Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Taillebourg [Charente-Inférieure, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 106

Talbot, Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 43, 57, 61, 233, 371
-, Duchy of Lancaster woods sold to, 54
-, 60(2), 178, 208, 299
-, signs Privy Council letter on transportation of corn, 211, 224
-, reference to his conveying of the Garter to King of France, 233

Talbot, Richard
-, granted reversion of office of Master plasterer to King, 338

Tancred (Tanckread), Sir Henry, of Arden, co. Yorks.
-, to be member of Council of the North, 328

Tanfield, Sir Laurence, Chief Baron of the Exchequer
-, prevented by work from being appointed Commissioner for suits, 22
-, 55, 234

Tanner, John, minister at Coleraine
-, to be Bishop of Dromore, 329

Tanner, John, mariner, of Weymouth, co. Dorset
-, examined about activities of pirates on Lundy Island, 209

Tanworth, co. Warwick
-, letter dated from, 73

Tar, River. See Tarn

Tarn (Tar), River [France]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses, 107

Tate, Francis, antiquary, barrister, and M.P. for Shrewsbury
-, directed by Privy Council to examine case of wardship, 289

Taverner, Mr. See Taverner, John

Taverner, Mrs. See Taverner,
-, Susan

Taverner, John, late Surveyor of King's woods south of Trent
-, 79, 308

Taverner, Roger, former SurveyorGeneral of woods, (d. 1582)
-, mentioned, 260

Taverner, Susan, widow of John Taverner
-, 79

Tawstock (Towstocke), co. Devon, seat of the Earl of Bath
-, letters dated from, 209(2), 213, 215, 254

Tayler, Dr. See Taylor, Robert

Taylor, George, a prisoner in the Canaries
-, petition from, 78

Taylor (Tayler), Robert, English Catholic
-, his sister married to Fowler, 61

Tebbales. See Theobalds

Temple, Suzanna, of Stowe, co. Bucks.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Temple, Mr.
-, petition to, 314, 315

Temple Bar, London
-, 221

Temple Combe, co. Somerset
-, letter dated from, 212

-, Viscount Cranborne loses to Earl of Montgomery at, 299

Termon Grache. See Termon Magrath

Termon Imoughan. See Termon-oMongan

Termon Magrath (Termon Graghe), co. Fermanagh, Ireland
-, 175

Termon-o-Mongan (Termon Imoughan), co. Fermanagh, Ireland
-, 175

Terrail, Louis de Cornboursier, Seigneur du, French adventurer
-, executed at Geneva for espionage, 51

Terre D'Oye. See Oye

Terrill, Captain. See Tyrrell, Richard

Terringham, Sir Thomas. See Tyringham, Sir Thomas

Thacker, Gilbert, surveyor of woods in South Wales
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury and Caesar, 68

Thames, River
-, to be opened to Oxford, 26
-, 40, 231, 280

Theakston (Thekston), Sir Richard, of Burneston, co. Yorks.
-, member of commission concerned with Duke of York's affairs, 132
-, his death, 132
-, 140

Thebaldes, John. See Theobalds, John

Thebolls. See Theobalds

Thekston, Sir Richard. See Theakston, Sir Richard

Thelwall (Theloall), Bevis, Page of the Bedchamber
-, his pension, 308

Theobalds (Tebbales, Theoballs, Tyballs, Thebolls, Tibbales, Tibboles), co. Herts.
-, 59, 129, 130, 131, 133, 150(2), 217, 234, 256, 269
-, letters dated from, 84, 161, 216,
-, included in list of Queen's property together with two parks, 185
-, Lasonbye to survey game at, 251
-, lands enclosed by King into his park at, 328(9)
-, Keeper of house at. See Whitaker, Miles

Theobalds, James, brother of John Theobalds
-, 373

Theobalds (Thebaldes), John
-, petition from, 373

Theoballs. See Theobalds

Thetford, co. Norfolk
-, King proposes to go to, 217

Theydon Mount, co. Essex
-, church destroyed by fire at, 342

Thomas, William
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in land enclosed by King, 328

