Index: S

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Sackford, Henry. See Seckford, Henry

Sackville, Anne, Dowager Countess of Dorset, widow of Robert Sackville, 2nd Earl of Dorset
-, 178

Sackville, Richard, Lord Buckhurst, later 3rd Earl of Dorset
-, involved in legal proceedings, 11
-, to travel abroad, 281

Sackville, Robert, 2nd Earl of Dorset
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 11
-, criticised by Lady Anne Glemham, 133
-, his son. See Sackville, Richard

Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset, late High Treasurer of England
-, mentioned, 24, 95, 133, 163, 277

Sackwell, Captain. See Salkeld, Thomas

Saghnes, James, Irish captain, brother of William Saghnes, formerly in Archduke's service
-, signs petition to Pope, 186

Saghnes, William, Irish captain, formerly in Archduke's service
-, signs petition to Pope, 186

Saint Albons. See St. Albans

St. Albans (Saint Albons), co. Herts.
-, letters endorsed by post at, 61, 232

St. Ambroise, Church of, Milan [Italy]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 240, 241

St. Annaland (St. Anneland) [Zeeland, Netherlands]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 248

St. André, Jean de Gregoire des Gardies, Seigneur de, Lieutenant of Montpellier
-, 109

St. André [Vaucluse, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions fortress at, 109

St. André a Villane a Rivole. See Rivoli

St. Anthoine, Church of, [Padua Italy]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 243

St. Antoine, M. de. See St. Antoine, N. de

St. Antoine, N. de, secretary to Prince Henry
-, 40

St. Antonio, The, a Spanish ship seized by English pirates, 370

St. Aubins. See Seyntaubyn

St. Bartholomew, Fair of
-, condemned as source of plague in London, 230

St. Dunstan, parish of, London
-, 299

St. Ethelburg within Bishopsgate, London
-, almshouses in the parish of, 362(2)

St. Gabriell's. See Stanton St. Gabriel

St. Germain, faubourg de, Paris [France]
-, letter dated from, 135

St. Germain [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 111(2)

St. Germain, manor of, Jersey
-, Saint-Sauveur's suit concerning, 113

St. Germaine-en-Laye (St. Germans) [Seine-et-Oise, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne goes with French King to, 33

St. Germans. See St. Germaine-enLaye

St. Gignes, Monsieur de, Governor of Narbonne
-, 108

St. Giles, Cheshunt, co. Herts.
-, enclosure by King of lands called, 328

St. Gratien, Chantry of, Tours [France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 105

St. Jean de Moriene. See St. Jean de Maurienne

St. Jean de Maurienne (Moriene) [Savoie, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 238

St. John, Oliver, 3rd Baron St. John of Bletso
-, mourner at funeral of Lord Salisbury, 374

St. John, Sir William, naval commander, of Highlight, co. Glamorgan
-, informed of activities of pirates, 209

St. Joiare. See San Giorgio

St. Jones, Lichfield, co. Staffs.
-, letters dated from, 49, 60, 66

St. Julien [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 112

St. Laurent-des-Eaux [Loire-etCher, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 104

St. Lawrence, Elizabeth, wife of Christopher St. Lawrence, 9th Lord Howth
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 320

St. Leger, John [? of Lenham, co. Kent]
-, 361

St. Malo [Ille-et-Vilaine, France]
-, imposition levied upon English cloth at, 178

St. Marc [Côte d'Or, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 112

St. Mesmin [Loiret, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses the Loiret at, 104

St. Michel [Savoie, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 238

St. Ouan, Monsieur de. See Cartaret, Philip

St. Paul, Count of. See St. Pol

St. Paul's (Pawles), London
-, 80, 221

St. Paul's, Dean of. See Overall, John

St. Peter, The, of Bergen
-, stone sent to Earl of Salisbury in, 206

St. Peter's College. See Peterhouse

St. Pol (St. Paul), François d'Orleans, Comte de,
-, goes to Sichem, 34
-, Caumont garrisoned by, 107

Saint-Sauveur, Monsieur de, former secretary to Sir Thomas Parry, English Ambassador in Paris
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 113

St. Seine [Côte d'Or, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 112

St. Sepulchre, parish of, London
-, 299

St. Triviers [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 112

St. Vallier [Drôme, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 110

St. Victor, Church of, Milan [Italy]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 240

Ste. Baseille. See Ste. Bazeille

Ste. Bazeille (Baseille) [Lot-etGaronne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to dismantling of town of, 107

Ste. Justine, Church of, Padua [Italy]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 243

Saintes (Xainctes, Xaintes) [Charente-Inférieure, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to amphitheatre at, 106

Salden, co. Bucks.
-, letter dated from, 95

Salisbury, co. Wilts.
-, Earl of Salisbury expected at, 96, 113, 116
-, warrant dated from, 120
-, 176, 313
-, tithes of New Forest leased by Dean and Chapter of, 313
-, articles of incorporation of, 330
-, incorporated under the name of the City of New Sarum, 330
-, authority of J.P. granted to officials and dignitaries of Cathedral of, 331

Salisbury, Bishop of. See Cotton, Henry

Salisbury, Dean of. See Gordon, John

Salisbury (Sarum), Diocese of
-, 346

Salisbury, Earl of. See Cecil, Robert

Salisbury, Sir John, of Llewenni, co. Denbigh
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 74
-, reference to his outlawry, 190

