Cecil Papers: July 1609, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1609, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp78-88 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1609, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp78-88.

"Cecil Papers: July 1609, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp78-88.

July 1609, 1-15

Remembrances as to the King's Woods
[1609, (?) July 1]. The conferences with Sir Henry Fanshaw about the spoil of wood mentioned partly in letters to your Lordship and partly in other certificates, are written down with the several courses to be taken therein; which being somewhat more perfected shall be ready when you shall call for the same. Now only we offer your Honour something that was done at the conference yesterday, Mr Morgan and Deputy Clerk being present.
Sir Henry Fanshawe endeavoured to draw the said Deputy Clerk to discover some of the abuses in under-values of woods upon late sales in the Queen's time. This not taking effect, upon further speech we discovered a lameness likely to impeach the going forward of this business, in that Deputy Clerk seemed that he could not help us with Mr Taverner's writings, which no doubt are able to give much light to all former obscure proceedings. Understanding at length from him that the writings were all locked up in a great chest in the house of one Mr Hill, draper, we thought fit to repair unto the house, where having leave and being brought to the chest, we sealed it up.
Now it rests that some process be speedily sent to Mrs Taverner, widow, the owner of the chest, and also that Deputy Clerk have an oath administered unto him upon interrogatories touching the premisses.
Lastly, we offer unto your Honour if it may not seem fit to have an abstract made of all manors and lands sold within the compass of [blank] years, that so it may be easily found out whether the said woods in the survey were undervalued or no. Undated.
Unsigned Endorsed: '1609. Remembrances touching the conference at Sir Henry Fanshawes the last of June.' 1 p. (128 76)
Bartholomew Haggatt to George Calvert
1609, July 1. As to the stay of Mr Johnson's sale of woods (in Gainforth, Durham.) As to supposed bonds of 8801 made upon the lordship and manor of Allerton, Allertonshire and Creake, co. Yorks, and other places cited, parcel of the Bishopric [of Durham]. If George Ward be dead, as is reported, he begs for the surveyorship of Northumberland and the woodwardship of Chopwell. Aukland, 1 July, 1609.
Holographpp. (132 96)
Dr Fletcher to the Lord Treasurer
[1609, July 2.] His inability to maintain his charges is caused by relinquishing his practice of civil law for employments in foreign service, which were imposed upon him by the State. He begs Salisbury to testify to the King that his services have not been unprofitable, he having four times been employed in public affairs to good effect, in Scotland, Rusland, Germany and the Low Countries; and obtain his gracious help. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: 'Doctor Fletcher, 1609. rec. 2 July.' 1 p. (127 89)
Sale of the King's Woods
1609, July 3. Certificate signed by Sir James Altham and Sir Walter Cope, concerning restraint of sales of wood by Thomas Johnson in Ricall, Dighton and Wheldrake, co. Yorks; sales at Pomfret, Wakefield and Scoles: also in Gainforth in the Bishopric of Durham. They recommend that sales already made be proceeded with. 3 July, 1609.
2 pp. (132 103)
Dr Du Port to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, July 3. Having been these twenty years almost Doctor of Divinity and Master of Jesus College in Cambridge, three times ViceChancellor of the University, his Majesty's Chaplain (though extraordinary in respect of some infirmity of sight through age) ever since his first coming to the Crown, employed now in the great business of the translation [of the Bible] with others, upon his Majesty's command; no way to be touched with any just imputation whereby he should be prejudiced from receiving like encouragement and holding due equipage with others of his rank and condition; and finally being one that, besides his Lordship and that true mirror of nobility, the Earl of Suffolk, others also, Lords of the Privy Council, do not disdain to own for their poor kinsman; rather expected the raising of his fortunes to have been conferred by others than sought by himself; yet finds it otherwise, and that preferments come not without particular endeavour and the best friends and means that can be used. For this reason, entreats his Lordship's mediation in his behalf unto the King at this change, and the rather that the Archbishop of Canterbury has many times promised to second any motion made in his behalf. From my lodging by Pawles in hast, 3 Julii, 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (136 198)
Lord Cobham to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, July 4. Recommends the enclosed petition. The matter fell out when he was Warden of the Cinque Ports, for a debt due to the Queen. The money was paid by the party to the then Clerk of the Castle, and the acquittance is annexed to the petition. Since the Clerk's death process has been awarded against the poor man. and without Salisbury's help he is like to pay it twice over. Begs that process may be granted against the Clerk's heirs or executors, and the poor man disburdened. Tower, 4 July, 1609.
