Index: S

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Sables d'Olonne, (Les) (Aulonne) [Vendée, France]
-, English pirates seize ships from, 13, 14

Sackville, Cicely, Lady Dorset, wife of Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 159

Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 9
-, letters to Edmondes, 19, 25 135
-, his opinion of Hobocque, 19, 20
-, instructions concerning Rath issued by, 25
-, demands impost of wines from merchants of Chester, 27
-, moves King to thank Spanish Ambassador in Brussels, 32
-, 38(2), 47, 52, 76, 103, 108, 110, 115, 128(2), 135, 147, 152(2), 160, 165, 174, 238, 268, 308, 312, 313(2), 314
-, member of Commission to examine Ridgeway's accounts, 131
-, grant of posts to his servants prior to his death, 159
-, copy of his directives to Customs officers, 161
-, reference to his death, 169
-, his directive to prisers of Bristol, 223
-, his interference with rights of the searcher of the port of London, 232

Sackwell, Captain. See Sakell, Thomas

Sacons, de, Mayor of Seville
-, retains letters to England, 62

Saderina, The
-, dispatch to Marseilles of all goods found in, 73

Sadler, Rowland, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Saffi (Safy) [Morocco]
-, English pirates seize French ship at, 14

Sailly, Anthoine de
-, writes to Noel de Caron, 9

Sailly, Seigneur de. See Sailly, Anthoine de

St. Agate (Santa Agata), Marquis of
-, to command regiment raised at Naples, 123

St. Angelo [Rome]
-, Cardinal Mellini accompanied by Sacred College to gate of, 156

St. Aubin (Seintaubyn,) Thomas, of Clowance, J.P. for Cornwall
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to prohibit unlicensed transport of grain, 261

St. Augustine's, co. Kent
-, private stocks of wheat to be certified at, 300

St. Botolph without Bishopsgate, London
-, suit over a messuage in, 191

St. Davys. See Rudd, Anthony

St. Edes. See St. Neots

St. George's Feast
-, Earl of Shrewsbury requests to be excused from attending, 118

St. Gilles-sur-Vie [Vendée, France]
-, English pirates seize ships from, 13

St. Ives, co. Huntingdon
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

St. Jehan de Lux. See St. Jean-deLuz

St. Jean-de-Luz (St. Jehan de Lux) [Basses-Pyrénées, France]
-, English pirates seize ships from, 14, 32

St. John, Oliver, 3rd Baron St. John of Bletso
-, proposes to purchase manor of Melchbourne, 103

St. John, Oliver, son of Oliver St. John, 3rd Baron St. John of Bletso
-, authorised by his father to conclude purchase of Melchbourne, 103
-, 163

St. John, Thomas, member of Capt. Challines's company
-, absents himself without leave from Seville, 116
-, Nevill Davis imprisoned as surety for, 169

St. John, Sir William, naval commander
-, commended for past services, 101
-, to command expedition to Scottish Isles, 101
-, letter to Earl of Nottingham, 225
-, reports on success of expedition, 225
-, his despatch sent to Earl of Salisbury, 229

St. John's College, Oxford
-, King's letter to the Master and Fellows of, 121
-, Master of. See Buckeridge, John

St. John de Lova. See Ulloa

St. Leger (Seintleger), John, Captain
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 111

St. Lucar (Lucas) [Spain]
-, Spanish ships sail to East Indies from, 61
-, captured Dutch ships towed into, 68
-, 81, 116, 169
-, rumour of Dutch designs on, 99
-, Spanish fleet leaves for West Indies from, 132, 171
-, breach of Dutch-Spanish truce proclaimed at, 151
-, ordnance shipped from Cardiff to, 170
-, movements of Jesuits and priests between Calais and, 170
-, English Jesuits and Catholics at, 170, 171
-, English commodities imported at, 171
-, Englishman priest of the church of St. George's at, 171
-, Englishmen in galleys at, 212

St. Mary Port. See Puerto de Santa Maria

St. Neots or Needs (St. Edes), co. Huntingdon
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

St. Omer (St. Omers) [Pas-deCalais, France]
-, proposal to build English Jesuit college near, 111, 179
-, 153, 168, 236(2)

St. Ouen (St. Owen), Island of Jersey
-, 23

St. Owen. See St. Ouen

St. Paule, Sir George. See St. Poll, Sir George

St. Peter's, Rome
-, meeting between Lord Gray and Pope at, 249

St. Pol, François d'Orleans, Comte de
-, 37

St. Poll (St. Paule), Sir George, Deputy-Lieutenant and Captain in Lindsay
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 10, 20
-, sends a hind to Theobalds, 20, 31

St. Roque. See San Roque

Sakell (Sackwell), Thomas, an English pirate
-, co-operating with Jennings, 236

Salcey (Sawsy), forest of, co. Northants
-, 25

Salcombe (Sailcum), co. Devon
-, English pirate ship victualled at, 13

Salden, co. Bucks
-, letter dated from, 115

Salic Law
-, reference to its operation in France, 194

Salisbury House, Strand, London
-, letters dated from, 228, 229, 231
-, 277

Salop, county of
-, inhabitants petition to be released from jurisdiction of Council of Wales, 37

