Cecil Papers: September 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp125-137 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp125-137.

"Cecil Papers: September 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp125-137.

September 1609

David Spens to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, before Sept.] For letters to Sir Charles Cornwallis, Ambassador in Spain, directing that the money to be received on his account for goods taken at sea, be paid to him and not to Thomas Leman. Undated. ½ p. (P.1181)
Copy of the above (P.1230)
Sir Thomas Knyvett to [the Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar]
1609, Sept. 1. They required his opinion upon the Earl of Cumberland's request for timber out of the King's woods of Wheldrake or Dyghton, for the repair of waterworks upon Humber banks. The state of Wheldrake is such, by undue waste of the surveyor and others, that there will not be enough left to serve the tenants there. The King has no other use of Dyghton Woods but for his manor house of York, or repair of parks; but they have been so wasted that they will not serve that purpose. Of his own losses in the matter. He has given orders to his agent there not to interrupt the surveyor or any other with warrant for the disposing of timber. Stanell, 1 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 116)
Thomas Honiman to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 1. The enclosed letter came to me from one that I recommended a charge to inquire of Tyron, because it was reported that he was come to the Groyn; which otherwise speaking of discords upon the French and Spanish borders, because it is somewhat fresh, I thought good to send the same, that it might be compared to your other advices and designs. London, 1 Sept. 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Mr Honniman. Mr Staper.' 1 p. (127 140)
The Earl of Montgomery to Viscount Cranborne
[?1609] September 1. 'I beseech youre Lordship that you will pardon mee that you have not hard from mee all this while, for I protest the reson of it hath been because I was very desiorus that the first time you should have hard from mee should have been by my servant Palmer, whoo of my faith hath been coming ever since I reseved youre Lordships letter: but by reson of sum ocation of busines which hee had of his owne which hee desired to dispach before his going but could not dispach it beefore you had beegune youre jurny. (fn. 1) But then I thought it was to no purpos to send him beefore youre Lordships returne, beecause I knu it was a very unsertaine thing for him to know where to find you. But in the men time, having so convenient a mesenger as this, I could not but wright these few lines to desier you to rest assured that it hath not been ought of anny forgettfullnes that you have not hard from mee, nor for want of afection, for with ought anny farther compliment I protest to God, sett youre father and my owne brother asid, there is no man brething that I love so well as youre selfe. From Hamptoncourt, this I of September.'
Holograph Two seals on white silk 1 p. (200 7)
Captain Mewtys to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 3. He understands by my Lord Ambassador that Salisbury is willing to dispose of him, if anything fitting for so poor a servant should present itself. Thanks him for his favour, and offers services. Hage, 3 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 141)
William Browne to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Sept. 4.] Such is my inability to undergo the expensive charge of my place and to do his Majesty service, that I must beg somewhat to keep myself and my many children from beggary hereafter. Other petition I know not to make than for a pension, only for 20s a day during my life. Though neither from Queen Elizabeth nor King James have I ever obtained anything, yet without your approbation I will seek nothing. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: '4 Sept. 1609.' 1 p. (122 61)
Captain Roger Orme to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 4. Begs for letters to some such here as Salisbury thinks best on his behalf; without which he doubts that upon this new reducement, which is daily expected, he will be much undervalued, by reason of sinister means which he suspects will be used by some favourers of his false accuser Ampooul. He has related the matter to Sir Thomas Edmondes, who will give Salisbury his opinion of him. Flushin, 4 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 142)
Hidden Treasure at Hertford Castle
1609, Sept. 4. Statement by John Deacon respecting the supposed hidden treasure at Hertford Castle, delivered to the Justices, 4 Sept. 1609.
