicant dare not travaile for his lyvinge
to merketes to use his said trade of fishemonger neither come at
his owne house havinge lyen amongest his frendes this xvi weekes
past: consumynge his substans without any gayne to his utter ympoverishment
he having procured warrant of good abearing against the saides wicked
persons and caused theme arrested thereupon by one John Bracthgirdell
bailif to the sheref that now is. Which Brachgirdell favoringe
the saides evill persons suffred theme to escape unbound. To your supplicantes
great perill of lyef. In tender consideracion whereof it may please
your worshipps in proteccion of your supplicants lyef to grant hym a warrant
of good abearinge against the said evill persons videlicet John Barlowe
Henrie Coppocke and Robert Coppocke afforenamed. Upon evydens
of Isabell Johnson here in court readie. So shall your said
supplicant pray for your worshipps felicities to Goddes pleasure
Your worshipps humble supplicant
- George Hall
Thomas Manwaringe of Calveley, on behalf of Ralph Pallyn. QJF 22/3/10 (1592)
To the Quenes justices of peace in the
[com?] of Chester
In most humble wyse prayeth your worships Rauffe Leftwyche
Thomas Manwaringe of Calveley gentleman that whereas
about three foure yeares since the said Thomas Manwaringe did
grant lycense and libertye to one Rauffe Pallyn that the said
Rauffe shuld erect and sett uppe on cotage in Haughton in the
[com?] of Cheser upon the landes of the said Thomas Manwaringe
there. Whereupon the said Rauffe Pownall beinge a verye
poreman to his great costes and charges did frame a cotage
to be erected upon the said land. After which tyme that ys to wete
in the xxxith yeare of the Queens majesties reigne at the parlyment
holden at Westminster an act was made aganst the erectinge
and byldinge of cotages by reason wherof the said Rauffe
Pallyn cold not erect and sett the said cotage for feare
of the forfeyture of the penaltye in the said act conteyned
in consideracion wherof may yt please your woorships to grant
lycense to the said Rauffe Pallyn Thomas Manwaringe to erect and sett uppe
the said cotage upon the land said land and that the said
Rauffe Pallyn and all other the assignes of the said Rauffe
Leftwyche Thomas Manwaringe Rauffe Pallyn maye be
permytted and lycensed to inhabitt and dwell within the said
cotage by the space of xltye yeares next ensuynge of
this present sessions
Northwich sessions xviio die Octobris 1592
Upon the othe of of Rauffe Pallyn in open sessions
that he was in [speche?] for the said cotage before the
makinge of the statute, and lykewyse upon consideracion
that Rauffe Leftwyche hath promysed to entreate with
the said Thomas Manwaringe to laye one acre of land
to be occupyed with the said cotage therefore the said
Rauffe Pallyn [ys?] lycensed accordinge to this peticone
- P: Warburton
- Thomas Venables
- William [illegible]
- Peter Warburton
The inhabitants of the parish of Knutsford. QJF 24/1/24 (1594)
To the justices of her majesties peace and
quorum at the generall sessions in the countie
of Chester
Maye it please your worshipps to bee informed by
the inhabitantes of the parish of Knottesford,
that whearas thear is great controversies
stirred and growen betwixt John Leeghe
of the Boothes esquior and one George Burges
of Nether Knottesford greatlie tending to the
breache of her majesties peace and disquiet of
the said parishioners as uppon Sunday last at the
sayd parish churche appeared yf great
meanes had not beene made to the contrarie
the premisses considered theise maye bee
to move your worshipps as youe tender the
preservacion of her majesties peace to take somme
good course for the same in this sessions
at your puplicke assemblie and this for Godes
cause wee require and as youe tender her
majesties service from Knottesford aforesaid
the xxiith daye of this instant Aprill
Your worshipps moste bounden
- Thomas Brome minister
- Robarte [Bente?]
- John [Anterbus?]
- Rychard [Toofte?]
- Robeart Dayne
- Rychard Davenport
- Robart Wepster
Allys Whittingham, William Bealey and Margery his wife. QJF 24/1/25 (1594)
To the right worshipfull her majesties justices of the
peace and quorum for her countie pallantine of Chester.