Holograph signed: H. Brooke Endorsed: 'L. Cobham for Wolters.' 1 p. (127 90)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Lord Treasurer
1609, July 5. The relation which he now makes shows how strangely the Prince is possessed with superstition and other high humours. It was the middle of last week before the Princes returned from Sichem, when he demanded forthwith audience of them both to welcome them according to the ceremony performed by all other ambassadors, and at the same time to deliver his Majesty's book to the Archduke. Audience was assigned him both by the Infanta and the Archduke, but two hours before he was to go into Court President Ricardott came to him to tell him that if he intended to present the book the Archduke was resolved not to receive it in respect there was so much spoken therein against the Pope and the doctrine of their Church. His arguments with the President who, however, was unwilling to entertain further discourse with him. Was doubtful at his departure what to do, but afterwards, considering that if he should go to present the book and it was refused he should but draw more dishonour upon his Majesty, he thought his best course was to send to make it known both to the Infanta and the Archduke that he refused to accept his audience, thereby giving them to understand that he held himself discharged from performing any of the ceremonies at that time towards them, seeing the Archduke dealt so unkindly with his Majesty. They had before understood that Don Pedro de Cuniga had refused to receive the book in England, and in the same morning that his audience was to have been in the afternoon the Nuncio had had audience with the Archduke, whose instances on his master's behalf concurring with the example of such a minister of Spain, were sufficient to give the absolute law to this Prince's weak mind. Has since had conference with Ricardot and Hoboque and made known how ill-advised the Archduke is to take this resolution, but has been answered that there is no means to divert him from it.
How 'unrespectively' the Prince has dealt with the French King is generally much condemned. The young Princess of Orange passing this way to reside with her husband at Breda, attended here some days the return of the Princes to kiss their hands. She brought earnest letters of recommendation from the French King to the Infanta, and it was given in charge to the French Ambassador that she might be treated according to the rank she holds in France of first princess of the blood after the King's children, notwithstanding her marriage. It was desired she might be treated in the same manner as was in this Court the Duchess of Brunswick, a daughter of the Duke of Lorraince, who was to be allowed to sit with her long cushion in the first step under the cloth of state, and that her chief lady of honour might be admitted with her into the place where the Infanta gives audience to the ladies. Notwithstanding the representations of Richardot and the French Ambassador the Archduke alleged that the honour given to the Duchess of Brunswick was because she had been so formerly treated in Spain, and that the Infanta could not allow the same to this lady who had married their vassal. The Ambassador finding this the final resolution told the Archduke that the Princess had order to withdraw herself, to which he answered that she might do as she thought fit. The Ambassador, at his coming forth, met in the ante-chamber the Spanish Ambassador, who desired him to give him leave to deal with the Archduke in the matter to make him more capable of reason, but neither did his speeches prevail anything more. The conclusion of this business was that the next day the Princess of Orange departed without seeing the Infanta, thereby casting a greater affront upon these Princes than they upon her. Understands they take tenderly her going away in that manner.
They here think it likely the French King will pass over this 'unrespective' usage of his niece with scorn and derision of the Spanish pride. The usage of the Princess is very broadly spoken of in this town, it being merrily said that the Princes show themselves Parvi in magnis et magni in parvis; having lost their honour in substance by the Treaty of Holland, they would now seek to repair it in matters of ceremony.