Saltonstall, Sir Peter, brother of Sir Samuel Saltonstall
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 310

Saltonstall, Sir Richard, of South Ockendon, co. Essex
-, mentioned, 310

Saltonstall, Sir Samuel, Petty Customer outward for port of London
-, 310

Saltonshall, co. Yorks
-, 230

Salucci (Salvey), house of, Genoese bankers
-, representative arrives in Brussels, 111

Salusso, Giacomo (Jacomo), merchant
-, appointed deputy by merchants in Flanders, 303

Salvey. See Salucci

Samares (Samaris), Island of Jersey
-, 23

Samaris. See Samares

San Cesaro, Silvestrio, Cardinal
-, passes through Milan, 147

San Clemente, Don Guillen, Conde de, Spanish Ambassador to the Emperor
-, proposes to meet Archduke Matthias, 114
-, has a bodyguard at Prague, 171
-, opposes re-establishment of Merchant Adventurers at Stade, 176

San Domingo [West Indies]
-, Dutchmen captured at, 169
-, 183

San Georgio, Guido, Count
-, puts himself at service of Savoy, 63
-, appointed Governor of Savoy, 73

San Roque (St. Roque) [Lisbon, Portugal]
-, English Father of, 197

San Sebastian [Spain]
-, 22, 184
-, English imposters at, 55
-, ordnance from Wales discharged at, 170

Sancher, Lord. See Crichton, Robert

Sanchy. See Sankey, Thomas

Sandam Castle. See Sandown Castle

Sandefer (? Sandford, co. Bucks)
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers 289

Sandford, William
-, signs joint letter with Beversham, 43

Sandoval y Rojas, Bernard de, Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo and Inquisitor General
-, to succeed Miranda as President of Castille, 112
-, his hostility towards Hugh Gurgeny, 132

Sandown (Sandam) Castle, Isle of Wight
-, 191

Sandys, Sir William, of London,
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 143
-, justifies his legal action, 143

Sankey (Sanchy), Thomas, English imposter in Spain
-, masquerades as pilgrim, 55
-, invents fictitious lineage for Duke of Lerma's English barber, 55

Santa Maria Magdelena, church of, Rome
-, funeral rites of Congo envoy celebrated in, 63

Saras. See Saros

-, case of English ship seized in, 53, 139, 178, 202, 212

Sare, William, a fellmonger
-, attempts to ship hides from Faversham, 217

Sarnesfield, co. Hereford
-, 199

Saros (Saras) [Hungary]
-, Ragotski to receive lordship of, 124

Saunderson, Henry, examiner at the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
-, 310

Savage, John, Mayor of Chester
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 27, 38, 58
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Derby, 197

Savage, Robert, a London merchant
-, receives report on his trading interests at Danzig, 7

Savoy, Duke of. See Charles Emmanuel

Savoy, Prince of. See Victor Amadeus; Emmanuel Philibert

-, d'Albigny dies in, 43

Savoy, The, Strand, London
-, letter dated from, 204

Saxe (Saxony), Christian II, Elector
-, of
-, 86
-, his relations with Emperor, 157
-, advises Emperor to remain at Prague, 158
-, his ambassador receives gift of wine from Emperor, 158

Saxe-Lauenburg, Ernest Louis, son of Francis II, Duke of
-, joint letters to Earl of Salisbury, 78, 310 and n
-, solicits Earl of Salisbury's help to return home, 78
-, 113
-, asks Earl of Salisbury for further loan, 310

Saxe-Lauenburg, Julius Henry, son of Francis II, Duke of
-, joint letters to Earl of Salisbury, 78, 310 and n
-, solicits Earl of Salisbury's help to return home, 78
-, 113
-, asks Earl of Salisbury for further loan, 310

Saye and Sele, Lord. See Fiennes, Richard

Sayes Court, Deptford, co. Kent
-, timber to be conveyed from Berkshire to, 213

Sayn-Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Count of, Governor of Simmern
-, deputy of the Elector Palatine at the Diet of Ratisbon, 16

Scalles, Edward, a lunatic 315

Scarlett, Christopher, postmaster at Northallerton
-, endorses letter, 269

Scheldt, River
-, 96(2)

Schlaueta. See Slawata

-, trading disabilities imposed after Union upon merchants of, 35
-, import of English goods freed from Customs duties for benefit of people of, 35
-, Earl of Salisbury's interest in trial of silver ore in, 74
-, naval instructions concerning the Outer Isles of, 101
-, Carr sent to Philip III by Catholic nobility of, 102
-, payment of debts in Spain to merchants from, 119
-, troops levied for service in Isles of, 120
-, subsidy voted by Parliament of, 121
-, King resents calumniation of people of, 138
-, antipathy towards people of, 177
-, Carr to return with money to, 178
-, Spanish memorandum on how to conduct relations between Philip III and Catholics of, 178
-, ministers banished by King from, 184
-, report of trouble in Outer Isles of, 192
-, rebels in Ireland receive support from, 192
-, surrender of rebels in Outer Isles of, 225
-, Catholic priests sent to Earl of Salisbury from, 227
-, Duke of Würtemberg desires to visit, 227
-, restraint of foreign ships in Lisbon not applied to vessels from, 236
-, assessment in Tower of silver content of ore mined in, 239
-, orphanage at Breda includes children from, 244
-, Simple's intention to create trouble in, 252
-, report requested on value of silver mines in, 286
-, 308

