Cecil Papers: June 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp61-78 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp61-78.

"Cecil Papers: June 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp61-78.

June 1609

Sir Stephen Lesieur to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 1. Sir John Davyes, the King's Receiver-General for Essex, Hertford, London and Middlesex, is suddenly dead yesternight. Begs Salisbury's furtherance to obtain that office. 1 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 61)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 1. This bearer, Mr Johnson, has had complaints made against him in the execution of his commission for sale of his Majesty's woods in Yorkshire. I assure you I cannot perceive but that he has carried himself very respectively, both for his Majesty's honour and profit, giving good satisfaction to the buyers and, especially, to his Majesty's tenants and the near inhabitants. But it is a very hard matter, or rather impossible, for any man so to behave himself in that employment that some, either for malice or private respects, will not seek to disgrace and slander. I assure myself that where you shall so find it, you will afford the more favour to them that are so wronged, which is my suit on his behalf. Sheffield Lodge, 1 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 62)
John Woodward to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 1. He has delivered to the postmaster of Chester a certificate of the manor of Bushop's Castle, Salop, together with the surveys of lands, etc, called Abbots Cotton, Heathowse and Crabball, Cheshire. The surveys of the manors of Cartmeale and Nevill, Lancashire, he hopes to finish by next term. Chester, 1 June, 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Mr John Woodward, the surveyor of woods in the county of Chester.' ½ p. (132 74)
Postal endorsements: 'For his Maties servis, hast hast post hast, give a care of this bage, enter it in your books. Chester 2 of June.
At 10 in the afforenone. Jo. Francis post at Chester. At the wyche poste one in the afternonne the same day. Stone at 5 at night. Lichfild past 9 at night. Coleshull past 12 the same night. Daventry at 6 in the morninge. Tocester past 8 in the morninge. Breckhill at 11. Saint Albons past 2. Barnett at 4 of clocke and past. From the 3 cupes in Holborn past sixe a cloke in the afternonne.'
Rock Church to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 2. In reply to charges made against him by officers of the Earl of Rutland, in connection with the sale of trees in Arnold Wood, Forest of Sherwood. Details his proceedings therein, and asks that the wood sold may be delivered. Nottingham, 2 June, 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Mr Rock Churche, the surveyor of woods within the county of Notts.' 1½ pp. (132 75)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1609, June 3. The party that is to bring over the Roman Catholic book lately printed at Arras is one Fowler, who has married Dr Tayler['s] sister, and is a principal spreader of books. He comes hither in a bottom of Dunkirk, with his wares, within a day or two, and is to be met with by searching those vessels at Gravesend. Lamb[eth], 3 June, 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (127 63)
Lord Norreys to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 5. The Commissioners for selling woods return to Shottover Wood and Stowe Wood on the 8th. As they cannot sell, and the woods be felled and carried, before 'Fence Month,' he asks whether he should deny or suffer them to proceed. Details the Commissioners' previous proceedings there. Does not know whether they have sold more or fewer than they ought, because the number is only known to Sir Francis Stonard and Sir Robert Johnson. If the Master of the Game intermeddles (in keeping the account not in rating the prices), the King can be no way prejudiced nor himself profited, it being a matter of more difficulty for three to conspire together to benefit themselves who shall have dealing together only in one place, than for two who are joined together for selling through the whole county. That article is wise which appoints the commander of every forest or chase to be joined with these two; their having a stranger linked with them causes more likelihood why the King should have a true account made, than if there were three or more joined in a permanent commission. Effects of the publication of the commission, before kept private. The Commissioners have two defences to protect them from accounts: one, that they have liberty to sell as many 'doeated' trees as the country will vent; the other, that the King granted the University of Oxford 60 loads of wood for making the river navigable; wherein, if the King had given a certain number of trees, the reckoning had been easier made by far. If Salisbury saw the huge quantity of woods proportioned for those 60 loads, he would not think 400 ordinary carts were able to draw it. But Dr King, who managed the affair, would have no less; following it, as he uses all affairs he takes in hand, with extreme violence and passion. Details his own dealings as to the lops and bark. Gives reasons why, if the King purposes to nourish deer in those places, the woods must be preserved. As to former sales in these two woods. The party employed, with the woodward and a shipwright, was one Whisteler, lately a servant to Lord Knowelles, but now to the King, who was so well 'enabled' by that service as shows there is some strange secret whereby they that deal in these matters of woods extraordinarily benefit themselves.
