Cecil Papers: April 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp210-218 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp210-218.

"Cecil Papers: April 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp210-218.

April 1610

1610, April 3. Warrant under the privy seal to the Earl of Salisbury, High Treasurer of England, directing him to give order to the searchers of ports in the realm to permit the export of sums of money to Ireland, the said sums not to exceed in the whole 40001, as the Crown has resolved to make certain colonies and plantations in the province of Ulster, the city of London undertaking to perform some part thereof; and it is doubtful whether the realm of Ireland can readily furnish them with money sufficient for the erecting of their fortifications and buildings, and the supplying of provisions and necessaries meet for the service. 'Given under our Privy Seal at our Palace of Westminster, the third day of April in the eighth year of our reign of England.'
Signed: Tho. Packer. 1 m. (128 109)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, April 3. We have been earnestly moved of late by some gentlemen of quality of the counties of Norfolk, Northampton, Huntingdon, Cambridge, Suffolk and Sussex (fn. 1) to give way to the transportation of corn from the port of Lynn; the price of grain being much under the rate set down in the Statute, and there being great plenty of corn in those parts, which by reason of the unseasonable rain at the late harvest is not fit to be spent in this kingdom. Although this may be true in some particular places, yet as the matter generally imports the whole body of those counties and may reach to other parts of the kingdom if by this means there should fall a scarcity upon the country, we have thought fit to direct our letters to the justices of the peace of the said counties to inform themselves of the prices of all kind of grain within those counties, and to certify us thereof with as much expedition as may stand with convenience, that further direction may be given as found expedient. Complaint has been made heretofore of some practice used to send out corn by selling small quantities at the haven or port at a price under the limitation of the Statute and at a far less rate than it carries in other places, whereby the intent of the Statute was utterly frustrated. We have therefore moved them to be very careful of informing themselves of the true prices of corn throughout those counties. But because we are informed that the greatest part of the last year's barley is so illconditioned as will not admit such circumstances of time as are required in the course of certificate from the country to us before order be given at the port for transportation, we pray your Lordship to give present order to the officers of the said port of Lynn for the transportation of barley and malt, upon certificate made to them by the justices of the peace of any of those counties that the price of that grain does not exceed the rate limited by Statute. From the Court at Whitehall, the third of April, 1610.
Signed: T. Ellesmere, Canc; R. Salisbury; H. Northampton; T. Suffolke; Gilb. Shrewsbury; E. Worcester; W. Knollys; Jul. Caesar. 2 pp. (128 110)
Charles Brook to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, April 4. I think this will be the last petition I shall ever make you, being at this time visited with a sharp correcting sickness and much weakened. This bearer, Sir Edward Phillipps, chaplain, is presented to the church of Lidlinche, co. Dorset, by Sir George Trenchard, and I dare affirm he is worthy of the place. But my Lord Stourton pretending title to the same church has commenced suit against the bearer. I pray you to be a means unto my Lord Stourton that the bearer may keep the said church and parsonage, howsoever the title fall out betwixt Lord Stourton and Sir George Trenchard. Temple Combe, 4 April, 1610.
Signed 1 p. (128 111)
The Prince de Joinville to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1610, before April 5] Asking him to favour the bearer in some business relating to the rights of an estate belonging to the Prince's mother. Undated
Holograph French Endorsed: 'To my Lord. Prince Joinville, rec. 5 April.' Seal on pink silk. 1 p. (134 150)
The Earl of Dunbar
[1610, April 6 or later] The King has been pleased by warrant under his hand and signet manual to give authority to the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer to give out particulars of so much of his lands and tenements as shall amount to 350l of yearly rent, that a grant may be made of the same to such as should be willing to buy it. The profit of these lands is intended to rise in respect of divers sums of money laid out by the Earl of Dunbar in his Majesty's service, and for other respects concerning him. The Earl of Dunbar therefore desires the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor to pass so much land as abovesaid as if it were to the Earl himself, who hereby acknowledges the receipt of 3000l in hand, and bonds for 6000l to be paid at such time as he has agreed to. Undated
Signed Endorsed: 'Apr. 6. 1610.' 1¼ pp. (128 112)
Lord Zouche to the Lord High Treasurer
1610, April 7. This day Sir Francis Hastings came to me and left a letter directed to him with me to consider of, which I held not amiss to send to you. If there be nothing in it whereof you will make use, return it to me; otherwise you may keep it, for I confess I hold it worthy your sight. Savoy, 7 April, 1610.
