Cecil Papers: August 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp113-124 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp113-124.

"Cecil Papers: August 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp113-124.

August 1609

Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 1. I enclose a letter which by error was brought here instead of going straight to you. Therewith I would have sent you the letter out of France but that the Prince has not done with it. His Majesty perused it yesternight and not before, having been busy at his sports. To the contents he said nothing of direction, but only about the point of the debts, that he knew no cause but the Ambassador might prosecute his motion as in his own name, though not as directed by his Majesty; which was that he might bring the answer to his own memorial, and not leave it to his successor, and so try what he could obtain.
His H[ighness] seemed to be distasted with the King about his answer to the book, wherein he says that the Pope and his Majesty were both his friends, but was well pleased with Villeroy's speech.
I have given order for making a bill for Sandy Mongrief and Mr Flynt. Court at Beaulieu, 1 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 120)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 1. His Majesty has been moved by Mr Doubleday in this petition. If there be any forfeiture to accrue to him by it, he is well pleased that Mr Doubleday have it. If the case, upon examination by the King's Counsel, be such as you conceive may be pardoned, his Majesty can be pleased to grant such a pardon as shall be meet at Mr Doubleday's suit, and for his benefit. Court at Beaulieu, 1 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 121)
The German Empire
1609, August 1. L'acte d'appel de Messeigneurs les tres illustres princes, L'Electeur de Brandenbourg, Duc en Prussie, etc, et du Comte Palatin du Rhin, Duc de Baviere et Neubourg, etc. 1 August, 1609.
Contemporary copy 47 pp. Relates to the right of succession to the German Empire (244 3)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Lord Treasurer
1609, August 2. They have here taken so great an apprehension of the French K. entering into the quarrel of Cleeves as upon Sunday last the President Richardot was dispatched towards the French K., to endeavour to satisfy him that neither the King of Spain nor these Princes intend to intermeddle in the cause. The President came to take his leave of Edmondes the day before his departure, and debated the reasons in their own and the Emperor's justification. The Archd. Leopold was come only with his own person and not brought above 4 or 5 in his company. Edmondes told him that he had heard that it was denied that any of those estates could be rightly claimed to be a fee male and, albeit some of them had been formerly of that tenure, yet now they were exempted therefrom, for when the Emperor Charles married his niece to the father of the deceased Duke of Cleeves and Julliers, he made a donation that in case of the want of issue male from them or their descendants all their estate should fall upon the female. As therefore the Emperor could not justly pretend any right, it was apparent his name and authority were but interposed to serve others' turn. By the private sending of the Archd. Leopold they had beforehand gained the governor of Juliers and others of that country to be at their devotion, who receiving the Duke in by the back door gave him means to effect more than he could have done by public force.
The President alleged that it was requisite the pretences of the one and the other should receive a judicial decision. By this smooth glossing, their design is to amuse them in France that they may gain time for assuming possession of what they hold, and for intimidating the other parties which have not as yet acknowledged the other German princes. If they shall find that France will not give way to those drifts, they will resort to new resolutions for accommodating that controversy, for whatsoever show be made they have neither the will nor the means to renew the war.
The French Ambassador has been advertised by his secretary lately returned out of France that the said K. has ordered his Ambassador in Switzerland to require leave for making a levy of 10,000 of that nation, but this Ambassador is specially directed not to acknowledge to them here any such thing but that the news may come to them by some other means; and Monsr de Chastillon, who was to have passed this way to return to his charge in Holland, is now stayed as if that K. were grown cold in his affection to that business. It seems that King has changed his former manner of proceeding. Because he found that the demonstrations he made of assisting the other party were held for no other than ostentations, he thinks now it will work a great astonishment in them here when they shall understand of the making of that great foreign levy and the show of silence, as it is not to be doubted it will thoroughly do.
Though there has been as yet no full assembly of the States at the Haghe, they are here advertised that there is a disposition to accept the ratification in the terms sent.
Owen and his confederates have much raised their crests since they understood of the Archd. refusing of the K.'s book.
Letters from Rome say the Pope was very much moved at the K.'s book, and made his complaint against it to all princes, and that it is the common opinion he will seek to take revenge thereof. 2 August, 1609.
Copypp. (227 p. 330)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders 9.]
