Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798.
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'Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1618', in Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798, ed. Sharon Howard , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1618', in Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798. Edited by Sharon Howard , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1618". Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798. Ed. Sharon Howard , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
- Edward Richardsonn of Baggeley. QJF 46/4/23 (1618)
- Jeffery Costones. QJF 46/4/91 (1618)
- Geffery Cooe. QJF 46/4/99 (1618)
- 20 freeholders of the hundreds of Nantwich, Northwich and Bucklow. QJF 46/4/109 (1618)
- Sara Aston. QJF 47/1/48 (1618)
- Thomas Scragge. QJF 47/1/115 (1618)
- John Cutler and Rose Cutler his wife. QJF 47/1/118 (1618)
- Roberte Cooke. QJF 47/1/120 (1618)
- Phillip Baguley of Marthall. QJF 47/1/121 (1618)
- Edward Woodd of Owllerton, husbandman, and Alice his wiffe. QJF 47/1/122 (1618)
- Lawrence Bressye and Thomas Darlington. QJF 47/1/124 (1618)
- Thomas Simpson of the parish of Bowdon. QJF 47/1/125 (1618)
- Rice Holland. QJF 47/1/126 (1618)
- Margerie Hornebee, wife of John Hornebee. QJF 47/1/127 (1618)
- Anne Barlowe. QJF 47/1/128 (1618)
- Richard Beamond late of Weever, laborer. QJF 47/1/129 (1618)
- Robert Hallyley, vicar of Middlewych, and John Kinsey the younger. QJF 47/1/130 (1618)
- John Downes of Ollerton and Jone his wife. QJF 47/1/132 (1618)
- Anne Leftewiche, widow. QJF 47/1/133 (1618)
- Hughe Richardson of Appleton. QJF 47/1/134 (1618)
- John Cragge of Marthall. QJF 47/1/135 (1618)
- William Carter. QJF 47/1/136 (1618)
- Ane Stubs. QJF 47/1/137 (1618)
- Richard Mullenex. QJF 47/1/138 (1618)
- Richard Mullenex. QJF 47/1/139 (1618)
- Thomas Antrobus of Nether Knutsford, draper. QJF 47/1/140 (1618)
- Henrie Wood, prisoner in the castle of Chester. QJF 47/2/79 (1618)
- Rauffe Wilkinson. QJF 47/2/80 (1618)
- Scopam Weyver. QJF 47/2/81 (1618)
- William Reynoldes. QJF 47/2/82 (1618)
- Sarae Saywell of Nantwich, singlewoman. QJF 47/2/83 (1618)
- Edward Dyall of Nantwych. QJF 47/2/84 (1618)
- Elizabeth Foxe of Congleton, widow. QJF 47/2/85 (1618)
- Amye Hooley, spinster. QJF 47/2/89 (1618)
- 20 people in support of Amy Hooley. QJF 47/2/90 (1618)
- John Lloyd of Stretton, gentleman. QJF 47/2/92 (1618)
- The vicar and churchwardens of Great Budworth, on behalf of John Lloyd. QJF 47/2/93 (1618)
- Edward Symme of Bunburie. QJF 47/2/95 (1618)
- Rondle Moyle of Tushingham. QJF 47/2/96 (1618)
- Hugh Grippon of Nantwich, labourer, and Margarett his wife. QJF 47/2/97 (1618)
- John Ridgewaie and William Pearpointe of Brereton. QJF 47/2/99 (1618)
- The supervisors for Middlewich. QJF 47/2/100 (1618)
- Fraunces Coppocke of Wymslowe. QJF 47/2/101 (1618)
- Joane Wilson, widow. QJF 47/3/38 (1618)
- Thomas Starky of Stretton, esquire. QJF 47/3/39 (1618)
- John Deane of Nether Alderley, husbandman. QJF 47/3/62 (1618)
- Mathew Johnson. QJF 47/3/63 (1618)
- Katheren Briskow, spinster. QJF 47/3/64 (1618)
- William Halwod and James Deane, late constables of Church hulme. QJF 47/3/65 (1618)
- Anthony Furnevall. QJF 47/3/66 (1618)
- The churchwardens of the parish of Bartomley. QJF 47/3/67 (1618)
- Frances Hursfeild of Blackden near Goostry. QJF 47/3/68 (1618)
- Elizabeth Stanley, widow of Thomas Stanley of Mottram Andrew. QJF 47/3/69 (1618)
- Peter Forest of Aston, husbandman. QJF 47/3/70 (1618)
- Randle Tomson of Wythinton. QJF 47/3/71 (1618)
- Robert Hurpur, William Forster, John Barbur, Richard Gee and Edward Plant. QJF 47/3/72 (1618)
- George Bann and Margrett his wife. QJF 47/3/73 (1618)
- Thomas Lunt. QJF 47/3/74 (1618)
- Ellen Robinson of Warton, widow. QJF 47/3/76 (1618)
- John Hortoppe of Snelson. QJF 47/3/77 (1618)
- Cutbert Warren and Margrett his wife. QJF 47/3/78 (1618)
- Mary Jackson of Bosseley, widow. QJF 47/3/81 (1618)
Edward Richardsonn of Baggeley. QJF 46/4/23 (1618)
To the right worshipfull Sir Urian Leighe baronet, one of the
Kinges majesties justices of peace.
The humble peticioun of Edward Richardsonn of Baggeley
Humblye complaininge, sheweth unto your worship that wheras one Lawrence
Bennett a maried man, but of lewd conversacion as it is verie well b
knowne, and dulie made manifest by his vicious life nothinge regardinge
the violatinge or breach of wedlocke promis, through which wanton and ungodly
course of lyffe he hath wonne to his unlawfull desires a widdowe
which before was in good reputacion and by her hath begotten a child
which he forswore affirminge that he never had to doe with her
and nowe since then doth keep the said child confessing and yeeledinge
unto that, whiche before he had most lewdly forsworne: by which meanes
yt is not onely the greefe and losses of his owne wiffe but the utter
overthrowe and undoing of the said poore widdowe for which cause she hath
lost her livinge. But yet he being not satisfyed with his licentious life hath
entised your poore orators wife to the like inconvenience as yt is too c
comonly knowne she having confessed the same before 2 witnesses which your
said oratour could nominate by reason of which unlawfull familliaritie
your poore petitioner knoweth not what damage he susteyneth by losse
of his goodes which he hath painefully gotten, and yet doth endevour to
get by his haundes, having noe other meanes to maintaine himself and
four poore children. And further your said orator can prove by 2 s
sufficient men, that the said Bennet doth lye wayting and espying
about your said oratours house both night and day upon what occasion
your oratour knoweth not, but he is both affraid of some bodily
harme, as woundinge or havinge his flesh cut in peeces, (he having
heard some speeches tending to the like purpose.) And allsoe
of having his goodes convaid away by night, the said Bennett
having bene suspected before with not much better exercisse.
But to prevent some bodily danger your said poore peticioner is
faine to absent himself from his owne house untill by your wo
worships discretions their be wrought some reformacion.
These are therfore humbly to desire your worships warraunt
of good behaviour against the said Lawrence Bennett
the same standing but with good right and justice (as your o
oratour and manie others think) and being [noe prejudice?]
to your worship. And your poore peticioner will pray continually
for your worships prosperity according to his bounden duty.
Your worships poore peticioner
humbly readie to be
Edward Richardson
Upon this peticion a warrant of the good abearinge
was graunted againste the said Lawrence Bennett by
thabove named Sir Urian Leighe and Sir William
Davenporte knightes.
Jeffery Costones. QJF 46/4/91 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the
peace assembled at this quarter sessions at Chester.
The humble petition of Jeffery Costones
Humbly enformeth unto your worshipps your petitioner Jeffery
Costones of Congleton in this county, that whereas your
petitioner is and standeth lawfully possessed for a longe terme
of one tenemente in Congleton aforesaid by demyse from one
John Hobson deceased, so it is that Margrett Hobson late
wyfe to the aforesaid John Hobson carryinge a malicious and
envyous mynd to your petitioner doth manace your said petitioner
to put him violently out of the said tenemente and at this sessions
to indicte him, and to arest him that he might not answere in his
owne cause to your petitioners great annoyance, and your
petitioner can by noe frendly meanes cause her to desist
from her wicked intent, but do she doth use most vyle raylinge
speeches, and sayth that your petitioner hath burnt up two [beyes?]
of a barne which your petitioner is able to prove that he hath put
to good use accordinge to the afforesaid John Hobsons appoyntment.
In tender consideracion whereof may it please your worshipps
to set downe order that your petitioner may have tyme to
bringe in his witnesses for the proofe of his bargaine, and
likewyse that noe indictment may be graunted out against
your said petitioner, and this for Godes cause so farr as to your
worshipps in your great wisdome shall be thought fitt and
Geffery Cooe. QJF 46/4/99 (1618)
To the right worshipfulles of the bench
at this quarter sessions.
The humble peticion of Geffery Cooe.
Humblelie sheweth.
Unto your good worshipes that whereas I lye and remayne
in prison in verie pore and distressed estate and voyd of all
releeffe except it may please your good worships to take pitie
and comisseracion of my starved estate for want of food
I ame like to perish.
Most humblelie cravinge that it would please
your good worshipes for Jesus Christ sake to take
consideracion of may casse consernig one Harper
for which I ame imprisoned for for what I did
was in my owne deffence he lying in my way
and gott me downe in the myer and stroke me and
after reportted theire he had made my bed as
I can evidentlie prove. And for other matters
done be mee I ame hartelie sorie and will hereafter
reforme my self soe that I hartelie request
[illegible] your good worshipes to take pitie on me
and grant me my libertie, soe shall I ever be
bound to pray for your worsshipes health welth
and prosperitie lounge to continewe.
20 freeholders of the hundreds of Nantwich, Northwich and Bucklow. QJF 46/4/109 (1618)
To the right worshipfull Sir Richard Shuttleworth
knight justice of Chester and Henry Towneshend
esquire an other justice their
Humbly shewen unto your worships your orators and peticioners the persons subscribed being in
nomber xxtie frehoulders of the hundreddes of Namptwiche Northwich and Bucklowe
how that they aboutes three yeares last past were fined by the justices of the peace
of this county at their quarter sessions they beinge not therunto specially somoned upon
which greef the peticioners preferred then their humble peticion unto your lordships for redresse
to behad therin wherupon yt was by your lordships ordred and comaunded that no frehoulder
from thencefurthe should be fined at any quarter sessions unles the same were
specially somoned by the baillif of the same hundred where the partie dwelled the
which your lordships for a great time afterwardes was accordingly performed and observed
untill of late videlicet at a quarter sessions houlden after May day last and in January
then before at the townes of Namptwich and Knottesford your lordships peticioners being
not therunto specially somoned according to your order were fined in a great
some of money contrary to your lordships order and their great losse hindrance and
evill example humbly [preing?] your lordships order therin heertofore taken may stand
in force and the peticioners to be dischardged from the injust fines upon them
Imposed at the seid sessions contrary to your lordships order and this for Godes love
The names of
the seid peticioners:
- Thomas Swettenham
- Randle [Houlle?]
- [Jon?] Wilkingson
- William Foxley
- Thomas Harper
- [Jon?] Ravenscroft
- Richard Wright
- William Bostocke
- [Jon?] Midlehurst
- Raffe [Wigge?]
- William Furniffall
- Randle [Rodd?]
- Thomas Bickarton
- Robert Hall
This to be entryd in [illegible]
and to be published at the quarter [illegible]
[illegible] 1598 Upon this peticion it is [thought?] [illegible]
Shuttleworth esquier [chyf justice?] [illegible]
esquier thother [justice of Chester?] [illegible]
for non appearance at the quarter [sessions?] [illegible]
unles to be specially somoned before [illegible]
and also that if ther be any indictment [illegible]
parishioners or [illegible] [multitudes?] that [illegible]
[a...ded?] therupon what speciall warrant [illegible]
of the peace at the least and not the [officer?]
- Rychard Shuttleworthe
- H Townesend
- Edward Fyton
Sara Aston. QJF 47/1/48 (1618)
[illegible] the right worshipfull Sir [Thomas?]
[...berleyne?] knight lord cheefe
[...ce?] of the county pallentyne
[illegible] [Chester?]
[illegible] [humble?] peticioner Sara [illegible]
[illegible] [...e?] impotent creature.