His lieutenant, Sir Francis Curson, of whom he long since complained, is still in the place, because he will set none other there unless appointed by the King or Salisbury; and if Salisbury refuses to direct him he purposes to know the King's pleasure; but he will have no need to make much haste, because Curson cannot suddenly do any further harm than he has done already, it being in reasonable good state for deer. The courses taken by Curson, his servants and the shipwright, are most exorbitant in the matter of woods: 'some that should have been swimming on the seas have been lately found hidden in the entrails of the earth buried there, hoping to have covered their faults;' but by whom is not yet known. If inquiry be made, by commission or otherwise, he will employ his travail that the truth may appear. Ricott, 5 June, 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Lo. Norreis to my Lord, concerning wood sales in Oxfordshire.' 3 pp. (127 64)
Contemporary copy of above with side notes 2 pp. (127 66)
Another copy 2 pp. (126 144)
The Earl of Rutland to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] June 5. He doubts not but Mr Arnold has certified Salisbury what was done in Arnold Wood, Forest of Sherwood, before Salisbury's letter came to the verderers. He thinks what is already sold should be delivered according to the bargain; and the unfelled trees should remain for the benefit of his Majesty's deer. As to the value of the wood. Belvoire, 5 of June.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (132 77)
Sir Robert Johnson to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 6. Details his dealings with Joseph Mane, who pretends by colour of his lease title to some trees in Barnwood Forest. Recommends that the lease be surrendered, and another made. Brill, 6 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 78)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 7. I, being informed that Holtby and some other Jesuits were at Sir Christopher Roper's house, sent two of his Majesty's messengers, assisted with the constables adjoining and others, to search for them, by virtue of our commission. But Roper keeps his house fast, and will suffer none of them to enter. His lady demanded of one of the messengers whether he had any warrant under six of the Lords' hands; he answering that his warrant was only from me and others of his Majesty's commission, she 'flurted' at it, but added that Lord William Howard had two or three chambers in that house, and said that if he would promise to search none of them he should come in, bidding him take heed what he did. He told her he thought she much abused Lord Howard's name. Nevertheless he, leaving a guard about the house of almost 40 persons, came to me yesterday night to know what he should do. I sent him back with my letter to Roper that he should be better advised and suffer the search which I had directed, not omitting to tell him how he abused the name of my Lord William Howard. Also I wrote to Mr Briskow and the constables of Barnet (which is within a mile and a half of Sir Christopher's house) with the rest of their company, giving them thanks for their pains, and requiring them to continue their guard of the house until they heard from me again. The house Roper dwells in he has hired (as I am informed) of Lord William, but I do not believe that his Lordship has reserved any chambers for his own use; or if he has, forasmuch as under that pretence such seditious and traitorous persons might be entertained contrary to his Lordship's mind, I see no reason why they may not be searched by discreet persons. You may perceive by the premises of what estimation his Majesty's commission (through the insolent contempt thereof by some, and the audacious and factious disposition of others) is grown to be; which is a high degree towards the neglect of greater authority. Acquaint his Majesty with the premises, if you think fit, or otherwise send a warrant under six of the Lords' hands to the messengers, Humphrey Cross and Richard Bracy, or to whom you please, for making the search, taking with them the constables and their assistants, or in any other form you best like of. This or some other course is meet to be forthwith taken, because the guarding of the house with so great a number (and fewer would be insufficient) will perhaps give occasion of more speech than were convenient. Lambeth, 7 June, 1609.
Signed 2 pp. (127 67)
The King's Woods in Sussex
1609, June 7. Valuation of the King's woods in the manor of Loxwood, parish of Greene. Signed by Henry Shelley, Justice, and Edmond Gavell, surveyor. 7 June, 1609.
½ p. (132 85)
Lord Treasurer Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes
1609, June 7. When I consider what I send you in sending you this book, as well in respect of the author as of the subject, I conclude you will neither look for many words from me to praise that which praises itself, nor that I should use persuasion to you to give it all circumstances of advantage in the presentation. By the enclosed copy you shall see what the King has written, in conformity whereof your language may be carried. Of any other particular that has relation to the public I know not at this time, for the Low Country business being dispatched other things are either indifferent or vulgar. Therefore these serving to no other purpose I will end. From the Court at Greenwich, the 7th of June, 1609.
PS.—Now that you receive your letter of revocation you may use it at your best time; and for your visit of the Spaw I am only sorry you should have cause, for you may therein use your own discretion.
It is not amiss that you let fall to the Archduke that the French King has received it, that a book is gone to the King of Spain and to the Emperor. You may do well to leave some of yours behind you, as Hoboque has done here.
Copy 1 p. (227 p. 304)
The Enclosures
(1) Copy of his Majesty's letter sent to the Archduke with the book.
Monsr, mon cousin et frere: Ayant a vous communiquer un subject que nous estimons toucher autant à l'honneur et sureté de tous Princes Chrestiens comme à la nostre; et ayant nostre ambassadeur demeurant aupres de vous par la bouche de qui nous avons moyen de vous faire plus amplement entendre nos conceptions que par la longueur de lettres, nous nous sommes voulu servir de luy en cest endroict, vous priant de luy donner audience à vostre commodité pour les vous signifier et luy adjouster foy en ce qu'il vous dira de nostre part: de quoy ne faisons point de doubte, attendu que le subject qu'il traictera ne vous touche moins qu'à nous mesmes.
½ p. (227 p. 305)
(2) Copy of his Majesty's letter to the Archduke for revocation of Sir Thomas Edmondes.
Nostre serviteur le Sieur Edmonds ayant dès la conclusion de la paix entre nous et le Roy d'Espagne nostre bon frere et vous tenu la place de nostre ambassadeur resident auprès de vous, nous avons occasion de l'en rappeller pour nous servir en autres affaires, ly trouvant propre et tant plus habile pour l'expérience qu'il s'est acquise en ceste charge la. Et ne doubtons point que comme durant sa demeure par dela il s'est comporté en sa charge de la façon qu'il nous a donné contentment, ayant envers nous faict tous les bons offices qui luy convenoit pour entretenir et accroistre l'amitié qui est entre nous, aussy vous ne luy permettiez facilement de revenir vers nous pour attendre par deçà nos commandments. Et afin de continuer tous offices de bonne amitié entre nous, luy avons ordonné de laisser là quelque personne habile pour demeurer aupres de vous en attendant que nous y envoyons quelque autre pour prendre la charge d'ambassadeur qu'il a tenue de par nous.