Humblie complayninge sheweth to your worshippes your poore supliantes Allys Whittingham widdowe
William Bealey and Margery wyffe to the sayd William that wheras one Anne Lingard wyffe to Rauff
Lingard of Middellwich upon her corporall oth takne before you Master Thomas Varnon esquyer one of the [said?]
justices that she is affrayd of bodily harme to be offred her by your sayd supplicantes or some of them [hath?]
procured warrantes of the peace against your sayd supplicantes whoe never did fight contend menace or [threaten?]
to fight or braule with the sayd Anne as shalbe duely proved to your worshipps greatly [astonishing and?]
makinge amazed your sayd supplicantes whoe are well knowne never to have disturbed her majesties peace [illegible]
all theire neighboures, and wheras allsoe the sayd Anne Lingard about the xxixth of January laste past
early in the morninge came unto the house of the sayd Allis Whittingam before the dores of the sayd house
weare set oppene and caused Peeter Tounge servante to Randull Bealye to knocke at the same dore
that when the same should be opened, she might convaye her selffe into the house to doe some outrage
upon the sayd Allys, which Anne upon her cominge into the house fyndinge noe personne their savinge
the sayd Allys did assault and treade her the sayd Allys (beinge an aged woman) under feete and would
her have murdred or otherwayes fouly intreated yf she hadd not bine prevented by the foresayd Bealy
his wyffe whoe hearinge the crye came imediatly from theire bedd and tooke upp the [aff...?] [illegible]
a matter soe shamfull and unnaturall, as the lyke by anie woman hath seeldome bine offred in [illegible]
cuntrey or towne, and for as much allsoe as it is not unknowne to the persouns that have herunto [illegible]
whoe are of the best sort of dwellers within Middellwich afforesayd, that the sayd Anne by her [illegible]
and otherways, hath oft tymes disturbed the peace of her majestie, and bine cause of unseemly [illegible]
dyvers braules and affrayes and continuinge that course of lyf whereby your supplicantes with [illegible]
parte of theinhabitantes of Middellwich afforesayd, are not only much greeved and brought out of [illegible]
but I the sayd Allys much affrayd lest the sayd Anne will take her opportunity [illegible]
mischeefe me, yf some good course for my releef and securytie bee not taken by your worshipps [illegible]
maye therefore please your good worshipps duly and advysedly the cause of your supplicantes [considered?] not only to [illegible]
order that the warrantes maye be called in which stand forth against them, the sayd Anne Lingard [illegible]
beinge able to chardge them justly with anie unneighbourly dealinge towardes her, as allsoe in regard
that the sayd Allys Whittingam can not be at peace within her owne house which should bee [illegible]
castle, to take order, to brydle the outragousnesse of the sayd Anne Lingard, by takinge her [bond?] [illegible]
with good surtyes for her good behavioure towardes the [said?] Allis and your poore [illegible]
Robert Scragge. QJF 24/2/1 (1594)
To the right worshipfull Sir Hughe Cholmondley knight
Peter Warburton serjeant att lawe and vicechamberleyne
of the county palatyne of Chester and to all others
hir majesties justices of peace within the sayd county
assembled att the quarter sessions of the peace holden
att Chester this xxxth of July 1594
In most humble wyse besecheth your worships your poore orator [Robert?] Scragge that whereas your worships sayd poore orator haveinge
a wyffe and many smale children were borne and ever sithence have lived in Swettenham in the sayd county and menteynd them selves by
there handy labor without offence of the parishe or dislike of the contrey adjoyneinge and where your worships sayd orator hath heretofore lived in a smale
cottage which was built uppon the wast in Swettenham longe before the statue made against erecting of cotages which nottwithstanding was latly
pulled downe by meanes whereof your sayd orator his sayd wyve and poore children as haveinge no other shifte do lye and harbor in a
hollowe place uppon the same wast which your orator hath covered with [soddes?] and where your orator allwaies had and nowe hath the good will of the
cheif lord of Swettenham being Master Davenport of Davenport to erect a cottage uppon the sayd wast and hath endevored himself to learne
who or what persons they were that pulled downe the sayd cottage butt cannott learne ytt and to thend that your poore orator
may have full authority thereunto and in tender consideration of the poore estate of your orator may ytt please your worships
to grant unto your sayd orator lycence to build a cottage uppon the sayd wast that thereby your orator be nott [illegible] compelled for
want of habitacion to begge or to wander abroade to his utter overthrow and your sayd orator according to his bounden
duty will dayly pray for the prosperous estate of your worships in all felicity longe to endure.