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 4. His Majesty and the Prince returned on Wednesday night out of the Isle hither safe and well pleased, having visited a good part of the country, hunted in the park, and been entertained by the trained soldiers of the Isle, with their great contentment. Yesterday his Majesty was abroad all the day, and at night read your letters, with Verreyhen's speech, which now I have returned to you, and the letters that came from France, together with such bills as I received to be signed. The Prince means to be merry with you about his tumbler.
On Monday he means to go to Hurst Castle from hence by land, and to see the Needles, and from thence to take boat and so to Portsmouth, and from thence to Tichfield to bed, and hither again the next day. Court at Beaulieu, 4 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 122)
Sir Hugh Bethell to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 4. Acknowledges his letter of July 15th, commanding him to make stay of all his Majesty's woods in Wheldrake, co. Yorks, then unfelled and sold by commission. This he presently did. In Wheldrake Park are 28 unfelled trees, and in Darrell Hagg wood in Wheldrake 59, all which were bought by the Earl of Cumberland for certain waterworks he has to make, as he affirms; and 9 trees bought by his Majesty's tenants of Wheldrake. These are all the woods there unfelled, sold by the late commission. Ellerton, 4 August, 1609.
Signed 1 p. (127 123)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] August 5. I have returned to you the declaration in French concerning the matter of Cleves, which his Majesty signed this afternoon. At the perusing thereof he gave good liking to the matter, but said it was as little as he could do. But to that part of your letter which mentions the heat of the contentions between the Protestants in Germany, he marvelled, saying he had advertisement of the contrary from Mr Aton who carried his books, and that namely the gentleman having been by the Count Palatine requested to speak with the Duke of Wirtemberg about a reconciliation amongst them, had found the Duke very forward and ready, and that those two princes were trusted for both sides of the Lutherans and Calvinists; and great hope was conceived that things should fall to good terms between them.
His Majesty willed me to say that now that the French priest was taken again after his escape, and the Ambassador so forward to have him proceeded with, he would not doubt of your care to have him thoroughly examined, and all gotten out of him that might be.
Let this letter to the Lord Admiral be sealed and sent to him. It is much hastened here.
The Prince holds his purpose to go on Monday to Portsmouth, and my Lord of Southampton is today gone before to his house to make provision for his lodging. I am come hither to Winchester, thinking to have gone to Basing to you, and so to have attended you to Salisbury, hoping there will be now little to do at Beaulieu. But because I gather by your letter that you are not there yet, I purpose to attend here till I hear you are at Basing, except any letters I receive from you cause me to return. Wynchester, 5 August at night.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' 2 pp. (127 124)
Sir Julius Caesar to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 8. The two letters sent herewith were now delivered to me by Mr Quarles, postmaster, who told me they required haste and would have had a consideration usual for the portage, but I not being therewith acquainted, he was contented to rest it till your return.
Sir Henry Seckford prays for some convenient place in Ely House for the 'tentes and toyles', if it may be had without offence of the future Bishop, for else some place must be provided to the King's greater charge.
You may see by a paper sent herewith that the works for July amount to 3,0001 within less than 40s. God be merciful unto us. Strond, 8 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 125)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1609, August 9. They are here still amused with an opinion, because the French King does not yet make show of undertaking the business of Cleves, that the heat of those first motions is spent; and therefore they are in hand to frame the order for the intended reformations, which they say shall be to take away all sobresvelds (whereby they mean double pays) and likewise to abate the third part of all private entertainments. Howbeit they forbear as yet to publish this order in attending (as it was thought) to hear first some news from the President Richardot; the which when they shall understand they will find themselves much deceived in their reckonings. For the French Ambassador here tells me that he has been newly advertised that the said King has been so little satisfied with anything that has been represented unto him by the gentleman employed towards him from the Archd[uke] Leopold, whose arguments he termed to be gross and Germanlike, as he professes that he will persist in his former resolution. It is said that the Archduke Leopold has of late furnished himself of great quantity of munition in the castle of Juliers, and that there is an assembly procured by the Pope of divers of the Catholic Princes of Germany to advise for the favouring of the Emperor's pretended right, or rather to hinder the establishment of the other heretical Princes as they call them; the greatest part of the which assembly is compounded of Ecclesiastics, and the Jesuits have drawn forth the old cloistered Duke of Bavieres to be of the number.
The Irish Colonel is now departed from Spain, upon the success of whose negotiations there the Irish attend great matters. What care the Pope takes to hinder the reading of his Majesty's book, which he fears may give an irreparable blow to his authority, will appear unto your Lordship by the enclosed prohibition against the reading of the same upon pain of excommunication, though to make a show of less fear he has raked up the titles of some few books to join in that condemnation.
