Index: U, Z

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: U, Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: U, Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: U, Z". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Ulrich (Julricke), Duke of Holstein, brother of Christian IV, King of Denmark
-, 2
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 311

Ulster, Ireland
-, its interior as unknown as that of Virginia, 121
-, 175, 201
-, money to be exported from England to promote the plantation in, 210
-, Customs concessions to Undertakers in, 271
-, Lord Carew and Lord Deputy to investigate plantation in, 303, 305
-, effect on Irish House of Commons of new corporations in, 305
-, 306, 308, 360

United Provinces, The
-, reasons for East Indies trade concessions by Spain to, 27
-, dispute over Jülich-Cleves of particular interest to, 89
-, disposition to ratify Twelve Years' Truce in, 115
-, proposal for Anglo-French defensive league in support of, 203
-, Prince of Orange suggests that confederation to defend Protestant religion include, 355
-, King's policy rouses some suspicion in, 356

Upton, co. Northants.
-, letter dated from, 70

Upwood, co. Hunts.
-, 90(2)

Ussher, Henry, Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of Ireland
-, his views judged prejudicial to plantation in Ulster, 118
-, gives evidence in survey of Tyrone, 121
-, to surrender his tithes to King, 346

Utrecht [Netherlands]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 247
-, resentful of Dutch control, 247

Uvedale, Sir William, of Wickham, co. Hants.
-, signs joint letter to Privy Council, 164

Uzès [Gard, France]
-, 109

Uzès (Usez), Emanuel de Crussol, Duc d'
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to the origins of the family of, 108


Valence (Drôme) [France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 110
-, Commander at. See Passage

Valencia (Valentia or Dariry) Island, co. Kerry, Ireland
-, regranted to Sir John Eyres and Zachary Jones, 341

Valentia. See Valencia

-, chosen by lot at the Court, 15

Valhan. See Vaughan, Richard

Valois, Charles de, Duc d'Angoulême, Comte d'Auvergne, natural son of Charles IX, King of France
-, 105

Van (Voyn) [Turkey]
-, 325

Vandenbemd, John, brother-in-law of Sir John Spilman
-, 168

Vane, Sir Thomas. See Fane, Sir Thomas

Vaughan (Valhan), Richard, Bishop of London, (d. 1607)
-, mentioned, 254

Vaughan, R [? Roland]
-, letter to Michell, 289

Vaus, Richard, of Odiham, co. Hants.
-, named as one of Sir Robert Stewart's sureties, 165

Vawer, William, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 123

Veere (Trevere) [Zeeland, Netherlands]
-, Viscount Cranborne disembarks at, 248

Velasco, Don Alonzo de, Spanish Ambassador to England
-, Duke of Lerma no friend of, 312
-, reports on treatment of himself and Catholics in England, 333
-, to be recalled, 334
-, his audience with King concerning Duke of Savoy's marriage proposals, 344
-, 364

Velroye. See Villeroy

Venetian Ambassador, The. See Correr

Venice (Venize) [Italy]
-, reference to quarrel between Pope and, 27, 210
-, Wotton urges understanding between Protestant Princes of Germany and, 76
-, Wotton advocates diplomatic approach between States General and, 77
-, horses purchased for Prince Henry at, 84
-, proceedings against King's book in, 130
-, Caron receives gift of glasses made in, 138
-, Viscount Cranborne to travel to, 157
-, reference to letters to and from, 158, 159, 192
-, custom of gold and silver of, 171
-, 205, 210, 215
-, Viscount Cranborne arrives in, 243
-, 311
-, Venice gold and silk, 329

Venice, Doge of. See Donato

Venice, Gulf of
-, River Brenta flows into, 243

Venisse, Contat de (Venaissin) [France]
-, 109

Venize. See Venice

Vennsinus, Jonas, member of the Danish embassy to England
-, presented with gift, 260

Ventadour, Anne de Levis, Duc de, Lieutenant-General of Languedoc
-, 108
-, resides at Pézenas, 108

Vercelli (Versel) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 240

Vere (Veere), Daniel, captain in the English garrison of the Brill
-, company of foot transferred to, 199