Scotland, Council of
-, actively supports experiments in mining of silver, 4
-, merchants demand that James I be informed of their complaints by, 35

Scotland, Secretary for. See Hay, Sir Alexander

Scott, Charles
-, detains annuity upon John Maney's land, 296

Scray (Scraye), co. Kent
-, private stocks of wheat to be certified at, 300

Scudamore, (Sir) Clement, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Sdraina, Edward, a merchant
-, licensed to take plate out of England, 239

Seaflower, The, of London
-, sails from Lisbon for London, 44

Seager, Henry,
-, brings monkeys to Earl of Salisbury, 36

Seaman, George
-, receives benefit of forfeitures by recusants, 199

Sedan [Ardennes, France]
-, Duke of Bouillon returns to, 16

Seignorie. See Signoria

Seine, River [France]
-, transport of goods from Rouen to Paris prevented by flood in, 277

Seintleger, John. See St. Leger, John

Sellatby, co. Durham
-, letter dated from, 283

Selby, —, a messenger
-, conveys report from Orford to Privy Council, 43

Selcher. See Selsker

Selsker (Selcher), co. Wexford, Ireland
-, parsonage of, 121

Seminaries, Catholic
-, rumours of projected invasion of England disseminated by, 39

Sempill (Semple), Sir James, Scottish diplomatist
-, his pension, 306

Semple, Sir James. See Sempill, Sir James

Senegal (Senega) [West Africa]
-, negroes shipped by English factor to Malaga from, 112

Seralva, Marquis de. See Cerralva

Serbelloni (Sorbellione), Count Fabrizio
-, in correspondence with Meoli, 302(2)

Serda, Don Martyn de, captain in Spanish fleet
-, seizes goods from David Spence, 312

Serjeants Inn, London
-, 269

Serra, Geronimo, merchant
-, appointed as deputy by merchants in Flanders, 303

Seton, Alexander, 1st Earl of Dunfermline
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 4, 152
-, reports to Earl of Salisbury on mining experiments in Scotland, 4
-, congratulates Earl of Salisbury on his becoming Lord Treasurer, 152

Settle, Dr. See Settle, Matthew

Settle, Matthew, former Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
-, his case mentioned, 93

Severn, River
-, butter and calf-skins shipped to Spain from districts around, 171
-, amount of tunnage exacted from ships in ports on, 223

Seville (Sivel, Syvel) [Spain]
-, English prisoners in, 19, 53, 61, 68, 78, 81, 112, 139, 168, 178, 183
-, 53, 81, 99, 139, 169, 170, 171(4), 173
-, letters dated from, 61, 116, 169, 183, 198
-, Englishmen sentenced to galleys at, 116, 167, 168, 183, 212, 219
-, English factors at, 119
-, Englishmen in hands of Inquisition at, 156, 169, 219
-, ordnance shipped from Cardiff to, 170
-, English Jesuits at, 170
-, English commodities imported at, 171
-, regulation concerning accommodation of Englishmen in, 183

Seville, Contractation House at, 183

Sewans. See Sewens

Sewens (Sewans), Abraham, a Dutch merchant
-, Caron intervenes on behalf of, 267
-, charged with transporting "uncustomed" pearl, 269

Seymour, Edward, Lord Beauchamp, son of Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford
-, involved in proceedings concerning land, 86
-, given land by King, 97

Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford
-, his son involved in proceedings concerning land, 86, 97
-, letter to King, 298
-, reports on dispute between him and J.P.s of Somerset and Wiltshire, 298

Seyntaubyn. See St. Aubin

Sha, William. See Shaw, William

Shafflist, Mr, Gentleman of the Chamber to the Duke of Würtemberg—Mompelgard
-, accompanies Duke to Scotland, 288

Shah Abbas, King of Persia
-, sends ambassador to Spain, 54
-, offers alliance against Turks to Spain, 54
-, reported to have become a Christian, 132
-, his ambassador establishes amicable relations between King of Spain and, 132

Shalcross, John, son of Mary Shalcross
-, his wardship, 311

Shalcross, Mary
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 311

Shaw (Sha), William, one of the King's carvers
-, receives grant of money, 169
-, 199
-, granted concealed debts, 199

Shaw, —, a messenger
-, conveys letters to Earl of Salisbury, 230

Shaxton, Francis, a merchant of Lynn
-, George Bacon apprenticed to, 44
-, sails to Barbary, 44

Sheen [East], co. Surrey
-, 299

Sheffield, Lord. See Sheffield, Edmund

Sheffield, Edmund, 3rd Baron Sheffield, Lord President of the Council of the North
-, 187
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 222, 230, 264
-, recommends Sir John Jackson for office, 230