Upon consideracione of this peticione lycense ys granted for the [erecting?]
of a cotage upon such place of the wast of Swetnam as Henry
Manwaringe and John Damport esquyres shall appoynt and thinke fytt
Thomas Maddoks, prisoner. QJF 24/2/34 (1594)
To the right worshipful her majesties
justices of peace here assembled
with all humylity be the [ddes?]
In most humble wyse sheweth unto your good
worships your poore orratour Thomas Maddoks
whoe haveinge bynne prisoner in this castell for
manye yeres past, and nowe beinge through
the visitacion of God brought to great poverty
and impotencie by the sayd imprisonment
may hit please your good worships, in tender
consideracion herof, and the rather Master Justyce
Shuttleworth beinge acquynted therwith referred
th to graunt unto unto your said oratour suche
allowance as is yelded to the poore prisoners in
this castle, and your sayd oratour wyll not
fayle to praye for your worships prosperitye and
preservacion to God his pleasure.
Your worships poore supplicant
- Thomas Maddoke
Rauff Hassall, esquire. QJF 24/3/22 (1594)
To the right worshipfull hir majesties justices
of peace of the countie of Chester at
this presente session assembled.
May yt please your woorships to lycence Rauff Hassall
esquier to erecte and buylde upon his wast lande
in Litle Hassall one cotage for a dwellinge howse
for Johana Hall Ellen Hall and Alice Hall beinge
sisters, and havinge spente theire tymes in service
and nowe by reason of theire ages not able any
longer to serve, and to contynue the same for
a dwellinge howse duringe the lyves of the same
Johana Ellen and Alice and the lyfe of the longest
[lyved?] of them. And the rather for that the same
Johana Ellen and Alice are of honest and good
behavyour, and have noe conveynyent place elswhere
to lyve in
xxixo Octobris 1594 annoque regne Elizabeth xxxvito
Wee lycense and [ad.ytt?] the partyes abovesaid to errect a
cotage to have contynuance duringe there lyves to acordinge
to the peticione. Upon condicion that there be not any
informacione aganst them, of any disorder or d misdemenours
which shalbe soe adjuged aganst them by this cort upon such
informacione contrary to the lawes and statutes of this
- [R?] Cotton
- Henry Maynwaring
- Henry [C...d?]
- [illegible]
- E:4
- [illegible]
John Lloyed. QJF 25/2/1 (1595)
In most humble wyse, sheweth unto your worshipps, you poore orator John
Lloyed, whoe havinge longe served her majestie in her warres, and nowe
partely in respecte of age and partlye of other infirmities in bodye not beinge
able to serve, nether havinge whereon to maynteyne him selfe nor [yet?]
being able to compasse [anie?] releef of the countrey by vertue of
her majesties lawes lately sett downe maye yt please your worshippes
in tender consyderacion of my service heretofore spent and for that I
am a neighebour in the cytie of Chester borne, to graunt mee your
pasporte to travayell to London to exhibite my peticion to her majestie
withall your charitable benevolence towardes my charges and your
oratore shall dayely praye to God for you this for Godes sake
Your worshipps most bounden
- John Lloyede.
John Cowper of Over Midgeley. QJF 26/4/19 (1597)
To the right worshipfull her majesties justices of peace for the
countie of Chester assembled at theise sessions holden
for the said countie:
Most humbly beseecheth your wurships on her majesties behalf John Cowper of Over Midgeley in the said countie: that [wheras?] the persons whose names and
seales are subscribed in a certificatt or scedule herunto annexed have (as will
appeare by the same scedule) certified and will upon their corporall
oathes justifye the felonyes petit larcenies, filchinge stealinge, practises
that she might committ purjuryes, makinge a lyvinge and mayntenance of
swearinge her [dreede?] of bodylie harme and therupon procuringe warrantes
for the peace against divers and sundry persons, and takinge money to
dispence with such warrantes and as appeareth by the viiith article of the said
scedule and other misdemeanors therin conteyned committed and done
by Agnes Stoner of Over Midgeley forsaid: in consideracion therof
and for that therin and in other cases she is a manifeste disturber
vexer and disquieter of manie of her majesties subjectes without cause
it maie please your wurships to graunt ther to your supplicant a warrant
to apprehend the said Agnes to find sureties for her good behavyour
or els to take order that the said causes maie be examined upon oathes
of the certificantes for the better satisfyinge of your wurships that the same
are true: and therupon to take such order for her punishment and
reformacion as to your wurships wisdome shall seeme convenient. And
the same to doe for due admynistracion of justice.
