Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1607

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1607', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp397-521 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1607', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp397-521.

"Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1607". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp397-521.


Martin de Alarchon to the Privy Council.
[1607]. The writer, a merchant of the island of the "Gran Canaria," became bound for Robert Hassard of Lyme Regis for sugars which he bought in the island, but Hassard never returned there and he had to pay the bond. Prays that Hassard may be summoned to answer.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (P. 749.)
Lord Arundell to the King.
[? c. 1607.] For a grant of concealed lands to the amount of 1000 marks per ann.—Undated.
Note by Lord Salisbury that the King refers the petition to such of the Council as use to meet about matters touching his revenue.
1 p. (P. 206.)
[Cf. p. 93 above and Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 364.]
Robert Ashley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Of his training and education at Oxford University, and his employment in foreign parts by favour of Sir Francis Walsingham and Sir Henry Unton. Since their decease he has studied the law, and by frequenting his brother Sir Antony Ashley, one of the Clerks of the Council, has endeavoured to attain the experience of his place. Sir Antony, being willing to retire, desires to have him his successor. Begs that he may serve in his brother's room. (fn. 1)Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 149.)
Lord d'Aubigny.
[1607]. Two papers:—
(1) The late Queen granted by letters patent the lands of the country of Kyneliertie, called McCartaine's country, in Ulster, to Sir Nicholas Mawltbye, now deceased. The grant was determinable upon divers conditions, long since broken. Upon the pretence of Phelomy McCartaine to be owner, the King made grants to him and others thereof; whereas the inheritance in truth belongs to the King. (fn. 2) Order is hereby given to find the bounds and contents of the lands, and the King's title thereto: and to make a grant of the same to Esme Stuart, Lord Aubigney, one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 28.)
Lord d'Aubigny's Suit.
(2) 1. A lease of 100l. land. 2. 150l. impropriations in fee farm. 3. A debt due to the late Queen, to be installed at 200l. perpetuity. 4. The transportation of 4000 oxen in 8 years alive or dead, out of all the parts of England proportionable as they may be spared. 5. 4000l. of certain debts due to the King. 6. Or what else to your Honours shall seen fittest.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." Lord D'Aubigny; and the following in Salisbury's hand: "Daubigny, Erl Hume, J. Stuart, Hadington, Lyndorh, Erl of Perth, L. Hey." ½ p. (124. 29.)
William Barclay to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Is extremely content to hear from his son [John] of the affection shown him by the Earl of Salisbury. Is sending him back [from France] to be near his Majesty being himself prevented by old age from enjoying the presence of his King, and for other reasons that his son will be able to say by word of mouth. Prays for a continuance of his lordship's good graces towards him. A hundred men of quality amongst his relatives on this side will on occasion mount horse for his lordship's service.—Undated.
Signed: "Guiliaume de Barclay." French. Seal. Endorsed: "1607. Monsr. Barkley to my Lord." 1 p. (194. 44.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 376, warrant dated 26 Oct., 1607, and p. 309 above. For lives of William and John Barclay see the D.N.B.]
Mrs. K[atherine] Bellamy to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. The Earl promised to bestow a ward upon her, if she could find one in his gift. She is unable to do so, and begs him to confer on her such a one as he thinks fit.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Mris. Bellamy. 1607." 1 p. (123. 162.)
Berwick upon Tweed.
[1607]. Payments for Berwick: include, Captain and 100 men, discharged captains and officers, pensioners, provost and others, gunners, the horse band, 42 footmen of the old garrison, artificers, gunners of Warck [Castle], 2 surgeons, surveyor, and preacher. Total 5196l. 7s. 4d.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 157.)
[See p. 246 above.]
Bidston Park, Cheshire.
[1607]. (1) State of the cause in the Chancery, and the Exchequer at Chester, between Sir John Egerton and Kelley.
The suit concerns the capital messuage, park and demesnes of Bidston leased by the now Earl of Derby and the late Countess Margaret his mother to Lusher, who assigned to Thimblethorpe, who assigned to Kelley. Egerton also claims to have received a lease of the same from the Earl by the hands of Thomas Ireland. Proceedings are detailed to Mich. 5 Jac.—Undated.
3 pp. (124. 38.)
(2) Two papers discussing the right of jurisdiction over lands in the County Palatine of Chester, in reference to the above case.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1607. For my Lord of Darby, when my Lord Chief Baron cometh." 1½ pp. (124. 40.)
[See pp. 199 and 225 above.]
Viscount Bindon to the Council.
[1607]. I find complaint is made by the English and Scottish merchants for the great losses they daily receive by the neglect of those governors in Dorsetshire which are put in trust to apprehend such pirates as come ashore in these coasts. In particular I am touched for neglect of my duty, but not charged with any particular remissness. From the beginning of my government I have appointed Deputy Vice-Admirals to watch the coming in and going out of all suspected persons; also charged the chief officers in every port to observe the King's proclamations for execution of this service. Within these two years I have advertised many abuses done by seamen, and have never concealed an offender. But I mean not to answer for the chief officers of ports, or inferior officers of the custom house, who, dwelling where landing places are, may conceal without my controlment. Let those officers do their duty, and Portland Castle be better looked unto, then merchants shall want just cause of complaint. Portland Castle is the only place of refuge, and a very nursery accounted these many years for giving succour to all pirates, as one John Randall, now in the city, can well approve. Thereof I have given sundry informations, seeing no course taken for execution of justice. The Castle puts his Majesty to great yearly charges, for pirates may possess it at their pleasure, and if a strong enemy should enter there the strength of three shires adjoining would not easily pluck them out in long time. The better "newing" thereof I leave to your care.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 166.)
Viscount Bindon to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. He has received Salisbury's letters to his comfort; and his friendly advice shall work better contentment to those who are so bred in the bowels of injustice that equal justice is very distasteful to their corrupted minds. His complainants have ever found justice in his dealings with them. Touching his dealings about the sugars at Powle, landed by Dutchmen, he has already given good satisfaction by a public letter to Salisbury and the rest of his company. For the dislike lately conceived, the bearer is furnished with good satisfaction. He knows that Salisbury did not mean him to show greater favour to any than he did to the Duke of Lenox, his Majesty's uncle [sic] who received justice by the authority of the Vice-Admiralty; though he denied Lenox the usurpation by his servants of his office. Details reasons for maintaining his office. The Lord Admiral promised to bear him out if he took away all commissions made in derogation of his authority, and laid the abusers by the heels. He would hold a better opinion of these complainants (though their irreligion is to be detested) if he could be persuaded that they wished well to the King. As to his dealings with those that dislike most the setting up of [game in] Chytyred, he could do no less than he did, except by silence he had suffered Salisbury to be wronged. Speaks of his new building in his park. When the building shall go forward at Cranborne, he hopes Salisbury will remember his promise to kill some bucks in Lulworth Park.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 165.)
[Cf. pp. 310–11 above.]
Jurisdiction of the Bishops.
[1607]. "Touching the confutation of the claimed superiority of Bishops." In refutation of the printed book of 'Mr. Martyn the Sewer' on that subject which is said "to impugn her Majesty's supreme government."
Endorsed: "1607. Mr. Th'rer/Discourse/Confutation of the superiority." (fn. 3) 5 pp. (144. 201.)
The Enclosure?
A paper containing an extract from Melanethon and a heading: "A sparing restraint of many lavish untruths, which Mr. D[octor] Harding doth challenge in the first article of my Lord [Bishop] of Salisbury's reply." An excerpt follows [? from Edward Dering's book so entitled which was published in 1568].—Undated.
2 pp. (144. 201.)
Monsieur de la Boderie, French Ambassador, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. I am greatly obliged to the King, the Lords of the Council and to you for resenting the insolence with which I was lately treated. I was vexed to be importunate in the matter but having already encountered two disturbances from no fault of me or mine, I was afraid that something would happen in the end which would cause you still more regret. An excited populace which understands nothing and which nobody can understand is a terrible thing, and it was on that account that I asked you to punish this one. Nevertheless as the parents and children of the prisoners are every day about me here praying me to ask pardon for them, and as I prefer to win my neighbours by friendship rather than by violence, I pray you very humbly to stay your hand and to give order that they be all set free, even the constable of this quarter and the woman from whom all this trouble proceeded. But one other thing I ask you in order to prevent such inconveniences in the future, and that is that the King may be pleased to make proclamation throughout the whole town that respect be shown to Ambassadors and that it be prohibited to offer them insult or to throw anything in their carriages. This latter has happened to me three or more times without any complaint being made by me. Let drivers and others who encumber the streets be ordered to give them passage and let our servants be allowed, whenever there is a cart in the middle of the road and the driver is not by, to draw it out of the way. Let also aldermen and constables be enjoined to assist in this, and let all inhabitants who are near by when any disturbance occurs against the said ambassadors run to their assistance under pain of answering therefor in their own names; with such other precautions as you can of your greater wisdom prepare. By such measures the populace will become a little more restrained, we shall proceed on our road with more assurance, and his Majesty and your lordships will be relieved of all these importunities.—Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (194. 45.)
[Monsieur de la Boderie, French Ambassador, to King James I.]
[? 1607]. Desirous to avoid as much as possible being importunate with his Majesty, he presented some days ago a memorial to the Lords of the Council, praying that, in order to save certain poor French merchants the long time they are spending over the pursuit of certain business here, the King would be pleased to appoint commissioners with power to dispatch this business summarily and finally. As this was a thing which has been done before and deprives no one of any right and is in accordance with an express article of the last treaty, it was not thought that any difficulty could occur. Nevertheless the Lords of the Council in their reply have requested him [first] to make reasonable and well-founded exception against the courts of justice which the merchants claimed were concerned with these matters with an offer to procure his Majesty's consent when that had been done and when the same practice shall be observed in France towards the king of England's subjects. But as neither the Sieur de la Boderie nor the said merchants think to tax any of the King's ministers, but merely take exception to those who have hitherto had cognisance of these cases, it seems that it ought to be sufficient that these merchants have been robbed by pirates putting out from this kingdom, the majority of whom have been convicted. The merchants, however, have not as yet been able to get any restitution for what was taken from them, and it seems to be superfluous to exact from him [? de la Boderie] another promise that the same practice shall be observed in France, seeing that that is a thing granted by so recent a treaty, and that it has never been refused and would be always granted to the King's Ambassador on the least occasion that should arise. The King is therefore prayed to appoint commissioners to settle summarily and finally the differences between the said merchants (one named Bouillon and the other Guerin) and the knight Hacquins [Hawkins] formerly ViceAdmiral of Plemue [Plymouth], and between another Frenchman named Maingard and Poppe, gaoler of one of the prisons of this town.
As to the difference between La Broche and Cardinal which the Lords of the Council in their answer to de la Boderie's memorial would send back to the Masters of Requests, being of opinion that thereby justice would be much sooner rendered, de la Boderie shows his Majesty that the strictness of the law of this kingdom deprives the said Masters in this case of the power to grant execution upon real property (biens immeubles) in favour of the said La Broche, which is his sole remaining hope as there is no personal property (biens meubles). He prays therefore that the King will refer the case to the members of the next Parliament, as they alone can abrogate the strictness of the said law and provide for La Broche in accordance with equity; which cannot be too greatly in his favour, seeing that it is for a bond which his late father entered into for the sum of 1800l. sterling, which he has paid, of which none the less he has only been adjudged 500l. and which he is still liable to lose if the King and his Parliament do not dispense with this law, even though as a foreigner and for a thing done and contracted in Bordeaux he could claim to be not liable here.
There remains the case of two other French merchants, d'Haraneder and d'Aristigny. The King upon the request of Monsieur de Beaumont granted them payment of the sum of 1500l. sterling awarded them against one Basset upon the goods of the said Basset coming into the hands of the Crown as a felon and fugitive. The Lords of the Council would put off these merchants until the proceedings against Basset have been completed and his goods thereby acquired by the Crown. But the completion of these proceedings will be a tedious matter, whilst as a fugitive there is an ordinance of King Edward III, which was not repealed by his death, as has been alleged of a similar one of the late Queen, whereby Basset would become convicted upon his not appearing in answer to the first writ against him. The Sieur de la Boderie prays his Majesty to grant a warrant under his privy seal to have Basset summoned, and in the event of his not appearing within the time prescribed that d'Haraneder and his partner may have his goods sold for the recovery of what is owing to them.—Undated and unsigned.
French. Endorsed: "To his Majesty. French Ambassador's memorial upon the Lords' answer." 2¼ pp. (194. 47.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom. Add., 1580—1625, p. 490; Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603—10, p. 301, and p. 337 above.]
? Enclosure in the foregoing.
Guill. Houll was proclaimed a pirate by his Majesty for having robbed at sea in 1602 one Jehan Guerin, a French merchant, taken from him more than 3000l. sterling of merchandise and killed five or six of his men. Sir Thomas Crompton, Judge of the Admiralty, either out of malice or for some profit, has helped him to obtain a pardon from the King both for the robbery and the murders, a thing which he knows well is contrary to law, for no pirate who has plundered a foreigner can obtain a pardon without the certificate of the ambassador of the said foreigner's sovereign. Not only has he [Crompton] even had the pardon prepared for him and signed it, but he has also used all his friends, as it is said, to obtain his Majesty's signature. The King was surprised, everyone knowing how he is the mortal enemy of pirates and still more of murderers. So also was the Chancellor at the sealing of the said pardon (as he has protested when spoken to thereon on the part of the French Ambassador) inasmuch as the docquet which was delivered to him made no mention of the said murder, and so seeing only the robbery he made little difficulty over passing it, believing moreover that the party had been satisfied. Which shows great injustice on the part of the said judge, in that Guerin having apprehended Houll would have had little difficulty in coming to some agreement with him; whereas if the said pardon is allowed he will lose everything and be ruined, having no other resource.
There is a means of annulling the said pardon, but it must be prompt as time presses. It is to have a warrant addressed to the Chief Baron who holds the sessions at Excestre [Exeter] at the beginning of next week—where Houll must deliver his sureties for his life and good behaviour and have his letters verified—to have Houll arrested and to have him sent with the said pardon before the King and the Lords of the Council.—Undated.
French. Endorsed: "1607. The Fr: Embassa:" 1 p. (194. 46.)
E. B[olton] to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (Sept. or later)]. Of the cause of the Croochers [Agnes and Thomas Crowcher]. Details an interview he had with Salisbury at Basing, when, upon the showing by him of a certain paper, Salisbury's willingness in the matter seemed to end. Explains that the paper was shown in mistake, instead of the evidence itself, which he had there; and begs Salisbury to pardon his error, and not allow it to prejudice the cause. As he wishes there should be no record of this his folly, he does not set his name hereto at large.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Mr. Bolton. 1607." 1 p. (123. 168.)
[See p. 230 above.]
Charles Brooke.
[1607]. Charles Brooke, Esquire, to be a justice of peace and of the quorum in Dorset, Somerset, Devon, Kent. [Amount of his rents given.]
Memorandum. Endorsed: "1607." ¼ p. (123. 170.)
William Brouncker to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (June or July)]. His mother, proposing to come hither two months past, procured an imprest bill of 200l. "harpes" (fn. 4) from his father, defalcable out of his father's entertainment, which bill was sent to the Treasurer at Wars in Ireland that a warrant might be had there in lieu thereof: to be repaid to his mother on the issuing of the next treasure for Ireland. Encloses the said warrant, which is stayed by Mr. Reignoldes, the Treasurer's agent here, who alleges he has received a countermand from the Treasurer not to pay the same. Begs Salisbury to give order that it be paid, otherwise his mother and he will be driven to extremities. If it should fall out that his father was fully paid his entertainment at the time of his death, (fn. 5) as Reignoldes supposes, the overpayment might be stopped out of his father's lease of the impost of Ireland.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (123. 171.)
Sir Thomas Burke to the Earl of Clanricard.
[1607]. You know what troubles have lighted on me, though not by any relation of mine, till I had this 3 months' probation. By these letters to my Lord of Salisbury you may gather that I will not be the first that will stain your house. God be the judge betwixt me and any that have wrought it. If you think it fit, cause my letters to be sent to him. "Your obedient brother."— Undated.
PS.—Commend my service and my wife's to my Lady and Mrs. Doll.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 174.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606—8, pp. 9—10.]
Dr. William Butler to the Earl of Salisbury, Chancellor [of the University of Cambridge].
[1607 (after July)]. He has lately spoken with Dr. Gostlin of the charitable intention meant by Mr. Dr. Peerce to the College: who protested that if Peerce would stand to his promise, he would resign the right of his election to him. He moved Peerce to stand for this preferment, and asked him what he would perform if Salisbury preferred him to the place. He answered that if the Mastership were conferred upon him he had a full resolution to be answerable to the last founder's gift, and would make assurance with security to the College of 2000l. His ability is three times above the last founder's wealth: a single man, well stricken in years, very honest, wise and learned; and the like opportunity of gratifying the College will not hastily be found in our own time. He is President and senior Fellow, "the only remainer of the last founder's own election," (fn. 6) and well given to religion. Leaves the matter to Salisbury's consideration.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 175.)
The Master and Fellows of Christs College [Cambridge], to the King.
[1607]. Enclosing reasons why they cannot elect Gabriel Moore, Bachelor of Arts and student in Trinity College, into the place of a Fellow in their College, as required by his Majesty's letters to them; and praying that they may be permitted to make a free election.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (136. 191.)
The Enclosure:
Reasons why we cannot choose the Bachelor of Trinity College.
1. The violating of our oath, for we cannot make an election without taking a corporal oath to choose according to Statute. Now the Statute binds us to prefer those which are scholars of our own College; secondly, which are Masters of Arts; thirdly, such as we know to be poorest, learnedest and of most approved conversation; fourthly, such a one as is fit to enter into the holy ministry within a year after his election. Now seeing we have many of our own College thus qualified we cannot without breach of oath choose this Bachelor for:—
(i) He neither is nor ever was of our College, but a stranger belonging to another College.
(ii) He is not Master of Arts but Bachelor only.
(iii) It may be presumed he is rich because he uses such means of preferment as are chargeable.
(iv) For learning we know him inferior to all our own scholars, his competitors this next time.
(v) We have no knowledge of his honest conversation or aptness for the ministry.
2. Because his election cannot but be a great discouragement to our own scholars who are painful and profitable students, when they see these preferments, which our honourable foundress provided for the poorest, to be carried away by the rich and such as can make best friends in Court to his Majesty.
3. It will encourage such as be rich, though destitute of all such qualities as our Statute requires and binds us by oath to respect, to sue for grants of these our preferments as are destinated to the better deserving from the King when they see others preferred by those means; so that we fear (so great is the number and importunity of such suitors) they may, in time, come to have letters from his Majesty for the most of our places ere they be void. And this we fear the rather because within this half year before the granting of these last letters we have received two other besides from his Majesty for two sundry persons to be preferred in our College.
4. It seems unequal that, the number of our own scholars deserving well being so great and our places of preferment (appointed by our foundress, the rewards of their long studies and great expenses) so exceeding few, that one should be cast upon us who is of such a college as has five Fellowships for our one to bestow upon such as they think eligible or worthy of preferment.
1 p. (136. 190.)
The Master and Fellows of Christ's College, Cambridge, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Soon after they received to their good liking answer from him, while they intended to proceed to an election of a Fellow according to their Statutes, they received letters from his Majesty urging them to elect and admit Gabriel Moore; and while they were in deliberation how they might satisfy him and keep their Statutes, the Vice-Chancellor was authorised by other letters from his Majesty the next day following to make the said Moore Fellow of their College, after such an extraordinary manner as they have not seen in their times, nor heard of in the days of their predecessors; and after this sort he stands Fellow of Christ's College, without election or admission from them. As they cannot deny that their hearts were much grieved, seeing the great discouragement of their own scholars, and forseeing what may ensue by this example, not only to their College but to others, their grief was increased when they heard some one had incensed the King against them, suggesting that what they did in refusing to elect Gabriel Moore proceeded rather from an obstinate and factious humour than of conscience to observe their Statutes. Men not well affected to them may speak what they please, when they are not present to answer for themselves, but they hope they may not be worse thought of. They pray him to be a mean to the King for the staying of such proceedings hereafter and the continuance of free elections, according to their Statutes.— Undated.
Signed: Edmund Barwell; Cuthbert Bainbrigge; Oliver Greenough; Daniel Rogers; William Ames; William Pemberton; William Addison; William Chappell. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (136. 121.)
[See pp. 212—3 above. For an account of More's career see Biographical Register of Christ's College, I, pp. 238—9.]
Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
[1607 (after July)]. Eight papers relating to the disputed election of the Master.
(1) Reasons against the second election.
1. The admission of the party formerly elected was a sufficient bar against all subsequent elections except there had been a new vacancy either by resignation or deprivation. The words of the Statute allowing them to come again to another election only apply when the greater part did not consent upon one, but the greater part did so consent, and the Statute only allows them iterato redire ad eligendum, vacante custode, and admission and vacancy can no way stand together.
2. The appeal made frustrates it, the Statute making an election pending an appeal null and void, against which they have offended by electing secondly; it stands to reason that by an appeal they bind themselves to stand the trial of the former election.
3. During a vacancy all authority is invested in the Senior Fellow, as appears by the Statute de forma electionis and by Archbishop Parker's interpretation of the 32 Statute of Dr. Caius. Any act of government taken in hand by any one else, without the Senior Fellow's assent must be an unlawful usurpation and so "draws a nullity with it," and therefore the second election being made by the third or fourth Fellow, not only without, but against the consent of the Senior Fellow, can have no validity.
4. The argument against the former election, drawn from the form of scrutiny may serve as aptly against the second.
Endorsed: "Cai Coll. election. 1607." 1¼ pp. (136. 117.)
Interspersed with quotations from the Statutes. Partly in Latin.
(2) Notes on a disputed election and on the Statutes regulating such election, wherein arguments are set forth in support of the following:—
1. Such as are neither Norfolk nor Suffolk born, uncapable.
2. A widower as a married man, uncapable.
3. Of all that are capable who is to be preferred?
The two peremptory bars are no married man nor widower can be chosen, nor any that are not of Norwich diocese. Norfolk is to be preferred before Suffolk. Other qualifications to be observed by the electors are:—
1. A Norwich man before a Norfolk man of other parts of that shire.
2. The better in experience and government before the better learned.
3. The excellent and famous for learning before others.
4. A graduate in one of the three professions before a Master of Arts.
5. A divine before a lawyer: a lawyer before a physician.
6. A Doctor before a Bachelor in the same profession.
7. A Fellow of the College that is or was, before other of the University.
8. The continuer in the University before the discontinuer from thence.
9. He that may attend the government before him that must be non-resident.
10. One that is without benefice before him that has one or more.
11. Such as may be helpful not burdensome to the College; commodior erit quo ditior.
12. And such an one as by reason of most of these points and of most moment can counterpoise any that stand against him.—
In the same hand as the preceding document. Endorsed: "1607."
pp. (136. 172.)
(3) The Founder's Statute concerning election of the Custos or Master of Gonvile and Caius College, with the interpretation by Dr. Caius of the words vacante custode used therein, and a further Statute by the latter. Also objections raised to the election of some person not named.—Undated.
Latin. Endorsed: "1607." 2½ pp. (136. 174.)
(4) Extracts from the Statutes similar to the foregoing, followed by a grant of Queen Mary to Dr. Caius on the mode of election, and his interpretation of the words vacante custode. Then:—
The first Election.
12 July, 1607, Doctor Legge the Master or Custos of the College died. The Fellows the same day held a meeting and by way of scrutiny elected Dr. Gostlin into his place. The Senior Fellow having another joined with him in scrutiny pronounced the election in form following: Eligo et electum pronuncio Doctorem Gostlin custodem hujus collegii per consensum majoris partis sociorum, none there present contradicting it.
The second Election.
Upon the variance of the 2 seniors concerning the first scrutiny breaking out twenty days after the election, the Fellows required them to return to a scrutiny according to the Statute; which they refusing, eight of the twelve electors held a meeting on 8 August, being the last day of their month limited by Statute and with one consent elected again Dr. Gostlin for their Custos.
The Questions.
Concerning the first Election.
1. Whether Dr. Caius's interpretation has taken away or can take away the vacancy mentioned in the old Statute per mortem etc., That this election upon the day of the Custos's death should not be warrantable and lawful by statute.
2. Whether he that was joined in scrutiny with the Senior Fellow to take the voices of the Fellows severally, giving then his consent in the understanding of the Senior Fellow before the election was pronounced and not contradicting it after it was pronounced either to the Senior Fellow or other Fellows present can afterwards disclaim his consent or be admitted to an oath to overthrow the election in which himself was scrutator?
Concerning the second Election.
3. Whether this meeting of the Fellows and their election be not lawful and warrantable by Statute notwithstanding the absence and refusal of the two senior Fellows?
The Answers to the Questions.
To the first: We are of opinion that the election made upon the day wherein the Custos died is good, notwithstanding Doctor Caius's interpretation, and that Dr. Caius by his interpretation neither meant to alter the ancient Statute, neither could he do it though he would, being restrained so to do by his grant from Queen Mary.
To the second: We are of opinion that he who was joined in the scrutiny with the Senior Fellow, hearing him pronounce the election and not then contradicting the same to them present, cannot now prejudice the election by affirming his consent was not thereunto, although he would swear the same.
To the third: We are of opinion that the first election was good and lawful and therefore the second election superfluous; but, if the first election had not been good, then the second is both good and lawful, notwithstanding the absence of the two seniors which being required refused to come thereunto.—Undated.
Signed: Ny. Stywarde; Jo. Hone; Bartholo. Jesop. First part in Latin. 3 pp. (136. 178.)
(5) The just exceptions to the late pretended election of Dr. Gostlin to the Mastership of Gunwell and Caius College in Cambridge, grounded upon the Statutes of the College.
Upon partiality and conspiracy, contrary to the Statutes. That there was in this election such partiality and conspiracy upon private affection is plain by these reasons:—
The first Exception.
1. Dr. Gostlin had conference divers times with Dr. Legg the late Master, and Dr. Perse, the senior Fellow, touching his succeeding.
2. In that Dr. Legg, on his death bed, sent for Dr. Perse to persuade him to make a pre-election of Dr. Gostlyn in locum vacaturum, and for his better warrant thereunto Dr. Legg delivered unto Dr. Perse a note signed with his hand to that effect.
3. In that the company proceeded clandestinely to the business of that election with such success that, lest they should by any means be interrupted therein, they neither tolled the bell for Dr. Legg whilst he approached his death—a duty of piety, that in his extremity he might in due time have been assisted with others' prayers—nor ring out the bell for him, being dead, till about two hours after his death; the said pretended election being first made by them.
In which election they have committed these errors:—
(i) That contrary to humanity they elected another in the place before it was absolutely certain that he was dead.
(ii) That the election was made upon such partiality and confederacy neque in die nec in tempore juridico being done on Sunday about 6 o'clock in the evening; the like whereof has not been heard of unless in case of an election begun in the morning and continued without intermission till that time of the day.
4 [N.B.] And upon the partiality and confederacy of a great part of the company of the Fellows standing so affected contrary to Statute in this case, it has come to pass that they have so audaciously carried themselves in the making good of the said pretended election in contempt of his Majesty's commandment and letters directed to them, that they have incurred the danger of perjury upon the Statutes.
The second Exception.
The Fellows ought to have been summoned before the election and expected fifteen days upon such summons.
The third Exception.
This election was made before the place, according to Statute, was void.
The fourth Exception.
That there were not a sufficient number of voices for Dr. Gostlin in this his election, he having but six, whereas he ought to have had ten or at the least seven.
Exception to Dr. Gostlin's second election.
As acted in all things without order and by him that had no lawful authority therein but is liable to expulsion for it, the act void, and all the confederates in it punishable.
He that assembled the company to the election and stood in the scrutiny did take upon him to do it as senior Fellow for the time, Dr. Perse, the president, and others his seniors refusing to do it.
[Excerpts from Statutes for the devolution of the choice of the Master to the Chancellor of the University are also quoted.]
Interspersed with arguments in support and extracts from the Statutes. Part in Latin. Endorsed: "1607." 5½ pp. (136. 180.)
(6) Reasons against the first elections of the Mastership of Caius College. (fn. 7)
Similar to the foregoing. Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (136. 184.)
(7) Objections and answers concerning the first and second elections.
Of similar purport to those already specified. Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (136. 186.)
(8) Touching the elections in question.
The first seems to be utterly void as against the form of their Statute and against law.
Against the form, in that it was made before the fifteen days past, which is essential; that the absent might have knowledge and the present might deliberate more maturely.
Against law, in that it may be presumed to have been made either whilst Dr. Legg lived, or immediately after before sufficient certainty could be had of his death, both which are unlawful, and also in that they which were absent were not duly expected.
Touching the doubt how that clause (a die) should be taken in this case, it must be exclusive of the whole day because a party dying in some part of the day must be alive in some other. And therefore it is not to be supposed that the statute maker would have provided for the election of a new before the place was void of the old, which was not till part of the day was past. In which case also, if the law maker would have had the time of the death precisely to have begun the month, he would not account a die but a momento in momentum as (I think) the lawyers will acknowledge.
Touching the second election, the exceptions thereunto are not so material as the first because there appears not sufficiently how any essential point of the election was broken, though much disorder therein is signified.
Corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (136. 185.)
Cf. pp. 206, 309–10 and Salisbury's letter of 8 Dec. to the Vicechancellor above, pp. 364–7.]
Lord Carew to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Two letters:—
(1) Recommends the bearer Captain Dorrington not for fashion's sake but for his merit. The present thing that he sues for is that he might be thought upon when the intended forts and citadels in Ireland shall be erected, to have the commandment of one of them, and most particularly he desires to have the commandment of the fort at Dongarvon, if any be there to be erected. His intelligence assures him that there will be such places raised and fearing to speak too late is the occasion that he is now a suitor. He has been from a boy a soldier or commander, and in Carew's sight under his command in Munster he was brought off from a trench with two as grievous wounds as ever the writer saw. Lastly, which is not the least, he is a kinsman to Salisbury's son by his mother, he being the son of Sir Thomas Graye's sister.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 50.)
(2) I am so arrested with a vehement cold and such a crick or stitch between my shoulders as that I cannot (but with great pain) move my hands to my head or stir my body. This has troubled me these five days but not so painfully as at this present, so as I am constrained to keep my house. Otherwise I thank God I have no indisposition or as far as I can guess any inclination to a fever. To-morrow was the day assigned for a conclusion with the patentees for powder and with the merchants for saltpetre, but fearing that to-morrow I shall be as ill able to go abroad as to-day, I beseech you to bear with my absence and to be pleased to view the covenants which one Morrice and Gibson offer to enter into for the serving of his Majesty with saltpetre. The merchants which were before the Lords [of the Council] now fall back and will not deal in that provision, and the offers made by those men I do think will be to all your lordships' likings. The articles be brief and will not much trouble you to read them. The patentees have abstracted as they were commanded the differences between their old patent and this new draft, and likewise the differences of the covenants in the contracts. The price only will be the material point in the concluding of the business. Unto me they stand very stiff at 9d. the pound. It may be (rather than to lose the patent) they will fall somewhat. For my particular I care not who obtain it, but yet I thought good thus far to inform you of my opinion that if between the offers to be made and their demands the charge to the King in the yearly furnishing of his Majesty's store with 60 lasts of powder be not very much, that they may be preferred; for I know no men in England but themselves by reason of their long experience, their utensils for making of saltpetre, and their mills for powder, which are matters of very great charge, and so well able to perform that service as they. And truly I fear we shall be deceived in others, for in accomplishing this service a very great stock must be used and the exercisers of this trade are but poor men.—Undated.
PS.—This bearer Mr. Roger Dalison is as well able as myself to inform you in this business.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "16[07?]." 1 p. (194. 51.)
Elizabeth Lady Carey to the King.
[1607 (Oct)]. Understanding that your Majesty has appointed survey to be taken of the Prince's house to the end that the new crept in abuses may receive reformation, I have held it my duty to present unto your remembrance how necessary also it is that the Duke [of York] my master's house may be taken to like consideration. For as things now stand his Grace oftentimes is not so well fed as were fit, the company ill pleased with their scant diet, and your Majesty nevertheless so far at this present charged as I dare undertake within that expense to have it performed more wholesomely for the Duke, more plentifully for his people, and more honourably for your Majesty. Wherein if your Highness command my service and so deliver your pleasure unto the Council, I will, as becomes, obey your commandment.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 52.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 400, and p. 278 above.]