The first speech of the treasure was from Father Jarvisse, who said that he and his associates had a great brass pot up two or three times, the mouth covered with a plate and two cross bars of iron; but that they could not recover it though they lifted thereat with levers and had a horse drawing at it. Mr Sheriff not long after having bought the Castle, Deacon told him there was much treasure in it, meaning the said pot; upon which Mr Sheriff ordered him to stay the workmen at the likely places till he had told the Lord Treasurer and taken his orders; saying that though he had bought the Castle, the treasure appertained to the King. As Father Jarvisse's speech grew so common that there was daily prying about the Castle, Deacon caused a great heap of timber to be put upon the place, and turned the reports of treasure another way. When John Draper, the bricklayer, was taking down a vault, Deacon said it was likely there was treasure in it, and gave him as a 'sleight' a devised treasure upon a fair paper, with odd characters to colour the matter, and bade him cast the character upon the chafing dish of coals, the heat whereof made the writing appear. Draper found at the bottom of the vault an old chamber pot, and the carpenters being called to see it, they reported abroad that he had found a pot of gold. Reports his conversations with various people, one of whom perceived the 'sleight,' which he had seen done when he was a boy. The labourers were importunate to make trial of some places, but he told them it was very dangerous to deal before the ground was discharged, for they should see such fearful sights and hear such hideous noises as would scare them away, and then all were lost for ever. This dismayed them nothing at all, they being resolute not to stir an inch for all the devils in hell; and they entreated that the exploit might be forthwith undertaken. Considering their settled purpose, Deacon thought it the safest course that Mr Turner, the Sheriff's man, should tell his master the matter; and this being done, he told the labourers that Mr Sheriff had sent a straight command not to deal in the matter at all. The Sheriff said if Deacon thought there was treasure indeed, he should make the Lord Treasurer acquainted therewith. This command calmed their former heats. Submits himself to the censure of the Justices.
Holograph by Deaconpp. (127 143)
Sir John Stafford to the Lord Treasurer
1609, Sept. 6. Having received your letters concerning Dutchmen which have a project in hand for a conveyance of water that will be beneficial to the City of Westminster, as they pretend, and that my help must be had by a piece of ground that I hold in right of my wife; and finding by your letters that you are willing to aid them in the business; be assured that I will not forget your favours past, and that you shall command me wholly in this. My wife also is willing, and likewise my son Wynneard, whom it may concern hereafter. Only we refer to your consideration lest it may make our lease defective; whereupon I will take counsel when I come to London at Alhollantide. My house at Morlewood in Gloucestershire, 6 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 144)
The Earl of Suffolk to the Lord Treasurer
[1609] Sept. 6. Of Lord Cranborne's sickness and recovery. In his letter to Cranborne he has reminded him of the danger in heating his young hot blood and spirits, and doubts not he will make good use of his past danger. From hence are to be expected no novelties, where grow the same effects that Salisbury finds at Hatfield. Audly End, 6 Sept.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (127 145)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir John Stafford
1609, Sept. 8. Your letter assures me that you would not stand against reason nor a public good, and beyond that I will not press you. My ends are only the public good, and I am very loth there should be so long a delay as until Alholantide, because the loss of so much time will be a great hindrance to the work which the Dutchmen will presently take in hand, if they may have your permission. Yet I am unwilling you should pain yourself to come up about it. Write to any of your counsel to inform themselves, and if scruples arise, you and your reversioner shall remain as secure as your counsel can devise, and you shall have some increase of rent. In the meantime I hope it shall not dislike you that for avoiding loss of time the work be presently taken in hand. I expect your answer by this bearer, and require you to give your son Mr Winyard direction to receive satisfaction for you. Hampton Court, 8 Sept. 1609.
Draft, with corrections by Salisbury 3 pp. (127 146)
The Justices of Hertfordshire to the Lord Treasurer and Sir Julius Caesar
1609, Sept. 10. The rumour concerning treasure to be hidden in Hertford Castle first came from John Deacon, aged 60, a preacher of Hertford, who on examination confessed that he informed John Turner, servant to me the Sheriff, Henry Bull, gent, and one Gravenor, draper of Hertford, thereof, and to induce them to believe he had used a counterfeit form of conjuration. He denied that he knew of any treasure, and said that the deceitful practice was only his folly and a vain desire to be thought able to do such things; though we think his intent was to draw those persons into danger, and by that means to make his profit. For satisfying the rumour in the country and to punish his lewdness, we committed him to gaol from Friday till Monday as an imposter and abuser of the people. As we find no probability of treasure, or other matter than a deceitful intent in Deacon, we have enlarged him on recognisance to appear at the next sessions, forbearing to raise speech by digging or further inquiry. We beseech your direction if we shall enjoin him any further or more public confession, or that you think it meet he be otherwise dealt with. 10 Sept. 1609.
