Index: Q, R

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Quarless. See Quarles, Edward

Quarles, Edward, Postmaster of the Merchant Adventurers
-, 228

Queen's College, Cambridge
-, Earl of Salisbury requested to grant free elections at, 231
-, Master of. See Tyndall, Humphrey

Querini, Antonio, anti-papal polemicist on behalf of Venice
-, his death, 73

Quintiliano, —, uncle of Girolamo Meoli
-, his death, 266


-, Hugh Lee sends letter to Earl of Salisbury under cover of, 80

Raab [Hungary]
-, Turks reported to have occupied fortress at, 158

Racosans. See Rokosz

-, 199

Ragosi. See Rogotski

Ragotski (Ragosi), Sigismund, Prince of Transylvania
-, agrees to transfer Transylvania to Bathori, 124

Ragusa [Dalmatia]
-, a ship from, 147

Raleigh or Ralegh, Sir Walter
-, reference to his governorship of Jersey, 23
-, 26
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 34
-, requested to surrender grant of Sherborne manor, 34

Ramsay, John, Viscount Haddington
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 269
-, his pension, 305

Randle, Earl of Chester. See Ranulf le Meschin

Ranulf le Meschin, Earl of Chester, cousin to Richard, 2nd Earl of Chester
-, mentioned, 291

Ratcliff, Catherine
-, 200

Rath, James, engaged to spy on Earl of Tyrone. See also Richardson
-, receives instructions from Lord Treasurer, 25
-, receives allowance for his services, 66
-, his wife arrives in England, 67
-, to go to Rome with Earl of Tyrone, 67
-, expelled from Herenthals, 234

Ratisbon [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Diet of, 16, 52, 62(2), 85, 100, 105, 113, 114, 125, 146
-, effects of events at Donauwörth on Protestant delegates at Diet of, 62, 63, 77
-, progress of peace negotiations at Hague likely to influence Diet at, 71
-, Emperor's demands at Diet of, 71
-, counter-demands of Protestant delegates, 77, 100
-, Count Mansfeld arrested at, 101
-, report of better state of Emperor's affairs at, 105
-, Archdukes Maximilian and Ferdinand confer in a monastery near, 114
-, deputies reported to be leaving Diet of, 125, 158
-, break-up of Diet of, 163

Ratisbon, Bishop of. See Hausen

Ravis, Thomas, Bishop of London
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 109
-, sends Spiller to Earl of Salisbury, 109
-, subscribes dispensation for Bayly, 200

Reading (Reddinge, Rydinge), co. Berks
-, 213
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Reckever, Edmund, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

-, report from Orford concerning, 42, 43
-, Lord Saye and Sele offered money to protect, 47
-, in Madrid, 55
-, able to bribe officers of High Commission Court, 181
-, list of forfeitures by, 199 205, 260, 303

Reddinge. See Reading

Redereth. See Rotherhithe

Redolfi, Allessandro. See Ridolphi, Alessandro

Redryeve. See Rotherhithe

Redryffe. See Rotherhithe

Reeve, Godfrey, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Regiment, Irish, in the service of Archduke Albert
-, some of its companies to be disbanded, 66
-, 180

Remchinge, Mathew, Irish serving man
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 177
-, requests allowance for journey to London, 177

Reney, John, a London merchant
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury complaining of sequestration of goods, 289

Requests, Court of
-, 98

Resolde (Resouldes), William, a London merchant
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 172, 218
-, his views on the projected marriage between Dauphin and Infanta, 172
-, discounts possibility of peace between Spain and United Provinces, 219
-, critical of Cornwallis, 219

Reymont, Richard, servant to Sir John Weynford (or Wentworth)
-, involved in a brawl, 242

Reynolds (Reynalds), Mr, secretary to the Lord Chamberlain
-, 231

Reynolds (Reynoldes), Edward, Clerk in the Privy Seal office
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 30
-, his ill health, 30
-, signs Privy Seal order, 182

Reynolds, Owen, brother of Edward Reynolds
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 307
-, appointed Keeper of Privy Council's chest, 307

Rheinberg (Rimberck) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, Archduke's forces defeated at, 268