Dudley Carleton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Begs Salisbury's furtherance for the King's favour. He has sustained himself all this while upon the poor remnant of his former services, wherein he spent many years beyond the seas with those who were in service of the State: which may deserve the more favourable consideration. He hopes his late dependence upon a great unfortunate personage [the Earl of Northumberland] will not tie him always to depend on the latter's misfortunes. It may be enough that it has thrown him upon the ground, without sinking him into it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 177.)
The Archbishop of Cashel to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (Sept. 28)]. As to the undeserved imputation that I have many bishoprics and church livings, and maintain few preachers, the dignities and livings I hold are many in number and small in value, and I have four sufficient preachers, 2 English and 2 Irish, and will provide more, though there are few willing to hear preachers; which opinion is daily nourished in them by Romish bishops and priests, there being one Romish archbishop in my place named David Carney, who has many Romish preachers which the inhabitants in that diocese follow and embrace their doctrine. I am willing to surrender all my livings if his Majesty will bestow upon me any other competent living. My suits are contained in the enclosed petition.—Undated. (fn. 8)
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 1.)
The Enclosure:
The Petition of the Archbishop of Cashel to the Council.
[1607 (Sept. 28).] In the beginning of his Majesty's reign most cities and corporate towns in Munster having revolted and extolled the Pope's authority by the procurement of popish legates and seminaries, the portreeve of the town of Cashel, then John Sale, and the corporation there, delivered all the keys of the gates to the seminaries, who appointed special guard to every gate, commanding them not to permit your complainant nor any belonging to him to enter into that town, he being as well ordinary as chief lord under his Majesty of the same, and also his chief house of residence being there: until upon hard compositions he was permitted to enter and keep his own house there like a prisoner. May it please you to consider the present estate there, the rather that one David O'Kearney, brother to the portreeve of Cashel, is Archbishop from Rome, and maintained there these 3 years past. May it please you to give order that your petitioner may have the keeping of one of the Castle gates called Makana Gate there during the suspicious time, to be guarded by him as well for the free passage of himself as of the rest of his Majesty's subjects; and also that the keys of all the gates may be directed by your petitioner as they were by the seminaries. Likewise, seeing your suppliant has the strongest castle in that town, that the portreeve and inhabitants be commanded to put all their store of powder and munition into that castle to be used according to the governor's directions. This being done, and some piece of ordnance put in it, will keep the town sure for his Majesty and stop some part of the said Romish Archbishop and his brother the portreeve's insolence in extolling the Pope's authority there. The portreeve named Paul O'Kearny is now in London, and may be brought before you to be examined.—Undated. (fn. 9)
Signed. 1 p. (206. 84.)
Sir Edward Cecil to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. You told me that I have not lived in the country where I desire to command. It is true that I never saw Ireland, yet I have travelled in many countries, commanded both horse and foot; and as a governor of a town and a good commander much resemble one another, with your favour and instructions I cannot confess myself uncapable of the President of Munster. If you be curious in regard that you would not have me preferred in a country where others have taken pains, give me leave to say that at my going into the Low Countries the Queen had no army in Ireland, and that my end was that in going to the best school I might have the better preferment. Besides, I hold it no difference between him that serves the King and those that venture as much to be able to serve him, unless his quality and command have been better. If you think me worthy of the place I sue for, I cannot be too earnest, hoping that being your nephew shall be no hindrance to me.—" This present Thursday."
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (124. 2.)
[Sir Thomas Chaloner] to the King.
[1607]. For 300 years past bankers and such as used merchandise exchange have not only by their subtle raising and falling of money, but also by other undue courses, made their benefit by secret transportation of English coin, and debased the price of our homebred commodities, to the end that they might advance their foreign wares to an excessive rate; whereby great numbers of merchants have been and are eaten out, to the great decay of shipping and port towns, and hindrance of the customs. Acts of Parliament and proclamations have been found too weak to countervail the bankers' sleights, the Royal Exchanger's office only excepted, which surceased in Henry 8th's time for want of money wherein to make payment. Chaloner begs the grant of that office for 21 years, yielding a competent farm.—Undated and unsigned.
Note at foot, unsigned, referring the petition to the Lord Chancellor and others. Endorsed: "Sir Tho. Chaloner. 1607"; also the following names: Sr. Tho. Challoner, Sr. W. Fleetewood, Mr. Newton, Sr. David Murray, Mr. Fowler, Mr. Jho. Murray, Sr. David Fowler, Secret. of Scotland, Cowncell of Scotland. 1 p. (124. 4.)
Gentlemen's names in Cheshire and Lancashire.
1607. Cheshire. Sir John Egerton, son to the Lord Chancellor; Sir John Savage; Sir William Brereton; Sir Thomas Holcroft; Sir George Booth of Dunham.
Lancashire. Sir Richard Molineux; Sir Edmond Trafford; Richard Holland of Denton; Ireland of the Hutt (fn. 10); Mr. Robert Hesketh.
½ p. (125. 8.)
Inhabitants of Cheshunt, Herts, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 or later]. Two petitions:—
(1) For relief in the matter of the taxes and services due by them to the King: divers lands which have heretofore been liable towards the discharge of the same, being now come to the King's hands, whereby the parish is much disabled to bear the former charges.—Undated.
Signed by Thomas Lawrence and 12 others. 1 p. (P. 2056.)
(2) Complain that the whole of the contributions due from the manors of Theobalds and Peryers, for the King's fifteens, and for the King's provisions, are charged upon them: whereas certain proportions [detailed] are properly due from the lands taken into Theobalds Park and Cheshunt Park. Pray for relief.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2011.)
[See pp. 143–4 above.]
Woods of Chopwell Manor, Durham.
[1607]. Two papers:—
(1) Undated statement as to the woods of the manor of Chopwell, Durham; questions thereon by the Earl of Dorset, and answers by Jo. Stanley, Deputy Auditor, dated May, 1605.
Endorsed: "Mr. Stanley, in Aldersgate St. 1607." 2 pp. (P. 2156.)
The Enclosure:
Certificate by Robert Robson, Undersheriff of Durham, as to the woods, 7 May, 1605.
1 p.
Both mutilated by damp.
(2) Part of a paper, apparently a petition, relating to the manor and woods of Chopwell, Durham; with a note by Sir Julius Caesar thereon.—Undated.
Mutilated by damp. 1 p. (P. 2157.)
[See p. 377 above.]
Geoffrey Cobb to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 or later]. Is son and heir of Sir William Cobb. For a scholar's maintenance at the university during his minority, or a student's stipend in an inn of Chancery.—Undated. (fn. 11)
½ p. (P. 1021.)
Lord Cobham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607. He begs Salisbury to permit an ancient servant of his house, John Iden, who has a suit, to speak with him.
"For myself I will only say I have now been prisoner 4 years. God incline the King's heart to mercy. Of you I hope when time serves you will not forget me, which I pray God may not be long. Your lordship's loving brother-in-law."—1607.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Endorsed: "L. Cobham." 1 p. (124. 11.)
Lord Cobham to the King.
[1607]. His own weakness and folly have destroyed him, but he begs for mercy and forgiveness. Professes his penitence and prays for liberty.—Undated.
Signed: H. Brooke. Countersigned: "Exm. W. Waad, locum ten. Turris." Endorsed: "Late Lord Cobham. 1607." 1 p. (124. 12.)
Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. We have examined Josias Kirton, and think that [five] things are observable in it: viz. that this presentment must needs be urged in the time of the rebellion; (2) that the effect of the presentment was set down by the Earl's command by Josias Kirton; (3) that it was ordered to be adjourned from Thursday in Whitsun week until the 19 of December by the motion of James Kirton for his lord, hoping an end should be made in the meantime, whereas the first order was to adjourn it but 12 or 13 days; (4) that the Earl rejoiced at it; (5) that it was openly published in the Earl's hall in dinner time. (fn. 12)Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 13.)
Patrick Comyng to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Two letters:—
(1) Your orators the "monears" have made choice of a statute made 31 Eliz. against erection of cottages without four acres of land: of the which if you think fit that they be suitors, they shall find good sureties to pay for this benefit to his Majesty 10,000l. and 10,000l. more where you shall appoint; and you shall have 50 households of people to be your continual bedemen.— Undated.
Holograph. Wafer. Endorsed: "1607. Patricke Conning." ½ p. (124. 14.)
(2) I seldom repair to you, because I would not be ingrate, but now upon special occasion I attend your audience.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 15.)
Avis, Lady Cooke, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Thanks him for giving her son a company into Ireland. Upon the assured hope he had of being Muster Master he engaged himself and his friends for furnishing himself thither; this office failed, and she and his brother still remain in bond. This will lie heavy on them, and she begs Salisbury to bestow something on him that may set him out of debt. Salisbury knows how her husband left her, both for debts and with five children. Gives particulars of their circumstances.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 16.)
Sir Walter Cope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (August)]. If we may believe either in words or letters, we are fallen upon a land that promises more than the land of promise. Instead of milk we find pearl, and gold instead of honey. Thus they say, thus they write; but experience, the wisest schoolmistress, must lead your lordships, whose wisdom teaches to be of slow belief. Upon this trial I presume you will build. There is but a barrel full of the earth, but there seems a kingdom full of the ore. You shall not be fed by handfuls or hatfuls, after the Tower measure (fn. 13); but the Elisabeth Jonas and the Triumph and all the ships of honour may here have the bellies full; for in all their fortifications after two turfs of earth this "sparme" or ore appears on part as a solid body, a treasure endless, proportioned by God according to that Sovereign's heart that rewards everyone, and knows not how to say nay. I could wish you were at the trial, and if it shall, as the proverb says, aureos pollicere montes, then that his Majesty may undertake the honour of it, and proportion our shares as in your wisdoms may be thought fit. If not, yet that your word and presence may comfort the poor citizen of London, who with a little help would adventure much more in this most hopeful discovery. And here by the way give me leave to inform you that there be 50 citizens who have already subscribed to adventure 500l. a piece in a present voyage to the East Indies. [In margin: Sir Thomas Smith, their Governor, says this is true, and presumes it may be easily converted from India to Virginia. A word of thanks for his care and diligence were well bestowed in your next letters. They now seek this of themselves.] I am verily persuaded that upon your mediation, in his Majesty's name, these adventures may easily be converted to this speedy supply, which might well stay for his Majesty's leisure and better means, but that in the mouth of this river there is a place so fortified by nature, that if the Spaniard, who will start upon this alarum, recover this place before us this action is utterly overthrown; and I am credibly informed that one Captain Hazelle, who upon Lanier's information was lately before you in Whitehall Garden, has gotten away Captain Waymoth, a man best experienced in these coasts, and are as far as Deal Castle onwards in their way towards Spain. I pray God they may be stayed, lest we repent their going too late.
To prove there is gold, your eyes I hope shall witness. To prove there is pearl, their King of Pamont came with a chain of pearl about his neck, burnt through with great holes and spoiled for want of the art to bore them; and showed them shells from whence they were taken. Pohatan, another of the kings, came stately marching with a great pair of buck's horns fastened to his forehead, not knowing that esteem we make of men so marked. For the rest I leave you to Captain Newport, whose honesty and good deserts I have known many years.—Undated.
PS.—The people used our men well until they found they began to plant and fortify. Then they fell to skirmishing and killed three of our people. We showed the experience made to one Beale, an excellent trier of minerals, who says the trial was ignorantly made, the earth not half tried, for if it had it would have turned black, and the gold ran together in the bottom: that this holds 1200l. in the ton: that there is more in the pot, and he verily thinks it will yield 2000 at the least in the ton. By Sallisbury shore you must pass to James Town. There is clapboard come, fit as I hear to make wainscot. If you pray Captain Newport to have the choice, it will save you half in half. One of their kings, sick with drinking our aquavite, thought himself poisoned. Newport told him by signs that the next day he should be well, and he was so, and telling his countrymen thereof they came apace, old men and old women, upon every bellyache to him, to know when they should be well.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 18.)
[See pp. 208, 219—20 above.]
George Cotton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Complains of outrages committed upon his aged and distressed father by a violent pursuivant named Tarbot, who with a companion or two came with a commission from the Bishop of London to make a search. They broke open chests, and took away books for booty that are to be bought in every bookbinder's shop, as namely Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus, Osorius, and such like. Then they needs would apprehend a younger brother of his for a priest, whom they knew to be none: which was in policy to strengthen their foul misdeeds. Begs Salisbury to assist him and his family in their execrable wrongs. A word to the Bishop of London will recover the lost books, and redeem his brother's bond for his appearance.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (124. 19.)
Sir Walter Covert to Sir John Herbert.
[1607]. Yesternight Sir Edward Colpeper, my near neighbour, showed me a thing, like as I guessed to some handle, found in the highway by a poor fellow, lost as it seemed; about which was wreathed narrow leather, and therein are scrolls made up and enfolded of parchment, in which be written strange ciphers. Because it seemed very likely that some bad practice concerning the State might lie hidden under this mask, I have entreated my brother Alexander Covert your servant to deliver the same to you.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 5.)
Dr. Crompton and Dr. Gentilis.
[1607]. "Dr. Gentilis his declaration against Dr. Crompton his sentence."
An argument on a point of Civil Law headed:—
De tertio non admittendo tardandae executioni sententiae inter alios latae.
Latin. Endorsed: "1607." 4 pp. (124. 60.)
The Earl of Cumberland's Suit.
[1607]. The late Earl his brother had two of the late Queen's ships in a voyage, for which he was to pay 1680l. He also lost to one Renchin in play at bowls 600l.; and Renchin being executed for coining or clipping, that sum was estreated to the Queen. He was also indebted to the late Queen for subsidies. The now Earl prays that the above debts may be remitted. The King has never bestowed anything upon him, which he supposes no earl in this kingdom, or very few, can say but himself. His brother entreated the Earl of Salisbury (when he came to signify the King's pleasure that he had granted Grafton to the Duke [of Lennox]), to recommend a remission of these debts as his last request to the king.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 22.)
The Earl of Cumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Thanks him for his letter. He much regrets that ill health will make it inconvenient for him to see Salisbury to-day but if the latter thinks he should come he will do so "and now and ever avow what yesternight at the Board we all resolved of."— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 23.)
The Suit of "L. D."
[1607]. That the King will write letters to the States General requiring the repayment of [blank] thousand pounds of debts owing to him [the King]; and will sign and seal an acquittance for the said sum, and leave the same in the writer's hands in trust, to be delivered to the States when he has received the money: that the King will also be pleased to write particularly to Mr. Barneville to require his furtherance in this matter; whereof the King is to have part and the writer part.—Undated and unsigned.
Endorsed: "1607. L. D." 1 p. (124. 24.)
Francis Dacre to the King.
[? 1607]. Two petitions:—
(1) Prays to be restored to his lands, that he may be enabled to cut off the remainders, which otherwise will fall upon strangers. Will reassure two-thirds to return to the Crown after his death without heir male. (fn. 14)Undated.
½ p. (P. 1581.)
(2) For grant of such of his father's inheritance in Cumberland and Westmorland as now remains in the King's hands by the attainder of his brother Leonard and Edmund Dacres.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1782.)
Francis Dacre to Queen Anne.
[? 1607]. Referring to his petition to the King [P. 1581].— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1583.)
Articles against Christopher Danby.
[1607]. Wrongs offered by Christopher Danby, steward unto Christopher Danby Esq. [sic].
Two years since he counterfeited the Lord Chief Justice's hand, making his master believe he was to be brought in question for maintaining seminary priests; and procured a bailiff of Wakefield to offer to execute that warrant, only to keep the gentleman out of his country, whereby he might have the use of his living to himself. He persuaded his mother to take up 500l. to buy the parsonage of Massam, but he bought it not and kept the money to his own use, and suffered her to be sued to execution for this cause. He has had the receipt of his master's living three years, worth 1000l. by the year, and never gave him any account but for 30l. He withdrew him from his wife, and seeks to make him convey his land from the issue that he may have by her upon his own children.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 26.)
A brief of the demands of Lord Danvers.
[1607 (Nov.)]. That the President's warrant may dispose the King's revenue in that province [Munster], as well for his own entertainment as for extraordinary expenses. That he may have some superintendence over the Vice-Admiral upon that coast. That some forts and citadels be remembered, and utensils provided. That there might be a pinnace ever resident upon that coast. That money, munition, etc., for Munster be sent immediately there, to avoid double charge of carriage. That your lordships will consider the hard conditions of this employment: [I am] resigning a pension of greater value than the entertainments of that place: a much more chargeable train there: and with the subject in that province such and upon so tickle terms as must enforce me to govern strict, regular and helpless. If the pension must be resigned, that it be by release so long as I continue President of Munster; and contained in my patent power to establish a Vice-President, with liberty to come away at all times.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 25.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, pp. 329, 344, 345.]
Letter to the Attorney General about a grant to Lord Danvers.
[? 1607]. Lord Danvers has petitioned the King for the alteration of the draft made by Mr. Attorney of a book for his suit of surveying of issues, fines, amercements and recognisances in England and Wales. The King is satisfied with Lord Danvers's reasons, and commands the writer to signify his pleasure. The grant is to pass in the names of John Danvers and Edward Jones, esquires, for 21 years, with a sum of [blank] reserved, and an increase of 500l. per annum and one third of all that shall rise above the said sums; the surveyors to have authority to receive the said profits. Details follow as to payments by the sheriffs. The County Palatine of Chester, now left out, is to be added. To the grant are to be added the points of the Lord Chief Justice's letter. A bill is to be engrossed and sent to the King by the bearer.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "L. Danvers." 1¼ pp. (196. 123.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 311, 366.]
Geoffrey Davies to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. I have a petition to deliver to the Council, and acquaint you withal, in regard of the respect I have to the Lord of Southampton, whose honour is abused by men that want discretion.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 27.)
Lord Denny to the Earl of Salisbury.
Four letters:—
(1) [? 1607]. But that you write it under your own hand, I could not have believed that your would have offered to place one upon mine inheritance without my leave, if there were no other reason but our alliance: whose father ever referred as great interest to me over mine own, as he took power over other places which then were or had been his own, and which now are the King's. I never heard of your patent, neither could I have thought that any man would have sought patents of command over other men's lands and royalties, especially where himself has no land now lying, or not much, over the owner's head. Your father never offered it to me, but still suffered me to place my own servants. If you think me worthy to command over and in my own, I shall account it a favour that I may have no contention with one whose love I am willing to embrace; otherwise I must crave your pardon if I suffer none to come upon my inheritance till I know his Majesty's pleasure, whether he has given away the power of commanding my own inheritance and royalties to another, which I am confident he never meant. Although he command his sport, yet the royalties are mine. No patent by law can give a man power to walk upon another man's inheritance and to command his royalty. Weigh the case to be your own, and I hope you will rest satisfied.—Undated.
PS.—I have sent you my servant whom I have desired to be put into the patent, a man as well acquainted with aught that belongs to the King's sports as any man. By him let me know whether you rest satisfied, that so I may surcease further labour to his Majesty.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (124. 30.)
(2) In favour of his neighbour, whose son is oppressed in Spain against all justice, and who desires the King's letters in his son's behalf; also Salisbury's word or letter to the Spanish Ambassador in his favour. Encloses particulars of the son's case.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 31.)
(3) [1607]. As to the arrears due for the making of the bridges, he finds Sir Henry Cocke mistook the just sum, which is 31l. It will cost "them" 10l. to pass all the offices, so that 40l. would pay all.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 32.)
(4) [1607]. This neighbour of his was by him and Sir Robert Wrothe's father importuned to undertake the oversight of making some of the bridges upon the level of Ware [Herts]. Commends the efficiency of the work, and begs that he may be repaid what he has laid out besides the King's own money. The clamour of the owners and holders of the grounds whereon the bridges are is great, in regard they are made common passages, and the gates so broken and laid open that all fields lie in common. Petitions for their present repair.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 33.)
[? 1607]. Cases of Sir Eu[seb]y Isham, Gregory Isham and Mrs. Ashlie. Particulars of charges against the above, for decaying houses of husbandry, severing lands and converting arable land into pasture: in Pichley, in a town called Onelie in the parish of Barbye, and in Hillmorton, all in Northamptonshire; with their answers.—Undated.
Mutilated by damp. Endorsed by Salisbury: "Depopulations." 1¼ pp. (213. 54.)
Elizabeth Countess of Derby to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Four letters:—
(1) Although I think you have heard of me by Hugh Beeston, yet doubting his uncertain messenger might fail him, I thought it time to make my own excuse and thanks for the making yourself a partaker of my comforts; but this last being mixed with a new care, I forbear that haste to advertise you which I made of your other nephew. Desiring you to remember me to my best friends, and to desire my La: of Suffolk to entertain a young gentleman, a kinsman of her Lord, whom I will bring up to be her page. Franck (fn. 15) desires to have her humble duty remembered to you. Your loving niece.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's Secretary: "1607. E. of Derby [sic] to my Lord." 1 p. (124. 34.)
(2) (fn. 16) The accounts you wrote for my Lord's auditor shall bring to London against the 23 of this month. Mr. Moor, whom my Lord Garret appointed to carry your letters and my Lord of Northampton's, was not gone when this letter was written. His excuse is the tarrying for a bark and wind, but now they are both ready the receivers of the money tarry in the Island to come back with him. So soon as they land they shall be hastened to London. Desiring to have my service remembered to my Lord of Northampton, your most affectionate niece.
PS.—Franck and I desire to be excused for our "falls Ortography."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's Secretary: "La: Darby to my Lord. 1607." 1 p. (124. 35.)
(3) (fn. 17) Mr. Moor is now come out of Man. At his first coming there, there was but half of the money gathered, but before his return they had recovered 400 more, and the rest would be ready by the time my Lord of Northampton's and your warrant were sent, without which they will not bring it; besides there must be some better bark than any they can procure. There lie some ready at Chester or Lyerpool, which will be hired for a small matter. Mr. Moor means to bring to London, or send if my Lord Garret be already come down, his accounts for the year. He has likewise the reckonings my Lord Derby received. Being sorry it will be so long before you receive the money, your loving niece.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's Secretary: "1607." 1 p. (124. 36.)
(4) I entreat you to speak with Ierlande, who has caused the person for whom you wrote to deliver a petition to the King against the Bishop of Chester, which was delivered to Mr. Willborne, who cannot be informed of my Lord's right by any but Ierland. Except you send for him I find he is loth to follow it, for fear of my Lord Keeper. If you think necessary, make him offer what you think fit unto those you shall direct him, for I care not what I give rather than my Lord should receive the disgrace in the country to lose it. Longing to hear of the Q[?] coming, that we may meet again in your chamber, your loving niece.
PS.—I thank you for the offer of your house. If the sickness increase I will gladly accept of it. But for my children, I would desire to have the lodge I sent to you for.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "1607." 1 p. (124. 37.)
The Earl of Devonshire.
[? 1607 (Nov. 12 ?)] The descent and Pedigree of John Lord Mountjoy.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "Pedigree of the Earl of Devonshire." 1 p. (141. 64.)
[Cf. p. 320 above.]
Two petitions by Andreas Donallan.
(1) [1607 or later.] (fn. 18) To the Earl of Salisbury. Has been put from the Deanery of Cashel, which he lawfully held. Prays speedy relief in his suit concerning it and help in laying his petition before the King.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 744.)
(2) [1607 or later.] To the King. As to the Deanery of the Metropolitan Church of Cashel, Ireland. Petitioner was elected Dean by the Chapter in 1606: but John Todd, now Bishop of Down, by virtue of a suggestion that the Deanery was in the King's gift, obtained letters patent for the same. Details various proceedings taken in regard to it, its sequestration, and the grant of it a second time to Lewis Jones. Prays for examination and determination of the matter without further recourse to law.— Undated.
1 p. (P. 1501.)
Captain Hugh Done to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (after Sept. 4)]. Begs for letters to the Lord Deputy of Ireland for the command of one of the forts to be kept in Ulster, by reason of the revolts of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnel. Speaks of his 18 years' service there.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 42.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. My Lord Chancellor and I have already taken order with the low books, and for the high books it were fit we take order with them ourselves. But before we appoint any meeting we attend the certificate to-morrow, and then I think our best conclusion will be to meet at my Lord's house on Friday, for into the city we will not go. So as if only I may hear from you so soon as you are returned to your house, by the grace of God I will not fail to come to your house on Friday, be it never so late, so soon as the subsidy business is done. The which I make no doubt will be done by 4 or 5 o'clock after dinner at the farthest, beginning as we must do by one or two at the farthest in that afternoon. So to your house will I come and therefore you must use no compliments in coming to me, for I will come to you and tarry with you as long as you will.—Undated.
PS.—I have bid my messenger come away, for you shall not need to write any more to me but only to send me word on Friday when you are come.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ¾ p. (194. 53.)
Ambrose Dudley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. My lying here is a great oppressing to my poor estate, and has somewhat impaired my health. I beseech you to appoint with my Lord Treasurer a day for hearing my cause.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 43.)
Sir Robert Dudley.
[1607]. Warrant to some Lord requiring him to offer to his Majesty's learned counsel such material circumstances as shall come to his knowledge respecting Sir Robert Dudley. Sir Robert now in Italy has carried himself in so many ways offensively to this Estate, as he is not only for those contempts of his unlawful marriage in his Majesty's displeasure, but for some such other actions of his as may touch him in duty and allegiance so accused divers ways, as it is fit for his Majesty to take such course as stands with the rule of justice for his punishment. We are informed that your lordship is able to give some light for the better discovery of his offence by the help of some particular advertisements and informations which you have received.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (194. 75.)
[See pp. 61, 63 above and Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 347, 355.]
Thomas Duff to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Beseeches pardon for so often troubling him. What he has certain knowledge of since he last wrote he has here written. Prays direction whether he shall proceed any further or not. Will write nothing but the truth. His late messenger could certify him nothing of his Honour's resolution, which he is desirous to know. Commits the distressed state of a poor prisoner to his clemency.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (118. 147.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 397 and p. 480 below.]
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury.
Four letters:—(1) [1607 (June)]. His Majesty's pleasure is that you should do all that you may to see if possibly the bill of "hostell lawis" may be ended by you of the Higher House to-morrow in the forenoon, that in the afternoon it might come from you to the Lower House, (fn. 19) which he says would win so much time; and if it may not be ready to-morrow for the Lower House, then he desires that you will have a care that to-morrow it may be so dispatched in your Higher House as that it may be ready to be sent on Thursday to the Lower House in the forenoon. He has spoken with Master Weynwode at great length, and is to speak with him again. I assure you he thinks well of him.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 46.)
(2) [1607 (Sept.)]. I have received your lordship's letter for the which I must needs tender you most heartily thanks. I am sorry that Terron [Tyrone] and the other with him are escaped, yet I am of your mind that hastily there cannot any great matter grow from their escape. But, my Lord, you will pardon me to say my poor opinion. If good government be in Ireland and the friendship and forces which they have there weakened and made unable, I do not in my judgment see that there can at any time any matter be attempted but it may ever be so checked as that estate may be secured. But all consists in two points, in good government to win the love of this people, and in a wise course to disable those that are thought to be evil inclined. My presumption is too great to give opinion to him who in such a case has more true wisdom and judgment than I and all the rest of our counsellors both south and north; but what your friend imparts unto you I know you will accept in good part as proceeding from affection and not of any presumption of wisdom. So I remit the same to your greater judgment who can more wisely consider what is to be done than I. Here is the Earl of Cumberland and myself, he in Skepttowne and I am here at Newcastell. We are to meet at Carlell for the service that is imposed upon us, when we shall do all that is possible for the good of the country. I am sure there was not more frequent stealing betwixt the two countries these six years begun than has been this time past, and if the course of confining had not been, there had been here a most troublesome winter. I entreat your lordship that Mr. Wetherington do not find favour in my absence and that the rest of them have not any favour but by the advice of the Earl of Cumberland and myself. For so shall the country be the more quiet and we the better able to discharge our duty in that service. —Undated.
Holograph. 2 pp. (194. 54.)
(3) [1607]. These letters from the Earl of Huntingdon and lieutenant of Warwickshire were very welcome to his Majesty. He has read your Honour's to myself and is exceeding well pleased with the effects of all. His Majesty doth expect your coming here this afternoon.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (194. 56.)
(4) [1607 or later]. (fn. 20) Is departing for Scotland. Recommends the bearer Sir Baptist Hicks and his suit. Reminds him of Hicks's good service to the King in matters pertaining to his own trade and credit for many years: of his great disbursements to the King since his coming into England, which was by his [Dunbar's] persuasion: and also of his great forbearance without importunity, which many spare not to compass their debts, whereby he has been driven to take up great sums at use, and for the marriage of his two daughters.—Undated.
Signed. 1 p. (195. 73.)
The Earl of Dunbar's prisoners.
"Prisoners taken by my Lord of Dunbar."
[1607]. Of Scottishmen: John Armstrong of Mangertoun; Syme Armstrong of Quhitehanche; Andrew Armstrong his brother; William Ellote of Domilcebywes.
Of Englishmen: 17 in number being all notorious thieves, but their names not sent up.
¼ p. Endorsed: "1607." (125. 7.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 351 and pp. 6, 29 above.]
Jo. Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. In the late Queen's time a lease was granted to Sir Thomas Edmondes, now resident in his Majesty's service with the Archduke, of the courts, etc., of the honours of Leycester and Pickeringlyth, Yorks, parcel of the Duchy [of Lancaster]. This lease is now in possession of the writer, Sir Thomas's elder brother, as tenant. He, being about to renew the lease, is given to understand that Mr. Wilson, Salisbury's servant, has procured the reversion thereof, Wilson being set on thereto by Sir Richard Ethrington. (fn. 21) Details the latter's underhand dealings against him and begs to be preferred for the renewal of the lease, to the use and in the name of Sir Thomas, and that the said lease in reversion, now at the seals, may be stayed. He will yield Wilson reasonable composition.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 52.)
William Edmonstone to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? c. 1607]. His petition to the King, as to a covenant made with John Dallaway respecting lands in Ireland and the storehouse in Carrickfergus, has been referred to Salisbury. Prays consideration thereof.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1948.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, pp. 87, 282.]
Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Since my coming from you I received this enclosed directed to Justice Croke and Serjeant Dodderidge. It lacks the signet remaining with your lordship. When you have sealed it I am presently to send it to these judges for their first cause. One attends for it.—"This Wednesday evening."
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ¼ p. (194. 57.)
Robert Elliott to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. For the wardship of the heir of Thomas Jobson of Cudworth, (fn. 22) Yorks.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 964.)
The Earl of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (before Oct.)]. Being determined that my Lord Ross shall forwith return into France to the end he may spend his time better there than at home, and having made choice of the bearer hereof, a gentleman and one that has married a kinswoman of mine, to go over with him, who at this time exercises an examiner's office at York, which I bestowed on him when I was there President; my desire unto your lordship is that this gentleman may be nominate in the passport with my L. Rooss as one whom his Majesty has given leave to travel with my L. Ross all the time of his licence, and to have leave to exercise his office in the meantime by his deputy.—Undated. (fn. 23)
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (194. 58.)
Manor of Farnham, Surrey.
[1607]. Rental of the Manor of Farnham, Surrey.
Endorsed: "1607." 1½ p. (P. 2277.)
James FitzGerald to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (after Sept. 4)]. Four letters:—
(1) I beseech you to have compassion upon me. I am heartily sorry I gave you this occasion to think so hard of me: and if ever I commit the like fault again, or give any occasion in any matter of state that shall be offensive, I desire without favour to be hanged. If I may come before you I will show wherein I may do his Majesty good service, with very small charge. I beseech your clemency, and that this my imprisonment may be a final end of all my miserable fortune.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "James Fitzgerrald from the Gatehouse. 1607." 1 p. (124. 53.)
(2) Acknowledges to have received from the Lord of Tyrconnel 7l. in consideration of which he was to endeavour to convey his lady (Lady Bridget) to France or Flanders. Tyrconnel gave him a note to her that she should be directed by him, and assured him she had means sufficient to bring her over. He informed her that if she could convey herself away from her mother and friends, he doubted not to carry her clear, and instructed her in arrangements for the passage. This was all he wrote to her, and had no thought of treason. If the matter had been performed by him he thinks he had done his Majesty good service, and her and her friends also. If there is anything the Council mistrusts him for, he craves pardon. The reasons that moved him were, that had he carried the Lady Bridget for Flanders, she had been gallantly entertained there, and that would save the King 200l. a year; and that, she being young, and long absent from her husband, it may breed a hurt to her honour.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1607. James Fitzgerrald from the Gatehouse." 2 pp. (124. 54.)
