Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Taaffe (Taaff), Sir William, Sheriff of Sligo
-, involved in law suits against O'Conor Sligo, 136

Tabarra, Marquis of. See Tavara

Tabor [Bohemia]
-, Archduke Matthias arrives with forces at, 145

Talbot, Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury, 2nd wife of George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury
-, complaint of Derbyshire miners against, 38
-, her death, 67, 96
-, her funeral at Derby, 96, 118

Talbot, Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 39, 67, 96, 118, 311
-, concerned with the conduct of his Catholic kinsman, 40
-, informs Earl of Salisbury of his mother-in-law's death, 67
-, discounts prospects of rupture in Dutch-Spanish peace negotiations, 96
-, requests to be excused from attending St. George's Feast, 118

Talbot, Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury, wife of Gilbert Talbot, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury
-, 67, 311

Talbot, Thomas
-, letter to Thomas Wilson, 30

-, shipped to Spain from London and West country, 171

Tanfield, Sir Laurence, Lord Chief Baron
-, member of the Commission to examine Ridgeway's accounts, 131
-, issues warrant to seize books of seditious nature at sea, 181
-, 257

Tanner, William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Tannett, Mr
-, recommended to be appointed Muster-master in Montgomeryshire, 20

Tapsome. See Topsham

Tarrant Monkton (Tarrant Munckton), co. Dorset
-, Sir Edmond Uvedale's manor at, 26

Tassis (Taxis), Don Felipe de
-, purchases nomination to church of Valencia for his brother, 72

Tassis (Taxis), Leonardo, Prince of nominated to church of Valencia, 72

Tavara (Tabarra), Antonio Pimentel y Enriquez, Marquis of visits the Archdukes in Brussels, 222

-, coarse cloth called, 294

Tawstock (Towstock), co. Devon, seat of the Earl of Bath
-, letters dated from, 31, 46, 175, 235

Taylor, John, executor of George Clifford, 3rd Earl of Cumberland
-, 212

Temple Bar, London
-, 214

Tenterden, co. Kent
-, corn allowed to be bought in other shires for relief of poor at, 244

Terra Ferma [Central America]
-, fleet of, 61, 62, 81
-, leaves Cadiz, 116(2), 168, 171
-, condition of fleet of, 116

Ternate (Terra Nata) [Moluccas]
-, recovered by Dutch, 166

Terra Nata. See Ternate

Terrell, Captain. See Tyrrell, Richard

Teschen (Teschin), Andrea, Duke of arrives in Prague, 71

Teufel (Duyvel), Christoph
-, to convey gifts to Sultan, 145

Thakwrey, John. See Thackwray John

Thackwray (Thakwrey), John in the custody of the Bailiff of Westminster, 76

Thames, River
-, 35

Thankray, Thomas, Alderman of Hull
-, signs letter requesting Earl of Salisbury's help in confirming Corporation's privileges, 80

The Fiery Trial of God's Saints
-, published by Francis Burton, 113

Theatin Order, regular clergy of the expelled from Venice, 17

Theatins. See Theatin Order

Thebault, Isaac, merchant of St. Gilles in Poitou
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 13

Thelwall, —
-, 34

Theobalds (Tibboles), co. Herts
-, King hawks at, 31
-, letters dated from, 31, 238
-, 121
-, warrants dated from, 222, 239

Thetford, co. Norfolk
-, King goes to, 121, 130
-, letters dated from, 130, 133, 135, 137, 138, 272, 274, 275, 280, 281

Thomas, Bosniach, Governor of Villach
-, demands reinforcements from Emperor, 16

Thomas, Sir William, of Aber, co. Caernarvon
-, 159

Thomasin, John, an English pirate seizes ship belonging to Jean de Haraveder, 32, 33

Thomond, Earl of. See O'Brien, Donogh

Thorn (Torne) [W. Prussia, Germany]
-, little sale of English cloth at, 8

Thornborough, John, Bishop of Bristol
-, sends copy of obnoxious book to Earl of Salisbury, 181

Thornell (Thornehill), [? David], English Catholic
-, his proposed visit to England suspected by King and Earl of Salisbury, 309

Thornehill, Dr. See Thornell

Thorpe, Mr
-, commissioned to deal with business affecting Mineral and Battery Company, 298

Thorpe, —, brother of Katherine Walshe
-, 197

Three Women's Heads, Inn, Calais 278

Throckmorton (Throgmorton), Sir George, of Fulbrook Huett, Hogshaw, co. Bucks
-, 143