Rhine, River
-, damage caused by ice on, 71, 72

Rhosny. See Rosny-sur-Seine

Riccatolla, Nicola, Genoese commander
-, 157

Richard of Avranches, 2nd Earl of Chester
-, mentioned, 291

Richardot, Jean, President of the Archduke Albert's Council
-, nominated to treat for peace with United Provinces, 3, 19
-, addresses States General, 28
-, acts as interpreter for Spinola, 29
-, visits Colonel Groenvelt at Dort, 29
-, pleased with news from Ireland, 166
-, discusses projected marriage between Dauphin and Infanta with Mancicidor and Jeannin, 187
-, deliberately leaves forged instructions in Holland, 261
-, pleased by Earl of Salisbury's favourable references to him, 284
-, criticised by Earl of Salisbury, 285

Richardson, Henry
-, Rath to use the name of, 25
-, letter from, 66

Richmond, Honour of
-, 33

Richmond, co. Surrey
-, 305

Rider, William
-, his pension, 306

Ridgeway, Sir Thomas, Treasurer at Wars in Ireland
-, his accounts to be examined by a Commission, 131
-, licensed to come over to London from Ireland, 131
-, 205, 314

Ridolfi, Sieur. See Ridolphi, Alessandro

Ridolphi (Ridolfi, Redolfi), Alessandro, Count, in the service of the Archduke Matthias
-, sent to Rome, 85
-, leaves Rome for Madrid, 156

Rimberck. See Rheinberg

Rinaldi, —
-, Offerduci instructed to write to, 266

Rinuccini, Camillo, of Florence
-, corresponds with Girolamo Meoli, 302

Rivers, Henry, controller at the port of Newcastle
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 231

Roan. See Rouen

Roberts, Saunder
-, Tomlin's deposition on movements of, 278

Robes, Office of the 92

Robinson, Henry, Bishop of Carlisle
-, Earls of Cumberland and Dunbar intervene for expenses allowance to, 190

Robinson, John, searcher at the port of London
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 232
-, requests restoration of his rights, 232

Robinson, Ralph (Raphe), tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Roccas. See Rokosz

Rocasanors. See Rokosz

Roccossiens. See Rokosz

Rochelle (La) [Charente Inférieure, France]
-, English pirates seize ships from, 14

Rochester, co. Kent
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Rochester, Bishop of. See Neile, Richard

Rockingham, co. Northants
-, certificate of trees felled at, 307

Rockstead, co. Hants
-, attempt to invalidate leases of tenants on manor of, 307

Rockwood, Edward. See Rookwood, Edward

Rokosz, (or Grand Remonstrance of Sandomir in Poland)
-, opponents of Sigismund adhere to, 9
-, further trouble created by supporters of, 29
-, 62
-, attempt to reconcile Sigismund with supporters of, 124

Romagna [Italy]
-, flood damage in, 63

Rome [Italy]
-, 5, 17, 63, 77, 85, 117, 144, 147, 156
-, absolute authority in Hungary enjoyed by inquisitors from, 17
-, newsletters from, 24, 63, 72, 123, 146, 156
-, flood damage in, 63
-, negotiations for Earl of Tyrone's visit to, 66
-, tax imposed on taverns to meet flood damage in, 72
-, mutineers arrive from Flanders in, 72
-, Earl of Tyrone prepares to leave for, 75
-, Willis given leave by King to go to, 117
-, Willis's meeting with Parsons in, 125, 126
-, English gentlemen at, 126
-, Earl of Tyrone reaches, 163
-, English Jesuits at, 170
-, Earl of Tyrconnell given monthly allowance at, 184
-, Shirley discredited at, 188
-, Dutchman arrested by Inquisition at, 192
-, letters dated from 192, 266
-, Shirley reported to have died in, 218
-, Baynham rumoured to have entered monastery at, 219
-, Earl of Tyrconnell dies in, 225,
-, 248, 259, 302
-, Lord Gray gives account of his former proceedings in, 248, 249

Romney (Romeny), (Sir) William, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Romford (Rumford), co. Essex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Roncase. See Roncas,
-, Pietro Leonardo

Roncas (Roncatie, Roncase), Pietro Leonardo, Secretary to the Duke of Savoy
-, imprisoned, 43
-, publicly executed at Turin, 73
-, 123

Roncatie. See Roncas

Rooke (Rookes), [? George]
-, recommended by Finet, 105

Rookwood (Rockwood), Edward, recusant [? of Ewston, co. Essex]
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Roope, Gilbert, an English pirate
-, co-operating with Jennings, 236

Roosse, Lord. See Cecil, William

Roscarrock, William, of Padstow, co. Cornwall, J.P.
-, signs joint report on provisioning of ships fishing off Newfoundland, 285

