Cecil Papers: May 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp47-60 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp47-60.

"Cecil Papers: May 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp47-60.

May 1609

Lord Grey to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, May 1.] Besides all those trees in Chase, Park and Abbotts Wood ordered by Sir Robert Johnson to be felled, he is resolved to fell those which grow on the demesnes to my house at Whadon, and on the closes and hedgerows, to the number of 200, whereby inconvenience will grow to those grounds and blemish to the seat. Send him word to forbear these grounds, and to be content with those he has fallen in the woods. That dwelling is precious to me, and the country takes some argument of despair touching me from the dismantling of these grounds. My mother thanks you for directing that she should have the buying of the trees in Abbotts Wood at a reasonable rate. I shall be glad to hear by this bearer how his Majesty accepts my poor lines. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: '1 May 1609. L. Grey to my Lord from the Tower.' 1 p. (127 35)
Lord Norreys to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 1. As not less than 1701 may grow due to him out of the commissioners' wood sales, he begs that the sheriff may not distrain on him for his debts for subsidies, 1601. He did not demand allowance of the barks and tops of the trees the King has lately given to the University of Oxford. This office was bought by his grandfather from Mr Denham. The only benefit he has had, when he last accompanied the commissioners in their survey, was to take a great cold. Its only good to its holder is that he appoints a lieutenant and two keepers. His lieutenant is Sir Francis Curson, who will hardly be able to clear himself from some offences he is charged to have committed against the King in matter of woods; so that he must provide another, and asks directions whom to place there. If one were chosen by some whom the King reposed in, the writer might be freer from blame. If any matters come into question, he wishes it may be in an arbitrable fashion, rather than in a course of law. Ricott, 1 May, 1609.
Holograph 2 pp. (127 36)
Dorothy, Lady Graye, to Sir Charles Cornwallis
[1609 or earlier] May 3. She made known to him by her last letters her earnest occasion for the use of her money, whereof as yet she remains unsatisfied. Hopes he makes no question of her right to it, and desires him to discharge the trust reposed in him. London, May 3.
Signed ½ p. (196 139)
The Lord Treasurer to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1609 [May] 4. Touching the Baron of Hoboque's wife whose ill usage, at which she was so much discontented, proceeded out of her unsociable humour. The negotiation about Hoens well approved. 'I have spoken somewhat to your servant concerning yourself, which may suffice till I hear your answer.'
Abstract (227 p. 358)
J. Norden to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1609, May 4. I have viewed the defects of the palings of Farnham Parks with Mr Arondell, chief keeper of the little park, and the two keepers of the great park, and a skilful paler. I find the pales universally defective, especially the little park next the Castle, the pales for the most part rotten, unpinned and loose, the rails old and weak, the posts and shores past use. Because your pleasure was to have only a present supply to retain the deer from ranging the country, I have advertised you in the enclosed of every pale wanting and every defective rail and post, and of other requisite supplies. I remain here till I know your pleasure, and then go towards the New Forest. Farneham, 4 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 37)
Postal endorsements: 'For his Majesty's special service. Farneham one of the clock in the after noone. R. at Herfordbridge the 4 of May at 6 of the Clocke in the after noone beinge Thursday. Stanes at 11 at night.'
Sir Thomas Smith to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] May 4. Thanks him for continuing his pension after him to his son. As to his health he sees little hope for remedy or any long continuance; on the other side, if he might trust the examples of many others, he might think his state not utterly past remedy. He is now preferred to asses' milk for his chief physic. Wishes he had been less busy with physic, which he knows has much hurt him, though he may not say so to the physicians, nor they believe it. 4 May.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609'. 1 p. (127 38)
John Bowssar to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 4. He preferred a new bill against Sir John Swynarton for false oaths and forgeries, which bill is to be dismissed, according to the enclosed certificate of the committees to whom it was referred, on account of its length. The necessary circumstances could not by the learning of man be contracted in 20 or 30 sheets of paper. This dismissal will cause his disgrace, the loss of 10,0001 to his Majesty, and the emboldening of Sir John in his exorbitant courses. A motion is intended in the Star Chamber that the writer should be committed and pay great costs for depraving an alderman unjustly; and he begs Salisbury to be in Court tomorrow, or relieve him by some other means. London, 4 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 40)
The Enclosure
The certificate above referred to, given by Sir Thomas Fleming, Lord Chief Justice of England, Sir Edward Cooke, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, Sir Henry Hobart, Attorney-General, and Sir Francis Bacon, Solicitor-General. 20 February, 1608.