Salisbury House, Strand, London
-, letters dated from, 34, 37, 99(2), 123

Salkeld or Sakell (Sackwell), Thomas, Captain, English pirate
-, examination into his activities on Lundy Island, 209, 210
-, Monson's plan for pursuit and capture of, 212, 213
-, seizes a Bridgwater merchant, 214

Salloine, Thomas
-, Countess of Montgomery requests wardship of, 179

Salop. See Shropshire

Salon (Salon de Craux) Bouchesdu-Rhône, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 109

Salter, Nicholas, a London merchant and farmer of the Customs
-, appointed to receive profits from the erection of furnaces, 292(2)
-, 361

Saltonsall, Lady. See Saltonstall, Susan

Saltonstall (Saltenstall), Sir Peter
-, to take horses to Duke of Savoy, 336

Saltonstall, Sir Samuel, petty customer outward for the Port of London
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 82

Saltonstall, Susan, Lady, widow of Sir Richard Saltonstall
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 9

Saluces. See Saluzzo

Saluzzo (Saluces) [Piedmont, Italy]
-, Duke of Savoy cedes territory to France in exchange for Marquisate of, 111

Sampford (New Sandford), co. Essex
-, 174

Sanderson, Henry, Constable of Brancespeth Castle
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 44
-, criticised by Bishop of Durham, 132, 140
-, 136

Sandoise, Lady. See Sandys, Catherine

Sandown (Sanddowne) Castle, co. Kent
-, Flemish ship wrecked near, 290

Sandridge, co. Devon
-, lands in dispute at, 153

Sandwich, co. Kent
-, 207

Sandys (Sandoise), Catherine, Lady, 4th wife of Sir Edwin Sandys, of Northbourne, co. Kent
-, 254

Sandys, Sir Miles, of Wilburton, co. Cambridge
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 43

San Giorgio (St. Joiare) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 239

San Sebastian (Sebast) [Spain]
-, 5
-, goods of La Rochelle merchants detained at, 10

Sanslap [? co. Bucks.]
-, 299

Saône, River [France]
-, 111, 238

Sardon. See Cerdon

Sare, River. See Cervo

Sarpi, Paolo (M.P. i.e. Maestro Paolo) theological counsellor to the Republic of Venice
-, has secret conference with Wotton, 77

Sarum, New
-, Salisbury incorporated under name of, 330

Sarum, Bishop of. See Cotton, Henry

Sarum, Diocese of. See Salisbury

Saumur [Maine-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne visits, 105
-, his reference to strength of Huguenots at, 105
-, his description of the castle of, 105
-, Governor of. See Plessis-Marly

Saunders, Henry, of Brampton, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Saunders, Thomas, a labourer
-, granted lease by Lord Clifton at Buckworth, 89

Saunderson, Sir Nicholas, of Fillingham, co. Lincs.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 120

Savage, Sir Arthur, member of the Council in Ireland
-, 74

Savage, Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thomas Savage
-, 359

Savage, Sir Thomas, of Rock Savage, co. Chester
-, 359

Savage, —
-, his park, 190

Savoy (Savoye)
-, Viscount Cranborne's travels through, 238, 239, 240

Savoy, Duke of. See Charles Emmanuel

Savoy, Infanta of. See Maria

Savoy, Prince of. See Victor Amadeus

Savoy, Maurice, Cardinal of, 4th son of Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy
-, Duke of Lerma plans to confer Archbishopric of Seville upon, 72

Savoy, The, Strand, London
-, letters dated from, 206, 212, 222

Sawtry, co. Hunts.
-, 90(2)

Sawyer, Edmund (or Edward), Auditor of the Exchequer
-, grant to, 337

Saxey, Hugh, Auditor of the Exchequer
-, complaints about his employee, 128

Saxony, Christian II, Elector of
-, alleged to be ready to maintain his title to Cleves, 197

Sayer, —, of Algiers, English pirate
-, prepared to attack Algerian pirates in return for pardon, 250

Scaliger, family of, former rulers of Verona
-, their tombs mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 242

Scape, Andreas van
-, brought over to England from Low Countries, 51

Scelde. See Scheldt

Scheldt (Scelde), River [Netherlands]
-, 248

Schenkenschanz (Schins Kons) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions fortress of, 246

Schins Kons. See Schenkenschanz

Scholes (Scoles), co. Yorks.
-, sale of King's wood at, 79

Schongau (Scongault) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 245

Scoles. See Scholes

Scongault. See Schongau

-, 5, 79, 158, 361
-, example of English prejudice against natives of, 96
-, Hudson sails to America past the north of, 152
-, King finds further evidence of animosity towards people of, 263, 265, 267
-, Spanish view that King intends to destroy liberties of, 288
-, King signs orders regulating trade between England and, 313

Scotland, Lord Chancellor of. See Seton, Alexander

Scott, John, in the service of the Archbishop of Canterbury
-, 131

Scott, Walter, 2nd Lord Scott of Buccleuch
-, States General to be requested to give charge of a regiment to, 360

Scottish Guard, The, in attendance on the King of France
-, Edmondes to discuss with King of France and Queen Regent the question of, 341