[illegible] sheweth
[illegible] peticioner being impotent
[illegible] [...test?] and borne in the
[illegible] who about xii yeares
[illegible] [...y?] of Chester to doe
[illegible] [...eare?] agoe fallinge lame
[illegible] great decaye [and?] missery soe
[illegible] [...e?] leeved unles I can
[illegible] [...eanes?] to travell to my
humbly [crave?] your good [illegible]
Jesus Christ sake to take pity uppon me being
lame creature to grant me your lordships
warrant ether from under your hand or some
justice of this county for my quiet passage
to Islington aforsayd where I will remayne
amongst my [fe...?] and never troble this
countrey agayne, soe will I ever pray for
your good lordshipes [all?] the dayes of my lyffe
Chester xviiio Aprilis 1618
The justices of peace at the quarter
sessions to take order for her
releife and passage
- Thomas [illegible]
Thomas Scragge. QJF 47/1/115 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace
assembled at his sessions
Humbly informeth your worships that John Merriman of Wythinghton
in this county of Chester without any collor of bargayne
or promis withouldeth the possession of a mesuage in
Wythington of thinheritance of of Thomas Scrage
and the said Thomas Scragge having byn once or twise indicted for keeping him desireth your worships to doe
what to you belongeth for the removinge of the said Merriman
away and that for Godes love
By me Thomas Scragge
William Burrowes versus [Robert Sco...?]
of Higher [Knutesferd?]
John Cutler and Rose Cutler his wife. QJF 47/1/118 (1618)
The humble peticion of John Cutler and Rose Cutler
his wyfe:
To the right woorshipfull his majesties justices at
the quartersessions:
In most humble wyse sheweinge unto your good woorshipps: that whereas
one Thomas Fletcher haveinge a close lyeinge and adjoyneinge
to your peticioners ground, your said peticioners kyne did trespas to
the said Fletchers ground at his owne heyment and hee fyndeing
your said peticioners kyne there, tooke them towardes the pound
and your said peticioners meetinge him, dryveinge their kyne desyred
the said Fletcher to lett them have their kyne and they should not
come any more in his feild (if his heyment were lawefull) which hee
denyeinge to doe, your said peticioner contrary to her husbandes
mynde tooke one of the said kyne from him, and suffered him
to take the other to the pound: and your said peticoners by the
maiores consent, accordinge to the customme of the towne of
Macclesfeild loossed the said cowe, (by sticke and nayle) out
of the said pound, and putt in surtye the said maior, to answere
the said Fletcher to the [lawe?]; and uppon this the said
Fletcher rather uppon malice then any just cause indyted
your said peticioners, they not knoweinge thereof, untill such
tyme as your said peticioners, beinge this last assyzes bound
to appeare at Chester, to be examined uppon some matters
for his majestie, and comeing into the castle yard, two baylifes
beinge there reddie sett, by him (as your said peticoner suppose)
whom they camme to prosecute againste in his majesties behalfe) they tooke
your said peticoner presently to prisson her said husband being presente
and there kept her closse soe that shee could not come to be
examined before my lord judge, and your peticoner her husband beinge
a poore mane and very ignorant in such matters was forced to
borrowe money to pay her fees before shee could bee released
Wee therefore desyre your good woorshipps to pittie our poore estate beinge
thus wronged and that you would for Godes cause mittigate the fyne
due to his majestie, which wee are not able to paye, beinge soe uppon
malice unjustly indyted. And in soe doeinge, wee and our three poore
children are ever bound to pray for your good woorshipps health and happiness
[Memorandum?] to consider of
the fyne the next sessions.
Roberte Cooke. QJF 47/1/120 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace assembled at
his quarter sessions
The humble peticion of Roberte Cooke
That he was pressed out of this county for the late Queenes majesties service in the [realm?]
of Ireland and there contynued a great space and bare the office of a serjent of dyvers
companyes as by the certificate of Sir William Wade knight his majesties mustermaster generall
Sir Henry Dockery Sir Charles Egerton and Sir John Bolles knightes late corronells in [illegible]
warres will playnly appeare to your worships
And that through his service in the warres in the said realme he is become
mayhemed of his lefte arme and shott through his body and is unable to [illegible]
and worke for his lyvinge
Humbly prayinge
That your worships wilbe pleased to admitt this peticioner to be one of the [illegible]
of the money collected in this county for the maynteynance of mayhemed
souldiers and that for Godes love.
To be admitted in the place of [Myllyngb.?] who is dead and to have his [pension?]
Phillip Baguley of Marthall. QJF 47/1/121 (1618)
The humble peticion of Phillip Baguley of Marthall in this countie
palantyne of Chester upon wronge done unto hym cominge to present
misdemeanours heare at the hundred court of Bucklowe, beinge
constable, the last daye of Aprill last paste 1618.
Humblie shewinge unto your good worshipps, that the peticioner beinge a poore
man and bearinge office of a constable, and comminge to Knottesford havinge
ther busynes for the Kinge and for misdemeanours for the Kinge there was one
Thomas Woodd [illegible] and my selffe to gyve evydence concerninge hayment
to be made betwixt partie and partie, uppon which, relacion beinge had amongest
the parties for the hayment makinge, which on Peter Lecester of Owlerton
should make, and he beinge ther present with us (with out anie occacion said
unto your peticioner (yf he could prove your peticioner forsworne he would
have his eares) your peticioner replyinge, said he trusted in God to keep his
eares as well as he would keepe his, and then in a bravadoe your peticioner
standinge bare headed unto hym, did upon a sudden [illegible] with a crabb=
stree bastinadoe toke hym suche a strooke that he broke his head in two
places, which your peticioner beinge an old man was contented to put upp
trustinge your worshipps, at this your sessiones of the peace would take
some corse for the same, desyringe your worshipps all that you would be=
pleased to graunt me good behaviour against the said Peter Lecester
beinge afraid of hym, havinge wiffe and sixe smale children and
aged withall, takinge my oath for the same, and bringinge heare to you
my witnesses howe he used me, and God willinge your peticioner shall daylie
pray for your worshipps in all health longe to contynew.
A warrant of peace
to be graunted against
the said Peter Leycester
Edward Woodd of Owllerton, husbandman, and Alice his wiffe. QJF 47/1/122 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace and quorum of this
present sessions
Humblie shewethe and enformethe your worshippes by your peticioners Edward Woodd
of Owllerton within this countey husbandman and Alice his wiffe that whereas the same
Alice was borne and brought up in Owllerton and the said Edward be before the tyme
of his entermariage with the said Alice and sithence hathe continewed in Owllerton the above
thirtey yeres nowe past duringe which tyme they have lived of them selves and not beene
chargable to the townshippe and besydes have not any children to leave behynde
them wherby the said townshippe may be charged or trobled
And for as much as the enhabitantes of the said townshippe doe refuse to permitt them
to have harbor and succor for howsynge in the said townshippe, they being willing
to pay for the same alledginge that if they doe harbor or succor them they doe
stande presentable at the hundred court of Bucklowe and soe are to be fyned and
amercied for the same
And for as muche as your worshippes did at a sessions here holden at Knottesford
did order and set downe that the same Edward and Alice shold be ayded and
succored in Owllerton and those that did receave them shold be freed of any
fyne or amerciament and therupon the said Edward did procure a warrant from
the clerke of the peace to that purpose which warrant from the said clarke
of the peace Master Whitbeye steward unto the right honorable the Earle of
Bridgwater for the said hundredd will not allowe of the same [and?]
The humble piticion of the said Edward and Alice unte your worshippes ys
that your worshippes wold rennewe your former order and that there
may be order sett downe those that doe receave them shall not be fyned
or amecied and this for Godes love
Lawrence Bressye and Thomas Darlington. QJF 47/1/124 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges
majesties justices of peace.
The humble peticion of Lawrence Bressye
and Thomas Darlington
Humbly sheweth that whereas your supplicants
did formerly enter into recognizance
for one William Breerton which
recognizance is truely discharged as
may justlye appeare unto your worships
by the severall discharges which your supplicantes hath
here ready to shew: yet so it is that
by the informacion of some your supplicantes
recognizance is wrongfully supposed
to be forfeite and a scire facias
graunted thereuppon, whereuppon
it pleased the right worshipfull Sir Thomas
Chamberlane knight his majesties cheife judge
to refer the hearinge and finall endinge
of the sayd cause unto your worships
May it therefore please your worships the
premisses considered to see the severall
discharges of your sayd supplicantes and there
of to determine accordinge to conscienc
and equitye and your supplicantes shall for ever
pray etc.
Ordered that there shalbe a certificate
[under test?] of the sessions retorned
at the next assizes, and for the discharge
of the recognizaunce aforesaid, for that
the said petitioners are discharged in the
consistory as appereth by an order at
a former sessions; vide the former order etc.
Thomas Simpson of the parish of Bowdon. QJF 47/1/125 (1618)
To the right worshippfull the Kinges majesties justices
of peace and quorum within the countie pallantine
of Chester.
The humble peticon of Thomas Simpson
of the parish of Bowdon.
May it please your good worshipps to bee advertized that whearas
one Christopher Parkehurst of Altrincham within the saide parish of
Bowdon haveing collected towardes the house of correction the
somme of seaven poundes or thereaboutes which afterwardes hee was
ordered to repaye the same over againe and used your peticioner
for a suertie for the performance theareof whearin as your
peticioner is informed the said Parkehurst contrarie to the trust
your peticioner reposed in hime hath not performed the same;
that it maye bee your good pleasures that if any course
[bee?] maye bee taken that the same maye bee had from the said
Parkehurst that your peticioner maye bee freed otherwayes in
regard your peticioner beein but a suertie and in his simplicitie
drawen into the samme not mistrusting any thing that your
worshipps commiseration maye bee extented unto hime for
tolleration of paiment thearof or so much as otherwayes
can not bee had dureing your good pleasures which
your peticioner accordinglie wilbe willing and endevour himself
farre above his habilitie to performe and pray according
to his bounden dutie.
Not to be discharged till the money be paid
Rice Holland. QJF 47/1/126 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of
peace at this sessions assembled
The humble peticon of Rice Holland
That one John Cragge a cottager in Marthall within this county beinge of an evell disposicon, lewd and loose in the
course of his lief, and a comen destroyer of mens woodes and a breaker and burner of hedges, hath at divers tymes entred into
the peticioners growndes, and broken downe and carryed awaie his hedges, quicksettes and heyment, to this peticioners
greate losse, and of late videlicet the xviiith daie of Aprill last past, this peticioner findeinge that his hedges
had that morninge or in the night passed bene broken downe and much despoiled and the stakes therein pulled
up and caryed awaie, and seeinge the tractes of a foote leadinge from the said place to the said Cragges house
procured the constable to goe to Cragges house with him, where they fownd, a bundell of stakes which had bene then
taken furth of this peticioners hedges, and some burninge in the fyer, and retorninge backe the said Cragge
followed after them and suddenlie strooke this peticioner behinde him upon the head with a longe pickforke, and
gave him a dangerous and cruell wound, and doth still threaton and menace to doe further mischeeffe
unto him
That (in respecte this peticioner is a poore man and doth gett those meanes which he hath for the
maintenance of himself and familie, by his painfull labour and industry, liveinge at a greate
charge for that he holdeth all that he possesseth upon the racke at the deerest rate,
and is therefore the rather inforced to feare the dangerous event of the said Cragges
kno malicious practises humblie prayinge your worships wold be pleased to cause the said Cragge
to be bound to his good behaviour, and by to receave due punishment for his offences
past, that thereby he maie be deterred from persistinge in his former lewd and loose courses
and that this peticioner maie be discharged from his bondes for the peace, taken by
discresion, upon the said comission of the said abuse by the said Cragge, and this for
the zeale of justice
To be To be bound to the peace.
[illegible] [prox?].
Margerie Hornebee, wife of John Hornebee. QJF 47/1/127 (1618)
George Vernon of Castle Northwiche doth
thretten Margerie Hornebee wife of John Hornebee
one of his next neghbours and sayth he wilbe even
with her and her husband and [illegible] lay hand
on them, they are afrayde, lest he will burne
their howse or harme them in their goods,
and therefore their humble petition is that it
would please the Kinges majesties justices of this
countie that he may be bounde for his good
behaviour agaynst them, and they will daylie
pray for your good worships in all happines
longe to continue
John Hornebee and Margerie his wiefe
A warrant of the
peace upon the oath
of the said Margery.
Anne Barlowe. QJF 47/1/128 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties
justices of the great session in the
county palentine of Chester
Your lordships humble petitioner Anne Barlowe
beinge with childe by Richard
Woodward of Whisterton in this county
who after the child was born did
acknowledge the same to be his and
did put yt to be nursed but did not
content the nurse wherupon the child
was turned upon the poore petitioner who
is not worth a grote
The petitioner procured a lawful warrant
to attach the said Woodward and him
to binde for his aperaunce which warrant
was delivered to Richard Hornesdon and
William [Gilford?] counstables of the place
who were diverse times in Woodwardes
company and refuced to take him
praing your lordships warrant to take the
said counstables and to binde them tapere
before your lordships and in the mean time
to keepe the child and the petitioner will
ever praie etc.