Signed: Nicolas Trott; He. Cocke; He. Fanshawe; Edw. Cason. 1 p. (127 148)
The Earl of Lincoln to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 10. Complains of the cunning practices and delays of Auditor Saxey's man. Upon Salisbury's warrant to the man, he promised to make a particular, but refused to set his hand to it, saying his master had delivered a subscribed particular to Mr Garaway. Lincoln told the man he thought he durst not do this without Salisbury's warrant; also that it was the King's and Salisbury's meaning according to the proclamation, which course is taken through the realm of England, both upon salt and fresh waters. Details further proceedings. Since then, after many delays, the man has practised with Mr Garaway and is purposely gone forth out of town. Asks what he shall do to remedy their malicious courses taken against him. Chelsey, 10 Sept. 1609.
Signed 1 p. (127 149)
Dorathie Selkan to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 11. Notwithstanding great charges and earnest soliciting, my suit has taken no effect, the ordering whereof was referred to you and Sir Julius Caesar. I entreat you bethink of a more indifferent course, according to the information of these men who follow the business for me, than that which Caesar has set down, else no man can undertake the business nor any benefit to me. Hampton Court, 11 Sept. 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (127 150)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Sept. 11.] This Monday, his Majesty being come from the hunting, the Venetian Ambassador sent his secretary to the Duke of Lennox that he would move his Majesty that he might presently come to speak with him, which he granted. You will receive enclosed his Majesty's letter, by which you will understand the general of all that passed between them. He would have written more particular but that it was too long to write, as also that he looks to hear from his Ambassador there, and from you after this Ambassador has been with you.
This day, notwithstanding the great rain, his Majesty killed a great stag, the Duke of Loynenborue (?) being with him, and tomorrow the said Duke dines here with his Majesty and hunts after noon, and takes his leave. His Majesty uses him with the greater respect in regard he is the Queen's near kinsman. His Majesty returns to Theobalds on Thursday, and on Friday the Palatine Duke dines with him there. The Earl of Dunbar will be at Court on Thursday or Friday. Wenssted, Monday.
Holograph Endorsed: '13 Sept. 1609. Sir Roger Aston to my Lord from Wansted.' 1 p. (127 153)
Sir John Stafford to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 12. Finding by your letters your will to further a public good to the City of Westminster, and requiring me to write to my son Wynneard to receive satisfaction for me of some rent for the ground which I hold in right of my wife, I have written to him to accept such a rent as you think fit; and I will confirm it when I come to London by such counsel as you direct me, nothing doubting, if it prove hurtful to my lease, I shall be righted by you. My lease is at London, none of my counsel are there, and my clerk, who looks after my evidences, is in Yorkshire; so I can do nothing with my own counsel if I were at London. Yet the work may go forward at your own will, for this my hand shall tie me to perform whatever you direct at Alhollantide. My house at Morlewood in Gloucestershire, 12 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 151)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 12. I am glad of this beginning of good news which you impart to me, and I pray you may long enjoy and never want the comfort of so hopeful and worthy a son. And I wish that whilst the little remnant of my decaying years endures, I may not want the strength of so honourable a friend, nor the Commonweal (for many and many years) so true and sound a pillar.
For Coo, I am sorry you should be so much troubled with so idle and turbulent a broken brained fellow. The answer which I received from you is just, and with such kindness towards me as I must always acknowledge. But in this continuing clamour I must entreat that Coo and Cage be divided asunder. Coo's complaint is that I have wrongfully imprisoned him. The cause and his desert appears in that minute which I delivered to his Majesty, and a copy thereof to you; and so I leave him.
For Cage (whom Coo has nothing to do with, but as a foolish or frantic unlawful maintainer), the proceedings against him have been orderly and just, and his contempts insolent and almost without example; and his case standing as it does, he is not by justice to be enlarged before as well the Court as the adverse party be satisfied.
Coo's letter I keep till I see you, because he dares therein so proudly to charge his Majesty that he affirmed upon the word of a king that Cage should be enlarged, and Coo himself protected, and this at Bagshot, causa mandita. Ashridge 12th Sept. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 152)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] Sept. 13. This Wednesday your letters came and were delivered to Mr John Morre before I knew anything of their coming, notwithstanding I was here and came in with his Majesty and attended the more diligent to have answer of my former letters, which his Majesty looked for, and asked me sundry times whether I had heard from you or not. The letters were opened and read before I saw them. I was asked the reason why the letters came not to me. My answer was it was a mistaking in the messenger, for they were directed to me and, in my absence, to John Morre. He knew that I was not absent, and yet would open the letters to let others see his credit. I took no exceptions to his proceedings, but received his Majesty's direction for answer of your letter.