Vere, Sir Francis, Governor of Portsmouth
-, his death, 136

Vere, Henry de, 18th Earl of Oxford
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 302

Vere (Veere), Sir Horatio, Governor of the Brill
-, 199
-, to be asked to grant leave of absence to Peyton and Mewtys, 341

Verney, Francis
-, dedicates poem to Earl of Salisbury, 372

Vernon, Sir Robert, Cofferer of the Household
-, 346

Verona (Veronne) [Italy]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 242

Veronne. See Verona

Verreycken (Verreyhen), Louis, the "Audiencer" of the Archdukes
-, to convey Spanish ratification of truce to States General, 88
-, King reads speech by, 115

Verreyhen. See Verreycken

Versel. See Vercelli

Verton, Francis de, alias Forest (François de Verton, Sieur de la Forest)
-, authorised to import silkworms and mulberry trees into England, 124
-, presents articles concerning silkworms and silk industry to King and Council, 124
-, petition to King, 188

Vicenza (Vizenza) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne describes Academy and theatre at, 242

Victor Amadeus, Prince of Piedmont, son of Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy
-, Viscount Cranborne pays his respects to, 239
-, proposal of marriage between Princess Elizabeth and, 309, 344
-, rejection of the proposal, 343, 344, 345

Vieillevigne (Loire-Inférieure, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 106

Vienne (Viene) [Isère, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 110

Villars (Willart), André-Baptiste de Brancas, Sieur de, Admiral of France
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 189

Villeforest, Sieur de
-, contracts to sell secret of the extraction of silver from lead ore, 249

Villeneufne. See Villeneuve

Villeneuve (Villeneufne), [Vaucluse, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 109

Villenouvelle [Haute-Garonne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 108

Villeroy (Velroye), Nicolas de Neufville, Seigneur de, Secretary of State to Henry IV
-, King pleased with speech by, 114
-, 215, 234, 269
-, his proposal for Anglo-French defensive league, 203
-, sponsor of dynastic marriages between France and Spain, 311
-, his desire to improve relations between France and England, 335, 336
-, Oldenbarneveldt alleged to have sent Dutch ambassadorial despatches to, 355

Ville Seiche. See Villesèque

Villesèque (Ville Seiche) [Aude, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 108

-, Richardot objects to colonisation by English of, 60
-, Edmondes's opinion that cardinal objective of Spanish policy is expulsion of English from, 83
-, interior of Ulster compared with that of, 121
-, Hudson sails to south of, 152
-, Spanish opinion regarding English colony in, 288
-, Viscount Cranborne contributes towards voyage to, 318
-, grant of enlargement of territory and liberties to colonists in, 337
-, benefit of lottery in England to be enjoyed by colonists in, 337
-, Treasurer of. See Smith, Sir Thomas

Virginia Company, The grant to, 337

Visconti, Ottavio, Count, Chamberlain to the Archduke Albert
-, his quarrel with Count Brouay, 4

Vitry, Nicolas de l'Hôpital, Marquis de (later Duc de Vitry and Marshal of France)
-, permitted to transport his plate into France, 360

Vizenza. See Vicenza

Vorstius, Conrad, disciple of Arminius and professor of theology at Leyden
-, King requests States General to banish, 353
-, 354, 356, 358
-, Oldenbarneveldt a patron of, 355

Voyn. See Van


Waad, Armagil, father of Sir William Waad
-, his activities in alum industry mentioned, 55(2)

Waad, Sir William, Lieutenant of the Tower
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 55, 100, 221
-, his father. See Waad, Armagil

Wakefield, co. Yorks.
-, sale of King's wood at, 79

Wakefield, Sarah
-, granted alms room in the parish of St. Ethelburg, 362

Wakering, Sir Gilbert, of Great Bloxwich, co. Stafford
-, petition from, 374

Walbieff (? Walbies), John, son-inlaw of William Vaughan, of Tretower, co. Brecon
-, case of his abduction, 289

Walbieff (? Walbies), Thomas, father of John Walbieff
-, petitions to Earl of Salisbury, 289(2)

Walcott, Humphrey
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in land enclosed by King, 328