The behaviour of Don Francisco de Castra, the new Spanish Ambassador at Rome, since his first arrival there. The first beginning was in giving great discontentment to the Venetian Ambassador that came to visit him, to whom he refused the title of Excellency and the place in his own lodging, and when told of his fault pretended it was only forgetfulness in him and that the other, if he thought good, might use him in like manner. The next passage was in making the minister of Florence attend two hours in his ante-chamber before being admitted to his presence. But the third act was of much greater scandal in that, where by the order of the Pope's Court the hours of the audiences of the several ambassadors are precisely appointed, he made the Pope attend him two hours after the time assigned. But the Spanish greatness and his double qualification in being the Duke of Lerma's nephew makes all this insolency to be digested.
They are here nothing well pleased that the Marquis of Brandenburg and the Duke of Neubourg have agreed to compound their differences for the succession of Cleves. They have procured themselves to be jointly acknowledged in Cleves, Dusseldorp and a third place, but have not yet been able to do the like in Julliers, for the governor who commands there is dependent upon the Emperor. There have been citations from the Emperor to those Princes to appear before the Imperial Chamber for the trial of their titles, but how his authority is brought into contempt will appear by the enclosed advertisements of the proceedings of the Protestants of Bohemia.
There is no further news from Spain since his last letter concerning the ratification or the furnishing of money. Because it is understood that the States take it very ill that in all this time the ratification is not sent, the Archduke dispatched a courier a few days since into Spain to hasten the sending away of the same. They have advice by the merchants' letters that there is provision making in Spain of 635,000 crowns for these parts, but no order has yet come for the payment of any part thereof.
Has committed these letters to Mr Buttler, who is passing this way into England. 5 July, 1609.
PS. Understands from the French Ambassador that he has newly received order from the King his master to make known to the Archduke that there is a great likelihood of inducing the Duke of Deuxponts to enter into the compromise with the Marquis of Brandenburg and the Duke of Neubourg. It is resolved to summon also the Marquis of Burgon to conform himself to that order or, in case of his refusal, to protest against him for the inconveniences that may arise thereof. The said King declares that, as he employs himself to compound the difference in such peaceable manner, so he will join in the said princes' defence against any that shall seek to hinder their possession in those lands. In the better countenancing their cause he sends some companies of horse to lodge upon the frontiers of Champagne. This news cannot be but very unpleasing to the Archduke.
Copy 8 pp. (227 p. 308)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 9]
Sir Samuel Saltonstall to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, July 6. He has been 18 weeks in prison, being committed for a contempt in Chancery, and begs for due trial and the benefit of law. Hopes to give the Lord Chancellor satisfaction, and is willing for arbitration. His adversaries are proceeding against him in the Exchequer as well as in Chancery, and have caused him to be bound in 20001. Begs for enlargement. 6 July, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 91)
King James to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1609,] July 8. My little beagle, it were high time that the Council's request were sent unto me for staying the current of suits, for I cannot yet be quit of begging, and even yesternight did Alan Percy make a suit to me for a fee farm of a hundred pounds land of impropriations, but with a present nolimus he was quiet. As for my book, the which ye praise so much, it is in truth an old book, whereof there is nothing new but the covering. The language is extremely bad, for although it was first written all with my own hand it was first marred in the orthography by Geddes copying it (the knave whom ye knew) in very rude Scottish spelling, and next was it copied by Sir Peter Young's son, who pressing to English hath marred it quite and made it neither, so it is now good Britaine language or rather Welsh, much like Sir Roger's style. It was my puerilia written by me in Dalkeith a five or six years at least before I was married. I think ye may remember to have seen that gentleman's hand that interlines it in divers places. It contains a short compend of the history of the church, the grounds and antiquity of our religion, and the special times when the grossest papish errors were introduced, which last ye will see specially collected in the table at the end of the book. If one of the letters, I mean the shortest, that the Admiral carried was written by his own knowledge, he is an old cockscomb, for if I were the King's subject I would not desire another King's subject to make suit for me; but ye may tell my wife that what I wrote to her anent the parrots was plain prophecy, for I saw not the Admiral three or four hours after that who no sooner told me that he had sent two parrots to the Queen that spoke good Spanish, but ye may judge what pain I was in to keep me from laughing; but for satisfying the King of Spain's request I think good to make him a grandee. And so praying you to commend me to Suffolk and 3 [Northampton] I bid you all three heartily farewell. Undated
Holograph Endorsed by Salisbury: 'July 8. His Majesty to me.' Seal on red silk 1 p. (134 132)
Alton Wood, parcel of the manor of Aborley, Gloucester
[1609, July 9] Four papers. (1) Warrant to Sir Edward Blunt, Sir George Blunt, Sir William Welshe and others for prevention of spoil in Alton Wood, 9 July, 1609. (132 100)
(2) Survey of Alton Wood taken by Sir Edward Blounte and Mathew Nelson. 1 p. (132 98).