Thurzo (Turso, Thuxso), Count Nicholas
-, sends news about Hungary, 16
-, levies troop in support of Archduke Matthias, 124

Thuxso, Sieur. See Thurzo

Thyball. See Thybaut

Thybaut (Tibaut, Thyball), Adrian, brother-in-law and factor to Peter van Lore
-, 21
-, obtains favourable verdict in Spanish court, 45
-, restitution of his goods ordered, 45, 53
-, Cornwallis's favourable opinion of, 139
-, 139, 179

Thybaut (Tibaut, Thyball), George (or Gerald), brother-in-law to Peter van Lore
-, Cornwallis critical of, 139, 179
-, 179, 202

Tibaut. See Thybaut, George

Tiber, River [Italy]
-, damage caused at Rome by flooding of, 63, 72

Tibboles. See Theobalds

Tilbury, co. Essex
-, letter dated from, 106

Tilly (Tilli), Jehan Tzerclaes, Colonel
-, his soldiers killed by peasants near Prague, 158
-, Emperor retains his soldiers in his pay, 158

-, prospects facing Danzig trade in, 8, 9

-, its price at Danzig, 8
-, shipped to Spain from Cornwall, 171
-, increase in Customs duty on, 180
-, reduction in increased Customs duty on, 166
-, payment of rent in advance by contractors for pre-emption of, 200
-, riot against patent for preemption of, 213
-, trouble over purchase of, 271
-, 282

Tinnahinch, Barony of, Queen's County, Ireland
-, Teig O'Doyne to be granted land in fee simple in, 200

Tipper (Typper, Tupper), William, Commissioner for Defective Titles
-, signs agreement concerning concealed lands, 85
-, involved in proceedings over title to land, 159
-, 240, 251, 296

Tirer, John. See Tyrer, John

Tiraconeale. See O'Donnell, Rory

Tokaj (Tokay) [Hungary]
-, Haiducs threaten to take, 303

Toledo, Don Pedro de, Spanish diplomatist
-, quarrels with Venetian Ambassador, 49
-, proceeds to France as Spanish Ambassador, 167
-, to treat of marriage between Dauphin and Infanta, 169, 172, 173, 177, 187
-, nominated Ambassador Extraordinary to the Emperor, 173(2)
-, to compound differences between Emperor and Archduke Matthias, 173
-, thought to be negotiating double match between Royal children of France and Spain, 199
-, 215(2), 222, 273
-, mentioned as possible successor to Spinola, 267

Tomkins, Henry, Captain
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury from, 65
-, wishes to go to Virginia or discover North-West passage, 66

Tomline (Tomlyne), John, mariner his deposition concerning movements of Roberts, 278

Tomlinson. See Tomlinson, Hugh

Tomlinson, Hugh, Kellett's factor in Spain
-, imprisoned at Malaga, 112
-, sentenced to the galleys, 139
-, Cornwallis obtains reprieve for, 178
-, 212

Tomlyne, John. See Tomline, John

Topsham (Tapsome), co. Devon
-, supplies to Virginia sent in ships from, 109

Torne. See Thorn

Toscanie, Prince of. See Medici, Cosimo de

Tottell, William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Tottenham, co. Middlesex
-, letters dated from, 115, 116, 136

Townshend (Touneshend), Sir Henry, judge
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 40
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 70
-, requested by Earl of Salisbury to show favour in a legal suit, 70

Towstock. See Tawstock

Tracie, Paul, in the service of Robert Savage at Danzig
-, report on his conduct, 7
-, his business methods criticised, 8

Trained Bands
-, of Hertfordshire, 276, 299
-, Earl of Hertford advises King of the importance of, 298
-, created by Queen Elizabeth, 298
-, of Somerset and Wiltshire, 298

-, Ragotski conveys to Bathori the government of, 124
-, opposition in, 124

Trautmensdorf, Sieur de. See Trautmannsdorf, Adam

Trautmannsdorf (Trautmensdorf, Trautmanstorf), Adam, Baron
-, sent by Emperor to Archduke Ferdinand, 85
-, his soldiers killed by peasants near Prague, 158
-, Emperor retains his troops in his pay, 185

Tredwey, Humphrey, Senior of King's College, Cambridge
-, recommends Kellet to Earl of Salisbury, 77

Treffgarantec. See Trégarantec

Trégarantec (Treffgarantec) [Finistère, France]
-, 25

Tregian (Trigeon, Trudgion, Trojean) Francis, English Catholic
-, removes from Madrid to Lisbon, 55
-, given a house by King of Spain, 69