Thompson, Paul, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 198

Thomson, Thomas
-, letter to Wilson, 31

Thornham (Thorneham), co. Norfolk
-, 91

Thorogood, Mr. See Thurgood, Oliver 93

Thorold, Mr. See Thorold, Edmund

Thorold, Edmund, Marshal of the Exchequer
-, 38

Thoroughgood, Thomas, of Buckworth, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Thorp, John, a surveyor
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 70
-, his account for sales of wood in various shires, 177

Three Cups, The, Holborn, London
-, 61

Throbb, The, Whittlewood Forest, co. Northants.
-, walk called, 350

Throckmorton (Throkmorton), Elizabeth
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 84, 286

Throckmorton (Throgmorten), John, Captain
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 200
-, mutiny of Irish soldiers in charge of, 202

Throckmorton (Throgmorton), Clement, of Haseley Manor, co. Warwick
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Throckmorton (Throgmorton) George, of Chipping Norton, co. Oxford
-, alleged to be recusant, 270

Throckmorton (Throgmorton), Robert, of Weston Underwood, co. Bucks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 270

Throckmorton (Throkmorton), Sir William, of Tortworth, co. Gloucester
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 372
-, sends gift of deer to Earl of Salisbury, 372

Throgmorton. See Throckmorton

Throllough Park, co. Leicester
-, 308

Thurgood (Thorogood), Oliver, one of the King's surveyors
-, commissioned to sell King's woods in Worcestershire, 41
-, 43, 66

Thursgo, William, of Finchingfield, co. Essex
-, his recusancy reported to Earl of Salisbury, 174

Thybaut (Tibault, Tibaulles), Adrian, brother-in-law and factor of Peter van Lore
-, conveys Bruning's letter to Wilson, 5
-, expected to return to Spain, 16
-, carries letter from Bruning to his mother and Perkins, 17

Thynn, Sir Henry, of Downton, co. Wilts.
-, to be in charge of voyage to Persia, 359

Tibaulles, Mr. See Thybaut, Adrian

Tibault, Adrian. See Thybaut, Adrian

Tibbales. See Theobalds

Tibboles. See Theobalds

Tichfield. See Titchfield

Tickenhill House, Bewdley Park, co. Worcester
-, sale of trees harmful to attraction of, 41
-, letter dated from, 148

Tickhill, co. Yorks.
-, 316
-, Keeper of castle of. See Hausbye, Ralph

Tilbury (Tilberie), co. Essex
-, letter dated from, 202

Tilbury, West, co. Essex
-, new ordnance made for fort at, 174

Tilehurst, co. Berks.
-, rectory of, 346

Tilney (Tylney), Sir Thomas, of Shelley Hall, co. Suffolk
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

-, 3, 13, 19(2), 26, 28
-, sale of King's trees for, 3, 27, 36, 39, 40, 41(2), 42, 43, 44, 46, 52, 53, 54(2), 56(3), 57, 59(3), 60, 61(2), 62, 63, 66(3), 67, 68, 69(2), 70(5), 72, 73, 75(2), 79(2), 85, 88, 177
-, alleged to be scarce in Sussex, 27
-, obtained in Ireland, 40
-, Lord Norris's opinion of powers of commission for sale of, 62
-, alleged abuses in sale of King's, 67, 68
-, scarce in the Isle of Wight, 69
-, provided for Navy from various woods, 307

-, proposal that King, not merchants, should have preemption of, 24
-, reference to furnaces for manufacture of, 292
-, pewterer's complaint of restricted supply of, 143

Tindale, Doctor. See Tyndall, Humphrey

Tinmouth Castle. See Tynemouth

Tintern, co. Monmouth
-, papers relating to dispute over tinworks at, 189, 190

Tipper, William, a Commissioner for Defective Titles
-, 290

Tiringham, Sir Thomas. See Tyringham, Sir Thomas

Titchfield (Tichfield), co. Hants.
-, Prince Henry to visit, 115

-, Privy Council to discuss, 185
-, arguments in favour of suppressing the patent for, 287

Tocester. See Towcester

Todd, John, Bishop of Dromore
-, resigns, 329
-, resigns also as Bishop of Down and Connor, 329

Todd, Richard, yeoman, of Thornham, co. Norfolk
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 91

Toderick, Walter, Page of the Bedchamber
-, granted property of convicted recusants, 291
-, his pension, 308

Toledo, Don Pedro de, Spanish diplomatist
-, summoned to Madrid, 334
-, French attempt to anticipate adverse effect on English opinion of visit to Paris of, 336