1 p. (127 39)
Aaron Rathborne to —
1609, May 5. Particulars respecting lands in Yorkshire which he has been sent to survey. The lands of Sir Thomas Metcalfe and the other tenants of Mydleham and Richmond mentioned. York, 5 May, 1609.
1 p. (P.2117)
Sir Symond Weston to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
[1609] May 6. He was three months since given to understand that Salisbury commanded his service in the sale of some of his Majesty's woods, but has hitherto received no warrant. Is ready to perform the service. St Jones, 6 May.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609' 1 p. (127 41)
Ditton Park
1609, May 6. Warrant from the Earl of Nottingham to the Controller and Surveyor of his Majesty's Castle and Honor of Windsor.
The mansion house in his Majesty's park called Ditton Park, co. Bucks, and the outhouses are much decayed. Orders them to view the decays, and certify what money and timber are required for the repairs. Whitehall, 6 May, 1609.
Note at foot by John Trevor: Edward Jobsone attend this service, first imparting this warrant to Sir John Norris, and together with his man take this survey when pleasing to Lord Shandoes, whom it concerns. 1 June, 1609.
Endorsed: 'For my Lo. Chandois.' 1 p. (127 42)
Henry Berkley to the Lords [of the Privy Council]
1609, May 6. In reply to theirs of April 9, inquiring of his title to the soil and woods of Kingeswood Chace, Gloucestershire, he claims no part of inheritance therein but what is parcel of his manor of Bitton adjoining, whereof he and his ancestors since Henry 3rd have been in possession, and have under that King's grant taken the profits by woodsales, coaling, tilepits and such like, which he hopes with their good liking still to enjoy. Callowdon, 6 May, 1609.
Signed 1 p. (127 43)
The Bishop of Rochester to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 6. Refers to his letter of April 29 [see above], and begs to be excused from attending his Majesty tomorrow. Though he and all his people stand without suspicion of infection, yet in the house of one Chaunter, who has his dwelling within the College walls, two young gentlemen who boarded with him are sick; and he is enforced by fear of the inconvenience that might ensue to the 140 or rather 160 children who have daily concourse to the School, to dismiss all the Oppidalls and to send away all the foundation scholars to the College house at Cheswicke, where they shall remain all this summer. He desires to take a week of airing, either at Cheswicke or at Bromeley, before he again attends his Majesty. Westminster College, 6 May, 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (195 104)
Warrant to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 7. Guillaume de Genett was sent by Monsieur de Rohan to provide horses in England for his use, and brought over certain foreign coin, but has not employed it all. He is to be permitted to transport the residue, 600 crowns, out of the realm. Palace of Westminster, 7 May, 7 Jac.
Signed by the King ½ p. (127 44)
Mildreda Trafforde to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 8. This last vacation there came a charge out of the Court of Exchequer upon my jointure in Yorkshire, which I have out of Mr Read's lands, for 251 due by Sir Thomas Gresham in his lifetime. There never came any charge on that land since it came to my hands; and my grandfather, your father, thought it to be free from incumbrance. Since Sir Thomas Gresham had very great revenues, I beg you to discharge my jointure thereof, especially during my life, which is not like to be long. With remembrance of Mr Trafford's duty, your Lordship's niece. Trafford. 8 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 45)
1609, May 9. Warrant for altering the impositions upon certain goods, wares and merchandise. Westminster, 9 May, 1609
Portion of seal 2 ms (220 2)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1609, May 10. The Archduke, to avoid importunity of suits upon the truce, gone to Marymont, ten leagues from Brussels. Advertisements of Cleves. Terrail's execution at Geneva. English gold so plentiful there that the peasants pay their contributions with it.