(3) Viscount Lisle to the King. As to Alton Woods, now in possession of the King by virtue of a judgment given for the late Queen against the late Countess of Warwick, whose interest has descended to him. He prays that in consideration of his service, his claim to the above may be referred to the Lord Treasurer and the Barons of the Exchequer. Petition 1 p. (132 101)
(4) Title of the writer [? Lord Lisle] to Alton Wood. He desires a new grant on certain conditions. Endorsed: 'L. Lisle' 1 p. (132 99)
The Privy Council to Lord Treasurer Salisbury, as Lieutenant of Herts
1609, July 10. The King requires certificate of what state the several counties stand in for those provisions, especially powder, which they ought to have in store. In some places there are no arms and powder, and in some the certificate is larger than the things that are extant. The bearer, Thomas Abrahall, has direction to offer such powder as shall be wanting, in goodness and price, such as Salisbury shall have good cause to like, and the Council doubt not he will deal with him before any others, it being necessary for the State to encourage the making of powder within itself rather than depend on foreign provisions. They desire him to suffer Abrahall to view the powder in his store and to send certificate thereof, whereupon they may ground their report to his Majesty. Court at Greenwich, 10 July, 1609.
Signed: R. Salisbury, H. Northampton, T. Suffolk, E. Worcester, E. Zouche, W.Knolleys, J.Stanhope, J.Herbert, Jul. Caesar, Tho. Parry. Countersigned: John Corbett. 2 pp. (127 92)
Elizabeth Throckmorton to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, July 10 or before] I conjure you to make my case your own' and consider what you would do if all your living were taken from you and not one groat allowed toward your maintenance. My Lord Chancellor contradicts his own act, for by his order I ought to have land or money, and have neither. Persuade him to suffer me to stand my trial before you for these exclamations I make against him, that if I cannot prove what I have said I may be sharply punished. Let the remembrance of God's mercy soften your heart, which hitherto has been as hard as a stone towards me. I can make no longer shifts. I have spent 6001 since my husband's death, and have received but 1501 so that my son keeps from me 3001 and all my land, which should be above 6001 yearly. My Lord Chancellor doth against the law of nature, reason and equity, to bear out a wicked son against his own natural mother. My suit is that I may come before you, not doubting I shall have justice. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 're. 10 July 1609.' 1 p. (127 93)
Sir Thomas Waller to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, July 11 or before] The Marshal of Polland came hither on Saturday night last, embarked on Sunday morning and landed the same day at Calais. Wherefore I have herewith returned his Majesty's letter. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 'rec. 11 July 1609.' ½ p. (127 94)
Sir David Murray to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, July 12. Requests, on behalf of his Highness, a letter of exchange on Venice for 6001 for some fair horses which Sir Robert Douglas should bring home for him. It should be dispatched with expedition, as Douglas stays at Venice till he receives answer. His Highness was exceeding well pleased with the little nag Salisbury sent him. Theoballs, 12 July, 1609.
