Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


"A.B," 456.

Abbott, Morris, 210.

Abbott's Ripton [co. Hunts.], letter dated from, 194, 200.

Abington (Abingdon), Mary, wife of [Thomas], mentioned, 9.

Abu Faris, Sultan of Morocco ("King of Barbary"), d. 1609, 495.

Accounts, 92, 108, 110, 144, 183, 264, 309, 391, 398, 457, 498, 519; mentioned, 104, 251, 282, 349, 381, 423.

Achates (Acates), a companion of Aeneas, mentioned, 59.

Achmotye. See Auchmuty, John.

Acton [? Cheshire], 7.

Acts of Parliament [including references to Parliamentary bills]
-, (1) For the removal of hostility between England and Scotland 426n
-, "the bill of hostile laws," 155, 426, 487.
-, "One branch of the Union," 173.
-, Attitude of the Scottish Parliament towards, 216.
-, Attitude of the Middle Shires towards, 300.
-, (2) Against drunkenness, 22.
-, (3) For the draining of the fens, 509–10.
-, (4) For the assurance of Theobalds to the Queen, 437n.
-, (5) For the relief of Southampton, 476–7.
-, (6) For the true making of woollen clothes, 138.
-, (7) Against recusancy, 378, 455–6, 507. See also recusants.
-, (8) With reference to the Court of High Commission, 345.
-, (9) Miscellaneous references to bills, 105, 140 (2), 487.
-, (10) Miscellaneous references to earlier Acts, 119, 224, 357, 415, 417, 487.
-, See also Parliament and under the names of earlier sovereigns of England.

Acuña, Don Pedro Brabo de (Bravo Decunna), Spanish admiral; his exploits and death reported, 71; his brother Don Luis, 71.

Addison, William, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, 407.

Admiral, the. See Howard, Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham (1585– 1619). See also Vice-Admiral.

"Admiral, the" (ship) of Andalusia, 267, 272.

Admiralty, the, 109, 232, 400.
-, Court of, 12, 90, 105, 122, 169, 170, 483, 511, 512, 515, 520.
-, Judge of the. See Sir Thomas Crompton (Nov., 1589–1608).
-, Serjeant of the [Court of], 373.

"Advantage," the (ship), 234.

Adventurers, the [of London], 353– 4. See Virginia Companies.

Advocate of Holland. See Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van.

Aersens. See Aerssens, Francis van.

Aerssens, Cornelis van, Recorder of the States-General, signature to letter, 122.
-, Mentioned, 339.
-, Described as Secretary of State, 369.

Aerssens, Francis van, son of Cornelis (Aersens, Aertens, Aertsens, Arthens), envoy to France, 7, 8, 41, 50, 54.
-, Netherlands agent in France, 338–9.

Aertens. See Aerssens.

Aertsens. See Aerssens.

Agatha, Marches Sta. See under Santa Agata.

Aggs, John, Warder of the Tower, 149.

Agha (Captain of Janissaries, Algiers), letter from, 34.

Aghmootye, Mr. See Auchmuty, John.

Agrarian Rising, in Midlands, 150, 161, 162, 175–6, 198, 208, 343, 347, 497. See also Enclosures and Depopulation.

Ague, 24, 87.

Aguilar, Conde de, Captain-General of Portugal, 72(2), 268.

Ahmad I Sultan of Turkey (1603– 17) (the Grand Signor, Great Turk, Grand Turk), 6, 25(3), 34, 210, 266, 287, 331, 333, 376, 387–8, 442.
-, letter from, 126.
-, opinion of English piracy, 311.
-, letter to, 387.
-, letters from, mentioned, 66, 166, 387.
-, affirms friendship with France, 126.
-, treaties with Poland, 387–388.
-, ambassadors to. See under the country concerned.
-, Chiaus [messenger] sent by, to James I. See Mustafa Agha.
-, -, to Sigismund III. See Muhammad.
-, three governors of taken prisoner, 442.