Abstract (227 p. 358)
[The same] to [the same]
1609, May 10. A private letter. In acknowledgment of my Lord's favour in employing him into France.
Abstract (227 p. 358)
Robert Gregory, his Majesty's searcher in Poole, to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 11. By the order established between the King's officers and the farmers' deputies, copies of all cockets and warrants should be delivered to the King's searcher, and priority of searching and sealing of uncustomed goods belongs to him; and no farmers' searcher should deliver cockets or dispatch ships secretly without his privity and until his fees were paid. Complains that John Come, the farmers' searcher, being 'compacket' with the merchants, by night continually delivers their cockets and dispatches their ships without his knowledge and consent, to the defrauding of the King; and begs reformation thereof. Poole, 11 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 46)
Lord Haryngton to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 11. Thanks him for procuring for him the lieutenancy of the county wherein he and his ancestors have long lived: for taking in good part his offer of his son: and for granting him the sole buying of the timber in Combe. Begs that in the sale of the timber in Lawnd Wood no stranger may have an interest therein, as Sir William Smyth now seeks to have, more of malice than of any other use. Details reasons against a sale to Smyth. Begs that what he is now to pay for the timber on Combe demesne may be taken out of that he is to receive for her Grace's [Princess Elizabeth's] allowance out of the Exchequer. Kewe, 11 May, 1609.
Signed 1 p. (127 47)
John Norden to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 11. Certifies the present state of the woods within the Forest of Aliceholt and the sales presently made. Farneham, 11 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 55)
Joseph Skelton's Charges
1609, May 12. Charges paid by Joseph Skelton in his voyage into the Low Countries.
Includes charges for bringing over Andreas van Scape. The account is countersigned by Thomas Wilson, John Dackombe and Edward Darby. Skelton's receipt at foot. 12 May, 1609.
1 p. (214 64)
Sir Thomas Smith to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, May 12] I received from Sir Thomas Lake instructions for five letters, which I enclose. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: '12 May 1609' ½ p. (127 48)
Sir Henry Guldeforde to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 12. Encloses information as to the woods in the Broyle, being surveyor of the woods and master of the game there. His uncle, Edward Gage, and John Hart the woodward are now in town, and can best inform Salisbury in the matter. 12 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 56)
Whittlewood Forest
1609, May 12. Warrant signed by the Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar, and addressed to Sir Thomas Tiringham and Sir Robert Johnson, Commissioners, to cut down and sell the trees and bushes in the chief riding ways and passages in the Forest of Whittlewood, co. Northampton, for convenience of the King's sports. Whitehall, 12 May. 1609.
1 p. (132 57)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] May 13. I am disabled to attend you about that business of 'allomes' [alum] by a powerful ague, and make no other reckoning but this sickness will prove to death. I am troublesome to you by these lines, first, in honour, not to be wanting to my partners in my last request: secondly, in conscience, for having received of Mr Turnor much money for a great part of that profit I may expect by that business, I would not be less careful for his good than if the whole profit should come to me. You have honourably dealt with us, and if we may now be secured such payments as are to come to us, as you intended, we may rest safe in the expectation thereof. For what further is fit to be done by me, I will be concluded by whatever Mr Bourchier shall consent to, of whose honesty and discretion I am persuaded. May 13.
PS.—Your dead sick friend is only able to write this much as his last farewell, that he loved you living and doth so dying; and I desire you that that honourable favour I acknowledged from you may after me be transferred upon those I shall leave behind me, if they deserve it by their dutiful respect towards you, and that what favour at this instant you meant me it may tend to their use, according to my will 'wekly' made in my sickness, of which I am humbly to entreat you will be sole supervisor.