Holograph At foot: 'My Lord, I thank you for the little nag you sent me, which though he be little, yet he wants no mettle as all little things have. Henry P.' 1 p. (195 107)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1609, July 12. Don Rodrigo de Lasso, the Soumeiller du corps to the Archduke, lately created a Count in Spain, being on his way to Brussels sent a courier before with bills for 600,000 crowns forthwith payable. The Confessor looked for, shortly after which the ratification, and by them two expected the full resolutions of Spain.
Abstract (227 p. 362)
John Boteler to Mr Wilson
1609, July 12. Begs for a loan of 201 which he requires for furnishing his wife against her lying down and other occasions. Cony Street, 12 July, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 95)
Sir William Constable to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, July 13. Vouchsafe your favour that I may obtain liberty, which now with much less may be effected than hereafter, as my greatest enemy is likewise prisoner in Dorcester for debt, and 2001 will free his execution of 7601 that I am prisoner for; and the rest of my creditors are so willing and needy that 8001 before the Judge's departure would put me out of prison. Might I by your favour obtain this good by his Majesty's grant of 20001 of his part of the debts which I have under the privy seal, that by sale or otherwise I might obtain 10001 or 8001, I should perpetually pray for your happiness. Could I effect my liberty now, I would leave my poor means in England to satisfy the rest of my creditors, and live myself, wife and family, of my company at the Brill. 13 July, 1609.
[?] Holograph 1 p. (127 96)
Certificate of Baron Altham and Sir Walter Cope
1609, July 13. Mr Baron Altham has allowed Sir Henry Slingesbie to be forester in fee, with house boot and hay boot, as things formerly decreed for him when Knaresborough was in the Crown. The rest of his claims they refer to trial. As to Mr Norden's project for restraint of firewood and keeper's allowance in the New Forest, they recommend a commission to the Lord Warden of the Forest and others, to consider the claims of the inhabitants, foresters and officers. 13 July, 1609.
Signed 1 p. (132 102)
John Norden to the Lord Treasurer
1609, July 14. The trees sold by the late commission in his Majesty's Forest of Alishowlte have been all carried away, and the pits filled in, so that the King shall not be troubled thereby in his 'disports' when he comes. Reports upon woods there and in Bindswood. 14 July, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (132 106)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to James I
1609, July 15. Sacred Majesty. Having understood that upon the long and most humble suit which Colonel Patton hath made to be re integrated into the happiness of your Majesty's gracious favour and good opinion, your pleasure is to be informed of me what I have observed his behaviour to be in declaration of his duty towards your Majesty during the time of my residence here for your service. I should very much wrong him in respect of the particular knowledge and trial which I have had of his good and dutiful demeanour in this place, where contrariwise the malice of your ill-affected subjects of all nations doth so much abound, if I should not testify that he hath been so far from partaking of the evil leaven of their spirits as he hath not been afraid, notwithstanding all jealousies of the time, to make free declaration of his dutiful professions and love towards your Majesty's service. And as by the same his good carriage and earnest and continual suit to be restored to your good favour, he hath sought to expiate the fault committed against your Majesty in the time of his green years, so forasmuch as your Majesty's royal nature hath effected to make your glory to shine by your mercy where the same may be not unworthily bestowed, I will hope that you will be pleased to extend the same cup of grace to this gentleman, who as he hath many worthy parts of sufficiency joined to his willingness to do your Majesty service, so even the interest of your service itself doth plead that a distinction should be made between him and those who have not showed themselves so well affected as he hath done. From Brussels, 15 July, 1609.
Copypp. (227 p. 316)
Abstract of the above (227 p. 362)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Lord Treasurer
1609, July 15. The ordinary post by whom he wrote his Lordship being two days since departed, sends over his secretary with this letter. By a courier newly arrived from Spain dispatched by the Confessor, they have now received the ratification. He sent to Ricardott to know whether the same was in form valuable to give contentment to the States, and he answered that it was so. The receiving of the ratification seems to have much quieted their minds, for they were afraid the States would have sent their ships to block up their havens of Flanders. Don Rodrigo de Lasso is not expected these ten days as he comes in a litter. Besides the dignity bestowed on him of an Earl, he is made of the Council of War of Spain, which is esteemed a place of great honour. There is committed unto him a great authority to take order in the reformations intended of the men of war. It was once appointed to have sent hither one Barnaby Pedrosa, who is of the Council of the Hazienda in Spain, but he had no knowledge of men's merits here.