(3) Prays for compassion, being a very poor young man, having lost all his goods by the sea, and having nothing to live by but his trade. Begs Salisbury to take him for a servant. Protests he never thought a disloyal thought, and in proof of his loyalty begs for an opportunity to do the King service.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 55.)
(4) Begs for compassion and favour. He has only 14s. to maintain him, and owes upwards of 100l. In six years past he has lost 1000l. by the sea. If Salisbury would employ him he would do the King good service.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 56.)
Petition of James FitzGerald to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607 (after Sept. 4)]. Is far out of Salisbury's favour upon suspicion for Tyrone and Tyrconnell. Asks interview, to satisfy him of his innocence. Of his great distress and imprisonment.— Undated.
1 p. (P. 872.)
A Florentine Ship and English Corsairs.
[1607]. The Grand Duke of Tuscany's galleon being at sea saw a ship "alla braccia di humana" and proceeded to salute it with a piece of artillery without ball in sign of friendship. The ship replied with ball and offered battle. So they fought until the galleon compelled the ship to surrender. It was found to be laden with Jewish merchandise subject to the Turks.
There were in the ship sixteen pieces of artillery and mortars (petrieri), and sixteen Florentines were killed in the battle. The captured ship is from Plymouth (Plimu). There are divers English corsairs in the parts of Barbary, which is one of the principal reasons which moves the princes of Italy to hail every English ship they meet, so that they may capture those poltroons who give trouble to all Christendom. The fact that that ship commenced the battle with the Florentine was a great reason for the Captain thinking them to be those robbers.—Undated.
Italian. Damaged. Endorsed: "1607. Florence." 1¼ pp. (194. 59.)
Matthew Foster and Roger Gray.
[1607]. "Information of Mathew Foster of Edderston and Roger Gray of Oulchester, esquires, touching their excuse of all informations against them by Sir Raphe Selbye."
Alexander Gray, servant to Sir Ralph Gray of Chillingham, was apprehended by Selby at Mylfield horse race in Northumberland on May 2 last. Mathew and Roger demanded by what authority Selby did so, and he refused answer. He also refused to take bond for Alexander, saying he was to deliver him to Sir William Craynston of Scotland that day. Thereupon they stayed Alexander, in peaceable sort, and sent him to an English Commissioner, who delivered him to Sir Patrick Chirnside, a Commissioner for Scotland, to answer any accusation; who returned him again, as not finding any just accusation to retain him.
Mathew and Roger pray that they may be freed from their attendance and great charges, and to return to their dwellings.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 68.)
[See pp. 3–5 above.]
He[nry] Goldingham to the Earl of Salisbury.
Two letters:—
(1) [1607 (late)].—As sickness and lack of liberty prevent me from attending you, I have set down in writing the dangerous course that Mr. Browne, an officer under the Archduke, would have me incline to, that I should with his help levy 200 voluntary men to serve under the Archduke, for the use of Tyrone and Sir William Standley, persuading me of castles and benefits we should reap in Ireland. Hitherto I have "disabled myself" by reason of my weakness. He showed me a letter which he swore came from Tyrone and Standley. I hold him to be an intelligencer, and to have some other mischievous matters to plot.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 62.)
(2) [1607].—I would have waited on you to discover matters that concern the King and State, but am restrained of liberty by an action for debt of 20l. for which I remain in the Serjeant's keeping; wherefore I cannot attend you without your commandment.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 63.)
Anne Lady Goring to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Complimentary, with a present of fruit, such as this country yields.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 64.)
Thomas Goughe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? c. 1607]. 2000l. is due by the King to John Parr, deceased, the King's Embroiderer, (fn. 24) petitioner's wife's father, who assigned part of the debt to him for discharge of bonds. Hears that the King's debts are to be paid in two payments, half in May twelvemonths, and half in the May following; but his creditors continually molest him, he prays that he may have the debt by 200l. a quarter.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1780.)
Dr. John Gostlin to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Two letters:—
(1) (after July). I have wholly submitted my troublesome suit to you. What right I may have by any election I refer to you. I request a favourable end; if that may not be, a final end, that I may some way settle myself and my estate. I can present nothing but that which every true university spirit owes to your house, a heart vowed in duty to you.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 66.)
(2) (c. Dec. ?). My manifold misfortunes took away my hopes: your honourable proceedings removed from me despair. If I live to enjoy any good hap, it is beyond hope: I must acknowledge it to proceed from your goodness.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 65.)
Lord Grey to the King.
[1607]. His mother is dangerously sick, and he begs leave to visit her, though but for a day, with any keeper. Submits himself to the King's pleasure, as ready to die in Tower if he commands, as desirous to declare with his life, his duty and devotion.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 67.)
Deputies for the Isle of Guernsey to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (before Oct.)]. (fn. 25) Three papers:—
(1) They petitioned that the Commission appointed by the Council might go forward this vacation time, being of urgent necessity for the King's service and the quietness of the Isles, and offered to defray the Commissioners' diet. The Lords [i.e. the Council] were favourable thereto, and it remained only to choose the Commissioners. They beg Salisbury to be a mean for the final dispatch of the Commission, reminding him, in regard to choice of Commissioners, that the state of the Isles has greater affinity with the civil law than the common law of this realm.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 141.)
(2) In answer to their petition, the Council have thought fit that Commissioners should be sent to the Isle, to examine matters concerning the King's revenues, for the quietness of the Isle, and for the determining of causes pending by appeal. They pray that the Commissioners be sent with speed during this vacation time. The Governor of Jersey desires to join in the suit, that both islands be included in the same commission. The extent of the King's revenues there has not been renewed these 200 years, and there have arisen in that Isle many important controversies. They, and the Governor of Jersey, offer to defray the diet of the Commissioners during their abode there. For the better choice of Commissioners, they remind his lordship that the state of those Islands has greater affinity with the civil law than the common law.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2064.)
(3) To the same effect as the above, so far as it refers to Guernsey.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2066.)
Edmund Gurnay (fn. 26) to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Two letters:—
(1) Thanking him as Chancellor of Cambridge for not having considered him deserving of punishment.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Latin. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 69.)
(2) Requesting him as Chancellor of Cambridge to reverse his expulsion from the university.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Latin. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 70.)
Charles Hall to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Two letters:—
(1) Begs him to further the enclosed petition to the Lord Chancellor, for a day of hearing for his suit.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 71.)
(2) (c. Nov.). Offers for sale the manor of Siston, Gloucestershire, 6 miles from Bath and from Bristol, heretofore the land of Sir Morris Dennis, present owner Mr. Weekes. There is a new house of stone which cost 3000l. built by Dennis; a park which will keep 1000 fallow deer; and rich mines of coal which yield almost as great revenue as the land.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 72.)
[See the letter from Wyks and the details regarding Siston on pp. 374–5, 396 above.]
Richard Hanbery and Edmond Wheeler to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. Nine years past Sir Richard Marten, one of the Company of Mineral and Battery Works, and farmer of the works, complained against them to the Council (fn. 27) for non-delivery of iron. Details are given of the arrangements made between them and the Company, of the proceedings taken against them, and of the orders made by the Council in the matter since that time. The Company are now praying that the payment of certain moneys should be enforced against them by imprisonment. They argue that the suggestions upon which the Council were induced to make the order are apparently otherwise than as alleged, and that in right they owe nothing, but the Company owes them 400l. They beg that the matter may be referred to arbitration.— Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 143.)
Abraham Hardret to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Three papers:—
(1) Refers to his former petition to the King. Salisbury then wished him, in lieu of his request, to seek one or two recusants whose fines might not exceed 600l. He cannot find any certainty that way, unless he may obtain of the King two or three such recusants as will be nameless until they be begged, that never were indicted or convicted. He will receive from them only such sum as the King thinks fit, and the overplus shall be at Salisbury's disposing. The petition enclosed is the substance of his former request.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 73 (2).)
The Enclosure:
Abraham Hardret's petition to the King. In lieu of 1075l. due to him by the late Queen, and for his services, the King bestowed on him the place of one of his jewellers, with 50l. fee yearly, but as yet he is not at all employed in that place, as the rest of his fellows are. Begs for the value of 20l. per ann. in fee farm, when he shall find out the same. Undated.
½ p. (124. 73 (1).)
(2) (August or later). To the same effect as the above letter to Salisbury, who is said to have made a favourable answer to Hardret while the Court was at Salisbury.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 74.)
(3) His services and losses. His hopes of the three recusants he lately spoke of are overthrown, two being unwilling to be named, and the mind of the other, the chiefest, was turned after conference with the Earl of Northampton. For his relief prays for a lease in reversion, a gift, or letters to Master [Henry] Spiller to procure him some recusants.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (P. 1471.)
[See Part XVI of this Calendar, pp. 135, 253; cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 125, 396. J. Nichols The Progresses of James I, II, p. 190.]
Lord Harington to the King.
[? 1607 (after June)]. Sundry persons outlawed so continue without answering the law, through the neglect and corruption of undersheriffs and inferior ministers. For remedy he proposes the appointment of some trusty person to oversee the execution of all processes of outlawry, according to the project annexed. In reward of his services, begs grant of the moiety of all forfeitures levied by any process of outlawry for 21 years, with authority to have the oversight of the execution thereof. Begs that his petition may be referred to the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treasurer, (fn. 28) the Earl of Northampton, the Earl of Salisbury, and the Lord Chief Justice. (fn. 29)Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 144.)
Particulars of the above project are given on the dorse with note at foot that it was allowed by the late Lord Chief Justice. (fn. 29) 1 p.
Lord Harington to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. There is much question and great controversy likely to grow betwixt the drapers and mercers of Coventry about a corporation lately obtained by the drapers, in the which there is a prohibition forbidding all men but drapers only to sell any stuffs that are made of wool only, which may tend to the overthrow of a great number of poor tradesmen. The matter is likely to be complained of before the Lords of the Council, and my suit is that in regard I am a neighbour and owe much love to the city, I may obtain this favour, that if complaint be made, the matter may be referred to the judges, who, I make no question, in their wisdoms will take such good course therein as all suits attempted shall be cut off, and the parties continue in love and friendship as formerly.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (121. 9.)
[See pp. 438–9 below.]
Jo[hn] Harmar, Warden of Winchester College, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (after June 19)]. The wrongs the Bi[shop] intends me are insupportable. If my doings in behalf of the house I govern overmatch not his so far as utter ruin and waste shall be found by him, beauty and reedifying by me, I will confess I have "distayned" you, by whose favour I obtained the place. The good estate of my College was never projected by him in seeking this commission. (fn. 30) He would still sway where he has so clean swept, and by enthralling me dispose of all. What the King, Council and you have written in behalf of a most sufficient man he seeks by this commission to carry to another; and none may be preferred but his regardants. The leases and revenues of the College he pretends to dispose of by this commission, that when he has planted four his chaplains in my house, he may be the warden. The commission being contrary to law, I cannot without breach of my oath admit thereof. Please concur with the repealing of it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 75.)
Lord Hay to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Two letters:—
(1) Thanks him for his favours in his distressed fortune. He will carry Salisbury's letter along with him, to help his weak memory, lest in posting he should forget what he has in charge. After he sees the King he will let Salisbury understand of his good health.—Waltome [Waltham] "this morninge at fyve a clok."
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (124. 76.)
[See p. 33 above and The Letters of John Chamberlain, ed. N. E. McClure (1939), I, pp. 238, 241; cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 334, 348, 364, 381.]
(2) I promised to acquaint you with that happy and much desired meeting between our King and Queen. To-morrow afternoon at Stantford [Stamford] Hill he expects her coming.— Waltome [Waltham], Thursday at night.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 78.)
Sir George Hay. (fn. 31)
[1607 (c. Nov. 14)]. Petition to the King that whereas one Arnolde Oudesworthe (fn. 32) has been appointed to receive the fines of all actions of debt arising upon bills and bonds in the King's Bench and to bestow the said fines, all or in part, on Sir Richarde Prestoun and Sir Walter Cope, the petitioner may have a like grant, for life or a term of years, of all such fines of personal actions in the courts of King's Bench and Exchequer as are not included in the warrant to Oudesworthe; a certain part of the said fines to be reserved to his Majesty.—Undated.
Endorsed by the Earl of Salisbury: "1607. Sr. G. Hayes his sute." ½ p. (194. 62.)
John Healey.
[1607]. Latin and English verses addressed by John Healey to the Earl of Salisbury.
Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (140. 108.)
Sir Robert Hitcham to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. He understands that a petition is delivered against him. (fn. 33) Begs Salisbury to hear it, and if he does not find he has dealt justly, he will be willing to lose his good opinion.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 79.)
Henry Hobart, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
Three letters:—
(1) [1607 (c. May)]. I have sent you the collection of the criminal causes as you desired subscribed with my hand. The two Chief Justices have also passed and allowed them.
This afternoon the two Chief Justices and Chief Baron have met again upon the entails and have agreed in opinion that his Majesty may by fine bar any right of entail that he has or may have upon any gift to any his ancestors, not being King when the gift was made unto him. And this to be in confirming and strengthening of any estate of lands already conveyed from his ancestors, but not to be extended either to lands first entailed to such a one as was then King, nor to any lands whereof the King is seised in possession and which are in charge to him. (fn. 34)Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 63.)
(2) [1607 (c. Oct.)]. I have this night had the examiner with me, who returned late from the Tower. I find nothing proof against Mr. Fuller, neither out of himself nor any other that may prove his consent or knowledge of the printing before it was done, nor the publishing of any the books. Mansel having been again this afternoon, examined Annesley [?]: in effect nothing; for before he would neither tell when he had the 12 books that he confessed were brought him, nor where he bestowed them. And now in his re-examination he says he had them, some of them of a man called James, some of a woman, but what other name he has, or who or whence he or the woman was, he says he knows not. And he sent them, he confesses, to divers persons, but will not tell who they were because he will not bring them into trouble. This is all yet found. I understand my Lord Coke will be in town to-morrow, and take this in his way to Cambridge.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 81.)
[See p. 349 above.]
(3) [1607]. Returns a letter which he received even this instant together with another at the same time from his lordship. Perceived by the beginning of it that it belonged not to him so returns it with speed, broken up but no farther read than gave him knowledge that the direction was mistaken. (fn. 35) Will wait upon his lordship to-morrow morning and in the meantime will look out his notes for this cause of Dying [? dyeing]. (fn. 36)Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 64.)
Hosiers of Coventry.
[1607]. Two papers:—
(1) The ancient hosiers of London, maker and sellers of woollen stockings, after they grew out of use began to sell knit woollen stockings then coming in request. They are now called hosiers in London and are the only sellers there of knit woollen stockings. The hosiers of Coventry have been time out of mind and are at this day such makers and sellers of woollen stockings as those in London, and pray that they may be as well the only sellers of knit woollen stockings in Coventry. The mercer of Coventry sells these as a retailer of all or most of the trades of the land. Therefore the petitioners think it a just request that they, being a whole and entire company of sixty-six householders, should be only dealers in their own trade without any wrong or offence to any other trade.
The words besides in the prohibition wherewith the mercer is grieved are these: "or any other stuff made only of wool." Those Mr. Attorney upon mature deliberation thought the fittest distinction, to make a difference between mercery and drapery. The petitioners rather than induce either a chargeable or tedious suit are content to lose part of their right and that the words of the prohibition shall be limited to such meaning as Mr. Attorney intended, that is to say: "Any other stuffs made only of wool of the nature of cloth," by whatsoever name it shall be called.
Endorsed: "1607. Hosyers." 2/3 p. (194. 65.)
(2) The petitioners were the only makers and sellers of woollen stockings in the city of Coventry time out of mind. Those decaying, knit woollen stockings succeeded and were by them likewise sold. Those latter the mercers in Conventry began to sell by little and little and drew the trading of them from your orators wholly unto themselves. So that in few years they have so impoverished your orators that they are not now able to set a quarter so many poor on work as heretofore. Besides of forty shops at the least which have usually been employed in a place for that purpose only, called the Drapery, there are now only four. The rest are shut up without any trade at all.
The like has befallen your orators in their trade of drapery, that being also grown much out of use by reason of certain stuffs newly invented made only of wool and merely cloth, called the new drapery, and by his Majesty reduced to the subsidy and alnage of drapery. Notwithstanding the petitioners were the first sellers of some of these, the mercers perceiving them to be vendible have engrossed them into their hands and drawn the whole sale of new drapery unto themselves, to the utter decay not only of all your orators but also of those 3000 persons which wholly depend upon their trade.
The consideration of these things forced the petitioners to sue unto his Majesty for a corporation for the better ordering of their company, with some restraint that none in Coventry should deal or intermeddle with any of those commodities which properly belonged to them as parcel of their trade of drapery and hosiers. His Majesty granted their request with a prohibition inserted that no person or persons shall grant, utter, sell or put to sale within the city of Coventry and liberties any woollen cloth whatsoever, baize, says, kerseys, woollen stockings or any other stuff made only of wool, except he or they were free of the Company of Draperies [sic].
Hereupon the mercers complain that by reason of the prohibition they are much wronged in their usual trade of selling knit woollen stockings and other commodities made only of wool not used to be sold by drapers. This complaint is untrue in every part. Woollen stockings are no part of mercery.
As the King in granting your orators their suit sought rather to prevent the utter undoing of so many thousands of his subjects than the private gain of three or four particular persons in one particular place, it is prayed that the prohibition may stand and that his Majesty's grant be not upon every bare suggestion called into question, especially in those things wherein his Majesty has granted nothing but that which is most just and equal. Reasons for the necessity of the prohibition being continued. If the mercer should sell broad cloth as well as the draper, the draper should not sell one yard in a week except by great chance, by reason of the mercers retailing of so many several trades. Except the prohibition be continued, it cannot be avoided but the drapers will be utterly undone for ever.
Endorsed: "1607. Hosyers." 1 p. (194. 66.)
[See p. 435 above.]
An Italian Advertisement.
[1607]. A paper criticising the judgment delivered in a dispute between certain Moors and Englishmen touching the cargo of an unnamed ship. It is alleged that the bills of lading put forward by the Moors are forged, and that their evidence is false and contradictory. But the judges have preferred to trust the words of the Moor and his forged writings rather than the books, bills of lading, merchants' letters and testimony of the English or the marks on the bales, so that their judgment is contrary to human wisdom and against the Consolato di Barcellona. Moreover seeing that three of the first judges in this state were named and that being summoned to Florence to hear the judgment was only for a certain design, which can be explained at a fit time and place, all this has been laid before your Honour; which should have been done by means of an advocate or proctor if any could have been found to do it; but as the Grand Duke was interested in the matter, no one could be found brave enough.—Undated.
Unsigned. Italian. Endorsed: "1607. To the Earl of Salisbury" and in another hand: "An Italian Advertisement." 1¼ pp. (125. 5.)
William Jewell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. It has pleased the King to give me a Fellowship in Exeter College in Oxford, having his letters to the same end. I beseech you think on the King's former grant when you shall be solicited hereupon by any other. I fear of none but of his Solicitor, who would not undertake this if he knew the King had granted the same thing to another.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 84.)
Edward Jones to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Two letters:—
(1) With a "poor offering" of his love and service.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 85.)
[See pp. 1 and 2 above and Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 366.]
(2) (July.) Your question touching the Lord Davers pension, though I answered confidently, yet on coming home I looked upon his letter, and the words are that he would quit the pension which the King gave him; which I conceive to be the whole pension. Yesterday after I first moved it to you I dispatched a letter signifying that I had made offer of the pension of 1000l. I confess I have committed a great error (though it may be right). All the amends I can make is to give you this notice, lest my speech may have altered your designs, and to crave pardon. I make account within three or four days to have an answer to my letter, which contained only the effect of my first proposition of the suit, and till then I forbear to give Lord Davers notice of your speech to me.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 86.)
[See p. 190 above.]
King James to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, (Oct.)]. My little beagle, I am forced to write to you sooner than I thought to have done for fear of losing the occasion of the Scottish Secretary's being there, who is shortly to return. I would therefore have you to desire him to speak with the Chancellor and my learned counsel anent the matter of the Union that there may be a concurrence betwixt them of England and them of Scotland, whom I have appointed to study the uniformity of the laws, and that there may be such a correspondent course holden betwixt them as each of them may supply others in that errand as shall be requisite. I pray you likewise not to forget Mr. Fuller's process, as also the framing of a plea for the post nati; thus you may see how the confusion of business before my parting made me to forget those principal things, whereof I should then have put you in remembrance; and so I bid you heartily farewell, assuring you that I will every night wish for young Tom Durie's company to make me merry with when I am going to bed.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607. His Majesty to me." 1 p. (134. 116.)
[Cf. p. 275 above.]
Lands gained from the Sea.
[1607 (after June)]. "The reasons to move the proceeding for the survey of the lands issued and gained from the sea."
1. The necessity of the time. For unless they proceed in their survey now whilst the weather is fair the whole year is lost; for in winter the most part of those lands are surrounded with water so that they can do nothing, and without a survey there can be no composition made without much loss to his Majesty by reason that neither the numbers of acres nor the natures of the ground are yet known.
2. If in the prime of the business there should be a surceasing it would be an overthrow to the service, the present proceeding being so generally expected.
3. There can be no pretended contempt nor mutiny intended against the surveying of these lands, for they survey nothing but the King's own lands, and the surveyor shall dispose of nothing, but only certify your Honours [the Privy Council ?] the quantity and quality of the grounds, whereby you may the better dispose thereof hereafter when you think fit.
4. Notwithstanding the late insurrection of such as plucked down the inclosures in those parts, the surveyors of these surrounded lands were permitted to proceed in their survey, and were not molested by any but were furthered by all, unless it were by one Lacon, who for his own particular having enclosed 150 acres to his own use of these marshes and secluded all other poor people, would have crossed the service as much as in him lay; yet now acknowledging his error he promises all the furtherance that may be to the service; whereby it plainly appears that there is no general dislike but rather a desire of the furtherance thereof, whereby the poor might be relieved who are now oppressed.
Endorsed: "1607. The reasons to move the survey of the surrounded land gained from the sea. For my Lo. of Salisbury." 2/3 p. (125. 1.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 359, 362, 365.]
William Langton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. You bestowed upon me the parsonage of Michel Hampton, (fn. 37) Gloucestershire, then likely to fall to your gift by the sickness of the incumbent and the minority of the patron, Lord Windsor. The incumbent being not likely to recover, means are made to the Earl of Northampton, the guardian of the ward, for a presentation to the parsonage, to the prejudice of your right. Continue me your favour for obtaining it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "1607. Mr. Langton your Lps. Chaplain." ½ p. (124. 87.)
Edmund Lassells to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Thanks him for not being against his request for a protection for six months. The extreme misery of his estate has compelled him to seek it. It is now ready for the Great Seal, and he begs Salisbury to let the Lord Chancellor understand that he is acquainted with it.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 88.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, pp. 17, 416; Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 278, 403.]
Advertisement from Leghorn.
[1607 (? Sept. 27./Oct. 7.)]. To-day the 7th there is arrived here at court a courier from Leghorn. He brings word that the great Galleon either that of the Grand Duke or that of the Grand Duchess has taken a Turkish galleon laden with merchandise and jewels worth more than 100,000 scudi and more than 100,000 sultanine (fn. 38); and there are three governors of the Sultan's, who were either going to or coming from their governments and one hundred and fifty persons of consideration to ransom.—Undated.
Italian. Note in English: "This happened in the return of the Duke of Florence's fleet from Bona." (fn. 39) Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (125. 4.)
John Lepton to the King.
[1607 (before August)]. As to his patent for making the letters or process, with all the bills or declarations thereto belonging, issuing forth of the Court at York: the execution of which office is denied him by the Secretaries there. Gives details of the controversy between them, and begs examination of the matter by Sir Thomas Strickland and others.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (124. 89.)
[See pp. 203, 234, 239, 241, 278 above.]
[1607]. Proclamation, revoking the late patent granted to Sir Arthur Aston; John Auchmoty, Richard Harding and Edward Davenant for bringing in of logwood, alias blockwood; and also prohibiting the bringing in or use of the same.—Undated.
Signed by the King and the Attorney-General. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (141. 363.)
The Retailing Grocers of London to Sir Henry Rowe, Lord Mayor, and his brethren.
[? 1607 (after Michaelmas)]. They detail the wrongs done to them by the starch patentees: complaining of unreasonable prices, which have been raised from 15s. a hundred to 30s.: of restrictions as to the purchase of starch, for non-compliance with which some of them suffer imprisonment: also of the seizure of starch bought by freemen. They pray for redress of these abuses.—Undated.
Signed by Thomas Pigott and 105 others. 1 p. (P. 2110.)
[See p. 289 above. Sir Henry Rowe was Lord Mayor 1607–8.]
Merchants and citizens of London.
[1607]. Two papers:—
(1) The names of divers Merchants of London which do trade into Spain and Portugal.
Sir William Rumney.
Richard Staper.
Erasmus Harbey.
William Cockayne.
Richard Wytch.
John Combe.
Richard Brooke.
Thomas Boothby.
John Janson.
Lawrence Greene.
Raph Freeman.
Humfrey Slany.
Robert Savage.
John Newton.
Leonard Parker.
Joseph Jackson.
John Rambridge.
Nicholas Leate.
Mr. Chamberlen.
Mr. Eldred.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (125. 9.)
(Before Michaelmas.)
(2) Names of citizens.
Sir John Wattes, knight, mayor.
Sir John Jolles knt.
Sir Robert Wroth knt.
Sir William Stone knt.
Mr. James Collymore.
Mr. Robert Harvey.
Mr. William Angell.
Mr. Giles Simpson.
Mr. Lionel Cranfeild.
Mr. Samuel Hare.
Mr. William Massam.
Mr. William Duncombe.
Mr. Richard Venne.
Mr. Arthur Ingram.
Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (125. 10.)
Jane, Lady Lovell, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Expresses her gratitude for his favour upon occasion of some unjust complaint presented against her at the Council table by the brother of Mr. Lovell, whose memory must ever be dear to her. She grieves that one so near should pretend anything to wrong her and disgrace himself. Begs Salisbury's acceptance of "some little works of mine."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Ladie Lovell. 1607." 1 p. (124. 93.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, pp. 419—20; Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 329.]
Lancelot Lowther to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Acknowledges favours. His sickness has crossed his attendance in her Majesty's service, and kept him from the Hall for the most part of this week.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 94.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, pp. 358–9.]
Florence McCarthy to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (late)]. Two letters:—
(1) I omit to relate what troubles I sustained heretofore, being taken and restrained by the Earl of Desmond and others many years; upon whose rebellion I followed those wars under Sir William Pelham, the Lord Gray and the Earl of Ormond, where having maintained 300 men and received divers wounds I was by her late Majesty rewarded and favourably used, until Sir Valentine Browne moved Sir Francis Walsingham to procure my commitment. Whereupon I was restrained at Cork and at Dublin Castle and here and in Westminster 6 years. Afterwards when I had liberty I had by your means maintenance, and at last an end. Being thereupon commanded into Ireland I have by warrant from the Council of Munster brought some of their forces from the rebels, and overthrew 700 of them, and recovered the strongest country they had. When they brought Tireowen [Tyrone] against me I refused to deliver him my son or to favour his action any way. When Lord Carew came thither, at his entreaty I cashiered my soldiers, assured him the rebels would not resist him, and caused my nephew Mr. O'Conor to deliver him his castle that was commodious to annoy them, and delivered him my son and continued with him. All my course argues my loyalty; for when I recovered my country and might keep men of war, I might have written beyond seas or joined with the rebels. I endeavoured rather to weaken them, as appeared when I was before you at the Lord Treasurer's, where I refused my pardon if ever I aided the Earl of Tireowen, James of Desmond or any of them. For my father's loyalty in Sir Henry Sidney's time and Sir John Perrot's, I will show no worse proof than the late Queen's letters to him; and when James, Earl of Desmond, raised wars in Ireland my grandfather upon a letter from Henry VIII, still extant, overthrew that Earl and chased him to Dingle, where he died immediately after. Henry VII's grant to my great grandfather Florence McCarthy is sufficient testimony to his loyalty. All my offence was my fighting with Sir George Flowre, when he provoked me by burning two castles of mine where he was received without resistance and killing my tenants, taking away 1200 cows and following me 30 miles: for which I obtained the late Queen's pardon, which will little avail my life, being 50 years of age and wounded and diseased, as with much ado I could keep myself alive these three years and seven months in the Marshalsea, (fn. 40) and now so extreme sick as I have no hope to live here, (fn. 41) where if I be sent for dealing with one Mathewes, I protest I knew not of his being alive when he came in July last and told me if I could procure money he had friends that would work my liberty; and when I was promised 300l. by Sir John Skinner for land, and acquainted him withal, he brought me word that my liberty would not be had under 500l.; whereupon I told him that seeing he and Captain Nuce were going into Ireland, I would write to the Lord Roche and other friends to pay 200l. there. But he brought me word that nothing could be done till Nuce came back. Whereupon we broke off in August last, long before there was any speech of the Earl of Tireowen; for whose running away if I be sent hither, [let me add that] he maintained a knave against me that untruly alleged himself to be the Earl of Clancarthy's bastard and taxes me to have been an occasioner of the suppressing of the rebellion in Munster. There is never a gentleman of Munster that hates him more than I do, and I desire my life may be preserved to do him hurt. My suit is that upon the delivering of this bearer, my son and heir, for a pledge, and on good sureties for my continuance within so many miles of this city, I may live out of prison for the preservation of my life wherein I will deserve your lordship's favour by doing better service than any subject of my country and quality can do: beseeching, if it be thought fit to delay my liberty thus [as hitherto], that I may be removed to any other prison, where I will wear irons if I be mistrusted; the rather that I cannot get sureties if I be here, where I cannot live, and where James of Desmond, who was no older than I am, and never endured so much imprisonment nor lost no blood, was quickly consumed to death.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 96.)
(2) Your answer to my letter that nothing could be done in my cause till the King's coming gives me good hope of your favourable report to him. I am persuaded you will not see my life lost in this misery, being by my long restraint, almost seven years (fn. 42) destitute of means to maintain my children, and so weak and diseased as I do not look to live.
[Offers services and begs to speak with him.]—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 97.)
Teag McCarthy to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (late)]. Thank him for leave to have access to his father Florence McCarthy, prisoner in the Tower. (fn. 43) Prays that his father who though very sick is in close prison may without offence write his mind to Salisbury by him.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1087.)
Tobie Matthew to the Privy Council.
[1607 (c. July)]. Imprisoned in the Fleet by order of the Archbishop of Canterbury, for no cause that he knows of but matter of conscience. Is altered in opinion of religion only, but is of a loyal heart to the King; and this is not the ordinary course taken with such as are simply recusants. As the Council may be dispersed before the return of the Archbishop from Sussex, prays them to refer him to his Grace with a favourable allowance of his suit, except his Grace shall know other cause to keep him restrained.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1705.)
[Cf. pp. 192, 205, 233 above.]
Frances Milles to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Begs for a reprieve for her poor unfortunate brother, now in prison for killing a man. Though the matter in itself be ill enough, she fears it is made much worse to Salisbury than it is. "Your poor distressed goddaughter."—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607. Mris. Mylles." 1 p. (124. 98.)
Dr. George Montaigne to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Notwithstanding my Lord of Durham's promise so often repeated, I can receive yet no assurance for the Hospital of Greetham. He has made other representations and offers unto me but I beseech your lordship I may stand to the expectation of your first gift upon which I will be bound to reside according to the form and requisition of the Statute, the only pretence and colour of his so long not determining the business. "Your servant and chaplain."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ⅓ p. (194. 68.)
F. Du Mothey to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Two letters:—
(1) Begs Salisbury to place him in his former freedom. As he is stayed in this place by Salisbury's command, he can only seek an issue by the same means. Begs either to be condemned or absolved. The justice of his cause pleads for his liberty.— Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 99.)
(2) Appeals to Salisbury's mercy, as although he may not have properly observed the laws and customs of England, it has been through ignorance. Does not know why he is kept a prisoner, and asks what is wanted of him. Has replied to the articles which have been put to him. Has put together a confession of faith, which he encloses.—Undated.
Signed. French. 3 pp. (144. 212.)
The Enclosure: "Confession de Foy." Verses.
Holograph. French. 7 pp. (144. 214.)
[See p. 82 above.]
Adam Newton to the Earls of Suffolk and Salisbury.