I send you herewith an extract of the last advertisements out of Germany.
I presented on Sunday last my letters of revocation unto the Archduke, whereupon I was used by him with great ceremony and demonstration of kindness. From Brussels, 9th of August, 1609.
Copypp. (227 p. 333)
Sir John Davys to Lord [Salisbury]
1609, August 10. In the county of Ardmagh, they have performed the following services: (1) the survey of all the lands in general; (2) the distinguishing of the church lands in particular; and (3) the gaol delivery, with the ordering of civil causes. Describes their method of making the survey. Their five surveyors took note of the name, situation and quantity of every 'ballibo' or town land, mountain, river, wood, bog, ford, church, castle and every other notable landmark, and the bounds of every parish, and are prepared to make an entire map of the county. By this map the commissioners will easily divide the crown lands into the great precincts of 8000, 10000 and 12000 acres, and make subdivisions of 1000, 1500 and 2000 acres; cutting out so many townlands lying together as will make up every several precinct or pro portion. They will do the like for the parishes and for the lands to be allotted to the parsons, the College, the towns, the hospital, or to free schools. [Details their method of distinguishing the church lands]. The Primate of Ardmagh claimed 220 towns as being lay fee and not 'termon' lands, each containing 200 English acres; which land he claimed to have in demesne and possession, that is he claimed to have the land itself, and not rents and services issuing thereout, alleging that the tenants were all removable at his pleasure. Nevertheless the jury's verdict was that his 'mensall' or demesne lands did not exceed 30 town lands, which amount to 600 English acres, and that the rest of the towns claimed by him were possessed time out of mind by certain Irish septs, yielding to the Primate rents and services only. The jury also found other demesnes and rents to belong to the Dean, dignitaries, prebends and vicars choral of that church. Nevertheless the Primate hopes all the lands claimed by him shall be given as dowry to his see, because there is an article in their instructions that all lands out of which the bishops had any rent should be reputed ecclesiastical lands, and be allotted to the cathedral churches. The writer, when he attended their Lordships in England, conceived that the Bishop of Derry only contended to have the 'termon' lands out of which the bishops had pensions and refections to be entirely given to their bishoprics, and that it was never intended to give them the lay fee or temporal inheritance out of which they had quit rents or services. He asks that that article of their instructions should be expounded to them, for if the Primate shall have all these 220 towns in possession, wherein he will neither build castle nor plant village, nor settle an English tenant, the plantation of this country which lies next the Pale will be utterly defeated.
Touching the gaol delivery, they found but few malefactors, for the nature of this people has ever been observed to be more fearful of the laws in time of peace than his Majesty's other civil subjects are; but if there be any revolt or rebellion they break all laws, human and divine, in a more outrageous manner than any other nation whatsoever.
They have now entered Tyrone, and will give an account thereof. The camp near the Blackwater, 10 August, 1609.
Holograph 4 pp. (127 126)
The Bishop of Durham to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 11. Yours of July 28th gives me satisfaction. Your doings have been honourable and chargeable. I have desired to retain the opinion of an honest man, and not to be a robber or spoiler of places wherewith I have been put in trust. We both are clear from any such sinister practice as has heretofore in this and the like case by others been used. Part of your satisfaction to the world must be your noble dealing with the poor Bishop of Durham, in freeing him from so many inconveniences, and in preparing, even beyond your own covenant, so convenient a stable for him. Accept my prayer and service, who for five weeks have been sick and lame but now on foot again. Bishop's Awkland, 11 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 129)
The Same to the Same
1609, August 11. The bearer, Mr Thomas Moray, attendant on the Duke of York, has seen Raby, Brancpith and Barnard Castles, all which he cannot but find very far out of order; and he has heard of the spoil committed in Gainford Wood. The Bishop has acquainted Moray with Salisbury's care to stay the felling of trees, and to preserve the best of the fallen timber for the repair of Raby Castle and other places; with the order for the present repair of that castle; and with Salisbury's care to stay the havoc intended by Mr Johnson; with all which the Bishop is sure Moray will acquaint the King. The trees intended for the pale, rail, etc, may be reserved or employed to other uses, for Mr Moray hears it is far better to make the walls of stone. Bishop's Awkland, 11 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 112)
The Same to the Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar
1609, August 11. Acknowledges their letters, directed to Sir George Frevile, Sir Charles Wrenn, Mr Chaitor, Mr Haggatt and himself, for the repair of Raby Castle, and of the pales, rails and lodges belonging to Raby parks. Reports their proceedings in the matter. Bishop's Awkland, 11 August, 1609.