2/3 p. (227 p. 305)
Abstracts of the above three letters (227 p. 360)
The Earl of Salisbury to Lord Norreys
1609, June 8. I have received your letter, wherein though you touch at many things, few require answer, saving the doubt you conceive that the commissioners will fell and carry timber in fence month, contrary to the instructions which prohibit it, which you confess you have seen published in print; so we must needs think you either mistrust without cause, or else that you contradict yourself. Notwithstanding, if any such thing should be offered (as by no means we can imagine it will), we hope without asking leave you have warrant sufficient to forbid them.
As for the wisdom of that article which you so much admire, we cannot reach into the cause of your admiration, but it is often seen that many men wonder at themselves, and sometimes at nothing. However if you observe that want of sincerity in the commissioners in the proportions of their sale, which it seems by your letter you suspect, or you desire to be acquainted with their accounts, we doubt not but you may, very safely and with good leave, either yourself or by your deputy: and to that end for your satisfaction we have written to them.
Concerning his Majesty's benevolence of wood to the University, which you say Mr Dr King manages with so great violence and passion, we have not noted any such passion in him at other times. But whereas you would persuade us that it had been better, and safer for prevention of abuse, that his Majesty's grant had mentioned the number of trees and not the number of loads, I might wonder at that Article, seeing every man may know better the certainty of a load of wood than I tell how many trees will make three score load, unless I knew the bulk and bigness of every one of them aforehand; and therefore let not that point trouble you any further.
For the differences betwixt you and your lieutenant Sir Francis Curson, wherein you seem to desire my directions, the answer I can make is but this, that if you find yourself wronged you may complain to his Majesty, or address yourself to the Justice in Eyre, to whom it more properly belongs than to me, whom it concerns nothing at all, neither do I mean to meddle in it. Court at Greenwich, 7 June, 1609.
Draft, with corrections by Salisbury. Endorsed: 'Minute to my Lo. Norreys, 8 June, 1609.' 1½ pp. (127 71)
Two contemporary copies of above, one dated June 8. 2 pp. (127 70)
Plantations in Ireland
1609, June 8. Warrant to the Earl of Salisbury to suffer the persons who are undertaking to make a plantation in Ireland, to transport out of this realm horses, mares, kine, sheep, bulls, hogs and other cattle, for the furtherance of their plantation, without paying custom. Manor of Greenwich, 8 June 7 Jac.
Signed by the King 1 p. (127 72)
Sir Robert Johnson and Sir Francis Stonor to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 8. They report their proceedings in the sale of woods at Shottover, and Lord Norreys's interference with their receiving the proceeds for the King, to their open disgrace. In consequence they beg leave to retire from the service there. 8 June, 1609.
Signed Endorsed: 'Commissioners for the sale of woods in Oxfordshire.' 2 pp. (132 79)
Bartholomew Haggatt to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 9. As to the sale of woods in Gainforth, Durham, in continuation of his letter of May 31. He prays Salisbury to make stay of the sale, and reports further proceedings of Mr Johnson. Gives some description of Branspeth Castle, Raby Castle and Bernard Castle, signories which are apportioned for the Duke of York; and recommends that the barony of Bywell and Bulbecke on the Tyne be added thereto. Describes its advantages, it having a very handsome small castle, very pleasantly seated, but much decayed within, fair and large woods, a chase for red deer, and a fishing for salmons, 'one of the best and most delightfullest in England.' Durham, 9 June, 1609.
Holograph 2 pp. (132 80)
Sir Stephen Lesieur to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 10. If in my letter to the Duke's Councillor, whereof I enclose the copy, I have observed your late direction, it shall be a comfort to me. I think it not amiss if these enclosed be delivered to Mr Bartlet by Mr Kirkham or some other of your secretaries, with earnest request to procure and send him the answer to be delivered me. I entreat you to speak or send to Mr Attorney General to pray him to have a special care to be at the trial of the cause between the King and Sir William Reade, wherein my Lord Marquis is interested. London, 10 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 73)
Sir Simon Weston to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 10. Acknowledges Salisbury's of June 2, enclosing particular for the survey and valuation of certain woods sold by his Majesty, which shall be executed. None of the Staffordshire woods are as yet sold, but such as are within the Duchy of Lancaster, for which sale Mr Thorogood is commissioner. St. Jones, 10 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 81)
Aaron Rathborne to Lord [Salisbury]
1609, June 13. The woods in Northumberland and Cumberland will scarce countervail his travail, as they are of small value and the people extremely poor. The chief woods in Cumberland are in the demesnes of the Lordship of Holmecultran, worth 10001. The tenants claim them as granted for maintenance of their sea dykes. Discusses their claim. In this he finds his Majesty no less abused than in their idle customary claim of tenant right. Yet as Salisbury charged him to proceed moderately where he found clamour, opposition, or title pretended, he makes no sale there till he knows Salisbury's pleasure. Only at the request of the Bishop of Carlisle he has marked out 40 timber trees, which the Bishop would buy towards the new erecting of a church in Eske on the borders; there being no timber in all the north fit for this service but this; yet they stand unfelled and the church unfinished till his pleasure be known therein. Some of the tenants will ask Salisbury for confirmation of their customs, and he begs him to make stay thereof till he comes to London. Carlisle, 13 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 74)
William Gamull to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 13. Acknowledges Salisbury's letter of May 22, and the enclosure for John Ireland, Esq, Captain of the Isle of Man, which he has sent by Thomas Joyner, merchant. Chester, 13 June, 1609.