Sheffield Lodge, co. Yorks
-, letters dated from, 67, 96, 118

Sheffield (Sheiffheld) Park, co. Yorks
-, Crown lease of herbage at, 222

Shefford, co. Bedford
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Sheiffheld Park. See Sheffield Park

Shelbury, [? John, collector of revenues from wine licences]
-, 252

Sheldon, [? Ralph, of Beoley, co. Worcester], English Catholic
-, 303

Shelton. See Shelton, Thomas

Shelton, Thomas, in the Earl of Tyrone's service
-, to write a defence of the Earl of Tyrone, 111

Shemyn, Peter, a German merchant
-, manufactures and exports ordnance at Cardiff, 170

Sheppy (Shepway), co. Kent
-, private stocks of wheat to be certified at, 300

Shepway. See Sheppy

Sherborne (Sherburne), manor of, co. Dorset
-, Raleigh required to surrender grant of, 34
-, granted to Robert Carr, 269 and n

Sheriff, Gabriel, a London grocer and surety for John Pleydell
-, forfeits his bond, 128

-, given directives by Privy Council to provide markets in Kent with grain, 226

Sherley. See Shirley, Sir Anthony

Sherly, Sir Thomas. See Shirley, Sir Thomas

-, decaying at Chester, 28
-, Spaniards and Portuguese desirous of buying English, 68

-, Le Français, 10
-, Hopewell, 42
-, Seaflower, 44
-, Saderina, 73
-, Beyvs, 116, 170
-, Emo, 124
-, Bonsegno, 124
-, Morresini, 147
-, Blessing, 151
-, Concord, 171
-, Advantage, 225
-, Vantguarde, 280

Shirley, Sir Anthony, brother of Sir Thomas Shirley
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 276
-, reports attempt to ship leather overseas clandestinely, 276

Shirley (Sherley), Sir Anthony, English adventurer
-, in command of Spanish army for alleged invasion of England, 39
-, his financial difficulties in Venice, 188
-, discredited by rulers of Europe, 188, 189
-, proposes to make peace between Turks and King of Spain, 189
-, thought to be going to Turkey, 189
-, at the Court of Spain, 198, 218(2)
-, false report of the death of, 218
-, letter from Earl of Salisbury to, 309

Shirley (Sherly), Sir Thomas, of Wiston, co. Sussex
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 58, 145, 244, 276
-, 276, 308

Sholtover. See Shotover

Shoreham (Shorum, Shorame), co. Sussex
-, 170
-, attempt to transport leather abroad from, 276

Short Worcesters
-, coarse cloth called, 294

Shorum See Shoreham

Shotover (Sholtover), co. Oxford
-, ship timber carried from, 213

Shrewsbury, Countess of. See Talbot Mary

Shrewsbury, Dowager Countess of. See Talbot, Elizabeth

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot, Gilbert

Shryewood, (? Bolas Magna, Shropshire)
-, 311

Sicily (Sycilla, Secilia) [Italy]
-, 53, 202, 212, 218
-, failure of corn harvest in, 218

Sicily, Viceroy of. See Villena, Marquis de

Sidley, Katherine, Lady, wife of Sir Ralph Sidley
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 116

Sidney, Robert, 1st Viscount Lisle, Governor of Flushing
-, 41, 128
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 75, 101

Sigismund III, King of Poland
-, reported to be nominated again for election as King, 9
-, death of his son, 52, 106
-, sends customary gift to Moscow, 52
-, birth of son to, 62
-, receives gifts from Spain, 64
-, choses James I as mediator, 106
-, partial towards Englishmen in Poland, 107
-, attempt to reconcile him with his opponents, 124
-, his position reported to be deteriorating, 304

Signoria (Seignorie) [of Florence]
-, letter written by Spanish Ambassador, at request of Salisbury, to, 19

Signory [of Genoa]
-, 157

-, Archduke Matthias supported by part of, 106

Silva, Don Juan de, Governor of the Philippines
-, leaves St. Lucar for his post, 61
-, his fleet scattered, 183

-, Council of Scotland actively interested in experimental mining of, 4
-, Earl of Salisbury writes about proposed experiment in extraction of, 74
-, anxiety expressed about the export of bullion in gold and, 236
-, 239

Simmern (Simmeren) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, 16
-, Governor of. See Sayn-Wittgenstein

Simple, John, Colonel
-, determined to stir up trouble in Scotland, 252
-, at Brussels, 268

Simpson (Sympson), Richard, Controller at Poole
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 170
-, requests reversion of his office to his son, 170

Sinclair (Sinclar), Sir Andrew, in the service of the King of Denmark
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 142
-, requests pension from James I for his services in Denmark, 142

Sinclair (Sinclere), Sir James
-, his pension, 306

Sison, Michael, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Skelton, —, lieutenant to Thomas Pin
-, arrested by Bouillon, 12

Skere, John, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Skinner, [? Anthony], English Catholic
-, 303(2)