Holograph 2 pp. (132 113)
Sir Julius Caesar to Lord [Salisbury]
1609, August 15. By the two letters enclosed Salisbury will see that their wood travails are not yet past; for my Lord of Cumberland presses that which is just between man and man; and yet how tender a thing it is to cut any more of that wood, the felling of which was stayed on Lord Knevet's motion, Salisbury knows better than the writer, being nearer to the King, whose pleasure must direct them in these difficulties. He will consent to what Salisbury thinks fit; so that neither the King may be offended nor my Lord of Cumberland justly grieved. Acknowledges Salisbury's letter of the 12th from Andover. Strond, 15 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 114)
Two Enclosures
(1) Earl of Cumberland to Mr Chancellor (Sir Julius Caesar).
Needing timber for the waterworks he meant to make for the defence of the sea upon Humber bank, he purchased some of Johnson the surveyor. He removed part, but part was still standing in Wheldrak Park and Darrell Hagg, when the Lord Treasurer's restraint arrived, forbidding the cutting of trees there. He begs, for reasons he details, to have leave to fell the trees, or the like number from Dighton Spring. Londesbrough, 4 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 110)
(2) Sir Hugh Bethell to [Sir Julius Caesar]
According to Caesar's and the Lord Treasurer's letters of July 15, he made stay of unfelled wood in Wheldrake, co. Yorks: including trees bought by the Earl of Cumberland in Wheldrake Park and Darrell Hagg for his waterworks, and other parcels. Ellerton, 4 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 111)
Levynus Munck to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 17. Sir Raphe Winwood departed yesterday towards Gravesend. This enclosed I received from Henry Lock from Cullen. I have taken order that upon his arrival at Prague he may receive 100 crowns more. 17 August, 1609.
PS.—The French Agent has entreated me to send this enclosed letter to Sir George Kier.
Holograph ½ p. (127 131)
Sir John Carill
[1609, before August 18] 'The requests of Sir John Carill.' He is tenant of Cheseworth House, and of the disparked parks of Cheseworth, Sedgwick, Colstable Farm and Buckley Wood, Sussex. He prays for the grant of the trees thereon, also that the House, now in decay, may be plucked down, and that he may have the materials at certain rates; for which he will make present payment of 6001, and of the residue at Midsummer. Undated.
1 p. (P.2339)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 537]
Thomas Wood to Mr Norton
1609, August 19. He has received, on his way homewards, another letter from my Lord of Cumberland, instructing him to procure a warrant for the 67 trees out of Deighton Springs in place of those he should have had in Weldracke Woods. Begs Norton to be earnest to procure them, for they are to be employed for the mending of Humber banks, to keep the water out of my Lord's grounds this winter. Bazinge, 19 August, 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (132 115)
1609, August 21. Warrant addressed to the Earl of Salisbury, with respect to the imposition on sugar. Salisbury, 21 August, 7 Jac.
Contemporary copy 1 m. (220 3)
Nicholas Saunderson to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 22. Salisbury granted him the wardship of his grandchild, the son of Edward Copuldike, his son-in-law, when it should happen. Copuldike died last week in Suffolk, leaving his wife in childbed, and with three small children without maintenance, he having consumed his estate in suits about the title of his land. Begs Salisbury to confirm the wardship to him, and offers him such further consideration for the same as the favour deserves. Fillingham, 22 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 132)
Sir John Davys to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 24. Refers to his previous letter of August 10 (see above). We have now done the like in the county of Tirone, though with more difficulty, because the names and quantities of divers 'balliboes' or town lands had been altered by the late Earl, and so made uncertain. The county is also now drawn into maps and cards, in a similar manner to Ardmagh. By this survey the King will know what land he has here, and how to distribute it to undertakers, and it will disable the natives henceforth from rebelling. This country, in which there were never any cities or towns to draw commerce, and in which the Crown never appointed magistrates or visitations of justice till within these five years past, was heretofore as unknown to the English here as the most inland part of Virginia is yet unknown to our English Colony there, so that our ignorance of their places of retreat and fastnesses made them confident in their rebellions; whereas we now know all the passages, have penetrated every thicket and fast place, and have taken notice of every notorious tree or bush; all which, being found by inquisitions of record and drawn into maps, are laid open to all posterity.