To stand to the former of
William Brereton and Peter
Danyell esquiers
- Edwardes
- [T Legge?]
Richard Beamond late of Weever, laborer. QJF 47/1/129 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace assembled at this
The humble peticion of Richard Beamond late of Weever laborer
That this peticioner is wrangfully accused by one Thomas Burges whoe is now fled
the country for the felonious taking of certen rye of the Lady Astons goodes whoe is
heere now ready present being desirous of his speedy delivery because he is a pore man
and not able to be at the charges of [illegible]
Humbly praying
That your worships would pleased to admit him to his tryall at this sessions (if you may)
otherwise to take bayle of him for his apparance at the next assizes and that
for Godes love.
Robert Hallyley, vicar of Middlewych, and John Kinsey the younger. QJF 47/1/130 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace assembled in his heighnes generall sessions
of the peace houlden att Knutsforde the xiith day of Maye anno domini 1618
The humble peticion of Robert Hallyley clerke vicar of Middlewych
and of John Kinsey the yonger of the same towne.
Shewinge that whereas on Charles Mainwaringe of Middlewych afforesaid hath since Michaellmas laste for his divers and severall
misdemeanors of quarellinge, brawleinge, fightinge and such lyke, bin bounde by recognizance to keepe the peace
notwithstandinge which recognizance, the said Charles, nether regardinge the forfiture thereof nor the breach
of the Kinges majesties peace: did (as yt is vehemently suspected) breake the peace before he was released from the same
whereupon there hath bin a suite comenced by the Kinges majesties atturney against the said Charles and his suerties
concerninge the forfiture of the said recognizance: and moreover the said Charles still perseveringe in his said
misdemeanors (with out any reformacion) divers of his neighbours, and those of the best ranke and qualitie, did
under there handes certefye Sir William Brereton knight and William Leversage esquire towe of his majesties justices of peace
of his inordinate courses and misbehaviours as by the said certificate (reference beinge thereunto had) yt
doth and may more at large appeare: whereupon the said Charles was enforced to enter into recognizance
for his apperance at this sessions and in the meane tyme to be of good behaviour etc. Now what the behaviour and carriage
of the said Charles hath bin since that tyme towardes divers of his neighbours your peticioners doe humbly
referr to the consideracion of this honorable courte as by the sequele may appeare.
And first of all the said Charles comeinge into the house of the said John Kinsey presently after the end of the
last assizes he there delivered and uttered in bosteinge and gibeinge maner that Mathewe Smallwood, did hyde
his heade and durst not shewe his face at the said assizes, and that James Smallwood sonne of the said Mathewe was
upon his knees there to aske forgivenes.
And moreover your said peticioner Roberte Hallyley clerke meetinge with the said Charles in the streete in Middlewych tould
him (in friendly maner) of certen teythes dew to be paid by him the said Charles at Easter laste, whoe at the firste
answared in such base, odious and hatefull speaches to your said peticioner Roberte Hallyley being his pastor and minister
as are not fittinge to be rehearsed in this honorable courte saveinge that your peticioner prayeth favor that the same
wordes may be truly rehearsed to the intent the malitious practizes and misbehaviours of the said Charles Mainwaringe
may appeare whose speaches weare videlicet I knowe of nothinge I owe thee, thy conscience is soe bad that I cannot beleeve
thee and therefore I will pay thee non, for I doe not trust thy conscience in any thinge, doe thy worste I care not
a fartt for thee, nor any of thy partakers, I am a better man then thou arte every waye both in birth, and estate
and though I be bounde to be of good behaviour yett I am not bounde to reverence thee, and soe kisse my [arse?]
with many other protestacions to this purpose uttered with lowde rayleinge speaches in the open streete, to the greate [dis...?]
and notorious abuse of your peticioner beinge vicar and minister there: and yett the said Charles beinge not here [with?] [illegible]
aboute an howre or tow afterwardes the said Roberte Hallyley beinge in the house of the said John Kinsey, the [illegible]
againe entered into the said speaces or the lyke in the audience of divers persons there present to the greate [illegible]
your peticioner, beinge a [mi...?] be soe disgracefully used by any on, especially by on that is bounde to [his?] [illegible]
whereupon after the departure of the said Robert Hallyley, Ann Kinsey wyffe to your other peticioner the [illegible]
fyndinge faulte with the said speaches the said Charles answared, what is that to thee I am better [then?] [illegible]
husband ether, every way, my worde wilbe taken for more then his in any place and for thy self thou [illegible]
scumme thy father is a bankerupte and thy husbands father (whoe was late vicar and deane of [M...?] [illegible]
a begger and yf thou be not a whore thou may prove on. And moreover whereas the Lady [Elizabeth?] [illegible]
to the Kinges majestie of his heighnes burrough and manor of Middlewych hath lawfully authorized [illegible]
Kinsey to houlde and keepe the Kinges majesties courtes dew and accustomabley to be keepte [which?] [illegible]
yet notwithstandinge the said Charles affirmed that your peticioner the said John Kinsey that [nothing?] [illegible]
courtes but for sixepennie matters and yf the said John Kinsey should passe to judgment [illegible]
courte againste the said Charles he the said Charles would give your peticioner a boxe on the [ea...?] [illegible]
moreover said in contempte of the Kinges majesties courtes of that manor and the authoritie [illegible]
of the said John Kinsey he the said Charles would come into the saide courte with his hatt on his [illegible]
peticioner durse crosse him and that he would sett his rose on his nose (meaneinge the rose [illegible]
at which speaches your peticioners wyffe was much displeased, and wished him to goe forth of her [illegible]
I wilbe heare in spite of thy [nose?], and at the last (when yt pleased him selfe) he went his waye [illegible]
carriage and behaviour (and a greate deale worse to troublesome to rehearse) hath he used [th...?] [illegible]
comeinge in to your peticioners house, still in the absence of your peticioner, and on of the said tymes [illegible]
boxe blowe on the arme with a pikestaffe in her owne house but especially at his laste being [illegible]
(when your peticioner was at Chester) the said Charles came of purpose to brawle and scould with your [pe...?] [illegible]
and there [jettinge?] and walkinge up and downe, uttered such scandalous hatefull and reprochfull speaches [illegible]
reputacion of your peticioner, his wyffe and all there frindes, the greefe and feare whereof did soe much trouble your [pet...?] [illegible]
that sodenly she fell into greate extremitey of sicknes to the daunger of her lyffe as may be proved [by your pe...?] [illegible]
neighbours that came then to see her divers other misbehaviours and outrages are vehemently suspected [illegible]
the said Charles Mainwaringe since the tyme he was bounde to his good behaviour but because the [illegible]
peticioners in particuler they leave them to be informed of by those to whom yt more neerely [appurtayne?] [illegible]
May yt therefore please your worships the premisses considered [which?] your peticioners [illegible]
and prove that course may be taken that your peticioners and other [illegible]
without any such lawles and barbarous behaviours (not [sorteinge with?] the [illegible]
in a civill state and governement) and that the said Charles may [be?] [illegible]
behaviour and for his misdemeanors paste may receave such such [condigne?] [illegible]
shall seeme convenient and your peticioners accordinge to there [illegible]
your worshipps in health all health and [happines?] longe to continewe
John Downes of Ollerton and Jone his wife. QJF 47/1/132 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace for the countie of Chester assembled at
theise presente generall sessions of the peace.
The informacion and humble peticion of John Downes of Ollerton and Jone his wyfe
against Edward Acton one of the cunstables of Olerton for the yeare in beinge and others
Shewinge that the said Edward was about Michaelmas last presented and sworne to execute the said office of cunstable for
the yeare nowe in beinge in seinge the peace preserved within the said towneshippe and uppon other poyntes laid in his
That the said peticioner Jone hath beene advertised to take heed to her selfe for that the said cunstable
had threatned to ruffle her who after did att sundrie tymes after violence to her in seekinge
to allure her to consente to his filthie lusts and to that end hath her abused in verey uncyvill manner
That there is a townefield in Ollerton proper to ceartaine inhabitants there everie one knowinge his one land in tyme of
tillage and for grasinge common to the owners and in winter lyinge open for common for all inhabitants wherin the peticioner
hath certayne land and in the sixteenth of March last ytt lyinge open and uninclosed the peticioners boosie cattle goinge towardes the
other commons entred into the same townefield as lawfullie they mighte and the said cunstable and Thomas Burges his
fathers servante uppon some secret malice forcybly tooke three kyne of the peticioners goodes from the peticioners sonne beinge an
infante of tenne yeares old endevoringe to bringe them home and did wrongfullie offer to impound one of them and the
peticioner Jone beinge greate with child and seinge the cattle taken from theire owne ground and her sonne, and the cattle
wrongefullie taken offered to withstand thimpoundinge of them wrongfullie taken uppon whom the said cunstable and [Burg...?]
made an assaulte and affraye and haled and drewe her vyolentlie beinge aboute seven or eight weeks from [then...?]
her accounte and with violence drewe bloud out her handes and since and since have affirmed they weare sorie that [th...?]
did not use her in worse manner of which matters and of her feare of further hurt to be by them done unto her she offreth [illegible]
Humblie payinge
that forasmuch as a cunstable sworne to the contrarie did breake [th...?]
peace and incyted Burges to the like out of some secret grounded [mal...?]
and used such threats since: maie yt stand with your worshipfull pleasure
to graunte to the peticioner a warrante of good behavior against [illegible]
said cunstable and Burges: and this for zeale of justice and [example?] [illegible]
Anne Leftewiche, widow. QJF 47/1/133 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justyces of peace in the
countye of Chester.
The humble petition of Anne Leftewiche widdowe.
That where the petitioner beinge lawfully seized or posessed of a
burgage in Namptwich in this countye was thereof about foure
yeres paste by force disposessed by one Hughe Grippon and Margaret
his wyfe, for whose forcible entrye into the said burgage the
petitioner exhibited a bill of indictment againste the said Hughe Grippon
and Margaret his wyfe, which indictment was found, and after mediacion
of frendes, and by appoyntment of his majesties justices of peace, and by
consent of the said partyes the cause was referred to the order and
award of Thomas Brooke and Roberte Whitney gentlemen whoe did
order by consent of the said partyes that the petitioner should have
and hould to her and her assignes duringe her life the kitchen and one
[tha...?] parcell of the said burgage and parcell of the garden therto beelonginge
notwithstandinge which order and award b made by the said arbitracion by appointment
of the said justices as aforesaid the said Hughe Grippen and Margaret his
wyfe and George Grippen and Thomas Grippen theire sonnes, have
wrongefullye expulsed the petitioner forth of the possession of the said
parcell of the said garden.
The petitioners humble requeste ys that for asmuch as the said order
was made by dirreccion as aforsaid and consent of the said partyes
that yow would be pleased to grante warrantes of good abereinge
againste the said Hughe Grippon and Margaret his wyfe and the
said George and Thomas theire sonnes and that they maye be
bound to theire good abearinge untill they shall enter recognizance
to permitte the petitioner to enjoye the said kytchen chamber and
garden accordinge to the said order as aforsaid, and this for zeale
of justice.
This agrement we know
to be trewe
Thomas Brooke Thomas [Trevis?]
A letter to be sent to Sir [John D...?]
Hughe Richardson of Appleton. QJF 47/1/134 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace of
the countye of Chester at this presente sessions assembled.
The humble peticion of Hughe Richardson of Appleton in this countye.
Humblie sheweth unto your worships that wheras heretofore about five or six yeares nowe last paste, one
Robert Webster late of Appleton in this countye decessed, did in his lief tyme by and with the graunt
and allowance of Richard Marburie of Walton in this countye gentleman, erect one cottage or dwellinge
house upon the wastes or commons in Appleton aforesaid wherin your peticioner nowe dwelleth, havinge
maryed with Mawde late wyef of the said Robert Webster decessed: and wheras also sythence
Peter Warburton of Arley in this said countye esquiour, hath by suite in the Kinges majesties court
of comen plees at Chester and by veredict and judgment in the same court recovered against the said Richard
Marburie and your peticioner the said cottage or dwellinge house wherin your said peticioner nowe dwelleth
and wheras also sythence the said recoverie your peticioner hath beene an humble suitor to the said
Master Warburton to contynue his habitacion in the said cottage or dwellinge house (your peticioner
behavinge himself as an honest man ought to do) and the said Master Warburton is unwillinge therof
in respect there is not lyinge to the same dwellinge house foure acres of land accordinge as the
statute made in the xxxith of the late Queene Elizabeth requireth, and also in regard of the
penaltyes for mainteyninge of cottages in the same statute conteyned, unles your peticioner can
obteyne your worships allowances to contynue his habitacion in the same cottage or dwellinge house
duringe the will and pleasure of the said Master Warburton, accordinge to a branche or clause in the
same statute conteyned.