Signed, the postscript in Lord Sheffield's hand Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (127 49)
Sir William Smithe to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 13. He, with Mr Treswell, prayed Lord Harington that he might buy part of the trees the King is now selling in Lawnd Woods, which adjoin his house; but Harington answered he should have never a stick, and thought it an indignity any man should have a tree which grew on his soil. By Harington's letters he sees he desires that he only may buy the King's timber, and so engross all the woods in Leicestershire for 10 or 12 miles around; with a pretence that the writer makes his suit out of malice, calling him a stranger in the shire where his ancestors have dwelt for almost 200 years. Wonders Harington should show such spleen, it being forbidden by Salisbury that any one man should buy all the timber and others have none. Begs that he may buy the timber in the West Wood, being the fourth part. London, 13 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 50)
Bartholomew Haggatt to George Calvert
1609, May 13. Certain tenants of the manor of Tynmouth and Tynmouthshire will come this day with a petition for composition and confirmation of their copyholds. Gives particulars of their tenures and discusses the best means of obtaining certain sums of money for himself and Calvert, for their furtherance of the matter with 'my Lord' [Salisbury]. A lease of the Earl of Northumberland's of the lands in question is mentioned. Crouched Fryers, 13 May, 1609.
Holographpp. (132 58)
Roger Goad to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 13. A report has lately been spread both in Cambridge and London to some of eminent place that at the last Assizes here in Lent he privately and instantly solicited Lord Cooke for an indictment against Mr Lyle for the death of his son (wounded by Lyle) who died in January.
The report is like to be Mr Lyle's, to have the suit against him in the Star Chamber withdrawn. The motion having been made to the Attorney-General by one of good place, Mr Lyle's kinsman, who was egregiously abused by that crafty, lewd fiction, even as Goad himself was (being made the author) and also the Dean of Canterbury upon whom it was falsely fathered to be a witness of that speech. Mr Attorney has desired to be further certified herein. Has answered by letter utterly negative that it was mere false surmise arising from a guilty accusing conscience to avoid the censure of that high court to which Salisbury has referred the cause. Whereupon Mr Attorney rested satisfied.
This rumour might come to abuse his Lordship, therefore signifies this much for truth, whereby it may appear that the party ceases not still to tumble up and down in craft as formerly he was rightly censured. Thanks his Lordship for kind respect to his son lately showed in the business by him moved. From King's College in Cambridge this XIIIth of May, 1609.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (136 197)
John Norden to the Lord Treasurer
1609, May 15. Reports the proceedings of the jury on wastes, held at Brokenhurst in the New Forest. Inefficiency of the inquiry; it being rumoured that the business was clean overthrown, and that he (Norden) was no more to come into the country; those who could give evidence having been wrought upon by the offenders to withhold it, and doubts being thrown upon the commission. He has appointed them the 10th of July to make their final presentment. Details arrangements he is making for sales of wood. Brokenhurst New Forest, 15 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 59)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1609, May 17. A letter from my Lord to President Richardot with which he was much pleased, laying the fault of former proceedings upon the Spaniards, whose presumption and ignorance was the cause of ruining all the affairs wherein they had to deal. The Baron of Hoboque's wife complains that in two years she could not see the Queen.