-, prospects of better prices at Danzig for, 8

Skrymser, Mr. See Skrymsher, Thomas

Skrymsher, Thomas, of Aqualate, co. Staffs
-, prepared to deliver his nephew into wardship, 250, 251

Skybow, John, English merchant in Seville
-, 198

Slawata (Schlaueta), William, Count sent by Emperor to the Estates of Moravia, 146

Sligo, Donough O'Conor. See O'Connor, Donogh

Sligo, Connaught, Ireland
-, letter dated from, 136

Smirsitzki, Sieur, a Bohemian landowner
-, Imperial soldiers threaten to plunder village of, 158

Smith, George, of Ashby, co. Leicester, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Smith, George, [? of Queniborough Hall, co. Leicester], recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Smith, Nicholas, former Customs officer at Yarmouth
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 52, 276, 311
-, imprisoned in Fleet for matters connected with brother's executorship, 311

Smith, (Sir) Thomas, Clerk of the Council
-, letter to the Earl of Salisbury, 311

Smyth, Richard, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury for accepting High Stewardship of Bristol, 285

Smyth, Richard, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Smyth, Robert, former brewer to Lady Hatton
-, recommended for employment at Holdenby Manor, 150

Smyth, William
-, involved in legal proceedings against Nicholas Smith, 52

Smythe, George, Mayor of Exeter
-, requests Earl of Salisbury that Exeter merchants be allowed freedom of trade in cloth with France, 107
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in the shire, 250

Smythe, Gilbert, citizen of Exeter
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Smythe, Stephen, of Faversham, co. Kent
-, attempt to ship hides in boat of, 217

Snatchpoole, Mrs. See Knatchbull, Elizabeth

-, heavy falls in Germany, 17
-, deep around Chester, 27
-, people and animals at Urbino killed by, 123

Soame, Dr. See Some, Robert

Soame, (Sir) Stephen, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

-, petition touching upon price of, 289

Soissons, Charles de Bourbon, Comte de
-, 37

Solicitor-General. See Bacon, Francis

Some (Soame), Robert, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, ViceChancellor of the University of Cambridge
-, interpretation of a statute referred to, 93

Somerford. See Summerford

Someries (Someris), co. Bedford
-, letter dated from, 220

Someris. See Someries

Somerset, Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester,
-, Williams masquerades as son of, 55
-, 103, 110, 206, 241, 244
-, granted an annuity by King, 149
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 159, 275

-, coarse cloth made in, 294(2)
-, dispute between Earl of Hertford and J.P.s of, 298

Somerville (Somervylle), John, English Catholic and traitor, father of Elizabeth Somerville
-, mentioned, 115, 313

Somerville, Elizabeth, daughter of John Somerville
-, Sir Fulke Greville intervenes on behalf of, 115(2)
-, 313

Sophia, Lady, 4th daughter of James I
-, arrangements for erecting tomb of, 108

Soprani. See Suprani, Francisco

Sorbellione, Conte. See Serbelloni

Soria [Spain]
-, French vessel seized by English pirate between Marseilles and, 63
-, 147

-, coarse cloth called, 294

Sorting Cloths
-, coloured and uncoloured short cloths called, 294

Souilly, M. de. See Sully

Sound, The [Denmark]
-, one means of destroying Spain's power thought to be prohibition of transport of corn through, 218

Southampton (Hampton), co. Hants 14, 151
-, loss in a storm of the Bevys of, 116
-, instructions about export of leather to Channel Islands directed to Customs at, 206
-, suggestion that English ordnance be made available for sale at, 265
-, coarse cloth made in county of, 294

Southampton, Earl of. See Wriothesley, Henry

South Brent, co. Devon
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

South Lee. See South Leigh

South Leigh (South Lee), co. Oxford
-, 303

Southwark, London
-, 173

Southwell, Elizabeth, Lady
-, receives benefit of forfeitures by recusants, 199

Southworth, Henry
-, signs joint request to Earl of Salisbury, 299

Sowton, Edward, Master of the Blessing
-, reports on insurrection in Ireland, 151
-, his examination by Robert Trelawny, 151