Scriven, Mr.
-, Bishop of Norwich refers to him as his old friend, 253

Scroope, Mr.
-, 195

Scrope, Lord. See Scrope, Thomas

Scrope, Thomas, 10th Lord Scrope of Bolton
-, 190

Scudamore, Thomas, of Overton, co. Yorks., Receiver for Yorkshire
-, 340, 350

Sea, Cristobal Sandoval y Rojas, Duke of, eldest son of the Duke of Lerma
-, his wife expecting a child, 18
-, Lerma's plan for a marriage between Duke of Savoy's daughter and eldest son of, 72

Sea Coal
-, Earl of Salisbury receives New Year's gift of plate from farmer of, 2
-, bricks at Hatfield to be burnt with, 2

Seasoncoate. See Sezincote

Seaton Delaval (Delavale), co. Northumberland
-, letter dated from, 70

Sebast. See San Sebastian

Seckford, Sir Henry, Master of Tents and Toils
-, 116

Seckford (Sackford), Henry
-, reversion of office granted to, 357

Sedgewick (Sedgwick), co. Sussex
-, 120

Sedgley (Sedgeley), co. Stafford
-, park of, 329

Seigne, River. See Seugne

Seine, River [France]
-, rises near St. Seine, 112

Selby, Sir William, Deputy-Keeper of Tynemouth Castle
-, detains profits of light provided for guidance of ships, 180

Selkan, Dorothy (Dorothie)
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 128

Selles et Charost, Philippe de
-, Béthune, Comte de, brother of the Duc de Sully
-, commands French troops in the service of the United Provinces, 101

Sempill (Semple, Simple), Sir James, Scottish diplomatist and Gentleman Usher
-, his pension bought by Kirton, 180
-, 299, 360

Semple, Sir James. See Sempill, Sir James

Serjeants at Law
-, nominated Commissioners for suits, 22

Serjeants Inn, Chancery Lane, London
-, letter dated from, 207

Seton, Alexander, 1st Earl of Dunfermline, Lord Chancellor of Scotland
-, expected at Royston, 142
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 158, 168, 253
-, 159

Seugne (Seigne), River [France]
-, 107

Severn, River
-, Salkeld supposed to be hiding along, 213

Seville [Spain]
-, 17
-, Duke of Lerma's plan to confer upon Cardinal of Savoy the Archbishopric of, 72

Sewall, Henry, Alderman of Coventry
-, signs joint letter to Privy Council, 42

Sewers, Commissioners of 36, 222

Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford his case recommended to Privy Council, 185
-, 190, 313

Seymour, Frances, 3rd wife of Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford
-, letter to Viscount Cranborne, 170

Seyntaubyn (St. Aubins), Thomas, of Clowance, co. Cornwall
-, named commissioner to investigate piracy in Cornwall, 11

Sezincote (Seasoncoate), co. Gloucester
-, 360

Shah Abbas, King of Persia
-, offers trading facilities to English merchants, 325
-, his friendly relations with Indian princes, 325
-, King of Spain sends gift to, 334

Shaftesbury (Shaston), co Dorset
-, letter endorsed by post at, 152
-, letter dated from, 251

Shafton, Henry
-, purchaser of a pension, 180
-, granted recusants' lands, 228

Shandoes, Lord. See Brydges, Grey

Sharpe, Leonel, chaplain to Prince Henry
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 170, 216
-, appointed Provost of King's College, Cambridge, 216

Shaston. See Shaftesbury

Shaw, Christopher, embroiderer to the Queen
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 287

Shaw (Shawe), Elizabeth
-, her pension, 308

Shaw, Sir John
-, his pension, 308

Sheffield, Lord. See Sheffield, Edmund

Sheffield, Edmund, 3rd Baron Sheffield, President of the Council of the North
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 52, 59, 161, 287
-, granted annuity in lieu of alum patent, 55
-, 140, 145, 146, 174, 328
-, too lame to attend Parliament, 287
-, petition to, 363
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 371

Sheffield (Sheffeild) Lodge, co. Yorks
-, letters from, 43, 61

Sheirborne. See Sherborne

Shelbury (Shelbery), John, deputy for wine licences and friend of Sir Walter Ralegh
-, alleged to be conspiring with Ralegh against Gilbert, 153

Sheldon, Richard, former seminary priest
-, granted pardon, 329

Shelley, Henry, of Worminghurst, co. Sussex
-, signs valuation of King's woods, 64

Shelley, Jane, née Lingen, widow of William Shelley
-, 302

Shelley, William, of Weston, Bredwardine, co. Hereford, attainted 1586
-, 302

Shenston, co. Stafford
-, 179

Sheppy, —
-, buys pocket dags from France, 221

Sherborne (Sheirborne, Shirborne), co. Dorset
-, letter endorsed by post at, 152
-, 227

Sherborne. See Sherburn

Sherbourne. See Sherburn

Sherbrooke. See Cherbourg

Sherburn (Sherbourne), co. Yorks.
-, letter dated from, 56

Sherburn (Sherborne, Sherbourne, Shirborne), co. Durham
-, timber ordered for repairing Hospital of, 28
-, advowson of Hospital or House of, 73
-, Master of Hospital of. See Murray, Thomas

Sherburn (Shereborne), Edward, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, mourner at the funeral of the Earl of Salisbury, 375

