Cecil Papers: June 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp222-226 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp222-226.

"Cecil Papers: June 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp222-226.

June 1610

The Mayor and Citizens of Chester to Prince Henry
[1610, before June 4] The Council have appointed the 27th instant for hearing the cause concerning the proceedings of certain Commissioners of Sewers, who endeavour the destruction of a 'cawsay' of stone, built upon a natural rock above 500 years since within their city, whereby divers mills, anciently parcel of the Earldom of Chester, are supplied with water, and the city and adjoining country served with cloth, bread, fish, fresh water and other necessaries; the loss of which would impoverish the city, and prejudice the Earldom whenever the King should confer it upon the Prince. They beg his favourable commendation of their cause to the Council. Undated
Petition 1 p. (196 107)
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610] June 4. The great love and fear that is in my heart to the person of our most dear master makes me so bold as to put you in mind, although I know I need not, of the surety of his person; for this unfortunate accident of the late French King cannot but bring fear to the hearts of all who truly love our most gracious King. Therefore I do not doubt but in your accustomed care of his Majesty's surety you will do all that is possible for preventing that most frightful misfortune that might fall to all honest men. Leithecow, June 4.
Holograph Endorsed: '1610.' 1 p. (196 4)
Lord Norreys to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610] June 9. Having divers businesses in the country, he begs leave to depart from the Parliament. Chelsey, 9 June.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Lo. Norreys to my Lord.' and in a later hand, '1609[sic]' (127 68)
Ottywell Smyth to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, June 9. Since his last letter for a protection to get his goods out of France and other places to pay his creditors, his man in France contrary to his commission has sold his goods cheaper than it cost here besides customs and charges. The man has also paid all the bills of exchange, which would have paid every man his part. Has since called all his creditors together and offered them all he had to his household stuff and the clothes off his back; but not content with this they go about to secure the patent of bankrupt against him. Prays that he may not be so disgraced as he has been employed in her Majesty's affairs to the French King above nine years, and that he may have two years to count with his factors in Spain, Portugal and other places; and that his creditors may take what he can give now and acquit him or stay till he can give them more. London, 9 June, 1610.
Holograph ½ p. (128 128(2))
[François de] Bassompierre to Viscount Cranborne at Court
1610, June 11/21. The common misfortune of the death of the late King, my master, which affected me very particularly, has so troubled me as to have prevented me from doing my duty to those to whom I have been under obligation. This is my only excuse for not having assured you of my humble service before your unexpected departure, and to beg a thousand pardons for having rendered you so little during your stay here. I will make good the defect if ever I am honoured with your commands. 'A Paris, ce 21me juin, 1610.'
Holograph French Seal Addressed: 'A Monsieur le Visconte de Cranborne à la Court.' 1 p. (128 133)
Ottywell Smith to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, June 14. Thanks for great kindness. His creditors now begin to come to a composition with him. Understands that Mr Stalynge, searcher, is in danger of death. Prays that the post may be bestowed upon him, which would be a full satisfaction for the service he has done his Majesty for nine years without any allowance at Dyepe, and would be a means to maintain his wife and himself. London, 14 June, 1610.
Holograph ½ p. (128 128(1))
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, June 15. Have received certificates from the justices of peace of Cambridge, Suffolk, Norfolk and other counties, and from the mayor and justices of Boston for Holland and the parts near adjoining in the county of Lincoln, of the prices of corn and grain in those places, together with their opinions of admitting transportation in regard of the state of the country. Have thereupon called before us some gentlemen of those counties now in town. It appears that only the counties of Norfolk and Cambridge with the parts about Holland, co. Lincoln, are furnished with such plenty of grain and the prices so far under the rate limited by the Statute, as they may spare some good proportion thereof to be carried out of the kingdom. Pray accordingly that order be taken at Boston for the parts about Holland, and at the port of Lynn for Cambridge and Norfolk, for the transportation of such quantity of wheat and other sorts of grain as shall be thought meet for the encouragement of the husbandman; but the officers of those ports are to forbear to take entry for the shipping of such grain, should the prices of corn rise above the rate limited by the Statute. From Whitehall, 15 June, 1610.
Signed: T. Ellesmere, Canc; R. Salisbury; H. Northampton; Notingham; T. Suffolke; Gilb. Shrewsbury; W. Knollys. 1½ pp. (128 129)