Your wurships most humble orator
John Cowper
Inhabitants of Hurleston. QJF 27/2/24 (1597)
To the right worshipfull Master Wilbraham of Wood Hay
we your loving neighbours of Hurleston have thought
good to lett your worshipe understande how that our
towne is trubled dayley with such disordered persons
as the towne doth [find?] them [gretley?] greefe of
and that our cunstable of Hulleston Thomas Chomeley
hath given warninge unto Roger Wright of the
same towne and Thomas Wilson that the shall not
lodge any such persons but on their perill, and the
do lodge them dayly and will not take no warninge by
the sayd cunstable Thomas Chomeley and that theire
was lodged at the said Roger Wright uppon Saturday
and Sunday at night Thomas Griffin and five or sixe
as disordered persons as he is
This being done by the consent of
these persons whose names are under written
- Richard Hardinge
- William Wrighte
- Peter Bryan
- John Alvastan
- John Cruck and
- Richard Cruck
- Thomas Wyllram
William Burges of Chelford. QJF 27/2/45 (1597)
To the right worshipfull George Leycester and Henrie
Manwayringe esquiers two of her majesties justices of
peace within the countie of Chester.
Humblie enformeth your worships your supplicant William Burges of
Chelford within this countie of Chester, that whereas one William
Fallowes of Fallowes in the said countie gentleman and Alece his wief
havinge conceyved a verie deadlie hatred grudge and malice against
your said supplicant without any juste cause or color of matter so to
do, and havinge for the [satisfaccion?] of their said malice by manie secrette
practizes verie untrulie devysed, earnestlie gone about and sought
to overthrowe your said supplicantes estate and creditt, yet fyndinge
not the same to take such effecte as the wickednes of their will desyred
so hit is if hit maie please your worships that the said William Fallows
and Alece his wief havinge not the feare of God before their eies
nor any dreade of her majesties lawes have now of late conspyred
practized and devysed howe and by what meanes to wourke the deathe and
distruccion of your said supplicant and for that purpose have combyned
and confederated themselves with divers lewde and evell disposed persons
and have geven or offered and promised to geve unto them great sommes
of money to murther your said supplicant for which purpose sundrie of
the said persons have at severall tymes lyen privatelie in awayte for your
said supplicant, to thentent to have killed him upon the suddeyne before
he sholde be aware to make defense. In consideracion whereof hit maie
please your worships to make due inquirie of the premisses by the
examinacion of such witnesses as shalbe produced before you, and
otherwise as to your worships shall seeme convenient and thereupon
to take such order for your supplicants securitie as to your [worships?]
in good discrecion shall seeme to stande with justice and equitie.
George Gatcliffe, prisoner in Chester Castle. QJF 27/2/48 (1597)
To the right worshipfull the Queens majesties
justices of the peace of the countie
pallentine of Chester.
In his most humblie maner sewethe unto your good
worships George Gatcliffe now prisoner in hir
majesties castell of Chester where I have
remayned ever sithence the xth of Maie last
upon a warrant to the constable of the castle
for good behaviour under the hand and seale of
Randle Manwaringe esquier one of hir majesties
justice of the peace for this countie aforesaid
the cause I know not for which I was
so committed nether would the cunstables
by whome I was aprehended suffer me
to comme before the said Randle Manwaringe
esquier to answare for my self which I
hould to be a manefest wrong donne unto
me by them for which I do humblie [cra...?]
your worships consideracions that I maie be
released of this my long imprisonment and the
punished according to thire diseartes
and your poore oratour shall daylie praie for
your good worships in healthe [loung?] to contynew.
John Bromefeild of Sandbache husbandman. QJF 27/2/53 (1597)
[illegible] quarto die
anno regne Elisabeth etc
To the right worshipfull Thomase
Venables, Henry Maynwearinge and William
Leversage esquyers her majesties justices of
peace within the countie of Chester.