Ahmad al Mansur, Sultan of Morocco (King of Barbary), d. 1603, 287.

Aire, Tho. (Searcher of Harwich), signs letter, 60.

Alabaster, 281.

Alabaster, Thomas, letter from, 47; petition of, 503.

Alarach. See Larache.

Alarchon, Martin de, merchant of Grand Canary, petition from, 397.

Albury [co. Herts], 144.

Alcaldes, chief magistrates of justice in Spain, 308.

"Alcedo," the (ship), 502.

Alchemy, 258.

Aldeburgh [Suffolk], letter dated from, 44.
-, controller of. See Pootye, Richard.
-, customer of. See Beamond, John.
-, customs officers of, letter from, 43–44.
-, searcher of. See Cutler, Richard.

Aldermen [of London], loan to James I, 275–6, 283, 286, 291, 293, 457.

Aldred, John, 210. See also Eldred.

Alençon [France] (Allençon), 67.

Aleppo [Syria], 241.
-, late Bassa of, Djanbulad Oghlu (Grampolat Ogli), 387.

-, Captain of Janissaries at. See Agha.
-, English ambassador to, 34–35.
-, English consul at. See Allen, Richard.
-, General at sea of, Morat-Reis (Moracca Rais), 34.
-, vice king of. See Mustafa.

Alguaciles (Alguazills) [constables], 308.

Alienations, grants of, 389, 471–472.
-, licences and pardons of, 472.
-, warrant granting two-thirds of all unrecorded fines for alienations etc., 472.
-, petition for grant for 21 years of office of discovering alienations of the king's lands held in capite, 472.
-, office of, 472.

d'Alincourt. See Neufville, Charles de.

Alisco, Monsieur d', 114.

All, George. See Hall.

Allen, Richard, ? English consul at Algiers, 34. See A. C. Wood, History of the Levant Co., p. 61.

Allen, Cardinal Wm. (Allyn), 246.

Allençon. See Alençon.

Allenson, John (of St. John's College, Cambridge), 67.

Allyn, Cardinal Wm. See Allen, Cardinal Wm.

Almond, George, Mayor of Kingston upon Hull, signs letter, 65.

Almond, George, Alderman of Kingston upon Hull, 331.

Almoner of the Infanta Clara Eugenia. See Neyen.

Almoner, of Queen of France. See Béziers (Besieres), Bishop of.

Alnwick [Northumberland], 156.

Alnwicke, (Anwick), principal officer to Earl of Northumberland, 3; ? his steward, 65.

Alps, the, 68.

Alterenes. See Alt-yr-ynys.

Alt-yr-ynys [Walterstone, co. Hereford] (Alterenes), letter dated at, 128.

Alum, 354.

Alvarez (Alveras), Juan [d'Avila], a Spanish admiral, his death and the capture of his son referred to, 109, 122.

Ambassadors. See under the country represented.

"Amberall," Lord, 498.

-, projected plantation of the Northern parts of, 26, 458–459.
-, See also Newfoundland; Virginia; Florida.

Ames, William, of Christ's College, Cambridge, 213, 407.

Amis, Mr. Israel, letter to, 453.

Amounderness (Andernes) [Lancs], 290.

Amsterdam [Holland], 122, 148, 189, 380.
-, -, merchants of, 122.

Anatolia [Turkey], 376.

Ancona [Italy], 25, 178.
-, letter dated from, 245.

Andalusia (Andolozia, Andaluzia, Andelesaye) [Spain], 47, 272, 304.
-, squadron of, 267, 312.

Andelesaye. See Andalusia.

Andernes. See Amounderness.

Anderson, —, Scottish merchant, 469.

Anderson [? Nicholas], 516.

Anderson, Thomas, 10.
-, See also Hendirson, Henrison.

Andever. See Andover [Hants].

Andolozia. See Andalusia.

Andover (Andever) [co. Hants], 58, 214.

"Angel, The," of Leith, 39.

Angell, Mr. William, citizen of London, 443.

Angers [France], 67.