Walden, Lord. See Howard, Theophilus

Walden, William, of Buckworth, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

-, 68, 281
-, watch for pirates on coast of, 213(3)
-, protest against jurisdiction of the Council of, 278
-, exempted from loan to King, 315
-, warrant for regular payment of charges of the Council of, 338
-, Corporation of Shipwrights to have deputies and take fees in, 357
-, Receiver for South. See Carne, Edward

Walkingham Hill, co. Yorks.
-, 232

Waller, John, of London
-, 168

Waller, Sir Thomas, Lieutenant of Dover Castle
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 84, 95

Waller, William, of Stoke Charity, co. Hants.
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Walliston, Anne, of co. Warwick
-, alleged to be recusant, 232

Walmesley (Wamesley), Sir Thomas, Justice of the Common Pleas
-, 289

Walpole, co. Suffolk
-, 91

Walsh, Edward, brother-in-law of Thomas Osbaldeston
-, murdered by Osbaldeston, 320

Walsh, Henry, a messenger
-, brings letters from Sir Thomas Edmondes, 113

Walsh, Henry, of co. Wexford, Ireland
-, his petition suspect to King, 352

Walsh (Welshe), Sir William, of Abberley, co. Worcester
-, 83

Walsingham, Lady Ethelred or Audrey, wife of Sir Thomas Walsingham
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Walsingham, Sir Francis, former Secretary for State
-, Michell in the service of, 25
-, mentioned, 230

Walter, James, tenant of the manor of Weston, co. Hereford
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 302

Walter, —, interpreter to the Danish embassy to England
-, presented with gift, 260

Walterperrie. See Waterperry

Waltham (Cross) (Waltome, (Woltome), co. Herts.
-, letter endorsed by post at, 59
-, King proposes to entertain Elector Palatine at, 130
-, Elector Palatine reaches, 132
-, letters dated from, 132, 133
-, alleged theft of deer by Sir Edward Coke in Forest of, 192
-, Earl of Salisbury's hospital at, 373

Waltome. See Waltham (Cross)

Walwine, Thomas. See Walwyn, Thomas

Walwyn (Walwine), Thomas, of Much Marcle, co. Hereford
-, alleged to be recusant, 228

Wamesley, Justice. See Walmesley, Sir Thomas

Wandesford, William, of Gray's Inn, London
-, 316

Wandsworth (Wansover), co. Surrey
-, 28

Wansover. See Wandsworth

Wanstead (Wansted, Wenssted), co. Essex
-, 94
-, letter dated from, 129

Warberton, Sir Richard. See Warburton, Sir Richard

Warborton, Lady. See Warburton, Anne

Warborton, Justice. See Warburton, Sir Peter

Warboyse, Oliver, a labourer
-, granted lease by Lord Clifton at Buckworth, 89

Warburton (Warborton), Anne, Lady, widow of Sir Richard Warburton
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 188

Warburton (Warborton), Cecil, son of Sir Richard Warburton, and godson of the Earl of Salisbury
-, 188

Warburton (Warborton), Sir Peter, Justice of the Common Pleas
-, 188

Warburton, Sir Richard, former commander of English company at the Brill
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 199

Warde, George, bailiff of Chopwell Wood, co. Durham
-, accused of misdemeanours, 44
-, reported dead, 79

Warde, John, English pirate,
-, 87

Wardrobe of Robes, The
-, 349, 350

Wards, Court of
-, 12, 317, 318, 332, 348, 372, 373
-, subject of complaint in anonymous attack on Earl of Salisbury, 261
-, instructions to Master and Council of, 289
-, Attorney of. See Leigh, Sir James
-, Pursuivant of. See Lyming, John
-, Receiver-General of. See Fleetwood, Sir Miles

Wards and Wardships
-, 2, 8, 36, 44, 45, 69, 133, 179, 205, 221, 231, 318(2), 324, 373(2), 374
-, answers to Earl of Salisbury's questions on concealed, 372
-, Master of the. See Cecil, Robert