Shereborne. See Sherburn, Edward

Shere Lane. See Shire Lane

Sherley, Sir Anthony. See Shirley, Sir Anthony

Sherwood (Shyrewood), Forest of, co. Notts.
-, misdemeanors committed in, 57
-, 61, 63, 74
-, timber for Navy from, 307
-, 367

-, King's reward to mariners engaged in, 329

-, trade with East Indies results in growth of, 154

-, Half Moon, 152
-, Nonsuch, 165, 166
-, Wastspight, 165, 166
-, St. Peter, 206
-, Advantage, 212
-, Eagle, 253
-, Bonaventur, 307
-, Merhonore, 307, 349
-, Defiance, 307, 349
-, Dreadnought, 307, 349
-, St. Antonio, 370

-, incorporated by King, 357
-, summary of their privileges and rights, 357

Shirborne. See Sherborne

Shire Lane (Shere Lane), Temple Bar, London
-, 221 (3)

Shirley (Sherley), Sir Anthony, English adventurer
-, leaves Madrid for unknown destination, 5

Shirley (Sherley), Sir Robert, brother of Sir Anthony Shirley, Ambassador from the King of Persia to England
-, his expenses in London to be defrayed by Exchequer, 315
-, letter to King, 325
-, offers trading facilities in Persia to English merchants, 325
-, 326
-, Spanish reaction to activities of 334
-, King's gift of money to, 358

Shooters Hill (Soutteres Hill), co. Kent
-, King to hunt a stag at, 28

Shorne (Shorn), co. Kent
-, Earl of Salisbury's woods in, 230

Shotover (Shottover), co. Oxford
-, sale of trees in King's wood at, 41, 62, 66, 67, 69, 70
-, 167, 185
-, timber for Navy from, 307
-, "Preservators and Regarders" of. See Hore, Anthony; Hore, Richard; Knight, Richard

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot, Gilbert

Shropshire (Salop)
-, 61
-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187
-, protest against jurisdiction of Council of Wales by inhabitants of, 278

Shultzen, Albricht, in the service of the Duke of Holstein
-, sent to England to buy cloth and ordnance, 94

Shyrewood. See Sherwood

Sichem [Brabant, Belgium]
-, Comte de St. Pol goes to, 34
-, Archdukes go to, 71
-, return of Archdukes from, 80

Siddall (Syddall), William, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge
-, 193

Sidley, Katherine, Lady, wife of Sir Ralph Sidley
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 162

Sidney, Sir Henry, of Walsingham, co. Norfolk
-, 235

Sidney, Robert, Viscount Lisle, of Penshurst, co. Kent, Chamberlain to the Queen
-, 5
-, letter to King, 83
-, submits claim to Alton Wood, 83, 277
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 148
-, surrenders Alton Wood, 328
-, granted offices by King, 329
-, his son given licence to travel abroad, 340
-, a principal Commissioner to Queen, 372

Sidney, Sir William, son of Robert Sidney, Viscount Lisle
-, granted offices by King, 329
-, given licence to travel abroad, 340

Sigismund III, King of Poland
-, offers to take Hyll into his service, 3
-, 273, 363

Signet, The King's
-, a Clerk of the Signet to be nominated Commissioner for suits, 22

Signory (of Venice)
-, 77(2)

-, Sir Robert Knollys's petition to dye and export, 229

-, importation authorised, 124

Sillery, Nicolas Brûlart, Marquis de, Chancellor of France, and father of Pierre Brûlart, Vicomte de Puisieux
-, 134, 234(2)

-, foreign trade and financial trends result in drain from England of, 124
-, transaction for the extraction of, 249

Simons, Thomas, jun., English recusant
-, 155

Simons, Thomas, sen., English recusant
-, 155

Simple, Sir James. See Sempill, Sir James

Singleton, co. Lancs.
-, bailiwick of the manor of, 188

Sittingbourne (Sittingborne), co. Kent
-, letter endorsed by post at, 291

Skelton, Joseph, merchant of Rotterdam
-, expenses of his voyage to Low Countries, 51

Skillicorne, John
-, receives pension, 329

Skinner (Skynner), Sir Vincent, of Enfield, co. Middlesex
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 295
-, granted protection for one year, 357

Skipton (Skipton-in-Creven), co. Yorks.
-, 253

Skipton Castle, co. Yorks.
-, letter dated from, 39

Skipton-in-Creven. See Skipton

Skipwith, Captain. See Skipworth, Henry

Skipwith, Henry, Captain, Deputy
-, Vice-Admiral of Munster
-, receives instructions from Privy Council regarding treatment of pirates, 308
-, his conduct commended, 308, 309

Slingesbie, Sir Henry. See Slingsby Sir Henry

Slingsby (Slingesbie, Slyngesby), Sir Henry, of Scriven, co. Yorks.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 56
-, judgment on his claims, 85
-, complains about Johnson, 277

Slingsby (Slingsbie, Slyngsbye), Sir William, of London, later of Kippax, co. Yorks.
-, holds licence to erect furnaces, 292(2)
-, 366

Slyngesby, Sir Henry. See Slingsby, Sir Henry

Slyngsbye, Sir W. See Slingsby, Sir William

Smith, Dr. See Smith, Miles

Smith, Henry, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Smith, Humphrey, a London grocer grant to, 330