Rose, The, inn at Watford
-, Hertfordshire trained bands to meet at, 299

Rosny, Maximilien de Béthune, Marquis de, son of Duke of Sully
-, proposed marriage between Françoise de Créqui and, 49

Rosny-sur-Seine [Seine-et-Oise, France]
-, Sully ordered by Henry IV to retire to, 48

Ross, Bishop of. See Lindsay, David

Rosse, Lord. See Cecil, William

Rostorne. See Royston

Rotherham, Sir John, of Luton, co. Berks
-, sends gifts of martlets to Earl of Salisbury, 220

Rotherhithe (Redryeve, Redryffe, Redereth), London
-, Earl of Salisbury receives grant of King's lands at, 140
-, Sir Charles Cornwallis offers to sell Earl of Salisbury his land at, 140, 306
-, 170

Rotterdam [S. Holland, Netherlands]
-, Spinola expected at, 26
-, letter dated from, 66

Rouen (Roan), [Seine Inférieure, France]
-, 107, 161
-, artillery taken to Limoges from, 146
-, Viscount Cranborne's beer arrives at, 277

Rowe, Henry, Lord Mayor of London
-, concerned with raising a loan in London, 88
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201
-, Earl of Salisbury's reply to, 213

Royal Exchange, The, London
-, protest against proposed "Bourse" at Durham House by tenants of, 201, 202
-, 271

Royston (Rostorne, Roiston), co. Herts
-, letters dated from, 76, 77, 79, 120, 252, 281
-, Landgrave of Hesse sups with King at, 120
-, 253, 279
-, King describes scene between him and Balmerino at, 257
-, King gallops from Newmarket to, 281
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Rudd, Anthony, Bishop of St. David's
-, Archbishop of Canterbury's verdict after hearing differences between Lloyd and, 199

Rudolph II, Emperor
-, re-establishes Inquisition in Hungary, 16
-, Diet of Swabia protests to, 16
-, refuses to observe all articles agreed with Bostkai, 62
-, demands cavalry and foot soldiers at Diet of Ratisbon, 71
-, 63(2), 71, 77, 86, 100, 125, 145, 146, 163, 218
-, rumours of his attending the Diet at Ratisbon, 85
-, requests money from Diet of Bohemia, 100
-, his affairs reported to be progressing at Diet of Ratisbon, 105
-, criticism of his chief officer in Moravia, 105
-, opposed to election of Archduke Matthias as King of Hungary, 106
-, his precarious situation, 106
-, expected to ratify treaty with Turks and Hungarians, 114
-, orders Bohemians to defend themselves against Archduke Matthias, 114
-, his growing quarrel with Matthias, 114
-, attempts to pacify Matthias, 146
-, Don John de Medici reported to be going to serve, 146
-, said to favour Archduke Ferdinand as his successor rather than Matthias, 153
-, prohibits all males from leaving Prague, 157
-, reported to be in danger, 158, 165
-, said to have few troops, 171
-, Pedro de Toledo to compound differences between Archduke Matthias and, 173
-, offers Matthias conditional government of Moravia, 182
-, his reported agreement with Matthias welcomed in Spain, 185
-, agrees to 17 out of 22 articles demanded by Bohemians in exchange for armed support, 187
-, reported to have disclaimed Shirley, 187, 189
-, expectations of war between Turks and, 304

Rufford Abbey, co. Notts 199

Rumford. See Romford

Russell, Edward, 3rd Earl of Bedford
-, concerned in sale of his manor of Melchbourne, 103
-, requests Earl of Salisbury's permission to hunt in his grounds at Northall, 190

Russell, Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell, widow of John Russell, styled Lord Russell, 2nd Earl of Bedford
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 307, 308

Russell, Sir William, 1st Baron Russell of Thornhaugh
-, 164

Russell, Lady, recusant, wife of Sir Thomas Russell, of Strensham, co. Worcester
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

-, plate and bell metal exported from England to, 182
-, debts for Navy's cordage due to merchants trading with, 241

Ruthven (Ruthen), Lady Barbara, daughter of William Ruthven, 1st Earl of Gowrie
-, her pension, 305

Ruthven, John, 3rd Earl of Gowrie
-, his treason mentioned, 225
-, 245

Rutland, Earl of. See Manners, Roger

Ryce, Matthew, Master of the Concorde
-, conveys English Catholic to St. Lucar, 171

Rydinge. See Reading

Rye, co. Sussex
-, 232
-, letters dated from, 233, 266

Ryvers, —, messenger of the Spanish Ambassador in England
-, takes gold from Madrid to London, 19