Tome. See Toome

Tomond, Earl of. See O'Brien, Donough

Tompson, John, a baker
-, granted lease by Lord Clifton at Buckworth, 89

Tonnay-Boutonne (Tonne Boutonne) [Charente-Inférieure, France]
-, 106

Tonne Boutonne. See TonnayBoutonne

Tooker, Giles, of Maddington, co. Wilts.
-, to inquire into abuses at Bradford, 342

Toome (Tome), co. Antrim, Ireland
-, 181

Topcliffe, Charles, prisoner in the King's Bench prison
-, 324

Topham, Henry, of Agglethorpe, co. Yorks.
-, member of commission concerned with Duke of York's affairs, 132

Topsham, co. Devon
-, Queen's manor of, 374

Toulouse (Tolouse) [HauteGaronne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne's description of, 107, 108
-, 138, 146

Tournon [Ardèche, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 110

Tours [Indre-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne at 104, 105

Towcester (Tocester), co. Northants.
-, letter endorsed by post at, 61

Towers. See Towers, John

Towers, John, Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge
-, King desires his election as Proctor, 323

Towerson, Parnella, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Towneley, Charles, of Nocton, co. Lincs.
-, alleged to be recusant, 250

Townsend, Sir John, M.P. for Chipping Wycombe, co. Bucks.
-, 95

Townshend, Roger, Comptroller to Earl of Salisbury
-, mourner at funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 375

Towstocke. See Tawstock

Tracy, Sir Thomas, Gentleman Usher to the Queen
-, granted recusants' land, 300

Trafford, co. Lancs.
-, letter dated from, 50

Trafford, Mr. See Trafford, Sir Edmund

Trafford, Sir Edmund, 2nd husband of Mildred Cecil, daughter of Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter
-, 50

Trafford, Mildred (Mildreda), wife of Sir Edmund Trafford, and daughter of Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 50

Transis, Chapelle des, Mont Cenis
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 239

Traps, Jane, wife of Roger Traps
-, 328

Traps, Roger
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in land enclosed by King, 328

Treasurer of the Chamber. See Stanhope, John

Tredway, Sir John, of Kettlethorpe, co. Rutland
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Tredway, Thomas, of Beaconsfield, co. Bucks.
-, encloses common land at Farnham Royal, 373

Trefuses, Richard. See Trefusis, Richard

Trefusis (Trefuses), Richard, of Trefusis, co. Cornwall
-, named as commissioner to investigate piracy in Cornwall, 11

Tregonnell, John, of Warfield, co. Berks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 253

Trench, —
-, 235

Trenchard, Sir George, of Wolveton, co. Dorset
-, involved in dispute over title to Lydlinch church, 211, 212

Trente. See Trento

Trentham, Sir Francis, of Rocester, co. Stafford
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 197

Trento (Trente) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 244

Trerice (Trerise), co. Cornwall
-, 11

Trerise. See Trerice

Tresham (Tressam), William, of Rushton, co. Northants.
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Tressam, William. See Tresham, William

Treswell, Robert, of St. Buttolph's, Aldersgate, London, Surveyor of the King's Woods south of Trent
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 40
-, 52, 260
-, payments to, 342, 350, 357

Trevanion, Hugh, of Trevanion, co. Cornwall
-, named as commissioner to investigate piracy in Cornwall, 11

Trevere. See Veere

Trevers. See Treves

Treves (Trevers), Lothaire von Metternich, Archbishop Elector of
-, 246

Trevor, Sir John, of Plas Teg, co. Flint, naval administrator and surveyor of Windsor
-, 49
-, signs naval estimates, 166
-, payment to, 357

Tridles, Thomas, member of the Corporation of Portsmouth
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 191

Trinity College, Cambridge
-, 156
-, letter dated from, 198
-, Master of. See Neville, Thomas

Trott, Nicholas, of Quickswood, Sheriff of Hertfordshire
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 122
-, notifies Earl of Salisbury of rumours of treasure hidden in Hertford Castle, 122
-, 126
-, signs joint letter of Hertfordshire J.P.s to Earl of Salisbury, 128

Troyes (Troye) [Aube, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 112
-, Viscount Cranborne joins his company at, 238
-, Governor of. See Prâlin