First for the proceedings in Venice against his Majesty's book, he bade me tell you he cared not much for it, seeing he knew by what means it came.
The second part of your letter more contents his Majesty than I can write, and that is to hear of the good amendment of your son. When he read that part of your letter he 'lope' for joy, and told us how his letter and the news of his amendment came both at one time.
His Majesty gave me your letter and the other that came from Venice, and bade me keep them. If you would have them sent back, let me know, and they shall come in the next packet. His Majesty is this night come to Havering, and is troubled with a great cold which he took on Monday last at the hunting. His purpose was to have been at Theobalds on Thursday night, but by reason of his cold will tarry here till Friday. He would have you presently send to Sir Lewis Lewkenor to let him know that his pleasure is that he go presently to the 'Pallentyne', and excuse him that he cannot keep him company on Friday by reason of his great cold. If his haste be not great, his Majesty desires him to come to Woltome on Saturday at night and dine with him on Sunday. If his haste be great, his Majesty would have him come to Woltome on Friday, and dine with him on Saturday. Or if they will not come to Woltome, they may come from London; but that is referred to themselves.
His Majesty was well pleased with the Queen's being at Somerset House, and of her company, and of her good remembrances to him that should 'pe' [?pay] for all; and thereupon entered in some discourse of her loving behaviour towards him, wherein you were no ill instrument.
His Majesty desires to know which 'corle' it is that you mean in your letter, that is either dead or will not live. I have no news but that this morning Montgomery and he (sic) were made friends by his Majesty, and since they have been very great and merry. Dunbar will not be at Theobalds till Saturday. You need not doubt of my attendance here, for I have no business but to attend his Majesty's service. Havering, 13 Sept.
Holograph Endorsed '1609'. 3 pp. (127 154)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 13. Lady Kennedy has complained to me against her husband, charging him to have had a former wife living when he married her, with cruelty that has put her in fear of her life, and with divers adulteries. I attended upon his Majesty at St James's, when he took notice of the suit begun between the parties, and required me to deal justly. On the lady's complaint, Sir John promised me to entertain his counsel, but has not been with me since. I wrote to him to appear before me, when he sent Sir Robert Stewart to entreat me for a protection, pretending that divers lie in wait to lay executions on him; but afterwards Sir Robert assured me he would bring Sir John to me this morning. But when he was expected by me and the counsel on the other side, Mr David Dromond brought me word that Stewart was gone to the Court, and that Sir John craved pardon for [not] coming except I would send a protection. Dromond further told me that he had been with you for a protection, and you answered you would be glad to know first what I might do by virtue of the commission; adding that if my authority would not so far extend, you would be a means that he might have it. As the cause now stands I am ignorant how far my Lord Cooke his new points of law will suffer the authority of the commission to extend. I am persuaded that none ought to be molested with arrests or executions when called before his Majesty's commissioners; but of later times there have been some contempts committed that way. If an execution be laid on Sir John, we might, I suppose, punish the parties, but I do not see how he should be relieved. In the Parliament time the Lords have been troubled with such like particulars, which leads me to think that it were fit he had a protection from his Majesty. I imagine the suit will not be very long, except my Lord Cooke think fit to disturb us with some prohibition.
I thank you very heartily for sending to visit me, for your most kind speeches of me to the Bishop of Rochester, and for making my excuse for my absence from Hampton Court. As it falls out with men in agues, I have some good and some bad days, and fear you will be a true prophet when you said to my servant Scot you doubted I should not be well until I had avoided the stone that first troubled me. I pray you may ever be defended from all evil, and particularly from the stone. Lambeth, 13 Sept. 1609.