In most humble manner [sheweth?] unto your worshippes your poore
orator; John Bromefeild of Sandbache in the countie of Chester
husbandman. That whereas your said oratour was lawfullie
possessed of and in onne messuage in Sandbache foresaid for the space
of fowar or fyve yeares last past, soe yt is that upon Monday
beinge the second day of this instant Maye, one Rondull Proudlove
and Roberte Proudlove his sonne did forciblie enter into the howse
of your said oratour beinge armed with onne longe pykeforcke, and
one longe pyked staffe. And then and theare did not onelie drawe
foorth of his said howse your said oratour his poore wyfe and smale
children, but allso did in most ryotous sorte with theare said
unlawfull weapons stryke and hurte your said oratour his
wyfe and children. In tender consideration whearof may yt
please your good worshippes that your said oratour may by your good meanes be
restored to his former possession, and allso that you will take knoledge
of the said ryotous misdemenour by examinacion or otherwyse for the
spedie reformacion of the said offenderes as by her majesties lawes and
statutes in that case is provyded. And your said oratour his poore wyfe
and children shall daylie praye for you etc [and?] allso that yt might
please your woorshippes for Goddes cause, to geve your said
oratour lycense to prosecute this cause in forma pauperis.
Seven inhabitants of Nantwich. QJF 27/4/15 (1598)
To the right worshipfull her majesties justices of
peace [assembled?] at the quarter sessions
at [Nantwiche?] the xxvth of October 1597
Be it humblie informed unto your worships that wheras one
Roger Brooke of the Namptwiche [smithe?] was in
the greate leete holden for the barons yesterdaye
proscuted and founde by the grand jurie of gentlemen there
to be a comon barator a disturber of her majesties quiet
subjectes in rayling and exclaiming upon the said jurie with
manye lewd dispitefull and reprochefull speaches
and dothe so farr misdemeane him self within
the said towne as the cyvile inhabitantes are
greatlie trowbled and [unymeted?] with his rogishe
and badd behavuer. It may therfore please your
worshippes in regarde of his disorder and for better
government within the towne to graunte her majesties
writte of good abearinge against the said Brooke
and therupon to take suche dyrecte order as he be
not upon his apprehencion and comyttment releassed
againe as of late tyme he was from Chester
assuring your worships the keaping of him in warde
wilbe a great ease and quyet to the whole inha
bitantes of Namptwiche in witnesse wherof
the persons subscribed have hereunto put their
handes. And that for the zeale of good
ordre and government.
- Rycharde [Mersonne?]
- Rychard Walthall
- William Hassall
- Richard Clutton
- R 1597 Fe
- Jasper Rutter
- [Rondull?] Maynwarynge
- Thomas Maynwaring
Roger Holland and Hugh Hignit. QJF 28/2/11 (1598)
To the Quines justeses 1598
Right woorshipfull my humble dutie remembred: these ar to surtiefy yow
that this present yere it was thought good by the cunstables of Ashton within this
countie to make chyce of me your soplyant and on Hugh [Higint?] of the sayd
toune for ovarsiers to mend the Quines heywayes acordinge to the statute
in that case provided: now if it maye pleayes yow to undarstande the place
where wee were to amend was such that hardly could couldbe passed by horse
or teme beinge the Quines gret and [uziall?] threwfare so that in commandinge
the sayd tounes men to cum: vi dayes acordinge to the statute sum we gote
to do well sum to do halfe there worke and sum to do lytle or nothinge at all
but of three houshouldinge men we could nethar get worke nor good words
but one answered us he would not cum do the worste we could another did
tend his one worke and gave us leve to talke and the thrid beinge asked
did [lough?] us to scorne and when our waynes had caryed [ashlars?] to
the watar cours ii or iii mylls of he went and and toke theme from the
worke to his house and bilt him selfe a bake of a chimneye or an
oven with theme: and if this maye be sofared and our worke so gret
and the cuntrye so trobled for want of pasage and dangar of layinge
in and spoylling there loding: and [ca.le?] and we that spend our one money
and our travell be this delt withall we will [leaye?] awaie our worke
in haste and indure the danger of law as thes do if the take by it no more
[hort?] in neclecttinge then we in ussinge our best menes to furthur the worke
geven undar our handes this xxvth daye of July in the fortith yere of
the Quines majesties ragne that now is Elizabeth by the grace of God of
England France and Irland defender of the fayth etc.
by us
- Rogar Holland
- Hugh [Higint?]