Abstract (227 p. 359)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1609 [May] 17. Touching the Proclamation of strangers fishing upon the coast, wherein many reasons alleged in general; in particular concerning the state of the Archdukes' countries. If it be alleged that heretofore those countries as parcel of the house of Burgundy were possessed of the liberty of fishing without being tied to ask leave for it, you may answer that in those days there were in all of those of the house of Burgundy not 100 sail that resorted upon our coasts for fishing, where now there resorts of the Netherlands above 2000 at a time; so that a new disorder may well admit a new remedy. Besides that, we do not acknowledge this particular treaty of Hen. 7 to be so full in force as we should be tied thereby more strictly to them than they are to us, who in many particulars do not stick to proceed beyond the prescript of the treaty. The general reasons out of the civil law: the Emperor is said to be mundi dominus, lex maris. Kings have now the same sovereignty. Mare dicitur esse de territorio illius civitatis cui magis appropinquat (saith Baldwin) et ideo Veneti quia domini sunt maris Adriatici possunt imponere navigantibus vectigalia et adversus contrafacientes poenam adjicere.'
Abstract (227 p. 359)
Rock Church to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609], May 17. As to Mr Johnson's proceedings in the sale of woods belonging to the Duchy in Yorkshire: the survey of Bradleyashe in Derbyshire for the Earl; and as to woods in Duffilde Frythe belonging to the Duchy, sold by Mr Gibson to the Earl of Shrewsbury. Wingfilde, 17 May.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Rock Church, 1609.' 1 p. (132 60)
Sir Henry Guldeforde to Lord [Salisbury]
1609, May 19. The Attorney-General thinks there should be a warrant for stay of felling, lopping, etc, in Broyle Park, until the Council is informed by what right the same is done. This is what the King's tenants, commoners in the Broyle and the country there, look for, they knowing the wrong the King receives in these proceedings. The woodward is John Hart, dwelling in Ringmer, and he should be required in the warrant to give Guldeforde notice of such proceedings, and also to attend the Attorney-General next term to report. Of his difficulties in executing his office [of surveyor] there. May 19, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 61)
Sir Richard Knyghtley to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 21. His Majesty has given Lord Hayes the fine of 500 marks which in the time of Queen Elizabeth was imposed on me in the Star Chamber, but which, by her special command, I was not troubled for. Now an execution against my body, land and goods has come to the Sheriff. I, not expecting this, have long since so disposed of my estate to my children as only a very sparing maintenance remains. Help to free my age of that misery which this fine threatens, if it be not stayed, or at some easy rate compounded. Norton, 21 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 51)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 21. Lord Sheffield's suit for the 'privilege of allam' (alum) was referred to the Council. The patent was first granted to Waad's father and one Kendall, and after to one Cornelius, brought from beyond seas by Waad's father. In the new grant which Lord Mountjoy had, Waad had a part also. He therefore prayed the Council that if any such patent were granted, he might not be excluded, which Lord Sheffield promised, as was reason, the charge and industry of his father having first brought that matter to trial. He now understands the King resumes the patent, giving Sheffield an annuity for the same. Begs that Sheffield may be required to make him an allowance out of the annuity. 21 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 59)
Anthony Atkinson to the Earl of Salisbury, Sir Julius Caesar and Sir Laurence Tanfield
1609, May 23. He has spent great sums of money, and endured many arrests and troubles, in his suit against Fenton, which tends only to the benefit of the King and commonwealth. Fears he will be overweighed for want of money to prosecute it, and is in danger of prison for debts for money spent in the late Queen's service about the apprehending of Boost and other traitors, and other services. Begs for sufficient maintenance to finish the suit. London, 23 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 52)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 24. The suit of Robert Bell and Ottawell Smyth, on behalf of the merchants trading France, for an imposition to be laid on all woollen drapery, for freeing the merchants of an edict of the French King for the confiscation of English cloths, was found very necessary; and the imposition was increased by 2d a pound on all merchandise transported to France for four years, which expires on July 16 next. The Council are now asked to continue the imposition for one year longer, which they think expedient, and pray Salisbury to direct the officers of the ports accordingly: the impositions to be paid over to Bell and Smyth as heretofore. If the merchants can make up sufficient to pay the debts for which they are engaged through the above cause, they have promised to certify Salisbury, and will thereupon desire no further help by this imposition. Palace of Whitehall, 24 May, 1609.