The news are now confirmed here of Tyrone's secret departure from Rome. The general opinion is that he has taken his journey for Spain, and that he is assured by the Pope's mediation of some means underhand for returning into his country. The Colonel, his son, purposes also to go shortly into Spain, and encouraged one of his late reformed captains to be of good comfort, for he should shortly command more men than formerly the said captain had done. It is said their emissaries, the priests, are sent abroad with the Pope's recommendation to many Catholic princes for assistance secretly for this enterprise. Redman Bourk has written hither that he has been very well received in Spain. Some priests are said to have been expressly sent from the Pope to the noblemen of Ireland, to enjoin them upon severest censures to declare themselves in the assistance of Tyrone when the time shall serve. Many other particulars are related from which it is collected that in all likelihood some enterprise is a bruiting, but what seems to confirm more the jealousy thereof is that special direction is sent from Spain for making ready the 12 new ships built at Dunkerk for the service of those parts. and to send them with all speed into Spain.
To deliver the judgment he makes of all these proceedings, he cannot think that it stands with the present state of the King of Spain's affairs to break forth into war against his Majesty, but his chief end may be to employ his forces for the expelling of his Majesty's subjects at Virginia before they have fortified themselves there. This, it may be, he will not make difficulty to undertake openly, pretending it to be an action justifiable done merely in his own defence, and also imagining that his Majesty will not be interested to take revenge of anything done in those remote parts. The enterprise in favour of Tyrone shall be carried under the name of the Pope, but he will give all the assistance he may thereto.
Understands they give it out here that the said ships are only to be employed against Warde the pirate. Shall be glad it may be to no worse an end and, though he may be mistaken in his zealous fear, hopes he shall be blameless for discharging his duty in cases of such pregnant suspicion. His intent is, if it so please his Lordship, to make an effectual memorial in writing of these matters and other just grievances, and to require from them an answer that his Majesty may be satisfied what measure of friendship he may expect from them. But all the negotiations of a minister here in matters of this kind are bootless, for this Prince, who lives under the strict tutelage (if not bondage) of Spain, dares not stir a pace further than he shall be directed from thence. It is said the ships of Dunkerk cannot be ready as yet these 2 or 3 months, but Edmondes has charged the bearer to inquire more particularly in his passage.
Is now preparing as far as he can to dislodge from hence, and hopes shortly to attend his Lordship. Pretends that he sends over the bearer about his private business, that there may be no alarm taken at his sudden departure. From Brux. 15 July, 1609.
Copy 41/8 pp. (227 p. 317)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders. 9.]
Abuses in the Navy Office
1609, July 15. Warrant granting to Thomas Buck, gent, who has deserved good reward for discovering abuses in the Office of the Navy, the moiety of forfeitures incurred by officers of the Navy for frauds committed in the following matters: (1) anchors, cables, hawsers, ropes, canvas, masts, etc, lent, embezzled or taken out of the storehouses of Chatham, Woolwich or Deptford, and from the ships and timber yards between 1599 and 1608; (2) for the like provisions augmented upon the bills of the purveyors, and shared between the keepers of the stores, the clerks of the cheque, and others: (3) freight of the King's hoys and other vessels, which has been shared by the officers to their own benefit; (4) brass and iron ordnance transported beyond the seas, contrary to the King's commission, by Sir John Ferne and Jeremy Lamentes; (5) to call storekeepers, clerks of the cheque, purveyors and master shipwrights to account for all provisions committed to their charge. Palace of Westminster, 15 July, 7 Jac.
Signed by the King and sealedpp. (127 97)