Spa (Spawe), The [Liège, Belgium] 73

-, regulates payments to pensioners in Low Countries, 5, 102
-, 13, 42, 76, 77, 101, 111, 146, 147, 162
-, English merchants engaged in litigation in, 18
-, prohibits further association with Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell, 18
-, its iron trade with Chester destroyed by cheaper iron in England, 27, 28
-, seminarists reported in England and Ireland from, 39
-, projected invasion of England reported to be supported by clergy in, 39
-, orders reconciliation of Don Luis and Don Inigo, 43
-, influence of English Jesuits at Spanish Court prejudicial to English interests in, 45
-, English cases treated in Council of War of, 53
-, proposed English colonization of Virginia resented in, 53, 61, 68, 81, 167, 185
-, difficulties met by English merchants in, 54, 57, 61, 78, 173, 185, 198
-, expectation of peacewith United Provinces general throughout, 54
-, English imposters in, 55
-, difficulties of Dutch trade with, 57
-, reported to be raising troops in Italy, Germany and Switzerland, 64
-, Earl of Tyrone forbidden to enter, 66
-, Dutch ships captured by galleys of, 68 80
-, hostile towards foreign contacts with Indies, 68
-, rumour of peace with United Provinces circulating in, 68
-, desirous of buying English ships, 68
-, thought to be preparing naval expedition to Virginia, 78, 171, 178
-, scarcity of money in, 78, 99
-, Parliamentary representatives disavowed by provinces and towns of, 78
-, offers freedom of trade to Dutch in return for Dutch renunciation of trade with Indies, 91
-, sends money to Flanders, 102, 111
-, alleged to have designs on Dutch ports, 106
-, possible effects of success of peace talks on policy of, 112
-, offended with Venice, Savoy and Mantua, 112
-, renewed hopes of peace between United Provinces and, 116, 169
-, order for better treatment of Dutch traders in, 116, 131
-, debts due to English merchants in, 119
-, legal practices in, 119
-, alleged war preparations by, 145, 171, 175
-, growing suspicion of real motives of, 145
-, new regulations affecting foreigners in, 147, 151, 155, 169, 183, 198
-, Dutch merchants warned to leave, 151
-, pensioners mobilised for service, 155
-, Dutch merchants well received in, 167, 169, 178, 183, 211
-, negotiations for dynastic marriage alliance between France and, 169, 172, 177, 187, 194, 216, 220, 273
-, reports of sale of Welsh ordnance in, 169
-, Earl of Salisbury considered as chief hindrance to peace negotiations in, 169
-, ships from England and Wales laden with ordnance for, 170
-, English products imported into, 171
-, general expectation of treaty between France and, 177
-, benefits commercially from prolongation of truce with Dutch, 178, 183, 185
-, English Jesuits said to be working for exclusion of their countrymen from, 183
-, Pope reported to be engaged in reconciling France and, 185
-, reference to destruction of French colony in Florida by, 185
-, Cornwallis regards as harmful to England increase in naval and commercial strength of, 185
-, welcomes agreement between Emperor and Archduke Matthias, 185
-, subsidies to Philip III agreed upon by Parliament (Cortes) of, 185, 202
-, plan to liquidate Moriscoes opposed by nobility of, 186
-, rumour of double match between Royal children of France and, 199
-, Earl of Tyrone's pension at Rome paid by, 203, 221
-, Anglo-Dutch league leads to resentment towards England in, 209, 220
-, English Government's answer to French proposals for joint action against, 215
-, anti-Government libels appear in many places in, 218
-, poor harvests a source of danger to, 218
-, 258
-, Flemish representatives at peace conference strictly controlled by, 261
-, speculation on amount of treasure brought by Indies fleet to, 266, 268, 273
-, English prohibited commodities imported into, 303

Spain, Council of State of
-, 21, 53, 112, 139, 167, 193, 194, 207
-, decrees that Carr be granted a certificate of services rendered by him to Spain, 102, 103
-, meets at the Escurial, 122
-, its views on Spanish-Dutch peace talks, 122
-, distrusts Spinola as negotiator, 122
-, insists on free exercise of Catholic religion as condition of peace, 122
-, Cornwallis's letter read in, 139
-, opposed to appointment of Centurione as agent-general to Philip III, 147
-, goes with Philip III to Valladolid, 172
-, memorandum on SpanishScottish relations submitted to, 178
-, its attitude towards rebellion in Ireland, 185
-, its reply to Cornwallis's protest about Irish use of Corunna as rendezvous, 193
-, President of. See Miranda

Spain, Council of War of
-, deals with complaints of English merchants, 53
-, receives forfeitures of bonds, 198
-, 212

Spain, Infanta of. See Anne

Spain, King of Spain. See Philip III

Spain, Prince of. See Philip

Spain, Queen of. See Margarita

Spanish Language
-, Englishmen learning, 42, 44

Sparrow, James, a Barnstaple merchant
-, provides information about situation in Portugal, 235
-, captured by Flemish pirate, 235

Spawe, The. See Spa

Speake, Mr. See Speake, Hugh

Speake, Hugh, English recusant Mynor's bond with, 303

Spence, Mr. See Spence, David

Spence, David, a Scottish merchant
-, conveys Earl of Salisbury's letter to Sir Charles Cornwallis, 140
-, seriously ill at Cornwallis's house in Madrid, 178
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 312

Spencer, Richard, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Spicer, Nicholas, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Spiller, Mr. See Spiller, Henry

Spiller, Henry, official of the Exchequer
-, 205

Spiller, Robert, suspected Catholic conspirator
-, Earl of Salisbury wishes to examine, 109