Signed: T. Ellesmere, Canc.; R. Salisbury; H. Northampton; T. Suffolk; E. Zouche; W. Knollys; J. Herbert; E. Worcester; Tho. Parry. 1 p. (127 53)
Sir Henry Slyngesby to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 24. Details of Mr [Thomas] Johnson's improper proceedings in the sale of woods in Fullwithe, Yewrewith, Norwood, Okeden and Harlowe, Swindon, Allrom and the Perkes. His personal dealings, as commissioner and collector, with Mr Johnson at Knaresborough. Encloses copy of a warrant by Johnson making proclamation for further sale, which would have been executed had he not been stayed by Salisbury's letter. Replies to the charge of neglecting the King's service brought against him by Johnson. Sherbourne, 24 May, 1609.
Holograph 3 pp. (132 62)
The Enclosure
Tho. Johnson to Robert Norton, Deputy-Bailiff for the borough of Knaresborough. Warrant for the sale of the King's woods there. Knaresborough, 3 May, 1609.
Contemporary copy ½ p. (132 53)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1609, [May] 24. A placart published for valuation of moneys. No money out of Spain. The sum granted by the Provinces 120,000 crowns designed for payment of the Allemans.
Abstract (227 p. 359)
The Earl of Sussex to Lord [Salisbury]
1609, May 25. The King has granted his request to appoint his cousin Thomas Mildemay deputy-lieutenant of Essex. Begs Salisbury to inform the Lord Chancellor, that he may have a new commission granted and Mildemay named therein. Charterhouse, 25 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 54)
Aaron Rathborne to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 25. Encloses his survey of Langthorpe Grange, parcel of the possessions of Mr Langdale, now prisoner in the Fleet, which is to be assigned to his Majesty for the yearly payment of his fine of 14001 estalled at 501 per annum. Recommends that his Majesty take over the land for an absolute satisfaction, and regrant it to certain gentlemen in that country, who will give security for the payment of the whole fine in 14 years by 1001 a year.
He hopes shortly to effect survey of those lands of which Salisbury requires a speedy return for sale. Purposes to go Northward for dispatch of the business for woods there. Ryppon, 25 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 55)
Sir Richard Hawkyns to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 25. My forcible attendance to support my reputation, continually assailed by malice favoured by authority, makes me beg for satisfaction of my bill of 'Ankers.' Sir Robert Mansfield tells me he has now money in his hands, wherewith to make payment, if you please that it shall be allowed him in his account. 25 May, 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (127 56)
Countess of Derby to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1609, May 25. As her son the Earl of Huntingdon's health does not serve him to attend Salisbury, he has desired her to satisfy Salisbury in a matter in which he has been injuriously dealt with. It has been reported to Salisbury that Huntingdon lately bought of his Majesty some woods lying conveniently to his use at above 8001 or 9001 under the value thereof. He answers that whoever will give him 9001 for them (which cost him upon the point of 8001), he shall willingly have the bargain. He is also content for a new survey to be made, and if it appear the woods have been undervalued, and that any other will give more, the Earl will strain himself as far as any other. Suggests that the report is merely a colour to cross her son for private ends. York House, 25 May, 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'The Countess Dowager of Derby.' 1 p. (127 57)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar
1609, May 25. Reports on the misdemeanours committed in the woods in Byrkland and Bellowhey in the Forest of Sherwood by counterfeit marking; and encloses certificate of the matter. Dand, one of the offenders, who has long depended on him (Shrewsbury), acted through ignorance; but by reasons of differences in forest matters between my Lord of Rutland and him, wherein he has used Dand, he doubts Rutland would seek to prosecute Dand. Prays that Dand and Hall, another of the offenders, may only have an information framed against them in the Exchequer, and be fined with such favour as Salisbury may think good. Welbeck in the Forest of Shyrewood, 25 May, 1609.
Holograph 2 pp. (132 64)
The Enclosure
View of the misdemeanours committed in Byrkelande and Billawhey Woods, in Sherwood Forest.