Ware, co. Herts.
-, letter endorsed by post at, 59

Warfield (Warfeild, Warfeeld), co. Berks.
-, 253, 259

Waring, Thomas, a tanner, of Hesketh, co. Lancs.
-, involved in attempt to convey calf-skins abroad, 258

Warlingworth. See Worlingworth

Warmington, William, chaplain to Cardinal Allen
-, writes in defence of the Oath of Allegiance, 343

Warren, Thomas, lutanist
-, made one of the King's musicians of the lute, 348

Warrick, Thomas, patentee of concealed lands
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 75

Warwick, Countess of. See Dudley, Anne

-, sale of King's woods in, 177
-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187
-, recusants in, 232

Wastspight, The, of the King's Navy estimates for, 165, 166

Waterford, co. Waterford, Ireland
-, benefits enjoyed by freemen of. 304
-, 305

Waterhouse, David, of Shibden, co. Yorks. and Inner Temple, London
-, holds office of Coroner and Attorney of King's Bench, 332

Waterhouse, Tobias or Toby
-, presented to rectory of Kibworth, 360

Waterperry (Walterperrie), co. Oxford
-, 291

Watkins, George, of Temple Broadwindsor, co. Dorset
-, alleged to be recusant, 272

Watlington Park, co. Oxford 367

Watson, Sir Edward, of Rockingham Castle, co. Northants.
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 71, 189

Watson, Edward, steward of the manor of Middleton
-, certifies destruction of mill by gale, 3

Watson, William, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 254
-, subject to forfeiture for recusancy, 332

Watson, William
-, petition to Privy Council, 372

Watten [Nord, France]
-, English Jesuits prohibited by Archduke from settling at, 9

Waverly, W[? William]
-, 169

Weeke (King's Week), near Puddleton, co. Dorset
-, Queen's manor of, 374

Weissenburg (Wisenbourg) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 245

Welbeck, co. Notts.
-, letter dated from, 57

Weld, Sir Humphrey, Lord Mayor of London
-, his "feast" at Guildhall, 144
-, King to discuss plague with, 149
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 150

Welford, John
-, granted recusant's land, 299

Welhowse. See Well House

Welles, John
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Well House (Welhowse), co. Berks.
-, 259

Welsh Language
-, King's reference to, 83

Welshe, Sir William. See Walsh, Sir William

Wentworth, Sir John, of Somerleyton, co. Suffolk
-, 94, 113

Wentworth, Paul, of Burnham Abbey, co. Bucks.
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 190

Wesel [North Rhine, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 246
-, 247, 353
-, Winwood concludes treaty with German Protestant Princes at, 354

West, John, yeoman, of Hockliffe, co. Beds.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

West, Robert, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 299

West Beare. See King's Beere

-, wood on Kings manor of Charing called, 32

West Indies
-, 11
-, reference to Columbus's discovery of 276,
-, anticipated return of fleet from, 288

Westminster, Dean of. See Montaigne, George

Westminster, London
-, writs dated from, 16, 29, 50, 225, 249
-, patent dated from, 29
-, the Receipt at, 70
-, letter dated from, 75
-, project for conveying water to City of, 127, 129
-, Gatehouse prison in, 343

Westminster Palace, London
-, letters, writs, etc., dated from, 20, 23, 26, 36, 50, 69, 74, 88, 102, 154, 158, 168, 196, 203, 211, 225, 227, 228(3), 253, 254, 259(2), 264, 270(2), 291, 297, 298(2), 299(2), 300(2), 301(2), 303, 317, 318, 319, 339

Westminster College (School), London
-, letters dated from, 46, 50
-, plague threatens, 46, 50
-, 373
-, Headmaster of. See Deane

-, exempted from loan to King, 315

Weston, Bredwardine, co. Hereford
-, manor of, 302

Weston, Nicholas, Alderman of Dublin
-, compensated for his losses, 337

Weston, Sir Richard, forest keeper at Windsor
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 189

Weston, Sir Symond, of St. Jones, Lichfield
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 49, 60, 66

Weston Underwood (Weston), co. Bucks.
-, 270

West Wood, co. Leicester
-, 53

Wexford county of, Ireland
-, trees to be marked for King in, 305
-, scheme for plantation in, 347