Signed 2 pp. (127 156)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 14 The Count Palatine had sent his apparel and provisions to Waltham, and had come there himself, before I received your letter. I imparted the contents to him and he requested that his Majesty would dispose of him as of his humble servant, and should account himself very unhappy if he should interrupt him in any of his recreations; and he would attend here the King's pleasure. Tomorrow he will see the house and park, and see a flight at a partridge if the weather be fair. He is singularly well satisfied, and I hope we shall find means to entertain him that he shall not think the time long. I have written as much to Sir Roger Aston, from whom I look to know his Majesty's pleasure tomorrow. Waltham Cross, 14 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 157)
The Bishop of Durham to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 15. Yours of the 9th were brought to me the 13th, with your enclosed to Sir John Claxton, whom you are informed to be a fit man for the private inquiry of such royalties, rights and privileges as have anciently belonged to the Lordships of Rabie, Barnard Castle and Branspith, now assigned to the Duke of York. Sir John, whose father was in the late rebellion and attainted, at the King's entrance undertook the managing of Mr. Nevill's business, who sought to be an Earl of Westmorland, and required the late Earl's tenants to be furnished with horse and money for the intended Earl's use, being then and still continuing an indicted, convicted, confined and excommunicated recusant. He and his family are very obstinate, and he suffers not his son to come to church. If such a one, one of the most dangerous recusants of the North, be so employed, it would give great offence to good subjects, and encourage all the papists in these parts, who daily grow proud and heady, who take him (whose estate is the meanest of all the knights in this Bishopric) as their ringleader. Observe who the men are who commend him to you. Mr. Sanderson, a strong opposite to Sir John, a man as busy on the other side, who has no employment but what he thrusts himself into touching the Duke's business, procured a commission to commissioners chosen by himself last year, and this year procured the like to sundry of this Bishopric and of Yorkshire, namely, Sir John Mallery, Sir Thomas Lassells, Sir Richard Thekston, Mr Henry Topham, and Mr Christofer Parkinson, counsellors-at-law; of whom Thekston and Topham being only of the quorum and Thekston being dead, that commission is now also void. By Thekston's death a great part of the benevolence given to the Duke now due, is like to be neglected, unless you appoint a sufficient man to receive it. Command John Barnes. Clerk of the Chancery here, or any other, to direct a commission to whom you please; and call Serjeant Hutton, Chancellor here, to take care thereof. If you think it meet to have any inquiry of the royalties, etc. it may please you that a jury of 24 of the most ancient knights and esquires of this county may be called; whereto I and my officers shall give assistance. Your letter to Sir John Claxton I make bold to keep in my hands until I understand your pleasure. Bishop's Awkland, 15 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 2 pp. (127 158)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] Sept. 15. I received this morning an answer from Sir Roger Aston of my letter, by which he signifies his Majesty intends to come to Tyballs this night, and to entertain the Count Palatine tomorrow at dinner and hunting. Waltham Cross, 15 Sept.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.'
Postal endorsement: 'Hast, hast, posthast, hast, posthast, hast. From London, past 10 of the clock.' ½ p. (127 159)
The Countess of Derby to the Earl of Salisbury and the Earl of Suffolk
1609, Sept. 15. I have made choice of John Ireland, esq, your Lordships' lieutenant and captain of the Isle of Man, for the receiving of all moneys henceforth due upon the foot of the accounts of officers there, and to cause the same to be transported to Liverpole for my use. The doing thereof may sometimes prove dangerous by means of piracy or wreck, and I hold it not convenient the loss should be charged upon him. I pray your Lordships by your letters will be pleased to undertake the saving of him harmless from such casualty and danger, so as the same happen not through his own negligence. I hereby promise to discharge your Lordships from all loss that may grow to you by such undertaking. From the Stronde, the 15th day of September, 1609.
Signed: 'Your lordshipes moost loving nece and cosin, E.Derbye.'
Endorsed: '13° (sic) Sept. 1610. Countess of Derby's undertaking to save my Lord and Lord Chamberlain harmless for the warrant they have given the Lieutenant of the Isle of Man for transportation of money from thence.' ½ p. (128 151)
John Hare to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 16. I beseech you to sign this order enclosed for my warrant of the process against Sir William Fletewood's sureties, which shall be ready for the seal against Monday, together with a commission which Mr Percival will inform you of. I also desire you to sign the enclosed letters, which will be to very good purpose for furthering the business; the rather because I shall this next week attend wholly the business concerning Mr Royter. London. 16 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 170)
Lady Anne Glemham to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 18. Acknowledges his favours, and begs for a supposed concealed wardship in Norfolk.