Signed: Lancelot Rolston, James Bacon, John Handylstan and Rock Churche, 6 May, 1609. 2 pp. (132 54)
Brief of the States' bonds
[1609, May 26.] 18 January, 1577. A declaration that the States of the Low Countries are in actual war with the Spaniards, and therefore desire her Majesty's aid with money.
19 January, 1577. Whereupon they are furnished by her Majesty with 20,0001, Monsr. Swevingham being sent over to solicit it; for the repayment whereof they give their bonds, as also divers towns, viz, 18 January, 1577, Gaunt; 5 February, 1577, Bridges; 20 February, 1577, Dunkirk; 22 and 23 February, 1577, Bruxels; 3 April, 1577, Newport; to be repaid at London according to the States' bond the last of July, 1577.
1 July, 1578. They are furnished by her Majesty by the hands of Babtesta Spinola with 12,1211: 4: 0, for which they give her Majesty security by several bonds on 1 July, 1578.
3 November, 1578: and by the other bonds undertake to secure her Majesty, the City of London and Mr Davison thereof.
1 July, 1578. They are also furnished with 16,6361: 7 :3, by Horatio Pallavicino, for which they give her Majesty the like bonds both for discharge of that principal debt.
3 November, 1578. and also to discharge her Majesty, the City of London and whom else soever engaged for the same.
20 April, 1578. They are also furnished by her Majesty with 5,0001 more, solicited by the Marquis of Haurech, and give their bond for the same.
17 May, 1578. And further with 20,0001 delivered them at Hamburgh by Christopher Hoddesdon, for which they also give their bonds.
11 July, 1578. And further with 20,0001 more delivered them at Antwerp by Mr Davison, and give their bonds for the same.
18 July, 1578. They are also furnished by her Majesty with 4,6161: 13: 4, which is incorporated to their former debt of 28,7571: 11: 3, which became thereby to be 33,3941: 4:4 (sic).
They were also further furnished with 40,0001 delivered to D. Casimire, for which, and the 5,0001 which the Marquis of Haurech had, these towns gave their bonds, viz, 27 October, 1578, Antwerp: 23 November, 1578, Gaunt: 25 November, 1578, Bruges.
15 May, 1579. They also by their instrument of that date give her Majesty a power to contract with Horatio Pallavicino and Babtesta Spinola for the prolongation of time for their debt to them upon such reasonable interest as may be. Undated
Endorsed: 'Brief of the States' bonds; for the Lord Treasurer of England, 26 May, 1609.' 1 p. (127 58)
Matthew Nelson to Sir Julius Caesar
1609, May 26. As to the claim of the tenants and inhabitants of Wigmore and other townships there, to the tops of all trees cut down in Darvoll, within the manor of Wigmore, a wood of the King's in Hereford: and the claim of the woodward to the bark as his fee. He details his proceedings with the tenants and gives particulars of Darvoll, and of the customary rights claimed therein, which he discusses. He has given the tenants till Trinity Sunday to acquaint the Lord Treasurer and Sir Julius Caesar with their demands; whereby they may take order that the business may proceed peaceably and with more profit to the King. As to felling of wood in Bringewood Forest and the prohibition. Garroway, May 26, 1609.
Holographpp. (132 66)
The Earl of Huntingdon to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 27. He has received Salisbury's and the Chancellor of the Exchequer's letter of the 16th, for stay of felling wood in Derbyshire, about which he contracted with Mr Gibson. He prays the woods may be viewed again, and if esteemed of greater worth than they are sold for, that he may have them before any other: as it would be a dishonour to him to have the bargain taken from him. Asheby, 27 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 68)
Rock Church to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 27. He will answer on his going up next term the complaints made against him with respect to the sale of his Majesty's woods in Nottinghamshire. As to the sale of trees in Arnold Woods, co. Notts., and the claim of the tenants. Reported purchase of certain rights in the manor of Arnold by Roger Sullie and William Deverall for 1,1001. Some particulars of the manor, the demesne of which is now in lease to Lady Markham, wife of Sir Griffin Markham. The purchase is worth 3,0001 or 4,0001. Nottingham, 27 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 69)
Postal endorsements: Newark, 31 at 6. Ware, the second of June at eyght in the morninge. Waltham the second June at past 9 in the morninge.