May it therefore please your good worships that in consideracion your peticioners wyves first husband
erected the same dwellinge house and spent all his substance theron dyinge much indebted,
and also in regard your poore peticioner for himself his wyef and children hath no other
place or refuge to betake himself unto, but that all your peticioners estate lyes upon this
poore succor. That in tender consideracion herof your worships wilbe pleased, that according
to the said branche in the aforesaid statute conteyned, it may by your worships order entred in
this open sessions be decreed that your peticioner duringe the will and pleasure of the
said Master Warburton may contynue his habitacion in the said cottage or dwellinge house
anie penaltye in the same statute conteyned to the contrarie notwithstandinge, and [this?]
for Godes love, and your peticioner shall daylie (as in dutye bounden) praye for your worships
healthes and happines in all prosperitye longe to contynue.
John Cragge of Marthall. QJF 47/1/135 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace of and
quorum within this county at this present sessions
Humbley enformethe your worshippes by your peticioner John Cragge of
Owllerton Marthall within this countye that wheras the said John standethe
in doubt that one Rice Hollande of Marthall a aforesaide will preferre
at this sessions ether some bill of inditement enformacion or peticion
against the same John Cragge for some trespasse or misdeamenor
Therfor the humble peticion of the said John Cragge unto your
worshippes ys that if any suche bill enformacion or peticion come
before your worshippes that the same bill enformacion or peticion
maye be openlye pleaded before your worshippes before the
[jury the?] receave the same that the poore peticioner maye come
to pleade and defend for hymself hopinge that your pe peticioner
in his good [course?] will cleere hymself honestlye of the
allegations objected against hym and this for Godes love
William Carter. QJF 47/1/136 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of
peace assembled at this generall sessions.
The humble petition of William Carter
That whereas your petitioner was borne and brought up
in Ravenscrofte where your petitioner hath a barne erected
and built with two acres of land therunto belonginge of the
inheritance of George Croxton gentleman, and is destitute of
a place of habitation for himself and his two children;
and for that the said two acres of land have a longe
tyme bene occupyed and enjoyed by your said petitioners
father, by your petitioners mother, and by your petitioner himself
and that your petitioner hath the consent of the said Master
Croxton beinge the landlord therof, and of dyvers others
the neighbours and inhabitantes neere adjoyninge to the said
place (whose names are subscrybed) for the erectinge of a
chimney in the said barne for the releif of himself and
his said children, your said petitioner beinge a workeman
that laboureth for the lyvinge of himself and his children, and
wold therfore humblie intreate your good worships that he might
be allowed to erecte a chimney in the said barne, to be
fitt for habitation for himself and his poore children,
wherby he might have a restinge place for himself and
theym, and not be troblesome to anie neighbours inhabitinge
theraboutes. And your petitioner shall daily praye unto God
for your happie preservacions with much increase of worship.
- Robert Hallyly vicar
- George Croxton
- [illegible] Mynshull
- Thomas Carter
- William Reynouldes
- Humfrey Reynoldes
- William Carter
- John Yate junior
- Raphe Stubbs clarke
- Richard Borowes
- Charles Manwaringe
- Charles Baker
- Thomas Henshawe
- Richard Barton
To be [illegible] for his life and his
sone John.
Ane Stubs. QJF 47/1/137 (1618)
To the right woorshipfull justecese
off this place the humble peticone of Ane Stubs
in most humble and lamantable manor shewinge
unto your good woorships that whereas I was
married unto John Stubs who hath wasted
and mad all I have a waye and left me
with three smalle children and noe means
to releeve them with: and all I had was goone
and my husband for a yeare and halfe was
never with me and would never geve me anye thinge
to releve ore helpe me with wheerfor throughe
wante off meanes and other paine and lewde
perswasions I was constrained to fall in a lewde
accion and had a child by a man who [wherat?] hee
had over throwne me rane out of the contree
and now except your good woorships be pittifull
unto me I shall be cast awaye and the the
child both for wee have nether lodging nor
meanes to help use with wherfor I most
humblie beseech you for God sake to take
some course for to helpe me in this destres
and in tender consitherratione hereof I
will not sease but dailie praye to God
to blese you all and this for God sake
Your poore pittitioner Ane Stube
Richard Mullenex. QJF 47/1/138 (1618)
The humble peticion of Richard Mullenex to the right worshipfull
the justices of our sovereigne lord Kinge James of the sessiones
to be houlden at Neitherknottesford the xiith daye of Maye, 1618
Humblie shewinge unto your worshipps, your poore peticoner Richard
Mullenex havinge a wiffe and three smalle children, which were borne in Burton
in Tarvyn parishe, and havinge dwelled ther above seven yeares, under Master
Richard Wurden, attorneye in the exchequer at Chester deceased, and before
fifteen yeares or there aboutes, within the towneshipp of Tervyn, and
Stapleford of both which parishes townes, John Bryne of Stapleford esquier
is cheeffe lord, whose good will and favour, your poore peticoner hathe
all wayes had, and nowe hath by reason, that he is a man of good
conversacion, and verye good name, and fame of a verie good worke=
man, and that the same towneshipps, and all the inhabitantes therein
except one private man a freehoulder) would be verye loath to want hym,
because he is so necessarie and a good worke man, and true there in that
they are not willinge to parte with hym (and that he ought to be provyded
for by lawe) Master John Bruyne, and all the aforesaid inhabytantes of
bothe places (except the said one private man) wishe desire and beseeke
your good worshipps all to commisserate the said poore mans cause, that
order maye be sett downe by your good worshipps in open sessiones
that he might have a plotte or place of ground appoynted, to sett upp
a cottage to shrewd and harbour in the said poore man his wiffe and
smale children, whereby he might be readye to be helpfull to us his
said neighbours in his worke as he hath bene hearetofore, at such tyme
as they or anie of them shall have occasione to use hym, and in such
a place as Master Bryen shall thincke moste meete and convenyent, and
that this is true yt will appeare unto your worshipps by a petticion heare:
unto annexed under their handes, as that Sir John Done [knight?]
and Master Richard Brereton have written in this behalffe redye to be
shewed, and this for Godes cause trustinge you will pittye the poore
man, he his wiffe, and smalle children shall daylie praye for your worshipps
health longe to contynue in all happines for ever.
Richard Mullenex. QJF 47/1/139 (1618)
The humble peticion of Richard Mullenex, To the right wor=
shipfull John Done Richard Brereton and George Spurstoe
esquyers, the Kinges majesties justices of the peace.
May it please your good worshipps to understand, that whereas I your
poore peticioner hearetofore, made my humble suite to your worrships
to be ameane for me to good Master Bruen of Stapleford, for some smale
plott of grounde to sett up a cottage, to shroude and harbour my selfe
my poore wife and smale children, eyther in Stapleford or Burton
where his worrship is cheefe lorde, I havinge for many years
lyved in those two townes, and your worrships takinge commiseration
upon me, graunted my request; where upon the good gentleman
hath freelye yelded his consent unto me, and so have donne
dyver honest men of Stapleford and Burton, to witt, Master Thomas
Partington, John Holland, Richard Bostocke, John Towers, John
Catherall, Richard Jackson, Peter Boardman Oliver Hickson
before his death, and now his wife and dyvers others, all which my
hope is, that God will requyte, att my daylye request: and now
my humble peticion to your worrships is, that you woulde be pleased, to
graunte me your worshipps consent concerninge the premisses, accor=
dinge the forme of law in that case provided, and whyles I lyve
with my poore wife and children, wee will never cease day nor night
to pray to God for ablessinge to light upon your worrship and all yours
that may bringe you to eternall felicitye.
25 July 1617
Soe farre as in us lyeth wee gyve consent
unto the premisses, and thinke the have doone
verie lawfully:
- John Done
- Richard Brerton
Whereas wee fynd the lord of the maner will and the rest of the
inhabitantes willinge to have the peticion performed and noe lett
therein but only one [illegible] privat freeholder within the maner to withstande
the same wee desier therfor that order may [illegible] be sett done in open
sessions for accomplishment therof because wee fynde that this man
is such a man as ought to be provided for by lawe
Your loving frennds
- John Done
- Richard Brerton
Thomas Antrobus of Nether Knutsford, draper. QJF 47/1/140 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace and quorum of this
present sessions
Humblie shewethe and enformethe your [w.?] worshippes by your peticoner Thomas
[Antrobus?] of Netherknottesford in the said county draper that whereas Ellen
Burges wife of Thomas Burges of Netherknottesford aforesaid ys a very lewde
woman and of bade conversacion of lyffe and heretofore receaved and receted clothe
stollen which were the clothe and goodes of the same Thomas Antrobus and hathe
been thereof convicted at the last assices holden for the countey of Chester
and besydes the said justices of assice did order that the said Ellen shold not
brew any ale to sell or buy any ale forth of her howse to be sold in the said
howse sithence which order the said Ellen hathe bought ale of her neighboures
and sold the same agayne in her husbands howse
Therfore the humble peticion of the said Thomas Antrobus unto your worshippes
ys, that in respect the said Ellen hath receted clothe stollen from the said Thomas and hath beene therof convicted and hath broken the judges order in buyinge
and selling of ale and besydes ys [abadde?] and evell woman of conversition of
lyffe that yt wold please your worshippes to graunt the warrant of good
behaviour against the same Ellen and this for Godes love
Noe thinge
Henrie Wood, prisoner in the castle of Chester. QJF 47/2/79 (1618)
The humble peticion of Henrie Wood nowe
prisoner in the castle of Chester.
Shewinge that whereas your peticioner hathe bene an inhoulder
and soulde ale and alsoe kepte victuallinge and lodginge for
the space of eleaven yeares in Walgherton and Wybunburie
within this countie of Chester and still inhabiteth in Wybunburie
aforesayd in the highe roade waye betwene London and
Chester and nere unto Holebecke bridge over which many
of his majesties subjectes are not able to passe att the tyme
of a flood or greate water: and whereas alsoe there have
bene three alehowses heretofore lycensed to sell ale verie
nere adjoyninge to your peticioners nowe dwellinge howse, which
doe nowe forbeare or geve over ale sellinge, soe that
there is not nowe, nor hathe bene of longe tyme any
howse on that syde of the sayd bridge for victualinge
or lodginge of his majesties subjectes travellinge that waye
and there stayed by reason by reason of the sayd water.
And for that your peticioner hathe bene ever willinge and readie
to putt in good suerties for ale sellinge and kepinge good order
accordinge to the forme of the statute in that case provided
hathe not wilfullie or obstinatelie soulde ale, but for
the harbouringe victuallinge and releevinge of suche
travellors and others his majesties lovinge subjects as have
used in theire travell or jorney to resorte to his howse.
Humblie prayeth the favorable consideracion of the justices of his majesties
peace att this quarter sessions assembled, that he may
be enlarged owt of prison havinge remeyned there
for the space of three weekes and that he may nowe
be lycensed to sell ale puttinge in good suerties for
the same as the lawe requireth and he shall daylie
pray to God for your worships healthes and happines longe
to contynue.
Nothing done therein
[Laurenc Bulles?]
James Fynsham of Bremmall to be bounde by the [oath?]
Rauffe Wilkinson. QJF 47/2/80 (1618)
To the right woorshipfull his majesties justices of the
peace within the countie of Chester.
The humble peticion of Rauffe Wilkinson.
That whereas your woorships poore peticyoner holdeth by
lease from John Massye of Coddington esquire (amongest
other thinges) one lane place in Coddington beinge a
place very muche overflowed with water, and of a very
greate length and a greate traveled heighe waye
betwixte Namptwich and Whitchurche and Chester,
and whereas your poore peticyoner hathe byn heretofore
indicted for not scowringe his dytches adjoynynge
nexte to the same lane for drawinge the water
furth of the same which hee ys not able to doe without
the ayde and assistance of his neighbours beinge
dytches of a very greate length and besides muche
flagginge and removinge of earthe for the avoydaunce
of the same water. Althoughe your woorships peticioner
hathe scowred six score roades of dytchinge besides
the makinge of a stonne platt and removinge muche
earthe and pavinge muche of the same lane more
then by his abilitie hee ys able to doe yett notwithstanding
all his worke theire, the township of Coddington will
neither joyne to helpe him nor free him from
further beinge supervysor for workinge att other heighe wayes.