Smith, John, of Drayton Manor [? co. Leicester], 293

Smith, Jane, daughter of John Smith
-, 293

Smith, John, son of John Smith
-, 293

Smith, Miles, Oriental scholar, later Bishop of Gloucester
-, wishes to preach before King in order to rectify past errors, 46

Smith (Smyth, Smithe), Nicholas, former Customer of Yarmouth
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 95, 148, 163

Smith, Ottwell (Smyth, Ottywell), merchant, of St. Benedict in Broad Street, London
-, acts on behalf of merchants trading with France in matter of cloth dues, 55, 56
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 223(2)
-, threatened with bankruptcy, 223

Smith (Smythe), Sir Richard, Receiver-General of the Duchy of Cornwall
-, 24

Smith, Roger, of Withwik, co. Leicester
-, alleged to be recusant, 232

Smith, Samuel, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Smith, Sir Thomas, Latin Secretary to James I and a Master of Requests
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 35, 48, 52, 72
-, asses' milk prescribed as medicine for, 49
-, resigns from his post as Latin Secretary, 163

Smith, Sir Thomas, Treasurer of Virginia
-, seals agreement with Viscount Cranborne concerning Virginia, 318

Smith, Thomas, a London pewterer
-, request to release quantity of tin for, 145

Smith, Sir William, of Hammersmith, co. Middlesex
-, grant to, 330

Smith, —
-, principal accuser of Ashley, 262

Smithfield, London
-, breach of the peace in, 38

Smyth, George, of co. Yorks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 250

Smyth, Henry
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 221

Smyth, Nicholas. See Smith, Nicholas

Smyth, Ottawell. See Smith, Ottwell

Smyth, Richard, Keeper of Calshot Castle
-, 350

Smyth, Robert
-, alleged to be conspiring with Ralegh against Gilbert, 153

Smyth, Thomas, Commissary of Victuals in Tyrconnel and Connaught
-, his petition, 347

Smyth, Sir William, of Theydon Mount, co. Essex
-, seeks interest in sale of timber in Launde Wood, 51
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 52
-, criticises Lord Harington, 52

Smythe, Sir Richard. See Smith, Sir Richard

Soame, Dr. See Some, Robert

Soame, Thomas, Mayor of King's Lynn
-, ordered to release Scottish prisoner, 361

Soame (Some), —
-, reference to his case, 265

-, exemption from general pardon of those guilty of, 274

Solicitor-General, The. See Bacon, Sir Francis

Solms (Solmes), Frederick, Count of, Ambassador from Brandenburg to England
-, arrives in England, 149

Some (Soame), Robert, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, ViceChancellor of the University of Cambridge
-, his death, 8

Somerford, co. Hants.
-, manor of, 365

Somerland, —, a victualler 202

Somerset, Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester
-, signs letter on cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 56
-, signs Privy Council letter on provision of gunpowder, 84
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 92, 95, 98
-, 101, 208, 234, 299, 327, 337, 357, 368
-, involved in dispute affecting Tintern wireworks, 189(2)
-, licensed to export gunpowder, 196
-, signs Privy Council letter on transportation of corn from King's Lynn, 211
-, warrant issued to, 341
-, payment to, 360
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Somerset Gate, Strand, London, 221

Somerset House, Strand, London
-, Queen at, 130
-, included in list of Queen's property, 185
-, Queen's garden at, 340

-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187
-, order to arrest Salkeld sent to J.P.s. of, 213
-, recusants in, 228
-, 367
-, Queen's manors in, 374

Somerville, William, of Edstone, co. Warwick
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 197

Somme, River [France]
-, 237

Sompsy. See Soncino

Soncino (Sompsy) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 241

Sonning (Sonninge), co. Berks.
-, 173

Soothworth, Henry. See Southworth, Henry

Sorbonne, The, University of Paris
-, Dr. Bishop to be sent to the Doctors of, 343

Sorges [Maine-et-Loire, France]
-, 105

Sorgues [Vaucluse, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 110

Sorner, William, of co. Suffolk
-, accused of selling correspondence to Sweden, 2

Sotherton, John, cursitor Baron of the Exchequer
-, 259

Souilly, M. de. See Sully

Southampton. See Hampshire

Southampton, Earl of. See Wriothesley, Henry

Southicke. See Southwick

South Stoke, co. Somerset
-, Queen's manor of, 374

South Walk, Enfield Chase, co. Middlesex
-, 151
-, Keepers of. See Ryce, John; Norris, William