Weymouth, co. Dorset
-, 175, 209, 227
-, examination of mariners from, 209
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury from two merchants of, 226

Whaddon (Whadon), co. Bucks.
-, King's trees to be sold at, 42
-, Lord Grey's request that trees be not felled on demesne land at, 47
-, chase and park listed as Queen's property, 185

Wharton, Lady. See Wharton, Dorothy

Wharton, Lord. See Wharton, Philip

Wharton, Dorothy, Lady, wife of Philip Wharton, 3rd Baron Wharton
-, her grievances against Willoughby, 289

Wharton, Philip, 3rd Baron Wharton
-, 237

Wheeler, Humphrey, of Wick, co. Worcester
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 46

Wheeler, John, of the Company of Merchant Adventurers
-, readmitted after expulsion for marrying a foreigner, 329

Wheldrake (Weldracke), co. Yorks.
-, sale of King's woods at, 79, 115, 116, 119(2), 120(2), 125
-, state of woods at, 125

Whelpdale, William, tenant to the King at Penrith, co. Cumberland
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 13

Whichwood. See Wychwood

Whillock, Richard, formerly in the service of the Earl of Salisbury
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 33

Whisteler, —, in the King's service
-, 62

Whitaker (Whyteakers), Miles, Keeper of Theobalds House
-, receives instructions from Earl of Salisbury, 251

Whitcombe, Peter, of Writtle, co. Essex
-, alleged to be recusant, 299

White. See White, Humphrey

White (Whyte), Andrew, English Catholic priest, banished from England
-, 167

White, Dorothy, deceased, attainted for felony
-, her property granted to Monson, 227

White, Humphrey, a London draper, and husband of Dorothy White
-, 227

White, Robert, one of the King's chaplains in ordinary and vicar of Llangeinwen, and Newborough, co. Anglesey
-, his studies at Cambridge University accepted as sufficient reason for non-residence, 294

Whitebrook, co. Monmouth
-, dispute over rights in stream called, 189, 190

Whitehall (Witt Hale, Whithalle), London
-, letters, warrants, etc., dated from, 4, 28, 41, 44, 49, 52, 56, 135, 151, 160, 202, 208, 211, 220, 224, 271, 291, 296, 299(2), 327,
-, Chief Justice Coke's humiliation at, 23
-, 28, 144, 148(2), 149, 150(4), 265, 269
-, Prince Henry to attend sermon at, 39
-, provision of library for Sir Peter Young at, 196

Whitehead, Henry, of Eastrop, co. Hants.
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Whitekers, Mr.
-, 1, 2

Whitmore, William, a London merchant and contractor for Crown lands
-, grants to, 329, 330

Whitson (Whitsone), John, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 123
-, to answer charges before Earl of Salisbury, 169

Whittlewood Forest, co. Northants.
-, 52, 177, 259, 289, 290, 350

Whynyard (Wynneard), John, stepson of Sir John Stafford
-, 127, 129

Whyte. See White, Andrew

Whyteakers, Miles. See Whitaker, Miles

Wicklow, county of, Ireland
-, scheme for plantation in, 347

Wight, Isle of
-, scarcity of timber in, 69
-, King and Prince Henry visit, 113
-, King and Prince Henry hunt in, 179
-, 249

Wightman, Edward, English heretic
-, to be burnt at Lichfield, 294, 339,

Wigmore, co. Hereford
-, 58
-, manor of, 58

Wikes Park. See Wix

Wilbraham, Sir Roger, Chancellor to the Queen
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 18, 234
-, 316, 342, 362, 373,

Wilford, Francis, of Quendon, co. Essex
-, alleged to be recusant, 232

Wilford, James
-, rewarded for services to State, 157
-, granted recusant's lands by King, 254
-, to have benefit of recusancy of William Watson, 332

Wilford, William
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in land enclosed by King, 328

Wilkinson, Ralph, physician
-, signs report on alleged poisonous liquor, 91

Willart, Monsieur. See Villars

Willet (Wylleth), Andrew, chaplain to Prince Henry
-, amongst those considered by King as possible future Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, 160