John Lardner to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, June 15. This last night there came into this harbour a small French bark having in her some canvas and kelp. Search being made aboard her the enclosed letter was found and eight books, which I send by this messenger. The man who brought them is a Frenchman, and being examined said he received them at Sherbrooke in France, and was to deliver them at Monvile. This I believe to be untrue, and keep him until your pleasure be known. From Portesmouth, 15 June, 1610.
Signed Sealp. (128 130)
Survey of the Castle of Devizes
1610, June 15. Survey, by John Norden, of the site of the Castle of le Devises, co Wilts, made by order of the Lord Treasurer, June 15, 1610. Valuation of the lands and of the materials, which are old and ruinous buildings within the site of the castle, namely, 5 very high decayed towers, 2 decayed chapels, and a large ruined hall standing within the keep upon a most lofty artificial mount. The premises have been possessed by the assignees of the late Earl of Pembroke, by virtue of a grant made of the park of the Devises by the late Queen to the late Earl of Essex, wherein the premises were supposed to have passed. But on examination the contrary appearing, the Earl of Montgomery has been petitioner to the King for the same, having the Park also in reversion.
1 p. (P. 2388)
The Bishop of Durham to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, June 17. The bill for the passing of 'Brittaynes Burse' and other things between your Lordship and me was yesterday read in the Upper House. If your solicitor had acquainted me therewith, it might have been drawn so as it should not have needed to have been committed. I could not get a copy of it until this evening. If not troublesome I will tomorrow between 7 and 8 in the morning attend your Lordship. I must acknowledge your late just and patient hearing of my cause with my crooked and unkind neighbours and officer, for Wright is yet my receiver. From Duresme House, 17 June, 1610.
Holograph Seal ½ p. (128 131)
King James I to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, June 24. We are informed by the Governor and Company of the Merchant Adventurers that they have been advertised by their factors and servants at Hamborough, Lubeck and Stoadt in Germany that upon May 29 last, by virtue of a warrant from the Emperor, all their goods and debts were put under arrest, and likewise the said servants and all English merchants living in those territories. We have therefore thought fit to give order here that all ships, goods, debts and merchants, subjects of the Emperor, that shall be found in our dominions be put under arrest, and require you to give order to all mayors of port towns and officers of ports accordingly; special charge being given to the captains of our ships and other ministers that the goods found in any ships be not embezzled or purloined, but kept safely until further direction.
'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the four and twentieth day of June in the eighth year of our reign of Great Britain', etc.
Signed Sealpp. (128 132)
Abatement of Impositions
1610, June 26. Warrant for abating of impositions on divers goods and merchandise. Westminster, 26 June, 1610.
1 m. Much damaged (220 5)
Annuities and Offices
[1610 ? June.] Annuities granted unto my Lord [Salisbury], viz by:
Gloucester per annum Cs
Totnes in Devon Cs
Exon. Xli
Maior and burgesses of Plymouth Xli
Dartmouth IIIIli
Deane and Canons of Windsore XIIIli VIs VIIId
Surveiorship of Hertfordshire. XIIIli VIs VIIId
Stewardship of Munden magna. XVIIIs IIIId
Mr, Keeper, Steward of Enfeld Chase. Cs
Keeper of Elsing House park etc. XXli Vs
High Steward of the Queen's lands. XXli
Keping of Somerset house and gardins. nil
Master of the Court of Wards and Keeper of the Privy Seale. CLXVIli XIIIs IIIId
Chancellor of Thuniversitie of Cambridge. nil
Steward of the said Universitie. IIIId
Steward of the lands of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge. Xli
Justice of Eire within all his Mats parks in Hertf. nil
High Steward of Doncaster. Cs
High Steward of Kingston upon Hull. VIli XIIIs IIIId
Thoffice of bishops clerk of Sar[um]. IIIIli XIIIs IIIId
Surveior of the possessions of the B: of Norwich. Xli
High Steward of the B: of Oxfords lands. VIli XIIIs IIIId
Mr of the game of all forests, parks, etc. of the B: of Coventry Xli
High Steward, Escheator, etc. of Westminster. Cs
Stewardship of Saven'gworth. XXXIIIs IIIId (my Lords father had this office: whether my Lord have it or not, I know not.) Undated
Thomas and [Agnes] Croocher
[1610, ? June] An information addressed to the King. Thomas Croocher, husbandman, and his eldest daughter, have been condemned to death at Maidstone Assizes for murdering her new born child, (fn. 1) and are to be executed tomorrow or on Friday. The child was found in Croocher's grounds and the daughter suspected; and one Pierce of Maidstone (heretofore burnt in the hand and Croocher's mortal enemy) deposed that he saw the woman delivered of a child, Croocher and his wife being by, and Croocher kill it. Cites the testimony of various women that it was impossible she could have been the mother. It is prayed that the King will defer the execution till the matter be further investigated. Undated.
1 p. (196 116)


  • 1. A pardon to Thomas and Agnes Croocher is dated 28 June, 1610. (Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610 p. 621). See also Part XVII of this Calendar, p. 585.