Holograph Seal ½ p. (128 113)
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610] April 9/19. Perceives by Salisbury's letter by Finett that he wishes him to go into Italy in September, returning to England at Christmas. Begs for leave to go as soon as may be, but will be ruled by Mr Lister in whatever he thinks fit. He desires to take Nicholas Lanier into Italy so that he may learn the viol. Paris, 19 April st. no.
Holograph Endorsed: '1610.' 1 p. (228 33)
Sir William Monson to the Earls of Salisbury and Nottingham
1610, April 10. Upon my coming to Bristol I found the Advantage so unserviceable in men, victuals, sails, powder and all things else, that it was impossible to fit her to sea; and understanding of Salkeld's being still in Lundie, I fitted a bark with 25 men and departed from Bristol upon Easter eve, arriving in Ilefordecombe on Monday. There I under stood first of Salkeld's escape in the manner my Lord of Bath has certified you, and that he is so unfitted of all provisions as I rather think he will disguisedly put himself ashore than hazard his fortune by sea. To prevent him, I have writ to my Lord of Bath to command the justices of Devon and Cornwall to stay and examine all persons that cannot give a good account of their dwellings, their business, their residence for a month's time past, and of their means to live. The like course I intend to have observed in all the coasts of Wales, whither I am now going in pursuit of him in the said bark. My hope is he shall hardly escape by sea or land. His intent is to go for Ireland, but finding the wind westerly he must be forced for England or Wales. I have written to my Lord of Bath to furnish a bark for keeping the coast of England on these western parts, while I do the like on the coasts of Wales, until the wind come easterly or the King's ships arrive, of whom as yet I hear no news. If they come hither in my absence, I have left directions that they shall disperse, so long as the wind shall hang westerly or southerly; and after, for two of them to make their rendezvous in Lundie and from thence to put for Ireland. His taking much imports the safety of poor merchants in these parts, for I have never known villain so desperately bent against these countrymen, compelling them to forswear their allegiance to his Majesty. Ilefordcombe, 10 April, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (195 146)
[Printed in extenso in Monson's Tracts (Navy Record Society Publications, Vol. XLIII, iii, pp. 349, 350]
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, April 11. Since my last writing, Sir William Munson is arrived at Ilfardcombe. He wrote to me, and instantly I sent a servant of mine to him, who came the day before from the Island of Lundey, to advertise him of the state of the pirate and all other things there. Whereupon he wrote a letter directed to you and my Lord Admiral, which he prayed me to see conveyed. I have sent a bark to meet his Majesty's shipping that are coming about from Plymouth, with a letter from Sir William to them, which must meet them at the Land's End, for the better disposing of themselves in this service upon the river of Severn, where it is supposed the pirate remains. Towstocke, 11 April, 1610.
PS.—Because I would leave no means unattempted to apprehend this traitorous pirate, I have sent warrants to the Cornwall justices to lie wait for the taking of him if he happen to land there, and so have I done into Somersetshire, if he happen with these westerly winds to put up the river; and Sir William has promised me to do the like upon the coast of Wales.
I have written sundry letters to you touching this service, but could never learn that any of them came to your hands, which makes me suspect some negligence or worse dealing in the postmasters.