Southwick (Southicke), co. Northants.
-, 318

Southworth (Soothworth), Henry, feodary of the county of Lancaster
-, 258

Soutteres Hill. See Shooters Hill

Spa (Spaw), The [Liège, Belgium]
-, Edmondes proposes to go to, 64 72

-, Brizuela in, 4(2), 9
-, English merchants arrested in, 4
-, couriers arrive in Brussels from, 13
-, Brizuela returns from, 21
-, reasons for East Indies trade concessions to Dutch by, 27
-, Brizuela sent to clarify details of Dutch-Spanish truce in, 45
-, no money received in Flanders from, 56
-, Archduke puts blame for long stay of Owen and Baldwin in Flanders on, 68
-, Admiral of Aragon's secretary arrested by order from, 68
-, news from, 68, 71
-, Edmondes given leave to go to, 72
-, slow to ratify truce with Dutch, 82
-, 82, 205, 230, 288, 306, 366
-, sends money to Flanders, 82, 85, 100
-, ratification of truce arrives in Brussels from, 86
-, Tyrone reported to have left Rome secretly for, 86
-, Tyrone's son proposes to go to, 86
-, Redmond Burgh well received in, 87
-, ships built at Dunkirk for, 87
-, doubts raised as to departure of Tyrone to, 88
-, constant passage of Tyrone's agents between Rome and, 88
-, report of disorders on frontier between France and, 125
-, Privy Council to discuss grievances of English subjects in, 184
-, proposal for Anglo-French defensive league to support United Provinces against, 203
-, rumour of forces for Prince of Condé's service being recruited in, 219
-, France alarmed by frequency of couriers between England and, 222
-, method of evaluating imports for Customs duties in, 283
-, Tyrone expected in, 307
-, Edmondes's views on double marriage proposed between France and, 309, 310
-, Digby recommends close watch on actions of, 311
-, rumours of persecution of English Catholics circulating in, 333
-, effect of Shirley's activities in London on, 334
-, reacts against Duke of Savoy's marriage proposals to King, 344
-, Prince of Orange sees threat to Protestant religion in alliance between France and, 355
-, Oldenbarneveldt alleged to have secret intelligence with ministers of, 355

Spain, Infanta of. See Anna

Spain, King of. See Philip III

Spain, Prince of. See Philip

Spain, Queen of. See Margarita

Spain, Council of the Hacienda of
-, 86

Spain, Council of State of
-, extraordinary meeting of, 4
-, promises money and ratification of truce to Brizuela, 72
-, decides to recall Velasco, 334
-, holds many extraordinary meetings, 334
-, principal matters occupying attention of, 335

Spain, Council of War of
-, Don Rodrigo de Lasso made member of, 86

Spalden cum Upthorpe. See Spaldwick

Spalding, co. Lincs.
-, stewardship of the manor of, 121

Spaldwick (Spalden-cum-Upthorpe) co. Hunts.
-, 90

Sparcke (Sparke), William, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Spaw, The. See Spa, The

Spence (Spens), David, a Scottish merchant
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 125

Spence, Sir James. See Spens, Sir James

Spencer, Richard [? Sir Richard Spencer, of Offley, co. Herts.]
-, reference to his attendance on Earl of Salisbury when a young man abroad, 157

Spens, David. See Spence, David

Spens, James, called Laird of Wormeston, son of David Spens of Wormeston
-, 93
-, sent as envoy to Kings of Denmark and Sweden, 362

Spicer, Mr.
-, 370

Spiller, Henry, an official of the Exchequer
-, his New Year's gift of plate to Earl of Salisbury, 1
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 33

Spilman, Sir John, of St. Martin'sin-the-Fields, London, jeweller to the King
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 168
-, 192
-, paid for jewels supplied to Queen, 327
-, bills for jewelry supplied to Earl of Salisbury, 366(2)

Spinola, Ambrosia, Marquis de Benaffro, Commander-inChief of the Spanish forces in the Low Countries
-, Hobocque discusses removal of English conspirators and disbanding of Irish Regiment with, 72
-, Earl of Salisbury suspicious of motives of, 98
-, discusses affairs of Cleves with Edmondes, 100
-, desires to retire from Flanders, 100
-, to be sent to Low Countries to treat of peace, 310
-, leaves Madrid for Flanders, 334

Spinola, Battista (Babtesta), financier
-, furnishes loan to insurgent Low Countries, 58(2)

Spondillan, jacques du Caylar, Seigneur de
-, Governor of Beziers, 108

Spottiswood, John, a Scottish minister
-, his pension bought by Audley, 180

Springfield Barnes, co. Essex
-, letter dated from, 41

Stade (Stoade) [Hanover, Germany]
-, factors of Merchant Adventurers arrested by Emperor's orders in, 225

Stafford, Lord. See Stafford, Edward

Stafford, Edward, 4th Baron Stafford
-, petitions King about his wife's inclination to Catholicism, 161
-, letter to King, 187
-, complains of being dispossessed by his wife, 187
-, papers relating to case of, 188
-, accused of loose living, 188

Stafford, Sir John, Constable of Bristol Castle
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 127, 129
-, 127

Stafford, Isabel, wife of Edward Stafford, 4th Baron Stafford
-, her association with recusants complained of by her husband, 161
-, accused by her husband of conniving to dispossess him, 188
-, her answer to the charge, 188

Stafford Castle, co. Stafford
-, 187, 188(2)

-, King's woods in, 66
-, 172, 329
-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187

Staines (Stanes), co. Middlesex
-, letters endorsed by post at, 48, 122, 152
-, 231

Stalendge, Mr. See Stallenge, William

Stallenge (Stalendge, Stalynge), William, searcher at the Port of London
-, 201
-, his death expected, 223

Stallibrasse, Felix, yeoman, of Elsworth, co. Cambridge
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Stalynge, Mr. See Stallenge, William