Rauffe Lingard and Anne his wife. QJF 29/2/36 (1599)
To the right worshipfull Sir Hugh Cholmondley
knight Peter Warburton seriant-att-lawe
and to the rest of her majesty's justices of peace of
the countie of Chester
In most humble wise compleigninge shewen unto your worships your
orators Rauffe Lingard of Middlewiche in the saied countie of
Chester and Anne his wief That whereas by the untrue
informacion of some that envy and maligne your saied orators,
and that entend (as much as in them lyes to worke your
orators discreditt withoute cause, your saied supplicant Anne
was att a private sessions holden att Middlewiche in this
countie the one and twentith daie of May last paste endicted
and presented to be a commen barratrix and a brawler and
chider, whereas your saied supplicant as is well knowen to
all her neighbours, who will testify of her good behaviour
is a woman of good name and fame, and hath alwaies hitherto
demesned and behaved herself amongst her neighbours, in
peaceable and quiet manner and never gave occasion of offence
to any, uppon which indictment there is graunted oute a
warrant of good behvaiour against your saied supplicant In
tender consideracion whereof, and for that the saied indictment
was preferred against your saied supplicant of meere malice and
for vexaction maie itt therefore please your worships uppon
farther examinacion and consideracion of the premisses to call in
the saied warrant which was soe graunted oute against
her, and to forbeare to take your supplicant soe bounde, which
would tend greately to her discreditt And your saied
orators accordinge to their bounden dueties will daily
praie to god for the preservacion of your worships in health
longe to continewe
The churchwardens and inhabitants of Barthomley and Crewe. QJF 29/3/21 (1599)
Barthomley parishe
Yf it mighte please your worrships to be advertised that wheras the yearlie
some of xxxiiij s is to be paide for the parishe of Barthomley for
and towards the relevee and mentenaunce of the prissoners and memed
soldiers wthin this county of Chester soe yt is that the churche
wardens of this parish for this yeare have alredie laid downe
the some of xxv s vj d of there owne monnye and further are to be nowe
chardged to paye [illegible] viij s vj d beinge the residewe of the said
some of xxxiiij s Therefore wee humble praie your good worshipes to take
some goode resonable course and consideracion how the same maie
be levied & gathered for all thoughe under your worrshipes correction
wee take the same monnie ought to be gatherd as other paymentes
are dewe unto her majestys service yette some fewe in our parishe
refuse to have yt soe levied and woulde have yt laide by plowes
and cottage a thinge as wee take unequall consideringe that
they wiche have a martie of the olde rente shulde paie as mouche as
the wiche have fyve pownd by the olde rente And thus wee humblie
take our leaves
Barthomelye xxiij th daie of October
Your worrships and youre dailie oratours
the churchwardens and all other the
inhabitants within Crewe and Barthomly
exceptinge three or forre
Unidentified person(s). QJF 29/3/22 (1599)
To the right worshipfull the queenes majesties justices
of peace within the countie of Chester assembled at
this sessions houlden at Wiche malbanke the
xxiijth day of October Anno regne Elizabeth xljmo
Maie yt please your worshipps to be enformed that where Humfrey
Walker of Myddlewiche in this countie labourer standeth inyted as a common
barrettour and perturber of the queenes majesties peace and uppon the eight day
of May last past a warrant of gode behaviour was awarded against him and
others by the queenes majesties justices the same daie assembled at Middlewiche
aforesaid, and lawfully executed uppon the said Walker: whereuppon the
said Walker for want of suerties was commytted to the castell of Chester and
there remayned untill the last sessions of the peace houlden at Chester,
at which sessions the justices of peace then and there assembled mittigated
the said warrant of good behaviour awarded against the said Walker and tooke
the said Walker onely bounden with suerties to the peace, sythens whiche
tyme the said Walker hath made two severall affraies uppon two severall persons,
and forasmuche as the recognisans taken of the said Walker and his suerties
for the peace is to be putt in sute for the queenes benefyte, and will be a longe
tyme before yt receave triall, and forasmuche also as the witnesses to
proove the breache of the peace by the said Walker may before that tyme
be either dead languisshinge or departed forth of this countie, or ellse may
forgett theire knowledges to proove the same by tract of tyme, whiche
now beinge freshe in their memories may be made manyfest. Maie yt
therefore please your worshipps (the premisses considered) to take order by your
generall assents and consents that a precept under your handes and seales may be
directed to the constables of Middlewiche aforesaid and Newton nere Middlewiche
and to every of them commanding theime by vertue thereof to bringe all suche
persons as shalbe nominated in the said precept before Thomas Venables esquire
Henry Mainwaringe esquier and Thomas Vernon esquire justices of peace of our
said sovereigne lady the queene or before any two of theime to be examyned for
and uppon the part and behalf of our said sovereigne lady the queene, and
this for zeale of justice.