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, May 30] His Majesty is very desirous to know what 'haynd caves' there is at Tebbales, and therefore desires you to send to Mr Flentt to know the certainty thereof and so to advertise his Majesty. From Grenwich this Tuesday forenoon.
Holograph Endorsed: '30 May 1609.' ½ p. (111 21)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, May 30. Of his weak condition. Is advised to get the benefit of country air. Begs Salisbury's furtherance for the dispatch of his instructions. Though there is very great abridgement of that authority, yet he desires to end the matter without further trouble. There are two or three things which, for relief of his Majesty's subjects in that Government, he desires may be inserted in the instructions. He has acquainted Mr Attorney with them, and also the Lord Chancellor, who thinks them reasonable, and he hopes they will seem fit to Salisbury to be granted. Begs him to give directions to Mr Attorney to finish the business. 30 May, 1609.
Signed, with PS in Sheffield's hand. 1 p. (127 60)
Sir Francis Stonor to Sir Walter Cope
1609, May 30. Reports his proceedings in the sale of trees in Berkshire; at Okingham, the great park of Windsor, Mote Park, Follygeon Park, Sunnyng Hill Park, Esomstedd Park, and the walks belonging to the Honor of Windsor. On the Lord Admiral's letter, of which he encloses copy, being published by Sir Richard Lovelace, buyers refused to proceed any further, and condemn him (Stonor) for acting without authority. Protests that he intended only to do his Majesty's service by the sale. Encloses his answer to the Lord Admiral, which he begs Cope to forward if he approves it. Stonor, 30 May, 1609.
(?) Holographpp. (132 70)
The Enclosure
Sir F. Stonor to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral. On the same subject as the above. He has proceeded only upon the warrant given by Nottingham to Sir Robert Johnson and himself. He prays that he may either go forward with the sale, or be discharged with credit. Stonor, 1 June.
(?) Holograph 1 p. (132 73)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1609 [May] 30. Touching the former matter he treated with President Richardot, who took some slight exceptions against it as against our new plantation in Virginia.
Abstract (227 p. 359)
Bartholomew Haggatt to George Calvert
1609, May 31. He has attempted to make stay at Gainforth, Durham, of 1200 timber trees sold there by Mr Johnson, and has desired 'his Honour' [Salisbury] to signify his pleasure therein. Gives particulars of the woods and his reasons for desiring the stay. The sale would be the utter destruction of the woods, which are parcel of the Duke of York's land and part of the Lordship of Bernard Castle, and but 3 miles from Raby Castle, the Duke's seat, as is reported: for the repair of which timber should be reserved; and various neighbouring townships also claim timber from the woods for reparations. Abuses practised by Mr Johnson. Darlington, last of May, 1609.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Bartholomew Haggat' 3 pp. (132 71)
Sir Simon Weston to the Lord Treasurer
1609, May 31. Reports his proceedings in the sale of his Majesty's woods, and asks instructions. St. Jones, 31 May, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 76)
Minute to —
[1609, after May] Moving him to procure his Majesty's letter to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, for passing of the Earl of Shrewsbury's grant. Undated.
Draft 1 p. (197 63)
Minute to the [Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster]
[1609, after May]. Commending him for his refusal to affix the seal of the Duchy of Lancaster to certain grants under the Great Seal to the Earl of Shrewsbury, because they contained things contrary to a restraint lately issued by the King in respect of such grants, but authorising him, notwithstanding, to proceed to the passing of the said grant.
Draft Undated 1 p. (197 62)