Signed ½ p. (127 75)
Lord Norreys to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 13. He details at length what passed between him and the commissioners for woods, Sir Francis Stonard and Sir Robert Johnson. When they first came to Shottover in March, they would fain have persuaded him to be absent lest he might be hurt with the cold. He knew, even by the false copy of their commission which they afforded him, that the money was payable into the Exchequer. Finding they required earnest money of the bargain from the purchasers, he reminded them that the articles appointed that the money should be collected by the constable of the hundred, paid by him to the sheriff, and by him into the Exchequer. They answered it was inconvenient, and such arguments as showed they better liked to receive it themselves. He told them he could not act contrary to the proclamation, but they would not admit that the articles were a proclamation. In conclusion he told them he could not deny them to sell, or receive any money they had a fancy to take; but further reminded them that fence month began the next Saturday, during which none could carry; whereupon they desisted from felling and took leave.
The usual manner is that he who buys 50 should fell and carry away five times as many, which is felony by law, but the proof is difficult, and the law is out of custom and altogether despised. After the sale, when only is money stirring for fees, the commissioners return to their dwellings, and leave men to fell as they list. Recommends a proclamation against this practice. If some course be not taken, only a small number of the 35,000 trees will be left, and the King paid only for 460 of them, and give away but 60 loads to the University. This will annoy not only 'the madman my Lord Norreys,' but multitudes will be stirred to discontent, to see the profit conferred upon two men only whose names have no good relish in those parts. In consequence of his Majesty's letter he has placed a new lieutenant, and so leaves the old lieutenant Sir F. Curson, who hopes to shelter his offences under his alliance with Sir Francis Stonard. Rycott, 13 June, 1609.
Holographpp. (127 76)
Adam Newton to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 13. He encloses a note which some few days ago was delivered to him by an aged man, desirous of the Prince's greatness in Wales; but whether for his own profit or for his Highness's interest, he is so little assured that he acquaints Salisbury therewith rather than imparts it to his Highness. He finds the particulars to be very general, and remits the matter to Salisbury's consideration. Greenwich, 13 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (195 105)
Gilbert Thacker to the Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar
1609, June 13. Reports his proceedings as commissioner for sale of the King's woods in Pembroke, Carmarthen, Cardigan and Radnor. His difficulties with the officers of the woods, who claim the bark and top as fees. Prays their directions in the matter. Laugharne, in Carmarthenshire, 13 June, 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Surveyor of Woods in South Wales.' 1 p. (132 82)
Genealogies and Pedigrees
1609, June 14. A note of papers being 'geneloges' of several shires in England to the number of 197, delivered by Thomas Wilson, Esq, to Persivall Golding, 14 June, 1609.
In one packet 68 'pettegrees.' In the second, 71 'geneloges.' In the third 67 'geneloges.' A book of 'geneloges' of Fitzwarens. An old book in folio of the first founders of the Garter. A 'petegree' of Sir Thomas Vane's. Malmsbury, Hovedon, etc, a great book in folio.
Signed by Golding 1 p. (127 78)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1609, June 14. The Baron of Hoboque and his lady return well satisfied with the King's and Queen's usage at their departure. He dealt at his return to the Archduke touching the remove of Owen and Baldwin, which the Archduke said he would advise of, laying the fault of their long stay there upon directions from Spain. The Archduke discontented that he could not hear from Spain, having had no letters from the State since the 29 of January.
News of the imprisonment in Spain of the Admiral of Aragon thought to proceed from confession of his secretary, who by order from Spain was apprehended in the Low Countries and sent secretly in April from Dunkirk into Spain: opposite to the government of Lerma. The Infanta takes pleasure in the country recreations, leaving neither marriages nor dances unvisited: in which course her humour would be very free were she not contained with respect to the Spanish gravity.
Abstract (227 p. 360)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] June 14. Sends a couple of hounds 'for the hurt deer.' You wrote me a letter this winter past about timber for the reparation of Hurst Castle, asking whether it might be spared of the King's in the Isle of Wight. I answered it was very scarce there, there being much use of timber for maintaining his Majesty's houses in the island, and if any should be taken we should ere long find want ourselves. You seemed satisfied and told me when I was at London you had appointed it to be taken other where. Yet since my coming hither I am informed that the commissioners for reparations of Hurst Castle have given warrant for taking timber in the island, and have marked certain trees on Mr Worseley's land, his Majesty's ward, and would have felled them but that I have made stay thereof till you were acquainted therewith; it being strangely apprehended in that country where was never known any purveyance to be allowed, which makes them greatly afraid of this beginning. Deliver us from this fear, and suffer not more to be imposed on us now than has been in former times. June 14.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' 2 pp. (127 79)
The Earl of Huntingdon to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 15. Thanks him for his favour and for having care of his credit. The money shall be paid at the farthest, if not sooner: and he would be willing to advance the price agreed on, if upon an indifferent survey it should be found the woods are sold under the true value. Ashebie, 15 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 83)
Ordnance for the King of Denmark
1609, June 16. Warrant, addressed to the Earl of Salisbury, giving leave to Ludolph Engelstedt, servant of the King of Denmark, to buy and transport out of the realm without custom 100 pieces of cast iron ordnance, ie, 20 bastard culverins, 30 demy culverins, 30 sacres and 20 mynions, for the King of Denmark's use. Palace of Westminster, 16 June, 7 Jac.