Long since it pleased you to give my dear father the wardship of Pelham's son that was Lord Chief Baron in Ireland, which ward my father told me you gave him for my behoof. So it is I never had a penny of it. My Lord agreed with the mother for 3001 to be paid in two years. 1001 was paid the Michaelmas before my father died. My Lord's death being so sudden debarred him from conveying it to me, as he ever promised; so my brother Dorset reaped the benefit of that and other things which my Lord ever intended for me; some of which I can prove by witness, and for some other his hand; but all avails not, so extreme 'strick' is the Lord William Howard to me in all my just demands, as if I were rather a foe than a beloved child to my dear father. 18 Sept. 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Lady Anne Glemham to my Lord.' 1 p. (127 160)
The Bishop of Lincoln to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 19. For a bishop to confirm a lease is a usual action, yet when the law has cast that authority upon him only as a supervisor of trust to prevent or stop such leases as by improvident or covetous churchmen are made prejudicial to their successors, circumstances may occur to bar the customary act till unreasonable conditions be reformed, whereof this lease passed to Mr Jones has two main ones: which notwithstanding are now by your letters no obstacles to me or it. For though neither lessor nor lessee, prebendary or farmer, has either by word of mouth or letter vouchsaved to move me (which even common courtesy would have required), yet that also is no let, for I have confirmed it and, which is more, the prebendary being now dead and supposed so to be at the passage of that lease. But where you intend a pleasure (and in this Mr Jones has received a very great one) my furtherance shall never want. Bugden, 19 Sept. 1609.
PS.—I most humbly thank you for your kindness vouchsaved me, a country retired Bishop, when I last attended you.
Signed. The postscript in the Bishop's handwriting 1 p. (127 161)
Sir George Frevile to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 23. Reports his proceedings in the repair of Raby Castle and parks, committed to his charge by the Bishop of Durham, Sir Charles Wrenn and others. Proposals in view of the Duke of York's using the Castle hereafter. Suggests that the two feodaries of Yorkshire Sir Thomas Bland and Marmaduke Wilson, should be appointed to survey the spoils and other abuses of the Castle and parks. His Majesty's Castle at Raby, 23 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 2 pp. (132 117)
[Sir] G[eorge] C[arew] to Monsieur de Puisieuls, (fn. 2) 'Secretaire d'estat et des commendements au Roy
[Before 25 Sept. 1609] Concerning the deputation of him or them who will confer with me as to the debt between these two crowns, I have wanted to advise you that heretofore his Majesty deputed by his own mouth to this effect your father and Monsieur de Suilly, with whom we had also opened the matter. I hold that he could not find any more suitable, provided they were willing to attend to the matter, which I doubt without the repeated command of his Majesty. This bearer will tell you the cause by word of mouth. But if it be so that the above said gentlemen could not attend to the matter in the present, then I pray you to have it committed to some other, so that this business being well heard and dispatched (vuidée) according to what shall belong to it, friendship between the two crowns shall be by all good mutual offices more and more bound (estreinte). To prolong it on the contrary by postponements and evasions will give the appearance of stirring it up (de l'esbransler). 'Du fauxbourg de St Germain, ce lundy au matin.'
Signed: G.C. French 1 p. (186 1)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Viscount Cranborne]
1609, Sept. 27. It is so late that I wrote to you as I should not need to write at this time if it were not in respect of the opportunity of this bearer, sent of purpose by your father-in-law to you and his sons. I send you God's blessing, and wish to hear that you are in health. For all other things, I have heard so well by those who attend you of your desire to gather knowledge and acquire outward and inward virtues, as I will only say I hope you will, when you come to England, make your friends witnesses of both. You had need to grow apace, or else you have a goodly young lady that will be too high for you, whom I saw lately, and your sister of whom, because I know nature will make you careful, I think it not amiss to advertise you she begins to grow very well. Whitehall, 27 Sept. 1609.
Signed 1 p. (228 29)
William Gamull to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 28. He dispatched Salisbury's letters to the Countess of Derby, and returns her answer. Chester, 28 Sept. 1609.