Stamford (or Stanford), co. Essex
-, 342

Stanac. See Steinach

Standen, Sir Anthony, English Catholic
-, advises Michell to leave Rome, 25

Stanell. See Stanwell

Stanes. See Staines

Stanhope. See Stanhope, John

Stanhope, John, 1st Baron Stanhope of Harrington, Treasurer of the Chamber
-, signs letter on cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 44
-, signs Privy Council letter on provision of gunpowder, 84
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 137
-, 183, 336, 348
-, to provide money for the King's Maundy, 349

Stanley, Alice, Countess Dowager of Derby, widow of Ferdinando Stanley, 5th Earl of Derby
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 57

Stanley, Elizabeth, wife of William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby
-, letter to Earls of Salisbury and Suffolk, 133
-, arranges conveyance of money from Isle of Man, 133
-, 135
-, wishes to enlarge her house in London, 291, 292

Stannerden. See Stanwardine

Stanningfield (Staningfeild Hall), co. Suffolk
-, manor of, 360

Stanton St. Gabriels (St. Gabriell's), co. Dorset
-, 264

Stanwardine (Stannerden), Salop
-, 187

Stanwell (Stanell), co. Middlesex
-, letter dated from, 125

Staper, Hewitt, son of Richard Staper, a London merchant trading with the Levant
-, (?) 125
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 250
-, his project for suppressing pirates in Algiers, 250

Stapleford Abbots, co. Essex
-, 342

Staple Inn, Holborn, London
-, 253

-, proclamation dealing with, 229

Star Chamber, Court of
-, preemptors of tin fined by, 24
-, 49, 55, 262, 281, 359
-, investigates the assault on Roger Goad, 53, 195, 196, 203
-, Sir Edward Coke threatened with proceedings in, 192

States General, The
-, King refuses Giron's request that he obtain for Philip III a simple truce with, 13
-, Wotton urges diplomatic approach between Venice and, 77
-, Spain slow to ratify truce with, 82
-, apprehension in Brussels of naval blockade of Flemish ports by, 86
-, Verreycken to convey Spanish ratification of truce to, 88
-, French King's attitude to Jülich-Cleves dispute shared by, 89
-, reported to have been asked to accommodate French troops on frontiers of Cleves, 101
-, request King's letters to further liberation of Dutch taken prisoners by Turks, 138
-, King grants audience to Commissioners of, 184
-, Anglo-Dutch defensive treaty sent to England by, 204
-, 206, 217, 231
-, delay in arrival in England of ambassadors from, 214
-, Viscount Fentoun advised by King not to accept pension from, 216
-, King permits pursuit of pirates sheltering in Ireland by fleet of, 320
-, French King desirous of English co-operation in defence of, 336
-, to be asked to give leave of absence to Peyton and Mewtys, 341
-, tension over Vorstius between King and, 353
-, to be requested to bestow charge of a regiment on Lord Buccleuch, 360

Steephens, Mr.
-, 70

Steinach (Stanac) [Tyrol, Austria]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 244

Stepney (Stepneye), co. Middlesex
-, letter dated from, 190
-, 205

Stersinguen. See Sterzing

Sterzing (Stersinguen) [now Vipiteno, Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 244

Steward, Sir Robert. See Stewart, Sir Robert

Steward, John
-, 78

Steward, Milner
-, 78

Steward, Dr.
-, 78

Stewart (Steuart), Francis
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 371

Stewart, James, 3rd Earl of Moray or Murray
-, his uncle beheaded for murder, 169

Stewart, John (Jhone), son of James Stewart, 1st Lord Doune, and brother of James Stewart, 2nd Earl of Moray
-, beheaded at Edinburgh for murder, 169

Stewart (Steward), Sir Robert, brother of Patrick Stewart, 2nd Earl of Orkney
-, 93, 131
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 164
-, imprisoned for debt, 164, 165

Stewart (Steward), William
-, King's gift of money to, 349

Stewart (Stewarde), Sir William, later of Ramalton, co. Donegal, Ireland
-, with Irish soldiers at Newcastleupon-Tyne, 168
-, King's gift of money to, 343

Stewart (Stouertt), Mr.
-, to be rewarded for past services, 161

Stillingfleet, Cuthbert, a courier 157

Stoadt. See Stade

Stoewood. See Stow Wood

Stoke-upon-Trent, co. Stafford
-, rectory of, 361

Stonard, Sir Francis. See Stonor, Sir Francis

Stone, co. Stafford
-, letter endorsed by post at, 61

-, quarried and transported for Earl of Salisbury, 9, 29(2)
-, quarried on Earl of Northumberland's land, 30

Stoning, John
-, carries letter to Earl of Salisbury, 202

Stonor, co. Oxford
-, letters dated from, 9, 36, 60(2)

Stonor (Stonard), Sir Francis, of Stonor, co. Oxford
-, surveys King's woods in Oxfordshire, 9
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 9, 36, 66
-, his commission to sell King's woods, 39
-, 41, 46, 67, 70, 367(2)
-, letter to Cope, 59
-, letter to Earl of Nottingham, 60
-, offers his resignation, 66

Storie, George. See Story, George

Story (Storie), George, Keeper of Wandles Park, co. Yorks.
-, petition to King, 11

Stouertt, Mr. See Stewart, Mr.