Your woorships poore peticyoner humblie prayeth that hee
maye bee freed from the fyne of the former
indictment, and that either hee maye have
reasonable tyme gyven him for fynyshinge of the
same worke which hee hathe alreadie theire begune
and bee freed from other workinge att the
heighe wayes supervysors [illegible] [there?] or else that the rest of the
township or some of the neerest neighbours
thereto adjoynynge [illegible] maye bee ordred to
ayde and assiste your peticioner in fynyshinge the
same worke, and that for Goodes love.
Scopam Weyver. QJF 47/2/81 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace in
the county of Chester.
The humble peticion of [Scopam?] Weyver.
Enformeth your worships
That where the peticioner is a sworne constable to keepe and serve
his majesties peace kept in the township of Worleston was the xith
day of this July 1618 assaulted and wounded by one Richard
Moulton of Aston neere Mondrem, and ys by him still
manaced and threatened to be beaten and hurte,
The peticioners humble request ys that your worships woulde be
pleased to cause the said Richard Moulton to be bounde to
the good abearinge that your peticioner may serve his office for
his majesties service in peace without daunger of his lyfe
and the peticioner shall dayly pray for your worships prosperyties.
William Reynoldes. QJF 47/2/82 (1618)
The humble peticion of William Reynoldes
That wheare as he hath served long in the warrs of Ireland the space of ten or twelve yeares under the commande
of Sir Henry Harrington being preferred to him by ould Henrye Earle of Huntington who by his means was
allowed to be one of his companie in regard of the continuance of his service, it pleased him to move Sir William [Wade?]
Sir Roger Wilbram towardes the keeping of him to some pencyon in this contrey where uppon twoe severall letters
with a reference from the King was adressed downe by me, upon veiwe thereof, it pleased Sir William Brereton
Sir Thomas Hollcroft Sir Thomas Smith and other more of the justices of the benche, and there was [accorded?]
within the booke as one of the number, and allowed a place of five poundes a yeare, soe that sith hence at [illegible]
quarter sessions at Knutsford last past it pleased Sir William Brereton with other of the justices to take [illegible]
ther apprehension of the matter, and thereby doth alledge some cause to the contrarie, wherefore humblye [illegible]
sting in regard my stat soe poore and my charge great, having a lame woman to my wiffe not being able [illegible]
my children yong and unable for them selves, my selfe being unable and my familie, to releive us in this my [old?]
age, humbly beseeching the woorshipfull to take some pittye and compassion theiron and he according to his bounden dutie shall
Not to be allowed
Sarae Saywell of Nantwich, singlewoman. QJF 47/2/83 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinge his
majesties justices of the peace of the countie
palatine of Chester.
The humble peticion of Sarae Saywell of
the Namptwiche singlewoman
Sheweth your worshippes that the said peticioner, beinge begotte with childe
by one James Whittingham of the same towne, soe yt is that the
saide Whittingham ever since the childe was borne hathe not onelie
refused to take and keepe the said childe as by righte he oughte to do
but alsoe dothe slander the peticioner with dyvers other men thereby to
avoyde the keepinge of his owne childe, whome the peticioner hathe
ben enforced to keepe for the space of two yeares paste without anye
consideracion from the said James Whittingham at anye tyme, and for that
youre poore peticioner ys not able in anye sorte to maynteyne and keepe
his said childe anye longer, she therefore in moste humble manner
beseecheth youre worshippes for Godes cause to take suche order, that the
sayde Whittingham maye eyther take and keepe his sayd childe and
keepe him in some good fashion and maner, or else that he maye by your
order sett downe yeilde your peticioner some such relieffe towardes
the bringinge up of the said childe as shall be thoughte fittinge and
convenient in your worshippes good discressions to whome shee referreth
her cause, and accordinge to her bounden dutie shee will daylie
praye to almightie God for the preservation of all youre worshippes in
all healthe and happynes longe to lyve and contynue and this for Godes
Referred to the hearing and determynynge of the justices in
his hundred at there next meetinge
Edward Dyall of Nantwych. QJF 47/2/84 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace
at the quarter sessions at Namptwyche
Infforminge your good worshipes Edward Dyall of Namptwyche that whereas
one William Westbrooke of Nampt wyche yoman ys knowen to be
a lewed and bad behaviour as a commen drunckard a night walker
a quarreller and in his drunckennes a stabber with knyffes and
one that ys knowne to be a disordered person as heretofore did assalt
wound and with a knyffe did stabe your petishioner Edward Dyall
with out any occation to hym geven and put him in daunger of
lyff and nowe synce that tyme your somme of the justices of this
worshipfull benche did graunt a warrant of good behaviour agaynst
the sayd Westbrocke and he heiringe of the same fled out of the
cunttry and absented hym seulf from the sayd warrant, and
ever synce hath carried a wrothfull mynd agaynst your petissioner
in [presuming?] to comme in to his howsse beinge coummaunded to
the countrary and by reason that he ys forbarde your petissioners
howesse uppon mier mallice this day hath sworne the peace
agaynst the sayd Edward Dyall without any injurie to hym
proffered but [u..dlie?] nowe in his drunckennes which your pettissioner
ys knowne to be one that wold wyllinglie live in Godes peace as
the whole towne wyll report the same yf the be called to the same
in tender consideration [may?] it therefore pleysse your good worshippes
that the sayd Westbrocke my may be called before this benche
to showe cauesse why he may have the peace agaynst your petissioner
otherwyss that the warrant may be called in backe agayne
in regard he ys a disordered person and one that ys not worthie to
swere the peace agaynst any honest man to thend to put your petissioner
to expences and travell, nowe may it therefore plesse your good worships
to consider of the premisses and thus for Godes love
Your worshipes petissioner rest ever at command
Edward Dyall.
A warrant of good behaviour
against Westbroock aforesaid for
threaten the constable [to kill?]
[illegible] other [officer?]
Elizabeth Foxe of Congleton, widow. QJF 47/2/85 (1618)
To the right wurshipfull Sir William Brereton knight one of his majesties justices of peace for the county of [Chester?]
and to other his fellowe justices at theise present sessions of the peace for the said county.
The humble peticion and complaint of Elizabeth Foxe of Congleton a poore distressed widowe
charged with two poore infantes the one of thage of foure yeares thother eighteene monethes.
Shewinge: that her husband who dyed aboute Januarie last was seised of certeyne landes in Congleton
which he purchased and possessed of some cattells and leases for yeares, and in regard therof had aboute
an hundred markes with her in mariage beyinge all her porcion for her advancement
That in regard of the hard hand carried over her by his mother, sister and one William Brooke his [brotherinlaw?]
who was suretie for him for twentie two poundes they in her husbandes last extremitie of sicknes
obteyned feoffmentes and assignmentes from him and all his termes and estates for noe consideracion in money [at?]
all or anie other valuable consideracion, to the value of two hundred markes and under color therof
plott and practise, to overthrowe her and her poore chilldren, pupills for ever and under pretence therof
have forcibly locked upp the entry doores and backe doores of the house gardens [illegible] backsides and
yates of and aboute the house, not sufferinge her to have accesse thither and forcibly with teames
carried awaie the turves gotten at her charges upon the turbazie of the same tenemente
That they threatned inditementes against her at theise sessions therby to cast her out of her poore
lodginges in the house.
That theire are severall suytes begon on either parte in thexchequer at Chester concerninge her [and?]
theire interestes and claimes which now depend:
Humbly prayinge that her adversaries maie answere herunto and no further [proceedings?]
be before your wurships untill the said suytes be determined or the cause publiquelie
heard before your wurships and this for Godds sake and in consideracion of a
poore widowe and two fatherles chilldren infantes distressed by theym.
The indictment to be hard openly before the justices
Amye Hooley, spinster. QJF 47/2/89 (1618)
To the right woorshipfull and others the woorshipfull
justices of the bench for quarter sessions in the
countie of Chester
The humble peticion of Amye Hooley spinster
Shewinge that whereas your peticioner havinge lived ever since
her childehood in severall services of good credite, and worth,
where she behaved herself verye honestlie, and justlie, as by one
certificate in that behalf made more plainelie (beinge hereto
annexed) maie appeare: and where also the said peticioner
livinge in service with one Henry Johnson of late, hath ben
accused that she was with child and that she had stolne severall
thinges, from her said maister, beinge a mercer in Manchester, for
which shee standeth bound before your woorships to aunsweare the same
soe yt is right woorshipfull that your said peticioner being a
poore servant, and haveinge noe other meanes of meyntenance, but
her owne endeavours, by reason of the said unjust accusacion
imposed upon her (as she hopeth yt will proove to your woorshipes) is
altogether disabled to take any course for herself, whereby shee maie
gaine an honest livinge to her utter overthrowe, and destruccion
for ever, except your lawfull favours be extended towardes her
Maie it therefore please your woorships for Godes cause, to comiserate
her poore estate, for her redresse herein, that uppon the
examinacion of the truth of the cause you will take such order therein
as to equitie and justice shall be moste agreeable. And she will
aswell submit herself to the order of the bench, as alsoe daielie
praie for your woorships in all health and happines long to
20 people in support of Amy Hooley. QJF 47/2/90 (1618)
Wee whose names are hereunder subscribed beeinge moved
att the request of Amye Hooley to certefie our knowledge
concerninge her behaviour, thought good to certifie that
shee the said Amye hath endeavoured her selfe for the
space of fifteene or sixteene yeares together as an
honest and true servante in severall places where shee hath
behaved her selfe civilly and honestly without any criminall
offence; and that shee hath by her owne endeavours
maynteyned her selfe in good sorte ever since her childhood
all which wee are able to testifie of our one knowledge and
therefore in testimoney thereof wee have hereunto sett our
handes the xiiiith daye of Aprill in the sixteenth yeare
of the raigne of our soveraigne lord King James etc
annoque domini 1618
- Anne Warren
- Margarett Downes
- Dorothy [illegible] Warren
- Rodger Riptonn
- Raphe Marsland
- Richard Jepson
- John Brearton
- Lawrence Wood
- Edward Barton
- Robert [illegible]
- Lawrence Downes
- John Davenport
- Lawrence Warren junior
- William Warren
- John Warren
- John Warren
- Robert Cheetom
- Raffe Lawe
- Edward Jenson
- Humphrey Blackshaw
- With others
John Lloyd of Stretton, gentleman. QJF 47/2/92 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the
peace [illegible] in the
countie of Chester.
The humble peticion of John Lloyd of Stretton
in the said countie gentleman.
Sheweth that your humble peticioner being maried aboute twentie yeres
since, unto Margaret one of the daughters of Thomas Starkie esquier
who never received anie mariage porcion with his wiefe but faire wordes
sythence which time this peticioner hath lived with the said Margaret, and hath by her
fyve smale children yet liveing and hath mainteined his wiefe and children uppon
his owne charge soe long as his abilitie wold any way extend and serve, having
but little or noe reliefe or maintenance either from his owne father who is yet
lyving and fallen utterly to decay, or from the said Thomas Starkie his fatherinlaw.
Soe it is may it please your good worships, that the peticioner having now noe
lyving nor goodes to sell to mainteine himself and his charge anye longer nor
place of habitacion but untill Christmas next, and is much ashamed and abashed to
to make his poore estate knowen to anie but that himselfe his wiefe and children
are verie like to starve and utterly to perrish for wante of maintenance unles
some such speedie course be taken for his and theire reliefe, as to your wisdomes
tendring a cause soe pittiefull may by the statute lawes of this realme and your
authorities in that behalfe otherwise provide.
May it therfore please your worships in tender consideracion herof to give
such speedie direccions for the reliefe of your distressed peticioner his poore
wiefe and children, having now inhabited in Stretton aforesaid within the said
hundred by the space of three yeres now last paste or more, as to your
wisdomes shall be thought most fitt and convenient, and your peticioner
as nevertheles most bounden with his wiefe and children, will daylie praie
for your worships in health and happines long to continue.
[paid?] to the churchwardens
and overseers of the
v shillings weeklie untill the children shall accomplished thage of
xvii yeares and then to abate as they shall come to that age after
the rate [illegible] be paid for releafe of the mother and [illegible]
The vicar and churchwardens of Great Budworth, on behalf of John Lloyd. QJF 47/2/93 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
of the countie palatine of Chester assembled
for the sessions at Nampwich the certificate
of the vicar and churchwardens of Greate
Budworth in the behalfe of John
Lloyd gentleman.