[1607 (? August)]. I have imparted unto his Highness your lordships' purpose of visiting him, which he had heard of and the cause of the crossing thereof, (fn. 44) which though he knew it not to be that particular business, yet [he] imagined it to be some service of his Majesty's, and therefore has willed me to signify unto your lordships that howsoever he would have been glad to have seen you, yet there needed no excuse where there are so many testimonies of love and affection towards him, as he neither can nor will but ever promise unto himself a great interest in your heartiest good will, as ye in him do promise unto yourselves great comfort and contentment. And for proof thereof his Highness has desired you to be suitors to their Majesties in a matter which was forgotten by himself being at Windsor, but the memory thereof now refreshed by the heat of this season—that his Highness may have leave to learn to swim. He is persuaded to obtain his desire if your lordships be mediators, but is content that ye might use the liberty of your own opinion either to move it or not as you shall think convenient. If by their Majesties it be thought fit, we shall have that care of conveniency of time and place and other cautions as the importancy of that errand should seem to require. The presumption that his Highness has by your lordships' own children going into the water makes him expect your approval.— Undated.
PS.—My Lords, I commend me and my suit unto you. Coelum et dies mutant, tempus anni labitur, ideo maturato opus est. I hope you will remember his humble duty to their Majesties that wishes you no good.—Henry.
Holograph, except the postscript which is in the handwriting of the Prince. Seal. Endorsed: "from Nonesuch." 1 p. (134. 156.)
The Earls of Salisbury and Suffolk to A[dam] Newton.
[1607 (? August).] Sir, although we have great cause to acknowledge ourselves very happy in his Highness's just and benign interpretation of our absence, yet we perceive it is inseparable from the condition of princes to suffer any man to receive too much comfort at once. If you will ask us what there is in your letter moving us to conceive so, we remit it unto you whether it be not a pretty device between a politique young Prince and his tutor (under colour of reposing extraordinary confidence in us) to pick out two honest plain men for an employment to cut our throats with the King our Master, and then to speak never a good word to help us in again. For first we see a postscript full of wit and learning, wresting phrases to his own end, where it might have pleased his Highness to remember that swimming is a dangerous thing: that the comparison holds not between our boys and sons of Kings. They are like feathers as light as things of nought; Princes are things of weight of great consequence and eminent expectation. Do not think (we pray you) that the Chancellor of Cambridge and the Steward want so much Latin as not to remember that omnia levia sursum tendunt, gravia deorsum. Besides, when we shall venture this motion, we trust you will give us leave to take our time to do it by words where we may reply, and not by letters. Let this therefore serve we beseech you for present answer: and when we come to Salisbury we will lay our heads together with one or two more of our fellows, and then you shall see whether we will not play the parts of valiant men.
In the meantime we end with this suit, that you will procure leave for our two sons to come to us upon Saturday night. The one shall see Cranborne, where he shall one day (I hope) see his master in a lodge, if I like the seat. The other his mother would fain carry to see my Lord of Bindon and a house of her own at Charlton built upon her own inheritance. If this be obtained we shall take it for a favour and remain his humble servants, swim he or ride he (though we mean not to follow him in either of those exercises), and we shall, as we have cause, remain your assured loving friends.—Undated.
PS.—As for him that writ in a postscript that he wished us no good we desire that he may know that we hope to live to see him stand in a white sheet, if there be as good justice in England as was done in France to the King of Navarre, who stood in Rochelle finely dressed and never deserved it so well as he is like to do. (fn. 45) This is we hope as plain dealing, and for the hand that writes it I trust it may compare for character with his.
Draft. Endorsed: "My Lord to Mr. Newton." 2 pp. (134. 157.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603—1610, p. 367.]
B[ridget] Lady Norreys to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Acknowledges his favours to her and her poor state. He is, under God, the author of that happiness and contented quiet she now enjoys. "Your most affectionate niece."— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607. The Ladie Norrys," 1 p. (124. 101.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, pp. 439–40, and Salisbury's letter to the Countess of Lincoln below, pp. 464–5.]
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. The bearer will explain my request. It is about the order you gave in court for Chapman's wardship the other day. I desire but a just and honest course should be held in the trial. If it be the King's, I desire it not; if it be mine, I shall be glad of it. That which makes me say thus much is that Sir Cudbert Pepper (fn. 46) is interested in it by reason the party opposite to me is near him. The rest I refer to the bearer's report.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 69.)
D[orothy], Countess of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (c. Dec.).] I hear Sir James Perrott has delivered a petition to his Majesty, which may be prejudicial to me having a jointure out of those lands (fn. 47). I beseech you to hinder any grant that may hazard that which in obtaining I have been so much bound to you for.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 70.)
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (c. Oct. 28).] I understand that the Queen removes tomorrow from Hampton Court to Westminster, and the next day to Tyboles. Make my excuse to the King that I do not wait on him there. I took such a cold on Wednesday as I am much troubled with it. Please also do the like to the Queen. Report to his Majesty my answer touching that point in his letter that I conceived touched my suit.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 102.)
[See p. 303 above.]
Thomas Osborne to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607.] Is steward of "this loathsome hole," the Compter, Wood Street. Has been here almost three years a prisoner for a supposed debt. Begs warrant that he may, with his keeper, go to the Middlesex Sessions on Tuesday next, there to "appeach" certain men in his Majesty's behalf, and to answer for himself, being much wronged. Is known to Mr. Lemyng to be a very sufficient carpenter, and offers services.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 104.)
Sir John Ouseley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Prays him to present his unhappy fortune, who almost [alone] of all men that have spent their time in the wars is left without reward, to the King's royal bounty. He has a suit which he will not undertake without Salisbury's allowance, and begs him to peruse it.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 105.)
[Cf. his letter in Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 366.]
Dr. Christopher Parkins and Mr. Ayscue's Book.
[1607]. About a year and half past one Mr. Askw (fn. 48) [sic] attended upon his Grace, desiring me to view the book and make some motion of it to his Grace. His Grace willed me to read it, and deliver my judgment concerning the printing of it. My opinion was it could not be printed without the offence of the Estate, and so much I signified to Mr. Asku, and by no means his Grace would allow of it. The means that since has been used was by one Mr. Hartewell, used to like service in the deceased Lord of Canterbury's time; upon whose censure given in writing, Mr. D. Parsfeld, one of his Grace's Chaplains, approved it to the press without his Grace's privity.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's Secretary: "Dr. Parkins concerning Mr. Ayscue's book. 1607." ½ p. (124. 108.)
Maurice Peeters to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. I have been a suitor to the King for the reformation of a grievous deceit daily used in "stuffs made of bombazine cotton and no wool such as grows in the land of Persia"; and never had any recompense. And concerning the suit of silk dyeing, I have been a suitor to the Queen and you for the grievous deceit daily used therein. My suit was preferred by means of John Gibbe a Scotsman, one of the grooms of the King's bedchamber, who with others being silk dyers now privily make means to the King to defraud the Queen and you of the said suit, to my utter undoing. It has cost me above 500l. in following the suit.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 113.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 277, 639, 656.]
The Earl of Pembroke to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. In favour of this gentleman his kinsman, who has a cause to be heard at the Council Board.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 110.)
Sir James Perrott to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Two letters:—
(1) (After Sept. 4.) Offers some means to divert the troubles of Ireland, doubted to ensue after the departure of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnel. Rebellion there is always most supported by the confederacy of lords of countries. To disunite their forces is the best means to prevent future perils. Two courses were held by Sir John Perrott [the writer's father] when Lord Deputy. First, when a conspiracy was discovered of Turlough Lenough, the then Oneale, with other northern lords, and a messenger sent by them to stir to rebellion the lords and captains of Connaught and Munster, he was suffered to pass till his return towards Ulster where he was apprehended and drawn to confess what he knew, whereby those treasons were the more easily prevented and the lords known who were false or true. His other course was in 1588, when he took pledges nearest in blood to all the lords of Ireland whose fidelities were suspected, as safe ties upon them and their countries; yet was it done as might make least show of distrust. Whether either of these courses be fit now he leaves to Salisbury's judgment. The towns have for the most part always been faithful to the Crown, but of late it is much doubted that their affection is diminished. Suggests placing a garrison, or at least a governor in every principal town, especially of the north, that has a harbour or haven. Dradahada, the best town in the north as a key to the English Pale, is not well fortified and had the more need thereof. The Newrie, a frontier town against the northern incursions, ill neighboured, and an inlet to Dondalke, Armagh, and other places, yet is without any wall or other fortification, save one or two small castles. It requires a governor, and a ditch and rampier at the least. Offers services. Finds his name respected among the people there.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 111.)
(2) (Dec. or later.)—The Lady of Northumberland opposes his suit for the feefarm, yet she ought to be satisfied with what she has had out of Sir John Perrott's estate, (fn. 49) being 1,500l. value per annum for her life; besides 900l. value per annum granted her by the late Queen out of the same estate, which was likewise left to the writer. She has therefore no just cause to oppose his small suit, which he has laid hold of as a small "rafter" in the end of such a shipwreck as he has sustained to carry him to some port or place of rest. Begs Salisbury to favour his suit.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 112.)
Thomas Phelippes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Begs for release from imprisonment, and that his so long affliction, with his utter disgrace, overthrow of health and impoverishment may be deemed sufficient punishment for his offences or errors. He hears Salisbury thinks that if he were abroad he would be busy with state matters again, but as he is sorry for his former presumption, he protests that his soul defies anything that tends thereto. He desires nothing but liberty to live like a poor husbandman to relieve those dependent upon him.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 114.)
[Cf. Part XVIII of this Calendar, pp. 268, 431, and p. 393 above.
Sir Richard Poulet to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. I beseech you, in behalf of Thomas Jervis his Majesty's ward, to stay the grant of any supersedeas at the suit of Sir George Wroteslye, whereby he intends to hinder the ward in his lawful suit, appearing in his petitions enclosed.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 116.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom. Add., 1580—1625, p. 548.]
Pitston Wood, Bucks.
[1607]. The proceedings between the Lord Chancellor of England and the tenants of Pichelesthorne, concerning Pitston Wood in Bucks.
Details the negotiations between the parties, resulting in the allotment of certain wood to the tenants; but notwithstanding this, the tenants continue to spoil the woods.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (132. 43.)
The case of the POST NATI.
[1607 (c. Oct.)]. The case touching the post nati shall be thus. Land shall be conveyed to a child born in Scotland since his Majesty came to the crown of England, which may be done though the child be not here present. Then an entry shall be made upon the land by another. Whereupon an action called an assize shall be brought in in the name of the child by a guardian, whereunto the defendant that did put him out shall plead that the child which is plaintiff is an alien born in Scotland, out of the allegiance of the King of his crown of England; and the child shall confess in his plea that he was born there, but that it was since the King was King of England; whereupon the defendant shall demur in law, which shall put it in judgment of the Court whether that make him a natural born subject of the realm of England or not. The child appointed for this action by the nomination of my Lord of Kinloss is a grandchild of the Lord Colvyn. To which child some little piece of that land shall be conveyed which was lately given by the King to Achmotye and Murray [?]. Of that grant Kellett of the Wardrobe sues out the patent, with whom order is taken for conveying some portion of this land, whereof one Bingley is now in possession. It comes to the King by the forfeiture of one that was reconciled to the Pope. Bingley, who is yet in possession, will deny to remove because the child is not capable, who you know being neither denizen nor naturalised particularly cannot take lands, except it be by the construction of his "post birth." So have you now both matter and form, which will be clear if you remember this, that the plaintiff is young Colvyn, for whom a guardian shall speak. The defendant is Bingley, who shall refuse to give possession, and plead that Colvyn is not in case of a natural born subject for the reason aforesaid.—Undated.
Draft, with corrections by Salisbury. 2 pp. (123. 176.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603—10, p. 377, and pp. 275, 293, 297 above. The writ was issued on 3 Nov., 1607, and the trial took place in Trinity term, 1608, for which see Howell State Trials, II, p. 559.]
Sir Amias Preston to the King.
[? 1607]. Has served the kingdom faithfully for thirty years in sundry and dangerous wars. Petitions for a grant of a moiety of the forfeitures of vendible clothes unlawfully made and put to sale in the city and suburbs of London. This moiety has not been granted to any other for twenty-one years, and the grant will not prejudice the King's alnager there to whom the other moiety is already granted, nor Sir Alexander Haye, Mr. Robert Browne or any other. Petitioner will pay the King 100l. per annum for the term of twenty-one years.—Undated.
Note at foot signed by Sir Thomas Lake: The King is pleased that the Lord Treasurer, the Earl of Worcester, the Earl of Northampton, the Earl of Salisbury and the Lord Chief Justice shall consider the petitioner's suit. (fn. 50)
Petition. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 73.)
[The Privy Council] to [Sir Thomas Foster and others].
[1607 (c. May)]. Whereas his Majesty is very desirous for the enlarging of the Park at Theobalds which he is to have from the Earl of Salisbury that the owners of some small parcels of ground lying hard upon [it] might be dealt withal to take satisfaction in money according as their land shall be valued by reasonable and indifferent men; forasmuch as we have had conference with those several persons that are interested therein which are under named, in whom we find a w[illing]ness to yield to his Majesty's desire at [such] price as you Sir Tho. Foster, Sir Tho. Da[cres ?] and Mr. Israel Amis shall set down between the King and them, we have thought good and so we do hereby require you to call the persons before you; and when you shall be informed of the number of acres contained in every man's possession so to proceed with them particularly as his Majesty may dispose of the grounds according to his desire and the parties truly contented. For which purpose you shall understand that his Majesty is pleased that every man may find in your dealing with them that nothing shall be taken from any man but he shall receive more for it than any other man will give them. Of all which we pray you to be so careful in your proceedings as there may be expedition used in the conclusion; upon whose certificates there shall be order taken for payment and passing the assurance from them to his Majesty.—Undated.
Draft. Damaged. Endorsed: "1607. Minute for th'inlarging of Theobald's Park." 2 pp. (125. 2.)
[Cf. p. 144 above.]
Sir Stephen Procter.
[1607]. Certificate from Sir Henry Slingesby and Sir Timothy Whittingham for boundering the 3,000 acres for Sir Stephen Procter. Refers to lands in Yorkshire and to the following place-names amongst others:—Grantley, Skelden Cross, Laverton Moor, Carlesmore, Swetton Beck, Ketzmoor [Kexmoor], Bramley Hedge, Ham[b]leton Hall.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (P. 2281.)
The Queen's Lands.
Petition of the tenants of her Majesty's manors to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. They beg for reform of various delays and abuses in her Majesty's Court of Chancery [which are detailed]. Their suits are neglected, some principal officers of the Court being employed elsewhere. The profit of her Majesty's charter of liberties is lost and taken by others, because the same is not leased nor any fee allowed to officers to have care of it. The stewards take small copyhold fines and greater bribes. For want of surveys much copyhold is admitted as freehold. Expense and delay in renewal of leases.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607"; and in Salisbury's hand: "The Qs' Mty. Darby, Ad. Lysle." 1 p. (124. 117.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. I have heard that Sir Amias Preston informed you of certain mineral stones brought from Guiana of which your lordship had some doubt. Secondly, that you thought it but an invention of mine to procure my former liberty. I protest that one of those minerals here and never before tried was not only found and gathered on the land of Guiana by myself but thereof there may be had in abundance sufficient to please every appetite, the mountain being near the riverside and [the mineral] of easy carriage thither.
The refiner that made the assay is a man very skilful but poor and it is true I promised him 20l. if he could find gold or silver in the ore. If he have dealt justly or, in hope of the money, falsely, it may easily be examined. For the more surety I have reserved a little quantity to make a second trial.
I beseech your lordship to consider what I offer and to weigh it in the balance of your wisdom and piety. Because it may be objected that when I have a ship [or] two or three that I may turn my course some other way, I am content both to go and come as a private man: that both the charge of the ship be given to another, which I desire might be the bearer hereof, and that he have order that if I do persuade a contrary course to cast me into the sea. You may also appoint the Master and all other officers.
The charge of the journey will amount to 5,000l., of which if the Queen and you will bear two parts, I and my friends will bear a third; or if her Majesty and your lordship will not adventure, I will find means to bear all and present her Majesty and you with the one half, so we may be assured to enjoy the rest.
The journey may go under the colour of Virginia for Newport will shortly return. (fn. 51) We will break no peace; invade none of the Spanish towns. If you will send my Lord Carew or any one else I will satisfy them in all particulars. W.R.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (124. 121.)
[The letter of which the above is an abstract is printed in extenso in Edwards' Life of Ralegh, Vol. II, pp. 389—391, from a reliable 18th cent. transcript in the British Museum.]
[1607]. Three papers:—
(1) Petition by a person unnamed, for a grant of such recusants' lands already found by inquisition and returned into the Exchequer as are not leased, 200l. per annum; he, putting in sufficient security for the payment of the rent during the continuance of the grant, will surrender a patent of 100l. a year. These things are usually granted without fine; thus were twenty recusants granted to Sir Arthur Aston without fine. Many of these recusants' lands, being of small value, have remained unleased, for the passing of them by themselves respectively were a great charge. While the lands remain in the recusants' hands by being not leased, they thus run in arrear and the King is deceived of his rent.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 122.)
(2) Cites statutes of 23 Eliz., 28 Eliz., and 1 Jac. Concludes: "these penalties by all these laws are in the King, and so may be brought to his coffers, or granted to any other at his pleasure. And the patentees or grantees may charge the person of the recusant, have his goods, and retain his lands until satisfaction, as I conceive.'—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 123.)
(3) "Note of such recusants as the King has granted liberty to his servants to make profit of, by virtue of that power which the King has to refuse the payment of 20l., per mensem, and in lieu thereof to extend two parts of their lands."
To Thomas [sic:—? James] Lord Hay.
Cornwall: Mr. Thomas Arundell of Lanherne.
Lancs: Mr. John Townley.
Hampshire: Mr. Richard Cotton of Warblington.
Mr. John Talbott of Grafton [Worcs.].
Essex: Mr. William Greene.
Mr. John Southcote.
To Sir James Areskyne.
Kent: Sir William Roper of Eltham.
To Sir Roger Aston.
Warwick: Thomas Throckmorton esquire.
Montgomery: Edward Morgan esquire.
To Mr. Robert Carre.
York: Edward Sayer esquire.
To Mr. Robert Douglass.
Hare [sic].
Also: "Note of such persons as are subject to have their lands extended, the benefit whereof his Majesty may bestow without diminution of any profit he has ever had."
To A.B.
Wilts: Francis Perkyns. These two once paid 20l. per mensem, but since the King's time have left their lands to be extended.
Hampshire: Thomas Welles.
Lancs: John Preston esquire. Never extended.
Salop: John Edwardes.
Derbyshire: John Draycott of Paynesley. Once given to Ashley and now to be new given.
Cambridge: Robert Price.
Partly in Salisbury's hand. Endorsed: "1607." 3 pp. (144. 204.)
John Reeve to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. For examination in court of Richard Radley, (fn. 52) of Hallingbury Morley, Essex, alleged idiot, and for his custody if idiocy be found.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1124.)
Revenue Accounts.
[? 1607 (late)]. Two papers:—
(1) Certain yearly receipts 317,168l. Ordinary yearly issues 408,174l. Surplus 91,006l.
. . . between Octo [?] and ult. Dec. 85,141l. Farmers' loan due at Christmas 1608, 132,000l. Strangers' loan with interest due at Lady Day 1609, 15,400l. City loan with interest due at Midsummer 1609, 77,000l. Debts assigned on the third subsidy and last payments of the clergy, 144,565l. . . . .
Total expected receipts. Remain in the chest 162l. Remain of the first and second subsidy yet unpaid 25,855l. Likely receipts upon the revenue between Michaelmas and Christmas 39,855l. Debts since 30 Eliz., in Michaelmas 10,000l., in Hilary term 10,000l., in . . . 10,000l.: [total] 30,000l. Receivers General for the . . . Michaelmas last 45,000l. The third subsidy 176,466l. [Grand Total] 317,338l.
The debt at Michaelmas 1607 was 537,991l.
Every quarter's ordinary for lack of equality in the balance, each at 20,000l., for 4 quarters 80,000l. The increase of the establishment for Ireland 13,600l. . . . in this year, because they were anticipated the year precedent, 54,272l. Extraordinary and unexpected years, 73,157l. Defalcation of our estimate of subsidy, for that it amounted not to so much as we expected, 18,000l. Interest for money borrowed, 20,400l. [Total] 259,429l.
. . . the arrearages 316,290l.
Memorandum, that we meddle not with the quarter growing charges between Christmas and Midsummer, (because we expect a more equality in the balance of his Majesty's estate in respect of our new improvements), saving for extraordinaries.— Undated.
Damaged. 2 pp. (124. 176.)
(2) The sum to be borrowed is 80,000l.
Money. Out of 43,000l. in money there was deducted 4,000l., so as the remain was 39,000l. The sum in money levied since is 8,000l. The total 47,000l.
Bonds assured. In bonds whereof we are assured by the farmers as follows: Alderman Spenser 4,000l.; Alderman Myddleton 3,000l.; Al.: Sir: [blank] 3,000l.; Ald: Some [Soame] 3,000l. The sum is 13,000l.
Total 60,000l.
Towards the sum of 20,000l. [there] remains in bonds promised to us and allowed by the City 7,500l. [There are] others called by the Lord Mayor which are certified able [to advance a sum] which amounts to 5,000l.; [but they] are recusants utterly to lend or give bond.—Undated.
In Salisbury's hand. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 195.)
[See p. 291 above, Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603—10, pp. 370, 415; Cal. S.P. Dom. Add., 1580—1625, p. 503.]
Edward Robinson to [the Council ?]
[1607]. Through my ignorance and simplicity in taxing the nation of the Scots in a sermon at Paul's Cross the 7th of June I have given just occasion of offence to his Majesty and the whole nation. In this my submission I acknowledge my true penitency, even to the death, that his Majesty should be so much offended by my blind and foolish ignorance, a Prince whom in heart I amazedly reverence; as also that any of the nation should so far be incensed against me, being not done upon any malice more to them than the English. I desire to be trod on as unsavoury salt if ever hereafter I shall so trespass. May it please you to solicit my suit to his Majesty for my enlargement.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 124.)
Ralph Robson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 or later]. The petitioner who comes from Cheshunt and has been a tenant of Salisbury and his father for thirty-five years prays to have the making of brick for Hatfield as he did at Theobalds.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1104.)
Sir Thomas Roe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. The fervour of this business has carried me beyond my discretion, and the fairest way is this confession, which your nobleness will therefore pardon. Give me leave to put you in mind that you are named (from whence I receive such heart) the patron to this most Christian and noble enterprise of plantation, a work [which] I hope may be a glory to your memory, though you have in it an end worthier yourself. It being agreed upon to send supply to those that are gone for the north parts of America, divers noblemen and gentlemen have sent in their money, and divers attend in person, enough to perform the project for this supply in both kinds. But there are some private ends among our company, which are so unjustly the stay of this that it receives daily such discredit that it is already called the cozening journey, and become a byword of all men. I would I had had any part but to complain, because it often savours of waywardness or spleen. I am guilty of neither, but raised with these considerations and the cause's goodness: that every man's reputation that has been seen in it suffers: that no man can give any account to their noble friends that have been drawn to adventure, but we must shamefully confess either we did not foresee the difficulty, or now that we have not the constancy to persevere. If this did not move us, yet should the commiseration of so many miserable people born in blindness, a conquest of souls, above the conquest of kingdoms: the honour and profit to our nation to make provincial to us a land ready to supply us with all necessary commodities naturally wanting to us; in which alone we suffer the Spanish reputation and power to swell over us. If these considerations be too remote, yet I think every man's conscience will tell him there is a piety to them that are there, gone upon promise of supply, or else exposed to a most unchristian and lamentable fortune. Here is no way but apparent ruin, except you will give some countenance to this action, and call for some account of it. I desire to attend your leisure to clear to your judgment these abuses and the justness of this complaint.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (124. 125.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Colleges at Cambridge.
[1607]. Amongst other things in the government of the University, I have with good contentment beheld in what quietness that body has stood for some late years in regard of former times through controversies then stirred up betwixt the University and the town, which good effect I cannot but in a great measure ascribe to your careful government; and I desire that all good means may be prosecuted that may avail to the continuance thereof. Amongst which means that cannot but be one of great moment that there be all good regard had of the choice of the Vice-Chancellor (which is wholly in yourselves). I give credit to the report made to me of the good endeavours of some late Vice-Chancellors in the service of that place. I will not so much cross the liberty of your own choice as to recommend any particular to your nomination; only this I desire, that if you do acknowledge that any man's former labours have been such as they ought to be for some beginning of a reformation of abuses, you would so dispose of your succedent elections that the ViceChancellorship may be cast on such men as you shall truly judge most like to prosecute all those good offices which any precedent Vice-Chancellor has begun. For which cause I would request those of greatest continuance and experience and worth amongst you (of whom I hear some have long declined that service) not to refuse if to the rest it shall seem expedient to impose it upon them. It cannot but be a welcome service to any good mind to labour in the clearing of that fountain from whence the public state derives those streams that must hereafter minister knowledge, religion and government to the whole realm. But I have not any distrust of any in this behalf and do only thus recommend my care hereof to you.—Undated.
Draft corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1607." 2¼ pp. (136. 188.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
[1607]. Although I perceive you do not conclude that I would anyways doubt of your respect to me, in which you should in truth believe amiss (which were a shrewd thing in our Metropolitan) yet the Secretary must take this liberty, because you have so much as doubted it, to say unto you O modicae fidei! quare dubitasti? And so much for an end of that scruple. Concerning the case of Mr. Gostlin in particular, I desire to appear in it as a Chancellor should do, not for any private end in hoc individuo but because I have been so remiss in many other particulars of the University, as I find by divers of my friends there that they conceive they have made but an ill choice of so cold a Chancellor; a fault which I will mend, or resign unto them that they have conferred upon me, esteeming it a great dishonour for me to become unworthy of that which so worthy persons have given me. I pray you therefore take that course which you have already thought of which is most proper for us both, namely that your lordship will please hold on your purpose to hear them; for less than that power I hope you think I shall never be willing to afford you. To forbear to declare your opinion how you incline, much less to determine it, I assure myself I need not entreat you because whatever I shall determine when I come to it may neither be found variable from your opinion which I reverence, nor from your judgment against which I would be sorry to go; though I must adventure it, if to my conscience that appear not reasonable which does to yours. To conclude, upon my credit the poor man neither by himself nor any for him did ever insinuate any such matter as might move me to think you had a thought to prejudice me. If they had, I should not have concealed it nor believed it. And so I pray you steadfastly believe of me that have a constant resolution to hold and deserve your worthy friendship by the kindest offices that lie in my power.—Undated.
Draft corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1607. My lord to the A.B. of Canterbury. Mynute." 1¼ pp. (136. 187.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1607]. (fn. 53) Two letters:—
(1) Such is the change I find in your hand from worse to better, as I am very much pleased with it, for I perceive you respect your own good, the rather because I tell you wherein it will consist, which is, next the service of God, in enriching yourself with learning and [with] those qualities which must enable you to express it. I confess the copies you sent me are like the hand of a scrivener, in which respect even this fashion of your own is more commendable. I would have you write your letter a little more leaning, and accustom yourself to write without rule, for that is like a child. Some omissions there are in your orthography, which you may amend, for I will [not] deny but many of your fellows in the University [? err] in that point. If this be your own inditement, then I will not doubt but you and I shall [? be] very good friends, for it pleases me very m[uch], only I am afraid if you should be examined in the Chancery whether it were all your own or no, I should find you had borrowed something elsewhere, which yet I account a venial sin. Commend [me] to Mr. Morrell, and tell Cass I understand by Mr. Mountagne how diligent he is in his kind.—Undated.
Signed. Mutilated. 1 p. (228. 16.)
[Cf. Salisbury's letter to Morrell below, pp. 465–6, and to his son on p. 131 above. Possibly Cranborne's letter of Dec. 9 (above p. 369) was written in reply.]
(2) I have heard by my Lady Catheryn [? Howard] you are willing to come up, and so I find by your own letters, which did not so much move me as her request, for she has been very earnest with me in it. I have heard you employ your time well, and mean to prepare for your commencement, and therefore shall like it well that you come up when you will.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (228. 18.)
[Cf. Salisbury's letter on p. 97 above.]
The Earl of Salisbury to the Earl of Derby.
[1607 (c. Oct.)]. He is informed by Ferdinando Heiborne, one of the grooms of the Privy Chamber, that Derby has granted the office of Porter of Chester Castle to Thomas Westorne, and that by pretence thereof the latter molests Heiborne in his office of Constable of the castle, by exhibiting a bill in the Exchequer at Chester against his deputy and underkeeper of the gaol for divers rooms belonging to the Constable where the prisoners lie; which rooms never Porter before enjoyed. Heiborne, an ancient servant of the late Queen, requests that he may quietly enjoy his office as his predecessors have done, and that Westorne may content himself to hold his office of Porter. This is agreeable to the late Queen's intention. He refers this reasonable request to Derby's consideration. "Your Lordship's loving uncle."—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "1607. Copy of my Lord's letter to my Lord of Darby." 1½ pp. (124. 141.)
[See p. 297 above.]
The Earl of Salisbury to the Earl of Dunfermline.
[1607]. This letter enclosed is sent from the Council to the Commissioners employed about the mine, from whom his Majesty would be very glad to receive some advertisement, with some opinions of that they find in the general, and whether there be any cause to change the directions which they had from hence; lest haply by their silence this prejudice might grow, that they find cause to do otherwise than they were directed, and yet forbear to advertise it; which if it should be so (as there is some cause to suspect if some reports be true which are come hither), you know how greatly it would disadvantage his Majesty's ends, which are to come to some such discovery by good demonstration as may either move him to engage himself in it, or to leave it to some other course of proceeding. Give me leave to speak thus much ingenuously, that although I have it by inheritance from my father to be naturally incredulous in those things, yet I have observed so much in this, and attribute so much to the fortune of my dear Sovereign, as I cannot hope meanly of that great benefit of which that part of the island makes so fair a proffer, as, if it be there, no man need despair but the cow will be as fat there as on this side Tweed. It has my wishes for more causes than one, and for the wealth least of any.—Undated.
Draft, in hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "Minute to the Earl of Dunfermeling. 1607." 1½ pp. (124. 45.)
[See pp. 103, 213, 235 above; cf. Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, 1604—7, pp. 446—7 and note 1.]
[The Earl of Salisbury] to the Lord Chancellor.
[? c. 1607]. Refers to the misunderstanding between the Lord Chancellor and the Earl of Derby. Howsoever he [the writer] expresses the care in this sort of those things which the Earl recommends to him, he never forgets those respects which are due to the Lord Chancellor as a magistrate and as his friend. An order has been made upon the bearer by the latter to show cause in the Chancery why he should not satisfy some of the debts of the old Earl of Derby. There is small reason for this, except it be that the creditors pick him out as a person least able to defend himself. Prays that, as the present Earl desires, he [the bearer] may not be detained longer than the Lord Chancellor finds cause, nor be prejudiced by reference to any other: "but be so censured by your lordship as my Lord my nephew may find that I am not careless of those things which may concern him."—Undated.
Draft. Damaged. Endorsed: "In the behalf of Mr. Doughtye." 2 pp. (P. 2234.)
The Earl of Salisbury to [?] Henry Hobart, Attorney General.
[1607]. Sir, you are so far from deserving blame in my conceit as you are to be thanked. In any case let the precedent be 20 marks, which is but 20 nobles more than their offer. I will pay. Sed hoc tibi soli, for it must be secret. Now, sir, if you had any wise fellow that verbally might go between Mr. Attorney and you, and so verbally dispatch the business, I would be glad. For your sickness, his business, and mine are so incompatible for dispatch of these things as time will be lost. If you will send for Packer first, and send him after to me, I will appoint the Attorney to call on me to-morrow morning and so settle the business, for I love not to be diverted for [sic] that which is opus laboris, having neither time nor stuff enough for the works of that which is called opus ingenii. Yet in that kind I am never weary. I pray you, cousin, make Packer acquainted with the particulars before he come to-morrow and believe that your health is wished by your affectionate friend and ally. (fn. 54)Undated.
Holograph. Addressed. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 81.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Lake.
Two letters:—
(1) [1607 (Oct.)]. Although I have little to write unto you and come this day from a long sitting at Whitehall, I would be loth his Majesty should want any answer, though it concern particular persons, when I can do it without prejudice to his own service, which I am resolved shall stay for no subject in England that is not a child of his body.