Williams, —
-, 163

Willington, John, a London cutler
-, to be questioned about his manufacture of daggers, 221

Willis (Wyllis, Wyllys), Simon, formerly Clerk of the Privy Council
-, Michell anxious that his presence in Rome be not known to, 25
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 44
-, requests renewal of licence to travel abroad, 44

Willis, Mr. a paymaster
-, 194

Willoughby, Lord. See Bertie, Robert

Willoughby, Sir Percival, of Wollaton, co. Notts.
-, Lady Wharton's grievances against, 289

Wilson, Marmaduke, of Tanfield, co. Yorks.
-, 134

Wilson, Robert, attorney in the Queen's Court at Westminster
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, Lord Lisle and Lord Carew, 372

Wilson, Thomas, of St. Clement's, London, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury and Keeper of the Records at Whitehall
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 2
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 34, 37
-, Bruning in correspondence with, 5, 16
-, 8, 10, 15, 29, 31, 34, 35(2), 40, 51, 85, 301, 318, 366
-, discharges debt to Bradforth, 29
-, describes plan for official opening of "Britains Burse", 37
-, interested in sale of timber from Ireland, 40
-, delivers records of genealogies and pedigrees to Golding, 68
-, letter to Townshend, 123
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 375

Wilsusan, Cristian, a Dunkirk merchant
-, sells pepper illegally in Dover, 207

-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187
-, Queen's manor in, 374
-, 345

Winch (Winche), Sir Humphrey, Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland
-, relieved of his post, 332

Winchcombe (Wynchcombe), Benedict, of Noke, co. Oxford
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 186

Winchester (Wynchester, Wyncester, Winton), co. Hants.
-, 12, 103, 116
-, letter dated from, 116
-, Pope's pardon found near Market Cross in, 155
-, recusants in, 155, 296

Winchester, Bishop of. See Bilson, Thomas

Winchester, Marchioness of. See Paulet, Lucy

Windebank, Francis, of the office of the Signet
-, 316, 333, 337(2), 341, 342(2), 346(2), 348, 349(3), 350(2), 351, 352, 357

Windsor, co. Berks.
-, 316, 343, 358
-, Honour of, 49, 59

Windsor Castle, co. Berks.
-, 49
-, letters dated from, 93, 94, 97
-, King at, 137

Windsor Forest, co. Berks.
-, 185

Windsor Park, co. Berks.
-, sale of trees in, 59
-, 71

Windsor, Lord. See Windsor, Thomas

Windsor, Thomas, 6th Lord Windsor
-, Michell thought by merchants to be Lord Windsor in disguise, 24

Windsor, —
-, name adopted by Michell in Italy, 24

-, case involving Spanish, 14
-, suits for grants of selling wines by retail in Ireland, 93
-, trade between England and Bordeaux in, 107
-, farming of French, 277

Wing, co. Bucks.
-, 299

Wingfield (Wingfilde), co. Derby
-, letter dated from, 54

Wingfield, Sir Richard, of Powerscourt, co. Wicklow, Ireland, Marshal of Ireland, later 1st Viscount Powerscourt
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 121

Wingfield, Sir Robert, of Upton, co. Northants.
-, supervises manor of Middleton, 3
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 12, 38
-, involved in scuffle in London and imprisoned, 38
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 70
-, his death, 121, 122(2)

Wingfield, Robert, son of Sir Robert Wingfield
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 122

Wingfield (Wyngfield), Thomas, of Nettlestead, co. Suffolk
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Wingfield, Mr.
-, in attendance on Earl of Essex abroad, 157

Wingfield, Robert, Steward to the Earl of Salisbury
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 375

Wingfilde. See Wingfield

Winston, Mr.
-, 26(3)

Winter (Wyntour), Sir Edward, of Lydney, co. Gloucester, Constable of St. Briavels Castle, Forest of Dean
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 42

Winwood (Wynod, Wynwood), Sir Ralph, English Ambassador to the States General
-, 93, 126, 237
-, leaves London for the Hague, 120
-, instructions to, 341
-, letter to Viscount Rochester, 353
-, altercation between Oldenbarneveldt and, 354
-, letter to King, 354
-, account of his conference with Prince of Orange, 354, 355, 356
-, concludes treaty with German Protestant Princes at Wesel, 354
-, 358(2), 360, 361