Signed by the King ½ p. (127 80)
Lord Norreys to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 16. The commissioners for sale of woods at Shottover have brought a letter from Salisbury which was read before the audience. Norreys is sorry to perceive that Salisbury had condemned him unheard. He will abandon the place to the jury. The wood given to the scholars is still standing, but marked, which the commissioners denied to be done by themselves. Rycott, 16 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 86)
Sir John Grey and Rock Church to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 16. They report their proceedings in the sale of the King's woods in Charnock Forest and other places in Leicestershire. There being abuses in the felling and carrying away, they beg Salisbury to appoint Richard Hoode, the woodward of this place, to regulate the same. The buyers of the wood beg for an extension of the time for the felling and removal, which they recommend. Broadgate, 16 June, 1609.
Signed 1 p. (132 84)
Sir Ralph de la Vale to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 16. He has received Salisbury's and Sir Julius Caesar's command to pay into the receipt at Westminster moneys received by him for wood sales in Northumberland. Since his appointment as sheriff no commission has come into his hands for that purpose, neither has he received any such money. Seaton Delavale, 16 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 87)
Sir Robert Johnson to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 17. Thanks him for fortifying their credit against the aspersions of others. Details at length the proceedings yesterday at Shottover between Lord Norreys and Sir Francis Stonard and himself with respect to Stonard, and Johnson's authority for levying money, and the number of trees they were to sell. In the result Norreys said they might proceed in Shottover, but peremptorily excepted against Stowe Woods. Mr Broome, a discreet gentleman standing by, wished they might stay their proceedings till fence time were done, which Mr Steephens, the Lieutenant, seconded, giving for reason that seven fawns were stolen the last day they met, which would much displease the King if he knew it. They therefore resolved to leave the business for this year, unless the commission be renewed. Details further passages between himself and Norreys, who wondered why the country did not afford gentlemen sufficient for that business, but that strangers must be used. Hints that Norreys put a stop to their sale in order to further a sale of his own. 17 June, 1609.
Signed 2 pp. (127 69)
Roger Mostyn to the Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar
1609, June 19. In reply to their letter of June 1, he has as yet received no commission or instruction for wood sales in Flintshire. 19 June, 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (132 88)
Sir Robert Wingfield and John Thorp to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 19. As to sale of woods, Sir Thomas Terringham is not in the county, and they ask whether they shall proceed without him. Upton, 19 June, 1609.
Signed 1 p. (132 89)
The Earl of Nottingham to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 20. I desire to content you in my directions to his Majesty's keepers in my charge, for their delivery of your fee deer, and enclose a draft of the letter I purpose to direct to every of those forests, chaces and parks, for your correction. I also enclose the King's letter, that you may see I have drawn mine to the scope of it. Halinge, 20 June, 1609.
PS.—The parks of Hampton Court, Greenwich, Otelands and the Little Park of Windsor have never any warrants served to them, which I acquaint you withal, for I know you will be respective to those places which his Majesty uses as his gardens. I myself forbear these places, though I be Justice of Eyre. I leave it to your own pleasure.
Signed, the postscript in Nottingham's hand. 1 p. (127 81)
Arnold Ligon to Sir Julius Caesar
1609, June 20. Reports proceedings of himself and other commissioners 'for the aid' in the county of Worcester. No money on that account has yet come into his hands, nor has he received any warrant authorising him to levy the same. Reports what he has heard of the proceedings of the commissioners for the sale of woods. 20 June, 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'High Sheriff of Worcester.' 1 p. (132 90)
Sir Edward Watson to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 20. As to the timber which he challenges in Rockingham Park. The King, at his twice being there, taking great delight in the game and the hernery, commanded him to have special care of the vert and venison, and suffer no timber to be taken without his pleasure known. The woodward having procured a commission for a wood sale, he obtained stay thereof through the Earl of Exeter. Rockingham, 20 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 91)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Lord Treasurer
1609, June 21. Yesterday these Princes removed from Biens to go in devotion to Sichem, and it is said that about Saturday or Sunday next they will return hither. Hopes then to present to the Archduke his Majesty's book and accompanying letter, which have been brought to him by his secretary. It is not to be expected from one so superstitiously given as he is that the book will receive such entertainment as its worthiness deserves. The most malicious censurers of it report it to be a most dangerous book for the solidness of the arguments in it, but the comparative part for declaring the Pope to be Antichrist is much offensive to their ears.
Since writing his letters last week they have received here two letters from the Confessor, one of the 6th of this month by the ordinary post, and another of the 9th by an extraordinary courier of the merchants, but from the State itself there are not come any.
The Confessor writes that a great alarm was taken at his coming, for it was doubted he would have propounded some high demands for money, but on hearing him in Council, at which the King himself assisted, it was understood how moderate the same were, only for 600,000 crowns for discharging their men of war and an allowance of 60,000 crowns monthly for entertaining the number to be continued in pay here during the truce.