Concerning Lepton, I think his Majesty has taken a very good order not to examine equals by equals but to refer the matter till the coming of my Lord Sheffeild, till which time this may very well stay, for it will be within less than a month. (fn. 55) And if it should not, I shall be myself a remembrancer, for I wish his Majesty had means to gratify his servants out of much that is gotten out of the goose quill by clerks and attorneys.
Concerning the Lord d'Aubigny I will crave some time to acquaint my Lords with his suit, but I am glad to find his Majesty forbears to be hasty in any lands concerning Ireland. (fn. 56) For first there is nothing more sure than that titles are obscure in Ireland, which once transferred from the King with any shadow of wrong or severity serves for talk, where . . . [breaks off].—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1607. Minute to Sir Thomas Lake." 1 p. (194. 80.)
(2) [1607 (Nov. 24 ?)]. I had no sooner closed my other letter but I received a relation what had passed in Fuller's case. Because the chiefest work we had in hand as councillors was to provide for some such circumstances in the carriage of this cause as might both take away the conceit of passion in either of the parties, and might [extinguish any hope of lack of power in either of, struck out] keep afoot any gross opinions that each place had not a powerful jurisdiction: I will as shortly as I can, being called away to the trial of ore mined in St. James's' park, deliver you that which I have received summarily. Fuller was brought by the Warden of the Fleet to the King's Bench, where the assembly was never greater. The return being read, once in Latin and after in English, he was asked what he could say. Whereupon he said he must except to the return both in matter and form: in matter, because he did not say the words wherewith it charged him; secondly, if he did, it was by way of argument speaking for his client, which should have been expressed. Hereupon the Attorney stood up, and first desired the judges and all that stood by to observe with what decorum and punctual respect the High Commission had proceeded, who, receiving a consultation with some restriction, had set down some particulars in their warrant for his commitment; whereby it might appear they sought to preserve right without encroachment. In requital whereof, as he observed the judges' great care to diminish no part of that eminent authority which the Commission received from his supreme power to whom they were both subordinate, so now he was bold, rather out of duty and observation of the prisoner's rash and strange arguments, to beseech their lordships to let continue the same at this time; and so, turning to the prisoner, took the consultation out of his hand and the return, saying he would compare them both together, that the world might see his error. And so declared that for his exception to the truth of the certificate, his allegation was no way material, for the return contained a sentence, which sentence must receive credit with the judges against any other testimony and without distinction, seeing that which was returned did not differ from the limitation in the consultation. Hereupon the judges, every one with long professions how much it became them in duty to eschew any blemish to such a Commission, and with affirmation that he did speak words wherewith he was charged, for which they never made question whether he was to be punished or no, concluded with a direct condemnation of his fact, and so remanded him back again. To which he [Fuller] then did make reply that he was there without counsel, and therefore besought he might have a new day of hearing with his counsel. To which, for the better satisfaction in this great cause, which ending well the Commission shall receive honour by the exceptions, the judges said they would not refuse to yield, wondering much that he would add one fault to another, hoping rather to hear that he would make his absolute submission when he came again than take upon him such defences as rather aggravate than diminish his offences. The day given is Thursday [November 26], and his Majesty shall find his poor servants will be as watchful as they have been to give this cause a perfect conclusion.—Undated.
In hand of, and endorsed by, Salisbury's secretary, "Minute to Sir Thomas Lake from my Lord." 4½ pp. (124. 137.)
[Cf. references to Salisbury's reports on Fuller's case in Sir Thomas Lake's letters on pp. 338, 342—3 above.]
The Earl of Salisbury to the Countess of Lincoln.
[1607]. Having received from you so noble and kind a letter concerning the separation between my Lord Norris, your son, and my niece his wife, (fn. 57) (wherein nothing doth so well diminish my anxiety as the perfect knowledge I have that she suffers innocently), I were very rude and ungrateful to pass it over unacknowledged; especially because I find you not so much swayed by the rules of nature as to excuse your son by doing any wrong to his wife. To all which I will shortly return this answer, that although nothing could be more welcome to me than to see them brought together upon terms of love and honour from the discomfortable state wherein they live, yet I confess plainly that I am yet of opinion, with the rest of her best friends, to choose the least of two evils. As things now stand, the nine days wonder of their parting being past, and all honest minds sufficiently satisfied that my Lord's own bitter passions have only forced her and her friends to resolve of this retreat, the affliction which she endured in his house in every kind being past her patience to endure, we would be glad to see better hope of happy consequence by their coming together before we dare suffer ourself to be any instruments of the same. For as it was not any extraordinary greatness in my Lord's fortune whereof she stood in need when she was won to be his wife, so, until there be better cause to judge of his inward affections, those that love her do account her state much better and safer than it can be by her return, seeing experience teacheth that the best that she can expect must be to eat her bread in sorrow, as it falleth out in all these cases where all affections are dead and where only moral or politic respects do live.
And now, Madam, that I have showed you the true images of mine own mind in this matter I will express as truly my disposition to yourself for your so noble offer to interpose yourself; which is that you shall ever be assured of the best service I can do you.— Undated.
Copy. Endorsed: "1607. Copy of my Lord's letter, to the Countess of Lincoln." 1½ pp. (194. 74.)
Draft of the above with corrections by Salisbury. 2 pp. (124. 142.)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Roger] Morrell.
[1607]. Having sent down my son to you, I think it necessary to deal plainly with you what I find: wherein, though my expectation is deceived, yet it is not my meaning to free myself for being part of the occasion. I have cause to thank you for the general care of his estate, both in mind and body, having found some taste in his education of the respect you have had to instruct him towards God: the observation whereof, though it brings me comfort towards those other poor shows that appear of his progress in his moral studies, yet it may not stay me from seeking some remedy without using any further ceremony than to let you know that I see the effects in him of a principal tutor, full of years, and a second that has too few. When I look upon his years, and the time he has had to prosper, though I accuse myself of indiscretion for permitting him to lose so many days in harvest, yet must I conclude that if you had given yourself a little more to put him into the ways which men provide for such as he is, without tying him and yourself to the old and dry exercises, little better than the reading of Tullie's Epistles, or qui mihi discipulus: or if he whose younger years enabling him better to follow him, would have applied his mind to please him with the discourses of learning as with other things, whereby such as he often gather profit in times extraordinary as well as at the set hours of their lesson, it had not been possible for him to have made so little use of an University life. For first, he cannot speak six words in Latin, out of which language I expected you and he would seldom have discoursed. In any part of "storie" without book he is not able to show memory of 4 lines, neither is his manner of repeating anything like to those whom tutors teach to speak distinct and ornate. For his logic, a month would beget more knowledge than he has, in one of no greater capacity. If you say that his mind has affected other pleasant studies, either the mathematics, language, or that he has given himself to music [or] any other gentlemanlike quality, then must I answer you that I find no such thing, no, not so much as that he is able to write a fair hand. So I conclude that either the fault is in my suffering him to be out of the University, or in your neglecting him in the University, or in both. For the first I acknowledge it to have been a great cause; but it cannot excuse the other. I entreat you to require Cass under you to follow him in that method which I directed him: and yet [? you are] not to conceive that I give you less charge than you had for overseeing and directing his resort to the Chapel, to the Schools, and such other expense of time: nor yet would [? I] be understood to be otherwise disposed towards you than as to one in whom he has seen so good example for his manners, and avoiding vice or other infection to which ill company might have brought him. If your eye had not been a watch over him, it would have been much worse with him. I require you to let Cass know my pleasure by seeing this letter though I would not have you apply it to the discouragement of the boy.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1607. Minute to Mr. Morrel about the Lord Cranborne." 3 pp. (228. 14.)
[Cf. Salisbury's letter to his son, pp. 460–1 above.]
The Earl of Salisbury to Dr. Perse, Senior Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
[1607 (Oct. or Nov.)]. Having given a summary hearing to the cause of the late election of the new Master of that your college of Gunwell and Caius, but upon some due considerations being uncertain of the time of manifesting my judgment and further resolution thereupon, I have thought it meet to dismiss the company, as holding it fitter for them to attend their better studies and exercises in the University than with longer expense of time and charges here to wait on a cause which may receive his just censure and determination as well in their absence as otherwise. And for that it were very unfit while the question is in handling for the better disposing of the head that any detriment should be suffered to grow upon the body, which soon would come to pass by the neglect of order and government in such a society, I have thought good to require of you (according to the duty of your place and seniority in that College) the continuance and performance of those good offices which, I understand, you have hitherto executed since the death of the late Master, Dr. Legg: viz. as President to look to the good government of that house for all exercises of religion and learning, as well in public as in private, as also to undergo that due care which is requisite for all such other things as concern the well ordering of that college and society according to the ancient and laudable customs thereof.—Undated.
Copy. Endorsed in a later hand: "1607. Lord Salisbury to Dr. Perse about the election of a Master. First letter." 1½ pp. (136. 177.)
[Cf. pp. 309—10, 349—50 above.]
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir John Smythe.
[1607 (Between March 25 and May 16)]. By your letter I find you have been informed that I have wronged you, as well before as since the King came to the Crown, towards the clearing whereof it seems you would be glad to receive so good a satisfaction as the loan of 300l. from myself, and to persuade his Majesty to forgive you a debt of 600l.; upon obtaining whereof you promise to speak well of me in all places where you shall have occasion to use my name. These being, as I take it, your own words, shall receive this answer, which I expect you will well interpret as you ought, seeing I am so well content to bear with so strange a style. First you must know I have had so many of these complaints from men which feel necessity, as I do for the most part rather bear with their weakness, than by any sharp replies seek to increase their passion. And therefore although the number of your years and misfortunes may have transported you further than you needed (except you had better ground than common fame), yet for truth's sake I am content for your better satisfaction to assure you I never spake of you but as a gentleman that has served my late Sovereign of precious memory with good commendation. If (when you were called in question upon the disorder in Essex) my showing myself as became my place has left any discontentment in you, I must truly say that although I have God for witness that I was sorry for your misfortunes, yet I will always have the world a witness that in all cases where duty must only direct me, no second respect shall make me show affection.
Concerning any suit of yours, that I ever detracted from your person or would have sought to stay his Majesty's goodness in any reasonable matter, those that had the reference of your suits (being better men than myself) do know the contrary. Therefore it appears strange to me why you, to whom I have performed thus much, should not rather profess thankfulness than fall to expostulate, much less to expect any supply out of my private, from whom you can challenge nothing but ordinary courtesy; or if there had been or were any nearer respects between us, you must know that you have taken a wrong way to procure a good turn by challenging me for any evil. Nevertheless because I know you are a gentleman bred in Courts always professing to know the difference between rude and civil questions and answers, I will leave you only now to censure yourself by your own judgment, being so much master of my own thoughts and words as no man's error or passion can make me forget myself in anything which honour or charity ought to afford. In which only considerations I am content to assure you that you shall never find me in my public quality seek[ing] to hinder the King' bounty, nor in my private person any other than as I was, your friend if you deserve not the contrary.—Undated.
Draft, with corrections by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (124. 154.)
[See pp. 76, 132 above.]
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [Ulrich, Duke of Holstein].
[1607 (late)]. . . . had not weighed at how many pound weight the K. of Spain doth rate the peace. Yet I cannot say to myself that this is like to prove a peace of no more continuance than your late Hungarian truce; of all which, though I have thus presumed to empty my sack to you, to whose person and rank I know the passages of these things are not unknown, yet I doubt not of your pardon because you know that all my boldness rises from the seeds of your favour.
Towards the 2 kings this is their [the United Provinces'] proceeding, [to declare] that they cannot subsist in war without it please them [the Kings] to join with them in a [league, war with Spain, struck through] royal assistance of men and money to which the Fr[ench] K[ing] utterly opposeth; of which strange propositions, as things stand, your H[ighness] can right well make this application how they teach to deny qui injusta petunt. (fn. 58) And thus much for that.
I have also sent you his Majesty's proclamation upon the accident of their becoming fugitives [the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell] which are named, of whose quality and intention that will give you notice. (fn. 59) Only thus much I think it my part [to tell you], seeing I do understand by Mr. Ryder that you desire to hear of our occurrents, that by these men's departures much more quiet will be left for the King and means to plant civility instead of barbarism than ever could have been if they had tarried, for such is the state of that kingdom (as his Majesty hath now reinforced it) as without a foreign force his little army would suppress all intestine rebellion. And for any force as yet, I think we have reason to believe no prince will be hasty to declare himself. Having now delivered what I know of foreign things, the rest shall only serve (fn. 60) that it was my chance to find his Majesty a little distasted that you had recommended one unto him against whom his Majesty hath cause to be offended concerning his disobedience in the ministry, wherein surely men (otherwise honest) are both singularly and factiously opposed, even to the prejudice and danger of all monarchy, which your Highness knows is contrary to parity. So was it also my fortune to observe how justly and respectfully he interpreted your recommendation all which may only serve (fn. 60) to let your H. know that you have so good place in his Majesty's heart as you should wrong yourself and I should show myself an idiot, if you should conceive that you had any need of such an advocate or I should offer to you so vain an office, assuring your H. (and that I speak of knowledge) that you are to the K. my master multis nominibus charissimus. Be pleased therefore to value all things rightly and then may you conclude that his Majesty will no sooner have use of a friend but he will say Adam ubi es?—Undated.
Imperfect corrected draft in the handwriting of one of Salisbury's secretaries. 3½ pp. (194. 88.)
[Cf. Part XVIII of this Calendar, pp. 33, 235—7 and Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603—10, p. 499.]
A Scottish ship seized in France.
[1607]. Monsieur de Villars, Governor of Newhaven in France [Havre], took during the last wars a ship laden with wines belonging to Scottish merchants, two of whom, Anderson and Williamson, sued him many years for the same in the Courts at Paris. At his Majesty's accession and at the instance of Sir Thomas Parry, the French King gave them 6,000l. to be paid at several terms upon the Receipt of his Finances; since when one of the Treasurers there, named du Tens, paid to them a great part of the money. Others of the merchants, Hamleton and Martin, now demand the money again, and call the Treasurer in question before the Council there for paying it to Anderson and Williamson. The Treasurer desires that his Majesty's Ambassador there may be written to, to speak to M. de Sillery to stay the proceedings against him till both Councils are better informed of the matter, especially since he paid the money to Anderson and Williamson bona fide, thinking they would pay every one of their partners his portion.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607. Sir Thomas Parry." 1 p. (124. 109.)
[Cf. p. 224 above.]
Lord Scrope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. He has had a suit to the King ever since the latter's arrival in England. Such small leases as his house enjoyed of the King's predecessors the Lord Treasurer has passed away to others over his head, notwithstanding his promise to the contrary. His brother of Hunsdon and Sir Robert Cary obtained their suits of the same nature long ago. He only is forgotten. He will adventure the motion once more to the King if Salisbury will give it furtherance.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 147.)
[Cf. p. 259 above.]
John Servant to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607 or later]. For himself and other inhabitants of Kirkby Malzard. They have been used to do suit and service at the court of Kirkby Malzard, being the inheritance of the Earl of Derby, but three years past were required by Sir Stephen Proctor to appear at his court at Fountains, Yorkshire. Prays for examination of the cause and relief, and satisfaction for his mare, worth 20 nobles and formerly distrained by Sir Stephen. Otherwise they shall be forced for their peace and quiet to appear and do their services at his court only.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 889.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603—1610, p. 120.]
Douglas, Lady Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. I have passed my life with many afflictions, and now when I hoped to end my days in peace I have a new cross fallen upon me. I have been called on by Sir William Flitwode, receiver of the Court of Wards, for 330l. owing by Master Stafford for rent of some of my son Sheffield's lands during his minority; which was strange to me, having never heard it called in question for 27 or 28 years that I was first married to Master Stafford, (fn. 61) during which he might have taken some good course to discharge it. I, poor widow, have not any means to pay it, for I neither have dowry nor jointure, and the little I have is merely out of my son's good disposition, which he need not pay me. I hope it is not unknown to you how little I was bettered by my match with Master Stafford, who left no estate and had all his goods seized for his debt to the King, so as I was constrained to borrow a bed of one of my servants to lie upon, and am at this day beholden to friends for most of the goods in my house. Besides I have no jewels or plate to sell to satisfy this debt, for most of them were taken by the Leaguers in France, and the rest, a few pearls, Master Stafford made use of, and I not able to redeem them, lying yet in pawn but for 4l. Be a means that I may not be charged with this debt, which I am no way able to pay. "Your most humble poor kinswoman."—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 148.)
Sheriff Hutton Castle and Park.
[1607]. Two papers:—
(1) Thomas Curwen, William Reskymer, Lawrence Ecclesfilde, Charles Brandon, Robert Constable, and William Pyckeringe had successively the stewardship and constableship of the castle of Sheriffhutton, and the office of "palliciatur" and keeper of the park, with herbage and pannage, and the fees thereunto belonging, and had the same offices by patent for term of life. Now Frauncis Hildesley has the stewardship and constableship for life. William Read had the offices of "palliciatur" and keeper of the park by patent during pleasure which is since revoked and now Thomas Weldon has the same for life. (fn. 62) After Brandon's decease one Pollard was admitted tenant to the late Queen of the herbage and pannage for the payment of 8l. 13s. by the year and so continued whilst Lord Burghley was President. May it therefore please your Honour to show unto me such favour as the equity of my cause may admit.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (119. 168.)
(2) Answers by [Lord Sheffield] to [? the above] objections. It is true that Thomas Curwin, William Reskymer, Lawrence Ecclesfeild, Charles Brandon, Robert Constable, and William Pickering by patent enjoyed the stewardship and constableship of the Castle of Sheriffe Hutton, and the offices of "palliciatur" and keeper of the Park. Pickering assigned the same to the Earl of Huntingdon my predecessor, (fn. 63) who continued the same till his decease. It is true that Sir Francis Hildesleye has the stewardship and constableship with my allowance: [he] otherwise refusing ever to have sought the same, for he knew my predecessors have had the nomination of men to these places. I never heard of William Reade, who is named to have had those places. Thomas Weldon has of late got these offices under the Great Seal, by very indirect courses and has exhibited his bill into the Court of Exchequer for the mesne profits against my servant who exercises the same for me; which bill is this day appointed to be cast out of the Court. Pollard has always held the herbage and pannage of the President not of the Queen. The places are given me by the King's instructions, by which I hold my place, and whether it shall please him to make another grant thereof, as thinking I have too great allowance, I must refer to his consideration.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 82.)
Sir Thomas Sherley [the elder].
[1607]. Two papers:—
(1) Rents service. Rents secke. Rents charge. Feefarms. Annuities. Tenths. Pensions. Portions. Corodies. Stipends. Annual payments. Rents reserved upon leases made of lands called custody lands.
[In margin opposite the above list]: The Scottish gent[lemen] have all these kind which stand not in charge before any auditor; the arrearages of them which may be for 20, 30, 40 or 50 years, paying 600l. per ann. Sir Thomas Sherley has a fourth part of these, his Majesty's rent of 600l. first deducted, and so thereby contributory 150l. of the same, so as his Majesty's rent of 600l. will not be chargeable out of their part above the sum of 450l.
Licences and pardons of alienations which have not been paid since the beginning of the Queen Elizabeth, whereof there is no record.
[In margin opposite]: Sir Thomas Sherley has only this kind, and can take but one year's rent only at the most for a fine, paying 400l. per ann. and so much more yearly as has been paid in any one year of the late Queen for estates for life, whereupon there is some rent reserved.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 149.)
(2) Warrant granting to Sir Thomas Sherley two-thirds of all unrecorded fines for alienations since the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth which he shall discover at his own expense within the next 15 years. Conditions detailed as to compositions and assessment of fines. Sherley to pay a yearly rent of 1,000l. and certain profits specified; and he and his eldest son Sir Thomas Sherley the younger to be bound for payment thereof.— Undated.
Signed: T. Dorsett, Salisbury, Julius Caesar. Contemporary certified by Richard Locksmith. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (124. 153 (2).)
Sir Thomas Sherley [the elder] to the Council.
[1607]. Petition for a grant for twenty-one years of the office of discovering alienations of the King's lands held in capite by knight service with such authority to send forth process and make compositions for such alienations as is now used in the office of Alienations, where he would also have the power to appoint one or more clerks for the purpose: he is to be allowed to take unto his own use the benefit of so much as he shall find out. Offers also to take a lease for twenty-one years at a yearly rent of 1,200l. to be paid to the King of the office of discovering all rents and pensions due to the Crown, the said Sir Thomas to have all arrears of the same during the said term. Submits himself to their pleasure if they should think it better to refuse the offer of a certain rent and to apportion to his Highness instead a part of such moneys as Sherley will recover.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607. The true copy of Sir Thomas Shirley's petition touching the alienations, etc." 1 p. (194. 94.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 327, 380, 406 and pp. 220, 389–90 above.]
Sir Thomas Sherley [the younger] to the King.
[1607 (spring or summer)]. The profit that may be raised to your Majesty out of the Jews is different three manner of ways. First, I entertained them with a promise to become a suitor to your Majesty for privilege for them to inhabit in Ireland, seeking to draw them thither, because doubtless their being there would have made that country very rich, and your Majesty's revenue in Ireland would in short time have risen almost to equal the customs of England. For, first, they were willing to pay your Majesty a yearly tribute of two ducats for every head; and they, being most of them merchants, would have raised great customs where now are none; and they would have brought into the realm great store of bullion of gold and silver by issuing of Irish commodities into Spain, which will be of high esteem there considering their natures, viz. salted salmons, corn, hides, wool and tallow; of all which there will be great abundance if once the people give themselves to that industry, which doubtless they will do as soon as they find that their labours will procure them money.
2. The second course is to give them privilege to be and inhabit in England, and have synagogues, and for that I suppose I could have drawn them to pay a greater annual tribute for every head, because their chief desire is to be here.
3. But sith your Majesty (like a most zealous and religious Christian prince) is not pleased that they should have any synagogue within any of your dominions, there is a third course to be taken with them, which is this: they must give your Majesty a fine for leave to trade for so much the year, within any of your ports. This I know they will purchase at a high rate when they see that they can obtain no more. I saw a precedent of this at Naples this summer passed, because the Jews being banished out of all the King of Spain's dominions they desired leave to trade for 500,000 ducats the year only within the kingdom of Naples, for 5 years, and to have their bodies and goods secured; and for this they gave to the King 100,000 ducats. Now you may if you please give licence for much more, and there is no synagogue allowed in this kind.
You shall reap many extraordinary commodities out of the Jews, besides the customs and fines. And the first and greatest is that if the Eastern Jews once find that liking of your countries which I am sure they will, then many of them of Portugal (which call themselves Morani and yet are Jews) will come fleeing hither, and they will bring more wealth than all the rest; and by them the most part of the trade of Brazil will be converted hither: wherein your Majesty may give the King of Spain (who is your secret enemy) a greater blow in peace than Queen Elizabeth of glorious memory did with all her long and tedious war. The King of Spain cannot justly "accept" against this; and if he do, he knows not how to mend it.
The second commodity will be that if your Majesty shall have any occasion to be at a great extraordinary charge, you may at any time borrow a million of the Jews with great facility, where your merchants of London will hardly be drawn to lend you 10,000l. There is experience of both: one, in your Majesty, for the Londoners; the other in the Duke of Mantua for the Jews. His estate is one of the least of all Italy, and therefore cannot contain the tenth part of those Jews that may very well be in your dominions, by privilege of trade only, without a synagogue; and yet once in three years he picks 300,000 or 400,000 crowns out of his Jews. The Duke of Savoy were not able to maintain his estate without their help and the benefit he reaps by them.
Daily occasions will be offered to make greater commodities out of them if once you have hold of their persons and goods. But at the first they must be tenderly used, for there is great difference in alluring wild birds and handling them when they are caught; and your agent that treats with them must be a man of credit and acquaintance amongst them, who must know how to manage them, because they are very subtile people. The politique Duke of Florence will not leave his Jews for all other merchants whatsoever.—Undated.
Unsigned, in Sherley's hand. Endorsed: "1607. Sir Tho. Sherley's project for Jews." 3½ pp. (124. 152.)
Sir Thomas Sherley [the younger] to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1607 (Sept.)]. The meaning of "engines to batter" was all the forcible arguments I could use to distaste the State here from continuing the used trade with the Turk, (fn. 64) which was as I supposed to be done by plainly declaring the manifold abuses and indignities daily offered to his Majesty's imperial diadem and dignity by the English in those Eastern parts; and to that end I purposed to have written a book in English, of which I have already drawn some heads. The foundation laid was by the reports made by myself since my coming home, seconded by Bashadony's letter, which I answered by your lordship's order. Since, having received no answer from him, I have written twice or thrice, spurring him on to hasten his particular discovery. So vehemently did my desires burn to see a disposition in his Majesty to break with the Turks. My offence in this was ignorance, not want of duty, loyalty or love. For first I held it no fault to write to a man living in a State in amity with his Majesty; secondly, I esteemed I might write anything so long as I discovered no secrets of State; thirdly, I thought there was no undutifulness in seeking to withdraw his Majesty's amity from any upon just cause proved. I reputed it a thing capital and wicked to seek to withdraw any man's affection from his Majesty, which I never did. I had hope to effect this because I saw your lordship did much mislike that the English sent powder and munition to the Turks, and without selling wares of those natures to them I know the trade will not stand, so great is the gain they make in that kind, in respect of other commodities. (fn. 65)
Touching my naming the States agents, ambassadors, I do not remember well whether I did it in two, three or four letters, that is to my brother, Cavalliero Pallarinne, Mr. Tracye, and one Hebrun a Scot; and therein as I remember I said that this new treaty had given the States a great honour, for since the King of Spain had allowed them to be a free State of themselves, their agents were received now here as ambassadors, which they were never before; and that I imagined that the peace would proceed in the Low Countries, because his Majesty was purposed to send Sir Thomas Parry and Sir Rauffe Wynnewoodde to the Archduke to treat about it; wherein I was deceived. I hoped that I might as safely write this, (being a public thing, and a matter rather to please than offend any) as to bid one "God morrowe" in a letter; and I presumed that I might as freely write to such friends as I have abroad as merchants and all other men do. Neither did I ever write anything unfit to be known from hence, as your lordship may easily gather by those letters I wrote by Starkie.
I wrote by Waymouthe to recommend him to the Duke of Florence's service, which I did in two respects, the one to do the poor man good, the other because he should not serve the King of Spain, from whose service I dissuaded him. I commended him to my brother, if he should chance to cross upon him in his way; but I gave him (Waymouthe I mean) caution to avoid meeting my brother as much as he could, because my brother is so much hated by the Duke as Waymouthe would be the worse welcome to the Duke if he knew that he had spoken with my brother. This I supposed I might do, because Weymouthe had leave to seek his fortunes abroad, and I thought I did well to lodge such a man in a place where his service could not hurt here, and [to] stay him from bestowing himself where his abode might prejudice more.
I wrote one letter to Sir Robert Dudley, (fn. 66) but I cannot call to mind by whom I sent it. I have also written one letter to Ottaviano Bona, the ambassador "resient" for the Venetians in Constantinople. All these I forgot on the sudden when I was examined on Tuesday before your lordships, which I would never have concealed if I had remembered them.—Undated.
Unsigned, in the hand of Sir Thomas Sherley. Endorsed: "1607. Sir Tho. Sherley." 3 pp. (124. 150.)
[Cf. pp. 243, 252–3 above.]
[1607 (June)]. Case of the mayor and burgesses of Southampton, who desire that part of a charter granted them by Henry VI concerning foreign buying and foreign selling, may be confirmed by Act of Parliament.
They are moved because, notwithstanding they have quietly enjoyed the same liberty ever since the said grant and not only undergo all offices as of mayor, etc., but also maintain the poor of the town and at their very great charge uphold the walls of the town, the gates, portcullises, towers, bulwarks, ordnance, powder and other defensive munition, and pay his Majesty 50l. yearly fee farm, yet of late years sundry covetous persons, not free of the town, have sent their factors and apprentices thither, have set up shops and keep warehouses there and sell both in gross and by retail; lying in wait whilst the townsmen are busy about public affairs, and intercept from them many good bargains, to the great discouragement of the inhabitants from undergoing any public service or almost to dwell there.
The abuse is so general that the inhabitants of the town can scarce get apprentices to serve them. Any man of discretion will be unwilling to bind his son apprentice where every man shall be as free as he, when he has served out his time.
The Bill received no opposition in the Lower House but by the citizens of London, who have the like grant themselves but cannot be content that any other town besides themselves should enjoy any liberty.
They pretend that they had a charter enabling them to be free throughout all the kingdom to buy and sell where they pleased without restraint. This, when it came to be shown in the Lower House of Parliament proved to be nothing but a freedom of tollage and other petty duties which Southampton has always granted them.
They were heard by their learned counsel in the Lower House above two hours, (fn. 67) and their desire now to be heard proceeds not of any further matter they have to show but only to protract time, seeing the Parliament is like to receive a speedy conclusion, hoping that by delays the Bill may fall asleep and die.
If it shall be said that [if the Bill is passed] all strangers hereupon will forsake the town, it may be answered that there are four fairs in the year free for all men, which do endure four days apiece.
The chief reason that moves the inhabitants of Hampton now to become petitioners for this Act is that one John Davis, a merchant of London, "set up" by reprisalling and by bargains he bought in Hampton of reprisal goods, having bought fifteen hundred poundsworth of goods of certain mariners in Hampton; which [when] the Mayor seized on as being foreign bought and foreign sold, Davis cunningly made means to the Mayor for restitution of his goods (which the Mayor had no purpose to withhold from him but only to make him know his fault) and offered the Mayor 50l. to be bestowed on the town walls or on the poor or any such good use. This the Mayor accepted, restored him his goods, and gave him 10l. thereof back again. But the said Davis, as soon as the said Mayor was out of his mayoralty, began a suit against him for his 40l.; in defence whereof he has held the town in law this five or six years and caused them to spend at least 200l. in defence of the Charter. This cause yet continues in the King's Bench undetermined. In the Bill petitioned for there is liberty left for all men to buy for the provision of their houses all manner of merchandize of any person. There is also a general liberty to all men to buy salt and seafish without any limitation.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607. A breviate for the town of Southampton for foreign buying and foreign selling." 1⅓ pp. (194. 92.)
[The charter was confirmed by the Act, 4 Jac. I, cap 10 (1606– 7). See Statutes of the Realm, IV, p. 1148.]
Decree of the King of Spain.
[1607]. Decree of the King of Spain with the assent of the Cortes, for the raising of 1,000,000 ducats a year; 600,000 ducats for the payment of interest on the King's debts, and 400,000 ducats for the repayment of the principal.—Undated.
Copy. Spanish. Endorsed: "1607." ¾ p. (124. 157.)
Sir John Stafford to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Expressed his thanks to Salisbury for having not only graced him above his desert, but relieved him beyond all expectation in a case of such extremity as none but charitable dispositions undertake them.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (124. 158.)
[See p. 153 above].
Lord Stanhope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (autumn)]. He hopes no neglect of duty will be imputed to him for his absence, which is for reasons of health. Begs to know when Sir Oliver Lamberde returns, (fn. 68) because by him he would return answer to the letters he received by Lamberde out of Ireland; also to know whether there be anything more known of Tyron[e]. They hear there that the "aggradatyon" [agreation] is come from Spain in such manner as was expected.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 159.)
Students of the Civil Law.
[? 1607]. Petition to the King that some provision may be made for the better encouragement of students of the civil laws, whose discouragements have been so many and their hopes of late years of competent means to live by so small, that the profession is like to be wholly mined and neglected and the church and commonwealth in short time deprived utterly of the service of such men. He is begged to appoint some of his Privy Council to take knowledge of the grievances conceived by those that profess that law.—Undated.
Copy. Endorsed [in a later hand ?]: "1607." 1 p. (188. 24.)
William Style to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. For the wardship of the son of George Franckelin a gentleman of Bolnherste, Beds, his brother-in-law, who lies very dangerously sick and has seven children, the oldest son being within six months of his full age.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 91.)
The Earl of Suffolk and the Earl of Salisbury to the Lord Admiral [the Earl of Nottingham].