Trelawny, Robert, Mayor of Plymouth
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 15, 151
-, his examination of Edward Sowton, 151

Tresham (Tressam), Francis, English Catholic, reputed "betrayer" of Gunpowder Plot
-, offers money to Lord Saye and Sele to protect recusants, 47

Tressam. See Tresham, Francis

Trevor, Sir John, a principal officer of the Navy
-, in consultations with Lord Admiral, 241
-, endorses Tomline's deposition, 279

Trigeon. See Tregian, Francis

Tring (Trynge), co. Herts
-, Lord Chancellor requests stewardship of manor of, 204

Trojean, Mr. See Tregian, Francis

Truce, The (Dutch-Spanish)
-, extended to end of May, 103
-, Philip III reported to have declared breach of, 151
-, further prolongation of, 166, 168, 183
-, Spaniards benefiting from extension of, 183, 185
-, suggestion for a 30 years' truce, 252
-, prolonged until February, 1609, 284

Truckers (Truckeres)
-, coloured and uncoloured short cloths called, 294

Trudgion. See Tregian, Francis

Trumbull, William, secretary to Sir Thomas Edmondes
-, falsely reported drowned, 153, 163

Trynge. See Tring

Tuchet, George, 11th Lord Audley
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 112
-, requests employment in King's service, 112

Tuichet, Etienne, a merchant of (Les) Sables d'Olonne
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 13

Tully, Matthew. See O'Multully, Matthew

Tunis [N. Africa]
-, enslavement of French traders at, 73
-, sequestration of goods bought by English merchants at, 289

Tupper. See Tipper, William

Turin [Italy]
-, Roncas publicly beheaded at, 73
-, 147

-, 53
-, rebellion and plague in, 72
-, Shirley proposes to establish peace between Spain and, 189
-, King's attitude towards trade with, 281
-, English merchants trading with, 312

Turkey, Grand Vizier of. See Amurath

Turkey, Sultan of. See Ahmed I

-, reported to be assisting Haiducs against Emperor, 16
-, Hungarian Diet demands peace with, 52
-, prophesy of Persian defeat of, 54
-, Persian offer to Spain of military alliance against, 54
-, Haiducs threaten to collaborate with, 71
-, French ships captured by, 73
-, Protestant delegates at Diet of Ratisbon demand observance of treaties with, 77
-, English merchants and, 82
-, Emperor expected to ratify treaties with, 114
-, Archduke Matthias concludes peace at Castelnuovo with, 125, 145
-, financial gifts to be sent to Constantinople supplementing peace terms with, 145
-, reported to have occupied fortress at Raab, 158
-, King wishes to restrain sale of arms to, 280
-, King's opinion regarding selection of ports for trading with, 281
-, violation of terms of peace committed by, 304

Turner, Mr. See Turner, William

Turner, Robert, of Sturry, Kent
-, conveys raw hides and calfskins to be illicitly exported, 217

Turner, William, a glass manufacturer
-, named by Misselden as opponent to his glass-making schemes, 224

Turso, Nicolas, Signor. See Thurzo

Tuscany, Duke of. See Medici, Ferdinand de, Medici, Cosimo de

Tutler, Robert, Alderman of Hull
-, signs letter requesting Earl of Salisbury's help in confirming Corporation's privileges, 80

Tuxford, co. Notts
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269

Tybalt. See Thybaut, Adrian

Tyler or Tylly, Thomas
-, allowed to return from Lisbon to England, 46
-, released by King of Spain's command, 68

Tylly, Thomas. See Tyler, Thomas

Tyndall, Humphrey, Master of Queen's College, Cambridge
-, thought to be gravely ill, 231

Tyndall, Sir John, Master in Chancery
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 33

Typper, Mr. See Tipper, William

Typpinge, Sir George, of Worminghall, co. Bucks
-, requests that Berkshire be discharged from supplying carriages for transport of timber, 212

Tyrconnell, Earl of. See O'Donnell, Rory

Tyrer (Tirer), John, lay Clerk of Chester Cathedral
-, receives £100 for waterwork, 292
-, petitions Privy Council, 293

Tyrone, Earl of. See O'Neill, Hugh

Tyrrell, Edward, deputy-Steward of the manor of Whaddon
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 41

Tyrrell (Terrell), Richard, Captain, of co. Cavan, Ireland
-, suspected of collaborating with Irish rebels, 192