The King and Council there received great satisfaction and have promised to furnish him with these moneys, but are as yet in pain how to levy them. They hope here to win upon the King of Spain to allow them hereafter greater sums, but durst not now increase their demands for fear of affrighting that State. It is promised that the Confessor shall be shortly sent away with the ratification.
It is reported here that the Duke of Lerma is in treaty to marry his grandchild, the Duke of Seas's eldest son, with a third daughter of the Duke of Savoy, and in favour of that marriage procures the Archbishopric of Seville to be conferred on the young Cardinal of Savoy, and another son of the Duke of Savoy, who is a knight of Malta, to be general of the King of Spain's fleets. That the King should give way to this match with his niece, they say here, shows the desperate state of affairs there, seeing that in all things he prostitutes himself to the private ends of Lerma.
Understands there is great private dissension among the Irish at Rome, for Tyrone has by his importunity procured the Pope to create Friar Florence MacCarty Archbishop of Tyrone, whereby he takes upon him to equal his authority with Lombard the other titulary Archbishop of Armagh, which Lombard, who before swayed matters in Ireland, does nothing well brook.
There is discontentment among them here in the regiment because in the intended reformation of companies the Colonel favours the standing of the captains which are Northern men, and employs himself to procure the cashiering of those which be Palemen.
Is told by Hoboque that he dealt with the Marquis Spinola for the removing of the gunpowder men from hence, and that he promised to speak to the Archduke and also write about it into Spain; but concerning a further motion which Hoboque made him for the dissolving of the Irish Regiment, the Marquis durst not as yet propound it.
Thanks his Lordship for the leave granted him to go into Spain, but will forbear to use it if he finds the taking of the waters here does him good. 21 June, 1609.
Copypp. (227 p. 306) [Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders 9]
Sir Thomas Smith to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] June 22. He has performed Salisbury's directions by Sir Andrew Keyth. His disease continues troublesome and painful. If the physicians had not made him lose so much time and expense, and he had gone timely enough to the Spaw, he is persuaded he would have found remedy there. 22 June.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (127 82)
Thomas Johnson to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 22. Vindicates his conduct as to the sale of woods in Gainford, Durham, which has been stayed. He had forborne to sell any trees in Brauncpith Castle, Rabie Castle and Barnard Castle, belonging to the Duke of York. Details his proceedings in Gainford, and the spoils of Mr Brakenburie, the keeper, who has worked his discredit. Mr Haggot's information against him. York, 22 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 92)
Andrew Archere to the Lord Treasurer
1609, June 22. He, High Sheriff of Warwick, has received the Lord Treasurer's and Sir Julius Caesar's letters touching money to be raised upon a sale of woods in that county, and promising instructions and bonds. He has not received either instructions, money or bonds. Tanworth, 22 June, 1609.
Signed 1 p. (132 93)
The Bishop of Durham to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 23. I send by the bearer, my solicitor, the lease of the ground desired by you in Durham House Court, sealed in the presence of Sir Charles Wrenn, Mr Dethick, a Master of the Chancery and Master of Greetham Hospital, Mr Cooper and Mr Barnes, justices, and others; and my prayer is that it may be as honourable to you and yours as the world may witness it has been chargeable. The first lease was got by surreption; this is done in the sight of the sun, for which neither your honour nor my credit can ever be questioned. I have made known to all the gentlemen of account in this Bishopric, and to many of Northumberland and Yorkshire that have repaired hither (many of whom have seen and all have heard of your honourable work), my yielding to your desire, and your loving care to leave so worthy a testimony of your noble disposition to the Bishop and his successors here, as namely to free my house from all encumbrance either in my garden or water gates, and to preserve my conduit (a thing which I hold precious in that place): and to defend my house with a new brick wall at your own charges, as also to pay a rent. But that which is the chiefest of all, that it pleases you to provide the Bishop such a stable in so convenient a place, to your so great charge. The only thing I request is, that as my house is beautiful and adorned with that rare and resplendent work within, so I may be protected by your countenance.
I received your and the commissioners' letters for the aid. Albeit my yearly payments to his Majesty be for the four first years 18001, and for ever after yearly at least 2,000 marks, besides 500 marks in fees to my officers, and my charges great, many depending on the poor Bishop here; yet I will be willing to pay with any of my place. Please direct this messenger what he shall make offer of, which he shall see paid.
I send herewith the advowson of Greetham Hospital, in the same words mutatis mutandis that his Majesty had the advowson of Sherbourne House. I request that the now Master, Henry Dethick, (my old friend in Oxford above 40 years ago) may not be disquieted during his life, for he is an ancient justice of peace here, a chief in the Ecclesiastical Commission, a Master of Chancery, and has been to my two predecessors and to me a very faithful assistant. I also request that Mr Dr Montaigne should reside upon it, for the absence of the Dean of Durham and the Master of Sherbourne House are great maims to the government of this country; and if the Master of Greetham Hospital, where there is now justice done and hospitality kept, should likewise be absent, the want would be far greater. If you will stay the advowson till my coming to the Parliament, I shall acquaint you with more than I can write; for I find non-residence to be a great blemish and hindrance of religion and justice. Bishop's Aukland, 23 June, 1609.