Truce, The [Twelve Years']
-, publication of, 42
-, its terms thought to be favourable to Archdukes, 42
-, English Commissioners at negotiations for, 42
-, Brizuela sent to Spain to clarify details of, 45
-, King's opinion of, 47
-, 51, 64
-, Council of State of Spain promises to give Brizuela ratification of, 72
-, Spain slow to ratify, 82
-, ratification expected in Brussels, 85
-, arrival in Brussels of ratification of, 86
-, doubts about wording of Spanish ratification of, 88

Trumbull, William, English Resident at the Court of the Archduke Albert
-, 136

Trussell, Henry
-, petition from, 374

Tryon, Abraham
-, his death mentioned, 358

Tucker, Mr. See Tucker, George

Tucker, George, searcher at Gravesend
-, arrests priests and confiscates Papist literature arriving from Dunkirk, 214

Tuileries, The, Paris [France]
-, Viscount Cranborne rides at, 35

Tumme, Archbishop of. See Mulconry, Florence

Tunis [Africa]
-, Dutch prisoners at, 138
-, 250

Tunstall, John
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Turberville, Anne, of Warfield, co. Berks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 259

Turin [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne entertained by Duke of Savoy at, 239
-, his description of, 239, 240

Turk, The Grand. See Ahmed I

-, effect of price of silver on the trade of, 124
-, 366
-, Sultan of. See Ahmed I

Turkey Company, The [English]
-, 271, 293

-, Dutch taken prisoners at Tunis by, 138
-, wish to break their peace with Persia, 311
-, King of Persia's arguments for hindering trade with, 325
-, supplied with money and ordnance by Christian states, 325

Turlott, Roger, a foreign merchant
-, 303

Turner, George, physician
-, signs report on alleged poisonous liquor, 91

Turner, John, Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge
-, sent with instructions to Earl of Salisbury, 323

Turner, John, porter of the English House at Middelburg
-, 43, 234

Turner, John, in the service of Nicholas Trott
-, 122, 127, 128

Turner (Turnor), Patrick
-, his pension bought by Portington, 180

Turner, Richard
-, pardoned for murder, 316

Turner, Thomas, Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury, 15

Turner (Turnor), William, of London, a contractor for the manufacture of alum
-, 52
-, his men found not guilty of misdemeanours, 194

Turner, William, of the Company of Merchant Adventurers
-, readmitted after expulsion for marrying a foreigner, 329

Turnerscourt Farm (Turner's Court), co. Oxford
-, 367

Turnor, Mr. See Turner, William

Tutbury, co. Stafford
-, Honour of, 365

Ty, Edmund, mariner
-, engaged in shipbuilding, 329

Tyballs. See Theobalds

Tylney, Thomas. See Tilney, Sir Thomas.

Tyndall (Tindale), Humphrey, Master of Queens' College, Cambridge, and Dean of Ely
-, 156
-, agrees with decision to declare Pemberton's election void, 160
-, involved in dispute over election of Proctor, 323(3)

Tyne, River
-, 66

Tynemouth (Tynmouth), co. Northumberland
-, copyhold tenants of manor of, 53
-, light kept for guidance of ships at castle of, 180

Tynemouthshire (Tynmouthshire), co. Northumberland
-, 53

Tyrconnell, county of, Ireland
-, 347
-, Commissary of Victuals in. See Smyth, Thomas

Tyrconnel. See O'Donnell, Rory

Tyringham, Sir Arthur, of Tyringham, co. Bucks.
-, sells King's trees at Olney, 42

Tyringham (Tiringham Terringham), Sir Thomas, Master of the King's buckhounds
-, 52, 70
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90
-, authorised to advise commissioners concerning sale of King's woods, 186

Tyrol, Count of. See Leopold

Tyrone, Ulster, Ireland
-, 118, 351
-, survey of county of, 121

Tyrone, Earl of. See O'Neill, Hugh

Tyrrell, Sir Edward, of Thornton, co. Bucks.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Tyrrell, Henry, of Mildenhall, co. Suffolk
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 91

Tyrrell (Terrill), Richard, Captain, of co. Cavan, Ireland
-, collaborates with Irish rebels, 10

Tyson, Jeromy, a Flushing shipper
-, involved in illegal sale of pepper at Canterbury, 207