Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1580s

Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798.

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'Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1580s', in Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798, ed. Sharon Howard , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1580s', in Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798. Edited by Sharon Howard , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1580s". Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798. Ed. Sharon Howard , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

Robert Thomasonne of Northerden, husbandman. QJF 17/1/20 (1587)

To the right worshipfull the Queenes majesties justices
of peace within the countie palatine of Chester.

Moste humblie compleyninge sheweth unto your worships your poore and daylie
orator Roberte Bro [Thomasonne?] alias Brownell of Northerden in this
countie husbandman that whereas att the last great assises holden
at Chester the xxiiiith daye of Aprill last past an order was made
in the Queens majesties court of the exchecker of Chester by the right
honorable Roberte Earle of Leycester chamberlayne of the said countie
palentyne with the advyse of the counsell and assistaunce of the
same court that your sayd oratour should have the quyet possession of one
mesuage and certen landes in Northerden in the sayd countie of Chester which
your sayd oratour claymed by vertue of a certen lease made thereof by William
Brereton of Hondford esquyer to Thomas Robinson alias Brawnell
Thomas Bryckell from whom your sayd oratour lawfullie claymeth the same by by
vertue of which order and of good and lawfull assurance made to your sayd
orator by the sayd Thomas Robinson and Thomas Bryckell your sayd
oratour into the sayd mesuage and landes entred and was thereof lawfullie
possessed but soe it is yf it may please your worships that William Tatton
of Withinshawe in the sayd countie esquyer John Broughe of the same
yoman John Button of the same yoman Thomas Martin of [.anworthey?]
of the same countie yoman Henrye Thomason of the sa Withinshawe aforesayde
yoman Henry Boyle of Northerden yoman John Boyle of the same yoman
John [.ybbon?] of the same yoman Elice Kempe of the same, yoman and
Henry Coppocke of Sharston yoman beinge tennantes and servantes of the saide
William Tatton not regardinge the lawes and statutes of this realme
nor the sayd order made in the sayd court of exchecker have in verie
royotous and forcible maner assembled themselves to the sayd mesuage
and have verie ryotouslye nayled [d...s?] dorres upon the dores of the
sayd mesuage to thintent to shutt upp and keepe your sayd orator and one
Christopher Sinderells within the sayd mesuage and to famishe them
within the same and the sayd William Tatton caused the sayd Henrye
Coppocke and Elice Kempe to watche and besett the sayd howse and to
barre and keepe them from victualls and susteynaunce to the greate
terrour of manye of the Queenes majesties subjectes and to the pernitious
example of suche wilfull offenders intende our consideracions whereof
and forasmuche alsoe as the sayd William Tatton upon the seventh
day of Maye last past hathe caused open comaundement to be given in
the parishe churche of Northerden to all the tenantes and servantes of the
sayd William Tatton that they shoulde nott permitt or suffer your sayd
oratour or the sayd Christopher Sinderells to come upon any of the
landes which the helde of the sayd William Tatton and alsoe forasmuche
as the sayd William Tatton is a verie desperate person and he and his
servantes have bene diverse tymes indyted of diverse ryottes and
haynous misdemeanors may it please your worships to graunte
warrantes as well against the sayd William Tatton and the other
ryatous persons abovenamed as alsoe against all other the tenantes and
servauntes of the sayd William Tatton for the observacion of the
peace towardes your sayd [orator?] and the sayd Christopher Sinderells
and all other the Queenes majesties people. And this for Godes love

fiat [process versus part pd?]

Margarette Clarke of Highe Leighe, spinster. QJF 19/2/28 (1589)

To the right worshipefull the justices of the peace of the countie
pallantyne of Chester at the generall sessions of the peace

In moste humble wyse complayninge sheweth unto your worshippes your daylye oratour
Margarette Clarke of Highe Leighe within this countye pallantyne of Chester
spynster. That whereas your sayde oratour dwellinge with one John Wylkynson
of Highe Leighe in the sayde countye yoman, was evellye entreated, and beaten
verye cruellye of Thomas Wylkynson sonne of the sayde John her master without
anye cause and also threatned to cutte her throate, and to burne her beinge thus
terrified with his threatninges and with the advyse and counsell of his father her master
your sayde oratour did procure forthe a warrante of the peace as ys here
presente to be seene from the righte worshippefull Thomas Leighe of Highe
Leighe esquyer one of the Queenes majesties justices of the peace and came
to the constables to whom yt was directed, and Thomas Stelfoxe one of the
constables of the towneshippe of Leighe beinge in his howse woulde not be knowen
to be at home, and afterwardes your sayde orator wente to Rycharde Prynce
the other constable which wente with your sayde oratour untill he came to the
howse wherein the sayde Thomas Wilkynson was, and used theis speaches that
yf he were in the steedde of Thomas Wilkensonn he woulde meete your sayde
oratour and beate her everye daye and your sayde oratour shoulde never bynde
hym to the peace and he refused and woulde not serve the warrante, and spake
so vehementelye that the foresayde Thomas Wilkenson beinge in his fathers
howse came forthe in his shyrte with a drawen swoarde in his hande
and threatned to kill your sayde oratour and the sayde Rycharde Prynce
neglectinge his dutye sayde verye contemptuouselye that he
woulde not serve hym and presentelye after your sayde oratour goinge to Master Rychard
Leighe of Swyneheade his his howse the sayde Thomas Wilkenson
overtooke her and with anaked dagger did cutte, and beate her in diverse
places so cruellye that your sayde oratour was in greate danger of
her lyffe also afterwarde that your sayde oratour was alitle recovered she
wente to one Geffraye Bentley one of the shyrriffes bayliffes and desyred
hym to serve the warrante and he denyed to serve the same and sayde it
did not belonge to his office, yf yt maye therefore please your worshipps
consideringe the greate danger your sayde oratour standeth in by reason
of the ill disposition and behavioure of the sayde Thomas Wylkenson
and contempte of the foresayde officers to graunte forthe your warrante
of good behavioure to attache the sayde Thomas Wylkenson
and take hym [illegible] bownde of good behavioure and also to
appoynte some faythfull bayliffe or officer to serve and doe his dutie
accordingelye for the savegarde of your sayde oratours lyffe and this
for Gods cause and equitye etc.

Order to make process against Prynce