Anglesea. See Anglesey.

Anglesey [Wales] (Anglesea):
-, letter dated from, 92.
-, state of the Island, 91.
-, sheriffs of, 91–92.
-, account of taxation and assessment of in Queen Elizabeth's time, 92.

Anglesey, Justices of the Peace of, 93.
-, letter from, 91.

Anguish, Richard, Fellow of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, signs letter, 363.

"Ann," 184.

Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I, 22, 28, 59, 120, 138, 235, 239, 247, 263, 290, 308, 313, 327, 378, 424(?), 444, 449, 450, 490, 501.
-, at Salisbury, 235.
-, death of her daughter. See Mary.
-, letter to, from king, mentioned, 14, 209.
-, her servant. See Chambers, Mr.
-, her rent for conies at Hatfield Park, 115.
-, health of, 209, 223, 235, 236.
-, instructions for patent to be drawn granting Earl of Salisbury custody of Theobalds, Cheshunt, etc., 227.
-, proposed visit from the Lady Elizabeth mentioned, 334.
-, endeavours by Lady Buckhurst to have the Queen act as judge in her dispute with Lord Buckhurst, 361–362.
-, petition to, from Francis Dacre, 420.
-, petition to from cradle rockers, 263.
-, meeting with James I, 192, 235, 436.
-, house of Theobalds assured to her for life by Act of Parliament, 437n.
-, Prince Henry desires her permission for him to learn to swim, 447.
-, her jeweller. See Hardret.
-, her Council, 521.
-, her manor of Newbury, 19–20,
-, grant of tolls within Newbury under her Great Seal, 499.
-, concealed lands belonging to in Beds, Hunts and Bucks, 507.
-, her manor of Newport Pagnell, 521.
-, petition from tenants of her manors, 454.
-, her Court of Chancery, 454, 499.
-, invited to participate in one of Ralegh's proposed expeditions, 455.
-, her Attorney General. See Hitcham.
-, referred to as "the Lady of Hatfield," 32.

Annesley, —, 437.

"Antenati," 293.

Antonio, Don. See Sir Anthony Sherley.

Antwerp [Belgium], 79, 346.
-, letters from, mentioned, 241, 249.
-, merchants of, Infanta's jewels pawned to, 244.
-, castellian of. See Borja, Don Inigo de.
-, letter from a merchant of, mentioned, 334.

Anwick. See Alnwicke.

Apostolic Camera, 332.

Apostolic Protonotaries, present at Pacification with Venice, 111.

Appleby [co. Westmorland]: castle at, 142.
-, -, letter dated from, 217.

Apprentices, 476.

Apprizements, office of, 84–5.

Apulbie. See Appleby, co. Westmorland.

Aqua vitae, 418.

Aragon [Spain], 241.
-, Council of, 10.
-, Vice-chancellor of, 10.

Archduchess [Maria] (mother-in-lawof Sigismund, King of Poland), 186.

"Archduke," "Archdukes." See Austria; Ferdinand; Maximilian; Leopold.

"Arch Equivocator." See Sicklemore.

Architecture, 120, 121.

Archman. See Armagh.

Archpriest, the. See Blackwell, George.

Ardern, Robert, petitions of, 503–4.

Ardes. See Ards.

Ards [co. Down, Ireland] (Ardes), 315.

Aremberg, Arenbergh, Count. See Ligne, Charles de.

Areskyne. See Erskine.

Aresquin. See Erskine.

Argere. See Algiers.

"Ariegenstung" (Area in Po Delta), 333.

Arigone, Arigoni, Cardinal. See Arrigoni.

Aristigny (Haristigny) [? Stephane] d', French merchant [of St. Jean de Luz], 337.
-, claim against [Sir Robert] Basset[t], 402.

Arlberg (Arlenberg) [Rhaetian Alps, Austria], 117.

Arlenberg. See Arlberg.

Armada (Armata, Armados), 70, 71, 184, 214, 216, 243, 267, 268, 271, 272, 304, 325. See also Spanish ships.

