Cecil Papers: May 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp219-222 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp219-222.

"Cecil Papers: May 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp219-222.

May 1610

Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, May 1. His Majesty having this morning signed this warrant for Cleves, I send it away to your Lordship. Because it is in general words with relation to the establishment, I think it best for your discharge that the establishment be signed by his Majesty, when it is ready.
I have also sent you the letter framed for the Bishopric of Derry for Mr Babington which his Majesty refused, saying he had never heard of him. I answered enough for the man as knowing him, and that I had direction from my Lord of Canterbury and your Lordship. Yet his Majesty would not sign it, alleging only that he had never been spoken to in it. Whether he have any purpose for another I know not, but it were good something came from my Lord of Canterbury, if his Grace thinks him meet for it. From the Court at Newmarkett, this first of May, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (128 123)
The Enclosure
Warrant for the election, consecration and confirmation of Brute Babington, D.D. as Bishop of Derry in Ireland.
Countersigned by Sir Thomas Lake ¼ p. (128 122)
Sir John Peyton to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, May 7. This day I received advertisement from the 'Roades,' being a part of the main of Normandy, six leagues distant from this island, that Monsieur Matinian, Lieutenant for the French King in Base Normandy, was come post to Quittance, and there gave order for putting in of garrisons in all 'munited' places to be kept for the Dolphin of France, the King being slain on Thursday last, the 3 of this instant, as he descended out of his coach, by a Spaniard or a Spanish page, with a stab in the flank with a poinard; and from other parts of Normandy it is advertised with a pistol. Though I am assured you are perfectly advertised of this detestable action, yet I thought it my duty not to be silent therein. The neighbour parts of Normandy and Brittany are yet peaceable, but all men of note strengthen their houses and stand upon their guard. There goes a rumour of forces ready prepared in Spain for the part of the Prince of Conde.
Touching this place in my charge, which has been possessed with overmuch confidence of security, I have made them more sensible of their own defences, which all the gentlemen and people now apprehend. On this occasion I presume further in 'muniting' and repairing his Majesty's castles than otherwise I would have done, having no warrant, reposing on your favour. In every 100 crowns bestowing I save from ruin that which would in short time cost 500. 12 carriages I have provided and 5 pieces of artillery more I endeavour to get mounted. The rest of the ordnance are still dismounted, whereof I have written to my Lord Carao.
There has returned from Carteret, the nearest part of Normandy, one of this island belonging to Monsieur de St Ouan, who being at the Baron Luthumiere's house at the time of the advertisement of the French King's being slain, told him that he heard from Paris, but not by any letter, that our gracious King was also slain, which if he were not, yet there was a great practice against him to that end. This Baron Luthumiere is in religion Popish, but was ever held loyal to the King his master.
I daily send into Normandy or Brittany to see how the people are inclined. Some of Normandy seem to fear that our King, upon this accident, will take some advantage, but they are none of the greater sort. Mount Orgueill in Jersey, 7 May, 1610.
Signed 1 p. (196 2)
Earl of Salisbury to [Viscount Cranborne]
1610, May 9. Now that this late disaster gives me cause to think of you with greater care than when you were under the protection of that worthy King (of whom if you should ever suffer the precious memory to die, you were not worthy to live), I will only comfort you thus far, that your last letter before that accident was so full of duty and so changed from former vulgarity as it would have removed anger from me if there had been any, for which you never gave me cause. I write now upon the letters I received from Mr Beecher, and brought by your footman. Of your stay there I take no liking now, and therefore when you think it safe for you and your brother Henry, (fn. 1) I wish you to come to the seaside, and there tarry till you receive order from me, because my meaning is to send you a ship to carry you to Flushing, whence you shall pass up into Holland there to spend this summer, and in Cleve if there be cause; my thoughts being now diverted from your Italian journey, where the passages may be subject to danger. If my letters find you at Paris, seem not to leave from any ill apprehension, but only to pursue your former purpose to go into the Low Countries, except your service might have been dedicated to the King that is now gone. Leave a courteous memory behind you, and no man unrewarded to whom you are beholden. I have written to Calais as much as this, not knowing which way you will pass. So soon as you are come to any of the places, send me word. I have procured letters to both the governors from the French Ambassador, by which your stay there shall be with better safety, and as I hear from you so shall shipping come to you. I forbear to write to those that attend you, or to Kirkham, because you may show them my letter. Whitehall, 9 May, 1610.