Signed ½ p. (127 163)
Lord Chancellor to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 28. Your first letter found Mr Attorney and me together, and since I have received your other by the post, with Coe's included. I contemn his malice, and in Christian charity pity his person. What I conceive of his letter I will let you know at my coming to the Court, which cannot be before Saturday, before which time I hope there will be no use of my service, and therefore a small excuse (if you afford it me) will serve for so idle a servant. And yet I shall not be idle here. York House, 28 Sept. 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (127 164)
Sir George Buck to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 29. Sir Charles Howard is bound to pay him 201 a year, but for almost four years he has paid him only 141 odd (besides 201 which with overmuch entreaty he got from the Lady, his wife). Howard makes no conscience either to pay his due debt or relieve him in his long sickness and adversity. Being unwilling to arrest Howard, or extend his land, for the honour he bears his family, he begs Salisbury to take order in the Exchequer that his money may be paid out of Howard's fees and pensions. 29 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 165)
Anthony Ersfeild to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Sept. 29.] The 22nd of this present our Commander was taken ill with a burning fever, and without intermission was exceedingly tormented with it to his last breath. He would not be persuaded to send for any physician until his disease grew desperate, so as amongst many of his virtues, this was his last fault, that he was wilful to refuse the ordinary means for his preservation. What damage the State has by losing such a member you best know. What this poor place may suffer we shall soonest feel. Portsmouth, this 29th at night when he departed. Holograph Endorsed: 'Captain Anthony Ersfeild to my Lord. Sept. 29, 1609. Sr Fra. Vere's death.' 1 p. (127 166)
Sir Griffin Markham to Sir Thomas Edmondes
1609, Sept. 30. Your first postile seems to be remembered, for these men are gone and going. Mr Trumbull knows, and, I assure myself, will advertise you all the particulars. The gowned philosophers will set up their rests to return and interest the reputation of the whole brotherhood, which how potent it is you have had some experience; and you may be assured they will not want to engage both wit and power, even to the last drop, to effect it. Therefore you must of the contrary side employ your whole talents both of judgment and credit to make good so glorious a work so well begun, and account it not one of the meanest actions amongst so many great ones that you have managed; for if you can still breed constancy where it ought to be, you shall be the first triumphant subject that ever undertook this just attempt. I will assist you with my prayer, not having other means. All other matters I leave to Mr Trumbull, with whom I have imparted my poor opinion. Commend my best service to your best Lady. Bruxells, last of September, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 162)
The Bishop of Durham to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Sept. 30. Reports his proceedings with the contractors, Sir George Frevill, Sir Charles Wrenn, Mr Chaitor, Sir William Gascoigne and others, with regard to Gainsford Wood, and the repair of Raby Castle and parks. Gives a full description of the castle and parks. Mr Sanderson's proceedings at Branspeth Castle. Bishop's Awkland, 30 Sept. 1609.
Holograph 2 pp. (132 118)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Sept.] His Majesty having daily information of stealing of deer, is the more desirous to have the proclamation go forward, and therefore has commanded me to write to you that, seeing the Chancellor is at London, you would resolve speedily to perform that which was agreed to be done.
Yesternight Lord Clefton came hither and informed the Duke of Lennox that hunters had killed in one night 20 does in a park at Grafton. This has made his Majesty more earnest in hastening this proclamation than he was.
His Majesty is presently at Bagsoutt, and means to be here this night, and tomorrow goes to Windsor, and on Thursday to Hampton Court, where he looks that you will meet him.
I had some directions to you, but it was not my good luck to see you on Saturday. I went to see my wife, where I tarried Sunday all day. Yesterday I returned according as I promised to his Majesty. In my going you were abroad taking the air; in my returning you were gone to Hatfield, so that I could not see you.
His Majesty is here in the midst of his pleasures, in fair weather, and good health of body, which is the cause he stays a day longer here than he thought to have done, for he should have been at Windsor this night. From Bagsoutt this Tuesday.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Sept. 1609.' 1 p. (127 167)
Sir John Rooper to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Sept.] By your letters I was very much grieved to find that the falcon I sent you did not perform her flying to like you. The day before I sent her she killed three partridges at one flight. Now she is committed to Mr Leake she will come in short time to her wonted flying. Hearing your purpose to spend some time with my Lord Suffolk, I have now sent you an 'entermewed fowlour' very full of spirit, but as yet unsteady, in regard she has not killed above five or six partridges; but if you commit her to Mr Leake, or some other skilful man that will fly her at good times, she will please you very much. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Sept. 1609.' 1 p. (127 168)
Lord Stanhope to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Sept.] I presume of my former leave to be absent, by reason of my weak health and other imperfections, till I shall be farther summoned. I send to understand of your health, after this unseasonable progress. Undated.
PS.—I received this letter yesternight, which I send you for the novelty thereof. I saw not the party this twelvemonth, but have heard of him once or twice to help his miserable poverty afore he had any touch of this humour.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Sept. 1609.' 1 p. (127 169)


  • 1. Possible reference to Cranborne's journey through France which began on the 8th of August.
  • 2. Puisieux was appointed Secretary of State on 4 March, 1607 (N.S.).