Right worshipfull, whereas this bearer John Lloyd gentleman
our parishioner, having an humble petition to present
unto your worshipps desired towards his better spee=
ding therein, a certificate from us concerning his state
and behaviour. Theise are breiflie to advertise your worshipps
that (wee take itt) his meanes is verie farre short
of his charge, his education and disposition of bodie
and mind unapt for questuous imploymentes of anie
sorte: and yet he is verie sober civill modest and
religious and noe way (for ought wee heare or
suspect) to be [taxed?] for anie evill qualitie where=
fore if it may please your worshipps to sett downe
some charitable course for his reliefe yow shall
doe that (as your Christian wisdome will informe
yow) which wilbe as acceptable to God, as comfortable
to him and his poore distressed familie, and soe
with our respective observance of your worships we rest.
Great Budworth this
13o of Julie 1618
Your worshipps at commaund
- John Ley vicar of Budworth Magna
- Peter Pickrine
- Thomas Heyward
- Thomas Hodgkinson
- Churchwardens
Edward Symme of Bunburie. QJF 47/2/95 (1618)
To the right worshipfull Sir Roberte Cholmondley baronet, and others his
majesties justices, whom these may concerne gretinge.
The humble peticion of Edward Symme of Bunburie sheweth
That, for so muche as your sayd oratour by reason of his oulde age and infirmities as beinge very
weake impotent and lame, so that he is not able to labour for his mayntenance, as here to
fore he hath done, and beinge charged wyth wyfe and chyldren, and haveinge very
small meanes to mayntene him selfe and them wythall, is desyrous by your good
favours, to kepe victulinge or alehouse, hopeinge thereby, to rayse somthinge towardes
his better mayntenance. In tender consyderacion whereof he most humble intreateth
your favourable allowance and consentes therein, and is ready with sufficient suerties
accordinge to his highnes lawes, in that case provyded, to becom bounden, for his good [carryage?]
and behaviour therein; so, that yf yt may stand wyth your good pleasures, to graunt
him his request, as he shall have juste cause to acknowledge your favours, soe will he
whyles he braytheth pray for your happie estates and properous healthes.
Graunted that hee shall sell ale and be bound
Rondle Moyle of Tushingham. QJF 47/2/96 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justice of peace in the
countye of Chester.
The humble peticion of Rondle Moyle of Tushingham.
That where the peticioner aboute vi yeres paste at the instance of one Richard Robinson
of Namptwiche tooke one John Robinson sonne of the said Richard to table, nowe soe yt
is yf yt may please your good worships that the said Richard Robinson dyvers yeres
past is gon over into Irelande and hathe conveyed his landes and goodes to somme
frendes in trust by reason whereof the peticioner can nether be discharged from
the keepinge of the said childe nor be allowed any meanes for the same
The peticioners humble request is that your worships woulde be pleased th to take
such course herein that the childe may be mayntayned of the
landes and goodes of the said Richard Robinson or by the parishe of Namptwiche
where he was borne as in your wisdomes shalbe thought fitt the rather
for that the peticioner is a very poore man and not able to mayntayne
him self and his famyly and this for zeale of justice.
Referred to two justices of peace next
adjoyninge where the child was borne
to make the [order?]
either the landes or goodes of the father or mother, or els
to be charged where it was borne by the overseers
Hugh Grippon of Nantwich, labourer, and Margarett his wife. QJF 47/2/97 (1618)
To the right worshippfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace of the
countie of Chester
The humble peticion of Hughe Grippon of
the Namptwiche labourer and [Anne?] h
Margarett his wyffe.
Sheweth youre worshippe that whereas the peticioner in the right of his wyfe
hathe a good estate of inheritance [of in, and?] to one messuage or burgage
with a garden thereunto adjoynynge lyinge in Namptwiche wherein the sayde
Grippon and his wyff doe nowe dwell, but cannot enjoye the same by reason
that one Anne Leiftwiche, and one Alexander Wrighte, contrarie to all righte
equitie and good conscience by stronge hande doe holde parte of the sayde
messuage and garden from your peticioners havinge noe lawfull tytle thereunto
and do utterlye refuse to yeild them anye rent for the same the peticioners
therfore humblie beseeche youre worshippes together with the assent of the rest
of his majesties justices, to be the meanes whereby the said Anne Leistwiche and Alexander
wrighte maye be forced to shewe what tytle they have, which yf yt prove
good before the worshippfull benche they are willing to allowe of the same
but yf yt prove otherwyse and that they have noe maner of right to holde
the same from youre peticioners, then they humblie beseeche your worshippes and the
whole worshippfull benche, that they maye peaceablie and quietlie enjoye their
owne withoute anye further interruption of the said Anne Leistwiche, and
Alexander Wrighte, and accordinge their bounden duties they will daylie praye
to allmightie God for the preservation of your worshipp and the rest of the benche
in all felicitie longe to live and contynew, and thys for Godes love.
Your worshippes daylie oratours Hughe Grippon Margaret Grippon
[Dismisse?] it
John Ridgewaie and William Pearpointe of Brereton. QJF 47/2/99 (1618)
To the right worshipfull Sir William Brereton knight one of his majesties justices of peace for the county of
Chester and to other his fellowes justices of peace of the same county assembled at theise present sessions of
the peace.
The humble complaint and peticion of John Ridgewaie of Brereton in the said [county?]
and of William Pearpointe of Brereton forsaid
Shewinge: that at the last sessions of the peace for the said county holden at Nether Knottesforth in the
said county there was a presentment made against the peticioners for not repearinge of the Kinges high
waie at thend of Senlowe Green in Brereton leadinge from Midlewich towardes Congleton
two markett townes contrarie to the fourme of the statute the repearinge wherof apperteyned to
Richard Hayse for Bagmeyre house for so much as was defective
That nevertheles the said waie so farr as they are charged to repeare ytt att the same tyme was
sufficiently repared so as no subject ever compleyned of anie hurt or hinderance therin
That William Smalwood a bayliffe for manie yeares past not sworne for thexecucion of that place
did before that tyme miliciouslie threaten the peticioners for other matters of unkindenes betwene theym
to be even with the peticioners and they thinke the said Smalwood in malice and revenge stirred upp the
said presentmente
That divers of the jurie at those sessions do utterlie denye anie verditt by theym assented unto against
the said John Ridgewaie or evidence taken that concerned him therin
In regard wherof they humblie praie the matter matter maie be throughelie examined
the informer to answere therunto and the peticioners discharged therof
The supervisors for Middlewich. QJF 47/2/100 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices
of peace assembled att they quarter sessions houldenn
att Wich Malbant
[In?] humble mannour. May yt please your worshippes to be advertised that
whereas the highwayes and streetes in the towne of Middlewich, by reason
of the greate cartinge, and carriage of wichwood thither, is in greate ruen and
decay. And for that the towne beinge a little towne is not able to mayntayne
the reperation, and decayes of the sayd towne without the helpe of these
neighboures of the same parish. We the head supervisours chosen for
the whole parish for this yeare, and wee the undersupervisours chosen for
the towne of Middlewich, whose names are subscribed, in our discreatioun
have thought it fytt, that whereas this bearer Thomas Carter dwellinge
in the towne of Middlewich, and haveinge a peece of a plow land lyinge
in the same parish, and hee ever more heretofore hath done his worke in the
towne of Middlewich for the same have therefore appoynted him to doe
his worke this yeare in the towne of Middlewich as formerly he hath
done which he hath and will performe, and therefore humbly pray your wor
shippes for the good of they same towne that you would be pleased
to [give?] geve your consent to soe good a worke and the whole inhabi=
tantes of the sayd towne will dayly pray for your worshippes
- William Renouldes
- John [Huland?]
- Roger Burges
- Thomas Moulton
Referred to the supervisors of the same towne [how?]
[it?] hath bene done [before?] [illegible]
and [soe?] to [illegible] to the justices
Fraunces Coppocke of Wymslowe. QJF 47/2/101 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace in the county
of Chester.
The humble peticion of Fraunces Coppocke
of Wymslowe in the county aforsaid
Beseecheth your worships that you woulde be pleased to grante to the
peticioner licence to use the trade of a badger to buy and sell malte salte [illegible] butter cheese
and suche other like comodytyes [illegible] accordinge to the
forme of the statute in that case provided, that thereby he
may be the better enabled to maynteyne him self his
wife and children whom he hathe not any other meanes
to maynteyne and the peticioner shall dayly pray for
your worships prosperities.
To be allowed ii shillings paid for the lycence
Joane Wilson, widow. QJF 47/3/38 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace
assembled at the quarter sessions at Myddlewych
In most humble manner sheweth unto your worships your poore peticioner
Joane Wilson widow, that wheras your peticioner hath bene comorant and
dwelled foure yeares now last past in the parish of Warmincham, and whereas
yt was thought fitt by the justices of that hundred of Northwych that in respect
she had soe longe contynued and lyved in Warmincham, she shold continew
her abydinge there still. Yet soe yt is right worshipfulls that some of the inhabitantes
of the sayd parish of Warmincham doe withstand and deny that she shall
lyve theyre, and doe say that whomsoever doth lodge or entertyne her shall
encur the danger of law, and will not permitt her to lyve and worke in the
sayd parish may yt therefore please your worships to consider of her pore
estate and to order [illegible] and appoynt that she may be ayded and releeved
as in this her old age as the law in that case provydeth and this for Godes
for the space of the three
that shee shall remayne there and soe long as shee is able to work
to gett her liveing there, and after to be releaved by the parish if she
hath not means of her self
Whereas Joane Wilson hath this daie come before us and hath [illegible] credebly informed [illegible] that
shee hath contynewed for the space of three yeares or more in [the parish of Warmyncham?]
and for that [illegible] the inhabitantes have and do [threatene?] the said Joane Wilson
that shee the said Joane shall not dwell nor inhabitt there Therefore
it is ordred that at this present session by us the Kinges majesties justices
of the peace for this countie of Chester that the said Joane
Wilson shall contynew and remayne within the said [illegible] parish of Warmyncham
shee behaveinge her self honestly and maynteynynge herself soe
longe as shee shalbe able to work and wheras shee shall and afterwardes
to be mayntyned by the [illegible] said parish of Warmyncham [secundum statutum?]
etc [granted?]
Thomas Starky of Stretton, esquire. QJF 47/3/39 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of
peace assembled at the quarter sessions at
Sheweth unto your worships your peticioner Thomas
Starky of Stretton esquyer that upon a peticion preferred
to your worships at the last quarter sessions holden at
Namptwych by one John Lloyd of Stretton for relieffe
of his children: yt was then ordered that he shold
receave fyve shillinges a weeke from the peticioner beinge
grandfather to the sayd children untill the youngest of
them shold accomplish the age of xvii yeares yf the
sayd Thomas Starkey shold soe longe lyve: which order your
peticioner hath not hitherto performed in respect the
same with some other causes bet in variance betwene your
peticioner and the sayd Loyd were referred to be
composed betwixt them by Master Ley vicar of Great Budworth
Thomas Sanders and Richard Grymsdytch gentlemen and for
soe much as the sayd matters in variance are not yet
eyther concluded upon or broken of from concludinge upon
betwixt them may yt therfore please your worships to stay
your further proceadinges in the sayd order untill such
tyme as the same may be eyther further delt in by the
sayd gentlemen, or els that yow wold allow to your
peticioner some convenient tyme [illegible] to answer
the allegacions which the sayd Lloyd hath untruly
surmysed and alledged against your peticioner upon
the grauntinge of the sayd order: and your peticioner
shall then be ready to performe what in justice you
shall enjoyne him.
John Deane of Nether Alderley, husbandman. QJF 47/3/62 (1618)
To the right worshippfull the Kinges majesties
justices peace of Chester etc
In [most?] humble wyse informeth your worshipps John
Deane of Nether Alderley in the countie of Chester
husbandman that wheras Randle Mottershed of
Nether Alderley afforesaid husbandman standeth bonden
before your worshipps by reconysance for his good cariage
and behavioure towardes all the Kinges majesties lige
people with sufficient shurties and wheras the said
Randle Mottershed hath used manie and upprobious
wordes agaynst me the said John Deane and one
Christopher Deane wee beinge cunstable for [illegible] the
manner of Nether Alderley for this yere last past
calinge us [taidges?] harlotes and fowles wee goinge
about to execute our dutie accordinge to our office
and hath pursued my fellow cunstable to [strooke?] hym
and [wound?] hym yf he hade stayed his hard offers
which he was glad to avoyde and hath likewyse
manaced and threatned us to be meete with us yf
God send hym his lymbes agayne for the preservacion
of our bodie and goodes I refer that to your worshipps
wysdome in that behalfe cravinge of your worshipps
that the said Randle Mottershed may not be releced of
his band and reconysance but that yt would plese
your worshipps to retorne over your band before
the Kinges majesties justeces of asyce there to try
for the Kinges majesties behalfe yf the said reconysance
be forfeted or noe. Thus hopinge of your worships
care and wysdome herein I commyt this besynes to
your wydome
Dated the xvth of October
Whereas one Mottershead was bound to his good behaviour and his personall appearance at this
general sessions and for that the said Mottershead [illegible] is [not?] bounde any further [illegible] it is ordred
that if the said Motershead doe not within a three weekes next ensuing [illegible] [bring under my Lady?]