-, operated by Mineral and Battery Company at Tintern, 189

Wirsburg. See Würzburg

Wisborough Green (Greene), co. Sussex
-, 64

Wise, Nicholas, of Waterford, Ireland
-, permitted to transport plate into Ireland free of Customs duties, 168

Wisenbourg. See Weissenburg

Wismar (Wismer) [Mecklenburg, Germany]
-, Swedish ambassadors treat of Danish-Swedish differences at, 2
-, letters dated from, 3(2)

Wismer. See Wismar

Withcock. See Withcote

Withcote (Withcock), co. Leicester 232

Witt Hale. See Whitehall

Wix (Wikes Park), co. Essex
-, 308

Wokingham (Oakingham, Ochinham, Okingham), co. Berks.
-, King's woods at, 36
-, sale of trees at, 59

Wolf, Thomas, of Summertown, co. Oxford
-, alleged to be recusant, 299

Wolferston, Edmund, of St. Botolph without Aldersgate, London
-, holds licence to erect furnaces, 292

Wollascott, Edmond, of Brunces Court, co. Berks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 259

Wolmer, Sir Gregory, of Swineshead, co. Lincoln
-, 7

Wolriche, Sir Francis, of Dudmaston, Salop
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Wolters [? Walters], —
-, Lord Cobham intervenes on behalf of, 80

Woltome. See Waltham

Wood, Gilbert, Keeper of Hare Warren at Hampton Court
-, 358

Wood, Thomas
-, letter to Norton, 120

Wood, Thomas
-, petitions for a post as searcher, 159

Woodroe, Lady. See Woodrove, Elizabeth

Woodrove or Woodruffe (Woodroe), Lady Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland
-, her pension, 316

-, reference to destruction by industry of, 363
-, papers dealing with, 366, 367

Woods, Eugene, Dean of Armagh 118

Woodstock (Woodstocke), co. Oxford
-, letter dated from, 234
-, Queen at, 234
-, 367

Woodward, John, Surveyor of Woods for Cheshire
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 61

Woodyere (Woodyear), William, of King's College, Cambridge
-, accessory to Lisle's assault on Goad, 195

Woolley (Wooley, Wolley), Sir Francis, Clerk of the Pipe Office
-, his New Year's gift of plate to Earl of Salisbury, 1
-, 157

Woolwich, co. Kent
-, abuses committed at Navy storehouses in, 87
-, King's storehouse of ordnance at, 350

Wootton, Lord. See Wotton, Edward

Worcester, Bishop of. See Parry, Henry

Worcester, Earl of. See Somerset, Edward

-, sale of King's woods in, 41, 71
-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187
-, protest against jurisdiction of Council of Wales by inhabitants of, 278
-, timber for Navy from, 307
-, 328

Workman, John
-, 279

Works and Buildings
-, expenses of, 116
-, Office of, 183
-, workmen to receive wages, 232

Worlington, co. Suffolk
-, 91

Wormeston, Lord of. See Spens, James

Worseley, Mr. See Worsley, Richard

Worsley (Worseley), Richard, of Appuldurcombe, Isle of Wight
-, a King's ward, 69

Wotton, Sir Henry, English Ambassador at Venice
-, scurrilous hint by Michell about reason for indisposition of, 26
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 76
-, discusses purposes of his intended visit to German Princes, 76
-, 129
-, his pension, 308
-, to go as Ambassador Extraordinary to Savoy, 329
-, his instructions how to deal with marriage proposals of Duke of Savoy, 343

Wotton, Edward, 1st Baron Wotton of Marley
-, 233, 327

Wrenn, Sir Charles, Constable of Raby Castle
-, witnesses lease by Bishop of Durham, 73
-, concerned with repair of Raby Castle, 119, 134, 136

Wright [? Edmund], a Durham lawyer
-, 194
-, Receiver to Bishop of Durham, 224

Wright, Richard, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 198

Wright, —
-, his wardship, 318

Wright, Mr.
-, 4

Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 69, 287
-, Prince Henry to lodge in house of, 116
-, 249