Stoughton, Adrian, Recorder of Winchester
-, signs joint letter to Privy Council, 164

Stourton, Lord. See Stourton, Edward

Stourton, Edward, 10th Baron Stourton
-, involved in dispute over incumbency of Lydlinch, 211

Stow (Stowe), co. Lincoln
-, manor of Sturton near, 316

Stow Wood (Stoewood), co. Oxford
-, sale of trees at, 41, 62, 70
-, 167
-, timber for Navy from, 307
-, " Preservators and Regarders" of. See Hore Anthony; Hore, Richard; Knight, Richard

Stowe, co. Bucks.
-, 90

Strand (Strond), The, London
-, letters dated from, 116, 119, 133, 232, 292, 295
-, letter dated from Bailiff's house in, 165

Strange, Thomas, English Jesuit
-, reference to his examination, 93
-, King's opinion of treason of, 96

Straton, John, Laird of Lauriston, Kincardineshire, Scotland
-, 351

Strelley, Francis, of Strelley, co. Notts.
-, alleged to be recusant, 259

Stringer, Nicholas, agent for Lady Markham
-, 74

Strode (Strowd), Sir William, M.P. for Plymton Borough
-, 263

Strond. See Strand

Strowd, Sir William. See Strode, Sir William

Stuart, Lady Arbella
-, interested in obtaining grant of sale of wines by retail in Ireland, 93(2)
-, 178 n.

Stuart, Esme, 7th Lord d'Aubigny
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 6
-, 350

Stuart, James
-, his pension bought by Lady Hastings, 180

Stuart, Ludovick, 2nd Earl of Lennox
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 94, 97, 113
-, 129, 136, 234, 343
-, reference to his embassy to France, 277

Sturton, co. Lincoln
-, manor of, 316

Sudeley (Sudley), co. Gloucester
-, Lady Kennedy's property in, 179

-, 120, 211
-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187
-, Privy Council advertised of prices of grain by J.P.s of, 223
-, recusants in, 297, 360
-, timber for Navy from, 307

Suffolk, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas

-, Queen's lease of imposition on certain kinds of, 29
-, 120, 203

Suilly, Monsieur de. See Sully

Sullie, Roger, of Arnold, co. Notts.
-, purchases rights in the manor of Arnold, 59

Sully (Souilly, Suilly), Maximilian de Bethune, Baron de Rosny, Duc de
-, 134, 170, 178, 234

Sulyard, Sir Edward, of Flemyngs, co. Essex
-, sends gift of grape roots and plum trees to Earl of Salisbury, 137

Summertown, co. Oxford
-, 299

Sunderland, co. Durham
-, 194

Sunning, co. Berks.
-, King's manor of, 39

Sunninghill Park, co. Berks.
-, sale of trees in, 59

Supremacy, Act of
-, measures to enforce it in Ireland, 302

Surley, Case
-, granted recusants' land, 300

-, King's woods in, 177
-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187

Surveyor of the Outports
-, his New Year's gift of plate to Earl of Salisbury, 1

Susa (Suse) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 239

Suse. See Susa

Suson. See Suzon

-, timber alleged to be scarce in, 27
-, valuation of King's woods in, 64
-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187
-, recusants in, 232
-, 308

Sussex, Earl of. See Radcliffe, Robert

Sutton, co. Hereford
-, 299

Sutton or Sutton Court, co. Middlesex
-, 350

Sutton, co. Somerset
-, 228

Sutton, Auditor. See Sutton, Richard

Sutton (or Dudley), Edward, 5th Lord Dudley
-, 201

Sutton, Richard, Auditor of the imprests
-, 352

Sutton Poynts, co. Dorset
-, manor of, 45

Suzon (Suson), River [France]
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to hide-out of robbers in the valley of, 112

Swanscombe (Swannescombe), co. Kent
-, manor of, 329

Swansea, co. Glamorgan
-, 209

Swayne [? Richard, of the Middle Temple, London]
-, presides over wood court at Cranborne, 251

Sweden (Sweveland)
-, 93
-, Poles defeat forces of, 163
-, Prince of Orange suggests that confederation to defend Protestant religion include, 355
-, 358

Sweden, King of. See Charles IX, Gustavus Adolphus

Sweveland. See Sweden

Swevingham, Monsieur. See Hallewyn

Swincombe Farm. See Swyncombe

Swinden (Swindon), co. Yorks.
-, sale of woods at, 56

Swindon. See Swinden

"Swinhouses", The, Sherwood Forest, co. Notts.
-, assart lands called, 74

Swinnerton (Swynarton), Sir John, merchant taylor, Alderman of London
-, accused of perjury and forgeries, 49
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 190, 207

-, bad weather prevents Viscount Cranborne from continuing his journey through, 111
-, King of France proposes to levy ten thousand mercenaries in, 115
-, Prince of Orange suggests that confederation to defend Protestant religion include Protestant cantons of, 355

Sword Cutlers, Company of, London
-, arrest Frenchman practising their craft in London, 320

Swynarton, Sir John. See Swinnerton, Sir John

Swyncombe (Swincombe Farm), co. Oxford
-, timber for Navy from, 307
-, 367

Syddall, William. See Siddall, William

Symonson, William, in the service of Viscount Lisle
-, to accompany Sir William Sidney abroad, 340

Syudt Lambet. See Lambeth