Signed 2 pp. (127 83)
Thomas Russell to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, June 26 or before] I am bold to put you in remembrance of your gracious acceptance of Sir William Godolphin's motion at his departure, concerning my disbursement about the silver 'ure', which, though but 471 10s, will furnish my wants for that part which I am to lay out with Sir David Murray in setting up a brimstone work, which after many trials is now perfected. If you will give order for it, I shall always endeavour to do you service. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: '1609 rec. 26 June.' ½ p. (127 84)
Longbows and Arrows
1609, June 26. Warrant, addressed to the Earl of Salisbury, for licence to John Jefferson, the King's bowyer, to transport out of the realm such numbers of longbows and sheaves of arrows as Salisbury thinks meet. Palace of Westminster, 26 June, 7 Jac.
Signed by the King ½ p. (127 85)
Sir John Salisbury to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 26. His adversaries have sought to incense the King against him for disobedience to processes in law upon suit for small debts. He has offered reasonable satisfaction to those who prosecute, but nothing will be accepted. His extreme sickness has impeded him from clearing himself of these surmised accusations. If Salisbury finds the King possessed of a hard opinion of him, he begs no credit may be given to his calumniators till he is able to purge himself, which shall be performed as soon as his state of body will permit. Lleweny, 26 June, 1609. Holograph Endorsed: with the following names: 'Sir Jho. Salisbury, Sir Mathew Morgan, Sir Ed. Morgan, Sir Arthur Savage, Sir Ri. Byngham, Sir Jho. Holly.' 1 p. (195 106)
Sherwood Forest
1609, June 27. Certificate, signed by Otho Nicholson, that Bryan Broughton and Nicholas Stringer compounded with him in December last on behalf of the Lady Markham, for certain assart land called the Swinhouses, in the Forest of Sherwood, co. Notts, for 801 to be paid to the King, and for the yearly rent of 30s. 27 June, 1609.
½ p. (P.2216)
Rock Church to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] June 28. Encloses the surveys of the two woods at Lawne Abbey, Leicestershire, now held by Lord Harrington; and of Beskwood Park Pale. As to sale of the King's woods in the counties of Leicester, Nottingham and Derby. Leicester, 28 June.
Holograph Endorsed: 'The surveyor of woods in the county of Leicester.' 1 p. (132 94).
Robert Readheadd to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 29. In the late Queen's time 16 Scottish gentlemen were committed to his charge in York Castle, whom he found in meat and lodging for 4 years, which came to 1,1801; for which the Queen bestowed on him the benefit of 6 recusants, but died before signing the bill. The King promised him either the money, or else a grant of all the roots of all the trees cut down within his woods, forests, parks and chases. Understands his Majesty has bestowed that grant on two of his servants, and if it be not passed the seals, he begs he may be made a third man therein, which will satisfy his debt. He has served 24 years as an ordinary sewer of his Majesty's chamber, and never had any recompense but his wages of 7½d a day. 29 June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 86)
Sir Francis Goodwin to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, June 30. Details his dealings with Sir Robert Johnson, commissioner for the sale of woods, with regard to certain trees out of coppices which he holds by lease, parcel of the Queen's jointure. He understands he has given offence to the Earl; humbly submits himself, and will obey his orders in the matter. Westminster, last of June, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 95)
Aliceholt and New Forests
1609, June 30. Particular, and money account, of trees sold, by virtue of the King's commission to John Norden and others, in the Forest of Aliceholt and the New Forest, co. Hants, before the last of June 1609.
In the hand of John Norden 3 pp. (132 108)
Thomas Warrick to the Lord Treasurer
[1609, June] Desires to change a part of the slow and uncertain debts assigned to him for a debt of more certainty due to his Majesty out of Mr Otterton's house in the 'allayme' (alum) mines. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 'June 1609.' ½ p. (127 88)
Sir Henry Wotton to the Lord Treasurer
[1609, ? June] 'A few humble remembrances about the proposition of my employment to some of the German Princes in my return.'
What persons. What subject.
For the persons. The 3 Electors temporal. The Duke of Wirtenberg. The Count Palatine of Newburg. The Duke of Brownswick. The Landgrave Maurice of Hassia.
I may visit these Courts as out of mine own curiosity to adumbrate the business.
I may excuse the visiting of some of the lesser before the greater by the course of my journey.
I may render for a reason of his Majesty's not sending some special and more sufficient ambassador unto them directly from his own Court the desire he had to avoid rumour and some proper connection of this errand with my former employment at Venice.
If some of the forenamed Princes seem to be out of the way, as especially Saxonie and Brownswick, my going thither may be cloaked with his Majesty's affinity.
If the number of these Princes (being seven) seem too great (albeit the more universal the more effectual), they may be contracted to four which lie almost in the very direct line of my journey.
(1) The Duke of Wirtenberg. (2) The Count Palatine of Newburg. (3) The Landgrave Maurice of Hessia. (4) The Count Palatine of the Rhene: whereof the two first are Lutherans, the other of our confession.
Of these, the two Counts Palatine (being reputed in a manner the heads of their several confessions) have since the last Diet of Regenspurg treated together about the composing of their own differences and joining against the common adversary, which hath made a good preparation of affections. But the Duke of Wirtenberg and the Landgrave have most attended to the proceedings of this State, and bear here a great name, especially Wirtenberg, for the nearness and fit lying of his country to balance Bavaria.