[Stanle hand?] a certificate that [illegible]
then a warrante be graunted [forth?] [illegible]
Wheras one Randle Mottershead was bound to his good behaviour and for his
personall appearance at this next generall sessions and for that the said Mottershead
appeared and is not bound to any further sessions, yet neverthelesse it is [ordered?]
that if the said Mottershead doe not within three weekes next ensueinge
procure under my Lady Stanley hand that shee [is?] willinge that the said
Mottershead shall not be contynewed bounde any further and deliver the same unto
the cleark of the peace of this countie, that then a warrant of good behaviour for this session
shalbe awarded against the said Randle Mottershead
This ordre is granted forth
Mathew Johnson. QJF 47/3/63 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties
justices of the peace [illegible].
The humble peticion of
Mathew Johnson.
In humble maner shewinge your worshippes that whereas youre said poore
peticioner hathe obteyned the lycence and goodwill of Sir John Persall knighte
and Alexander Walthall of Wystaston equier to erecte and buylde a cottage
for himselfe and his familie to dwell in neare to the ende of the Beamheathe
whereof the said Sir John Persall and Alexander Walthall are the cheiffe
lordes. The same cottage beinge neither hynderance to the Kinges highe waye
nor anye lett to anye person to passe to their severall groundes theareaboutes
nor prejudiciall hurtfull or chargeable to anye other man howsoever, youre
peticioner therfore humblie beseecheth your worshippes to graunt him your alowances
and goodwills for the erection of a cottage upon the said grounde he havinge
heretofore ben inforced to make his fyre under a hedge havinge no place in
the worlde to dwell or lye in but gott lycence of Master Hampton of Namptwiche
to lye in a lodge of his. And accordinge to his bounden dutie he will daylie
praye to almightie God for the perservation of all youre worshippes in healthe
and happye estate longe to lyve and contynewe and this for Godes love
It is ordred that Isabell Fallowes shuld give in
sufficient securitie to performe her parte of the order touchinge
the keeping of the bastard child begotten upon her body by
John Horetopp at or before the next quarter sessions
before some justices of the peace for the countie, or els
at the next quarter sessions at her perill
Katheren Briskow, spinster. QJF 47/3/64 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace
assembled at the quarter sessions at Myddlewych
In most humble maner doth shew unto your worships
your pore peticioner Katheren Briskow spynster that wheras
one Hugh Wardle of the parish of Astbury hath gotten
a chyld by your peticioner, and beinge taken with a warrant
from Sir Thomas [Delvs?] for the receavinge of the said
child did over run the constables and beinge taken agayne
the second tyme by the same constables with the same warrant
he did hurt the constable beinge assisted with one
Richard Hulse of Namptwych who held the constable
when he escaped: in tender consideracion wherof and
for that the sayd Wardle wil nyther take her sayd child
nor yeald obedience to any warrant to bringe him to
answer the premisses, and for that your peticioner is very pore
and not able to prosecute suit against him nor Hulse
which did rescew him from the constables: may yt therfore
please your worships to graunt forth your warrant of good behaviour for
the apprehending both of the said Wardle and Hulse to
answer theyre contempt of the sayd warrant and to order
that the sayd Wardle may take the child and this for
Godes cause.
It is ordered that a warrant of good behaviour shalbe graunted
against the said Hughe Wardle in regard the said Hughe Wardle is suspected to flee the cuntry and that the said
Katherine Briscowe shall filliate the said child
William Halwod and James Deane, late constables of Church hulme. QJF 47/3/65 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace within the county
of Chester assembled at the quarter sessions holden at Myddlewich
in the same county the xvth day of October in the syxtenth yere of
the reigne of our soveraigne lord Kyng James
The humble peticion of Thomas [Jannye?] William Halwod and James Deane late constables of the
towne of Churchhulme in the countie aforesayd
That whereas the right worshipfull Sir William Brereton knight one of his majesties sayd justices lately directed
his warrant to the constables of the foresaid towne of Churchhulme, for the bringeing
before hym or other his fellowe justices Elizabeth Jackson, and Alice servant to Rafe Wright
to put in suretie for his majesties peace to be kept by them towardes all his liege people
and especially towardes Jane Jackson wyfe of Thomas Jackson of Churchhulme
[aforesayd?] husbandman, albeit the peticioners being then [illegible] constables of the
same towne upon the receite of the sayd warant did their best and uttermost endevour
(as thei are ready to make [proufe?]) to have apprehended the sayd Elizabeth and Alice
for the purpose aforesayd, but could not by reason thei [same?]
had notice geven to them of the warant aforesayd by the sayd [illegible] Jane Jackson and so kept themselves from the
viewe of theis peticioners by barryng their dores of their houses so as thei could
not be come by but by breakyng of their houses, and [illegible] being abrode thei pretended [illegible] so as
[illegible] thei never came within the vewe of theis peticioners or either of them, all which notwithstandyn
the foresayd Jane Jackson being as it is notoriously knowen to all neighbours
a woman of most badde behaviour, verey malicious, troublesome to all, not regardyng
what she sayeth or sweareth to revenge herselfe of those whom she maliceth,
did at last quarter sessions for the county holden at Nauntwich take hir corporall
oath before his majesties justices of peace there assembled, that theis peticioners
would not apprehend the foresayd Elizabeth and Alice - albeit thei might
convenyently and easylie have so done, where upon theis peticioners were then fyned
Their humble peticion is
That your worships would be pleased, (the fine sayd fine being imposed upon the only
oath of the sayd Jane who is a woman of no creditt,) to [mytigate?], [illegible] discharge
them therof or to mitigate the same as to your wisedomes shalbe thought
[good?], and theis peticioners shall dayly pray for the long [preservation?]
Anthony Furnevall. QJF 47/3/66 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kyngs majestyes
justices of the peace at the quarter sessions at
The humble
petition of
Anthony Furnevall
Most humblie shewing that wheareas
Thomas Baskervill of Wythinton gentleman
together with divers of his tenants and servants
have hearetofore committed many owtragious
misdemeynors agaynst the peace agaynst
this petitioner and his servants in his owne severall
lands of inherutans in Withinton as namely
the riotous fallyng and cariinge awaye of two
tymber trees for which he the sayd Thomas Baskervill
with six more do stand indited and doth daylye
ether with a long bearing bill or with his peece
charged and for the most part with a great mastye
dogg wallke over the feyld and hedges of this
petitioner under pretence of having free warren
there of which he hath beene convicted so as this
petioner and his servants are dayly in dawnger of
there lives
maye it therefore please your worshipps upon his oth to
graunt unto this petitioner for the savegard of his liffe the
peace agaynst the sayd Thomas Baskervill John Baskervill
William Baskervill Henry Besswick Rondull Margeram and
Rondull Stathom and William Bate and this petioner will
daylye pray unto Good foryour for your worshipps health and
prosperitye longe to continewe
Sworne the peace against Thomas Baskervile
and John Baskervile by Antony Furnivall
A warrant of good behaviour against Raphe Nickson alias [Buckly?]
The churchwardens of the parish of Bartomley. QJF 47/3/67 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace
assembled at the quarter sessions at Myddlewych.
Humbly sheweth unto yor worships the church wardens of the
parish of Bartomly that the sayd parish standeth charged with
the keepinge of two poore children by order from the justices of
peace of Nauntwych hundred.
That thereis a lay concluded to be collected and gathered within the
sayd parish as may appeare to your worships by the peticioners, which lay
is denyed to be paid by some of thinhabitants of the said parish.
The peticioners humbly pray that your worships wold sett downe
order that the [sayd?] lay may be collected and gathered
according as yt is concluded and sett downe and this
for Godes cause.
Frances Hursfeild of Blackden near Goostry. QJF 47/3/68 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties
justices assembled at the quarter sessions at
In most humble manner sheweth unto your worships
your poore peticioner Frances Hursfeild of Blackden
neare Goostry, that wheras your poore peticioner beinge
borne and browght up in Blackden, did about three
yeares last past erect and sett up a little cottage
upon the wast landes in Blackden for his habitacion
beinge noe annoyance to any where he hath dwelled
ever since: and for soe much as the lords of the wast
theyre and other the inhabitantes adjoyninge are willinge
that he shall continew his habitacion and dwellinge
theyre, beinge a paynefull workman, upon your worships
order for the same accordingly: may yt therefore please
you to take comiseracion of his pore estate and to order
that he may continew his dwellinge theyre, which non
theyre aboutes are unwilling of or will any wyse gayne
say or contradict. And your pore peticioner shall
dayly pray to God for your happynes.
Master Baskervyle, Master Eaton
and Master Hollinshed have given
theyre consentes beinge lordes of
the wastes theyre, that this peticion
may take place.
Elizabeth Stanley, widow of Thomas Stanley of Mottram Andrew. QJF 47/3/69 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of
peace for the countie of Chester at the
quarter sessions at Midlewiche
The humble peticion of Elizabeth Stanley
widdow late wief of Thomas Stanley
of Mottram Andrew within this countie
Humblie sheweth unto your good worshipps that whereas your poore
peticioner and her late husband have lived for the space of
xviii yeares now last past within the said towneshippe of
Mottram=Andrew, where they did mayntayne by their
handy laboure haveinge noe other meanes to live uppon
themselves and six children there borne and yet livinge.
Now soe it is right worshipfull that since the death of your said
peticioners husband shee haveinge not any place of
habitacion for herself and her poore children to live and
dwell in is not any way able to maynteyne herself and
them they beinge verie yonge and not able to helpe them
selves unless your tender consideracion be thereunto
May it therefore please your good worshipps to
graunt unto your said poore peticioner licence
to erect a cottage within the foresaid
towneshippe for the succoure and relief of her
self and her poore children shee haveinge
obtayned not onelie the consent of the lord
of the said mannor but of all the inhabit=
tants therein dwellinge and your petitioner
shall daylie pray for your worshipps in all
happines longe to contynue
Ordered yf she bringe a certificat under Sir [illegible] [Calvey?]
hand and seale then granted for her life
Peter Forest of Aston, husbandman. QJF 47/3/70 (1618)
[Com?] Cestria
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace
at this present sessions assembled.
The humble peticion of Peter Forest of Aston
neere great Budworth in this county husbandman.
Humblie sheweth unto your worships that wheras your poore peticioner (and all
his auncestours) beinge borne in the towneship of Aston aforesaid
and he your peticioner havinge a wyef and foure children and
no place of habitacion to shrewde himself and his familie
in, havinge heretofore lived in the said towne under
divers of his frendes as an inmate, and wheras such strict
courses are nowe held for the punishinge of such persons
as harbour anie inmates that your peticioner is altogether
destitute of all hope of relief or succor unles your worships
aydes and furtherances be to him herin extended: may it
therefore please your good worships in regard that your peticioner
was borne in the said towneship of Aston and hath there
ever [illegible] since his maryage lived with his wyefe and
children, that it may by your worships be ordered and
decreed that your peticioner may erect somme smale cottage
within the said towneship of Aston by and with the consent of
Peter Warburton of Arley esquiour lord of the said
manour and in such place as the said lord of the said
manour shall allowe and approve of, to hould to your peticioner at
the will and pleasure of the said lord of the said manour, anie
penaltye in the statute for ereccion of cottages to the
contrarie notwithstandinge, and this for Godes love: and
your poore peticioner (as in dutye bound) shall daylie pray for
your worships healthes and happines longe to contynue.
If he bringe certificat under Master Warburtons hand and seale then granted
for his life.