Signed 2 pp. (228 34)
Sir Charles Cornwaleys to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1610, May 26. Is drawn into the country to celebrate next week the marriage of his daughter. He finds no matter of much effect to be complained of in Spain more than is contained in the enclosed paper. He will not 'accomber' him with anything that concerns himself, knowing that he will not forget unto his Majesty such as have faithfully served him. 26 May, 1610.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Sir Charles Cornwallis to my Lord'. 1 p. (196 3)
Henry Smyth to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, May 26. Mr Masie, the keeper of the Gatehouse, tells me this night of your pleasure that I should set down some speeches of Mr Freeman, a Jesuit, in his custody. It was that he hoped to see or hear mass in Paul's Church in London. He spake the words in Mr Morton's chamber in the Gatehouse in the presence of Mr Morton, James Conway and myself, whereof James Conway and myself gave you to understand by our writing and received answer that for a time we should be patient. King's Bench, 26 May, 1610.
Signed ½ p. (128 124)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, May 29. Showing the pistol or pocket dag I had of your Lordship to a gunmaker that dwells in the Bulwark within the Tower, and to a stockmaker that inlays pieces, I learned that the dag was made by one Baker in Sheer Lane, and that he and one Humphrey Gardener, dwelling in Holborn, are the only makers of pocket dags. Four of us having occasion to meet this morning in Holborn for the business known to your Lordship, we sent for Gardener and Baker. Gardener has not sold above five of these pocket dags. Two were for a nobleman, the rest he is not able to declare to whom they were sold, but he had that dislike of these pieces as he purposed to make no more. Baker has made and sold a great number. I have taken bond of him to make no more and to appear at the Sessions, where such course as may be thought fit by your Lordships may be taken with him. I have further learned that these murdering daggers are made by one John Willington, a cutler dwelling in Sheer Lane also, which is a little lane hard by Temple Bar. He was sent for, but being not then at his house, I gave a straight warrant to the constable as soon as he comes home to bring him before me. 29 May, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (128 125)
The Enclosure
The examination of John Tomkins, alias Baker, of Shere Lane, gunmaker, taken 29th May, 1610.
Since last Easter he has sold five pocket dags, one to Mr John Harborn, one to Mr French, and another to a gentleman of the Earl of Essex. He knows not who bought the other two. Within this year he has sold some forty but to whom he knows not, as he hangs them openly in his house and sells them to such as will buy them.
Says further that certain Frenchmen bring over pocket dags, whereof some were taken lately in the liberty of the Duchy and bought by one Sheppy, an old man dwelling by Somerset Gate.
Signed by Sir William Waad ½ p. (128 126)
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, May 29. Since my coming home I understand that the gentlewoman is dead for the wardship of whose son I moved you not long since. She was the daughter of Fulstowe, married to my cousin Midlemore, by whom he has a son. The land during his life is to be enjoyed by him. The marriage may be bestowed by you, but if you let him be guardian of his own son, you shall command him to bestow where it pleases you. Savoy, 29 May, 1610.
Holograph Seal ½ p. (128 127)
Brill Hill, Barnwood Forest
[1610 c. May] Brief touching Brill Hill, alias Codley Corner, in Barnewood Forest, co. Bucks. The question concerns a lease thereof granted to Christopher Kendall.
1 p. (141 301)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 606]
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1610, after May] The party with whom I have had the discourse mentioned in my letter is the Duke of Bouillon who has been dealt with to undertake the voyage into England, but he has not as yet accepted thereof, neither is he willing to perform that commission, unless he may see clearly into their intentions here, that they will authorise him to carry to his Majesty more real satisfaction than ceremonial professions. I beseech you to conceal his name, and to let me know if there be anything which may merit upon this occasion to be remembered for the benefit of his Majesty's service before the dispatching of him from hence. They have here taken an alarm at the late frequent passing of couriers this way out of Spain into England and back again. Undated
Holograph 1 p. (118 150)


  • 1. Henry Howard, third son of Thomas Howard, 1st earl of Suffolk.