Holograph 1 p. (195 147)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, April 13. The Duke of Wittenberge is under sail hitherward, and his arrival here certainly expected this night. I have advertised Lord Willoughby, who is appointed to receive him here. There is no news of the States coming as yet, their stay being the longer in regard that one of their fellow commissioners is dead. Gravesend, 13 April, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. Postal endorsement: 'Hast hast hast hast post hast hast. Darford at 7 in the atter none.' (195 148)
Captain Avery Philips to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, April 14. Not only of late I discovered a Papist at Dover that conveyed a most treacherous book under my bed, whereby he was brought up and committed, but at my coming from Dunkirk I caused Mr Tucker, the searcher at Gravesend, to apprehend four priests and papists and the books in the ship I came over in, and gave further intelligence of a small boat that came over with like books, of which you being advertised sent them to the Bishop of London. It is not the first service by twenty of far greater importance that I have done, yet never had 2d recompense in all my life. Notwithstanding, ready to do whatsoever I shall comprehend for my country's cause, I crave warrant to apprehend all such priests and papists as come into or pass out of England, and all such young boys and maidens as are privily conveyed away to be made priests and nuns; as also all letters, books and other things touching disturbance, with authority that the masters of such barks or other vessels that be suspected to have conveyed them, may be bound severely to his Majesty in recognizance of 100l a piece, and to pay the same for every offence, one moiety to his Majesty and the other to myself. 14 of April, 1610.
Signed 1 p. (128 114)
Lady Mary Nevill to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, April 14. If a long and tedious sickness did not hinder me I would attend your Lordship, to entreat your furtherance of a suit which my Lord of Burgevenny and Mr Nevill intend to make to his Majesty, to have leave by the Parliament to sell the value of 30l a year towards the payment of their debts and provision of their younger children. Dorsset Hous, 14 April, 1610.
Holograph Seal, broken Endorsed: 'Lady Mary Nevill to my Lord.'
½ p. (128 115)
The Earl of Bath to the Privy Council
1610, April 15. The bearer George Eastcotte, a merchant of Bridgwater, was lately taken at sea by that notorious and rebellious pirate Sackwell, and by him imprisoned by the space of twenty days amongst others in a loathsome place upon the Island of Lundey. At length it pleased God to put into his heart the first device and project whereby in short time after, with the help of others, he surprised the court guard and weapons of the said Sackwell. In regard whereof he hopes some favour at your hands towards the relief of himself, his wife and children, who have lost by these pirates in ship and goods to the value of 500l. Towstocke, 15 April, 1610.
Signed Seal 1 p. (128 116)
The Earl of Salisbury to Viscount Cranborne
1610, April 18. Since the arrival of Mr Finett he has received Cranborne's letter. Warns him against using help in writing his letters, and advises him upon what topics to write. Perceives he has an itching humour to return to his English sports, which keeps him from properly using his travels, the right objects of which he details. Is pleased that he made a posting journey into Normandy with Mr Beecher, but expected to receive a better narration of his observations, seeing that they are the use for which he maintains him so chargeably abroad. He does not approve of Cranborne's presently passing into Italy: the abode in those parts in summer is pernicious: he would also lose his French language: also he is loth he should go now, when every active spirit in France, and so many here in England, are desirous to see the wars in Cleave. Recommends him to go to Italy in September. Details at length the objects of Cranborne's journey abroad, which he wishes to be extended to two years. Desires him to spend this summer in France, or in Cleave, as the war grows on or ceases. If the French King go to the frontiers to meet his troops, it will be a gallant journey for Cranborne to follow him; advantages of so doing: for lodging and other things M. Villeroy will assist him. Approves Cranborne's desire to carry Nich. Lanier with him, if it be true that he (Cranborne) delights in music and practises both hand and voice. Expresses his satisfaction that Cranborne is perfectly established in religion by coming to the Lord's supper: Cranborne's wife and sister have done the like at Hatfield this Easter, which has stopped the mouths of many malicious persons that speak their pleasure of their long forbearance. He is not to forbear from dealing liberally with the Church, nor with any of the King's officers to whom he is beholden. Sketches the itinerary he recommends in Italy. Cranborne may be in England before Christmas: and for his doubt of sea-sickness, if he passes at Calais, it is not above 3 hours work, which women and children do every day. Further instructions as to his Italian journey. He is to be wary to put his person into no town whereof the Pope is lord. Concerning the Queen's coronation (fn. 2), he would do discreetly to be a spectator rather than put himself on horseback, where many mischances may happen. Commends his progress in education and manners. Sends a note of the towns by which young Litton has passed, by which Mr Lister and Mr Finett may see how easily he may pass from Venice to Florence without coming in the Pope's danger. London, 18 April, 1610.