Spindola, Marquis. See Spinola

Spinola (Spindola), Ambrosio, Marquis de Benaffro, Commander-in-Chief of Spanish forces in the Low Countries
-, nominated to treat with Dutch, 3(2), 5, 19
-, Dutch waive objections to, 3
-, his suite, 19, 27
-, entertains Earl of Tyrone, 19
-, expected in various Dutch towns, 26
-, rumour of his recall to Brussels, 27
-, his reception at the Hague, 29
-, his conversation with Count Maurice of Nassau, 29
-, his factor at Antwerp forced to sell his plate, 57, 58
-, invites opinion of Spanish ambassadors on Dutch demand for trade with Indies, 83,
-, 101, 144, 169
-, distrusted by Spanish Council of State, 122
-, Oldenbarnevelt said to have attended mass at lodging of, 144
-, inquires into attitude of Catholics in Low Countries towards Spain, 144
-, insolence of one of his followers in Holland curbed, 144
-, pleased with news from Ireland, 166
-, Dutch carrying his passport well received in Spain, 167, 169
-, libels circulated against, 187
-, considered unfit to continue in his command, 267
-, 270

Spinola, Andreas, merchant
-, appointed as deputy by merchants in Flanders, 303

Spinola, Charlus
-, made General of the galleys at Genoa, 63

Spottiswood, John, a Scottish minister
-, his pension, 306

Sprackling (Spratling), (Sir) Adam, of Ellington, co. Kent, J.P.
-, requests provision of corn for poor, 175

Spratling, Adam. See Sprackling, Adam

Sprint, Gregory, of Otterton, co. Devon, J.P.
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in Devonshire, 250

Squier, William. See Squire William,

Squire (Squier), William, servant to John Eldred
-, allowed to return to England from Lisbon, 46
-, recommended by Lee as possible informer against Fludd, 46
-, released by King of Spain's command, 68

Stade (Stode, Stoad) [Lower Saxony, Germany]
-, Spanish opposition to reestablishment of Merchant Adventurers at, 176
-, English merchants instructed not to help banished Scottish minister in, 184
-, 216

Stafford. See Stratford

Stafford, Lord. See Stafford, Edward

Stafford, Alexander
-, 273

Stafford, Edward, 3rd Baron Stafford
-, 251

Stafford, co. Stafford
-, 251

-, 199, 230, 251, 303

Stalbrok. See Stallbrook

Stallbrook (Stalbrok), co. Stafford held by Cocks family since Edward IV, 251
-, letter dated from, 251

Stallenge, William, searcher in the port of London
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 312

Standish, Robert, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Standish, Alexander, trustee for Sir Thomas Langton
-, signs letter to Privy Council, 30

Standley, Sir William. See Stanley, Sir William

Stanhope, Sir Michael, of Sudbourne, co. Suffolk
-, 191

Stanley. See Stanley, Sir William

Stanley, Lady Anne, daughter of Ferdinando, 5th Earl of Derby
-, involved with her sisters in legal proceedings over property, 269

Stanley, Sir Edward, third son of Edward Stanley, 3rd Earl of Derby
-, 30, 31

Stanley, Ferdinando, 5th Earl of Derby
-, his daughters involved in legal proceedings over property, 269

Stanley, Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, wife of William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby
-, 58, 297

Stanley, William, 6th Earl of Derby, Chamberlain of Chester
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 17
-, 197

Stanley (Standley), Sir William, accessary to Gunpowder Plot
-, alleged to be under protection of Archduke Albert, 19
-, goes to Spain, 163
-, at the Spanish Court, 198, 207, 219
-, thought to have disclosed partticulars of Anglo-Dutch league to Spain, 207

Stanley Grange, co. Yorks
-, 199

Stansted. See Stanstead Abbots

Stanstead [Abbots], co. Herts
-, 287

Stapers, Richard, a London merchant
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 107
-, requests copy of proceedings against English ships at Florence, 107

Stapleton, Richard [? of Carlton, co. Yorks], recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Stapleton (Stapelton), Sir Robert, of Wighill, co. Yorks
-, his fine remitted, 312

Star Chamber, Court of
-, 76, 87, 91, 232, 314

-, abuses in the manufacture and sale of, 50
-, proclamation relating to, 205

States General, The
-, Richardot addresses, 28
-, adopts different attitudes to English and French soldiers in United Provinces, 29
-, refuses to part with East Indies trade, 57, 141
-, insists upon retaining places occupied by Dutch in East and West Indies, 83, 91, 103
-, expels English ship from Gravelines, 95, 96
-, Jeannin called the Rabbi of, 102
-, learns of Browne's indiscretion, 103
-, effect of prospects of peace on foreign soldiers in service of, 104, 166
-, 116, 118, 275
-, Neyen complains of high peace terms of, 118
-, adamant in refusing freedom of religion to Catholics, 122
-, sends commissioner to redeem Dutch prisoners in Spain, 177
-, proposes evacuation of all Spaniards and Italians from Low Countries, 186
-, France not secretive about her relations with, 191
-, to be approached for reinstatement of Sir John Vere, 199
-, Stanley's alleged disclosure of treaty between England and, 207
-, defensive league offered to England by, 210
-, favours lottery on behalf of the Breda orphanage, 244
-, attack on village in Brabant by forces of, 258
-, Richardot's trick to deceive, 261
-, agrees to prolongation of truce, 284

-, coarse cloth called, 294

Steedman, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Stephans, Thomas
-, payment to, 233