Randle Tomson of Wythinton. QJF 47/3/71 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices
assembled at the quarter sessions at Myddlewych
In most humble manner doe certyfye unto your worshipps
your petitioner Randle Tomson of Wythinton, that Andrew
Hollinshed of Wythinton afforesaid joyner beinge a very
contentious and troblesome person and Ann his wyfe about
mydsomer last did assalt your petitioner as he was
dryvinge his cart and offered to lay vyolent handes upon
him and caused his cart and horses to be in great danger
and perrill without any cause given by your petitioner
to eyther of them, and have lykewise doone divers hurtes
and wronges to his cattell before beinge upon the comons
and for soe much as the said Andrew is a person of evill
behavyour and doth keepe a common typlynge house and is
excommunycated: may yt therefore please your worshipps
to take consideracion of your petitioners wronges in the
premisses and to take such order as to your worshipps in your
great wisedomes shalbe thought fitt for the peace of
your petitioner: and your petitioner will dayly praye
for your longe and prosperous health and happines
Robert Hurpur, William Forster, John Barbur, Richard Gee and Edward Plant. QJF 47/3/72 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices assembled
at the quarter sessions at Myddlewych.
In all humble manner doe certify unto your worships your
peticioners Robert Hurpur of Sythington William Forster of Henbury
John Barbur of Henbury Richard Gee thelder of Henbury and
Edward Plant of Sythington that John Adshed William
Pymlott Hugh Baguly and Thomas Adshed of Over Alderly are al of them
persons of a lewde and wicked carriage and behaviour; and have
greatly wronged and abused your peticioners and divers others
and upon the xxith day of September last about xi of the
clocke in the night, they came to the howse of the sayd Robert Hurpur
in Sythington and there broke downe a glasse window
and went to an other window afterwardes at the same howse
and broke downe a pane of the glasse window and toke the
same away with them, and sett yt up at the howse of one Richard
Johnson in Over Alderly and the same night afterwards
they tooke came to the howse of the sayd William Forster and did
breake downe a yate in his grownd neare to his howse
then they came to John Barburs howse, and brooke his
hawkes mew at syde of his howse, and tooke the [sigh?] which
hanged upon his wall and in the lane neare his howse
brooke yt in peeces with a long staffe. Then they came to one
Richard Gees thelder his howse, and did breake a yate of
hart of oake alin peeces with there staves, then they went
went further and brooke a yate in peeces of one Edward Plant
then they went to one Robert Maddockes of Henbury and
brooke him two yates and one style: all which they did in the
night tyme the sayd xxith of September last: in tender
consideracion wherof and for that theise misdemeanors are
soe great and odious as are not to [car...e?] in a Christyan
comon wealth. May yt please your worships to graunt
forth your warrant for the good behavior against the said
John Adshed William Pymlott alias Byrchenhough, free mason
Hugh Baguly and Thomas Adshee and further [illegible] to order
as to your worships shal be thowght fitt for the good and
quyett of your peticioners and this for Godes cause
As night walkers
and haunting ale houses
to be bound to good behaviour
George Bann and Margrett his wife. QJF 47/3/73 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace assembled
in the generall sessions of the peace houlden at Muddlewych
the xvth of October anno domini 1618
The humble peticion of George Bann and Margrett his wyffe
Shewinge that whereas on Margrett Smyth spinster late of this parish of Muddlewich
deceased did heretofore compounde and agree with your peticioners
to keepe a basterde child of hers the said Margrett Smyth, which
childe your peticioners accordingely did and doe as yett mantayne
and keepe, have bin truly satisfyed and contented for the
keepeinge thereof by the said Margrett Smyth as longe as she
lived but for as much as the said Margrett Smyth is now
deceased whereby your peticioners doe want that composicion and
meanes which she in her lyffe tyme did justly and truly pay to
your peticioners, and in regard your peticioners are poore people
haveinge noe meanes at all to mantayne them selfes but the [illegible]
owne hande labor and paynes takeinge and therefore utterly unable
to mantayne and keepe the said basterd child any longer
May yt therefore please your worships the premisses considered
that some course may be taken for the releefe of your poore
peticioners that they may have some competente
allowance towards the keepeinge of the said child
or otherwaise that your peticioners may have some
consideracion for the keepeinge thereof since the death
of the said Margrett Smyth and may from henceforth
be discharged thereof and your peticioners accordinge
to there bounden dewtie shall pray for your worships
in all health and happines longe to continew.
According to the statute of 43 of Elizabeth to be relieved out of the parish as [hereunto?] doth appurtayne
Thomas Lunt. QJF 47/3/74 (1618)
To the Kinges majesties justices of the peace att the
generall sessions of the peace att Middlewyche
The humble peticion of Thomas Lunt:
Humblie sheweth that one Arthur Figes of the cittie
of Chester ironmonger; causleslie and without any just
cause hath sworne the peace agaynst your peticioner; who
never gave him occasion soe to doe: and who th hath ever
lived all his life tyme in peaceable manour maner never
offeringe any violence to any man: the premisses considered
and for that the petitioner is a poore man hee humblie intreates
intreateth your worships to take comiseracion of his vexacion
and to discharge him from his trouble and hee will
ever pray for your healthes longe to continue.
Ellen Robinson of Warton, widow. QJF 47/3/76 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
for the county of Chester.
Humbly shewing unto your worshipps your humble and poore supplyante Ellen Robinson of Warton within the
county of Chester widdowe that where as your supplyant and husband hath for many yeares past lyved
in Warton afforesaid, an honest peaceable, and painefull lyffe: till about the space of three yeares
agone on Raphe Nixon alias Buckley of Over being a man of very evill note and name, and
of an unquiett and turbulent disposission, did malitiously attempt dyveres suites against your
supplyantes late husband and did with all rygor and extremety procecute the same in seaverall
courtes, to the utter undoing and impoverishment of him selfe, your poore supplyant and theire
chilldren, and thereby was the only cause and meanes of his death: and not being so conten
ted but sythence the decease of her said husband, hath in most cruell and uncharitable manner
vexed your poore supplyant and her children in offering them many wronges, not only in laboureing by all
meanes, to take her poore house over head and so to make her and her poore fatherles chilldren harborles but
also hath sundrie tymes beaten your supplyantes doughter to the indangering of her lyffe; without order of justice
put them in the stockes; vowing with many bloudy oathes that he would have a legg or an arme of some
of them, (meaneing your supplyant [and?] her chilldren.) And whereas your supplyant, for the wronges afforesaid
had just cause of complaint against him yett not withstandinge the said Raphe Nixson did most unjustly sue
out a warrant of the peace against your supplyant and her said doughter, and therewith together with one
John Brodhurst constable of Warton, one John Peccowe, and Margarett wyffe of the said Raphe Nixson
did in most vyolent and ryotious manner (upon the xxvth day of June last past at the breake of the
daye) enter the house of your poore supplyant, and with great extremity pulled her furth of the same, geve=
ing her many blowes upon the face and head, treadeing her under theire feete in the durt and sheede=
ing her blood to the breach of his majesties peace and hazard of your supplyantes lyffe: which cruell deale=
ing of theires did so much affright your supplyantes doughter, that shee then fled away for saffegard of
her lyffe, and was never heard of what was become of her to this day. And had not many of your supp=
lyantes neighboures ernestly intreated on her behalfe, the would without all order of justice have caried her
imediatly to the jeale because she had not then suertyes present to undertake for her.
In tender commisseration whereof may yt therefore please your worshipps duly to consider your poore supply=
antes destressed estate and for Godes cause to redresse to her great wronges according to justice and equetye (
being a poore widdowe with towe fatherles chilldren, and hath nothing in the world to releeve them on) releaseing her from the peace. And to vouchsaffe, your supplyant the good behaviour against the said Raphe Nixson
and his said wyffe, John Brodhurst and John Peccowe, and your poore supplyant shall dayly pray to God
for your worshipps health and happines etc.
John Hortoppe of Snelson. QJF 47/3/77 (1618)
To the worshippfull justeces of the peace of
of the quarter sessions houlden at Midlewyche
this day beinge the xvth day of Occtober [anno domini?]
That wheras John Hortoppe of Snelson beinge [a very?]
poore man and of good fame and good name to the reportt
of all his neghtbours is now at this tyme to entreatt
your worshippes good faver for Godes causse now
beinge in greatt distreasse and trouble aboutt a woman
beinge an innosent gotten with chyld her father and
frendes togeather would causse me to have it whether
I be worthie it or no: her fathers name is Randle Falows
of Snellson and his doughters name is Isabell Fallowes a
naturall borne therfore I would further desyre your
worshippes further consideration in this buseneysse
her father may come before your worshippes or some other
justeces to be sworne in lafull maner accordinge to
lawe but true it is she is not lykely soe to doe
but as her father and other frendes doe to my greatt
expences and trubles beinge soe unable to folowe the same
that I shalbe forssed to sett or sell all that I have to
mentayne the sutt with all excepte your worshippes
faver will stand good to me that I may [pourge?] my selff
by lawe as the lawe will alowe me her father
and frendes togeather doe sike by all meanes to agenste
me to my undoinge havinge wyffe and children to [mentayne?]
of my hand gettinge and litle to mentayne them with
all all this truble is uppon spytte and malice of
some unknowen matter as may hereafter come
to light to ther greatt shame as may be proved
by good wittnes this humbly prayinge your
worshippes good faver in this causse that I may
have that lafull faver as the lawe will [alow?]
me and not other wayes this for Godes cause
I praye you for the honeste carrage of this [be...?]
that will come to deposse: Houmphre Bradford peteter Peter
Madocke Richard Locckett. Henrie Battman. Edward [Batt...?]
Robert [Tealike?]. William Batte. Robertt [Cuckichely?]. Oliver [illegible]
William Cashe. Antony Fornivall. Fraunces Bertels
John Antrobus. William Drakeford. John Wood. George Lowe
Thomas Locke.
Cutbert Warren and Margrett his wife. QJF 47/3/78 (1618)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the
peace of the countie of Chester att the quarter
sessions holden att Middlewiche
The humble peticion
of Cutbert [Warren?] and
Margrett his wiefe.
Sheweth unto your woorships that wheras one Raphe Hulme of
Offerton standeth bound unto his good behavyour, by recognisaunce
taken before Sir William Davenporte knight upon a warrant
graunted by Sir Peter Legh knight againste the [said Hulme?]
for strykinge your peticioner the said Cutbert Warren [beinge?]
then constable and comminge to charge him to keepe the peace.
And whereas the said Raphe Hulme beinge neare neighbour
to these peticioners by his threates and many abuses from tyme
toe tyme offerred unto them (the particulers wherof the saide
peticioners are readie to relate unto your woorships if it shall please
you to heare them) doth putt them to daylie trouble and feare.
The peticioners humble request is that your woorships will bee
pleased that the said Raphe Hulme maie still continewe
bound to his good behavyour for the sauftie of the
peticioners theire children howse and goodes, whose onely
desire is to live in quyett by him which otherwise they
cannott tell howe to doe.
We do knowe the peticioners toe
bee honeste and of good carriage, and
the said Hulme to be a verrye
troublesome and unquyett spirited
- T: [Leghe?]
- William Davenport
- [illegible]
Mary Jackson of Bosseley, widow. QJF 47/3/81 (1618)
To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace assembled at this quarter sessions
The humble peticion of Mary Jackson of Bosseley widdow late wife of Thomas Jackson
late of Bosseley aforsaid deceased
That this poore peticioner was borne and brought up in the said towne of Bosseley and hath together with
her said husband dwelt theire by the space of ten yeeres last past our more with the allowance of the
lord of the mannour and likewise of the tennantes theire untill nowe of late since her said husbandes
decease a litle cote or place wherein her said husband and she lyved in his life tyme and she sythence
his decease fell downe as is altogether ruinated.
That this poore peticioner hath 3 smale children and is altogether harborles and destitute of any place
to rest her self and pore children in to theire great discomforte and mysery
Humbly praying
that your worships upon due consideracion of this pore peticioners and her said childrens calamity and misery
in wante of habitacion as also of his majesties lawe ordayned for the reliffe of the distressed in such
like case) to geive order to thinhabitantes of the said towne of Bosseley that she may have liberty to set
up on her costes and charges a new cote or roome in the place where the said decayed cote did
stand to be a habitacion for this poore peticioner and her said distressed children not intending to
be any further troblesome to them or to charge them further then their goodwills in this
behalf and shee and her said children (as in duty they are bound) shall dayly pray to God
for your welfare and prosperity. And for Godes love.
We the inhabitantes of the foresaid towne of
Bosseley whose names are subscribed referr
[our?] consentes in the premiss to your grave and
[considerat?] order.
- Frauncis Hollinshed
- Eddward Hollinshed
- signum Raphe Garner
- Hughe Boothe
- John Ogltons signum
- John Newton
- Edwarde Butler
- Nicolas Ryley
- Frauncis Hollinshed
- signum Antony Boothe
- John [illegible]
- Robert Broughe
- Edward [Bynon?]