Armagh [Ireland], 451.
-, county of, 306.
-, "Archman" [Ard Macha or Armagh ?], 288.

"Armata." See Armada.

"Armosignes," 270.

Armorer, Tho., 156.

Arms, engraver of. See Trades and Professions.

Armstrong, Andrew, taken prisoner, 428.

Armstrong, Christopher, alias Barnglesse, 269.

Armstrong, Edward, 101, 102.

Armstrong, John, alias Jock Stowelugs, 6, 29.

Armstrong, John, of (Mangertoun), Mangerton [Tower] [Roxburgh], taken prisoner, 428.

Armstrong, Syme, of Quhitehance, taken prisoner, 428.

Armstrong, Thomas, alias Antons, Edwards Tom., 6, 29.

Armstrong, Thomas, alias Whitecloake, 106, 107.

Arnhem [Holland], 40, 294, 295.

Arnold, "Poor Arnold," 173.

Arras, Bishop of, 137.

Arrigoni (Arigone, Arigoni), Cardinal Pompeo, Bishop of Benevento), 256, 396.

Arrows, 139.

Arthens. See Aerssens.

Arthur. See Jenson, Arthur.

Artizan skinners. See London, skinners.

Arundel Castle [Sussex], 227.

Arundel, Countess of. See Howard, Alathia; Howard, Anne.

Arundel, Earl of. See Howard Thomas [1585–1646]; Howard, Philip [1557–95].

Arundel House [the Strand, London], 479n.
-, value of, 337.
-, negotiations for sale of, 337, 478.

Arundell (Arundel), Thomas, Lord of Wardour Castle (Wilts), petitions from mentioned, 93.
-, petitions for a grant of concealed lands, 397.
-, letter from, 172.
-, death of his wife, 172.

Arundell, Mr. Thomas, of Lanherne [Cornwall], 456.

Ashburton [co. Devon], 58.

Ashby, —, 148.

Ashby [de la Zouch] [Leicestershire], 162.
-, letter dated from, 347.

Asheton, Ralph, 500.

Ashley, Sir Anthony:
-, possible successor to Cornwallis as English ambassador to Spain, 323.
-, Clerk of the Council, 397.
-, -, willing to retire, 397.

Ashley, Mrs., charges against her concerning depopulations, 423.

Ashley, Robert, letter from, 397.
-, brother to Sir Anthony—, 397.
-, desires to succeed his brother on Sir Anthony's retirement, 397.

Ashley, —, 456.

Ashlie, Mrs. See Ashley, Mrs.

Ashperton (Asperton) [co. Hereford], manor of, 346.

Ashton, Sir Roger. See Aston.

Askew, —. See Ayscu, William.

Asku, Mr. See Ayscu, William.

Askw. See Ayscu, William.

Asperton [co. Hereford], manor of. See Ashperton.

Assize, Justices of, 92, 174, 208, 264, 479, 500.

Aston, Sir Arthur, patent for bringing in logwood revoked, 443.
-, recusants lands granted to, 455.
-, petition of, 504.

Aston, Lady, petition of, 504–5.

Aston (Ashton), Sir Roger, 11, 52, 93, 247, 360, 456.
-, letter from 196, 308, 330, 362, 371.
-, grants to referred to, 202.

Athanry. See Athenry [co. Galway, Ireland].

Athenry (Athanry) [co. Galway, Ireland], agents for corporation of, 167.

Athenry, Portreeve of [co. Galway, Ireland], 133.

Athlone [co. Westmeath, Ireland], 134.
-, castle of, 134.

Atkinson, Anthony (cousin to William), letter to, 288.

Atkinson, Robert (cousin to William), his death, 288.

Atkinson, Thomas (cousin to William), 288.

Atkinson, William, letter from, 288(2).

Atkinson, William, Batchelor of Divinity, his accusations of Browne, 295–296.

Atkinson, —, a priest, 66.

Atkyns, Richard, signs letter as member of Council of Wales, 306.