Wroth, Sir Robert, of Loughton Hall, co. Essex
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in lands enclosed by King, 328

Wroth, Thomas, son of Sir Robert Wroth, of Durrants at Enfield, co. Middlesex
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Wroughton, Giles (Egidius), of Broad Hinton, co. Wilts.
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

-, intercepts books carried away from the Spanish Ambassador's house, 160

Würtemberg (Wirtemberg) [Germany]
-, regarded in Venice as counterweight to Bavaria, 76

Würtemberg (Wittenberge) Lewis Frederick, Duke of, brother of John Frederick, Duke of Würtemberg
-, expected in England, 214

Würtemberg, John Frederick, Duke of
-, Wotton proposes to visit, 76
-, reported to favour reconciliation between Lutherans and Calvinists in Germany, 116

Würzburg (Wirsbourg, Virsbourg), [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 245
-, 246

Würzburg, Julius Echter von Mespelbrun, Bishop of
-, 245

Wyche. See Nantwich

Wychwood (Wytchewood, Whichwood) Forest, co. Oxford
-, spoliation of, 95
-, 185, 186, 331
-, Ranger of, See Batten, Richard

Wylleth, Doctor. See Willet, Andrew

Wyllis. See Willis, Simon

Wyllys. See Willis, Simon

Wynchcombe. See Winchcombe, Benedict

Wyncester. See Winchester

Wyngfield, Thomas. See Wingfield, Thomas

Wynneard. See Whynyard, John

Wynod, Sir Rafe. See Winwood, Sir Ralph

Wyntour, Sir Edward. See Winter, Sir Edward

Wytchewood Forest. See Wychwood Forest


Xainctes. See Saintes


Yantlet, near Isle of Grain, co. Kent
-, 231

Yarmouth, Great, co. Norfolk
-, 95
-, confirmation of charters requested by inhabitants of, 206

Yaxley, co. Hunts.
-, 90

Yaxley, Mary [? of Bowthorpe, co. Norfolk]
-, alleged to be recusant, 297

Yaxley, Anne [? of Bowthorpe, co. Norfolk]
-, alleged to be recusant, 297

Yelverton, Sir Christopher, Judge of the King's Bench
-, 373

Yendall alias Yenland alias Yenleete. See Yantlet

Yerewith (Yewrewith), co. Yorks.
-, sale of woods at, 56

Yong, Sir Peter. See Young, Sir Peter

York, co. Yorks.
-, letters dated from, 34, 49, 73, 161
-, Scots imprisoned in castle of, 75
-, 95, 150, 287
-, King's manor house of, 125

York, Archbishop of. See Matthews, Tobias

York, Duke of. See Charles

York House (Yorkes House) Strand, London
-, 34
-, letters dated from, 57, 135

Yorkes House. See York House

-, 11, 13, 50, 54, 61, 74, 129, 177, 198
-, lands surveyed in, 49
-, Fellowship at Queens' College, Cambridge, available only for natives of, 156
-, alum mines in, 174
-, recusants in, 232, 250, 351
-, 253, 316, 329, 350
-, kerseys shipped to La Rochelle from, 253
-, Receiver-General of. Scudamore, Thomas

Young, Mr. See Young, Thomas

Young (Yonge), John
-, given office of yeoman tailor in the Great Wardrobe, 315

Young, Patrick
-, his pension, 308

Young (Yong), Sir Peter, tutor to Royal Family
-, 83
-, provision of a library at Whitehall for, 196

Young, Sir Roger
-, 83

Young, Thomas, English factor in Florence
-, Michell addresses himself to, 25


-, letter dated from, 20

Zeeland [Netherlands]
-, 248, 303

Zouche, Edward, 11th Baron Zouche of Harringworth, Lord President of the Council of Wales
-, signs letters on cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 44, 56
-, signs Privy Council letter on provision of gunpowder, 84
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 206, 212, 222
-, 327

Zouche, Sir Edward, steward of Woking Manor
-, his pension, 308