Steffani, Mario de, citizen of Venice
-, executed for murder, 157

Stephan, Don. See Farro, Don Stephen de

Stephenson, Richard, a miner petitions Privy Council on behalf of Derbyshire miners, 38

Stepleclaydon. See Claydon Steeple

Stevenson, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Stewart (Steward), Christian
-, note of payment to, 222

Stewart (Stuard), Sir Francis, a protégé of James I
-, King orders pension to be paid to, 135
-, his pension, 305

Stewart (Stuard), Sir James
-, his pension, 305

Stewart, Andrew, 3rd Lord Ochiltree (Ocheltry), Lieutenant of the North and South Isles
-, accepts surrender of Scottish rebels, 225

Stewart, Sir Robert, brother of Patrick Stewart, 2nd Earl of Orkney
-, 252

Stewart (Stuard), Sir William
-, his pension, 306

Still, John, Bishop of Bath and Wells
-, his death, 86, 89

Stilton, co. Huntingdon
-, 256
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269

-, coarse cloth called, 294

Stocker, Matthew, English merchant dealing with Turkey
-, signs joint petition with Thomas Stocker, 312

Stocker, Thomas, English merchant dealing with Turkey
-, requests loan of King's guns to arm ships against pirates, 312

Stode. See Stade

Stoke Poges, co. Bucks
-, letters dated from, 85, 238

Stoke. See Stoke Poges

Stone, Laird of. See Murray, David

Storie, Dr. See Story, John

Story (Storie), John, English Catholic martyr
-, reference to his being kidnapped on behalf of English Government, 129

Stoughton, Lawrence
-, reports on fencing of coppices in Surrey, 270

Stowrey. See Sturry

Strait(s), The. See Gibralter

Strand (Stronde), The, London
-, letter dated from lodgings in, 198
-, 201
-, Earl of Salisbury's house in, 239

Strange (Straunge), Thomas, Catholic priest
-, prisoner in Tower of London, 197

Strasburg [Alsace, France]
-, mutual oaths sworn between Archduke Leopold and city of, 71

Stratford (Stafford), co. Essex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Stratford, Robert, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Straunge. See Strange, Thomas

-, coarse cloth called, 294

Strode, (Sir) William, of Newnham, co. Devon, J.P.
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in Devonshire, 250

Stronde. See Strand.

Stuart, Lady Arbella
-, 67, 96
-, named coupled with French King and Archduke Matthias, 245

Stuart, Esmé, 7th Lord d'Aubigny
-, 289

Stuart, Ludovick, 2nd Duke of Lennox
-, 244, 289

Sturry (Stowrey), co. Kent
-, 217

Stutgard. See Stuttgart.

Stuttgart (Stutgard) [WürtembergBaden, Germany]
-, letter dated from, 27
-, Duke of Würtemberg dies at, 64
-, Lesieur passes through, 146
-, Wilson attends the Court in, 228

Style, Nicholas, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Styria [Austria]
-, religious persecution in, 17

Subiaces. See Subiaco

Subiaco [Prov. Rome, Italy]
-, Cardinal Borghese becomes patron of Abbey of, 157

Suckling, John
-, 147

Suethen. See Sweden

Suuevie. See Swabia

Suffolk, Lady. See Howard, Catherine

Suffolk, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas

-, 121, 141
-, corn for relief of poor at Tenterden allowed to be bought in, 244
-, coarse cloth made in, 294

Sully (Souilly), Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of
-, in disgrace with Henry IV, 48
-, falls ill, 49
-, inclined to a marriage alliance with House of Lorraine, 49
-, his book on life of Henry IV, 104

Sulye Lodge, [? Sylle, co. Bucks]
-, letter dated from, 226

Summerford (Somerford), Isle of Wight
-, King's manor at, 283

Suprani (Soprani), Francisco, Italian merchant
-, involved in legal proceedings, 278

-, commission for Lieutenancy of, 252
-, fencing of Wanborough Coppice in, 270
-, coarse cloth made in, 294

-, recusants in, 199
-, iron furnaces in, 265
-, coarse cloth made in, 294

Sustrye, Romanus. See Zuski

Sutton, Richard, an auditor
-, proposes to exchange his property for asylum in old age with a nobleman, 90

Sutton, Richard, Vice-Provost of King's College, Cambridge,
-, recommends Kellet to Earl of Salisbury, 77

Sutton-at-Hone, co. Kent
-, private stocks of wheat to be certified at, 300

Swabia (Suuevie) [Germany]
-, meeting at Ulm of Diet of, 16

Swan, Thomas, Mayor of Hull
-, signs letter requesting Earl of Salisbury's help in confirming Corporation's privileges, 80

Swan (Swann), William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Swaton (Sweyton), co. Lincs
-, fee farm of, 240

Sweden (Suethen)
-, 266

Sweyton See Swaton.

-, Spain reported to be raising troops in, 64, 145

Sympson, Richard. See Simpson, Richard

Szasz (Zies) [Hungary]
-, Haiducs assemble at, 124

Szathmar (Zatuar) [Hungary]
-, Rogotski to receive lordship of, 124