Signed 7 pp. (228 32)
Viscount Fenton to the Lord Treasurer
1610, April 19. The business was so great yesternight, in reconciling these two noblemen, that in good manners I could not trouble you in my particular with the States. At that very time I had some conference with Sir Noel Caron, and by him I find that the Ambassadors confess the matter was in resolution two sundry times for my satisfaction, but no absolute power in them to deal. Yet are they desirous to know if a pension by the year might content me; and his Majesty has advised me in the contrary, as a matter not seeming in my person in regard of my place and service. Besides that it will be the worse surety for myself, so that my course must be for satisfaction in money. They are the worse willing, rather in regard of the consequence and example than any other dislike to myself. My desire is (which I will remit more particularly to the bearer) that you will at your meeting with the Ambassadors speak them in this matter as from the King, for so his Majesty has promised me to desire you to do; and I entreat you to say something in this matter from yourself, and so far only as may be with your good liking and to my good. 19 April, 1610.
Holograph 2 pp. (195 149)
Payment of Subsidy by the Earl of Salisbury
1610, April 19. Acknowledgement of receipt by Arthur Maynwaringe from the Earl of Salisbury of 26l:13:4 for the second payment of the third entire subsidy, granted Nov 1, 3 Jac. Paid more for the acquittance 2s 6d. 19 April, 1610.
1 p. (195 151)
John Murray to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1610, April 25. I acquainted his Majesty that I had some papers from your Honour to him to see at his best leisure, which he did this morning. His pleasure was I should return them back to you, and show you that immediately you should speak with some of the Lords of the Council and appoint some time to speak with the Ambassadors of their business. One of their papers is the whole speech that the Italian made when the Ambassadors had their audience. At Thebolls, 25 April, 1610.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Mr John Murray to my Lord.' ½ p. (128 117)
Dr Leonell Sharpe to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, April 26] The King's Majesty of himself has granted him the provostship of King's College where he was brought up. Though he has been no great good husband heretofore, religiously promises all faithfulness in ordering the College lands and goods with others joined with him, and a special care of religion and learning in the College. Desires Salisbury's furtherance in the cause, with pardon of his presumption in writing because he could not come himself. Undated.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'Mr Do:r Sharpe to my Lord, 26 April, 1610.' 1 p. (136 201)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, April 30. I came hither this day about four of the clock, but had not access to his Majesty till after supper, he having spent all the afternoon with my Lord of Bath. I imparted to his Majesty all that I received. First, touching the Parliament matter, I said that his Highness was not to expect that any new proposition could be made by your Lordships until from the Lower House an answer were returned, which was like to be on Tuesday, that is tomorrow, this morning being spent in deliberation about it. When the answer was come, admit it were that in regard of the greatness of the sum demanded the House thought not fit for them to proceed any further in a matter impossible for them to undergo, I put the case to his Majesty how your Lordships of the Upper House could with honour make any new proposition that should not savour of seeking and so encourage them the more to stand off. His Majesty answered: first, that by your letters you had given him hope that the answer would not be so peremptory; secondly, if it were of that kind, their Lordships might have nice cause to say that it was not an answer beseeming them to make nor agreeable to his Majesty's honour, especially in a thing desired by themselves, but rather if the sum demanded were held too great, to make a new offer; thirdly, that your Lordship might take occasion to explain yourself that the offer was not so peremptory but that, if there came from them any offer proportionable, it might be moved to his Majesty to be considered of. If they would insist on their former offer, his Highness said it was a sign they had no desire to deal, but he supposed out of some hope given him by you that it will not come to so great a pertinacy, but that your Lordships will find matter to keep it still in life. His Highness thinks that although his meaning be not to compound for all his offers but in gross, that yet every favour might be so particularized to them as they might take an impression of the value of it, and so be disposed to be more apt to compound for the whole. I said it was not to be doubted but your Lordships would use your wisdoms to keep the matter from a rupture until his return, which was to be wished he would hasten as well for that matter as in regard of the Ambassadors now attending. His Highness commanded me to advertise you of his journeys, which is tomorrow to Thetford, there to stay till Wednesday come sevennight, and then to be here again; on Thursday to Royston or perhaps to Theobalds, and on Friday to be at London or on Saturday at farthest. Till which time his Majesty hoped that you would find matter to entertain the Ambassadors, so as they should not much desire his presence sooner.