The distinction of the Church lands from the Crown lands is made known by a jury of 24, chosen with the approbation of the Lord Primate; for the Bishop of Derry has not yet arrived, whereat we marvel not a little. The Primate gave what evidence he would, and the rest of the clergy were permitted to produce what they could for their several churches; and whereas it was alleged that some priests, ordained by Popish bishops, durst not come in place, my Lord Deputy gave a safe conduct to all the Popish priests in the country to come and inform the jury. With this extraordinary indulgence have we proceeded, to avoid all colour of complaint, but I doubt my Lord of Derry will protest against this proceeding too, and therefore I could willingly come over with the return of this business before Christmas. The jury's verdict agrees in the main point with the verdict given last year, viz, they have found the 'termon' land to be the inheritance of the tenants thereof, and that the bishops had only rents and 'cosheries' out of the same, and might not lawfully remove them; so that if his Majesty give them all this land, it is a clear gift of the Crown.
Our session of justice here ministers no matter of advertisement. This country is exceeding peaceable and quiet now. They all stand upon their good behaviour now, for all expect some portion of land. The camp beyond Dungannon in Tirone, 24 August, 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'The King's Attorney in Ireland.' 2 pp. (127 133)
Sir Richard Wingfield to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 24. It has pleased God this morning to take unto His mercy my brother Sir Robert Wingfield. By his death the stewardship of the manor of Spalding and surveyorship of Northampton are void, both in your disposition. Since by the minority of my nephew he is uncapable of them, I beseech you for the surveyorship, a place of credit more than of profit. I would have attended you, but my brother dying with a will declared but not fully perfected (he dying 3001 in my debt, being the moiety of my estate), it stands me upon to labour about it; and I hope to find you my honourable Lord herein, you being one of the supervisors and my Lord of Exeter the other. 24 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 134)
Robert Wingfield to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 24. Of the death this day of his father, who has in part bequeathed him to Salisbury's love and oversight. As Salisbury's poor kinsman he begs for the benefit of his own wardship and the lease of his lands, his father having laid on him the great charge of an executorship. 24 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 135)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 24. He is constrained to recommend the enclosed to Salisbury, in regard of the great difficulty made by the postmaster to receive and send his letters, containing only ordinary matter such as he held it fit to acquaint my Lord Chamberlain withal.
The Spanish Ambassador received Salisbury's Irish goshawk and tercell with very great thankfulness, and keeps them both very daintily and well fed, not reclaiming them at all because he is very desirous to carry them into Spain safe and strong. Aldersgate Street, London, 24 August, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 136)
Postal endorsements: Hast, hast, posthast, hast, posthast, hast, hast. From London haste 7 in the after nowne. Receved at Stanes the 25 paste thre in the morning. Att Harfordbreg at 9 in the morning.'
Sir John Croke to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 26. Informs Salisbury of the death of his brother-inlaw, Sir Robert Wingfield, to the great sorrow of his desolate widow, Croke's sister, and the orphan children. Begs him to bestow the wardship of the eldest son upon the widow. Hackney, 26 August. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 137)
Nicholas Trott to the Lord Treasurer
1609, August 27. By my servant, John Turnor, employed by me about the ruins of the castle of Hertford, I heard rumours of treasure there hidden, which, for the usual vanity of such reports, I neglected; yet the concurrence of divers probabilities with the pointing out of likely places, and naming the quantity to be above 40,0001 value, make me not dare to contemn the whole matter, or refer it to the ordinary inquiry of the coroner. But as my servant tells me there has been unlawful practice to come to the treasure, and as I have been offered great part thereof, I thought it my duty to require your direction whether you think it worthy further inquiry, either by open digging the vaults named, or by examining the persons. If you vouchsafe to examine the matter, or refer it to any other, I shall attend and send my servant, neither of which I durst now do, for such notice might haply be taken thereof as might hinder the full discovery, if any such thing be. 27 August, 1609.
Holograph 2 pp. (127 138)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Bristol to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, August 28. On the complaint of the shoemakers and others there of great scarcity of leather, through excessive transportation of skins, Salisbury by his letter of June 19th restrained the Customs officers from entering calf-skins to be shipped. On examination they find that the price of all sorts of leather there has fallen more than 25 in the 100; and they, with the officers, will take care that there shall be no just cause of complaint of want of store. Therefore, because the chiefest trade of Bristol outwards consists of lead and calf-skins, they beg Salisbury to let the officers take entries for the latter to be transported as heretofore. Bristol, 28 August, 1609.