[1607]. We have had an unpleasant work in seeking to conclude a bargain between your lordship and the Earl of Arundel. Both of you are persons much loved by us both and yet not without some distinctions, because the one of us is near in blood to you both and in friendship, the other only in friendship. This we write to prevent mistaking in either of you for whom we deal of the manner of our proceedings in this particular. We will therefore now descend thus far as to compare your several offers, one with another, and all of them with that which first drew us both to deal in such a business, which was to increase all dear friendship between your two lordships. Concerning your offer to give 2,000l. for the [Dowager] Countess of Arundel's estate and the Lord's [Er (? Earl's) written over] contentment, as your offer is to be valued in point of profit, it is a great offer for my Lady's time; but as the case stands, in those respects which move the Earl of Arundel to seek this house, we cannot entertain it; because his lordship does not seek Arundel House because it is a house, but because it is a mark of his Majesty's disfavour that in this time that house, whereof the Queen made no advantage, has been given away, when he had both your lordship and so many other of his house in so great favour with the King. To which we must also add that it bears his name and is in the eye and heart of this kingdom.
For the second point, we hold it just and never intended otherwise than to make it visible to his Majesty that you had parted from your profit, whensoever you should have been contented to have taken our offer. Therefore for your satisfaction we are contented to acknowledge ingenuously that if we were to make this bargain between two persons no way disposed to any respect, but of the values of things of this nature, we would deliver our opinion that he that had the inheritance of that house and tenement for his money, only should pay 6,000l., all those circumstances considered by which such things become dearer or cheaper. On the other side we must take this liberty to declare that those respects considered which drew your lordship to be contented that we should treat of this matter and deliver what we thought might concur with them, we cannot move the Earl of Arundel to come to that price ["to pay more than 4,000l." struck through]. Thus has your lordship as much as for the present we think fit, considering the sufficiency of this bearer.—Undated. (fn. 69)
Draft in the hand of one of Salisbury's secretaries. Endorsed: "1607. M. to the Lo. Admirall from the E. of Suffolke and my Lord." 2 pp. (194. 78.)
The Earls of Suffolk, Worcester, Northampton and Salisbury to the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treasurer, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
[1607 (August)]. His Majesty, having read your letter directed to us and observed the care you have taken, returns his gracious thanks, adding that seeing you are so good hunters there after the fat wethers that walk in fat pastures, he is sorry to be no nearer to you than he is, that he may send you some fat stags and bucks for your labour.
Concerning sending down commissions [for depopulation], he has signed the warrant, by which you may make a facsimile. Concerning the doubt conceived to send any into Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire, although we have informed him how carefully the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas has dealt in his circuit for the prosecution of such offenders, yet we find his Majesty so desirous, when he publishes his purpose to do anything in point of reformation, that his after proceedings should agree punctually with his words, as he can better like to have it appear in those three shires that he sends particular commissioners at this time, than only to rely upon the ordinary course of Justices of Assize, whereof the people hitherto have felt small fruits; though his Majesty himself, whom he seeks no more to satisfy than them, has cause to believe that the Lord Chief Justice putting his mind and hand to it, as he perceives he has done, may have wrought the same effect that this particular commission shall or any other that can succeed. Yet his Majesty can like it better for this one time to appear particularly in the same, and therefore wishes the course may hold in all places alike. For this purpose with as much expedition as you can expect from these quarters where we live not very regularly, we send you a warrant for the Commissioners, and a Privy Seal for their allowance, by which it will appear that the distribution is referred likewise to your discretion.
Concerning the matter of jurors, the King wants that we shall ever think ourselves happy when we can join with you in any course to repair them; only because all projects tending to that purpose appear commonly best at the first sight, and because this is a time when the best devices are subject to ill interpretation, we suspend the execution thereof until we may meet at Windsor, and once again lay our heads together before it go to the press, intending not to extinguish the same, but to reform and polish it in some things which we find most necessary by reason of sundry accidents which have happened in the Judges' circuits.
This place affords us now so little to write of but the goodness of the air as we will trouble you no longer but with our good wishes that you had less cause to breathe in London streets.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1607." 2½ pp. (124. 145.)
[See pp. 220, 223 above.]
Thomas Sutton to Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor, and the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. I understand his Majesty is possessed by Sir John Harington that I intend to make the Duke of York my heir: whereupon his Highness purposes to bestow the honour of a baron upon me: whereof I never harboured the least thought or proud desire. Now I am going to my grave, to gape for honour might be counted mere dotage in me. This knight has been often tampering with me to that purpose, to whom I made that answer as, if he had had due regard, he would never have engaged himself in this business so egregiously to delude his Majesty and wrong me. My suit is that, having never given Sir John nor any man either promise or semblance thereof nor intended to do any such act, but on his motions [I] grew into utter dislike with him for such idle speeches, you will inform his Highness aright how things have proceeded without my privity, and that my trust is he will not conceit the worse of me for other men's follies; but that I may have liberty to dispose of my own as his other loyal subjects. —Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 162.)
[Printed in extenso in W. Haig Brown Charterhouse past and present (1879), p. 43.]
Information about Matthew Tully alias Flood.
[1607]. First during a whole year or thereabouts before the blowing up of the Parliament House should have been acted, this Mathew Tully alias Flood was altogether here about Court daily, and lay in London. In Lent was last two years I came to buy commodities to London, at which time I brought him a letter from my sister his wife, whom he had married unknown to all her friends, he having another [wife] contracted before witnesses who still lives. Bringing this letter, he, professing me great goodwill, often entreated my company, with whom I had oftentimes gone to the Marshalseas where Sir Florence McCartye lay prisoner, with whom in private he had oftentimes conference, not in my presence. And we being at supper with some others in the house of one Cowling, a cook on Fleet Bridge, I greatly commended the Lord McCarty to be a very proper man in person, and wise withal. He answered closely to me he would not for 1,000l. that I shall acquaint any with his being there, for if it were known to some it might danger his life. I answered, "God forbid that to see a prisoner that was not close kept might hazard a man's life." "Well," said he, "in regard you know not what the danger to me is, above all others, let me request you will conceal that ever I had any access to him."
Further, every week he was supplied with good store of gold of 20s. pieces of our King's coin. And I said to him I thought he had some friendly mint. He answered he had it of certain country gentlemen; and, as I take it, their meeting was about Temple Bar. Also he was very great with the Spanish Ambassador that then was here, he that was the chief postmaster of Spain; he was highly in his favour.
Then I had ended my business, and being ready to go homeward he sent a letter to my sister, who came hither to see him, but he was gone hence into Flanders and Spain before she came. And when I went hence in Whitsun holidays he told me he might continue here no longer than till about the beginning of October, which was a month before this treason of the powder should have been effected, and said if either myself did return or my sister come it must be before the first of October; which she did or thereupon, but he was gone, and she returned back again. (fn. 70)
If he be taken prisoner, as I hear he is, and God grant that all such may have like surcease, then can he reveal much secrets of the state of Spain, and their determinations concerning England and Ireland. If he be not taken wheresoever he do live, if I get once out of this place I will do service that shall deserve commendation.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607. Duff, information of Matthew Tully alias Flood an Irishman, about the powder treason." 1½ pp. (124. 44.)
[Cf. Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 397.]
[John Tuttoff] to [? Richard] Percival.
[1607]. Coming by St. Thomas on Monday last I met with one Willde or Willdes, an English merchant as I took him, who came with me to Calais, and by the way he told me of one that was come over which if he could be apprehended he could bewray great matters, for he has lately come from Rome and has been in great consultation with the Jesuits in those parts of the Low Countries, who have dealt very liberally with him at his coming away, which was the 20th inst. from Calais. The party is very tall, not corpulent, his head something whiteish, little hair or none of his face and his legs great, of the age of 24 as he guessed him to be, and his Christian name Arthur. I enquired of the officers at Dover, who assured me he came not thither, but that he is come along. Good Mr. Percevell, acquaint my Lord with this. He is a notable fellow, and great pity he should not be apprehended.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1607. Mr. Tuttoff, concerning Arthur Jenson," followed by incomplete jottings in Salisbury's hand and the following names: "Creswel, Persons, Anthony Sta[n]den, Dormer, a recusant, Edm[und] Baynha[m]"; also this note: "Fr[ench] K[ing] affecteth the empire by the way of Rome to balapce [sic] K[ing] of Spaine." ½ p. (124. 163.)
Bridget, Countess of Tyrconnell to the King.
[? 1607]. Praying his Majesty to assist her in her misfortune, and denying all complicity in her husband's ungrateful behaviour. (fn. 71)Undated.
Petition. ½ p. (197. 98 (7).)
Hugh, Earl of Tyrone to the King.
[? 1607 (c. June)]. Beseeching his Majesty to refer the consideration of his humble requests to certain of his Privy Council, and to allow him some learned counsel to inform their lordships of the state of his causes.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (197. 98 (8).)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606—8, pp. 194, 232, 244.]
Interrogatories for [William] Udall.
[1607]. Where it is said that in the Queen's time there was an offer made to the French king for this Crown, Udall is to explain by what persons this offer was made, to whom, and upon what conditions. How he knows there is a book for the French King's title, by what means he was able to have delivered it, and what persons in England were privy to the writing and publishing of it. What persons they were to whom the French King [said ?], "if his bastard might not have the Crown of England etc.": and by what means he knew of it. What persons were privy to the employment of the priests to the French Ambassador at Rome, for other purposes than for difference between the Jesuits and the priests. Who told him that the French Ambassador in England dealt with some principal Englishmen to raise forces for the French; and who these Englishmen were. Where he speaks of an exploit intended upon the King's person at his first reception, Udall to be examined thereon. How he knows that the French plot is yet intended and waits but for opportunities. Which of the Lords that crossed and disgraced him at the Council table have specially dealt with the French. Udall to be constrained to make known by what authors and means this discovery is to be performed.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 164.)
The Unicorn of Middleboro [Middelburg].
[1607]. Statement respecting the Unicorn of Middleboro, laden at Dort in July 1606, by Francis Dedham of Ipswich and others and taken by a ship of Dunkirk on her voyage to Ipswich while between the Naze and Harwich. Gamel owned and Massannier commanded the Dunkirker. Particulars of the affair are said to appear in depositions taken in the Admiralty, 6 August and 5 November 1606.
Article 7 of the treaty of 11 April 1564, article 16 of the treaty of 18 August 1604, and the proclamation of 1 March 1605 are quoted. The goods claimed by Dedham were taken contrary to the proclamation, viz. within musket shot of the shore and far within the points of the lands, which is expressly prohibited.— Undated.
Signed by and in the hand of Sir Thomas Crompton. Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (124. 20.)
The United Provinces.
[1607]. Two papers:—
(1) (c. Nov.). Considerations concerning the League proposed by the States.
The League to be defensive only, against any hostility or invasion of any Prince or State whatsoever, for any occasion; but not to be extended to an offensive, that is, if the one make war abroad, not to engage the other by it.
This League defensive conditionally to take place only so far forth as this peace or longer truce be concluded which is now in speech betwixt Spain, the Archdukes and the States; and not otherwise.
This League to be particular (if it may be) betwixt his Majesty and the States in one instrument, and that of France and the States in another, because of many interests of debts and otherwise, which are particular betwixt his Majesty and the States.
But if this particular League be rejected, then to be a general League betwixt his Majesty, the French King and the States, and all and several their countries and dominions.
The manner of assisting one another to be in general words only (if so it may be) by water and land with men, money and all other necessaries, according as the ability and present condition of each other's affairs will permit, without any other particularities. But if the expressing of particular assistance be stood upon, then this proportion to be observed in it:—
For numbers of men, England and France to be equal, so as the number exceed not above 6,000 to every one. For shipping, England and the United Provinces to be equal, so as the number exceed not above 20. For shipping, England and the United Provinces to furnish each two to France one. For money, France to furnish double that of England and the United Provinces, so as for England's part it exceed not 300,000 crowns a year.
Whatsoever shall be disbursed by any one party in the assistance of another, the party assisted to become creditor [sic] for it, and a time to be limited for the repayment.
In case two parties of the three should be invaded at once, then the party not invaded to afford his assistance to both respectively, after the proportion aforesaid.
None of the three to depart from this League for any respect, mediation, or new alliance, without the consentment of the rest.
For the Cautionary Towns, direct provision to be made for the garrisons to be paid by the States, such as, considering the present state of affairs, his Majesty shall hold fit to put into the same for more assurance of the places. Besides the payment of these garrisons, provision to be made by this League for the reimbursement of the States' debt, which, considering the wars do cease, cannot be less than 60,000l. sterling a year; and some assurance to be demanded that the payments shall be observed according to the time limited. Provision likewise to be made for repayment of the French King's debt to his Majesty, at least by a proportion of 50,000l. sterling a year.
All former treaties to be confirmed respectively betwixt all parties, save only in such things wherein this differs from them.
For better and more particular direction in the form of this Treaty, a precedent may be taken by the Treaty of Blois, anno 1572, mutatis mutandis.
Not to conclude the Treaty without his Majesty's approbation first had.—Undated.
In hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "Directions for the League proposed by the States." 3 pp. (124. 160.)
[Cf. pp. 328—9 above.]
(2) Memoranda made by Lord Salisbury relative to the treaties with the States General.
"By the Treaty of '98. The debt reduced to 800,000l. The Treaty provided for 400,000l. by 30,000l. a year as long as England should be in war with Sp[ain]. Afterwards they should pay by 20,000l.
The C[autionary] Towns to be paid by the K[ing] and reimbursed by the States during war, but after our peace we to pay without reimbursement.
The C[autionary] gar[risons] to 1,500 men in both 9 . . . and 6 . . . more our charge.
When the 400,000l. is paid, for the other 400,000l. a new Treaty in which the K. will use them graciously.
What men, money to be repaid?"—Undated.
In the handwriting of Salisbury. Endorsed: "1607. Memoriall." 1 p. (194. 79.)
Roland Vaughan to [? the Earl of Salisbury].
[1607]. Of his cause respecting the lease of a parsonage, in which Justice David Williams and Watkin Goz are concerned.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (P. 2258.)
The Marches of Wales.
[1607]. The order taken by the King's Council in the Marches of Wales touching the persons that are charged with speaking of seditious words against the King's Majesty.
Letter to Sir William Morgan of Mathen and Thomas Morgan, esquire, of Tredegar in the county of Monmouth to send before the Council William Jones of Neuport, gentleman, and to examine further John Treherne and such persons as were present at the uttering of the words spoken by the said Treherne; and if Treherne has no proof of the author of the words, to send him likewise to the end that Morris Nicholas and he may be face to face before the Council to verify the words.
Likewise they [Sir William Morgan and Thomas Morgan] are to examine William Jon[es] touching the said words and any other seditious words, and certify the Council thereon.
Letter to Matthew Herbert of Colbroke and William Baker of An [?] . . . to send Morgan Thomas and William Wrothe before the Council.
Nicholas S[harshawe] is bound with one sufficient surety in 100l. to appear before the Council upon ten days warning for the space of one year.
Walter William is bound in like sort.—Undated.
Torn. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (91. 7.)
Ann Wallwyn to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. For the stewardship of the Earl's manors in Herefordshire, for her husband. "The only name of it would be a credit to Mr. Wallwyn and would be a means that in trial of some causes that he is like to have in the shire he should not be so ele [sic] used as he hath been heretofore." A neighbour has been able to do him many wrongs through his wife's friends and it has been objected against the petitioner how little good her husband derives from her. The beams of Salisbury's favour would dazzle the minds of her husband's adversaries.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (P. 1909.)
[1607]. "Motions and reasons presented by the projectors for the imposition upon whale fins."
Whale-fins have crept into use in trade in this realm only of late years. They are used only in sleeves and bodies for women and in such like idle, unnecessary and unprofitable employments. They have been for the most part brought in covertly and uncustomed. They are rated in the last book of rates but at 12d. the fin, which yields to his Majesty but the twentieth part of 12d. But they have been and are sold by the merchants here sometimes at 8s., sometimes at 6s. and now ordinarily at 4s. the fin and thereabouts.
The project for his Majesty's profit: that as upon tobacco and other like unnecessary commodities an imposition has been laid by his Majesty's prerogative royal over and above the rated custom and subsidy, so this being a wasteful, needless and unprofitable commodity there may imposition also be imposed upon it.
In the last book of rates the best kind of tobacco is rated but at 10s. the pound which yields to his Majesty but 6d. for the Custom; yet the same being a drug unnecessary and wasteful the imposition has been made "of more proportion."
Though whale-fins be rated in the custom book by the fin, yet the merchant sells them by the pound or hundredweight, so if it be thought fitting the imposition may be upon the pound or hundredweight also. Only, the projectors being the first projectors for his Majesty's benefit herein beseech that they be farmers of the imposition.
Observances upon this project: it does not monopolize anything common in trade to many; it is no innovation but an imitation of former precedents; it will be an increase of continual revenue to the Crown. So that it may not be objected that the imposition is harmful to the profits of his Majesty's farmers of the customs as being a hindrance to the bringing in of that kind of commodity, the projectors will be bounden to make good unto the farmers yearly the value of custom and subsidy in any one year since that kind of commodity has been traded hither.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1607. Whale fynnes. Project." 1½ pp. (194. 103.)
[Cf. p. 108 above.]
Sir William Windsor to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Describes the miserable estate of himself, his wife and family, he having lain here in prison near 21 weeks; and begs for his liberty. (fn. 72) All that he has to live on is mortgaged, he is greatly in debt and the times of payment are near. His credit is clean decayed through his imprisonment and if he is not released his wife and children will starve. He has ever been ready to spend his life in his Prince's and country's quarrel; and for 5 years was a poor captain in the miserable wars in Ireland, never coming out of the north from the first plantation until the end of the war.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607": and with the following names: Ja: Worsley, Sir — North, Sir H. Cavendish, Sir Jh. Buck, Dacre, Darcy, Sheldon. 1 p. (124. 165.)
Robert Wingfield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. My petition is for no less than my life. The circumstances would be too tedious to acquaint you withal, but if you will call to your servant Mr. Norton, Mr. More, or Mr. Knightly, they will truly inform you of the manner, and you shall restore your poor servant to his life.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 166.)
[Cf. p. 296 above.]
Sir Henry Woodrington.
[1607 (after June)]. Sir Harry Withringtonn has in all times past had the following of them of Tindaill and Riddisdaill, the most notable thieves and broken men in the Border; and for his favour to them the Earl of Dunbar was constrained to displace him from the commandment over the same, and to establish Sir William Fenicke and Edward Charletoun of Heslyesyde in his place. Yet he is still an encourager of all broken men in their insolencies, and has kept in his company Thomas Hall of Brainshawe, Adam Hall of Yaireup [Yardhope], William Wanles and Peter Reid, all the time that he has been here at this Parliament, as agents for the rest of the thieves of that country, alleging they were delivered in Scotland. The aforesaid after the passing of the bill of hostile laws (fn. 73) have gone home to the country, praying for Sir Henry Witheringtonn, calling him their good master and patron, and publicly amongst their neighbours, broken and disordered thieves, delivered these speeches: that Scotland will be Scotland, Borders will be Borders, and they will live in the country in despite of any that are their evil willers. If Sir Harry Withringtonn will say that these persons were to be delivered in Scotland, it is answered that although they were craved to be delivered there yet it was never intended they should go any farther than Berwick, there to remain till they had redressed the goods and gear which by them were stolen from Scotsmen.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607. Concerning Sir Henry Wodrington." 1 p. (124. 168.)
Cloth Makers of Worcester to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. A bill has been exhibited in Parliament complaining that Worcester and other clothing towns are greatly decayed, by reason that clothing was drawn from thence into hamlets, villages, and farmers' houses. By 25 Henry VIII it was ordained that no cloth should be made in Worcestershire except in Worcester, Evesham, Kidderminster, Droitwich and Bromesgrove; also that the rents for clothmakers should not be higher than was given within 20 years before the Act. Contrary to the Act the rents of cloth makers in Worcester are so racked (from 6s. 8d. per ann. to 40s., and upwards after that rate) that they are not able to live. Sir Christopher Yelverton and Sir David Williams have set down a good order in the matter, which by their bill they pray may be confirmed, and that the makers may not dwell out of the city. They beg Salisbury's furtherance.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 110.)
The Writ Capias.
[1607]. Proposal for erecting an office for the due returns of Capias in personal actions, whereupon non est inventus is usually returned. Reasons for granting the office are detailed, and the benefits that shall grow to the King and subjects.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (124. 170.)
Sir Robert Yaxley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Offers services, either in the public or Salisbury's private affairs.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (124. 169.)
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. I received from your lordship yesternight a fresh remembrance of your care of this cause. If I have sought or desire to be beholden to anybody in this cause but you, let me not be worthy of you. If I have ever followed this cause otherwise than in duty to my sovereign and love to my commonwealth, let it fall upon me. If I have showed passions, knowing my own heart is clear from any spot in the service of my sovereign, let not that condemn the cause. I wish I were not at all rather than these events should follow I suspect, if due consideration be not had and if this great cause be not better looked into than through me as a defender.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 105.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to his cousin [Sir John Ogle].
[1607 (? Dec.)]. It is very welcome to me to receive your letters. Of the matter of peace or war this is my judgment, that the States would neither have made so exorbitant demands for the war nor so suddenly have involved themselves in this treaty, especially so dwelt upon it since the King of Spain came so retrograde in confirmation of that renunciation which they have made always causa sine qua non, but that there are some powerful instruments that can tell at what price a peace will be bought. For your book you sent me I give you many thanks. (fn. 74) Seeing you are so well content to be put to trouble by me I have now this request to make unto you, that you will employ some merchant that is your friend to hearken amongst those that deal with the Indian commodities, whether they have any of the smaller sort of monkeys, whereof lately some were bought and brought hither of several kinds; which I will have to be distinguished by my man in a paper, lest you should bestow money in vain or send me that which will not please those to whom I mean to give them.— Undated.
Draft incomplete, apparently in the hand of one of Salisbury's secretaries. Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (194. 77.)
— to [the Earl of Salisbury (?)].
[? 1607]. Right honourable and my very good lord, although it pleased the Lord Treasurer that his servant George Kenyon should have the making of his Majesty's ordnance by warrant, which he has, and towards the writer's great travail and charges he [the Lord Treasurer] awarded 100l., he has gone out of town and neither paid the said money nor said that he would. Is impoverished unless it please his lordship to further him at such time as he shall speak of the same at the Council Board. Sees no other way but either to make it known to their Honours or else to his Majesty, either of which courses he is unwilling to take without first making his Honour acquainted. Was recommended to his Honour by Sir Andrew Sincleer.—Undated.
Superscribed "Copia." Mutilated. ½ p. (194. 93.)
— to his brother —.
[1607]. Has received his most unlearned and tedious letter: nay worse, half English: and it grieves him very sore to see him spend his time so idly. Recommends him to take certain drugs named; if he omits them, he may perhaps grow lunatic, now that midsummer draws near.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1607. Mynute Sharpe." 1 p. (206. 47.)
A Cause List.
[? 1607]. "Causes specially appointed to be heard this sitting day."
King's Attorney v. Sir Robert Dudley, Dame Alice his wife, Duglas Lady Sheffield, Sir Robert Drury, Sir Thomas Leigh, Sir Wm. Leighton and 16 others, named; for perjury, subornation, practice, and other misdemeanours.
Thomas Bland v. Edmond Powell and Edmond Harman; for forgery.
Edmond Powell v. Thomas Bland, Henry Burton and Edmond Hilton; for perjury etc. as above.—Undated.
Endorsed in Salisbury's hand: "Reviving of honours now in the Crown. Gaining of lands sold. Lessoning of witnesses. Procuring commission." 1 p. (115. 43.)
Memorial of business to be transacted.
[1607 (c. July)]. The Earl of Northampton.
The dispatch of Ireland.
The dispatch of the Count of Embden.
The Lord Stanhope.
The dispatch of the Deputies, Cheynes.
Knighthood of Malderez, Sydney.
David Murray.
Earl of Arundel.
A warrant to the Wards for Hadington; and for stuff.
Money laid out about Theobalds Park.
Impaling of Cheshunt Park.
Patent for Flint's allowance from the King; and keeping of the house, from the Queen.
Works to be done about the Banqueting house, and in the Stone Walk; the chimney piece.
To my Lord Chancellor of Ireland, a letter.
To the Lord Deputy.
To Sir Oliver St. John.
To Sir Henry Wotton.
[In Salisbury's hand:] About Commissions for depopulations.
Commissions for Juries.
Sir H. Maynard, Sir W. Cope, Sir G. Moor, Sir W. Wade.
Endorsed: "1607. Memorial." 1 p. (125. 6.)
A Draft Grant.
[1607]. A draft grant of land within the survey of the Exchequer. No names or places given.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (P. 2304.)
Latin Verses.
[1607]. Three papers:—
(1) Latin verses endorsed by Salisbury: "Melvins verses." (fn. 75)
Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (140. 112.)
(2) Latin verses by Jo[hn] Gordon [Dean of Salisbury]. "Epigramma Dialogisticum. De sacrae aedis pallatii Regii in Anglia ornamentis. Interlocutores: Gallus papaemachus, et Anglus."
Endorsed: "1607." 1p. (140. 113.)
(3) Latin verses: "Ad Reges optimos, maximos."
Endorsed: "1607 L. Sp." ½ p. (140. 115.)
Songs [from an Entertainment ?]
Song 1.
Jolly Mate, Looke forthe and see
what Lightes those bee.
The Ayre doth glowe as if the starrs
were all at warrs.
I know not what they are
In all my houres at seas
I haue not seene such Lightes as these.
Is not the one, that fixed starr
that guides us out at Sea so farr
the glory of the North?
It is: And those the fires that shine
About our tacklings, and devine
Cleare Calmes and safety, when w'are forth.
Double ô double then our ioyes and say
Their wished sight nêre brought a happier day.
Nothing could more wellcome be
to us then hee
who doth our course abroad direct
at home protect
Then Wellcome Let us sing
And thancks to these bright formes
Who with their presence fright all stormes:
We will both thancks and Wellcome Ring
True Wellcome, non but glad harts bring
and Wellcome ours shall pay.
They shall: Nor is there Losse in Love.
Free gratitude to powers above
findes fayth and fauour in the way.
Wellcome ô Wellcome then our Joyes; and may
still Wellcome be the chorus of this day.
In the same hand as Songs 2 and 4—not Ben Jonson's.
Endorsed: "j. 1607." (144. 267.)
Song 2.
To fill your Wellcome Stomaches, Mirth and Cheere
be present (fn. 76) here
Rouse up your blood
Rouse up your blood
And make the wine with drincking good.
Where Cates are kindely tasted
No Cost is wasted.
It causeth a glad hall
And bids much good enriche you all.
Sitt you then merry, fortune, health, and peace
these ioyes increase,
Your cupps full crowne
Your cupps full crowne
And both your Cares and busines drowne.
then dayes are truly holy
when feasts are iolly
It causeth a glad hall
And bids much good enriche you all.
In the same hand as Song 1.
Endorsed (like Songs 4 and 1 as far as inks and hand are concerned): "ij 1607." (144. 273.)
Song 4.
Will then these gloryes part away?
Will wished ioyes not Last a day?
Ô that the Sunne were taught to stay!
Never did time so swiftly runne
our happines was but begunne
Who Would be riche to be so soone undone?
Our hopes are yet. Our hopes are yet.
Place makes not Heaven to forgett.
farewell farewell.
And as our thancks are true
Lett them remayne with you.
It is, it is, It is
The princes virtue to knowe who are his.
In the same hand as Song 1.
Endorsed: "iiij 1607" and (in a different ink and possibly a different hand) "Songs." (140. 114.)
Song 3 cannot now be traced.
The Artizan Skinners of London to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606–7]. For the reformation of abuses in their profession they petitioned the King for a Charter; which was granted and drawn up by Mr. Attorney but upon complaint made by Mr. Recorder of London it was stayed at the Great Seal. The matter was referred by the Council to the Lord Mayor to whom the petitioners have delivered their griefs in writing as instructed by the Lord Mayor. They pray that the Privy Seal be not revoked till the Lord Mayor has relieved them (fn. 77) or the cause has been otherwise ordered by the Council; in the meantime they ask Salisbury to take notice of their griefs.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2092.)
William Ayscue to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. William Ayscue was imprisoned in the Gatehouse at Westminster by his grace of Canterbury, upon offence the King had taken against him touching a chronicle collected by his father, and by him committed to print, yet not without approbation by ordinary course of law. He submits himself to Salisbury's censure and prays him to obtain the King's pardon and his liberty.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1986.)
[See above p. 450.]
Thomas Carrowe, merchant of Lynn, Norfolk, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. In October, 1605, a ship's lading of wheat belonging to him and others of his neighbours, at St. Mary Port, Spain, was taken by the Purveyor of the King of Spain's galleys; the money which was to be paid within thirty days was not in fact paid until more than a year after despite the petitioner's suit at the Spanish Court. John Lead, also of Lynn, was a suitor in the like case. After Carrowe's departure for England, Lead, having recovered the money, sought to transport it to England on a ship of London; but he was imprisoned and the money seized. Carrowe begs Salisbury to be a mean to the Spanish Ambassador for Lead's release and the restitution of the money.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1234.)
[Cf. p. 9 above.]
Philippe de Carteret, his Majesty's Procureur in the Isle of Jersey, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607 (before April 30)]. Upon his petition and articles exhibited to the Council for redress of disordered proceedings in Jersey it was in August last ordered that certain commissioners should be sent over this next summer to settle some certain state, and in the meantime all magistrates and other officers were required to yield him their assistance in the execution of his office. But on his return thither from the Earl he was instantly menaced and disgraced by the bailiff and some of the Jurats, who said they marvelled how he durst show himself in that place seeing he had complained upon them in his petition and articles. They withheld from him the rolls and records, of purpose (as it seemed), that his Majesty's rights and prerogatives may be smothered, and refused the examination of "threats of bastinadoes" and violent practises said to be intended not only against some of the King's chief officers but also against the seat of that government; and finally, by a decree in a secret consultation in the petitioner's absence, they suspended him from the exercise of his office though this was contrary to royal jurisdiction. He is constrained to appeal to the King's and Salisbury's justice and protection against these proceedings, threats and malignities, which cause him greatly to fear for his life; and he prays that due trial may be obtained of those wrongs and such other particulars as he has to show and that order be established for his relief and for quiet conversation amongst them.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 55.)
Philippe de Carteret, seigneur of St. Ouen, Jersey, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607 (before April 30)]. He is one of the Jurats, and deputy for the Estates of the said Isle. The bailiff and Jurats have suspended one Philippe de Carteret from his charge of King's Procureur, until the Council, to whom they gave notice of this step, took further order therein; but on the relation of Sir John Peython, Governor of Jersey, and of other of the King's learned counsel, he has been reinstated. The writer complains that the decision was given on imperfect hearing and against parties absent and unheard; and that the Procureur's intolerable misdemeanours remain uncensured. He prays that he be recalled before the Council, since he is as yet in or about this city, and that the cause be duly heard.—Undated.
1 p. (P 769.)
[See Jersey Prison Board, III, Supplemental Appendix, pp. ix, x, xx, xxi—documents dated 31 August, 1606, and 30 April, 1607.]
Richard Clark, merchant, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. By the direction of the Ambassador in Spain he brought letters thence to the Court which he delivered of late to Salisbury; whom he begs to give order for some reward for his pains, especially since, as ordered, he travelled post haste.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 17.)
[See p. 58 above.]
Robert Cock and Robert Howard, executors of Robert Buxton deceased, and Robert Buxton, son and heir, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. At the time of his decease Buxton's debts amounted to 4,000l., for nearly all of which the petitioners stood surety; he made a lease of his lands to them so that they by the profits arising therefrom might raise money to pay his debts, but they now understand that during the minority of the heir—who married during his father's lifetime and is 19 years old—the King must have a third part. It would be a great loss to remove the cattle if any other should have the King's third part, and they ask that it should be granted to them during the heir's nonage at such rent as Salisbury shall set down.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1548.)
[Cf. p. 343 above.]
William Cooke, yeoman, to Lord Denny of Waltham.
[? 1607]. He begs Denny's favour to the Earl of Salisbury in the behalf of one of his sons, Robert, who has travelled in Barbary and Spain for eight or nine years. Some 15 months ago his son was in Barbary where he found two Portuguese gentlemen, Pedro Sezar and Antonio Saldauya, both captives to the King of Barbary, whose ransom was well known to be deposited by the King of Spain's order so that whoever paid it for them in Barbary would be repaid in Spain with thanks for so Christian an act.