Atkynson, John, 156.

Atropos [the oldest of the three Fates], 138.

"Attorney, Mr." See Hobarte, Henry.

Attorney General. See Hobarte, Henry.

Attorney General (Her Majesty's). See Hicham, Sir Robert.

Attorney of the Court of Wards. See Pepper.

Attorney General in Ireland. See Davies, Sir John.

Attwood(e), Mr., 100.

Atwood, Robert, 210.

d'Aubigny, Lord. See Stuart, Esmé.

Auchmuty, John (Achmotye, Aghmootye, Auchmoty), patent for bringing in logwood revoked, 443.
-, mentioned 276, 452.

"Audiencer, the" [of the Council at Brussels]. See Verreycken.

Auditor. See Trades and Professions.

Augsburg [Germany], ambassador of mentioned, 380.

Augsburg, bishop of, 332.

Aunsburche, Marquis of. See Brandenburg-Anspach, Joachim Ernst, Margrave of Anspach.

Austria: See Tyrol; Vienna.
-, [the following entries refer to Archduke Albert and his wife the Archduchess, Isabella Clara Eugenia, daughter of Philip II of Spain— whom see also under Infanta. As joint governors of the Spanish Netherlands they were habitually referred to as "the Archduke" or "Archdukes"].
-, Archduke and Archdukes of, 13, 17, 18, 42, 48, 61, 68–69, 79, 173, 175, 197, 208, 221, 238, 303, 328, 369 [for other Archdukes than the above see under relevant Christian name].
-, -, discontented with peace proceedings, 128.
-, -, favours Irish and Spanish, 140.
-, -, gentleman of his Privy Chamber, 156.
-, -, officer under. See Browne, Mr.
-, -, mentioned in connection with supposed plot to help Tyrone and Stanley, 431.
-, -, sends messengers to Sir Thomas Edmondes to entreat for liberty of Wright, an English Jesuit, 200.
-, -, letter to, mentioned, 50.
-, -, peace negotiations of, with United Provinces, 13, 17–18, 53, 68, 79–80, 236– 238, 249, 294.
-, -, proposed peace with United Provinces, 48, 305, 315–316, 328–329, 358– 360.
-, -, peace negotiations of, with United Provinces mentioned, 39, 99, 273, 312, 369, 475, 483.
-, -, Chief Chamberlain of. See Lasso, Don Rodrigo de.
-, -, pawns Infanta's jewels, 244.
-, -, forces of, 265.
-, -, sends Spanish Ambassador to settle quarrel between Don Luys de Valsco and Don Inigo de Borja, 280.
-, -, negotiations with, as regards Tyrone, 280, 291, 301, 313, 327, 330, 354.
-, -, a Spaniard, the Archduke's secretary, named as possible negotiator of peace, 346.
-, -, "the Archduke's Country." See Flanders.
-, -, trumpet of, 53, 369, 384.
-, -, ministers of, 327.
-, -, desires mediation of James I in the treaty between Spain and United Provinces, 395.
-, their Ambassador in England.
-, See Hobocque.
-, See also Flanders; Low Countries; Peace negotiations.

Avalos, Don Alonso d', 25.

Aveiro (Aveyro) [Portugal], 267.

Aveyro. See Aveiro [Portugal].

Aylesbury [co. Bucks], 227.

Ayloffe, Sir Wm., a principal tenant of Havering at Bower, Essex, 362.
-, elected J.P. in place of Mr. Legatte, 362.

Ayscu, Edward, 450n.
-, his book, 450, 492–493.

Ayscu (Askew, Asku, Askw, Ayscue), William, son of the above:
-, king complains of delay in proceedings against, 338.
-, in connection with printing of an offensive book, 450; (unnamed), 292.
-, petition from in connection with the book, 492–493.

Aytona, Marquis of. See Moncade.

Azores, the ("the Islands," "the Westward Islands"), 36, 152, 216, 229, 244, 267. See also San Miguel, Terceira.