Signed: John Butcher, Mayor, Wyllyame Hickes, Alderman, Franncis Knight, Alderman, Willm Ellys, Alderman, Jno Hopkenes, Alderman, Wm Vawer, Alderman, Raphe Hurt, Alderman, Joh. Whitsone, Alderman, Mathew Haviland, Alderman. 1 p. (127 139)
Thomas Wilson to Roger Townshend
1609, August 29. The enclosed entreats you to pay for Mr Leech to my brother 101. Deliver it to the bearer, for my brother is at my house in Harford, preparing to return for Ireland. I will deliver the bill at our next meeting. Know my Lord's [Salisbury's] pleasure whether I shall wait upon him or no before my return to Hatfield. Salisbury House, 29 August, 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (195 111)
At foot: Roger Townshend to Thomas Wilson. My Lord is now busy with my Lord Privy Seal, so that I cannot deliver your letter yet, but upon your first letter he sent you word to be here in the morning. I have written to my wife to pay you so much money. Undated
Holograph ½ p.
The Earl of Salisbury to Viscount Cranborne
1609, August 31. Cranborne's servant sent from Nantes was welcome for the news of his health, and for the books Cranborne sent by him; which have given him better contentment than anything he has received from him since he left England. Remarks and advice upon his handwriting, his translations from the Latin, particularly Seneca and Cicero's Orations and Epistles; his exercises in French and in logic. He likes Cranborne's purpose to go from Geneva into Switzerland, and pass thence through some parts of Germany and Lorraine. Advises him not to so hasten his course as only to see such a prince or state and no more, for then his travail shall be fruitless. If the season fall not out to be too sharp, he wishes him not to return to Paris till December; by that means he will avoid the conversation of English, to whom (except sometimes to his two brothers-in-law) he would have him be a stranger during his stay in France. He is to be not sparing of any cost for guides or convoys to make his passage safe in his travels. Kensington, 31 August, 1609.
Signed 3 pp. (228 28)
Importation of Silkworms and Mulberry Trees
[1609, August] Francis de Verton, alias Forest, of London, gent, has undertaken to bring into this kingdom not only a great number of silk worms but great store of mulberry trees for the maintenance of the worms, whereby an exceeding great benefit will redound as well to all sorts of labouring people as to others. Warrant authorising him to bring in free of custom as many mulberry trees as to him shall seem good for five years, all other persons being forbidden to bring in the same. Undated
pp. (130 173)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610 p. 540]
'Articles presentez au Roy et a Messeigneurs de son Conseil par Francois de Verton, Sieur de la Forest, concernant l'establissment des vers a soye en ce Royaume et des Ouvrages et Manufactures qui en seront cy apres faictes.'
pp. (140 204)
King James to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, August.] My little beagle, because French Monsieur (fn. 1) is to take his leave of me upon Tuesday next, I thought good to remember you if he have gotten word that old Don Diego got a ring from me beside his present. He will think evil if he get not the like. Therefore I leave to your discretion to try if it be comed to his knowledge or not, that in case it be ye may have a ring hasted to me before his coming, for I doubt if he be as honest as the other was. I am sure he is as greedy as the best of them. I doubt not but ye have remembered to put the Spanish Ambassador to a point anent his complaints upon the States. It were a good time now if it were possible to put the Archduke's Ambassador to a point anent my people's commerce with his master; and thus hunt ye well there, for I am going to hunt here. Undated
Holograph Endorsed by Salisbury: 'The King's Majesty to me.' Seal on red silk (134 133)
Stay of Gold and Silver
[1609, August] Draft proclamation for the stay of treasure within the realm.
States as a reason for the revival of former laws for the stay of gold and silver within the realm, that both the price of silver in the trades of the East Indies and Turkey is become as a natural drain, to draw the same to be exported; and the industries and devices in the ordering of the mints of other States is as an artificial engine to attract as well the gold as the silver of this realm into foreign parts in respect of the assured gain by the recoinage. Undated
Imperfect 4 pp. (206 82)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–10, p. 535]


  • 1. De La Boderie, the French Ambassador, left England in August, 1609. [See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 544, and Cal.S.P. Venetian, XI, pp. 317, 324.]