With the help of his friends, Robert Cooke paid their ransom of 4,000l., receiving their bills to be paid him at Lisbon, and brought them to Portugal in his ship at his charge. But they most barbarously denied him payment so that ever since at Lisbon and at the Court of Spain he has been forced to wage law with them, spending about 3,000l. in the suit. Although their Judges have ordered them to make payment, Cooke cannot have any execution of the order because these men are allied to the chief nobility of those parts; and the goods which the King of Spain took order should be set aside to pay for their ransom have (by their device since their return home) been seized for the King's debt so as to defraud Cooke of his 4,000l.
Unless the King grant especial letters to the King of Spain asking that immediate payment be made of both the principal and the charges as has been awarded by their country's laws, divers of Robert Cooke's friends will be greatly damaged and he himself will be utterly undone. By report the two Portuguese are worth 8,000l. a year between them.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1146.)
[Cf. p. 422 above.]
Henry Cotton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. Is one of the sons of George Cotton of Warblington, Hants. Two pursuivants named Tarbot and Cobham unlawfully entered his father's house at Bedhamton, broke open all the trunks and chests, and arrested the petitioner as a seminarist, taking bond for his appearance before the Bishop of London. Despite his offer to take his oath that he is no seminarist, the Bishop continues his further attendance upon the bond, and as he is a sole man dependent on his father for his maintenance he cannot bear the charge.
The Earl of Southampton and the Bishop of Winchester will certify that he is no priest, and he prays to be freed from further trouble if he prove guiltless of this accusation.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1160.)
[Cf. pp. 419, 456 above.]
Francis Deddam and other English merchants to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. They have lately petitioned the Council touching a ship and goods violently taken away in July last out of Harwich by a man-of-war of Dunkirk. Although the Council called before it the Ambassadors of the King of Spain and of the Archduke to answer that and similar complaints of the wrongs and outrages done by Spaniards and Dunkirkers far within the [territorial] limits prescribed, the petitioners have not yet received any satisfaction despite their attendance on the Council. They pray that present order may be taken therein, so that they may be forthwith satisfied without further charge.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 30.)
[Cf. p. 483 above.]
Captain Hugh Done to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. By the mediation of his deceased kinsman Doctor Goodman, Dean of Westminster, he formerly obtained Salisbury's favour and thus was accepted by the Earl of Devonshire as his officer in Ireland. The latter promised to be the means of the petitioner's good, but this hope being now frustrate, he can only rely on Salisbury's favour. He refers to his 18 years service in the wars, and to the utter disabling of his estate, and begs Salisbury to further a petition for a pension which he intends to submit to the King.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1152.)
[Cf. Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 395 and p. 425 above.]
Nell Ennys to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. Served the late Earl of Devon for 6 years, and was brought by him into England. Since his master's decease he has stayed here upon hope of relief from his master's last will and testament, which, by reason of his imbecility, he cannot procure. Prays for a pass to go into his country. He has not the wherewithall to bear his charges being very poor.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 36.)
Henry Eyre to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. Whereas it pleased Salisbury to postpone receipt of his money, being doubtful whether Eyre or his aunt was the rightful tenant of the vaccary, Salisbury may now ascertain this by the certificate of Sir John Brograve which has already been delivered to Mr. Nichollas. The petitioner to his great charge and trouble, being a stranger here in London, has procured this 100l. upon Salisbury's agreement with my lord of Shrewsbury, and has also been down into the country to hear the latter's determination and to make provision for his next payments according to their Lordships' bargain. So far as he can perceive Shrewsbury does not mean to prejudice the petitioner in any way; he begs Salisbury to receive the money thus discharging him from his chargeable attendance.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 216.)
[Cf. p. 395 above.]
James FitzGerald, merchant of Dublin, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. Begs for compassion and regard for his poor estate; at this hour he has no more than the apparel he wears and twenty shillings or thereabouts in money, having lost his stock and all the means of maintenance he had. Hopes that Salisbury will pardon his offence committed and favour him by helping to raise his fortune so that he may be enabled to do the King good service. —Undated.
In Fitzgerald's hand. 1 p. (P. 856.)
[Cf. pp. 429–30 above.]
Charles Flamanke to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. He took the degree of Bachelor of Divinity this last commencement and although he had no living any way rateable in the King's books but only a yearly stipend dependent upon the goodwill of the people, he was yet compelled by Doctor Harsenet, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, to pay 8l. 3s. 4d. for his degree. He asks Salisbury as Chancellor either to take the matter into his own hands or to write to the present ViceChancellor and to the heads of Colleges to hear and determine the matter according to the Statutes provided.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1147.)
[See Peterhouse Biographical Register, II, p. 206.]
Sir Henry Fowkes to the King.
[1607]. Begs the grant of the suit herein expressed, in consideration of his services in repression of the late rebellions in Northamptonshire, the wounds which he received, and the heavy medical expenses which he has in consequence incurred. His suit will not affect the King's revenues and was granted by the late Queen.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 439.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 418 and p. 343 above.]
Abraham Hardret to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. Through Salisbury's means he obtained a Patent nominating him one of the King's, Queen's, and Princes' Jewellers with a fee of 50l. per annum, in lieu of the 1,075l. owed to him by the late Queen. But he is not yet at all employed in his said place, as the rest of his fellows are; and he has been denied by Salisbury's means another place (wherein he would have had for himself and the two clerks who would have assisted him, 300l. per annum), on the grounds that it was unfit for his calling. He reminds Salisbury of his promised favour which is now urgently required in view of Hardret's recent losses and his great charge with a lame and sickly wife in bed these twenty months. Begs Salisbury's furtherance with the King.—Undated.
Signed. 1 p.
The Enclosure:
"A brief note of losses late sustained by Abraham Hardrett."
A ship of mine cast away upon the coast of Barbery wherein I lost besides my assurance 910l.
One Hugh Brouse of Tiverton broken where I lost 540l.
One Midnall in Turkey broken where I lost 118l.
One Jacques Doat of Burdeous [Bordeaux] broken where I lost 120l.
Arthur Molinus broken where I lost 030l.
Lord Amberall oweth yet which I cannot compass in 466l.
[There are] besides sundry other desperate debts and the 1,075l. of the late Queen's which I have but 50l. yearly for.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 593.)
[Cf. p. 434 above.]
Robert Harrison to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. In June, 1604, Henry Morgan late of Northbrokes, Warwicks, one of the confederates in the last treason, became bound to the petitioner in a statute staple of 400l. for the payment of 210l. which sum is unpaid. By virtue of this statute Morgan's lands were extended to Harrison's use on 26 November, 1605; on 25 January following, possession of Morgan's lands was delivered to the petitioner by the Sheriff for the satisfaction of his debt.
After about 20 March last Morgan was attainted and convicted of high treason whereupon the lands passed to his Majesty, being reseized to the King's use from the petitioner's possession on 10 July last.
Since the statute predates Morgan's treason the petitioner asks Salisbury's help in obtaining payment of his debts out of Morgan's lands.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 935.)
Captain Thomas Henrison to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. His losses by the Elizabeth, and by voyages to the New Found Land and the islands of Canary totalled 40,000 ducats. His unsuccessful suits in Spain and England these two years produced only fair promises. He prays for grant of letters of mark or reprisal, in respect of the delay of justice these two years, spent with as much loss unto him as the loss of his goods; otherwise his wife and children will be obliged to go a begging from door to door.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1539.)
[Cf. p. 240 above.]
Edward Long and Margery, his wife, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. The present Queen granted them under her Great Seal in the second year of her reign all tolls within her town of Newbury, Berks, but, notwithstanding, Henry Yate, Henry Coxe and Richard Walter of Newbury under colour of a later grant have, by means of their own riches, ever since molested the petitioners in law; by Sir Robert Hitcham's means and contrary to the orders of the Queen's Court, the hearing of this cause is delayed and the petitioners' right wrongfully detained from them. In view of this and of their poverty they beg Salisbury to order Mr. Serjeant Foster at Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street, and Mr. Serjeant Hutton at Serjeants Inn, Chancery Lane, to be at the Queen's Court on the day when the said cause is to be heard—the day for the ending of it being Friday next; further delay will lead to the petitioners' utter undoing.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 258.)
[Cf. pp. 19–20, 437 above.]
Shane McBryan to the King.
[? 1607 (before September)]. He and his ancestors were seized of the lands of Clankonkeane and Killetraghe in Ulster until the beginning of the late rebellion when the Earl of Tyrone through his greatness got possession of them and detains them ever since upon pretence that they were the ancient land of the O'Neales, and that upon the general grant by the King's patent they pass to him; Sir Robert Gardiner, Sir Roger Wilbraham and other Commissioners assigned to know the certainty of the lands found them to be exempted [from the grant] and that only a service was due to be paid to the Earl.
The petitioner therefore asks that letters be directed to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland and that the said lands be granted to him and his heirs in as large and ample manner as his ancestors had it before; he will yield to the King such rents as other gentlemen in that country do in respect of the quantity of the lands and will pay to the Earl those rents and services formerly paid and now payable by the law.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 746.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–06, p. 296; 1606–08, pp. 151, 210–11, 221, 234, 376.]
Thomas Mastyn and John Sampford, on behalf of the Merchants of the Western Parts, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. By commandment from the Lord Treasurer warranted by the Council, the Western Merchants have undergone "a heavy taxe of three pence upon every kersey, fower pence upon every bayes, and so of other suits of cloathe transported by them into Fraunce or Britayne for the space of two yeares in Julie last past and of a penny upon a kersey for fower yeares before, being levyed for the defraying of the charges of certen sutes followed in Fraunce by the merchants of London for the repealinge of a certeyne edict and takinge away the droict de Aubien and letters of Marke"; by which collection from the petitioners 1,800l. has already been raised. Otwell Smyth and Robert Bell, London merchants, refuse to give account of the payment of this sum, and the petitioners believe that, as their proportion in such cases should not exceed a third, they have been asked to pay more than their share. The commodities of the London merchants have been more favourably treated—broad cloth and minikins and double baize being much underrated in comparison with the petitioners' kerseys; and lead, tin, fustians and wax being treated as exempt from tax although exported to France in large quantities. If these commodities had been rated equally with the kerseys from the beginning the whole charge would have been paid by now. The petitioners ship to Brittany far more kerseys at a far lower price than they do to any other part of France, but they have paid "as farre forthe" as any sort of cloth sent to Rouen or to other ports where they are more liable. They pray Salisbury to order the London merchants trading with France to meet any charges which are still outstanding by levying the money from among themselves as in equity they ought to do; and to free the petitioners from the heavy burden of this said tax.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 215.)
[Cf. p. 311 above, Part XVII of this Calendar, pp. 180–1, 453, Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 229, Cal. S.P. Dom., Addenda, 1580–1625, pp. 465–6.]
— Myllington and Edward Braddell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607]. Both of them are seminary priests in Lancaster Gaol. The former embarked for his banishment but was driven back by tempest as appeared to the Judges at the last assizes in Lancaster before whom he took the oath of allegiance. The latter intended to depart within the time allowed by the Proclamation but was disappointed of money due to him without which he was unable to pay for his passage; he was apprehended and examined and then took the oath of allegiance as has been revealed to Salisbury by the Mayor of Lancaster, Lord Gerard, and Ralph Asheton, J.P. They beg Salisbury's good means for their banishment in view of their efforts to depart within the time limit, their consequent expenditure, and their present poor estate; and they ask that some Justices of the Peace in the said County may, by Salisbury's directions, speedily proceed therein.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1101.)
[See p. 318 above.]
John Somerfield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (before May)]. Through becoming surety for several sums of money to a great value for Sir Christopher St. Lawrence of Ireland to Mr. Cutts, "Iremonger," he has been imprisoned and made to pay those debts four years past, and has been compelled to his utter undoing to follow Sir Christopher into Ireland and to divers other places to seek means to obtain his own. Sir Christopher being now at Gravesend, the petitioner stayed him by due course of his Majesty's laws, fearing lest he go overseas. But the Jurats and Officers of Gravesend have imprisoned him for arresting Sir Christopher because the latter pretends that he is employed about the Council's affairs. Somerfield asks Salisbury to give order to the Jurats and Officers for his enlargement.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 16.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 437, and pp. 63, 115 above.]
Samuel Thompson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607 (before September)]. His wife Mary was elected milch nurse to the Lady Mary's grace by the providence of God and his Majesty's choice, which place it is hoped that she has performed to the King's, Queen's and Salisbury's content; she has also executed the place of dry nurse ever since, which is to dress and undress her grace, and does still continue the same as long as it shall please his Majesty; which was never done by any before.
The King has referred their petition for reward or pension to the Lord Chamberlain and Salisbury: the petitioner's wife took great pains, leaving her husband, children and household whilst she was milch nurse and never coming near them during that time, but as yet her place has been in no way beneficial to her or to her family.
The petitioner and his wife ask Salisbury and the Lord Chamberlain to recommend that she be given a life pension so that when she shall depart from her place she may live like one "that hath gyven sucke and taken paynes with so greate a Kinges princely daughter."—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1809.)
A similar version of the above which, however, omits the petitioner's wife's Christian name, refers to him as Windsor "heralt," and implies that the question of a pension is to be considered by the Privy Council.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1862.)
Richard Venables to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. He and his progenitors have for forty years been tenants of the parsonage of Andover which has been leased to them by St. Mary College, Winchester; but on three occasions under Queen Elizabeth their leases were granted to others in reversion and had to be redeemed by them at great cost. About six years ago at the time of the last of these suits (upon the resignation of the farm of Freelands and nine copyholds thereunto belonging to Sir Edward More, Salisbury's assignee), Salisbury wrote to the Warden and Fellows in favour of the renewal of the petitioner's lease. Lord Saye [and Sele] has now again procured letters from the King [to the College] for promise of a lease in reversion of the said parsonage and claims that Salisbury furthered his suit. The petitioner does not believe this and begs Salisbury to continue his favour and further the continuance of the petitioner's long and lawful possession, considering it is the only living which he now holds of the College and the size of his family.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 302.)
[See Part X of this Calendar, p. 142, Part XVIII, pp. 266, 442, and p. 290 above; cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., Add., 1580–1625, pp. 471, 488, 500.]
Sir John Watts, Lord Mayor of London, and Giles Fleming, merchant, to the King.
[? 1607]. Their ship the Alcedo was dispossessed of a Spanish prize worth 8,000l. in 1594 while returning to England, by one Pearle, captain of a Rochelle ship. They obtained sentence for restitution in France in 1602 after spending 2,500l. in that suit but can get no recompense. Pray that their claim may be satisfied out of money or goods recovered by the French here (where they receive speedy justice), or other remedy such as letters to the French king.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 962.)
[See pp. 55–7 above.]
Sir Henry Wyddrington to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. He was last term a suitor to Salisbury for the lease of Warmouth in the right of the King's ward Robert Widdington, his cousin, the wardship of whose body and of the remainder of whose lands the petitioner has. It was then reported to Salisbury that he claimed some right to the said land which might prejudice his cousin if the grant were made to him. Sir Cuthbert Pepper, Attorney of the Court of Wards (fn. 78), was therefore ordered by the Earl to investigate the matter and in the meantime the Earl would stay the grant to any other.
The petitioner has told Pepper he is willing to release and surrender all his right and take the land from Salisbury absolutely; he will give to the man on whom Salisbury has bestowed it as much as any other would give, as he hopes Pepper has informed him.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1274.)
— to the Earls of Salisbury, Southampton and Montgomery.
[? 1607]. Asks that the King should give notice to the Chief Justices and Chief Baron to assist the other two judges, Fenner and Yelverton, in bringing to an end the matter of Bidstone Park; these two now differ in opinion.
The King appointed Sir John Egerton to choose five judges, of whom Kelley was to choose three, viz. Gawdie, Fenner and Yelverton, who were deputed by the Earl of Derby to determine this cause judicially and heard it eight times. [Gawdie is referred to as deceased.]
Unless the King hears the cause himself or appoints the Chief Justices to assist the others, the fraudulent practises of Sir John Egerton will never be ended.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 805.)
[Sir Francis Gawdy, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, died in 1606; also see pp. 199, 225 and 398–9 above.]
Thomas Alabaster to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? c. 1607]. The petitioner, a London merchant, has paid and must pay for impost and custom of tobacco lately come from the West Indies in the Beatrix of London 800l., although the tobacco is bad and unvendible. He begs Salisbury's favour to "qualify some convenient part" of this great charge since he will sustain heavy loss if he is constrained to pay the uttermost impositions.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1186.)
[See Alabaster's letter above, p. 47. The duty imposed on tobacco was lowered in 1608.]
Robert Ardern to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. Two petitions:—
(1) The King is pleased to grant him a pension for life if the Council certifies its liking. He has obtained the goodwill of the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treasurer (fn. 79) and the Lord Admiral to subscribe a certificate and asks Salisbury to appoint one of the Clerks of the Council particularly to present it to him [Salisbury] that he may do the like.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 607.)
(2) He is a gentleman who by reason of his long suit and charge in obtaining his pension of 18d. a day is fallen into debt which he does not know how to discharge, for his lameness, impotency of age, want of sight, and other defects of nature, make it impossible for him to live without a servant. His small pension cannot provide him with one in these parts, so he must spend the rest of his life in Cheshire where he was born. But without Salisbury's charitable aid he can neither discharge his debts nor undertake the journey.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 898.)
Sir Arthur Aston to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. He has been lately employed by the King, with other Commissioners, about recusancy in Lancashire and other counties, and understands that Salisbury has been informed that his proceedings have not been with that sincerity on the King's behalf which befits his place as the King's servant. He wishes to give an account of his proceedings to Salisbury who will not, he hopes, "tie beginnings to perfection." His aim was now to see what might be effected in time for the King rather than to rack all men to the uttermost in extremity at the first entrance, for he wished to avoid clamour and disturbance. If he has received even in promise as much as one penny for private gain through defrauding the King or being more partial to one than to another, he desires disgrace and punishment.
He admits that for the above reason and through lack of time he did not do the uttermost his commission extended unto; but he was not idle and affirms that no recusant in Lancashire with lands and goods shall be found who will not yield some benefit to the King. Whereas in the late Queen's time there were no more than three people who paid "rent" to her for lands or goods in Lancashire, now, since Aston's commission was issued, he has found 150 who will pay yearly for as long as they do not conform. He is ready to deliver in security into the Exchequer 260l. increase in lands and 400l. in goods on the sums found in the Queen's time [in Lancashire] which were but 215l. in goods and 30l. in lands or thereabouts. Nothing from either source was previously received from Cheshire, but he has obtained 300l. in lands and 25l. in goods.
He asks to be allowed to give full particulars to Salisbury, or to another appointed by him, and for the continuance of his favour unless he is justly condemned by his accusers or by his proceedings.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 167.)
[Cf. Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 398 and p. 455 above.]
Lady Aston, wife of Sir Arthur Aston, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. The King granted her husband's suit about dyeing, but it has been long in question without profit, and, in view of the cost of this and of his maintenance in the King's service, he has become deeply indebted. She has no means to relieve him for the present, only the expectation of some benefit from the profits to be raised by a patent for the straining of cloths granted to her husband, Sir Arthur Manneringe and Mr. Lawrence Marbury (fn. 80) which, she understands, is referred by the King to Salisbury. Her husband has agreed that his share is to be settled on her instead of a jointure, as it is the best provision he can make for her as yet. She begs Salisbury's favourable and speedy order therein.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1238.)
William Bell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. He has been imprisoned in York Castle for ten weeks, and since brought to the Gatehouse. The cause of his disasters has been the suggestions of his malicious adversaries, and he prays for enlargement. He is a tradesman owing great sums of money to the merchants of London, and if he continue a prisoner his wife, children and family are likely to be utterly overthrown. He has also suits to prosecute in the Chancery and Exchequer in the first return of this term; he will put in bail to answer objections against him and not to depart without the Council's license. He is Salisbury's tenant in Thirsk.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 821.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, pp. 293, 388.]
Jacques de Bousy to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[c. 1607]. He reminds him of his promise concerning the 1,000l. due to the Duke of Holstein at Michaelmas last by virtue of the pension granted by the King, for which effect the petitioner lately delivered a letter to Salisbury from the Duke. The latter owes divers sums of money in this city for which de Bousy has given his word and is now threatened with arrest, so that he dare not venture out of doors on business. He therefore begs Salisbury, according to his promise, to be a mean to the Lord Treasurer for the payment of the 1,000l. to the bearer William Barners.— Undated. (fn. 81)
Signed. 1 p. (P. 329.)
Magdalen Bowes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. Her husband, George Bowes, now deceased, had the office of Constable of Raby Castle, and the Stewardship of the lands of Charles, late Earl of Westmorland, in Durham, by assignment from his brother Sir William Bowes in the late Queen's time; which offices were granted to William Davenport and Edward Marley and by them set over to John Richardson during the said George's employment in his Majesty's service in Crawford Moor. Whereupon the said George Bowes was enforced to compound with Richardson and paid him 30l. and by entreaty Sir Henry Lyndley did enter bond to pay 105l. more in November next "and hath a counterbond in 400l. to save him harmless of that sum."
Now she is left with a broken and weak estate together with many small children, having received no benefit from the said offices, and she cannot pay the 105l. Also her husband, having served the late Queen in the royal mines at Keswick and Knowsley, and the King at Crawford More, lost, by neglect of his own affairs, above 600l.; he received also such bruises and other distempers in those works as much shortened his life. He received no recompense at all from his Majesty and she prays that the Lord Treasurer and the Earl of Dunbar grant the said offices to Sir Henry Lindey [sic] or to Charles Wrenne, esquire, who would satisfy the sum of 105l.; she asks also that the offices descend to George Bowes the younger when he comes of age (fn. 82).—Undated.
1 p. (P. 576.)
Johan Browne, widow of Doctor [Lancelot] Browne to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. By Salisbury's means the King, during her husband's lifetime, granted to him the benefit of four recusants; she now finds that soliciting and following the suit is likely to be tedious, and has been told by Sir Roger Wilbraham that the King has refused to grant her the same.
She begs Salisbury to help her to some small pension from the King such as Mrs. James's sons obtained in like cases to relieve her family's wants. (fn. 83)Undated.
1 p. (P. 538.)
The Earl of Dunbar to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[? 1607]. I have received your letter of 7 August. His Majesty, having received from Sir Thomas Lake my letters, broke them up and read them before they came to my hands, but there was no matter that was not to be seen. Afterward his Majesty called for me and gave me my letters, and said he had been my secretary. I pray you do not find fault with Lake, for truly I am of that mind he did it not upon any evil meaning, for he was busy with his Majesty when one brought him the packet and gave it to him publicly before his Majesty; so when his Majesty saw it he would needs have the letters to read, and pulled the packet out of his hand, so he could not in any ways prevent the same.
His Majesty is well pleased that the Border men contained in the enclosed letter are taken, and for my own part I am heartily glad thereof, for I assure you they are the greatest knaves in that part of the country. His Majesty is well pleased that in your letter you express your opinion of him, "that grumbling will have no advantage at his hand." His Majesty says unto me he thinks now it is long since he saw you, and yet he knows the time is but short since you m[et] him. We have no news here but of hunting and sport. I entreat you when Roger Wetheringetown [? Witherington] comes you will let the course be kept with him that is kept with his brother in his confining, for I hear that within two or three days he will come unto you, and I know there is letters come up in his favour from one in the country. I can never deny but I have a particular spleen in this matter against him, but with my particular the common weal and quietness of the country is so joined as I will never be ashamed to show my particular grief where there is so good a common general. (fn. 84) Having found you ever for me more careful than ever I am able to requite, I must remit the same to you; and pray you to give my humble and hearty commendations to noble Suffolk and Northampton, and to that worthy and noble Countess.—Undated.
PS.—As I wrote unto you in my last, I am yet of mind that I shall have matter worthy of your hearing to communicate unto you when I see you that I will not hazard to any letter. The honesty of a man's heart consists not in formality, neither in shirking nor in writing; therefore I think you will take in good part this evil formed letter.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (124. 50.)
Arthur Gregory's Suit.
[c. 1607]. Whereas by the late statute for recusants it is left to his Majesty's choice to take 20l. by the month or two thirds of their lands, (fn. 85) he asks that, in view of his services, the King grant him two thirds of the lands of two recusants (a gentleman and a gentlewoman) and receive good assurance for the payment of 20l. per month. If the King prefers not to grant any such already in charge, that Gregory be allowed to find out a recusant, and that in return for the 20l. which the King will receive thereby he should be granted the two thirds as he desires. He will treat this as recompense for his services and never crave other suit.— Undated.
Signed, but not addressed. ½ p. (P. 2424.)
Nicholas Hamond to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607]. For a commission for finding out for the Queen concealed lands and lands forfeited to her in Beds, Hunts and Bucks (fn. 86) and for grant out of them for his services.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1865.)
Divers Merchants of the Hanse Towns to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. They exhibited of late a petition to the King for relief from a new impost granted upon Rhenish wines which are more highly exacted than any kind of wine brought into Britain, showing reasons why Rhenish wines cannot bear such a high impost. The King has referred their petition to the Council where they hope for redress. They thought good to acquaint Salisbury with their request before it is moved at the Council table and beg him to be as favourable to them as in equity he may.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2101.)
[Cf. Part XVII of this Calendar, p. 630 and p. 256 above.]
The Earl of Hertford to the King.
[c. 1607]. Ever since I first understood by the six lords of the Council your Majesty's pleasure for settling my honours and lands upon my son, rather out of your gracious favour than by my further proceedings in the laws, I was always desirous to yield to you all contentment, saving to myself my conscience and honour clear; and this I signified by my answer delivered to the lords in writing last term. But the proposition then offered tending, to my understanding, to impeach both [conscience and honour], bred my unwillingness to accept thereof, wherein I hope I shall the more easily obtain your pardon. Now, at last, in the further treaty of this business with their lordships wherein they endeavoured wholly to advance your profit, not yielding to my reasonable demands, I have laid aside the justice of this cause (but with conscience and honour preserved), and, without regard of my profit, have consented to a final end and conclusion, submitting myself to your gracious pleasure. Your bountiful disposition encourages me to hope that I shall obtain some mitigation.
Were my son's right admitted, the lands of my wife, Lady Katherine [Grey], wholly belong to him; but your Majesty's interposed title has drawn me in his behalf to accept only a third part. A title which is but a tripper's title, in nature of a concealment, is, by every subject, usually compounded for seven years value. He, losing two parts and accepting a third, now pays after the rate of three score years, which is eight times more than you or the late Queen ever took for the like, and therefore I humbly desire you to yield some more of my wife's lands than a bare third only.
Secondly, my own land, whereof the reversion is in the Crown, would, if my son's legitimation were adjudged by the law, immediately descend upon him so that there would be no need to purchase it; but those lords have drawn me to buy the reversion from your Majesty which is a charge I needed not to have undergone were it not to give you contentment. And I am to pay at the rate of 25 years value for land entailed to the heirs male only, and 5 years value for that entailed to heirs male and female which are very great rates, "and as though it weare over-ruled that I had no lawfull issue." For payment whereof I will be forced to sell a great part of those lands to buy the reversion, and my yearly revenue will be greatly diminished. Therefore I beg you to abate of ten years value of that land entailed to heirs male only, so that I pay but 15 years value which was the usual rate in such cases in the late Queen's time. It is a charge I would have forborne, knowing my issue to be inheritable thereunto, if it had not been my duty to yield to your pleasure; and this favour I desire also in respect of my great expense both in this suit and in my late embassage, for which I hope I shall in some measure (as well as others), taste of your grace and bounty.
Lastly, I humbly desire that my honours may be settled by way of restitution according to the precedency of the Duke my father's creation of Earl of Hertford for the better testimony of your favour to me.—Undated.
pp. (P. 2368.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 408; pp. 293, 389 above; and Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 410.]
Peter Hills to the Privy Council.
[c. 1607]. He is a mariner of Rederiffe [Rotherhithe], Surrey, owner of the Peter Bonaventure of London of about 160 tons burthen. He let out his ship to freight for Cicilia and on her arrival she was stayed by the Governor of the city of Palarma and some of the company imprisoned as pirates; when they had cleared themselves of this charge the master and all the company, except those left to keep the ship, were imprisoned by the lords of the Inquisition as heretics for 52 days and straightly examined about their religion. For their release it cost the petitioner 100l. 9s. and he can justly prove other losses to the value of 300l. He begs for order for his relief.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 304.)
[See p. 10 above.]
Edward Hynde to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. He is petitioning on behalf of the tenants and inhabitants of Cottenham, Cambridge; they passed to his brother, Sir William Hynde, 400 acres of the best and driest grounds of the commons there and 300l. in money, in consideration that they might have the whole ordering of the low and fenny grounds. They have expended 1500l. on embanking and draining them, so that they are now worth 10s. to 20s. an acre. A bill is now intended to be exhibited in Parliament for the draining of divers fenny and low unprofitable grounds, and a good part of the grounds so drained is to be given to the undertakers; amongst which it is said the grounds of Cottenham are included. It is prayed that the latter be excluded in view of the great charges bestowed upon them and the lack of need to drain them.— Undated. (fn. 87)
1 p. (P. 2017.)
The Jungfrau of Hamburg.
Three papers:—
(1) Reynald Plage of Hamborow [Hamburg] to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (summer)]. In a cause between the petitioner and the Spanish Ambassador, Sir Thomas Crompton has decreed that all except a small quantity of his lading of sugars and other goods are to be handed over to the Ambassador to the utter undoing both of the petitioner and of the merchants who have employed him. He has presented an appeal against this decree to the Lord Chancellor but the Ambassador seeks to prevent his appeal from being admitted and may, during his absence, misinform Salisbury and others of the Council regarding this cause. He therefore presents a statement of his cause under the hand of his learned counsel and asks that neither Crompton's nor the Ambassador's submissions be allowed to produce an ill opinion of the petitioner's case until his counsel is heard.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1664.)
The Enclosure:
Plage, a Danish subject, was master of a ship of Hamborowe called the Yong Froe; while at Lisbon he and his ship were pressed to carry soldiers to Rio de la Plata. He was given letters from the Viceroy of Portugal allowing him to trade in Brazil which he did freely and openly for 14 months. After lading his ship, he gave bond with sureties in the custom house at Brazil to discharge (as the manner is) at St. Michels to pay the King's customs there; he was afterwards to carry the goods to Hamborow, there to unlade. But storms prevented him from attaining the Islands of St. Michaels and forced him upon the English coast.
The Spanish Ambassador having no mandatum, nec speciale nec generale, in this behalf, has notwithstanding arrested the goods on the ship, alleging that either they be confiscated by the laws of Portugal, and therefore belong to the King of Spain, or that they belong to some of his subjects.
Plage proves the employment and service done and the rest of the above statement: also that he is honest and was never a man of war but always traded in merchandise.
The Ambassador has not proved any part of his allegation.
This is not a cause of depredation; nevertheless the Judge of the Admiralty has decreed the possession of the goods aforesaid unto the Spanish Ambassaor—in usum Regis Hispaniae et subditorum suorum interesse in eisdem habentium.
Plage says that this decree is to him damnum irreparibile; he, being trusted by the merchants to carry the goods to Hamborow and having taken upon him to do so, is answerable for them and is in legitima possessione, et detentor eorundem.
But being dispossessed he cannot sue in petitorio; besides, the possession is decreed to the Ambassador who cannot be sued nor arrested.
Moreover Plage says that all the proceedings against him are nulliter acta because the Ambassador has no mandatum to sue him or power to constitute a proctor in judicio and because he [Plage] is not subject to the jurisdiction nec ratione originis, domicilii, delicti vel contractus.
The question is whether Plage in this case may appeal to the King from the decree of the Judge of the Admiralty.
In the case propounded we do take it that he may.—Undated.
Signed: Jo Howe, Willm Ferrand. 1 p. (P. 1664.)
(2) — to the Privy Council.
[1607 (March)]. The Council recently issued warrants for the unlading, apprizing, and inventorying of the sugars and other goods out of the Younge Frowe of Hamborough now in the port of Poole. On behalf of Monsieur Caron, the Spanish Ambassador, and the Court of Admiralty, were sent respectively Samuel Biscupp, a Dutch merchant who pretends interest in some of those goods, one Fowler, and one Pulford, that the warrants might be obeyed without hindrance. When they came on board, the ship's company, being indebted for victuals and other things to many people of the town through their stay, asked who would pay those debts to avoid arrests and further charges, and when they should come on shore, which, as it seemed, could not be entirely determined.