I reported what you had acquainted me with touching the French Ambassador's instance to have the League to pass without exception of religion, but his Majesty to be bound in that case. His Highness wondered at it, and said he would never yield to it but thought the Ambassador would not insist on it long.
For the matter of the fishing treated with the Hollanders, his Majesty values nothing the patent they show as having been got by mere fraud, protesting he was never so much as spoken to in it, but if that were not, the Hollanders have broken since and lost the benefit of it.
His Majesty is very well satisfied touching Sir Robert Henderson and leaves the States to their own disposition. He says that which he moved for Balfour was when he thought there should have been sent some broken companies, but now he is informed, will not hinder the worse of their discipline. From Newmarkett this last of April. 1610.
Holograph Sealpp. (128 118)
Lord Hay to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, April] His Majesty admires your occurrents and infinitely longs to hear of the printing of his speech, which done, desires you to remember Master Speaker to deliver to the House what he gave him in charge. Receive these enclosed. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Lo. Hay to my Lord, Apr. 1610.' 1 p. (196 1)
George Marshall to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, April] Thanking him for a favour received. Undated.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'Mr Marshall to my Lord', and in another but contemporary handwriting 're. Ap. 1610.' ½ p. (128 120)
Sir John Poyntz to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, April] I received this enclosed letter from Hidelberg in Germany, wherein I am entreated to acquaint you with a caution to be had with the Lutheran princes of Germany by the King in this treaty of combination, and thought to be of great consequence for the continuance thereof. The man that wrote it has not been brought up in business of state, and they that desire it are most of them, as I take it, divines by profession. Your Honour can well judge hereof; myself presume nothing herein. Undated.
Holograph Seal, broken Endorsed: 'Aprill, 1610.' ½ p. (128 121)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Viscount Cranborne]
[1610 ? April] Cranborne has given him of late many more hopes than he had of his disposition to enlarge his mind. Commends Cranborne's letters to Sir Thomas Haward, his brother, and to others, if they are his own; if not, his fault is the more. Gives his reasons for requiring Cranborne not to return to England before the end of the winter, which will complete two years. In this time he may see both Venice and Florence, and yet be here before Christmas. He has given Finet all directions as to the journey. Remits particulars of places to be visited to Cranborne's liking, upon conference with Mr Lister; so that he resolves to see Venice. Hopes he will keep some riding exercise while in France. Above all, lessen 'the number of your English' as much as possible. For the few weeks he is in Italy, he hopes he will not be enticed to be tainted either in soul or body, nor so indiscreet as to stir abroad in the night where murders and mischief are lawless. Is glad to hear he catches at the Italian, also that he has become a good cosmographer, and is contented to discourse of men and matter fit for one of his quality, instead of birds and beasts. Hopes he will be so well instructed as to receive the Communion, which he has too long deferred. Sends his thanks to Mr Lister and hopes Cranborne will follow his counsel for his diet, being to pass into hot countries. If he forbears fruit and heat he hopes to see him well at Christmas. He is to be very careful to vow his service with thankfulness to the great King. Undated.
Signed, the last 13 lines holograph 3 pp. (228 31)


  • 1. Sussex apparently erased.
  • 2. The Queen of France, Marie de Medici, was crowned at St. Denis on May 13.