For the subject. It appeareth exceeding worthy of his Majesty's excellent mind to move these Princes and by them the rest to a more straight correspondence and vigilancy over the common good, and from this generality to excite them to the planting of some friendship by fit instruments and colours with this Republic, for the fomenting incitement of the quarrel so well rooted between them and the Pope upon the point of civil power: which hath also opened here the senses of divers in a farther degree and may, by God's grace, of many more as I shall be able to remonstrate unto them.
I may also (if his Majesty shall find it expedient to proceed so far) upon this occasion sound how the said Princes stand disposed to a defensive combination or unity both among themselves and with others under the title and form (which seemeth the most sensible and aggregative and is excellently urged by his Majesty page 130 of his last book) (fn. 1) of procuring and maintaining a temporal security of their persons and estates against the encroaching Babylonian monarch. (fn. 2)
To which purpose may be propounded to them the necessity of concurring with his Majesty in requiring the same or the like oath of Allegiance from their subjects in their several dominions: which motion seemeth very opportune and sensible: the said oath having been so lately impugned in Germany by Martinus Becanus, a seditious Dutch Jesuit, in his book entitled Questiones Miscellanae [marginal note: p. 78], printed the last Mart. whereof I now send a copy.
And to the same purpose may be propounded that the said Princes, who differ but in few points of faith which yet breed a greater distraction in their politic state, would exhibit by their absolute authority all writings against one another, and abstain from advancing hot and eager spirited theologies according to his Majesty's pious admonition (p. 131 of his said book).
These are the private cogitations which out of discourse here with some of the best affected I have thought it my duty to offer unto his Majesty's high and Christian consideration as a lump of unformed matter which it may please him by his instructions to cast into a better mold.
Postscript: Before the departure of this bearer, M.P. did secretly confer with me a conceit of his own not impertinent to the premisses: which was this in substance, that if the States of the United Provinces might by his Majesty's means be incited to give by an ambassador some account of the issue of their treaty to this Signory, it would be corresponded with the like, and so a farther friendship might kindle between them upon a fair occasion for the common good. And he added that if the Marquis of Brandenburg shall be settled in the Dukedom of Cleves (as is likeliest by our intelligence), the like occasion may be taken by him also, which I shall have opportunity to further in the German journey. I replied (out of a former letter from your Lordship) with some marvel why this Signory did not by their own Resident in England motion the matter to the Resident there of the States rather than addorse it upon his Majesty. And he answered that his Majesty was here contemplated for the balancer of Christendom, who therefore had a proper interest in all such good propositions. Besides this State (quoth he) will not seem to seek it but I know they will take it if it be offered, being governed at the present con una certa specie di prudencia piu tosto passiva che acciva.
If your Lordship have not before the arrival of this bearer dispatched Biondi (much bound unto you as he professeth in all his letters), then it may please his Majesty, according to his royal resolution about my journey, to let him prepare the way against my coming in any of those Courts through which he passeth, being a very faithful and zealous negotiator. Undated.
In the handwriting of Sir Henry Wotton. Endorsed: 'Thembassadour of Venise.' 4 pp. (105 162)
[See Pearsall Smith, Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wotton, Vol. I, pp. 454—5].
Elizabeth, Lady Russell, to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1609, before June] I unfeignedly thank your Lordship for that I had my first name of Sarisbury from your own hand. And in token your grandfather and mother's father thanks you for so much honouring his Cook's blood. He has sent you by me his daughter and your Lordship's old aunt a book of his own making in Germany in the time of his pilgrimage. (fn. 3) Undated.
PS. Accept a poor widow's mite, the fruit of my summer's travel, and read it thoroughly yourself at your best leisure.
Holograph 1 p. (197 53)
Elizabeth, Lady Russell, (fn. 4) to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1609, before June] Good my Lord, extend your love to the Burrowes house as much as law, equity and conscience may warrant you. Let them not be kept from dwelling on their own inheritance. Why should this not be fitter for them than for a stranger or Dr Steward's son to dwell on? Mr Brograve that on Sunday inveighed against Dr Steward is now turned quite to take his part. Sir John even the same hypocrite Brograve told me that he had heard of one in John Steward's care that had 8 or many children, yet he thinks it fit the land by a lease upon trust made should be put from the children of his own body. Inquire of Milner Steward's bedfellow how false this slander is, and take order they may dwell all their life in their own and provide her a jointure and a yearly portion of 40l to provide her meat and clothes out of Steward's living, who in good truth so "snobbeth" because his house shall be kept from him as none can comfort him. Does any man you keep cost less than 201 a year besides lodging and 201 his horse and 201 his man, beside apparel for a gentleman or gentlewoman less than 601 for three? What 661: 13s: 4d to find a man and his wife, a man and a maid? Can any have less than 2001 for all charges? What do they speak of 301 for reparations of a place that is put from them? Undated
Holograph Addressed: 'Fayrest Flowre of may garlande honorable Erle of S'bury, Mr of the King's Majesty's most Honorable Cort of Wardes.' 2 pp. (197 54)
George Tayler to Lord—
[1609, before July] Prisoner in the Canaries. Apparently relating the circumstances of his capture. [Nearly illegible through damp.] Undated.
pp. (P. 487)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 528]


  • 1. His Premonition.
  • 2. The words in italics are underlined.
  • 3. A reference to the four years' exile of Lady Russell's father, Sir Anthony Cooke, at Strasbourg during the Marian persecution.
  • 4. Lady Russell was buried on June 2, 1609.