It is now alleged that these are tricks used by the Dutch to gain time and to oppose the Council's authority, thereby to get away both ship and goods. In answer thereunto:—
(i) No resistance at all was ever offered to the Council's authority and the master of the ship voluntarily offered to send ashore to the Commissioners 100 chests of the said sugars that thereupon his poor mariners, who had been almost 3 years on the voyage, and 17 weeks detained at Poole, might receive some money to pay their present debts; and thereupon he was willing to send ashore the residue of his whole lading.
(ii) Because this offer was not accepted, Biscupp, anxious to allay any suspicion of disobedience arising in or by himself, at once offered to lay down 500l. to content the mariners and poor people of the town, provided that he might have 500l. of his own sugars sequestered to his use for his security; which was also refused by Fowler.
(iii) Viscount Bindon, learning of the matter, sent Sir Ralph Horsey and Sir Thomas Freake, Deputy Lieutenants of the county, to Poole. They, pitying both mariners and townsmen, ordered Fowler to lay down 300l. for the Spanish Ambassador and Biscupp 100l., to which the latter willingly complied; but Fowler had no money to perform his part.
The truth of all this appears by the letters of Viscount Bindon and the two Deputy Lieutenants to the Lord Admiral, as also by witnesses of the same; and therefore the Council is requested to give more credit to letters and witnesses than to the bare information of Doctor Tailor who was never there.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1398.)
[Cf. pp. 12, 50, 90, 122, 152, 169–70, 310–11, 399–400 above and Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 90; the letter there printed evidently belongs to 1607 and supplies the date of this document.]
(3) Don Pedro de Zuniga, Spanish Ambassador, to the Privy Council.
[1607 (c. Nov.)]. About a year ago there arrived at Weymouth certain pirates with a caravel laden with merchandise taken from the Portuguese, which was sequestrated by Viscount Bindon, without giving notice to the High Admiral or the Spanish Ambassador; and the matter remained secret till 4 Portuguese from the caravel came to London and gave notice of it to the Ambassador and in the Court of Admiralty. The Ambassador then obtained an order in the Court of Admiralty to arrest these proceedings; but Bindon refused to recognise the authority of the Admiralty in his district. Afterwards a servant of Bindon's presented to the judge of the Admiralty an inventory of part of the goods, and the Ambassador obtained sentence of the Admiralty Court that the goods and caravel should be put into his possession: but the Viscount refused to recognise any sentence pronounced by the Court, and said that he had an order from the High Admiral to imprison all those coming with commissions from the Admiralty. The Ambassador prays the Council to order the Viscount to recognise the sentence, and to order those of his officers responsible for the sequestration to give an account of the goods and the reasons for their action before the judge of the Admiralty.—Undated.
Signed by the Spanish Ambassador. French. 1½ pp. (99. 11.)
[Cf. pp. 310–11 above.]
Edmond Keene to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? c. 1607]. Complains that Salisbury is dishonoured by the officers of his liberty of Westminster, who, by colour of their office and without course of law, entered the petitioner's house and took away 30l. in goods without showing any warrant or authority. They allege that it is by virtue of the court baron which only holds pleas for 40s. He begs for examination of this abuse.—Undated.
Note by Salisbury: "Let the Bayly of Westminster certefy me how this case standeth."
Note by Richard Neile [Dean of Westminster]: The petitioner is indebted to Sir Thomas Vachell, and by a deed made an absolute sale of certain goods for his security, to be forfeited on the 25th of this month of March if the said debt of 16l. 8s. were not paid the same day and possession of the goods delivered. By secret means the petitioner got the said goods into his possession and by night conveyed them into Westminster, where, by course of law, they were attached at Sir Thomas Vachell's suit.
The cause coming in question before me, the petitioner was ordered either:—
(1) To make payment of the debt and take the goods to his own use.
(2) Or to have so much of the goods sold as might satisfy his debt.
(3) Or to have all the goods delivered to him upon 40l. bond to satisfy so much of the said debt as upon indifferent hearing should be adjudged to be due to Sir Thomas.
The petitioner refused all, and the goods were ordered to remain to the use of Sir Thomas unless this petitioner satisfied him by a day.—Undated.
Holograph. 2 pp. (P. 1106.)
[Richard Neile was Dean of Westminster from 1605 to 1610, but became Bishop of Rochester in 1608—see D.N.B.]
The inhabitants of Kingston-upon-Hull to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. The 120 men of the town, besides their wives and children, the whole number being 365, remind Salisbury that the King, ready to grant them relief in respect of their loss of 9000l. sustained through Denmark, has referred their request to him; that they should be admitted to be viewers of all the lead made within the kingdom for 21 years, with the right to receive 4d. upon every hundred weight which they have seen refined, weighed and then stamped as "merchannttable."
What loss there has been by the badness of lead in foreign parts is known to divers, for in every hundred weight there is 12 or 14 pounds of dross. Their services will therefore be to the general good of the commonwealth, and they ask for speedy despatch of their suit so that they are not forced to importune him or the King any further.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2027.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 142. The petition calendared on p. 66 above (from the Mayor of Hull and others) makes it clear that the inhabitants of Kingston-upon-Hull had not yet been granted their request and had appealed to their neighbours to support their suit.]
John Lewis to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? c. 1607]. For allowance for bringing letters from Sir William Browne at Flushing, (fn. 88) which the petitioner received and brought to the Court from Margate.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1227.)
William Lucas, William Ratcliffe, Thomas Sam[?]sburie and Richard Calcott to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. They have been brought hither by a messenger of his Majesty's chamber from the Isle of Man to appear before the Lord Treasurer (fn. 89) and the Barons of the Exchequer the first day of the last term, which precedent has never heretofore been shown to any dwelling in that island for any cause depending amongst any of them. They are poor and have spent most of their substance in attending by the space of six weeks and more without hope of release despite their several offices in the Isle, and their families. They beg Salisbury to arrange for their speedy despatch.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1233.)
Alice Lyle and others, widows of those taken in the Trial of London, to the Privy Council.
[? 1607]. Some two years past their husbands were at sea upon a merchant's voyage, the master being James Lyle and the merchant Mr. Hall of London, when they were surprised by the Spaniards in the straits of Cecilia within the King of Spain's dominion. As peace had been proclaimed between England and Spain, the master and company, not wishing to offend the King's proclamation, did not resist and so were captured; they were so cruelly handled that Lyle and others of the company lost their lives as a result of ill usage.
In respect that the Spaniard is to make satisfaction and recompense as well for the ship, goods, men's wages, as for their lives also, the petitioners beg the Council's furtherance, being utterly undone by the loss of their husbands upon whom their living and maintenance depend.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2055.)
[See Part XVII of this Calendar, p. 167, p. 84 above with references there cited and The Parliamentary Diary of Robert Bowyer, 1606–7 (ed.: D. H. Willson, 1931), p. 336.]
Captain Thomas Mansell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. About a year and a half since, upon false suggestions, you granted a warrant sequestering certain sugars of mine into the hands of Sir William Munson and Philip Bernardo; whereupon I became a suitor to you and the Council for a more speedy trial, in regard, of the smallness of my means, having but the fortunes of a younger brother. The adverse parties obstinately refused to agree to my request that the Council take the hearing thereof or refer it to some other summary judgment, and delayed me for twelve months; so that I was driven to appeal to the Lord Admiral and to the Earl of Suffolk for the sugars to be delivered into my possession again, seeing there came no man to claim them. This they granted, ordering Sir Julius Caesar and Sir William Munson to see this was done or else to commit Barnardo to prison until he conformed himself to their order. But Sir Julius Caesar, having no warrant to proceed in that manner, advised me to commence an action against him for the sugars which I did six months since; Barnardo, to delay me, has removed the case sundry times already and now that it is set down to be tried in the Kings Bench I understand that he tries to persuade you and the rest of the Council to stay proceedings there, attributing his ill dealing to Don John de Taxis, who is not here to answer for himself, and doing what he may with the [Spanish] Ambassador now present to maintain what his predecessor has done in order to gain time and weary me with a chargeable suit; he has already caused me to spend twice as much as the sugar is worth besides the loss of my time to my great hindrance. I therefore ask for your favourable allowance that this matter may receive present trial by law without delay. (fn. 90)Undated.
1 p. (P. 1671.)
[1605]. In January last, a Dutchman, Captain of a small caravel laden with sugars, boarded the Quittance (of which Mansell was Captain) at Cawsand Bay near Plymouth to ask him to help preserve his vessel from perishing. Mansell supplied him with all necessaries to take him to the Isle of Wight and in recompense was given a small portion of the sugar, which he kept on board till the Spanish Ambassador, upon the misinformation of a lewd person discharged by him from the ship, procured a warrant from the Council for the sugar's sequestration, suggesting that Mansell had been a confederate in the taking of the same from a Spaniard. The case came before the Admiralty Court and Mansell brought about 50 of his company to London to testify as to the truthfulness of his statements. He appeals for speedy hearing to Salisbury and for his good opinion.—Undated.
1 p. (197. 22.)
[The Mayor and Corporation of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the Privy Council.]
[1607, Dec. 16]. They enclose the copy of the examination of one [Nicholas ?] Anderson who confesseth himself to be the servant of Tobie Mathew.
The Enclosure: Copy of the examination, from which it appears that Anderson had been abroad, landing at Gravesend on his return, and that he had possibly some connection with a seminary but no knowledge of Latin.
These papers, of which only fragments have survived, were assigned tentatively but incorrectly to 1604. Their repair has made it possible to establish that they are endorsed: "16 Dec.: 1607." (213.61) not (213.96) as stated on p. 384 of Part XVI of this Calendar.
Richard Payne, gent, and others to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. They are copyholders of the manors of Weston, Grinton, and Murlynche in Somerset, numbering 300 families totalling 3,000 persons. Sir Edward Dyer, lately deceased, (fn. 91) mortgaged these manors to Queen Elizabeth in the twenty second year of her reign for 3,000l. and forfeited them in default of payment. Nevertheless by agreement with her he continued in possession and received the rents, so that the petitioners, not knowing of the mortgage until his death, bought from him their estates in several copyholds, to their great charge and for great fines.
They now understand that the King wishes the manors to be sold for the payment of the 3,000l. and that because of the mortgage the validity of their estates might be questioned. There have already been certain extents laid upon their land and they have petitioned the King for some order to be given to his officers or to such commissioners as shall have power to sell those lands. They understand that Salisbury is appointed one of the commissioners and beg him to confirm their estates and show them favour to free them from miserable calamity and undoing.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 2009.)
Adrian Robell to the Privy Council.
[c. 1607]. By commission from Count Maurice he captured at sea a Spanish caravel which was taken away from Robell's people while en route for Holland by one Beckett, and afterwards delivered to the Spanish Ambassador by Sir William Monnson. Since, the Judge of the Admiralty has decreed that the goods are to remain detained in the warehouses where they were. Notwithstanding Philip Barnardy, a dealer for the Ambassador, to get the goods into his own custody, fraudulently gave above 76l. to two men to become sureties that the goods should remain, and thereupon procured a warrant dated the 13th of this instant from the Lord High. Admiral directed to a messenger of the King's chamber and others, who, by virtue thereof, broke open the gates and locks of the warehouses and delivered the goods to Barnardy. Not content with having all the goods carried away to his own house where they now remain, the latter has arrested Robell in an action of 10,000l. and the Spanish Ambassador has brought another action of 15,000l. against him. Robell and Barnardy's sureties fear that he plans to sell the goods and depart the realm leaving them without remedy. He therefore begs the Council to command that the goods be put into the hands of the Sheriff of London, or otherwise sold to the most advantage, the money to be deposited until the cause be determined by law.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 462.)
[Cf. p. 169 above.]
William Shawe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607 (before August)]. The petitioner, a merchant of York, loaded in the Gods Grace of Hull one truss of white kersey containing 112 pieces, at Hull on about 16 September 1598; for its safe passage through the customs at Elsenuor he delivered to William Watkinson, then master of the ship, a note giving particulars of the pack, with warrant to enter the same for payment of the usual customs on arrival there.
Watkinson well knew that by Danish law if the master of a ship, contrary to the merchant's note, wrongfully enters the commodity transported, the ship is forfeit to the King of Denmark and his own life at the King's mercy; if the merchant's note is false the goods are liable to confiscation but the ship and master free. But, contrary to his warrants and bills of lading which were of themselves true (howsoever counterfeited by him), and supposing that he was deluding the law and defrauding the petitioner and other adventurers for his own gain, Watkinson entered in the custom house at Elsenuor but 60 pieces of kerseys both for Shawe and for the others adventuring the like commodity in the same ship. This was found to be false and the ship and master with all lading were seized. Expecting nothing but death he confessed the truth and delivered in the right bills which were found correct by the magistrates and officers appointed in those affairs. Thereupon the goods by law should have been released, but neither Shawe nor the other adventurers have been able to obtain restitution or recompense, and he has thus lost [goods] to the full value of 220l.
He has been for long a suitor to the King of Denmark who has been reminded of the matter both by the Earl of Rutland at the time of his embassy and by letters from King James. Despite a gracious answer, which encouraged Shawe's hopes of recompense, he has received from the King of Denmark, "at his laste being [in England] in August laste," only 11l. which was merely towards Shawe's expenses in respect of his long attendance. He begs Salisbury to prefer his suit.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1191.)
Renald Smith to the Earl of Arundel.
[? 1607]. The Earl's father, before his last great trouble, bought from Roger Coke, then the most ancient gentleman pensioner to Queen Elizabeth, his pensioner's place and bestowed it on Charles Tilney and made "2 sortes of partes of assurance for yt to have bene trewly payed"; but partly through the late Earl's lands going to the Crown, and partly through his charging of other men's lands instead of his own, Tilney received no pension for the remainder of his life and left the arrearages and a forfeited recognizance for his children and charges to be relieved by—if they could so bring it about. Some ten years ago the petitioner as a kinsman had the matter committed to his care and soliciting, but could effect nothing.
Now, however, after the revolution in the fortunes of the house of Arundel, the Earl's attainment of his majority, his wedding (fn. 92) and his entertainment of "that French nobilitie" this summer past, he begs the Earl to order Sir Edward Carrell to inform him of the equity of this suit. Smith intends to acquaint the Earls of Salisbury and Exeter (sons of his master the last Lord Treasurer), with his suit, thus taking the opportunity of their meeting now at the Parliament; he reminds the Earl that Sir Edward Carrell, who is now in town, will only be there during this term time.— Undated.
1 p.
On the dorse: "Certain motives to the said Earl of Arundel and his councillors for more honourably and readily granting the request hereon endorsed and exhibited."
[Expounds at greater length the circumstances as a result of which Tilney and his family failed to benefit from the previous Earl of Arundel's benevolence.]
pp. (P. 901.)
Samuel Sotheby to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. He prays him to further the passage of the King's letters into Muscovy in the behalf of a noble gentleman, late Secretary to Demetrius the Great Duke. Sotheby out of mere gratitude and charity obtained them with much labour and charges, and now hears they are, upon some needless surmise, stayed by those who should, in the conscience of his deserts, have procured them. (fn. 93)Undated.
½ p. (P. 1226.)
Expenses of a journey from Spain.
[? c. 1607]. May it please your good lordship to understand that the agreement made between the merchant and me for my voyage into Spain was that I should go with all expedition to Madrill and deliver letters to my Lord Ambassador; I was then to return immediately to England by sea, he [the merchant] bearing all my charges and giving me 15l. at my return for my pains. But if the Ambassador were to stay me for his Majesty's service then I was to be out of the merchant's charge. My Lord Ambassador stayed me there six weeks to attend for the packet for his Majesty and then commanded me to come with all post haste (as I have done), sending three of his men to the Postmasters to see me on horseback.
Between Madrill and Diepe there are 164 posts at 3s. per post which amounts to 24l. 12s. 0d.
To guides and monteurs 5l. 14s. 0d.
For passage over 4 rivers 8s. 0d.
For Passport Victoria [Vittoria] 4s. 0d.
For Passport Hirone [Irun] 3s. 0d.
Sum 31l. 1s. 0d.
In my passage from Diepe to Dover 3l. 12s. 0d.
For Posts from Dover to London 1l. 5s. 0d.
For Guides 1s. 8d.
For my lodging in Madrill for 42 nights at 6d. per night 1l. 1s. 0d.
For the ferry boat at Dover 1s. 0d.
Sum 6l. 0s. 8d.
Sum total 37l 1s. 8d.
My diet and pains I refer to your pleasure. The most part of all this money I owe to the Lord Ambassador [?—these two words are largely illegible].—Undated. (fn. 94)
No signature, address or endorsement. 1 p. (197. 107.)
William Trussell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. The Earl of Suffolk recommended him to the King for the reversion of the office of Embroiderer and the same has been passed under the Privy Seal, the Lord Chancellor having accordingly made a recepi thereupon. (fn. 95)
William Brothericke who has the patent in esse, intending to procure the reversion for one Shipley has procured the King's letters to the Lord Chancellor for a stay to be made of the Great Seal. The petitioner asks Salisbury to stay Brotherick's proceedings until he shows evidence of Trussell's inability or insufficiency to perform the King's service in the place.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1024.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 366.]
William Waltham and Thomas Geire to the Privy Council.
[c. 1607]. They are merchants of Weymouth. In the Queen's time they granted their ship the Pearl to Edward Veale, a man of good means, who obtained Letters of Reprisal upon warrant from the Lord Admiral, was bound in the Court of Admiralty for his good behaviour towards the Queen's friends, and victualled the ship at his own charge. But, contrary to his commission, he took the ship of one Mingerts [a Frenchman] and sold the goods in Barbary together with the petitioners' ship. They denounced his conduct in the Court of Admiralty and on his return apprehended him and delivered him to the Frenchman, who, however, sued the petitioners and obtained a sentence against them in the Court of Admiralty for 240l. which was double the price for which Veale sold their ship. They appealed to the Court of Delegates where, of the six Commissioners who dealt with the case, three or four only confirmed the sentence, which, as they are informed by many learned in the law, is directly contrary to the true course of justice for their condemnation rests on no law, statute, or proclamation and [there was] a prohibition standing in force for them which was grounded upon the Statute provided for owners of ships. The case was publicly argued three times in the King's Bench, and the French law, common law and civil law alleged as appears by two several rules of the said court set down to confirm the prohibition. Against all which the Frenchman in their absence obtained a consultation and so proceeded, the petitioners having neither counsel nor attorney in place nor hearing thereof until the execution was grounded against them. One William Masham and other London merchants, were sued in the like case by a Frenchman; they received their own ship again after the fact, and the Captain, with a part also of the Frenchman's goods, but were notwithstanding adjudged by the Judges Delegates to have their ship clear, and were ordered to pay only for so much of the goods as the Frenchman could prove they had received. They pray therefore that execution may be stayed and their petition referred to the Lord Chief Justices or to the King's learned Counsel.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 53.)
[See Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 403.]
William, Viscount Cranborne.
[c. 1607]. An exercise book bearing the signatures "William Cecill" and "W. Cranborne" on the first page. It contains a Latin vocabulary, a series of Latin phrases and sentences accompanied by English translations, and a translation of a part of Caesar's Gallic War, presumably written whilst Cranborne was up at Cambridge. On the first and last pages are random jottings.— Undated.
Thomas Yarrowe, Vicar of Newport Pagnell, Bucks, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c. 1607]. He has been a long time suitor to the Queen for the continuance of a pension of 5l. per annum formerly allowed him out of the manor of Newport Pagnell towards the relief of him and his poor family in his decayed fortune and declining years. Salisbury advised him to prefer a petition to her Majesty's council at a time of their sitting, but after long attendance, to his great impoverishment, he is now utterly void of all hopes of relief. He therefore begs Salisbury to testify upon the attached warrant that the said annuity has heretofore usually been granted. (fn. 96)Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1579.)


  • 1. The writer of this letter is the Robert Ashley whose life appears in the D.N.B. although his relationship with Sir Antony Ashley is not there mentioned. See Wood Athenae Oxonienses (ed. Bliss) III, p. 19.
  • 2. See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–6, p. 325.
  • 3. Anthony Marten's book A reconciliation of all the pastors and clergy of the Church of England was written in reply to arguments circulated by Sir Francis Knollys, Treasurer of the Household, against the superiority of bishops. It was printed in 1590. Knollys was evidently the author of this Discourse. A letter which he wrote to Burghley attacking Marten's book is printed in Strype Life and Acts of Archbishop Whitgift (1822 edition), II, pp. 53–4. Both Knollys and Marten died before 1603, but a speech by the former in the Parliament of 1588–9 denying that bishops were entitled to any worldly pre-eminence was printed for the first time in 1608–see D.N.B.
  • 4. In a Proclamation dated 11 Nov., 1606, a harp [Irish] shilling was said to be worth ninepence English. See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, p. 13.
  • 5. Sir Henry Brouncker died on 3 June, 1607—ibid p. 192. See also ibid pp. 275, 279 and pp. 182, 190 above.
  • 6. Pearse became a Fellow in Michaelmas 1571. Doctor Caius was Master from 1559 to 1573—see Venn Biographical History of Gonville and Caius College, 1, pp. 27, 57.
  • 7. This document is in the same hand as the first of this series, p. 407 above which is complementary to it.
  • 8. See pp. 259–60 above for evidence of date.
  • 9. See pp. 259–60 above for evidence of date.
  • 10. In Salisbury's hand.
  • 11. For indications of the possible date of this petition see P.R.O. Lists and Indexes, xxxi, p. 80; Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 416; Calendar of the Inner Temple Records, II, p. 54.
  • 12. See p. 182 above. The Earl of Hertford evidently employed James Kirton as his solicitor. See Vol. XVIII of this Calendar, p. 54.
  • 13. An allusion to Sir Walter Ralegh. See his letter, p. 454 below.
  • 14. Francis Dacre remarried on 17 June, 1607, and his son Randolf was baptised on 8 March, 1608.
  • 15. Probably Lady Frances Cecil, Salisbury's daughter.
  • 16. See p. 251 above.
  • 17. See p. 251 above.
  • 18. See Henry Cotton, Fasti Ecclesiae Hibernicae (1851). I, p. 35.
  • 19. This Bill, better known as the Act for the Removal of Hostility between England and Scotland occupied the attention of both Houses throughout June as can be seen from their Journals.
  • 20. Cf. Part XVIII of this Calendar, pp. 408–9. See also Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 365, 391, 397. The two daughters of Sir Baptist Hicks were both married before 1607. See Complete Peerage under Campden and Complete Baronetage I under Morrison.
  • 21. See Part XVIII, p. 130 of this Calendar, and R. Somerville History of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1265–1603, pp. 534–5 under date 1599.
  • 22. Died 21 November, 1606. See Publications of the Harleian Society, Vol. xcv, p. 254.
  • 23. See p. 283 above where Salisbury's nephew is referred to as "Lord Roos."
  • 24. He was still alive in May, 1605. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 220. An Inquisition Post Mortem for John Parr of London, dated 5 Jac. I, is listed in P.R.O. Lists and Indexes xxxi.
  • 25. See pp. 282, 284 above; cf. Cal. S.P. Dom. Add., 1580–1625, pp. 499, 503. See also chapter X of The Channel Islands under Tudor Government by A. J. Eagleston.
  • 26. See under Gurney in D. N. B.
  • 27. See Acts of the Privy Council, 16 July, 1598, Vol. xxviii, pp. 592, 594.
  • 28. After the death of the Earl of Dorset in April, 1608, the Earl of Salisbury became Lord Treasurer.
  • 29. Sir Thomas Fleming became Lord Chief Justice in June, 1607; his predecessor, Sir John Popham, died in the same month.
  • 30. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 361.
  • 31. Hay was knighted before 18 October, 1607. See The Scots Peerage V, p. 221.
  • 32. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 381, where his name is given as Oldsworth.
  • 33. This possibly refers to the petition calendared on pp. 19–20 above.
  • 34. An Act for the assurance of the House of Theobalds . . . to the Queen's Majesty for term of her life and of the same House, Manors and Lands . . . to the King . . . his heirs and successors . . . etc. was passed in the summer of 1607. See also pp. 140–150 above.
  • 35. See pp. 462–3 below.
  • 36. See the Proclamation against the importation of logwood below, p. 443.
  • 37. Minchinhampton is meant. See Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (1932), pp. 341–2, 363–6, 379 and S. Rudder A New History of Gloucestershire (1779), pp. 466–70, for the connection between this parish and the Windsors.
  • 38. Turkish gold coins worth about 8s.
  • 39. Bône was attacked on 6/16 September, 1607.
  • 40. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 113; cf. Daniel MacCarthy The Life and Letters of Florence MacCarthy (1867), p. 375.
  • 41. The Tower of London. See his son's letter on the following page.
  • 42. See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1600–1, pp. 389–92.
  • 43. Florence McCarthy was evidently removed to the Tower in the autumn of 1607. See his letter above and MacCarthy op. cit., p. 388. He refers to the death of the writer, his oldest son, in a petition written at the end of 1608, ibid, p. 387 and Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1608–10, p. 118; cf. S. T. McCarthy The MacCarthys of Munster (1922), p. 87.
  • 44. See their joint letter to Newton dated 7 August, 1607, in T. Birch The Life of Henry Prince of Wales (1760), pp. 79–80.
  • 45. After having been allowed to enter La Rochelle in June 1576, Henry of Navarre, who had recently escaped from captivity, publicly professed his repentance for having abandoned the Huguenot religion under duress.
  • 46. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 363.
  • 47. The Countess of Northumberland had previously been the wife of Sir Thomas Perrott (d. 1594), legitimate half-brother of Sir James Perrott. See also Cal. S.P. Com., 1603–10, p. 385, Perrott's letter of Dec. 24 above, p. 391, and below, p. 451.
  • 48. William Ayscu, son of Edward Ayscu the author. See Petition No. 1986 among the MSS. at Hatfield and also S.T.C. No. 1014.
  • 49. Cf. Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 431, and Perrott's letter of Dec. 24 above, p. 391. See also the Countess of Northumberland's letter above, p. 449 and the relevant footnote.
  • 50. Alexander Hay was not knighted until the summer of 1608; but this petition must have been submitted before the death of the Earl of Dorset in April of that year since it was the Earl of Salisbury who succeeded him as Lord Treasurer.
  • 51. See pp. 202, 208, 219–20 above.
  • 52. Richard Radley was found an idiot by an inquisition dated 5 Jac. I and a lunatic by an inquisition dated 7 Jac. I. See P.R.O. Lists and Indexes xxxi, vol. 3, p. 293.
  • 53. The internal evidence suggests that Cranborne was still at Cambridge when these letters were written.
  • 54. Although this letter is addressed to Hobart on the dorse, its phraseology suggests that this is an error; see also Hobart's letter, p. 438 above. It is possible that it was intended for Sir Edward Coke, who, unlike Hobart, was related to Salisbury (by marriage) and who had been Attorney-General till 1606. It is to be noted that the address is not in Salisbury's hand.
  • 55. See pp. 266, 274 above.
  • 56. See p. 397 above.
  • 57. See her letter, p. 449 above.
  • 58. Salisbury means that those who make excessive demands of others invite refusal.
  • 59. This proclamation was issued in mid-November—see p. 323 above.
  • 60. The words between the asterisks are an insertion on the back of the draft, the last five words being apparently in Salisbury's handwriting.
  • 61. Lady Douglas Sheffield married Sir Edward Stafford in 1579. He died in 1605. Her son, Edmund, Baron Sheffield, was born in 1565, her first husband dying three years later. She was also the mother of Sir Robert Dudley. See the brief account of her career and the abstract from her will (dated 14 September, 1608) in Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, New Series, Vol. III, pp. 368–70.
  • 62. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 223.
  • 63. Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, was Lord President of the Council of the North from 1572 to 1595. Sheffield was appointed to the office in 1603. Sheriffhutton Castle had been used by their predecessors as an official residence. See R. R. Reid The King's Council in the North (1921).
  • 64. See Sherley's letter to Bassadoni on p. 173 above to which this passage evidently refers.
  • 65. See Sherley's Discours of the Turkes, pp. 9–10, printed in the Miscellany of the Camden Society, XVI (1936) and edited by Sir E. Denison Ross. It was apparently completed by April, 1607.
  • 66. See Sherley's letter addressed to "the Earl of Warwick," on pp. 172–3 above.
  • 67. See Journal of the House of Commons, I, pp. 379, 380.
  • 68. See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–08, pp. 292, 322.
  • 69. The Earl of Arundel was apparently residing at Arundel House in June although negotiations regarding the price he should pay for it were still going on in November and the grant was made officially in December. See M. Hervey, The Life of Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel (1921), pp. 37, 40–41, and p. 337 above.
  • 70. Cf. the account of Tully's movements in Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, p. 301. His full name appears to have been O'Multully—see The fate and fortunes of Tyrone and Tyrconnel, by C. P. Meehan.
  • 71. The Countess was sent to England in October, 1607. A petition from her to the King is mentioned in a letter from the Council dated Feb. 23, 1608. See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, pp. 305–6, 424.
  • 72. In a letter dated July 12, 1606, Salisbury stated that "Sir Wm. Windsor (who has been at liberty upon bonds) is sent for and shall be charged"—see Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 200.
  • 73. See note on p. 426 above.
  • 74. See Ogle's letter, p. 346 above.
  • 75. These verses were written by Andrew Melville after attending a service at the Royal Chapel late in September 1606. See T. McCrie Life of Andrew Melville (2nd ed.: 1824), II, p. 156 ff where full details of the episode and its consequences are given and the opening lines are printed. Gordon's verses which follow were evidently written by way of reply.
  • 76. Substituted for "wellcome", which has been struck through. The substitution has been inserted in the same handwriting as the rest of the song.
  • 77. See J. F. Wadmore, Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Skinners of London, p. 20; cf. Records of the Skinners of London, p. 342.
  • 78. Sir Cuthbert Pepper was appointed Attorney of the Court of Wards in July, 1607, and died in August, 1608—see Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10.
  • 79. The Earl of Dorset died in April, 1608.
  • 80. Died before 16 May, 1608—see Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 430.
  • 81. The patent granting a pension to the Duke of Holstein is dated 27 May, 1605—see Part XVII of this Calendar, p. 226. The Earl of Dorset was Lord Treasurer until his death in April, 1608, when the Earl of Salisbury succeeded to the office.
  • 82. George Bowes the elder was alive in 1605—see Part XVII of this Calendar; Charles Wrenne was knighted on 28 May, 1607—see W. A. Shaw The Knights of England, II, p. 142. For further particulars regarding George Bowes see Elizabethan Copper by M. B. Donald.
  • 83. Lancelot Browne died towards the end of 1605. Doctor John James, Physician to Queen Elizabeth's Household, died in 1601.
  • 84. See pp. 4, 178, 239, 487 above.
  • 85. An Act for the better discovering and repressing of Popish recusants—3 Jac. I, cap. 4.
  • 86. Cf. pp. 220, 223, 479 above.
  • 87. Sir William Hynde died 5 Jac. I (see P.R.O. Lists and Indexes, XXXI). In connection with this petition see Camden Society 3rd Series xviii (1910)— "Common rights at Cottenham and Stretham"; H. C. Darby, The draining of the Fens; The Journal of the House of Commons, I, pp. 270–384, and The Parliamentary Diary of Robert Bowyer, 1606–07, ed.: D. H. Willson, passim.
  • 88. Sir William Browne died at Flushing in April, 1611—see H.M.C. Calendar of Downshire MSS., III, p. 56.
  • 89. The Earl of Dorset died in April, 1608, and the Earl of Salisbury succeeded to his office.
  • 90. The previous Spanish Ambassador left England at the end of August, 1605; for his successor's comments on Mansell see p. 169 above, where he is referred to as "Captain Mansfelt." It is clear from another, earlier, undated petition to Salisbury from Mansell, (of which a summary is given on this page), that the dispute began in January, 1605, when Mansell, who was then at Plymouth, acquired some of the sugars in question; in this connection cf. also Part XVII of this Calendar, p. 44.
  • 91. He was buried in May, 1607—see D. N. B.
  • 92. The Earl married in 1606.
  • 93. The false Demetrius was reported to be living as late as November, 1606— see Part XVIII of this Calendar, p. 339—although he was in fact murdered six months previously.
  • 94. The draft of a letter from Salisbury to Cornwallis, dated November 28, 1606, and printed on pp. 354–5 of Part XVIII of this Calendar, is endorsed, "Sent by one imploied by Peter Van Loor." [a merchant in London].
  • 95. See H. C. Maxwell-Lyte Historical notes on the use of the Great Seal, pp. 263–5.
  • 96. Yarrowe died before his successor was presented in June, 1609—see Lipscomb, History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham, iv., p. 286.